Hydaulic Model

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1 Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND...............................................................................................................................................1
1.2 OBJECTIVE OF THE CONSULTANCY.....................................................................................................................1
FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT.............................................................................................................................................1
1.4 UNIQUE EXPERIENCE IN UTILITY MANAGEMENT..................................................................................................1
1.5 RELEVANT EDUCATION BACKGROUND................................................................................................................2
2 ELIGIBILITY &COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION......................................................................................................................3
2.2 TRADING LICENSE 2018.................................................................................................................................4
2.3 POWER OF ATTORNEY....................................................................................................................................5
2.4 CERTIFICATE OF TAX REGISTRATION (VAT, INCOME TAX AND PAYEE)........................................................................6
2.5 PPDA CERTIFICATE........................................................................................................................................6
2.6 NSSF CERTIFICATE........................................................................................................................................ 8
3 PROFILE OF WSS SERVICES (U) LTD................................................................................................................... 9
4 COMPANY EXPERIENCE................................................................................................................................... 2
4.1 FEASIBILITY STUDIES AND DESIGN.....................................................................................................................2
4.2 OTHER EXPERIENCE.....................................................................................................................................13
5 CURRICULUM VITAE FOR EXPERTS................................................................................................................. 39
5.1 DESIGN ENGINEERS..................................................................................................................................... 39
5.1.1 5.1.1. Joseph Ogwal........................................................................................................................39
5.1.2 Jotham Sempewo............................................................................................................................48
5.2 HYDROLOGISTS / WATER RESOURCE EXPERTS...................................................................................................53
5.2.1 Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye.............................................................................................................53
5.2.2 Dr. Peter Mulamba..........................................................................................................................64
5.3 LAND SURVEYORS: -.....................................................................................................................................88
5.3.1 Brian Baguma..................................................................................................................................88
5.3.2 Mitusera Katusabe........................................................................................................................105
5.3.3 Baiga Alaisa Mohammed..............................................................................................................109
5.4 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS:.....................................................................................................................117
5.4.1 Dr. Denis Byamukama...................................................................................................................117
5.4.2 Pius Kahangirwe............................................................................................................................136
5.4.3 Diana Nakalanzi............................................................................................................................166
5.5 FINANCIAL ANALYSTS.................................................................................................................................179
5.5.1 Moses Apollo Masiga....................................................................................................................179
5.6 SOCIOLOGISTS...........................................................................................................................................192
5.6.1 Dr. Firminus Mugumya..................................................................................................................192
5.6.2 Anthony Begumisa........................................................................................................................199
5.7 CLERK OF WORKS......................................................................................................................................212
5.7.1 Kinigah Baldo................................................................................................................................212
5.7.2 Kiggala Ben Shalom......................................................................................................................217
5.8 WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION SPECIALIST SONKO NOAH KIWANUKA................................................................221
5.9 AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION EXPERT: GABRIEL KARUBANGA...................................................................................240
5.10 AGRONOMIST: DR JENIPHER BISIKWA.......................................................................................................247
5.11 RAP EXPERT- JOSEPH L. BIRIBONWA........................................................................................................253
5.12 LEGAL EXPERT – EMMANUEL KASIMBAZI...................................................................................................261
1.1 Background
The Government of Uganda has received financing from the
Islamic Development Bank (IsBD) towards the cost of the
Enhancing National Food Security through Increased Rice
Production project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds
for consultant services. The services include Terms of
Reference for Studies, Detailed Engineering Design and
Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation schemes
development of Igogero and Naigombwa in Bugiri and
Bugweri districts to be implemented over a 48 calender
months period.
We WSS Services (U) Ltd in association Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineering Company with
are submitting this expression of interest to be considered for conducting the assignment.

1.2 Objective of the Consultancy

We have read the request for expression of interest advert and
have appreciated and understood the requirements as follows:
The main objective of the consultancy is to
 undertake Environmental and Social Impact Assessment
 Ressettlement Action Plan;
 Detailed studies;
 Detailed engineering designs
 Construction supervision of Irrigation schemes for the
project areas of Kitumbezi located in Bugiri and
Naigombwa located on Bumpingo Stream in Bugweri.
1.3 Why WSS Services (U) Ltd in association with
Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineering Company
are the best for this assignment
We hereby indicate our interest in carrying out the assignment as specified and produce for the client
the best product given our experience, resources (financial & technical) as well as our commitment.
We offer the following that distinguish us from our competitors especially for this assignment:

1.4 Unique Experience in Utility Management

The companies have developed over 11 years of experience in Utility Management in which the
majority of systems are gravity fed. This experience will invaluable in understanding those parts of
the gravity system that are capacity limiting and those that regularly fail. The companies would
therefore carryout a condition assessment commencing from intake structures, through valves and
other pipeline parts.

The companies’ staffs are experienced in design, rehabilitation, simulation, inventories, data capture
and update, and condition assessments. In particular Dr. Tumwesigye is an experienced
hydroinformatics engineer with experience with information tools. He has built databases and is
conversant with schematic layout updates. He also has significant experience of about 20 years in
water supply and sanitation systems design, construction and operation. He has carried out condition
assessment and upgrade of systems such as the Kabale water supply and sewage system, Rakai water
supply system and the Rukungiri and Lyantonde water supply stems.

In our team we have experienced individuals like Pius Kahangirwe who specialises in environmental

1.5 Relevant Education Background

The companies boast of staff trained up to PhD level in the relevant areas. In particular we have
significant training in water supply, sanitation, information management, modelling and simulation.
One of our staff and associates is a Hydroinformatics graduate with particular emphasis on piped
water systems modelling.

2.1 Certificate of Incorporation

2.2 Trading License 2018

2.3 Power of Attorney

2.4 Certificate of Tax Registration (VAT, Income tax
and Payee)

2.5 PPDA Certificate

2.6 NSSF Certificate

3 Profile of WSS Services (U) Ltd
WSS Services (U) Ltd is a limited liability company that was incorporated in the year 2000.The
company is managed by Ugandans of diverse educational fields and experience. The management of
WSS Services (U) Ltd has vast experience - gross of over 40 years in the water and environment
industry. Above and beyond specific tasks, WSS Services (U) Ltd also offers multidisciplinary
consultancy in diversified projects that are to be executed as a single and coherent assignment. In all
our operations, emphasis is put on client satisfaction.

Our Mission and

To become a highly regarded and competitive organization in the provision of environmental
management and water engineering services
WSS Services (U) Ltd has consistently posted growth in turnover and profits over the last 10 years
and has always been a profitable company since the date of its inception seventeen years ago. We
currently have an annual value of business worth over I.5billion Ugandan Shillings.

Our Expertise
To-date, WSS Services (U) Ltd has had staff working on assignments in Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia,
Kenya, and Tanzania. Our fields of expertise and services offered fall under the following specialist

1. Environmental Management
Private developers, institutions and organisations are becoming increasingly aware of a shift in
business thinking that requires them to achieve sound environmental performance by controlling the
impact of their activities, products and services on the environment. This shift in thinking is largely
motivated by the increasingly stringent local and international legislation among other factors. The
company is capable of carrying out strategic Environmental Policy, Catchment Planning and
reporting; Environmental and social Impact Assessment (ESIAs);Environmental Management &
Monitoring Plans (EMMPs/ESMPs); Environmental Screening/Risk Assessments; Environmental
Audits (EAs); Health Impact Assessment (HIAs); Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs);
Cumulative Impact Assessments; Resettlement Action Plans(RAPs) and settlement Action
Plans(SAPs); Public Participation Processes (PPPs); Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR),
Environmental Management Systems and climate change studies and supporting communities in
restoring degraded areas

2. Environmental and social impact
WSS Services (U) Ltd has undertaken environmental and social impact assessments and resettlement
action plans for big projects such as;
ESIA and RAP for the Ayago Hydro Power Project, Karuma Hydro Power Plant
ESIA and RAP for the Improvement of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Gaba Landing/Trading Centre
and Rehabilitation of Kirinya-Jinja Wastewater Treatment Plant and Monitoring and Evaluating the
implementation of site-specific Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) for Buliisa
Kinogozi, Bukomansimbi Rural Growth Centres Water Supply Systems, Kabango – Budongo Town

3. Water Resources Systems Planning and
Planning, designing and managing water resources systems today inevitably calls for an integrated
approach that will enhance sustainable utilization, protection and management of the water resources.

The Company is involved in the following related water resource management services:
 Feasibility studies and management plans;
 Hydrology and hydro-geological studies;
 Catchment studies and assessments;
 Surface and groundwater studies; and
 Water quality monitoring and analysis.
 Community Training and Capacity Building for Water and Natural Resources Management

4. Water Supply and Management/Utility
The company has experience in the water supply industry at levels of planning, feasibility studies and
design all through to management, refurbishment and extension.

Pressure filters for Kalisizo water supply and Matale water reservoir installed and

5. Training and Capacity Building

Integrated training and capacity building empowers organizational and functional levels as well as to
individuals, groups and Institutions to have ability, will and skills to initiate, plan, manage, undertake,
organise, budget, monitor/supervise and evaluate project activities. The company has been involved in
the following related training and capacity building services.
 Reviewing existing training material and evaluation;
 Developing training course concepts;
 Preparation of course materials;
 Providing training on Institutional capacity building/Infrastructure management; and
 Organisational support.

6. Civil Works/Infrastructure Development
The company staffs through their experience have built capacity to tackle moderate infrastructural
projects related to building construction, water, sewerage and drainage systems for both rural and
urban settings right from planning, designing through to implementation .

7. Decision Support Systems Development

The GIS & remote sensing team uses various software to provide analytical tools for mapping and
understanding complex spatial relationship that exist between the environment, natural resources and
human well-being for planning and management purposes. We do offer:
 Surface and ground water resource mapping;
 Soil resource mapping;
 Crop monitoring and vegetation studies;
 Contamination/depletion studies; and
 Natural Resource mapping.

8. Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)

The OSH team uses Provides various safety and health services at different levels as well as to
individuals, groups and Institutions. We do offer;
 Safety and health monitoring and evaluation for all classes of companies;
 Work place safety and health assessments;
 Developing of occupational and health guidelines and policies; and

 Reviewing existing policies and laws concerning safety and health

Organization Structure

Below is a summary of the organizational structure for WSS Services (U) Ltd
C hi ef
Ex ec ut i ve


Billing, Finance &


Director D i re c t o r Director
Engineering Management & Environment

Wa t e r S u p p l y & Manager Manager

Utility manager Manager Manager
Sanitation Roads & Socio-
S af e g u a r d s RAPS
Manager Energy Economics

Modellors Engineers Manager ESIA

Specialists Manager
Wa t e r Q u a l i t y
Location of the
Company Name:


Plot 17, Kakungulu Road, Building B
Ministers Village, Village 9 - Ntinda
P. O. Box 27755,
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: + 256 (0)41 4570984
e-mail: wss@wssservices.co.ug
Authorised Contact Person:
Name: Dr. Denis Byamukama
Position: Director
Mob: +256 (0) 782 519315
E-mail: denis.byamukama@wssservices.co.ug , byamukamad@yahoo.co.uk

Name: Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye
Position: Director
Mob: +256 (0) 772 488074
E-mail: emmanuel.tumwesigye@wssservices.co.ug , broun24@gmail.com

4 Company Experience
WSS Services (U) Ltd has experience in similar projects in East Africa for over 15 years. The following
are a brief description of some of the assignments undertaken by the firm that best illustrate our
experience in similar assignments

4.1 Feasibility Studies and Design

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
1. Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):
Soil Survey ,topographical survey and design of
micro irrigation scheme at Andibo Dam in Nebbi
District $59,842
Country: Uganda Duration of assignment (months):
Location within country: Nebbi District 12
Name of Client: Professional Staff provided by consultant
Ministry of water and environment (profiles):
Design Engineer, Surveyor, Hydrologist, EIA
Specialist, Sociologists, Financial Analyst
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your
Ministry of water and environment firm under the contract
Directorate of Water Resources Management
Victoria Water Management zone
P.O. Box 575, Mbarara. $59,842
Start date (month/year): August 2017 No of professional staff-months provided by
Completion date (month/year):August, 2018 associated Consultants: N/A
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
Aqua Consult. involved and functions performed (indicate most
significant profiles such as Project
Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):
Eng. Joseph Ogwal
Dr. JenipherBisikwa
Dr. Denis Byamukama
Eng.Dr. JothamSempewo
Dr.Emmanuel Tumwesigye
Mr. MituseraKatusabe
Mr. Moses Masiga

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the
Assess the potential for small scale irrigation
Identification of potentials and constraints related to crop
production and agriculture
Carry out field and soil investigation including Agronomy
Planning and design of hydraulic and conveyance structures
Perform water balance and size facility to meet the local area
requirement particularly irrigation and livestock watering needs
among other productive uses
Prepare Engineer s estimate s for construction
Carry out a financial analysis of the project using various tools
Analyse the extent to which the project will be able to cover its
operational costs
Reconnaissance and topographical survey covering the entire
extent of the facilities
Surveying and supervising the setting up of infrastructure

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
2. Assignment name: Country:
Feasibility study, design and construction supervision Uganda
of 900 Household and 10 Communal Rainwater
Harvesting Facilities in Apac, Bududa, Katakwi and
Otuke Districts
Location within country: Professional Staff provided by consultant
Apac, Bududa, Katakwi and Otuke Districts (profiles):
Team leader, Enterprise Development
Specialist and Clerk of Works
Name of Client: No of staff:
Ministry of Water and Environment 6
Address: No of staff-months; Duration of the
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala assignment: 15
Start date (month/year): Completion date Approx. Value of services (in current US$):
June 2016 (month/year):
Name of associated Consultants, if any: No of professional staff-months provided by
None associated Consultants: N/A
Name of senior staff involved and functions performed
Dr Emmanuel Tumwesigye (Team Leader)
Eng. Dr. JothamSempewo (Design Engineer)
Eng. Joseph Ogwal
Musiimenta Fredrick
Kiggala Ben Shalom (Clerk of Works)
Narrative description of Project:
MWE received funds towards helping increase the resilience to climate change effects on the natural
environment, the infrastructure and vulnerable segments of the drought/flood prone districts in the
eastern and northern regions of the country served the WSSP. Part of the funds earmarked towards
contributing to improving the population’s living conditions in the districts of Apac, Bududa, Katakwi
and Otuke districts by constructing household and community rainwater harvesting structures to
enhance resilience against climate change effects with particular emphasis on drought.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
 Carrying out stakeholder consultations in order to evolve effective cost sharing arrangements
taking into consideration the pilot revolving fund approach as an option
 Identifying acceptable and affordable technological options for rainwater harvesting facilities in
target areas
 Designing technical specifications for the preferred options in each project district
 Prepare tender documents to enable the client procure and partner with the competent NGOs for
construction of the facilities
 Supervising construction of the works to ensure compliance with standards and specifications.

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
3. Assignment name: Country:
Asset Inventory and Conditional Assessment and Detailed Uganda
Design for Rehabilitation and Expansion of Bwera
Gravity Flow Scheme in Kasese
Location within country: Professional Staff provided by
Kasese consultant (profiles):
Design Engineer, Surveyors, Hydrologist,
EIA Specialist, Sociologists, Financial
Name of Client: No of staff:
Ministry of Water and Environment 6
Address: Duration of the assignment: 6
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala, Uganda
Start date Completion date Approx. Value of services (in Current
(month/year): (month/year): US$):
December 2014 June 2016 $223,630
Name of associated Consultants, if any: No of professional staff-months provided
None by associated Consultants: N/A
Name of senior staff involved and functions performed:
Eng. Dr. JothamSempewo (Design Engineer)
Eng. Ogwal Joseph (Team Leader)
MituseraKatusabe (Surveyor)
Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye (Hydrologist)
Dr. Denis Byamukama (EIA Specialist)
Anthony Begumisa (Sociologist-1)
Mr. Moses Masiga (Financial Analyst)
Narrative description of Project:
To generate the existing scheme asset database and develop detailed engineering designs for
rehabilitation and expansion of Bwera gravity flow scheme to meet its expanded demand for the
population of the people of Karambi, Bwera, Nyakiyumbu, Isango and part of Munkunyu Sub
Countries in Kasese district; and carry out Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed
rehabilitation and upgrade of the system.

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
4. Assignment name: Country:
Design of selected towns/rural growth centres Uganda
Lot 3: Acholi Bur RGC and Rackoko RGC in
Pader District, Agago Town Council in Agago
District and Amac RGC in Lira District
Location within country: Professional Staff provided by consultant
Pader, Lira and Agago districts (profiles):
Team Leader, Design Engineer, Environmental
Specialist, Land Surveyor, Electro-mechanical
Engineer, Sociologist, Financial Analyst
Name of Client: No of staff:
Ministry of Water and Environment 7
Address: Duration of the assignment:
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala 6
Start date (month/year): Completion date Approx. Value of services (in Current US$):
December 2014 (month/year): $162,660
January 2016
Name of associated Consultants, if any: No of professional staff-months provided by
None associated Consultants:
Name of senior staff involved and functions performed
Eng. Joseph Ogwal (Team Leader)
Eng. JothamSempewo (Design Engineer)
Dr. Denis Byamukama (Environmental Specialist)
John Musungu (Land Surveyor)
MusaaliRichyMwesigwa (Electro-mechanical Engineer)
Mr. AnothonyBegumisa (Sociologist)
Mr. Moses Masiga (Financial Analyst)
Narrative description of Project:
To generate the existing topography and sanitation of different districts
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
 Topographic survey
 Socio-economic survey
 Sanitation and hygiene situation survey
 Detailed engineering designs
 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
 Preparation of drawings, technical specification, bills of quantity and tender documents

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
5. Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current
Survey, design and documentation of Nyakirango UGX):
GFS and training of water staff in designing gfs 143,284,000

Country: Uganda Duration of assignment (months):

Location within country:Kasese 6 Months

Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:

Kasese District Local Government 6
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your
P.O. Box 20026Kampala firm under the contract (in current UGX):
Start date (month/year): June 2012 No of professional staff-months provided by
Completion date (month/year): August 2012 associated Consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
involved and functions performed (indicate
most significant profiles such as Project
None Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):
 Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye

 Eng.Sekayizzi Andrew

Narrative description of Project:

Nyakiyumbu sub county in Kasese District has had many natural disasters that have brought people
into camps and since it boarders DRC, there are many refugees in the area. The design of the GFS is
therefore targeted to serving over 32,000 people in the parishes of Muhindi, Katholhu, Lyakirema,
Kayanja and Bukangara.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
 Topographic surveying

 Baseline Survey

 Development of hydraulic design

 Documentation

 Training of District Water office staff in GFS design.

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
6. Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current
Design and Construction Supervision of a New UGX):
Intake for SOROTI Water Works 177,342,389
Country: Uganda Duration of assignment (months):
Location within country:
Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:

National Water & Sewerage Corporation

Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your
P.O. Box 20026Kampala firm under the contract (in current UGX):

Start date (month/year): 2012 No of professional staff-months provided by

Completion date (month/year): 2012 associated Consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
involved and functions performed (indicate
most significant profiles such as Project
None Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):
 Pius Kahangirwe

 Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye

 Dr. Dennis Byamukama

Narrative description of Project:

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

 Preliminary Investigations

 Preliminary and detailed design

 Prepare tender documents

 Tender adjudication

 Environmental & Social Impact Assessment

 Construction Supervision

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
7. Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current UGX):
Design Build and Operate contract for Kalisizo 661,568,530
Water supply system

Country: Uganda Duration of assignment (months):

Location within country:Kalisizo 3 Years
Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:
Ministry of Water and Environment
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala firm under the contract (in current UGX):
Start date (month/year): November 2008 No of professional staff-months provided by
Completion date (month/year): November 2012 associated Consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
involved and functions performed (indicate
most significant profiles such as Project
None Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):
 Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye

 Eng. Sekayizzi Andrew

Narrative description of Project:

The MWE entered into a World Bank Global Partnership on Output Based Aid (GP-OBA), a multi-
donor trust fund for improvement of water supply and sanitation systems. The utility management
company (WSS Services (U) Ltd), then entered into contract with MWE to construct and operate the
systems on behalf of the WSS Authority.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
 Carried a design of strengthening intake structures, pumping mains, storage and distribution
 Design for extension to the pipe network.

 Preparing BOQs and construction of the designed works

 Supply and installation of pumps, transformers, generator

 Supply and installation of bulk and consumer meters

 Operate and maintain the resulting systems

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
8. Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current UGX):
Design Build and Operate contract for Rukungiri 693,724,373
Water supply system

Country: Uganda Duration of assignment (months):

Location within country: 3 Years

Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:

Ministry of Water and Environment
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala firm under the contract (in current UGX):
Start date (month/year): November 2008 No of professional staff-months provided by
Completion date (month/year): November 2011 associated Consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
involved and functions performed (indicate
most significant profiles such as Project
None Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):
 Mr. SonkoKiwanuka

 Eng. Sekayizzi Andrew

Narrative description of Project:

The MWE entered into a World Bank Global Partnership on Output Based Aid (GP-OBA), a multi-
donor trust fund for improvement of water supply and sanitation systems. The utility management
company (WSS Services (U) Ltd), then entered into contract with MWE to construct and operate the
systems on behalf of the WSS Authority.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
 Carried a design of strengthening intake structures, pumping mains, storage and distribution systems

 Design for extension to the pipe network.

 Preparing BOQs and construction of the designed works

 Supply and installation of pumps, transformers, generator

 Supply and installation of bulk and consumer meters

 Operate and maintain the resulting systems

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
9. Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current
Construction Supervision for the improvement and
extension of Chuho water supply system
Country: Uganda Duration of assignment (months):
Location within country: Kisoro

Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:

Ministry of Water and Environment, funded by
Government of Austria
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your
P.O. Box 20026, Kampala, Uganda firm under the contract (in current UGX):
Start date (month/year): 2008 No of professional staff-months provided by
Completion date (month/year): 2008 associated Consultants: N/A
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
Hydraulic and Sanitation Consult Ltd involved and functions performed (indicate
most significant profiles such as Project
Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):
Kilangwa Kenneth
Dr. Dennis Byamukama
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Construction Supervision of
─ Extension of 30km distribution network to serve the rural community of Kisoro
─ Installation of 30m3 pre-stressed steel tank on dwarf walls at Kisoro hill

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
10. Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current UGX):
Review, Design and Build Water Supply for 123,000,000
Majanje town council in Malaba

Country: Uganda Duration of assignment (months):

Location within country: 5

Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:

MS Uganda (Danish Association for International 5
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your
54B Kira Road Kampala, Uganda firm under the contract (in current UGX):
P.O. Box 6331 123,000,000
Start date (month/year): September 2005 No of professional staff-months provided by
Completion date (month/year): February 2006 associated Consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
involved and functions performed (indicate
most significant profiles such as Project
None Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):
 Eng. SonkoKiwanuka

 Eng.Sekayizzi Andrew

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

 Review the design and performance of the existing water supply system

 Re-design the water supply system

 Build the water supply scheme including pump system, distribution and yard-taps

 Refurbish the reservoir

 Train operators and handover the system

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
11. Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current
Design and Build Water supply & Waste water UGX):
Treatment Plant for Greenfields fish factory 219,000,000
Country: Uganda Duration of assignment (months):
Location within country: 6

Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:

Greenfields Fish Factory
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your
Plot 15/17 Dr. Lubega Road firm under the contract (in current UGX):
Entebbe Industrial Area 219,000,000
P.O. Box 667, Entebbe – Uganda
Start date (month/year): November 2001 No of professional staff-months provided by
Completion date (month/year): November 2002 associated Consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
involved and functions performed (indicate
most significant profiles such as Project
None Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):
 Eng. SonkoKiwanuka

 Eng. Sekayizzi Andrew

 Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye

Narrative description of Project:
In the late 1980s Greenfields developed Uganda’s first fish processing plant in the outskirts of Entebbe
garden town. Strategically located at the shores of Lake Victoria. The factory needed its own clean
water supply use in the factory and producing ice and treatment systems for all wastes in a fish factory.
WSS services was contracted to design and build the system.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
 Design of pumping system, storage, treatment and discharge systems for water and waste water

 Design and installation of the reticulation pipe network

 Preparing BOQs and construction of the designed works

 Construction of pipe network, reservoir and waste water receiving plant

 Built a constructed wasteland for wastewater treatment

4.2 Other Experience
Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
1. Assignment name: Country: Uganda
Consultancy Services for Catchment Situation
Assessment of Baseline Conditions on Gravity
Flow Schemes & Development and Supervision of
the Implementation of Site Specific Water Source
and Catchment Protection Plans in the 10 GFS
Location within the country: Professional Staff Provided by
Different parts of Uganda Bidder(profiles):
Team Leader, Catchment Management
Specialist, Sociologist
Name of Client: Ministry of Water and No. of staff: 3
Environment Rural Water Supply and Sanitation

Address: Contact Person: Fred Sabiiti No. of staff months; Duration of the
Assignment: 18 Months
Start date (month/ Completion date (month/ Approx value of the services (in Currency
year): May 2018- year): Ongoing US$): USD; 278,334

Name of associated consultancy firms, if any: No of Professional Staff-months Provided

N/A by Associated Consultancy firms:N/A
Dr Denis Byamukama (Team leader) , Pius Kahangirwe (Catchment Management Specialist) ,
Begumisa Anthony(Sociologist)

Narrative description of project: Studying the effect of the chemical fertilizers on the
RweruMugesera Lakes-Wetland Complex.

Description of actual services provided by your staff: The activities carried out included:,
 Identifying and analysing key stakeholders for the catchments of each of the 10 gravity flow
 Assessing and analysing the bio-physical and socio-economic situation within the catchment and
supply areas of the gravity flow schemes.
 Identifying infrastructure investments and management interventions for each of the catchment
and supply areas of the gravity flow schemes;
 Ranking the investments and management interventions for each of the catchment and supply
areas of the gravity flow schemes;
 Assessing the strategic environmental and social of investments and interventions for each of the
catchment and supply areas of the gravity flow schemes;
 Compiling agreed catchment management plans and water source protection plans;
 Developing a monitoring method for the change in environmental resilience for the catchments;

 Building the capacity of the stakeholders throughout the process

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
2. Assignment Name: Country: Uganda
Conducting Catchment Protection, Including
Training of Women and Youth Groups and
Monitoring and Evaluation of ESMP Implementation
in Small Towns Water Supply Systems in Central
Region of Uganda
Location within the country: Central Uganda Professional Staff Provided by Bidder
(profiles): Team Leader, Environmental
Expert, Catchment Protection Expert and
Project Funder: World Bank
Name of Client: Water and Sanitation Development No. of staff: 4
Facility- Central (WSDF-C)
Address: P.O. Box 80 Wakiso No. of staff months; Duration of the
Contact Person:Eng Stephen; 0773230745 Assignment: 36 Months
Start date (month/ Completion date: Approx value of the services (in Currency
year): Sept 2017 Ongoing UGX): 935,037,447UGX
Name of associated consultancy firms, if any: No of Professional Staff-months Provided by
N/A Associated Consultancy firms: 8
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) Involved and Functions
PerformedTeam Leader- Dr. Denis Byamukama, Environmental Expert- Mr. Pius Kahangirwe,
Catchment Protection Expert- Dr.TweheyoMnason and Sociologist- Mr. Anthony Begumisa

Narrative description of project: The Government of Uganda, with support from Development
Partners, established the Water and Sanitation Development Facility (WSDF) programme as a service
delivery and funding mechanism to focus on provision of water supply and sanitation to small towns
and rural growth centres in the country. The implementation of the programme is based on the
principles of the Ministry of Water and Environment through the WSDF-Central
Description of actual services provided by your staff: The activities carried out included:,

 Developing and reviewing of the Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs).

 Monitoring and Evaluating the implementation of both site-specific and Program-wide ESMP
within WSDF-C
 Conducting Baseline surveys for the catchment situation assessment

 Conducting Baseline surveys for the Specific water supply systems within WSDF-C

 Conducting Baseline and Social surveys for Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Women
and youth groups from the beneficiary communities and facilitating them to implement
Catchment protection activities/practices

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
3. Assignment Name: Country: Uganda
Consultancy Services for conducting Sanitation and
Hygiene promotion, Training of Masons, Women and
Youth groups in Small Towns Water Supply Systems
in Central Region of Uganda
Location within the country: Central Uganda Professional Staff Provided by Bidder
(profiles): Team Leader, Environmental
Expert, Catchment Protection Expert and
Project Funder: ADB Sociologist
Name of Client: Water and Sanitation Development No. of staff: 4
Facility- Central (WSDF-C)
Address: P.O. Box 80 Wakiso No. of staff months; Duration of the
Contact Person:Eng Stephen; 0773230745 Assignment: 36 Months
Start date (month/ Completion date: Approx value of the services (in Currency
year): Sept 2017 Ongoing UGX): 834,049,362UGX
Name of associated consultancy firms, if any: No of Professional Staff-months Provided by
N/A Associated Consultancy firms: 8
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) Involved and Functions
PerformedTeam Leader- Dr.Eng Charles Niwagaba Environmental Health/ Sanitation Expert- Mr.
Paul Kimera, Community Mobilization Expert- Mr. Elisha Tusubira and Data Analyst- Mr.
Narrative description of project: The Government of Uganda, with support from Development
Partners, established the Water and Sanitation Development Facility (WSDF) programme as a service
delivery and funding mechanism to focus on provision of water supply and sanitation to small towns
and rural growth centres in the country. The implementation of the programme is based on the
principles of the Ministry of Water and Environment through the WSDF-Central
Description of actual services provided by your staff: The activities carried out included:,
 Sanitation Baseline Survey

 Training of Masons, Women and Youth groups in sanitation and Hygiene

 Monitoring and Evaluation of the Water Supply Systems.

 Training of Masons, Women and Youth groups in Operation and maintenance practices

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
4. Assignment name: Country: Rwanda
Consultancy services for a study on the impact
of fertilizer use on the environment in Rwanda

Location within the country:Rweru-Mugesera Professional Staff Provided by Bidder (profiles):

lakes-wetland complex Agro Ecologist, Water Quality Specialist, Soil
Scientist, Chemist

Name of Client: REMA No. of staff: 7

Address: Inyota House, near UK Embassy,
No. of staff months; Duration of the Assignment:
Boulevard de l’Umuganda, P.O.Box 7436-
5 Months
Kigali, Rwanda,
Contact Person: Sabiiti
Start date (month/ Completion date Approx value of the services (in Currency US$):
year): November, (month/ year): 2014 64,000 USD

Name of associated consultancy firms, if No of Professional Staff-months Provided by

any: Greenworld Consult, Rwanda Associated Consultancy firms: 1

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader) Involved and Functions
Performed Dr. Wilson Mwanja (Agro Ecologist, Team Leader), Dr. Denis Byamukama (Water Quality
Specialist), Dr. Hannington Twinomuhangi (Chemist), Prof. Francois Naramabuye. Dr.

Narrative description of project: As part of its mandate, the Rwanda Environment Management
Authority (REMA) is required to provide advice within the framework of Article 3 of Law N° 16/2006
of 03/04/2006 to conduct research from which it may render advice to prevent or respond to
environmental hazards and disasters. In this regard REMA has commissioned a consultancy to carry
out an assessment of the impact of chemical fertilizers on the aquatic environment in the Rweru-
Mugesera lakes-wetland complex.
Description of actual services provided by your staff: The activities carried out included:,
 Assessment of agro ecological conditions in the study area.
 Carried out Soil tests and analysis related to this assignment
 Determined the impact of chemical fertilizers on the aquatic environment in the RweruMugesera
lakes-wetland complex.
 Determine sources of chemical fertilizer residues in the Rweru-Mugeseralakeswetland complex.

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
5. Assignment name: Approx. Value of the Contract (in Current
Assessment of Water Use and Demand in Lake USD): 250,000,000 UGX
Country: Uganda Duration of the Assignment (months): 6 Month
Location within Country: Contract
Western Uganda, AlbertBasin
Name of Client: Total No of Staff-months of the Assignment: 6
Ministry of Water & Environment
Address: Approx. Value of Services provided by your
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala, Uganda Consultant under the contract (in Current
Contact Person. Mr. Jackson Twino UGX): 250,000,000
Tel: 0772838413
Start Date (Month/Year): Completion Date No of professional staff-months provided by
(Month/Year): associated Consultants: 4
November, 2011
April, 2011
Name of Associated Firm(s), if any: Name of senior professional staff of your
Consultant involved and functions performed:
Dr. Denis Byamukama-Project Manager
None Mr. Anthony Luutu-Team Leader
Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye -Water &Sanitation
Mr. Edward Bamanya – Socio Economist
Kahangirwe Pius – Environmental &Water
Resources Assessments.
Narrative Description of Project:
The Directorate of Water Resources Management (DWRM) of the Ministry of Water and Environment
(MWE) is carrying out a rapid assessment of the current /existing water resources demand as a part of
the planning process for water allocation along water management zones
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff within the assignment:
 Geo reference water abstraction and waste water discharge points for the permitted and non-
permitted water sources
 Determine the present water demand per use

 Determine the waste discharge load into the water sources

 Determine the water demand and waste load projection for a five year period up to year 2033

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
6. Assignment name: Approx. Value of the Contract (in Current
Environmental and Social Impacts Assessment UGX):850,000
for the Proposed Constructions of Kinuka water
supply scheme
Country: Uganda Duration of the Assignment (months): 4
Location within Country: Lyantonde District
Name and address of Client Total No of Staff-months of the Assignment: 3
Directorate of Water Development
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala
Start Date: Completion Date: Approx. Value of Services provided by your
Consultant under the contract (in Current
May 2009 August 2009
Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: No of professional staff-months provided by
associated Consultants: 4
Hydraulic and Sanitation Consult
Name of senior professional staff of your Consultant involved and functions performed:
 Dr. Denis Byamukama – EIA Specialist and Overall Team Leader
 Pius Kahangirwe- Natural Resources Specialist
 Stephen Nsubuga- Water Engineer
 Edward Mwesigwa – Social Economist
Narrative description of Project:
The Ministry of Water and Environment intends to construct a new scheme for the Kinuka Rural
Growth Centre. Funds for these projects have been provided under the water and sanitation
development fund (WSDF). It is against this background that an ESIA was sanctioned to be conducted
before the actual works can commence.

Description of actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
Environmental and Social Impact Assessments under the thematic areas of:
 Physical, Biological, Archaeological and Cultural and Socio-economic

 Environmental Baseline data collections

 Social Field Surveys

 Environmental field reconnaissance

 Scoping

 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA);

 Compiled Environmental Impact Statement (EIS);

 Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan;

 Liaised with the Rwanda Environmental Management Authority (REMA) to approve the

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
7. Assignment name: Approx. Value of the Contract (in Current
Environmental and Social Impacts Assessment for UGX):1,340,000
the Proposed Rehabilitation of Lyantonde of
Water Supply System
Country: Uganda Duration of the Assignment (months): 4
Location within Country: Lyantonde District
Name and address of Client Total No of Staff-months of the Assignment: 3
Directorate of Water Development
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala
Start Date: Completion Date: Approx. Value of Services provided by your
May 2009 August 2009 Consultant under the contract (in Current

Name of Associated Consultants, if Any: No of professional staff-months provided by

Hydraulic and Sanitation Consult associated Consultants:
Name of senior professional staff of your Consultant involved and functions performed:
 Dr. Denis Byamukama – EIA Specialist and Overall Team Leader

 Pius Kahangirwe- Natural Resources Specialist

 Stephen Nsubuga- Water Engineer

 Anthony Begumisa – Social Economist

Narrative description of Project:
The Ministry of Water and Environment intends to rehabilitate and Upgrade the water supply system
for Lyantonde Town.
Funds for these projects have been provided under the water and sanitation development fund (WSDF).
It is against this background that an ESIA was sanctioned to be conducted before the actual works can
Description of actual services provided by our staff within the assignment:
 Environmental Baseline data collections

 Social Field Surveys

 Environmental field reconnaissance

 Scoping

 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA);

 Compiled Environmental Impact Statement (EIS);

 Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan;

 Liaised with the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) to approve the projects.

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
8. Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current US$):
Development of Environmental and Social 34,000 USD
Impact Assessment Guidelines for the Water
Sector in Uganda.
Country: Uganda Duration of assignment (months):
Location within country: 2

Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:

Ministry of Water and Environment
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by your
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala firm under the contract (in current US$):
Contact Person: Dr. CallistTindimugaya 34,000
Start date (month/year): Jan2007 No of professional staff-months provided by
Completion date (month/year): Jan2008 associated Consultants:

Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
involved and functions performed (indicate most
significant profiles such as Project
None Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):

 Dr. Denis Byamukama (Team Leader)

 Mr. Pius Kahangirwe (Water Resources and EIA

 Mr. Edward Mwesigwa (Socio-economist)

Narrative description of Project:

Development of the EIA Guidelines to help in the development and implementation of water related and
water use projects in Uganda. Specifically to guide the developer, the practitioner and the lead agencies
in implementing EIA for water projects

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

 Carried out the review of the existing legal, policy and institutional framework for implementation
of EIA in Uganda;
 Conducted stakeholder consultations;

 Developed EIA guidelines drafts;

 Liaised with the client and compiled the final EIA guideline.

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
9. Assignment name: Approx. value of the contract (in current US$
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for a or Euro):
student centre and complex at the National University
of Rwanda, Butare
3,500,000 USD
Country: Rwanda Duration of assignment (months):
Location within country: Butare 5

Name of Client: Total No of staff-months of the assignment:

Real Contractors Sarl 3
Address: Approx. value of the services provided by
Real Contractors SARL your firm under the contract (in current
P.O. Box 4374 Kigali, Rwanda US$):
Contact Person: Derrick Rwitare +250788300577 75,000
Start date (month/year): March 2006 No of professional staff-months provided by
Completion date (month/year): associated Consultants:
2008 3
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your firm
involved and functions performed (indicate
most significant profiles such as Project
None Director/Coordinator, Team Leader):
 Dr. Denis Byamukama (Team Leader)

 Mr. Pius Kahangirwe (Environmentalist and

EIA Specialist)
 Mr. Edward Mwesigwa (Socio-economist)
Narrative description of Project:
 Construction of a students’ centre and complex at the National University of Rwanda (NUR) by
Real Contractors SARL under contract from Hostels 2020
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
 Environmental Baseline data collections

 Social Field Surveys

 Environmental field reconnaissance

 Scoping

 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA);

 Compiled Environmental Impact Statement (EIS);

 Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan;

 Liaised with the Rwanda Environmental Management Authority (REMA) to approve the projects.


Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
6. Assignment Name: Country: Uganda
Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA) for the
Feasibility Study and Detailed
Engineering Design of Irrigation
Schemes of Wadelai, Irrigation
Scheme along River Ora in Wadelai
Sub-County, Nebbi District under the
Farm Income Enhancement and
Forestry Conservation Project
Location within Country: Wadelai Duration of the
Sub-County, Nebbi District Assignment (months):
Name of Client: Ministry of Water Total No of Staff-
and Environment months of the
Project Funder: African Assignment: 6
Development Bank
Address: Ministry of Water and Approx. Value of
Environment, Services provided by
P.O Box 20026, Kampala, your Consultant under
Uganda the contract (in
Current USD): 100,500
Start Date Completion Date No of professional staff-
(Month (Month/Year): 2016 months provided by
/Year): 2015 associated Consultants:

Name of Associated Name of senior professional
Firm(s), if any: staff of your Consultant
CASE International Dr. Denis Byamukama –
Consultants Ltd Environmental Specialist / Team
Ms. Edith Birungi Kahubire –
Mr. Denis Kamoga – Biodiversity
Mr. Pius Kahangirwe – OSH
Mr. John Rusoke – Agronomist
Narrative Description of Project: The Government of
Uganda through the Ministry of Water and Environment
secured funding from the African Development Bank for the
establishment of Wadelai Irrigation Scheme along River Ora in
Wadelai Sub-County ,Nebbi District. CASE International
Consultants Ltd was awarded the contract to carry out
feasibility study and detailed engineering designs. WSS
Services (U) Ltd was Sub-Contracted to carry out the
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the
Wadelai Irrigation Scheme.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff
within the assignment:
Environmental and social Scoping, Biodiversity studies, Socio-
economic surveys, Stakeholder consultations and engagement,
Agronomic studies and soil survey, Development of
Environmental and Social Management Plan(ESMP), ESIA

Reports Compilation

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd

7. Assignment Name: Country: Uganda
Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA) for the
Feasibility Study and Detailed
Engineering Design of Tochi
Irrigation Scheme along River
Tochi in Acaba, Minakulu and
Ngai Sub-Counties, Oyam District
under the Farm Income
Enhancement and Forestry
Conservation Project
Location within Country: Oyam Duration of the
District Assignment (months): 6
Name of Client: Ministry of Water Total No of Staff-months
and Environment of the Assignment: 6
Project Funder: African
Development Bank
Address: Approx. Value of

Ministry of Water and Services provided by
Environment, your Consultant under
P.O Box 20026, Kampala, the contract (in Current
Uganda USD): 100,500 USD
Start Date Completion Date No of professional staff-
(Month (Month/Year): 2016 months provided by
/Year): 2015 associated Consultants:
Name of Associated Name of senior professional staff
Firm(s), if any: of your Consultant involved:
Dr. Denis Byamukama –
CASE International Environmental Specialist / Team
Consultants Ltd Leader
Ms. Edith Birungi Kahubire –
Mr. Denis Kamoga – Biodiversity
Eng Daniel Otim- Irrigation
Mr. Pius Kahangirwe – OSH
Mr. John Rusoke – Agronomist
Narrative Description of Project: The Government of
Uganda through the Ministry of Water and Environment
secured funding from the African Development Bank for the
development of Tochi Irrigation Scheme along River Tochi, in
Acaba, Minakulu and Ngai Sub-Counties,Oyam District. CASE
International Consultants Ltd was awarded the contract to carry
out feasibility study and detailed engineering designs. WSS
Services (U) Ltd was Sub-Contracted to carry out the

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the
Tochi Irrigation Scheme.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff
within the assignment:
 Environmental and socialScoping
 Biodiversity studies
 Socio-economic surveys,
 Stakeholder consultations and engagement
 Agronomic studies and soil surveys
 Development of Environment and Social Management
Plan (ESMP)
 ESIA Reports Compilation

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd

8. Assignment Name: Country: Rwanda
Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment for the Kilimbi
Marshland Irrigation Scheme,
Location within the country: Professional Staff
Kilimbi, Rwanda Provided by
Environment & Natural
Resources Specialist,
Faunal Specialist, Floral
Specialist, Socio-
economists and
Name of Client: Rural Sector No. of staff: 5
Support Project (RSSP2) under
the Ministry of Agriculture and
Animal Resources (MINAGRI)
supported by the World Bank
Address: Duration of the
P.O. Box 6961 Kigali, Rwanda Assignment: 5 Months
Start date Completion date: Approx. value of the
(month/ 2012 services (in currency
year): 2012 US$): 120,000 USD
Name. of associated consultancy No of Professional Staff-
firms, if any: Green World months Provided by
Consult Ltd, Rwanda Associated Consultancy
Project Funder: African firms: 2
Development Bank
Name of senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator, Team
leader): involved and functions performed: Dr. Denis
Byamukama (Team Leader), Mr. Pius Kahangirwe
(Environment & Natural Resources Specialist), Dr. Robert
Kityo (Faunal Specialist), Dr. Paul Ssegawa (Floral Specialist),
Mr. Moses Busigye and Mr. Andrew M. Makanzu (Socio-
economists), Mr. Mutiibwa Robert (Hydrologist))
Narrative description of project: With support from the
World Bank, the Rwandan Government intended to construct
and rehabilitate the Kilimbi Marshland and ESIA study was

one of the key requirements for the project.
Description of actual services provided by your staff: The
activities carried out included:,
 Scoping
 Baseline studies and Environmental Impact Assessment
 Compile Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
 Develop EIA management, Site safety plans and
monitoring plan

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd

9. Assignment Name: Country: Rwanda
Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment and RAP for the
rehabilitation of irrigation
infrastructures of Cyili Marshland
Location within the country: Professional Staff Provided by

Gisagara District Bidder(profiles): Environment
& Natural Resources Specialist,
Faunal Specialist, Floral
Specialist, Socio-economists and
Name of Client: Rural Sector No. of staff: 5
Support Project (RSSP2) under the
Ministry of Agriculture and Animal
Resources (MINAGRI) supported
by the World Bank
Address: P.O. Box 6961 Kigali, Rwanda No. of staff months; Duration
of the Assignment: 5 Months
Start date Completion date Approx. value of the services
(month/ (month/ year): July (in currency US$): 32,000
year): June 2010
Name. of associated consultancy No of Professional Staff-months
firms, if any: Green World Consult Provided by Associated
Ltd, Rwanda Consultancy firms: 2
Name of senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator, Team leader):
involved and functions performed: Dr. Denis Byamukama (Team
Leader), Mr. Pius Kahangirwe (Environment & Natural Resources
Specialist), Dr. Robert Kityo (Faunal Specialist), Dr. Paul Ssegawa
(Floral Specialist), Mr. Moses Busigye and Mr. Andrew M. Makanzu
(Socio-economists), Mr. Mutiibwa Robert (Hydrologist))
Narrative description of project: RSSP intends to carry out civil
works to enhance irrigated rice production on the marshlands of
Bugarama and Cyili. A portion of the IDA grant will be used to

commission an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the
rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures in Cyili marshland and dam
construction at Gishoma for irrigation of Bugarama marshland
Description of actual services provided by your staff: The activities carried out included:,

 Scoping
 Review of the relevant legal and policy framework
 Environmental Baseline data collections
 Social Field Surveys
 Environmental field reconnaissance
 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA);
 Compiled Environmental Impact Statement (EIS);
 Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
10. Assignment Name: Country: Rwanda
Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment and RAP for Dam
Construction at Gishoma for
irrigation of Bugarama Marshland
Location within the country: Professional Staff Provided
Rusizi District by Bidder(profiles):
Environment & Natural
Resources Specialist, Faunal
Specialist, Floral Specialist,
Socio-economists and
Name of Client: Rural Sector No. of staff: 5
Support Project (RSSP2) under the
Ministry of Agriculture and Animal
Resources (MINAGRI) supported by
the World Bank
Address: P.O. Box 6961 Kigali, Rwanda No. of staff months; Duration
of the Assignment: 5 Months
Start date Completion date Approx. value of the services
(month/ year): (month/ year): (in currency US$): 32,000
June 2010 July 2010
Name. of associated consultancy No of Professional Staff-
firms, if any: Green World Consult months Provided by
Ltd, Rwanda Associated Consultancy
firms: 2
Name of senior staff (Project Director/ Coordinator, Team leader):
involved and functions performed: Dr. Denis Byamukama (Team
Leader), Mr. Pius Kahangirwe (Environment & Natural Resources
Specialist), Dr. Robert Kityo (Faunal Specialist), Dr. Paul Ssegawa
(Floral Specialist), Mr. Moses Busigye and Mr. Andrew M. Makanzu
(Socio-economists), Mr. Mutiibwa Robert (Hydrologist)
Narrative description of project: RSSP intends to carry out civil
works to enhance irrigated rice production on the marshlands of
Bugarama and Cyili. A portion of the IDA grant will be used to
commission an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the
rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures in Cyili marshland and dam
construction at Gishoma for irrigation of Bugarama marshland
Description of actual services provided by your staff: The activities carried out included:,

 Scoping
 Review of the relevant legal and policy framework
 Environmental Baseline data collections
 Social Field Surveys
 Environmental field reconnaissance
 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA);
 Compiled Environmental Impact Statement (EIS);
 Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
11. Assignment Name: Country: Uganda
Consultancy Services for
Environmental Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA) and
Resettlement Action Plan
(RAP) for the Development of
Water for Oil Refinery at
Kabaale, Hoima District in
Albertine Graben Region
Location within the country: Professional Staff Provided
Hoima District by Bidder (profiles): Team
Leader / Environmental
Assessment Specialist,
Sociologist, Hydrologist,
Flora & Fauna Specialist,
Wastewater Specialist, RAP
Team Leader, Land Surveyor,
Legal Expert, Land Valuer
Name of Client: Ministry of No. of staff: 09
Water and Environment
Address: Duration of the Assignment:
P.O. Box 20026, Kampala- 08 Months
Contact Person:
Start Completion date Approx. value of the services
date: (month/ year): (UGX) 783,350,281 UGX

Contract Contract Signing
Signing stage
Name of associated No of Professional Staff-
consultancy firms, if any: months Provided by
NA Associated Consultancy
firms: 20 Man Months
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team
Leader) Involved and Functions Performed Dr. Denis
Byamukama (Team Leader), Ms Esther Nassonko
(Sociologist/Socio-Economist). Dr. Emmannuel Tumwesigye
(Hydrologist), Mr. Denis Kamoga (Flora and Fauna specialist),
Dr. Suzan Luyiga (Wastewater specialist), Ms. Elizabeth Aisu
(RAP Specialist), Dr. Emmanuel Kasimbazi (Legal Expert),
Mr. Brian Baguma (Land surveyor) and Mr. Joseph B (Land
Narrative description of project: WSS Services (U) Ltd is in
the process of signing a contract with MWE to carry out
Environmental Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Development of Water
for Oil Refinery at Kabaale, Hoima District in Albertine
Graben Region (AGR).
Description of actual services provided by your staff: The
activities to be carried out will include:,
Carrying out scoping meetings, Baseline studies and further
public consultations; Carrying out Social Surveys, Conducting
EIAs/Screening of in-house designed projects, Preparation
ESMP Implementation plan, Compiling Environmental and
Social assessment Report, Liaising with the National

Environmental Management Authority and other stakeholders.

: Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd

12. Assignment Name: Country: Uganda
Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment for the
Feasibility study and design
for expansion and
rehabilitation of Bwera Water
Gravity Flow Scheme in
Kasese district.
Location within the country: Professional Staff Provided
Kasese Districts by Bidder (profiles): Natural
Resources Specialist,, Socio-
economist, OHS specialist,
GIS Expert, Ecologist, Water
and Sanitation Expert
Name of Client: Ministry of No. of staff: 5
Water and Environment

Address: Duration of the Assignment:
P.O. Box 20026, Kampala- 12 Months
Contact Person:
Start Completion date Approx. value of the services
date: (month/ year): (UGX) 581,445,000 UGX
March June 2016
2015 (Extended)
Name of associated No of Professional Staff-
consultancy firms, if any: months Provided by
NA Associated Consultancy
firms: NA
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team
Leader) Involved and Functions Performed Dr. Denis
Byamukama (Natural Resources Specialist/Team Leader), Mr.
Puis Kahangirwe (Environmental Scientist and occupational
health and safety specialist), Ms Edith Birungi Kahubire
(Sociologist/Socio-Economist). Mr. Nsimire Peter (GIS
Expert), Mr.Hassan Lubega (Water and Sanitation Expert).
Narrative description of project: WSS Services (U) Ltd was
contracted by MWE to carry out Asset Inventory and
Conditional Assessment, Detailed Design and Environmental
and Social Impact Assessment for Rehabilitation and
Expansion of Bwera Water Gravity Flow Scheme in Kasese.
Description of actual services provided by your staff: The
activities carried out included:,
Carrying out scoping meetings, Baseline studies and further
public consultations; Carrying out Social Surveys, Conducting
EIAs/Screening of in-house designed projects, Preparation

ESMP Implementation plan, Compiling Environmental and
Social assessment Report, Liaising with the National
Environmental Management Authority and other stakeholders.

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd

13. Assignment Name: Country: Uganda
Environmental Project Brief
(WSDF-C) for the proposed
establishment of Bugoigo-
Butiaba, Kinogozi,
Bukomansimbi, Kabango-
Budongo, Buliisa Rural Growth
Centre Water Supply Systems
Location within the country: Professional Staff
Buliisa District Provided by Bidder
(profiles): Team Leader,

Environmental Specialist ,
Socio-economist, OSH,
Sociologist, Hydrologist
Name of Client: MWE-Water No. of staff: 5
and Sanitation Development
Facility-Central (WSDF-C)
Address: P.O. Box 20026, No. of staff months; 6
Contact Person: Mr. Stephen
Tel +256 773 230745
Start date Completion Approx. value of the
(month/ date (month/ services (in Current
year): year): March UGX): 300,000,000 UGX
November 2014
Name of associated No of Professional Staff-
consultancy firms, if any: NA months Provided by
Associated Consultancy
firms: NA
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team
Leader) Involved and Functions Performed: Dr. Denis
Byamukama (Environmental Specialist, Team Leader),
Anthony Begumisa (Socio-economist), Pius Kahangirwe
(OSH), Edith Kahubire (Sociologist), Dr Emmanuel
Tumwesigye (Hydrologist)
Narrative description of project: The Ministry of Water and
Environment under WSDF-C needed to support the
development of water supply and sanitation in small towns and

rural growth centres through a decentralised and demand
driven financing mechanism in central Uganda districts. The
WSDF-C provides technical and financial support to help
districts and town councils to develop, rehabilitate and expand
water supply services and sanitation in small towns and rural
growth centres, following a demand based approach under the
framework of Uganda’s water and sanitation policies and
relevant sector strategies.
Description of actual services provided by your staff:
 Conducted the social and environmental surveys
 Prepared the ESIAs
 Liaised with the National Environment Management
Authority (NEMA) to approve the projects

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd

14. Assignment Name: Country: Uganda
Environmental and Social
Impact Assessment for the
Design and Construction
Supervision for Soroti Water

Location within the Professional Staff Provided by
country: Soroti, Uganda Bidder (profiles):
Environmentalist, Socio-
economist, RAP Specialist,
OHS specialist, Land and
Valuation Surveyors, Cultural
and Archaeologist, Lawyer
Name of Client: National No. of staff: 7
Water & Sewerage
Address: P.O. Box 7053, No. of staff months; Duration
Kampala-Uganda of the Assignment: 6 Months
Tel: +256 414 235889
Contact Person: Paddy
Start date Completion Approx value of the services
(month/ date: (in Currency UGX):
year): July, December 432,000,000 UGX
2012 2012
Name of associated No of Professional Staff-
consultancy firms, if any: months Provided by
ILISO Consulting (South Associated Consultancy firms:
African) 6
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team
Leader) Involved and Functions Performed Dr. Denis
Byamukama (Team Leader), Anthony Begumisa (Socio-
economist), Bernard Ochola (RAP Specialist), Dr. Dr. Sekimpi
(OHS), Balinda (Valuer), Musungu (Land Surveyor), Ongwen


Narrative description of project: The National Water and

Sewerage Corporation was undertaking the re-designing and
construction of a new water intake for Soroti Town and among
the scope of works was to undertake an ESIA to be cleared by
the National Environment Management Authority before
construction could commence.
Description of actual services provided by your staff: The
activities carried out included:,
 Carrying out scoping meetings,
 Baseline studies and further public consultations;
 Developing Terms of Reference(ToRs) for the ESIA,
 Carrying out Social Surveys
 Compiling Environmental Impact Statement;
 Developing EIA management and monitoring plan;
 Liaising with the National Environmental Management
Authority and other stakeholders.

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd

15. Assignment Name: Country: Uganda
Environmental and Social
Impacts Assessment for the
Proposed Rehabilitation of
Lyantonde of Water Supply
Location within Country: Professional Staff Provided
Lyantonde District by Bidder (profiles): EIA
Specialist; Natural Resources
Specialist; Water Engineer;
Social Economist
Name of Client: No. of staff: 4
Directorate of Water
Address: Directorate of Water No. of staff months;
Development Duration of the Assignment:
P.O. Box 20026 Kampala 4 Months
Start date Completion Approx value of the services
(month/ date (month/ (in currency UGX):
year): May year): August 43,200,000 UGX
2009 2009
Name of Associated No of professional staff-
Consultancy Firms, if Any: months provided by
Hydraulic and Sanitation associated Consultancy
Consult Firms: 4

Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team
Leader) Involved and Functions Performed: Dr. Denis
Byamukama – ESIA Specialist and Overall Team Leader, Pius
Kahangirwe- Natural Resources Specialist, Stephen Nsubuga-
Water Engineer, Anthony Begumisa – Social Economist
Narrative description of Project:
The Ministry of Water and Environment intended to
rehabilitate and Upgrade the water supply system for
Lyantonde Town. Funds for these projects were provided under
the water and sanitation development fund (WSDF). It is
against this background that an ESIA was sanctioned to be
conducted before the actual works can commence.
Description of actual services provided by your staff::
 Environmental Baseline data collections
 Social Field Surveys
 Environmental field reconnaissance
 Scoping
 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA);
 Compiled Environmental Impact Statement (EIS);
 Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and
monitoring plan;
 Liaised with the National Environment Management
Authority (NEMA) to approve the projects.

Consultancy Services for Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for Proposed Irrigation Schemes

4.2.1 Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd

16. Assignment Name: Approx. Value of the
Consultancy Services for Seismic Contract (in Current
Assessment, Environmental Impact USD): 243,243.24 (Sub
Assessment, Social Impact contract)
Assessment and Resettlement
Action Plan for Kiba Hydropower
Country: Uganda Duration of the
Location within Country Assignment (months):
10 Months Contract
Name of Client: Energy Infratech Total No of Staff-
Private Limited, India. months of the
Address:14,Factory Road, Ground Approx. Value of
Floor, Block A, Safadarjung Services provided by
your Consultant
under the contract (in
Current USD):
Start Completion Date No of professional
Date (Month/Year): staff-months provided
(Month/ Dec 2018 by associated
Year): Consultants: N/A
Name of Associated Firm(s), if Name of senior
any: professional staff of
your Consultant
Energy Infratech Private Limited involved and functions
Dr. Denis Byamukama ,
Nelson Ruhaabwa
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Tashobya (Energy
Speciaist), Pius
Kahangirwe (OSH
Robert Kityo, Andrew
Dennis Kamoga,
Bernard Ochola, Paul
Narrative Description of Project:
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff
within the assignment:
 Responsible for quality assurance for the updated ESIA

report for the power plant and ESIA reports for ancillary
 Prepared ESIA for access roads to Government of

Uganda and IFC standards.

 Preparing RAP for the Hydropower Project

 Prepared ESIA for campsite to Government of Uganda

and IFC standards.

 Prepared ESIA for Quarry site to Government of Uganda

and IFC standards.

 Attended meetings related to the Kiba Hydropower

Project study as and when required

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd

17. Assignment Name: Resettlement Country: Uganda
Action Plan for the Karuma
Hydropower Project
Location within country: Masindi, Professional staff provided
Kiryandongo and Amuru Districts by consultant(profiles): RAP
Specialist, Valuer, Land
Surveyor, Environmental
Name of client: Energy Infratech No of staff: 5
Address: P.O. Box 7270, Kampala-Uganda No of staff-months;
Tel: +256 414 235889
duration of assignment: 12
Contact Person: Otim Moses
Tel +256 777 912870
Start date Completion date Approx. Value of services
(month/year) (month/year) (in current US$):
January, 2010 - January 2011 160,000USD

Name of associated consultants if No of months of

any: professional staff provided
by associated consultants:
Name of senior staff (project director/coordinator, team leader)
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

involved and functions performed: RAP and Occupation Health

Specialist – Mr.Benard J. O. Ojangole, Socio-
Economic/Environmental Economist – Ms. Edith Birungi Kahubire,
Archaeologist – Mr. Dismas, Valuation Surveyor – Mr. Paul Mungati,
Land Surveyor – Katusabe Mitusera
Narrative description of project: The Government of Uganda is
developing the Karuma Hydropower Project on the Nile River and a
resettlement action plan was commissioned as part the project
preparatory requirements

Description of actual services provided by your staff:

 Carried out a reconnaissance study.
 Took details of the developments on the affected land.
 Assessed the values of each of the properties.
 Prepared a map of the project
 Presented the valuation report approved by the Chief
Government Valuer to the Client.

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd

18. Assignment Name: Valuation & Country:
Land Survey for the Resettelement Uganda.
Action Plan for the proposed diversions
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

on the proposed Mbarara – Nkenda

High Voltage 132 KV Line.
Location within Country: Professional Staff Provided
Western Uganda by Your Firm: Valuers (03),
Land Surveyors (03)
Name of Client: Uganda Electricity No of Staff: 06
Transmission Company Limited
Address: No of Staff Months: 03
Plot 10, Hannington Road,
P. O. Box 7625, Kampala - Uganda
Suite B5, Block 2,
Start Date: Completion Date: Approx. Value of Services
October 2013 (in Current USD): US$ 85,
13 August 2012
Name of Associated Firm(s), if any: No of Months of
Professional Staff Provided
MPG associates
by Associated Firm(s): 08
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader)
involved and functions performed: Joseph L. K. Biribonwa –
Valuation Survey Team Leader
Functions Performed: Supervising the team of Valuers, preparing a
comprehensive valuation report for the Client. Joyce Gunze – Land
Survey Team Leader
Functions Performed: Supervising the team of land surveyors,
preparing a survey report, strip map and drawings.
Michael Mwizerwa and Andrew Nyumba – Valuers
Functions Performed: Collecting data from the field
Other Staff: Brian Baguma – Surveyor, Mubarak Isabirye –
Functions Performed: Capturing the extents of the affected land,
preparing strip map
Narrative Description of Project:

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited (UETCL) is

constructing a 132kV power transmission line from Mbarara to
Nkenda. RAP implementation is underway. However, developments
within the proposed corridor, which were not there during the RAP
study, have caused a requirement for diversions. WSS Services and
MPG Associates were assigned to carry out valuation and land survey
for the diversions, an aggregate length of approximately 17KM.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff:
 Carrying out a reconnaissance study.
 Setting out the line and extents of the way leaves for the proposed
 Taking the details of the PAPs, and their properties, and tenure.
 Assessing the values of each of the properties.
 Preparing a strip map of the line for the proposed diversions.
 Presenting the final report to the Chief Government Valuer and to
the Client.


Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd
1. Assignment Approx. Value of the
NameEnvironmental and Contract (in Current USD):
Social Impact Assessment 147,000 USD
and Resettlement Action
Plan (RAP) for the Ayago

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Hydropower Project, Uganda

Country: Uganda Duration of the Assignment
(months): 12 Month Contract
Location within Country:
Masindi, Kiryandongo and
Amuru Districts
Name of Client: Total No of Staff-months of
JICA Study Team c/o the Assignment: 12
Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Development
(MEMD) together with the
Uganda Electricity
Generation Company
Limited (UEGCL) Nwoya &
Kiryandongo, Uganda
Address: P.O. Box 7270, Approx. Value of Services
Kampala-Uganda provided by your Consultant
Tel: +256 414 235889 under the contract (in
Contact Person: Otim Moses Current USD): 130,000
Tel +256 777 912870
Start Date Compl No of professional staff-
July, 2012 etion months provided by
Date associated Consultants: N/A
Name of Associated Name of senior professional staff
Firm(s), if any: of your Consultant involved and
functions performed:
None Dr. Denis Byamukama (Team
Mr. Edward Mwesigwa (Socio-
economist), Dr. Paul Ssegawa
(Botanist), Dr. Robert Kityo
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

(Wildlife Ecologist), Dr. Andrew

Muwanga (Geologist) , Mr.
Kahangirwe Pius (EIA/Natural
Resources Management Specialist),
Mr. Ochoola Bernard (RAP
Narrative Description of Project:
Ayago Hydro Power Project is a 650 MW Power Plant to be
located on the River Nile. MEMD proposes to develop the
entire natural head drop of 82m as a single power plant
project with a dam to increase the natural head and at the
same time utilizing a surface canal and tunnels to convey the
water to an underground power house and discharging the
water back to the river through tailrace tunnels.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff
within the assignment:
The activities carried out included:,

Carrying out scoping meetings, Baseline studies and

further public consultations; Developing Terms of
Reference (ToRs) for the ESIA, Carrying out Social
Surveys Preparing the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP),
Compiling Environmental Impact Statement;
Developing EIA management and monitoring plan;
Liaising with the National Environmental Management
Authority and other stakeholders.

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd

2. Assignment Approx. Value of the Contract
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

NameEnvironmental and (in Current USD): 290,000

Social Impact Assessment USD
and Resettlement Action
Plan (RAP) for Karuma
Hydro Power Plant
Project, Uganda
Country: Uganda Duration of the Assignment
Location within Country: (months): 12 Month Contract
Masindi, Kiryandongo and
Amuru Districts
Name of Client: Total No of Staff-months of the
Ministry of Energy and Assignment: 12
Mineral Development
(MEMD) together with the
Uganda Electricity
Generation Company
Limited (UEGCL)
Address: P.O. Box 7270, Approx. Value of Services
Kampala-Uganda provided by your Consultant
Tel: +256 414 235889 under the contract (in Current
Contact Person: Otim USD): 290,000
Moses Tel +256 777
Start Date Completio No of professional staff-months
January, 2010 n Date provided by associated
January Consultants: N/A
Name of Associated Name of senior professional
Firm(s), if any: staff of your Consultant
involved and functions
None performed:
Dr. Denis Byamukama (Team
Leader), Mr. Edward Mwesigwa
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

(Socio-economist), Dr. Paul

Ssegawa (Botanist), Dr. Robert
Kityo (Wildlife Ecologist), Dr.
Andrew Muwanga (Geologist) ,
Mr. Kahangirwe Pius
(EIA/Natural Resources
Management Specialist), Mr.
Ochoola Bernard (RAP
Narrative Description of Project:
Karuma Hydro Power Project of a 650 – 700 MW Power
Plant located on the River Nile about 80 km downstream of
Masindi port on the exit of Lake Kyoga in central Uganda.
MEMD proposes to develop the entire natural head drop of
76m as a single power plant project with a dam to increase
the natural head and at the same time utilizing a surface canal
and tunnels to convey the water to an underground power
house and discharging the water back to the river through
tailrace tunnels.
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff
within the assignment:
Carry out scoping meetings, Baseline studies and further
public consultations; Developing Terms of Reference(ToRs)
for the ESIA, Carried out Social Surveys, Prepared the
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Compiled Environmental
Impact Statement; Develop EIA management and monitoring
plan; Liaise with the National Environmental Management
Authority and other stakeholders.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultant’s Name:WSS Services (U) Ltd

3. Assignment Name Updating the Approx. Value of the
main project Environment and Contract (in Current
Social Impact Assessment, and USD): 29,500 (Sub
preparation of ESIAs for support contract)
facilities i.e project access roads,
quarry and camp for the proposed
Kikagati Hydropower Project.
Country: Uganda Duration of the
Location within Country Assignment (months):
5 Months Contract
Name of Client: Kikagati Power Total No of Staff-
Company Ltd months of the
Address: Approx. Value of
Services provided by
your Consultant
under the contract (in
Current USD): 29,500
Start Date Completion Date No of professional
(Month/Ye (Month/Year): staff-months provided
ar): April 2016 by associated
Dec 2015 Consultants: N/A
Name of Associated Firm(s), if Name of senior
any: professional staff of
your Consultant
PROESS Engineering Consultants involved and functions
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Dr. Denis Byamukama ,
Nelson Ruhaabwa
Tashobya (Energy
Speciaist), Pius
Kahangirwe (OSH
Narrative Description of Project:
The proposed project was located on River Kagera which is
the main tributary to Lake Victoria and the river basin area
lies within Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Uganda. The
Kikagati site is located on the Kagera River some 200 km
upstream from Lake Victoria, between Kakono and
Kagitumba. The site is accessible via the Mbarara –
Murongo Highway. The project is located at the border of
Uganda and Tanzania and it is designed for a capacity of
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff
within the assignment:
 Responsible for quality assurance for the updated ESIA

report for the power plant and ESIA reports for ancillary
 Prepared ESIA for access roads to Government of

Uganda and IFC standards.

 Prepared ESIA for campsite to Government of Uganda

and IFC standards.

 Prepared ESIA for Quarry site to Government of Uganda

and IFC standards.

 Attended meetings related to the Kikagati Hydropower

Project study as and when required

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultant’s Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd

4. Assignment Name Approx. Value of the
Environmental Auditing of Contract (in Current
Kabalega Hydropower Plant, USD): 15,000 (Sub
Buseruka, Hoima District. contract)
Country: Uganda Duration of the
Location within Country Assignment (months): 5
Hoima District Months Contract
Name of Client: HYDROMAX Total No of Staff-
LIMITED months of the
Address: Approx. Value of
Plot 349,Bombo Road Services provided by
P O Box 270227 Kampala, your Consultant under
Uganda the contract (in Current
Tel: +256-414 567794 USD): 15,000
Start Date Completion Date No of professional staff-
(Month/Ye (Month/Year): months provided by
ar): December, 2016 associated Consultants:
August N/A
Name of Associated Firm(s), if Name of senior
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

any: professional staff of

your Consultant
Eco Innovations International involved and functions
Dr. Denis Byamukama ,
Nelson Ruhaabwa
Tashobya (Energy
Speciaist), Pius
Kahangirwe (OSH
Narrative Description of Project:
Kabalega Hydroelectric Power Station, also known as
Kabalega Power Station is a 9 MW (12,000 hp) hydroelectric
power plant located across River Wambabya, in Buseruka
Sub County, Hoima District,
Description of Actual Services Provided by Your Staff
within the assignment:
As part of the scope of works, the following issues were
looked at;
 Identifying inadequacies in environmental management,
and occupational health and safety issues in the plant
 Determining the need for remedial actions necessary to
bring the hydropower plant into compliance with the
National Environment policies aimed at enhancing the
environmental and social performance of the plant.
 Recommending actions to be taken to improve and
strengthen environmental and health and safety
management at the plant.
 Preparing a practically implementable environmental
monitoring and compliance schedule for the non-
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

conformance identified

5 Curriculum Vitae for Experts

5.1 Design Engineers
5.1.1 5.1.1. Joseph Ogwal

Position Title and No. Team Leader
Name of Expert Joseph Richard Oyie
Date of Birth 02 May 1971
Country of Ugandan/Uganda
200 Cert (Accounting and Uganda Management
3 Financial Management for Institute (Uganda)
Non-Financial Managers)
199 Msc Transport (Operations Imperial College

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

6 Research) London (United

199 BEng (Civil Engineering) Birmingham
4 University(University
Employment Record Relevant to the Assignment
Perio Employing organization Count Summary of activities performed
d and Title/Position ry relevant to the assignment
Employer: National Water & Ugand  Ensure the performance of the
Sewerage Corporation a Kampala Water (KW) contracts
Position held: Chairman - committee is in accordance with all
Kampala Water Contracts legal requirements, codes of
Committee conduct, and standards established
Reference: by the Public Procurement and
Name: Eng Andrew Sekayizzi Disposal Authority
Position: General Manager -  Manage all KW procurements as
Kampala Water delegated by the Headquarters
Contact: 0717 316502 contracts committee
Aug Employer: National Water & Ugand  Manage the operations of the Branch
2009 - Sewerage Corporation a under a delegated management
Dec contract
2010 Position Held: Branch  In charge of 8,500No. Accounts and
Manager - Kansanga Branch 50No. staff
 Responsible for overall management
Reference: of the Branch along the following key
Name: Eng Andrew Sekayizzi performance indicators: water sales,
Position: General Manager - billings, collections, arrears recovery,
Kampala Water reduction of suppressed accounts,
Contact: 0717 316502 collection and connection efficiency,
customer care, and finance and
 In charge of managing all corporation
assets at the Branch.
Sept Employer: National Water & Uganda  Manage the operations of the Branch
2006 - Sewerage Corporation under a delegated management contract
Jul  In charge of 17,000No. Accounts and
2009 Position Held: Branch Manager 45No. staff
-Ntinda Branch  Responsible for overall management of
the Branch along the following key
Reference: performance indicators: water sales,
Name: Eng Andrew Sekayizzi billings, collections, arrears recovery,
Position: General Manager - reduction of suppressed accounts,
Kampala Water collection and connection efficiency,
Contact: 0717 316502 customer care, and finance and
 In charge of managing all corporation

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

assets at the Branch

 Participated in the conceptualization of
the SMS water account inquiry service
July Employer: National Water & Uganda Manage the operations of the area under a
2000 Sewerage Corporation delegated management contract
Sept In charge of 34,000No. Accounts and 35No.
2005 Position Held: Area Manager staff
Lira Responsible for overall management of the
area along the following key
Reference: performance indicators: water sales,
Name: Eng. Johnson Amayo billings, collections, arrears recovery,
Position: D MD NWSC reduction of suppressed accounts,
Contact: 0717 315117 collection and connection efficiency,
customer care, and finance and
In charge of managing all corporation assets
at the Area
Conceptualizing and developing mains
extension plans.
Sept Employer: National Water & Uganda  Manage the operations of the area
1998 Sewerage Corporation  under a delegated management
June  contract
2000 Position Held: Area Engineer  Develop, implement, and manage
Jinja  network planning processes,
 procedures and documentation
 Construction Works supervision
Name: Eng Andrew Sekayizzi
 Ensure proposed extensions,
Position: Area Manager –Jinja
Contact: 0717 316502  intensifications, and new
 connections meet design criteria
 In charge of capital development
 projects
 Carry out network balancing
 Propose interventions to alleviate
water stressed areas
Memberships to Professional Associations
 Registered Engineer with Engineers Registration Board - Uganda (No: 594)
 Member of Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers
Languages in which candidate can work
English Luo Luganda Lusoga

Adequacy for the Assignment:

Assignments that best illustrates Capability to handle the assigned tasks

Name of Assignment 1: Soil Survey, topographical survey and design of micro irrigation scheme at Andibo
dam in Nebbi District
Year: Ongoing
Location: Nebbi
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
Position held: Team Leader
Main project features

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Assess the potential for small scale irrigation

 Identification of potentials and constraints related to crop production and agriculture
 Carryout field and soil investigation including Agronomy studies.
Value of project(in $ or €): $59,842
Name of Assignment 2: Feasibility study, design and construction supervision of 900 Household and 10
Communal Rainwater Harvesting Facilities in Apac, Bududa, Katakwi and Otuke Districts
Year: Ongoing
Location: Bududa ,Katawi, Apac and Otuke Districts
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
Position held: Team leader
Main project features:
 Carrying out stakeholder consultations in order to evolve effective cost sharing arrangements taking into
consideration the pilot revolving fund approach as an option
 Identifying acceptable and affordable technological options for rainwater harvesting facilities in target areas
 Designing technical specifications for the preferred options in each project district
Value of project(in $ or €):$88,791
Name of Assignment 3:Asset Inventory and Conditional Assessment and Detailed Design for Rehabilitation
and Expansion of Bwera Gravity Flow Scheme in Kasese
Year: 2014-2016
Location: Kasese
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment –SW
Positions held: Supervision Engineer/Deputy Team Leader
Main project features:
Developing hydraulic design
Propose management strategy for the system
Environmental Impact assessment
Preparing drawings, technical specification, bills of quantities and tender documents
Value of project (in $ or €): $20,558,000
Name of Assignment 4: Design of selected towns/rural growth centre. Lot 3: Acholi Bur RGC and Rackoko
RGC in Pader District, Agago Town Council in Agago District and Amac RGC in Lira District
Year: 2014– 2016
Location: Pader ,Agago and Lira Districts
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
Positions held: Assistant Project Engineer/Supervising Engineer
Main project features: Improvement of water and sanitation status of the urban poor in Kampala Slum areas
Main features:
 Detailed engineering designs
 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
 Preparation of drawings, technical specification, bills of quantity and tender documents
Value of project(in $ or €): $162,660
Name of Assignment 5: Lugooba/ Kawempe Water Supply Stabilisation
Year: 2009 – 2010
Location: Kampala
Client: National Water & Sewerage Corporation
Main project features: Improve water supply in the areas around Lugoba hill, Kazo, JinjaKaroli/Kawempe
and Nabweru
Value of project(in $ or €):$850,000
Positions held: Supervision Engineer
Activities performed:
 Supervised construction of 600m3 reservoir and
 Interconnecting main supply pipe works
Name of Assignment 6: Bulk Transfer of water from Gunhill to Nagulu Reservoir – 6 Million litres/day

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Year: 2013-2015
Location: Naguru
Client: National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Main project features
Laying the DN 300, delivery main 100 meters and interconnection to the existing main
Pump house construction at centenary park
Electro Mechanical Installation (3 sets of pumps)
Laying 6Km of DN250 of steel pipes from centenary park to Nagulu
Value of project (in $ or €): $ 1,643,000
Positions held: Supervising Engineer
Activities performed:
 Supervision of construction
 Quality assurance
 Pipe testing
Expert’s Contact Information
E-mail address: jogwal@gmail.com
Phone: +256 772 453931
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my
disqualification of dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Joseph Ogwal 20th/11/2018

Name of Expert Signature Date:(DD/MM/YY)

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20th/11/2018

Name of Authorised Signature Date:(DD/MM/YY)

Representative of Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.1.2 Jotham Sempewo

Position Title and No. Design Engineer
Name of Expert Eng. Dr. Jotham Sempewo
Date of Birth 17/04/1975
Country of Citizenship/Residence Uganda
Year Qualification Institution
2009 - 2013 PhD Civil Engineering University of Birmingham
2006 - 2008 MSc. in Municipal Water and UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education,
Infrastructure Delft, Netherlands.
1994 - 1998 BSc. in Civil Engineering Makerere University Kampala, Uganda
Employment record relevant to the assignment:
Perio Employing Countr Summary of activities performed
d organization and y
2013 – Employer: BEC
To Engineers 
Designing Infrastructures
Uganda 
Preparation of Tender
Position held: Design
Engineer/Project 
Project Management
12 -
Position Held: District
Engineer 
Provide leadership
13 coordinate manage and quality assurance of
Employer: Mityana all technical work in the district, including
District Local construction and maintenance of roads, buildings,
Uganda water works and bridges, ensuring provision of
effective repair, service to motor vehicles, plants
and machinery.

 Responsible for preparation of contract

documents and Cost estimates for infrastructure
Jan 11
- Dec
Employer: University
of South Florida
 My role was to develop approaches for
11 Transitioning Urban Infrastructure Systems (UIS).

Position Held: Visiting  Some of the main responsibilities included

PhD Research Fellow working on resiliency issues relating to Tampa Bay,
Patel School of Global particularly on urban flooding, storm surge, and sea
level rise.

 Developed frameworks for the identification

of vulnerabilities and development of
recommendations on resiliency strategies for Tampa
Bay, City of Tampa, City of St. Petersburg, and Gulf
Beach Communities. Particular emphasis was

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

placed on how to transform community UIS with

minimum cost and impact. I was also involved in
proposal writing to source funds for the Centre from
the World Bank, UNEP and UN-HABITANT.
Jan 09
- Dec
Employer: School of
Civil Engineering  Teaching assistant in Water Resources,
12 University of Environmental Engineering, Engineering
Birmingham UK Mathematics, Hydraulics, and Sustainable
Position held: Post Infrastructure systems to Engineering students.
Graduate Teaching
08 -
Employer: South
western Towns Water  Overall in charge community mobilisation,
and Sanitation Project -
MIZZI Marunji  inception Report,

 Preliminary design,
Position held: Team
Leader  detailed design,
 Hygiene education and Ground water
Investigation together with option selection.

 Was also involved in Hydro geological

investigations, i.e. Borehole drilling and pump
testing hygiene education, sanitation Promotion,
capacity development, community Mobilization,
Surveying and water supply and distribution design
05 -
Employer: Mityana
District Local  Provide leadership, coordinate manage and
Sept Government quality assurance of all technical work in the
08 district, including construction and maintenance of
roads, buildings, water works and bridges, provision
Position held: Ag
District Engineer Uganda of effective repair, service to motor vehicles, plants
District Water Engineer and machinery.

 Responsible for preparation of contract

Documents and Cost estimates for infrastructure
00 -
Client: Works and
Technical services
 Responsible for overall leadership of the
Aug Department District Water and Sanitation Programme whose aim
05 Mubende District Local was to reduce the number of people without access
Government to safe and clean water and to develop sustainable
and innovative approaches for water supply in rural
Position held: District growth centres.
Water Engineer
 I lead over staff of the water department;

 was responsible for building partnerships

among district local governments implementing
partners, building capacity of local partners and

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

communities, and developing successful and

innovative strategies to improve results yet ensuring
adherence to budgets and compliance to GOU/donor
98 -
Employer: Spencon
Services Ltd  Supervising Works
00  Preparing Works progress reports
Position held: Civil
Engineer Uganda  Prepare monthly site meetings minutes

 Quality assurance

 Measure the Completed Works

Membership in Professional Association

 Corporate Member Uganda Institute of Professional Engineers No:PE/666
 Registered with the Engineers Registration Board of Uganda–RE 638
Language Speaking Writing Reading
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Luganda Excellent Good Very Good
Swahili Good Fair Good
Runyakitara Good Fair Good
Lusoga Excellent Good Very Good
Adequacy for the Assignment:
Reference to Prior Work that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Assigned Tasks
1. Name of assignment or project: Asset Inventory and Condition assessment and detailed design for
rehabilitation and expansion of Bwera gravity flow scheme
Year: Dec 2014 - 2016
Location: Kasese, Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
Main project features: Generate the existing scheme asset database and develop detailed engineering
designs for rehabilitation and expansion of Bwera Gravity Scheme (GFS) to meet its expanded demand
for the population of the people of Karambi, Bwera, Nyakiyumbu, Isango and Part of Mukunyu Sub
Counties in Kasese District; to carry out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the service levels,
functionality and water quality of the Bwera Water Supply and to provide training and capacity building
in all aspects of project development for the client’s counterpart staff including district and TSU staff.
Positions held: Design Engineer
Activities performed:
 Demand assessment

 Preparation of hydraulic design and review of alternatives

 Design of Transmission and Distribution main

 Drawing up setup for topographical survey

 Preparing BOQ’s and Specification

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Cost estimation

 Review of O&M costs

 Preparing Operation and Maintenance framework

 Production of Reports
2. Name of assignment or project: Mobilization and design of water and sanitation scheme for Kazo ,
Sanga and Kiruhura Towns in Kiruhura District - South western Towns Water and Sanitation Project -
MIZZI Marunji
Year: June - December 2008
Positions held: Team Leader
 Overall in charge community mobilisation,

 Inception Report,

 Preparation of Preliminary design,

 Preparation detailed design,

 Hygiene education and

 Ground water Investigation together with option selection.

 Was also involved in

 Hydro geological investigations, i.e. Borehole drilling and pump testing

 Hygiene education, sanitation Promotion, capacity development, community Mobilization,

 Surveying
3. Name of assignment or project: Design, documentation and construction supervision for the
following Rural Growth Centre Water Supply Schemes
Client: District Water and Sanitation Conditional Grant Projects:
 Kassanda water supply in Mubende,

 Busunjju water supply scheme in Mityana District,

 Kanyogoga water supply system in Mubende

 Positions held: Design Engineer

4. Name of assignment or project: Design, documentation and construction supervision of Kasambya
Water Supply and Sanitation Project
Client: Directorate of Water Development/Ministry of water and Environment
Positions held: Counterpart Engineer
5. Name of assignment or project: Feasibility study and detailed design of water supply systems for
selected towns Lot:1 Tubur, Acowa, Amudat And Kidetok
Location: Eastern District
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment, Water and Sanitation Development Facility - East
Positions held: Design Engineer
6. Name of assignment or project: Design and documentation of Kakindu Rural Growth Centre Water

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Supply Project in Mityana District.

Location: Mityana
Client: Directorate of Water Development
Positions held: Design Engineer
7.Name of assignment of project: Feasibility assessment for 60 water supply schemes and Technical
Planning, Design and Construction Supervision of 20 Solar Powered Mini-piped Water Schemes
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment with funding from the African Development Fund
Positions held: Project Manager
 Carrying out design, procurement and supervision of installation for solar energy packages on
selected boreholes in rural areas distributed among the Technical Support Units and to
additionally design water storage facilities for the benefiting communities

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my
disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank

Eng. Dr. Jotham Sempewo 20th11/2018

Name of Expert Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20th/11/2018

Name of authorized Representative Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)
of Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.2 Hydrologists / Water Resource Experts

5.2.1 Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye
Position Title and No. Hydrologist/Water Resources Management
Name of Expert Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye
Date of Birth April 28, 1971
Country of Citizenship/Residence Ugandan


Educational Institution Dates attended Award, degree(s)/diploma(s) obtained

National University of Ireland, Cork March 2006 – PhD in Hydro informatics

(University College Cork), Rep. of March 2009
Institute of Industrial Leadership September Post-graduate Diploma in Industrial
(EIIL), Brussels, Belgium. 2006 – May Leadership
UNESCO-IHE, Institute for Water October 2003 – Master of Science in Water Science and
Education, Delft, The Netherlands. May 2005 Engineering (Hydro informatics) -
Makerere University, Kampala, October 1997 – Bachelor of Science (Civil) Engineering
Uganda. (Upper second class Honours June 2001 (Upper Second Division)
Kyambogo University, Kampala, October 1991 – Diploma (credit) in Water Engineering
Uganda. June 1993
Employment record relevant to the assignment
Period Employing organization Country Summary of activities performed
and title/position relevant to the assignment
August Makerere University Uganda Emmanuel is a water and sanitation
2012- date Kampala – Lecturer management specialist with over 17
years’ experience. He has been involved
March Volunteer International Various in several water and sanitation projects,
2016 – to Standards Organisation prepared water catchment management
date (ISO) on sanitation plans, performed assessments of existing
standards – ISO PC water resources in Uganda, designed and
30500, PC 318 built several water and waste water
April 2012 WSS Services (U) Ltd - Uganda treatment plants as well as water supply
– date Knowledge and Projects systems, conducted Environmental and
Management Consultant Social Impact assessments and relevant
March University College Cork, Uganda studies and research in the water and
2009 – Ireland –Part time sanitation sector.
January Lecturer Emmanuel has facilitated trainings in
2012 operating urban water supplies, integrated
March University College Cork, Ireland water resources management and climate
2009 – Ireland - change in the East African region and was
January Researcher/Business a Lecturer.
2012 Development Manager, His experience ranges from projects

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Period Employing organization Country Summary of activities performed

and title/position relevant to the assignment
ITOBO Project
October WSS Services (U) Ltd - Uganda
2001- Operations Partner
September National Water & Uganda
1994 – Sewerage Corporation implemented by Governments, NGOs,
September (NWSC) - Area and Development partners such as World
2001 Manager/ Engineer Bank, Danish Association for
1994 Mbarara District Water Uganda International Co-operation and
Office - Water and Gesellschaft für Internationale
Sanitation Field Officer Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Membership in Professional Associations

 Member Institution of Engineers Ireland.

 Member of the Uganda WASH standardization Committee UNBS

 Member European Construction Technology Platform.

 Member European Geosciences Union.


Language Write Speak

Runyakitara Excellent Excellent
Runyarwanda Good Good
English Excellent Excellent
Adequacy for the Assignment:
Reference to prior work/assignments that best illustrates capability to handle the assigned tasks

Assignment 1
Team leader/Consultant for Feasibility Study, Design and Construction Supervision of Household
and Communal Rainwater Harvesting Facilities in Apac, Bududa, Katakwi and Otuke Districts 2016-
2018 (on going)
Eng Ian Arebahona Project Manager- 0702471090 ianarebahona@mwe.go.ug
To carry out a feasibility study that will guide the choice and location of climate-resilient household and
communal rainwater harvesting facilities to be built. With the downstream services of the consultant to
include for:
 Facilitating the procurement of construction companies to undertake the construction

 Supervising the construction companies undertaking the construction, including the associated
contract management responsibilities as defined under standard construction contracts.
Activities Performed
i. Carry out stakeholder consultations in order to evolve effective cost sharing arrangements taking into
consideration the pilot revolving fund approach as an option.
ii. Identify acceptable and affordable technologies options for rainwater harvesting facilities in the target

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

iii. Design and clarify the technical specifications for the preferred options in each project district.
iv. Prepare tender documents to enable the client procure and partner with competent construction
companies for construction of the facilities.
v. Supervise construction of the works to ensure compliance with standards and specifications.
Assignment 2
Team leader/Hydrologist working with the Ministry of Water and Environment on the Development of
Rwizi Catchment Management Plan in Western Uganda – 2016 to 2017
Richard Musota (Manager WMZ-West 0772520966– richard.musota@gmail.com)
The project involves developing water and related natural resources catchment management plan that
clearly spells out management and investment measures as well as policy and legal recommendations for
sustainable use and development.
Activities performed include;

i. Leading the team in planning and reporting

ii. Describing the catchment and sub catchment boundaries.
iii. Selecting the analytical tools for planning and water resources management for R. Rwizi catchment.
iv. Assessing the baseline water resources availability in river Rwizi Catchment, building on earlier
assessments already done, carrying out stakeholder review and engagement
v. Carrying out a strategic Social and Environmental Assessment (SSEA), Designing frame work in
collaboration with river Rwizi catchment management committee and Victoria Water Management
Assignment 3
Project Manager/Hydrologist working with the Ministry of Water and Environment on Asset
Inventory and Assessment, Feasibility study and design for Rehabilitation and Expansion of Bwera
Water Gravity Flow Scheme in Kasese District, Uganda – 2015 to 2016
Lamu Olwenyi Project Manager 0772453395 lamu.olweny@mwe.go.ug
The Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) through the Directorate of Water Development (DWD)
embarked on a drive to rehabilitate and extend selected water systems to bring them in tandem with
existing changing pressures which had outstripped existing systems of their capacity to meet the ever
changing levels of service. The stated objective was to support the “Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Program” to increase access to sustainable water supply and build capacity of district and community
personnel so as to match the increasing water needs. Bwera Gravity Flow Scheme was one of the
systems to be developed to supply Bwera Town Council and Karambi, Bwera, Nyakiyumbu, Isango and
Part of Mukunyu sub-counties in Bukonzo County Kasese District.
Activities Performed
i. Lead the project activities through field and office activities and provide backstopping and quality
ii. Generate the existing scheme asset database – schema and data objects
iii. Review the detailed engineering designs for rehabilitation and expansion of Bwera Gravity Scheme
(BGFS) to meet expanded demand for the population of the people of Karambi, Bwera, Nyakiyumbu,
Isango and Part of Mukunyu Sub Counties in Kasese District;
iv. Supervise the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the service levels, functionality and water
quality of the BGFS and
v. Provide training and capacity building in all aspects of project development for the client’s
counterpart staff including district and TSU staff.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

vi. Project Coordination and Management as well as liaison with Client project Staff
vii. Co-ordination of services and monitoring quality of performance as well as adherence to TOR and
established work programme
Assignment 4
Supervisor/Consultant for water supply facilities for Acholi bur and Rackoko RGCs in Pader district,
Agago town council in Agago district and Amach RGC in lira district (WSDF-N) 2015-2016
Opige Johnson Project Manager johnsonopige@yahoo.com
In support to the development of water supply systems and sanitation facilities in STs and RGC through
a decentralized and demand driven financing mechanism in Northern Uganda districts, WSDF-N hired
WSS Services to carry out the above assignmenent.
Activities Performed
i. To design cost-effective Water Supply Systems and Sanitation Facilities in the selected small
towns/rural growth centres;
ii. To propose an Operation and Maintenance framework for the constructed Water Supply Systems and
Sanitation Facilities in the selected small towns/rural growth centers with to ensure sustainability.
Assignment 5
Project Manager: Developing a Strategy for Mainstreaming Occupational Safety and Health into
UNRA Operations 2014-2015
Dr. David Kyadondo -0772410806 - David.KYADDONDO@unra.go.ug
The purpose of the consultancy is to mainstream occupational safety and health into UNRA operations
which include identification of OSH concerns in national roads development and maintenance and
articulate the actions to address them.
Activities Performed

i. Establishing a baseline with policies procedures and goals for OSH in UNRA and the country
ii. Identify OSH concerns in national roads development and maintenance, and
iii. Articulate actions to address the concerns.
iv. Assess the adequacy of existing policy, regulations and legal framework for mainstreaming of OSH
in the subsector. Assess needs, challenges and gaps in the sub-sector related to implementation of
v. Supervise the development of OSH Management and promotion strategy documents for
mainstreaming OSH
vi. Develop proposals on knowledge support Services and promotion advocacy
vii. Develop a comprehensive policy guidance document on implementing OSH in the sub-sector
(mainstreaming manual)
viii. Develop structured training manuals that address different stakeholder needs
ix. Development of an implementation, monitoring, enforcement, evaluation and supervision matrix for
the different stakeholders
Assignment 6
Water Resources Expert: Assessing Governance and Integrity in the Water Supply and Sanitation
(WSS) Subsector 2013-2014
Dr. Joachim Lehmann Technical Adviser Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH +256 772 769 464Joachim.Lehmann@giz.de
Water Integrity Network (WIN) in collaboration with Ministry of Water & Environment (MWE) and
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH commissioned a study to assess
the Governance and Integrity in the Water Supply and Sanitation(WSS)signed

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Activities performed
i. Assessment of the policies, laws and regulations governing the WSS sector and the implementation
of these instruments in achievement of key integrity objectives. Identify the limitations of existing
regulations and their implementation in water supply development and service and parameters for
their better application are adumbrated. Consultant also reviewed the risks and hotspots identified in
previous studies.
ii. Assessing methods for mainstreaming good governance actions and embedding them inthe action
plans and budgets of WSS departments. The action plan was assessed for impact and appropriateness
for advancing integrity in the sectortasks.
Assignment 7
Individual Consultant: Assessment of the performance of the Management Contract between
Ministry of Water & Environment and NETWAS for appropriate Technology Centre (ATC) Mukono
Dr. Ogiramoi Nyeko Project Manager-0712813380 nyeko.ogiramoi@gmail.com
The objective of this study is to provide MWE and other stakeholders with a technical and professional
contract performance review of the ATC operations. The specific objectives of the review process for
ATC activities are:
i. Review the general performance of the management contract and advise whether or not it is in line
with the set long-term goals of ATC or whether the objectives are being met or need to be amended.
ii. Review the terms and conditions of the current management contract and advise on whether or not
amendment shall be needed based on the terms and conditions and terms needed to produce
deliverables and outputs stipulated in the contract.
iii. Review the stipulated management arrangements in the agreement compared with the actual
management and propose how best the management arrangements could be improved.
iv. Study the scope of the current works being undertaken by ATC/NETWAS and outputs being
delivered as compared to the requirements of the ToR of the management contract and propose
amendments where necessary.
v. Review the sufficiency of the level (qualifications and number) of the current staffing manning
vi. Review the financial performance and efficacy under the current management contract and identify
gaps that need to be addressed; proposed way forward.
vii. Provide a rational and objective conclusion on the feasibility of continuing under the current
program design and implementation, possible and required changes for reaching the stated
viii. Assess and advise on the current collaboration arrangement and involvement of other stakeholders
in the activities of ATC.
ix. To make recommendations in terms of long term sustainability of ATC as self-sustaining entity
capable of undertaking R&D and training for the water and sanitation sector.
Assignment 8
Water Engineer working with Ministry of Water and Environment/Water Integrity Network on
Assessment of Governance and Integrity in the Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Subsector in
Uganda, 2012 to 20135.
Dr. Joachim Lehmann Technical Adviser Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH +256 772 769 464 Joachim.Lehmann@giz.de
Emmanuel was part of team of consultants (Water Engineer) contracted from WSS Services Ltd to

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

perform the following activities;

i. Develop practical recommendations to make the on-going efforts to promote good governance in
the Water Supply and Sanitation subsector more effective;
ii. Identify specific activities to promote good governance in the regulation of the WSS subsector: and
iii. Develop an indicator (or indicators) to monitor integrity in the water sector & regulation of the
water sector and based on the results of this experience, propose a detailed approach for developing
a governance indicator for the Water Supply and Sanitation subsector.
Assignment 9
Water & Sanitation Specialist working with Ministry of Water & Environment on Assessment of
Water Use and Demand in Lake Albert Basin, western Uganda – 2012-2013
Mr Kalisiti Mugaya Project Manager- 0772521413 kalisitimugaya@mwe.go.ug
The Directorate of Water Resources Management (DWRM) of the Ministry of Water and Environment
(MWE) to carry out a rapid assessment of the current /existing water resources demand as a part of the
planning process for water allocation along water management zones. Emmanuel was a Water &
Sanitation Specialist on this project.
Activities performed:
i. Geo reference water abstraction and waste water discharge points for the permitted and non-
permitted water sources.
ii. Determined the present water demand per use.
iii. Determined the waste discharge load into the water sources.
iv. Determined the water demand and waste load projection for a five-year period up to year 2033.
Assignment 10
Water and Sanitation Specialist - Ground Water Resources Study and Environmental and Social
assessment in the Lava Region, Rwanda 2012-2013
This project involved assessment of the potential of groundwater in the area and targeted; a diagnosis of
the level of groundwater; a geological prospectus in the region; the morphology of exploitable
groundwater; ability to recharge groundwater; the hydro-geological (permeability, retention capacity,
transmission rate and others) of groundwater; exploitable ground water quality; a proposal for a
management plan of groundwater in the region of lava, and; the exploration of some reconnaissance
Activities performed:

i. Studied the quantity and quality of water available per day and the rural population to be served in
each zone;
ii. Studied the volume of water available for agricultural purposes in the region and the area to serve
taking into account the culture in place, and climate;
iii. Studied the choice of appropriate techniques and materials for the proper exploitation of water
iv. One expertise at least for five wells per district in targeted areas;
v. Prepared measures to be taken for good protection and management of soil and groundwater in the
Region of lava.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Assignment 11
Deputy Team Leader working with National Water & Sewerage Corporation on the design and
construction supervision of a New Intake for SOROTI Water Works in Soroti, Uganda - 2013
Twesigye Paddy Project Manager 0717315122 Paddy.Twesigye@nwsc.co.ug
The project involved conducting preliminary Investigations, preliminary and detailed design, preparation
of tender documents, tender adjudication, Environmental & Social Impact Assessment, and construction

i. Activities performed:
ii. Collected data and prepared for preliminary design.
iii. Led the EIA team.
iv. Carried out survey including bathymetry.
Assignment 12
Team Leader: Provision of consultancy services for developing a National Occupational Safety and
Health Profile 2012-2013
The Ministry of Gender, labour and Social Development has contracted the services of WSS Services
(U) Ltd to formulate the National Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Profile for Uganda. Activities

i. To study the various national laws, policies and regulations and institutional framework documents
relevant to OSH.
ii. To review National OSH profiles of other countries
iii. To generate an inventory of all tools to implement and manage OSH
iv. To identify gaps in the national infrastructure related to the sound management of OSH
v. To hold consultations with the Tripartite partners and other relevant stakeholders
vi. To undertake fact finding tours/visits to specific industries and workplaces to verify information to be
included in the profile including laboratory testing and analysis of OSH variables where necessary
vii. To provide practical information on all ongoing OSH activities, projects and programmes
Assignment 13
Project Director working with Ministry of Water and Environment on the re-design, building and
management and operation of Kalisizo Water supply system in Uganda- 2008 to 2013
The Ministry of Water and Environment entered into a World Bank Global Partnership on Output Based
Aid (GP-OBA), a multi-donor trust fund for improvement of water supply and sanitation systems. The
utility management company (WSS Services (U) Ltd), then entered into contract with MWE to construct
and operate the systems on behalf of the WSS Authority. Emmanuel was the Project Director.
Activities performed:
i. Carried a design of strengthening intake structures, pumping mains, storage and distribution
ii. Design for extension to the pipe network.
iii. Preparing BOQs and construction of the designed works
iv. Supply and installation of bulk and consumer meters
v. Operate and maintain the resulting systems
Assignment 14

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Project Director/Coordinator working with Kasese District Local Government on the survey, design
and documentation of Nyakirango GFS and training of water staff in designing GFS - 2012
The design of the GFS was targeted to serve over 32,000 people in the parishes of Muhindi, Katholhu,
Lyakirema, Kayanja and Bukangara in Nyakiyumbu Sub County in Kasese District, which had people in
camps due to natural disasters as well as refugees in the area due to proximity to the DRC boarder.
Activities performed:
i. Topographic surveying
ii. Baseline Survey
iii. Developed hydraulic design
iv. Documentation
v. Trained District Water office staff in GFS design.
Assignment 15
Consultant working with Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on the
update of the District Water and Sanitation Conditional Grant (DWSCG) Allocation Process in
support of the Good Governance Working Group (GGWG) in the Ministry of Water and Environment
, Uganda - 2012
Dr. Joachim Lehmann Technical Adviser Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH +256 772 769 464Joachim.Lehmann@giz.de
The project involved improvement of the budget allocation process by a modified and extended
application of the improved DWSCG formula. Emmanuel drafted a solid procedural instrument that
enabled decision makers to develop the water and sanitation coverage based on equity, accompanied by
the consideration of different framework conditions.
Activities performed:
i. Reviewed historical actual Budget Allocations
ii. Advised the client on methodology for updating the allocations.
iii. Developed improved formulae for DWSCG budget allocation
iv. Developed scenarios using the current actual budget allocations
Assignment 16
Project Director working with Ministry of Water and Environment on the design building and
operation of Rukungiri Water supply system, in Rukungiri, Uganda - 2008 to 2011
The Ministry of Water and Environment entered into a World Bank Global Partnership on Output Based
Aid (GP-OBA), a multi-donor trust fund for improvement of water supply and sanitation systems. The
utility management company (WSS Services (U) Ltd), then entered into contract with MWE to construct
and operate the systems on behalf of the WSS Authority. Emmanuel was the Project Director.
Activities performed:
i. Prepared a design of strengthening intake structures, pumping mains, storage and distribution
ii. Prepared design for extension to the pipe network.
iii. Prepared BOQs and construction of the designed works.
iv. Supplied and installed pumps, transformers and a generator.
v. Supplied and installed bulk and consumer meters.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

vi. Operated and maintained the resulting systems.

Assignment 17
Trainer with UN OPS for facilitation of a training in Integrated Water Resources Management and
climate change in Bujumbura, Burundi , 2011
Cap-Net and Lake Tanganyika Authority decided to collaborate and conduct a training course in climate
change adaptation through integrated water resources management (IWRM) approach for officials of
countries in the region (Burundi, Tanzania, DR Congo and Zambia). Each training course involved 20
participants with 10 participants from each country. Nile IWRM was therefore requested to assist in
conducting the training. The objectives of the training were to equip staff with knowledge on how best to
address challenges of Climate change in IWRM. Emmanuel was the Trainer.
Activities performed:
i. Provided training on the interaction between climate change and water and how such interaction
manifests itself in the various sectors (health, infrastructure, energy, sanitation etc.
ii. Explored the climate change impacts on river basins (river discharge, water quality, sediment
transport and floods).
iii. Provided training on planning process/tools on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
and River Basin Management and responses to climate change.
iv. Introduced and provided training in risk management and dealing with uncertainties.
v. Introduced and explored how negative effects of climate change can be taken into consideration.
Assignment 18
Water Engineer working with MS Uganda (Danish Association for International Co-operation) to
review, design and build water supply for Majanje , Malaba Uganda- September 2005 to February
Emmanuel performed the following activities as the project Water Engineer;

i. Reviewed the design and performance of the existing water supply systemRe-designed the water
supply system
ii. Built the water supply scheme including pump system, distribution and yard-taps
iii. Refurbished the reservoir
iv. Trained operators and handed over the system
Contact information: (e-mail: broun24@gmail.com, Phone: + 256772488074)
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my
disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20th/11/2018

Name of Expert Signature: Date:(DD/MM/YY)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.2.2 Dr. Peter Mulamba

Position Title and No. Hydrologist
Name of Expert Dr. Peter Mulamba
Date of Birth 14th July 1972
Country of Uganda
Dates Degree(S)/Diploma( Educational
Attended S) Obtained Institutions
2009 PhD (Food, The Ohio State
Agricultural and University (USA), 2009
2001 MSc. (Agric. Eng. Makerere University
(Soil and Water (Uganda), 2001
1996 BSc. (Agric. Eng. Makerere University
(Soil and Water (Uganda)

Professional Trainings
Date Qualifica Course and Institution/Organization
s tion
2009 Certificat Water quality & Sanitation, International
e Institute of Water Management, Turin
2004 Certificat Postgraduate course in Water Resources
e Management & services, International
Institute of Water Management, Turin
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2004 Certificat Decentralization course. Uganda
e Management Institute (Uganda)
1999 Certificat Irrigation Technology. Makerere
e University (Uganda)
1998 Certificat Irrigation systems & Extension.
e MASHAV-CINADCO, Shefayem (Israel)
Employment record relevant to the assignment:
Period E Country
Summary of activities
mp performed relevant to
loy the Assignment

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

1997 – M Uganda Subje
Todate ak cts
ere lectur
re ed:
Un  Climatology &
ty  Applied Hydraulics
Fo & Hydrology
r  Design Project
ref planning
ere  Soil & Water
nc resources
es: Engineering
Dr.  Engineering
experimental design
a  Bioengineering
Wa  Probabilistic
ny methods in
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

(A  Soil & Water

g resources
He Engineering

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes


Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2010 – Ug Uganda
 Environmental
Todate an
Ch  GIS & Remote
ris Sensing Applications
tia  Agricultural
n Mechanization
Un  Hydraulics
ive  Fluid Mechanics
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes


Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes


Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2013 BEC Engineers Uganda
Consultancy Services
For Reference: to Carry Out Pre-
Mr. Lawlence Yiga, Feasibility Studies on
Tel: 0772495218 the Irrigation
(Managing Director Potential in Kween
of BEC Engineers) District
Title/Position:Hydr Activities
ologist Performed:
 Assessing and
determining the most
suitable site for

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

damming to harvest
water for agricultural
 Determining the
potential harvestable
water amounts.
1998 AGRO-TEC / Uganda
Mubuku irrigation
Fintrac scheme infrastructural
For Reference: feasibility study for
Mr. Dominic rehabilitation,
Mucunguzi, Activities Performed:
Tel:+256-772-  Hydraulic and
373337, hydrological
Tel:+256-704- Assessment of hydro-
structures at the
dmucunguzi@yaho scheme
 Soil and water
analyses for crop
(Senior Engineer growing
Ministry of
Agriculture, Animal
Industry and
Fisheries (MAAIF),
& Water -Irrigation
1999- Plan for Uganda
Water for production, a
2000 Modernization of government Medium-
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Agriculture (PMA) Term Policy

For Reference: formulation
Mr. Dominic
Mucunguzi, Activities Performed:
Tel:0772-373337 or National consultant
0704-373337 on water for
dmucunguzi@yaho agricultural
o.com production issues in
dmucunguzi@engin the PMA covering
eer.com water for crop, water
(Senior Engineer for livestock, and
water for aquaculture.
Ministry of
Agriculture, Animal
Industry and
Fisheries (MAAIF),
r & Irrigation
1999 Integrated Rural Ugan Construction of
Development da groundwater storage
Initiative (IRDI) tanks for minimum
For Reference: seepage and using
Mr. Dominic locally available
Mucunguzi, material
Tel:0772-373337 or
0704-373337 Activities Performed:
dmucunguzi@yaho  Guided the
o.com construction of the

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

dmucunguzi@engin storage tanks

(Senior Engineer
Ministry of
Agriculture, Animal
Industry and
Fisheries (MAAIF),
Water Consultant
2001 Makerere Ugan Construction of soil
University da and water conservation
Agricultural structures in the banana
Research Institute plantation fields above
Kabanyolo the bee hives field
For Reference: Activities Performed:
M  Lead the
U execution of the
AR assignment
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes


Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Title/Position: Soil
& Water
2002 Orient Bank Ltd, Ugan Soil and water
For Reference: da feasibility study for
Mr Amos Nzei agricultural
(Land Owner and development of two
Managing Director farms (400 & 300
Century Bottling acres) in Wakiso
Company) district,
Title/Position: Activities Performed:
Principal soil &  Lead consultant
water Engineer on the assignment and
carried out the land
surveying, soil and
water sampling
analyses; and
evaluated the two
farms for irrigated
2003 Cotton Ugan feasibility study of
Development da cotton sites in Uganda
Organization for growing of irrigated
(CDO) cotton
For Reference:
Ben Torach, Activities Performed:
Tel: 0772-441957  Appraisal
(Principal Irrigation (Feasibility study) of
Engineer, MAAIF) cotton sites in Uganda
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Irrigation Technical for growing irrigated

Committee Member cotton.

2002 Migyera UWESO Ugan Conduction of a Land

Training Institute da Evaluation for
(MUTI) Agricultural Use
For Reference:
Mr. Activities Performed:
Ch  Worked on the soil
arl and water
es engineering issues
Nk related to the
wi evaluation.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Title/Position: Soil
& Water
2004 BIDCO-OIL (U) Ugan Geo-technical
Ltd da investigation for
For Reference: Installation of
Mr. Proposed Refinery

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Ko Factory Machines at
dey the Masese, Jinja site
, Activities Performed:
Dir Lead and carried out
ect Geotechnical
or investigations for
BI structural foundation
DC installation of
structures for the
Mr. refinery at Jinja

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Title/Position: Soil
& Water Geo-
technical Engineer
2011 Lu Ugan EIS studies for the
ga da establishment of
zi Lugazi Abisha Steel
Ab rolling mills Ltd
ish Activities Performed:
a Soil and water
Ste assessment of the site.
el Hydrological and
rol Drainage
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

g characterization of the
mil site.
ls Baseline noise
Lt measurements at the
d. site.
Dr. Richard
Tel: 0712-381346
EnviroSafety Ltd)
Hydrologist, GPS &
GIS Specialist.
2011 Qu Ugan EIS studies for the
alit da establishment of
y Quality Steel Mills Ltd
Ste Activities Performed:
el Soil and water
Mi assessment of the site.
lls Hydrological and
Lt Drainage
characterization of the
For Reference:
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Richard Mugambe site.

Tel: 0712-381346 Baseline noise
rkmugambe@yahoo measurements at the
.com site.
EnviroSafety Ltd)
Remote sensing,
Specialist; Team
2011 Ky Ugan Environmental Impact
ew da Assessment studies for
ag the establishment of
a the Factory.
Re Activities Performed:
sor Soil and water
t assessment of the site.
Be Hydrological and
ac Drainage
characterization of the
r site.
Re Baseline noise
fer measurements at the
en site.
Richard Mugambe
Tel: 0712-381346
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

EnviroSafety Ltd)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2011 Catholic Relief Ugan Biosystems, Technical
Services (CRS) da assessment of Bukwo
Uganda and Chebinyiny
For Reference: gravity-water flow
Mr Bernard Mooya schemes (GFS) in
Tel: 0701-557040 Bukwo district
(Program Manager Activities Performed:
CRS)  Evaluate the
Title/Position: Soil performance of the
and Water Engineer gravity flow
schemes and
2011 Ka Ugan Environmental Impact
mp da Assessment studies for
ala the Expansion of the
Pa School.
re Activities Performed:
nts Soil and water
Sc assessment of the site.
ho Hydrological and
ols Drainage
characterization of the
Ki site.
bir Baseline noise
i measurements at the
Ca site.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Richard Mugambe
Tel: 0712-381346
EnviroSafety Ltd)
Remote sensing,
Specialist; Team
2011 Oj Ugan Environmental Impact
am da Audit studies for the
bo Ojambo Tanning
Ta Factory in Busia.
nni Activities Performed:
ng Soil and water
Fa assessment of the site.
cto Hydrological and
ry Drainage
characterization of the
sia site.
Fo Baseline noise

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

r measurements at the
Re site.
Richard Mugambe
Tel: 0712-381346
EnviroSafety Ltd)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2012 World Bank & Ugan MAAIF Planning for
MAAIF da Operationalization of
For Reference: the Development
Milton Ogeda: Strategic Investment
(Task Team Plan (DSIP)
Synthesis Activities Performed:
Consultant) Nation
Tel:0772-443302 al
Mr. Okaasai S. Consu
Opolot: ltant
(WfAP Task Team Engin
Chairperson, eer on
Director, Crop Water
Resources – for
MAAIF); Agric
Tel: 0772-589642 ultural
Email: Produ
maaifcrops@yahoo. ction
com with
Title/Position: The
National Consultant World
Water for Bank
Agricultural &

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Production MAAI
2012 En Uganda
Environmental Impact
vir Assessment studies for
oS the Proposed steel
afe Factory Site close to
ty Lugazi Water
(U) Partnership at Kawuku
Lt Water Production in
d Lugazi.
r Activities Performed:
ref Soil and water
ere assessment of the site.
nc Hydrological and
es: Drainage
characterization of the
d site.
Mu Baseline noise
ga measurements at the
mb site.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

EnviroSafety Ltd)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2012 Ur Uganda
Environmental Impact
ba Assessment studies for
n the Proposed Namanve
Re Coffee Factory
rc Activities Performed:
h Soil and water
& assessment of the site.
Tr Hydrological and
ain Drainage
characterization of the
ns site.
ult Baseline noise
an measurements at the
cy site.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes


Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Director, URTC)
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2012 Ur Uganda
Determination of
ba Environmental
n parameters for the
Re allocated Jinja
sea Industrial Business
rc Park site at Kakira.
& Activities Performed:
Tr Soil and water
ain assessment of the site.
ing Hydrological and
Co Drainage
characterization of the
an site.
cy Baseline noise
E. measurements at the
A site.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2012 Ur Uganda
Determination of
ba Environmental
n parameters for the
Re proposed development

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

sea of land at Port Bell

rc Site.
h Activities Performed:
& Soil and water
Tr assessment of the site.
ain Hydrological and
ing Drainage
characterization of the
ult site.
an Baseline noise
cy measurements at the
E. site.
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2012 Envirosafety (U) Uganda
Environmental Impact
Ltd Assessment studies for
For references: the Chinese
Ric Agricultural Farm in
har Nakaseke.
d Activities Performed:
Mu Soil and water
ga assessment of the site.
mb Hydrological and
e: Drainage
characterization of the

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

oS site.
afe Baseline noise
ty measurements at the
Ltd site.
EnviroSafety Ltd)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2012 Urban Research & Uganda
Environmental Impact
Training Assessment for the
Consultancy E.A proposed Extension of
Ltd (URTC) the Makerere
Fo University Food
r Science and
ref Technology Pilot Plant.
ere Activities Performed:
nc Soil and water
es: assessment of the site.
Dr. Hydrological and
Ch Drainage
characterization of the
Ko site.
ojo Baseline noise

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

, measurements at the
UR site.
Director, URTC)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2013 Urban Research & Uganda
Environmental Impact
Training Assessment for the
Consultancy E.A proposed Cotton Seed
Ltd (URTC) Factory Site in Pader.
Fo Activities Performed:
r Soil and water
ref assessment of the site.
ere Hydrological and
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

es: Drainage
Dr. characterization of the
Ch site.
arl Baseline noise
es measurements at the
Director, URTC)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2013 Urban Research & Uganda
Environmental Impact
Training Assessment for the
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy E.A proposed Housing

Ltd (URTC) Estate Construction at
Fo the current Kigo Prison
r Site.
ref Activities Performed:
ere Soil and water
nc assessment of the site.
es: Hydrological and
Dr. Drainage
characterization of the
es site.
Ko Baseline noise
ojo measurements at the
, site.
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Director, URTC)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2013 Environpower (U) Uganda
Environmental Impact
Ltd, Audit for the 141 Airtel
Hydrologist, Masts in Central
Remote sensing, Uganda.
GPS & GIS Activities Performed:
Specialist & Hydrological and
Environmental Drainage
Engineer characterization of the
ref Determining GPS
ere locations of the Airtel
nc Masts in Central
es: Uganda.
Dr. Baseline noise
measurements at the
C. site.
Tel: 0704-663074
or 0772-963074
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

(Senior Lecturer,
Chair department of
Health Sciences and
Disease Control,
Managing Director,
Environpower (U)
2012 Islamic Ugan A feasibility study for
Development Bank da the sustainable
& MAAIF provision of water for
For Reference: Agricultural production
Mr. (WfAP)
Domi Activities Performed:
nic  Hydrological,
Mucu Climatological and
nguzi Hydraulic
3733 consultancy.
37 or  Establish and
0704- evaluate the bulk
3733 water source and
37 potential in existing
(Senior Engineer
irrigation schemes.
Management &  Carryout crop
Project Desk enterprise analyses
Officer, MAAIF) and determine
dmucunguzi@yaho irrigation water

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

o.com demand for both

dmucunguzi@engin existing and new
eer.com irrigation schemes.
Title/Position: Soil
and Water Engineer
2012 Pader Town Water Ugan Ground water
office & Makerere da vulnerability
University, ABE assessment and design
Department of water supply,
For Reference: distribution system
Dr. for Pader town
Jos Activities Performed:
ho Assessing the
a vulnerability of
Wa groundwater to
pollution and design
a of water supply
(A system

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Hydrologist and
Hydraulic Engineer
2011 Makerere Ugan Hydrological
University CRSP da assessment of
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Project MakerereUniversityAg
For Reference: riculturalResearchInstit
Dr. Levi Kasisira uteKabanyoloWesternV
Tel: alley for Fishpond
(PI of CRSP Project Establishment
onSurface Activities Performed:
catchment Aquaculture Pond
development and Construction
sustainability  Design and
Evaluation for
construction of the
multi-purpose water
supply for meeting fish ponds.
aquaculture and  Design and
other water needs construction of
AQUAFISH CRSP constructed wetland
Project) to treat water
Title/Position: overflows from the
Hydrologist and ponds before
Hydraulic Engineer
releasing to the
Namagombe stream
 Developing
guidelines for
Sustainable Micro-
Development In
2014 BEC Engineers Ugan Detailed Feasibility
For Reference: da study and design of
Mr. Lawlence Yiga, irrigated agricultural
Tel:.0772495218 developments at
(Managing Director Ruimi, Ibuga and
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

of BEC Engineers) Mubuku Prisons Farms

Title/Position:Hydr in Kasese district.
ologist and Soil & Activities Performed:
water Engineer  Lead the
assessments, the soil
and water
 Assisted in the
determining of water
abstraction points for
the proposed
irrigation schemes
2015 FAO-AgWA Ugan Institutional and Policy
For Reference: da evidence-based
Mr. Martin Ameu, analysis of Agriculture
FAO Uganda Water Management
Title/Position: (AWM) at Country
National Consultant level.
Engineer on Activities Performed:
Agricultural Water Worked as the National
Management in Consultant on Water
Uganda and Energy – (Policy
and Institutional
Analysis, Uganda)
2015 FAO Uganda Ugan Assessment and design
For Reference: da of small-scale
Dr. Kennedy irrigation systems in
Igbokwe six districts under the
Tel:.0772-200890 Global Climate
(GCCAProject Alliance (GCCA)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Manager, FAO- Project (Sembabule,

Uganda) Nakasongola,
Title/Position: Soil Nakaseke, Luwero,
and Kiboga and Mubende).
Water/Hydraulic/Irr Lead the execution of
igation Engineering the assignment under
Consultant. BIOWI Engineering
(U) Ltd.
2016 Tibet Hima Ugan Environmental Social
Mining Co Ltd da Impact Assessment.
For Reference: Activities Performed:
Mr. Moses Oluka Water quality analyses
Tel: 0702-205209 from the Kilembe
(Assignment Team Mining Factory to
River Nyamwamba.
Title/Position: Soil
and Carry out soil
Water/Hydraulic/Irr sampling and analyses
igation Engineering including the tailings
Consultant. from the factory.
Carry out the
hydrological and
hydraulic analyses of
the water flows in
River Nyamwamba in
view of the proposed
rehabilitation and
future expansion of
the Kilembe Maines.
2017 FAO Ugan Contribute to expert
Uganda/DWRM da critique of the

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

For Reference: national water

Dr. Abdul Saboor resources strategy in
Jawad collaboration with
Professional Officer Contribute to
(Food Security and &Coordinate the
Water Management) comprehensive
Tel: 0773-446630 analysis of all
Title/Position: requirements for
National successful
Framework implementation of the
Implementation NWRS.
Plan for the Contribute to
National Water stakeholder
Resources Strategy. consultation meetings
on water resources
strategy review and
Provide technical
support to the
development of water
resources information
system and decisions
support tool for the
Kyoga Water
Management Zone.
Develop overall
budget for strategy
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

interventions and
detailed costing of all
priority investment
options of the national
Contribute to and
coordinate the
drafting of the
implementation plan
for the NWRS.
Coordinate the
development of the
Mobilization Plan
(RMP) for the
Perform any other
related task for the
development of the
Implementation plan.
A.Extension Services
 Training of field Extension Officers of Iganga district in
decision aid tools for soil resource management, Under an
I@Mak.Com pilot project - Faculty of agriculture,
Makerere university, 2001
 Training of field Extension Officers of Mbarara and Moyo
districts in Irrigation system installation, operation and

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

maintenance, Under an I@Mak.Com pilot project - Faculty

of agriculture, Makerere university, 2002
 Developed Proposal for FARM AFRICA funding on
“Appropriate irrigation technology Transfer for
sustainable vegetable production in Wakiso district, 2003.

Supervision Experience
 Design of surface drainage system of Kabanyolo West
 Re-design of the pond at Makerere University Agricultural
Research Institute Kabanyolo to reduce siltation.
 Investigation of the hydraulic properties of bamboo for low
volume and low pressure irrigation.
 The design of an earth dam on River Tochi in Bobi LC (II)
Zone in Omoro County – Gulu District.
 Design of a gravity flow water supply system for domestic
use in Nyakiharo village, Kabale District.
 Design and construction of a Hand operated washer pump
for small-scale irrigation.
 Design of a system for rainwater harvesting and storage of
surface run-off.
 Investigation of optimum soil moisture content for
irrigation scheduling of selected horticultural crops at
MUARIK (Kabanyolo).
 Design of an Earth dam on River Anyau in Arua District.
 Micro- irrigation scheduling of cabbages at MUARIK using
canopy temperature as a stress indicator.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Investigation of the lateral tube placement and number on

the yield of Drip irrigated cabbages at MUARIK.
 Design of an earth dam on Kisugu Farm.
 Design of an earth dam in MUARIK Western valley.
 Integrated Mobile Sprinkler Irrigation Equipment (IMSIE).
 Developing spring water for domestic and small scale
irrigation for Eriaga rural community (Gulu Municipality).
 Comparative suitability of micro irrigation and furrow
irrigation for cabbages.
 Design of furrow irrigation system for extension of a small-
scale vegetable farm in Kyadondo County.
 Peri-Urban rainwater harvesting for domestic and Small-
scale drip irrigation.

 Design of groundwater storage and distribution system for

Kidepo-Rupa sub-dispensary (Moroto District
 Cistern water supply design for roof rain water harvesting
in St. Noah Mutara Secondary School (Bushenyi district).
 Design of a drip irrigation system for irrigation of roses in
MUARIK greenhouse.
 Feasibility study of farm structures at MUARIK for
rehabilitation to meet animal housing requirements.
 Evaluation of irrigation technologies and their adoption
potentials by small-scale farmers in Luwero and Wakiso
 Evaluation of the viability of peri-urban irrigated
Agriculture: Case study of Kampala peri-urban areas.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Design of water supply system with technically and

economically viable options for wastewater treatment in
Pader town.
 Bioremedial restoration studies of soils contaminated with
petroleum pre-cuts.
 Ground water vulnerability assessment and design of water
supply, distribution system for Pader town.
 Hydrological assessment of Makerere University
Agricultural Research Institute Kabanyolo western valley
for fishpond establishment.
Membership in Professional Societies:
 Member-Engineer of the American Society of Agricultural
& Biological Engineers (ASABE), 2002 - to date
 Member of Soil Science Society of East Africa (SSSEA),
2002 - to date
 Member of Uganda National Association of Agricultural
Extension Education (UNAAEE), 2002 - to date
 Executive Director of AE Consulting Engineers Ltd, 2004 -
to date
 Member of American Society for Engineering Educationists
(ASEE), 2006 – to date
 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and President of BIOWI
Engineering (U) Ltd, 2010 – to date
Language Speaking Reading Writin
s: g
English Excellent Excellent Excell

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Luganda Good Good Good

Adequacy of the assignment

Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best Illustrates
Capability to Handle the Assigned Tasks
1. Name of assignment: Community based trainings on appropriate
sanitation and Eco-San technology in Water and Sanitation
Development Facilities- Central (WSDF-C) areas of operation/
Funded by African Development Bank (AfDB)
Year: 2014 to May 2016
Position: Project Manager and coordinator
2. Name of assignment: Institutional Level/Regulation and Policy
Analysis for promoting Investment in Agricultural Water
Management (AgWA) in Uganda/ Funded by FAO & GoU
Year: November 2014- March 2015
Position: National Consultant
3. Name of assignment: Assessment and Design of Small-Scale
irrigation systems in 6 Districts under the Global Climate Change
Alliance (GCCA) project in Sembabule, Nakasongola, Nakaseke,
Luwero, Kiboga and Mubende Districts (Uganda)/ Funded by FAO
Year: March –October 2015
Position: Irrigation Engineer, GPS/GIS Expert & Team leader
4. Name of assignment: Environmental Impact Assessment for the
proposed DAS Inspection Laboratory at Entebbe Airport, Uganda/
Urban Research & Training Consultancy E.A Ltd (URTC), Uganda
Year: 2015
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5. Name of assignment: Detailed Feasibility Study and design of

irrigated agricultural developments at Ruimi, Ibuga and Mubuku
Prison Farms in Kasese district, Uganda/ Funded by GoU/BECS
Year: 2015
Position: Hydrologist/Soil & Water Resources Engineer
6. Name of assignment: Environmental impact assessment for the
proposed Stone-Tile Manufacturing Industry: Uganda Granite &
Mable Industries Limited (UGaMIL) at Kyaggwe, Mukono
District, Uganda
Year: 2015
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist and
Project Manager/coordinator
7. Name of assignment: Environmental impact assessment for the
proposed Stone-Tile Manufacturing Industry: Uganda Granite &
Mable Industries Limited (UGaMIL) at Kyaggwe, Mukono
District, Uganda/Funded by Kuuka Investments Ltd
Year: 2015
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist and
Project Manager/coordinator
8. Name of assignment: Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment (ESIA) and Development of the Environmental and
Social Management Plan (ESMP) for Atari Small Hydropower
Plant (ASHPP) in Kapchorwa, Uganda/ Funded by GoU/
Year: 2015
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist
9. Name of assignment: Mapping of Water Sources, Developing
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

database & Training on utilization of database in districts of Abim,

Agago, Bugiri, Namayingo, and Kaabong (Uganda)/ GOAL
Year: December 2013 - August 2014
Position: Hydrologist, GPS/GIS Expert & Team Leader
10. Name of assignment: Hydrological analyses of River Mitano as
probable water source for supply to Bwambara and Bugangari sub-
counties in Rukungiri district, Uganda/ Funded by BECS Engineers
Year: 2014
Position: Hydrologist/Water Resources Engineer
11. Name of assignment: Hydrological of assessment and analyses
of River Mayanja, River Towa and River Lugogo as potential
surface water supply to greater Nogoma and Wakyate sub-region,
Uganda/ Funded by BECS Engineers
Year: 2014
Position: Hydrologist/Water Resources Engineer
12. Name of assignment: Hydrological analyses of three potential
dam sites for harvesting water for irrigation on Namalu Prison
Farm, Uganda/ Funded by BECS Engineers
Year: 2014
Position: Hydrologist/Water Resources Engineer
13. Name of assignment: Hydrological analyses of 6 potential dam
sites for harvesting water for irrigation in Kween, Uganda/ Funded
by BECS Engineers
Year: 2014
Position: Hydrologist/Water Resources Engineer
14. Name of assignment: Development of Framework

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Implementation Plan (FIP) for Water for Agricultural Production in

Uganda / Funded by World Bank & GoU
Year: February 2012-2013
Position: National Consultant
15. Name of assignment: Feasibility study for development of
Infrastructure for Water for Production in Uganda / Funded by
Islamic Development Bank & GoU
Year: June 2012- March 2013
Position: Water Resources Engineer/ Hydrologist and Team Leader
16. Name of assignment: Environmental Impact Assessment for the
proposed Cotton Seed Factory Site in Pader/ Funded by Urban
Research & Training Consultancy E.A Ltd (URTC)
Year: 2013
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing & GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
17. Name of assignment: Environmental Impact Assessment for the
proposed Housing Estate Construction at the current Kigo Prison
Site/ Funded by Urban Research & Training Consultancy E.A Ltd
Year: 2013
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
18. Name of assignment: Environmental Impact Audit for the 141
Airtel Masts in Central Uganda/ Funded by Environpower (U) Ltd
Year: 2013
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
19. Name of assignment: Baseline study of water, sanitation,
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

hygiene and socio-economic situation in Small Towns and Rural

Growth Centres in 25 central districts under Water and Sanitation
Development Facility – Central (WSDF - C)/ Funded by Ministry
of Water and Environment (MWE) and African Development Bank
Year: 2013
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS, GIS Specialist &
Water Engineer
20. Name of assignment: Measurement of Environmental
parameters along Zana-Kampala city, Kampala City-Kireka, and
Bwaise-Kampala City Road Routes under the Kampala Outlet
Road Improvement Project/ Funded by World Bank/Urban
Research & Training Consultancy E.A Ltd (URTC)
Year: 2013
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS, GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
21. Name of assignment: International Hospital Kampala (IHK)
Environmental Health Audit/ Funded by IHK, Namuwongo &
Environpower (U) Ltd
Year: 2013
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS, GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
22. Name of assignment: Environmental Audit of the Nile Leisure
Cottages Close to Bujagali Falls under the Nile Leisure Cottages
Establishment Project/Funded by Nile Leisure Cottages Close to
Bujagali Falls and Envirosafety (U) Ltd
Year: 2013
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS, GIS Specialist &

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Environmental Engineer
23. Name of assignment: Measurement of Environmental
parameters along the Uganda Rail lines at six stations of Okunguro,
Tororo, Busembatya, Jinja, Lugazi/Kawolo and Kampala under the
Uganda Railway Rehabilitation and Improvement Project, Uganda/
Funded by Urban Research & Training Consultancy E.A Ltd
Year: 2013
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS, GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
24. Name of assignment: Impact Assessment for the proposed
development of a Hospital Close to Kampala Junior Primary
School (Uganda)/ Funded by Urban Research & Training
Consultancy E.A Ltd (URTC)
Year: 2012
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS, GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
25. Name of assignment: Environmental Impact Assessment
studies for the Proposed steel Factory Site close to Lugazi Water
Partnership at Kawuku Water Production in Lugazi (Uganda)/
Funded by EnviroSafety (U) Ltd.
Year: 2012
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS, GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
26. Name of assignment: Environmental Impact Assessment
studies for the Proposed Namanve Coffee Factory/ Funded by
Urban Research & Training Consultancy E.A Ltd (URTC)
Year: 2012

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist &

Environmental Engineer
27. Name of assignment: Determination of Environmental
parameters for the allocated Jinja Industrial Business Park (JIBP)
site at Kakira/ Funded by Urban Research & Training Consultancy
E.A Ltd (URTC), Uganda
Year: 2012
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
28. Name of assignment: Determination of Environmental
parameters for the proposed development of land at Port Bell Site/
Funded by Urban Research & Training Consultancy E.A Ltd
(URTC), Uganda
Year: 2012
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
29. Name of assignment: Environmental Impact Assessment
studies for the Chinese Agricultural Farm in Nakaseke/ Funded by
Enviro-safety (U) Ltd
Year: 2012
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
30. Name of assignment: Environmental Impact Assessment for the
proposed Extension of the Makerere University Food Science and
Technology Pilot Plant/ Funded by Urban Research & Training
Consultancy E.A Ltd (URTC)
Year: 2012
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist &

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Environmental Engineer
31. Name of assignment: Environmental parameters for the EV-
KIIRA Vehicle Manufacturing plant at the Jinja Industrial Business
Park (JIBP) site at Kakira, Uganda/ Funded by Urban Research &
Training Consultancy E.A Ltd (URTC)
Year: 2012
Position: GPS & GIS Specialist & Noise pollution measurement
32. Name of assignment: Environmental Impact Assessment
studies for the Chinese Agricultural Farm in Nakaseke/ Funded by
Nakaseke Chinese Agricultural Farm Development &Envirosafety
(U) Ltd
Year: 2012
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
33. Name of assignment: Environmental Impact Assessment for the
establishment of an expanded Wire mesh manufacturing Factory at
Manyangwa near Gayaza/ Funded by Manyangwa Expanded Wire
Mesh Manufacturing Factory
Year: 2012
Position: Hydrologist, Remote sensing, GPS & GIS Specialist &
Environmental Engineer
34. Name of assignment: Technical Assessment of Bukwo and
Chebenyiny Gravity-Water Flow (GWFS) in Bukwo District
(Uganda)/ Funded by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Uganda
Year: March - August 2011
Position: Water Resources Engineer, Hydrologist, GIS/GPS Expert
& Technical Leader

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

35. Name of assignment: Community Agricultural Infrastructure

Improvement Programme-2 (CAIIP-2) Feasibility study and
Technical design of Agro-processing Facilities in 96 Sub-Counties
in Northern and Eastern Uganda/ Funded by African Development
Bank (AfDB)& MoLG (Uganda)
Year: March 2011
Position: Team Leader & Consulting Agricultural Engineer

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge
and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my
qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to
undertake the assignment in case of an award. I understand
that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein
may lead to my disqualification or dismissal by the Client,
and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Dr. Peter Mulamba

Name of Expert Signature
Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Name of authorized Signature
Date: (DD/MM/YY)
Representative of the Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.3 Land Surveyors: -

5.3.1 Brian Baguma
Position Title and No. Land Surveyor
Name of Expert Brian Baguma
Date of Birth 14th/June/1986
Country of Citizenship/Residence Uganda
Dates Attended Degree(S)/Diploma(S) Obtained Educational Institutions
2006- 2010 Bachelor of Science in Surveying and Land Kyambogo University,
Information Systems Kampala
Employment record relevant to the assignment:
Period Employing Countr Summary of activities performed relevant to
organization and your y the Assignment
title/position. Contact
information for
Jan2013 –
To date
WSS Services (U) Ltd Uganda
 Establishment of horizontal and vertical
control at the site using DGPS in static
 Plot boundary data capture for the various
 Preparation of strip maps showing
positions of the various complainants
 Preparation of field survey reports. (draft &
final report)
Jan2013 –
To date
Spot Surveyors &
Engineering Consultants
 Establishment of horizontal and vertical
control using DGPS in static mode
 Detailed data collection using DGPS in RTK
 Data processing and preparation of a
standard topographical maps
Jan 2012 –
Dec 2012
Geo-earth consultant
 GIS data collection

 Data processing and analysis using potential

 Ground truthing using collected data in the
– Dec
Geo maps Africa Uganda
 GPS & traverse control establishment and
2011 observations using GPS in static mode.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Vertical control establishment by levelling

with a digital level from known benchmark
 Detailed surveying

 Detailed plotting and processing of DTMs

and profiles and cross sections
Membership of Professional Associations:
The Institute of Surveyors of Uganda(Registered Surveyor of Uganda)
Language Skills
Language Speaking Reading Writing
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Luganda Good Good Good
Runyankole Excellent Good Good
Kiswahili Fair Fair Fair
Adequacy for the Assignment:
Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Assigned Tasks

1. Name of the assigment: Rehabilitation of Doho Irrigation Scheme

Location: Eastern Uganda in Butalejja district
Client: SUMMIT construction company LTD
Main project features:
 Topographical survey of 24ha of the reservoir area

 RAP survey of the reservoir area for purposes of compensation

 Topographical survey and crossection of 5km of a pipeline and 50 km of access roads

 Setting out of access roads, main canals and tributory canals,

 As built surveys for access roads, canals and drainages and volume computations
Position held: Lead surveyor

2. Name of the assigment: Construction of Kanyampanga Water Gravity Flow Scheme

Location: Western Uganda in Kanungu district
Client: SUMMIT construction company LTD
Main project features:
 Cross sectioning of the entire water pipeline scheme including the primary transmission ;lines,
secondary transmission lines and various distribution lines.

 Topographical survey for various tank sites

 Preparation of longitudinal profiles

 Setting out the excarvation levels and preparation of as built drawings.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Position held: Lead surveyor

3. Name of the assignment: Route alignment & detail survey for Karuma-Kawanda 400kv transmission
Year:April 2016
Location: Central region covering districts of Wakiso, Luwero, Nakasongola, Masindi, & Kiryandongo.
Client: KALPA TARU power transmission ltd
Main project features:

 Line routing to identify route location and establishment of control points along the route

 Geodetic GPS observations along the route using DGPS.

 Setting out various locations of angle points and respective line pegs along the transmission line with
concrete pillars.

 Detail topographic survey along the route taking spot levels within the proposed 40m corridor at 20m
intervals along the centreline.

 Data processing and preparation of a DTM for the proposed route.

Position held: Consultant Surveyor

4. Name of the assigment: Survey of Masese housing project

Year:April 2016
Location: Central region in Jinja district
Client: Ministry of Lands, Housing & Urban development underdirectorate of Housing
Main project features:
 Community sensitization and awareness about the project

 Establishment of control within the Project area.

 Boundary opening for blocks M153, M105 & M106, and boundary data capture for all the Project
beneficiaries and setting out individual plots as per the proposed layout.

 Data computation and preparation of JRJ, processing certified copies of deed plans
Position held: Consultant Surveyor

5. Name of the assigment: Topographical survey of 50 acres of Land at Buzindere peninsula

Year:March 2016
Location: Central region in Mukono district
Client: Metier Construction ltd
Main project features:
 Establishment of horizontal and vertical control at the site using DGPS in static mode

 Detail collection using DGPS in RTK mode and total station.

 Data processing and preparation of a standard topographical map of the site

Position held: Consultant Surveyor

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

6. Name of the assigment: Topographical survey of 8 acres Land at Busabala for hotel development
Year:February 2016
Location: Central region in Wakiso district
Client: Royal suítes LTD
Main project features:
 Establishment of horizontal and vertical control at the site using DGPS in static mode

 Detail collection using DGPS in RTK mode and total station.

 Data processing and preparation of a standard topographical map of the site.

Position held: Consultant Surveyor

7. Name of the assigment: Identification & Verification of PAP’s “complainants” along Busega-Mityana
road project
Year:January 2016
Location: Central region in Wakiso & Mukonodistricts
Client: MPG associates under UNRA
Main project features:
 Establishment of horizontal and vertical control at the site using DGPS in static mode

 Plot boundary data capture for the various complainants whowere affected by the project.

 Preparation of strip maps showing positions of the various complainants along the road.

 Preparation of field survey reports. (draft & final report)

Position held: Consultant Surveyor

8. Name of the assigment: Detail topographical survey and cross sectioning of 2km of access road at
Namanve industrial park.
Year:February 2016
Location: Central region in Wakiso & Mityana districts
Client: Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC)
Main project features:

 Establishment of horizontl and vertical control at the site using DGPS in static mode.

 Digital levelling along the pre-established controls to distribute uniform elevations with the Project

 Detail data collection and cross sectioning along the road with in 40m corridor at 20m intervals along
the existing centreline.

 Preparation of plan and profile for the route.

 Preparation of a digital terrain model and field survey reports.

Position held: Consultant Surveyor

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

9. Name of the assigment: Cadastral survey of plots within Namanve industrial park for various delopers
including Masindi live stock, Busingye and company, Impala Heights, Big force, opit investments, Hima
Year:January 2016
Location: Central region in Wakiso &Mukono districts
Client: Uganda Investments Authority
Main project features:
 Setting out and demarcation of extents defining the plot boundaries as obtained from UIA.

 Data computation and preparation of a Job Record Jacket

 Processing of certified copies of deed plans from Mukono & Wakiso land offices.
Position held: Consultant Surveyor

10. Name of the assigment: RAP update and implementation of the Malaba-Kampala Refined Petroleum
Products Pipeline
Year:May 2015
Location: Eastern & Central Uganda covering Tororo, Bugiri, Mayuge, Iganga, Jinja, Buikwe, Mukono,
Kampala, Wakiso & Mpigi districts.
Client: SURVESIS under Ministry of Energy & mineral development
Main project features:
 Line routing to identify major new developments along the route that may nessecitate diversions and
further propose suitable diversion routes

 Preparation of inception report.

 Geodetic control verification using GPS.

 Setting out & pegging, updating the current strip map including new PAPs.

 Demarcating the proposed corridor with markstones and concrete pillars

 Subdivision of affected registered land and processing of deed plans.

 Processing certificates of title for areas of permanent acquisition and registration of easements for
areasof temporary acquisition.
Position held: Lead Surveyor

11. Name of the assigment: Topographical Survey of Kitagata-Kitabi-Kikuba-Katungu Water Pipeline

Project. (75km)
Year: February-March 2015
Location: Western Uganda in Bushenyi district
Client: PEC (Professional Engineering Consultants)
Main project features:

 Control observation along the route, detail collection, crossections and profiling.

 Data processing and analysis.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Position held: Lead surveyor (supervisor)

12. Name of the assigment: Hoima-Nkenda 220 Kv Powerline Project

Year:June 2015
Location: Western uganda in districts of Hoima, Kibaale
Client: KEC International
Main project features:
 Geodetic GPS establishment and observations along the entire route

 Setting out of all angle points

 Route alignment and detail topographical survey which involved capturing all details along the route
including swamps, hills, houses, plantations, streams, road crossings e.t.c.

 Preparation of longitudinal profiles depicting existing ground along the proposed route centerline

 Preparation of draft and final reports

Position held: Lead Surveyor

13. Name of the assigment: Survey & Titling of District Lands (11 Plots)
Year:June-August 2015
Location: Eastern Uganda in Kapchorwa district
Client: Kapchorwa district local government
Main project features:
 Control extension to the sites.

 Boundary demmarcation with survey markstones

 Computations and processing of certified deed plans

 Registration and processing of and titles

Position held: Land Surveyor

14. Name of the assigment: Geodetic GPS control observations along Olwiyo-Gulu Road Project
Year: January 2015
Location: Northern Uganda in Nwoya and Gulu districts
Client: COMPTRAN Engineering and planners
Main project features: Static observation using Trimble GPS equipment. Post processing and data analysis.
Preparation of final report to be submitted to UNRA.
Position held: Land Surveyor.

15. Name of the assigment: Geodetic GPS control observations along Acholibur-Kitgum-Musingo Road
Year:February 2015
Location: Northern Uganda in Kitgum district
Client: KOM consult
Main project features: Static observation using Trimble GPS equipment. Post processing and data analysis.
Preparation of final report to be submitted to UNRA.
Position held: Land Surveyor

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

16. Name of the assigment: Social and Health Baseline Survey

Year:February 2015
Location: Western Uganda in Bulisa district
Client: TOTAL E&P and Tullow Oil Uganda.
Main project features: GIS surveyor responsible for GIS data collection, processing and development of
spatial maps for the entire Tullow and Total E&P blocks of operation.
Position held: GIS Surveyor

17. Name of the assigment: Geodetic GPS control observations along Lumas road, Kisaasi-Kyanja road,
Kafeero-Nsooba road, MuganziAwongera road, Jakana road, Nakibinge road, Marckay & Sembera roads,
Waliggo road
Year:May 2015
Location: Central region of Uganda in KAMPALA
Client: PROME
Main project features:

 Establishing locations of various benchmarks along the routes and building with concrete according to
the specified standards from KCCA.

 Carry out static GPS observations along the established points using trimble GPS receivers.

 Downloading and postprocessing data to generate final results and report writing.
Position held: Lead surveyor (supervisor)

18. Name of the assigment: Survey and Titling of Land at Kata

Year:March-May 2015
Location: Wakiso district
Client: Legal department, state house, Kampala
Main project features: Boundary opening of 350 acres. Relocation of squatters and planning and subdivision
of residual land to plots, processing and registration of titles.
Position held: Lead surveyor

19. Name of the assigment: Geodetic GPS control observations along Ntungamo –Mirama Hills Road
Year:November 2014
Location: Western Uganda in Ntungamo district
Client: COMPTRAN Engineering and planning associates
Main project features:

 Control observation along the route using Trimble GPS, data processing and analysis.

 Preparation of field report to be submitted to UNRA.

Position held: Lead surveyor (supervisor)

20. Name of the assigment: RAP Survey of Nalukolongo Channel, Bakuli-Namungoona, Makerere-
Nakulabye & Mambule Roads Under Kiidp2 Project
Year:August-November 2014
Location: central Uganda in Kampala
Client: UB Consulting
Main project features:

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Setting out of road and channel extents with pegs at defined intervals for valuation of what has been
affected by the right of way.

 Boundary opening of various land parcels affected by the proposed development and production of strip
maps showing the affected acrages of land along the entire route.
Position held: Lead surveyor (supervisor)

21. Name of the assigment: RAP survey for extra land acquired for expansion of Arua Air Strip
Year:August 2014
Location: Northern Uganda in Arua district
Client: Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)
Main project features: Demarcation and data capture for the extents of land with in the area to be acquired
and area computation for the various PAPs.production of maps indicating each PAP location and total acrerage
affected by the proposed development.
Position held: Lead surveyor (supervisor)

22. Name of the assigment: Survey and preparation of Built Drawings for Lobira Road
Year:July 2014
Location: Itoret South Sudan
Client: Mc Dowell LTD
Main project features: Crossection of the entire road ro generate as built levels, cross sections and profiles.
Preparation of as built bridge and culvert drawings.
Position held: Lead surveyor (supervisor)

23. Name of the assigment: Identification and verification of PAPS along Hoima-Kaiso-Tonya Road
Year:July 2014
Location: Western Uganda in Hoima district
Client: MPG Associates under UNRA.
Main project features: Identification of PAPs on the strip map and verifying their respective location on the
ground and the areas affected by road construction.
Position held: Lead Valuer.

24. Name of the assigment: Boundary opening and topographical survey of Ranch 48b covering 640
Year:June 2014
Location: Western Uganda at Kakyera in Kiruhura district.
Client: Vital Thomas Farm Investments
Main project features: Control extension to the site, detail survey at the site to collect data that will aide
production of digital terrain models, process the data using AutoCAD Civil 3D program and preparation of
field report.
Position held: Lead surveyor

25. Name of the assigment: Geodetic GPS obervations along Kanoni-Maddu-Ssembabule-VillaMaria

Year:April 2014
Location: Central Uganda in Mpigi, Gomba and Ssembabule districts
Client: AECOM/IDC Consulting engineers
Main project features: Vigorous search and verification of existing primary control which were used for
project design. Re-observe using Trimble GPS and check consistency of the available data amongest
themselves. Data processing, adjustment and analysis.
Position held: Lead surveyor

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

26. Name of the assigment: Way leaves acquisition for Kashenshero-Rukungiri 33 kv powerline
Year:January 2013
Location: Western Uganda in Rukungiri district
Client: RESCO under REA
Main project features: Coordinating the as built powerline using RTK GPS, mapping extents of people
affected by the project and preparation of final strip map showing all the affected properies along the built
Position held: Lead surveyor

27. Name of the assigment: Way leaves acquisition for Buyanja 33 kv powerline and environs
Year:January 2013
Location: Western Uganda in Rukungiri district
Client: RESCO under REA
Main project features: Coordinating the as built powerline using rtk GPS, mapping extents of people affected
by the project and preparation of final strip map showing all the affected properies along the built powerline.
Position held: Lead surveyor

28. Name of the assigment: Way leaves acquisition for Itojo & Mpaama 33 kv powerline and environs
Year:January 2013
Location: Western Uganda in Ntungamo district
Client: RESCO under REA
Main project features: Coordinating the as built powerline using rtk GPS, mapping extents of people affected
by the project and preparation of final strip map showing all the affected properies along the built powerline.
Position held: Lead surveyor

29. Name of the assigment: Way leaves acquisition for the supply to Rwebigando-Kikondo-Ngoma 33 kv
powerline and environs
Year:January 2013
Location: Western Uganda in Bushenyi district
Client: RESCO under REA
Main project features: Coordinating the as built powerline using rtk GPS, mapping extents of people affected
by the project and preparation of final strip map showing all the affected properies along the built powerline.
Position held: Lead surveyor

30. Name of the assigment: Way leaves acquisition Mubende-Kyegegwa-Kyenjojo 33 kv powerline and
environs with T-offs to Mpara, Kyaka & Hapuyo
Year:March 2013
Location: Central Western Uganda in Mubende, Kyegegwa & Kyenjojo districts
Client: RESCO under REA
Main project features: Coordinating the as built powerline using rtk GPS, mapping extents of people affected
by the project and preparation of final strip map showing all the affected properies along the built powerline.
Position held: Lead surveyor

31. Name of the assigment: Way leaves acquisition Mubende-Kyegegwa-Kyenjojo 33 kv powerline and
environs with T-offs to Mpara, Kyaka & Hapuyo
Year:March 2013
Location: Central Western Uganda in Mubende, Kyegegwa & Kyenjojo districts
Client: RESCO under REA
Main project features: Coordinating the as built powerline using rtk GPS, mapping extents of people affected
by the project and preparation of final strip map showing all the affected properies along the built powerline.
Position held: Lead surveyor

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

32. Name of the assigment: RAP update, implementation and expopriation of land for the road reserve
along Muyembe-Nakapiripirit-Moroto road project.(175km)
Year:Nov 2012-May 2013
Location: North eastern Uganda in Karamoja region
Client: Surmap surveys under UNRA
Main project features: Identification of PAPs, disclosure of compensation packages, updating existing strip
map, survey and demarcation of the right of way, processing subdivisions and processing of deed plans for the
entire route.
Position held: Lead surveyor

33. Name of the assigment: Setting out and RAP for various municipality roads within Uganda in Masaka,
Mbarara, Kabaale, Fortportal and Hoima municipalities under USMID
Year:April-May 2013
Location: Southern and western region of Uganda
Client: PROME
Main project features: Identification of PAPs, disclosure of compensation packages, updating existing strip
map, survey and demarcation of the right of way, processing subdivisions and processing of deed plans for the
entire route.
Position held: Lead surveyor

34. Name of the assigment: Geodetic control observations along Nakapiripit-Moroto road
Year:April 2013
Location: Northern region in Karamoja
Client: PROME
Main project features:
 Static GPS observations using a magellan Promark 500 & Promark 800 GPS.

 Net work planning, data postprocessing and adjustment and preparation of final report.
Position held: Lead surveyor
35. Name of the assigment: Geodetic Control Observations Along Kafu-Karuma Road Project Road
Year:May 2013
Location: Western region in Masindi and Kiryandongo districts
Client: M & E Construction company LTD
Main project features:

 Static GPS observations using a Leica GPS 1200.

 Net work planning, data postprocessing and adjustment and preparation of final report.
Position held: Lead surveyor

36. Name of the assigment: Topographical Surveys and Cross Sectioning of various Community Access
Roads In Apac, Yumbe, Oyam, Buliisa, Masindi, Luwero, Mayuge, Bundibugyo, Kyenjojo Under Dlsp Batch 4
Year:May 2013
Location: Western region, northern and central regions
Client:ADB Engineers
Main project features:

 Detail collection using rtk gps along community roads proposed for upgrade.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Data processing and generation of profiles and cross sections

Position held: Lead surveyor

37. Name of the assigment: RAP Survey For Mbarara-Nkenda 132kv Powerline Project Diversion Routes
Year:August 2013-September 2014
Location: Western region, in Bushenyi dictrict
Client:MPG associates under NEC consult working for UETCL.
Main project features:

 Setting out the centreline on the ground

 Setting out the proposed 5meter right of way

 Setting out the proposed 25m way leave

 Capturing positions of PAPS and the extents onto their land affected by the proposed corridor

 Detail collection including houses, swamps, road crossings along the found existing route.
Position held: Lead surveyor

38. Name of the assigment: Social Screening Study and GIS Mapping for Buliisa Project Development.
Year:August 2013
Location: Western region, in Bulisa dictrict
Client: Interface consulting & Artelia JV working under TOTAL E&P
Main project features:

 GIS data collection using GPS devices and Ipads.

 Data processing and analysis using ArcGIS.

 Ground truthing using collected data in the field

Position held: Lead surveyor

39. Name of the assigment: Survey of Mt. Elgon National Park

Location: Eastern uganda in Mbale, Manafwa & Kapchorwa districts
Client: Uganda Wild Life Authority
Main project features:
 Control observations

 mapping the extents of enchrochment onto the park

Position held: Lead surveyor

40. Name of the assigment: RAP Survey for Moroto-Kotido Road (94km)
Location: North-eastern Uganda in Karamoja region

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Client: PROME consult under UNRA

Main project features:
 Setting out of the proposed right of way and pegging for valuation purposes

 Mapping the various land owners within the acquired right of way for purposes of assesment for
Position held: Lead surveyor

41. Name of the assigment: RAP Survey For Moroto-Lokitonyala Road (45km)
Location: North-eastern Uganda in Karamoja region
Client: PROME consult under UNRA
Main project features:
 Setting out of the proposed right of way and pegging for valuation purposes

 Mapping the various land owners within the acquired right of way for purposes of assesment for
Position held: Lead surveyor

42. Name of the assigment: Topographical Survey of NSSF Land at Lubowa (600 Acres)
Location: Central Uganda in Wakiso district along Entebbe road
Client: Tina Muwanga associates (TMA)
Main project features:
 Control extension to the site

 Boundary opening for the entire land

 Detail topographical data collection

 Preparation of contour maps and longitudinal profiles

Position held: Lead surveyor

43. Name of the assigment: Geodetic GPS Observations Along Hoima-Butiaba-Wanseko Road
Location: Western Uganda in Hoima district
Client: COMPTRAN engineering & planning associates
Main project features:
 Establishment of GPS control and traverse monuments along the entire road

 Carrying out static observations along the established monuments using LEICA gps

 Post processing and adjustment of the raw data to obtain final results

 preparation of final field observation sheets.

Position held: Lead surveyor

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

44. Name of the assigment: Topographical and cadastral survey of Nebbi hospital, Moyo hospital, Anaka
hospital, Obongi healthcentre, Pakwach health centre iv, Aboke health centre iv and Atiak health centre iv
Location: Northern region in Nebbi, Moyo, Oyam, Amuru districts
Client: ID forum
Main project features:
 control observations onto all sites.

 Topographical data collection

 Preparation of final digital topographical maps using AutoCAD Civil 3D application program
Position held: Lead surveyor

45. Name of the assigment: Establishment of Aerial Photo Controls

Location: Kayunga, Kyotera, Maddu, Kalagi
Client: IGN
Main project features:
 Vigorous search for the points to be observed on the ground as extracted from an aerial image

 Static observation on the identified points using Magellan Promark 500 GPS system

 Post processing and network adjustment

Position held: Lead surveyor

46. Name of the assigment: Survey of Community Access Roads Under Dlsp2
Location: Buliisa, Nakaseke, Luwero, Masindi & Wakiso districts
Client: Tamp Blessed 3MS JV Consulting engineers
Main project features:
 Establishment of reference benchmarks along the road

 Detail topographical survey, crossectioning and profilings

Position held: Lead surveyor

47. Name of the assigment: Survey of Community Access Roads Under CAIIP2
Location:Masaka, Mpigi, Kibaale, Mubende, Rakai, Mukono, Wakiso districts
Client: Tamp Blessed 3MS JV Consulting engineers
Main project features:
 Establishment of reference benchmarks along the road

 Detail topographical survey, crossectioning and profilings

Position held: Lead surveyor

48. Name of the assigment: Setting out and RAP for Soroti-Moroto-Lokitonyala Road

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Location:Northern Uganda in Soroti, Katakwi & Moroto districts
Client: GEOMAPS under PROME consult
Main project features:
 Community sensitization

 Settingout the extents of the proposed roght of way and pegging

 Capturing the extents of land properties and the respective owner details.

 Computing the affected acrages of land affected by the proposed road reserve for purposes of assesment
for compensation
Position held: Field surveyor

49. Name of the assigment: Topographical Survey for Kinawataka Sewerage Pipeline
Location:Central in Kampala district
Client: PEC
Main project features:
 Horizontal control establishment along the scheme using GPS in static mode.

 Vertical control establishemt by levelling with a digital level from known benchmark at NWSC in

 Detail survey along the proposed pipeline alignment covering a corridor of 20 meters using RTK GPS
and Leica total stations

 Detail plotting and processing of DTMs and profiles along the proposed pipeline
Position held: Field surveyor

50. Name of the assigment: Topographical Survey for Moroto-Kotido Road (93km)
Location:Northern Uganda in Karamoja
Client: GEOMAPS AFRICA under PROME consult
Main project features:
 GPS & traverse control establishment and observations along the road using GPS in static mode.

 Vertical control establishemt by levelling with a digital level from known benchmark in Moroto town

 Detail survey along the road taking cross sections covering a corridor of 50 meters at intervals of 20m
along the centerline using Leica 1200 RTK GPS and Leica total stations

 Detail plotting and processing of DTMs and profiles and cross sections along the entire route.
Position held: Field surveyor

51. Name of the assigment: Setting out Right of Way & RAP Survey for Muyembe-Nakapiripirit-Moroto
Road. (185km)
Location:Northern Uganda in Karamoja

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Client: GEOMAPS AFRICA under PROME consult

Main project features:
 Settingout the extents of the proposed roght of way and pegging

 Capturing the extents of land properties and the respective owner details.

 Computing the affected acrages of land affected by the proposed road reserve for purposes of assesment
for compensation

 Develope a strip map showing the affected persons and the amount of land affected for each PAP.
Position held: Field surveyor

52. Name of the assigment: Topographical Survey for Soroti-Katakwi-Moroto-Lokitonyala & Muyembe-
Nakapiripirit-Moroto Road Projects.
Location:Northern Uganda in Karamoja
Client: GEOMAPS AFRICA under PROME consult
Main project features:
 GPS & traverse control establishment and observations along the road using GPS in static mode.

 Vertical control establishemt by levelling with a digital level from known benchmark in Moroto town

 Detail survey along the road taking cross sections covering a corridor of 50 meters at intervals of 20m
along the centerline using Leica 1200 RTK GPS and Leica total stations

 Detail plotting and processing of DTMs and profiles and cross sections along the entire route.
Position held: Field surveyor

53. Name of the assigment: Way Leaves Acquisition for Rushere-Kazo-Ibanda 33kv Powerline
Location:Western Uganda in Kiruhura & Ibanda districts.
Main project features:
 Setting out of the proposed 10m corridor.

 Capture the extents of land properties and develope a register of the project affected persons.

 Develope a strip map showing the affected persons and the amount of land affected for each PAP.
Position held: Field surveyor

54. Name of the assigment: RAP survey for Lubigi channel under KIIDP2
Location:Central Uganda in Kampala district.
Main project features:
 Setting out of the proposed 50m corridor.

 Capture the extents of land properties and develope a register of the project affected persons.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Develope a strip map showing the affected persons and the amount of land affected for each PAP.
Position held: Field surveyor

55. Name of the assigment: Topographical detail survey and RAP survey for Kimera road, Bukoto-Kisaasi
road, Kalerwe-Tula road, Mpererwe-Kawempe road, Salama road, Lukuli road and Makerere hill road for
KIIDP under GEOMAPS Africa
Location:Central Uganda in Kampala district.
Main project features:
 Horizontal control establishment along the roads using GPS in static mode.

 Vertical control establishemt by levelling with a digital level from known benchmarks

 Detail topographical data capture along the roads using total station and RTK GPS.

 Data processing and preparation of profiles and cross sections along the roads.

 Pegging the proposed extents of the right of way.

 Assessing the extents of land affected by the right of way.

Position held: Field surveyor

56. Name of the assigment: Topographical Survey For The Proposed CPF Site and Various Oil Wells in
Location:Western Uganda in Hoima district
Client: PROME under TULLOW E&P Uganda
Main project features:
 Horizontal control establishment at the sites using GPS in static mode.

 Levelling along all pre established control points

 Detail topographical data capture using Z-EXTREME GPS system in RTK mode and Leica TC1000
total station

 Data processing and preparation of DTMs.

 Cross sectioning 20km along the proposed pipeline routes and preparation of profiles and cross sections
using AutoCAD land development
Position held: Field surveyor
Expert’s Contact Information:
Mobile: +256 772 624578 Office: +256 414 341 861
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my
disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Mr. Brian Baguma 20 th/11/2018

Name of Expert Signature Date:(DD/MM/YY)

. Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20 th11/2018

Name of authorized Signature Date:(DD/MM/YY)
Representative of the Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.3.2 Mitusera Katusabe

Position Title and No. Land SurSurveyor
Name of Expert Mitusera Katusabe
Date of Birth 1969
Country Uganda
Year Qualification Institution
1994 B.Sc Surveying (Hons) Makerere University Kampala, Uganda,

Employment Record Relevant to the Assignment

Perio Employing organisation, title/position, and Countr Summary of activities
d contact information for references y performed relevant to the
2010 Warner Consultant Ltd Uganda – Surveyor Team
to WSS Services (U) Ltd management
presen Collaborative Consultant - Topographic, – Surveys Activities
t Cadastral Surveyor – Analysis of Topographical
Client Name: WSS Services (U) Ltd surveys
Contact Person: Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye – Review of any existing
Title: Director topographical information
Tel No: +256 772 488074 and recommendations
Reference: – Report writing
Client Name: Warner Consultants Ltd
Contact Person: Dr. Charles Wana-Etyem
Title: Director
Tel No: +256 414 267 071
2000 Mituland Surveying Uganda – Project management
to Partner – Lead Survey team and
2010 field activities
Reference:  Mobilising team
Client Name: members and logistics
Surveying  Quality assurance
Contact Person: – Coordinating report
Mr. Okello
writing and presentation
Title: Admin
Tel No: +256 772
Memberships to Professional Associations
 Member, Institute of Surveyors of Uganda (MISU)
 Registered with Surveyors Registration Board (SRB No. 135)
Languages in which candidate can work
Language Speaking Reading Writing
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Runyakitara V. Good Good Good

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Luganda Fair Fair Fair

Adequacy for the Assignment

Reference to Prior Work that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Assigned Tasks
1. Name of Assignment: Asset Inventory and Conditional Assessment and detailed for
rehabilitation and expansion of Bwera gravity flow scheme
Year: 2015 – 2016
Location: Kasese, Uganda
Client: WSS Services (U) Ltd & Ministry of Water & Environment
Value of project: $223,630
Positions held: Land Surveyor
Activities performed
 Topographical surveys
 Analysis of Topographical surveys
 Validating surveys of existing infrastructure
 Review of any existing topographical information

2. Name of Assignment: Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design of Barr RGC piped
water supply and Sanitation.
Year:: 2013
Location : Lira District
Client: Warner Consultants Ltd &Ministry of Water and Environment - WSDF-North
Value of project:$ 62,190
Positions held: Surveyor
Activities performed
Surveying the proposed routes
3. Name of Assignment: Nyagak Hydropower Project
Location: West Nile, Uganda
Client: Sobetra Uganda Ltd and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
Value of project: $ 14,000,000

Positions held: Lead Surveyor

Activities performed
 Survey of cross-sections of original ground levels at dam site, cross-sections of original
ground levels along headrace conduit,
 Setting out of power house and penstock route,
 Setting out levels for excavations and computation of volumes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

4. Name of Assignment : Restructuring and Re-design of Kitgum and Pader Towns Water Supply
Year: 2010 – 2011
Location: Kitgum and Pader Districts
Client: Warner Consultants Ltd &Ministry of Water and Environment - WSDF-North
Value of project:$ 45,800
Positions held Senior Surveyor.
Activities performed
 Collection and review of topographic and survey data from the project area
 Surveying of new project areas and locations
`5. Name of Assignment: Design of water supply in Mutukula Uganda and Mutukula Tanzania
Year: 2008
Location : Mutukula
Client : UN-Habitat
Main project features
 Design and supervision of the construction of the gravity flow schemes in Mbale, Sironko
and Kapchorwa
Topographical surveys:
Value of project: $ 127,000
Positions held: Land Surveyor
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my
disqualification of dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Mr. Mitusera Katusabe 20th /11/2018

Name of Expert Date:(DD/MM/YY)

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20th /11/2018

Name of Authorized Signature
Representative of Consultant Date:(DD/MM/YY)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.3.3 Baiga Alaisa Mohammed

Name Baiga Alaisa Mohammed
Profession Land Surveyor
Date of Birth 25th January 1980
Nationality Ugandan

Year Qualification Institution

Master of Science in Geo-
Ongoing Makerere University Kampala, Uganda,
Information Science & Technology,
Oct 2004 B.Sc Surveying (Hons) Makerere University Kampala, Uganda,
Other Training:
Oct- Nov 2004 Certificate in Project Planning and Management-(UMI)
August -Sept 2004 ATTESTATION in French Language: Makerere University
3rd-4th August 2011 Advances in Geomatics Research Conference Faculty of Technology
February 2009 Participated in the International Conference for the establishment of the Land
Administration Course at Makerere University (a conference held at Kabira
Country Club).
Employment Record Relevant to the Assignment:
Employing Organisation Summary of activities
Period Title/Position Country performed relevant to
Contact Info References the Assignment
WSS Services (U)
Ltd/Newplan Limited  Head of surveying department

 Supervision of field teams

Senior Surveyor
 Compilation survey reports

For References:  Re-surveys and Re-valuations, strip map

e-mail: updates, disclosure and Verification and
lawrence@newplan.ug land use, agreements signing, grievance
JULY 2015
Mr. Lawrence Omulen Uganda resolutions. Review of strip maps and
(Managing Director) valuation reports, subdivision surveys and
area computations. Boundary opening and
topographical survey
 Field surveys for land acquisition, access
roads and Transmission Line, preparation of
site topographical maps, checking of the
setting out and construction of Structures
for consistency with design.
2014- Surveying Company Uganda Summary of activities
JULY 2015 Dynamic Land Projects
Ltd 
Head of surveying technical works

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Supervision of field teams

Technical Director/GIS
Analyst  Compilation survey reports

 Lobbying for survey work from

For References: individuals and companies
oijuke@gmail.com (managi  Writing Proposals
ng Director)
Summary of activities
iated  Construction Supervision of Field
Engi surveys for checking the boundary
neeri extents. Submission of the final drawings
ng to the client.
Surve  Field surveys for land acquisition, access
yors roads and Transmission Line, preparation
Ltd of site topographical maps, checking of
November the setting out and construction of
2007 to Uganda structures for consistency with design.
2013 Field Surveyor

For References: Mr. orena

Tel: 0712235484
Fax 235484 :

May- July Uganda Upgrading Kisasi-

2006 Kyanja road
contr Summary of activities
acted  Extension of horizontal and vertical
unde control points
Sober  Traversing on the bench marks
tra  Taking cross sections along the route
Ltd  Setting out culverts

Land  Taking levels

For References:
Katusabe metusera

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Based in Masindi on
SABA Private Engineering
Co. Ltd, Diplomatic zone, Kafu_Masindi roads
Muyenga (41km road)dealing with
both vertical and
Surveyor horizontal levels
(Engineering design
( April For References: surveys)
2005 – Uganda
Tel: Summary of activities
April 2006)
-Topographic surveys
for computation of
-Traversing along the
-Setting out culverts
-Checking levels
Projects of Upgrading Central roads ie
Karamagi- Bbale Lugazi –Buikwe
Prome Consultants Summary of activities
-Traversing along the
Assistant Surveyor route
July- -Setting out culverts
September Uganda -Checking levels

For References:
Mr Frank Ddungu
M&E Associates Carrying out cadastral and topographical field
Surveyor Trainee surveys, data entry, computation and analysis.
-September For References:
2002 Uganda
Mr. Kibirango Charles

Membership in Professional Associations and Publications:

 Registered Surveyor of Uganda, (RSU).

 Professional Fellow of the Institution of Surveyors of Uganda, (FISU)

Language Skills:
Languages Speaking Reading Writing
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Swahili Fair Fair Fair
French Fair Fair Fair
Luganda Good Good Good

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Runyankore Mother Tongue

Adequacy for the Assignment:

Reference to Prior Work / Assignments that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Assigned
Name of assignment or Engineering Surveys and feasibility studies for village land use in
project: Tarime

Year: Feb-June 2017

Location: Tanzania

Client: Tarime district

Main project features: Topographical surveys for village land use planning.
Establishment and Extension of controls, setting out and cadastral
surveys of the land use plans

Senior consultant surveyor for the Investment land

Positions held:
Detail Survey and Data Computations Quality Assurance
Activities performed: Detail Plotting Supervision
Cadastral surveys for RAP and Deed plan processing.

Name of assignment or Engineering Survey and Geometrical Design of KCCA Roads

project: Lots 1 & 2.

Year: July 2015 - to March 2017

Location: Uganda
Client: KCCA

Main project features: Horizontal & Vertical Control Establishment and Extension,
Description Cards Preparation

Senior surveyor and Asst.Project Manager

Positions held:

Detail Survey and Data Computations Quality Assurance

Activities performed: Detail Plotting Supervision
Cadastral surveys for RAP

Name of assignment or Topographical surveys for the purposes of planning for buildings and
project: irrigation system, setting out boundaries of the 14 sq. miles allocated
to them by Rural Refuge Basin (RUBADA) in Kilombero valley,

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes


Morogoro - Tanzania
Year: Morogoro Sugar Industries Ltd


-Cadastral surveys for boundary opening

Main project features: - Topographical surveys for engineering designs

Positions held:
Name of assignment or Boundary opening of Namwasa Forest reserve (31 sq. miles allocated
project: to New Forest Company) and Ibambaro Forest Reserve (10 Sq. miles)

Year: National Forestry Authority, Uganda
Location: Boundaries and planting of Board markers
Client: Senior surveyor
Main project features: Opening of boundaries
Positions held:
Name of assignment or
Opening of boundaries of 1291.6 hectares at
Kyai, mubende district mapping of Occupants
for valuation and eventual compensation.
Year: 2014
Location: Uganda
Client: Indo Africa ltd

Main project features:

Positions held:
Activities performed: Surveyor
Opening of boundaries
Name of assignment or Topographical surveys for the renovation of the five Technical
project: Institutes of Iganga, Mubende, Arua, Kiryandongo, & Kanungu
Year: 2013
Location: Uganda
Main project features:
Positions held:
Activities performed: Surveyor
-Opening of boundaries

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

-Topographical surveys
Name of assignment or RAP studies and RAP Implementation for the proposed Mutundwe-
project: Entebbe 132KV (35 Km) Power Transmission Line and related

Year: Uganda
Location: UETCL

Main project features:

Positions held: Surveyor
ies  Line route scoping survey
med:  Setting out the Power line Corridor Extent

 Affected Plots Boundary Surveys

 Strip Map Preparation

 Area Computations and Area Summary Sheets Preparations per


 Carrying out Subdivision surveys

 Planting of Subdivision Mark stones for the Acquired Way Leaves


 Preparation of Job Record Jacket(s), Certificates of Title

processing for the Transmission Line 30m Way Leave
Name of assignment or Expropriation surveys for the new Kiwenda_ Namanve power line
project: route (Wayleaves acquisition)
Client: Uganda
Main project features: Mapping affected Persons and production of
strip maps for property valuation and
Field Surveyor
Positions held:
Activities performed: Cadastral surveys and Topographical surveys

Name of assignment or Cadastral survey of plots for Uganda Investment Authority at

project: Kampala and Jinja Industrial Business Parks

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Main project features:

Positions held: Surveyor

Cadastral surveys
Activities performed:
Name of assignment or Cadastral survey and topographical survey of Soroti Industrial
project: Business Park for the design of the road network
Year: UIA
Main project features: Field Surveyor
Positions held: Cadastral and Topographical Surveys
Activities performed:
Name of assignment or
Opening of boundaries and a topographical
survey of about 15 acres for Uganda National
Bureau of Standards at Bweyogerere industrial

Year: 2011
Location: Uganda
Client: UIA/UNBS

Main project features:

Positions held:
Activities performed: Surveyor
Cadastral surveys
Name of assignment or
Cadastral survey for a 5 metre reserve corridor
along Bujagali-Mutundwe Power line route, to
acquire the corridor for Bujagali Electricity
Ltd, registered in the names of Uganda Land

Client: UETCL

Main project features: Surveyor

Positions held: Cadastral surveys
Activities performed:

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Name of assignment or
Topographical surveys of Mayuge Sugar
Factory site
Location: 2009
Client: Uganda
Main project features: MSIL
Positions held:
Activities performed:
Topographical surveys

Expert’s Contact information: (e-mail: alaisa.baiga@gmail.com, Phone: + 256-751/0772-

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my
disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and /or sanctions by the Bank.

Baiga Alaisa Mohammed 20th /11/2018

Name of Expert Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Dr.Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20th/11/2018

Name of Authorized
Representative of Consultant Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.4 Environmental Specialists:

5.4.1 Dr. Denis Byamukama
Position Title Environment Specialist
Name of Expert Dr. Denis Byamukama
Date of Birth 10/06/1972
Country of Citizenship / Residence Uganda

Date Qualification Institution

June, 2004 PhD (Water Resources Vienna University of Technology (TU-Wien),

Management) Austria

December, MSc (Environmental Science & UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education,
1998 Technology) Delft, The Netherlands.

January, 1997 BSc ( Zoology &Biochemistry ) Makerere University Kampala, Uganda

Other Trainings
Dates Qualification Course and Institution/Organization
September Certificate Summer course on Environmental Monitoring and Auditing;
2012 Institute of Chemical Engineering, University of Technology
July 2012 Certificate Training of Trainers (ToT) Enhancing Business Performance of
Water Utilities through Quality Management and Standards GIZ,
Zschotau, Germany
September Certificate Training Workshop Water Safety Plans Capacity Development;
2011 Organised by NETWAS and IWA in Nairobi, Kenya
March Certificate Advanced Course on Organisation Development for Water Services
2010 and Sanitation Utilities, Capacity Building International, Zschotau,
October Certificate Basic/Introductory Course on Organisation Development for Water
2009 Services and Sanitation Utilities. Capacity Building International,
Zschotau, Germany
July 2009 Certificate Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills for Integrated Water
Resources Management, Organised by Nile Basin Initiative -
Entebbe Uganda
November Certificate Gender Mainstreaming in Integrated Water Resources Management,
2008 Organised by Nile Basin Initiative - Entebbe, Uganda
May 2007 Certificate Training of trainers course on Facilitation Skills for Integrated Water
Resources management; Makerere University Institute of
Environment & Natural Resources in Association with Cap-Net and
GWP Eastern Africa
April 2007 Certificate Training of Trainers Course on Interactive Participatory Adult
Learning, Under Capacity Building International Germany
(InWent), Arusha
May, 2005 Certificate Enhancing Professional Practice. Building Partnerships for
Development, WSP-AF; Nairobi Kenya
December, Certificate Use of wetlands for water quality and the impact of re-use of

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2004 nutrients. UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education Regional

Refresher course for IHE-Alumni from Africa; Kampala, Uganda
March, Certificate Balancing chemical and microbial risks in water treatment with
2003 regard to Public Health - Clinical Institute of Hygiene and Medical
Microbiology, Vienna University of Medicine; Vienna, Austria
July 2002 Certificate Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Egerton University; Njoro,
August Certificate Monitoring and Evaluation of Water and Sanitation Programs,
2000 sponsored by the Uganda Directorate of Water Development (DWD)
and conducted by the Network for Water and Sanitation (NETWAS)
Kenya and Uganda
February Certificate Water as a source of disease to Man and Animals -Institute of
1997 Parasitology, Czech Academy of Sciences; Ceske Budejovice,
Czech Republic
August, Certificate Sanitary bacteriological methods – Federal Institute of Water
1997 Quality; Vienna, Austria
Employment record
Perio Employing organization and your Country Summary of activities
d title/position. Contact information for performed relevant to the
references Assignment
2005 – WSS Services (U) Ltd, Director Uganda
To Environment and Natural Resources  Mobilization of team
date Contact person: Dr. Emmanuel members and logistics
Tel: +256 772488074  Quality assurance
ces.co.ug  Coordinate Report writing
and presentation
2005 – Makerere University, Uganda
2010 Lecturer, Institute of  Lecturing of students
Environment and Natural Resources
Contact person: Prof. Mnason Tweheyo  Supervision of research
Tel:+256 772 464 155 work.
E-mail: tweheyo@forest.mak.ac.ug
 Both internal and external
National Project Coordinator – As part
 Coordinate project activities
of Institutional Collaboration and
 Mobilize National team
members and logistics
Contact person: Ms. Edith Mbonye
Tel:+250 752 507 958  Organizing National
E-mail: embonye@nilebasin.org Training for the Team
2003 – Austrian Academy of Science, visiting Austria
To lecturer water quality  Lecturing of students
date Contact person: Mag. Gerold Winkler
Tel:+436 645 018 777  Supervision of research
E-mail: gerold.winkler@boku.ac.at work.

 Both internal and external


Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2000 – Rural Water and Sanitation Project, Uganda

2001 Ministry of Water & Environment,  Team leading and guidance
Water Quality Specialist/Head Water of the whole team
Quality Unit
Contact person: Mr. Joseph Epitu  Preliminary literature
Tel: +256 772 408 068 review
E-mail: joseph.epitu@mwe.co.ug
 Designing the work Plan
(Methodology, sampling,

 Ensure public participation

in the ESIA process
1998- Lake Victoria Environnemental Uganda Baseline studies and
2000 Management Project (LVEMP), Environmental Impact
Research Assistant Assessment (EIA); Compile
Contact person: Mr. Christopher Environmental Impact Statement
Kanyesigye (EIS); Develop EIA
Tel:+256 751 115 258 management, Site safety plans
E-mail: and monitoring plan, Develop a
kanyesigyechristopher@yahoo.com RAP framework
Membership in Professional Associations and Publications:
 Certified Environmental Practitioner by NEMA
 Uganda Association for Impact Assessment (UAIA)
 International Water Association (IWA)
 Association of Private Water Operators in Uganda (APWO)
 East African Water Association (EAWA)
Reischer. G. H., Ebdon, J. E.,Bauer JM, Schuster, N, Ahmed. W, Åström, J,Anicet R. Blanch, AR,
Blöschl G, Byamukama. D, Coakley, T, Ferguson C, Goshu, G, Ko, GP, Husman, AMR,Mushi D,
Poma R , Pradhan, B, Rajal V, Schade MA, Sommer R, Taylor H, Toth EM, Vrajmasu V, Wuertz S,
Mach RL and Andreas H. Farnleitner AH. 2013. Performance Characteristics of QPCR Assays
Targeting Human- and Ruminant-Associated Bacteroidetes for Microbial Source Tracking across
Sixteen Countries on Six ContinentsEnviron. Sci. Technol., 47 (15), 8548–8556
D. Mushi, D. Byamukama, Alexander.K.T. Kirschner, Robert. L. Mach, K. Brunner and Andreas H.
Farnleitner. 2012. Sanitary inspection of wells using risk-of-contamination scoring indicates a high
predictive ability for bacterial faecal pollution in the peri-urban tropical lowlands of Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania. J. Wat & Heal. 10(2) 236–243
D. Mushi, D. Byamukama, Amelia K. Kivaisi, Robert L. Mach and Andreas H. Farnleitner. 2010
Sorbitol-fermenting Bifidobacteria are indicators of very recent human faecal pollution in streams and
groundwater habitats in urban tropical lowlands. J. Wat & Heal. 08(3) 466–478
Anjali M. Sherpa, D. Byamukama, Roshan R. Shrestha, R. Haberl, Robert L. Mach and Andreas H.
Farnleitner. 2009. Use of faecal pollution indicators to estimate pathogen die off conditions in source
separated faeces in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. J. wat. & Heal. 07(1): 97–107
Byamukama, D., Farnleitner, A. H., Kansiime, F., Manafi, M., MartinaBurtscher, M and Mach,R. L.
2005. Contrasting Occurrence of Chromobacterium violaceum in tropical Drinking Water Springs of
Uganda. J. wat. & Heal. 03:229-238
Byamukama, D., Mach, R. L., Kansiime, F., Manafi, M and Farnleitner, A. H. 2005. Discrimination
Efficacy of Fecal Pollution Detection using presumptive Coliforms, Escherichia coli and Clostridium
perfringens Spores in Different Aquatic Habitats in a High Altitude Tropical Country. Appl. Environ.
Microbiol. 71(1):65-71.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Byamukama, D., Kansiime, F., Mach, R. L and Farnleitner, A. H. 2000. Determination of Escherichia
coli with Chromocult Coliform Agar Showed a High Level of Discrimination Efficiency for Differing
Fecal Pollution Levels in Tropical Waters of Kampala, Uganda. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66(2):864-
Byamukama, D. 1998. Faecal pollution in Nakivubo Channel, Uganda. Comparison of indicator
organisms and isolation methods. MSc. Thesis D. E. W 058, IHE, Delft, Netherlands
Language Skills
Language Speaking Reading Writing
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Runyakitara Excellent Excellent Excellent
Luganda Good Good Good

Adequacy for the assignment

Work Undertaken that best Illustrated Capability to Handle the Tasks
Experience in ESIAs

1. Name of Assignment: Consultancy Services for conducting an Environmental Audit for

Uganda Baati Limited
Year:March 2017
Country: Uganda
Client: Uganda Baati Limited
References: George Muhindo (George.muhindo@safalgroup.com, +256 774 360714)
Position: Team Leader
Main Project Features: Uganda Baati Limited (UBL) is a member of the Safal Group of
companies. The Safal Group is the largest steel roofing company in Africa. The group has metal
coating lines in Kenya, Tanzania & South Africa, including colour coating lines in Kenya & South
Africa. Safal is the first organization in Africa to have set up the Aluminium-Zinc coating
technology having been founded in 1964. Uganda Baati is the country’s leading manufacturer and
supplier of roofing sheets and has the widest range of roofing products in Aluminium-zinc coated
and pre-painted material. Uganda Baati is a specialist in providing customized roofing solutions.
Activities being performed:
 Verified the facility compliance with EHS legislative and regulatory framework.
 Documented the facility’s current environmental compliance processes and procedures.
 Determined the Public/facility users’ enquiry and complaint response i.e. through
 Identified the future operational improvement opportunities and/or options for the facility
 Verified the facility compliance with EHS legislative and regulatory framework.
 Documented the facility’s current environmental compliance processes and procedures.
 Determined the Public/facility users’ enquiry and complaint response i.e. through
 Identified the future operational improvement opportunities and/or options for the facility.

2. Year:May-June 2017
Country: Tanzania
Client: Trade and Development Bank
Reference: Simbarashe.Chikarango@tdbgroup.org
Position: Environmental and Social Safeguard Specialist
Main Project Features: Rift Valley Energy Tanzania has applied for a financial facility from the
Trade and Development Bank (TDB) to develop Three Small Hydros (Mwenga, Luisenga and
Luponde in Iringa Region, South Tanzania). As part of the Due Diligence, the Lender’s Transaction
Advice (LTA) is supposed to assess the level of compliance of the RVET activities/projects in

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

relation to the IFC Standards and the Equator Principles.

Activities being performed: Assessed the following;
 Risk/compliance review of the environmental requirements and any items omitted that are
part of industry-specific environmental compliance;
 Effluent management air pollution and compliance with local legislation;
 Water usage, quality, recycling and ascertain compliance with local laws;
 Energy usage from an environmental and cost perspective including identifying any
potential energy efficiency or environmentally friendly alternatives;
 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts;
 Labour Practices and Conditions;
 Pollution and Resource Use Efficiency;
 Community Health, Safety and Security;
 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural
 Cultural Heritage.

3. Name of Assignment: Consultancy Services for the Development of Updated Environmental

and Social Mitigation Plans for Mulago National Referral Hospital; Kawempe and Kiruddu
Hospitals in the City of Kampala/ ADB Funded
Year:Jan 2017- To date
Country: Uganda
Client: Ministry of Health
Reference: Dr. Ruth Sengonzi (ruth@shssp.co.ug+256 777 889294)
Position: Environmental Specialist/Team Leader
Main Project Features: The Government of Uganda received funds from the African
Development Bank’s Project Preparation Facility Fund (PPF) for the forthcoming Improvement of
Health Services in the City of Kampala Project under the Ministry of Health (MOH). The objective
of the proposed project is to improve access of the population of Kampala city to quality health
care services
Activities being performed:
Develop a Preventive Maintenance Plan, Emergency Response Plan, Pollution Prevention Plan,
Environmental Field Studies (Ecology, Environmental Impacts, Health), Prepare ESMPs with
specific actions to implement measures to address impacts and Development of SOPs for effective
implementation of ESMP and Develop EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan.
4. Name of Assignment: ESIA for the Proposed Expansion of Kinyara Sugar Limited Sugar
Milling and Cogeneration Plants
Year: August-December, 2016
Country: Uganda
Client: Kinyara Sugar Limited
Reference: Eng. Michael Daka, michael@proess.ug ,
daka.michael@gmail.com, +256 782 819688
Position: Environmental Specialist/Team Leader
Main Project Features: Kinyara Sugar Limited proposed to expand the thermal plant from
14.5MW to 45MW. KSL proposes to install 2x135tph, 110 Kg/cm2 (a)/540±50c boiler and 1x45MW
steam turbine with two bleeds and one controlled extraction.
The plant is expected to be operational for 320 days in a year. The crushing rate is considered as
7,500TCD. The gross power generated during the operation days will be 45MW at the alternator
The EIA and ESMP studies concentrated on the identification of key environmental and social
issues, which were likely to arise during construction and operation of the 7,500 TDC sugar
processing plant and 45MW cogeneration power plant along with the assessment of the significant
negative impacts and mitigation measures to be adopted for their minimization.
Activities Performed:
 Description of the environment context of the project

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Assimilated baseline data and information relating to the physical, biological and social
environment in and around the proposed project site;
 Evaluated the effects/potential impacts of the proposed project activities to the physical and
social environment
 Identified and assessed alternatives to the proposed project or activity and associated activities;

 Undertook in-depth investigation of potential impacts and identify feasible mitigation or

compensatory measures to minimise negative impacts due to project implementation;
 Proposed an Environmental and Social Management Plan Prepared the ESIA report, for review
and approval by NEMA

5. Name of Assignment: Consultancy services to Capture and document experiences in

implementing Catchment Based Integrated Water Resource Management in Uganda
Year:Aug - Sept 2016
Country: Uganda
Client: Food and Agriculture Organisation
Reference: Mr. Abdul Jawad Saboor (Abdul.jawad@fao.org, +256 773 446630)
Position; Water Resources Management Specialist
Main Project Features: In line with Undertaking No. 4 of the
Government of Uganda (GoU) – Donor Joint Sector Review (JSR) of 2015
that “Coordination, implementation and funding mechanisms for
catchment-based IWRM be developed based on experiences from on-
going work in the 4 WMZs by the end of FY15/16”, this assignment was
carried out to support the Directorate of Water Resources Management
(DWRM) in capturing the experience since CBIWRM implementation
Activities performed:
 Captured and documented experiences in implementing CbIWRM from the 4 WMZs
 Reviewed existing and potential coordination and implementation mechanisms for
catchment-based IWRM
 Reviewed the existing and potential funding options and mechanisms for catchment-based
 Proposed appropriate implementation and coordination
 Proposed appropriate funding options and mechanisms for Catchment based IWRM

6. Name of Assignment: Proposed Construction of the Muzizi Hydropower Project

Years: January-March, 2016
Country: Uganda
Client: UEGCL and ILF Consultants
Reference: Mr. Moses Otim, motim@uegcl.co.ug, +256 776 200684
Position: ESMP Specialist
Main Project Features: UEGCL and KfW have jointly identified Muzizi Hydropower Project site
as one of the first sites to be developed under KfW funding. The client, UEGCL intended to
develop a number of owners HSE plans and this was assigned as part of the contract for
construction supervision. The Muzizi HPP is a proposed 44.MW capacity plant.
Activities Performed:
As part of the scope of works, i was specifically assigned to develop the
following plans
 Community Health and Safety Management Plan

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

 Labour force management plan

 Environmental and Social Management Plan

7. Name of Assignment: Updating the main project Environment and Social Impact
Assessment, and preparation of ESIAs for support facilities i.e project access roads, quarry
and camp for the proposed Kikagati Hydropower Project/ GET FIT Funded
Year:Dec 2015 - April 2016
Country: Uganda
Client: Kikagati Power Company Ltd
Reference: Eng. Michael Daka (michael@proess.ug,
daka.michael@gmail.com, +256 782 819688)
Position: Environmental Team Leader
Main Project Features: The proposed project is to be located on River Kagera which is the main
tributary to Lake Victoria and the river basin area lies within Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and
Uganda. The Kikagati site is located on the Kagera River some 200 km upstream from Lake
Victoria, between Kakono and Kagitumba. The site is accessible via the Mbarara – Murongo
Highway. The project is located at the border of Uganda and Tanzania and it is designed for a
capacity of 16MW
Activities Performed:
 Responsible for quality assurance for the updated ESIA report for the power plant and ESIA
reports for ancillary infrastructure.
 Prepared ESIA for access roads to Government of Uganda and IFC standards.
 Prepared ESIA for campsite to Government of Uganda and IFC standards.
 Prepared ESIA for Quarry site to Government of Uganda and IFC standards.
 Attended meetings related to the Kikagati Hydropower Project study as and when required

8. Name of Assignment:Improvement of Roads, Drainage and Solid Waste Management in the

Cities of Nyagatare, Musanze, Rubavu, Muhanga, Huye, Rusizi and the Nyagatare in the City
of Kigali/ World Bank Funded
Year:December/2015- March 2016
Country: Rwanda
Client: Ministry of Infrastructure
For Reference: Tel +250 788 356473, e-mail:Bob.nkulanga@gmail.com (Bob Nkulanga, Project
Position: Environmental and Social Safeguards Team Leader
Main Project Features: World Bank Project to support improvement of Roads, Drainage and Solid
Waste Management in various cities
Activities Performed:
 Preparation of the Environmental Management Framework
 Preparation of the Resettlement Policy Framework
 Undertaking Citizens engagement in relation to the expropriation requirements/procedures
of the project
 Undertaking baseline studies and preparation of the EIA
 Preparation of the RAPS
 Preparation of the site specific ESMPS

9. Name of Assignment: Farm income enhancement and forestry conservation Project II:
Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of the Proposed Irrigation Schemes, namely Wadelai,
Tochi, Pabbo and Biiso Lot 3: Supported by AfDB

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Country: Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
For Reference:
Mr. Cliff Dave Nuwakora
Tel: 256 772 525661
Position: Environmental and Social Safeguards Team Leader
Activities Performed:
 Scoping studies as part of the input into the feasibility Study

 Ranking based on the multicriteria analysis of the four sites to come up with the two prioritised
 Preparing Terms of Reference for undertaking the EIA for the two selected sites of Wadelai and
 Baseline studies for the two sites

 Preparation of the EIA

10. Name of Assignment:Development Of a Pollution Management Strategy To Improve Long
Term Water Quality Status In The Inner Murchison Bay, Lake Victoria And Initiate
Implementation Of Its Initiatives
Country: Uganda
 Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
For Reference:
Tel: +256 782 894075
Mr. Simon Etimu, Project Manager
o Diagnose the potential impact, risks and threats of pollution and determine innovative
mechanisms to prevent, reduce, control or restore degraded resources and its catchment;
o Assess the current institutional framework and design an improved governance and
organizational framework (structures, skills, staff) for stakeholder involvement in pollution
risk-based reduction approaches, control and overall management
o Establish a framework for decision support, performance improvement monitoring, monitoring
and evaluation programme for long term pollution management and sustainable use and
development of the bay resource potential.
o Evaluate, benchmark, document acceptable cost effective best international practices and
lessons learnt in Uganda, East Africa region and elsewhere that is practically suitable and can
be adopted to enhance business competitiveness in economic, and social development while
promoting health integrated water resources management.

11. Name of Assignment: Consultancy Services for Design for the selected Small towns/rural
growth centres for Lot 3: Acholi Bur, RGC and Rackoko RGC in Pader District, Agago Town
Council in Agago District and Amach RGC in Lira District/ AfDB Funded
Year:January 2015
Country: Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
Water and Sanitation Development Facility - North
For Reference: Mr. George Alito (Email: alito.g.j@gmail.com ,Branch Manager)
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Scoping studies as part of the input into the feasibility Study

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Stakeholder engagement

 Baseline studies for the four schemes

 Preparation of the Environmental Project Brief

12. Name of Assignment:Consultancy services to indentify and map hotspots including

preparation of priority interventions in Lwakhakha sub catchment/ GIZ Funded
Ministry of Water and Environment, Kyoga Water Management Zone
For Reference:
Tel:+ 256 702 496645
Ms. Christine Mukwaya, Project Manager
Activities Performed:
o Reviewed the draft CMPs and additional technical assessments and consultations with
stakeholders to identify and map priority hot spot areas in the two sub catchments
o Identified specific interventions for addressing the key water resources issues with specific
sites where the interventions are needed
o Prepared cost estimates for implementing the identified interventions
o Packaged the top 3 priority interventions in the sub-catchment, as agreed with stakeholders, in
form of sub-projects with detailed costing and implementation matrix ready for

13. Name of Assignment:Construction Ayago Hydropower Project

Year:2014 -Ongoing
Location: Uganda
Client: China Gezhouba Group Corporation
For references: Tel +86 13601220828 e-mail:fuyongjun@cggcintl.com (Mr. Fu Yongjun, A2 ,
Project manager)
Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
o Finalisation of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment,
o Preparation of an environmental monitoring plan,
o Undertaking the Resettlement Action Plan,
o Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Report,

14. Name of Assignment:Supervision of the Construction of the Isimba

HEP Project and the Associated Interconnection Transmission Lines and Substations in
Kayunga and Kamuli Districts./Funded by Exim Bank
Year:2014 -Ongoing
Location: Uganda
Client: Energy Infratech, Pvt. Ltd advisor/consultant to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
For references: Mr. Kultej Verma (Tel +256 784571506 e-mail:kultej.v@energyinfratech.com)
Activities Performed:
o Monitoring the Implementation of the Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan and
the specific site plans, including Labor force management, Waste Management, Traffic

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

o Ensuring Occupational Health and Safety at the project site is adhered

15. Name of Assignment: Consultancy Services for Asset Inventory and Condition
Assessment and detailed design for rehabilitation and expansion of Bwera Gravity Flow
Year:December 2014
Country: Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Scoping studies as part of the input into the Asset Inventory and Assessment Report

 Stakeholder engagement

 Scoping and Development of Terms of Reference for NEMA approval

 Baseline studies

 Preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement/ESIA Report

16. Name of Assignment: Awareness and Mitigation Of HIV/Aids On Fort portal-Kamwenge

(66.2km)/World Bank Funded
Country: Uganda
Client: Uganda National Roads Authority
For Reference:
Tel +256 772 410806
Dr. David Kyaddondo, Safeguards Manager
Position: Project Manager
Programme objectives
I. Reduce the risk of transfer of the HIV virus between and among construction workers, their
families and the local community;
II. Raise awareness among construction workers and the local community of the risk of
infection with the HIV virus
III. Reduce stigma and discrimination associated with HIV/AIDS among construction workers
and the local community.
IV. Promote voluntary early diagnosis in the contractor workforce and local community
V. Assist affected individuals to access care, counselling and treatment.

17. Name of Assignment: Monitoring and Evaluation of the implementation of ESMP in

project sites in WSDF-Central Region/ AfDB Funded
Country: Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
Water and Sanitation Development Facility – Central Region
For Reference:
Stephen Tusingwire
Tel: +256 773 230745

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Position; Environmental Specialist

Activities Performed:
 Preparation of Environmental Project Briefs for five sites/Schemes

 Preparation of Quarterly ESMP Implementation Monitoring Reports over the framework

contract period
 Prepared two annual audit reports

 Preparation and submission of the final consultancy report

18. Name of Assignment:Supervision of the Construction of the Karuma HPP Project in

Kiryandongo District
Location: Uganda
Client; Energy Infratech, Pvt. Ltd advisor/consultant to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
For references: Tel: +256784571506 e-mail:kultej.v@energyinfratech.com; (Mr. Kultej Verma ,
A2 , Project manager)
Activities Performed:
o Monitoring the Implementation of the Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan and
the specific site plans, including Labor force management, Waste Management.
o Ensuring Occupational Health and Safety at the project site is adhered

19. Assignment Name: Development of the EIA Guidelines for the Energy Sector, Uganda.
Location: Uganda
Client: UNDP
For references: Tel: +256 772 439928 e-mail:Daniel.omodo@undp.org (Mr. Daniel McMondo,
A2 , Project manager)
Activities Performed:
o Develop and update EIA guidelines for the energy sector,
o Incorporate cross-cutting issues (e.g. HIV and Gender),
o Define sectoral procedures for conduct of EIAs for the energy development projects and
o Provide simple checklists for use and application at all levels when conducting EIAs for energy
o Define the institutional framework for implementation of EIAs, and
o Review of existing guidelines on the energy sector.

20. Name of Assignment: Consultancy Services for Seismic Hazard Assessment of Karuma
Hydropower Project.
Location: Uganda
Client: Hydrochina Huadong Engineering Corporation
For references:Tel: +256781697964 E-mail:49906532@qq.com (Mr. Zhang QI Feng)
Position: Project Manager
Activities Performed:
o Geological Investigations

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

o Seismic catalogue
o Seismic Source Model
o Characterization of Earthquake recurrence
o Setup of logic tree
o Ground shaking hazard calculations

 Report compilation and presentation

21. Name of Assignment: Consultancy Services For Seismic Hazard Assessment of Isimba
Hydropower project
Year: 2013/14
Location: Uganda
Client: China International Water & Electric Company (CWE)
For references:Tel 010-59302122; e-mail:zhaoxiaochao@cwe.cn ; Mr.Zhao Xiao Chao, A2 ,
Position: Project Manager
.Activities Performed:
o Geological Investigations
o Seismic catalogue
o Seismic Source Model
o Characterization of Earthquake recurrence
o Setup of logic tree
o Ground shaking hazard calculations

 Report Compilation and Presentation

22. Name of Assignment: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Studies and
Resettlement Action Plan for the Improvement of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Gaba
landing/Trading Centre and rehabilitation of Kirinya-Jinja Wastewater./World Bank Funded
Country: Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water & Environment/LVEMP – World Bank funded
For references:
Tel: +256 772 838697, e-mail:sewaguddes@yahoo.co.uk (Eng. Sowedi Sewagude. A2 , National
Project Coordinator)
Position: Environmental and Social Safeguard Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Undertaking the scoping, baseline studies and prepare the ESIA and RAP reports.

23. Name of Assignment: Study on the impact of fertilizer use on the environment in Rwanda.
The Case of the Rweru Mugesera Wetland Complex
Rwanda Environment Management Authority
For references:
Tel: 250 252580101. Mr. Fred Sabiiti. A2 , Project Coordinator
Environmental Specialist

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Activities Performed:
 Carried out Soil tests and analysis related to this assignment,

 Determined the impact of chemical fertilizers on the aquatic environment in the Rweru
Mugesera lakes- wetland complex
 Determine sources of chemical fertilizer residues in the Rweru-Mugesera lakes wetland
 Recommended environmental management practices for sustainable and climate resilient soil
fertility management in Rwanda.

24. Name of Assignment:EnvironmentalandSocialImpactAssessment ofthe proposed

upgradingfor theGreater KampalaRoads Improvement Project (GKRIP)
Country: Uganda
Client: Uganda National Roads Authority
For reference: (Tel: +256701 441846 Email:sak_magezi@yahoo.com )
Mr. Stephen Magezi ,Team Leader
Position: Water Quality Specialist
Activities Performed
 Undertook water sampling on all the water sources within the project area of influence

 Carried out water tests

 Undertook impact analysis of the likely project impacts on the water sources

 Input the water quality monitoring component into the Project ESMP

25. Name of Assignment:Environmental and Social Scoping for the Design and Shipbuilding
of the Proposed Container Ship/Wagon Ferry to Replace MV Kabalega & Improvement to
Port Facilities at Port Bell and Jinja Pier
Country: Uganda
Client: Ministry of Works and Transport
For Reference:
Tel: +256 772525661
Email: cliff.nuwakora@gmail.com Mr. Cliff Nuwakora, Project Manager
Position: Environmental and Social Safeguard Specialist
Activities performed:
 undertaking the scoping,

 baseline studies and

 prepare the inputs into the tender documents

26. Name of Assignment:Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Kilimbi
Marshland Irrigation Scheme, Rwanda/ World Bank Funded
Country: Rwanda
Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI)/World
References: Greenworld Consult (Main Contractor) (Bob Nkuranga, Tel:

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

250 788356473, Project Manager)

Position: Environmental and Social Safeguard Specialist
 Undertook the scoping, baseline studies and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Compile
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS); Develop EIA management, Site safety plans and
monitoring plan.

27. Name of Assignment:Socio Survey and Resettlement Action Plan for the Proposed Ayago
(650MW) Hydropower Project
Location: On the Nile in Nwoya and Kiryandongo, Uganda
Client: JICA Study Team
Position: Environmental Team Leader
Main Project Features: As part of the Ongoing Hydropower Development Master Plan, JICA will
support the construction of the Ayago Hydropower Scheme. A feasibility Study is being
undertaken, and it covers among others, the Socio-economic assessment and a framework for RAP.
Activities performed: Undertaking the scoping, baseline studies and Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA); Compile Environmental Impact Statement (EIS); Develop EIA management,
Site safety plans and monitoring plan.
28. Year:2012
Country: Uganda
Client: National Water & Sewerage Corporation (NWSC)
References: Mr. Christopher Kanyesigye (Tel: +256 772 425675, Quality
Control Manager)
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Baseline studies and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Compile Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS); Develop EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan, Develop a
RAP framework.

29. Name of Assignment: Development of Environmental and Social Impact

Assessment Guidelines for Agro processing Industries.
Country: Rwanda
Client: Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
Reference: Mr. Remy Nobert DUHUZE (Director Environmental
Regulation and Pollution Control, Tel: +250 252580101)
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Development of the EIA Guidelines to help in the development and implementation of Agro
processing Projects in Rwanda. Specifically to guide the developer, the practitioner and the
lead agencies in implementing EIA for Agro processing Industries.
 Carried out the review of the existing legal, policy and institutional framework for
implementation of EIA in Rwanda; conducted stakeholder consultations; Developed EIA
guidelines drafts; Liaised with the client and compiled the final EIA guideline. The Guidelines
were presented to and validated by a stakeholder’s workshop.

30. Name of Assignment:Developing a Strategy for Mainstreaming Occupational Safety and

Health into UNRA Operations
Country: Uganda

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Client: Uganda National Roads Authority

For Reference:
Tel +256 772 410806
Dr. David Kyaddondo, Safeguards Manager
Position; Project Manager
Activities Performed:
i. Evaluation of the whole chain of operating client and contractor companies’ activities that
generate occupational hazards that may threaten human safety, health and the environment;
ii. Identification of OSH concerns in roads development and maintenance;
iii. Articulation of the actions required to address them;
iv. Providing guidelines and necessary training to UNRA staff to strengthen their OSH
management including field capabilities;
v. Development/Compilation of the UNRA OSH manual

31. Name of the Assignment:Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Karuma Hydro
Power Plant Project, Uganda
Location: Karuma, Northern Uganda
Client: Energy Infratech and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
Position: Team Leader for the ESIA and RAP
Main Project Features: MEMD proposes to develop the Karuma Hydro Power Project; a 650 –
700 MW Power Plant located on the River Nile about 80 km downstream of Masindi port on the
exit of Lake Kyoga in central Uganda.
Activities performed: Carry out scoping meetings, Baseline studies and further public
consultations; Developing Terms of Reference(ToRs) for the ESIA, Carried out Social Surveys,
Prepared the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Compiled Environmental Impact Statement;
Develop EIA management and monitoring plan;

32. Name of Assignment: Environmental and Social Survey for Ayago Hydro Power Project
and Master Plan Study on Hydropower Development in Uganda
Location: Murchison fall, Northern Uganda
Client: JICA and Government of Uganda
Position: Team Leader
Main Project Features: The government of Uganda together with JICA is undertaking feasibility
studies for the development of the National Hydro Power Master Plan and Ayago site on the Nile
for a 700MW HPP Scheme. The project is at stage 3 where the Environmental Surveys are part of
the three components being undertaken
Activities performed: Baseline social economic and biological studies and study report
Country: Rwanda
Client: Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI)/World
References: Greenworld Consult (Main Contractor)
Bob Nkuranga Tel: 250 788356473 (Project Manager)
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Compiled Environmental Impact

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Statement (EIS); Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan.

33. Name of Assignment: Environmental Impacts Assessment for the Proposed Kinuka Rural
Growth Centre Water Supply System.
Country; Uganda
Client: Hydraulic and Sanitation Consult and MWE/ Water and Sanitation
Development Facility (WSDF)
Reference: Eng. Julius Musimenta (+256 772 434822, Lead Consultant)
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); compiled Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS); Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan. Liaised
with the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).

34. Name of Assignment:Feasibility Study and Design for the Rehabilitation of the Lyantonde
Town Water Supply System
Country: Uganda
Client: Hydraulic and Sanitation Consult and MWE/ Water and Sanitation
Development Facility (WSDF)
Reference: Eng. Julius Musimenta (+256 772 434822, Feasibility
Study/Design Consultant)
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Compiled Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS); Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan Liaised
with the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA)..

35. Name of Assignment: Laboratory and Plant Trials and

Environmental Impact Assessment for the use of polymers for water clarification.
Country: Uganda
Client: National Water & Sewerage Corporation
References; Mr. Christopher Kanyesigye (Tel: +256 772 425675, Quality Control Manager)
Client: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Supervised both the laboratory and plant trials, conducted the baseline studies and prepared an

36. Assignment Name: Ground Water Study and Environmental Assessment of the Larva
Region, Rwanda.
Country: Rwanda
Client: Ministry of Natural Resources, MINIRENA
Reference: Mr. Vicent de Paul Kabalisa (Tel: +250 785 545307, Assistant
Director General)
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Conducted Sanitary surveys, assessment of risk to ground water from onsite sanitation, the

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

risks and likely impacts of other activities such as use of agro chemicals to ground water,
compiled the Environmental Input into the study.

37. Name of Assignment: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for a student Hostel
and associated facilities at Kigali Institute of Science and Technology
Year: 2009
Client: Real Contractors SARL and Hostels 2020 SARL
Reference: Mr. Derrick Rwitare (+250 788300577, Project Manager)
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Compiled Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS); Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan.

38. Name of Assignment: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for a student centre
and complex at the National University of Rwanda, Butare
Year: 2009
Country; Rwanda
Client: Real Contractors SARL and Hostels 2020 SARL
Reference: Mr. Derrick Rwitare (+250 788300577, Project Manager)
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Compiled Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS); Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and Monitoring Plans
39. Name of Assignment: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Kabompo Gorge
Hydroelectric Project, Zambia
Location: Solwezi and Mwinilunga Districts
Client: Copperbelt Electricity Corporation (CEC) and DH Engineering Consultants, Zambia
Position: Team Member, Water Resources
Main Project Features: The Kabompo Gorge Hydroelectric plant is envisaged to be an
underground power station. It is further envisaged that a dam of between 65m and 70m in height
can be constructed and with an approximately 4.5km of tunnelling creating up to 170m of water
head for a power plant, with an installed capacity of 33 MW as proposed.
Activities performed: Baseline studies, Stakeholder consultations and Preparation of an
Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan

40. Name of Assignment: Environmental Impact Assessment for a student a Hostel Complex
including a students’ centre and complex at the Umutara Polytechnic, Nyagatare.
Year: 2009
Country: Rwanda
Client: Real Contractors SARL and Hostels 2020 SARL
Reference: Mr. Derrick Rwitare (+250 788300577,Project Manager)
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Compiled Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS); Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan.
41. Assignment Name:Institutional Collaboration and Support
Year: 2007-2009
Country: Uganda
Client: NBI/UNOPS (Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat, Entebbe Uganda)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

P.O. Box 192 Entebbe,

Plot 12, Mpigi Road, Entebbe
Tel: +256 414 321 424
Reference: Willy Kayondo (Head Human Resource)
Position: National Project Coordinator for Applied Training project
Activities Performed:
 Coordinating training both at National and Regional level
 Over seeing Masters and PhD programmes that were sponsored by the Applied Training Project
42. Name of Assignment: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Kagugu Villas
Housing Estate.
Year: 2007
Country: Rwanda
Client: Real Contractors SARL and Hostels 2020 SARL
Reference: Mr. Derrick Rwitare,250 788300577 (Project Manager)
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
o Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Compiled Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS); Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan.
43. Name of Assignment: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Hillside Housing
Estate, Kabuga Vista Apartments,
Year: 2007
Country: Rwanda
Client: Real Contractors SARL and Hostels 2020 SARL
Reference: Mr. Derrick Rwitare, +250 788300577 (Project Manager)
Position: Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed:
o Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and
 Compiled Environmental Impact Statement
44. Name of Assignment: Development of Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for
the Water Sector in Uganda.
Year: 2007
Country: Uganda
Client: Directorate of Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water & Environment
Reference: Dr. Callist Tindimugaya, +256 772 521413 (Commissioner, Regulation Department)
Position: Sole Consultant
Activities Performed:
 Carried out the review of the existing legal, policy and institutional framework for
implementation of EIA in Uganda; Conducted stakeholder consultations; Developed EIA
guidelines drafts; Liaised with the client and compiled the final EIA guideline.
45. Name of Assignment: Environmental & social impacts Project Brief for the proposed
construction of commercial warehouses as storage.
Year: 2007
Country: Uganda
Client: Ashwi Nkumar M. Bhimjiyani Owner
Position: Team Leader
Activities Performed:

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

o Compiled Environmental Impact Statement (EIS);

 Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan; Liaised with the National
Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) to approve the project.
46. Name of Assignment: Design and Construction Supervision of 25 Valley Thanks in the
District of Mbarara, Rakai and Sembabule for Lot II, consists of Design and Construction of
valley tanks for livestocks. The facility consists pond, infiltration gallery, abstraction well,
water pumping and distribution system and troughs.
Year: 2001
Country: Uganda
Client: SABA Engineering PLC and Directorate of Water Development
-Branch Office (Kampala)
Reference: Mr. Abra, Tel: +256 41267547, saba-uganda@infocom.co.ug,
Country Direct
Position; Environmental Specialist
Activities Performed
 Conducted an Environmental Impact Assessment for the proposed 25-valley tank sites in the
Districts of Mbarara, Rakai and Sembabule.
 Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Compiled Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS); Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan; Liaised
with the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) to approve the projects.
Experts Contact Information:
E-mailbyamukamad@yahoo.co.uk, Phone +256 782 519315)
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my
disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Dr. Denis Byamukama 20th /11/2018

Name of Expert Signature Date :(DD/MM/YY)

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20th /11/2018

Name of authorized Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)
Representative of the Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.4.2 Pius Kahangirwe

Position Environment Specialist
Name of Expert Pius Kahangirwe
Date of Birth 30thApril 1981
Country Uganda
Dates Degree(S)/Diploma(S) Obtained Educational Institutions
Aug. 2012 - Diploma on Integrated Water Management University of Antwerpen, Gent
Dec. 2012 University and Antwerpen
HogereZeevaart school,
2006 - 2008 Master of Science in Environment & Natural Makerere University Kampala,
Resources (Specializing in Uganda
Environmental/Public Health, Water Resources
Planning & Management, Biodiversity
Conservation. Audited Advanced Remote
Sensing & Geographic information Systems)
2002 - 2005 Bachelors (Hons) in Environmental Makerere University Kampala,
Management (Projects in Environmental Law, Uganda
Environmental Impact Assessments, Social
Assessments, Biodiversity Conservation and
Rural Land Use Planning)
Postgraduate Training:
 20th of March – 7th of April, 2017 Advanced International Training Program on Strategic
Environmental Assessment (SEA), Centre for Environment and Sustainability (Chalmers
University of Gothenburg and the University of Gothenburg), Sweden.
 December 2015 Certified Lead Auditor Training course in ISO 9001:2015 at SGS Nairobi Kenya.
 24 October 2014 Training Course on Land Access and Resettlement, International Mining for
Development Center (IM4DC). Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa.
 28th April – 1st May 2014 - UNDP/AfDB Training of Trainers (ToT) Workshop on Integrating
Health and Gender Issues into Environmental Assessments in Africa, UNDP Regional Centre for
Africa, Ethiopia.
 December 2013 - Train the Trainer Course (ToT) specifically EHS Aspects. Facilitated by British
 7th-9th Aug & 12th - 13 Aug. 2013 Contractor Safety Management. Facilitated by CANAF HSE.
 22nd – 25th July & 29th July – 01st August 2013 Transportation of Dangerous Goods and
Emergency Response Planning. Facilitated by CANAF HSE Consulting Services.
 12th – 14th June 2013 Workplace Safety Representatives Training. Facilitated by CANAF HSE.
 29th - 30th May & 19th – 20st June 2013 Risk Management. Facilitated by CANAF HSE.
 30th – 31st May & 20th – 21st May 2013 Management of Change. Facilitated by CANAF HSE.
 15th - 19th April 2013 IEMS & EHS Legislation Training (30-hour Safety and Health
Representative Induction Course). Facilitated by CANAF HSE Consulting Services
 4th – 8th March 2013, Energy Management Systems (ISO 50001:2011). Facilitated by SGS
Pakistan Ltd.
 26th - 28th March & 4th - 6th April 2013 ISO Process Owners Awareness Training. Facilitated by
CANAF HSE Consulting Services.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 18th - 21st Feb & 18th to 21st Mar 2013 Integrated Management Systems Awareness and Internal
Auditor. SGS Kenya Ltd.
 Jan. 2012 – Apr. 2012 Online certificate course on Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) and
Environmental Impact Assessment. Facilitated by the International Association for Impact
Assessment (IAIA) USA.
 Oct. 2011 – Jan. 2012 Certificate in EIA and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Using
Spatial Decision Support Tools. University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and
Earth Observation, Enschede, The Netherlands.
 4 – 22 July 2011 Certificate in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) as a Tool for
Adaptation to Climate Change. UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The
 2010 Postgraduate Certificate in Project Planning and Management, Makerere University Institute
of Statistics and Applied Economics. Kampala, Uganda.
 14 – 20th March 2010 Certificate for Professional training in Water Resources Assessments, in
Sub-Saharan Africa; Prediction in Ungauged and Data Scarce Basins, Institute for Water Studies,
University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. Facilitated by Waternet, Cap-Net,
 17 – 19 August 2009 Certificate for Practitioner training on environmental assessment legal
framework in East African Countries, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Facilitated by IUCN, CLEAA and
 1 – 5 July 2009 Certificate on Conflict Resolution and Negotiation Skills for Integrated Water
Resources Management (IWRM). Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)—National Training Course, Entebbe,
 16 – 22 May 2009 Certificate on Practical Guide to Sustainability Assessment. IAIA09 Impact
Assessment and Human Well-Being, 29th Annual Conference of the International Association for
Impact Assessment, Accra, Ghana.
 21 Sept- 4 Oct 2008 Certificate on Application of Geographical Information System and Remote
Sensing in Water Resources Management. Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for
Development, Nairobi-Kenya. Nile Basin Initiative Training.
 July 2008 Certificate for Short course on Decentralized Water Supply and Sanitation, UNESCO-
IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands. Funded by the Royal Netherlands
 2007 Certificate for a “learning by doing” training in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA).
Facilitated by Capacity Development and Linkages for Environmental Assessment in Africa
(CLEAA) — a Pan African Capacity Building Programme in EIA, Zambia.
 May 2005 Certificate for a Professional training on Sustainable Organic Agricultural Practices and
Climate Change Adaptation, Rural Community in Development (RUCID), Mityana, Uganda.
 February 2005 Certificate for a Professional training in Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA).
Facilitated by Makerere University and Vi-Agro forestry, Masaka District, Uganda.
 September - October 2003 Certificate for a Short course in Computer Applications (CCA),
Packages included; MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, MS PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, SPSS,
MS Outlook. Institute of Computer Science, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.

Employment Record:

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Period Employing Organization and Country Summary of activities performed relevant

your title/ Position. Contact to the Assignment
information for reference
2006- WSS Services (U) Limited, Uganda Conducting Environmental Health and Social
2017 Uganda / Environmental Impact Assessments, EHS legislation review,
Impact Assessment (EIA) and Water Resources Assessments, Catchment /
Natural Resources Basin Planning & Management, SEA,
Management (NRM) especially for capital / infrastructural
Specialist development projects in Hydro Power,
Agriculture, and Water, Health, and Transport
sectors with funding from the World Bank
Ref: Dr. Denis Byamukama, Group, AfDB and GIZ. Supervision of
Managing Director implementation of ESMPs and undertaking
Tel: +256 782 519315 Environmental Health & Safety Audits.
2013- Rift Valley Railways Limited Uganda, Technical support to RVR (Uganda and
2017 (Uganda and Kenya) / Quality, Kenya Kenya) in areas of Environmental
Health, Safety and Management, Occupational/Operational
Environment (QHSE) Health and Safety (OHS), waste
Manager Management, ISO Certification of the
business including compliance to legal
requirements, implementation of Lender
Ref: Mr. Environment and Social Action Plan (ESAP)
Paul requirements of Multilateral financial
Kabaale, institution including the European
General Manager SHREQ Commission, the World Bank/IFC, AfDB,
Tel: +254 715430532 FMO, DEG and Proparco for Railway &
Email: paulske69@gmail.com marine infrastructure development.
Mar – UN Mission in South Sudan South Consultant with UNMISS in Wau, West-
Jul 2012 (UNMISS) / Environmental Sudan Bahr-el-Ghazal State and Aweil/Kwajok in
Health & Safety Management Warrap State on Engineering projects under
Consultant the Hub Engineer. The projects included
Ref: Mr. Charles Rwandekeye supervision of roads construction,
Regional Engineer, rehabilitation, defence structures, camp
Engineering Unit construction. Carried out construction
United Nations supervision and management of
Multidimensional Integrated infrastructures to improve wastewater
Stabilization Mission in Mali management, drainage systems, sanitary and
(MINUSMA) accommodation facilities, water supply &
Tel Ext: 145-3360/3112, (Cell) treatment infrastructure and resources
+22382559241 including training in water, sanitation and
/rwandekeye@un.org hygiene issues.
2008- Green World Consult Limited / Rwanda Conducting environmental health and social
2017 Environment & Natural impact assessments (EHSIA), water
Resources Management resources assessments and management,
Specialist WASH especially for infrastructural
Ref: Dr. Denis Byamukama, development projects for REMA, Ministries

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Tel: +256782519315 / of Infrastructure, Environment and

byamukamad@yahoo.co.uk Agriculture funded by GoR, WBG/IDA and
2007- DH Engineering Consultants / Zambia Undertaking environmental health and social
2009 EIA Specialist and impact assessments, waste management,
Professional Development legal/policy reviews especially for large scale
Fellow capital / infrastructural development projects
Ref: Eng. Danny Holmes, in energy, transport and urban development
Managing Director. Tel: funded by USAID, WBG/IDA and AfDB.
2006 World Health Organisation Uganda Developed energy saving alternatives for
(WHO) – Energy Saving rural areas of Masindi and trained medical
Alternatives Project / practitioners in indoor air pollution. Waste
Programme Manager management and pollution control.
Ref: Mr. Mwesigye Collins,
Promotion of Environmental
2005 AC Nielsen (U) Ltd / Field Uganda Supervised market research for British
Supervisor American Tobacco for Kampala, Mpigi and
Ref: Mr. Andrew Muhwezi, Wakiso Districts, Uganda.
2000 – Ibanda Women’s Guild / Water Uganda Fundraised through programme development
2005 and Sanitation Programme and supervised implementation of projects in
Officer the following areas: WASH, Sustainable
Land Management, Wetland Conservation,
Forestry, Soil and Water Conservation, Waste
Ref: Mrs. Mollen Kamugisha, Management, Energy Saving Alternative
+256772513045/ Projects funded by UNDP/SGP/GEF.
Membership of Professional Associations:
 Certified Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Practitioner and Environmental Auditor by
the National Environment Management Authority (Uganda and Rwanda).
 International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA).
 Eastern Africa Association for Impact Assessment (EAAIA).
 Uganda Association for Impact Assessment (UAIA).
 Nature Uganda (The East African Natural History Society).
 Water & Wastewater International
 Water World Community.
 African Sanitation Knowledge Network (ASKNet).
 Waste Management World (WMW).
 Holland Alumni (UNESCO-IHE)
 WaterNet Alumni.

Language Skills

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Language Speaking Reading Writing

English Excellent Excellent Excellent
French Fair Fair Fair
Luganda Good Good Good
Runyankole Excellent Good Good

Research & Project Assignments Undertaken:

Work Undertaken that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Tasks Assigned
1. Name of the Assignment: Consultancy Services for Catchment Situation Assessment of
Baseline Conditions on Gravity Flow Schemes & Development and Supervision of the
Implementation of Site Specific Water Source and Catchment Protection Plans in the 10 GFS Areas
Year; Ongoing
Location; The schemes are Lilima (Phase II), Bududa (Phase II), Bukwo (phase II), Bukedea
(Phase I), Orom (Phase I), Nyahubikye-Kikyenkye (Phase I), Rwebisengo-Kanara (Phase I),
Shuuku-Masyoro (Phase I), Lukalu- Kabasanda and Nyarwodo (Phase II)
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment with funding from the African Development Bank
Main Project Features; The Ministry of Water and Environment with funding from the African
Development Bank is developing rural water supply infrastructure, focusing on 10 Large Gravity
Flow Schemes across the country. The water supply and sanitation programme II also has a
component for water source catchment protection for all the 10 GFS. A climate change aspect is
one of the components of the project
Position Held: Catchment and climate change expert
Activities being performed:
Carrying out Environmental and Social Analysis to identify and assess the potential environmental
and social impacts, and make recommendations for their mitigation and monitoring;
Outlining health and safety measures to be instituted in the implementation of the project;
Produce a set of area specific priorities for enhancing climate resilience.
Developing a prioritization planning tool and use tools for risk screening and climate proofing to
prioritize interventions.

2. Name of the Assignment: Conducting Catchment Protection, including Training of Women and
Youth Groups and Monitoring of ESMP Implementation in 25 Small Towns Water Supply Systems
in Central Region of Uganda.
Year: 2017/2020
Location: Towns/Rural Growth Centres where WSDF-C is implementing Water supply and
sanitation systems and these include; Gombe-Kyabadaza, Kabembe- Kalagi- Naggalama, Busika-
Bamunanika, Namulonge-Kiwenda, Kakunyu-Kiyindi, Kiwoko-Butalangu, and Butenga-Kawoko,
Kiboga and Nakasongola.
Client:Ministry of Water and Environment / WSDF-Central with funding from African
Development Bank (AfDB)
Main Project Features: The Government of Uganda (GoU) secured funding from the AfDB for
the Water and Sanitation Program phase II (WSSP-11) to develop catchment and water source
protection plans; address climate change aspects, develop/monitor environment and social
management plans (ESMPs) per water source and evaluate the impacts of the implementation of
ESMPs in Small Towns Water Supply Systems in Central Region of Uganda.
Position Held: Environmental and Natural Resources Expert
Activities performed:
The program is designed to address the following components:
a) Developing and monitoring of Site-specific ESMPs Implementation
i. Developing site-specific ESMPs at the same time supervise and monitor their
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

ii. Training women and youth groups on climate change dangers and better practices that
climate change friendly
iii. Ensuring that records are kept regarding any activity at the proposed project sites; and
information on environmental performance of the sites recorded and transmitted to
NEMA in line with sections 77 and 78 of NEA, Cap 153 respectively.
iv. Recommending additional/alternate mitigation measures, where necessary to ensure that
any other undesirable environmental impacts that may arise due to implementing the
planned projects but were not contemplated during the development of the program
ESMP are mitigated.
v. Preparing Bi-annual ESMP implementation monitoring reports
b) Evaluation of the impacts of the implemented ESMPs
i. Conducting Environmental and Social Audits for the specific water supply and
sanitation projects and submitting to NEMA
c) Catchment Protection.
i. Conducting Catchment Situation Assessments (CSAs) to delineate/define the catchments
and ascertain their baseline conditions
ii. Developing catchment protection plans for specific water supply systems and guiding their
iii. Establishing Demonstration Tree nursery beds and Training of Women and Youth groups.
3.Name of the Assignment: Consultancy services to carryout sanitation and hygiene promotion,
training of masons, women and youth groups in construction and management of appropriate
sanitation measures in small towns in Central Uganda Sub-region.
Location: 9 small towns in the central region of Uganda i.e. Gombe-Kyabadaza, Kabembe-Kalagi-
Naggalama, Busika Bamunanika, Namulonge-Kiwenda, Kakunyu-Kiyindi, Kiwoko-Butalangu,
Butenga-Kawoko, Kiboga and Nakasongola.
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment / WSDF-Central with funding from African
Development Bank (AfDB).
Main Project Features: As part of the continued efforts to address the problem of limited access to
safe drinking water and poor sanitation and hygiene standards in small towns and rural growth
centres in Uganda, the GoU secured financing from the AfDB for the Water and Sanitation Program
phase II (WSSP-11). Undertake sanitation baseline surveys, conduct community based trainings on
sanitation and hygiene promotion and monitor the usage of public/institutional sanitation facilities
in the in the 9 small towns found in the central region of Uganda. As part of efforts to promote
sanitation and hygiene in institutions and public places within the central region, WSDF-C has
planned to construct a total of 1OO No. water-borne toilets in selected public places and institutions
(schools or health centres) within the selected beneficiary towns and 2No. Regional Faecal Sludge
Management (FSM) facilities- one in each of Kiboga and Nakasongola districts.
Position Held: Environmental Health / Sanitation Expert
Activities performed: These included: Carryout a baseline survey to assess the sanitation situation;
train selected masons, women and youth groups in specific sanitation technologies deemed fitting
for community utilization; generating information on the level of sanitation and hygiene among
communities, number of men, women, children, the elderly and persons with disability who have
access to improved sanitation facilities, state and adequacy of sanitation and hygiene in institutions
and public places, ascertain type, number, status, distribution, and operational and maintenance

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

mechanisms for existing public toilet facilities in the region. In addition, assess community
willingness to pay for public toilet services and ascertain appropriateness of current management
practices for existing public toilet facilities; assess the current knowledge, attitude and practices
towards water, sanitation and hygiene; train the care takers and or management committees / boards
of the provided institutional / public toilets and regional FSM facilities in best operation and
management practices for sustainable utilization of the provided sanitary facilities and; monitor
operations of the provided sanitation facilities including regional FSM infrastructure and Cesspool
Emptier to ensure that they are put to good use, and properly maintained in a functional state at all

4.Name of the Assignment: Environmental and Social Assessment for the Feasibility Studies for
Future Electrification Projects Under Uganda Rural Electricity Access Project, Uganda
Year: 2017/2018
Location: Proposed grid-electrification projects in North-North West, Eastern, Mid-Western, South
Western, Western, Rwenzori, West Nile, Northern, North Western, Rwenzori, Western, South and
Central Electricity Distribution Service Territories covering a total of 2,400 km of medium voltage
(MV) lines.
Client: NRECA, Uganda Rural Electrification Agency (REA)with funding from African
Developement Bank.
Main Project Features: The Government of Uganda initially formulated the first phase of the
Rural Electrification Strategy and Plan (RESP) that employed a combination of grid and off-grid
expansion activities to provide service to rural communities. The revised RESP for 2013-2022 aims
to increase rural electric access to 26% of the rural population over this period. The Uganda Rural
Electricity Access Project (UREAP) is one of the several projects designed to achieve the target set
in RESP-2.UREAP has four main components: (a) grid extensions and last-mile Connections, (b)
Project Administration and Management, (c) Technical Assistance and Capacity Building; and (d)
implementation of Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and Abbreviated
Resettlement Action Plan (ARAP).The feasibility study will comprise: detailed engineering designs
including distribution lines surveys, socioeconomic & financial analyses, environmental assessment
and full resettlement action plan or abbreviated resettlement action plan of proposed grid-
electrification projects.
Position Held: Environmental Assessment Expert
Activities performed: These included:
 Preparing a Work Plan for completing EIA, Environmental and Social Management Plan
(ESMP) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP).
 Preparing the Project Profiles including photographs of each of the 13 Service Territories and
relevant physical features where potential impacts may occur. This will include a focus on
sensitive ecosystems and socially important sites, discussions with community leaders and
members about the proposed projects and potential impacts and mitigation measures.
 Preparing the Environmental Assessment Reports (EIA, ESMP, EMP).

 Scheduling and conducting meetings with key stakeholders such as Government Ministries,
NGOs and community leaders and members to document their input and concerns with regard
to the planned projects.
 Reporting on modifications to the draft report based on feedback from REA, AfDB, and
 Revising the draft report to incorporate comments from REA, AfDB, and NEMA and
submitting a revised deliverable.

5.Name of the Assignment: Individual Consultant to develop an Environmental and Social Impact

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Assessment (ESIA) and an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for the Proposed
KCCA Waste Recycling Plant at Plot M880 Industrial Area, Kampala, Uganda.
Location:Industrial Area, Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment / LVEMP II with funding from World Bank.
Main Project Features: Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) is implementing the Lake
Victoria Environment Management Project phase 2 (LVEMP II) funded by World Bank through the
Ministry of Water and Environment. The overall objective of the LVEMP II is to reduce
environmental pollution load in Lake Victoria and flood frequency in Kampala. Among the LVEMP
II activities in KCCA is establishing a waste recycling plant to facilitate community based waste
recycling. In Kampala, uncollected waste (approx. 360,000tons) is dumped indiscriminately; most
of it ends in drainage channels, which drain into Lake Victoria. Approximately 40,000 tonnes of
plastic and 1,000 tonnes of market waste streams per month shall be processed at the facility. These
will be transformed into usable, marketable products e.g. energy saving briquettes, organic
fertiliser, fish feed, building bricks & blocks, art & crafts, and plastic bales, among others. The
facility shall consist of 2,400 square metre warehouse and shall have the following facilities i.e.
main transportation routes, drop off areas, storage, sorting, cleaning, drying, composting, and
processing areas.
Position Held: Environmental Assessment and Waste Management Expert
Activities performed: These included:
 Provision of baseline information on environmental, social and economic conditions in the
project area;
 Identification, analysis and assessment of the type and extent of potential E&S impacts
associated with the proposed project activities and the waste collection system (to the facility),
with emphasis on significance, magnitude and distribution of beneficial and adverse effects of
the planned project activities on the biophysical and socioeconomic environment, propose
measures to avoid, minimize or mitigate adverse and enhance beneficial impacts;
 Review environmental and social aspects of similar projects in Kampala (in particular the
reports on the Integrated Solid Waste Management Project) with a view of informing design of
the proposed facility.
 Assessment of the best alternative project with most benefits and least costs in terms of
financial, social, and environmental considerations.
 Development of Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) that shall outline
measures to prevent, minimize, mitigate or compensate for adverse environmental and social
impacts and to enhance beneficial impacts, costs of the measures, monitoring requirements and
institutional strengthening.
 Establishment of clear procedures and methodologies for the E&S planning, review, approval
and implementation of project activities;
 Specification of roles and responsibilities and the necessary reporting procedures for managing
and monitoring project activity E&S concerns.

6.Name of the Assignment:Rapid Environmental Assessment for the Preliminary Design for
Rehabilitation and Expansion of Kapchorwa Municipality Water Supply System.
Year: 2017
Location: Kapchorwa District, Uganda.
Client:Ministry of Water and Environment / Water and Sanitation Development Facility – East
(WSDF-E) / EU & GIZ funding.
Main Project Features:The overall objective of the assignment is to undertake a feasibility study

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

and preliminary engineering design for rehabilitation and expansion of Kapchorwa Municipality
water supply system with the aim of improving its capacity to meet the water demand in the
expanded water supply area.The proposed improvement and expansion project seeks to develop,
improve and expand the water supply systems in the targeted project area to enhance capacity and
extend portable, sustainable and reliable drinking water to unserved areas in Kapchorwa
Municipality, Binyinyi Town Council and selected Rural Growth Centres in the Sub Counties of
Binyinyi Kapsinda, Kobil, Kabeywa, Chema, Amukol, Sipi, Munarya, Kaserem and Kaptanya.
Position Held:Environmental Scientist
Activities performed:Carried out Rapid Environmental Assessment / Scoping to identify and
assess the potential environmental and social impacts, and make recommendations for their
mitigation and monitoring; Outlined health and safety measures to be instituted in the
implementation of the project; Outlined pertinent policy, legal and institutional framework under
which the project will be implemented. Reference to the relevant safeguard policies of financial
institutions that are likely to be triggered by the project should be made in the ESIA study;
Proposed measures for the management of associated waste from the project works. This included
management of the demolition process for the existing house structures on the site, where
applicable.The Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) should be conducted as per National
Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) guidelines

7.Name of the Assignment:ESIA for the proposed two Piped Water Supply and Sanitation Systems
to serve people in Malere and Kampala B Parishes in Biguli Sub-County in Kamwenge District.
Year: 2017
Location:Biguli Sub-County in Kamwenge District
Client: Water For People (Bright Technical Services).
Main Project Features:The overall objective of the assignment is to undertake detailed designs
and preparation of tender documents for the construction of water supply and sanitation systems in
selected centers under Water for People in partnership with Kamwenge District Local government.
The proposed works shall take place in the 2 parishes of Malere and Kampala B in Biguli Sub-
county in Biguli parish. Water for People is a USA-based non-profit organization that aims at
improving people’s quality of life by supporting the development of locally sustainable drinking
water resources, sanitation facilities, and health and hygiene education programs. Water for People
iscurrently operating in 9 countries in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. In Uganda, Water for People
(WfP) is currently working in Kamwenge districts where it will this year be constructing water
supply and sanitation systems to reach all the unserved communities in the 2 parishes of Malere and
Kampala B in Biguli Sub County.
Position Held:Environment & Health Assessments Expert
Activities performed:Carried out Environmental and Social Analysis to identify and assess the
potential environmental and social impacts, and make recommendations for their mitigation and
monitoring; Outlined health and safety measures to be instituted in the implementation of the
project; Outlined pertinent policy, legal and institutional framework under which the project will be
implemented. Reference to the relevant safeguard policies of financial institutions that are likely to
be triggered by the project should be made in the ESIA study; Proposed measures for the
management of associated waste from the project works. This included management of the
demolition process for the existing house structures on the site, where applicable.The
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) should be conducted as per National Environmental
Management Authority (NEMA) guidelines.

8.Name of the Assignment: Farm Income Enhancement and Forestry Conservation - an

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) of the Pabbo, Rhino Camp-Wadelai, Toch,
Biiso irrigation schemes.
Year: 2015/2017
Location: Amuru, Arua, Nebbi, Oyam, Buliisa Districts
Client:Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) and Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

and Fisheries (MAAIF)

Main Project Features: Financed by the African Development Bank (ADB), the Nordic
Development Fund (NDF) and the Government of Uganda, the specific objectives of the
assignment is to carry out relevant technical investigations and studies (hydrological and hydraulic
studies, topographical surveys, geotechnical investigations, socio-economic assessment), and
prepare engineering designs and tender documents to facilitate the construction of civil and
hydraulic structures. Focus: to develop the identified sites into modern irrigation schemes with
farmer based sustainable institutional management arrangements.
Position Held: Team Member, Environment & Natural Resources Management (NRM) Specialist
Activities performed: Collected and evaluated and baseline data on the environmental
characteristics of the study area on:

 Develop catchment management plans for Pabbo, Rhino Camp-Wadelai, Toch, Biiso irrigation
 Carryout an Initial Environmental Evaluation/Assessment for the project;

 Physical environment: surface water hydrology and ground water, geology, topography,
soils, climate, existing pollution discharges; instances of waterlogging, flooding,
siltation/erosion, contamination of surface water source;
 Biological environment: ecological such as loss of biodiversity, effects on sensitive natural
(terrestrial & aquatic) habitats including parks and reserves and wetlands/swamps; flora and
fauna, including rare or endangered species; potential vectors for disease; exotics and aquatic
 Socio-cultural environment: land use and tenure; livelihoods by the population living in the
vicinity of the scheme; landscape and visual effects; and access ways; present irrigation water
uses; control over allocation of resource use rights; water-related human health problems;
cultural sites.

9.Name of the Assignment: Preparation of ESIAs, ESMF, EMMP, Monitoring and Evaluation of
Implementation of Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) in project sites in WSDF-
Central Region, Uganda.
Year: 2013/2017
Location: WSDF-C operates in 25 districts in central Uganda, which are; Hoima, Buliisa, Masindi,
Nakasongola, Nakaseke, Kiboga, Kibaale, Luwero, Mityana, Masaka, Mpigi, Mubende, Mukono,
Buikwe, Kayunga, Kalangala, Wakiso, Buvuma, Gomba, Kiryandongo, Kyankwanzi, Butambala,
Bukomansimbi, Kalungu and Lwengo.
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment (Water and Sanitation Development Facility- Central)
with African Development Bank Group (AfDB) funding.
Main Project Features: The overall objective of the assignment is to develop and review site-
specific ESMPs, monitor and evaluate implementation of both site-specific and Program-wide
ESMP within WSDF-C areas of operation to ensure that probable adverse effects to the
environment and society, as a result of executing water supply and sanitation activities are
identified and mitigated. Assess compliance to legal framework and AfDB’s safeguard policies.
Position Held: Team Member, Environmental Specialist
Activities performed:

 Responsible to developed, monitor and evaluate Implementation of Site-Specific ESMPS in 25

Specific Sites of operation to ensure that probable adverse effects to the environment and
society, as a result of executing water supply and sanitation activities are identified and
mitigated; Ensure that AfDB Social and Environmental Safeguards are adequately adhered too
during implementation (including Involuntary Resettlement of Project Affected Persons

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

(PAPs)). ESIAs for Expansion of Kabango-Budongo Town Water Supply System in Budongo
Sub County, Masindi District; for Proposed Establishment of Bugoigo-Butiaba Rural Growth
Centre Water Supply System at Bugoigo-Butiaba Parishes, Butiaba Sub-county, Buliisa
District; for Proposed Establishment of Buliisa Rural Growth Centre Water Supply System at
Buliisa Town Council, Buliisa District; for Proposed Establishment of Kinogozi Rural Growth
Centre Water Supply System at Kinogozi, Buhimba Sub-county Hoima District; for Proposed
Expansion of Bukomansimbi Rural Growth Centre Water Supply System At Kawala Village,
Bukomansimbi Town Council, Bukomansimbi District.
 Formulation, Inspection, Environmental Auditing and Construction Supervision of the
implementation of environmental and social mitigation and management plans, review and
implementation of environmental safeguards of AfDB in 25 Specific Sites of operation to
ensure that probable adverse effects to the environment and society, as a result of executing
water supply and sanitation activities are identified and mitigated. Monitoring, verifying that
the Contractor’s operations comply with the approved ESMP, requirements of laws and
regulations governing construction works in Uganda including environmental laws and
 Monitoring and auditing the implementation of HIV and AIDS Prevention, Sensitization and
Awareness Campaigns as provided for in the ESMPs and Contractor’s manuals; Reviewing,
monitoring and reporting implementation of staff and labour related aspects; Developing,
supervising and monitoring implementation of site-specific ESMPs to ensure that likely
negative effects are managed as planned and scheduled; Evaluating the impacts of implemented
site-specific and Program-wide ESMP on the environment and communities; Notifying WSDF-
C and other relevant parties/authorities of any unresolved or unanticipated land acquisition and
right-of-way issues that may impede Contractor’s progress or access to site; Monitoring all 25
contractor’s compliance to the agreed Grievance Mechanism;
 Carrying out Environmental and Social Audits for the 25 site specific water supply and
sanitation projects, and submit reports to NEMA for approval. Reviewed and monitored
implementation of a plan developed by the contractors in accordance with legal and other
requirements e.g. Conditions of approval by NEMA (authority) for all 25 water and sanitation

10.Name of the Assignment: Develop water and related natural resources Catchment Management
Plan that clearly spells out Management and investment measures as well as policy and legal
recommendations for sustainable and equitable use of Rwizi water resources.
Year: 2015/2017
Location:Mbarara, Rakai, Bushenyi, Buhweju, Lwengo, Kiruhura, Sheema
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment / Victoria Water Management Zone (VWMZ).
Position Held: Team Member, Environmental/NRM Expert
Activities performed:Described the Catchment status (environmentally) and build a Catchment
knowledge base for Planning; Carried out a stakeholder review and engagement for R. Rwizi
catchment; Carried out a strategic social and environmental (SSE) assessment of the R. Rwizi
catchment; Designed the planning framework in collaboration with the R. Rwizi Catchment
management committee and the Victoria water management zone; Selected the analytical tools for
planning and water resources management for R. Rwizi catchment; Assessed the baseline water
resources availability in R. Rwizi catchment; Updated & refined existing reports on water use /
demand including Projections for future water use and demand for the R. Rwizi catchment
including the level and characteristics of wastewater generation and discharge into the catchment;
Compared the water resources supply and demand (Gap analysis) and design measures aimed at
either increasing productive water use or improving water use efficiency and management of water
demand; Developed and analysed logical options and scenarios for expected water resources

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

developments and investments; Prepared and costed the final implementation Plan.

11.Name of the Assignment: Capturing and documenting experiences in implementing catchment

based integrated water resources management in Uganda
Year: 2016/2017
Client: WSS Services U Ltd (FAO) in collaboration with the Directorate of Water Resources
Main Project Features: Coordination, implementation and funding mechanisms for catchment-
based IWRM developed based on experiences from on-going work in the 4 WMZs by the end of
Position Held: Support Staff/Environment and NRM Specialist
Activities performed: Experiences in implementing CbIWRM from the 4 WMZs captured and
documented; Existing and potential coordination and implementation mechanisms for catchment-
based IWRM reviewed; Existing and potential funding options and mechanisms for catchment-
based IWRM reviewed; Appropriate implementation and coordination arrangements and
mechanisms for CbIWRM proposed; Appropriate funding options and mechanisms for Catchment
based IWRM proposed.

12.Name of the Assignment: Environmental and Social Due Diligence for Kabaale Airport and
two associated power transmission lines in Kabaale Parish, Buseruka sub-county, Hoima District in
western Uganda
Year: 2016/2017
Location:Kabaale Parish, Buseruka sub-county, Hoima District, Western Uganda
Client:D’Appolonia S.p.A (funding from United Kingdom Export Finance (UKEF))
Main Project Features: The Government of Uganda proposes the construction of an Airport and
two associated power transmission lines in Kabaale Parish, Buseruka sub-county, Hoima District in
western Uganda. The Project is driven by the discovery of large oil and gas reserves in western
Uganda, near Lake Albert. An Airport has been identified as required infrastructure for the
facilitation and development of planned oil refining and other oil-related facilities in the area.
D’Appolonia has been retained by Lenders to carry out an Environmental and Social Due Diligence
(ESDD) for the Kabaale Airport Project (the Project) in Uganda against Lenders Environmental and
Social Requirements.
Position Held: Environmental and Social Safeguards Expert
Activities performed: These included:
 Review national Legislation and draft a list of all permits and requirements required by national
 Prepare environmental review report on compliance to legal and other requirements including
permits and licenses;
 Providing an assessment of cumulative impacts of the Project under scrutiny with other project
and existing or planned developments;
 Improving the impact assessment for some environmental components;

 Supplementing baseline information on biodiversity using secondary data and carrying out a
more thorough analysis and classification of existing habitats;
 Improving the distribution of competencies and responsibilities among the various Government
 Establishing a feedback mechanism for communities;

 Developing a Management System for the operation phase;

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Developing an Influx Management Plan.

Improving the implementation of the Impact Assessment.

13.Name of the Assignment: Supervision of the Construction of the Isimba HEP Project & the
Associated Interconnection Transmission Lines, Substations in Kayunga and Kamuli Districts,
Uganda being executed by CIWE
Year: 2015/2017
Location: Kayunga and Kamuli Districts, Uganda
Client: Energy Infratech, Pvt. Ltd advisor/consultant to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Main Project Features: Construction supervision of the Isimba HEP Project and the Associated
Interconnection Transmission Lines and Substations in Kayunga and Kamuli Districts.
Position Held: Environment Health & Safety Expert (Support Staff)
Activities performed: Monitoring the Implementation of the Environmental Management and
Monitoring Plan (EMMP) and the specific site plans, including labour force management, waste
management, and traffic management.

14.Name of the Assignment: Construction Supervision for the Construction of Karuma HEP
Project in Kiryandongo District being executed by Sinohydro Corporation
Year: 2015/2017
Location:Kiryandongo District, Uganda
Client: Energy Infratech, Pvt. Ltd advisor/consultant to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
Main Project Features: Construction supervision of the Isimba HEP Project and the Associated
Interconnection Transmission Lines and Substations in Kayunga and Kamuli Districts
Position Held: Environment Health &Safety Expert (Support Staff)
Activities performed: Monitoring the Implementation of the EMMP and the specific site plans,
including Labor force management, Waste Management, Traffic Management.

15.Name of the Assignment: Development of updated Environmental and Social Mitigation Plans
for Mulago National Referral Hospital; Kawempe and Kiruddu Hospitals in the City of Kampala,
Year: 2017
Client: Ministry of Healthwith funding from African Developement Fund (ADF)
Location: City of Kampala, Uganda
 Main Project Features: Undertake and propagate Environmental and Social Mitigation Plans for
Mulago National Referral Hospital; Kawempe and Kiruddu Hospitals in the City of Kampala at
Kawempe and Kiruddu (Makindye Division).
 Position Held:Environment Management and Safeguards/OHS Expert
Activities performed:
 Reviewed the EIA reports, EI related activities and other relevant EIA and ESMP reports for
the three hospital projects; Assessed & described activities being undertaken during the project
construction; and the planned activities during the decommissioning. Assessed building designs
with regards to EI; Consulted stakeholders;
 Prepared ESMPs; Training of hospital personnel, particularly person(s) in charge of
environmental monitoring and staff dealing with solid waste, on solid waste management
covering storage, handling and disposal of hazardous and non – hazardous waste; and provision
of the necessary PPE starter packs.
 Preparation of ESMP (Developing specified mitigation measure budgets, monitoring and
implementation schedule for implementing agency); Prepare an action for the implementation

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

of the ESMP including detailed resource use plans to facilitate and direct, in a sustainable
manner, the ESM needs at the three hospitals during the operation; Developing of a
preventative maintenance plan, emergency response plan (including spills and floods), and a
pollution prevention plan; Developing internal environmental auditing and reporting protocols;
Description of the role of the person responsible for environmental management and
Development of all the relevant plans and SOPS for effective implementation of the ESMP.

16.Name of the Assignment: Environmental Auditing and Monitoring of the implementation of

site-specific ESMPs in mitigating environmental health and social impacts in the rehabilitation of
Tororo – Pakwach Railway line.
Year: 2013/2017
Location: 15 Districts i.e. Tororo, Mbale, Pallisa, Bukedea, Kumi, Ngora, Soroti, Amuria, Lira,
Alebtong, Kole, Oyam, Gulu, Nwoya and Nebbi Districts.
Client: Rift Valley Railways Limited (Uganda and Kenya)
Main Project Features: As part of its compliance requirements for an investors Environmental
and Social Monitoring Policies (WBG/IFC, AfDB, FMO, DEG), Rift Valley Railways Limited
undertook to develop and implement an innovative and comprehensive community engagement and
environmental management programme along the Tororo–Pakwach Railway Line. This is also in
accordance with the Environmental and Social Management Programme (ESMP) for the
Rehabilitation of Tororo–Pakwach Railway Line.
Position Held: Team Leader, Environmental & Safeguards Specialist
Activities performed: Reviewed all Lenders Safeguard Policies including the ESMP (programme),
IFC Performance Standards and IFC General Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines and
recommend actions; Field monitoring on performance of environmental/social mitigation measures;
Trained, awarded service contracts to the identified community groups to be engaged for the
proposed community engagement programme in the five Districts. Sensitized communities on
incident response, accident risks, occupational safety and health Act. Emphasize the need for
personal protective equipment (PPEs) and hand tools. Encouraged voluntary resettlement for the
eligible PAPS. Established legal and illegal level crossings and need for railway signage/manning.
Studied culverts/gabions installations. Visited the areas where construction materials are sourced to
ascertain the need for conducting EIA. Identified any permits/licenses required/ensure that they are
obtained from respective Authorities/Lead Agencies. Assessed waste management options in place.
Ensured all burrow pits, murram pits, stone quarry areas were refilled, landscaped and re-vegetation
done. Held discussions with local government officials on EHS aspects.

17.Name of the Assignment: Preparation of Railway Safety Management Plan and other Standard
Operating Procedures including monitoring and supervision of implementation for Kampala –
Malaba – Mombasa Railway Operations.
Year: 2013/2017
Location:Uganda and Kenya.
Client: Rift Valley Railways Limited (Uganda and Kenya)
Main Project Features: As part of its compliance requirements for an investors Environmental
and Social Monitoring Policies (WBG/IFC, AfDB, FMO, DEG), Rift Valley Railways Limited
undertook to develop and implement Railway Safety Management Plan and other Standard
Operating Procedures including monitoring and supervision of implementation for Kampala –
Malaba – Mombasa Railway Operations (Mainline).
Position Held: Team Leader, Environmental &Safeguards Specialist
Activities performed:
 Review existing and planned railway safety documents/plans submitted by RVR to URC and
KRC for safe rail operations and assess their adequacy and compliance to international
standards and guidelines.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 The developed safety management system(s) should adhere to statutory and regulatory
requirements of the Uganda safety requirements and comply to international standards,
guidelines and best practices.
 Develop a Railway Safety Management System that including: operation and maintenance
plan, emergency preparedness and response plan (EPRP), accident and incident reporting
procedures and any other plan that the consultant deems necessary from their experience is vital
to development of a rail safety management system.
 Develop reporting templates, manuals, checklists, schedules, instruction lists and reporting
cycles for the different plans and equipment. Establish standard reporting templates and their
respective schedules to facilitate decision making by URC/KRC and different stakeholders in
line with the necessary national, regional and international guidelines and standards.
 Develop an EPRP for each railway station and make recommendations on how to manage
workplace hazards.
 Undertake the required EHS training, logistics and stakeholder engagement plans required to
effectively perform all the roles required in the plans during the rehabilitation phase and later
on the Operation Phase of the rail.
 Participate in recruitment of staff requirement for the safety personnel, job requirements,
number of personnel, tools and spare parts list, procurement requirements, tools and equipment
used during operation and maintenance,
 Prepare standard operating procedures (SOPs), record keeping, data analysis and trending
requirements that can be incorporated into the railway safety systems, emergency procedures,
warning systems to be installed and occupational safety guidelines.
 Ensure all equipment and tools used are in good working conditions and are inspected

18.Name of the Assignment: Consultancy services for social assessment, resettlement policy
framework, environmental management framework, EIA and resettlement action plan for
Development of Urban Infrastructure in six Secondary Cities of Rubavu, Rusizi, Musanze,
Muhanga, Huye and Nyagatare of Rwanda, and the City of Kigali
Year: 2015/2017
Location: Rubavu, Rusizi, Musanze, Muhanga, Huye and Nyagatare of Rwanda, and the City of
Kigali, Rwanda
Client: Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Rwanda (MININFRA) with funding from
World Bank
Main Project Features: The Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Rwanda (MININFRA) is
in an advance stage of preparation of a Government of Rwanda (GoR) and the World Bank funded
Urban Infrastructure Development Project (including roads and drainage systems) in the six
secondary cities of Muhanga, Musanze, Huye, Rubavu, Rusizi and Nyagatare, and in Agatare area
of Nyarugenge District of the City of Kigali in Rwanda
Position Held: Team Member, Environmental and Safeguards Specialist
Activities performed: Prepared Resettlement Policy Framework; Review of policy and legal
framework, Environmental Management Framework; EIA; Participated in the preparation of the
Resettlement Action Plan; Supported the assignment in all aspects related to this assignment;
Prepared and attended coordination meetings with the contracting parties (MININFRA/WB and
other stakeholders); Presented to stakeholders´ meetings and workshops; Prepared parts Reports
and presentation material for stakeholder engagement: Power points, small brochures or printed
material with simple summaries of concepts (part of communications plan).

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

19.Name of the Assignment: Bio-remediation of Historically Contaminated or Polluted Sites with

biodegraded diesel, heavy fuel oil, bitumen and tar due to Railway Transport Operations in Kenya
and Uganda
Year: 2016/2017
Location: 10 sites in Kenya (Eldoret, Gilgil, Nakuru, Nairobi (3), Mombasa and Kisumu,
Changamwe, Makadara) and 4 sites in Uganda (Tororo, Jinja, Kampala Central, Nalukolongo)
Client: Rift Valley Railways Limited (Uganda and Kenya)
Main Project Features: As part of its compliance requirements for an investors Environmental
and Social Monitoring Policies (WBG/IFC, AfDB, FMO, DEG), Rift Valley Railways Limited
undertook to clean up/bio-remediate historically polluted sites across Mombasa – Kampala railway
network. Prior to the concession, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) commissioned the
process of conducting an Environmental and Social Due Diligence - Technical and Financial Audit
Report audit on major facilities in 2003. The audit report also indicated presence of large quantities
of polluted soil (both diffused and hot spot polluting sources), which in the future could lead to
substantial environmental liability.
Position Held:Environmental & Social Assessment Expert
Activities performed: The activities carried out included:
Review relevant documents pertaining to the contract assignment (Uganda Railways Corporation
Ltd major facilities–Environmental Audit Report 2004, Kenya Railways Corporation–
Environmental and Social Due Diligence Report of April 2003, and RVR EHS Baseline Report–
Gibb Africa 2011),
Conduct field site visits and carry out a rapid assessment of target RVR sites in Uganda and Kenya
in order to determine the extent of site contamination and possible site locations where
bioremediation activities (in-situ or ex-situ) can be carried out; and
Establish the likelihood of success, practicability and effectiveness of the proposed bioremediation
scheme as most sites are within wetlands.
Pre-Treatment Assessment/Situation Analysis including stakeholder mapping and engagement
Design of Treatment and Monitoring Plan including Bio Remediation Plan (BMP) and
Environment Management & Monitoring Plan (EMMP). The BMP will present the determined
volumes of soil and/or effluent to be treated and the corresponding concentrations of pollutants
therein and thus recommended selected bioremediation method (e.g. landfilling, bio-treatment, land
farming etc.) and how to manage it.
Assessment and Termination of Treatment / Validation (post-remediation) i.e. The time frame for
bioremediation is often case-specific and so the consultant will validate completion of treatment
after achievement of targets set in the BMP, based on analysis that the chemicals of concern no
longer pose a risk to human health or the environment.
Data Analysis and Reporting - Monitoring of Treatment progress will be carried out and reports
produced accordingly to present subsequent concentrations of chemical substances in the soil and
finally the fate of the treated soil in terms of how it was, or is to be, managed to ensure the adequate
protection of human health and the environment.

20.Name of the Assignment: Documenting and Implementing the Environment and Social Action
Plan for Rubaya Nyabihu Tea Company
Year: 2016/2017
Location:Rubaya and Nyabihu, Rwanda
Client:Rubaya Nyabihu Tea Company (Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries
Main Project Features: Following an Environmental & Social Assessment (ESA) done to advise on
social and environmental impacts, risks and opportunities with regard to a multi-site tea project in
Rwanda to be developed by Rubaya and Nyabihu Tea Company (RNTC), a branch of Rwanda
Mountain Tea (RMT) as part of BIO’s environmental and social due diligence, gaps in
documentation on environmental and social issues and risks to facilitate decision making by the

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Lenders were identified.

Position Held: Environmental and Social Expert
Activities performed: In line with IFC Performance Standards: Preparing, submitting
environmental and social monitoring reports to lenders that show status of compliance with IFC
PSs, and with the requirements of this ESAP. Mitigation measures recommended through ESIA for
the expansion to be adapted and applied to the entire Rubaya estate. RNTC was also to undertake
an Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment (“ESHIA”) in compliance with national
requirements and aligned with IFC Performance Standards. An ESHIA process development and
Risk/Impact assessment and mitigation measures were developed and applied to whole Nyabihu

21.Name of the Assignment: Finalisation, Updating of the ESIA and Undertaking the Resettlement
Action Plan for the Ayago Hydropower Project, Uganda
Year: 2016/2017
Location: Murchison fall, Northern Uganda
Client: Government of Uganda / Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
Main Project Features: The government of Uganda together with JICA is undertaking feasibility
studies for the development of the National Hydro Power Master Plan and Ayago site on the Nile
for a 700MW HPP Scheme. The project is at stage 3 where the Environmental Surveys are part of
the three components being undertaken
Position Held: Assistant Team Leader / Environmental Assessments Expert
Activities performed: Carry out scoping meetings, Baseline studies and further public
consultations; Developing Terms of Reference(ToRs) for the ESIA, Carried out Social Surveys,
Prepared the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Compiled Environmental Impact Statement;
Develop EIA management and monitoring plan.

22.Name of the Assignment: Conduct a detailed Catchment Water Resources Assessment (ground
and surface water) for Biguli Sub County, Kamwengye District
Year: 2016/2017
Client: FELs andWater for People (W4P) and partners in planning for water supply system
Location: Biguli Sub County, Kamwengye District, Uganda
Main Project Features: The purpose of this project therefore, is to conduct a detailed Water
resources assessment (ground and surface water) for Biguli Sub County that will be used by Water
for People (W4P) and partners in planning for water supply system development and come up with
very practical interventions at the very local scale that allow and ensure total community
participation and ownership.
Position Held:Environment and Natural Resources Specialist
Activities performed: Responsibilities include to: Establish the threats to the water resources and
other communal welfare issues. Assess the status of the catchment with respect to; Socio economic
conditions; Environment conditions and considerations; Potential threats and risks to both the water
resource and environment. Develop and propose a catchment management plan taking into
consideration the human activities, land tenure and land degradation.

23.Name of the Assignment: Support the development of a comprehensive implementation plan

for the National Water Resources Strategy for Uganda
Year: 2016/2017
Client: Directorate of Water Resources Management (DWRM) with funding from Food
Agricultural Organisation (FAO)
Location: Kampala, Uganda.
Main Project Features: Contribute to the development of a comprehensive implementation plan for
the national water resources strategy

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Position Held:Water Resources Management Specialist

Activities performed:
 Determine the human resources requirements in terms of skills commensurate with the scope of
the national strategy. Moreover, the consultant will determine the human resources
requirements, knowledge and capacity levels for implementation of all intervention activities of
the strategy as well as resources required for monitoring implementation progress.
 Determine existing institutional capacities of MWE and relevant directorates and departments.
Similarly, the consultant will map, document, and assess the adequacy of existing facilities for
successful strategy implementation. The consultant will develop detailed action plan and
recommendations based on this assessment.
 Determine and assess existing collaboration mechanisms with partner institutions as well as
stakeholder participation processes needed for successful strategy implementation and
monitoring. The determination process requires the consultant to critically review the adequacy,
effectiveness and inclusiveness of existing collaboration mechanisms. Based on the findings,
the consultant will develop, propose and build consensus for more effective, inclusive and
participatory mechanisms for collaboration with partner institutions and all stakeholders.
 Review current legal and policy environment for strategy implementation.
 Carries out an expert critique of the national water resources strategy.

24.Name of the Assignment: Development of Water Source Protection Plan under the Water
Supply and Sanitation Project for Arua Water Source of National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Year: 2015/2016
Client: National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) in collaboration with the Directorate of
Water Resources Management (DWRM) and Deutsche
GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ).
Location: Arua District, Uganda
Main Project Features: Develop participatory agreed water source protection plans with clear
implementation, financing and monitoring strategies for each site as provided for in the source
protection guidelines.
Position Held:Environment and Natural Resources Specialist
Activities performed: Identify the existing and potential risks, threats and pathways for the water
sources and engage the various stakeholders responsible for the problem in a positive way that may
lead to mutually beneficial outcomes. Prepare situation analysis, technical analysis, review
legal/policy/institutional framework, Resource mobilization analysis and Water source protection
plans and protection zones reports.

25.Name of the Assignment: Development of Water Source Protection Plan under the Water
Supply and Sanitation Projects for Bushenyi Area Water Source of National Water and Sewerage
Year: 2015/2016
Client: National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) in collaboration with the Directorate of
Water Resources Management (DWRM) and Deutsche
GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ).
Location: Bushenyi District, Uganda
Main Project Features: Develop participatory agreed water source protection plans with clear
implementation, financing and monitoring strategies for each site as provided for in the source
protection guidelines.
Position Held:Environment and Natural Resources Specialist
Activities performed: Identify the existing and potential risks, threats and pathways for the water
sources and engage the various stakeholders responsible for the problem in a positive way that may
lead to mutually beneficial outcomes. Prepare situation analysis, technical analysis, review
legal/policy/institutional framework, Resource mobilization analysis and Water source protection
plans and protection zones reports.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

26.Name of the Assignment: Development of Water Source Protection Plan under the Water
Supply and Sanitation Projects for Mbale/Sironko Areas Water Source of National Water and
Sewerage Corporation
Year: 2015/2016
Client: National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) in collaboration with the Directorate of
Water Resources Management (DWRM) and Deutsche
GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ).
Location: Mbale/Sironko District, Uganda
Main Project Features: Develop participatory agreed water source protection plans with clear
implementation, financing and monitoring strategies for each site as provided for in the source
protection guidelines.
Position Held:Environment and Natural Resources Specialist
Activities performed: Identify the existing and potential risks, threats and pathways for the water
sources and engage the various stakeholders responsible for the problem in a positive way that may
lead to mutually beneficial outcomes. Prepare situation analysis, technical analysis, review
legal/policy/institutional framework, Resource mobilization analysis and Water source protection
plans and protection zones reports.

27.Name of the Assignment: ESIA for the proposed Kaliro, Ikumbya and Bugobi piped water
supply and sanitation scheme under Water and Sanitation Development Facility – East Branch
Year: 2016
Location:Kaliro, Ikumbya and Bugobi water catchment areas
Client: Water and Sanitation Development Facility – South Western Branch (with funding from
Main Project Features: The Government of Uganda has received funds from the European Union.
The proposed project will feature the following:Establishment of an intake (abstraction point) on
River Aswa; Establish a pump station(Pumping water from the River to the treatment plant);
Establish a water treatment plant; Establish a main water reservoir at an appropriate and suitable
location (Water is pumped to the reservoir tanks after treatment; Establish suitable routes for water
transmission lines (will be done along road reserves); Establish water reservoirs at Kyenjojo,
Katooke and Butunduzi Town Councils; Storage of water treatment chemicals (e.g. Chlorine among
others during the operation phase); Operations and maintenance activities; Restoration of the
degraded River Aswa catchments among others;
Position Held: Team Member, Environmental Assessment Specialist
Activities performed: Carried out Environmental and Social Analysis to identify and assess the
potential environmental and social impacts, and make recommendations for their mitigation and
monitoring. Outlined health and safety measures to be instituted in the implementation of the
project. Outlined pertinent policy, legal and institutional framework under which the project will be
implemented. Referenced to the relevant safeguard policies of financial institutions. Proposed
measures for the management of associated waste from the project works. Prepared water source
protection plan for catchment protection.

28.Name of the Assignment: Planning, Implementation and Auditing of the Integrated

Management Systems I.e. Quality Management System (ISO 9001); Environment Management
System (ISO14001) and Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001) at
Nalukolongo Mechanical Workshop
Year: 2013/2016
Client: Rift Valley Railways Limited (Uganda and Kenya)
Main Project Features: Planning and Implementation of Quality Management System (ISO

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

9001); Environment Management System (ISO14001) and Occupational Health and Safety
Management System (OHSAS 18001) at Nalukolongo Mechanical Workshop. Coordinate activities
and maintenance to obtain and retain compliance for the ISO Registration and other regulatory
agency certifications. Participate in development, documentation, implementation, and audit of
ISO and Company Policies, Procedures and Processes. Provide leadership, direction, and support of
the quality programs to ensure safety, reliability and quality of service and that customer needs are
Position Held: Management Representative/QHSE Manager
Activities performed: Conducted internal audits as per the requirements of ISO 9001; ISO14001
and OHSAS 18001. Coordinated of the internal IMS audits as defined in the Procedures for internal
quality audits. Conducted risk assessments for Nalukolongo Mechanical Workshop. Ensured that
the Processes needed for the Integrated Management System (IMS) are established implemented
and maintained. Reported to top management on the whole performance of the Integrated
Management System and any need for improvement. Ensured that the Procedures and Instructions
conform to the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. Ensuring that the Procedures and Instructions are
authorized, issued and controlled in accordance with the Document Control Procedures. Reported
on the findings and status of the audits to management. Provided guidance to the Regional
Managers regarding the implementation and maintenance of the IMS. Stimulated quality awareness
and implications with all employees.

29.Name of the Assignment:ESIA for the proposed Kapeeka water supply project
Year: 2016
Location:Kapeeka, Kyelerezi, Koona Kirak, and Singo Army Barracks among others
Client: Water National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC).
Main Project Features: The water supply system shall cover the small towns of Kapeeka,
Kyelerezi, Koona Kirak, and Singo Army Barracks among others. The Project shall therefore be
comprised of the following; Intake Structure and 1.5km Raw Water Main, Water Treatment Plant,
and associated Electromechanical equipment (capacity about 2,000m3/day); KoonaKirak –
Kapeeka Transmission Mains (approx.8.5km); High Level Reservoir (capacity 600m3),
Distribution Mains (approx.25km). To ease implementation, it is envisaged to execute the Project in
four components namely: Intake Structure, Raw Water Main, and Water Treatment Plant, together
with the associated Electromechanical works; KoonaKirak – Kapeeka Transmission Mains; High
Level Reservoir; Distribution Mains.
Position Held: Team Member, Environment & Health/Safety Expert
Activities performed:Carried out Environmental and Social Analysis to identify and assess the
potential environmental and social impacts, and make recommendations for their mitigation and
monitoring; Outlined health and safety measures to be instituted in the implementation of the
project; Outlined pertinent policy, legal and institutional framework under which the project will be
implemented. Reference to the relevant safeguard policies of financial institutions that are likely to
be triggered by the project should be made in the ESIA study; Proposed measures for the
management of associated waste from the project works. This included management of the
demolition process for the existing house structures on the site, where applicable.

30.Name of the Assignment:Hotspot identification and mapping for Lwakhakha Sub catchment
under Kyoga Water Management Zone (KWMZ)
Year: 2015
Location: Manafwa and Bududa Districts, Uganda
Client:Ministry of Water and Environment / Kyoga Water Management Zone (KWMZ)
Main Project Features: The main objective of the assignment is to identify and map out hotspot
areas in the Lwakhakha sub catchment that need urgent rehabilitation and prepare detailed priority
interventions for immediate implementation.
Position Held: Team Member, Environmental Specialist
Activities performed:Identifying and mapping priority hot spot areas in the sub catchment;

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Preparing specific interventions for addressing the key water resources issues identified; Carryout
cost estimates for implementing the identified interventions; Suggest top 3 priority interventions
for Lwakhakha sub-catchment with detailed costing and implementation matrix ready for
implementation; Input by stakeholders including district officials of Manafwa and Bududa as well
as community leaders in these districts in the identification of priority hotspot areas and possible
interventions measures leading to a process that is owned by stake holders acquired; The capacity
of local communities and other key stakeholders on issues related to water resource protection and
management within the framework of a catchment enhanced.

31.Name of Assignment: Development of wetland management plans for lot 2 Lwajjali Mukono &
Walugogo (Iganga)
Year: June- December 2015
Location: Mukono and Iganga districts
Client: Ministry of water and Environment
Main Project Features: Developing wetland management plans is to insure that all wetlands have
clear and well defined systems and procedures for the use and management which ensure that the
integrity of the wetland and community livelihoods are maintained
Position Held: Environment and Natural Resources Expert
Activities performed: Assessing the adverse impacts the wetlands are facing, Review of the legal,
Policy and Institutional Framework, Resource map of the planning area, Resource analysis
Presentation of the Draft to a Stakeholders Validation Workshop, Visioning, objectives management
actions/activities with a clear, Demarcating and mapping wetland user and conservation zones,
Monitoring and evaluation plan with practical measurable indicators Incorporation of comments
and preparation of a ready to publish management plans.

32.Name of the Assignment: Environmental Health and Safety for Rosebud Flower Farm in
Wakiso District
Year: 2015
Location: Wakiso District, Uganda
Client:Rosebud Ltd
Main Project Features: Undertake Environmental Health and Safety performance monitoring for
Rosebud Flower Farms.
Position Held: Team Member, Occupational Health & Safety Specialist
Activities performed: The activities carried out included: Review legal requirements/compliance,
Carrying out scoping meetings, Baseline studies and further public consultations; Developing ToRs
for the EA, Compiling Environmental Audit Report; Developing EA management and monitoring
plan; Liaising with the National Environmental Management Authority and other stakeholders.

33.Name of the Assignment:ESIA for the construction of a docking pier for research vessels on
Lake Victoria at Jinja' for NaFIRRI, Jinja under the National Agricultural Research Organization
Year: 2015
Location: Jinja and other 14 institutes of NARO
Client:National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO)
Main Project Features: The National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) received
funding from the World Bank towards the development of physical and technical research
infrastructure as part of the ATAAS project. Under this support NARO has made plans to construct
a pier at Jinja by the shores of Lake Victoria for the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute
(NaFIRRI) and to construct as well as refurbish buildings in 14 institutes of NARO.
Position Held: Team Member, Environmental Assessment Specialist
Activities performed: Established the baseline environmental and social conditions in the project
area relevant to the proposed project. Outlined activities to be undertaken during the

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

implementation of the project. The description of the project activities included its objectives,
information on the nature, general layout and size of facilities including any ancillary buildings,
preconstruction activities, construction methods, works and duration and post construction plans
will all be discussed. A description of the raw materials inputs, technology, processes to be used and
by-products to be generated will be outlined in the ESIA study; Carried out consultations with
relevant stakeholders, including potentially affected persons, to obtain their views, concerns and
suggestions regarding the environmental and social impacts of the proposed project activities.
Carried out Environmental and Social Analysis to identify and assess the potential environmental
and social impacts, and make recommendations for their mitigation and monitoring. Outlined
health and safety measures to be instituted in the implementation of the project. Outlined pertinent
policy, legal and institutional framework under which the project was implemented. Workd was
done in reference to the relevant safeguard policies of financial institutions. Proposed measures for
the management of associated waste from the project works, including management of the
demolition process for the existing house structures on the site, where applicable. Prepared a
comprehensive checklist of environmental and social issues related to the planned project
indicating potential impact, their source(s), nature and magnitude.Prepared an ESMP outlining
actions and roles as well as resource needs for effective implementation of the mitigation measures.
Prepared an Environmental Monitoring Plan with clear monitoring indicators and monitoring roles
for the project.

34.Name of the Assignment:ESIA for the proposed Katooke, Butunduzi and Kyenjojo piped water
supply and sanitation scheme under Water and Sanitation Development Facility – South Western
Branch (WSDF-SWB)
Year: 2015
Location: Katooke, Butunduzi and Kyenjojo
Client: Water and Sanitation Development Facility – South Western Branch
Main Project Features: The Government of Uganda has received funds from the European Union.
The proposed project will feature the following:Establishment of an intake (abstraction point) on
River Aswa; Establish a pump station(Pumping water from the River to the treatment plant);
Establish a water treatment plant; Establish a main water reservoir at an appropriate and suitable
location (Water is pumped to the reservoir tanks after treatment; Establish suitable routes for water
transmission lines (will be done along road reserves); Establish water reservoirs at Kyenjojo,
Katooke and Butunduzi Town Councils; Storage of water treatment chemicals (e.g. Chlorine among
others during the operation phase); Operations and maintenance activities; Restoration of the
degraded River Aswa catchments among others;
Position Held: Team Member, Environmental Assessment Specialist
Activities performed: Carried out Environmental and Social Analysis to identify and assess the
potential environmental and social impacts, and make recommendations for their mitigation and
monitoring. Outlined health and safety measures to be instituted in the implementation of the
project. Outlined pertinent policy, legal and institutional framework under which the project will be
implemented. Referenced to the relevant safeguard policies of financial institutions that are likely
to be triggered by the project should be made in the ESIA study. Propose measures for the
management of associated waste from the project works. This included management of the
demolition process for the existing house structures on the site, where applicable.

35.Name of the Assignment: Environmental & Social Impact Assessment Studies and
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the Development of a Wastewater Treatment Plant at Gaba
Landing/Trading Centre and Rehabilitation of Kirinya-Jinja Wastewater Treatment Plant
Year: 2013/2014
Location: Jinja and Kampala Districts, Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
Main Project Features: The expected outcome of this sub-component is a reduced amount of
untreated wastewater discharged into the Lake by targeted lakeside cities, towns and communities.

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As part of achieving the above objectives, the National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC)
as the lead agency, is coordinating the rehabilitation and improvement of the waste water
management systems at the Gaba trading centre and the surrounding community, and Kirinya
Sewage Treatment Works in Jinja. The study, which is part of the Lake Victoria Environment
Management Project (LVEMP) Phase II, shall form a basis for undertaking interventions aimed at
reducing the increasing deterioration of the lake water quality as a result of the activities taking
place in the two identified areas of the catchment.
Position Held: Team Member, Environmental Health & Social Impact Assessment Specialist
Activities performed: Reviewed and ensured implementation of the Environmental and Social
Assessment Guidelines for the World Bank/ International Development Association
(IDA).Established the baseline environmental and social conditions in the project area relevant to
the proposed rehabilitation /expansion of the two wastewater treatment systems as well as the
restoration of wetlands for the improvement of wastewater treatment plant in Gaba
Landing/Trading Centre and rehabilitation of Kirinya-Jinja Wastewater Treatment Plant
respectively. Undertook a RAP to establish the Project Affected Persons (PAPs) to be resettled.
Carried out consultations with relevant stakeholders, carried out Environmental and Social Analysis
to identify and assess the potential environmental and social impacts, and make recommendations
for their mitigation and monitoring; Outlined health and safety measures; Outlined pertinent policy,
legal and institutional framework. Reference to the relevant World Bank safeguard policies that
were likely to be triggered by the project should be made in the ESIA study. Proposed measures for
the management of associated waste from the project works. Prepared a comprehensive checklist of
environmental and social issues related to the planned project which should clearly indicate
potential impact, their source(s), nature and magnitude. Prepared an ESMP outlining actions and
roles as well as resource needs for effective implementation of the mitigation measures. Prepared
an Environmental Monitoring Plan with clear monitoring indicators and monitoring roles for the

36.Name of the Assignment: Development of a comprehensive pollution management strategy and

investment plan to improve long term water quality status in the Inner Murchison Bay, Lake
Victoria and initiate implementation of its initiatives for improvement of water resources and
environmental quality for sustainable socio-economic development and improved livelihoods.
Year: 2014/2015
Location: Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE)
Main Project Features: The overall objective of the consultancy is to craft a comprehensive
pollution management strategic and investment plan to improve the current water quality status
of Inner Murchison Bay and identify a bankable intervention project for improvement of water
resources and environmental quality for sustainable socio-economic development and improved
Position Held:Environmental & Health Specialist
Activities performed: Diagnostic/Situational Analysis; Conducted a situational assessment of
pollution threats/issues related to water resources and its catchment, existing skills and
competencies, while weighing the cost and benefits to the country. Observed, undertook desk
reviews of national and regional activities, stakeholder analysis, governance systems, resources
analysis including cost-benefit analysis, legal and institutional analysis. Carried out a rapid strategic
environmental screening, social and health impact assessment of the catchment to identify major
issues for consideration. Evaluated strategies for a comprehensive pollution management within the
bay and its catchment develop administrative and economic decision criteria to regulate the scarce
resources and formulate a plan for strengthening pollution monitoring and management. The
strategy included issues related to: Water and environment institutional arrangements; Water quality
information management systems; IMB hydrology and GIS mapping; Risk-based pollution
management options, cost and benefits; Capacity gap assessment and capacity building;
Governance systems, legal and policy framework; Industrial location, categorization, their waste
disposal and municipal waste management and; Land-use and development activities e.g.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

agriculture, urbanisation, fisheries etc. within the bay, Lake Victoria basins and other water bodies;
Stakeholder involvement, coordination and collaboration.

37.Name of the Assignment: Develop Environmental Audit (EA) Guidelines for Industrial
Activities for Rwanda
Year: 2014
Location: Republic of Rwanda.
Client: Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
Main Project Features: The overall objective of the assignment is to develop guidelines is to
provide a guiding tool to REMA, its stakeholders, developers and environmental assessment
experts, for a better evaluation method of environmental performance of on-going industrial
projects and activities.
Position Held: Team Leader/EHS Auditor
Activities performed:Reviewed the various legislation, regulations related to environmental
management in industries especially environmental assessments as well as any relevant
documentation and report for industrial activities, planning and policy; Undertook contacts &
consultations with relevant partners, stakeholders involved in industrial development; Organized
site visit at ongoing industrial projects, both those with EIA carried out & those who started without
EIA; Identified elements of industrial activities to be audited and detail environmental issues
related to each identified component; Determined, proposed roles and responsibilities for all
stakeholders in the Environmental Assessment process (REMA, Lead agency, local government,
communities, auditor, auditee, experts, etc.); Determined technical, legal and regulatory norms to
comply with environmental requirements in all industrial activities (production, transport, storage
and distribution, wastes management, safety and security, etc.); Determined the modalities, steps of
an Environmental Audit; Determined reporting procedures, responsibilities of the auditee in the
approval and reporting of audit findings; Proposed questionnaire format for consultations; Proposed
the types of on field and off field quality tests required for an environmental audit; Elaborated
guidelines document taking into considerations the findings from documentation review,
consultative meetings and field surveys.

38.Name of the Assignment: Develop Environmental Audit (EA) Guidelines for Agro-processing
industries for Rwanda
Year: 2014
Location: Republic of Rwanda.
Client: Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
Main Project Features: The overall objective of the assignment is to develop guidelines is to
provide a guiding tool to REMA, its stakeholders, developers and environmental assessment
experts, for a better evaluation method of environmental performance of on-going industrial
projects and activities.
Position Held: Team Leader/ EHS Auditor
Activities performed: Reviewed the various legislation, regulations related to environmental
management in industries especially environmental assessments as well as any relevant
documentation and report for industrial activities, planning and policy; Undertook contacts and
consultations with relevant partners and stakeholders involved in industrial development ;
Organized site visit at ongoing industrial projects, both those with Environmental Impact
Assessment carried out and those who started without EIA; Identified key components (elements)
of industrial activities to be audited; Determined, proposed roles and responsibilities for all
stakeholders in the Environmental Assessment process (REMA, Lead agency, local government,
communities, auditor, auditee, experts, etc.); Determined technical, legal and regulatory norms to
comply with environmental requirements in all industrial activities (production, transport, storage
and distribution, wastes management, safety and security, etc.); Determined the modalities and
steps of an Environmental Audit and detail required activities at each step; Determined reporting
procedures and responsibilities of the auditee in the approval and reporting of audit findings;

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Proposed questionnaire format for consultations; Proposed the types of on field and off field quality
tests required for an environmental audit; Elaborated guidelines document taking into
considerations the findings from documentation review, consultative meetings and field surveys..

39.Name of the Assignment: Develop Environmental Audit (EA) Guidelines for Mining Sector for
Year: 2014
Location: Republic of Rwanda.
Client: Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
Main Project Features: The overall objective of the assignment is to develop guidelines is to
provide a guiding tool to REMA, its stakeholders, developers and environmental assessment
experts, for a better evaluation method of environmental performance of on-going industrial
projects and activities.
Position Held: Team Leader/ EHS Auditor
Activities performed: Reviewed the legislation and regulations related to environmental
management in industries, especially environmental assessments, as well as any relevant
documentation and report for industrial activities, planning and policy; Undertook contacts and
consultations with stakeholders involved in industrial development ; Organized site visits at
ongoing industrial projects, with and without EIA; Identified elements of industrial activities to be
audited and detail environmental issues related. Determined& proposed roles, responsibilities for
all stakeholders in the Environmental Assessment process; technical, legal, regulatory norms to
comply with environmental requirements in all industrial activities; the modalities and steps of an
Environmental Audit and detail required activities at each step; reporting procedures and
responsibilities of the auditee in the approval and reporting of audit findings. Proposed
questionnaire format for consultations; Proposed the types of on field, off field quality tests
required for an environmental audit; Elaborated guidelines document taking into considerations the

40.Name of the Assignment: Determine the impact of chemical fertilizers on the aquatic
environment. A case for Rweru-Mugesera lakes-wetland complex, Rwanda
Year: 2013/2014
Location: Rweru-Mugesera lakes-wetland complex, Rwanda
Client: Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
Main Project Features: The Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) is required to
provide advice within the framework of Article 3 of Law N° 16/2006 of 03/04/2006 to conduct
research from which it may render advice to prevent or respond to environmental hazards and
disasters. In this regard REMA seeks to recruit a consultancy firm to carry out an assessment of the
impact of chemical fertilizers on the aquatic environment in the Rweru-Mugesera lakes-wetland
Position Held: Team Member, Environmental Health & Social Impact Assessment Specialist
Activities performed: Determined the impact of chemical fertilizers on the aquatic environment in
the Rweru-Mugesera lakes-wetland complex; sources of chemical fertilizer residues in the Rweru-
Mugesera lakes-wetland complex. Recommended environmental management practices for
sustainable, climate resilient soil fertility management in Rwanda.

41.Name of the Assignment: Guidelines for Implementation of Payment for Ecosystem Services
(PES) in Rwanda
Year: 2013/2014
Location: Rwanda
Client: Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA)
Main Project Features: The aim of this consultancy is to develop the guidelines for
implementation of developing Payment of Ecosystem Services in Rwanda.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Position Held: Team Member, Environmental Law & Policy Specialist

Activities performed: Identified different types of ecosystem services, emergent markets and types
of payments; Identified opportunities, risks and ideal conditions for implementing PES deals;
developed guidelines to operationalize PES deals in Rwanda; Designed appropriate measures to
integrate PES in existing incentive frameworks and/or proposed new fiscal incentive frameworks
for promoting and mainstreaming ecosystem services.

42.Name of the Assignment: Environmental and Social Survey for Ayago Hydro Power Project
and Master Plan Study on Hydropower Development in Uganda
Year: 2010/2014
Location: Murchison fall, Northern Uganda
Client: JICA and Government of Uganda
Main Project Features: The government of Uganda together with JICA undertook feasibility
studies for the development of the National Hydro Power Master Plan and Ayago site on the Nile
for a 700MW HPP Scheme.
Position Held: Assistant Team Leader
Activities performed: Carried out scoping meetings, baseline studies, and further public
consultations. Developed ToRs for the ESIA. Carried out Social Surveys. Prepared the
Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). Compiled Environmental Impact Statement. Developed EIA
management and monitoring plan.

43.Name of the Assignment: ESIA for Karuma Hydro Power Plant Project, Uganda
Year: 2010/2013
Location: Karuma, Northern Uganda
Client: Energy Infratech and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
Main Project Features: MEMD proposes to develop the Karuma Hydro Power Project; a 650 –
700 MW Power Plant located on the River Nile about 80 km downstream of Masindi port on the
exit of Lake Kyoga in central Uganda.
Position Held: NRM Specialist
Activities performed: Carried out scoping meetings, baseline studies and further public
consultations; Developed Terms of Reference(ToRs) for the ESIA, Carried out Social Surveys,
Prepared the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Compiled Environmental Impact Statement;
Develop EIA management and monitoring plan.

44.Name of the Assignment: ESIA and RAP for the Design and Construction Supervision for
Soroti Water Works
Year: 2012/2013
Location: Soroti District, Uganda
Client: National Water & Sewerage Corporation
Main Project Features: The National Water and Sewerage Corporation is undertaking the re-
designing and construction of a new water intake for Soroti Town and among the scope of works is
to undertake an ESIA to be cleared by the National Environment Management Authority before
construction can commence.
Position Held: Team Member, Environmental Health & Social Impact Assessment Specialist
Activities performed: The activities carried out included: Carrying out scoping meetings, Baseline
studies and further public consultations; Developing ToRs for the ESIA, Carrying out Social
Surveys, Preparing the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP); Compiling Environmental Impact
Statement; Developing EIA management and monitoring plan; Liaising with the National
Environmental Management Authority and other stakeholders.

45.Name of the Assignment: ESIA for Proposed Rehabilitation and Expansion of a Flower Farm
in NamulandaVillage

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Year: 2013/2014
Location: Wakiso District, Ssisa Sub County, Uganda
Client: Premier Roses Ltd
Main Project Features: Premier Roses Ltd rehabilitated, expanded a flower farm at Namulanda,
Wakiso District.
Position Held: Team Member, Occupational Health & Safety Specialist
Activities performed: The activities carried out included: Carrying out scoping meetings, Baseline
studies and further public consultations; Developing ToRs for the ESIA, Carrying out Social
Surveys, Preparing the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP); Compiling Environmental Impact
Statement; Developing EIA management and monitoring plan; Liaising with the National
Environmental Management Authority and other stakeholders.

46.Name of the Assignment: ESIA for the Proposed Civil Service College (CSC)
Year: 2012/2013
Location: Jinja Municipality, Uganda
Client: Ministry of Public Service, Uganda
Main Project Features: In line with its mission to provide policies, systems and structures that
facilitate efficient and effective public service performance for national development and improved
quality of life in Uganda, the Ministry of Public Service (MoPS) has acquired a piece of land on the
Nile Crescent in Jinja on which it is desirous of establishing the Civil Service College.
Position Held: Team Member, EIA/NRM Specialist
Activities performed: The activities carried out included: Carrying out scoping meetings, Baseline
studies and further public consultations; Developing ToRs for the ESIA, Carrying out Social
Surveys, Preparing the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP); Compiling Environmental Impact
Statement; Developing EIA management and monitoring plan; Liaising with the National
Environmental Management Authority and other stakeholders.

47. Name of the Assignment: Implementation of the ESMP for the rehabilitation of Tororo –
Pakwach Railway Line for Rift Valley Railways Uganda Ltd.
Year: 2013
Location:15 Districts, Uganda
Client: Rift Valley Railways Uganda Ltd
Main Project Features: Rift Valley Railways is proposing to rehabilitate and upgrade 500km of
Tororo-Pakwach Railway Line.
Position Held: Field Environmental Coordinator
Activities performed: The activities carried out included: Ensure implementation of the
Environment Management and Monitoring Plan; Carrying out scoping meetings, Baseline studies
and further public consultations; Developing Terms of Reference(ToRs) for the ESIA, Carrying out
Social Surveys, Preparing the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP); Compiling Environmental Impact
Statement; Developing EIA management and monitoring plan; Liaising with the National
Environmental Management Authority and other stakeholders.

48.Name of the Assignment: ESIA for the Kilimbi Marshland Irrigation Scheme, Rwanda
Year: 2012
Location: Rwanda
Main Project Features: With support from the World Bank, the Rwandan Government will
undertake construction and rehabilitation of the Kilimbi Marshland.
Position Held: Environmental Assessment Expert
Activities performed: Undertaking the scoping, baseline studies and Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA); Compile Environmental Impact Statement (EIS); Develop EIA management,
Site safety plans and monitoring plan.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

49.Name of the Assignment: Laboratory, Plant Trials, Environmental Impact Assessment for the
use of polymers for water clarification
Year: 2011/2012
Location: Various Towns
Client: National Water & Sewerage Corporation
Main Project Features: The NWSC proposes to shift from the use of Aluminium Sulphate (Alum)
to the use of Polymers. Trials at both laboratory and plant levels were conducted before the change.
Position Held: Impact Assessment & Mitigation
Activities performed: Supervised both the laboratory and plant trials, conducted the baseline
studies. Carried out EIA; Compiled EIS; Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and
monitoring plan Liaised with the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) to
approve the projects.

50.Name of the Assignment: Ground Water Resources Study, Environmental and Social
assessment in the Lava Region
Year: 2009/2012
Location: Musanze, Nyabihu and Rubavu Districts, Rwanda
Client: Ministry of Natural Resources (MINIRENA), Rwanda
Main Project Features: An assessment of the potential of groundwater in the area targeted; A
diagnosis of the level of groundwater; A geological prospectus in the region; The morphology of
exploitable groundwater; Ability to recharge groundwater; The hydrogeological (permeability,
retention capacity, transmission rate and others) of groundwater; Exploitable ground water quality;
A proposal for a management plan of groundwater in the region of lava; The exploration of some
reconnaissance drilling.
Position Held: Team Member, Environmental &Water Resources Assessments Specialist
Activities performed: The quantity and quality of water available per day and the rural population
to be served in each zone; The volume of water available for agricultural purposes in the region and
the area to serve taking into account the culture in place, and climate; The choice of appropriate
techniques and materials for the proper exploitation of water aquifers; One expertise at least for
five wells per district in targeted areas; Measures to be taken for good protection and management
of soil and groundwater in the Region of lava.

51.Name of the Assignment: ESIA for the Proposed Construction of the Dokolo Water Supply
Year: 2011
Location: Lira District
Client: Hydraulic and Sanitation Consult and MWE
Main Project Features: The Ministry of Water and Environment intends to rehabilitate and
Upgrade the water supply system for Dokolo Town. Funds for these projects have been provided
under the water and sanitation development fund (WSDF-N). It is against this background that an
ESIA was sanctioned to be conducted before the actual works can commence.
Position Held: Team Member, Water Resources Management
Activities performed: Carried out the EIA; Compiled EIS; Developed EIA management, Site
safety plans and monitoring plan Liaised with the National Environment Management Authority
(NEMA) to approve the projects.

52.Name of the Assignment: ESIA for the rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructures of Cyili
Year: 2010
Location: Gisagara District, Rwanda
Client: Rural Sector Support Project (RSSP2) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Resources (MINAGRI) supported by the World Bank

Main Project Features: RSSP intends to carry out civil works to enhance irrigated rice production
on the marshlands of Cyili. An EIA for the rehabilitation of the Cyli irrigation system was
Position Held: Team Leader, Water Res. Management
Activities performed: Carried out the EIA; Compiled EIS; Developed EIA management, Site
safety plans and monitoring plan.

53.Name of the Assignment: ESIA for Dam Construction at Gishoma for irrigation of Bugarama
Year: 2010
Location: Rusizi District
Client: Rural Sector Support Project (RSSP2) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal
Resources (MINAGRI) supported by the World Bank
Main Project Features: RSSP intends to carry out civil works to enhance irrigated rice production
on the marshlands of Bugarama & Gishoma. An EIA for the dam construction at Gishoma for
irrigation of Bugarama marshland downstream was commissioned
Position Held: Team Leader, Water Res. Management
Activities performed: Carried out the EIA; Compiled EIS; Developed EIA management, Site
safety plans and monitoring plan.

54.Name of the Assignment: ESIA for the Proposed Rehabilitation of Lyantonde Water Supply
Year: 2010
Location: Lyantonde District
Client: Hydraulic and Sanitation Consult and MWE
Main Project Features: The Ministry of Water and Environment intends to rehabilitate and
Upgrade the water supply system for Lyantonde Town. Funds for these projects have been provided
under the water and sanitation development fund (WSDF). It is against this background that an
ESIA was sanctioned to be conducted before the actual works can commence.
Position Held: Environmental/Social Assessment
Activities performed: Carried out the EIA; Compiled EIS; Developed EIA management, Site
safety plans and monitoring plan Liaised with the National Environment Management Authority
(NEMA) to approve the projects.

55.Name of the Assignment: ESIA for Kabompo Gorge Hydroelectric Project, Zambia
Year: 2009
Location: Solwezi and Mwinilunga Districts
Client: Copperbelt Electricity Corporation (CEC) and DH Engineering Consultants, Zambia
Main Project Features: The Kabompo Gorge Hydroelectric plant was envisaged to be an
underground power station; further envisaged that a dam of between 65m and 70m in height can be
constructed and with an approximately 4.5km of tunnelling creating up to 170m of water head for a
power plant, with an installed capacity of 33 MW as proposed.
Position Held: Team Member, Water Resources Management /Social
Activities performed: Baseline studies, Stakeholder consultations, Preparation of an EMMP

56.Name of the Assignment:ESIA for a student centre and complex at the National University of
Rwanda, Butare
Year: 2009
Location: Butare
Client: Real Contractors SARL and Hostels 2020 SARL
Main Project Features: Construction of a students’ centre and complex at the National University

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

of Rwanda (NUR) by Real Contractors SARL under contract from Hostels 2020 SARL.
Position Held: ESIA Specialist
Activities performed: Carried out the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); Compiled EIS;
Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and monitoring plan, etc.

57.Name of the Assignment: Development of ESIA Guidelines for the Water Sector in Uganda.
Year: 2007
Location: Entebbe and Kampala
Client: Directorate of Water Resources Management, Ministry of Water & Environment
Main Project Features: Development of the EIA Guidelines to help in the development and
implementation of water related and water use projects in Uganda. Specifically, to guide the
developer, the practitioner and the lead agencies in implementing EIA for water projects
Position Held: Environmental Law & Policy Consultant
Activities performed: Carried out the review of the existing legal, policy and institutional
framework for implementation of EIA in Uganda; Conducted stakeholder consultations; Developed
EIA guidelines drafts; Liaised with the client and compiled the final EIA guideline.

58.Name of the Assignment: ESIA for the Southgate Park mixed-use development project in
Lusaka, Zambia.
Year: 2007
Location: Lusaka, Zambia
Client: Legacy Holdings Zambia Limited.
Main Project Features: Southgate Park mixed-use development project along Kafue road, 800
high cost housing units, 40,000m2 shopping centre in extent, 5-star hotel, service station, private
hospital, 18-hole golf course, leisure and entertainment facilities.
Position Held: ESIA Consultant
Activities performed: Compiled EIS; Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and
monitoring plan; Stakeholder consultations, liaised with the Environmental Council of Zambia
(ECZ) to approve the project.

59.Name of the Assignment: ESIA for the construction, operation of Maramba River lodge cruise
boating service
Year: 2007
Location: Livingstone, Zambia
Client: Sobek Lodges Limited.
Main Project Features: construction and operation of Maramba River lodge cruise boating
pleasure service.
Position Held: ESIA Consultant
Activities performed: Compiled EIS; Developed EIA management, Site safety plans and
monitoring plan; Stakeholder consultations, Liaised with the Environmental Council of Zambia
(ECZ) to approve the project.

60.Name of the Assignment: Environmental Assessment and TOT for Medical personnel at
Kiryandongo Hospital in energy saving alternatives and indoor air pollution management
Year: 2006
Location: Masindi District, Uganda
Client: World Health Organisation (WHO) – Energy Saving Alternatives Project, Uganda.
Main Project Features: TOT for Medical personnel at Kiryandongo Hospital in energy saving
alternatives and indoor air pollution management
Position Held: Programme Manager
Activities performed: Held stakeholder meetings, Baseline studies and further public
consultations; Carrying out Social Surveys; Compiling Environmental Statement; Training medical

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

personnel in energy saving technologies, Indoor air pollution management and monitoring.

61.Name of the Assignment: Environmental Impacts Assessment for a sustainable land

management for improvement of rural livelihoods in Ibanda District
Year: 2003/2005
Location: Ibanda District, Uganda
Client: Ibanda Women’s Guild with funding from UNDP/SGP/Global Environment Facility.
Main Project Features: Projection sustainable land management for improvement of rural
livelihoods through soil and water conservation technologies.
Position Held: NRM Specialist
Activities performed: Carrying out scoping meetings, Baseline studies and further public
consultations; Carrying out Social Surveys; Compiling Environmental Impact Statement;
Developing EIA management and monitoring plan; Liaising with various stakeholders.

62.Name of the Assignment:Environmental Impacts Assessment for a rain water harvesting and
energy saving alternatives projects in Ibanda District
Year: 2000/2003
Location: Ibanda District, Uganda
Client: Ibanda Women’s Guild with funding from Starken Frauen.
Main Project Features: Construction of rain water harvesting and energy saving alternatives
Position Held: NRM Specialist
Activities performed: Carrying out scoping meetings, Baseline studies and further public
consultations; Carrying out Social Surveys; Compiling Environmental Impact Statement;
Developing EIA management and monitoring plan; Liaising with various stakeholders.
Expert’s Contact Information : (E-mail: kpiurs@gmail.comPhone: +256 712929120)

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my
disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Mr. Pius Kahangirwe 20th/11/2018

Name of Expert Signature
Date: DD/MM/YY

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20 th/11/2018

Name of authorized Signature Date: DD/MM/YY
Representative of Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.4.3 Diana Nakalanzi

Position Title and No. Environmental Expert
Name of Expert Diana Nakalanzi
Date of Birth 01/05/1984
Country of Citizenship/Residence Uganda
Dates Attended Degree(S)/Diploma(S) Obtained Educational Institutions
2010-2012 Msc. Environmental Science degree with UNESCO – Egerton University,
Specialization in Limnology and wetland Kenya and the Institute for
ecosystems. Thesis concerning wetland Limnology, Austria
water quality and removal of fecal coliforms
September – IPGL – International Post Graduate Training Austrian Academy of Sciences ,
October 2007 Programmes in Limnology. 1 Months course Nakuru Kenya - Egerton
on Tropical Limnology University
Focus on use of microbial populations to
characterize water quality
2004 – 2007 Bachelors of Science degree in Makerere University – Uganda
Environmental Science
Employment record relevant to the assignment:
Period Employing Countr Summary of activities performed relevant to the
organization y
position. Contacts
for references
March Environmental Uganda As an Environmental Practitioner, I am registered with
2013- Practitioner at Eco
NEMA as a wetlands ecologist with specialisation in
to date & Partner Consult
water quality studies. I therefore write environmental
impact assessment reports highlighting any negative or
positive impacts a proposed project may have on the
environment (wetland and water ecosystems in
particular) and recommend mitigation actions. This
gives NEMA ample information about the project, its
site and relevant data to make informed decision on the
feasibility and cost to environment this project is likely
to have. Through this, I am responsible to act as a bridge
between developers close to water bodies, wetlands and
NEMA, through giving critical advice so as to promote
sustainable development. Without this bridge,
developments would miss out on identification of
environmental criterion and would inevitably loose
funding or be closed down by NEMA for damage to
critical ecosystems. Therefore it is my responsibility to

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

inform developers of the likely cost their projects could

have on the environment and the likely impacts negative
environmental costs could have on the project. I review
environmental legislation on behalf of the developer and
advise on international best practice based on
recommendations and guidelines developed by the
International Finance Corporation (IFC).
Oct 2010 – Envir Proposal writing and project implementation as well as
todate onme
follow up. Environmental Impact assessment and audit
Cons of various project activities. I have majored in wetlands
assessment for various projects, including irrigation
WSS projects in Northern Uganda, Geo-technical surveys for
Oil and gas explorations, impact assessment for; oil and
(U) gas exploration, construction activities, recreational
areas, areas of highly explosive chemicals storage, stone
quarries, change of land use, manufacturing activities
and general environmental consultancy services.
Liaising with environmental Authorities on certification
of enterprises after environment assessment and
compliance auditing. Development of environmental
monitoring plans to ensure occupational health and
safety compliance at industries, place of manufacturing
and areas of dangerous chemical storage. Responsible
for proposal writing and prospect identifying.
Responsible for providing information to clients on all
environmental aspects related to the development plan.
Environmental assessment of project activities and
overseeing the implementation of the programmes in
different regions. Review of environmental reports as in
the field of EIA, EIS, SEA, well as advice clients on
policy compliance for specific projects in high rick
areas, and projects with a likely significant impact to the
environment. Environmental monitoring and evaluation
on recommendations suggested in EIA or EIS studies.
Spear heading collaborative efforts to support local
stakeholders in decision making and correspondence on
project activities. Presentation of project progress reports

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

to Policy makers, developers, stakeholders and

community leaders and forecasting the feedback.
2008 – ReseUganda Proposal formulation for Environmental Impact
2010 arche
Assessments, Collection and recording field data and
r at
Pinna processing it into information, Support to the Enviro
Consultants in EIA/Audit report compilation,
o Preparation of Bid Documents ready for submission,
Review of reports in the environment sector. As well as
carry out audits of Projects that have undergone EIAs,
Field Support to Enviro Consultants, Responding To
Prequalification And Preparation Of Bidding Documents
For The Company, Application for Prequalification and
follow up in the various firms that require the company
2007-2008 Envir
Uganda Organization of environmental cleanliness campaign and
awareness drives. Advice to the Division Environment
Healt Officer and Health Inspector on relevant issues of
concern in the region. Report writing on progress of
ctors campaign activities. Organization of campaign activities
on regional environmental sensitization, Project
n) in
Kam evaluation, and organization of Environmental
assessments, in business premises

Adequacy for the Assignment

Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the Assigned Tasks

1. Name of the assignment: Development of Rwizi Catchment Management Plan

Year:August, 2015-june 2016

Location: Western Uganda

Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
Main project features; Developing water and related natural resources catchment management plan
that clearly spells out management and investment measures as well as policy and legal
recommendations for sustainable use and development.
Position held: Aquatic Ecologist
Activities performed;

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Describing the catchment and sub catchment boundaries.

 Selecting the analytical tools for planning and water resources management for R. Rwizi catchment.
 Assessing the baseline water resources availability in R. Rwizi Catchment, building on earlier
assessments already done, carrying out stakeholder review and engagement
 Carrying out a strategic Social and Environmental Assessment (SSEA), Designing frame work in
collaboration with R. Rwizi catchment management committee and Victoria Water Management Zone.

2. Name of the assignment:Consultancy services for catchment situation assessment of baseline

conditions on gravity flow schemes & development and supervision of the implementation of site
specific water source and catchment

Year: 2017-Ongoing
Location: Uganda
Client: Ministry of water and environment
Position held: Aquatic Ecologist
Activities performed;
 Situation Assessment (i.e. Baseline Condition Assessments)

 Assess current use and development potential of water use in each catchment for different water
 Terrestrial Biodiversity Assessment of the project areas.

 Socio-Economic Assessment of the beneficiaries in the project areas

 Soil and Geological Assessment of the project areas

 Delineating and defining of the selected locations of the catchment boundaries on maps

 Undertaking feasibility studies on the alternative income generation activities

 Analysis of land use practices, level of land degradation, impacts on ecosystem services,
Identification of project interventions
 Formulation of Project baselines, targets and indicators that contribute to sustainability and
replication plans, stakeholder participation plans & Budgets
 Identification of threats and Concerns regarding the water abstraction of the GFS

 Development of Site Specific Water Balance and Management Strategies

 Stakeholder Review and Engagement

 Assessment of the Water Source Pollution

 Development of the site specific Water Source and Catchment Protection Plans

 Reviewing by the Client and Incorporation of the Comments from the Clients

 Supervision of the Implementation of the Catchment Protection Plans

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

3. Name of the assignment: Identification and hotspots mapping including preparation of priority
interventions in Lwakhakha sub catchment.

Year:July 2015- Oct 2015

Location: Uganda

Client: Ministry Of Water And Environment , Water and Sanitation Development Facility – East
Po Box 1324, Mbale
Mugisha Louis- Team Leader KWNMZ

Position held: Wetland Ecologist

Activities performed;

 Identifying and mapping priority hot spot areas in the sub catchment,

 Preparing specific interventions for addressing the key water resources issues identified,

 Carryout cost estimates for implementing the identified interventions,

 Suggest top 3 priority interventions for Lwakhakha sub-catchment with detailed costing and
implementation matrix ready for implementation,

 Input by stakeholders including district officials of Manafwa and Bududa as well as community
leaders in these districts in the identification of priority hotspot areas and possible interventions
measures leading to a process that is owned by stake holders acquired,

 The capacity of local communities and other key stakeholders on issues related to water resource
protection and management within the framework of a catchment enhanced.

 Assessment of the current status of the catchment regarding natural resources and socio-economic
 Development through participatory process a catchment management plan to address the priority
 Define arrangements for implementation institutional, technical and financial of sub catchment
management plan with a monitoring and evaluation system
4. Name of the assignment:Development of wetland management plans for LwajjaliMukono and
Walugogo (Iganga) Wetlands

Year:June 2015 – Dec 2015

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Location: Iganga ( Uganda)

Client: Ministry of Water and Environment

Position held: Wetland Ecologist

Activities performed;

 Carrying out Stakeholder consultations

 Assessing the adverse impacts the wetlands are facing

 Review of the legal, Policy and Institutional Framework

 Resource map of the planning area

 Resource analysis

 Presentation of the Draft to a Stakeholders Validation Workshop

 Visioning, objectives management actions/activities with a clear

 Demarcating and mapping wetland user and conservation zones

 Implementation structures and strategy

 Investment plan for wetland enterprises and intervention

 Monitoring and evaluation plan with practical measurable indicators

 Incorporation of comments and preparation of a ready to publish management plans.

5. Name of the assignment:Establish a Baseline Study on socio and ecological impact of watershed
management in the Yanze, Rwanda

Year: January 2013 - April 2013

Location: Rwanda

Client: Rwanda Environment Management Authority, (REMA).

Position held: Wetland specialist

Activities performed;

The focus of the study was to assess the contribution of watershed management to the protection of

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

water sources, using Yanze River as a case study for water supply in Kigali City. The study identified
the benefits created through effective watershed management activities and attempts to quantify the
value of those benefits via the cost incurred in water purification and other socio-economic impacts.

 Develop a sample design and geo-referenced data collection scheme (Hydrological data);

 Modeling the relation between sedimentation rate increase and the water purification cost;

 Assess, where possible, differential impact of watershed and riverbanks vegetation cover on
erosion control;

 Assess seasonal differential socio-economic impact due to high load of pollutants as incurred at
the Yanze water purification plant and;

 Provide study results in a report including recommendations and relevant maps and statistics, in
hard and soft copy.

6. Name of the assignment: Ground Water Resources Study and Environmental and Social assessment in
the Lava Region, Rwanda. In districts of Musanze, Nyabihu and Rubavu.

Year:October, 2009 -April, 2010

Location: Kigali (Rwanda)

Client: Ministry of Natural Resources (Now Ministry of Environment and Lands), Rwanda.
P.O. Box 3502 Kigali, Rwanda
Contact Person. Mr. August in Gasana
Tel: +250 788 215387.
Position held: Aquatic Ecologist
Activities performed;

 Geo reference water abstraction and waste water discharge points for the permitted and non permitted
water sources

 Determine the present water demand per use

 Determine the waste discharge load into the water sources

 Determine the water demand and waste load projection for a five year period up to year 2033

7. Name of the assignment:Assessment of Water Use and Demand in Lake Albert Basin

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Year:April, 2011- November, 2011

Location: Uganda

Client: Ministry of Water & Environment, Western Uganda, Albert Basin

Position held: Wetland Ecologist
Activities performed;
 Geo reference water abstraction and waste water discharge points for the permitted and non
permitted water sources
 Determine the present water demand per use

 Determine the waste discharge load into the water source

 Determine the water demand and waste load projection for a five year period up to year 2033

8. Name of the assignment: Consultancy services to develop pollution Management strategy to improve
long term water quality status in the inner Murchison bay; Lake Victoria and Initiate implementation of
Year:July, 2014- December 2014
Location: Uganda

Client: Ministry of Water and Environment- Uganda

Position held: Aquatic Ecologist
Activities performed;

 Carried out scoping meetings,

 Baseline studies and further public consultations;

 Developed Terms of Reference(ToRs) for the Assignment,

 Carried out Situational Analysis/Diagnostic report

 Compiled a comprehensive Pollution Management Strategy and investment plan

 Developed a Bankable Investment project document;

 Liaised with the National Environmental Management Authority and other stakeholders

9. Name of the assignment:Economic valuation and analysis for restoration of the water sub-catchments
of the Rwenzori Mountain National Park Landscape in Kasese District,

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Year: September –November 2015

Location: Kasese (Uganda)

Client: World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Uganda

Position held: Limnologist

Activities performed;

Valuated and analyzed key elements in restoration of the water sub-catchments of the Rwenzori
Mountain National Park Landscape in Kasese District.

Other projects participated in:

1. Project: Four government owned Irrigation Schemes in the districts of Oyam, Pabbo
Position held: Environmental Practitioner

Project Activities: Analysed impacts related to the Tochi wetland system. The project is part of the
government’s plan to establish new irrigation schemes distributed over the country. The source of the
fund for the project is financial assistance received from the African Development Bank (AfDB).
2. Project:KyamburaHydroElectric power Plant - ESAP
Pos i ti on He l d : Project Manager
Proj e ct Ac ti vit i e s : tasked with review of GET FiT comments on the project progress with
implementation of IFC requirements. Interpretation of the comments into practical actions in the plan.
Proposing measurable mitigations/actions for all project activities starting with project planning
through construction, completion and operation. Spearheaded the field teams undertaking additional
studies in the Kyambura region stretching to Queen Elizabeth National Park and Kasyoha-Kitomi
Forest reserves.

3. Project: Kyambura Hydroelectric power Plant - ESIA

Position held: project manager for the Kyambura HEP region- wide Environmental and Social Impact
assessment survey
Year: October 2014 - March 2015
Project Activities: The project is funded by GET Fit Uganda program to promote small-scale
renewable energy under the climate resilient low-carbon development path that should lead to
sustainable development. As project manager I was tasked with leading a multi-disciplinary team of
ecologists, Biodiversity specialists and social economists in liaison with government lead agencies. I
was also tasked with report compilation bench marking on World bank/IFC principles and
Environmental Health and Safety guidelines.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

4. Project: CNOOC Environmental Monitoring of the 2D Seismic survey in the AlbertineGraben –


Position held: water quality and wetlands ecologist

Project Activities: responsible for collection of water and soil samples from the field and wetlands
assessment. Used the Hydrogeological model for the wetlands assessment and was responsible for
water quality result interpretation and report writing. Was tasked with presenting the findings at a
meeting with CNOOC and recommendation of feasible mitigations as per the impacts observed.

5. Project: ESIA for the Mahoma small hydroelectric power plant in Kabarole District
Position held: Limnologist and Water quality specialist
Project Activities: responsible for the ESIA report support for write up. The ESIA was bench marked
on NEMA EIA guidelines and was financed by the Akbar Brothers (Pvt) limited. A review of
international and national legislation concerned with hydropower generation was undertaken to identify
laws, policies, regulations by which the developer would have to comply. Identification of impacts
based on qualitative data was undertaken and mitigations aptly proposed.

6. Project: Green Albertine EIA for Hazardous waste Landfill - Hoima

Position held: surface hydrologist
Project Activities: Quantified water amounts in existing streams and investigated residence time for
water in wetlands. Investigated the relevant water resources within a 2km radius to the proposed site of
the landfill that would be likely impacted by project activities, measured the discharge and analyzed
samples for water quality

7. Project: Total E&P Project Brief for seismic surveys in River Nile - Bulisa
Position held: Wetlands Ecologist
Project Activities: used a hydro-geological model to determine the wetlands characteristics,
hydrological flow regimes and influencers, and identified sensitive habitats in the area for wildlife.
During the project, I determined the habitat health using the Wetlands Habitat Assessment Tool
(WHAT), the ecological integrity of the wetlands for environmental sustenance as well as determination
of point and non-point source pollution.

8. Project: Total E&P EIA for an Appraisal drilling well site for Oil Exploration - Bulisa
Position held: Wetlands Ecologist
Project Activities: used a hydrogeological model to determine the wetlands characteristics,
hydrological flow regimes and influencers, and identified sensitive habitats in the area for wildlife.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

During the project, I determined the habitat health using the Wetlands Habitat Assessment Tool
(WHAT), Density estimations and water quality analysis, the ecological integrity of the wetlands for
environmental sustenance as well as determination of point and non-point source pollution.

9. Project:Soroti District EIA for Water intake point for NWSC- Soroti District
Position held: Wetlands Ecologist
Project Activities: used a hydrogeological model to determine the wetlands characteristics,
hydrological flow regimes and influencers, and identified alternative sites for water abstraction. During
the project, I determined the habitat health using the Wetlands Habitat Assessment Tool (WHAT), the
ecological integrity of the wetlands for environmental sustenance as well as determination of point and
non point source pollution

10. Project: Pearl Gardens Environmental Project brief for A Beach resort Facility - Kalangala

Position held: project coordinator

Project Activities: carried out a Lacustrine Wetlands survey, determined the hydrological flow regimes
and water quality assessments, influencers, and identified sensitive habitats in the area for birds and
other animals. During the project, I carried out community consultations and acquired opinions from
key stakeholders over the project components.

11. Project: Epsilon - EIA for Parking Yard Nwoya District

Position held: project coordinator

Project Activities: carried out a Riverine Wetlands survey, determined the hydrological flow regimes in the
vicinity and water quality assessments, influencers, and identified sensitive habitats in the area for
susceptible to pollution from hazardous wastes. During the project, I carried out community consultations
and acquired opinions from key stakeholders over the project components.

Experts contact information:

E-mail : diananak@gmail.com
Tel: 0752840101


I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my
disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Ms. Diana Nakalanzi 20th/11/2018

Name of Expert Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20th/11/2018

Name of authorized Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)
Representative of Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Representative of the Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.5 Financial Analysts

5.5.1 Moses Apollo Masiga
Position Title and No. Development Economist
Name of Expert: Moses Apollo Masiga
Date of Birth: 22/02/1977
Country of Citizenship/Residence Ugandan
October Collaborative Regional Masters Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy
2004 Programme in Environmental in Africa (CEEPA), University of Pretoria, South
Economics and Policy Africa
2005 MSc. Degree in Agricultural Makerere University, Kampala
October BSc. Degree in Agriculture, Makerere University, Kampala
2000 Agricultural Economics
Ongoing MSc. Finance (Economic Policy) course at the London University, School of
Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Centre for
Financial Management Studies (CEFIMS)

Employment record relevant to the assignment

Period Employing Organization, Summary Of Activities Performed Relevant To

Position & Contact Assignment
Information References
National Environment
Management Authority.
 Activities included authoring at least three
Technical Editor Uganda cross-cutting and synthesis chapters of the
National State of Environment State of Environment Report.
 Organising for all chapters and cross checking
the technical aspects including accuracy,
consistency with analytical and style of the
report and discussions with different author
teams and clients for additional data and theme
setting for different sections
2016-2017 National Environment
 The assignment contributes to ongoing
Management Authority, revisions in Uganda’s national environmental
Uganda management legislation. Economic
Development of Economic instruments are being introduced to
Instruments for Environmental complement existing command and control
arrangements. Also, incentive mechanisms are

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Management for the Oil and a good chance of engaging a new sector where
Gas Sector data and knowledge may make command and
Ref: Christine Akello control approaches sub-optimal.
2013/2014 National Environment
Developed guidelines as technical expert for a team
Management Authority, of NEMA staff. The guidelines will support
Guidelines for Economic improvements in analytical content of the EIA and
Strategic Environment Assessment processes in
Analysis of Environmental
Ref: Ronald Kaggwa
2012 UNDP Regional Service
 The good practice guide was written to
Centre for Africa, Addis
contribute to the productions of Rio plus 20.
Ababa, Ethiopia
OECD Good Practice  The guide is intended for use by policy
Guidance Note on “How developers and regulatory officers to integrate
green economy strategies into the national
Donors can Support economic strategies.
Developing Countries to
Generate Greater Value and
Welfare from Natural Capita
Ref: Assan N’gombe
2008 NEMA-Uganda/ UNEP
 Supported groups of government staff under
leadership of National Environment
National Implementation Plan
Management Authority (NEMA) to develop
for the Stockholm Convention
positions for chemical management in the
Ref: Mr Patrick Kamanda

 Worked with NEMA and supporting consultants

to develop training materials and
communication materials including booklets
and videos and radio programmes for chemical
management (POPs).
NEMA. Guidelines and Action
 Worked with stakeholders to the National
Plans for Financing
Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)
Biodiversity Conservation in
to develop the entire profile of financing needs
and requirements and expenditure reviews for
Ref: Francis Ogwal
biodiversity-related activities in the different

 The profile was developed into the action plan

showing avenues resource requirements over a

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

10 year timeline and actions that need to be

funded to fill the funding gap.

 Developed guidelines for achieving the

funding and management of funds for
biodiversity conservation in Uganda. A draft
report is in final review by NEMA and the
CBD secretariat.
2008 National Environment
As a technical expert, I developed and implemented
Management Authority
(NEMA) Uganda – District the annual training programmes on the use of
Support Office economic instruments for environment desk officers
Training materials on use of and planners in different government ministries.
Instruments for Environment
Management and in Policy and
legislative frameworks in
Local Governments
2012 United Nations Development
 Undertook analyses, resulting into a status
Options and Opportunities for report on the options and opportunities for
Adaptation and Mitigation of climate change adaptation and mitigation in an
Climate Change under the agricultural-forestry landscape of Mbale,
Territorial Approaches to Manafwa and Bududa.
Climate Change (TACC)
 Report contributed to the Integrated Territorial
Mbale Project
Climate Plan for the region
Ref: Rebecca Nanjala &
Daniel Omodo
Language Skills
Language Reading Speaking Writing
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
French Fair Fair Fair
kiswahili Good Good Good
Adequacy of the assignment
Work Undertake That best Illustrated Capability to Handle the Tasks
1. Name of the Assignment: Asset Inventory and Assessment, Feasibility study and design
for Rehabilitation and Expansion of Bwera Water Gravity Flow Scheme in Kasese District,
Uganda –
Year: 2015 to 2016
Client: Ministry if Water and Environment
Position Held: Financial Analyst
The Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) through the Directorate of Water Development
(DWD) embarked on a drive to rehabilitate and extend selected water systems to bring them in
tandem with existing changing pressures which had outstripped existing systems of their capacity
to meet the ever changing levels of service. The stated objective was to support the “Rural Water

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Supply and Sanitation Program” to increase access to sustainable water supply and build capacity
of district and community personnel so as to match the increasing water needs. Bwera Gravity
Flow Scheme was one of the systems to be developed to supply Bwera Town Council and Karambi,
Bwera, Nyakiyumbu, Isango and Part of Mukunyu sub-counties in Bukonzo County Kasese

2. Name of the Assignment: Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis for the Banana Value Chain
in South Western Uganda
Year: May – August 2014
Location: South Western Uganda
Client:United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
Description of Project:
Position Held: Team Leader
Activities performed: Undertake a vulnerability assessment of the banana supply and value chains
for eight Districts in south western Uganda. The assessment involves field activities, developing
indicators for adaptation in the banana supply and value chain and make recommendations for
implementation of adaptation project activities

3. Name of assignment: Consultancy services to develop pollution Management strategy to

improve long term water quality status in the inner Murchison bay; Lake Victoria and Initiate
implementation of initiatives
Year: 2014
Location: Inner Murchison Bay, Lake Victoria; Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment
Main Project features: The ministry of Water and Environment tends to craft a comprehensive
pollution management strategic and investment plan to improve the current water quality status of
Inner Murchison Bay and identify a bankable intervention project for improvement of water
resources and environmental quality for sustainable socio-economic development and improved
Position held: Team Leader
Activities performed: Carrying out scoping meetings, Baseline studies and further public
consultations; Developing Terms of Reference(ToRs) for the Assignment, Carrying out Situational
Analysis/Diagnostic report, Compiling a comprehensive Pollution Management Strategy and
investment plan, Developing a Bankable Investment project document and Conducted socio-
economic situation analysis, undertake action planning and design best case and bankable options
for managing wastewater pollution in the IMB, Kampala city’s main source of abstraction water for
domestic and urban use.

4. Name of the assignment: Development of Rwizi Catchment Management Plan

Location: Western Uganda
client: Ministry of Water and Environment
Main project features; Developing water and related natural resources catchment management
plan that clearly spells out management and investment measures as well as policy and legal
recommendations for sustainable use and development.
Position held: Team member/Economist
Activities performed;
 Describing the catchment and sub catchment boundaries.
 Selecting the analytical tools for planning and water resources management for R. Rwizi
 Assessing the baseline water resources availability in R. Rwizi Catchment, building on earlier
assessments already done, carrying out stakeholder review and engagement
 Carrying out a strategic Social and Environmental Assessment (SSEA), Designing frame work in

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

collaboration with R. Rwizi catchment management committee and Victoria Water Management

5. Name of the Assignment: Development of Wetland Management Plans for Walugogo in

Iganga and Lwajjali in Mukono district
Year: 2015
Location: Iganga and Mukono districts in Uganda
Client: Wetland Management Department under Ministry of Water and Environment
Main Project features: Developing wetland management plans is to insure that all wetlands have
clear and well defined systems and procedures for the use and management which ensure that the
integrity of the wetland and community livelihoods are maintained
Position held: Resource Economist/Team member
Activities performed:
The activities carried out include

 Carrying out Stakeholder consultations

 Assessing the adverse impacts the wetlands are facing
 Review of the legal, Policy and Institutional Framework
 Resource map of the planning area
 Resource analysis
 Presentation of the Draft to a Stakeholders Validation Workshop
 Visioning, objectives management actions/activities with a clear
 Demarcating and mapping wetland user and conservation zones
 Implementation structures and strategy
 Investment plan for wetland enterprises and intervention
 Monitoring and evaluation plan with practical measurable indicators
 Incorporation of comments and preparation of a ready to publish management plans.

6. Name of the assignment: Consultancy services to identify and map hotspots including
preparation of priority interventions in Lwakhakha sub catchment.
year: July 2015 – October 2015
Location: Eastern Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment( WSDF-E)
Main project features: Developing water and related natural resources catchment management
plan that clearly spells out management and investment measures as well as policy and legal
recommendations for sustainable and equitable use of Lwakhakha water resources.
Position held: Economist/Team member
Activities Performed:
 Assessment of the current status of the catchment regarding natural resources and socio-
economic structure, Development through participatory process a catchment management plan
to address the priority problems,
 Define arrangements for implementation institutional,
 technical and financial of sub catchment management plan with a monitoring and evaluation
system, Identifying and mapping priority hot spot areas in the sub catchment,

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Preparing specific interventions for addressing the key water resources issues identified,
Carryout cost estimates for implementing the identified interventions,
 Suggest top 3 priority interventions for Lwakhakha sub-catchment with detailed costing and
implementation matrix ready for implementation, Input by stakeholders including district
officials of Manafwa and Bududa as well as community leaders in these districts in the
identification of priority hotspot areas and possible interventions measures leading to a process
that is owned by stake holders acquired,

 The capacity of local communities and other key stakeholders on issues related to water resource
protection and management within the framework of a catchment enhanced

7. Name of the Assignment: Natural Resources Assessment for the Ecosystem Based Adaptation
(EBA) Project in Mt. Elgon Ecosystem
Year: February - August 2014
Location: Eastern Uganda
Client:United Nations Development Programme
Description of Project:
Position Held: Team Leader
Activities performed: Undertake a cost-benefit analysis of the EBA project in Mt. Elgon
Ecosystem. The purpose of the study is to establish viability of the technologies and practices
proposed under the EBA, to develop scenarios for how EBA could influence climate change
adaptation in the landscape, and build capacity building materials for implementation of EBA
8. Name of the Assignment:Support ENR Africa Centre implement jointEBA activities in
Bulambuli and Sironko District in the Mt. Elgon Ecosystem of Uganda
Year: September 2014 – March 2015
Location: Eastern Uganda
Client:Partner - Environment Conservation Trust of Uganda
Description of Project:
Position Held: Team Leader
Activities performed:
 Support the design of incentive mechanisms for undertaking climate change adaptation in the
Mt. Elgon Ecosystem;
 Support development of indicators and monitoring and evaluation process;
o Support design of strategic framework for scaling-up EBA to other parts of the country

9. Name of the Assignment:Development of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for

Agriculture, Forestry and Land use Uganda
Year: Jan- June 2013
Location: Uganda
Client:African Development Work
Description of Project:
Position Held: Team Leader
Activities performed:

 Collation of data on possible NAMAs; specifically livestock production, crop production

(coffee agro-forestry), organic agriculture and afforestation/reforestation
 Developed proposals, which were presented and accepted by the National Climate Change
Policy Committee

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

10. Name of the Assignment:Support Development of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation

Actions for Waste Sector in Uganda
Year: July – October 2013
Location: Uganda
Client:UNDP LECB Project
Description of Project:
Position Held: Team Leader
Activities performed:

 Collated and undertook technical analysis on qualitative and quantitative data as well as
economic analysis
 Developed concept notes and one proposal on solid waste and waste water NAMAs. The
proposal was presented and accepted by the National Climate Change Policy Committee

11.Name of the Assignment: The Cost of Mitigation Greenhouse Gases in East Africa (Kenya,
Uganda and Ethiopia) as part of the Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security
Year: (2012/13)
Location: Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia
Client:Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Programme of CGIAR
Description of Project: The Cost of Mitigation Greenhouse Gases in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda
and Ethiopia) as part of the Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) of the
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
Position Held: Team Leader
Activities performed:

 Collection of data on crop production scenarios as a basis for agricultural carbon mitigation
through conservation agriculture practices such as minimum tillage, manure management and
judicious use of fertilisers.
 Undertook cost effectiveness analysis of the mitigation options for comparison across countries
and ecosystems.

 Developed status report submitted to CCAFS and papers written are in final process readying for
12. Name of the Assignment: Institutional Analysis and Capacity Building for Agricultural
Carbon Projects in Africa (Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia). Work with ECOTRUST, Vi-Agro-
forestry and Humbo Integrated Regeneration project
Year: 2011
Location: Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia
Client:Eco-Agriculture Partners
Description of Project: Institutional Analysis and Capacity Building for Agricultural Carbon
Projects in Africa (Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia). Work with ECOTRUST, Vi-Agro-forestry and
Humbo Integrated Regeneration project in the three respective countries
Position Held: Team Leader
Activities performed:

 Action research activities for developing relevant instruments for institutional analysis using
participatory approaches. Evaluation criteria were developed, baselines and future targets set.
 Trainings and development of training materials for farmers, District Extension staff and
authoring policy papers on lessons learned.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

On-going activities of capacity building and evaluation to ensure that set carbon projects,
specifically ECOTRUST, is able to achieve set target of institutional development especially at sub-
national level.
13. Name of the Assignment: Manual for institutional capacity building for agricultural
landscape projects in Uganda
Year: 2011
Location: Eastern Uganda
Client:Eco-agriculture Partners and ECOTRUST
Description of Project Manual for institutional capacity building for agricultural landscape
projects in Uganda; based on case study of ECOTRUST’s Trees for Global Benefits Programme
Position Held: Team Leader
Activities performed:

 Developed a final draft manual, which is with copy-editors at Ecoagriculture Partners.

 The manual pilot implementation is on-going in Mbale, Manafwa and Bududa Districts. There
are intentions to share the complete printed book with the Climate Change Unit.

14. Name of the Assignment: Manual for institutional capacity building for agricultural
landscape projects in Uganda
Year: 2011
Location: Eastern Uganda
Client:Eco-agriculture Partners and ECOTRUST
Description of Project Manual for institutional capacity building for agricultural landscape
projects in Uganda; based on case study of ECOTRUST’s Trees for Global Benefits Programme
Position Held: Team Leader
Activities performed:

 Developed a final draft manual, which is with copy-editors at Ecoagriculture Partners.

 The manual pilot implementation is on-going in Mbale, Manafwa and Bududa Districts. There
are intentions to share the complete printed book with the Climate Change Unit.

15. Name of the Assignment: Economic valuation of the contribution of forestry Resources to
Uganda’s economy
Year: October 2010 – May 2011
Location: Uganda
Client: National Environment Management Authority- Uganda
Description of Project:
Position Held: Economist

16. Name of the Assignment: Guidelines and Action Plan for Financing Biodiversity
Conservation in Uganda
Year: (2012-2013)
Location: Uganda
Client: National Environment Management Authority- Uganda
Position Held: Economist

17. Name of the Assignment: Stocking taking on Payments for Environmental Services
Initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa
Year: 2011

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Client: United Nations Development Programme for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Position Held: Socio-Economist

18. Name of the Assignment: Natural Resources Economist for the assessment of the
livelihoods opportunities in the Mau-Mara (Mara River Basin)
Year: Feb- March 2009
Location: Kenya
Client: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Position Held: Socio-Economist

19. Name of the Assignment: Assessment conducted in the Rift Valley region of Kenya Year:
Location: Kenya
Client: United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Description of Project: The analyses comprised economic gross margin and enterprise
development including value chain analysis.
Position Held: Socio-Economist

20. Name of the Assignment: Guidelines for Economic Analysis of Environmental Impacts in
Year: 2010
Location: Uganda
Client: National Environment Management Authority- Uganda
Position Held: Socio-EconomistName of the Assignment: Country Water Resources Assistance
Strategy for the World Bank
Year: (October – December 2010)
Location: Uganda
Client: World Bank
Position Held: Socio-Economist

21. Name of the Assignment: Financing and Incentives for Sustainable Forestry Management
in Uganda
Year: Oct. Dec – 2008
Location: Uganda
Client: Katoomba Group/Forest Trends
Position Held: Socio-Economist

22. Name of the Assignment: Economic Evaluation and Financial Analysis and Appraisal for
Problem Animal Management mechanisms in Uganda
Year: 2011
Location: Uganda
Client: Great Lakes (EEEGL), CARE and IGCP
Description of Project: Environment, Enterprise and Equity in the Virunga landscape of the Great
Lakes (EEEGL), CARE and IGCP
Position Held: Socio-Economist

23. Name of the Assignment: Integrated Assessment for the Implications of the Economic
Partnership Agreement negotiations on the Horticulture Sector in Uganda
Year: 2009
Location: Uganda

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Client: NEMA-Uganda/ UNEP

Description of Project: Integrated Assessment for the Implications of the Economic Partnership
Agreement negotiations on the Horticulture Sector in Uganda
Position Held: Socio-Economist

24. Name of the Assignment: Integrated Assessment for National Organic Agriculture Policy
with Advocates Coalition for Development & Environment
Year: 2008
Location: Kenya
Client: UNEP/Advocates Coalition for Development and Development (ACODE)
Description of Project: Integrated Assessment for National Organic Agriculture Policy with
Advocates Coalition for Development & Environment (2008), supported editing for Integrated
Assessment of the National Organic Agriculture Policy for Kenya
Position Held: Socio-Economist/Team Leader

25. Name of the Assignment: Inventory for Payments for ecosystem services in Uganda
Year: June – Dec 2005
Location: Kenya
Client: Forest Trends and the Katoomba Group
Position Held: Socio-Economist/Team Leader
26. Name of the Assignment: National Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for the Lake Kyoga
Catchment in Uganda
Year: Jan 2006 – July 2008
Location: Uganda
Client: NEMA-Uganda/ Poverty Environment Initiative
Description of Project: National Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for the Lake Kyoga Catchment
in Uganda as an Environmental Economist
Position Held: Environmental Economist
27. Name of the Assignment: Economic evaluation of the proposed degazettement of Mabira
Central Forest Reserve
Year: July to Dec 2007
Location: Uganda
Client:Nature Uganda
Description of Project: Economic evaluation of the proposed de-gazettement of Mabira Central
Forest Reserve in Uganda (together with the Late Dr. Yakobo Moyini).
Position Held: Environmental Economist

28. Name of the Assignment: Assessment of integration of environmental concerns in

Uganda’s poverty eradication Policies, Programmes, Plans and Projects
Year: July-Sept. 2006
Location: Uganda
Client: National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) / Poverty Environment Initiative
Description of Project Assessment of integration of environmental concerns in Uganda’s poverty
eradication Policies, Programmes, Plans and Projects undertaken with Sustainable Development
Centre - Kampala
Position Held: Environmental Economist

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

29. Name of the Assignment: National Consultant on the Strategic Environment Assessment
for the Environment and Natural Resources Sector of Uganda
Year: 2008
Location: Uganda
Client: World Bank/ Washington Office – World Bank Kampala Office
Description of Project: National Consultant on the Strategic Environment Assessment for the
Environment and Natural Resources Sector of Uganda, for the World Bank office, in Uganda First-
half of 2008
Position Held: Team Leader

Experience: Other Important Assignments

 Team leader for Monitoring and Evaluation of

ACDI/VOCA as an Associate with The
Ssemwanga Centre
Rural Economy and Agriculture Production
(REAP) Project.
 Co-authored for Annual Monitoring and
ACDI/VOCA as an Associate with The
Ssemwanga Centre
evaluation of ACDI/VOCA PL-480 Title II
food security report 2003.
 Research Officer for the baseline study for the
ACDI/VOCA as an Associate with The
Ssemwanga Centre
life initiative project November and December
 Baseline survey for Private sector development
Land O’ Lakes Uganda

for dairy cattle in Uganda -

 Monitoring and Evaluation on project activities
ACDI/VOCA as an Associate with The
Ssemwanga Centre
run by the ACDI/VOCA between 2001 and
2004 for Title II Food Security programme
 Value chain analysis for Citrus sector in
Uganda - National Planning Authority

Uganda 2008
 Value chain analysis for fruits sub-sector in
FIT Uganda

eastern Uganda in 2007

 Baseline study on seed demand and animal
Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry
and Fisheries (NWSADP- Project),
traction for the Northwest Small holder
Agricultural Development Project (NWSADP),
April/June 2002.
Experts contact information:
E-mail : nomman22@hotmail.com, apollomasiga@yahoo.co.uk

Tel: +256 772 563919

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to my
disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Mr. Moses Apollo Masiga 20th /11/2018

Name of Expert Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20 th/11/2018

Name of authorized Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Representative of the Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes


Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.6.1 Dr. Firminus Mugumya
Proposed Position Title Team Leader
Name of Expert: Firminus Mugumya
Date of Birth: 25th Sept. 1973
Country of Citizenship/Residence Ugandan
Year Institution Qualification attained
2010/13 Dublin City University, Doctor of Philosophy (Law and Government)
Republic of Ireland Doctoral thesis title (Enabling community-Based Water
Management Systems: Governance and Sustainability of Rural
Point-Water Facilities in Uganda)
2002-2003 Institute of Social Studies, MA, Development Studies (Local and Regional Development)
The Hague, The
1994-97 Makerere University, B.A Hons Social Work and Social Administration
Kampala Uganda (Second class, Upper division)
1992-94 St. Mary’s Seminary, Fort Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education.
Portal Sixth of the best Ten candidates in Uganda – 1994 advanced
level examinations.
1988-91 St. Mary’s Seminary Fort Uganda Certificate of Education (First Grade)
Other Trainings
June 2003 African Students’ Conference on Peace Building in Africa, The Hague, The
March 2014 International Social Work Conference, Kampala Uganda

Employment Record
Employmen Organisation/Firm Positions Summary of Activities Carried out
t Period held
May 2014 to Makerere University, Lecturer I have taught on Courses such as
date Department of Social Community Based Intervention
Work and Social Strategies, Social Research Methods,
Administration, School Local government and Decentralised
of Social Sciences Service Delivery, and Foundations of
Social Development.
Membership to Professional Bodies
1. Founder and Board Member for Concern for The Girl Child Uganda; An Organisation supporting
girl children’s education in schools. Recently, the organisation is involved in water and sanitation in
primary schools in Luwero and Nakaseke Districts since 2000
2. Member of the Organisation of Social Science Researchers of Eastern Africa (OSSREA) from 2004

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Mugumya F., and Asingwire N. (2015) Governance and safe water provisioning in Uganda: theory
and practice; in, Munck Ronaldo et. al. eds (2015) Water and Development: Good Governance after
Mugumya, F., Munck, R. & Asingwire, N. (2015) Leveraging Community Capacity to Manage
Improved point-water facilities; in Fagan G. Honor et al (2015) Water is Life: Progress to secure safe
water provision in rural Uganda. Practical Action Publishing, UK.
Mugumya, F. (2013) Governance dynamics disabling the sustainability of community –managed point-
water facilities in rural Uganda. Irish Studies in International Affairs. Vol. 24 (2013), 1-13
Macri G., Mugumya F. and Áine Rickard (2015) Integrated water management and social
development in Uganda; in, Munck Ronaldo et. al. eds (2015) Water and Development: Good
Governance after Neoliberalism.
Asaba, R.B., Fagan, H., Kabonesa, C. Mugumya. F (2013) Beyond Distance and Time: Gender and
the Burden of Water Collection in Rural Uganda. wH20: The Journal of Gender and Water, 2(1),

Macri, G., Rickard, A., Asaba, B. R., Mugumya. F., Fagan, G.H., Munck, R. and Suzanne, L. (2013)
A Social-Spatial Survey of Water Issues in Makondo Parish, Uganda. Dublin. Dublin City
University Press. Republic of Ireland. ISBN: 978-1-873769-30-0
Mugisha M.M., Mugumya F., (2010) Re-thinking the Role of the State in Health Care Financing:
Can Community-Based Health Insurance Show the Way?; in Awortwi and Kanyesigye (eds). Issues
in social development and local governancepp 178-211

Ochen E.A., Bukuluki P., Mugumya F., (2010). Gender Dynamics, Conflict and Food Insecurity:
Lessons from Northern Uganda in Awortwi and Kanyesigye (eds). Issues in social development and
local governance pp. 258-285
Muhwezi W., Muhangi D., Mugumya F.,(2009) Intra-household differences in health seeking
behaviour for orphans and non Orphans in an NGO supported and non-supported sub-county of
Luwero, Uganda. African Health Sciences Vol. 9 No.2
Bukuluki P., Mugumya F., Neema S., Kafuko A., Ochen E., (2008) Gender, Food Security and AIDS
in internally Displaced Persons camps in Uganda: Implications for HIV Responsive Policy and
Programming. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, USA Available at
Mugumya F., Ochen. E.A., Twinamatsiko A., Mukuye R.(2008)Promoting Downward
Accountability through Decentralisation: Challenges and Prospects for Uganda’s Local

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Governments, in Awortwi N. and Kanyesigye C. (eds) Aspects of Social Development in Uganda.
Shaker Publishers, Holland.
Krishna A., Lumonya D., Markiewicz M., Mugumya F., Kafuko A., and Wegoye J.(2006) Escaping
poverty and becoming poor in 36 villages of Central and Western Uganda. The Journal of
Development Studies.Volume 42
Walakira E.J., Bukuluki P., Sengendo J., Mugumya F. (2006) The untapped knowledge in condom
promotion: A case of young people in Uganda in Re-thinking Research and Intervention Approaches
that Aim at Preventing HIV infection among the youth. Social Science and Medicine Africa Network
(SOMA-net). Nairobi, Kenya
Walakira E.J., Bukuluki P., Sengendo J., Mugumya F. (2006) Caught in The fear of Pregnancy and
HIV infection: A dilemma for Youth in Jinja, Uganda in Re-thinking Research and Intervention
Approaches that Aim at Preventing HIV infection among the youth. Social Science and Medicine
Africa Network (SOMA-net). Nairobi, Kenya.

Adequacy for the Assignment:

Work Undertaken That best Illustrated Capability to Handle the Tasks
1. Co-Investigator – (Ongoing) Building an Economic case for investment in social protection in
Uganda. A two year project funded by NW-WOTRO.
2. Principal Investigator – (Ongoing) Qualitative study on risk and resilience factors for exposure to
violence, abuse and neglect of children in rural and urban settings in Uganda. This forms the basis of
an on-going research program designed to identify pathways out of adversity for children in Uganda.
3. Principal Consultant – August 2015 - Baseline Study on violence against Children in two sub-
counties in Arua district. Undertaken as part of the ANPPCAN Uganda Chapter project on
‘Promoting a Violence Free Environment for Children in Uganda’
4. Co-Investigator – February – April 2015 - A Qualitative Formative Research on Maternal and Child
Feeding and Caring Practices and Beliefs in 19 districts in Uganda. A study commissioned by
UNICEF in collaboration with the Ministry of Health to inform the process of developing a
communication strategy for improved nutrition in Uganda.
5. Lead Consultant – November 2014 – January 2015 end of project evaluation for the one year project
entitled ‘HIV/AIDS and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights Project among Women Living with HIV’
of the ICWEA funded by Robert Carr Network Fund
6. June – Sept 2014 Lead Consultant Participatory and qualitative assessment of the Social Assistance
Grants for Empowerment (SAGE) programme. Contracted by the United Nations Development
programme to lead the study on behalf of the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic
7. November 2013 – January 2014 Team member on the study assessing the effectiveness and
efficiency of targeting beneficiaries of the Social Assistance Grants for Empowerment (SAGE)
programme. I participated in the review of documents, finalisation of study tools, and training of
Research Assistants, supervision of field work in Kyenjojo District, Analysis of Data and
preparation of the draft Report.
8. October 2013 – Jan 2014 Baseline study of the ‘Hear My Voice Project’ of World Vision Uganda,
Rwanda and Tanzania. The project uses the Citizens Voice and Action methodology to engage the
communities and public service providers in dialogue over the quality of health and education
9. June – August 2013 Consultant: Evaluation of the Care, Support and Treatment Project of World

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Vision – Masaka, Rakai and Mpigi districts. The project supported HIV pregnant and Lactating
Mothers to access services integrating demand and supply strategies.
10. June - July 2013 Qualitative Research Consultant: Baseline study on the commodity production and
marketing of Coffee, beans and Maize in Uganda, a study undertaken by Shoreline Services Uganda
Limited on behalf of Chemonics International.
11. June 2010 – Consultant: Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) of the Energy Sector, A World
Bank funded Study Coordinated by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning-Government of
12. February 2010: Consultant, Evaluation of the Vulnerable Children and Youth Reintegration (VCYR)
Project - World Vision Gulu, Uganda.
13. Dec. 2009 – January 2010 – Consultant: Baseline survey for theCommunity-Based Livelihoods
Recovery Program (CLRP) for Western Equatorial in South Sudan, World Vision South Sudan.
14. July 2009 Associate Consultant; Baseline survey for Kirewa Area Development Programme, World
Vision Uganda
15. May - July 2009 Lead Consultant, End of Term evaluation of The OVC Project implemented by
Plan Uganda in Kamuli Programme area. This was a one-year project implemented with support
from the Japanese Government.
16. January – May 2009: Consultant, Evaluation of the Sustainable Income and Housing for Orphans and
Vulnerable Children programme in Africa (Uganda, Zambia and Mozambique). This project was
implemented between 2004 and 2008 by Opportunity International in partnership with Habitat for
Humanity International.
17. October– November 2008. Consultant, Baseline survey for Kituntu Area Development Programme
(ADP). World Vision International Uganda
18. September – October 2008: Consultant, Baseline study of Transient Traders in Mbarara
Municipality; Reproductive Health Uganda - Mbarara Municipality Project
19. June - August 2008; Consultant: Baseline study of Market Vendors in Kampala and Undertook for
Phase Two of The market Vendors HIV/AIDS project in Kampala.
20. April – July 2008 Consultant: Baseline survey for Kasambya Area Development Programme (ADP).
World Vision International Uganda
21. Nov. 2007 – January 2008: Lead Consultant: Baseline Survey for Kakindo ADP. World Vision
International Uganda
22. August – October 2007: Consultant: Baseline survey for Lunyo ADP. World Vision International
23. June 2007: Consultant: Analysis of Data on Child Protection systems and Community Based
Structures in Gulu, Amuru, Lira and Pader districts: Save the Children in Uganda
24. April - June 2007: Lead Consultant: Evaluation of Masaka-Kaswa Area Development Programme;
World Vision International Uganda
25. January to March 2007: Consultant: Mock evaluation of the Human and Holistic Development
(UPHOLD) Project funded by USAID.
26. August-November 2006: Consultant: Review of Uganda’s Education Policies and Legislations in
view of how they address the education needs of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC): Inter
Religious Council of Uganda.
27. April 2004 – Sept. 2007: Co-Investigator: Gender Dimensions, Food/nutrition Security and
HIV/AIDS in Internally Displaced Peoples’ Camps in Uganda: Implications for HIV Responsive
Policy and Programming; Collaboration between Makerere University Faculty of Social Sciences
and the International Food Policy Research Institute
28. September to November 2006: Consultant for Save the Children in Uganda on HIV/AIDS services and
Gaps Analysis baseline in Save the Children Districts
29. January-June 2006: Principal Researcher: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of people towards
HIV/AIDS and Child Labour in the Districts of Mbale, Kampala, Mukono and Rakai; ILO/IPEC-

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
30. January - February 2006: Co-investigator: Review of District HIV/AIDS Responses in AIM
supported districts in Uganda: USAID-AIM project in Uganda
31. June 2005 – July 2005: Co-investigator: Reversing the trend of HIV/AIDS among young people in
Uganda; Social Science and Medicine Network (SOMA-Net)
32. July 2005 Consultant Uganda Cooperative Alliance Ltd (UCA): Facilitation and compilation of
report of stakeholders’ workshop for the project design of the new YEECA (Youth Economic
Empowerment through Cooperatives); Project Design Process using Logical Framework Approach
33. October 2005; Consultant, Development of Strategic plan for Gulu Development Agency, an NGO
working in the area of community empowerment for poverty reduction among war affected
communities of northern Uganda,
34. July -Oct 2004: Consultant: Situational Analysis of Sexual and Gender Based Violence in Conflict
Regions of Uganda; Joint Partnership between Christian Children’s Fund, International Rescue
Committee and UNICEF
35. May-July 2004: Co-investigator: Pathways in and out of poverty in Uganda: Expanding the base for
poverty Reduction. Makerere University/Duke University, USA
36. April - Dec. 2003: Principal Researcher: Managing “Social Welfare deficits”. An Exploration into
the Livelihood Strategies of the Urban Poor in Kampala City, Uganda: Ma Thesis, Institute of Social
Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands
37. 2000-2002: Co-Investigator: Programme Evaluation of NGO support services for Orphans: A
comparison of AFXB-Supported and non-Supported Sub counties in Luwero District Uganda:
Applied Research on Child Health (ARCH) Project.
38. 2001-2002: Research synthesizer: District Response Initiative. HIV/AIDS Best Practices in Uganda:
UNAIDS, UNICEF and Uganda AIDS Commission
39. 2001-2002: Research Synthesiser: Revitalizing and Popularizing Vital Registration at the grassroots
levels in Uganda. Funded by Rockefeller Foundation/Makerere University
40. Feb – Oct 1997 Principal Researcher: Attitudes and beliefs of people towards hot springs as sources
of traditional healing: A case of Hamurwa Sub-county, Kabale district (undergraduate dissertation)
Makerere University Undergraduate Dissertation
Experts contact information:
E-mailfirmlib@yahoo.co.uk OR firm@chuss.mak.ac.ug, Phone +256-782-351-444/+256-702-351-
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to undertake the assignment in
case of an award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead
to my disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Dr Firminus Mugumya 20th/11/2018

Name of Expert Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20th/11/2018

Name of authorized Signature Date:
Representative of the Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.6.2 Anthony Begumisa

Position Title Sociologist
Name of expert Anthony Begumisa
Date of birth 20/06/1970
Country of citizenship/residence Uganda
Years Institution Attended Degree/ Diploma Attained
2004 Makerere University, Kampala M.A degree (Sociology)
1995 Makerere University, Kampala BA, (Hons) Social Sciences (Sociology)
Other Trainings
1999 Certificate Egerton University, Njoro Kenya
1995 Certificate in Project Planning and Makerere University Institute of Adult and
Management Continuing Education, Kampala, Uganda.
Employment Record
Perio Employing Position Held Summary of activities performed relevant to
d organization the assignment
2008– WSS Services Sociologist/Com Public Consultations (PC),
to date (U) Ltd, munication Team Participatory Project Appraisal (PPA) and
Leader Communication with PAP, identification of
affected households and groups,
definition of eligibility of claims and
registration of concerns and grievance,
mitigation mechanism (RAP), vulnerability and
gender related aspects
2000 – Makerere Research Fellow
2007 University
Institute of Social
Research (MISR),
Language Skills
Language Speaking & reading Writing
English Good Good
Swahili Good Fair
Luganda Good Good
Runyakitara (mother language) Very good good

Adequacy for the Assignment:

Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best Illustrates Capability to Handle the
Assigned Tasks
1. Name of the assignment: Consultancy Services for Catchment Situation Assessment of
Baseline Conditions on Gravity Flow Schemes & Development and Supervision of the
Implementation of Site Specific Water Source and Catchment Protection Plans in the 10 GFS
Year; Ongoing
Location; The schemes are Lilima (Phase II), Bududa (Phase II), Bukwo (phase II), Bukedea

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
(Phase I), Orom (Phase I), Nyahubikye-Kikyenkye (Phase I), Rwebisengo-Kanara (Phase I),
Shuuku-Masyoro (Phase I), Lukalu- Kabasanda and Nyarwodo (Phase II)
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment with funding from the African Development Bank
Main Project Features; The Ministry of Water and Environment with funding from the African
Development Bank is developing rural water supply infrastructure, focusing on 10 Large Gravity
Flow Schemes across the country. The water supply and sanitation programme II also has a
component for water source catchment protection for all the 10 GFS. A climate change aspect is
one of the components of the project
Position Held: Social Development expert
2. Name of the Assignment: Asset Inventory and Assessment, Feasibility study and design for
Rehabilitation and Expansion of Bwera Water Gravity Flow Scheme in Kasese District,
Year: 2015 to 2016
Location: Kasese District, Uganda
Position Held: Sociologist
Main Project Features: The Ministry of Water and Environment (MWE) through the Directorate
of Water Development (DWD) embarked on a drive to rehabilitate and extend selected water
systems to bring them in tandem with existing changing pressures which had outstripped existing
systems of their capacity to meet the ever changing levels of service. The stated objective was to
support the “Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program” to increase access to sustainable water
supply and build capacity of district and community personnel so as to match the increasing water
needs. Bwera Gravity Flow Scheme was one of the systems to be developed to supply Bwera
Town Council and Karambi, Bwera, Nyakiyumbu, Isango and Part of Mukunyu sub-counties in
Bukonzo County Kasese District.
Activities Performed
1. Provide training and capacity building in all aspects of project development for the client’s
counterpart staff including district and TSU staff.
2. Community Participatory meetings and stakeholder meetings
3. Name of assignment or project: STAR-EC program Household and health facility survey
in the 11 Program supported districts of Busoga region
Year: 2017
Location: Busoga
Client: USAID
Main project features: USAID has been promoting and supporting programs for access to HIV
and TB treatment in selected districts. As part of these efforts, capacity building was undertaken
for the Local Governments.
Positions held: Lead Consultant
Activities performed: Trained district officials as data collectors, review of data collection tools,
supervised data collection
4. Name of assignment or project: The Kachonga Area Development Program, Commissioned
by World Vision Uganda
Year: 2017
Location: Kachonga
Client: World Vision
Main project features: World Vision Commissioned a study to evaluate the Interventions they
have been promoting in health, HIV, Education and Children welfare
Positions held: Lead Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Activities performed:Baseline Survey entailing data collection, designing interventions, made
5. Name of assignment or project: Comparative impact assessment of the two strategies of
KNH (KINDERNOTHIFE e.v), Self Help Approach promotion in Uganda.
Year: 2016
Location: Central Uganda
Main project features: The program is involved in economic initiative targeting women in
Buganda region. A study was commissioned to assess the impact of the methods and approaches
Positions held:Co-Evaluator/local consultant
Activities performed: Conducted community participatory meetings in form Focus Group
Discussions, Analysed both secondary and primary data, compiled the findings
6. Name of assignment or project:End phase of Evaluation of Offaka Area Development
program Implemented by World Vision Uganda
Year: 2015
Location: West Nile Uganda
Client: World Vision
Main project features: World Vision was implementing a five year program and at the end of the
phase wanted to evaluate the interventions under the different components of HIV/AIDS and
Health , Water and Sanitation, Education and Child Welfare
Positions held: Lead Consultant
Activities performed: Household survey using participatory appraisal method
7. Name of assignment or project:Documentation of promising better models/practices of the
Breaking Barriers Project of Plan International in Uganda
Year: 2015
Location: Various
Client: Plan international Uganda
Main project features: Plan International had a program focusing on child education, the
interventions were geared towards removing barriers to children education, it was a partnership
program involving Plan International, Interreligious Council For Uganda, Save the Children Fund
Positions held: Team Leader
Activities performed: Talk to the beneficiaries (Children and Guardians), Implementers and
other stakeholders especially the local leadership and Ministry of Education Officials
8. Name of assignment or project:Documentation of UHMG’s work in Uganda over the last
three years 2007-2010.
Year: 2015
Location: Various
Client: Uganda Health Marketing Group
Main project features: UHMG is a local NGO involved in promotion of health services and they
have been implementing various programs since 2007 and commissioned a study to document and
report on that period.
Positions held: Lead Consultant
Activities performed: Review documents analyse and compile the outputs/achievements, lessons
learn of the organisation over the period.
9. Name of assignment or project:Ongoing (through Whale Consult) Evaluation of end of one
Year Public health assistance project to War affected population in Kitgum a project
implemented by Oxfam
Year: 2010

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Location: Kitgum, Northern Uganda
Client: Oxfam
Main project features: During and after the war, Oxfam was implementing a project to promote
access to water and sanitation. They commissioned a study to look at the public health
impacts/gains made as a result of these interventions. Most of the activities were in the Internally
Displaced Persons (IDP) camps
Positions held: Team Leader
Activities performed: Document review, analysis of secondary data, gathering and analysis of
primary data and reporting
10. Name of the Assignment:Environmental and Social Survey for Ayago Hydro Power
Project and Master Plan Study on Hydropower Development in Uganda
Year: 2010
Location: Murchison fall, Northern Uganda
Client: JICA and Government of Uganda
Main Project Features: The government of Uganda together with JICA is undertaking feasibility
studies for the development of the National Hydro Power Master Plan and Ayago site on the Nile
for a 700MW HPP Scheme. The project is at stage 3 where the Environmental Surveys are part of
the three components being undertaken
Position Held: Team Member (Sociologist/Socio Economist)
Activities performed: Baseline social economic surveys, impact assessment, mitigation measures
formulation, report preparation
11.Name of assignment or project:World Bank/Ministry of energy Consultancy Study on
Poverty and the Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) of power sector reforms in Uganda.
Year: 2010
Location: Various, Uganda
Client: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
Main project features: Reforms were undertaken in the power sector which saw the disbanding
of UEB, try to bring efficiency, increase access to the poor as a prelude to reducing poverty
Positions held: Lead Consultant
Activities performed: analysed secondary data, studied the trends, collected primary data,
engaged power sector stakeholders and various user categories/customer segments.
12. Name of assignment or project:Monitoring and Evaluation Survey component of the
Energy for Rural transformation Program (ERT) implemented by the Danish Management
Group (DMG) on behalf of Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development
Year: 2007/08
Location: Various, Uganda
Client: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
Main project features: After the ERT baseline studies, there was need to evaluate and document
the impact of the power projects on the host communities i. e in the proposed mini hydropower
project areas of Kisizi (Rukungiri) and Nyagak (Nebbi)
Positions held: Team Member (socio economist)
Activities performed: Data collection, qualitative aspects, assessment of social impact
13. Name of assignment or project:Baseline survey on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices
KAP of people towards child labour and HIV/AIDS in Kampala, Rakai, Mbale and Mukono
Year: 2007
Location: Various Districts
Client: International Labour Organisation
Main project features: Baseline studies were commissioned in preparation for designing

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
interventions to scale up Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in relation to child and
HIV/AIDs.Positions held: Knowledge Management Specialist
Activities performed: conducted household surveys
14. Name of assignment or project:Baseline Survey for the Energy for Rural Transformation
Program (ERT) in the Pilot districts of Rukungiri, Nebbi and Sironko.
Year: 2007
Location: various
Client: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD)
Main project features: The World Bank together with MEMD commissioned a survey in
preparation for the launch of some mini-hydros in two locations at Kisizi (Rukungiri) and Nyagak
(Nebbi). Sironko was involved as a control of the “worst” case scenario.
Positions held: Community Engagement Specialist
Activities performed: Engaging communities and other stakeholders,Collecting and analysing
data on key /identified performance indicators
Other Relevant Work Experience
I have over the years during my academic pursuits and trainings and employment acquired
knowledge and skills spanning different technical areas. Relevant to this assignment and tasks
assigned I have analytical skills for handling both qualitative and quantitative data generated from
baseline studies and program evaluations undertaken for government and non- government
Clientele. As such this indicator baseline survey is one of such jobs I have implemented before for
different Cleintele organizations as outlined hereunder
1. Consultancy Team Leader August-September 2013: Comparative Study of Citizen Voice and
Action (CVA) project in Mukulat and Nakombo Area Development Programs (ADPs) in Arusha
Tanzania for World Vision Tanzania
2. National Consultant representing Uganda Government) for East African Community
Secretariat November 2014-March 2015: Entailed National Consultations over EAC Vision
2050 aspirations. Consulted were Ministries, departments and Agencies, Academia, Civil Society
groups and private sector
3. Lead Consultant March- August 2014: Developing the Bunyoro Sub region Integrated
Affirmative Development Plan (BIADP) based on document reviews and stakeholder
4. Associate Consultant for Plan International, End of project Evaluation (EPE) for
Strengthening Community Response to Promote Early Childhood Survival (SCORPES), in
Kamuli district.
5. Lead Consultant Youth gender and Social inclusion Analysis for the URC/RHITES_EC in
the 11 supported Districts- entails health facility assessments, community survey involving youths
and parents and district level data collection
6. Associate Consultant USAID/CARDINO UPHSP 2017 march –June 2017: The Economic
Empowerment Assessment of 12,200 Households Supported under the USAID/Uganda
Private Health Support Program
7. Associate Consultant January 2017 For Plan International: End of project evaluation of
the BMZ/Maternal Child Health project” in Lira and Alebtong Districts
8. Associate Consultant June 2016-August 2016 Mid Term Review of TASO’s 2012-2016
Strategic Plan

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

9. Lead Consultant through Team Initiatives Limited (TIL) May- Oct 2014: Household survey
using the LQAS survey methodology and health facility survey for the JSI implemented
STAREC program in 9 program districts of East Central Uganda in Busoga region
10. Lead Consultant February- May 2014: Conducting an end of phase evaluation of Kitgum
Area Development Program Interventions commissioned by World Vision Uganda
11. Associate Consultant December 2013-January 2014:Conducting end of project
evaluation on adolescents sexual and reproductive health and rights project in Lira and
Alebtong districts
12. Consultancy Team member august 2013-October 203: Mid Term Review of Uganda Red
Cross Society Mid Term Review (MTR) of the Strategic Plan 2011-2015
13. Lead Consultant through Team Initiatives Limited (TIL) May- Oct 2013: Household
survey using the LQAS survey methodology and health facility survey for the JSI implemented
STAREC program in 9 program districts of East Central Uganda in Busoga region
14. Lead Consultant through Team Initiatives Limited May-Aug 2013: Baseline Survey
Using the Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Methodology (LQAS) for the JSI implemented
Nutrition Project carried out in both the intervention and control districts of Kisoro, Ntungamo
and Namutumba as intervention districts and Mayuge and Rubirizi and Buhweju as control
15. Lead Consultant Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau (UPMB) March2013-April 2013: Action
Research on motivational factors for health workers in Hard to reach and heard to stay health
facilities under the UPMB
16. Associate Consultant October- November 2012: UNICEF and Ministry of gender labour
and social development Study on OVC Program models and their effectiveness in benefitting the
target groups
17. Associate Consultant July-September 2012: Baseline Survey/Situation Analysis Youth
Friendly Services and Sexuality Education Provision among Faith Based Organizations in
UNFPA’s 8 Core program districts
18. June 2012: Lead Consultant for World Vision International, Uganda, End of Phase
Evaluation for the Kasitu End of Phase Program Evaluation in Bundibugyo district
19. Lead Consultant December-January 2010: End of phase Evaluation of Offaka World
Vision Area Development programme 2005-2010
20. Consultant November 2010: Documentation of promising better models/practices of the
Breaking Barriers Project of Plan International in Uganda
21. Team Member (April- July 2010) World Bank/Ministry of energy Consultancy Study on
Poverty and the Social Impact Analysis(PSIA) of power sector reforms in Uganda undertaken by
Team Initiatives Ltd.
22. Associate Consultant (May-June 2010) KAPB Baseline survey for Malaria
Consortium’s ICCM and PIONEER projects in Six districts of Kiboga,
Kyenjojo,Masindi,Hoima,Buliisa and Kibaale.
23. Consultant UHMG March 2010: Development of a fundable proposal on provision of
Basic Care Package (BCP) in Uganda for People Having HIV/AIDS (PHAs) for submission to

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

24. Consultant UHMG January 2010: Developing a fundable proposal on Family planning,
Reproductive and Child services for Submission to the Strides project of the Management
Sciences for Health (MSH).
25. Associate Consultant- (March 2010): Evaluation of Plan Uganda’s Work in Luwero
Program Area.
26. Lead Consultant through Team Initiatives Limited (TIL) for TASO managed SCOT
Strengthening Counsellor Training (January-March 2010) End of project evaluation.
27. Consultancy Team member (Through Population Council) September-October 2009:
Evaluation of MEEPP.
28. Associate Consultant for CARE international in Uganda: 2009Assessing gender
mainstreaming practices in the Local governments with particular focus on Gulu and Amuru
29. Lead Consultant through Team Initiatives Limited ‘TIL’ (June-September 2009)
Training district officials and conducting household and Health facility Survey in STAR-EC 6
program districts using the LQAS methodology. Responsible for the production of baseline
reports for Household and Health facility survey.
30. Associate Consultant June-August 20009 for the Uganda Health Services Project and
AIDS Information Centre (AIC) - Entailed Consultations/Interviews, Documents Review
and helping develop a research and documentation strategy for AIC
31. Consultancy Study Team member with Applied Research and Technical Services on:
Taxes and tariffs and non-tariff barriers that affect access to and availability of anti-malarial
commodities in Uganda
32. Lead Consultant for the Family Support Group INC, Christ the King Parish
Marriage Pride Project 2009: Community Assessment Survey
33. Consultant Uganda Health Marketing Group (UHMG) 2009: Development of
proposal for Scaling up Aqua Safe (a water purifying product) in Kisenyi a Kampala Slum
34. Lead Consultant; September 2008, End of Pilot Year Evaluation of the ICT in Education
for Peace Building Project, implemented by War Child Holland in Lira and Kitgum districts in
northern Uganda
35. Associate Consultant for World Vision International Uganda July 2008): A baseline
Survey for Kammengo Area Development Program (ADP)
36. Consultancy study team member August 2007- Oct 2008 Monitoring and Evaluation
Survey component of the Energy for Rural transformation Program (ERT) implemented by the
Danish Management Group (DMG) on behalf of Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic
37. Consultancy study Team member; March 2008-August 2008 Ministry of Finance
Planning and Economic Development (MFPED): Assessing the contribution of
decentralization in the delivery of health and educational services in Uganda.
38. January-February 2008: Lead Consultant for world Vision International, Uganda:
Baseline Survey for the Aber Area Development Program (ADP, (Oyam district
39. November-December 2007, Associate Consultant for CARE international in

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Uganda: Mid Term Review (MTR) of the Social Mobilization of Women Affected by Conflict
in Northern Uganda, SMOWAC project
40. September November 2007 Associate Consultant for World Vision International
Uganda: Baseline Survey for Busitema Area Development Program (ADP)
41. August-September 2007 Consultant UPHOLD: Training of district field data collection
teams on use of Lot Quality Assurance Sampling methodology (LQAS) for doing surveys and
subsequent supervision of the data collection exercise in the 28 UPHOLD-supported districts
in Uganda
42. June 2007 Consultant World Vision International Uganda: Conducted end of phase
evaluation for the Bundibugyo Area Development Program
43. April-May 2007 Consultant UPHOLD: Action Research on Motivation of Community
Medicine Distributors (CMDS) under the Home based management of Fever HBMF program
44. January 2007 Consultant; European Union (Civil Society Capacity Building Program
CSCBP) Review and Selection of organizations and companies for pre-qualification to
provide various goods and services to the program
45. February-March 2007 Consultancy team member, Survey on the impact of HIV/AIDS
on the education sector particularly on teachers undertaken on behalf of Uganda National
Teachers Union (UNATU)
Contact information:
Cell phone 256-077-2-403991/0701334339 /0312371809
Email: batsusan2000@yahoo.com; abegumisa@gmail.com
Contact information:
Cell phone 256-077-2-403991/0701334339 /0312371809
Email: batsusan2000@yahoo.com; abegumisa@gmail.com
I,the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of the award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to
my disqualification or dismissal by the client, and /or sanctions by the bank.

Anthony Begumisa 20th/11/2018

Name of Expert Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye


Name of authorized Representative Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Of the Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes


Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.7 Clerk of Works

5.7.1 Kinigah Baldo
Position Title and No. Clerk of Works, k-8
Name of Expert Kinigah Baldo
Date of Birth 07/12/1983
Country of Citizenship/Residence Uganda
Year Institution Award

2012 Kyambogo University Higher Diploma in Civil and Building Engineering

2005 Kyambogo University Ordinary Diploma in Civil and Building Engineering
Computer Skills
 AutoCAD, Civil CAD and Microsoft Office
Employment record relevant to the assignment:
Period Employing organization and Country Summary of activities performed
2011 - Clerk of Works  Supervising masons and plumbers
2014 Warner Consult  Foreman casting yard
 Ensuring constructions are done according to
the drawings and specification
 Supervising all construction works on the
2011 Survey and Clerk of Works  Carrying out surveys
Ministry of Education and Sports Uganda  Preparing drawings and BOQs
- Construction Management Unit
2009 - CAD Operator  Preparing drawings
2010 Prome Consultants in association
with Comptran and J Burrow
2008 Site agent  Report preparation
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Uganda  Supervise civil works
Industry and Fisheries
2007 - Surveyor and Site agent Uganda  Surveying
2008 The 23rd MCC  Preparing drawings
 Report writing
2006 Salini Construtoli Uganda  Surveying
Site agent  Preparing drawings
 Report writing
2005 Survey Assistant Uganda  Surveying
SBI  Preparing drawings
 Report writing

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Language Speaking Reading Writing
English Very Good Very Good Very Good
Kiswahili Very Good Good
Luganda Good
Runyakitara Good
Adequacy for the assignment
Work Undertake That best Illustrated Capability to Handle the Tasks
1. Name of the Assignment: Consultancy services for Consumer Connections in Kitgum and Pader Towns
Water Supply Systems: Provision of Technical Support for completion of Consumer Connections in
Kitgum and Pader Water Supply Areas.
Year: 10/2013 - 2014
Location: Kitgum and Pader Districts in Northern Uganda
Client: GiZ
Company: Warner Consultants Ltd
Position Held: Clerk of works
Activities performed:
 carry out detailed inspection and testing of the works;
 Make measurement of completed works;
 Prepare variation orders;
 Attend monthly site meetings.

2. Name of the Assignment: Development of Site/School Layout plans for 127 USE Selected
Government Schools in Eastern region under Ministry of Education and Sports, (UPPET/APL1 Lot 2,
Phase II and III).
Year: 2011/12
Location: in all districts of Eastern Uganda
Client: Ministry of Education and Sports
Position Held: Project Surveyor
Activities performed:
 Carrying out topographical and cadastral surveys;
 Drawing of existing school layout plans;
 Creating and inserting new proposals in line with the offered facilities under the project,
 Presentation of drawings to BOG, and
 Conducting consultation meetings at schools.
3. Name of the Assignment: Construction Supervision of the Rehabilitation and Expansion of Kitgum and
Pader Towns Water supply and systems.
Year: 04/2011 -12/2013
Location: Kitgum and Pader Districts in Northern Uganda
Client: USAID
Company: Warner Consultants Ltd
Position Held: Clerk of Works
Activities performed:
 carry out detailed inspection and testing of the works;
 Make measurement of completed works;
 Prepare variation orders;

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
 Attend monthly site meetings.
4. Name of the Assignment: The Upgrading of Dokolo- Lira Road Project to Bituminous (Paved)
Standards, (60.4KM) Contract No.RDP/HW/C011, Phase III.
Year: 2009/10
Location: Dokolo and Lira Districts, Northern Uganda
Client: Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Position Held:Surveyor/ Site agent
Activities performed:
Verification of Survey data for Quantities submitted by Contractor before submission
to Measurements Engineer, ensuring the accuracy of works in
Linear & Dimensional aspects, verification of road pavement thicknesses, Carrying
out topography surveys to assess remedies to certain problems,
Checking and verifying setting out works by the contractor, Working along the design engineer
in making design changes (reviews), Operating AutoCAD, and Reporting the Progress
to the Resident Engineer. Preparing of Daily, Weekly and Monthly Reports to the
Resident Engineer. Conducting of survey department meetings.
5. Name of the Assignment:Construction Supervision of four water supply system in Ruhiira, Kabuyanda,
Kyeyare and Kyenyanga.
Year: 2008
Location: Entebbe, Uganda
Client: United Nations Development Program (UNDP) - Millennium Development Projects
Position Held:Clerk of Works
Activities performed:
 Site supervision
 Make measurement of completed works;
 Prepare variation orders;
 Attend monthly site meetings.
6. Name of the Assignment: Detailed Engineering Design for the Upgrading of about 300km District
Roads Reclassified to National Road Standards: Lot B.
Year: 2007
Location: Countrywide, Uganda
Client: Road Agency Formation Unit (RAFU)
Position Held: Surveyor/ CAD Operator.
Activities performed:
Construction and defining survey control points, carrying out traverse, levelling of
control points, Carrying out of topographical surveys, Drafting the Projects
geometrical drawings, typical drawings, forming part of the design team and reporting the Progress to
the Senior Surveyor.
7. Name of the Assignment: Construction of Kampala Northern By-Pass.
Year: 2006
Location: Kampala, Uganda
Client: Road Agency Formation Unit (RAFU)
Position Held:Site agent
Activities performed:
Setting out works, Control of road pavements levels, Carrying out topographical

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
surveys for data for estimation of project’s quantities, Reporting the
progress to the chief surveyor.
8. Name of the Assignment:Construction of pipeline, production wells, reservoir and public standpipes in
Kinuka RGC
Year: 2010
Location: Uganda
Client:Lyantonde District Local Government
Company: MWETUE (U) Ltd
Position Held: Site agent
Activities performed:
 Pipe laying approximately 8.4km;
 Construction of Reservoir
 Construction of standpipes
Expert’s Contact information: (Email: kibaldo@yahoo.com Phone: +256 782 498 649)
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of the award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to
my disqualification or dismissal by the client, and /or sanctions by the bank.

Kinigah Baldo 20 th/11/2018

Name of Expert Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Dr.Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20 th/11/2018

Name of authorized Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)
Representative of the Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.7.2 Kiggala Ben Shalom

Position Title and No. Clerk of Works, k-8
Name of Expert Kiggala Ben Shalom
Date of Birth 1976
Country of Citizenship/Residence Uganda
Year Institution Award

1997-1999 Uganda Polytechnic Kyambogo Higher Diploma in Construction (Building and

Civil Engineering)
1995- 1997 Uganda Technical College Diploma in Building and Civil Engineering (with
Elgon Credit)
Computer Skills

 Microsoft word, Microsoft excel and AutoCAD

Employment record relevant to the assignment:

Period Employing organization Country Summary of activities performed
and Title/Position
2007 - Ambitious Construction  Supervising trade foremen
2015 Company Limited,  Ensuring constructions are done according to
General Foreman Uganda
the drawings and specification
 Supervising all construction works on the site
2004 - Construction Site Foreman  Supervising masons, carpenters, electricians and
2007 Crane Technical Services plumbers
Uganda  Foreman casting yard
 Ensuring constructions are done according to
the drawings and specification
2001- Summit Projekts Ltd  Brick laying and formwork construction
2004 Mason/ Construction  Supervising masons and plumbers
Foreman Uganda
 Construction standards quality assurance
 Structures water tightness testing
Language Speaking Reading Writing
English Very Good Very Good Very Good
Luganda Mother Tongue Excellent Excellent
Swahili Fair Fair Fair
Adequacy for the assignment
Work Undertake That best Illustrated Capability to Handle the Tasks
1. Name of the Assignment: Construction of Madi Okollo Refugee Settlement camp water supply
Year: 2002
Location: Uganda
Client: DED - a German NGO
Company: Summit Ltd

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Position Held: Site Foreman - Civil Works
Activities performed:
 Pipe laying approximately 6km;
 Erection of water reservoirs

2. Name of the Assignment: Construction of Akwera Dam in Adwari Lira District

Year: 2010-2011
Location: Lira, Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water & Environment
Company: Ambitious Construction Company Limited
Position Held: General Foreman
Activities performed:
 Supervision of Earth works and construction
 Management, scheduling and planning for Plant, materials and Labour on sites
 Quality assurance and testing of materials
 Liaison with client on work progress
3. Name of the Assignment: Construction of Rubaare town water supply system in Ntungamo District
Year: 2002
Location: Ntungamo District, Uganda
Client: DWD
Company: Summit Ltd
Position Held: Site Foreman - Civil Works
Activities performed:
 Pipe laying approximately 25km;
 Erection of water reservoirs
 Making private connections
4. Name of the Assignment: Construction of Amuria Water Supply (MWE/WRKS/07-08/00260
Year: 2009-2010
Location: Amuria, Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water & Environment
Company: Ambitious Construction Company Limited
Position Held: General Foreman
Activities performed:
 Supervision of Excavation Earth works and construction
 Materials management
 Pipe laying
 Supervision of plumbers, labourers and construction masons
 Management, scheduling and planning for Plant, materials and Labour on sites
 Quality assurance and testing of materials
5. Name of the Assignment: Construction of Muni University in Arua District
Year: May 2014–July 2015
Location: Arua, Uganda
Client: Muni University
Company: Ambitious Construction Company Limited
Position Held: Over all site foreman

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Activities performed:
 Building construction supervision
 Management, scheduling and planning for materials and Labour
 Quality assurance and testing
 Recruitment and supervision of staff
6. Name of the Assignment: Uganda Post Primary Education and Training Expansion and
Improvement (ADB Education IV) of facilities of 30 Secondary schools and 1 BTVET Institution
Year: 2012-2013
Location: Teso College Aloet, Uganda
Company: Ministry of Education and Sports
Company: Ambitious Construction Company Limited
Position Held: General Foreman
Activities performed:
 Building construction supervision
 Management, scheduling and planning for materials and Labour
 Quality assurance and testing
 Recruitment and supervision of staff
7. Name of the Assignment: Construction of staff accommodation block at Mbale Regional Referral
Year: 2011-2012
Location: Mbale, Uganda
Client: Ministry of Health
Company: Ambitious Construction Company Limited
Position Held: Site Foreman
Activities performed:
 Construction of Accommodation House block and Construction of two Rainwater Harvesting
tanks (50 m3)
 Management, scheduling and planning for materials and Labour on sites
 Quality assurance and testing of materials
 Liaison with client on work progress
8. Name of the Assignment: Construction Mbarara Regional Switching Centre (UG/NW/RFP0012-
Year: 2008-2009
Location: Mbarara, Uganda
Client: MTN
Company: Ambitious Construction Company Limited
Position Held: General Foreman
Activities performed:
 Supervision of Earth works and construction
 Management, scheduling and planning for Plant, materials and Labour on sites
 Quality assurance and testing of materials
 Liaison with client on work progress
9. Name of the Assignment: Construction of Kamwenge District administration building
Location: Kamwenge District, Uganda
Client: Kamwenge District

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Company: Crane Technical Services
Position Held: Site Foreman - Civil Works
Activities performed:
 Supervised masons and plumbers;
 Ensuring constructions are done according to the drawings and specification
10. Name of the Assignment: Construction of Kabalagala Market
Year: Feb - Dec 1999
Location: Uganda
Company: Aim Engineering (U) Ltd
Position Held: Site Foreman - Civil Works
Activities performed:
 Construction supervision of civil works
11. Name of the Assignment:
 Construction of Nalya Housing estate buildings
 Construction of 50 housing units in Lubowa
 Construction of Mbarara University Laboratory
Year: 2000 - 2002
Location: Uganda
Company: National Housing and Construction Corporation
Position Held: Site Foreman - Civil Works
Activities performed:
 Construction supervision of civil works
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes
myself, my qualifications, and my experience and I am available to undertake the assignment in case
of the award. I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein may lead to
my disqualification or dismissal by the client, and /or sanctions by the bank.

Kiggala Ben Shalom 20th/11/2018

Name of Expert Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20 th/11/2018

Name of authorized Signature Date:(DD/MM/YY)
Representative of the Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.8 Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist Sonko

Noah Kiwanuka
Position Title Water and Sanitation Specialist
Name of Expert: Sonko Noah Kiwanuka
Date of Birth: 09 June 1961
Country of Citizenship/Residence Ugandan
Education and Qualifications:
Dates Attended Degree(S)/Diploma(S) Educational Institutions
PartII:continuation of MSc. EnvironmentalSanitary UNESCO-IHE,Institute for Water
Part I(September, Education, Delft,The Netherlands
1995 – April, 1996)
PartI: Diploma SanitaryEngineering UNESCO-IHE,Institute for Water
taughtpart(September, Education, Delft,The Netherlands
1994 – August,1995)
May,1994 –June, 1994 Certificate-Upgradingand Loughborough University-Water
Managementof UrbanWater Education DevelopmentCentre
Supplies (WEDC)-UK
Sept,1983 – June, MSc. Water&Wastewater St. PetersburgCivilEngineering
1989 Engineering University
2012 Certificate-Designingand World BankInstitute, AfWAand NWSC,
ImplementingSuccessfulUtilit Uganda
y Reform;
2005 Certificate Public UtilityResearch Centre (PUCR)
-UtilitiesRegulation &World Bank– University of Florida,
Gainesville-Florida USA.
1997 Certificate -Public–Private WaterUtilityPartnership(WUP) for
Partnerships capacitybuildingin Africa, Uganda.

Employment Record relevant to the assignment:

Period Organization Position Location of Assignment
2018 to Water and Wastewater
WSS Services Ltd. Kampala Uganda
date Expert
 M/S Fitchner  Apac, Uganda
2018 to GmbH; Consultant - Wastewater  Refugee Settlement in
date  ACF; Expert Imvepi Arua Uganda
 UN REACT  UN Peacekeeping

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Missions Sites in
Bamako, Timbuktu,
Gao, Kidal & Mopti,
Team Leader – CWSISP Chittagong Bangladesh
2015 – Package S-31 Chittagong Water and
2018 (consortium of NWSC, Sanitation Authority
2015 - 14 Localities in Northern
NWSC, Uganda Team Leader ATWATSAN
2018 Uganda
Kaduna State Water
Corporation (KSWC) and
2016 -
NWSC/2ML Water Utility O&M Expert Lagos Water and Sewerage
Corporation (LWSC),
2014 - Head of Performance and
NWSC, Uganda Kampala
2015 Asset Management
Zambia, SWSC Swaziland
2012 - Fabri/AfWA/ACUWA/ and other Water Utilities in
Task Member
2015 USAID & NWSC East, Central & Western
Africa, and Jordan for
MENA Region
 DWAS, Bangadesh;  Dhaka Bangladesh

2011 -  Karnataka State,  Karnataka

O&M Water Expert
2014 India &
 Mumbai, Thane, Mira
 Maharashtra State, Bhayander, Nashik &
India Kulgaon-Badlapur
Senior Manager
2010 - Operations/Ag. Chief
NWSC, Uganda Kampala
2014 Manager Engineering
Kagga & Partners Asset Management Systems Pretoria and Madibeng
Uganda Expert Municipality SA
2008 - Senior Manager Water
NWSC, Uganda Kampala
2009 Supply for the Capital City.
Water Production Manager
2007 -
NWSC, Uganda for Ggaba Water Production Kampala
Capacity Kampala
Territorial System
Supervision Manager:
2007 NWSC, Uganda Kampala
Responsible for NWSC
Southern Region
Quality and Sewerage
Services Manager – WWTP,
2006 -
NWSC, Uganda Laboratory Services and Kampala
QMS Certification
2004 - NWSC, Uganda Project Coordinator and Kampala

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Head External Services Unit
(ESU), charged with
consultancy assignments in
Area Manager Head of
1999 - O&M and Customer
NWSC, Uganda Kampala, and Mbale,
2003; Services functions in NWSC
1997 -
NWSC, Uganda Project Manager Lot 3 & 4 Masaka/Mbarara
Project Engineer and Later
1996 - 97 NWSC, Uganda PM Lot 2 Kampala SS Kampala
1994 - 96 IHE Delft NL Away on studies Delft The Netherlands
1991 - Area Manager Head of
NWSC, Uganda Jinja, and Mbarara
1994 O&M
1990 NWSC, Uganda Assistant Engineer Mbarara
Language Speaking Reading Writing
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Russian Good Good Good
Luganda Mother Tongue Excellent Excellent
Kiswahili Fair Fair Poor
Detailed Work Experience/Assignment that illustrate Capability

Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best illustrate Capability to handle the assigned
Name of assignment: Sanitation Study in Imvepi Refugee Settlement, Arua District Uganda
Year: 2018 (two months) - Completed
Location: Imvepi, AruaDistrict, Uganda
Client/Employer: Action Against Hunger – in French Action Contre La Faim (ACF).
Main assignment features: Sanitation Study in Imvepi Arua District
Specific tasks include:

 Assess Sanitation Status and needs in Imvepi Refugee Settlement (IRS)

 Design feasible approaches and options to Sustainably Manage Sanitation.

 Develop and design business models – Waste to Value: sanitation products and markets
 Disseminate study findings for stakeholder buy-in and influence policy.
Positions held: Researcher
Individual Tasks:
 Sanitation assessment in Imvepi Settlement- Zone 3.
 Quantification of solid waste generated: in households, health centres, schools institutions
 Business process mapping, business model canvas development

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
 etc.

Name of assignment: UNEP-UNGSC-REACT Project

Year: 2018 to date
Location: Across UN Missions
Main assignment features: Implementing UN DFS Environment Strategy under the five pillars:
Energy, Water & Wastewater, Waste, Wide Impact, and rolling out the Environment Management
System (EMS)
Specific tasks include: Technical Support to UN Missions
Positions held: Individual Consultant
Individual Tasks:

 Assess and document Wastewater management Risks

 Implement wastewater (risk) mitigation measures and Action Plans

 Design feasible and practicable technological options and approaches to manage

wastewater in UN Missions and for all peacekeeping contingencies.

 Develop Standard Operating Procedures and best practices in water and wastewater

 Carry out capacity building and training to UN WatSAN Staff

 Offer field support as and when required in UN Missions.

 etc.

Name of assignment: Supervision and Coordination of FSTP in Apac for GoU and funded by
GIZ, Germany.
Year: 2018 – 2019 (2 man months)
Location: Uganda
Client/Employer: M/S Fichtner Water & Transportation GmbH.
Main assignment features: Supervision Construction of a Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant in
Specific tasks include:

 Infrastructure development supervision

 capacity development design and training.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
 etc.
Positions held: National Training Expert
Individual Tasks:
 Capacity Development and Training Needs Assessment (CD&TNA)
 Carrying out training: on-the-job training and hands holding to instill best practices.
 training coordination including arranging bench-marking tour visits to other FSTPs within the

Name of assignment: Supervision and Coordination of FSTP in Apac for GoU and funded by
GIZ, Germany.
Year: 2018 – 2019 (2 man months)
Location: Uganda
Client/Employer: M/S Fichtner Water & Transportation GmbH.
Main assignment features: Supervision Construction of a Faecal Sludge Treatment Plant in
Specific tasks include:

 Infrastructure development supervision

 Capacity development design and training.

 etc.
Positions held: National Training Expert
Individual Tasks:
 Capacity Development and Training Needs Assessment (CD&TNA)
 Carrying out training: on-the-job training and hands holding to instill best practices.
 Training coordination including arranging bench-marking tour visits to other FSTPs within the
Name of assignment: Supervision of works for the construction of Kigali Centralized
Sewerage System (KCSS)
Year: 2018 – 2021 (In a CD Team on a 24 man-months –staggered)
Location: Rwanda
Client/Employer: Water and Sanitation Corporation limited (WASAC Ltd).
Main assignment features: Supervision of construction sewerage system, capacity development
of WASAC Management and Board and Stakeholders.
Specific tasks include:

 infrastructure development – development of assets with supporting information,

communication, and technology (ICT) particularly hardware: covered as part of the
programme i.e. Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sewerage System infrastructure

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 human resource capacity development vis a vis capacity building and training for the owners
(Gov’t of Rwanda), policy makers, the regulators, technocrats, the WASAC Board,
Management and Staff, Customers and other stakeholders.

 Supporting environment capacity development: capacity building in the softwares that is

people related, tools like MIS, enabling environment such as working space and equipment,
and applications.
 etc.
Positions held: Water and Wastewater Systems Capacity Devt. & Training Expert
Individual Tasks:
 Undertake Capacity Development and Training Needs Assessment (CD&TNA)
 Development and designing of Capacity Building Plans for WASAC related to Wastewater
management i.e. operations and Maintenance (O&M) of the sewerage system and wastewater
treatment plant, as well as management approaches and best practices.
 Carrying out training: on-the-job training; specialized short course training; hands holding;
arranging benchmarking visits.
 Overall training coordination.
Name of Assignment or Project: Chittagong Water Supply Improvement and Sanitation Project
package S-31, Bangladesh (CWSISP/S-31) funded by World Bank
Year: 2015-18
Location: Chittagong, Bangladesh
Client: CWASA (Client). and World Bank
Main Project Features
Delivery of Utility Modernization Umbrella (UMU) CWSISP Package S-31 for CWASA
Position Held:
Team Leader CWSISP/S-31 Project
Individual Tasks/Responsibilities and Activities Undertaken:
Project Manager of CWASA utility modernization: Project Management and coordination
responsibilities in Bangladesh; Mobilization, documentation: Inception report, periodic reporting,
preparation and presentation to CWASA, PMU and WB teams. Quality assurance of execution of
the 11 Tasks in Chittagong City with a day population of about 5.2mil. people; review,
organization restricting, identification and evaluation of options decentralized zonal management
model; support to technical related activities, strategic plan, development and implementation of
QMS –ISO 9001, SOPs development and Maintenance Planning and Implementation, and Energy
Name of Assignment or Project:
Alternative Approaches and Tools for Water Supply and Sanitation for Towns in Northern Uganda
(ATWATSAN) funded by The Royal Kingdom of The Netherlands under Sustainable Water Fund
(FDW) of the RVO.nl

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Year: 2015-18 (Not Completed)
Location: 10 Districts, Northern Uganda
Client: Government of Uganda, and RVO (NL)
Main Project Features
Timely delivery of FDW Funded Investment Project to improve access of water for over 135,000
individuals in Northern Uganda, 12 Primary Schools and 5 Health Centres. A total of € 4.6 mil is
expected to be ploughed both in Hardware and Technical Support.
Position Held:
Team Leader ATWATSAN
Individual Tasks/Responsibilities and Activities Undertaken:
Project Management and Contract management. Designs, Quality Assurance and Report, and
Communication to all stakeholders the Government, Client NWSC and FDW/RVO (NL)
Name of Assignment or Project:
Consultancy Services for Design for the Selected Small Towns / Rural Growth Centres for Lot 3:
Acholi Bur RGC and Rackoko RGC in Pader District, Agago Town Council in Agago District and
Amach RGC in Lira District - Contract No: MWE/WSDF-N/CONS/13-14/00014 service
undertaken by WSS Services (U) Ltd
Year: 2014/5 (Completed)
Location: Pader, Agago and Lira Districts in Northern Uganda
Client: Government of Uganda, Ministry of Water and Environment
Main Project Features
Design of three Water Supply Systems in the Lot 3: Acholi Bur RGC and Rackoko RGC, and
Amach RGC Uganda
Position Held:
Project Director and Backstop Water Supply Expert
Individual Tasks/Responsibilities and Activities Undertaken:
Director and backstopping Design Engineer to ensure QA and appropriateness.
Name of Assignment or Project:
Identification and Evaluation of Options for an Improved Organizational Structure for DWASA
undertaken by M/s Castalia, Washington DC USA and NWSC, Kampala Uganda.
Year: 2015 (Completed)
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Client: DWASA and World Bank
Main Project Features
Task 1. Organizational Diagnosis of DWASA’s Structure and Operations
Task 2. Identification and Evaluation of Organizational Structure Options
Task 3. Preparation of Complete Organizational Structure

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Position Held:
Water Supply and Wastewater O&M Expert
Individual Tasks/Responsibilities and Activities Undertaken:
Undertook critical and diagnostic review of the Operations and Maintenance (O&M); Research,
Planning, and Development (RP&D) wings, assessed the previous and current performance,
mandates and future expectations of the two Wings Circles, Divisions. Reviewed the Job
Descriptions of all staff in the two Wings and developed a dynamic structure for DWASA’s 40
years horizon Strategic & Development plans in delivery of water, wastewater and drainage
Name of Assignment or Project:
‘Outline Specifications for Utility Systems, Procedures and Equipment - Karnataka Urban Water
Supply Modernization Project’ India.
Year: 2014 (Completed)
Location: Karnataka State, India
Client: Government of India, Karnataka State and World Bank
Main Project Features:
Preparation of a master list of what systems, procedures and equipment are to be financed out of
the project proceeds and for which bidders had to provide prices, planning implementation phase
through sourcing. Defining the requirement in sufficient detail for those items that were to be
bidded for by the operator(s) (primarily SOPs and plans) and priced accordingly, and estimations
of the costs for project financing purposes. Defining the requirement in sufficient detail for those
items that would be outsourced (primarily systems and equipment) that a) the operator to price
their planning/ implementation costs and included in their bid price and b) that the item were
priced for inclusion in the project budget. Providing approximate priorities between the above
activities over a 3-4 year period for operator to focus on high priority items in the early period.
Position Held:
Team Leader
Individual Tasks/Responsibilities and Activities Undertaken:
 Reviewed the organizational set up and organizational capacity of the three project utilities in
Karnataka State India.
 Developed requisite operational standard procedures (SOPs) to be developed and instituted for
the utilities to perform their mandate.
 Documented the necessary systems required to be installed in the utilities and details the
minimum specifications and cost estimates of the proposed software to be procured.
 Compiled the minimum tools, equipment, apparatus and vehicles required for technical
Name of Assignment or Project:
Consultancy Services for Alternative Models to Professionalize Urban Water Service Providers in
India: A Capacity and Performance Gaps Assessment and Development of Outline Service
Improvement Plans.
Year: 2011 (Completed)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Location: Maharastra State, India (Mumbai, Thane, Mira Bhayander, Nashik and Kulgaon-
Client: World Bank
Main Project Features:
Determining the performance gaps in the procedures, processes, manpower, training and
equipment capacity for O&M of WSS and WW systems in Indian Urban Local Boards.
Position Held:
Water and Wastewater O&M Expert
Activities Performed:
Review of the operations of water supply and wastewater systems in four (04) towns to determine
the system gaps, personnel, equipment & tools and training needs required for ensuring best
practices in O&M.
Name of Assignment or Project:
Planning for Resilience in East Africa through Policy, Adaptation, Research, and Economic
Development (PREPARED) Program
Year: 2014 (Completed)
Location: East African Lake Victoria Riparian five States Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and
Client: USAID & Tetra Tech ARD Kenya
Main Project Features:
PREPARED looks at strengthening the resiliency and sustainability of East African economies,
trans-boundary freshwater ecosystems, and communities. The PREPARED Project targets three
key development challenges of the EAC region: trans-boundary freshwater biodiversity
conservation; improved access to drinking water supply and sanitation services; and increased
resiliency to climate change. The PREPARED Project has three integrated objectives: i.) Climate
change adaptation technical capacity, policy leadership and action readiness of regional
institutions improved; ii.) Resilient and sustainable management of biologically significant trans-
boundary freshwater ecosystems in the EAC region strengthened; and iii.) Resilient and
sustainable water supply, sanitation, and wastewater treatment services in the Lake Victoria Basin
Position Held:
Project Manager in NWSC Component
Individual Tasks/Responsibilities
PREPARED Project is providing institutional support to enhance capacity, and relevancy for
improved water supply service provision in Uganda in three (3) Key Areas:-
1. Up-scaling NWSC Service delivery improvement program by adopting the already existing
internal NWSC Performance Improvement Programs (PIP’s) and introducing the Customer
Oriented Quality Service Improvement Program (QSIP);
2. Developing an interactive Customer support and outreach framework and approach. This key
area will be achieved by carrying out baseline Customer Satisfaction Survey and building a
Customer Engagement Framework and Strategy;
3. Implementing engineering and Information Communication Technology (ICT) solutions.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Specifically, this area will involve determining pilot District Metering Areas (DMA’s),
introduction of iFormBuilder for gathering NRW data in the field and billing, improving Metering
policies and practices and implementing the proposed NRW interventions
Activities Undertaken
1st Stage (completed)
1. Facilitated validation of Customer Feedback Instruments (CFIs); Developed a plan on how to
administer the CFIs;
2. Reviewed and validated staff surveys and plans;
3. Participated in validation of service credo, ten commandments of quality service; Service
Strategy and customer obligations; and
4. Designed approach and methodology of the Customer baseline Satisfaction Survey and CFA
2nd Stage – (completed)
1. Spearheading the design of an interactive Customer application platform.
2. Implementing Engineering Solutions to reduce NRW: using Itron meter management software
and incorporating AMR loggers and data mining in order to reduce commercial water losses hence
NRW reduction.
Name of Assignment or Project:
Capacity Building for Sustainable Water and Sanitation South Sudan Supported Urban Water
Year: 2013 (Completed)
Location: Maridi and Wau, South Sudan
Client: Tetratech, ARD, US
Main Project Features:
The SUWASA project in South Sudan (SUWASA-SS) is a three-year USAID funded project
launched in September 2011 that will lead to efficient and sustainable provision of urban water
services. The project will work with the Government of South Sudan (GoSS) through the Ministry
of Water Resources and Irrigation (MoWRI) and the South Sudan Urban Water Corporation
(SSUWC). The project will facilitate policy and institutional reforms to improve the sustainability
and quality of urban water supply services, especially in underserved areas. By promoting a
structured, formal, and systems-oriented approach to water sector management within the GoSS,
SUWASA will help local water utilities work toward achieving commercial viability. The
SUWASA project in South Sudan focuses on supporting policy reforms in the urban water sector
in support of SSUWC and on helping to set up sustainable institutions for the management of
water supply schemes in Juba, Maridi and Wau.
Position Held:
Water Treatment Plant Operations Engineer
Individual Tasks/Responsibilities
 Development of capacities in water treatment, with special focus on processes, pumping, water
quality control and monitoring.
 Provision of Water Treatment Plant technical training and water quality training.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
 Development of O&M reference documentation.
Activities Undertaken:
 Provided input into the development of the training plan with regard to the O& M aspects
 Carried out on the job training of the Area Manager of Wau and staff in O&M aspects as well
as Asset Management
 Reviewed the O&M manual and developed simple work instructions
 Reviewed the existing Standard Operating Procedures and simplified them for easier
understanding of the operators
Name of Assignment or Project:
Consultancy Services for Institutional Support for Harar Water Supply & Sanitation Authority
(HWSSA) –On Job Training and Staff Attachment by NWSC-ES in association with UNESCO-
Year: 2011 (completed)
Location: Harar, Ethiopia
Client: African Development Bank (AfDB)
Main Project Features:
A concise set of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) preparation for all WATSAN functions and
categories. The SOPs was the basis for the on-the-job training and served as reference documents
for the participants in their execution of their respective functions. The on-the-job training had
tailor made drills for participants in real work situations with the respective SOPs as guides in
Position Held:
O&M Expert
Activities Undertaken:
 Review of existing processes and procedures for: Water Supply; Water Production; Meter
Management; Leak Detection and NRW Management; Pipe Laying and Pipe Maintenance; and
Water Quality Management
 Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)s
 On-the-Job Training of staff in O&M procedures and processes, both at Harar, Ethiopia and
through staff attachments in Uganda.
Name of Assignment or Project:
Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Initiative Fast Track Capacity Building Programme
Year: 2009/2010 (completed)
Location: Bunda (Tanzania) and Bondo (Kenya)
Main Project Features:
Capacity Building for .the two towns in areas of water supply O&M, designing of Performance
Improvement Programmes (PIP)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Position Held: Technical O&M Expert
Activities Performed:
 Review of the operations of water supply systems.
 Conducting capacity building and training using good practices in WATSAN.
 Designing a PIP framework, using a participatory approach.
 Monitoring & evaluation of PIP in the two towns.
Name of assignment or project: AfWA FABRI USAID Non Revenue Water Reduction Program
in 21 African Utilities.
Year: 2013 (Completed)
Location: Lukanga Water in Kabwe and North Western Water in Solwezi of Zambia, Ghana Water
Company Ltd. Accra Ghana, Bauchi and Benue States Water Boards of Nigeria, Swaziland Water
Service Corporation of Swaziland, Nairobi City Water Ltd. Nairobi Kenya and NWSC Kampala
Main project features: Carrying out Water Audit, designing implementation performance
improvement plans, and undertaking Monitoring and Evaluation of the program.
Positions held: Taskforce Team Leader
Activities performed:
 As a team member of the AfWA NRW Reduction Taskforce I am responsible for assisting Sub-
Sahara utilities in their fight to reduce water loss.
 Undertaking water audits of water utilities in Zambia, South Africa, Swaziland, Malawi,
Ghana, Nigeria Kenya, and Uganda.
 Assessing the above utilities’ institutional set up, technical operations, commercial operations
aspects and detailing the areas that need improvement or change management.
 Developing performance improvement programmes (PIP) and ensuring their implementation.
 Carrying out Monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
Name of assignment or project: AfWA FABRI USAID Non Revenue Water Reduction Program
for the Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA). NRW Research in Five Utilities.
Year: 2014 to 2015 (Completed)
Location: Miyahuna Water Company-Amman Jordan, Aqaba Water Jordan, Lassen Water County
Sana’a Yemen, SONEDE Tunis Tunisia and Giza Water and Waste Water Company Egypt.
Main project features: Carrying out Water Audit, designing implementation performance
improvement plans, and undertaking Monitoring and Evaluation of the program.
Positions held: NRW Reduction Taskforce Team Member
Activities performed:
 Conducting Utility Assessment.
 Developing PIP and NRW Strategy for the Miyahuna, SONED, LCWW, GCWW, and Aqaba

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
water utilities.
 Coaching, Mentoring, Capacity Development and training of the above utilities staff.
 Participating in knowledge exchange and linking private sector in NRW and other partnership.
 Developing synthesis report and NRW Toolkit.
Name of Assignment or Project:
A Guide for Tariff & Billing Systems for Urban Water Systems in Rwanda
Year: 2010/2011 (completed)
Location: Kigali and other 15 towns in Rwanda
Main Project Features:
Tariff Review
Position Held:
Water Supply O&M Expert
Activities Performed:
Review of the operations of water supply systems in 16 towns to determine the O&M production
costs, establish the required CAPEX & investments, and propose appropriate tariff revisions.
Name of Assignment or Project:
Management, Technical Assistance for Design and Implementation of Short-Term, High
Impact Performance Improvement Program (PIP) for Lagos Water Corporation.
Year: 2017 (Completed)
Location: Lagos State, Nigeria
Client: LWC Client
Main Project Features
To transform KSWC into an autonomous and commercially viable water utility
Position Held:
O&M Expert NWSC/2ML
Individual Tasks/Responsibilities and Activities Undertaken:
 Baseline Study,
 O&M Best Practices Training in Water Supply and Wastewater
 PIP Development, and
 Monitoring and Evaluation of PIP
Name of Assignment or Project:
Management, Commercialization and Institutional Support to Kaduna State Water Corporation
Year: 2016-17 (Completed)
Location: Kaduna State, Nigeria

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Client: KSWC Client). and Africa Development Bank
Main Project Features
To transform KSWC into an autonomous and commercially viable water utility
Position Held:
O&M Expert NWSC/2ML
Individual Tasks/Responsibilities and Activities Undertaken:
 Inception and Baseline Study,
 Development of a 5-years Business Strategy Plan: inclusive of Institution Strategy, Technical
Operations Strategy, Commercial, Strategy and Financial Management Strategy.
 Organization Structure
 O&M Manuals
Name of assignment or project: Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Initiative Fast Track
Capacity Building Programme for Utilities, Lake Victoria Region Water and Sanitation Initiative
and Provision of Technical Assistance in the preparation of a Strategic Business Plan (SBP) and
provision of training

Year: 2009/10 (Completed)

Location: Bondo in Kenya; Bunda Muleba, and Mutukula in Tanzania Kyotera, Uganda, Harar in
Main project features: Capacity Building for .the two towns in areas of water supply O&M,
designing of Performance Improvement programmes (PIP)
Positions held: Technical O&M Expert (NWSC-ES)
Activities performed:
 Review of the operations of water supply systems
 Conducting capacity building and training using good practices in WATSAN
 Designing, using a participatory approach, PIP framework
 Improving collection efficiencies and expand the revenue base of the utility corporations by
establishing effective billing, accounting and revenue collection systems
 Improving network efficient, reducing non-revenue water
Name of assignment: Supervision and Coordination of NWSC 66 Operational Areas
Year: 2009 – 2015
Location: Uganda
Client/Employer: National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Main assignment features: Overall Supervision of Operations and Maintenance of water and
sewerage services in 66 NWSC Towns in Uganda. This included over 44 Water Treatment Plants;
15 Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSPs) three of which had red-bed – constructed treatment wetland
ponds, three Feacal Sludge Plants and two Pilot Packaged Wastewater Treatment Plants (WwTP).

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Specific tasks include:
 Ensuring increased water production and 24 hour water supply in all Areas.
 Ensuring that reliability of Water and Sewerage infrastructure assets is maximized
 Ensuring that potable water and sewerage effluent meet National Standards
 Ensuring integration of Management Information System through implementation of Quality
Management System ISO 9000series, Environmental Management System ISO 14000series,
Asset Management System ISO 55000/PAS 55, and ISO 17025 implementation and
Accreditation of the Central Laboratory among other.etc.
Positions held: Senior Manager, Operations
Individual Tasks:
 Development and rolling out Area Operations systems’ best practices in accordance with
Corporate Business Mapping, cost-effective internal processes, documented Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) and working instructions.
 Overall supervision of the day-to-day activities and facilitation of Areas to ensure smooth
 Budgeting, setting up and reviewing performance targets/standards for the department and
ensuring their adoption and application.
 Carrying out monitoring of technical operations in all NWSC Areas, related to water supply
and wastewater management.
 Preparing quarterly operational reports to management.
 In liaison with the Manager Training and Knowledge Management coordinate capacity
development and training programs for operational staff of all Areas.
Name of assignment: Water Supply in Metropolitan Kampala, Uganda
Year: 2008 – 2009
Location: Uganda
Client/Employer: National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Main assignment features: Kampala Water (KW) is quasi-Water Operator for the Kampala
Metropolitan City Water and Sewerage system. It supplies water to the Greater Kampala City and
other surrounding three districts for a population in excess of 3.0 million people. KW manages
almost 70% of business volume of NWSC.
Specific tasks include:
Management of the water chain from source to tap, which included source protection, water
abstraction, water treatment, bulk water transportation and distribution, consumer service
connections, asset management, pressure management, water loss control, cost optimization of
chemical and energy use and customer services.
Positions held: Senior Water Supply Manager, Kampala
Individual Tasks:
 Setting up of for the first time KW – Water Supply Department (WSD) to take care of the
entire water supply chain: to abstract, treat, supply, track and monitor water right from the lake
source to customers’ meters/taps. Five departments were emerged under one umbrella under

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
my leadership and these were: water production (WP), water quality monitoring (QA),
network operations and distributions (NOD), information systems management - decision
support system (DSS) and water loss control/reduction (WLC) etc.
 Coordinating and Supervising WSD activities in all the above aspects.
 Implementing strategic plans and performance improvement interventions geared towards cost
optimization: that saw the pilot tests, selection and eventual adoption of polyaluminum
chloride (PAC) to replace aluminum sulphate in KW, this has reduced chemical costs by 20%.
 Setting up call centre tracking mechanisms in response to key performance indicators; human
resource utilization, fleet management, job-cards, material use, response time, historiography
of network performance/ management.
 Setting up and strengthening a specialized unit to handle, analyse, control, and reduce non-
revenue water (NRW), the water loss control (WLC) interventions involved reduction of both
physical (real) and apparent (commercial) water losses.
 Rolling out an energy audit program at KW water production facilities and 10 other towns
with support from Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD) and the Energy and
Resource Institute (TERI) of India. The implementation of the program recommendations has
reduced energy cost by 20%.
 Supervising the setting of DSS unit; this included customer information and geodata migration
to GIS platform; operations and customer data and trend analysis and information to support
management decisions making.
 Monitoring water quality and quality assurance of the entire water supply chain from source to
tap in accordance with Water Safety Plans frameworks/protocols.
Name of assignment: Enhancing the Water Production Capacity of Ggaba Water Works
Year: 2007 – 2008
Location: Uganda
Client/Employer: National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Main assignment features: Commissioning and operating a design and build water treatment
plant (WTP) contract
Specific tasks include: Operate a new state of art WTP at Ggaba Complex. Develop SOPs, Train
engineers and operators of the WTP, Establish a static plant maintenance unit and undertake
planned preventive maintenance (PPM) of the WTP.
Positions held: Water Production Manager, Kampala
Individual Tasks:
 Develop operating procedures (SOPs) and working instructions (WI). Coach and mentor
engineers and plant operators.
 Operating the WTP to the desired level of service (LOS) using the documented SOPs and WI.
 Undertaking raw water quality surveillance in the inner Murchison bay (IMB) of Lake
Victoria and quality control of all water treatment processes.
Name of assignment: Sewerage Services and Quality Management
Year: 2002 – 2006

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
Location: Bugolobi Sewerage Treatment Works (BSTW), Kampala Uganda
Client/Employer: National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Main assignment features:
In charge and Head of BSTW and Sewerage System function in the City of Kampala with a
habitat 1.7 mil people
Specific tasks include: Operate a WWTP at Bugolobi with a DWF of 20,000 cu.m/day and other
7 satellite wastewater stabilization pond (WSP) systems DWF~ 10,000 cu.m/day. Develop SOPs,
Train engineers and operators of the WWTP and WSPs, Establish a static plant maintenance unit
and undertake planned preventive maintenance (PPM) of the WWTP.
Positions held: Quality and Sewerage Services Manager (QSSM), Kampala
Individual Tasks:
 Recruiting specialized staff and fast-track hands on jobs training in the operations of the WTP.
 Defining and mapping/describing relevant business processes for the Ggaba WTP Complex.
 Develop operating procedures (SOPs) and working instructions (WI). Coach and mentor
engineers and plant operators.
 Operating the WWTP and WSPs to the desired level of service (LOS) using the documented
SOPs and WI.
 Responsible and in-charge of Water Quality Laboratory for the entire Kampala Water including
Water Safety Plans Training and rolling out of QMS ISO 9001/2001. in Kampala Water.
 Authorized accounting officer of the BSTW
 Sewer system sweeping, clearing blockages and reduction of sewer spillage.
Name of assignment: Regional and Area Utility Operations Management
Year: 1991 – 2001 (various rolls and location)
Location: Uganda
Client: National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Main assignment features: O&M of Water Supply and Sewerage Systems (24 years of tested
experience in Water Sector in Uganda and Lake Victoria Region)
Specific tasks include:
 Operations and maintenance of Water Supply and Wastewater systems in above respective
localities within Uganda
 Development of Actions Plans in Non-Revenue Water reduction strategies.
 Designed, supervised and implemented new infrastructure installations in the above NWSC
 Development and Implementation of Asset Management; Risk Based Management and Energy
Efficient Management Policies, Strategy and Action Plans.
 Development of PIP, design of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and benchmarks and good
practices tools
 Meter Management policy and Implementation

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes
 Capacity Building & Training of NWSC staff in the operations and management of the new
 Carried out Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E)
Positions held: Area Engineer-Mbarara; Area Manager-Mbarara;. Area Manager-Mbale; Area
Manager-Jinja; Regional Manager-Eastern.
Contact Information
Cell phone: +256 772 406270; +256 717 316 510
Email: sonko.kiwanuka@gmail.com
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the biodata correctly describe
myself, my qualifications and my experience.

Eng. Sonko Kiwanuka 20th/11/2018

Name of Expert Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Dr.Emmanuel Tumwesigye 20th/11//2018

Name of authorized Signature Date: (DD/MM/YY)
Representative of the Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.9 Agricultural Extension Expert: Gabriel

Position Title and Agriculture
No. Extension Expert
Name of Expert: Gabriel Karubanga
Date of Birth: 02/October/1981
Country Uganda

Year Award Institution
2014- PhD in Agricultural & Makerere
2017 Rural Innovation University
2010- Master’s in Agricultural Makerere
2013 Extension and Education University
2005- Bachelor of Agricultural Makerere
2008 Extension and Education University
2002- Diploma in Agriculture Mubende NTC
2004 (Secondary Teacher)

Employment record relevant to the assignment:

Perio Employing Coun Summary of activities
d organization and your try performed relevant to
title/position. Contact the Assignment

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Phone and Addresses

for references
2010 to- Department of Extension and Uganda  Teaching and conducting tutorials
date Innovation Studies, Makerere  Examining and supervising students.
University;  Conducting on-campus and
Teaching Assistant internship field visits
Reference: Tel. +256779944348;
email: agea@caes.mak.ac.ug; Prof.
Agea Jacob, Head of Department
2009- Mbarara District Farmer’s Uganda  Heading and supervising extension
2010 Association; Training Officer; services and extension-related
Reference: programmes
mbadifa@utlonline.co.ug; Dr.  Giving technical advice to staff and
Kasisi; Coordinator. farmers with respect to MBADIFA
promoted activities
 Carrying out needs assessments for
field staff and members
 Designing training curriculum and
 Identifying resource people for
 Integrating and implementing all
training plans
 Contributing to the writing project
 Monitoring and evaluation of field
activities and field staff
 Report writing
 Gap filling for extension needs of
 Being part of the Management
 Establishment of Farmer Field
2011- Farmer voice project, Department of Uganda  Planning, implementing, monitoring
2012 Extension and Innovation Studies; and evaluation of project activities
Project coordinator;  Preparing and submitting both
Reference:Tel. +256779944348; technical and financial reports
email agea@caes.mak.ac.ug; Prof.  Overall coordination of the projects
Agea Jacob, Head of Department activities

Membership in Professional Institutions/Associations:

 Makerere University Academic Staff Association

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Languages Speaking Reading Writing
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Runyoro-Kitara Good Good Good
Luganda Good Good Good
Lusoga Good Good Good
Lugwere Good Good Good
Expert’s contact information:
E-mail: amootigabs@gmail.com/
Phone: +256 (0) 782 929 971
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge
and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my
qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to
undertake the assignment in case of an award. I understand
that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein
may lead to my disqualification or dismissal by the Client,
and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Dr. Gabriel Karubanga


Name of expert Signature

Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye


Name of authorized Representative

of the Consultant Signature Date:

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.10 Agronomist: Dr Jenipher Bisikwa

Position Title Senior Agronomist
and No.
Name of Expert: Jenipher Bisikwa
Date of Birth: 29/09/1969
Country of Uganda
University of 2001- PhD. (Applied Plant
Minnesota (USA) 2005 Sciences/Agronomy)
University of 1998- M.Sc. Agronomy/Weed
Minnesota (USA) 2001 Science
Makerere University 1995- M.Sc. Agriculture/Crop
(Uganda) 1997 Science
Makerere University 1990- B.Sc. Agriculture
(Uganda) 1995
Employment record relevant to the assignment:
Peri Employing Coun Summary of
od organization and your try activities
title/position. Contact performed relevant
info for references to the assignment
2008 Employer: Department Ugan Research and
- of Agricultural da outreach, teaching
pres Production, School of and supervision of
ent Agricultural Sciences, undergraduate and
College of Agricultural graduate students in
and Environmental the field of

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Sciences, Makerere Agronomy.


Position Held: Senior


Ass. Prof. Denis
Mpairwe, Head of
Agricultural production
Tel: +256 (0) 772 439
Membership in Professional Institutions/Associations:
 Association of Uganda Professional Women in Agriculture
and Environment (AUPWAE)
 Authors’ Forum, World of Inspiration (U) Limited
 Working group, Gender-responsive Researchers Equipped
for Agricultural Transformation (GREAT): Cornell-
Makerere Certificate program
 African Crop Science Society
 Professional Women’s Network (PULSE-NETWORK),
 Association of Uganda Professional Agriculturalists
 Uganda Technical working Team, Striga Eradication
Program implemented by Kilimo Trust

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Member, Weed Science Society of America)

Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you

can work):
 Language Speaking Reading Writing
 English Excellent Excellent Excellent
 Luganda V.Good V.Good V.Good
 Lugisu V.Good V.Good V.Good
 Lusoga Good Good Good
 Swahili Good Good Good
Adequacy for the Assignment:
Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best
Illustrates Capability to Handle the Assigned Tasks
Project Title: Screening and understanding resistance and
virulence of parasitic weed, Striga hermonthica in upland
rice production in Eastern Uganda (Grant amount £42,000).
Client: BBSRC
Year: 2012-2016
Position Held: Collaborator /Agronomist/Academic
Activities Performed:
 Field/Student supervisor
 Participatory data collection
 Progress reporting
 Periodic M & E activities
Project Title: Participatory Development of High Yielding
and Pest Resistant Farmer-preferred
Cowpea Varieties in Uganda (Grant amount USD 420,000).

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Client: The McKnight Foundation

Year: 2009-2014
Position held: Team Leader/Agronomist/Academic
Supervisor - Field/Student supervisor
Activities Performed:
 Participatory data collection
 Progress reporting
 Periodic M & E activities
Project Title: Promoting production and utilization of Grain
Amaranth for improved nutrition and health in Uganda
(Grant amount USD 65,000).
Year: 2009-2013
Position Held: Collaborator/Agronomist –
Client: The McKnight Foundation
Activities Performed:
 Field/Student supervisor
 Participatory data collection
 Progress reporting
 Periodic M & E activities
Project Title: Participatory Management of Striga in Cereal-
based Cropping Systems in Eastern Uganda (Grant amount
USD 60,000).
Year: 2010-2012
Position Held: Team Leader, Agronomist, Academic
Supervisor -
Activities Performed:
 Field/student supervisor
 Participatory data collection

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Progress reporting
 Periodic M & E activities
Project Title: Production of High Value Peanut- Based
Product from Groundnut varieties with low Aflatoxin Levels
(Grant amount USD 30,000).
Year: 2009 – 2011
Position held: Team Leader, Agronomist, Academic
Client: Carnegie Corporation of New York
Activities Performed:
 Field/Student supervisor
 Participatory data collection
 Progress reporting
 Periodic M & E activities
Project Title: Targeting Gene-Based Markers Associated
with Drought Tolerance Mechanisms for Cassava Breeding
(Grant amount USD 250,000).
Year: 2007- 2010
Position Held: Collaborator/Agronomist//Academic
Client: MSI Cassava Improvement Project
Activities Performed:
 Student supervisor
 Participatory data collection
 Progress reporting
 Periodic M & E activities
Expert’s contact information:
E-mail: bisikwa@gmail.com

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Phone: +256 (0) 782 682 334

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge
and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my
qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to
undertake the assignment in case of an award. I understand
that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein
may lead to my disqualification or dismissal by the Client,
and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Dr. Jenipher Bisikwa


Name of Expert Signature

Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye


Name of authorized Signature

Date: (DD/MM/YY)
Representative of the Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.11 Rap Expert- Joseph L. Biribonwa

Position Title and No. RAP Expert
Name of Expert Joseph L. K. Biribonwa
Date of Birth 19th October 1977
Country of Uganda
Dates Degree(S)/Diploma(S) Educational Institutions
Attended Obtained
2014 Certificate of Institution of Surveyors
Registration as a Fellow of Uganda (Register N0.
of the Institution of 236)
Surveyors of Uganda.
2014 Certificate Surveying in Institution of Surveyors
Uganda and the Region; of Uganda (CPD) in
Challenges and Solutions conjunction with The
Surveyors Registration
Board (SRB)
2013 Certificate of Institute of Surveyors of
International Valuation Uganda
Standards and
Measurements Standards
Process (RICS
Continuous Professional
2003 Certificate of Institute of Surveyors of
Registration Uganda

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Surveyors Registration
Board No. 114
2001 Certificate The Centre for
Arbitration and Dispute
International Law
Institute, Kampala
1997 – BSc (Hon) Land University of
2000 Management Portsmouth, Portsmouth,

Employment record relevant to the assignment:

Peri Employing Count Summary of activities
od organization ry performed relevant to the
and your Assignment
information for
July Appointed as the Ugand Reviewing, verifying, and
2015 High Court a expediting the land
Expert to work compensation for all the
with the project Project Affected Persons
consultants (1,500) who are plaintiffs
in this matter.
April Position: Team Ugand Assessment on behalf of
2015 leader – a the proprietors for the
Compensation/ compulsory acquisition of
Loss of Business parts of the plantation by
Sango Bay Sugar the Uganda Government.
Factory &

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Mutukula (200
Square Miles
April Finance Trust Ugand Assessment of borrowers’
2015 Bank Limited a collateral.
Position: Valuer
Marc Teachers Ugand Loss of Business and Land
h Training College, a Assessment on behalf of
2015 Buleera, Hoima the proprietors for the
District compulsory acquisition of
Position: Valuer parts of their land by the
Uganda Government.
Marc Bank of Baroda Ugand Assessment of borrowers’
h (Uganda) Ltd a collateral.
2015 Position: Valuer
Aug High Court of Ugand Verify claims of inadequate
ust Uganda a compensation by the
2014 Position: Valuer already expropriated
persons affected by the
construction of the Hoima
– Kaiso Tonya Road.
July Standard Ugand Assessment of borrowers’
2014 Chartered Bank a collateral.
Uganda Limited
Position: Valuer
July Simbamanyo Ugand Carried out a feasibility
2014 Estates a study and proposed a
Development, marketing campaign for a
Munyonyo new housing estate in
Munyonyo on behalf of

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Simbamanyo Estates.
May Uganda Ugand Assessment of borrowers’
2014 Development a collateral.
Bank Limited
Position: Valuer
May Cairo Ugand Assessment of borrowers’
2013 International a collateral.
Bank Limited
2010 Various Ugand Valuation of various
to Insurance a properties for insurance
date Companies purposes on behalf of
and Brokerage Alexander Forbes and
Firms Lions Assurance, some of
Position: Valuer the largest insurance
brokerage firms in Uganda
and Africa. These have
so far included the
prestigious Namugongo
Girls School at
Namugongo Shrine
Complex, and the Kampala
International University
Campus at
Kansanga, Kisugu,
Kampala District.
2004 Various Banks Ugand Retained over the years by
to (Standard a various institutions for
date Chartered Bank purposes of property
Uganda, Stanbic valuation and investment
Bank - Uganda, appraisal.
Barclays Bank -

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Uganda, Bank of
Africa - Uganda,
Crane Bank, and
Citi Group)
Position: Valuer

Membership of Professional Associations:

 Registered Surveyor of Uganda (RSU),
 Fellow, Institute of Surveyors of Uganda (FISU)
 Registered Arbitrator at Centre for Alternative Dispute
Resolution (CADER)
Language Skills
Language Speaking Reading Writing
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Luganda Good Good Fair
Runyankole Excellent Good Good

Adequacy for the Assignment:

Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best Illustrates
Capabilities to Handle the Assigned Tasks
1. Name of the assignment: Implementation of the Resettlement
Action Plan for the Malaba - Kampala Refined Petroleum Products
Year: April 2015- on going
Location: Malaba - Kampala
Position Held: Valuation Surveyor
Main project features: The proposed pipeline will be 226
kilometres long
Position held: Assistant overall team leader and fieldwork team

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

1. Name of the assignment: feasibility study and proposed a
marketing campaign for a new housing estate in Munyonyo
Year: July-august 2014
Location: Munyonyo
Client: Simbamanyo Estates Development
Position held: Valuation surveyor
2. Name of the assignment: feasibility study of the proposed
redevelopment of 0.206 Hectares (0.509 Acres) situate at Plot 10 -
12, Bugolobi Street
Year: November 2013
Location: Bugolobi, Kampala
Client: MTA Courts, Bugolobi
Main project features: the project comprised 02 five storey
apartment blocks, Block 01 and Block 02. Block 01 will comprise
10 apartments while block 02 will comprise 08 apartments and a
ground floor parking level to accommodate 12 vehicles. The
surface parking yard to accommodate 25 vehicles.
Position held: Lead Valuation Suveyor
3. Name of the assignment: carried out a market study for the
redevelopment of Kisekka Market into a modern retail strip mall
(shopping centre) for motor vehicle spare parts.
Year: November 2013
Client: Capital Ventures International/ East African Development
Position held: Valuation Surveyor
4. Name of the assignment: Carried out valuation survey of
Nakigala and Kansiri Estates in Kajjansi, along Entebbe Road and
behind the Uganda Clays Head Office. A Tea Estate comprising

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

approximately 985 Acres.

Year: June 2013
Location: Kajjansi
Client: Madhvani Group/ National Social Security Fund Uganda
Position held: Valuation Surveyor
5. Name of the assignment: Valuation of Uganda Railways
Corporation Property
Year: February 2013
Location: Katebo Port, Mawokota
Client: Privatisation Unit, Ministry of Finance, Planning and
Economic Development
Position held: Valuation Surveyor
6. Name of the assignment: Topographical Survey and Valuation of
approximately 380 Acres luxury island on Lake Victoria.
Year: January 2013
Location: Bulago Island/ One Minute South
Main project features: This was for purposes of increased
investment. We went ahead to subdivide parts of the island into
one acre plots sold to individuals.
Position held: Valuation Surveyor
1. Name of the assignment: Compensation Assessment for
properties affected by the proposed diversions along the proposed
Mbarara – Nkenda high voltage 132KVA line.
Year: June 2012
Location: Mbarara – Nkenda
Client: Uganda Electricity Transmission Company (UETCL)
Main project features: This was in association with NEK
Consult as retained by Uganda Electricity Transmission Company
(UETCL). Over 300 households are affected to date. Valuation
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

roll in accordance with the laws of Uganda, district rates and

methodology as approved by the Chief Government Valuer’s
Office. The report was later approved by the Chief Government
Position held: Lead valuer
2. Name of the assignment: Compensation Assessment of various
homestead subsistence farms affected by the oil exploration
activities (Seismic studies) of Tullow Operations Uganda Pty in
Buliisa District, Western Uganda (Bunyoro Region)
Year: July 2011
Location: Buliisa District, Western Uganda (Bunyoro Region)
Main project features: Over 20,000 farms were affected. We
were a part of a valuation survey team that was retained to assess
the damage carried out by the seismic team after it had traversed
the farmers’ lots. We assessed the damage and prepared a
valuation roll in accordance with the laws of Uganda, district rates
and methodology as approved by the Chief Government Valuer’s
Office. The report was later approved by the Chief Government
Position held: Lead Valuer
3. Name of the assignment: Compensation assessment of properties
affected by the proposed upgrade of the Atiak – Adjumani – Moyo
Road to tarmac.
Year: June 2010
Location: Atiak – Adjumani – Moyo
Client: Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Main project features:
Position held: Lead Valuation suveyor
4. Name of the assignment: valuation of 12 HASS Petroleum
service stations.

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Year: June 2010

Location: Countrywide
Client: Hass Petroleum Stations
Main project features: the assessment was based on throughput,
depreciated replacement cost, and best alternative use.
Position held: Lead Valuation suveyor
5. Name of the assignment: valuation of all Kensington Properties
in Uganda (Over 200 residences) on behalf of both Stanbic Bank
Uganda and Kensington Properties in mid-2010.
Year: May 2010
Location: Kampala
Client: Kensington Properties c/o Stanbic Bank
Main project features: The exercise included “Signature Homes”
along Lugogo Bypass in Kampala, and “Luxury Heights” in
Kyanja, Wakiso District. This was for purposes of assessing open
market value.
Position held: Lead Valuation suveyor
13. Name of the assignment: valuation of 25 Chevron Caltex
branded service stations.
Year: September 2009
Main project features: This was carried out in September 2009
for purposes of assignment of assets to Total Marketing Uganda.
Position held: Team leader
14. Name of the assignment: Valuation of DFID Facilities in
Kigali, Rwanda for purposes of upgrading the existing facilities.
Year: September 2008
Location: Kigali-Rwanda
Client: DFID Rwanda
Main project features: Valuation of DFID Facilities

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Position held: Lead Valuation Surveyor

15. Name of the assignment: retained over the years by various
institutions for purposes of property valuation and investment
Year: 2004 to date
Location: Uganda
Client: Various Banks (Standard Chartered Bank Uganda, Stanbic
Uganda, Barclays Bank Uganda, Bank of Africa
Uganda, Crane Bank, and Citi Group)
Main project features: Valuation of colateral security of banks’
Position held: Team Leader (valuer)
Expert’s Contact Information:
Mobile: +256 772 624578
Office: +256 414 341 861Certification:
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge
and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my
qualifications, and my experience, and I am available to
undertake the assignment in case of an award. I understand
that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein
may lead to my disqualification or dismissal by the Client,
and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Mr. Joseph L. K. Biribonwa

Name of Expert Signature
Date: (DD/MM/YY)
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye

Name of authorized Signature
Date: (DD/MM/YY)
Representative of the Consultant

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Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

5.9 Legal Expert – Emmanuel Kasimbazi

Position Title and No. Legal expert
Name of expert Dr. Emmanuel Kasimbazi
Date of birth 8/03/1964
Country of Uganda

Date Award Institution
2004- University of PhD specializing in
2008 Kwazulu Natal, International Water Law
Durban, South
1993- University of Masters of Laws (LLM)
1995 Calgary, Canada specializing in
Environmental Law
1992- Law Development Diploma in Legal Practice
1993 Centre, Kampala,
1988- University of Dar- Bachelors of Laws (LLB)
1992 es-salaam,
1987- Makerere Bachelor of Arts, Social
1988 University, Sciences (completed 1 Year
Kampala, Uganda of the Course)

Employment record relevant to the assignment

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Period Employing organization, position Country

held. contact information

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

2009- Legal Expert ,Green World Consult Uganda

Present Ltd
2011- Associate Professor, School of Law , Uganda
Present Makerere University, ( Teaching
Environmental Law and Policy,
International Environmental Law
and Criminal Law)
2004- Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Uganda
2011 Makerere University; (teaching
Environmental Law and Policy,
International Environmental Law
and Criminal Law
1996- Advocate, Courts of Judicature, Uganda
present: Uganda ( providing legal advice,
drafting agreements, court papers
and representing clients in court)
1995- Lecturer, Faculty of Law , Makerere Uganda
2002 University (teaching Environmental
Law and Criminal Law)
2011- Head of Department of Uganda
Present: Environmental Law, School of Law,
Makerere University (Supervising
academic and
non Academic staff of the
2007- Head of Department, Public and Uganda
2010: Comparative Law, Faculty Law,
Makerere University. (Supervising
academic and non-Academic staff of
the Department);
1998- Managing Partner Kasimbazi, Uganda

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

present: Kamanzi & Co. Advocates

(Overseeing the day to day activities
of the law firm);
2003- Acting Dean, Faculty of Law, Uganda
2004: Makerere University (Accounting
officer of the Faculty and overseeing
all the activities of the Faculty)
2002- Deputy Dean ( Undergraduate Uganda
2003: Program), Faculty of Law, Makerere
University, (overseeing all activities
of the undergraduate program)

Membership in professional Association and publication

 Advocate of the Courts of Judicature of Uganda;
 Uganda Law Society;
 East African Law Society;
 IUCN Commissioner on Environmental law;
 IUCN Academy of Environmental Law;
 Member of Uganda Wildlife Society;
 Member of Uganda Association for Impact Assessment;
 Member of East African Association for Impact
 Member of International Association for Impact
 Association for Environmental Law Lecturers in African
Language skills
Languag Speaking Reading Writing
English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Swahili Good Fair Fair

Adequacy for the assignment:

Reference to Prior Work/Assignments that Best Illustrates
Capabilities to Handle the Assigned Tasks
 Assignment Name: Preparation and Implementation of the
Resettlement Action Plan for the Development of a New Port at
Bukasa in Uganda
Year: 2017
Location: Uganda
Client: Ministry of Works and Transport
Position Held: Legal Expert
Activities Performed:
 Reviewing national and international legal instruments;
 Identifying, through consultations, appropriate options for land acquisition and verification of
Project Affected Persons (PAPs) in accordance with the legal requirement of Uganda Law and
are consistent with the relevant donor policies;
 Developing Eligibility Criteria for compensation and other assistance including the cut-off dates;
 Ensuring land acquisition procedures meet legal and institutional framework;
 Participating and facilitating in meetings for the community, Local and central government
departments and the engineering consultants (Gauff consultants);
 Participating in the transfer of knowledge to MoWT staff through training among others;
 Ensuring that the verification process of land titles is in line with the local legal framework;
 Ensuring proper documentation of project-affected persons complaints;
 Attending to written complaints, appeals and disputes;
 Participating in the production of the technical reports (RAP Report, land survey report,
valuation report and accountability report) among others;
 Drafting consent forms;
 Raising awareness about the project and its consequences among the public in general and those
that are directly affected by it in particular;
 Consulting Stakeholders to document views and concerns of the PAPs;
 Developing Grievance Mechanisms for the Project;
 Monitoring and Formulating Cost and Budget including compensation costs, livelihood
restoration activities, community development plan and monitoring;
 Monitoring and Reviewing policy and legal framework;
 Participating in Providing alternative relocation sites for PAPs;
 Developing a RAP Implementation Framework detailing the institutional arrangements with
roles and responsibilities and implementation schedule;
 Developing a Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Arrangement; and Ensure Quality control.
 Assignment Name: Conducting Diagnostic Assessment of
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Uganda’s Safeguards Management Capacity in Country Systems

and Strengthening the Capacity of these Systems in
Environmental and Social Safeguards Management
Year: 2015-2016
Location: Uganda
Client: NEMA/World Bank
Position Held: Team Leader/Legal Expert
Activities Performed
 Reviewed the national, legal and regulatory framework relevant to the World Bank’s
Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies and operational principles that are applicable
particularly to large scale investments and other sector-specific development projects, at the
national and sub-national levels. This will include a review of any pending laws, regulations and
preparation of a detailed comparison of these laws with the Safeguard Policies;
 Reviewed the state of environmental governance that is; level of institutional capacity to
implement environment and social safeguards, civil society participation, access to information,
the level of enforcement and compliance with environmental and social safeguards and public
sector capacity in environmental management;
 Prepared a gap analysis between the in-country legal and regulatory system and the Bank’s
policies based on the differences between the national, legal and regulatory framework;
 Carried out in-depth review of previous, existing and pipeline project specific safeguards
capacity development initiatives of the Government of Uganda (GoU) and development partners;
 Provided in detail the record and experience of interpreting and applying the relevant legal
framework to large-scale investment projects and other sector-specific development projects at
the national and sub-national level including identifying the types of relevant licenses/permits
granted under the legal framework;
 Specified any actions/recommendations required to address the gaps in the legal and regulatory
framework to be undertaken at the national level by the targeted Ministries and/or the World
Bank to ensure that the proposed requirements support/harmonize with the objectives and
operational principles of the Bank’s Policy framework. The safeguard gaps-filling measures will
include the actions to be taken, implementation steps, identification of who is responsible for
implementation and where ever possible suggest time frames for implementation in accordance
with the project implementation schedule;
 Prepared a consolidated safeguards management framework and operational manual with clear
guidelines to enable a standardized approach to strengthening the national safeguards within the
context of country systems. The framework and guidelines will address the gaps in the existing
legal and regulatory framework and also specifically focus on the assessment, monitoring and
evaluation of safeguards in large-scale investment projects and other development operations;
 Developed standardized learning tools for safeguard practitioners to promote improved
safeguards management. This is intended to promote adoption of best practice in environmental
and social design, assessment, implementation, enforcement and monitoring and evaluation. The
training modules will be useful for on-demand training for government staff, private sector
(involved in sectors such as transport, energy, water, mining, urban waste management, industry
and construction) and civil society organizations (CSOs);

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

 Assign Name: Environmental And Social Impact Assessment

(ESIA) And Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for Pallisa, Busia,
Ngora-Nyero-Kumi, Rukungiri, Katwe-Kabatoro And Koboko
Town Water Supply and Sanitation Systems
Year: 2014
Location: Uganda
Client: Ministry of Water and Environment/World Bank
Position Held:Legal Expert
Activities Performed
 Reviewed policies, laws, regulations and guidelines that are applicable to the proposed projects.
 Provided legal steps necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the identified
environmental protection and impact mitigation measures.
 Assignment Name: Regulatory framework for Oil and Gas in
Western Indian Ocean Region
Year: 2013
Location: Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Tanzania
Client: United Nations Environment Programme
Position Held:Legal and Policy Expert
Activities Performed
 Assessed potential environmental and socio-economic impacts costs associated with oil and gas
exploration and production;
 Reviewed existing laws and policies in support of oil and gas including the regulatory regimes
and the preparedness of the western Indian Ocean countries to deal with issues oil and gas;
 Undertook stakeholder analysis of oil and gas industry in the WIO region both in government
and the private sector;
 Undertook an assessment of the capacity building needs in the region to handle oil and gas
 Proposed recommendations for further action.
 Assignment name: Developing the Revenue Sharing
Regulations under Wildlife Act Cap 200 contracted by the
Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities
Position held: Legal Consultant
 Assignment Name: Review and update of the National
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Environment (Effluent Discharge) Regulations contracted by

National Environment Management Authority
Position held: Legal/Institutional Analyst
 Assignment Name: Developing the Water Resources strategy
development related legal/institutional framework Present the
legal/institutional aspects contracted Ministry of Water and
Year: 2013
Position held: Environmental Legal Expert
 Assignment Name: Conducting baseline study for
Archaeological, historical and cultural features of oil
Exploration Block 2 of the Uganda Graben Basin contracted
Tullow Uganda Operations Pty Limited contracted Tullow
Year: 2013
Position held: Legal and Policy Analyst
 Assignment Name: Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment Studies for the Proposed North and South Nile Oil
Exploration Projects for Total E & P Uganda B.V Proposed
Exploration Drilling
Year: 2012
Position held: Legal and Policy Expert
 Assignment Name: Developing Sector Specific Environmental
Impact Assessment Guidelines for Tannery Projects
Year: 2012
Position held: Legal and Policy analyst
 Assignment Name: Updating National Water Policy, Laws and
Regulations contracted by the Ministry Water and Environment

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Year: 2012
Position held: Lead Consultant
 Assignment Name: Scoping Study for implementing Extractive
Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Uganda contracted
by the African Centre for Energy Governance
Year: 2011
Position held: Lead Consultant
 Assignment Name: Development of a Regional Environment
Impact Assessment (EIA) Framework for the IGAD Region
contracted by IGAD
Year: 2010
Position held: Lead Consultant
 Assignment Name: Examining Oil Exploration and Production
Activities and their Implications for Environmental
Conservation in the Albertine Graben
Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO)
Year: 2009
Position held: Legal and Policy Analyst
 Assignment Name: Environmental and Social Impact
Assessment Studies for the Proposed Oil Exploration Projects
Rukungiri and Kanungu districts
Client: Dominion Petroleum Company Uganda Limited
Year: 2009
Position held: Legal and Social expert
 Assignment Name: Environmental Audit of Bujagali Hydro
Power Project contracted by Bujagali Energy Limited
Year: 2009
Position held: Consultant
 Assignment Name: Baseline Survey of the activities and Key
Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

issues surrounding the Mining and Extraction Industry in the

Albertine Rift Region contracted by the International Union
Conservation of Natural Resources-IUCN
Year: 2008
Position held: Legal expert
 Assignment Name: Mid-Term Review of the Road Sector
Development Programme 2 (RSDP2), contracted by the
Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development,
Government of the Republic of Uganda
Year: 2008
Position held: Lead Consultant
 Assignment Name: A Study on Legal Reform to Harmonize
Legislations Related to Water Resources in Uganda, contracted
by the GTZ
Year: 2008
Position held: Lead Consultant
 Assignment Name: The Impacts of Macro or Sectoral Policies
on Deforestation and the Required Policy Intervention Or
Reform, contracted by the United Nations Office for Project
Services (UNOPS) and Nile Basin Initiative
Year: 2007
Position held: Lead Consultant
 Assignment Name: Environmental Assessment and
Management Needs Assessment of Mukwano Industry,
Contracted by the IUCN, Nairobi
Year: 2006
Position held: Lead Consultant
 Assignment Name: Synergy, Cost Benefit and Socio-Impact of

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

National Environmental Policies and Laws, Rio Multinational

Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and Related MEAs and
their Efficiency in Poverty Alleviation in Uganda, contracted by
NEMA and funded by the UNEP
Year: 2006
Position held: Lead Consultant
 Assignment Name: To develop a Manual of Standard Operating
Procedures for Fish Inspection and Quality Assurance;
Contracted by NEMA.
Year: 2006
Position held: Legal Expert
 Assignment Name: On applied research programmes for the
Lake Victoria basin; contracted by Lake Victoria environmental
management project ii (preparation); contracted by Lake
Victoria Management Program funded by the World Bank.
Year: 2005
Position held: Legal Consultant
 Assignment Name: Review of Policies and Laws that govern
the Management of Problem Animals in PRIME WEST
Districts; contracted by PRIME West funded by the USAID.
Year: 2005
Position held: Legal Consultant
 Assignment Name: Study of Capacity Building in Clean
Development Mechanism in Uganda to Develop Regional
UNEP Issue Based Modules for Coherent Implementation of
Biodiversity Conventions; Contracted by the IUCN Head
Year: 2005

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Position held: Lead Consultant

 Assignment Name: Piloting the Use of Ugandan Systems to
Address Environmental and Social Safeguard Issues in the
Proposed Uganda Pilot Project under World Bank and African
Development Bank Environmental and Social Safeguards;
Contracted by African Development Bank the ADB.
Year: 2004
Position held: National Collaborator
 Assignment Name: Review of Policy and Legal Framework
and its Implications for Natural Resource Management and
Investment in Agriculture in Uganda, contracted by PRIME
WEST funded by the USAID.
Year: 2004
Position held: Researcher
 Assignment Name: Application of Death Penalty in
Commonwealth Africa Project Commissioned by the British
Institute of International and Comparative Law, funded by the
European Union.
Year: 2004
Position held: Lead Consultant
 Assignment Name: Commissioned to write Monographs of
Environmental Law and Energy Law in Uganda for
International Encyclopedia of Laws contracted by the Kluwer
Law International
Year: 2004
Position held: National Legal Consultant
 Assignment Name: Review of Environmental Policies and
Laws Relevant to the Mt Elgon Ecosystem Management in

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Uganda and Kenya, contracted by the IUCN

Year: 2004
Position held: Legal Consultant
 Assignment Name: On Capacity Building for the Nile Basin
Water Resources Management contracted by the FAO
Year: 2003
Position held: Legal Expert
 Assignment Name: Review of Environmental Governance in
Uganda contracted by National Environment Management
Authority financed by DFID
Year: 2003
Position held: Legal Consultant
 Assignment Name: Environmental Audit of Dairy Corporation,
Kinyara Sugar Works and Uganda Railways Corporation ,
Engineering Corporation and Associated Match Company Ltd,
contracted by Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation
SMEC Australia Pty Ltd and Sunshine Projects Ltd funded by
the World Bank;
Year: 2002
Position held: Legal Consultant
 Assignment Name: Development of Framework Guidelines for
Strategic Environment Impact Assessment, contracted by Bridge
Development Consultant, Uganda Ltd and National
Environment Management Authority, Uganda
Year: 2002
Position held: Legal Expert
 Assignment Name: Accountability and Environment in
decentralization in Uganda: Local Democracy – Environmental

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

links, contracted by the Centre for Basic Research funded and

the World Resources Institute
Year: 2001
Position held: Legal Consultant
 Assignment Name: Review of Forestry Laws in Uganda and
Drafted Forestry Bill, Contracted by UNEP/UNDP/NEMA joint
Environmental Law and Institutional project, East African Sub-
Regional Project
Year: 1998
Position held: Legal Consultant

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge
and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my
qualifications, and my experience and I am available to
undertake the assignment in case of the award. I understand
that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein
may lead to my disqualification or dismissal by the client,
and /or sanctions by the bank.

Dr. Emmanuel Kasimbazi

Name of Expert Signature
Date: (DD/MM/YY)

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Dr. Emmanuel Tumwesigye

Name of authorized Signature
Date: (DD/MM/YY)
Representative of the Consultant

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes

Consultancy Services For Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision for proposed Irrigation Schemes


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