Review 1-5 PDF
Review 1-5 PDF
Review 1-5 PDF
Druggability of Genome
H. B. Patel*, S. K. Mody, A. B. Chukewar, C. M. Modi, G. B. Dudhatra, Avinash Kumar and Ratn DeepSingh
Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry,
Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar-385506, Gujarat, India
Corresponding author: E-mail:
Received: 21/2/2012, Revised: 19/05/2012 Accepted: 25/05/2012
The process of drug discovery in pre-genomic era was considered as very complex process requiring great deal of time and
money with high degree of unpredictability. The genomic research revolution has brought strategic shift in the concept of
drug discovery and development with availability of tool for early identification of molecular targets based on human
genomics. This approach has led to reduced rate of compound attrition and rejection, making process of drug discovery more
viable economically and to some extent predictable with respect to time frame. The criteria of compound which make the
compound fit for passing the process of drug discovery are studied and gene based targets are indentified, validated and
interpreted. This approach no doubt is at its infantile stage but has tremendous future potential to play key role in drug
discovery process. The present review describes the interrelationship between the druggability of genome and its impact on
drug discovery process.
computational methods to identify all proteins belonging to families and taking into account that, by necessity, a drug
families which have at least one member that has target needs to have the potential to be disease-modifying,
successfully been targeted by drug-like molecules. they estimated that the human genome encodes 600–1500
Assuming that druggability is shared among protein targets for small-molecule drugs [5].
Main parameters influencing the count are the coverage of assembly covers 99% of the euchromatic genome in high
sequence databases, the tools used for sequence annotation, quality sequence, with only 341 gaps remaining. Thus,
structural information about tractable folds, bioinformatics current estimates should only miss 1% of potential targets
tools, and biological information about protein function. due to lack of database representation. The current status of
One key parameter, the genome sequence itself, has druggable genome prediction is depicted in Table 2 and
stabilised now. While the first working draft sequence Figure 2, 3.
covered only 90% of the genome, the preliminary final
Is the power shifting between the ruling families? Obtaining an exact count of rhodopsin-like GPCR
The two largest families, protein kinases and drug targets is cumbersome, as hundreds of closely related
Rhodopsin-like GPCR, are still topping the league table, sensory receptors inflate the automated domain count, but
but are smaller than expected. IPRO and PFAM predictions are not likely to have any therapeutic potential. Near about
are very close to put the count for kinases at 480-500, down three hundred non-sensory members of the family have
more than 20% from earlier predictions and in close been identified, this is in agreement with the IUPHAR
agreement with the detailed annotation of the “kinome” receptor database [14] and other recent publications [15].
(518) [13]. Table 3 is showing comparison of the druggable Both predicting under 300 druggable members of this
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