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As you enter the church, you will see

CALLE CRISOLOGO Javanese architectural styles making it look as
impressive as its exterior. Beside the Paoay Church is
a bell tower that one can also visit as it speaks history
One beautiful amazing street surrounded by houses as well because it was used as a communication
built during the Spanish time. Indeed, one perfect device for the townspeople.
place for a tour of the past.

Being surrounded by old houses, Calle Crisologo is

also called The Heritage Village. It was considered a
UNESCO Heritage Site in order to save the cultural
past of the Ilocos region. Famous in its cobblestone
streets, old houses and calesas, Calle Crisologo is The Crisologo Museum is the ancestral house of
indeed a place of old times. Some of the houses former Ilocos Sur Representative Floro Crisologo and
surrounding the village or the street, were converted his family. The Crisologos are one of the most
into inns or a place to stay overnight. So one can prominent political families in the province. Today, this
really enjoy living in the house of our ancestors way ancestral house has been turned into a museum,
back from the Spanish time.
home to hundreds of memorabilia that would give you
Calle Crisologo or Calle Mena Crisologo was named a sneak peek into the past.
after the writer and respected son of Ilocos. He is
Mena Pecson Crisologo. Among his works are Don Like the Baluarte, the Crisologo Museum does not
Calixtofaro de la Kota Caballero de la Luna, Codigo collect entrance fees. We were greeted by a woman,
Municipal and the Ilocano novel called Minig wenno the caretaker of the place, who was incredibly
Ayat ti Kararwa. friendly. After some warm greetings, she told us that it
was OK for us to take pictures of anything. Cool!
Museums rarely allow that.
PAOAY CHURCH Of all the items inside the museum, this car was
probably the one that stood out. Governor Carmeling
This church, also known as San Agustin Church, is Crisologo was ambushed in this chevy on May 10,
considered to be one of the oldest and most beautiful 1961 at Bacsil, San Juan, Ilocos Sur. She was able to
churches in the Philippines. It is also a United Nations survive it.
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) World Hertiage Site under the group of To be honest, it was kind of creepy for me. It was as if
Baroque Churches of the Philippines in 1993. Also, it we were exploring a stranger’s old house. And
is declared as a National Cultural Treasure in 1993 by although it gave us some interesting glimpses of the
the Philippine government.
politics in the province, I was just not fully comfortable
The Paoay Church was built in 1694 by Augustinian with things like — these were the pants he wore when
Fr. Antonio Estavillo which was completed in 1710 he was killed, this was were she was ambushed, etc.
and rededicated in 1896. According to Alicia But it was pretty enlightening.
Coseteng, an authority on colonial church
architecture, the Paoay Church has a style of
“Earthquake Baroque,” as it is also one of the oldest
churches that is resistant to earthquake and natural
calamities. The 24 carved buttresses (structural
support) and its thick walls found on the sides of the
church are what made it stronger through the years
even with its more than 300 years of establishment. It
is also important to note that since it was built three
decades ago, no mechanical equipment was used so
the church builders used manual force to build such a
grand church. It makes the story of Paoay Church all
the more interesting than it already is. Up to present,
restorations are made to preserve its unique beauty
and history.

The church is also known for its visual beauty, from its
walls made of coral stones and bricks and its overall
design that is a mix of Gothic, Baroque, and Oriental
The church and bell tower are considered to be the
SANTA MONICA PARISH two of the oldest structures in the province, as the bell
tower was built in 1590 and the church followed the
CHURCH ( SARRAT year after. It is said that during World Wars I and II,
the belfry was used as a watchtower for any enemies

CHURCH) approaching the place. Clearly, this manifests how

Bantay Church and Bell Tower became standing
witnesses to various important and historical events
The church was constructed in the Baroque and .The Bantay Church houses the Nuestra Señora de
Neoclassical styles. It has buttressed walls, 3-level La Caridad, the Queen of Ilocandia.Though it was
Brick Bridge and staircase that connect the church to damaged during the World War II, it was rebuilt at the
the convent. It was the last Spanish church built in year 1950 to restore its original structure. The
Ilocos Norte and considered as the largest church in restoration was designed in a Neo-Gothic design with
the whole region. Its bell tower which was severely pseudo-Romanesque which primarily aims to look
damaged during the earthquake is now fully back at the Spanish architecture. They made use of
restored.The church has a 137-meter nave which is solid bricks and mud as materials in restoring it.The
the longest in the country. This is acknowledged by Bantay Bell Tower was truly a beauty to behold, its
the Cultural Center of the Philippines’ Encyclopedia of facade with red colored bricks shines as the early
Philippine Art.The church once had a clock on the sunlight strikes it. The historical background of the
dome installed by Father Jose Ruiz. The convent, belfry made me very interested to see and have
known as the Casa Del Palacio Real, served as the myself to be photographed in the place.
presidencia municipal and the seat of the church's
civil government.During the Spanish era, it was Aside from that, they also have the Bantay Tower, an
believed to be used as a trial or court building. old and historical belfry of the Bantay church. Well,
Construction of the church, convent and bell tower you might be wondering now about the origin of its
began in 1669 and was completed in 1679. It was name. The term “bantay” basically means to guard.
damaged by a fire in 1817 and again in 1882; This is why the tower served as a watchtower of the
rebuilding after the second fire was finished in Pirates way back in the Spanish colonization. It is
1896.While the church edifice was constructed by the located at the hilltop which offers a fantastic view of
Augustinians in 1779, the Sta. Monica Parish the green pasture as well as a glimpse of the Abra
Museum was established in 1993 supervised by its province. With its strategic location, it served its
parish priest for the bishop of Laoag. It was finished in purpose of being a watch over deck against the
1997 care of the Kannawidan Foundation, Inc. - The enemies. It has become a witness of many ups and
Iloko Foundation for Arts and Culture to its present downs that happened in the place. In fact, additional
state. This organization advocates the preservation of stories would tell that this tower has been the favorite
the cultural and historical heritage of Ilokanos. dating area of the couple, Diego, and Gabriella Silang
during the 17th century.It is said that during World

ST.AUGUSTINE CHURCH Wars I and II, the belfry was used as a watchtower for
coming enemy forces. Clearly, this shows how Bantay
Church and Bell Tower became symbolic witnesses to
(BANTAY CHURCH) & different relevant and historical events on those
days.With its close distance and proximity from the
BELL TOWER town of Vigan, it is no wonder that more and more
visitors come here yearly to see the beauty of the
place. If you are now thinking of climbing the tower,
The Bantay Church or also known as St.Augustine
but you are a little bit hesitant since it might be risky
Church is located at the town of Bantay, Ilocos Sur
or difficult, then you got it wrong. The journey here is
province. Other than that, the place is also famous as
not that complicated. You only have to log your name
the Shrine of Our Lady of Charity with the image of
on a given guest logbook; then if you would like to
Virgin Mary as the patroness of the Our Lady of
donate some penny so that locals could continuously
Patroness way back in 1590, making it as the oldest
take good care of the tower, you may also do so.
church in the entire region of Ilocos. Thus, it has also
Once you’re done, you can now go to the top through
served as a historical site in the province.
the spiral concrete stairs which may be somehow
challenging especially for those who are quite old.

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