his black skin and the leopard his spots, lors of the idiotic puppet, which
just as little can the Russian tyrants “adorns” the throne of the Russian em-
<£brjND*l> “accustomed to commit crimes do good.”
(Jeremiah 13.23). But the Russian male-
pire, have, to their own sorrow and in-
jury, discovered that the killing nf the
factors in high places have fortunately Jewish men and the violating of Jewish
found out that by again dissolving the women is a very expensive sport after all.
Duma they would kill the goose, which These vampires came at last to the gall-
Published by they expect to lay the golden egg. An- ing conclusion that the money markets
The Jewish Outlook Publishing Co. other dissolution of the Duma and Rus- of France, England, Germany and the
end C. Building.
Office: 522 E. sia must declare herself financially bank- United States are closed to a country
P. O. Box 723. rupt. If then, as it seems, the Duma is ruled by brutes, masquerading in the
DENVER, COLORADO. to remain a fixture in Russia, it is most guise of human beings. The clique of
regretable that while last year no less grand dukes and their accomplices have
Single Copies of This Issue, Five Cents
than thirteen Jews were among its mem- discovered that the sport of killing Jews
bers, this year the Jewish representation was getting too expensive and that Rus-
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS AND AD- has dwindled down to three members sia ’s bankrupt government can no longer
VERTISERS: Make all checks and money only. Although Pessach is long past, it is afford this “luxury.” For even in Rus-
orders payable to the Jewish Outlook Pub- worth while to ask “Mali Nishtanneli.” sia the old adage is true: “In Geldsa-
lishing Company, Box 723. ___
What is the cause of this changed state chen hoert die Gemueth liclikeit auf.”
blntered at the Deliver PostotUce as Second of affairs? This is not an idle, but a Therefore Stolypin, the Russian prime
Class Mall. most significant burning question. Why minister, said that Siedlicz meant the
MAY 3, 1907. is this? What important event has hap- end of the massacres of Jews in Russia.
pened to reduce the Jewish representa- And every impartial student of the signs
tion more than seventy-five per cent, in of the time must concede that so far
one short year? Did seventy-five per Stolypin has kept his promise. A few
5667 1006.
£h il^s !^as[• §?S,’
, cent, of the Jewish population of Russia weeks ago the black hundred in Odessa
Eiosh Hashanah
Fast of Gedalia Saturday, sept. 22
emigrate within the last twelve months; attempted to arrange a new massacre of
Yom Klppur
Sneeoth Thursday, Oct. “14 so that instead of six million Jews last Jews. Kaulbars, the cowardly governor
Wednesday, Oct. 10
Hoshanah Rabba
Azereth Th r year there are only a million and a half of Odessa, who through his cowardice,
Sh'minl w lH=X’ not' was, according to General Kuropatkin’s
Slmchas Torah -
i rI j X’ Oct.
sw’ 12
Jews in Russia this year? Or did, from
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan... .Saturday, book on the Russo-Japanese war, the
Rosh Chodesh K151ev......... Sunday. Nov. 18 some reason or another, the Jews of Rus-
Wednesday, Dec. 12
Chanukah Thursday. Dec. 18 sia abstain from casting their votes? Did cause of the fall of Mukden, was about
Rosh Chodesh Tebeth ....Thursday,
Fast of Tebetn Dec. 27 the vast majority of Jews in Russia die to help in this dastardly crime. But Stol-
of a natural death since 1906 ? Or were ypin was forced to check the attempted
the present second Duma has a better of its ways, and therefore repented.
chance to accomplish some good for the Such a sudden change of heart could not And such a depressing result was at-
people at large and consequently for the be expected from the tribe of the Musco- tained in the face of the patent fact that
Jews than the first dissolved Duma. The vite Amalek. But the Russian hyena is last year, when the agitation of the gov-
powers that be will think twice before badly in need of money and has rather ernment against the Jews was much
resorting to the last desperate coup of lately found out that massacres of Jews fiercer and more bitter, the Jews never-
again dissolving the Duma. Not to be have ruined the Russian credit even theless have sent thirteen, more than four
sure because they have become imbued among the non-Jewish bankers of civil- times the present representation to par-
with a higher sense of justice and equity. ized countries. The murderous scoun- liament? Mah Nishtanneh? What ex-
drels who belong to the “wise” counsel- traordinary event did happen to bring
Just as little as the Ethopian can change