Lesi Endo-Perio
Lesi Endo-Perio
Lesi Endo-Perio
e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 15, Issue 12 Ver. I (December. 2016), PP 111-114
Abstract: Endodontic-periodontal lesion has been a diagnostic challenge. The present case report describes a
case of localized primary periodontal lesion with secondary endodontic involvement in maxillary premolar. Its
management was done by root canal therapy followed by periodontal regenerative procedure using Guided
tissue regeneration technique.
Keywords: endodontic-periodontal lesion, guided tissue regeneration, root canal therapy
I. Introduction
Relationship between periodontium and endodontium was first described by Simring and Goldberg [1]
in 1964.The periodontal-endodontic lesion leads to involvement of tooth pulp and periodontal diseases in the
same tooth which makes it difficult to diagnose and treat.The pathways for spread of bacteria between pulpal
and periodontal tissues is discussed in the literature with controversies. The most conventional and followed
classification, is given by Simon et al [2] into following groups:1.Primary endodontic lesion 2. Primary
endodontic lesion with secondary periodontal involvement, 3.Primary periodontal lesion, 4.Primary periodontal
lesion with secondary endodontic involvement 5.True combined lesions.
Treatment of periodontal-endoodntic lesions require both endodontic therapy and periodontal
regenerative procedures. This article presents a case report of a primary periodontal lesion with secondary
endodontic involvement in upper premolar .This was first treated by conventional endodontic treatment
followed by periodontal regenerative procedure using Guided tissue regeneration and bone graft.
III. Discussion
Inflammatory inter-communication between pulpal and periodontal lesions leads to endodontic-
periodontal lesion. They are difficult to diagnose and treat because a single lesion may presents sign of both
endodontic and periodontal involvement. Proper history taking and sequential treatment planning are imperative
for success of these lesions.
In the present case, there was no carious lesion in tooth no 14; however tooth was associated with deep
periodontal pockets and tooth was also non vital. Radiographic examination showed advanced periodontal bone
loss in relation to 14. These findings were suggestive of diagnosis of periodontal lesion with secondary
endodontic involvement according to Simons Classification. Three main pathways have been implicated in the
development of periodontal-endodontic lesions: apical foramen, lateral and accessory canals and dentinal
tubules [3,4]. Main cause of the periodontal lesions is the presence of bacterial plaque formed by aerobic and
anaerobic microorganisms.Various theories have been suggested in the literature regarding spread of infection
from periodontium to pulp. Lindhe et al[5] reported that bacterial components of the inflammatory process may
reach the pulp when there is accessory canal exposure or through apical formaen. Rubach and Mitchell[6] also
suggested the possible role of accessory canals in the pathways of periodontal lesion with secondary endodontic
involvement. However, Adriaens et al[7] demonstrated that dentinal tubules act as a main reservoir for
microorganisms. In the present case also a possible source of necrosis of pulp in absence of carious lesion could
be ingress of periopathogens from periodontal pocket into pulp via lateral or accessory canals.
Treatment of combined endodontic periodontal lesion requires a root canal treatment for healing
endodontic component followed by periodontal regeneration. In this case also similar treatment plan was
followed. Guided tissue regeneration(GTR) therapeutic protocol involves surgical placement of cell occlusive
membrane facing the bone surface to physiologically seal off the site and create secluded space. It provides with
an environment for the osteoprogenitor cells and expression of the osteogenic activity. Non resorbable barrier
membrane were used since the start of the concept. However due to need for second surgical intervention and
increased chance of exposure; there has been a preference for biodegradable membrane for GBR procedure. In
the present case we have used bioresorbable fish collagen membrane. These membranes have several desirable
properties like cell adhesion, chemotactic and adhesive properties for a regenerative procedure. Additionally,
bone grafts have been utilized as a membrane supporting device in ridge augmentation procedure with
encouraging clinical results.[8] Previously mentioned reports in the literature have found clinical advantage of
using Hydroxyapatite bone graft in combination with collagen membrane [9,10]. Hydroxyapatite shows
osteoconductive properties and act as a scaffold for the in-growth and subsequent deposition of the new bone.
Similar to our case, Verma et al[4] and Agarwal et al[11] also illustrated successful treatment of endo- perio lesion
by root canal treatment, following which periodontal surgery using collagen membrane and bone grafting was
IV. Conclusion
Endodontic periodontal lesions presents a diagnostic and treatment challenge .It can be successfully
managed by root canal therapy followed by periodontal therapy. Guided tissue regeneration techniques using
alloplastic membrane and resorbable collagen membrane can be effectively used in its treatment.
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Fig.2: IOPAR showed a deep bony defect on mesial aspect of tooth 14 extending till root apex.
Fig 3: A full thickness mucoperiosteal flap was raised and circumferential bone defect extending till apex with
root dehiscence was observed in relation to tooth 14.