Home On The Range Sheet Music
Home On The Range Sheet Music
Home On The Range Sheet Music
4 Times F F7 B¨ B¨m7
1. Oh, give me a home where the buf - fa - lo roam, and the
of - ten at night, when the hea - vens are bright with the
air is so pure, the ze - phyrs so free, the
love those wild flow'rs in this dear land of ours, the
F G7 C C7
deer and the an - te - lope play. Where
light from the glit - ter - ing stars. Have I
breeze so bal - my and light. That I
cur - lew, I love to hear scream. And I
F F7 B¨ B¨m7
sel - dom is heard a dis - cour - ag - ing word, and the
stood there a - mazed, and asked as I gazed, if their
would not ex - change my home on the range for
love the white rocks and the an - te - lope flocks that
F C7 F
skies are not clou - dy all day.
glor - y ex - ceeds that of ours.
all of the ci - ties so bright.
graze on the moun - tain tops green.
Home, home on the range. Where the
Dm G7 C7
deer and the an - te - lope play. Where
F F7 B¨ Bbm7
sel - dom is heard a dis - cour - ag - ing word, and the
F C7 F 4th x fine
skies are not clou - dy all day. 2. How
3.Where the
4. Oh, I