The sonogram of Cedric Basubas, a 28-year-old male, showed that his liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, prostate, aorta, and abdominal fluid levels were normal in size and echotexture with no abnormalities detected. The sonogram concluded that the exam of his abdomen and pelvis was unremarkable.
The sonogram of Cedric Basubas, a 28-year-old male, showed that his liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, prostate, aorta, and abdominal fluid levels were normal in size and echotexture with no abnormalities detected. The sonogram concluded that the exam of his abdomen and pelvis was unremarkable.
The sonogram of Cedric Basubas, a 28-year-old male, showed that his liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, prostate, aorta, and abdominal fluid levels were normal in size and echotexture with no abnormalities detected. The sonogram concluded that the exam of his abdomen and pelvis was unremarkable.
The sonogram of Cedric Basubas, a 28-year-old male, showed that his liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, prostate, aorta, and abdominal fluid levels were normal in size and echotexture with no abnormalities detected. The sonogram concluded that the exam of his abdomen and pelvis was unremarkable.
Name : BASUBAS, CEDRIC ENALEN Case No. : 1853093402
Physician : MANDAUE CITY HOSPITAL Age : 28 Date of Request : November 15, 2018 Sex : MALE Date of Procedure: November 15, 2018 Exam : WHOLE ABD UTZ Date of Result : November 15, 2018
Liver span : 10.1 cm
Gall bladder : 6.18 x 3.04 cm Pancreas(head x body x tail) : 1.64 x 1.38 x 0.91 cm Spleen (length) : 10.1 cm Right kidney : 10.7 x 4.03 cm ; 1.76 cm cortex Left kidney : 10.9 x 4.92 cm ; 1.47 cm cortex Prostate : 3.34 X 2.91 x 2.29 cm (16.76 gms)
The liver is not enlarged. It is homogeneous in echotexture with smooth
margins. No focal lesion seen. The intrahepatic ducts are not dilated. The gall bladder is not abnormally distended. No calculi nor mass seen. The gall bladder walls are not thickened. The common duct is not dilated. The pancreas and spleen are not enlarged with homogeneous echotexture. No focal lesion seen. The pancreatic duct is not dilated. The abdominal aorta is not dilated with no para-aortic lesions seen. The right and left kidneys are normal in size, shape and position. No calculi seen. The pelvocalyces are not dilated. The cortices are intact with no focal lesion seen. The filled urinary bladder is smooth in mucosal outline with non-thickened walls. No calculi nor mass seen. The prostate is not enlarged with homogeneous echotexture. No focal lesion seen. There is no abnormal fluid collection within the abdomen.
Unremarkable liver, gall bladder,biliary ducts, pancreas, aorta and spleen
sonogram. Unremarkable kidneys and urinary bladder sonogram. Normal sized prostate with no focal lesion.
Sonologist ROXAN B. DEMECILLO HPD LAB Ultrasound Tech Note: This report is based entirely on sonographic examination and should be correlated with clinical and laboratory findings. ** Report Electronically Signed Out **