Evaluating Alternative Solutions To Reflective Cracking Through Asphalt Overlays

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Evaluating Alternative Solutions to

Reflective Cracking Through Asphalt

The problem of reflection cracking through asphalt overlays the following questions: (1) If the problem exists, what are
can be approached from the design perspective of the factors the factors or mechanisms and what are the alternatives avail-
or mechanisms involved, the alternative treatments available, able? (2) How can the alternatives be screened or evaluated
and the analyses and testing required to evaluate the treat- to find the best solution, and how should it be implemented?
ments. Then, a selection of the best alternative, provided it Figure 1 provides a schematic of the key elements involved
satisfies economic criteria, can be made and implemented. This in this total perspective or process.
paper concentrates on evaluation and first illustrates how an This paper concentrates on the second aspect, evaluation
analytical method, based on a wide-cra~k b?!1!1 ~heory in_fi!!!t~_ and implementation, after briefly considering the first aspect.
element formulation, can effectively be used for the first step More specifically, it has the following objectives:
of the process. Then, it illustrates how the most promising
alternative treatments can be experimentally evaluated. Test
1. To provide a summary of the factors and mechanisms
procedures and example resu lts are used for this purpo c, and
relation. hips between induced stress, or strain energy, and involved in reflection cracking and the basic alternative treat-
cycles to failure are presented. Selection, installation, and fol- ments available;
low-up considerations are briefly discussed. It is pointed out 2. To present a review of the available analytical evaluation
that even with the most technically and economically feasible methods, with an example to illustrate how the alternative
alternative, proper laydown and construction are important treatments may be screened;
to realizing success. Follow-up monitoring would primarily 3. To discuss experimental evaluation methods, as a nec-
involve periodic crack surveys. The major conclusions of the essary complement to analytical evaluation , and to provide
paper are that both analytical and experimental evaluations examples; and
should be performed to screen potential crack reflection treat- 4. To consider some of the key aspects of laydown, con-
ments, and that proper construction is essential after the best
struction, and monitoring follow-up .
treatment has been selected.

Asphalt concrete overlays are the most commonly used method

for rehabilitating deteriorated pavements. However, they often FACTORS AND MECHANISMS
do not perform as satisfactorily as is desirable because of
existing cracks that propagate through the newly constructed The basic factors that lead to reflection cracking are (1) repeated
overlay within a short period of time. This problem of "reflec- traffic loading, (2) thermally induced stresses or strains, and
tion cracking" is widespread and was in fact considered the (3) a combination of both . In addition, the temperature-
most dominant existing pavement problem in a recent Cana- dependent stiffness of the materials and flaws in the overlay
dian study (1). (i.e., built-in cracks during construction) can have a major
Reflection cracking is caused by one or more cycles of effect.
thermal contraction, by repeated traffic loads , or by a com- Thermally induced stresses or strains , with low cyclic fre-
bination of these lwu mechanisms. Existing methods of design quency, are thought to be the major factor in most cases.
do not generally provide crack reflection criteria . In efforts Two basic mechanisms can exist for this situation: (1) cracking
to minimize or delay occurrence of the problem, however, initiates at both the top and bottom of the overlay, and prop-
alternatives such as increase of the thickness of overlay, mod- agates toward the middle, under very cold conditions; and (2)
ification of asphalt properties, and placement of stress-reliev- cracking initiates at the bottom of the overlay, owing to stress
ing interlayers have been attempted. The degree of success concentration around the old crack in the existing pavement ,
has usually been limited. and propagates up under thermal cycling.
There is a need to approach the reflection cracking problem A possible third mechanism has been postulated by Abdel-
from a perspective that includes a consideration of both of halim et al. (2), whereby cracks built in during construction
may subsequently propagate through the depth of the overlay
with thermal cycling.
P. E. Joseph, Bituminous Branch, Ministry of Transportation, Ontario,
1201 Wilson Avenue, Downsview, Ontario, Canada M3M 118. R. The mechanisms of cracking are directly related to the type
Haas, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, 200 of displacement induced. Figure 2 shows that this consists of
University Avenue, Waterloo , Ontario , Canada N2L 3Gl. three distinct modes : (1) normal tension , in the case of the1-

Is reflection cracking expected

to be a problem

Yes No

Factors and mechanisms

Alternative treatments


Analytical ------.Experimental

Estimate of effectiveness


FIGURE 1 Key elements in the total process of handling the reflection cracking

x z

L~OOE 1o No•m•I T•"'ioo

L ~OOE ,
x z

p"'"'' Sh..,

FIGURE 2 Modes of crack displacement.


mally induced displacements; (2) normal shear, usually asso- expectation is that the low-modulus layer will act as a stress
ciated with traffic or differential volume changes; and (3) attenuator between the existing pavement and the overlay
parallel shear, which may occur only infrequently, for exam- and that the reinforcement will carry any remaining stress.
ple, under lateral displacement due to instability.
A number of studies have been conducted to calculate the
stress distribution in the overlay for Modes 1and2. For exam- ANALYTICAL EVALUATION METHODS
ple, Cheetham and Haas (3) have shown how thermal stresses
vary through the depth of the overlay for Mode 1, while It is logical first to evaluate or screen any potential reflection
Luther et al. (4) developed a finite element-based method for c:rncking treatments nn ;m ;m;:ilytir.;:il h;:isis sn th;:it the exper-
calculating stress distribution for Mode 2. Joseph (5) has shown imental evaluation can be made more efficient.
how tensile and compressive stresses vary through the depth Reflection cracking treatments can be evaluated analyti-
of the overlay under a combination of Modes 1 and 2. cally using a finite element technique. For example, Coetzee
The actual mechanism of crack initiation and propagation (7) carried out a limited finite element analysis to evaluate
involves fracture of the overlay when the tensile stresses exceed the effect of soft interlayers on asphalt overlay cracking due
tensile strength, under the particular conditions. A consid- to low temperature. Also, attempts have been made (4) to
erable amount of attention has been directed to the analysis model the effect of traffic load on reflection cracking using
of these mechanisms, as subsequently discussed. the finite element method.
The principal intent of this section is fourfold: (1) to present
very briefly some of the existing analytical methodologies; (2)
ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS to provide the basis for selecting a suitable criterion for the
analysis of reflection cracking; (3) to present a new approach
Various treatments have been tried in the past to control using a blunt or smeared-crack band concept; and ( 4) to pre-
reflective cracking through asphaltic concrete overlays. These sent some examples of analytical results.
include the use of low-modulus, stress-relieving interlayers,
geogrids, and fabrics. Other alternatives would include mod-
ifying the asphalt concrete overlay properties and pulverizing Available Analytical Methodologies
the existing pavement. While the latter can be successful, it
is actually a form of reconstruction. Consequently, the fol- Some of the methodologies that have been used for analyses
lowing discussion focuses on the first three types of treatment. of the reflection cracking problem include those developed
by Majidzadeh and Sucharieh (8), Hung-Sun et al. (9), and
Monismith and Coetzee (JO).
Low-Modulus Interlayer A design methodology for the opening mode, low-temper-
ature reflection cracking of an asphalt overlay on concrete
Fracture mechanics suggests that any attempt to reduce reflec- pavement was developed by Majidzadeh and Sucharieh (8).
tion cracking must be centered on reducing the stress con- They assumed that cracking initiates at the surface of an over-
centration at the crack front. It has theoretically been estab- lay because of contraction and curling of the underlying old
lished that provision of a lower-modulus, stress-relieving pavement surface. Stresses due to horizontal joint movements
medium above the existing crack can reduce the rate of crack were estimated using a finite element analysis. Subsequently,
growth (6). they established nomographs to estimate the tensile stress in
the overlays.
A design process to arrive at an overlay resistant to envi-
Geogrid or Fabric Reinforcement ronmental reflection cracking has been developed using linear
elastic and viscoelastic stress analysis and fracture mechanics
The use of fabric or geogrid reinforcement has the potential at Texas A & M University (9). Initially, thermal stresses in
to control crack propagation. The major types of geogrids the overlay and old asphalt surface were calculated using vis-
used for this purpose are polymer-based, or glass grids. Wire coelastic theory. A crack propagation model was then pro-
meshes have been attempted in the past but are prone to posed for the pavement material subjected to these thermal
corrosion. A large variety of fabrics is marketed for overlay stresses using an empirical relationship developed by Paris
application. and Erdogan (11). The stress-intensity factors necessary for
It is difficult to quantify adequately on an analytical basis this analysis are calculated using a finite element technique
the ability of grid or fabric reinforcement to control crack with special crack tip elements. Because of the anisotropic
growth aftt'.r inilialiun of lhe crack. Thus, it is important to and heterogeneous nature of the overlaid pavement, however,
supplement such analytical evaluation with experimental the question exists as to whether stress-intensity factor is the
studies . best characterization to use.
Monismith and Coetzee (10) used finite element analyses,
with effective stress as the criterion, to study the stress dis-
A Composite Stress-Relieving Interlayer tribution around the crack (with and without a rubber asphalt
membrane interlayer) due to traffic load and thermally induced
As a potential solution to the reflection-cracking problem, stresses. They concluded that a softer interlayer has the poten-
the use of a composite interlayer has been suggested (3). It tial to attenuate the stress concentration around the crack
involves a combination of low-modulus material with geogrid front. They also found that variables such as thickness and
reinforcement placed on the existing cracked pavement. The stiffness of both the rubber asphalt layers and the asphalt
Joseph and Haas 285

concrete overlay, and stiffness of the existing cracked layer, Finite Element Modeling Using Crack Band Theory
have some influence on the stress distribution for any load
application. A sample application involves the use of (1) low-modulus
Monismith and Coetzee suggested that design charts should interlayer, (2) geogrid reinforcement, and (3) composite inter-
be developed where stresses or strains could be utilized with layer. The three-dimensional pavement structure has been
an appropriate fatigue relationship to define cumulative dam- simplified into a two-dimensional plane strain problem. The
age. They also suggested that future experiments should con- reason for considering plane strain is that the Poisson con-
sider the use of a relatively large slab to which a horizontal traction in the z-direction can be neglected in view of suffi-
displacement can be applied to simulate cracking behavior. ciently large pavement dimensions . More specifically, the fol-
lowing assumptions are made in the finite element analysis.

1. The average spacing of transverse cracks in the old pave-

ment is assumed to be 12 m, based on field observations;
Fracture Criteria
2. Perfect, uniform bonding is assumed between the over-
lay and the old pavement;
Fracture · mechanics provide the following criteria for mod-
3. Adhesive strength between the overlay and the old pave-
eling of fracture: (1) stress-intensity factor, (2) critical strain
ment is greater than the "strength" of the overlay;
energy, and (3) maximum stress.
4. Coefficient of thermal shrinkage is the same for all layers
The stress-intensity factor is very difficult to estimate for
and is equal to 27 x 10 - 6°C (3);
pavement overlays with underlying cracks because the mate-
5. Crack band width of 30 mm is assumed (Figure 3) based
rial is anisotropic and nonhomogeneous . Also, the existing
on the energy criterion (5, 13); and
crack is not well represented by the typical mathematical for-
6. The linear thermoelastic stress-strain relationship is rep-
mulations used in the application of fracture mechanics.
resented by the following equation:
An energy criterion is very useful for modeling of fracture,
particularly for the study of crack propagation. It represents (1 + 11)cr11 v
the global characteristics of the system and does not depend E;; == E - E 'O;/Jkk + al1T'0;1
on the detailed distribution of stress and strain near the frac-
ture front. Therefore, it follows that the choice of element where
size around the crack tip in a finite element analysis will not E = strain in the element,
have any significant effect on the results. Hence, a predictive a = induced stress,
model relating the energy criterion to the number of cycles E = elastic modulus of the layer ,
required for complete fracture should be useful. v = Poisson's ratio,
The strength criterion represents the local characteristics a = coefficient of thermal contraction,
of the system and can be used to identify the critical section 11T = change in temperature , and
that is likely to initiate cracking. It could indicate whether or O;; = 1 for i = j, and - 0 for i -1- j.
not a crack is likely to initiate at the top or bottom of the
overlay, so that any potential treatment can be effectively Induced thermal stresses are estimated initially for two dif-
evaluated. The main disadvantage is that it depends on the ferent boundary conditions: first, free horizontal movement
chosen mesh size in the elastic finite element analysis of crack- between the existing, old pavement and the base course mate-
ing. This problem, however, can be circumvented by main- rial; and second, the horizontal movement is completely
taining the same type and size of elements for evaluation of restrained. The actual field situation would lie somewhere
all potential treatments. between these extremes. For evaluation of potential treat-
Joseph (5) has concluded that both the strength and energy ments only, the upper-bound situation is considered, that is,
criteria should be used-that is , the strength criterion for an free movement between old pavement and the base course.
initial analytical screening and determination of effective A typical finite element representation is shown in Figure
potential treatments, and the energy criterion to develop design 4. Temperature drop in each element corresponds to observed
charts on the basis of experimental results. field data from the Ste. Anne Road Test (14). These input
data are required for the finite element program SP23B (15).

Blunt-Crack Band Theory

Fracture of a heterogeneous aggregate material such as con-

crete has been modeled in large finite element programs as
systems of parallel cracks that are densely distributed (smeared) Old Pavement
over the finite element. This was originally proposed by Rashid
(12) and is known as the "blunt-crack band theory."
A detailed account of the analytical development and sub- ·~
sequent implementation of this theory in finite element anal-
yses can be found in Bazant and Oh (13) and Joseph (5).
~ 10mm
(visible crack width)
Only some typical results and the relevant assumptions made
in the analyses are presented in the following discussion. FIGURE 3 Effective width of existing crack.

Crack\ pulverizing existing pavements. Figures 6 and 7 further indi-

lI cate that the vertical section above the crack front is rather
critical. This suggests that potential treatments for reflection
I cracking can be evaluated on the basis of the induced thermal
stress distribution across the pavement overlay above the crack
front. Figures 8 and 9 give the vertical stress distribution for
treated and untreated pavement overlays.
2. The best location for the reinforcement is at the interface
(Figure 8). Even though this reduces the induced stress by
only approximately 15 to 20 percent, it has been observed
that a 2 percent reduction in stress can lead to a 30 percent
15mm -# increase in life, illustrating the importance of stress amplitude
Cr.ck _} in fatigue (16).
3. In a comparison of various treatments Figure 9 indicates
FIGURE 4 Finite element representation. that the ,composite interlayer (stress-absorbing membrane
interlayer, "SAMI" reinforced with tensar geogrid) with 30-
mm overlay thickness produces the same result as that of the
The material properties and temperature gradient used in the SAMI alone with a 50-mm overlay thickness.
analysis are given in Tables 1and2 (compiled from Ste. Anne 4. Figure 10 considers the gradual formation of microcracks
Road Test temperature measurements for low-temperature leading to a macrocrack ahead of the existing flaw in the old
cycle, December 17, 1967 to January 11, 1968). pavement. During this process it is assumed that the stiffness
For the analysis of reinforced pavement overlays, additional modulus of the material represented by the crack band will
discrete bar elements are used to represent reinforcement in gradually decrease to zero. The stress ahead of the crack band
the pavement section (Figure 5). Bar-element data include (point A) with and without the reinforcement is computed
the cross-sectional area and the elastic modulus. It is assumed for three different stages of crack formation, with the stiffness
that bars are attached to the asphaltic concrete in nodes of modulus of the material changing from 100 percent (no crack)
the mesh. to SO percent (microcracks), and finally to 0 percent (macro-
Results of the analysis are given in Figure 6 through 10. In cracks) of the original value. It can be seen from Figure 10
summary, they indicate the following: that the reinforcement becomes increasingly effective as the
crack propagates. This suggests that reinforcement can have
1. A stress concentration exists around the crack front, a good potential to retard subsequent crack propagation after
because of the existing crack in the underlying pavement (Fig- initial crack formation.
ures 6 and 7). The noticeable difference of stress values between
two extreme boundary conditions indicates that the stress Analytical evamat1on such as the foregoing is valuable in
concentration can be reduced significantly by preventing screening alternative treatments. In this example, for the con-
movement of the underlying pavement. The only method ditions analyzed, all three treatments appear to have a poten-
available at the present time, however, is breaking up or tial for retarding reflection cracking. However, experimental


Material Elastic Poisson's Thermal
Modulus (MP a) Ratio Coefficient ( • C)

Old Pavement 6,894 0.4 27 x 10- 6

Overlay 2,069 0 .4 27 x lo·a
Soft layer 138 0 .4 27 X 10 - G
Geo grid (Tensar) 15,000 0.4 27 x 10 - 6
Fibreglass (Glass Grid) 76,000 0.4 27 X 10 . 6


-· . ~ -

Depth (mm) Pavement Depth (mm) Pavement

Temperature ( 0 c) Temperature ( 0 c)

0 -28.5 77 -21. 6
10 -27.8 103 -18. 0
20 -27.0 117 -16.2
37 -26.0 143 -12.6
43 -25.6 157 -10.8
63 -23.4
Geogrid at 20 mm_J
above the interface
Geogrid at the interface

Crack band width• 15 mm 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38
Vertical Distance from Crack (mm)
FIGURE 5 Finite element model representation using bar
elements. FIGURE 8 Effect of geogrid reinforcement on induced
thermal stress.


l~ 4.0
4.5 Overlay Thickne11 = 50 mm
SAM I/Overlay Interface

30 mm Overlay + SAMI

u; li5
. ' ·,50
I 3.o
mm Overlay
";....._._ 1 +SAMI
.-! 2.5 .......
r ... _ _

12.0 _}
~ 1.5 Geog rid/SA Ml
with 30 mm Overlay
0 100 200 300 """
Horizontel Distance from CrJClr (mm) 15 25 35 45 55
Vertical Distance from Crack (mm)
FIGURE 6 Stress distribution in the top of the
asphalt overlay for different conditions. FIGURE 9 Comparative effect of various treatments.

74....-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----. Crack

Overlay Thickness = 50 mm ,.._~ Band
12 Geog rid
.._Old Reinforc
(10 r""nvement ment

8 ..

rNo Movement

2 .. ~"--::::!::==~~======-~--- ~o 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0

-. l I I
0 100 200 300 '
400 A~phalt smrnesa ('000 MPa)
Horlzont•I Dl1t•nc• from Creek (mm)
FIGURE 10 Comparative effects of glass-grid and geogrid
FIGURE 7 Stress distribution in the bottom of the asphalt reinforcements on crack growth for stiffness in the crack band
overlay for different boundary conditions. 100 percent, 50 percent, and 0 percent.

evaluation should be used to provide confirmation and to give

a better basis for final selection and actual field implemen-
tation. An example is given in the next section.
Geog rid Glass-grid
Control Reinforcement Reinforcement

1 • • •
The main objective of an experimental evaluation should be 2 • • •
to evaluate potential treatments screened by analytical study
Average • • •
and to develop a suitable design methodology. This would NOTE: • • number of cycles to complete fracture
ideally involve laboratory tests that completely simulate fi eld
conditions. However, it is difficult to reproduce all field con- FIGURE 11 Factorial arrangement for the reinforced overlay
ditions, such as temperature gradients, interface conditions , test program (test temperature - 30°C).
and so forth .
An example experimental program involving two of the 1. Cooling the specimen to - 30° ± 2°C, until the tem-
treatments (geogrid and glass grid) to follow the analytical perature gradient reached a steady state; and
evaluation previously described is summarized in the follow- 2. Subjecting the specimen to a uniform cyclic load at a
ing discussion. predetermined displacement level , under controlled strain,
until fracture propagates through the full depth. Three dis-
placement levels (Figure 11) were chosen to cover the antic-
Major Variables ipated range of movements of old pavements in the field . A
single displacement rate (.0399 mm/min) was used.
The variables that might be considered include initial crack-
width opening, rate of movement of the underlying pavement
or rate of drop in temperature , temperature gradient , overlay Example Results
thickness, temperature and number of cycles , traffic loads and
number of cycles, combination of thermal stress and wheel Crack growth rates for the control and reinforced overlay
loading, type and location of treatment, and overlay mix type samples are given in Figure 12. The effectiveness of both types
or design . of reinforcement in retarding crack growth at the low level
The most important variable is temperature . When the sur- of displacement (0 .21 mm) is obvious. Even though a crack
rounding temperature drops significantly, thermal stresses are up to about 30 percent of the thickness developed after only
induced in the overlay , and movement of the underlying pave- 3 cycles, subsequent propagation was very slow and did not
ment occurs because of thermal shrinkage. This effect can be reach the full depth until after 200 cycles. Only 5 cycles at
simulated mechanically, as illustrated by Joseph et al. (17). this displacement level were required to propagate a full-
They developed a large-scale piece of equipment designed for depth crack in the control sample.
both thermal and traffic load simulation. Their initial inves- At a higher level of induced displacement (0.26 mm) the
tigation, however, considered only thermally associated loads, glass grid reinforced section cracked to full depth in less than
and the example in this section is based on that work. 10 cycles, while the geogrid reinforced sample took 25 cycles.
Moreover, the glass grid reinforced samples showed some
separation of matrix from the reinforcement.
Experimental Equipment and Tests The foregoing results suggest that glass grid and geogrid
have potential in retarding crack growth rate. What remains
A key part of Joseph et al. 's equipment consists of two steel to be seen in the field is whether they would provide effective
plates, one fixed and the other horizontally movable on rollers " crack control" (i.e., keep the crack closed) after full-depth
with the aid of ball end bearings. The movable plate is linked propagation.
to a mechanism designed to move the plate back and forth The test results can also be presented in the form shown
at variable, very slow rates equivalent to the crack opening in Figures 13 and 14. These effectively become design charts
or closing in an underlying old pavement. A cooling chamber corresponding to cyclic temperature variation between 0°C
is built into the system and is capable of maintaining a tem- and -30°C.
perature as low as - 40°C. To develop comprehensive thermal fatigue curves for asphalt
The equipment was useJ Lu lesl overlay slabs (approxi- overlays, it would be necessary to have a larger number of
mately 450 mm long by 225 mm wide) sawed from constructed observations, including high cycle fatigue tests under different
field pavements involving control plus reinforced sections, as cyclic temperature variations. However , Figures 13 and 14
described in detail by Joseph (5). It was felt that building such demonstrate that the experimental technique used can pro-
field sections to provide samples for testing, using standard vide good relationships between stress or strain energy and
construction techniques and equipment, would be more desir- fracture lives even with a limited number of observations.
able than laboratory fabrication, particularly for the rein- In reality, of course , pavement structures are subjected to
forcement treatments. complex, fluctuating-temperature environments. The devel-
Figure 11 shows the factorial arrangement used for the opment of accurate fatigue-life prediction procedures for
testing program . Actual testing of each specimen included the overlays requires characterization of the variable-amplitude,
following major steps: cycle-temperature fluctuations. This may best be done through

---- ~llDe~-- - - ----


0 50 100
Number of Cycles of Induced Displacement

FIGURE 12 Crack growth curves for various overlay treatments.


Geo rid


"O 600 Control

5500~----~-----....._ _ _ _ __.__ _ __ __J

100 200
Number of Cycles to Failure

FIGURE 13 S-N curves for various overlay treatments.


z 1.5


0·50_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _100~----~---~200

Number of Cyclea to Fracture, N

FIGURE 14 G-N curves for various overlay treatments.

the use of probability-density curves applied to the temper- 4. Proper bonding or interlocking between the overlay
ature history for a particular region. Then a cumulative dam- material and the treatment. This is important for fabrics and
age approach, such as Miner's rule (18), could be used to grids.
represent the range of conditions. 5. Temperature of the overlay mix during construction. In
the case of polymer geogrids, this can, if too high, cause severe
FOLLOW-UP Behavior and performance of the installed treatment can
be evaluated in several ways. Perhaps the most important is
The foregoing analytical and experimental screening or eval- simply to perform periodic crack surveys to determine what
uation suggests that both the geogrid and the glass grid showed percentage of cracks has reflected through the overlay com-
good potential for retarding reflection cracking in the con- pared with the control or nontreated section. Also, condition
ditions considered. If the displacement level of 0.21 mm is or severity of the cracks can be assessed, which is important
one of the applicable conditions, then both types of reinforced where a treatment has not prevented cracking but is effective
overlay should be able to withstand 200 very cold ( - 30°C) in keeping the cracks closed. In this case the treatment would
temperature cycles. This could cover several winters, depend- have more strain capability than the overlay material; that is,
ing on the variations at the particular location. it would not have ruptured.
Economic considerations (Figure 1) are also important with
regard to selection. The extra costs of geogrid or glass grid
purchase and installation would have to be offset by longer CONCLUSIONS
service life of the reinforced overlay. Unfortunately, the tech-
nology of reflection cracking, including feedback from field The problem of reflection cracking through overlays is wide-
observations of behavior and performance, is not yet suffi- spread. It can be approached from the perspective of the
ciently developed to allow for proper life-cycle economic eval- factors or mechanisms involved and the alternatives available,
uations to be performed. combined with an analytical plus experimental evaluation to
Assuming that such an economic evaluation were favorable, determine the best alternative for implementation.
certain construction or laydown considerations also apply to This paper has concentrated on the latter aspect, evalua-
crack reflection treatments. These include the following: tion, and one of the major conclusions is that a crack band
theory in the finite element analysis can effectively be used
1. Placement around sharp curves (except for SAMI treat- to analyze treatment alternatives for minimizing or controlling
ments). Proper tensioning, particularly of geogrids, can also reflection cracking. Also, the method allows for the analysis
be difficult. of alternative treatments at various stages of crack propaga-
2. Proper bonding between the treatment and the old pave- tion without changing the mesh configuration and nodal points.
ment. If this is insufficient, high traction forces from the paver A further conclusion is that such analytical screening is
can dislodge the material, and/or delamination can subse- valuable but not sufficient. Experimental evaluation should
quently occur in service. also be carried out. Testing procedures and sample results in
3. Roughness or undulations in the old pavement. If this the paper indicate how the potential success of the most prom-
is severe enough, a leveling course may have to be placed ising treatments can be estimated. Relationships between
first before a treatment can be effectively applied (particularly induced stress and cycles to failure, and strain energy and
fabrics, geogrid, or glass grid). cycles to failure , are used for this purpose. Such relationships
Joseph and Haas 291

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and construction considerations are also important to realizing 268-313.
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