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IBM Verify Cookbook

Mobile Multi-Factor Authentication with IBM SAM and

Jon Harry
Shane Weeden
Benjamin Martin

Version 1.0.2
May 2017
Document Control

Release Date Version Authors Comments

23 Jan 2017 1.0 Jon Harry, Version 1.0: Based on
Shane Weeden,
Benjamin Martin
27 Feb 2017 1.0.1 As above Typos corrected. Removed OAuth SLO URI config. Add
link to IBM Verify for Android.
17 May 2017 1.0.2 As above Reference in title and add text requiring fresh

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Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 High Level Architecture and Networking ............................................................................................. 7
1.2 Required Components ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Access Manager Virtual Appliance ISO Image ............................................................................. 7
1.2.2 Access Manager 9.0 Activation Codes ......................................................................................... 8
1.2.3 Mobile Device running IBM Verify App ......................................................................................... 8
1.2.4 Host machine running VMWare .................................................................................................... 8
1.2.5 VMWare Networking ..................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.6 Hosts file........................................................................................................................................ 8
1.2.7 Required Files ............................................................................................................................... 9
1.2.8 Browser ......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Manual vs. Programmatic configuration ............................................................................................ 10
2 Virtual Machine creation and Appliance Install .................................................................................. 11
2.1 Create a new virtual machine ............................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Loading the Firmware Image onto the Virtual Appliance .................................................................. 19
3 Appliance Host and Networking Configuration .................................................................................. 21
3.1 Manual vs Silent Configuration .......................................................................................................... 21
3.2 OPTION 1: Silent Configuration ........................................................................................................ 21
3.2.1 Use Configuration ISO to configure IP connectivity .................................................................... 21
3.2.2 Complete "First-Steps" process .................................................................................................. 22
3.3 OPTION 2: Manual Configuration ...................................................................................................... 23
3.4 Check internet connectivity ................................................................................................................ 31
4 Basic Appliance Configuration ............................................................................................................. 32
4.1 Login and change password for Local Management Interface (LMI) ................................................ 32
4.2 Enable NTP ........................................................................................................................................ 34
4.3 Product Activation .............................................................................................................................. 36
4.4 Disable Built-in Authentication Policies ............................................................................................. 40
4.5 Configure Runtime Interfaces ............................................................................................................ 42
4.6 Update Hosts File on the Appliance .................................................................................................. 45
4.7 Configure ISAM Runtime Component on the Appliance ................................................................... 46
4.7.1 Update password of built-in LDAP server ................................................................................... 46
4.7.2 Configure ISAM Runtime (Policy Server and LDAP) .................................................................. 47
4.8 Set Password for easuser.................................................................................................................. 50
5 Create and configure Reverse Proxy instances ................................................................................. 52
5.1 Reverse Proxy for Browser Traffic ..................................................................................................... 52
5.1.1 Create Reverse Proxy Instance .................................................................................................. 52
5.1.2 Modify Reverse Proxy Instance Configuration File ..................................................................... 54
5.1.3 Deploy the Changes and Restart the Reverse Proxy Instance .................................................. 55
5.2 Reverse Proxy for Mobile Traffic ....................................................................................................... 57
5.2.1 Create Reverse Proxy Instance .................................................................................................. 57
5.2.2 Modify Reverse Proxy Instance Configuration File ..................................................................... 59
5.2.3 Deploy the Changes and Restart the Reverse Proxy Instance .................................................. 60
5.3 Configure Key store for Reverse Proxies .......................................................................................... 61
5.3.1 Import Keypair and Certificate for Reverse Proxy ...................................................................... 62
5.3.2 Load Runtime SSL Certificate ..................................................................................................... 63
5.3.3 Edit default Reverse Proxy Settings ........................................................................................... 65
6 Configuration and policy for Reverse Proxy instances ..................................................................... 68
6.1 Browser Channel Reverse Proxy Configuration Updates ................................................................. 68
6.2 Mobile Channel Reverse Proxy Configuration Updates .................................................................... 70
6.3 Create Junctions and set up ACLs .................................................................................................... 72
7 Configure SCIM ....................................................................................................................................... 75
7.1 Create an LDAP Server Connection .................................................................................................. 75
7.2 Configure SCIM ................................................................................................................................. 77
7.3 Configure Reverse Proxy for access to SCIM interface .................................................................... 79

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7.3.1 Create /scim junction................................................................................................................... 79
7.3.2 Configure URL filtering for SCIM responses ............................................................................... 82
7.4 Enable Modify and Delete via Reverse Proxy ................................................................................... 83
7.5 Create SCIM Admin Group in SAM ................................................................................................... 83
7.6 Create SCIM Administrator and Test User in SAM ........................................................................... 83
7.7 Enable SCIM Demonstration Application .......................................................................................... 84
7.8 Test SCIM Access ............................................................................................................................. 86
8 Configure API Protection (OAuth) ........................................................................................................ 89
8.1 Create Definition ................................................................................................................................ 89
8.2 Create Client ...................................................................................................................................... 91
9 Configure endpoints and options for Authenticator Client ............................................................... 93
10 Test MMFA Authenticator Registration.............................................................................................. 99
10.1 Initiate registration in browser .......................................................................................................... 99
10.2 Scan QR code with IBM Verify application .................................................................................... 102
10.2.1 IBM Verify App gets data from details_url .............................................................................. 103
10.2.2 IBM Verify obtains an OAuth Access Token (and other attributes) ........................................ 103
10.2.3 IBM Verify App reads TOTP shared secret ............................................................................ 104
10.2.4 IBM Verify App registers user presence method .................................................................... 105
10.2.5 IBM Verify App registers fingerprint method ........................................................................... 105
10.3 Registration complete .................................................................................................................... 106
10.4 View Authorization Grants, Registered Authenticators, and Methods .......................................... 106
11 Configure MMFA for password-free authentication ....................................................................... 109
11.1 Create MMFA Initiate Authentication Policy .................................................................................. 109
11.2 Create MMFA Response Authentication Policy ............................................................................ 112
11.3 Set Authentication Levels in Reverse Proxy ................................................................................. 115
11.4 Allow unauthenticated access to status Web Socket endpoint ..................................................... 116
12 Configure test application ................................................................................................................. 118
12.1 Enable Live Demos ........................................................................................................................ 118
12.2 Enable Attribute Collection Get Attributes and Risk Reports ........................................................ 118
12.3 Verify other advanced configuration properties ............................................................................. 119
12.4 Create /app junction in default Reverse Proxy instance ............................................................... 119
12.5 Enable Passing Authentication Level in HTTP header.................................................................. 122
12.6 Set up Live Demo App ................................................................................................................... 123
13 Test Password-free login scenario ................................................................................................... 126
13.1 Trigger MMFA Authentication Policy in Browser ........................................................................... 126
13.2 Perform MMFA Verification on Mobile Device ............................................................................... 128
13.3 Examine MMFA Transactions via SCIM interface ......................................................................... 129
14 Customizing Service and Account Name in IBM Verify ................................................................. 131
14.1 Setting Service Name using custom metadata ............................................................................. 131
14.2 Setting the Username using custom PostToken Mapping Rule .................................................... 135
14.3 Unregister account from IBM Verify App ....................................................................................... 137
14.4 Re-register account in IBM Verify App .......................................................................................... 138
15 Configure Context-based Authorization .......................................................................................... 140
15.1 Browser Channel Reverse Proxy Configuration Updates ............................................................. 140
16 Importing Page Templates and JavaScript...................................................................................... 143
16.1 Import AAC Template Files............................................................................................................ 143
16.2 Import Mapping Rules .................................................................................................................... 144
17 Acquire Transaction Attribute........................................................................................................... 146
17.1 Determine location of attribute within transaction request ............................................................ 146
17.2 Define Attribute in Reverse Proxy ................................................................................................. 148
17.3 Define Attribute in the Advanced Access Control runtime ............................................................ 150
17.4 Configure passing attribute to Authentication engine .................................................................... 151
18 Configure MMFA for transaction verification .................................................................................. 153
18.1 Create InfoMap to build dynamic verification message ................................................................. 153

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18.2 Create MMFA Initiate Authentication Policy .................................................................................. 157
18.3 Create MMFA Response Authentication Policy ............................................................................ 160
18.4 Create a Context-based Access Policy to Trigger MMFA ............................................................. 162
18.5 Create a Resource, Attach Policy, and Publish ............................................................................. 165
19 Test Transaction Verification scenario ............................................................................................ 169
19.1 Test basic access .......................................................................................................................... 169
19.2 Trigger MMFA Transaction Verification in browser ....................................................................... 170
19.3 Perform MMFA Transaction Verification on mobile device ........................................................... 172
20 Advanced Password-less Login: Introduction ................................................................................ 174
21 Advanced Password-less Login: Part 1 ........................................................................................... 176
21.1 Create InfoMap to acquire username (with Remember Me) ......................................................... 176
21.1.1 Example Page Template ......................................................................................................... 176
21.1.2 Examine JavaScript ................................................................................................................ 178
21.1.3 Configure InfoMap ................................................................................................................... 180
21.2 Create Username Only Login Authentication Policy ..................................................................... 182
21.3 Import Reverse Proxy pages ......................................................................................................... 183
21.4 Test Username Only Login ............................................................................................................ 185
21.5 Create Protected Object Policies to enforce authentication level ................................................. 186
21.6 Test Protected Object Policy ......................................................................................................... 188
22 Advanced Password-less Login: Part 2 ........................................................................................... 190
22.1 Create /stepup Junction in default Reverse Proxy instance.......................................................... 191
22.2 Add EAI Trigger for Authentication Service via /stepup junction ................................................... 193
22.3 Create Authentication Policy to set Authentication Level .............................................................. 194
22.3.1 Examine JavaScript ................................................................................................................ 194
22.3.2 Configure InfoMap ................................................................................................................... 196
22.3.3 Create Authentication Policy ................................................................................................... 197
22.4 Set up browser recognition using persistent cookie ...................................................................... 198
22.4.1 Add fingerprintCookie Attribute ............................................................................................... 199
22.4.2 Create Risk Profile .................................................................................................................. 200
22.5 Define Remember Me Attribute ..................................................................................................... 203
22.6 Create VerifyViaCBA InfoMap Authentication Mechanism ........................................................... 204
22.6.1 Examine JavaScript ................................................................................................................ 204
22.6.2 Configure InfoMap ................................................................................................................... 206
22.7 Create InfoMap Authentication Mechanism to build MMFA prompt .............................................. 207
22.7.1 Examine JavaScript ................................................................................................................ 207
22.7.2 Configure InfoMap ................................................................................................................... 210
22.8 Provide Authentication Policy Access to SCIM ............................................................................. 211
22.8.1 Create Server Connection for SCIM Web Service ................................................................. 212
22.8.2 Configure SCIM Endpoint Configuration Mechanism ............................................................. 213
22.9 Configure Load Google CA Certificates for reCAPTCHA ............................................................. 215
22.9.1 Obtaining and Configuring Google reCAPTCHA Site Key and Secert ................................... 215
22.9.2 Load Google CA Certificates .................................................................................................. 217
22.10 Create Step-up reCAPTCHA + MMFA Initiate Authentication Policy.......................................... 219
22.11 Create Step-up MMFA Initiate Authentication Policy .................................................................. 221
22.12 Create Context-based Access Policy to drive MMFA Authentication ......................................... 223
22.13 Create a Resource, Attach Policy, and Publish........................................................................... 226
23 Testing Advanced Password-less Login Scenario ......................................................................... 229
23.1 First Login Flow – Remember Me, Recaptcha, MMFA ................................................................. 229
23.2 Second Login Flow – Only MMFA ................................................................................................. 234
23.3 Third Login Flow – Clearing registered browser ............................................................................ 236
23.4 Further login exercises .................................................................................................................. 237
24 Appendix A: Additional Scenarios ................................................................................................... 238
24.1 Real time in-line MMFA Approval for Applications ........................................................................ 238
24.1.1 Username and MMFA Authentication Policy .......................................................................... 239
24.1.2 Custom login_wait.json and error.json .................................................................................... 239
24.1.3 Scripted MMFA ....................................................................................................................... 240
24.2 MMFA Transaction User Self Care ................................................................................................ 241

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24.2.1 Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 241
24.2.2 Testing the transactions self-care page .................................................................................. 243
24.3 Push Notifications for IBM Verify ................................................................................................... 244
24.3.1 Configuration ........................................................................................................................... 245
24.3.2 Testing Push Notifications ...................................................................................................... 245
25 Appendix B – Python Automation Project ....................................................................................... 247
26 Notices ................................................................................................................................................. 248

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1 Introduction
This cookbook provides a step-by-step guide to installing an IBM Security Access Manager Virtual Appliance
and then configuring it to demonstrate Mobile Multi-Factor Authentication (MMFA) scenarios such as mobile
verification application registration, password-less login, and out-of-band transaction verification.

This cookbook was written to work with a fresh installation of IBM Security Access Manager A
minimum version is required because the functionality demonstrated was introduced there.

If you are working with an appliance that has been upgraded from a previous version, please review:

The cookbook also works with IBM Security Access Manager although some screenshots may differ
slightly from what is shown in this guide.

1.1 High Level Architecture and Networking

The high-level architecture and networking for the environment described in this document may be
summarized as follows:

Appliance Runtime

Reverse Reverse
Proxy :443 Proxy :444 LDAP
(default) (mobile)

Port Forwarding: (m) x.x.x.a:444-> Mobile
:22 :443 :443 :444

NAT Gateway x.x.x.b

VMWare Virtual Host

Adapter HTTPS
Physical Host
Browser Python BASH Adapter
Host Machine

1.2 Required Components

1.2.1 Access Manager Virtual Appliance ISO Image
The Access Manager Virtual Appliance installation ISO image is required to create a Virtual Appliance from an
empty Virtual Machine. Version is a fixpack and so is available to entitled users from IBM Fix Central.
Go to the Fix Central site ( and search for 9.0.2-ISS-ISAM-FP0001.

Access Manager version can be downloaded from IBM Software Sellers Workplace (IBMers), IBM
PartnerWorld (Authorized Partners), or Passport Advantage (Entitled Customers). Search by part number for

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1.2.2 Access Manager 9.0 Activation Codes
Access Manager functionality is enabled using Activation Codes. To use this cookbook, you will need the
Activation Codes for the Platform and the Advanced Access Conrol Add-on. Files containing these codes can
be downloaded from IBM Software Sellers Workplace (IBMers), IBM PartnerWorld (Authorized Partners), or
Passport Advantage (Entitled Customers). Search for Parts CNF3WML and CNF3XML.

You will need the files during configuration. If you are performing manual configuration. make sure they are
available on the same machine as the browser you will use to access the appliance. If you are performing
scripted configuration, you will need these files on the machine where you are running the scripts (see section
1.2.7 below for details).

1.2.3 Mobile Device running IBM Verify App

The Mobile Multi-Factor Authentication capability requires the use of a mobile application written to use the
APIs in the IBM MMFA SDK (available for Android and iOS). IBM provides a pre-built application called IBM
Verify for generic use. This can be found on the Apple App Store here: or on Google Play here:

Pre-requisite information on hardware and software required to run the IBM Verify application can be found at
the application links above.

1.2.4 Host machine running VMWare

This guide assumes that the Hypervisor environment is VMWare Workstation (or Fusion for Mac). The host
machine should have these minimum specifications:
• Good 64-bit processor (recommend dual core i5 or better)
• 8GB memory (4GB for host OS + 4GB for Virtual Appliance)
• 20GB free disk space

1.2.5 VMWare Networking

This cookbook assumes NAT networking is used within VMWare and that the NAT network is configured for subnet.

The IBM Verify App running on the mobile device must have connectivity to the SAM Reverse Proxy listening
on port 444 of IP Address To achieve this, NAT port forwarding must be configured under
VMWare to forward TCP packets received at Host port 444 to VM IP address port 444.

Internet connectivity is required for Network Time Protocol to be configured against an internet source. It is
not otherwise required.

1.2.6 Hosts file

The hosts file on the host machine must include the following entries to allow it to resolve the hostnames used
in this lab guide:

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Some windows machines require that you run your text editor as administrator in order to be able to edit
the %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file.

1.2.7 Required Files

The files required during the lab (mapping files, keys, scripts, etc.) are provided in a ZIP file which
accompanies this document. This should be unpacked to a local directory on your host machine. In this
guide, it will be referred to as the …/providedfiles directory.

If you are planning to use the provided scripts to automate configuration of the appliance then you will need to
complete the following tasks.

1. Copy the Base and Advanced Access Control activation code files (see section 1.2.2) into the
…/providedfiles/activation directory. The directory contents should resemble the following:


2. Update the following key-pair attributes in the .../providedfiles/automation/settings.yml file, to

customize the configuration for your credentials and environment (see section 9 and 22.9.1):


recaptcha-site-key: “xxxxxxx”
recaptcha-secret-key: “xxxxxxx”

If you are following the networking diagram from section 1.1 and your host machine and mobile phone are on
the same wifi network, the discovery-url would typically be https://<your host IP>:444.

1.2.8 Browser
You will need to use a browser to access the ISAM Virtual Appliance LMI Web Console. This will also be
used to run the test scenarios. This lab was written using Firefox ESR 45.5.1, but has also been tested with
Chrome 55.0.2883.95.

For some scenarios, you will need to enable pop-ups in the browser configuration.

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1.3 Manual vs. Programmatic configuration
Once an appliance is installed and has been configured for basic IP connectivity, two methods of configuration
are available:
• Manually via the LMI web console
• Programmatically via REST APIs

While manual configuration enables a more complete understanding of the steps required, programmatic
configuration is preferred for quick and repeatable set up of appliances in a change-managed environment.

Where possible in this document, a Python script (which uses the REST APIs) is provided in addition to a
step-by-step description of the manual steps. In this case, you will see a notice that looks like this:

SCRIPT-START: A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual

The scripts are found, under the providedfiles directory, in the following location:


Go to this directory in a Command Window and, from there, you can execute the scripts directly using the
command indicated in the START-SCRIPT instructions.

If you decide to use the script, skip the manual steps until you see the corresponding end-of-script notice.


Appendix B – Python Automation Project, at the end of this document, contains information about the Python
project required for automatic configuration used throughout this document. You will likely need to follow the
steps in that section to import additional modules into your python environment. Python 2.7 was used in the
development of these automation scripts.

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2 Virtual Machine creation and Appliance Install
This section describes the installation of an ISAM Virtual Appliance in VMWare Workstation.

2.1 Create a new virtual machine

The first step is to create a new VMWare virtual machine to host the virtual appliance.

Open VMWare Workstation.

Select FileNew Virtual Machine… from the menu bar, as shown above, to start the wizard for creating a
new virtual machine.

Select the Custom (advanced) radio button and press Next.

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Press Next to accept the defaults and continue.

Select the Installer disc image file (iso) radio button and then use the Browse to select the ISAM
Virtual Appliance ISO image from your host machine.

Note that the name and location of ISO image will likely be different on your host machine to that shown
above in the screen image. Press Next to continue.

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The appliance is Linux-based, so select the Linux radio button and Other Linux 2.6.x kernel 64-bit from the
Version pull-down list. Press Next to continue.

Enter ISAM MMFA as the Virtual machine name

Enter the location on your host system where you want to store the virtual image into the Location field – the
location you choose on your host machine will likely be different to that shown above in the screen image.
Press Next to continue.

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We won’t be placing much load on the appliance image in this lab, so leave the numbers of processors and
cores set to one, and press Next to continue.

Set the Memory for this virtual machine to 4096 and press Next to continue.

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Select the Use network address translation (NAT) radio button and press Next to continue.

Select the LSI Logic (Recommended) radio button and press Next to continue.

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Depending on your VMWare Workstation version you may see this option:

If shown, select SCSI as the disk type and click Next to continue.

Select the Create a new virtual disk radio button and press Next to continue.

Page 16 of 250
Select “SCSI” as the “Virtual disk type” and press Next to continue.

Enter 40 as the Maximum disk size – this will give us two 20GB partitions on the appliance.
It is best to select Store virtual disk as a single file for performance but this isn't required.

Note that we are NOT selecting Allocate all disk space now. This means that although we are creating a
40GB drive here (which is useful for future expansion) only around 3GB will be used on the host system.

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Press Next to accept the default disk filename and continue.

The virtual machine image has now been fully defined, press Finish to complete the image creation.

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2.2 Loading the Firmware Image onto the Virtual Appliance
Having now created the virtual machine, the next step is to load the ISAM virtual appliance firmware from the
ISO image that we attached to the virtual machine when we created it.

With the new appliance tab (ISAM MMFA) selected, click Power on this virtual machine.

If you need to release your focus from the Virtual Machine, press <Ctrl> and <Alt> at the same time.

Press Enter to start the appliance installer (or wait 10 seconds).

The installer automatically begins installation of the appliance firmware to the Virtual Machine hard drive.

Two partitions are created each with a copy of the firmware.

When the firmware installation is complete, the Virtual Machine automatically shuts down.

We will now disconnect the installation ISO from the virtual appliance.

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Virtual Machines default to boot from the local hard disk so it is not a requirement to disconnect the virtual
CD drive. However, doing so removes dependency on the ISO image being available which can generate
unwanted warnings at start up. You can also take this opportunity to remove the Sound Card and Printer
devices which are not used by the ISAM Virtual Appliance.

Click on the CD/DVD (IDE) entry in the device list of the Virtual Machine.

Clear the check box for Connect device at power on and click OK.

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3 Appliance Host and Networking Configuration
We will now perform host and networking configuration of the appliance so that the management interface is
available on the network. This is done on the appliance console shown in the VMWare Workstation window.

3.1 Manual vs Silent Configuration

There are two ways that initial networking configuration can be applied to a new Access Manager appliance:
• Manual configuration via console
• Silent configuration using configuration ISO file

Silent configuration is designed for use when completely automated configuration of appliances is required; it
allows networking to be configured so that the appliance management interface can be reached. Once this is
done, all subsequent configuration can be performed via the LMI REST interfaces.

Both configuration methods are documented here; you can choose which to use.

3.2 OPTION 1: Silent Configuration

3.2.1 Use Configuration ISO to configure IP connectivity
A silent configuration ISO file is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps. This
ISO is really just a filesystem with a single text file, called app-metadata, which has this content:

network.hostname =
network.1.1.ipv4.address =
network.1.1.ipv4.netmask =
network.1.1.ipv4.gateway =

More details available at:

The ISO file is available in the provided file: …/providedfiles/configuration_iso/mmfa.iso. We just need to
boot our unconfigured appliance with this mounted in the virtual CD drive.

In the VMWare Devices menu for the appliance VM image, click on CD/DVD(SATA).

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Select the …/providedfiles/configuration_iso/mmfa.iso ISO image, check the checkbox for Connect at
power on and click OK.

We can now Power on the machine. Automatic configuration is performed. When complete, the configured
hostname is displayed followed by a login prompt:

Return to the VMWare CD/DVD properties and clear the Connect at power on option.

Using the Boot ISO performs the minimum configuration required to provide IP connectivity; the appliance is
given a hostname and a management IP address.

3.2.2 Complete "First-Steps" process

Before the appliance can be fully managed the "First Steps" process must be completed to confirm
acceptance of the Software License Agreement (SLA).

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --first-steps

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice.

It is possible to complete the First Steps process manually by connecting to the LMI Web Console of the
appliances and working through the First Steps wizard. This process is not detailed here because it is
assumed that by choosing the "Silent Install" option a scripted approach is preferred.

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The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Completing First-Steps process
[...] BaseConfig I Checking if the SLA has been accepted
[...] BaseConfig I Accepting the SLA
[...] BaseConfig I The SLA has been accepted
[...] BaseConfig I Checking if the setup has been completed
[...] BaseConfig I Completing the setup process
[...] BaseConfig I The setup process has been completed
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring DNS
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully configured DNS
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] BaseConfig I First-Steps process complete

If you use this method, skip the following manual configuration section and go to Section 3.4 - Check internet

3.3 OPTION 2: Manual Configuration

Boot the Virtual Appliance using the Play button in VMWare.

While the appliance boots you will see a flashing cursor. After around 1 minute you should see the following:

Log in to the console using the administrator user id admin and the default password of admin.

During the first login after the initial firmware has been loaded onto the appliance, a wizard is automatically
run to configure the firmware.

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Press Enter to run the configuration wizard.

Once you have read the Software License Agreement, enter 4 to proceed to acceptance of terms.

Enter 1 to agree to the license terms.

We don't want to enable FIPS mode so enter n to continue.

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We don't want to change the password (we'll do that in a later step) so enter n to continue.

Enter 1 to set the host name.

Enter as the host name.

Enter n to continue.

We now want to configure a management interface.

Enter 3 to configure an interface.

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Enter 1 to configure the 1.1 interface. This is the only interface available because we only defined one
networking card for the Virtual Machine.

Enter 1 to enable this interface.

Enter 2 for manual configuration - we want to specify a fixed IP address for the management interface.

Enter 2 to add a new IP address to the 1.1 interface

Enter the IPv4 configuration as follows:

• Address:
• Subnet Mask:

Enter 1 to specify this IP address as a management address.

Enter 1 to enable this IP address.

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Enter 4 to finish configuring addresses.

We could add other IP addresses here but configuration of the management address is the minimum
required. With the management address configured, further addresses can be added later using the
management console or REST APIs.

We're not going to use IPv6 so we want to manually configure it with no addresses. Enter 2 to select this.

Enter 4 to finish (without creating any IPv6 addresses).

Enter 6 to set the IPv4 default gateway. This is required to give the appliance connectivity beyond the local subnet.

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Enter as the Default Gateway.

Enter 1 to specify that the 1.1 interface should be used to reach the Default Gateway

The gateway is provided by VMWare. On a NAT-enabled subnet, this gateway will use
Network Address Translation to route out from the host machine using its IP addresses and routing table.

We have now completed networking configuration so enter n to move on.

Since we're not using DHCP, we need to manually configure a DNS server.
Enter 1 to set DNS server 1.

Enter as the DNS server address.

.2 is the DNS server provided by VMWare. It forwards DNS requests to the DNS servers configured for
the host machine.

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We have completed DNS configuration. Enter n to move on to the next screen.

Enter 3 to set the time zone.

Enter the number associated with your geography. For UTC, select 8.

and then enter the number associated with your time zone. For UTC select 1.

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Check the time and date displayed and, if necessary, use options 1 and 2 to modify. Once the date, time and
time zone are set correctly, enter n to continue.

Check the data displayed in the Summary. If it is correct, enter 1 to apply the specified configuration.

The appliance firmware is now configured.

Enter exit to logout from the console interface.

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3.4 Check internet connectivity
We will now test internet connectivity from our Virtual Appliance. Access the appliance console directly as
you did above. login: admin

Password: admin

Login with username admin and password admin

Last login: Wed Nov 24 06:35:49 2016

Welcome to the IBM Security Access Manager
Welcome to the IBM Security Access Manager appliance
Enter "help" for a list of available commands> tools

Enter tools to open the tools folder.> ping

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=45.5 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=42.1 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=128 time=42.0 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2404ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 42.096/43.270/45.566/1.632 ms>

Enter command ping If ping is successful then this proves that our IP address is working, our
DNS server is working, our default gateway is working, NAT connectivity to the internet is working, and that an
NTP server can be reached.

The NTP server returned may differ depending on your location.

Press Ctrl-C to terminate the ping command.

If this ping command fails, debug of the networking configuration will be required. Check that the VMWare
networking configuration of the default NAT network is set correctly and ensure that your host machine has
connectivity to the internet.> exit

Enter exit to log out from the appliance console.

Page 31 of 250
4 Basic Appliance Configuration
In this section, we will perform basic configuration of the appliance. The following will be configured:
• Network Time Protocol
• Functionality Activation
• Additional IP addresses
• Static hosts
• Access Manager Runtime (local policy server and LDAP)

Reminder: scripts are provided for many of these steps. If you use the script, skip the manual steps until
the end-of-script notice.

4.1 Login and change password for Local Management Interface (LMI)
We will now change the default password for the admin user. This superuser account is used to access the
LMI Browser Interface and the appliance Command Line Interface. It is also used to authenticate when
making REST calls to the LMI REST interface.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --admin-password

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice.

Open a browser on your host system. Firefox ESR 45.5.1 was used when writing this lab guide.

Open the LMI GUI for the ISAM Appliance via the URL:

Expand Advanced and click the Add Exception… button.

Page 32 of 250
Ensure that the Permanently store this exception checkbox is selected and click the Confirm Security
Exception button to avoid seeing this certificate warning in the future.

The login page for the ISAM Appliance LMI is now displayed:

Login as user admin with password admin

Page 33 of 250
Click on the admin username in the console title bar and select Set Password from the drop-down menu.

Enter admin as the Current Password and enter Passw0rd in the New Password and Confirm New Password
boxes. Click Submit.

This is the password used for most users and administrator accounts in this guide.

The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Updating the administrator password
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully updated the administrator password
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes

4.2 Enable NTP

You may notice that on the LMI dashboard there is a notification warning that "Local clock is not
synchronized". We will now configure the appliance to use an internet NTP service to maintain clock

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --enable-ntp

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice.

Page 34 of 250
Click on the Manage System Settings icon to open the "mega-menu" and click the Date/Time item - as
shown above.

If you selected UTC time-zone during initial setup, the Time Zone will not be completed here. This is
because in the LMI GUI there is no UTC option. For UTC, select UTC+00:00 Ouagadougou. This is in
time-zone UTC+0 and has no daylight savings.

Check the checkbox for Enable NTP and enter in the NTP Server Addresses entry box.

Click Save Configuration at the bottom of the window to save the changes.

Notice that a warning is now displayed at the top of the window:

This indicates that changes have been made to the appliance configuration but they are not yet active. Click
the link to activate the configuration change you have just made.

Page 35 of 250
A pop-up dialog is displayed showing the pending changes:

Click Deploy to deploy the changes to the appliance.

The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring the NTP
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully configured the NTP
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes

4.3 Product Activation

The Access Manager 9.0 Virtual Appliance firmware contains a number of functional modules. However, after
initial installation, only basic management functions are available. Activation is required in order to enable the
purchased modules.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Before you run this script you must add the Access Manager Base and Advanced Access Control
Activation Code files into the directory …/providedfiles/activation. See section 1.2.2.

Run this script: base --product-activation

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice.

Page 36 of 250
Click on the Manage System Settings icon to open the "mega-menu" and click the Licensing and
Activation item - as shown above.

The licensing and Activation screen is displayed. Currently there are no activated modules.

Click the Import button. A file selector dialog is displayed.

Select the ISAM 9.0 Base Activation File that you downloaded from IBM (see section 1.2.2)

Click Save Configuration.

The IBM Security Access Manager base activation code is processed and the module is listed. We won't
deploy changes yet because we also want to activate Advanced Access Control functionality.

Page 37 of 250
Click Import. The file selection dialog opens again.

Select the ISAM 9.0 Advanced Access Control Activation File that you downloaded from IBM (see section

Click Save Configuration.

The Advanced Access Control activation code is processed. Now both IBM Security Access Manager Base
Appliance and IBM Security Access Manager Advanced Access Control Modules are listed:

To complete the activation process we must deploy the changes we have made.

Click the Click here to review the changes or apply them to the system link in the warning message - as
shown above.

Page 38 of 250
Click Deploy to confirm the deployment of the changes.

The activation process can take a few minutes to complete because a number of new components are started
and initialized within the appliance. Once it is complete, the following message is displayed:

Click on the link in the message to reconnect to the appliance management interface (it may take a few
seconds for this to work).

The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Activating the isam_base_appliance offering
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully activated the isam_base_appliance offering
[...] BaseConfig I Activating the isam_advanced_access_control offering
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully activated the isam_advanced_access_control offering
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes

You should now see that Secure Access Control mega-menu is available in the LMI Web Console:

Page 39 of 250
4.4 Disable Built-in Authentication Policies
We will now disable all the built-in authentication policies as they will not be required. We do this as a security
precaution. We don't want users to be able to manually trigger authentication mechanisms that we have not
specifically allowed.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --disable-policies

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice.

In the top menu panel, select Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication - as indicated above.

Select the first authentication policy Consent Register Device and click Modify - as shown above.

Page 40 of 250
Untick the Enabled checkbox and click Save.

The disabled policy is moved to the end of the list

Repeat the process for ALL authentication policies.

When you are done, the page should look like this:

Deploy the configuration changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Disabling the built-in authentication policies
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully disabled the built-in authentication policies
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes

Page 41 of 250
4.5 Configure Runtime Interfaces
We will now configure the Interfaces where the Reverse Proxy (aka WebSEAL) instances will listen.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --network-settings

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice.

In the top menu panel, select Manage System Settings → Network Settings: Interfaces” - as indicated

The configuration shows our only interface (1.1) and the single management IP address that we are
connected to.

We need to edit this interface configuration in order to add an additional (non-management) IP address.

Select the checkbox next to the 1.1 interface and click Edit - as shown above.

Page 42 of 250
Select the IPv4 Settings tab and then click the New button to add a new IP address.

Enter in the Address field. This is CIDR notation; the /24 means there are 24 bits in the
subnet mask (i.e.

Click Save Configuration. The new IP address is now listed:

Page 43 of 250
Click Save Configuration to save the new interface configuration.

Deploy the configuration changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring Network Settings
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring runtime interface
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully configured runtime interface
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] BaseConfig I Configuration of Network Settings complete

Open a command window on your host machine and ping the new IP address you just created to check that
the address is active and reachable.

# ping
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

Page 44 of 250
4.6 Update Hosts File on the Appliance
Since we don’t have access to a DNS server that we can modify, we will now add a couple of host aliases to
the appliance.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --hosts-file

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice.

In the top menu panel, select Manage System Settings → Network Settings: Hosts File - as indicated

Select the “Host Records” entry and press the New button .

Enter “” as the Address and “” as the Hostname. Press Save to
create the hosts file entry.

You can see at this point that there is now an undeployed change in the system. The change to the hosts
configuration is pending at this point.

Page 45 of 250
Before we deploy the change, add this additional host entry:

Address Hostname

The hosts configuration should now look like this:

Click the Click here to review the changes or apply them to the system link and click Deploy to confirm
the changes.

The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Updating Hosts File on the Appliance
[...] BaseConfig I Updating the hosts file for
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully updated the hosts file for
[...] BaseConfig I Updating the hosts file for
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully updated the hosts file for
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] BaseConfig I Updating of the Hosts File complete

4.7 Configure ISAM Runtime Component on the Appliance

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --runtime-component

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice.

4.7.1 Update password of built-in LDAP server

The default administrator password for the built-in LDAP server is passw0rd. To make this consistent with the
other passwords in this environment we will now change it.

Page 46 of 250
In the top menu panel, select Secure Web Settings → Manage: Runtime Component – as indicated above.

Click Manage and select Embedded LDAPChange Password from the drop-down menus.

Enter Passw0rd for both the Administrator Password and Confirm Administrator Password entries and click

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

4.7.2 Configure ISAM Runtime (Policy Server and LDAP)

In this section, we will now configure the ISAM Runtime component of the appliance. For this lab, we will
configure the ISAM appliance to run with a local ISAM Policy Server and a local LDAP server.

Click the Configure button to initiate the runtime configuration dialog.

Page 47 of 250
Select the radio buttons for a “Local” Policy Server and an “LDAP Local” User Registry.
Click Next to move to the next configuration tab.

Enter “Passw0rd” as the “Administrator Password” and “Confirm Administrator Password”. Ensure the other
fields left as default. Press Next to progress to the next tab.

Page 48 of 250
On the LDAP tab, enter “Passw0rd” as the Password. Press Finish to perform the runtime configuration.

This is the password we just changed from passw0rd in the previous step

After a short time, during which the Policy Server is configured and entries are created in the LDAP, you
should see a message indicating that the ISAM runtime component is configured using a local policy server
and a local user registry:

Page 49 of 250
4.8 Set Password for easuser
An Access Manager appliance has a default LMI user registered that can be used for authentication to the
Advanced Access Control runtime. The userID of this user is easuser. We will now set the password for this

In the top menu panel, select Secure Access Console → Global Settings: User Registry, as indicated

Select the easuser entry and then click Set Password button.

Enter Passw0rd as the new password and click OK to continue.

Deploy change using the link in the yellow warning message.

Page 50 of 250
The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring ISAM Runtime Component on the Appliance
[...] BaseConfig I Updating the embedded LDAP administrator password
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully updated the embedded LDAP administrator password
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring ISAM Runtime component
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully configured ISAM Runtime component
[...] BaseConfig I Updating the easuser user password
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully updated the easuser user password
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] BaseConfig I Configuration of ISAM Runtime Component complete

Page 51 of 250
5 Create and configure Reverse Proxy instances
In this lab, we will create two Reverse Proxy instances on our ISAM Appliance. One will be used as the
contact point for Browser traffic and the other will be used as the contact point for mobile devices.

5.1 Reverse Proxy for Browser Traffic

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --reverse-proxy-browser

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice.

5.1.1 Create Reverse Proxy Instance

In the top menu panel, select Secure Web Settings → Manage: Reverse Proxy, as indicated above.

Click the New button to open the Reverse Proxy creation dialog.

Page 52 of 250
Enter default as the Instance Name and select the IP address associated with the non-management interface
we configured earlier ( from the IP Address for the Primary Interface pull-down list.

Ensure the Host name and Listening Port default correctly to the values shown above.

Click Next to progress to the next configuration panel.

Enter Passw0rd as the (ISAM) Administrator Password. Ensure the other fields default correctly as shown

Page 53 of 250
Click Next to progress to the next configuration panel.

Select the checkbox for HTTPS and ensure the “HTTPS Port” is set to 443. Click Finish to create the
Reverse Proxy instance.

The Reverse Proxy instance is now configured and started.

5.1.2 Modify Reverse Proxy Instance Configuration File

In this section we will modify the configuration for the "default" (browser channel) Reverse Proxy instance.

Navigate to Secure Web Settings > Manage: Reverse Proxy

Select the radio button for the default Reverse Proxy instance. Click on Manage and select
ConfigurationEdit Configuration File from the pop-up menu.

This will open the configuration file where we need to make several changes.

To find a location in this file, use the browser's search function. On Firefox, this is activated using Ctrl-f.

Page 54 of 250
In the [server] stanza add the following entry highlighted in red:


# If web-host-name is set WebSEAL will use this for the server's hostname. If
# left unset WebSEAL will attempt to automatically determine the server's
# hostname. On systems with many hostnames, interfaces or WebSEAL instances
# the automatic determination may not always be correct requiring this manual
# setting.
# web-host-name =
web-host-name =

Also in the [server] stanza, modify the force-tag-value-prefix setting to no:

# Each attribute name set in a junction object's HTTP-Tag-Value is

# automatically prefixed by "tagvalue_" before locating it in the credential.
# This prohibits access to credential attributes that don't have names
# beginning with "tagvalue_" such as "AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL". When this option
# is set to "no", the automatic prefixing of "tagvalue_" will not occur so all
# credential attributes can be specified in HTTP-Tag-Value.
force-tag-value-prefix = no

Save changes.

Note that you are now warned about an undeployed change. The configuration changes are not active yet.

5.1.3 Deploy the Changes and Restart the Reverse Proxy Instance
We are now ready to deploy the configuration changes and restart the Reverse Proxy instance so the
changes come into effect.

The configuration file settings we just changed were performed on a copy of the real configuration files. Press
the link in the yellow warning bar to apply (or discard) the changes.

Press the Deploy button to deploy the changes to the master copy of the configuration files.

A warning message is displayed advising that the Reverse Proxy instance will need to be restarted for the
changes to come into effect. The Changes are Active shows as False.

Page 55 of 250
Select the radio button next to the Reverse Proxy instance and press the Restart button – as shown above, to
restart the server.

A blue message box should briefly appear once the instance has restarted. Changes are Active shows as
True to reflect that the deployed configuration changes are now active.

The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Reverse Proxy for Browser Traffic
[...] BaseConfig I Creating reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully created reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully configured reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Reverse Proxy for Browser Traffic complete

Page 56 of 250
5.2 Reverse Proxy for Mobile Traffic

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --reverse-proxy-mobile

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice.

5.2.1 Create Reverse Proxy Instance

In the top menu panel, select Secure Web Settings → Manage: Reverse Proxy, as indicated above.

Click the New button to open the Reverse Proxy creation dialog.

Page 57 of 250
Enter mobile as the Instance Name and select the IP address associated with the non-management interface
we configured earlier ( from the IP Address for the Primary Interface pull-down list.

Ensure the Host name and Listening Port default correctly to the values shown above. Notice that the
Listening Port has been set to 7235 because 7234 is already being used by the default instance.

Click Next to progress to the next configuration panel.

Enter Passw0rd as the (ISAM) Administrator Password. Ensure the other fields default correctly as shown

Page 58 of 250
Click Next to progress to the next configuration panel.

Select the checkbox for HTTPS and ensure the “HTTPS Port” is set to 444. Click Finish to create the
Reverse Proxy instance.

The Reverse Proxy instance is now configured and started.

5.2.2 Modify Reverse Proxy Instance Configuration File

In this section we will modify the configuration for the "mobile" Reverse Proxy instance.

Select the checkbox for the mobile Reverse Proxy instance. Click on Manage and select
ConfigurationEdit Configuration File from the pop-up menu.

This will open the configuration file where we need to make a number of changes.

To find a location in this file, use the browser's search function. On Firefox this is activated using Ctrl-f.

Page 59 of 250
In the [server] stanza set the following entry highlighted in red:


# If web-host-name is set WebSEAL will use this for the server's hostname. If
# left unset WebSEAL will attempt to automatically determine the server's
# hostname. On systems with many hostnames, interfaces or WebSEAL instances
# the automatic determination may not always be correct requiring this manual
# setting.
# web-host-name =
web-host-name =

Also in the [server] stanza, modify the force-tag-value-prefix setting to no:

# Each attribute name set in a junction object's HTTP-Tag-Value is

# automatically prefixed by "tagvalue_" before locating it in the credential.
# This prohibits access to credential attributes that don't have names
# beginning with "tagvalue_" such as "AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL". When this option
# is set to "no", the automatic prefixing of "tagvalue_" will not occur so all
# credential attributes can be specified in HTTP-Tag-Value.
force-tag-value-prefix = no

Save changes.

Note that you are now warned about an undeployed change. The configuration changes are not active yet.

5.2.3 Deploy the Changes and Restart the Reverse Proxy Instance
Press the link in the yellow warning bar to apply (or discard) the changes.

Press the Deploy button to deploy the changes to the master copy of the configuration files.

A warning message is displayed advising that the Reverse Proxy instance will need to be restarted for the
changes to come into effect. The Changes are Active shows as False.

Select the radio button next to the mobile Reverse Proxy instance and press the Restart button – as shown
above, to restart the server.

A blue message box should briefly appear once the instance has restarted. Changes are Active shows as
True to reflect that the deployed configuration changes are now active.

Page 60 of 250
The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Reverse Proxy for Mobile Traffic
[...] BaseConfig I Creating reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully created reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully configured reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Reverse Proxy for Mobile Traffic complete

5.3 Configure Key store for Reverse Proxies

When a Reverse Proxy instance is created, it uses a default certificate with common name set to the
appliance management hostname. In this section we will import a new keypair and certificate (with a common
name set to and then configure both Reverse Proxies to use it.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --server-certificates

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

Page 61 of 250
5.3.1 Import Keypair and Certificate for Reverse Proxy
A pkcs#12 keystore containing a sample keypair and certificate for is available in the
…/providedfiles/keysandcerts directory. We will now import this into the pdsrv keystore which will be used by
our Reverse Proxies.

From Manage System Settings, select SSL Certificates.

Select the pdsrv keystore, then Manage and Edit SSL Certificate Database.

Select the Personal Certificates tab. Then click Manage and select Import from the drop-down menu.

Page 62 of 250
Click Browse under Certificate File and select the file …/providedfiles/keysandcerts/

Enter passw0rd as the Password and click Import.

Verify that the new certificate is loaded.

5.3.2 Load Runtime SSL Certificate

Later we will configure our reverse proxy instances with an SSL junction to the local runtime server. Now is a
good time to load that SSL certificate into the pdsrv keystore so that trust for the SSL junction can be

Page 63 of 250
Navigate to the Signer Certificates tab, then Manage and Load.

Set the Server to localhost, Port to 443, and Certificate Label to runtime, then press Load.

Confirm the runtime certificate has been loaded (page 3), then click Close to close the SSL Certificate
Database screen.

Click the Click here to review the changes or apply them to the system link shown above and click
Deploy to confirm the changes.

Page 64 of 250
5.3.3 Edit default Reverse Proxy Settings
We must now configure the Reverse Proxy instances to use the new certificate.

In the top menu panel, select Secure Web Settings → Manage: Reverse Proxy, as indicated above.

Select the radio button for the default Reverse Proxy instance. Click Edit.

Select the SSL tab and then select from the SSL Server Certificate drop-down list.

Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Page 65 of 250
Select the radio button for the mobile Reverse Proxy instance. Click Edit.

Select the SSL tab and then select from the SSL Server Certificate drop-down list.

Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Restart both Reverse Proxy instances.

Page 66 of 250
The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring Key store for Reverse Proxies
[...] BaseConfig I Importing the SSL certificate
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully imported the SSL certificate
[...] BaseConfig I Loading the Runtime SSL certificate
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully loaded the Runtime SSL certificate
[...] BaseConfig I Updating reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully updated reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Updating reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully updated reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Configuration of Key store for Reverse Proxies complete

Page 67 of 250
6 Configuration and policy for Reverse Proxy instances
Each reverse proxy needs specific configuration to work with mobile multi-factor configuration. For example
the browser-channel reverse proxy requires forms-authentication and EAI authentication to be enabled,
whereas the mobile-channel reverse proxy requires only OAuth authentication.

There is a REST API provided to assist with reverse proxy configuration for MMFA, however it is rather
general in nature, and will make a set of changes that permit, for example, both the mobile and browser
channel authentication mechanisms all on the one reverse proxy. The documentation for this REST API
shows all the changes that will be made:

In this cookbook, we will be a little more specific, and break down the set of required reverse proxy
configuration into just those items required for each instance (since we have separated out the browser and
mobile channels into different reverse proxy instances). We will split the configuration into:

• Settings required for the browser channel

• Settings required for the mobile channel
• ISAM policy (ACLs) used in the environment, and their attachment points (covers both browser and

We recommend the REST API documented above be used for informational purposes – to teach you what
settings are required for MMFA integration, and that when it comes to building production systems you instead
directly automate the set of necessary configuration elements (Reverse Proxy config file updates and ACL

It is recommended that you use the provided automation scripting to configure this section as the manual
steps are rather laborious,

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --mmfa

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

6.1 Browser Channel Reverse Proxy Configuration Updates

In this section, we will make the changes required to the default Reverse Proxy instance. This instance will be
used for browser connections.

Page 68 of 250
In the top menu panel, select Secure Web Settings → Manage: Reverse Proxy, as indicated above.

Select the radio button for the default Reverse Proxy instance.

Click on Manage and select ConfigurationEdit Configuration File from the pop-up menu. This will open
the configuration file.

To find a location in this file, use the browser's search function. On Firefox, this is activated using Ctrl-f.

Remove PUT and DELETE from http-method-disabled-remote to allow these methods for non-local junctions:


http-method-disabled-local = TRACE,PUT,DELETE,CONNECT
http-method-disabled-remote = TRACE,CONNECT

Enable creation of user session IDs for each session:


user-session-ids = yes

Add the following stanza to the end of the configuration file to manage cookies created by AAC Runtime so
they are not returned to the browser:

reset-cookies-list = *ac.uuid,*JSESSIONID*
managed-cookies-list = *ac.uuid,*JSESSIONID*

Enable EAI authentication. Specify that when EAI is used for a re-authentication, the original session should
be maintained. Specify that EAI should be able to override where the user is directed after authentication

eai-auth = https

retain-eai-session = yes
eai-redir-url-priority = yes

Add the following trigger URLS for EAI:

trigger = /mga/sps/oauth/oauth20/session*
trigger = /mga/sps/auth*
trigger = /mga/sps/authservice/authentication*
trigger = /mga/sps/authsvc*
trigger = /mga/sps/apiauthsvc*

Page 69 of 250
Add the following entries to the azn-decision-info stanza. This tells the Reverse Proxy what information from
incoming requests to make available to the authorization engine:

Accept = header:Accept
Accept-Charset = header:Accept-Charset
Accept-Encoding = header:Accept-Encoding
Accept-Language = header:Accept-Language
Authorization = header:Authorization
Cache-Control = header:Cache-Control
Connection = header:Connection
Content-Type = header:Content-Type
Host = header:Host
HTTP_HOST_HDR = header:host
HTTP_AZN_HDR = header:authorization
HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE_HDR = header:content-type
HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING_HDR = header:transfer-encoding
Missing = header:Missing
Pragma = header:Pragma
Transfer-Encoding = header:Transfer-Encoding
User-Agent = header:User-Agent
X-Requested-With = header:X-Requested-With
method = method
rspcode = header:rspcode
scheme = scheme
uri = uri

Add the following to the obligations-urls-mapping stanza. This maps incoming obligations to the browser
endpoint of the Advanced Access Control authentication service.

This is actually different from how the the MMFA config tool sets things up, but for our browser-channel
Reverse Proxy we do actually want the HTML-based authsvc URL rather than the apiauthsvc

urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:* = /mga/sps/authsvc

Configure Web Socket support. This is needed so that clients can connect to the Web Socket service that
MMFA uses for notification of transaction completion.

max-worker-threads = 20
jct-read-inactive-timeout = 300
clt-read-inactive-timeout = 300
jct-write-blocked-timeout = 300
clt-write-blocked-timeout = 300

Click Save to save the updated configuration.

6.2 Mobile Channel Reverse Proxy Configuration Updates

In this section, we will make configuration changes to the "mobile" Reverse Proxy instance. This instance will
be used for connections from mobile devices (which will be using REST).

Page 70 of 250
Select the checkbox for the mobile Reverse Proxy instance. Click on Manage and select
ConfigurationEdit Configuration File from the pop-up menu.

This will open the configuration file where we need to make a number of changes.

To find a location in this file, use the browser's search function. On Firefox this is activated using Ctrl-f.

Remove PUT and DELETE from http-method-disabled-remote to allow these methods for non-local junctions:


http-method-disabled-local = TRACE,PUT,DELETE,CONNECT
http-method-disabled-remote = TRACE,CONNECT

Enable creation of user session IDs for each session:


user-session-ids = yes

Add the following stanza to the end of the configuration file to manage cookies created by AAC Runtime so
they are not returned to the browser:

reset-cookies-list = *ac.uuid,*JSESSIONID*
managed-cookies-list = *ac.uuid,*JSESSIONID*

Disable form-based login. Mobile devices will only authenticate with OAuth.

forms-auth = none

Configure the Reverse Proxy to internally follow redirects related to calling the Authentication Service (in
response to Obligations). This is needed because typically REST clients don't handle redirects well.

# These will allow WebSEAL to internally follow redirects for authentication
follow-redirects-for = GET /mga/sps/apiauthsvc*
follow-redirects-for = PUT /mga/sps/apiauthsvc*

Enable OAuth authentication:

oauth-auth = https
default-fed-id = https://localhost/sps/oauth/oauth20

In ISAM there is a new parameter: external-user-identity-attribute.

Page 71 of 250
If you are using the "Access Manager without a user registry" pattern, you may wish to allow oauth-auth
with a non-ISAM username. In the cookbook we don’t need this.

Provide the basic-auth-user for authentication to the OAuth token validation endpoint. Add the other lines
specified to set up the connection:

basic-auth-user = easuser
server = 9,https://localhost/TrustServerWS/SecurityTokenServiceWST13
basic-auth-passwd = Passw0rd
ssl-keyfile = pdsrv.kdb
ssl-keyfile-stash = pdsrv.sth

Allow headers to be used for end-user sessions (rather than only for multiplexing proxy sessions):

require-mpa = no

Enable sessions using the Authorization header as the session index (rather that a session cookie):

Authorization = https

Click Save to save the updated configuration.

Deploy the changes and restart both the default and mobile Reverse Proxy instance.

6.3 Create Junctions and set up ACLs

To create the junctions required for MMFA, and to create the required Reverse Proxy access policies, we will
use the Virtual Appliance command line.

Connect to the Access Manager virtual appliance using SSH. If you are using Windows as your host system
you will likely need an SSH client such as PuTTY.

Login with admin and Passw0rd. Issue the following commands to run the admin command line and login:> isam admin

pdadmin> login -a sec_master -p Passw0rd

pdadmin sec_master>

Paste the following commands into the pdadmin session to create the /mga runtime junction for each of the
browser and mobile reverse proxy instances. Note that these tasks will only complete successfully if the
runtime SSL certificate has been loaded into pdsrv as completed in section 5.3.2.

# runtime junction for browser channel

server task create -t ssl -h localhost -p 443 -b ignore -c all -j
-J inhead -k -r /mga

# runtime junction for mobile channel

server task create -t ssl -h localhost -p 443 -b ignore -c all -j -
J inhead -k -r /mga

Page 72 of 250
Paste the following commands into the pdadmin session to create and attach ISAM ACL policy objects to the
object spaces of the reverse proxy instances. Copy and paste each ACL and its attachment points in turn.

# isam_mobile_anyauth
acl create isam_mobile_anyauth
acl modify isam_mobile_anyauth set group iv-admin TcmdbsvaBRrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_anyauth set group webseal-servers Tgmdbsrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_anyauth set user sec_master TcmdbsvaBRrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_anyauth set any-other Tr
acl modify isam_mobile_anyauth set unauthenticated T

# browser channel
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_anyauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_anyauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_anyauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_anyauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_anyauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_anyauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_anyauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_anyauth

# this for the demo app – not done by the REST API
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_anyauth

# mobile channel
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_anyauth

# isam_mobile_unauth
acl create isam_mobile_unauth
acl modify isam_mobile_unauth set group iv-admin TcmdbsvaBRrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_unauth set group webseal-servers Tgmdbsrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_unauth set user sec_master TcmdbsvaBRrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_unauth set any-other Tr
acl modify isam_mobile_unauth set unauthenticated Tr

# browser channel
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_unauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_unauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_unauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_unauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_unauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_unauth
# these for the demo app – not done by the REST API
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_unauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/

# mobile channel
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_unauth
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_unauth

acl create isam_mobile_nobody
acl modify isam_mobile_nobody set group iv-admin TcmdbsvaBRrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_nobody set group webseal-servers Tgmdbsrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_nobody set user sec_master TcmdbsvaBRrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_nobody set any-other T
acl modify isam_mobile_nobody set unauthenticated T

# browser channel
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_nobody

# mobile channel
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_nobody

acl create isam_mobile_rest
acl modify isam_mobile_rest set group iv-admin TcmdbsvaBRrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_rest set group webseal-servers Tgmdbsrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_rest set user sec_master TcmdbsvaBRrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_rest set any-other Tmdr
acl modify isam_mobile_rest set unauthenticated T

Page 73 of 250
# browser channel
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest

# mobile channel
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest

acl create isam_mobile_rest_unauth
acl modify isam_mobile_rest_unauth set group iv-admin TcmdbsvaBRrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_rest_unauth set group webseal-servers Tgmdbsrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_rest_unauth set user sec_master TcmdbsvaBRrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_rest_unauth set any-other Tmdrxl
acl modify isam_mobile_rest_unauth set unauthenticated Tmdrxl

# browser channel
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest_unauth

# mobile channel
acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest_unauth

# Note – no need for oauth-pop because we are not using the oauth-eas

The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Configuration and policy for Reverse Proxy instances
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully configured reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully configured reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Creating junction /mga on reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully created junction /mga on reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Creating junction /mga on reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully created junction /mga on reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring Access Control Lists
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully configured Access Control Lists
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Configuration and policy for Reverse Proxy instances complete

Page 74 of 250
7 Configure SCIM
The Mobile Multi-Factor Authentication (MMFA) capability of Access Manager uses the new SCIM interface in
the 9.0.2 release to provide access to read and update information about the authentication applications a
user has registered against their account, and to read and update information related to pending MMFA

We will now configure the SCIM interface for our SAM Appliance.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --scim

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

7.1 Create an LDAP Server Connection

The SCIM configuration uses LDAP Server Connections to connect to the LDAP servers where user
information is stored. This includes both ISAM-specific information and standard LDAP user objects. In this
environment we are using the embedded LDAP server to store both ISAM-specific data and user objects so
only a single LDAP Server Connection is required (which we will use twice when we configure SCIM).

Navigate to Secure Access ControlGlobal Settings: Server Connections.

Page 75 of 250
Click the New button and then select LDAP from the drop-down list.

On the Connection tab, Enter localldap as the Name and give a Description.

Select the Servers tab and click New button to add a new server.

Page 76 of 250
Enter as the Host Name and 636 as the Port.

Enter cn=root,secAuthority=Default as the Bind DN and Passw0rd as the Bind password.

Select embedded_ldap_keys from the SSL Truststore drop-down list.

Click Save.

Click Save to save the Server Connection.

Deploy changes using link in yellow warning message.

7.2 Configure SCIM

Now that the LDAP Server Connection is defined we can configure the SCIM interface. SCIM is part of the
Advanced Access Control add-on.

Navigate to Secure Access ControlManage: SCIM Configuration.

Page 77 of 250
Select the User Profile tab.

Select localldap from the Server Connection drop-down list. This points the SCIM function at the LDAP
server that contains user profile (i.e. inetOrgPerson) objects.

Enter dc=iswga as the Search Suffix and User Suffix. These tell the SCIM function where to look for user
objects and where new users should be created.

Click Save at the bottom of the page (settings in each tab must be saved before moving on).

Select the ISAM User tab and click check box to Enable ISAM Integration. This tells the SCIM functionality
that it should look for ISAM-specific information (e.g. account-valid, password-valid) for the users that it finds
in LDAP.

Select localldap as the ISAM User Registry.

Select the checkbox for Update Native Users. This tells the SCIM system to update ISAM-specific
information when LDAP standard information is updated.

Page 78 of 250
Click Save.

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

7.3 Configure Reverse Proxy for access to SCIM interface

To allow applications (such as authentication devices) running outside the SAM appliance to access the SCIM
interface, we will make it available via the Reverse Proxies. We want the SCIM interface to be available via
both Reverse Proxies because it will be accessed by both browser and mobile systems. This means creating
a Transparent Path Junction and making some configuration changes on each Reverse Proxy.

7.3.1 Create /scim junction

Navigate to Secure Web Settings > Manage: Reverse Proxy

Selec the radio-button for the mobile Reverse Proxy instance. Click Manage and then select Junction
Management from the drop-down menu.

Click New and select Standard Junction from the drop-down list.

Page 79 of 250
Enter /scim as the Junction Point Name and select check-box for Create Transparent Path Junction.

Select SSL radio-button for Junction Type.

Select the Servers tab and click New.

Enter localhost as the Hostname and click Save.

Page 80 of 250
Select the Basic Authentication tab and check the checkbox for Enable Basic Authentication.

Enter easuser as the Username and enter Passw0rd as the Password.

Select the Identity tab.

Check the checkboxes for IV-USER, IV-GROUPS, and IV-CREDS. Then click Save to create the junction.

Page 81 of 250
Click Close to close the Junction Management window.

7.3.2 Configure URL filtering for SCIM responses

URLs generated by the SCIM interface will reference the hostname where the AAC Runtime is listening (e.g.
localhost). We need to configure the Reverse Proxy so that it will recognize these URLs and replace the
hostname with its own. This requires some changes in the Reverse Proxy configuration file.

Navigate to Secure Web Settings > Manage: Reverse Proxy

Select the radio button for the mobile Reverse Proxy instance. Click on Manage and select
ConfigurationEdit Configuration File from the pop-up menu.

In the [filter-content-types] stanza add the following entry highlighted in red:


type = application/scim+json

In the [script-filtering] stanza, enable script filtering and replacing absolute URLs with absolute URLs:


script-filter = yes

#rewrite-absolute-with-absolute = no
rewrite-absolute-with-absolute = yes

Click Save.

Deploy changes and Restart the Reverse Proxy instance.

Repeat section 7.3 to create the /scim junction and update filter configuration for the “default”
Reverse Proxy instance.

Page 82 of 250
7.4 Enable Modify and Delete via Reverse Proxy
When using MMFA, Authenticator Clients use the SCIM interface (via the mobile Reverse Proxy instance) to
add and delete authentication mechanisms. This requires an update to the ACL associated with the SCIM
endpoint to allow PUT and DELETE methods. We will make this change using the Command Line Interface.

Access the appliance LMI (either directly on the console or via SSH) and login (remembering that the user id
is admin and the password is Passw0rd).

For SSH:

$ ssh's password: Passw0rd

Welcome to the IBM Security Access Manager
Welcome to the IBM Security Access Manager appliance
Enter "help" for a list of available commands>

Access the SAM administration tool and log in:> isam admin

pdadmin> login -a sec_master

Enter Password: Passw0rd
pdadmin sec_master>

Enter the following command to attach an ACL allowing all REST methods to the SCIM endpoint associated
with the mobile Reverse Proxy instance:

pdadmin sec_master> acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest

pdadmin sec_master>

Although not strictly required for MMFA, we will also enable all REST methods to the SCIM endpoint
associate with the default Reverse Proxy instance. This allows SCIM modify functionality to be demonstrated
via the built-in test application. Without this, only GET requests are possible.

pdadmin sec_master> acl attach /WebSEAL/ isam_mobile_rest

pdadmin sec_master>

7.5 Create SCIM Admin Group in SAM

In the SCIM configuration an administration group is specified. Members of this group have admin
permissions to the SCIM interface. When SAM integration is enabled, and the SCIM interface is accessed via
a Reverse Proxy, the groups of the authenticated SAM user are used to determine if the user is a SCIM

The SCIM administration group specified by default in the SCIM configuration is adminGroup. We will now
create an SAM group with that name so that SAM users can be made SCIM administrators.

Create an adminGroup group:

pdadmin sec_master> group create adminGroup cn=adminGroup,dc=iswga adminGroup

pdadmin sec_master>

7.6 Create SCIM Administrator and Test User in SAM

We will now create a SCIM administrator user (scimadmin) in SAM and add them to the adminGroup:

Page 83 of 250
pdadmin sec_master> user create scimadmin cn=scimadmin,dc=iswga scimadmin scimadmin
pdadmin sec_master> user modify scimadmin account-valid yes
pdadmin sec_master> group modify adminGroup add scimadmin
pdadmin sec_master>

Now we'll create a Test User (testuser):

pdadmin sec_master> u c testuser cn=testuser,dc=iswga Test User Passw0rd

pdadmin sec_master> u m testuser a yes
pdadmin sec_master>

We'll leave this command session open to be used again.

7.7 Enable SCIM Demonstration Application

The SAM appliance includes a built-in demonstration application which is useful for validating SCIM
functionality. However, it must be enabled before it is available.

Navigate to Manage System SettingsSystem Settings: Advanced Tuning Parameters

Click New.

Page 84 of 250
Enter scim_demo_enabled as the Key and true as the Value. Click Save Configuration.

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Page 85 of 250
The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring SCIM
[...] BaseConfig I Creating an LDAP server connection
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully created an LDAP server connection
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] BaseConfig I Updating the SCIM configuration
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully updated the SCIM configuration
[...] BaseConfig I Updating the SCIM configuration ISAM user
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully updated the SCIM configuration ISAM user
[...] BaseConfig I Creating junction /scim on reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully created junction /scim on reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully configured reverse proxy instance default
[...] BaseConfig I Creating junction /scim on reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully created junction /scim on reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully configured reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Attaching an ACL to the SCIM endpoints
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully attached an ACL to the SCIM endpoints
[...] BaseConfig I Creating the SCIM administrator and test user accounts
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully created the SCIM administrator and test user accounts
[...] BaseConfig I Enabling the SCIM demonstration application
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully enabled the SCIM demonstration application
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance mobile
[...] BaseConfig I Configuration of SCIM complete

7.8 Test SCIM Access

We're now ready to test our SCIM configuration. We are going to connect to the default Reverse Proxy
instance and request the /scim/demo.html resource. We'll authenticate as testuser.

Open a browser and go to URL:

The /scim junction is designated as a protected resource that requires authentication so the default Reverse
Proxy login page is displayed:

Page 86 of 250
Enter testuser and Passw0rd and click Login.

The SCIM demonstration application should be displayed:

This application is using the SCIM service to retrieve the available attributes for the current user. If you see
this page with the User Name attribute populated then this shows that your SCIM configuration is good.

Page 87 of 250
Click on the ISAM tab. If the Identity attribute is populated this shows that the SCIM service is reading ISAM
attributes successfully.

SCIM configuration complete.

Page 88 of 250
8 Configure API Protection (OAuth)
The Mobile Multi-Factor Authentication (MMFA) capability of Access Manager uses the API Protection
function to manage the registration of authentication applications and to allow authentication applications to
authenticate to MMFA and SCIM endpoints as the user which registered them. This functionality implements
the OAuth 2.0 standard.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: base --api-protection

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

8.1 Create Definition

We will now configure an API Protection definition to be used with MMFA.

Navigate to Advanced Access ControlPolicy: API Protection.

Click Create to create a new API Protection Definition.

Page 89 of 250
Enter Authenticator as the Name and provide a Description.

Expand the Token Management section and check the check-box for Enforce single-use authorization

Click Save at the top of the screen.

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Page 90 of 250
8.2 Create Client
Now that an API Protection Definition has been created (which defines a set of OAuth services) we can create
an API Protection Client Definition and associate it with that definition.

Select the Clients tab under API Protection and then click the Create button.

By default the Client ID is a randomly generated string but that complexity is not required here.
Enter AuthenticatorClient as the Client ID.

Enter Authenticator Client as the Client name.

Clear the Confidential checkbox. An MMFA client is generally running on in an untrusted environment (i.e. a
mobile device) and so a client secret has little value (and in any case we only want to allow a specific

Enter the following as the Redirect URI:

This makes sure that after the OAuth Authorization Grant is generated control is returned to the MMFA
registration function.

Enter IBM as the Company name and click OK.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Page 91 of 250
The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring API Protection
[...] BaseConfig I Creating API Protection definition
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully created API Protection definition
[...] BaseConfig I Creating API Protection client
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully created API Protection client
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] BaseConfig I Configuration of API Protection complete

Page 92 of 250
9 Configure endpoints and options for Authenticator Client
We now need to configure MMFA endpoint and client configuration information that will be shared with the
client via QR code.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Before you run this script you may need to define the key-pair attribute ‘discovery-url’ in the file
…/providedfiles/automation/settings.yml. See section 1.2.7

Run this script: base --mmfa-discovery

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

This can be configured in the LMI.

Navigate to Secure Access ControlManage: MMFA Configuration.

Click on Wizard to begin configuration.

Page 93 of 250
Set the Client ID to AuthenticatorClient, and the Reverse Proxy URL to https://<HOST_IP>:444.

The <HOST_IP> is the IP address that your mobile phone will use to connect to the mobile Reverse Proxy
instance on your ISAM appliance. Recall in section 1.2.5 that we port-forwarded the host machines IP:444 to
the GUEST images :444 (i.e. the mobile instance Reverse Proxy). In this example, the IP of the host is

Then press Next.

The generated defaults for the AAC endpoints should be fine. Just press Next.

Page 94 of 250
The SCIM Endpoints defaults should also be ok. Press Next.

The transaction endpoint is interesting and worthy of explanation:

Notice that this is a filter of the /scim/Me endpoint, requesting that only the transactionsPending and
attributePending schemas be returned. This is to limit the response size of the SCIM endpoint to just what
is required for the client.

The default Endpoint Prefix does not need to be changed. Click Save.

On Saving, all configuration endpoints should be displayed in the table:

Page 95 of 250
Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Navigate to the Discovery Mechanisms tab and click Add.

Select urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mechanism:mobile_user_approval:fingerprint from the drop-

down list and click Save.

Repeat this step to add the following additional mechanisms:

• urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mechanism:mobile_user_approval:user_presence
• urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mechanism:totp

The list should now look like this:

Page 96 of 250
This will indicate to the IBM Verify application that it should enrol totp, user-presence and fingerprint
authentication methods.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Navigate to the Custom QR Code Options menu, and click Add.

Enter ignoreSslCerts as the Key and true as the Value.

This option will be added to registration QR codes and instructs IBM Verify that it is OK to connect to SSL
endpoints which do not host a valid SSL certificate. You would not set this in a production environment but we
need it for our test system.

Click Save.

Page 97 of 250
Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

The script should display the following:
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring endpoints and options for Authenticator Client
[...] BaseConfig I Configuring the MMFA discovery details
[...] BaseConfig I Successfully configured the MMFA discovery details
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] BaseConfig I Configuration of endpoints and options for Authenticator Client complete

MMFA Initial Configuration complete

Page 98 of 250
10 Test MMFA Authenticator Registration
At this point, the ISAM system is configured sufficiently that it should be possible for a user to register an
authenticator (and its authentication methods). In this case the authenticator is an instance of the IBM Verify
application running on a mobile device and the authentication methods are "user presence" and "fingerprint".

During registration, the MMFA Authenticator also receives the TOTP and HOTP secrets for the user. The IBM
Verify App uses the TOTP secret to offer TOTP functionality for registered user accounts.

The IBM Verify App also recognises QR codes, with encoded text starting totp:// or hotp://, for registration
of TOTP and HOTP keys. This allows the IBM Verify App to be used as an alternative to the Google
Authenticator App.

10.1 Initiate registration in browser

To start the registration of a new authenticator, open a new browser window and access the following URL:

This URL is designated as a protected resource that requires authentication so the default Reverse Proxy
login page is displayed:

Enter testuser and Passw0rd and click Login.

The device selection page is displayed. This is a default page which can be customized.

Page 99 of 250
Click Register new authenticator. This triggers a request to the following URL:

This request is a standard OAuth authorization request identifying the client as AuthenticatorClient (the ID we
set for our API Protection client in section 8.2), requesting a code in response (this is authorization code which
can be used to obtain an Access Token), and setting scope to mmfaAuthn. The mmfaAuthn scope is required
to authorize the client to access MMFA API endpoints.

Since the API Protection Definition associated with the AuthenticatorClient client (created in section 8.1) does
not require the user to be prompted for approval, no specific user action is required (other than them being
authenticated which is already the case). An Authorization Grant is stored for the client and a redirect is
generated for the Redirect URI specified in the client definition. To save you going back to look this up it was:

This URL prompts SAM to generate and display a QR code which contains registration information for the
authentication client (IBM Verify app in this case) to read.

If you don't see the QR code, check that the Redirect URI for the API protection client is correct.

Page 100 of 250

The content of the QR Code is the following JSON object:


The details_url is the URL that the authenticator client must connect to in order to retrieve further details
required for registration, such as the token endpoint. The IP address, port and junction name in this URL
were built using the information provided when configuring endpoints and options for the Authenticator
client in section 9.

The code is an OAuth Authorization Code which the authenticator client will send to the specified
token_endpoint in order to obtain an OAuth Access Token. This Access Token is then used to
authenticate the client (on behalf of the user) in all other requests.

Page 101 of 250

10.2 Scan QR code with IBM Verify application

Open the IBM Verify Application on your mobile device. Initially, because no accounts are registered, it shows
a welcome page. Touch Connect an Account to start registration. To register a full MMFA account (as
opposed to a simple OTP account) requires scanning of a QR Code. Touch Scan QR Code.

To scan a QR Code, the application requires access to the phone camera. Touch OK to allow this.
Scan the QR Code displayed in the browser with the application – it will automatically detect and read it.

Page 102 of 250

10.2.1 IBM Verify App gets data from details_url
At this point the IBM Verify application will connect to the details_url specified in the QR Code to obtain
additional information. The response is a JSON object which contains the following information:

Attribute Value

metadata {}





[ "urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mechanism:totp",
discovery_mechanisms al:fingerprint",
al:user_presence" ]

The authntrxn_endpoint is the URL that the client should request to obtain any pending MMFA transactions. It
is a SCIM request for the current user asking for transactionsPending and attributesPending attributes.

The enrollment_endpoint is the URL that the client should use to register authentication methods. It is simply
the SCIM endpoint for the current user.

The hotp_ and totp_shared_secret_endpoints are endpoints where the HOTP and TOTP keys for the current
user can be obtained. These can be used to offer OTP functionality in the application (they are not part of
MMFA functionality).

The metadata attribute is used to pass additional application-specific information to the client. By default it is
empty. For the IBM Verify app it can include a service_name attribute to override use of the hostname for the
service name.

The discovery_mechanisms attribute is an array of AAC authentication policies. It serves as a hint to the client
(IBM Verify) to tell it which authentication mechanisms the server wants it to have the end-user register on
their mobile application.

10.2.2 IBM Verify obtains an OAuth Access Token (and other attributes)
Now the IBM Verify App POSTs to the OAuth Token endpoint. It sends the following information:

Page 103 of 250

Attribute Value

Standard client_id AuthenticatorClient

grant_type authorization_code

code wxHGziVSTa935v6FTheSgU2uzQ7nqN

MMFA device_name Jon's iPhone

device_type iPhone

fingerprint_support true

push_token <HEX string> (See note below)

os_version 10.0.2

tenant_id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


Sending the push_token requires that the user has granted permission for notifications to the application.
If this has not yet been done then the push_token attribute will not be populated. In this case the
push_token will be sent as part of a refresh token flow when notification permission is granted.

Access Manager validates the received authorization code and generates an Access Token which is
associated with the user that was authenticated when authorization was performed in the browser. The
information received in the Token request is associated with the generated Access Token. It is also available
for processing in the OAuth Token Pre- and Post- generation mapping rules which can influence the
information returned with the Access Token (more on this later).

The response from the Token Endpoint is a standard OAuth response, with the authenticator_id as an
extended attribute that is used for MMFA:


We'll see later that application-specific attributes related to the registered user can be returned at this point.
For example, for the IBM Verify App we can return a display_id attribute which sets the user name displayed
with the service (which otherwise defaults to the hostname).

10.2.3 IBM Verify App reads TOTP shared secret

As well as managing MMFA transactions, the IBM Verify App also supports Time-based One Time Password
(TOTP) authentication. During account registration it requests the TOTP shared secret for the current user
(authenticating to the endpoint it got from the details_url and using the Access Token it just obtained).

The response is of the form:


Page 104 of 250

10.2.4 IBM Verify App registers user presence method
The IBM Verify App now registers the user presence method. The main thing registered is a public key which
will be used to validate challenge responses. The private key is held as data of the IBM Verify App on the
mobile device. The registration is performed by issuing a PATCH to the enrolment URL obtained from the
details URL.

The IBM Verify App authenticates to the enrolment endpoint using its Access Token. This identifies the
associated user which means that the PATCH to the /scim/Me endpoint updates the appropriate user.

This is the content of the PATCH message:

eyHandle":"key_handle_1","publicKey":"MIIB… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

Now User Presence method has been registered, a success page is displayed:

Touch Got it! to continue. You can now set up notifications – this allows IBM Verify to alert you when a new
MMFA transaction is pending. Touch Notify Me and then Allow to enable.

You are now offered the option to enable the fingerprint authentication method, provided your device supports
it. Touch Use Touch ID to continue (on mobile device). Present you fingerprint when prompted to unlock
secure storage.

10.2.5 IBM Verify App registers fingerprint method

The IBM Verify App now registers the fingerprint method. The main thing registered is a public key which will
be used to validate challenge responses. The private key is held in the secure storage of the mobile device –
only accessible when fingerprint is used. The registration is performed by issuing a PATCH to the enrolment
URL obtained from the details URL.

The IBM Verify App authenticates to the enrolment endpoint using its Access Token. This identifies the
associated user which means that the PATCH to the /scim/Me endpoint updates the appropriate user.

Page 105 of 250

This is the content of the PATCH message:

Handle":"F6A0FAF0-F862-4593-A072-F506D301FF12","publicKey":"MIIB... … … … … … … … …

10.3 Registration complete

Registration is now complete and a success message is displayed:

Click Done. You now see the home page of the IBM Verify App with the new account shown.

Note that both Service Name and User name are set to the registered host name (IP address in this case)
of the service. It is possible to override both of these items to make them more friendly. We will see how
to do that later.

Touch the account and it is opened. You can see the current TOTP code here (which you can use with
Access Manager's TOTP authentication mechanism – if we had a policy that utilized it, which we don’t in this

10.4 View Authorization Grants, Registered Authenticators, and Methods

To view the registered authorization grant, the registered authenticator, and its authentication methods, return
to the following URL in the browser:

If you need to authenticate, use testuser and Passw0rd.

You should see a registered Authorization Grant and a registered Authenticator:

Page 106 of 250

Click the link under Id to view details of the authenticator.

Here you can see the two registered authentication methods.

Use Browser Back function to return to the previous page.

Click the link under OAuth Grant to view recorded details of the OAuth Client:

Page 107 of 250

Here you can see the information we saw sent with the Access Token request.

This completes IBM Verify Authentication Client registration

Page 108 of 250

11 Configure MMFA for password-free authentication
In this section, we will set up a very simple MMFA process which allows users that have a registered MMFA
authenticator to use this for authentication rather than username/password. This process will be manually
initiated by calling the ISAM AAC Authentication Service directly.

An MMFA process requires two authentication policies:

• An "initiate" Authentication Policy which initiates MMFA function. This is accessed by the browser.
• A "response" Authentication Policy is called by the Authenticator Client (i.e. IBM Verify mobile
application) to complete MMFA function.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: extended --password-free

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

11.1 Create MMFA Initiate Authentication Policy

The "initiate" policy needs to identify the target user and device for the MMFA challenge, populate the
information to be displayed by the Authenticator Client during verification, and identify the "response" policy
that will process the MMFA response from the Authenticator Client.

When using MMFA for transaction verification, the user will normally already be authenticated and so the
target user comes from the authenticated credential. In this case though we are using MMFA to perform initial
authentication and so we need to identify the user another way.

We will read the username from a username parameter sent in the request to the Authentication Service.

Navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication.

Page 109 of 250

On the policies tab click New button to create a new authentication policy.

Enter MMFA Initiate Login Policy as the Name. This is the human-readable name for the policy.

Enter mmfa_initiate_simple_login in the Identifier box. This will be appended to the text already shown
which makes the full identifier: urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mmfa_initiate_simple_login.

Enter a Description.

Ensure the Enabled checkbox is checked.

An authentication policy consists of one or more steps. Click Add Step button to add the first (and in this
example only) step.

Select MMFA Authenticator mechanism from the drop-down list. Then click the properties icon next to it to
bring up the properties editor.

Page 110 of 250

In this first example, we will set up the most simple initiate policy possible by using fixed values for most
parameters. We'll see later how we can use dynamic values to make things more interesting.

Select the checkbox next to contextMessage and set the value to Please verify login to
This is the text that will be displayed to the user in the Authenticator Client application.

Select the checkbox next to mode. The default value of Initiate is what we want so don't change it. This tells
the mechanism that it is initiating the challenge to the Authenticator Client.

Select the checkbox next to policyURI. Set the value to:

This is Policy ID of the authentication policy that will handle the challenge response from the Authenticator
Client. We are going to create this authentication policy in the next step.

The only parameter that is dynamic here is the username parameter. This species the user for which the
challenge should be generated. Obviously this needs to be the user that we want to log in. We will read this
value from a query string parameter of the request sent to the authentication service. The query string
parameter is also named username.

Select the checkbox next to username. Select Request from the drop-down list for Source. This indicates
that we will read from the incoming Request.

Enter urn:ibm:security:asf:request:parameter as the Namespace for the value. This is a defined

namespace that provides access to query-string parameters of the incoming HTTP request.

Enter username as the Attribute Id. This is the name of the query-string parameter to use.

Click OK to close the parameters window.

Page 111 of 250

Click OK to add the workflow step. Then click Save at the top of the window to save the Policy.

A warning is shown to indicate there is an undeployed change. There is no need to deploy yet though
because we have more configuration to do.

11.2 Create MMFA Response Authentication Policy

We now need to create another Authentication Policy that will handle the 2nd half of the MMFA process. It
performs the challenge/response with the Authenticator Client and then marks the MMFA action complete.

Click the new button to create another new Authentication Policy.

Enter MMFA User Presence Response as the Name.

Enter mmfa_response_userpresence in the box for Identifier.

This makes the complete ID for this authentication policy

urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mmfa_response_userpresence which matches what we configured as
the policyURI in the "initiate" policy.

Enter a Description.

Page 112 of 250

Ensure the Enabled checkbox is checked.

Click Add Step to add the first mechanism to the policy.

The first step in this policy handles the MMFA user presence challenge/response. This uses a pre-defined
authentication mechanism called User Presence Approval. Select this from the drop-down list. There are
no special properties we need to set.

Click OK to confirm addition of the User Presence Approval mechanism to the policy.

Click Add Step again to add a second step to the policy.

Select MMFA Authenticator from the drop-down list. This is the same mechanism that we used in the
"initiate" policy but this time we are going to use it in "response" mode.

Click the properties icon to open the parameters screen.

Page 113 of 250

The only parameter we need to set is the mode. Select the checkbox for mode and set the Value to
Response using the drop-down list. This tells the mechanism that it is responsible for completing the MMFA
process that was started in the "initiate" policy.

Click OK to close the parameters window.

Click OK to confirm addition of the MMFA Authenicator mechanism to the policy.

Click Save at the top of the window to save the new Authentication Policy.

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Page 114 of 250

Our first MMFA Process is now ready to use. It will be triggered manually by calling the ISAM Authentication
Service and requesting the "initiate" policy using its Policy ID.

11.3 Set Authentication Levels in Reverse Proxy

When the Reverse Proxy builds an authenticated credential, it includes an AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL
attribute related to the authentication type performed. This level becomes important if using Protected Object
Policies (POPs) to require different levels of authentication for access to different resources.

By default, unauthenticated sessions are level 0, password authentication is assigned level 1 and EAI
authentication (which is what the AAC Authentication Service uses) is assigned level 2. In this environment,
we want to make MMFA authentication level 1 and password level 2. This requires a change in the Reverse
Proxy configuration file.

In the top menu panel, select Secure Web Settings → Manage: Reverse Proxy, as indicated above.

Select the radio button for the default Reverse Proxy instance. Click on Manage and select
ConfigurationEdit Configuration File from the pop-up menu. This will open the configuration file.

To find a location in this file, use the browser's search function. On Firefox this is activated using Ctrl-f.

Locate the [authentication-levels] stanza.


# authentication levels
# Syntax:
# level = <method-name>

level = unauthenticated
level = ext-auth-interface
level = password

Page 115 of 250

The order of these levels assigns the authentication levels. With this setting, unauthenticated is 0, ext-auth-
interface is 1, and password is 2. This order is important, and is required to allow the ext-auth-interface to be
used for step-up authentication in the later advanced password-less login scenario.

Click Save to save the updated configuration.

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Restart the default Reverse Proxy instance.

11.4 Allow unauthenticated access to status Web Socket endpoint

To allow the original (browser) session to continue automatically after the MMFA process completes on the
mobile device, a status service is provided on ISAM. This service uses a Web Socket connection so that
status updates can be streamed directly without polling.

This Web Socket endpoint is accessed via the Reverse Proxy and, by default, only allows authenticated
access. For it to work during a login process we must grant unauthenticated access so that we can use
websockets for a login scenario where the browser session is not yet authenticated.

Access the appliance LMI (either directly on the console or via SSH) and login (remembering that the user id
is admin and the password is Passw0rd).

For SSH:

$ ssh's password: Passw0rd

Welcome to the IBM Security Access Manager
Welcome to the IBM Security Access Manager appliance
Enter "help" for a list of available commands>

Access the SAM administration tool and log in:> isam admin

pdadmin> login -a sec_master

Enter Password: Passw0rd
pdadmin sec_master>

Enter the following command (or just verify the existing attachment) to attach an ACL allowing
unauthenticated connections to the Web Socket endpoint associated with the default Reverse Proxy instance:

pdadmin sec_master> acl attach /WebSEAL/

pdadmin sec_master>

We'll leave this command session open to be used again.

Page 116 of 250

The script should display the following:
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring MMFA for password-free authentication
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating authentication policy MMFA Initiate Login Policy
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created authentication policy MMFA Initiate Login Policy
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating authentication policy MMFA User Presence Response
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created authentication policy MMFA User Presence Response
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring authentication levels in reverse proxy
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully configured authentication levels in reverse proxy
[...] ExtendedConfig I Attaching an ACL to the web socket endpoint
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully attached an ACL to the web socket endpoint
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuration of password-free authentication complete

Configuration of basic MMFA sign-in scenario complete

Page 117 of 250

12 Configure test application
ISAM Appliances have a built-in "live demo" application. We will enable this live demo application and create
a junction to it so that we can use it to drive our MMFA use cases.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: extended --demo-application

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

12.1 Enable Live Demos

Navigate to Secure Access ControlGlobal Settings: Advanced Configuration

In the filter box seach for demo. Enable the live.demos.enabled key as shown above. Click Save.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

12.2 Enable Attribute Collection Get Attributes and Risk Reports

Using the same technique as above set both of these advanced configuration parameters to true:

• riskEngine.reportsEnabled
• attributeCollection.enableGetAttributes

Page 118 of 250

These are used for debug/discussion in the advanced password-less login scenario later in this guide:

Deploy the changes.

12.3 Verify other advanced configuration properties

Whilst we are looking at advanced configuration properties, verify the values of these properties (they should
already be set):

Property Required Value Description

attributeCollection.cookieName ac.uuid Cookie used to correlate browser attributes
collected from info.js for context-based access
registered device comparison
attributeCollection.serviceLocation /mga Macro replacement used with info.js to indicate
URL root of AAC runtime to post collected
attributes. This can be absolute or server-relative.

These properties are required for the context-based access browser registration used in the advanced
password-less login scenario later in this cookbook.

12.4 Create /app junction in default Reverse Proxy instance

Navigate to Secure Web Settings > Manage: Reverse Proxy

Page 119 of 250

Select the radio-button for the default Reverse Proxy instance. Click Manage and then select Junction
Management from the drop-down menu.

Click New and select Standard Junction from the drop-down list.

Enter /app as the Junction Point Name and select SSL radio-button for Junction Type.

Page 120 of 250

Select the Servers tab and click New.

Enter localhost as the Hostname and click Save.

Page 121 of 250

Select the Identity tab.

Check the checkboxes for IV-USER, IV-GROUPS, and IV-CREDS. Then click Save to create the junction.

Click Close to close the Junction Management window.

12.5 Enable Passing Authentication Level in HTTP header

The Live Demo application can display the authentication level associated with the current session. This can
be useful when working with scenarios that make use of authentication levels to trigger step-up authentication.
To enable display of the authentication level, the ISAM Reverse Proxy must populate the authentication level
(taken from the credential for the current session) into an HTTP Header. We will now configure this.

Access the appliance LMI (either directly on the console or via SSH) and login (remembering that the user id
is admin and the password is Passw0rd).

For SSH:

$ ssh's password: Passw0rd

Welcome to the IBM Security Access Manager
Welcome to the IBM Security Access Manager appliance
Enter "help" for a list of available commands>

Access the SAM administration tool and log in:> isam admin

pdadmin> login -a sec_master

Enter Password: Passw0rd
pdadmin sec_master>

Page 122 of 250

Enter the following command to configure the authentication level header:

pdadmin sec_master> object modify /WebSEAL/ set attribute

HTTP-Tag-Value AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL=authentication_level
pdadmin sec_master>

We'll leave this command session open for later use.

12.6 Set up Live Demo App

The Live demonstration application must be configured on first use. We will do this now.

Open a new browser window and navigate to:

Login with username testuser and password Passw0rd

Page 123 of 250

You will see a settings screen. This screen will be shown only for the first time during demo application
configuration. If you need to get back here again the URL path is /app/mobile-demo/setting/

Enter localhost:443 for Runtime Host and Port.

Enter for Management UI Host and Port
Enter admin as Management UI Username and Passw0rd as Management UI Password.
Enter as Reverse Proxy Host and Port.

Click Save. A success message is shown.


The demo application is displayed:

Note the Authentication Level of 2 shown in the title bar. Remember that we just configured the Reverse
Proxy so that Password Authentication (which we just completed) is level 2.

Click the Logout link at the top of the page to logout of the Access Manager session.

Page 124 of 250

The script should display the following:
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring demo application
[...] ExtendedConfig I Enabling the live demonstration application
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully enabled the live demonstration application
[...] ExtendedConfig I Enabling the risk engine reports
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully enabled the risk engine reports
[...] ExtendedConfig I Enabling the attribute collection get attributes
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully enabled the attribute collection get attributes
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating junction /app on reverse proxy instance default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created junction /app on reverse proxy instance default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Setting HTTP-Tag-Value attribute to junction /app
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully set HTTP-Tag-Value attribute to junction /app
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring the live demonstration application
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully configured the live demonstration application
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuration of the demo application complete

Live Demonstration Application configuration complete

Page 125 of 250

13 Test Password-free login scenario
We can now perform our first real test of the MMFA functionality we have configured. We will use the
Authenticator Client that was registered in section 10 to authenticate to the default Reverse Proxy instance
without using our password.

13.1 Trigger MMFA Authentication Policy in Browser

To trigger the authentication, use the following URL:

Notice that the URL specifies the PolicyId out our "initiate" policy and also provides the user ID of our test
user (testuser) in the query string. It also includes a Target parameter which specifies where the user
should be sent after successful login.

The MMFA Authenticator mechanism in the "initiate" policy looks up the registered Authenticator Clients for
the specified user and displays a device selection page. This page is based on a template which can be

Select the device that was registered earlier and click Submit.

At this point the Initiate Policy creates an MMFA transaction and displays a "pending" page to the user:

Page 126 of 250

This page is based on a template which can be modified. It includes client-side JavaScript which connects to
the transaction status endpoint (via Web Socket) and waits for status updates.

On this page are a set of buttons which trigger actions for the MMFA transaction:

Verify: Polls the authentication service to determine the state of the MMFA process. This can be useful for
environments where use of the Web Socket is not possible

Cancel: This cancels the MMFA process. The authentication service returns an error page.

Renotify: This resends the PUSH notification to the authenticator client (asuming PUSH notifications

Reselect Authenticator: This takes the user back to the device selection page so a different Authenticator
client can be chosen to perform the MMFA verification.

Page 127 of 250

13.2 Perform MMFA Verification on Mobile Device
The next steps must be performed using the IBM Verify app on your mobile device.

The reason why we must use the refresh button in the IBM Verify
application is because we have not set up PUSH notifications.

When PUSH notifications are enabled, ISAM will alert the IBM
Verify App that there is a pending transaction and it will
automatically perform the polling action to retrieve it.

Open the IBM Verify application and touch the refresh icon in the top right corner. This tells the application to
poll Access Manager (using its Access Token to authenticate to the SCIM interface) and to retrieve any
pending transactions. Repeat this refresh action until you see a blue dot next to the account indicating there
is a pending transaction.

Page 128 of 250

Once you see the blue dot, touch the account to open it. You should immediately be prompted with the
pending transaction. You can see the message that was hard-coded into the "initiate" policy.

Since this is a user_presence policy, no fingerprint is required. Touch the tick to verify that you are holding
the device and that you are attempting to login.

At this point the IBM Verify App signs the challenge it received and returns it to the MMFA Authentication
Service where it is validated in the "response" policy. Assuming validation is successful the MMFA
Authenticator mechanism marks the transaction as complete and returns success to IBM Verify.

IBM Verify shows a Request Verified message and then returns to the accounts list. Request is the default
verification type shown by IBM Verify application. We'll see later how we can customize this.

At this point the browser is notified via the transaction status service Web Socket connection that the
transaction has been processed. It redirects the browser to the "initiate" policy where user authentication is

You are now authenticated to the Reverse Proxy. The Authentication Policy redirects you to the Target URL
specified when authentication was triggered (

Review the attributes in the Access Manager credential. You can see that the authenticated user is testuser
and that the authenticationTypes (which reports completed authentication policies) reports

Also note the AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL of 1. This level was set because the authentication policy itself did
not specify an authentication level and so the Reverse Proxy derived the level from the [authentication-levels]
stanza of the configuration file that was set up in section 11.3. Authentication performed by the AAC
Authentication Service uses the ext-auth-interface method.

13.3 Examine MMFA Transactions via SCIM interface

When we used the refresh button in the IBM Verify App to poll for new transactions, it was making a SCIM
request and requesting pending transactions for the user (using its OAuth Access Token to authenticate). We
can view this same information using the SCIM demo application that we enabled in section 7.7).

Using the same browser window (where you are already authenticated), access the SCIM demo application:

Page 129 of 250

Since our current user has registered MMFA Authenticators, an MMFA tab is now shown.
Since our current user has run an MMFA process, a Transactions tab is also shown.

Select the Transactions tab.

Look for the Resolved Transactions section:

You should see an entry corresponding to the MMFA authentication we just performed.

Look for the Resolved Attributes section:

You should see entries for the attributes related to the MMFA authentication we just performed – such as the
verification message.

These transactions and attributes are showing in the Resolved sections because the MMFA process is
complete. If you look at this page while a transaction is pending you will see entries in these sections

Initial MMFA password-free login scenario complete

Page 130 of 250

14 Customizing Service and Account Name in IBM Verify
Looking at your IBM Verify application now you will notice that, on the home screen, the hostname (actually IP
address) for the MMFA endpoint on ISAM is shown as both the Service Name (in large font) and Account
Name (in smaller font) for the registered account. In this section, we will see how to customize these fields.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: extended --custom-names

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

14.1 Setting Service Name using custom metadata

Each Authenticator Client definition can have a JSON metadata string associated with it which is provided to
the Authenticator application during registration. The metadata has no meaning to Access Manager – it is
only interpreted by the Authenticator application.

If the IBM Verify Application receives metadata during account registration which includes an attribute called
"service_name" then it will use the associated value as the Service Name when displaying this account.

Metadata for an Authenticator Client is provided as a file stored at a specific location within the Template
Files. The path for the file is:

/<language>/mmfa/user/mgmt/mmfa/metadata/<OAuth client ID>/metadata.json

We will need to create the metadata and AuthenticatorClient directories and then create the metadata.json

Navigate to Secure Access Control > Global Settings: Template Files.

Page 131 of 250

Expand Cmmfausermgmt and then select the mmfa folder.

Click New and then select Directory from the drop-down menu.

Enter metadata as the Name and then click Save.

At this point the directory is created and the view is refreshed.

Page 132 of 250

Expand Cmmfausermgmtmmfa and then select the metadata folder.

Click New and then select Directory from the drop-down menu.

Enter AuthenticatorClient as the Name (this must match the OAuth Client ID) and click Save.

Expand Cmmfausermgmtmmfametadata and then select the AuthenticatorClient folder.

Page 133 of 250

Click New and then select File from the drop-down menu.

Enter metadata.json as the Name and then enter the following as the file contents:


Click Save to save the new file.

Page 134 of 250

Verify the creation of the new file and then Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

14.2 Setting the Username using custom PostToken Mapping Rule

Each API Protection definition (OAuth Configuration) has Pre-Token and Post-Token JavaScript mapping
rules associated with it. These are pre-populated with default content when the API Protection definition is
created but can be customized to change behaviour.

The Pre-Token mapping rule is responsible for processing requests to the Token endpoint before the token is
generated. It can perform tasks such as validation of userid/pw for ROPC grants, limiting number of tokens
per client, or generating custom tokens.

The Post-Token mapping rule is responsible for processing requests to the Token endpoint after the token is
generated but before a response is sent. It can perform tasks such as associating additional attributes with
the token in the runtime database, or with adding additional content to the Token response message.

During account registration, the IBM Verify application calls the OAuth Token Endpoint to obtain an Access
Token (using the authorization code that it gets from the QR code). If the response to this message includes
an attribute called display_name, it will use this as the account name for the account. Otherwise it will use the
Service Name.

We will now upload a custom Post Token Mapping Rule which adds a display_name attribute to the Token
response message which has a value of the username of the user associated with the token.

Page 135 of 250

Navigate to Advanced Access ControlPolicy: API Protection.

Select the Mapping Rules tab.

Select the AuthenticatorPostTokenGeneration rule and then click Replace button.

Page 136 of 250

Click Browse. Locate and select the file:


Click OK.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

The script should display the following:
[...] ExtendedConfig I Customizing Service and Account Name in IBM Verify
[...] ExtendedConfig I Setting service name using custom metadata
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully set the service name using custom metadata
[...] ExtendedConfig I Setting username using custom PostToken mapping rule
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully set the username using custom PostToken mapping rule
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] ExtendedConfig I Customization of Service and Account Name complete

14.3 Unregister account from IBM Verify App

We will now unregister the account we currently have registered in the IBM Verify App so that we can re-
register with our updated configuration in place.

Open the IBM Verify Application. Touch the registered account to open properties. Touch Settings to open
account settings.

Page 137 of 250

Touch Remove This Account and then touch Remove in the confirmation pop-up.

At this point the IBM Verify App communicates with the SCIM interface of ISAM to delete its own Authenticator
registration and OAuth grant. When complete, the home page is displayed.

Access the SCIM demo application:

If you need to login in, use testuser and Passw0rd.

Notice that there is no MMFA tab. This is because the user no longer has any Authenticator Clients

14.4 Re-register account in IBM Verify App

To repeat the registration of the authenticator, access the following URL:

Initiate registration by clicking on the Register new authenticator link. Complete registration. If you need
help, refer to section 10.

During registration references to the ISAM endpoint IP address should be replaced with MMFACookbook.

Once registration is complete you should see the updated Service Name and Account Name reflected in the
account listing:

Page 138 of 250

IBM Verify App display customization is now complete.

Page 139 of 250

15 Configure Context-based Authorization
We need to configure the browser channel Reverse Proxy instance to allow for the use of Context-based

There is an Advanced Access Control configuration utility which will assist with the configuration, however it
will also repeat already established configuration and is only accessible via the appliance console or SSH.
The manual process will document how to complete the individual steps.

It is recommended that you use the provided automation scripting to configure this section as the manual
process is rather laborious.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: extended --context-based-authz

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

15.1 Browser Channel Reverse Proxy Configuration Updates

In the top menu panel, select Secure Web Settings → Manage: Reverse Proxy, as indicated above.

Select the radio button for the default Reverse Proxy instance.

Click on Manage and select ConfigurationEdit Configuration File from the pop-up menu. This will open
the configuration file.

To find a location in this file, use the browser's search function. On Firefox, this is activated using Ctrl-f.

Add the following line to enable the External Authentication Service plug-in that will call the Advanced Access
Control policy engine:

Page 140 of 250

special-eas = trigger_rba_eas

Add the following entries to those already present in the [azn-decision-info] stanza. This configures the
Reverse Proxy to send these additional attributes with authorization requests when they are found in the
incoming request:


ac.uuid = cookie:ac.uuid
urn:ibm:security:subject:ipAddress = client_ip
urn:ibm:security:trusteer:header:rapport-extra = header:x-trusteer-rapport-extra
urn:ibm:security:trusteer:header:rapport = header:x-trusteer-rapport
urn:ibm:security:trusteer:pinpoint:csid = cookie:PD-S-SESSION-ID
urn:ibm:security:worklight:adapter:adapter = post-data:adapter
urn:ibm:security:worklight:adapter:parameters = post-data:parameters
urn:ibm:security:worklight:adapter:procedure = post-data:procedure
urn:ibm:security:worklight:device:id = header:x-wl-device-id
urn:ibm:security:worklight:version:app = header:x-wl-app-version
urn:ibm:security:worklight:version:native = header:x-wl-native-version
urn:ibm:security:worklight:version:platform = header:x-wl-platform-version

Add the following line to the [rtss-eas] stanza. This tells the Reverse Proxy what to send in the context ID of
authorization requests. This, in turn, tells the authorization engine which policies to use.

context-id = context-inherited-pop

Locate the basic-auth-user parameter in the [rtss-cluster:cluster1] stanza and add the following entries.
These tell the Reverse Proxy how to contact the Authorization Service:

basic-auth-user = easuser
basic-auth-passwd = Passw0rd
server = 9,https://localhost:443/rtss/authz/services/AuthzService
ssl-keyfile = pdsrv.kdb
ssl-keyfile-stash = pdsrv.sth

This configuration entry has already been set. It is included for completeness as it is part of the standard Risk
Based Access configuration:

urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:* = /mga/sps/authsvc

Page 141 of 250

Add the following entries to the [user-attribute-definitions] stanza. These entries define the data type for each
attribute defined in the [azn-decision-info] stanza and specify the category of the attribute (which must match
what is configured in the Advanced Access Control attribute definition.

urn:ibm:security:trusteer:header:rapport-extra.category = Environment
urn:ibm:security:trusteer:header:rapport-extra.datatype = string
urn:ibm:security:trusteer:header:rapport.category = Environment
urn:ibm:security:trusteer:header:rapport.datatype = string
urn:ibm:security:trusteer:pinpoint:csid.category = Subject
urn:ibm:security:trusteer:pinpoint:csid.datatype = string
urn:ibm:security:worklight:adapter:adapter.category = Environment
urn:ibm:security:worklight:adapter:adapter.datatype = string
urn:ibm:security:worklight:adapter:parameters.category = Environment
urn:ibm:security:worklight:adapter:parameters.datatype = string
urn:ibm:security:worklight:adapter:procedure.category = Environment
urn:ibm:security:worklight:adapter:procedure.datatype = string
urn:ibm:security:worklight:device:id.category = Environment
urn:ibm:security:worklight:device:id.datatype = string
urn:ibm:security:worklight:version:app.category = Environment
urn:ibm:security:worklight:version:app.datatype = string
urn:ibm:security:worklight:version:native.category = Environment
urn:ibm:security:worklight:version:native.datatype = string
urn:ibm:security:worklight:version:platform.category = Environment
urn:ibm:security:worklight:version:platform.datatype = string

Click Save to save the configuration changes.

Deploy the changes and Restart the default Reverse Proxy instance.

The script should display the following:
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring Context-based Authorization for reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuration of Context-based Authorization complete

Page 142 of 250

16 Importing Page Templates and JavaScript
In this section, we will upload the custom JavaScript and page templates that will be used when setting up the
rest of the scenarios in this cookbook. Files include:
• Web page templates for the Advanced Access Control runtime (Template Files)
• JavaScript code for authentication processing (InfoMap modules)

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: extended --import-files

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

16.1 Import AAC Template Files

Custom pages are used by InfoMap modules within the AAC Runtime to present pages during execution of
authentication polices. They are called template files because they can include macro substitutions which are
dynamically replaced at runtime.

The required files are provided in a ZIP archive file ready for importing to the SAM Appliance.

Navigate to Secure Access Control > Global Settings: Template Files.

Click Manage and then select Import Zip from the drop-down menu.

Page 143 of 250

Click Browse. Locate and select the file …/providedfiles/pages/ Then click Import.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Notice that the AAC Runtime was automatically reloaded to activate these changes.

In SAM 9.0.2 it is possible to disable this automatic restart and reload of the runtime so that these actions
can be performed manually – independent of when configuration changes are deployed. This is configured
under Runtime Tuning Parameters.

16.2 Import Mapping Rules

This rest of this document makes use of several custom JavaScript mapping rules which are used by InfoMap
authentication mechanisms within the authentication policies that control MMFA. We will now import these
files into the SAM appliance.

When using the GUI, JavaScript files must be uploaded individually.

Navigate to Secure Access Control > Global Settings: Mapping Rules.

Click Import.

Page 144 of 250

Enter MMFAAssertUsernameFromRequest as the Name and select InfoMap as the Category.

Click Browse. Locate and select the file:


Click OK.

Repeat the process above for all the files in the …/providedfiles/javascript/infomap directory. For each one,
enter Name as the filename without the .js extension. For Category select InfoMap.

Deploy the changes to the Mapping Rules using the link in the yellow warning message. The runtime server
is automatically reloaded to activate the changes.

The script should display the following:
[...] ExtendedConfig I Importing Page Templates and JavaScript
[...] ExtendedConfig I Importing custom page template files
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully imported custom page template files
[...] ExtendedConfig I Importing InfoMap mapping rules
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully imported the InfoMap mapping rules
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] ExtendedConfig I Importing of Page Templates and JavaScript complete

Page 145 of 250

17 Acquire Transaction Attribute
In Context-based Access Control, we often need to extract values from incoming transaction requests so that
we can use them within our policies. A common example is the value of a bank transfer but it could just as
easily be any value included in the request.

We also need values extracted from incoming transaction requests when we are using Multi-Factor Mobile
Authentication to perform out-of-band transaction validation. The key information from the transaction should
form part of the message we show on the mobile device so that the user can validate it. This allows the user
to visually correlate what they are doing in their browser with what ISAM prompts them to approve in IBM

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: extended --transaction-attribute

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

17.1 Determine location of attribute within transaction request

The first step in extracting attributes from transaction requests is to determine the transaction endpoint, the
format of the request, and the location of the attribute we want to extract. We will then use this information to
configure the Reverse Proxy to extract this attribute from incoming requests and send it to the Advanced
Access Control runtime when triggering Context-based Access and MMFA.

In lieu of internal application knowledge, a browser debugging tool is needed to capture requests made during
web application processing. This document will show use of the Firebug extension for Firefox browser.
Firebug can be downloaded here:

Other tools are available for other browsers and the most recent browser versions include developer tools.

Ensure the Firebug window is open and Firebug is enabled.

In the browser, navigate to the payload extraction page of live-demo application using this URL:

The login page is displayed:

Page 146 of 250

Enter testuser and Passw0rd and click Login.

Enter 235711 as the Transaction amount and press the POST form parameters button to submit the
transaction. This value has no special relevance – but it is useful to use something unique so that it can be
easily identified (or searched) in a complex set of requests.

Page 147 of 250

You should see a pop-up window that indicates the transaction was successful. There is no policy currently
associated with the target endpoint for this request so all requests are permitted.

Go to the Firebug window.

Select the Net tab. This shows all the requests made by the browser (along with the request content) and the
responses from the server.

Hover over POST result.jsp to show the full URL. Later we will need the Server Relative URL ( so we can create a resource in ISAM where we can apply our policy.

Expand the POST result.jsp entry and then select the Post tab – as indicated above.

As you can see, the amount of the transaction is passed as a POST parameter named
transaction-amount. This is the value we want to use in our policy.

Deactivate and close Firebug and close the pop-up “Transaction Completed Successfully” window.

Return to the test application and logout the test user.

17.2 Define Attribute in Reverse Proxy

Now we know the name of the parameter in the POST, we can configure the Reverse Proxy to extract it from
requests and make it available to the AAC Runtime. This configuration is done within the Reverse Proxy
configuration file.

Open the appliance LMI console ( and login as user admin with password

Page 148 of 250

In the top menu panel, select Secure Web Settings → Manage: Reverse Proxy, as indicated above.

Select the radio button for the default Reverse Proxy instance. Click on Manage and select
ConfigurationEdit Configuration File from the pop-up menu. This will open the configuration file.

To find a location in this file, use the browser's search function. On Firefox this is activated using Ctrl-f.

Locate the [azn-decision-info] stanza. The latter part of the stanza contains a large comment about
extracting attribute values from a response – take the time to read the comment.

Add the following entry to the end of the stanza:


# Other examples include:
# HTTP_HOST_HEADER = header:Host
urn:ibm:demo:transferamount = post-data:transaction-amount

This tells the Reverse Proxy to look for a POST parameter with name transaction-amount and populate it into
an attribute with ID of urn:ibm:demo:transferamount when sending requests to the AAC Runtime.

Now locate the [user-attribute-definitions] stanza and add the following to the end of the stanza:


urn:ibm:security:worklight:version:platform.category = Environment
urn:ibm:security:worklight:version:platform.datatype = string
urn:ibm:demo:transferamount.datatype = double
urn:ibm:demo:transferamount.category = Environment

These configuration lines tell the External Authorization Service (EAS) function of the Reverse Proxy (which is
used to obtain access decisions from the Advanced Access Control runtime) to treat the attribute as type
double and pass it in the Environment section of the XACML request sent to the Advanced Access Control

Page 149 of 250

Click Save to save configuration changes and close the configuration editor window.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Restart the default Reverse Proxy instance.

17.3 Define Attribute in the Advanced Access Control runtime

We will now add an attribute definition to the Advanced Access Control runtime so that it knows how to use
the urn:ibm:demo:transferamount attribute it is going to receive in the Environment section of the
XACML request sent by the Reverse Proxy. We want the attribute to be available for use in our security

In the top menu panel, select Secure Access Control → Policy: Attributes, as indicated above.

Select the “New Attribute” icon as indicated above.

Page 150 of 250

Enter transferAmount as the Name. This is how the attribute will be displayed in the console.

Enter urn:ibm:demo:transferamount as the Identifier, select Environment as the Category and Double
as the Data Type. These values need to match what was configured in the Reverse Proxy.

Select the Policy checkbox. This indicates that this attribute should be made available for use in the policy

Press the Save button to create the new attribute.

Deploy the changes to the runtime. This needs to be done so that the attribute will be available in the policy

17.4 Configure passing attribute to Authentication engine

With the attribute configuration performed so far, the transferAmount attribute will be available to use within
the AAC Context-based policy engine. This will allow us to write rules which permit, deny, or trigger additional
authentication based on the value of this attribute.

We now need to configure the AAC Runtime so that the transferAmount attribute is also passed into the
Authentication Engine (where the MMFA functionality runs) so that it can be included in the message sent to
the user's mobile device.

This configuration is done using an Advanced Configuration option.

Page 151 of 250

Navigate to Secure Access ControlGlobal Settings: Advanced Configuration.

Locate the attributeCollection.authenticationContextAttributes key and click the Edit button for the value.

Add ,transferAmount to the end of the list of attributes and then click Save.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

The script should display the following:
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring Transaction Attribute
[...] ExtendedConfig I Defining attribute urn:ibm:demo:transferamount in reverse proxy default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully defined attribute urn:ibm:demo:transferamount in reverse proxy
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating policy attribute urn:ibm:demo:transferamount
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created policy attribute urn:ibm:demo:transferamount
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring the passing of attribute transferAmount to Authentication engine
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully configured the passing of attribute transferAmount to
Authentication engine
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuration of Transaction Attribute complete

Page 152 of 250

18 Configure MMFA for transaction verification
The authorization scenario we are configuring can be described as follows:

When a HTTP POST is initiated in the demo application with a “payload” amount >= $1000, the transaction
may only proceed if MMFA Fingerprint approval is provided. For amounts < $1000, allow the transaction to
proceed with no secondary validation.

In this section, we will realise the scenario by:

1. Setting up an MMFA process for use with out-of-band transaction verification.
2. Using a Context-based Access policy attached to the transaction endpoint to selectively trigger

As we saw in section 11, an MMFA process requires two authentication policies:

• An "initiate" Authentication Policy which initiates MMFA function. This is accessed by the browser.
This policy will include an InfoMap step which builds a dynamic message to be displayed to the user.
• A "response" Authentication Policy is called by the Authenticator Client (i.e. IBM Verify mobile
application) to complete MMFA function.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: extended --transaction-verification

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

18.1 Create InfoMap to build dynamic verification message

In this scenario, we want to send a dynamic message to the user's authentication application (IBM Verify)
which includes the value of the transferAmount attribute. To build this message text we will use JavaScript
within an InfoMap authentication mechanism. The JavaScript will read the transferAmount attribute from the
request context (it will be there because of the advanced configuration option we set in section 17.4) and
populate the message into another attribute which can then be read by the MMFA Authenticator mechanism.

First, let's have a look at the JavaScript we're going to use. You should have already imported this into a
Mapping Rule in section16.2.

Navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication.

Page 153 of 250

Select the Advanced tab.

Select the row for the DemoTransferAmount Mapping Rule and then click Edit button.
The Mapping Rule JavaScript is displayed.

The following importClass statement imports the IDMappingExtUtils class which contains a tracing utility (very
useful for debugging):


The following context.get function retrieves the transferAmount attribute from the authentication policy session
context. Note the namespace of urn:ibm:security:asf:cba:attribute. This is where attributes that are populated
by the Context-based Access engine (based on Advanced Configuration in section 17.4) are located:

var param = context.get(Scope.SESSION, "urn:ibm:security:asf:cba:attribute",


The following lines build a message string which includes the value from the transferAmount attribute. It then
uses a context.set function to save the message to a new prompt attribute in the authentication policy session
context. A custom namespace, urn:ibm:security:asf:demo is used:

var message = "You have a pending transaction amount of: $" + param;
context.set(Scope.SESSION, "urn:ibm:security:asf:demo", "prompt", message);

The following line sets the success flag for the InfoMap mechanism to true. This tells the authentication
engine that this mechanism has completed successfully. No user interactions is requried and the next step in
the authentication policy can be called:


The final line sets an additional extras attribute in the authentication policy session context with namespace
urn:ibm:security:asf:mmfa. This attribute is used by the MMFA Authenticator mechanism to pass parameters
specific to the Authenticator Client. The IBM Verify application uses the value of the type parameter to
highlight matching text in the message and in the "verified" message shown to the user on successful
verification completion.

context.set(Scope.SESSION, "urn:ibm:security:asf:mmfa", "extras", '{"type":


We don't want to change the Mapping Rule so click Close to close the window.

We will now create an InfoMap Authentication Mechanism which contains this Mapping Rule.

Page 154 of 250

Select the Mechanisms tab then click the Add button and select Info Map Authentication from the drop-
down list. This starts creation of a new InfoMap mechanism.

On the General tab, enter MMFA Demo Transfer Amount Message as the Name.

Enter demotransfer in the Identifier box. This text is added to the static text above so the full identifier for the
mechanism is: urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mechanism:demotransfer

Enter a Description.

Page 155 of 250

Select the Properties tab.

Select the row for Mapping Rule and click the Modify Property button.

Select the DemoTransferAmount Mapping Rule from the drop-down list then click OK.

Verify that the Mapping Rule has been configured and then click Save.

We have not configured a Template Page for this mechanism. This is because this mechanism does not
need to interact with the user – it is simply reading one attribute (transferAmount passed from context
based access) and populating another (the formatted display prompt).

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Page 156 of 250

18.2 Create MMFA Initiate Authentication Policy
The "initiate" policy needs to identify the target user and device for the MMFA challenge, populate the
information to be displayed by the Authenticator Client during verification, and identify the "response" policy
that will process the MMFA response from the Authenticator Client.

In this scenario, we assume that the user is already authenticated and so we can read the username
parameter from the ISAM credential associated with the incoming request. We will use the InfoMap we
created in the previous step to populate a session attribute, prompt, with a dynamic message and then read
this in the MMFA Authenticator mechanism.

If not already there, navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication.

Select the policies tab click New button to create a new authentication policy.

Enter MMFA Transfer Demo Initiate Policy as the Name. This is the human-readable name for the policy.

Enter mmfa_initiate_demotransfer in the Identifier box. This will be appended to the text already shown
which makes the full identifier: urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mmfa_initiate_demotransfer.

Enter a Description.

Check Enabled.

Click Add Step button to add the first step.

Page 157 of 250

Select MMFA Demo Transfer Amount Message mechanism from the drop-down list. This is the InfoMap
mechansim we created in the previous step. Then click OK.

Click Add Step again.

Select MMFA Authenicator from the drop-down list of mechanisms. Then click the Parameters button.

Page 158 of 250

We want to set the message displayed to the user dynamically using the prompt attribute that we set in the
InfoMap mechanism.

Select the checkbox next to contextMessage. Select Session from the drop-down list for Source. This
indicates that we will read from the Authentication Policy session. Enter prompt as the Attribute Id for the
value and enter urn:ibm:security:asf:demo as the Namespace. This matches the values that were used to
save the custom message in the InfoMap Mapping Rule JavaScript.

Select the checkbox next to mode. The default value of Initiate is what we want so don't change it. This tells
the mechanism that it is initiating the challenge to the Authenticator Client.

Select the checkbox next to policyURI. Set the value to:

This is Policy ID of the authentication policy that will handle the challenge response from the Authenticator
Client. We are going to create this authentication policy in the next step.

Click OK to close the parameters window.

Click OK to add the workflow step. Then click Save at the top of the window to save the Policy.

A warning is shown to indicate there is an undeployed change. There is no need to deploy yet though
because we have more configuration to do.

Page 159 of 250

18.3 Create MMFA Response Authentication Policy
We now need to create another Authentication Policy that will handle the 2nd half of this MMFA process. It
performs the challenge/response with the Authenticator Client and then marks the MMFA action complete.

Click the new button to create another new Authentication Policy.

Enter MMFA Fingerprint Response as the Name.

Enter mmfa_response_fingerprint in the box for Identifier.

This makes the complete ID for this authentication policy

urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mmfa_response_fingerprint which matches what we configured as the
policyURI in the "initiate" policy.

Enter a Description.

Check Enabled.

Click Add Step to add the first mechanism to the policy.

Page 160 of 250

The first step in this policy handles the MMFA challenge/response. This uses a pre-defined authentication
mechanism called Fingerprint Approval. Select this from the drop-down list. There are no properties that
need to be set, so press OK.

Click Add Step again to add a second step to the policy.

Select MMFA Authenticator from the drop-down list. This is the same mechanism that we used in the
"initiate" policy but this time we are going to use it in "response" mode.

Click the properties icon to open the parameters screen.

The only parameter we need to set is the mode. Select the checkbox for mode and set the Value to
Response using the drop-down list. This tells the mechanism that it is responsible for completing the MMFA
process that was started in the "initiate" policy.

Page 161 of 250

Click OK to close the parameters window.

Click OK to confirm addition of the MMFA Authenicator mechanism to the policy.

Click Save at the top of the window to save the new Authentication Policy.

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Our Transaction Verification MMFA Process is now ready to use.

18.4 Create a Context-based Access Policy to Trigger MMFA

In this section, we will create a Context-based Access policy that will trigger the Transaction verification
MMFA process. To make the policy interesting, it will only trigger MMFA when the transaction-amount value
is greater or equal to 1000.

Navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Access Control.

Page 162 of 250

Click the Add Policy button in the main window of the Policies tab.

Enter MMFA Demo Transaction Policy as the Name. Enter a description.

Select First from the Precedence drop-down list. This means that the rules of the policy will be evaluated in
order. As soon as a rule returns a result, that result is returned.

Other options here are deny-override and permit-override. For both options, rule order is unimportant; if
any rule returns the override result then that is the result returned. Only if at least one rule returns the
opposite result and NO results return the override result will the opposite result be returned.

Click Add Rule.

In the first rule we will check to see if the transferAmount attribute is less than 1000. If so, then we will permit
access without requiring further action.

Select transferAmount from the drop-down list. This is available because we defined it as an attribute to be
used in Policies in section 17.3.

Page 163 of 250

Select < as the comparison operator. This is available because the type of the attribute is double (i.e. a

Enter 1000 as the value for comparison. The system adds the comma for formatting afterwards (to make it

Although we're comparing to a static value of 1000 here, the policy engine also allows attributes to be
compared with other attributes. For example, each user might have a different clip level for MMFA
associated with their account. We could compare the transferAmount to that account attribute rather than
a static value if that was required.

The result for this rule is already set to Permit so we don't need to change that.

Click OK. The rule is closed.

Click Add Rule again to add a second rule:

In this rule we check whether the transferAmount is greater than 1000. Enter this into the rule editor.

For the result, select Permit with Authentication from the drop-down list. This means we're going to permit
access but only once an authentication policy has been successfully completed.

Select MMFA Transfer Demo Initiate Policy from the drop-down list of authentication mechanisms.

When this result is triggered, the Policy ID of this policy will be returned to the Reverse Proxy as an
obligation which will trigger a redirect to the AAC Authentication engine (based on mapping in Reverse
Proxy [obligations-urls-mapping] configuration stanza).

Click OK.

Page 164 of 250

Check that the policy looks as shown above.

Click Save button at the top of the window to save the Policy. The new policy is shown in the policy list:

18.5 Create a Resource, Attach Policy, and Publish

Now that we have a Policy, we need to attach it to a resource (i.e. URL protected by the Reverse Proxy) so
that it is triggered when that resource is accessed.

Select the Resources tab and click the Create Resource icon.

The first time you attempt to define a resource, or if the password for the ISAM administrator user id you used
previously to add a resource has changed, you will be presented with the pop-up below to provide SAM
administrator credentials to use for the interaction with the SAM Policy Server.

Page 165 of 250

Enter sec_master as the Administrator Username and Passw0rd as the Password. Then click Save.

You will need to click the Create Resource icon again to open the Add Resource dialog.

The Web Container specifies which Reverse Proxy instance protects the resource we want to add. Ensure
this is set to

Enter /app/mobile-demo/payload/result.jsp as the Resource. This is the server relative URL that
the transaction we want to protect is POSTed to. Note that it includes the /app junction. We determined this
URL, using Firebug, in section 17.1.

Click Save to add the resource.

Page 166 of 250

Select the /app/mobile-demo/payload/result.jsp resource and click Attach.

Select the checkbox next to the MMFA Demo Transaction Policy and press the OK button to attach the
specified policy to the resource.

Note that a warning is shown to indicate that the policy we have attached needs to be published to the
Advanced Access Control runtime Policy Engine.

Click Publish All.

Page 167 of 250

Press the Publish button to confirm publishing the policy. You should now see a message next to the
resource indicating when it was last published:

The script should display the following:
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring MMFA for transaction verification
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating authentication mechanism MMFA Demo Transfer Amount Message
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created authentication mechanism MMFA Demo Transfer
Amount Message
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating authentication policy MMFA Transfer Demo Initiate Policy
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created authentication policy MMFA Transfer Demo Initiate
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating authentication policy MMFA Fingerprint Response
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created authentication policy MMFA Fingerprint Response
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating access policy MMFA Demo Transaction Policy
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created access policy MMFA Demo Transaction Policy
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring access control for resource /app/mobile-demo/payload/result.jsp
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully configured access control for resource /app/mobile-
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuration for transaction verification complete

Configuration of MMFA Transaction Verification scenario complete

Page 168 of 250

19 Test Transaction Verification scenario
We are now ready to test the MMFA Transaction Verification scenario.

19.1 Test basic access

In the browser, navigate to the payload extraction page of live-demo application using this URL:

The login page is displayed:

Enter testuser and Passw0rd and click Login.

Enter 100 as the Transaction amount and click the POST form parameters button to submit the transaction.
This transaction should succeed immediately because the value is less than 1000.

The following now happens:

1. The browser POSTs to /app/mobile-demo/payload/result.jsp.
2. The Reverse Proxy sees that a Context Based Policy is attached to this URL

Page 169 of 250

3. The Reverse Proxy extracts transaction-amount from the POST and adds to authorization request
context as urn:ibm:demo:transferamount (as double in Environment category)
4. The Reverse Proxy calls AAC Authorization Service asking for a decision
5. The AAC Authorization service evaluates policy and returns PERMIT status
6. The Reverse Proxy allows the request through.

The user just sees a Success message:

If you don't see this window, make sure that pop-ups are enabled in your browser.

Verify the success message is shown as expected then close the pop-up window.

19.2 Trigger MMFA Transaction Verification in browser

This time enter 1001 as the Transaction amount and click POST Form Parameters. This should trigger
Transaction Verification because our policy says this is required when the transaction amount is greater or
equal to 1000.

The following now happens:

1. The browser POSTs to /app/mobile-demo/payload/result.jsp.
2. The Reverse Proxy sees that a Context Based Policy is attached to this URL

Page 170 of 250

3. The Reverse Proxy extracts transaction-amount from the POST and adds to authorization request
context as urn:ibm:demo:transferamount (as double in Environment category)
4. The Reverse Proxy calls AAC Authorization Service asking for a decision
5. The AAC Authorization service evaluates policy and determines authentication is required
6. The AAC Authorization service creates an authentication transaction and stores transferAmount
attribute in the context.
7. The AAC Authorization service returns PERMIT decision with an Obligation. Obligation ID is
urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mmfa_initiate_demotransfer. Transaction ID is a parameter of the
8. The Reverse Proxy maps the obligation ID to Authentication Service URL and redirects browser to
this (/mga/sps/authsvc). Transaction ID is sent in query string
9. AAC Authentication Service looks up transaction. This identifies the authentication policy to use. This
policy is executed.
10. InfoMap mechanism in Policy builds transaction message using transferAmount found in
authentication policy context
11. MMFA Authenticator mechanism initiates MMFA transaction

The MMFA Authenticator mechanism looks up the registered Authenticator Clients for the specified user and
displays a device selection page. This page is based on a template which can be modified.

Select the device that was registered earlier and click Submit.

At this point the Initiate Policy creates an MMFA transaction and displays a "pending" page to the user.

Page 171 of 250

19.3 Perform MMFA Transaction Verification on mobile device
The next steps must be performed using the IBM Verify app on your mobile device.

Open the IBM Verify application and touch the refresh icon in the top right corner. This tells the application to
poll Access Manager (using its Access Token to authenticate to the SCIM interface) and to retrieve any
pending transactions. Repeat this refresh action until you see a blue dot next to the account indicating there
is a pending transaction.

Once you see the blue dot, touch the account to open it. You should immediately be prompted with the
pending transaction. You can see the dynamic message which includes the tranaction amount. Also notice
that the word transaction is in bold. That’s because it matches the transaction type (set in the InfoMap code in
section 18.1. Touch the tick to start verification.

Page 172 of 250

Since the MMFA Authenticator mechanism specifed the fingerprint mechanim for verification, you are now
prompted to present your fingerprint. This is a device-specific operation and is really just unlocking the secure
keychain on the device for the IBM Verify application.

At this point the IBM Verify App has access to the private key stored in the secure keychain. It signs the
challenge it received and returns it to the MMFA Authentication Service where it is validated in the "response"
policy. Assuming validation is successful the MMFA Authenticator mechanism marks the transaction as
complete and returns success to IBM Verify.

IBM Verify shows a Transaction Verified message and then returns to the accounts list. The word Transaction
is used here because that is the transaction type (set in the InfoMap code in section 18.1).

At this point the browser is notified via the transaction status service Web Socket connection that the
transaction has been processed. It redirects the browser to the "initiate" policy where authentication policy
completes and redirects the browser back to the /app/mobile-demo/payload/result.jsp page it originally

If you're familiar with HTTP you'll know that a 302 redirect always results in a GET. However, the Reverse
Proxy cached the original POST request (including the body) and replaces the GET from the browser with
this cached request so the target resource receives the original POST.

The demo application returns the success page:

Verify the success message is shown as expected then close the pop-up window.

MMFA Transaction Verification Scenario Complete.

Page 173 of 250

20 Advanced Password-less Login: Introduction
This scenario is an advanced password-less login scenario with the following characteristics:

• When a user with an already registered authenticator (IBM Verify app) wishes to login to the website,
they may do so with just their username and IBM Verify. When entering their username, a “remember
me” checkbox will be offered, specifically for the normal case where the end user is using their own
personal workstation. Selecting “remember me” will allow for a more frictionless experience on
subsequent logins from the same browser.

• The first time through, after entering their username, the user will be required to perform
RECAPTCHA validation (anti-bot). This measure is in place to prevent automated spamming of push
notifications to a victim user by an anonymous attacker.

• After RECAPTCHA, MMFA authentication takes place, however the “initiate” policy performs a SCIM
lookup of the user’s registered authenticators first to see what authentication capabilities the user has.
If fingerprint authentication has been registered that will be required, otherwise the system will allow
use of user-presence authentication (everyone should have this).

• Following successful MMFA authentication, IF the user selected the “remember me” checkbox, the
system will fingerprint the browser and store that as a registered browser for the user (using ISAM’s
context-based access capabilities). On subsequent login flows, the RECAPTCHA step will be
optimized out for users re-authenticating from a browser they’ve used before.

Here’s a flowchart describing the login policy:

Access Manager includes device fingerprinting and registration capabilities which we can use to determine if a
recognised device is being used. However, device recognition is only available for a user that has an
authenticated session. This means that there needs to be a “low-assurance” login to establish who the user is
(or claims to be) before we determine whether or not to perform re-captcha. This is one of the reasons to have
a username-login step early in the flow. The other reason is we also need the username to lookup MMFA
registered authenticators. You could of course use username/password login as the first authentication step,
however the entire point of this scenario is to demonstrate MMFA as a replacement for password-based login.

Page 174 of 250

We will split the authentication process into two parts. We'll also have to include logic to make sure the user
can't bypass either part of the authentication process.

We will now work through the configuration processes required to implement this scenario.

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21 Advanced Password-less Login: Part 1
The first part of the process will authenticate the user at a low level so that browser recognition and MMFA
authenticator lookup is possible. This low level of authentication won't allow them to do anything except
access the second part of the authentication process.

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: extended --password-less-part-1

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

21.1 Create InfoMap to acquire username (with Remember Me)

We will use a custom InfoMap mechanism to present a page where the user can enter their username. This
page will include a "Remember Me" checkbox so they can have their username stored in a persistent cookie.

21.1.1 Example Page Template

First, let's have a look at the custom HTML page that will be presented by the InfoMap mechanism. You
should have already imported this page in section 16.1.

Navigate to Secure Access Control > Global Settings: Template Files.

Page 176 of 250

Expand folders Cauthsvcrememberme and select file username.html. Then click Edit.

This page has several embedded JavaScript functions:

This function retrieves the value from a cookie. It's a useful function you can use other places too.

This function gets the value of the rememberMeUsername cookie. If it finds a value, it puts that value into the
username field on the form and checks the Remember Me checkbox.

Sets the value of rememberme to the string value of the checkbox on the page (true or false).

When the page is loaded, the following JavaScript is run:

function onLoadPage() {

This executes the functions above to set the initial state of the form based on whether a RememberMe cookie
is set. The setFocus() function puts cursor into the username field on the form for usability.

When the form is submitted, the following function is called:

function submitForm() {
if (document.getElementById("rmcb").checked) {
var u = document.getElementById("username").value;
if (u != null) {
var exp = new Date();
var cookieDef = rememberMeCookie + "=" + u +
";path=/;secure;expires=" + exp.toGMTString();
console.log('cookieDef: ' + cookieDef);
document.cookie = cookieDef;

Page 177 of 250


If the Remember Me checkbox is checked, it saves the value of the username field to a persistent cookie
before submitting the form.

The purpose of setting the rememberme parameter to string "true" or "false" is so that it can be made
available as an attribute in the Context-based Access engine where it will determine if the user's device
should be registered.

We don't want to change the Template File so click Close to close the window.

21.1.2 Examine JavaScript

Now let's look at the JavaScript that the InfoMap mechanism will use. You should have already imported this
into a Mapping Rule in section 16.2.

Navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication.

Select the Advanced tab.

Select the row for the RememberMeUsername Mapping Rule and then click Edit button.
The Mapping Rule JavaScript is displayed.

The first thing the script does is to try and get the username attribute from the user credential (token)
associated with the incoming request:

var username = context.get(Scope.REQUEST, "urn:ibm:security:asf:request:token:attribute",


Page 178 of 250

If this is populated (i.e. not null) it means that there is already an authenticated user. We don't need to do
anything more so simply set success flag:

if (username != null) {
// username already authenticated, skip this infomap

If there is no user currently authenticated, we try to get the username from the incoming request:

username = context.get(Scope.REQUEST, "urn:ibm:security:asf:request:parameter",


If there's a username in the incoming request it means the user has just POSTed their username in response
to our prompt. The POST will also include the value of the "Remember Me" checkbox which we need to store
for later processing.

We use context.get to get the rememberme parameter from the request:

var rememberme = context.get(Scope.REQUEST, "urn:ibm:security:asf:request:parameter",


A context.set is used to save the received username to the username attribute in the
urn:ibm:security:asf:response:token:attributes namespace of the Session context:

context.set(Scope.SESSION, "urn:ibm:security:asf:response:token:attributes", "username",


This is where the Authentication Service will look to find the username it should build an authenticated session
for when the authentication policy successfully completes.

A context.set is used to set the AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL attribute in the

urn:ibm:security:asf:response:token:attributes namespace of the Session context:

context.set(Scope.SESSION, "urn:ibm:security:asf:response:token:attributes",

This sets the authentication level for the session to level 0.

We will use this authentication level later to limit what can be accessed with this "username-only" session
and to force a step-up operation to trigger the second part of the authentication process.

A context.set is used to save the rememberme attribute from the request into a rememberme attribute in the
urn:ibm:security:asf:response:token:attributes namespace of the Session context:

context.set(Scope.SESSION, "urn:ibm:security:asf:response:token:attributes", "rememberme",


This means that the attribute will be available in the authenticated user's credential when the authenication
policy successfully completes.

Finally we then set the success flag to complete the authentication mechanism:


If there's no username in the current session or in the incoming request then we need to present a page to the
user asking them for their username. We do this by setting success flag to false. This causes the InfoMap to
return the associated template page.

Page 179 of 250


We don't want to change the Mapping Rule so click Close to close the window.

21.1.3 Configure InfoMap

We will now create an InfoMap Authentication Mechanism which uses the Mapping Rule and its associated
Template Page:

Select the Mechanisms tab then click the Add button and select Info Map Authentication from the drop-
down list. This starts creation of a new InfoMap mechanism.

On the General tab, enter RememberMe Username Login as the Name.

Enter username_remember_me in the Identifier box.

Enter a Description.

Page 180 of 250

Select the Properties tab.

Select the row for Mapping Rule and click the Modify Property button.

Select the RememberMeUsername Mapping Rule from the drop-down list then click OK.

Select the row for Template Page and click the Modify Property button.

Page 181 of 250

Enter /authsvc/authenticator/rememberme/username.html as the Value and click OK.

Verify the Mapping Rule and Template Page have been configured and then click Save.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

21.2 Create Username Only Login Authentication Policy

We will now create an Authentication Policy that uses the InfoMap mechanism we just created to allow a user
to login by simply providing their username.

If not already there, navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication.

Page 182 of 250

Select the policies tab click New button to create a new authentication policy.

Enter Username Login as the Name. This is the human-readable name for the policy.

Enter username_login in the Identifier box. This will be appended to the text already shown which makes the
full identifier: urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:username_login.

Enter a Description.

Check Enabled.

Click Add Step button to add the first step.

Select RememberMe Username Login mechanism from the drop-down list. This is the InfoMap mechansim
we created in the previous step. Then click OK.

Click Save at the top of the window to save the new policy.

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

21.3 Import Reverse Proxy pages

An updated Login page is required for the "default" Reverse Proxy instance which includes a link to trigger the
password-less login option. We'll also load an updated Step-up Login page which will be used later. These
updated files are provided in a ZIP archive file ready for importing to the SAM Appliance.

Page 183 of 250

Navigate to Secure Web Settings > Manage: Reverse Proxy

Select the radio-button for the default Reverse Proxy instance. Click Manage and then select Management
Root from the drop-down menu.

Click Manage and select Import Zip from the drop-down menu.

Click Browse. Locate and select the file …/providedfiles/pages/ Then click Import.

Click Close.

Page 184 of 250

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Restart the default Reverse Proxy instance to pick up the page changes.

21.4 Test Username Only Login

In a new browser window, navigate to the following URL:

This page requires authentication and so the Reverse Proxy returns its login page:

Note that the page has a new link on it. The login page was customised when we imported the new Reverse
Proxy pages in section 21.3.

If you hover over the link you can see that it goes to:

This is a trigger for the Authentication Policy we just created in section 21.2.

Click the Advanced Password-less Login link.

The HTML page associated with the Remember Me Username Login mechanism is displayed:

Page 185 of 250

Enter testuser as the Username and check the Remember Me checkbox. Then click Next.

The Remember Me Username Login mechanism completes (having stored the presented username). This
completes the Authentication Policy and so an authenticated session for testuser is created. The browser is
redirected to the diagnostics page that was originally requested.

Notice that the Authentication Level is 0. This was set in the InfoMap JavaScript (see section 21.1.2).
Currently, this authentication level has no affect but we will use it later to limit what this session can access
and force a "step-up" authentication to trigger the second half of the Authentication Process.

Click Logout to end the session.

21.5 Create Protected Object Policies to enforce authentication level

In this section, we will create two Protected Object Policies (POPs). One will allow access to users
authenticated at level 0 (or above) and the other will allow access to users authenticated at level 1 (or above).
We will attach the level 1 pop to the root of the Default Reverse Proxy URL space so that users authenticated
at level 0 immediately trigger a step-up authentication.

POPs can be created using either the LMI console or the ISAM Admin command line. We will use the
command line here for speed.

Access the appliance LMI (either directly on the console or via SSH) and login (remembering that the user id
is admin and the password is Passw0rd).

For SSH:

$ ssh's password: Passw0rd

Welcome to the IBM Security Access Manager
Welcome to the IBM Security Access Manager appliance
Enter "help" for a list of available commands>

Page 186 of 250

Access the SAM administration tool and log in:> isam admin

pdadmin> login -a sec_master

Enter Password: Passw0rd
pdadmin sec_master>

Enter the following command to create a POP requiring level 1 authentication (or above):

pdadmin sec_master> pop create level1pop

pdadmin sec_master> pop modify level1pop set ipauth anyothernw 1

Authentication levels in POPs are tied to IP networks. The modify command above says that for "any
other network" (which means all networks since no other definitions exist) require authentication level 1.

Enter the follow command to attach the POP requiring level 1 to the root URL of the Default Reverse Proxy:

pdadmin sec_master> pop attach /WebSEAL/ level1pop

Enter the following command to create an empty POP. An empty POP allows authentication at any level and
so will allow access for users authenticated at level 0:

pdadmin sec_master> pop create level0pop

Enter the following commands to attach the POP allowing level 0 access to the resources that a user needs to
access before they authenticate at level 1:

pdadmin sec_master> pop attach /WebSEAL/

pdadmin sec_master> pop attach /WebSEAL/
pdadmin sec_master> pop attach /WebSEAL/ level0pop
pdadmin sec_master> pop attach /WebSEAL/ level0pop
pdadmin sec_master> pop attach /WebSEAL/

To verify the attachments, use the pop find command:

pdadmin sec_master> pop find level1pop

pdadmin sec_master> pop find level0pop

We'll leave this command session open for later use.

Page 187 of 250

The script should display the following:
[...] ExtendedConfig I Advanced Password-less Login: Part 1
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating authentication mechanism RememberMe Username Login
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created authentication mechanism RememberMe Username
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating authentication policy Username Login
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created authentication policy Username Login
[...] ExtendedConfig I Importing pages in reverse proxy default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully imported pages in reverse proxy default
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating Protected Object Policies to enforce authentication level
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created Protected Object Policies to enforce authentication level
[...] ExtendedConfig I Advanced Password-less Login: Part 1 complete

21.6 Test Protected Object Policy

In a new browser window, navigate to the following URL:

Click the Advanced Password-less Login link.

The HTML page associated with the Remember Me Username Login mechanism is displayed:

Note that the Username field is pre-populated with testuser and that the Remember Me checkbox is pre-
checked. This is because the cookie we set last time has been detected and used (as per the JavaScript
functions in the login page that we examined in section 21.1.1).

Click Next.

The Remember Me Username Login mechanism completes (having stored the presented username). This
completes the Authentication Policy and so an authenticated session for testuser is created. The browser is
redirected to the diagnostics page that was originally requested…

Page 188 of 250

… but the level1pop Protected Object Policy that we just attached requires authentication level 1 for access to
this resource. The Reverse Proxy sends its stepuplogin.html file. This is a custom file that we imported in
section 21.3.

This Step-Up login attempts to call a resource that doesn't exist yet which results in a loop. The page has
detection for this and displays an error:

Error. Step-up loop.

The first half of our authentication policy is complete. Now we need to configure the second half.

Page 189 of 250

22 Advanced Password-less Login: Part 2
The second part of the advanced authentication process will authenticate the user at level 1. It will be
triggered by step-up when a user authenticated at level 0 tries to access a protected resource.

The step-up login page will call an Authentication Policy which simply sets the authentication level to 1.
However, this Authentication Policy will be accessed via a special junction (/stepup) which will be protected by
a Context-based Access Policy. This Context-based Access Policy will require the user to complete another
authentication policy – the content of which depends on whether the user's browser is recognised or not.

To refresh your memory, review the flowchart presented in section 20.

If the user's browser is recognised, the user will only have to complete an MMFA login.

If the user's browser is not recognised, the user must complete a reCAPTCHA challenge and then an MMFA

A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Before you run this script you may need to define the key-pair attributes ‘recaptcha-site-key’ and
‘recaptcha-secret-key’ in the file …/providedfiles/automation/settings.yml. See section 1.2.7

Run this script: extended --password-less-part-2

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

Page 190 of 250

22.1 Create /stepup Junction in default Reverse Proxy instance
For our step-up operation, we want to have a Context-based Access policy which is invoked before the
Authentication Service is called. We can't add this policy to the normal URL for the Authentication Service
because this would be invoked for all calls across the /mga junction – and we only want it applied for our step-
up operation.

To make this possible we will create a copy of the /mga junction (which is usually used to access the
Authentication Service). This new /stepup junction provides an alternate route to the Authentication Service
where we can apply our Context-based Access Policy.

Navigate to Secure Web Settings > Manage: Reverse Proxy

Selec the radio-button for the default Reverse Proxy instance. Click Manage and then select Junction
Management from the drop-down menu.

Click New and select Standard Junction from the drop-down list.

Page 191 of 250

Enter /app as the Junction Point Name and select SSL radio-button for Junction Type.

Select the Servers tab and click New.

Enter localhost as the Hostname and click Save.

Page 192 of 250

Select the Identity tab.

Select Ignore for the HTTP Basic Authentication Header.

Check the checkboxes for IV-USER, IV-USER-L, IV-GROUPS, and IV-CREDS.

Note the inclusion of the IV-USER-L header here. We will use the presence of this header to distinguish
requests that are coming via this junction rather than the /mga junction in order to prevent access to the
stepup authentication policy via the /mga junction (and therefore avoidance of the context-based access

Select the check-box for Junction Cookie and set the Junction Cookie Javascript Block to Inhead.

Select check-boxes for Include session cookie and Insert client IP address.

Then click Save to create the junction.

Click Close to close the Junction Management window.

22.2 Add EAI Trigger for Authentication Service via /stepup junction
EAI Trigger configuration tells the Reverse Proxy which backend URLs can assert user identity to it in
response HTTP headers. When AAC configuration is done, the required URLs are added to the Reverse
Proxy configuration. However, we will need to manually add the URL of the Authentication Service when it is
accessed via the /stepup junction.

Page 193 of 250

In the top menu panel, select Secure Web Settings → Manage: Reverse Proxy, as indicated above.

Select the radio button for the default Reverse Proxy instance. Click on Manage and select
ConfigurationEdit Configuration File from the pop-up menu. This will open the configuration file.

To find a location in this file, use the browser's search function. On Firefox this is activated using Ctrl-f.

Locate the [eai-trigger-urls] stanza.

Add the following line to the end of the stanza:


trigger = /mga/sps/authsvc*
trigger = /mga/sps/apiauthsvc*
trigger = /stepup/sps/authsvc*

Click Save to save the updated configuration.

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

Restart the default Reverse Proxy instance.

22.3 Create Authentication Policy to set Authentication Level

We will now create the Authentication Policy that will set the Authentication Level to 1. This will require a
custom InfoMap mechanism which sets the Authentication Level for the current user session to 1.

22.3.1 Examine JavaScript

First, let's look at the JavaScript that the InfoMap mechanism will use. You should have already imported this
into a Mapping Rule in section 16.2.

Page 194 of 250

Navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication.

Select the Advanced tab.

Select the row for the SetAuthenticationLevel Mapping Rule and then click Edit button.
The Mapping Rule JavaScript is displayed.
The first thing the script does is to try and read the username parameter from the incoming credential:

"urn:ibm:security:asf:request:token:attribute", "username");

If this is populated (i.e. not null) then it means that the user is already authenticated. This needs to be the
case – we shouldn't be stepping up if the user is not already authenticated.

Next, the script does is to try and read the iv-user-l header parameter from the incoming request:

var userlong = context.get(Scope.REQUEST,

"urn:ibm:security:asf:request:header", "iv-user-l");

If this is populated (i.e. not null) it means that the Authentication Service was accessed via the /stepup
junction (because only it sets this header – see section 22.1). It's important that the /stepup junction is used
because that's where our Context-based Access trigger will be.

If the username is populated and the iv-user-l header was present then we can perform the step-up. We set
the success flag to true so that the authentication mechanism will complete and we use a context.set to set
the AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL in the response token to 1.

if (username != null && username.length() > 0 && userlong != null

Page 195 of 250

&& userlong.length() > 0) {

If the user is not already authenticated OR the iv-user-l header is missing then the success flag is set to false
and and errot page is specified for return to the user:

} else {

The error page HTML doesn't contain anything particularly interesting but if you want to view it, go to the
Template Files and locate file Cauthsvcauthenticatorsetauthenticationlevelerror.html.

We don't want to change the Mapping Rule so click Close to close the window.

22.3.2 Configure InfoMap

We will now create an InfoMap Authentication Mechanism which uses the Mapping Rule and its associated
Template Page:

Select the Mechanisms tab then click the Add button and select Info Map Authentication from the drop-
down list. This starts creation of a new InfoMap mechanism.

Page 196 of 250

On the General tab, enter Set Authentication Level as the Name.

Enter set_authentication_level in the Identifier box.

Enter a Description.

Select the Properties tab.

Set the Mapping Rule to SetAuthenticationLevel.

Set the Template Page /authsvc/authenticator/setauthenticationlevel/error.html

Click Save.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

22.3.3 Create Authentication Policy

We will now create an Authentication Policy that uses the InfoMap mechanism we just created.

If not already there, navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication.

Select the policies tab click New button to create a new authentication policy.

Page 197 of 250

Enter Set Authentication Level as the Name. This is the human-readable name for the policy.

Enter set_authentication_level in the Identifier box. This will be appended to the text already shown which
makes the full identifier: urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:set_authentication_level.

Enter a Description.

Check Enabled.

Click Add Step button to add select Set Authentication Level mechanism from the drop-down list. This is
the InfoMap mechansim we created in the previous step. Then click OK.

Click Save at the top of the window to save the new policy.

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

22.4 Set up browser recognition using persistent cookie

ISAM context-based access has several built in “Risk Profiles”, which are essentially collections of weighted
attributes used to store, and then later match, device characteristics to determine (in our case) if a browser
being used in the current session matches one previously registered for the authenticated user. What we have
seen in the field is that, due to browser API behavior, some of the common attributes used in the out-of-the-
box Browser Risk Profile are not completely reliable. For example the set of installed browser plugins is not
always returned in the same order in the Javascript API, which means we often get false-negatives when
doing string matching of that attribute.

In order to provide an “absolute” match of a browser, and an easy way to reset the demo, in this cookbook we
will introduce a modified version of the Browser Risk Profile that uses a randomly generated persistent cookie
to “tag” the browser. This will be the only weighted attribute in the Risk Profile.

This persistent cookie will be generated and retrieved in a modified version of the info.js JavaScript which
mines client-side browser attributes to send to context-based access for matching. On the ISAM server we will
need to define the attribute, and include it in a new Risk Profile (which we will then make the active profile).

Page 198 of 250

22.4.1 Add fingerprintCookie Attribute

In the top menu panel, select Secure Access Control → Policy: Attributes, as indicated above.

Select the “New Attribute” icon as indicated above.

Page 199 of 250

Enter fingerprintCookie as the Name. This is how the attribute will be displayed in the console.

Enter urn:ibm:security:environment:fingerprintCookie as the Identifier and select Environment

as the Category.

Select the Risk checkbox. This indicates that this attribute should be made available for use in Risk Profiles
for device recognition.

Select the Device and Session Storage Domains. This indicates that the attribute can be used for device
matching and for matching requests in a session.

Press the Save button to create the new attribute.

Deploy the changes to the runtime. This needs to be done so that the attribute will be available in the policy

22.4.2 Create Risk Profile

We will now create a Risk Profile which uses the fingerprintCookie as the only weighted attribute used in
linking a browser to a user.

Page 200 of 250

In the top menu panel, select Secure Access Control → Policy: Risk Profiles, as indicated above.

Click Add button.

Enter BrowserFingerprintCookie as the Name and click Save. This creates an empty risk profile.

Page 201 of 250

Select the BrowserFingerprintCookie profile and click Add button above (empty) attribute list.

Enter finger in the filter and then select check-box for fingerprintCookie in the filtered list.

Click Add and then Close.

Page 202 of 250

Enter 50 as the weight and click Save. Note that since weights are relative and this is the only attribute the
value is arbitrary.

Click Set Active to make this the active risk profile for the system. The green ball moves to this profile:

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

22.5 Define Remember Me Attribute

The decision on whether to register the browser for an authenticating user (so they can bypass the
reCAPTCHA step in subsequent authentications from that browser) is made based on the setting of the
Remember Me input parameter on the Username-only login page. The value of this parameter is added to
the credential of the authenticated user by the Username-Only Login InfoMap (see section 21.1.2) but to
make it available to the Context Based Access policy engine, we need to create an Attribute definition for it.

When the Reverse Proxy sends a Context-based Access request, it includes all credential attributes in the
Subject section of the XACML message. The attribute name from the credential, rememberme, is used.

In the top menu panel, select Secure Access Control → Policy: Attributes, as indicated above.

Select the “New Attribute” icon as indicated above.

Page 203 of 250

Enter rememberme as the Name. This is how the attribute will be displayed in the console.

Enter rememberme as the Identifier. This must match the name of the attribute in the user credential.

The Category and Data Type defaults are what we want. Credential Attributes are received in the Subject

Select the Policy checkbox. This indicates that this attribute should be made available for use in the policy

Press the Save button to create the new attribute.

Deploy the changes to the runtime. This needs to be done so that the attribute will be available in the policy

22.6 Create VerifyViaCBA InfoMap Authentication Mechanism

When we build the Authentication Policies to perform MMFA Authentication as the second part of our
authentication process, we want to make sure that they cannot be triggered by manually calling the
Authentication Service directly (e.g. with /mga/sps/authsvc?PolicyId=urn:…._). This would allow bypass of the
registered device check that we're going to implement.

We will create an InfoMap Authentication Mechanism which will check for a Session context attribute that will
only be present when the authentication policy was triggered via Context-based Access.

22.6.1 Examine JavaScript

First, let's look at the JavaScript that the InfoMap mechanism will use. You should have already imported this
into a Mapping Rule in section 16.2.

Page 204 of 250

Navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication.

Select the Advanced tab.

Select the row for the VerifyStepupViaCBA Mapping Rule and then click Edit button.
The Mapping Rule JavaScript is displayed.

The first thing the script does is to try and read the resource attribute with urn:ibm:security:asf:cba:attribute
namespace from the Session context:

var cbaResource = context.get(Scope.SESSION,

"urn:ibm:security:asf:cba:attribute", "resource");

If this is populated (i.e. not null) then it means that the authentication service was triggered by a Permit with
Authentication result from a Context-based Access policy.

if (cbaResource != null && cbaResource.equals("/stepup/sps/authsvc")) {


In this case the success flag is set to true which tells the authentication mechanism to complete.

If the success flag is not set this will cause the page associated with the mechanism to be returned. This will
be an error page.

The error page HTML doesn't contain anything particularly interesting but if you want to view it, go to the
Template Files and locate file Cauthsvcauthenticatorverifystepupviacbaerror.html.

We don't want to change the Mapping Rule so click Close to close the window.

Page 205 of 250

22.6.2 Configure InfoMap
We will now create an InfoMap Authentication Mechanism which uses the Mapping Rule and its associated
Template Page:

Select the Mechanisms tab then click the Add button and select Info Map Authentication from the drop-
down list. This starts creation of a new InfoMap mechanism.

On the General tab, enter VerifyStepupViaCBA as the Name.

Enter verify_stepup_via_cba in the Identifier box.

Enter a Description.

Page 206 of 250

Select the Properties tab.

Set the Mapping Rule to VerifyStepupViaCBA.

Set the Template Page /authsvc/authenticator/verifystepupviacba/error.html

Click Save.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

22.7 Create InfoMap Authentication Mechanism to build MMFA prompt

When we build the Authentication Policies to perform MMFA Authentication as the second part of our
authentication process, we want to dynamically build the prompt that is displayed during login to include the
username of the user that is attempting login. We also want to determine whether to demand fingerprint
authentication (if the user has a device that supports it), or fallback to user-presence authentication (if they do
not). This decision can be made by querying the user’s SCIM profile to see what registered authentication
mechanisms exist.

We will create an InfoMap Authentication Mechanism which will populate a Session attribute with the prompt
which we can then reference in the MMFA Authenticator mechanism. It will also query SCIM to determine the
user’s registered mechanisms, and populate a Session attribute with the required response Policy URI.

22.7.1 Examine JavaScript

First, let's look at the JavaScript that the InfoMap mechanism will use. You should have already imported this
into a Mapping Rule in section 16.2.

Page 207 of 250

Navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication.

Select the Advanced tab.

Select the row for the BuildMMFAStepupLoginPrompt Mapping Rule and then click Edit button.
The Mapping Rule JavaScript is displayed.

This script includes some functions for building the SCIM request needed to look up a users MMFA

This function computes the SCIM ID for a given username. This is needed in order to look up MMFA
information for a user that may not exist in the ISAM user registry.

This function builds a URL of the form /Users/<SCIM ID of user>?attributes=<attribute list>
It gets the SCIM ID for the user by calling the computeIDForUsername(username) function.

The attribute list is set as a variable:

var attributes =

Now lets follow the logic of the script.

The first thing the script does is to try and read the username parameter from the incoming credential:

"urn:ibm:security:asf:request:token:attribute", "username");

Page 208 of 250

If this is populated (i.e. not null) then it means that the user is already authenticated. This needs to be the
case – we shouldn't be stepping up if the user is not already authenticated.

The following lines build a message string which includes the value from the username attribute. It then uses
a context.set function to save the message to a new prompt attribute in the authentication policy session
context. A custom namespace, urn:ibm:security:asf:demo is used:

context.set(Scope.SESSION, "urn:ibm:security:asf:demo", "prompt",

"Please log me in: " + username);

Next, the script retrieves the SCIM client configuration from the Session context. This attribute is populated
by a SCIM Endpoint Configuration mechanism that will be included in the Policy before this InfoMap:

var scimConfig = context.get(Scope.SESSION, "urn:ibm:security:asf:policy", "scimConfig");

The following command makes the SCIM call to retrieve user information. It passes in the scimConfig and
also the SCIM Query built by the getSCIMQueryURL(username) function described above:

var resp = ScimClient.httpGet(scimConfig, getSCIMQueryURL(username));

This if statement checks that a response was received and that the status code was 200 (OK):

if (resp != null && resp.getCode() == 200) {

This statement extracts the Authenticator information from the User Object:

var mmfaData =

This statement extracts Authenticators, User Presence Methods and Fingerprint methods from that
Authenticator data:

var authenticators = mmfaData.authenticators;

var userPresenceMethods = mmfaData.userPresenceMethods;
var fingerprintMethods = mmfaData.fingerprintMethods;

If there are any fingerprint methods registered, mmfaResponsePolicyURI is set to the URI of the Fingerprint
Response Policy that we created in section 18.3. Otherwise, if there are any user presence methods
registered, it is set to the URI of the User Presence Responese Policy that we created in section 11.2.

if (fingerprintMethods != null && fingerprintMethods.length > 0) {

mmfaResponsePolicyURI = "urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mmfa_response_fingerprint";
} else if (userPresenceMethods != null && userPresenceMethods.length > 0) {
mmfaResponsePolicyURI = "urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mmfa_response_userpresence";

If a Policy URI has been determined then it is stored in the Session context using attribute name policyURI in
namespace urn:ibm:security:asf:demo. result variable is set to true.

context.set(Scope.SESSION, "urn:ibm:security:asf:demo", "policyURI",


If any failure occurs during processing, an @ERROR_MESSAGE@ macro is set. This will be displayed by
the page associated with the InfoMap when it completes with success flag set to false. For example:

macros.put("@ERROR_MESSAGE@","No supported authentication methods registered");

Page 209 of 250

Finally, success flag is set to value of result. This will be true only if everyting was succesful. Otherwise it will
be false.


The error page HTML doesn't contain anything particularly interesting but if you want to view it, go to the
Template Files and locate file Cauthsvcauthenticatorbuildmmfastepuploginprompterror.html.

We don't want to change the Mapping Rule so click Close to close the window.

22.7.2 Configure InfoMap

We will now create an InfoMap Authentication Mechanism which uses the Mapping Rule and its associated
Template Page:

Select the Mechanisms tab then click the Add button and select Info Map Authentication from the drop-
down list. This starts creation of a new InfoMap mechanism.

On the General tab, enter BuildMMFAStepupLoginPrompt as the Name.

Enter stepup_login_prompt in the Identifier box.

Enter a Description.

Page 210 of 250

Select the Properties tab.

Set the Mapping Rule to BuildMMFAStepupLoginPrompt.

Set the Template Page /authsvc/authenticator/buildmmfastepuploginprompt/error.html

Click Save.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

22.8 Provide Authentication Policy Access to SCIM

We are going to make SCIM calls from within our MMFA Authentication Policies to look up the user's
registered authentication mechanisms and determine whether to specify user presence or fingerprint. To
make this work we need to define a Web Service Server Connection which points to the SCIM interface on
our system. We then need to add this Server Connection to the properties of the SCIM Endpoint
Configuration Mechanism and include this Mechanism in the Authentication Policy to initialize the client.

This use of the SCIM client is used extensively in the new ISAM user self-care (USC) capabilities.

Page 211 of 250

22.8.1 Create Server Connection for SCIM Web Service

Navigate to Secure Access ControlGlobal Settings: Server Connections.

Click the Add button and select Web Service from the drop-down menu.

Page 212 of 250

Enter localscim as the Name and enter a Description.

Enter https://localhost/scim as the URL.

Enter easuser as the Username and Passw0rd as the Passw0rd.

SSL is already True. Select rt_profile_keys as the SSL Truststore.

Click Save.

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

22.8.2 Configure SCIM Endpoint Configuration Mechanism

To use the SCIM client in an Authentication Policy, it must be initialized before it is used. This is done by
including the SCIM Endpoint Configuration Authentication Mechanism in the Policy.

This Mechanism has a property which needs to be set to specify the Web Service Server Connection to use
for connection to SCIM service. We will do that now.

Page 213 of 250

Navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication.

Select the Mechanisms tab.

Select the SCIM Endpoint Configuration mechanism and click the Modify button.

Select the Properties tab. Select the Server Connection property and click Modify button.

Page 214 of 250

Select localscim connection from the drop-down list. This is the connection we just created. Then click OK.

Click Save.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

22.9 Configure Load Google CA Certificates for reCAPTCHA

A new capability, introduced in ISAM 9.0.2, is the ability to embed Google reCAPTCHA challenges into
authentication policy pages. These prevent automated attacks (e.g. brute force or denial of service) against
publicly accessible processes such as authentication, account registration, lost username, or password reset.

We will use Google reCAPTCHA in this scenario, when we don't recognise the user's device, to prevent an
anonymous attacker flooding a legitimate user with login verification prompts.

There are two parts to configuring Google reCAPTCHA:

• Obtaining and configuring the reCAPTCHA site key and secret
• Loading CA Certificates for SSL transport security

22.9.1 Obtaining and Configuring Google reCAPTCHA Site Key and Secert

You need to register to use Google reCAPTCHA. This can be done at:

Page 215 of 250

You need to configure a site with the “Domains” to include, as shown:

The output of this process is a site key and secret key, as shown (redacted) here:

Once you have a site key and secret, load these into ISAM as follows:

Navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication.

Page 216 of 250

Select Mechanisms tab. Select the reCAPTCHA Verification mechanism (at the end of the list) and click
the Edit button.

Select the Properties tab. Edit the Secret Key and Site Key properties so they match your Google reCaptcha

Click Save and Deploy changes.

22.9.2 Load Google CA Certificates

For Google reCAPTCHA to work, we must load a certificate to allow trusted communication from the AAC
Runtime to Google servers on the Internet. The certificate needs to be loaded to the Runtime key store:

Navigate to Manage System SettingsSecure Settings: SSL Certificates

Page 217 of 250

Select the rt_profile_keys certificate database. Click Manage and then select Edit SSL Certificate
Database from the drop-down menu.

The Signer Certificates tab is open. Click Manage and then select Import from the drop-down menu.

Click Browse to open the file explorer. Locate and select the following file:

Enter Google CA as the Certificate Label and then click Import.

Page 218 of 250

Click Close to close the key store.

Deploy changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

22.10 Create Step-up reCAPTCHA + MMFA Initiate Authentication Policy

We will now create the first of our two MMFA Authentication Policies. This one will include both reCAPTCHA
and MMFA steps, and will be used in the case where a user is logging in from a browser that we have not
seen/registered before.

Navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Authentication.

Select the policies tab click New button to create a new authentication policy.

Page 219 of 250

Enter MMFA Stepup Login Recaptcha as the Name. This is the human-readable name for the policy.

Enter mmfa_initiate_stepup_login_recaptcha in the Identifier box. This will be appended to the text already
shown which makes the full identifier:

Enter a Description.

Check Enabled.

Use the Add Step button to build the workflow steps as shown above. The mechanisms are
VerifyStepupCBA, reCAPTCHA Verification, SCIM Endpoint Confguration,
BuildMMFASteupupLoginPrompt, and MMFA Authenticator.

Click the Parameters button next to MMFA Authenticator step.

Page 220 of 250

We want to set the message displayed to the user dynamically using the prompt attribute that we set in the
BuildMMFASteupupLoginPrompt InfoMap mechanism (see section 22.7.1).

Select the checkbox next to contextMessage. Select Session from the drop-down list for Source. This
indicates that we will read from the Authentication Policy session. Enter prompt as the Attribute Id for the
value and enter urn:ibm:security:asf:demo as the Namespace. This matches the values that were used to
save the custom message in the BuildMMFAStepupLoginPrompt InfoMap Mapping Rule JavaScript.

Select the checkbox next to mode. The default value of Initiate is what we want so don't change it. This tells
the mechanism that it is initiating the challenge to the Authenticator Client.

Select the checkbox next to policyURI. Select Session from the drop-down list for Source. This indicates
that we will read from the Authentication Policy session. Enter policyURI as the Attribute Id for the value and
enter urn:ibm:security:asf:demo as the Namespace. Again this matches the values that were used to save
the “best available” registered authentication mechanism discovered from SCIM in the
BuildMMFAStepupLoginPrompt InfoMap Mapping Rule JavaScript (see section 22.7.1).

Click OK to close the parameters window.

Click Save at the top of the window to save the Policy.

A warning is shown to indicate there is an undeployed change. There is no need to deploy yet though
because we have more configuration to do.

22.11 Create Step-up MMFA Initiate Authentication Policy

We will now create the second of our two MMFA Authentication Policies. This one will only include MMFA – it
will NOT include reCAPTCHA. It will only be invoked if the user is coming from a previously used/registered

Page 221 of 250

On the policies tab, click New button to create a new authentication policy.

Enter MMFA Stepup Login as the Name. This is the human-readable name for the policy.

Enter mmfa_initiate_stepup_login in the Identifier box. This will be appended to the text already shown
which makes the full identifier: urn:ibm:security:authentication:asf:mmfa_initiate_stepup_login.

Enter a Description.

Check Enabled.

Use the Add Step button to build the workflow steps as shown above. The mechanisms are
VerifyStepupCBA, SCIM Endpoint Configuration, BuildMMFASteupupLoginPrompt, and MMFA

Click the Parameters button next to MMFA Authenticator step.

Page 222 of 250

We want to set the message displayed to the user dynamically using the prompt attribute that we set in the
BuildMMFASteupupLoginPrompt InfoMap mechanism (see section 22.7.1)..

Select the checkbox next to contextMessage. Select Session from the drop-down list for Source. This
indicates that we will read from the Authentication Policy session. Enter prompt as the Attribute Id for the
value and enter urn:ibm:security:asf:demo as the Namespace. This matches the values that were used to
save the custom message in the BuildMMFAStepupLoginPrompt InfoMap Mapping Rule JavaScript.

Select the checkbox next to mode. The default value of Initiate is what we want so don't change it. This tells
the mechanism that it is initiating the challenge to the Authenticator Client.

Select the checkbox next to policyURI. Select Session from the drop-down list for Source. This indicates
that we will read from the Authentication Policy session. Enter policyURI as the Attribute Id for the value and
enter urn:ibm:security:asf:demo as the Namespace. Again this matches the values that were used to save
the “best available” registered authentication mechanism discovered from SCIM in the
BuildMMFAStepupLoginPrompt InfoMap Mapping Rule JavaScript (see section 22.7.1).

Click OK to close the parameters window.

Click Save at the top of the window to save the Policy.

Deploy the changes using the link in the yellow warning message.

22.12 Create Context-based Access Policy to drive MMFA Authentication

In this section, we will create the Context-based Access policy that will drive the device recognition, device
registration, and MMFA step-up authentication process. It will be attached to the /stepup junction so that it is
invoked whenever step-up authentication is occurring.

Page 223 of 250

Navigate to Secure Access ControlPolicy: Access Control.

Click the Create Policy button in the main window of the Policies tab.

Enter Stepup Login Policy as the Name. Enter a description.

Select First from the Precedence drop-down list. This means that the rules of the policy will be evaluated in
order. As soon as a rule returns a result, that result is returned.

Click Add Rule.

Page 224 of 250

Create the Policy described above.

Click Save button at the top of the window to save the Policy. The new policy is shown in the policy list:

Page 225 of 250

22.13 Create a Resource, Attach Policy, and Publish
Now that we have a Policy, we need to attach it to a resource (i.e. URL protected by the Reverse Proxy) so
that it is triggered when that resource is accessed.

Select the Resources tab and click the Create Resource icon.

The Web Container specifies which Reverse Proxy instance protects the resource we want to add. Ensure
this is set to

Enter /stepup as the Resource. This is the server relative URL of the junction we created in section 22.1.
Any policy we attach to this resource will affect all resources on this junction (including the Authentication
Service endpoints).

Click Save to add the resource.

Select the /stepup resource and click Attach.

Page 226 of 250

Select the checkbox next to the Stepup Login Policy and press the OK button to attach the specified policy
to the resource.

Note that a warning is shown to indicate that the policy we have attached needs to be published to the
Advanced Access Control runtime Policy Engine.

Click Publish All.

Press the Publish button to confirm publishing the policy. You should now see a message next to the
resource indicating when it was last published:

Page 227 of 250

The script should display the following:
[...] ExtendedConfig I Advanced Password-less Login: Part 2
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating junction /stepup on reverse proxy instance default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created junction /stepup on reverse proxy instance default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Adding EAI trigger to reverse proxy default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully added EAI trigger to reverse proxy default
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] Common I Restarting reverse proxy instance default
[...] Common I Successfully restarted reverse proxy instance default
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating authentication mechanism Set Authentication Level
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created authentication mechanism Set Authentication Level
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes

[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully configured reCAPTCHA Verification mechanism
[...] ExtendedConfig I Importing the Google CA certificates
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully imported the Google CA certificates
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating authentication policy MMFA Stepup Login Recaptcha
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created authentication policy MMFA Stepup Login Recaptcha
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating authentication policy MMFA Stepup Login
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created authentication policy MMFA Stepup Login
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] ExtendedConfig I Creating access policy Stepup Login Policy
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully created access policy Stepup Login Policy
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring access control for resource /stepup
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully configured access control for resource /stepup
[...] ExtendedConfig I Advanced Password-less Login: Part 2 complete

Configuration of Advanced Password-less Login scenario complete.

Page 228 of 250

23 Testing Advanced Password-less Login Scenario
In this section, we will walk through the testing of various scenarios for advanced password-less login.
Specifically, we will cover:

• First login flow – using remember-me, requiring RECAPTCHA, then MMFA.

• Second login flow – Only MMFA login required.
• Third login flow – clearing “registered browser”, then seeing how the login is affected.
• Exercises for the reader – descriptions of a few additional test cases you can try on your own.

23.1 First Login Flow – Remember Me, Recaptcha, MMFA

Pre-requisite: Ensure you have previously registered IBM Verify for mobile multi-factor authentication using
the testuser account – see section 10 for details.

Using your browser from an unauthenticated state, attempt to access the application diagnostics page:

You will see the regular login form, with the Advanced Password-less Login link at the bottom. Recall that this
link directly invokes the rememberme Authentication Policy we configured in section 21.2:

Click the Advanced Password-less Login link.

Page 229 of 250

Depending on whether or not you have already tested this page, the username may already be completed. If
not completed, enter testuser as the username and select the Remember Me checkbox.

Press Next.

At this point you will be authenticated to ISAM as testuser, but with an AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL of 0. In
addition, as the Remember Me checkbox was checked, JavaScript in the login.html will have set a persistent
cookie called rememberMeUsername with a value of testuser:

The level1pop that is attached to /WebSEAL/ will force a step-up login at the
Reverse Proxy, which will load stepup.html.

When stepuplogin.html loads, it loads and runs info.js for CBA browser attribute collection. In particular, info.js
will look for (and create if not found) a persistent cookie to tag the browser – this cookie is called

Page 230 of 250

After info.js completes attribute collection, the browser (per stepuplogin.html) is redirected to:

This resource (/stepup) has a CBA access control policy attached, which will compute a risk score and, finding
the browser has a high risk score because it does not match any registered browser for testuser, return the
authentication obligation “MMFA Stepup Login Recaptcha” (i.e. rule 1 in the policy defined in section 22.12).
The authentication policy has the following steps:

The Reverse Proxy will then redirect to this authentication policy, which will check that the policy has been
invoked as the result of a CBA obligation, then prompt for RECAPTHCA as shown:

Page 231 of 250

Select the I’m not a robot checkbox and complete the challenge, then press Submit.

The authentication policy will then proceed, initializing SCIM endpoint configuration, and invoking the
BuildMMFAStepupLoginPrompt InfoMap mechanism. This mechanism will query SCIM to see what
authentication mechanisms (user presence and fingerprint) have been registered for this user. If fingerprint is
registered it will be required, otherwise user presence will be required. This influences the policyURI
parameter for the MMFA Authenticator. The login prompt is built, and MMFA Authenticator initiates MMFA

On the browser you will see MMFA device selection:

Select your device and Submit.

Complete MMFA authentication on your phone, as described in section 19.3.

Notice that you should be required to perform fingerprint authentication (if that has been registered on your

On the browser, you should automatically transition from the pending page to the application page where you
are logged in as testuser with an AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL of 1:

After the access control policy attached to /stepup was satisfied, the set_authentication_level policy was
executed, resulting in automatic elevation of AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL to 1. Because of the Target
parameter (refer back to stepuplogin.html), you were then automatically redirected back to /app/mobile-
demo/diag (the application page), where this time the level1pop was satisfied and you were granted access to
the application resource.

Page 232 of 250

Take a close look at the diagnostics page – you should see the riskScore evaluation report, showing that the
browser was not recognized as a registered browser for the user (Final Risk: 100%):

Here’s what happened on the server:

After completing MMFA authentication on the phone, the access control policy attached to /stepup was re-
evaluated. This time you satisfied rule 3, which was to permit with Obligation “Register Device”. This resulted
in the recording of the browser fingerprint (specifically the browserFingerprint cookie) as a registered device
for testuser.

Now let's confirm that we now have a registered browser for testuser in the demo app,

Select Profile on the toolbar at the top of the page and then select Manage registered devices from the
Profile Management menu. The device management page is shown:

You have a registered device. Click on the device link to see the attributes associated with it:

Page 233 of 250

You can see that the value of the fingerprintCookie has been stored in the fingerprint.

Click Back button in the browser twice in order to return to the main demo pages.

Click the Logout button to end your current session. If you want to be sure all non-persistent data is gone,
close all browser windows.

23.2 Second Login Flow – Only MMFA

We now want to repeat the login flow a second time. This time however, our username should be
remembered (because it was stored during the last login because of the Remember Me check-box being
checked) and we shouldn't need to do a reCaptcha because our browser will be recognized (by the persistent
rememberme cookie).

Re-access the protected demo site using the URL:

The login page is displayed:


Click the Advanced Password-less Login link. The custom username-only login screen is displayed. This
time, notice that testuser is pre-filled. This is because of JavaScript in the page, and the
rememberMeUsername persistent cookie that was set on the first login flow.

Page 234 of 250

Press Next.

Level 0 authentication completes, and stepup login is invoked as before. The info.js collects browser
attributes, including the previously-established browserFingerprint cookie. The browser is redirected to the
/stepup junction as before and the AAC access control policy is evaluated.

This time a risk score of 0 is returned because the browserFingerprint cookie matches a registered device. As
a result you satisfy rule 4 of the access control policy which is to permit with Authentication “MMFA Stepup
Login” – this does NOT require RECAPTCHA, but is otherwise the same as the policy used in the first login:

On the browser, you see the device selection page:

Page 235 of 250

Select your device and click Submit.

Complete authentication using IBM Verify on the phone as before.

The Authentication policy will be re-evaluated for authentication obligations, and this time you will satisfy rule
5 of the policy. Notice the browser automatically transitions to the application page.

You have completed login with the only authentication challenge being MMFA login.

Notice the risk score evaluation in the diagnostics page:

The risk score is 0 this time because the fingerprintCookie from the connecting browser exactly matched the
fingerprintCookie from the previously registered browser (because it is the same browser).

23.3 Third Login Flow – Clearing registered browser

Having completed the second login scenario, navigate to Profile -> Manage registered devices as described
earlier in the first scenario, and Remove your registered browser:

Logout, then perform the Password-less login scenario again.

Notice how you have to perform RECAPTCHA once more.

What other ways could you have made RECAPTCHA occur again for testuser??
• Use a different browser
• Delete the browserFingerprint cookie
• Disable (rather than remove) the browser device in the dialog above
• Change the risk profile

Page 236 of 250

23.4 Further login exercises
This section offers you some additional exercises that you can test/demo:

• Unregister, then re-register IBM Verify (see sections 14.3 and 14.4). When registering, “skip”
fingerprint authentication (i.e. don’t registered a fingerprint authentication method). You can check
registered authentication mechanisms on the SCIM demo application at (check the MMFA tab)

Complete the password-less login scenario again, and notice this time you only need to perform user-
presence authentication on your device. The logic for managing this is handled via SCIM lookup in the
Javascript mapping rule used in the BuildMMFAStepupLoginPrompt InfoMap authentication

• Clear your rememberMeUsername persistent cookie, and any registered browsers. Repeat the login
scenario WITHOUT the Remember Me checkbox selected. The login experience is the same as the
first login scenario, except that after RECAPTCHA and MMFA authentication you will satisfy rule 2 of
the CBA policy, meaning that silent browser registration will NOT occur. This means that any
subsequent authentication will be the same as the first scenario – i.e. RECAPTCHA is required every

• For the adventurous, try modifying the template page

/C/authsvc/authenticator/mmfa/device_selection.html page to automatically select and submit your
registered device (if only one is returned). This would allow you to optimize the scenario even further
by skipping this step for users that have a single registered device. Similarly, you could also auto-
submit the username-only login page if a rememberMeUsername cookie value exists.

This concludes the main content of the cookbook.

Page 237 of 250

24 Appendix A: Additional Scenarios
24.1 Real time in-line MMFA Approval for Applications
This scenario demonstrates how to programmatically invoke MMFA authentication from a server-side process.

Imagine, for example, a web services authorization gateway that is processing an API request in-line. It may
not break the API contract it has with the client, however for business reasons the API may require real-time
user approval. Obviously this would only suit infrequently called APIs that can deal with medium to long
response times.

Another example where this might be used is during ssh login to a server. A PAM module could run after
certificate or username/password login to programmatically invoke MMFA authentication to the user’s device
either with or without additional command line UI. Even if an attacker guessed a password they could not
login. The MMFA authentication would not even need to go to the user trying to login – the PAM module could
be coded to lookup a HR database and send the MMFA authentication request to the user’s boss.

The example in this section will be constructed as both bash/curl and python scripts. As input, only the
username is required (i.e. first-factor authentication).

Architecturally, the solution is as follows:

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Web Sequence Diagram Text:

title MMFA for Applications

Application->ISAM: Initiate MMFA authentication for

note right of ISAM: Establish MMFA transaction.
ISAM->Application: login_wait.json
loop until (rspcode != 200) || (mmfa_transaction_status != "pending") || timeout
Application->ISAM: poll txn status\n
ISAM->Application: txn status response\nlogin_wait.json
alt timeout
note left of Application: Timeout
Application->ISAM: cancel txn
ISAM->Application: cancel response
note left of Application: Display canceled due to timeout.
else rspcode == 204
note left of Application: Approved
else rspcode == 200
note left of Application: Not Approved\nDisplay result or error based on mmfa_transaction_status.
note left of Application: Error\nDisplay error based on HTTP response code.

24.1.1 Username and MMFA Authentication Policy

The solution requires an authentication policy that accepts the username asserted from the client and initiates
MMFA. We have seen this before in section 11 and we tested it using browser-based access in section 13. In
this case we will re-use the same authentication policy, however invoke it via the apiauthsvc endpoint rather
than the authsvc endpoint. The apiauthsvc endpoint is designed to be used by programmatic clients, and use
JSON for message payloads rather than HTML.

24.1.2 Custom login_wait.json and error.json

Authentication mechanisms that return pages to clients can return JSON payloads (still with macro
substitution) by including a version of the page with a “.json” extension (instead of .html) in the template_files

The MMFA Authenticator mechanism in initiate mode will normally return device_selection.html to the
browser, followed by login_wait.html once the user has selected a device and MMFA authentication is in
progress and pending approval. There is also an error.html for displaying error conditions.

ISAM AAC already ships with a /<lang>/authsvc/authenticator/mmfa/device_selection.json that returns a

JSON payload response if MMFA authenticator is initiated via the apiauthsvc. There are no default JSON
response files for the login_wait or error page templates.

Simple implementations of login_wait.json and error.json were included in the that you
uploaded in section 16.1. Take a moment to review and understand the content of these files:

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24.1.3 Scripted MMFA

In the providedfiles/bin directory, locate and read the (bash) or (python)

Notice that the script will first perform a PUT operation as follows:

PUT /mga/sps/apiauthsvc

This returns device_selection.json, from which the script parses out the authentication transaction URL
(location) and device ID (assumes one registered device).

The script will PUT back to the apiauthsvc to indicate the device to use.

The script will then enter a loop, checking the HTTP response code and transaction status, with a one-second
delay between polling attempts. It will timeout and cancel the transaction after a maximum of 20 loop

On exit of the loop, it will display the transaction status (either approved, denied, canceled or an error).

Run the script yourself.

When you see that the script has entered the pending loop, complete MMFA authentication on your phone
with IBM Verify in the normal manner. Expect to see output like this:

$ ./
RSPCODE: 200 TXNSTATUS: pending CTXMSG: Please verify login to
Checking transaction status for txn: 6c623db4-9a30-4813-8ddd-2d6048971cd2 ..... Done
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-language: en-US
content-type: application/json
date: Mon, 23 Jan 2017 00:29:44 GMT
server: IBM Security Access Manager
transfer-encoding: chunked
cache-control: no-cache
Set-Cookie: PD-S-SESSION-ID=1_2_1_WAb-X+0OwaXca2WnQFvH6a2VeCuVtDW8CUJimRpN766moha9; Path=/; Secure;

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2d6048971cd2","mmfa_transaction_status":"success","mmfa_context_message":"Please verify login to","errorMessage":""}
====== END LAST RESPONSE ======

Final RSPCODE: 200

2d6048971cd2","mmfa_transaction_status":"success","mmfa_context_message":"Please verify login to","errorMessage":""}

Try denying the MMFA transaction and letting the 20 polling iterations expire.

In summary, this scenario demonstrates how you could add real time, in-line MMFA approval to any user-
aware application authorization enforcement point.

24.2 MMFA Transaction User Self Care

In this scenario, we will demonstrate how you can add a user-self care capability that allows you to view
pending and resolved MMFA transactions, and cancel outstanding pending transactions via the SCIM API
using a web page.

You may recall in section 7 when configuring SCIM we enabled the SCIM demonstration application, available
at This applications allows you to view pending and resolved
transactions on the Transactions tab (we tested and observed this in section 13.3) however there is no
capability in that application for canceling a pending transaction as a user self-care operation.

This is useful if for any reason you don’t have the IBM Verify mobile app available and working against your
account but still want to cancel a pending transaction and don’t have the “realtime” pending page still running
in your browser.

24.2.1 Configuration

The establishment of this scenario requires:

• Uploading page template files
• Modification of SCIM attribute modes to allow the end user to update their own pending transactions
status via SCIM Template pages

The template pages used for this scenario are transactions.html, and the standard JQuery library (used for
ajax). They have actually already been loaded when you imported the page templates zip file in section 16 as
we included both pages in the zip file. You can see the precise pages in this screenshot:

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The interesting file is transaction.html, and it makes sense to have a look at what this file does. Open the file
in an editor and follow along. You can use the LMI and “Edit” the page to see it.

When the page loads, the getTransactions() javascript function is called. Access to the page will require
authentication, so any AJAX requests made by the page itself will include browser session, and will therefore
be operating “as the logged in user”. The getTransactions() function makes an AJAX call to the /scim/Me
endpoint (i.e. the user’s own SCIM resource), and asks for all pending and resolved transactions and their
attributes. On completion it will take the JSON object response, extract the MMFA transaction schema
component of the request and call populateTransactions() with that component.

The populateTransactions() method will fill in two HTML tables on the page, one for pendingTransactions and
the other for resolvedTransactions. It will do this after sorting the transactions in descending order of
lastActivityTime (i.e. most recently updated will appear first). The resolvedTransactions are displayed only as
a set of read-only attributes. Any pendingTransactions also include a “Cancel” button, which if pressed will
result in a SCIM PATCH operation to change that status from PENDING to ABORT. This is done via the
cancelPendingTransaction() method.

The cancelPendingTransaction() method uses AJAX to abort a particular transaction via SCIM PATCH, and
on completion will re-populate both HTML tables with the updated MMFA transaction data. SCIM Attribute Mode

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A script is available for this section as an alternative to following the manual steps.

Run this script: extended –transaction-usc

If you use this script, skip to the corresponding SCRIPT-END notice

By default, the SCIM PATCH operation will NOT work for a non-SCIM-administrator user modifying their own
records, because the attribute mode for the SCIM attributes required to change the status is set to adminWrite
(which means only an administrator can update them). We need this to be “readWrite” which means that
either the end-user themselves, or a SCIM administrator can modify the necessary attributes.

In the LMI, navigate to Secure Access Control -> SCIM Configuration. In the Attribute Modes section, scroll
down till you find Schema Name urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:isam:1.0:MMFA:Transaction
and the attribute pendingTransactions with sub-attribute txnStatus. Change the mode from adminWrite to
readWrite for both these attributes, then press Save:

Deploy pending changes in the usual fashion.

The script should display the following:
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring MMFA Transaction User Self Care
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring SCIM attribute transactionsPending
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully configured SCIM attribute transactionsPending
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuring SCIM attribute transactionsPending:txnStatus
[...] ExtendedConfig I Successfully configured SCIM attribute transactionsPending:txnStatus
[...] Common I Deploying pending changes
[...] Common I Successfully deployed pending changes
[...] ExtendedConfig I Configuration of MMFA Transaction User Self Care complete

24.2.2 Testing the transactions self-care page

The transactions.html self-care page can be accessed via:

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Login as testuser, and you should be able to observe and pending and resolved transactions.

Try accessing this page whilst you are testing one of the MMFA transaction scenarios, just before you confirm
or deny approval on the IBM Verify application on your mobile. Then you should see and be able to cancel a
pending transaction as well:

This demonstration shows you how you could develop your own self-care pages to retrieve SCIM data,
including MMFA data, and perform updates such as Canceling a pending transaction. You can apply this
knowledge to other parts of the SCIM schema as well!

24.3 Push Notifications for IBM Verify

In this section we will describe how you can get push notifications of pending transactions working to the IBM
Verify mobile application. Customers can apply for credentials to allow sending push notifications to the public
IBM Verify application. You must be approved to obtain credentials in order to do this.

IBM Security uses an IBM-hosted “proxy” service for push notifications to both the Google and Apple push
notification platforms, and allows IBM to manage and distribute their own set of credentials to customers,
whilst maintaining the one-and-only set of Google/Apple credentials for the IBM Verify mobile application

Support for directly configuring Firebase (Android and iOS) and Apple (iOS only) push notification providers in
the ISAM appliance is only applicable for customers writing their own mobile applications instead of using the
publically-available IBM Verify application.

This chapter is focused entirely on configuring your environment for Push Notifications for IBM Verify.

Provided you have been approved to obtain such credentials, and gone through the process to get them, you
should end up with a set of artifacts like this (values used in this chapter are redacted and replaced with
example placeholders):

Attribute Value
Client ID AAAA
Client Secret BBBB
Refresh Token CCCC

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Push Hostname
App Key (iOS) XXXX
App Key (Android) YYYY

24.3.1 Configuration

A push notification provider must be configured for one or both of the iOS and Android platforms, depending
on what type of devices you expect to use your solution. In our case we will cofigure both.

In the LMI, navigate to Secure Access Control -> Push Notification Providers, and add two new providers for
iOS and Android respectively, as shown but using your own registration values:

Note that the Application ID is, and is fixed for the public IBM Verify application.

In order to allow https communications to work between the runtime and the push provider host
( in our case), ensure that the signer certs for the endpoint are included in the
rt_profile_keys keystore on ISAM.

24.3.2 Testing Push Notifications

You may wish to set the trace string:*=all if debugging.

With the push notification provider for your platform (iOS or Android) in place, perform any of the MMFA test
cases (transfer amount, password-less login, or the manual MMFA script), and you should receive a push
notification prompt on your phone after selecting your device (when the pending page is displayed):

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Clicking on the notification will open the IBM Verify application, allowing you to approve/deny the transaction.

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25 Appendix B – Python Automation Project
The automatic configuration scripts provided with this cookbook were written for python 2.7.

In order to automate the steps mentioned in this document, use The source code is available
for editing. The code was developed to configure the steps mentioned in this document. Any change to the
code would require thorough testing. Run without options to understand the usage.

In order to run the scripts your python installation will require the “requests”, and “pyyaml” libraries. These are
installed using “pip install”, as follows (examples for a python 2.7 installation):

pip install requests

pip install pyyaml

Note that on Linux or MacOS systems, pip may need to be run as root:

sudo pip install requests

sudo pip install pyyaml

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