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Mechanics of Machines

Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction to Belt Drive System
2.2 Choice of Belt Drive System
2.3 Belt Drive System Arrangement
2.4 Velocity Ratio of Belt Drive System
2.5 Slip in Belt Drive System
2.6 Angle of Lap
2.7 Overall Length of Belt Drive System
2.8 Belt Tension in Belt Drive System
2.9 Maximum Power Transmitted by Pulley
2.10 Effect of Centrifugal Force
2.11 Initial Tension of Belt Drive System
2.12 Creep on the Belt Drive System
2.13 Applications
A Belt is a looped strip of
flexible material, used to mechanically
link two or more rotating shafts. They
may be used as a source of motion, to
efficiently transmit power, or to track
relative movement.

A pulley (also called a sheave or

block) is a wheel with a groove
between two flanges around its
circumference. The groove normally
locates a rope, cable or belt. Pulleys
are used to change the direction of an
applied force, transmit rotational
motion, or realize a mechanical
advantage in either a linear or
rotational system of motion.
Belts are looped
over pulleys. In a two
pulley system, the belt
can either drive the
pulleys in the same
direction, or the belt
may be crossed, so that
the direction of the
shafts is opposite.
2.1 Introduction to Belt Drive System

• Belt Drive System can be classified as the lowest-

cost means for transmitting power between shafts
that are not necessarily parallel.

• Belts run smoothly and quietly, and they cushion

motor and bearings against load fluctuations.

• Belts typically are not as strong or durable as

gears or chains.

• However, improvements in belt construction and

materials are making it possible to use belts where
formerly only chains or gears would do.
Advantages of belt drive
• They are simple. They are economical. Parallel shafts are
not required. Overload and jam protection are provided.
Noise and vibration are damped out. Machinery life is
prolonged because load fluctuations are cushioned
• They are lubrication-free. They require only low
• They are highly efficient (90–98%, usually 95%).
• Some misalignment is tolerable.
• They are very economical when shafts are separated by
large distances.
• Clutch action may be obtained by relieving belt tension.
• Variable speeds may be economically obtained by step or
tapered pulleys.
Disadvantages of belt drive
• The angular-velocity ratio is not necessarily constant or equal
to the ratio of pulley diameters, because of belt slip and
• Heat buildup occurs.
• Speed is limited to usually 7000 feet per minute (35 meters per
• Power transmission is limited to 370 kilowatts (500
• Operating temperatures are usually restricted to –31 to 185°F
(–35 to 85°C).
• Some adjustment of center distance or use of an idler pulley is
necessary for wear and stretch compensation. A means of
disassembly must be provided to install endless belts.
Operation of belt drives

• The operation of belt drives depends fully on the

friction generated from contact surface between the
belt and sheaves.
• Thus, any slip occurrence on the contact surface will
reduce the efficiency of the power transmitted. Power
transmitted from the driver to the driven sheaves also
depends on factor such as
– Speed of the belt itself.
– Surface area of contact between the belt and sheaves.
– Workspace constraint where belt drive is used. Most belt
drive system will have parallel shaft arrangement, but for a
constraint workspace such as in a car’s engine, an idler
sheaves maybe used.
2.2 Choice of Belt Drive System

• There are four general types of belts:

» flat belts,
» V-belts,
» film belts, and
» timing belts.

Each has its own special characteristics,

limitations, advantages, and special-purpose
variations for different applications.
Flat belts
• Flat belts, in the form of leather belting, served as the
basic belt drive from the beginning of the Industrial
• They can transmit large amounts of power at high
• Flat belts find their widest application where high-
speed motion, rather than power, is the main concern.
• Flat belts are very useful where large center distances
and small pulleys are involved.
• They can engage pulleys on both inside and outside
surfaces, and both endless and jointed construction
are available.
• V-belts are the basic power-transmission belt, providing
the best combination of traction, operating speed,
bearing load, and service life.
• The belts are typically endless, with a trapezoidal cross
section which runs in a pulley with a V-shaped groove.
• The wedging action of the belt in the pulley groove
allows V-belts to transmit higher torque at less width and
tension than flat belts. V-belts are far superior to flat
belts at small center distances and high reduction ratios.
• V-belts require larger pulleys than flat belts because of
their greater thickness. Several individual belts running
on the same pulley in separate grooves are often used
when the power to be transmitted exceeds that of a
single belt. These are called multiple-belt drives.
Film belts

• Film belts are often classified as a variety of flat belt,

but actually they are a separate type.
• Consisting of a very thin strip of material, usually
plastic but sometimes rubber,
• their widest application is in business machines, tape
recorders, and other light-duty service.
Timing belts
• Timing belts have evenly spaced teeth on their
bottom side which mesh with grooves cut on the
periphery of the pulleys to produce a positive
direction ( same rotation direction ), no-slip, constant-
speed drive.
• They are often used to replace chains or gears,
reducing noise and avoiding the lubrication bath or
oiling system requirement.
• They have also found widespread application in
• miniature timing applications.
• Timing belts, known also as synchronous or cogged
belts, require the least tension of all belt drives and
are among the most efficient.
The choice of type of belt
• The choice of type of belt to be used is important so
that the required power can be delivered efficiently.

• Some of the factor to be considered in selecting a

suitable belt type to be used for a particular
application is;
» Speed of driver and driven sheaves.
» Required velocity ratio
» Distance between the driver sheave and
driven sheave.
» Workspace constraint
» Total power to be transmitted
2.3 Belt Drive System Arrangement
• Power from one shaft can be transmitted to
another shaft using some of this arrangement;

a. Open Belt Drive Arrangement

b. Cross-Belt Drive Arrangement
c. Quarter Turn Belt Drive with Idler Pulley
d. Open Belt Drive with Idler Pulley
a. Open Belt Drive Arrangement

• shafts are parallel

• rotate in the same direction.
b. Cross-Belt Drive Arrangement
• parallel shafts rotating in opposite directions
c. Quarter Turn Belt Drive with Idler Pulley

• The cross-belt drive

of Figure below
shows parallel shafts
rotating in opposite
d. Open Belt Drive with Idler Pulley
2.4 Velocity Ratio of Belt Drive System

Let say; d1 = diameter of driver sheave

d 2 = diameter of driven sheave
N1 = Speed of driver sheave
N 2 = Speed of driven heave
For one complete rotation of the sheave, length of belt per unit time used is;
Length of belt = d

Thus for a total of N rotation per unit time, length of belt used is;
Total length of belt = dN …………………………………….. (1)
By using the assumptions that belt used is inelastic, thus the length of belt passing the
driver and driven sheave is the same. Also no slip occurs in the system thus total length
of belt required for driver and driven sheave is the same.

d1 N 1  d 2 N 2 …………………………………….. (2)

Simplify equation (2) to get Velocity Ratio, n

N d
n 2  1 …………………………………….. (3)
N1 d 2
If the thickness, t of belt is considered, equation (3) becomes
n 2  1
d  t 
…………………………….………. (4)
N 1 d 2  t 
2.5 Slip in Belt Drive System

Belt drive will slip if friction force on the surface

of contact between belt and pulley is reduced.

This will cause the pulley to rotate without

holding the belt.

Normally slip is expressed in percentage slip.

Consider a belt drive system with slip as figure
Consider a belt drive system with slip as figure beside.
Driver pulley Driven pulley





Effective speed (rad/s) at the driver sheave, v

v  [Original speed] - [Change of speed due to slip]

 d N   d N G 
v   1 1    12 12  1  ……………………..……… (5)
 60   60 100 

Where G1 = Percentage slip at the driver sheave

G2 = Percentage slips at the driven sheave

eq 5 change d2N2 to d1N1

By assumption that the belt is inelastic at the no slip condition, thus;

The effective speed The effective speed of

= driven sheave, v2
of driver sheave, v

But the effective speed at driven sheave is reduced due to slip at the driven sheave’s
surface of contact. Thus;
 G 
v2  v   v  2 
 100 
d 2 N 2  G 
 v  v  2  …………………………………….. (6)
60 100  100 
Put equation (5) into (6), thus results in
N 2 d1  G1  G2 
 1   …………………………………….. (7)
N1 d 2  100 

If the thickness of belt, t is considered, thus equation (7) becomes

N 2 d1  t  G1  G 2 
 1   …………………………………….. (8)
N1 d 2  t  100 
2.6 Angle of Lap
• Angle of lap/contact is the enclosed angle in which
the belt and surface of pulley are in contact. Angle
of lap is important to determine the right setting of
driver sheave and driven sheave that can produce
effective power transmission.
Consider an open belt drive system in figure below;
Let r1 = radius of the big pulley
r2 = radius of the small pulley
 = Angle of lap
X = Distance between centers of both pulley
From the geometry;
O M O E  ME r1  r2
sin   1  1  …………………….. (9)
O1O2 O1O2 X
Thus, angle of lap,

  180  2  rad …………………….…..…...(10)
2.7 Overall Length of Belt Drive System

Lopen = 2 [Length of curve JE + Length of line EF + Length of curve FK ]

    r1  r2 2     
Lopen  2 r1      X     r2     ……….……. (18)

  2   2X  2 
cross belt drive system
2.8 Belt Tension in Belt Drive System
• Belt tension in a belt drive system can be expressed in
terms of ratio between tension on the tight side and
the slack side of the same belt when it was operating.

• In order for the belt to produce torque on the wheel

(whether or not it is rotating), there must be tension in
both ends. If this was not so, the belt would not be
pressed against the wheel and it would slip on the
wheel. The belt depends upon friction between it and
the wheel in order to grip and produce torque.
• For the belt to
produce torque on
the wheel, the T1
tension in one end
must be greater than
the tension in the T2

other end. Let T1 is

larger than T2 and θ
is the angle of lap.
7. Integrating between limits of   0 and    for angle and T  T1 and T  T2 for
force, thus we get;
ln T1  ln T2  

 e  …………………………………………….……… (27)
1. Resolving R vertically gives an upward force R sin  on each side of belt’
' '

R'  ………………………………….. (28)
2 sin 

2. Previously, dT  RN , but for Vee-belt must use dT  R


dT  R '   ………………………….. (29)
2 sin 

3. Since there are two faces in contact with the wheel, the friction is doubled. Hence
dT  2R '  2  …………………. (30)
2 sin  sin 

4. Completing the derivation by integrating between limits as before, the results are
  
 
T1 
 e   ………………………………… (31)

2.9 Maximum Power Transmitted by Pulley
• The tension in a belt pulley increases with torque and power.

• The maximum power that a pulley system can transmit is limited by the
strength of the belt material.

• If this is a problem then more than one belt should be used to share the
load. If the belt does not break, then the possibility of belt slipping exists
and this depends upon the angle of lap and coefficient of friction.

• If the coefficient of friction is the same for both wheels, then slippage will
occur first on the smaller wheel.

• The power at which the belt slips is not the absolute maximum power that
can be transmitted as more power can be transmitted with slippage
occurring by using higher wheel speed.

• Friction between belt and pulley can be increased by using a Vee-belt type
instead of Flat Belt type since Vee-belt can grip better.
2.9.1Maximum Power with No Belt Slip
Power transmitted by a pulley is generally given by P  Tv where T is the torque at
pulley and v is speed of pulley.

To find the power transmitted for

certain belt type, use the belt tension
Driver Driven
Tight side ratio and substitute into PP=ΔTv
 Tv .
N2 For Flat type belt, maximum power;

N1 T1
when the belt starts to slip is
P  T1  T2 v Watt

 1 
T2 P  T1 1   v ……. (32)
 e 
Slack side
This is the maximum power that can
be transmitted with no slip occurring.
For Vee Belt type, the maximum power that can be transmitted with no slip occurring is

 
 1 
P  T1 1     v Watt ……………………………. (33)
  sin   
 
 e 
2.10 Effect of Centrifugal Force
1. Since we are dealing with elemental mass, thus the elemental centrifugal force acting
on the tiny mass can be written in
dmv 2 Ardv 2
dFC    Adv 2 …………….….……. (34)
r r

2. The normal force RN pressing the element to the wheel derived earlier without
centrifugal effect is
RN  Td

3. Now the normal force is reduced due to centrifugal force acting outward, so
R N  Td  Adv 2

R N  d T  Av 2  …………………………….….…….. (35)

4. From relation dT  RN , thus substitute it into equation (35)

dT  d T  Av 2 
 d
T  Av 2
 …………………………….………… (36)
5. Integrating both sides of equation (36) from T1 to T2 and angle from 0 to  ,

T1 dT 
T2 T  Av 2  0 d
 
T1  Av 2   e 
T2  Av 2  ……………………………...……….. (37)

6. Let Av  TC that is the centrifugal force term, then


T1  TC   e 
T2  TC  ……………………..………….…………….. (38)

7. For Vee-belt type, the belt tension ratio when centrifugal effect is considered,

 
  
T1  TC 

 e   ………………………..…………… (39)

T2  TC 
2.10.1 Maximum Power with Centrifugal
Effect Included

• Equation (32) and (33) earlier states that how a

maximum power can be achieved with condition no
slip occurs (offset of centrifugal effect). However,
due to the onset of centrifugal effect, the belt tends to
lift off the wheel and thus slippage is likely to occur.
This will cause power to decrease as the speed of belt
drive increase.
• So, the problem here is how to maximize the full
power of the belt drive system by practically taking
care of the centrifugal effect and slippage that occur?
Sec 1, 22 jan 08
1. Modify equation (32), now take into consideration the effect of centrifugal force. It
will make the effective tension at tight side to be T1  TC and slack side to be T2  TC .
 1 
P  T1  TC 1   v ……………………….……………. (40)
 e 

2. Plot graph of power against speed for a given set of parameters as shown below.

 T1  2
v P   
 3A 
2.11 Initial Tension of Belt Drive System

Practically, setting of the tension on the driver and driven sheave is done when the
belt drive is not operating and still has some tension on it. This initial setting is called
initial tension of the belt. By setting the belt with some initial tension, it will increase the
gripping ability of the belt to the pulley. Let say;

TA = Initial tension of belt (N)

T1 = Tension on the tight side of belt (N)
T2 = Tension on the slack side of belt (N)
 = Belt’s length constant
When power is transmitted, the tension on the tight side increase from TA to T1
while on the slack side is reduced from TA to T2 . If the belt is assumed to obey Hooke’s
Law and the length of belt does not change, thus;

Increase in length on Increase in length on

the tight side = the slack side

Thus an equation can be developed that is

 T1  TA    (TT1 A–T
For the case of centrifugal force effect is neglected, equation above becomes
T1  T2
TA  ……………………………………………... (43)
For the case where centrifugal effect is considered, then

T1  T2  2TC
TA  …………………………...………… (44)
2.12 Creep on the Belt Drive System
• When power is transmitted by a belt or rope, there is
always a difference between the peripheral speed of
the driving pulley and that of driven pulley. Because
of different tensions on the two sides of the pulley,
the stretch in the belt will be different. The portion of
the belt, leaving the follower and approaching the
driver is stretched more than the portion of the belt,
leaving the driver and approaching the follower.
These uneven extensions and contractions of the belt
due to varying tension will cause a relative motion of
the belt on the pulley. This relative motion is called
creep of belt.
The effect of creep in belt is to reduce the speed of the
follower and reduce the power output. Considering
creep, the velocity ratio is given by;

v1 T  T 
 1 1 2 …………………………....………….(45)
v2 AE

Where A = Cross section of the belt ( m )
E = Young Modulus of the belt material ( N / m 2 )
v2 = Velocity of driven pulley (m/s)
v1 = Velocity of driver pulley (m/s)
2.13 Applications

Example 1(Taken from Roslan, Che’ Abas, Yunus, (2001), UTM)

A flat belt type is used for a belt drive system connecting two pulleys 1.2m apart. The
driver pulley with diameter 40 cm is rotating with speed 350 rpm, while diameter of
driven pulley is 100 cm. Coefficient of friction of the contact surface between belt and
pulley is 0.3. Maximum allowable tension is 600N. Find;
a) Power transmitted by the belt
b) Initial tension of the belt.
c) If the flat belt is now replaced by a Vee-Belt with groove angle of   300 , find the
power transmitted by this belt.

d) Find total length of the belt. (467.41cm, 506.2 cm, )


a) For ideal case where mass of belt is neglected, there is no centrifu

Since belt is inelastic, then no creep effect is happening.

For an open belt arrangement,

r r  0.5  0.2 
sin   1 2   
X  1.2 
  14.5 0
 
Thus,   180  2   180  214.5  2.635 rad.
180 180

If given maximum allowable tension T1  600 N, this will give

T 600
T2  1  0.3 2.635  272 N
e e
Power transmitted is
2 350
P  T1  T2 v  600  2720.2 , use v  wr
P  2.4 kW.
b) To find the initial tension,
T1  T2 600  272
TA    436 N
2 2
c) If now using Vee-belt type
T1 600
T2    
  0.3 2.635  
 123.5 N
   
 sin   e  sin 30 
Thus power transmitted is
2 350
   
P  T1  T2 v  600  123.5 0.2   3.5 kW.
Now, using the same data as example 1, treat now the belt is elastic, given that mass per
unit length is 0.4 kg/m, cross section of belt is 320 mm2, and modulus of elasticity of 300
MN/m2, find the power delivered by the system.


Since mass/length is considered, the centrifugal effect must be considered, thus

 2 350 

Centrifugal force term is T C   Av  m wr  2 2
 0 .4   0 .2   21 .5 N
 60 
From the belt tension ratio
T1  TC   e 
T 2  TC 
T2 
600  21 . 5 
 21 . 5  284 . 5 N
0 . 3  2 . 635 

Thus, the power delivered is

 2 350  
P  T1  T 2 v  600  284 . 5 0 . 2  
 60 
P  2 . 31 kW.

Also since the belt is elastic, thus the belt can extend its length and creep can happen.
When creep happen, v 1  v 2 , thus;

v2 T  T 2 
1 1
v1 AE

v 2  1 
600  284 .5   7 .33   7 .31 m/s.
 
323  10  6 300  10 6  

P700rpm 4.1 kw, P=0 when N=1849 rpm.


1 An induction motor shaft, running at 1200 rpm, drives a workshop main

shaft by a flat belt drive. The diameter of the pulley on the motor shaft is 40
cm and that on the main shaft is 70 cm. Another pulley of diameter 45 cm
drives a countershaft, having a pulley 65 cm keyed to it. If there is 3% slip
on each drive, determine the speeds of the counter shaft.
[Ans: 446.7 rpm]

2 Two parallel shafts are connected by cross belt, running over pulley 30 cm
and 50 cm diameter respectively. The centre distance between the shafts is
5m. It is desired to alter the direction of rotation of the driven shaft without
altering that of the driving shaft. State if the same belt can be used. If not,
what is the remedy?

3 A driving shaft has a pulley of 80 cm and is rotating at 160 rpm. A counter

shaft is to be driven at 320 rpm by means of an open belt. The distance
between the centre lines of the shafts is 2.5 metres and the coefficient of
friction is 0.3. Determine the width of the belt required to transmit 4 kW of
power, if tension is not to exceed 110 N/cm widths.
[Ans: 9.17 cm]
4 An open belt drives connects two pulleys 120 cm and 50 cm diameter, on parallel
shafts 4 metres apart. The mass of belt per metre length is 0.9 kg and maximum
tension is not to exceed 2000 N. The coefficient of friction is 0.3. The 120 cm pulley,
which is the driver, runs at 200 rpm. Because of belt slip on one of the pulleys, the
velocity of the driven shaft is only 450 rpm. (a) Calculate the torque on each of the
two shafts, (b) the power transmitted and (c) the power lost in friction. (d) What is the
efficiency of the drive? [Ans: 656.9 Nm, 273.7 Nm, 13.75 kW, 0.86 kW, 93.7%]

5 A belt drives system having open belt type with each pulley having diameter of 200
mm and 800 mm makes use of Vee type belting. The belt have groove angle of V 60˚
with distance between the shafts centre of 1metre. The cross section of the belt is 750
mm2 and coefficient of friction between belt and pulley’s surface of 0.4. Given also
that density of belt material is 1.2 Mg/m3. Maximum allowable tension is limited to
1200 N. Calculate the power transferred if the driver pulley rotates at speed of 1200
rpm. [Ans: 11.54 kW]

6 A flat type pulley with diameter of 200 mm rotating at speed of 1750 rpm drives
another pulley with diameter of 800 mm using open belt type arrangement. Distance
between the shafts centre is 1 metre and mass of belt material is 0.5 kg/m with
maximum permissible tension required is 800 N.
– If coefficient of friction between belt and pulley’s contact surface is 0.3, find the
maximum tension for the belt.
– If the belt used have cross section of 400 mm2 and Young modulus, E of 500
MN/mm2, find the maximum speed of driven pulley and maximum power
transferred [Ans: 402.4 N, 7.36 kW]
7 The hand-brake shown in Figure 1 below is used on a wall crane. The
brake drum is 600 mm diameter; the lifting drum is 400 mm diameter and carries a
load of 4 kN. If μ = 0.3, find the least force at the end of the 0.6m lever to support
the load.
[Ans: 47.4 N]

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