BOUDA Capstone PDF
BOUDA Capstone PDF
BOUDA Capstone PDF
Medaille College
Thomas Bouda
Belete Mebratu
Project Director
Table of Contents
Artifact #6: Social Sciences Unit and 3 Lesson Plans ………. …………………… 89
Artifact #7: Weebly Website for Mr. Bouda’s Fifth Grade………………………... 134
Section One:
Teacher Candidate Introduction to the Elementary Portfolio Project
dispositions, and various artifacts that I have compiled during my course of study at Medaille
College. I am presenting these sections because they highlight my own experiences and best
practices that I have learned during my course of study, as well as those that I have learned
through my own experiences as both a student and an educator. This teaching portfolio is a
cumulative project that showcases professional dispositions, teaching strategies, research and
scholarly skills to demonstrate the depth of my readiness to become a professional educator. This
portfolio serves to exemplify, examine and explain skills, knowledge, and values that I possess.
An educator must place time, thought and effort into each one of their students, and realize that
they are individuals. Teachers must be flexible and accommodating to students to help engage
them in the act of learning. Teachers need to be on the constant search for knowledge because
This portfolio also serves to demonstrate subject matter knowledge as it relates to New
York State Standards as well as Ontario Curriculum Standards. Technology, pedagogy and
planning skills are presented as well. The portfolio is essentially a document that links my own
informed by research and scholarship. There are six sections in this portfolio: Introduction,
Reflection and Interview Video. These six sections are presented to reflect an overview of my
professional abilities, interests and disposition towards scholarly pursuit and my own
professional goals of becoming an educator. Instruction and planning abilities are demonstrated
via analysis and showcasing of unit and lesson plans; which include both formative and
summative assessment methods and describe their validity and reasoning. To keep current with
the technology of modern times, my own classroom website building skills are displayed via my
website. This portfolio will have screenshot captures of the website and will provide the web
address as well. The website has other technological evidence of pedagogy, which are
demonstrated through the screencast lesson and the accompanying QR codes which link to the
lesson plan and work-pages. The concept of flipping the classroom, is explored by the concept of
‘front-loading’ students with knowledge in a video lesson that they are to watch the night before
the lesson is scheduled to be taught in class. The work-page invites students to demonstrate what
experiences and scholarly pursuit in the subject of elementary education. There are six sections
in this portfolio, each one is laid out to clarify my intentions and influences as a prospective
Section one is the Teacher Candidate Introduction to the Elementary Portfolio Project,
where best practices, pedagogical philosopher influences, are examined as they relate to my own
teaching practices and values as an educator. Essentially, the purpose of this section is to
introduce the major sections of the portfolio while making connections to my own pedagogical
practices. This section of the portfolio will present three education philosophers whose theories
Section two outlines the Teacher Candidate Background, where information about my
education background, work experience, resume, practical volunteer experience and my own
personal philosophy of education are presented. The purpose is to demonstrate the level of
involvement in the field of education that I have experienced in a personal and professional level,
as well as to highlight my ability to adapt, learn, and be flexible in many educational situations
and integrate well within any multi-disciplinary team. Respecting others and maintaining a
professional attitude in terms of deportment and language are other qualities that are important to
have as teacher, as one must interact with school colleagues, students, parents and other
Section three of the portfolio presents the Teacher Candidate Artifacts, which is a
collection of work that embodies the knowledge and skills that I have learned during my studies
at Medaille College to become a teacher. Topics make connections to the included artifacts and
accommodation for students, classroom management skills and my own scholarly professional
development. This section will also rel ate my technological skills as they relate to teaching,
communication, and instruction by showing my adept abilities online via my website, and by
demonstrates direct correlation between the artifacts presented in section three to professional
standards and their intended purposes. This will demonstrate my knowledge and ability to align
professional standards to the curriculum, as it relates to daily work, responsibilities and duties of
an elementary teacher, via lesson plans that are included in section three. There will be a chart
organizer included for reference, and labelling purposes. The standards and curriculum that will
be presented include: New York State P-12 Common Core, New York State Learning Standards,
Ontario Curriculum Expectations, New York State Code of Ethics for Educators, Ontario Ethical
Standards, The Interstate New Teacher Assessment Support Consortium (InTASC), the
International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and Students (ISTE), CEC, the
DOE Claims, and CAEP Standards. This section will describe the importance of the curriculum
and professional standards and it will bring into focus how they are connected and aligned to the
artifacts in the portfolio. Section four is important because it clearly presents how my current
studies and attitudes are recognized by national, state and provincial governing bodies. By
drawing clear connections from the standards to my own work, I will exemplify skills,
qualifications, and attitude toward pedagogy as a lifelong process of adapting and learning.
The fifth section is the Teacher Candidate Reflection, which is a document wherein my
developmental experiences assembling this portfolio are reflected upon. Additionally, my overall
experiences and preparation to become a certified teacher are examined and it will demonstrate
characteristic to possess; this exemplifies a lifelong learning strategy and will benefit students
and my own professional effectiveness. For example, the reflection will touch upon: instruction,
The sixth section of the portfolio is the final section, the Teacher Candidate Video
Interview. This video is essentially a demonstration of how I will make connections to my work
and beliefs in a mock job interview. Here too, I will make connections to portfolio artifacts,
standards, teacher skills, strategies and professional dispositions. Section six will also be linked
to a video demonstration of a lesson that I have made via Screencast-o-Matic. The outcome from
this section is that I can position myself as a dedicated, considerate qualified educator who has
philosophers because their studies will inform my own teaching habits and principals. It is wise
to take examples, to interpret, infer and take influence from multiple sources to develop a
who have been influential in my own teaching include: John Dewey, Maria Montessori and Lev
Vygotsky. The reasons that the these three have influence to my own pedagogical methods are
myriad. For example, I believe they have contributed to the field of education in a meaningful
John Dewey is influential to my own teaching because of his philosophy that posits
education should allow for students to take ownership and an active part in shaping their future.
Dewey believed that children are active and inquisitive and that students should learn by doing.
Further, he believed that traditional education was outdated in its view of students as passive and
void vessels, waiting to be filled with facts and information. Fairfield (2009) writes of Dewey’s
term ‘informal education’, described as: sharing and delighting in a child’s experiential learning,
not stifling the learning with an outcome, scope or sequence in mind. This introduces the concept
of active play, where students can self-discover new ideas and/or areas of study. Student
engagement is such an important aspect to education that we must take notice when students
want to engage in play and discovery. Dewey is an important theorist because of his belief that
students make inferences to their own world based on their experiences in both groups and
The theories of Maria Montessori are collected in the Montessori Method, which is a
learning approach that places great emphasis on active learning, independence, co-operation, and
learning in synchrony with each child’s individual pace of development. In many respects, the
that embeds freedom with structure and structure within freedom (Lillard, A. S. 2013). I place a
great deal of interest in self-directed learning, and the Montessori philosophy is similar in the
way that it emphasizes individuality and independence in learning experiences. Taking active
interest in subject matter that students want to learn is a way to be both culturally responsive to
the classroom and to foster an atmosphere of inclusion in the classroom. Using the Montessori
method, students are allowed free exploration in uninterrupted blocks of time, so that they can
maximize they outcome of their learning experiences. This is not the way that public schools are
generally organized, but some the concepts are intriguing and are conceptually a part of my own
The third philosopher that I find influence from is Lev Vygotsky (1978). In relation to his
theory of Social Development, he theorizes that social interaction is essential for development of
cognition. From my personal experience as both a student and an educator, I find a lot of
evidence to believe this line of thinking. This development led to his further writing on the
subject of constructivism, where he theorized that knowledge will lead to further and deeper
cognitive development. Fundamentally, the way that a student learns is based on their prior
knowledge and experiences; they will draw on this information to make connections to newly
acquired skills, concepts, and information. Additionally, Vygotsky postulated the term Zone of
Proximal Development (ZPD), which is one of his most widely used ideas in educational
contexts (Murphy, C., Scantlebury, K., & Milne, C. 2015). The ZPD is described as the
difference between what a student can do without help and what they can realize with guidance
or inspiration from a skilled partner or teacher. To summarize, students who are in the ZPD are
on the cusp of achievement; they just need proper and well-timed assistance to overcome the
hurdle. The term of scaffolding is sometimes incorrectly attributed to Vygotsky, (Pavlov, I.,
Watson, J., Skinner, B. F., Thorndike, E., Bandura, A., Maslow, A. Rogers, C., Piaget, J. Bruner,
J., Tolman, E. & Treisman, A. 1999), but it does accurately describe a helpful classroom
technique that can help a student bridge the gap of the ZPD. It is important to be aware of the
needs of learners and it is important to be aware to give students adequate help, when necessary.
A teacher must be aware that tapering off support once it becomes unnecessary is also a
consideration to be made, and must be watchful, mindful and aware of this in the case of each
individual student.
This portfolio, along with the artifacts and documents that it contains will demonstrate
my viability as a professional educator with scholarly interest, insight and knowledge. It serves
the purpose to exemplify my proficiencies and awareness of various competencies and related
responsiveness that I have learned and use on a daily basis. The ability to recognize different
needs of students is crucial, in addition to being flexible in terms of being able and willing to
apply differentiated instruction to the students who require it. Teaching is an experience that
requires constant learning and adapting. In this way, teachers are perpetual learners who can
learn just as much from their students as the students can learn from their teachers. I am eager to
learn and experience more lessons in life from both students and colleagues in a career as an
Section Two:
Teacher Candidate Background Experiences
This section of the portfolio includes sections that describe my own personal background,
the goals of the project, my personal philosophy of education, my resume and a conclusion
which is a summary of the presented information. This section serves to demonstrate my own
Educational experiences.
I have always wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a young student. I feel fortunate to
have been trusted with various types of educational experiences and roles, and I am excited to
I think that a very influential opportunity presented itself when I was in sixth grade. I
was paired with a first grade student and we were ‘reading buddies’, the goal was to select a
book that was of interest to the younger child, and help them read it. At the time, I didn’t think
that it was an important role, but looking back at it, I can appreciate the importance of being a
mentor for reading. Helping someone bring the written words to life through the context of
speech was one of the first ways that I understood that I can make a difference to someone else’s
quality of life. I have taken and applied this approach to my own teaching practices. For
example, when I can have an older student work with a younger student I will grasp that
opportunity. There are benefits for both of the students: the older student feels valued and
inspired with the responsibility, while the younger student will learn that their peers have
valuable knowledge to deliver and that an adult is not the only source for inspiration.
I have been primed for teaching by my experiences, and my luck for having my mother
being a professional educator. She had the time and interest to work with me for creative projects
such as crafts, construction projects, word games, and cooking lessons. I was encouraged and
accompanied to the library, orchestra performances, museums, stockyards, and cultural events.
To expand on the learning experience and value I was taught to explore my own interests and
hobbies to the depth that I wanted to, never being forced but constantly encouraged to be myself
and find personal value in my own experiments. I have experienced volunteering in her class
ever since I was in grade school, and I believe that this was a very informative and important
aspect of my own personal development. I was able to see observe classroom management
techniques such as organization of class field trips, assigning homework, giving tests and
grading, and implementation of IEP (Individualized Education Programs) for various students.
My own search for knowledge is another reason that I want to be a teacher. Another type
education. For example, when I was in grade 4 I had the chance to go to an enrichment program.
I met other like-minded students there, those who were interested in learning as much as they
could by expanding on their own concepts of the world at large. I was introduced to the idea of
life being an educational experience, and to learn from living my life. I was encouraged to seek
out opportunities to educate myself, which built upon my desire and drive to be an avid reader,
and to be aware of political motivations for the way our society treats human beings and our
environment. I have been constantly searching for more education: after my undergraduate
degree, I have since trained for, and received a trade certification, and I am in the process of
completing a Masters degree in the field of elementary education. I feel that my demeanor and
attitude towards possibilities and optimism for good in the world will be inspirational to my
students. I think that having an open-minded view of our society is important because it will
demonstrate to students that the world is full of opportunity, ideas, and collaboration. There is
always a reason for every lesson in a classroom, and I plan to relate these experiences to students
School is an important place to learn how to interact with peers, elders and the world. I
think that my educational experiences were positive, and I want to share that positivity with
students. It is important to be friendly, informative, and polite as a mentor for students. From my
observations as a student, I think that teachers are an important role-model for young children. I
want to inspire my students in critical thinking, to have an inquisitive mindset, and to display
creativity because our evolving society requires students to develop and possess these skills to be
Work experiences.
My work experience is something that I rather accidently fell in to; while I was
become a private guitar and music teacher. I took it on as a part-time job, but it evolved into a
transferrable skill and career that I have engaged with for over a decade. Teaching music one-on-
one has given me insight into individual’s desires about learning and has made me realize that
there is no one guaranteed method for student success. Essentially, this has led me to the
realization that different methods are required to teach a broad spectrum of students. I am
humbled by this opinion, and I strive to continue to learn more about the individual students in
my classes so that I may serve them better. I have also learned time management skills that are
transferrable to the classroom. I have planned multi-lesson spanning subjects and investigations
into various topics. This will be necessary when planning for lessons as a professional teacher. I
also learned how to balance fun, learning, and serious study so that students are continuously
motivated, engaged, and present in the lessons. I always attempt to think about my students
before teaching a lesson because I want the lesson to have a lasting, personal, and profound
impact on their lives and on their future. A way to be aware of this would be to consider the
classroom culture, the combined experiences of each student, and the previous areas of study by
the students. Knowing and being able to tap into their previous learning experiences is a way to
build upon their knowledge, while ensuring that lessons are received and remembered.
for the Learning Development Team at a call center. During my tenure there, I had to keep
meticulous training records in terms of class attendance, documentation of scores on tests, and
administer performance reviews. I also had to present my findings to my superiors during weekly
meetings, so that the student progress was monitored, as was my own progress and classroom
abilities. Here I developed skills such as integration of computers and projectors into my lessons,
this will be useful as technology is becoming more integrated into the classroom. I also had to
prepare reports on each student, which is similar to writing report cards for public school
Important volunteer experience that I’ve had has been to work in various music classes.
In the first, I volunteered to conduct a string orchestra. There, I learned to engage and control a
large ensemble of students so that they could form a strong and cohesive unit. Under the
direction of the music teacher, I also observed interactions with the ensemble. This has informed
my opinion on how to address a large number of students at the same time. I also volunteered in
a music classroom where I gave one-on-one music lessons. This was important because I got to
work in collaboration with the classroom teacher and therefore had direct instructions about the
course of study that each individual was studying. I think that both of these experiences are
useful for my desire to become a classroom teacher, and I plan to integrate the knowledge and
I completed fieldwork observation experiences during this semester within four different
classroom environments. Fourteen hours were completed in Grades 1-3 classrooms at in Buffalo
NY. This public school was culturally and economically diverse, includes English Language
Learner students, and is in a suburban environment. 40 hours were completed in a sixth grade
classroom London ON. It is a low socioeconomic status school. The class had 23 students, 5 who
are English Language Learners, and one student who required a modified Individual Education
Plan. The prior experience I have observed and taught individual music lessons in London,
Waterloo, Brampton, and teaching Tech Support job training in London, ON. While these prior
experiences have been useful to the development of my teaching style and ultimately the
inspiration for pursuing teaching certification from Medaille College, I will focus on my current
During my observations completed this semester, I made specific notes on the following:
classroom procedure, teacher tone of voice, lessons taught, the order of the lessons, the specific
lines of questioning to make the students think (relating to Bloom’s taxonomy), assessment
practices (both informal and informal as well as formative and summative) and differentiation of
assessment practices and expectations. Koksal (2018) states that Bloom’s taxonomy of
educational objectives plays a crucial role in developing assessments that measure higher and
lower level cognitive skills, therefore there is great emphasis on discovering how well the
students master knowledge within the levels of blooms taxonomy. This was certainly an area that
the teachers that I observed were aware of were constantly monitoring. For example, I had access
to lesson plans that outlined with specific detail the level of higher-order thinking that they were
At the onset of the day (9am) in third grade class I noticed a classroom procedure where
some students had certain tasks to complete. The class student body consisted of 95% African-
American students. The day began with a free breakfast program procedure. Student activity
included: bringing a food cart (on wheels) to the class, counting the total of breakfasts to be
offered, handing out food, and finally, counting and reporting on the quantity of breakfast
leftovers. During this time it is the teacher’s job to monitor and support the students in their
roles. I observed this for two days, March 23 and 26; on the first day, students ate waffles and
drank milk during the free breakfast program, and on the second day the cereal, Coco-Puffs were
eaten. The student jobs are important because they focus on responsibility towards the entire
group, rather than focus on the individual. I think this is a great lesson to give the students
because I believe it makes them more receptive to other people’s opinions and ideas. I confirmed
with their classroom teacher that the students swapped jobs on a weekly basis. Of course, the
breakfast itself is also a very beneficial program to ensure that there are no hungry students in the
classroom. This activity is an example of a joint productive activity to support student success
where the students are integral to the framework and success of an activity that is put in motion
and supervised by the teacher. Another example of this during the regular school day is the is the
way that papers are distributed and collected. Not only is it helped by students, but by their
environment as well in the way their desks are arranged in. The desks are arranged in 4 rows, and
the teacher routinely sends new papers out on the left and the last student on the right collects
any work or tests after completion. Consistency streamlined the process and made for easy
configuration was observed in sixth grade class in London, ON., where the students had their
desks in groups of 4,5 or 6, (23 students in total) and each had specific team names. During
classroom activity, a rotating leader was assigned the job of picking up supplies (paper, scissors,
pens, handouts, etc). I am interested in this aspect of teaching because it deals more with
facilitation than scholarly work. Hue (2008, pg. 48) states that the design of a classroom is
important because that is the environment students spend the most time in, and cautions that the
classroom design is often overlooked, and may be designed or furnished in ways that may result
in difficulties for pupils to stay motived and work happily. There are many other pieces to the
puzzle of teaching beyond memorizing facts and this is something that I’m glad to have noticed.
I will be taking these as examples of best practice and applying them to my own teaching lexicon
and processes. One improvement that I would make to the desks in ‘teams’ is the word choice,
which up until now, I have avoided using in this reflection. In the class culture, the desk ‘teams’
were referred to as ‘tribes’. I feel that this may be culturally insensitive and I will not use this
terminology in my practice. However, I didn’t find out whether the term and rationale came from
the curriculum. I know that first-nations are a part of the Ontario curriculum, but I’m not sure of
Another aspect of teaching that I noticed was the egalitarian use of the concept of a
‘talking stick’, (which is another derivation from a first-nations custom) where focus in the
classroom was dedicated to the student who was in possession of the talking stick. This relates
back to the first few lessons in EDU-504, and specifically the 'Classroom Management Fun-box'
assignment. I observed this in a third grade classroom (March 26), slightly before the start of the
math lesson at 10am. Students were asked to sit in a circle on the rug, and a curious ceremony
began: in an anti-clockwise pattern, the students said ‘good-morning, _______ (student name)’,
shook their hand looked them in the eyes, and turned to their right and performed this ritual
again. I was included in this practice, as was the teacher. Once the class had done this, and hand-
sanitzer was passed around to ensure the students weren’t spreading germs, a beanbag was
introduced to the classroom. The student in possession of the beanbag was invited to share an
aspect of their weekend by sharing one fact; some said what they ate and some shared who they
visited, etc. After they spoke, the other students raised their hands and the student who made the
statement threw the beanbag to someone with their hand up, the student receiving the beanbag
was tasked with asking them a question to further the conversation. The teacher would interject
here and there by asking general questions and soliciting answers from all the students in the
class. She would often add personal experiences or encouraging words. This is a way to examine
the student's background knowledge and gain insight into their interests. This is related to
culturally responsive teaching and can be a very useful tool as a young teacher, so that I can cater
my own lessons to make the most impact on the students. My belief is that this is a guided
within and outside of the school context. This is important because it is an activity that allows
content from students’ background to act as a conversation starter and ultimately assists during
the lessons. Restating, encouraging, and questioning can lead students to make conclusions on
their own and think critically about their own daily routines. I believe that this technique would
work particularly well in a classroom that had English Language Learners (ELL's) or low-
literacy functioning students, because it will encourage discussion and critical thinking. This
class was functioning below State levels (2 and under) on average in literacy for third grade
testing. This type of technique can be used to provide insight into something that is genuinely
interesting to the students, or get them to think creatively, use problem solving and encourage
thinking inherent in such philosophies is based on the top levels of the taxonomy including
analysis, evaluation, synthesis and creation. I think that Bloom's taxonomy is an important part
of any teacher's style because it can help balance assessment and evaluative questions in a class
(like in this particular instance) as well as help student's learning in assignments, texts and any
other aspect of information gathering. I will use this technique in my teaching because I have
seen firsthand examples of its effectiveness during my time observing classes. I also observed
In sixth grade observations, I had the opportunity to work with students that were both
English Language Learners (ELL) and one student who was on an Individual Education Program
(IEP). Specifically, we were working on a math test, a summative assessment as well as a few
formative preparations for sixth grade EQAO's (standardized grade testing), administered by the
Education Quality and Accountability Office. Differentiation is where tests and other
assessments as well as topics are tailored to meet individual's needs; in terms of content, the
work produced, learning environment and most importantly, the use of ongoing assessment is
presented in a flexible manner. For example, both the ELL and IEP students had different
expectations and different tests from the rest of the class. While I was working with the ELL
student, my responsibility was to read the questions aloud to convey their meaning and to ensure
that the student knew what was being asked of them. The class had 5 ELL students, but I only
worked with one of them for this specific summative test. The IEP student and the ELL student
both had modified tests assigned to them. The numbers were simple and easier to work with than
the test given to the rest of the class – however, the type of questions were the same as the rest of
the class. These students were still expected to understand the underlying concepts of the lessons,
I think this type of modified assessment is of great benefit to all students involved. In our classes,
we have learned to make room in our lesson plans for this type of accommodation, so I am fully
prepared and aware to make these adjustments to my teaching style, assessments and daily
Philosophy of Education
because it gives the opportunity to consider content, delivery method, ethos and overall expected
and being culturally responsive to our students should be at the forefront of our minds as we
engage in our important role as educators, opinion-shapers and important non-parental influences
on our students.
The school.
The role of the school in society is to prepare students to become critical thinkers who are
creative, and malleable in their thinking and adaptive to new situations. Critical thought is
As technology becomes more ubiquitous in our society, students are constantly bombarded with
between fact and fiction especially as it is portrayed in the news and shared on social
media. One goal of the school is to create an environment where students develop a critical
thinking skill-set so they can express clear analyses of all kinds of experiences such as reading a
Another goal of the school is to give create an environment that allows myriad learning
styles and exploration, by encouraging oral, text-based and tactile learning experiences. Mixed
methods of education are important to ensure that each student is reached via their best-
understood and most accessible learning experience. For example, some students learn best by
the method memorization, others by hearing, reading, speaking and others learn best by lived
School and society must be integrated in such a way that students are adequately prepared
for life post-school. This means that they need to be able to handle and manipulate technology of
today in a way that opens possibilities instead of limiting them. Integration of technology in this
current era happens from a young age, as parents are introducing phones, television and other
media into the children’s lives and often used to enhance learning or experience. It is important
to continue this level of integration at school because students will be able to react to, manipulate
and communicate in this manner. School life must adapt and reflect the current job market as
omnipresent many retail career option will be subsequently phased out. The school must be
forward-thinking and aware of the direction of career paths and potential for post-secondary
The curriculum.
Learning experiences must be must be culturally responsive in such a way that enables
students to be comfortable with their learning environment, cohort, teachers and subject matter.
This means that the teacher must be culturally responsive as well. He or she must be aware of
the family situation, experience, cultural background/upbringing, knowledge base, and goal
direction of the students. This will create an atmosphere of inclusion and acceptance and most
importantly, a collegiate environment for the students to be wholly immersed within. While the
students are in class, they will be exposed to various topics such as language, mathematics,
sports, science, history and technology. Accessibility for all students is important and the school
will accommodate ELL and special needs students and integrate them into the class
structure with the goal of universal design. The curriculum will follow common state standards
and adhere to common practices, but the delivery style of the lessons will be at the discretion of
the individual teachers. To create a friendly atmosphere, classes may occur in the community, in
nature or around the school grounds. This has the additional benefit of enhancing the learning
experience. Teaching will happen in many different situations: labs, conferences which
encourage grand discussion, performances and lectures. The students will be presented with
opportunities for creative performances of learned skills, and they will be graded in this manner
along with standardized testing initiatives. The school will have online components that can be
accessed remotely, so that students who are ill or absent won’t miss out on content and/or can
revisit it as needed. There will be integration of technology in such way that students will be able
to communicate with the teacher from home if they choose in a safe and transparent manner.
This is important as well for parents, because the teacher will be easily reachable and can more
directly communicate class expectations and/or successes and concerns. Meaningful experiences
can be achieved in a variety of methods. For instance, emphasizing the importance of local
history, agriculture, flora and fauna as a point of reference and respect will be a focus of the
school. Another way this can be achieved can be from stories told by or about community
leaders, business experts and former students. Presenting points of interest on a local scale can
instruction so that students will be have a similar base of knowledge to draw upon. Students will
grow empathy for groups other than themselves by exploring their common
human experiences. Experimentation and self-direction are areas that teachers will explore in
their teaching methodology so that students can become self-reliant and self-directed, which will
prepare them for life post-school: whether it’s integration into the workforce or preparation for
The theorists and philosophers who are important to my teaching philosophy are
Montessori and Piaget. First, to understand why Piaget is an important influence is because of his
proposition that cognitive development for children is based on their inherent construction of
knowledge as they explore and manipulate the world around them. That is to say that
students learn by experience. Piaget’s belief that the intelligence is not a fixed characteristic of
an individual and is important because he focuses on children as learners. Piaget (1999) first
documented that the child will either assimilate everything from the immediate point of view, or
else will juxtapose a series of separate explanations; in both cases thought is irreversible in the
sense that it involves contradictions, therefore reciprocity of the various perspectives is rendered
impossible. The theory he developed focuses more on development rather than the actual act of
learning, and one of the most important components of Piaget’s Cognitive theory is that of
influential to the teaching methods in this school, which will be based on scaffolding and
organizing lessons in blocks so that students will have experiences to draw references, and to
build upon. Once mastery is approached or achieved, the supports will be taken away. The
second major influence in this school of thought is Montessori, which is an educational method
that is based on self-directed activities. This can include hands-on learning and collaborative
interactions between the students with an emphasis on play. In the Montessori method, students
are encouraged to make their own choices based on their own desires and creativity, while the
The learning processes that will be focused on at this school will be memory, language,
organizing, writing and higher order thinking. Differentiated instruction will be tasked to the
teachers and this will be achieved by the teachers being aware of the cognitive components of the
learning process. Teachers will be trained to understand that the learning processes also interact
with students’ emotions, social skills, family and behavior. Bloom’s taxonomy will be
referenced as a guide to ensure that students are being tasked with assignments that encourage
them to be creative thinkers and critical thinkers. For example, using verbal communication such
as pictures, videos or immersive experiences is important for all students. Diversity will be
addressed, acknowledged and encouraged by culturally responsive and aware teachers and
The learner.
As Piaget had noticed in his theory of learning, children are capable of learning and
constructing their own connections to facilitate their own learning experience. Children will be
encouraged to explore and experiment within their learning environment, which will foster their
own growth towards self-efficacy and self-discovery. Piaget advocated that education was the act
of creation of human beings who are capable of achieving new things, rather than simply
repeating the acts of previous generations – human beings, who are creative, innovative, and full
of joy in discovering things (Kohler, 2008). It is important for the students to want to be
integrated as an important part of their learning strategy. Forcing a student to engage and
participate in education for the sake of experience is not the goal of this philosophy. Teachers
and the school can be helpful in setting age-appropriate goals and lessons consistent with the
core curriculum. It is important to make sure that students are, at a base level, in equilibrium
with their contemporaries nation-wide. Development stages of the students must be monitored to
ensure that students are not being left behind in any subject. However, it should be emphasized
that the opportunity will be given to children to study their own interests and will be encouraged
to participate in extra-curricular studies in areas of their choice, so long as they are keeping
abreast of the state-wide standards. The students will benefit from differentiated instruction,
because each student is an individual and will be respected as one as their learning styles dictate.
Technology will be incorporated into the lessons based on the level of integration that is
demanded by the students, depending on their stage of development. It is important that verbal
and written communication be a part of the curriculum so that the students become well-
adjusted and verbose young adults before they enter either post-secondary educational
institutions or the workforce. Young children will be introduced to technology, but great care
will be taken to emphasize that they need not depend on technology to complete their work or
teacher’s success as much as it can be useful for gathering an insight into student’s progress.
Both such factors are important to consider when attempting to gauge the validity of a teaching
philosophy and when considering making amendments to meet up with the learning goals. To
accurately discover the optimum assessment methods, it is recommended to use a mixed method
of the strategies, tools, and teaching tools that are used in the curriculum. Student oriented
successes will be monitored by direct methods of assessment such as essays, presentations, and
written or oral tests where they are required to demonstrate their learned skills. Additionally,
indirect assessments such as reflections and surveys of their learning experiences will yield
valuable information for the administration to make decisions about the future direction of the
philosophy. It is important to have a variety of assessment methods because they will paint a
more complete picture of the functionality of the lessons, and will also give opportunity for
students who may not test well in direct methods a chance to excel at indirect assessments. A
capstone or cumulative project can be used to highlight the successes of learned experience of
the students. Similarly, a teacher’s performance as facilitator will also be evaluated and will
likewise be tasked with surveys and reflections on their own experiences in the classroom.
Classroom management.
The rules of the classroom can be a collaborative piece that the teacher and students agree upon
at the beginning of the year, and make amendments as situations change in the classroom.
Allowing for rules to be adaptable to different situations will show the students that compromise
is a process that is always in flux. The goal of any classroom would be that students are prepared,
engaged and ready to work but the teachers will need to have strategies in place to ensure the
classroom maintains a level of acceptable output from the students. Essentially, since students
are encouraged to be self-directed, there will be a lot of movement and interaction within the
classroom. Being consistent with the rules is a major key to success in classroom management
because the students will know what to expect and how they should behave to create an
environment where their peers can be successful in their studies. For example, Hue (2008, pg.
52) states that guidelines for the classroom should be designed to support both teaching and
learning, by providing pupils with expectations and well-defined norms for functioning in a
collaborative and cooperative manner to create an orderly environment for learning. Developing
the consistent rules goes along with having consistent consequences, and the teacher enforcing
them in an equitable fashion. Favoritism towards any student should be avoided and will be
discouraged. For effective classroom management, parents will be apprised of the curriculum
and be aware of events as they occur in the classroom so that they can help their students keep
management: teachers will be expected to maintain and update a class website and be available
by email and telephone for interaction with parents. Open lines of communication with parents is
The Teacher.
The role of the teacher is that of a mentor, creator, leader and a guide for the students. It
is a serious role and must be taken seriously because of the deep responsibility towards shaping
the minds of the students. It is important to remember that modelling behavior, attitudes, and
leading by example are all simple ways that teachers influence a child’s experience and will
therefore shape their world-view. The teacher holds a vast amount of clout in the child’s mind as
a leader and must use their position to demonstrate appropriate ways to engage in conversation,
mediate arguments and be a problem solver. Being a leader by modelling good behavior is a
simple way to expose students to good ethics and will help them guide their own moral
compasses without these being obvious lessons. In terms of society, the teacher must be aware of
cultural sensitivities and changes in political climate. Students are deeply influenced by their
teachers: they will notice the passion, love, countenance and good judgement just the same as
they will notice any deficiencies in a teacher’s character. Teachers must be on the forefront of
adapting to new technologies and being masters of situational adaptability; it is important to roll
with the punches and be able to think on the fly when unexpected instances occur. A teacher
must be empathetic to students and their emotions. Involving the student and their parents in
decision making is another important aspect of flexibility that teachers must possess. A teacher
should be an expert in their field and should have real world experience in addition to being a
teacher of the subject. Lifelong goals of continuous learning and upgrading qualifications are
other desirable traits of a good teacher. Teaching experience of various aged students to adults is
a way to keep teachers engaged in their responsibilities and will keep them from keeping the
status quo or being unmoveable in their attitudes when changes to the curriculum or political
climate are either mandated or expected. It is hoped that the personality of a teacher is one that is
beyond reproach and they will be serious in their responsibilities as an educator and mentor in
and out of the classroom. Decorum, etiquette and an overall sense of human decency are to be
expected of a teacher, and these qualities will be observed in their interaction with students, their
colleagues, parents, administration and the general public. In terms of community involvement, it
would be expected that teachers would be experts in their field of teaching, for example a music
teacher would be expected to be a musician actively in the public realm. This will give the
students impetus and serve as an inspiration to them, because they will have the opportunity to
view classroom knowledge in a more tangible and useable way. This will further be evidence to
the usefulness of their studies in school and will encourage them to strive for excellence in areas
from collaboration with students, parents and teachers, to integration of technology, to being an
agent of demonstrating good moral behavior. The teacher’s role is an important one because a
teacher is a leader and a role model for children. Great care must be taken when being in this
role, and we must remember that we are always modelling behavior even in our conversations,
body language and communication style. Keeping in mind that a teacher is a life-long
influence on students is an excellent reason for being a morally upstanding, well-spoken and
caring person in both our personal lives, and in the professional realm.
Tom Bouda
31 Watling St. London, ON. N5Y 3N4
Medaille College 2018-2019
Continuing education courses: Guitar Repair and Design Level 1 and Level 2, Stratford ON
Work Experience
One of London’s fastest growing companies, reporting directly to the Customer Service
manager, with responsibility for executing sales, retail, telephone and on-line chat support.
Confirm customer orders, problem solve and find the best solution for any customer issues,
problems or emergencies. Working in a collaborative environment while working
independently in a time-sensitive environment.
While working at the LCBO I have improved on transferable skills such as good
communication by handling individual inquiries professionally in a friendly and helpful
manner. I have gained excellent skills in my ability to work effectively as part of a team to
achieve set targets. I have learned to prioritize and manage time efficiently and still perform
outstandingly under pressure.
Provided stage crew services on an on-call basis. Here, I learned to work quickly and the
importance of events running smoothly from concept to production. Lighting and sound
management were main tasks.
Upright Bass player in the pit providing a high caliber of ensemble performance for stage
shows. Here, I had opportunity to see the musicians’ role in an interdisciplinary context and the
importance of those relationships.
Bass player for cruise ship nightly entertainment and special events. Here, I participated in the
large-scale production process as well as the responsibility for healthy relationships with guests
and guest entertainers.
Recognized as a leader in my student years, I had the opportunity to lead the bass section
throughout my time at WLU and act as a liaison to the conductor.
Volunteer Experience
Toronto 2009 - 2014
Soundstreams Canada:
Cool Drummings Festival 2010
Festival volunteer
Performance volunteer
Section two of this portfolio has examined my own educational and work experiences
and how they relate to and influence my own personal philosophy of education, my work
experiences with students, and my impetus for the pursuit of becoming a teacher. Observations
and conclusions from field experiences were discussed, and I gave reasons for how I would
similarly implement or augment the observed techniques to suit my own personal philosophy and
citing advice from experts in the field of education. Specifically, Jean Piaget’s writing and
observation of the nature of children in relation to learning was noted. Another classroom
management expert whom I drew influence from is Ming-tak Hue, his influential opinions on
seating arrangement relating student successes was also discussed. To complete section two, a
current resume that illustrates both professional, educational, and volunteer experiences is
included as well.
The upcoming section is called the Teacher Candidate Artiact section, and it is very
important because it will include artifacts that will demonstrate skills ranging from planning,
including these artifacts is to demonstrate skills and knowledge that I have developed to be an
Section Three:
Teacher Candidate Artifacts
Section three is a glimpse into cumulative work that displays a record of my educational
understanding and approach by presenting various artifacts that both demonstrate and accentuate
my ability to be an engaging and effective teacher. These artifacts are important because they
highlight and focus upon my capability as a caring, thoughtful, and compassionate professional.
The selected artifacts are important because they establish my skills in planning, learner
literacy, science and math lesson development, professional development journey, and my
integration of technology into the classroom setting. These artifacts will illustrate my ability to
accommodate and acknowledge English Language Learners, students on 504 and Individual
Education Plans (IEP’s), classroom management techniques, and strategies that I plan to
implement in the classroom. The artifacts presented are aligned with professional standards as
required by New York State P-12 Common Core, New York State Learning Standards, Ontario
Curriculum Expectations, New York State Code of Ethics for Educators, Ontario Ethical
Standards, The Interstate New Teacher Assessment Support Consortium (InTASC), the
International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and Students (ISTE), CEC, the
This artifact presents my completion of a course to understand the Dignity for All
Students Act, which is legislation in the state of New York that was established to promote a
Ladson-Billings (1994), states that Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) is a pedagogy that
recognizes the importance of including students’ cultural references in all aspects of learning.
This is an important concept for teaching because it influences the way that a teacher should be
aware of students’ life experiences and background knowledge, and account for those attributes
in lesson planning and classroom management. For example, understanding the past experiences
of the students in a southern state, a teacher would be wise to not assume that the students have
had any experience with snow or winter activities, and plan lesson plans accordingly. This will
ensure that students will gain relevant experiences from lessons, as well as avoid discrimination
in lesson plans and activities. It is important to understand that learning styles are also included
in CRT, and this is also important to provide an inclusive and non-discriminatory learning
Connections to Standards
INTASC Standards
The particular standard in this case is standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical
Practices, where the teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to
continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on
others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet
the needs of each learner. 9(o) The teacher understands the expectations of the profession
including codes of ethics, professional standards of practice, and relevant law and policy.
Principle 5:
Educators collaborate with parents and community, building trust and respecting
Trust: The ethical standard of Trust embodies fairness openness and honesty. Members’
professional relationships with students, colleagues, parents, guardians and the public are based
on trust. A classroom must be a safe and positive environment where students are free to learn
and excel at school, without having to worry about bullying, harassment, or violence. This
Ontario standard makes sense in the case of DASA training because these are shared values
• Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification
• Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through
Research is a vital aspect to a teacher, as I believe that the act of learning never ends and
must therefore be constantly practiced so to avoid stagnation of my own skills and knowledge.
Good research skills and self-reflection will be useful to analyze lesson plans in terms of their
successes and failures, as well as a tool to use to increase the value of lessons to the learners.
According to Mertler (2016), teacher must be able and willing to critically examine their own
practice as well as how students (both collectively and individually) learn best. This realization is
an important pillar of understanding in my own pedagogical methodology, and I intend to use the
concept of action research in my own practice as a professional teacher. The purpose of this
artifact was to learn how to design, administer, analyze, and summarize data from a survey of
parents regarding their attitude towards contact with the teacher, methods of contact, and
timeliness of the contact. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected during the course
of the survey using a Likert scale to measure desirability for numerous aspects of the teacher and
parent relationship.
Connections to Standards
INTASC Standards
The Learner and Learning: Teaching begins with the learner. To ensure that each student
learns new knowledge and skills, teachers must understand that learning and developmental
patterns vary among individuals, that learners bring unique individual differences to the learning
process, and that learners need supportive and safe learning environments to thrive. Effective
teachers have high expectations for each and every learner and implement developmentally
appropriate, challenging learning experiences within a variety of learning environments that help
all learners meet high standards and reach their full potential. Teachers do this by combining a
emotional, and physical development occurs, with the recognition that learners are individuals
who bring differing personal and family backgrounds, skills, abilities, perspectives, talents and
interests. Teachers collaborate with learners, colleagues, school leaders, families, members of the
learners’ communities, and community organizations to better understand their students and
maximize their learning. Teachers promote learners’ acceptance of responsibility for their own
learning and collaborate with them to ensure the effective design and implementation of both
The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of
learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social,
emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and
1(d) The teacher understands how learning occurs--how learners construct knowledge,
acquire skills, and develop disciplined thinking processes--and knows how to use instructional
The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and
communities to ensure learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.
2(d) The teacher brings multiple perspectives to the discussion of content, including
attention to learners’ personal, family, and community experiences and cultural norms.
2(j) The teacher understands that learners bring assets for learning based on their
individual experiences, abilities, talents, prior learning, and peer and social group interactions, as
Principle 3: Educators commit to their own learning in order to develop their practice.
Educators recognize that professional knowledge and development are the foundations of their
practice. They know their subject matter, and they understand how students learn. Educators
respect the reciprocal nature of learning between educators and students. They engage in a
and to promote student learning. They draw on and contribute to various forms of educational
Trust: The ethical standard of Trust embodies fairness openness and honesty. Members’
professional relationships with students, colleagues, parents, guardians and the public are based
on trust.
Beyond the classroom: are parents/guardians interested in additional digital tools beyond
Medaille College
Thomas Bouda
Thematic Concern
The purpose of this survey is to determine the level of comfort and preference parents
have with using new digital technologies to monitor their child’s progress in school.
Additionally, it qualifies their expectations in terms of communication with the teacher. The
traditional websites that schools offer are sometimes clumsily assembled and hard to navigate:
this survey seeks to discover attitudes about the ease of their use and if more contemporary use
of communication tools would be more beneficial. Communication between teachers and parents
can directly impact students in a positive or a negative way, and the purpose of this survey is to
gain insight into parent’s attitudes and opinions in this matter. Input from parents will help
communication between the classroom and families. With greater and more effective
communication between these two groups, parents and teachers can work together to foster a
better learning experience for students and support their academic progress.
Target Population
The target population of this questionnaire is parents of elementary school aged children,
ranging from Kindergarten to sixth grade. Specifically, this survey was submitted to those who
live in the city of London, Ontario and have students attending school in the Thames Valley
District School Board (TVDSB). The survey was accessible online and parents accessed the link
through social media community groups in the London area. The survey had 27 respondents
Parents can, and are encouraged to, be involved with their student's learning goals beyond
parent-teacher conferences. In fact, most classes have a website where information such as test
schedules, learning segments and assignment rubrics can be found. The goal of this survey is to
ask: are classroom websites functioning well enough for parents to use, and would parents prefer
to use other digital means of communication (Twitter, email newsletters, YouTube, Facebook,
Remind app, etc.) that would allow them to be more involved in their children's learning at
school? Additionally, is there a preferred method for more in-depth and two-way means of
communication between teacher and parent? It is the feeling of the researcher that increased
communication between parents and teachers would increase the support the student experiences
in reaching their learning goals. Using digital technology that is easy to update and use for
students, parents, and teachers will lead to this positive outcome in that there will be a greater
and testing. The quality of the academic experience of the students would be affected positively
by increased parental-teacher interaction and this survey seeks to discover the tools that would
The following is an in-text copy of the online survey form creating using Google Forms.
In questions 1 through 10, participants were asked to respond to each statement by selecting the
number along the scale (strongly disagree = 1 → strongly agree = 5) which best expresses their
opinion regarding that statement. Questions 11 through 14 ask for open ended, short answer
responses to questions.
Survey Results
The data collected in this survey shows a preference of parents to use contemporary social media
c) Help to track student’s progress and be actively engaged with student success
The results of the quantitative survey show that parents prefer to use social media and phone-
based apps over school websites, citing timelier updates and easier navigability, among other key
factors are improved two-way communication fulfilling the desire to better help their student
with academic success. Parents hold the opinion that regular updates from apps make it easier to
The data collected shows that some teachers and parents already communicate via social
media such as Facebook and Twitter, also employing interactive school-related apps such as
ClassDojo and Remind. Paradoxically, the quantitative data shows a parental preference towards
traditional two-way communication means such as phone calls, in-person meetings and daily
planners. Additionally, the data shows that parents desire to be more involved in keeping track of
their student’s progress concerning their school schedule and homework demands. Parents feel
confident that their students are better prepared for success at school if they are both aware of
classroom responsibilities. However, some trepidation was shown towards parents’ willingness
to try newer methods of communication. Which is odd considering the deep integration of app-
style technology that is already in use by the parents which is addressed in the qualitative data.
Qualitative data was solicited through open-ended questions, and showed that parents are
communication. The majority of those surveyed maintained email contact with the teacher.
Parents noted that sometimes with just a website for information, they were left out on important
Most parents would prefer a classroom Facebook or Twitter account to follow, and many
report that their student’s classes already have this. The given reasons for their preference range
from the fact that it saves paper, students can’t lose this information on the way home from
school, and that Facebook is their preferred method of social-media for interaction in other
The majority of parents also welcome the chance to interact and access sensitive
information about their students such as grades and school attendance within an online platform.
Parents revealed that the Thames Valley District School Board already has a “Parent Portal”
where parents and students can access information regarding attendance and final grades. Some
parents did express the desire to still see paper copies of homework, assignments, and especially
report cards. Report card information is only released after the marks are final, and one parent
suggested that to make positive effects in grades, greater access to interim marks are desired
Most of the parents surveyed preferred to receive a reply from teachers regarding
inquiries about their children within 24 hours of contact. Some answered to 24-48 hours, and
some were polite to acknowledge that teachers have weekends too, and that the importance of
these communications were not always dire. During implementation of these programs to a
classroom, teachers should carefully outline what parents can expect from them.
There is a lot of interesting data provided in this section. Most importantly, the majority
of parents are already integrated digitally because of dissatisfaction with the school board’s
website. Indeed, some of the data is too personal and specific to the individual to make
generalizations, but it is worth noting that the subject of adding additional avenues of parent-
teacher interaction is an area that is well-suited for more exploration for individual teachers and
their classrooms. A short survey to parents at the beginning of the school year on communication
tool-use can address concerns ranging from dealing with recycling physical notes from teachers,
students losing paper copies of assignments, on-going awareness of grades within an online
portal, and being more involved with their child’s success in school. The teacher and parent both
play active roles in this desire for greater methods of communication, but the responsibility of
the teacher to be an effective communication partner with both the students and parents is
tantamount; whether that means meeting face-to-face, answering email, maintaining good digital
records or keeping the website up-to date. These are important factors for ensuring parental
Question 3 Question 4
Question 7 Question 8
Question 9 Question 10
Mode was used as the measure of central tendency to analyse this data. The mode represents the
the past dealing with a to follow want to have teacher for digital
teacher: blogposts/podcasts access to online? communication?
for updates on your Why or why
student's classes, not?
and why?
I have email a few
teachers help stay in
touch and know what Yes to know how
going on Facebook my child is doing By that evening
I have email a few
teachers help stay in
touch and know what Yes to know how
going on Facebook my child is doing By that evening
I have email a few
teachers help stay in
touch and know what Yes to know how
going on Facebook my child is doing By that evening
I have email a few
teachers help stay in
touch and know what Yes to know how
going on Facebook my child is doing By that evening
I have email a few
teachers help stay in
touch and know what Yes to know how
going on Facebook my child is doing By that evening
I have email a few
teachers help stay in
touch and know what Yes to know how
going on Facebook my child is doing By that evening
I have email a few
teachers help stay in
touch and know what Yes to know how
going on Facebook my child is doing By that evening
I have email a few
teachers help stay in
touch and know what Yes to know how
going on Facebook my child is doing By that evening
The remind app is used
already and works great They are private
with high school kids Email info Two days
I have email a few
teachers help stay in
touch and know what Yes to know how
going on Facebook my child is doing By that evening
I have email a few Yes to know how
teachers help stay in Facebook my child is doing By that evening
touch on the go with my take part. As a parent you can find that
children’s that works as well I information from
class/teacher/school. I try to stay in touch past years. If it
also really did like with the my was updated on a
ClassDojo as well. I children's school and confidential
find teachers do not teachers as best I website I would
update their websites can. This would be check that
enough to keep me another tool that I regularly as well
informed as a parent. would use. so I can now
before report
card time what
my child may
need help with to
better there
It would be nice to hear
from a teach within 36
hours, obviously not
over a weekend. I would
like a teacher to have a
Not really, I still life of their own. I
like the paper would be sad if I heard
I love class dojo report cards. back in the evening,
because it’s easy and Honestly, I pay knowing they were
it’s only about the more attention to taking precious time
classroom, so there are it that way. We from their family or
no distractions from the I like the class dojo get sooooo much leisure life to
what I’m looking for. I method... it’s paperwork home, communicate with me.
do feel separated from recognizable, easy it’s really hard to Our teachers have
teachers nowadays and it looks good keep up with it always been amazing
because it’s so easy to too-it’s appealing to (especially with with keeping in contact
communicate digitally. look at. two children). so promptly.
Email, I suppose.
The other two tend
to privilege the
technology and No. Id rather see
medium over the physical tests
substantive and assignments
Email has been helpful information. as graded. 2 days.
Yes that would Depends on the
be fine providing situation, it is best if the
Biggest issue is teachers I do a lot online but I you are using teacher lays out their
not using the tools do not have a twitter student numbers agreed upon timeline
consistently account not names. (24 hrs for example)
complete lack of digital follow yes, to monitor if I would hope if a parent
communication blogpost/podcasts as "life" is affecting has an issue that it
Responses to open ended questions were analysed for content and organized into general themes
The result of this study shows that contemporary tools beyond the traditional contact
methods for parents and teachers are already ubiquitous in the TVDSB. That is to say that social
media communication and phone-based apps are being integrated into the classrooms at a
seemingly grass-roots level by the teachers themselves. The school board provides a class
website and there is no strict mandate regarding other methods of communication. I think this is
the best way to handle the issue because the teachers that are interested in using newer
technologies will do so on their own. However, specific expectations and responsibilities of the
teacher using these technologies should be outlined for the parents to avoid unnecessary
problems. The teacher would be advised to conduct their own classroom research at the
beginning of the school year and have their technology use mandate available for parents and the
school administration. In my experience observing at a school within the TVDSB I spoke with
many teachers about the topic of communication with parents. Some of these teachers have
Twitter accounts for their classes, some use the Remind app. Traditional forms of parent-teacher
communication such as parent-teacher conferences are used when required. From the results of
this survey and my own observations, it seems that a teacher can create collaborative educational
environment with the parents and students by creating an online community free to access by
those involved but privacy protected to the world at large. Within this environment, the nature of
the classroom, it’s rules and parent/teacher/student responsibilities can be underlined and
ongoing classroom upkeep, maintained. Keeping the information flowing is essential to the
success of technology tool use and the teacher must be held accountable for this. Providing a
full-year syllabus is standard for classes almost universally; providing this information and
necessary updates to parents via a website will be a simple task. Parents overwhelming agreed
that being aware of studies in the classroom could relate to an increase in their child’s success in
school. Teachers are also expected to give quick responses by the parents, but this must be taken
within reason. Using new technology would take care and consideration on the part of the
teacher. A reflective process with documentation would be advised when undertaking this new
The third artifact in this portfolio is a Pecha Kucha (PK) presentation that focuses on the
presentation that has slides moving automatically every 20 seconds, with a verbal description
overdubbed over top of it. This artifact concentrates on students with disabilities, methods and
ways to help them learn, for both parents and teachers. The PK deals with many aspects to TBI,
such as accommodating the students in a classroom by adhering to IEP’s for re-integration and
assessment, for example. This video was uploaded to Youtube so that other educators, students,
and parents can have access to the information in the presentation. Research by Shaw (2016),
examined social re-integration strategies which include: problem solving, reasoning, self-
awareness, and positive social skills within a developmental framework are the most effective
techniques for Pediatric Cognitive Rehabilitation Therapy (CRT). Teacher competencies such as
Connections to Standards
INTASC Standards
The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of
learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social,
emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and
1(a) The teacher regularly assesses individual and group performance in order to design
and modify instruction to meet learners’ needs in each area of development (cognitive, linguistic,
social, emotional, and physical) and scaffolds the next level of development.
1(e) The teacher understands that each learner’s cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional,
and physical development influences learning and knows how to make instructional decisions
1(g) The teacher understands the role of language and culture in learning and knows how
to modify instruction to make language comprehensible and instruction relevant, accessible, and
1(k) The teacher values the input and contributions of families, colleagues, and other
Principle 1: Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and civic
Educators promote growth in all students through the integration of intellectual, physical,
emotional, social and civic learning. They respect the inherent dignity and worth of each
individual. Educators help students to value their own identity, learn more about their cultural
heritage, and practice social and civic responsibilities. They help students to reflect on their own
learning and connect it to their life experience. They engage students in activities that encourage
diverse approaches and solutions to issues, while providing a range of ways for students to
demonstrate their abilities and learning. They foster the development of students who can
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
insight for developing students' potential. Members express their commitment to students' well
being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.
RESPECT: Intrinsic to the ethical standard of Respect are trust and fair-mindedness.
Members honor human dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive development. In their
professional practice, they model respect for spiritual and cultural values, social justice,
the highest possible learning outcomes and quality of life potential in ways that respect their
5. Developing relationships with families based on mutual respect and actively involving
12. Participating in the growth and dissemination of professional knowledge and skills.
The fourth artifact that I am including into the portfolio is the Smart Board Certificate
that I earned during the course of my studies at Medaille College. The Smart Board is an
interactive, useful, and prevalent tool used in contemporary classrooms and I am well-equipped
as an educator possessing experience in using it and creating lessons that are to be aided by using
it as a helpful tool in the classroom. Technology is going to become more prevalent as society
moves forward, so it is important for a teacher to deliver useful and challenging lessons for
development is important and the Smart Board Certificate is an example of my own personal
growth. This tool can be useful for sharing and collaborating with colleagues on lesson topics,
drawing on expertise from their backgrounds and sharing my own experiences or technological
educational research is carried out and disseminated, the value of the pedagogical approaches
used in technology education, which engages and motivates students, is being adopted more and
Connections to Standards
INTASC Standards
The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of
learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social,
emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and
1(a) The teacher regularly assesses individual and group performance in order to design
and modify instruction to meet learners’ needs in each area of development (cognitive, linguistic,
social, emotional, and physical) and scaffolds the next level of development.
1(b) The teacher creates developmentally appropriate instruction that takes into account
individual learners’ strengths, interests, and needs and that enables each learner to advance and
1(c) The teacher collaborates with families, communities, colleagues, and other
1(f) The teacher identifies readiness for learning, and understands how development in
1(j) The teacher takes responsibility for promoting learners’ growth and development.
3(e) The teacher uses a variety of methods to engage learners in evaluating the learning
3(g) The teacher promotes responsible learner use of interactive technologies to extend
Principle 4: Educators collaborate with colleagues and other professionals in the interest
of student learning.
Educators encourage and support their colleagues to build and maintain high standards.
They participate in decisions regarding curriculum, instruction and assessment designs, and they
share responsibility for the governance of schools. They cooperate with community agencies in
using resources and building comprehensive services in support of students. Educators respect
fellow professionals and believe that all have the right to teach and learn in a professional and
supportive environment. They participate in the preparation and induction of new educators and
Principle 6: Educators advance the intellectual and ethical foundation of the learning
Educators recognize the obligations of the trust placed in them. They share the
responsibility for understanding what is known, pursuing further knowledge, contributing to the
generation of knowledge, and translating knowledge into comprehensible forms. They help
students understand that knowledge is often complex and sometimes paradoxical. Educators are
confidantes, mentors and advocates for their students’ growth and development. As models for
youth and the public, they embody intellectual honesty, diplomacy, tact and fairness
1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity: Teachers use their knowledge of
subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance
student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.
a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments: Teachers design,
contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the
styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
insight for developing students' potential. Members express their commitment to students' well
being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.
and recognize its relationship to practice. They understand and reflect on student development,
learning theory, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics, educational research and related policies and
Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through effective
A key component to being a teacher is the ability to work as part of an integrated, multi-
disciplinary team, and artifact five is an experiment that was given as part of a collaborative
effort between 4 teacher candidate colleagues. Student teachers can benefit by collaboration with
a tenured teacher, to gain from the experiences, successes, and their failures. Research by
Smarkola (2007) notes that experienced teachers with their subject matter may be more adept at
finding new tools that complement their teaching, and thus experienced classroom teachers can
inform student teachers of the various practical types of software that student teachers would not
otherwise be aware of while in their teacher education program. As some of the group members
are currently involved with classroom teaching, the integration of their experience was a great
asset to the group. My own experience as an improvisor and a classroom facilitator came in
handy during the presentation where I also got the opportunity to showcase my musical talent.
Connections to Standards
INTASC Standards
The Learner and Learning: Teaching begins with the learner. To ensure that each student
learns new knowledge and skills, teachers must understand that learning and developmental
patterns vary among individuals, that learners bring unique individual differences to the learning
process, and that learners need supportive and safe learning environments to thrive. Effective
teachers have high expectations for each and every learner and implement developmentally
appropriate, challenging learning experiences within a variety of learning environments that help
all learners meet high standards and reach their full potential. Teachers do this by combining a
emotional, and physical development occurs, with the recognition that learners are individuals
who bring differing personal and family backgrounds, skills, abilities, perspectives, talents and
interests. Teachers collaborate with learners, colleagues, school leaders, families, members of the
learners’ communities, and community organizations to better understand their students and
maximize their learning. Teachers promote learners’ acceptance of responsibility for their own
learning and collaborate with them to ensure the effective design and implementation of both
Standard #3: Learning Environments: The teacher works with others to create
environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive
Educators apply their professional knowledge to promote student learning. They know
the curriculum and utilize a range of strategies and assessments to address differences. Educators
develop and implement programs based upon a strong understanding of human development and
learning theory. They support a challenging learning environment. They advocate for necessary
resources to teach to higher levels of learning. They establish and maintain clear standards of
behavior and civility. Educators are role models, displaying the habits of mind and work
necessary to develop and apply knowledge while simultaneously displaying a curiosity and
enthusiasm for learning. They invite students to become active, inquisitive, and discerning
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
insight for developing students' potential. Members express their commitment to students' well
being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.
Wave Properties Sound can make matter vibrate, and vibrating matter can make sound.
Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to
Ontario Standard
Grade 4, 2.3 investigate the basic properties of sound (e.g., conduct experiments to show that
sound travels, that sound can be absorbed or reflected, that sound can be modified [pitch,
volume], that there is a relationship between vibrations and sound)
Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification area(s)
One of the unit and lesson plans that I planned was for a social studies class, where we
were learning about invasive species: the zebra mussel. I think that this is a useful piece of
knowledge for students to learn because our environment is such an important part of our daily
lives and our future as human beings. I am passionate about our planet and the way that we
interact with it. I believe that it is important to teach students about environmental stewardship
and about how human interactions affect the planet, both positively and negatively.
Connections to Standards
INTASC Standards
understand and integrate assessment, planning, and instructional strategies in coordinated and
engaging ways. Beginning with their end or goal, teachers first identify student learning
objectives and content standards and align assessments to those objectives. Teachers understand
how to design, implement and interpret results from a range of formative and summative
assessments. This knowledge is integrated into instructional practice so that teachers have access
to information that can be used to provide immediate feedback to reinforce student learning and
maximize and individualize learning, and to allow learners to take charge of their own learning
assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the
Standard #8: Instructional Strategies: The teacher understands and uses a variety of
instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and
Principle 1: Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and civic
Educators promote growth in all students through the integration of intellectual, physical,
emotional, social and civic learning. They respect the inherent dignity and worth of each
individual. Educators help students to value their own identity, learn more about their cultural
heritage, and practice social and civic responsibilities. They help students to reflect on their own
learning and connect it to their life experience. They engage students in activities that encourage
diverse approaches and solutions to issues, while providing a range of ways for students to
demonstrate their abilities and learning. They foster the development of students who can
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
insight for developing students' potential. Members express their commitment to students' well
being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.
Ontario standard:
NYS Standard
5 5.4c The physical environment influences human population distribution, land use, and other
Lesson Plan
Where is the school where you are teaching located? City: _______ Suburb: ___X____
Town:_______ Rural: ______
The central focus of this lesson is to promote visual recognition of land and water features on
maps as well as explain the concept of direction via North, East, South and West directions via
a compass rose. Topography and bathymetry will be introduced via the use of contour lines,
but these will not be expected on student’s work. Visually significant colors (blue for water,
green for land, white for glaciers, etc.) on the maps will be emphasized. The learning segment
will make students aware of their surroundings, it will connect them to their world in a way
beyond their visual perception and give them access to a new lexicon of terms to describe their
physical world.
What do you know about your students’ prior academic learning as it relates to the central
focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2a)
Introducing map reading concepts to students by way of asking for directions from the school
office to their class allows the teacher to assess their ability to translate verbal directions into a
graphic (drawn by students) representation via volunteers using the chalkboard (one student
will describe how many left/right turns there are and the distance travelled and another will
transcribe this with a line drawing or another representation of their own choice). Students will
be given a sheet of paper to come up with various ways to illustrate the same direction. An
informal evaluation of these maps will be performed in class by students explaining their
concept of map making.
How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1,
Prompt 3a)
By illustrating the mapping process, students will understand the concept of a visual
representation of physical distance and directionality. This will form the basis for formal map
creating rules and concepts in instruction/assignments.
What do you know about your students’ personal, cultural, and/or community assets as they
relate to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2b)
Approximately 95% of the students take the bus to school, and there is an understanding of
physical distance/time it takes to travel to school. The city has a park that is centrally located
that buses must circumnavigate because students are bused in from the suburbs: this is a
physical feature that can be used to describe physical location in relation to distance, shape and
how it would be represented on a map. There is a lake in the park, and this is an asset because
all the students are familiar with the lake and will easily understand that water will be blue on
a map, and that the forest will be green on a map.
How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1,
Prompt 3a)
Knowing that a majority of the students take the bus to school is an asset, because they will be
somewhat familiar with direction and distance of their trip to and from school. Students who
walk to school will have a different understanding of roadways/paths that students on high
traffic roadways will not. This is an opportunity to share knowledge between students and
discuss different lived experience of the same environment. It allows for collaborative
activities between classmates.
Curriculum Standards
In completion of this lesson, students will be able to create a map that represents their journey
from home to school. Some will focus on roads, others will focus on physical landmarks – key
components will be understanding the use of the compass to show direction and color to
represent land and water. Key results will focus on recognition and explanation of the
differences between physical landmarks using shapes and colors.
Syntax Students will clearly The teacher will monitor students as they
label geographic make their maps and be available to answer
Describe ways in which features on a map, questions relating to the topic.
students will organize and will be asked to
language (symbols, explain their
words, phrases) to reasoning for such
convey meaning. labels.
Instructional Procedures
➔ Teacher will begin by asking students about their The teacher will walk
journey to school around the class to monitor
➔ Students will be asked to participate and be led via a and help students with
series of questions to consider the physical distance that creating their maps.
they travel to school
➔ This can be expanded to include students who may have
immigrated from another country (if they volunteer such
information) or students who volunteer information of
cottage trips, visits to Grandma in another country, etc.
➔ Teacher will ask students to describe how to get from the
class to the principals office using left/right
directionality instructions and have a student volunteer
attempt to graphically represent the oral directions on the
➔ Students will be shown how to represent this information
in a North/East/South/West orientation on a piece of
paper by introduction to the compass rose (hand out
compass rose fill-in-the-blanks sheet)
➔ Distance and scale will be introduced, but will not be a
focus of the lesson
➔ Teacher will ask about the broader concept of the city
the students live in, drawing references to the park that is
in the middle of the city and the lake inside the park
➔ Students will be prompted to answer why they think
water should be blue on a map and the importance of
color to visually represent physical features (roads,
buildings, etc.)
➔ Students will be instructed to think of their trip to school
and to draw a map of the physical landmarks they pass
on their way to class
➔ Students will have the ‘neighborhood map’ example
handed out to color
List all materials and/or technology tools required for the lesson.
Key instructional materials must be attached. These materials might include such items as
class handouts, assignments, slides, and interactive white-board images.
1. Pencil crayons
2. Blank Paper
3. Compass rose handout – fill-in-the-blanks
4. Neighborhood Map example – coloring activity
Lesson Plan
Where is the school where you are teaching located? City: _______ Suburb: ___X____
Town:_______ Rural: ______
The central focus of this lesson is to describe and compare various ecological and economic
impacts of invasive species into the Great Lakes. In groups, students will be asked to perform
research into pre- and post- 1989 levels of natural fauna specifically relating to the accidental
introduction of Zebra Mussels to the natural environment: the affect that this has had on
pollution levels, physical habitat alteration, displacement of native mussel species, changes to
the food chain, fishery success (growth or decline) and, local economies. The importance of
environmental stewardship will be emphasized, as will the importance of Government and
citizens working together for a common goal. By the end of the lesson, the students will come
up with an action plan that will provide a solution to the issue of invasive species and present
it to the class in groups of 5.
What do you know about your students’ prior academic learning as it relates to the central
focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2a)
Students will be informally questioned about their knowledge of invasive species – perhaps
drawing on experiences of a mouse or a bat in their house – students will be given the
opportunity to speak about their own related life experiences. A test that has been given
previously shows that some students have an understanding of ecological processes related to
the water table, and some students have knowledge of local fisheries. This test will be used to
distribute the students as evenly as possible into groups as assigned by the teacher. Previous
testing in math class has shown the students to be proficient in reading and making their own
bar graphs and displaying/comparing analytical data. Additionally, students have previously
learned how to recognize information on maps, and how to draw their own. The students map
familiarity and understanding is essential, as using this information is key to the analysis of
Zebra Mussel invasion into the Great Lakes.
How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1,
Prompt 3a)
Well dispersed groups allocations of students will be determined by the previous test so that
opportunities are created for students to share previous knowledge amongst themselves with
teacher support in a collaborative setting. Students have previously learned how to recognize
information on maps, and how to draw their own. This knowledge is useful because they will
be interpreting information about the spread of Zebra Mussels from maps (see appendix
Graphic 1) and can reiterate this visual interpretation skill. Knowing that a majority of the
students know how to read maps is useful, because they will be familiar with cardinal
directions and how to interpret information from a map. Multiple descriptive methods (words,
visual displays of data) can be used to understand, describe and make predictions about the
change in the Zebra Mussels of the Great Lakes. The student familiarity with graphs allows for
a multi-faceted approach to the lesson.
What do you know about your students’ personal, cultural, and/or community assets as they
relate to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2b)
Geographically, 100% students live in the Great Lakes region and because of this all have
some background knowledge relating to these lakes. Some of the students come from
Newfoundland, their families came to Ontario because of declining fisheries due to over-
fishing. To relate the lesson to a smaller scale, students are already familiar with the lake in the
park from the previous map lesson. The local lake is well known by the students for its
abundance of catfish: there is a well-known fishing derby held there on a recurring basis.
Students are familiar with this as it is a significant, celebrated local event. However, last year
there was a decline in the catfish population due to the introduction of an invasive species –
the dogfish. The students are aware that the mayor put out a survey to the town asking how to
counter the issue: the results were overwhelmingly to change the purpose of the fishing derby
to catch the dogfish. Students will draw upon the similarities and come up with their own
solutions to the Zebra Mussel problem based on a greater scale – the 5 great lakes.
How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1,
Prompt 3a)
The students from the east coast are an asset because they have insight into industries like the
fisheries: how they are integral to the human experience, and how losing that resource will
affect local economies. Having the opportunity to share this knowledge is important for
collaboration in the classroom to develop understanding between students, the environment
that we live in, and ecology on a local and national scale. The local experience with the survey
gives a chance for collaborative learning in the classroom where students can draw on their
own experiences. By framing discussion of Zebra Mussels within a personal experience of the
familiar lake, it can demonstrate how many examples can be used to discuss the broader topics
of environmental stewardship and the importance of Government and citizens working
together for a common goal.
Curriculum Standards
Ontario standard: Strand B. People and Environments: The Local Community
NYS Standard: 5.4c The physical environment influences human population distribution, land
use, and other forms of economic activity.
In completion of this lesson, students will be able to analyze information and present creative
solutions to the issue of invasive species. Some students will focus on environmental laws that
could be drawn up and some will focus on scientific invention/intervention. The possibilities
will be explored with the teacher as the teacher completes observation of the group
interactions. Key results will focus on recognition and explanation of the effects of Zebra
Mussel invasion on ecological systems and may relate to human population related to
depletion of resources.
After the lesson, students will Students will be informally • Allow student with
be able to explain the effects assessed for comprehension 504 plan to sit near
of invasive species to native during presentation of their the door, take
species, the environment, and findings to the class. The frequent breaks as
how they can affect economic students will be given explicit needed. Monitor to
development and long/short instructions on all subjects to not exceed 2-3
term effects on the human be considered and explicitly minute time limit.
population. Additionally, they discussed during their • Student ID #: 12704
will form opinions and presentations. Students will be will get 1.5 max.
hypothesize how this may monitored by the teacher allotted time as per
affect population during the group work for 504
growth/decline in and around collaboration and even
the Great lakes. distribution of tasks
reasoning for
such labels.
• Students will
also create
their own
lists, learning
and writing
the definitions
of terms out
on a blank
piece of paper
• Teacher will begin assessing student's knowledge base • The teacher will
via questioning. Examples: monitor each group
o Can anyone identify an invasive species? and ask probing
o Is there an example of sometime in your questions about
experience where you've had someone – or their descriptions
something! - in your house that shouldn't have and solutions of the
been there? Like a mouse, or a bat? Zebra Mussel
o How does the food chain work? What is your problem in the
understanding of ecology as it relates to natural Great Lake
habitat in Ontario's Great Lakes? ecosystem. Teacher
• Students will be asked to participate and be led via a will be available to
series of questions to consider the effects of the food answer questions
chain, and how it could possibly effect human for presentation
populations (ex. food sources or sustainable fisheries) strategies to make
• This can be expanded to include student family stories the presentations
about the negative effect of the changing fishery industry (students will be
(students in the class have volunteered this information encouraged to
earlier) present a skit or
• Special care will be taken to not ostracize these students show information in
or to create tension, any information must be freely a diagram on a large
volunteered chart paper).
• Teacher will ask students to describe the food chain to
gauge their level of understanding
• At this point, teacher will present a sample food web
from the attached list and discuss the impact of changes
to the food web
• Before dividing the students up into 5 distinct groups,
the teacher will demonstrate how to use a web search on
a computer for the information that they are looking for,
how to use a dictionary to define terms (1 dictionary per
group will be handed out following the demonstration),
List all materials and/or technology tools required for the lesson.
Key instructional materials must be attached. These materials might include such items as
class handouts, assignments, slides, and interactive white-board images.
3. Zebra Mussel 'most wanted' poster printed for each student. (print extras)
4. 'Graphic 1' map of the Great Lakes that shows the level of zebra mussels printed for
each student
5. Food web diagrams, 1 for each of the Great Lakes. (1 Lake is assigned to each group:
print extra copies)
Graphic 1: Zebra Mussels and their spread through the Great Lakes
Lesson Plan
Where is the school where you are teaching located? City: _______ Suburb: X
Town:_______ Rural: ______
The central focus of this lesson is to describe and compare various ecological and economic
impacts of invasive species into the Great Lakes. In groups, students will be asked to perform
research into pre- and post- 1989 levels of natural fauna specifically relating to the accidental
introduction of Zebra Mussels to the natural environment: the affect that this has had on
pollution levels, physical habitat alteration, displacement of native mussel species, changes to
the food chain, fishery success (growth or decline) and, local economies. The importance of
environmental stewardship will be emphasized, as will the importance of Government and
citizens working together for a common goal. By the end of the lesson, the students will come
up with an action plan that will provide a solution to the issue of invasive species and present
it to the class in groups of 5.
evenly as possible into groups as assigned by the teacher. Previous testing in math class has
shown the students to be proficient in reading and making their own bar graphs and
displaying/comparing analytical data. Additionally, students have previously learned how to
recognize information on maps, and how to draw their own. The students map familiarity and
understanding is essential, as using this information is key to the analysis of Zebra Mussel
invasion into the Great Lakes.
How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1,
Prompt 3a)
Well dispersed groups allocations of students will be determined by the previous test so that
opportunities are created for students to share previous knowledge amongst themselves with
teacher support in a collaborative setting. Students have previously learned how to recognize
information on maps, and how to draw their own. This knowledge is useful because they will
be interpreting information about the spread of Zebra Mussels from maps (see appendix
Graphic 1) and can reiterate this visual interpretation skill. Knowing that a majority of the
students know how to read maps is useful, because they will be familiar with cardinal
directions and how to interpret information from a map. Multiple descriptive methods (words,
visual displays of data) can be used to understand, describe and make predictions about the
change in the Zebra Mussels of the Great Lakes. The student familiarity with graphs allows for
a multi-faceted approach to the lesson.
What do you know about your students’ personal, cultural, and/or community assets as they
relate to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2b)
Geographically, 100% students live in the Great Lakes region and because of this all have
some background knowledge relating to these lakes. Some of the students come from
Newfoundland, their families came to Ontario because of declining fisheries due to over-
fishing. To relate the lesson to a smaller scale, students are already familiar with the lake in the
park from the previous map lesson. The local lake is well known by the students for its
abundance of catfish: there is a well-known fishing derby held there on a recurring basis.
Students are familiar with this as it is a significant, celebrated local event. However, last year
there was a decline in the catfish population due to the introduction of an invasive species –
the dogfish. The students are aware that the mayor put out a survey to the town asking how to
counter the issue: the results were overwhelmingly to change the purpose of the fishing derby
to catch the dogfish. Students will draw upon the similarities and come up with their own
solutions to the Zebra Mussel problem based on a greater scale – the 5 great lakes.
How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1,
Prompt 3a)
The students from the east coast are an asset because they have insight into industries like the
fisheries: how they are integral to the human experience, and how losing that resource will
affect local economies. Having the opportunity to share this knowledge is important for
collaboration in the classroom to develop understanding between students, the environment
that we live in, and ecology on a local and national scale. The local experience with the survey
gives a chance for collaborative learning in the classroom where students can draw on their
own experiences. By framing discussion of Zebra Mussels within a personal experience of the
familiar lake, it can demonstrate how many examples can be used to discuss the broader topics
of environmental stewardship and the importance of Government and citizens working
together for a common goal.
Curriculum Standards
Ontario standard: Grade 5, Strand B. People and Environments: The Local Community
NYS Standard: 5.4c The physical environment influences human population distribution, land
use, and other forms of economic activity.
Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to realize the devastating nature of
invasive species through creating a storyboard of the sequence of events from pre to post
invasion of Zebra Mussels. Students will be able to analyze information and present creative
solutions to the issue of invasive species. Half the student groups will focus on environmental
laws/policy that could be drawn up and the other half will focus on scientific
invention/intervention. The possibilities will be explored with the teacher as the teacher
completes observation of the group interactions. Key results will focus on recognition and
explanation of the effects of Zebra Mussel invasion on ecological systems and may relate to
human population related to depletion of resources.
After the lesson, students will • Storyboard summative • Allow student with
be able to explain the effects assessment (included 504 plan to sit near
of invasive species to native in the appendices) the door, take
species, the environment, and frequent breaks as
how they can affect economic • Storyboards are like
needed. Monitor to
development and long/short comic strips; they not exceed 2-3
term effects on the human combine pictures and minute time limit.
population. Additionally, they words. Each scene is • Pre-teaching and re-
will form opinions and shown separately in teaching of materials
hypothesize how this may the order in which it • Student ID #: 12704
affect population will get 1.5 max.
happens. The
growth/decline in and around
the Great lakes based on lost assignment will be to allotted time as per
income from fishery make a storyboard of 4 504
dependent communities. to 8 scenes, illustrating
simple pictures, maps
as well as descriptive
language in point form
summarizing the
accidental introduction
of Zebra Mussels into
the Great Lakes. The
first step is to think
about what happens
first, next and what
follows – then include
a simple sketch
depicting each event.
Write a caption for
each 'scene' and be
sure to include
vocabulary for specific
landforms, elements of
maps, wildlife and
• Students will
illustrate and
label a
with correct
order of the
Zebra Mussel
Instructional Procedures
• Teacher will begin assessing student's knowledge base
via questioning. Examples: • The teacher will
o Do you remember what we learned yesterday? monitor each group
o Can anyone identify an invasive species? and ask probing
o Is there an example of sometime in your questions about
experience where you've had someone – or their descriptions
something! - in your house that shouldn't have and solutions of the
been there? Like a mouse, or a bat? Zebra Mussel
o How does the food chain work? What is your problem in the
understanding of ecology as it relates to natural Great Lake
habitat in Ontario's Great Lakes? ecosystem. Teacher
• Students will be asked to participate and be led via a will be available to
series of questions to consider the effects of the food answer questions
chain, and how it could possibly effect human for presentation
populations (ex. food sources or sustainable fisheries) strategies to make
• This can be expanded to include student family stories their storyboards.
about the negative effect of the changing fishery industry
(students in the class have volunteered this information
• Special care will be taken to not ostracize these students
or to create tension, any information must be freely
• Teacher will ask students to describe the food chain to
gauge their level of understanding
• At this point, teacher will present a sample food web
from the attached list and discuss the impact of changes
to the food web
• Before dividing the students up into 5 distinct groups,
the teacher will demonstrate how to use the storyboard.
Specific attention will be drawn to the rubric and
explanation of what is expected on the storyboards.
• These skills are difficult to master, so it is important to
focus on learning this skill
• (if there is time) Class will be divided into groups of 5,
each group assigned one of the 5 Great Lakes to
describe, each student will be assigned a specific role in
the group (below)
o Facilitator: Moderates team discussion, keeps
the group on task, and distributes work.
o Recorder: Take notes summarizing team
discussions and decisions, and keeps all
necessary records
o Reporter: serves as group spokesperson to the
class or instructor, summarizing the group’s
activities and/or conclusions
waterways between Canada and the United States and the 504 students and
how increasingly strict environmental protections may any other student
have prevented Zebra Mussels from being introduced who wishes to have
into the Great Lakes this information
List all materials and/or technology tools required for the lesson.
Key instructional materials must be attached. These materials might include such items as
class handouts, assignments, slides, and interactive white-board images.
4. Zebra Mussel 'most wanted' poster printed for each student. (print extras)
5. 'Graphic 1' map of the Great Lakes that shows the level of zebra mussels printed for
each student
6. Assessment Rubric
7. Storyboard assignment
Graphic 1: Zebra Mussels and their spread through the Great Lakes
Communication Little use of Use of some Uses most Uses all proper
proper proper proper vocabulary and
vocabulary, vocabulary and vocabulary and terminology in
terminology and terminology in terminology in caption (8-10
captions (0-2 captions (3-4 caption (5-7 terms)
terms) terms) terms)
Storyboard template
Artifact #7: Weebly Website for Mr. Bouda’s Fifth Grade Class.
manner. It is important to demonstrate to students, parents, administration staff, and the public
that I am a compassionate and caring educator. The website has many benefits to the students
and parents because there are helpful links to educational resources, internet safety tips, extended
learning experiences like virtual field-trips, and links to content that I have created in the form of
a screencast lesson. This lesson also provides a worksheet and tips for student success via a QR
code. In an article about teachers Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams, Raths (2013) describes
their concept of the flipped classroom: recording lectures in order to spend class time on deeper
face-to face learning with students…speculating they didn’t foresee the major movement that
would grow up and six years later, the growth in interest remains exponential, suggesting this is
far more than a fad. This is a useful technique and is on display via the website where a student
can watch, learn, and become a student in a ‘flipped classroom’ by watching an improper
fraction lesson. Another way that the website is beneficial to the students is that it builds upon
their innate nature of inquiry-based learning; this can be harnessed by continually updating the
content on the website so that they remain interested in new tools, links, and other resources.
Students also have the ability to post to the website via the Padlet, this could be useful if they
find a link that may help their peers to better conceptualize and realize class topics and
Workshop and my SMART Notebook 17 Beginner & Intermediate Training certificates are on
display there. I find that the website is an easy way to present information in an informal way,
ranging from my personal contact information, classroom rules, cyber safety, technology, author
study, and a survey for my students to take at the beginning of the year. One of the best aspects
of having a website is that students can be apprised of the lessons they may miss if they’re sick,
Connections to Standards
INTASC Standards
The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of
learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social,
emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and
1(k) The teacher values the input and contributions of families, colleagues, and other
The Teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the
discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline
4(g) The teacher uses supplementary resources and technologies effectively to ensure
learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills
8(g) The teacher engages learners in using a range of learning skills and technology tools
8(n) The teacher knows how to use a wide variety of resources, including human and
for all.
Educators apply their professional knowledge to promote student learning. They know
the curriculum and utilize a range of strategies and assessments to address differences. Educators
develop and implement programs based upon a strong understanding of human development and
learning theory. They support a challenging learning environment. They advocate for necessary
resources to teach to higher levels of learning. They establish and maintain clear standards of
behavior and civility. Educators are role models, displaying the habits of mind and work
necessary to develop and apply knowledge while simultaneously displaying a curiosity and
enthusiasm for learning. They invite students to become active, inquisitive, and discerning
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
insight for developing students' potential. Members express their commitment to students' well
being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.
TRUST: The ethical standard of Trust embodies fairness, openness, and honestly.
Members’ professional relationships with students, colleagues, parents, guardians, and the public
Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification area(s).
Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through effective
1. Empowered Learner:
a. Use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to
5. Digital Citizenship:
a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
a. Design or adapt relevant experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to
The eighth artifact that I am including in this portfolio is the SMARTboard Notebook
ability to make an engaging, entertaining, and relevant lesson that uses the SMARTboard
technology. I find it an easy medium to use when compared to markers and big sheets of paper
because of my background in technology. The students are also more familiar with technology so
the fact that they can see and interact with the SMARTboard is a lot more like their personal
devices at home, which translates into a greater sense of ease in the classroom. This author study
presentation relates 3 Roald Dahl books to 3 different content areas in Grade 5. The book
‘Matilda’ is aligned with a Science lesson, ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ is aligned with ELA, and ‘Charlie
and the Chocolate Factory’ aligns with Math standards. This artifact demonstrates competencies
and connections to New York State, Ontario, and ISTE standards. I have chosen to include it
because it displays my love of books, and my skill for creating an interesting and informative
lesson from seemingly disparate sources. Additionally, the fact that this technology is ubiquitous
in classrooms in both NY and Ontario is another reason why I have included it in this portfolio.
The functionality of the device can be described as an assistive technology tool because students
are engaged, they find it to be enjoyable, and it can be customized for use by students of all
abilities and language understanding in the classroom. Research by Adriiana (2012) also
suggests that SMARTboard use is beneficial for teachers and advocates that the [SMART]board
improves efficiency and saves time of presentation, being successfully integrated in any
sequence of a lesson.
Connections to Standards
INTASC Standards
The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of
learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social,
emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and
1(j) The teacher takes responsibility for promoting learners’ growth and development.
The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and
communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high
2(e) The teacher incorporates tools of language development into planning and
instruction, including strategies for making content accessible to English language learners and
The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and
collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in
3(g) The teacher promotes responsible learner use of interactive technologies to extend
The Teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the
discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline
4(g) The teacher uses supplementary resources and technologies effectively to ensure
learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills
8(g) The teacher engages learners in using a range of learning skills and technology tools
8(n) The teacher knows how to use a wide variety of resources, including human and
for all.
Educators apply their professional knowledge to promote student learning. They know
the curriculum and utilize a range of strategies and assessments to address differences. Educators
develop and implement programs based upon a strong understanding of human development and
learning theory. They support a challenging learning environment. They advocate for necessary
resources to teach to higher levels of learning. They establish and maintain clear standards of
behavior and civility. Educators are role models, displaying the habits of mind and work
necessary to develop and apply knowledge while simultaneously displaying a curiosity and
enthusiasm for learning. They invite students to become active, inquisitive, and discerning
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
insight for developing students' potential. Members express their commitment to students' well
being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice.
TRUST: The ethical standard of Trust embodies fairness, openness, and honestly.
Members’ professional relationships with students, colleagues, parents, guardians, and the public
Claim 1: Medaille College graduates know the subject matter in their certification area(s).
Claim 2: Medaille College graduates meet the needs of diverse learners through effective
1. Empowered Learner:
a. Use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to
5. Digital Citizenship:
a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
a. Design or adapt relevant experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to
Science Lesson
Ontario standard:
1.2 Evaluate the effects, both the beneficial and harmful, of various technologies on
NYS Standard
When two or more different substances are mixed, a new substance with different properties may
be formed.
ELA Lesson
Ontario standard:
1. Listening to understand.
1.8 Identify the point of view presented in oral texts and ask questions to identify missing
NYS Standard
Standard 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and
Math Lesson
Ontario standard:
Computational Strategies
Quantity Relationships: round decimal numbers to the nearest tenth, in problems arising
NYS Standard
This third section has presented 8 artifacts that represent my readiness as a teacher
candidate to become professional teacher. The previous examples are supported by theories,
experts in the field of education, following New York State and Ontario Curriculum guidelines,
and are in line with my own beliefs and practices. I have demonstrated my understanding and
teaching. Section three serves the purpose to display my talents but it also sets precedent for the
transition for section four, where evidence will be given to illustrate the alignment of curriculum
Section Four:
Alignment to Curriculum & Professional Standards
The purpose of section four is to connect the artifacts is section three to the specific
professional and curriculum standards. Much like any regulated professional careers, teaching is
guided by several sets of standards that give reason and methodology to pedagogical decisions.
These standards are put in place so that the student can benefit from a uniform, appropriate, and
regulated education that will prepare them in a standardized way. The standards included in this
section are the Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC), The New
York State Code of Ethics for Educators, The Ontario Ethical Standards for the Teaching
Profession, The P-12 Common Core Learning Standards, The Ontario Ministry of Education
Expectations, the Medaille TEAC Claims, International Society for Technology Education for
Teachers and Students, and the Council for Exceptional Children. There are two segments to
section four: the first presents Curriculum and Professional Educational Standards and the
second segment is a chart that aligns the artifacts presented in section three to Curriculum and
Professional Standards in a chart. The chart will serve as a way to quickly parse the explanations
given in section four. By presenting the alignment between my artifacts and the curriculum and
INTASC Standards.
The Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) exists to set a
standard of consistency the benefit of both teachers and students. Theses standards are in place as
guidelines that educators must align to which relate to the learner and learning, school content,
INTASC standards, it is important to mention that the standard is comprised of four sections that
contain ten standards. These ten standards are further sub-divided into sub-categories that
examine performance, essential knowledge, and critical disposition. Standards one to three are
Learner Development, Learning Differences, and Learning Environments. Standards four and
five are Content Knowledge and Application of Content. Standards six to eight are Assessment,
Planning for Instruction, and Instructional Strategies. Standards nine to ten are Professional
All 8 of the section three artifacts connect with the INTASC Standards. The following is
1. DASA Certificate
2. Educational Survey
Standard #6 Assessment:
7. Weebly Website
The New York State (NYS) Ethics for Educators Principles provide guidance for
teachers, by setting clear expectations and principals to inspire, guide, and direct professional
excellence. A commonality shared among educators is that a common set of principals may
assist individuals in the area concerning professional judgement. This Code identifies the core
The following artifacts align with the New York State Code of Ethics for Educators:
1. DASA Certificate
Principle 5: Educators collaborate with parents and community, building trust and
respecting confidentiality.
2. Educational Survey
Principle 3: Educators commit to their own learning in order to develop their practice.
Principle 1: Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and civic
for all.
Principle 1: Educators nurture the intellectual, physical, emotional, social, and civic
7. Weebly Website
for all.
for all.
Similar to the NYS Ethical Standards, the Ontario Ethical Standards are another set of
principles that outline necessary attitudes and dispositions that are required for teachers to
possess. The Ontario Standards have four main goals: to create a shared overview of the teaching
guide professional judgements and actions, and to identify and promote commonality in nuance
and lexicon shared by educational professionals. The included artifacts in section three align to
1. DASA Certificate
Trust: The ethical standard of Trust embodies fairness openness and honesty.
2. Educational Survey
Trust: The ethical standard of Trust embodies fairness openness and honesty.
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
RESPECT: Intrinsic to the ethical standard of Respect are trust and fair-mindedness.
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
7. Weebly Website
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
TRUST: The ethical standard of Trust embodies fairness, openness, and honestly.
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
TRUST: The ethical standard of Trust embodies fairness, openness, and honestly.
P-12 NYS Common Core Learning Standards (ELA, Math, and Social Studies).
The P-12 Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) for ELA, Math, and Social Studies
create a framework of literacy standards that have been developed to ensure that students have
reached an agreed upon standard of performance in the aforementioned school subjects. The
purpose of the standards is to make sure that both teachers and students focus on a relatively few
amount of topics to guarantee that students gain understanding, achieve great amounts of skill
The following artifacts have alignments to the P-12 NYS CCLS for ELA, Math, and
Social Studies
Math Lesson:
ELA Lesson:
Standard 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and
The NYS Learning Standards that do not fit into the NYS CCLS, in the case of this
portfolio, this will examine standards for science. The following artifacts include NYS Learning
PS4.A Wave Properties Sound can make matter vibrate, and vibrating matter can make
sound. (P-PS4-1)
4-PS3-4 Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy
Science Lesson:
PS1.B: Chemical Reactions: When two or more different substances are mixed, a new
Math Lesson:
The Ontario Standards are set in place for the same reason as mentioned previously for
the NYS CCLS. The goal is to give an overall framework to the purpose of lessons, provide a
clear and developed learning plan and outline expectations from students throughout the
curriculum. The following artifacts align with the Ontario Curriculum Expectation:
Grade 4, 2.3 investigate the basic properties of sound (e.g., conduct experiments to
show that sound travels, that sound can be absorbed or reflected, that sound can be modified
Science Lesson
1.2 Evaluate the effects, both the beneficial and harmful, of various technologies on
ELA Lesson
1. Listening to understand.
1.8 Identify the point of view presented in oral texts and ask questions to identify
Math Lesson
Computational Strategies
These claims are made by the Department of Education (DOE) at Medaille College, and
they serve to identify and qualify the quality of graduates, to ensure that they are ready and
competent to become professional educators. The course of study at Medaille is based around the
assessment methodology of this system. Claim one: Medaille College graduates know the subject
matter in their certification area(s). Claim two: Medaille College graduates meet the need of
diverse learners through effective pedagogy and best teaching practices. Claim three is the last
one: Medaille College graduates are caring educators. The following artifacts align with the
1. DASA Certificate
Claim 1, 2, and 3
2. Educational Survey
Claim 3
Claim 3
RESPECT: Intrinsic to the ethical standard of Respect are trust and fair-mindedness.
Claim 2 and 3
Claim 1
CARE: The ethical standard of Care includes compassion, acceptance, interest and
7. Weebly Website
Claim 1, 2, and 3
Claim 1, 2, and 3
International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and Students (ISTE).
The International Society for Technology Education for Teachers and Students (ISTE)
serves as a standard that relates to the application of technology in the classroom. Specifically
relating to dispositions, expectations, and professional standards for both teachers and students.
This standard set is important because we must be aware of how we integrate technology into our
lives, classrooms, and daily lives. The following artifacts relate to these standards:
1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity: Teachers use their knowledge
of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance
student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.
a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments: Teachers
design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating
contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the
styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.
7. Weebly Website
5. Digital Citizenship:
a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
a. Design or adapt relevant experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to
1. Empowered Learner:
a. Use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to
5. Digital Citizenship:
a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
a. Design or adapt relevant experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to
Children has a set stand of professional and curriculum standards. The CEC explores policy
issues, develops responses to those issues, influences policies to ensure that needs are being met
by all members of educational faculties and student bodies. The following artifacts align with the
develop the highest possible learning outcomes and quality of life potential in ways that respect
5. Developing relationships with families based on mutual respect and actively involving
12. Participating in the growth and dissemination of professional knowledge and skills.
RESPECT: Intrinsic to the ethical standard of Respect are trust and fair-mindedness.
A graphic organizer is presented below, which will serve to parse the previously
pedagogical proficiencies, best teaching practices, and other necessary standards that are
Each one of the artifacts that have been included into this portfolio represent
empathetic, and self-reflective teacher. For example, the professional disposition needed to
consider many aspects of a lesson and to adhere to professional state and province-wide set
standards must be an ultimate goal for an educator. Furthermore, it is necessary to reflect upon
methodology, and labelling how these factors influence my own teaching style through the
examples provided in the artifacts. I have opinions and values that closely align with the ethical
Ranging from classroom essentials like assessments and lesson plans to more academic
article reviews, to community building components such as a teacher website, these artifacts
support the ethical, curricular, and theoretical foundations of the pedagogy presented here. In
Section Four, which follows, the standards which underpin these ideas will be examined more
closely, ideas initially presented each artifact above, and the necessity of each set will be
discussed and proven. Teaching requires a lot of consideration, not just to the standards or the
ethical nature of classroom discussion, but also to the point that we must realize that we are
always dealing with individuals, and no two students have the exact same background
knowledge or experiences and must therefore be approached with a fresh and open mind. This
means that planning, instruction, and assessment must be somewhat fluid so that students can be
helped in both a supportive and challenging manner. Teachers must be relevant, supportive of
new technologies, be aware of current trends and research into the field of teaching and be able
to engage in multiple styles of teaching so that they can have the broadest reach in terms of
improvement, and a teacher must always be seeking to become a better and more efficient
educator. In the next section I will be presenting a reflection of the overall experiences that I
have experienced, observed, and learned about during the research and production of this
portfolio, and during the course of my studying at Medaille College, so that I can become a
Artifact Title INTASC NYS Code NYS NYS DOE ISTE ILA CEC Ontario Ontario
Standards of Ethics P-12 Learning Claims & Standards Internationa Standard Curriculum Teacher
Standard Principle 5: N/A N/A Claim 1: N/A Standard 2: N/A N/A Trust: The
#9: Subject Curriculum ethical
DASA Profession matter Instruction standard
Claim 3: honesty.
Artifact Title INTASC NYS Code NYS NYS DOE ISTE ILA CEC Ontario Ontario
Standards of Ethics P-12 CCLS Learning Claims & Standard Curriculum TES
Standard Principle 3: N/A N/A Claim 3: N/A N/A N/A N/A Trust: The
#2: openness
Learning and
Differenc honesty
Pecha Kucha Standard Principle 1: N/A N/A Claim 3: N/A N/A 1, 2, 5, 6, N/A RESPECT
Artifact Title INTASC NYS Code NYS NYS DOE ISTE ILA CEC Ontario Ontario
Standards of Ethics P-12 CCLS Learning Claims & Standard Curriculum TES
Smartboard Standard Principle 4: N/A N/A Claim 1 1. N/A N/A N/A CARE
Developm 2. Design
ent and
Science Standard Principle 2: N/A PS4.A Claim 1 N/A N/A N/A Grade 4, 2.3 CARE:
Social Standards Principle 1: N/A 5 5.4c Claim 1, N/A N/A N/A Strand B. CARE:
plans s
Artifact Title INTASC NYS Code NYS NYS DOE ISTE ILA CEC Ontario Ontario
Standards of Ethics P-12 CC:S Learning Claims & Internationa Standard Curriculum TES
Weebly #1: Principle 2: N/A N/A Claim 1, 1. N/A N/A N/A CARE:
ent innovation:
4: a. Apply
Content existing
Knowledg knowledge
e 1.
#8: Empowere
Instructio d Learner
nal 5. Digital
Strategies Citizenship
: : 6.
and Inspire
2. Design
3. Model
digital age
work and
Artifact Title INTASC NYS Code NYS NYS DOE ISTE ILA CEC Ontario Ontario
Standards of Ethics P-12 CCLS Learning Claims & Standard Curriculum TES
Author Study #1: Educators Students will PS1.B: and 3 Empowere Relating TRUST:
Standard critical 6. y to
5.NBT.4 Operations
Differenc Use place and environm
e 2. Design technolog
: Experience different
s and perspectiv
Assessmen es into
ts: account
the point
of view
in oral
texts and
to identify
e points
of view.
to the
tenth, in
from real-
Section Four showcased the competencies that I have learned and now display as a
teacher candidate. These are important attributes for a teacher candidate to not only be aware, but
to regard as a guide of personal counsel because they serve to direct pedagogical methodology,
professional teacher is aware of the importance of careful decision making, and judiciously
weighs predicted outcomes in order to make positive and impactful choices in the classroom.
The purpose of Section Five is a presentation of personal reflections based on the overall
experiences I have acquired while developing this project and combining them with my previous
developing this Elementary Portfolio Project, educational experiences during my course of study
at Medaille College in the Department of Education, and advocate for my readiness to become a
Section Five will reference the professional standards of the Teacher Education
Claims, which are important standards that guide dispositions and decisions in the classroom that
a teacher must exhibit. The purpose of the claims in this section are to demonstrate my
understanding of how they impact the teacher and student relationship. Facilitation including
these claims is important to classroom teaching, and in this section I will demonstrate that I
understand the subject matter in my certification area, that I meet the needs of diverse learners
through effective pedagogy and best teaching practices, and that I am a caring educator. Section
Five is sub-divided into four separate sections: the introduction, the portfolio project/teacher
elementary education field is invaluable, as it relates to the knowledge and main area of focus of
formed my own opinion and conception of how I want to act as an educator and present myself
as a professional (TEAC/CAEP Claim 2: Pedagogy and Best Teaching Practices for Diverse
Learners). The experiences and knowledge gained have been myriad while studying at Medaille
College, and this will combine in a positive way with my years of experience that I have already
been an educator. I will further expand and discuss these conceptions, their relevance, and my
throughout the years, allowing study from past and present educational philosophers and experts
ranging from Dewey, Piaget, Bloom, Montessori, Marzanno, and both Wongs; discussion and
acceptance of the concept of culturally responsive teaching (CRT) which is described in the
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA), which I have completed training and certification in, and
have included as my first Artifact in Section Three (TEAC Claim 2: Pedagogy, Best Teaching
Practices for Diverse Learners). Learner development, assessment, and evaluation in literacy,
math, and science were studied intensely; as were specific methods of teaching for math, science,
English Language Arts (ELA), special education, and technology and its application to the
classroom (TEAC Claim 2: Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practices for Diverse Learners).
One area of importance that was particularly useful was research in education, with a
specific focus on current research over the last 5 years; this current research is important to keep
abreast of because an effective teacher is always learning, evolving, and searching for more
effective means of communication, learning, and collaboration. For example, the research that I
completed and submitted as Artifact #3: Pecha Kucha presentation about Traumatic Brain Injury
was based on up-to-date research and aligns with TEAC Claims. As a teacher who is aware of
brain injuries and how it might effect a student, it is important to account for their learning in
lesson plans and day to day activities (TEAC Claim 3: Caring Educator).
I have chosen the artifacts in this portfolio very carefully, but I must admit that they are a
small sample of the knowledge that I have gleaned while becoming a subject matter expert in the
field of education and the alignment to TEAC/CAEP claims as listed in the two previous
chapters. Reflection upon my learning is another valuable way to present this information.
Throughout the presentation of this portfolio, lesson planning, assessment strategies, and student
standards, as well as my ability to create lessons which integrate the content in those standards
Despite my own experience as an educator over the last decade, my experiences have
been mostly related to one-on-one lessons. I feel like the field experience that I gained from
observing at George Blackman School of Excellence in Buffalo was a very important and eye-
opening practice for me. I grew up in the suburbs in a relatively affluent area of town, so the
exposure to students who are from various socioeconomic backgrounds was important for my
own growth in understanding, empathy, and world-view. Previously, I had only heard that
students needed breakfast provided to them at school. Now I have experienced it and seen the
benefit that it offers for the students in these situations. I heard an astonishing statistic while I
was there: an estimated 87,000 school-aged students don’t have access to books in their homes. I
cannot imagine a home without a book, and I am convinced that I can offer this type of
educational implement to my own students by helping those students and families that may
experience difficulties that other families may avoid (TEAC/CAEP Claim 2: Pedagogy and Best
Teaching Practices).
Another course that I studied at Medaille that I found to be enlightening was one that
focused on the use and integration of technology into the classroom. I found that I could apply
various computer-based skills that I have developed on my own life as an entrepreneur and a
teacher such as: website creation, audio/video presentation, and creating information sharing
handouts or flyers. Creating a website for the classroom was a great way to understand how I can
reach the parents without having to actually meet them in person or take time to handle phone
calls. This clarity will benefit my teaching because it is another way to keep students on track
while they may miss classes and keep parents in the loop of our course of study. Naturally,
planning an entire learning segment and posting it will help to keep me on schedule with the
proposed year-long calendar. The SMARTboard Author Presentation was included as the eighth
artifact in this portfolio, and I think I learned the most valuable techniques, skills, and classroom
application through the demanding process of creating that particular document. I will admit that
learning the software was somewhat cumbersome at first, but now that I have spent hours
SMARTboard presentation had three mini-lessons that ranged from math, science, to ELA; my
responsibility was to create grade-specific projected outcomes, assessment methods, and
appropriate lessons to cater to a variety of students as outlined by both the Ontario and New
York curriculum (TEAC/CAEP Claim 1: Subject Matter). Additionally, the website has a
screencast math lesson that I filmed, coupled with a worksheet that ‘flips the classroom’, where
students learn a lesson before coming to class the next day; the research behind this method is
such that students will then have prior knowledge to draw upon during the lesson so more time
can be focused upon application of the skills instead of understanding concepts (TEAC/CAEP
Claim 1: Subject Matter & Claim 2: Pedagogy and Best Teaching Practices).
My time and experiences studying at Medaille have developed new skills that are
beneficial for the classroom and my future career as a teacher. I have learned to be an effective,
situations and interactions with students, parents, and colleagues. The classes at Medaille were
taught and supported by excellent teachers who exemplified all the qualities that I aspire to
display myself. For example, through modelling that they could handle in person, phone, email,
and online support to a wide variety of students who come from vastly different backgrounds
with ease, they exemplified the type of teacher that I hope to become. This type of modelling
behavior was an important lesson in teacher disposition for us to see and take influence from
(TEAC Claim 2: Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practices for Diverse Learners; TEAC Claim 3:
Caring Educator). I am also glad that the learning experience at Medaille has helped me to
connect with a unique group of colleagues who have developed into a support network with
whom I worked in collaboration with on numerous projects and presentations. (TEAC Claim 2:
Pedagogy, Best Teaching Practices for Diverse Learners; TEAC Claim 3: Caring Educator)
It is my opinion that reflection is one of the most important attributes for an educator, and
I will reiterate this now. For example, the practice of reflection shows a self-awareness and
dedication to improvement that is integral for a teacher to hold as a key value. Reflection fosters
growth in areas such as classroom management techniques, collaboration, and acquiring or re-
vising teaching strategies. Through the study of action research, I have learned that it is essential
professional development opportunities because the benefit of flexibility yields a greater result of
successes in the classroom. Examples of these attributes have been previously discussed in this
Studying at Medaille has garnered me with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to
experiences, and I look forward to being able to prove myself as a teacher candidate. I am a
passionate and dedicated teacher, who revels in the opportunity for learning. This is exemplified
by my enthusiasm and general lust for life, because these attributes color my attitude, and this is
what I bring to the classroom: a passion for the search for knowledge. I know that every student
is an individual and must be treated as one. I look forward to learning about and meeting new
individuals and helping them to hopefully feel the same sense of wonder that I do when I’m
learning new facts, skills, and their applications. My own best teaching practices are not set in
stone and will evolve with time and trial-and-error research. I hope to impart some zeal to my
students and I hope that they are influenced in a positive manner by their interactions and
experiences with me as their learning guide. I strive to be a caring educator because I know that I
benefited from having had great, exciting, and involved teachers throughout my time as a
teacher. I have included examples that are demonstrative of my lesson planning, instruction
conceptualizations, understanding of diverse student learning styles, and ways that I monitor my
own successes in the classroom. Planning appropriate accommodations into lesson plans is
necessary to ensure that all learners are successful in the classroom and will feel at ease in a
learning environment that is welcoming, inclusive, and effective. I appreciate the chances that I
have been provided to test out my lessons in quasi test classrooms, I think that this type of close-
room style ‘mock lesson’ is an excellent testbed for attempting different styles of instruction and
getting used to public speaking. I have proven my abilities in written work and in live
I think will be influential for my students, and I look forward to having the opportunity to prove
connections to the TEAC/CAEP claims; reflection upon my successes, identifying areas for
teacher. The artifacts included in this portfolio show evidence of my knowledge, skills,
application of best teaching practices, and content knowledge. I believe that I exemplify and
inspire others through my positive attitude towards education. I understand that I will work with
a diversified population of learners and colleagues and I welcome the opportunity to learn to be
integrated into their daily lives. Applying learned theoretical classroom management skills and
strategies in the classroom is a challenge that I look forward to meeting, interacting with, and
overcoming. Adapting my own solutions, style, and best practices is a personal challenge that I
am excited about because improvising is in my nature and every experience offers a unique
outcome. In this case, the benefit is to the teacher and the student because in many ways, they
Section 6 of the portfolio is the final requirement of the MSED Elementary Portfolio
Project, where you can watch a video that I narrate while I navigate through the website that I
made ( This video serves several purposes and can be found by
ability for using technology, connect and demonstrate understanding of the Common Core
Learning Standards (CCLS), and display necessary teacher skills and dispositions. The second
reason for the video is that it is an exercise of a mock interview, whereby I answer prescribed
questions that may be asked at a job interview. This is an important document because it highlights
and brings into focus several aspects of my technological integration that the MSED Elementary
Portfolio Project cannot. For example, this written document is not very interactive but my website
has many personal touches that display my sense of humor, demeanor, and humility.
I feel like I’ve been lucky with my previous work experiences because they have prepared
me for this type of presentation. While I was working as a Trainer in the Learning and
Development Team for Convergys, I made and presented several powerpoint presentations to my
classes. I have to admit, that making one about myself did seem somewhat indulgent, but I relished
the opportunity to really let the viewer into my own world vis-à-vis my sense of seriousness,
musician has helped me to prepare myself because recording, reflecting and analyzing my
performances, and considering changes for future examples are all attributes that were very handy
to have while creating the interview video. I am comfortable behind the microphone, from my
days of having a daily radio show that was broadcast at my high-school. My current job of being
a Service Desk Agent also benefitted my performance because I demonstrate how I can accurately
describe my feelings in a clear and concise manner. I enjoy this type of work because it is a creative
activity, and I think my students and parents can learn a lot about me as a person by watching this
video. To think that future employers may also be watching the video is another aspect that I look
forward to, and I take delight in the thought that I am presenting myself in a positive light.
which will demonstrate my style and allow me to bring to attention several important
competencies, documents, and dispositions that I have developed during the course of my
studies. My aim is that through the interview process, my skills for description and
communication will be demonstrated to their fullest extent. Another positive result of the
interview video is that I have been given the chance to reflect and ruminate upon the material in
my portfolio and on my website so that I can display the artifacts, experiences, and abilities to
the best of my potential. The interview questions will be presented in the next section, and they
will be italicized.
There was a list of 6 supplied questions for the Teacher Candidate Interview, and the will be
in education?
o I have always wanted to be a teacher ever since I was a young student. I feel fortunate
to have been trusted with various types of educational experiences and roles, and I am
o I think that a very influential opportunity presented itself when I was in sixth grade. I
was paired with a first grade student and we were ‘reading buddies’, the goal was to
select a book that was of interest to the younger child, and help them read it. At the
time, I didn’t think that it was an important role, but looking back at it, I can
competency in modelling.
o Helping someone bring the written words to life through the context of speech was
one of the first ways that I understood that I can make a difference to someone else’s
quality of life. I have taken and applied this approach to my own teaching practices.
o For example, when I can have an older student work with a younger student I will
grasp that opportunity. There are benefits for both of the students: the older student
feels valued and inspired with the responsibility, while the younger student will learn
that their peers have valuable knowledge to deliver and that an adult is not the only
o I have been primed for teaching by my experiences, and my luck for having my
mother being a professional educator. She had the time and interest to work with me
for creative projects such as crafts, construction projects, word games, and cooking
o To expand on the learning experience and value I was taught to explore my own
interests and hobbies to the depth that I wanted to, never being forced but constantly
experienced volunteering in her class ever since I was in grade school, and I believe
that this was a very informative and important aspect of my own personal
o My own search for knowledge is another reason that I want to be a teacher. Another
curricular education. For example, when I was in grade 4 I had the chance to go to an
enrichment program. I met other like-minded students there, those who were
o I was introduced to the idea of life being an educational experience, and to learn from
living my life. I was encouraged to seek out opportunities to educate myself, which
built upon my desire and drive to be an avid reader, and to be aware of political
motivations for the way our society treats human beings and our environment.
o I have been constantly searching for more education: after my undergraduate degree, I
have since trained for, and received a trade certification, and I am in the process of
job, but it evolved into a transferrable skill and career that I have engaged with for
over a decade. Teaching music one-on-one has given me insight into individual’s
desires about learning and has made me realize that there is no one guaranteed
o Essentially, this has led me to the realization that different methods are required to
continue to learn more about the individual students in my classes so that I may serve
them better. I have also learned time management skills that are transferrable to the
o I have planned multi-lesson spanning subjects and investigations into various topics.
This will be necessary when planning for lessons as a professional teacher. I also
learned how to balance fun, learning, and serious study so that students are
continuously motivated, engaged, and present in the lessons. I always attempt to think
about my students before teaching a lesson because I want the lesson to have a
lasting, personal, and profound impact on their lives and on their future.
o A way to be aware of this would be to consider the classroom culture, the combined
experiences of each student, and the previous areas of study by the students. Knowing
and being able to tap into their previous learning experiences is a way to build upon
their knowledge, while ensuring that lessons are received and remembered.
o Another important work experience for me was during my time as an
tenure there, I had to keep meticulous training records in terms of class attendance,
skills that are necessary for a competent teacher. I also had to present my findings to
my superiors during weekly meetings, so that the student progress was monitored, as
lessons, this will be useful as technology is becoming more integrated into the
classroom. I also had to prepare reports on each student, which is similar to writing
o Important volunteer experience that I’ve had has been to work in various music
engage and control a large ensemble of students so that they could form a strong and
cohesive unit. Under the direction of the music teacher, I also observed interactions
o This has informed my opinion on how to address a large number of students at the
same time. I also volunteered in a music classroom where I gave one-on-one music
lessons. This was important because I got to work in collaboration with the classroom
teacher and therefore had direct instructions about the course of study that each
individual was studying. I think that both of these experiences are useful for my
desire to become a classroom teacher, and I plan to integrate the knowledge and
made specific notes on the following: classroom procedure, teacher tone of voice,
lessons taught, the order of the lessons, the specific lines of questioning to make
objectives plays a crucial role in developing assessments that measure higher and
lower level cognitive skills, therefore there is great emphasis on discovering how
well the students master knowledge within the levels of blooms taxonomy. This
was certainly an area that the teachers that I observed were aware of were
constantly monitoring.
o For example, I had access to lesson plans that outlined with specific detail the
level of higher-order thinking that they were attempting to engage their students
are there to support one another in all ways. I am empathetic, understanding and
everyone out. I believe that facilitating an inclusive atmosphere is one of our most
important skills, and we have learned how to do that because of the modelling
curriculum areas, address the CCLS, technology, student engagement, and motivation?
students via a medium that they are familiar with. The Common Core Learning
Standards that are addressed cover both the New York State Standards and the
Ontario standards.
o It is important for a competent teacher to give lessons and information via modern
day teaching aids that involve technology in the classroom such as creating and
o I have attached a video of me playing one, so you can see and hear it for your
reference. If we scroll to the bottom of this lesson, you will see what was actually
knowledge of the topic, and visual instructions that were left on the board for
students who may need additional help remembering the steps or terminology
o This lesson was integrated with a music lesson, part of the assessment is testing
the pitches that each student could produce, matching the frequency to real
resulting musical instrument that they made. I had very excellent feedback from
the students in the class who took their sandwiches home and played many happy
melodies. I would like the chance to teach this lesson to a class again, as I have
made notes about how to improve my teaching of the lesson. Self-reflection and
• How will your knowledge of the current trends in education inform you as an educator in
our district/board/school?
o -use of technology
o -Inclusivity and cultural responsiveness are main points that are factored into the
o -Graphic novels are popular with today’s student, so there is the opportunity to
o First, I want to say that all of my colleagues are equally talented and qualified for
any teaching job there is out there. I know that they are confident, professional
and empathetic teacher candidates and I would be pleased for any of them
o As for myself, I know that my experiences outside of school while working in the
corporate world have given me insight into the importance of collaboration with
colleagues, and have given me the ability to work as an integral part of a multi-
disciplinary team. I am flexible, willing to accept new challenges, and I am
think on our feet, make decisions that will benefit our stakeholders, from students,
easily adapt to any new teaching situation that I become part of.
o I feel that my demeanor and attitude towards possibilities and optimism for good
that the world is full of opportunity, ideas, and collaboration. There is always a
reason for every lesson in a classroom, and I plan to relate these experiences to
interact with peers, elders and the world. I think that my educational experiences
have an inquisitive mindset, and to display creativity because our evolving society
Section 6 has served as an outline of content that is displayed online, and an overview of
what can be heard when listening to my mock interview. Topics ranged from the use of
technology, pedagogical methodology, a short biography, lesson plans, the importance of digital
showcase my eagerness to include it into my own classroom experience. I included a video that
demonstrated the ‘sound sandwich’, which could be accessed for a ‘flipped classroom’
experience. Parents will know what my class is studying by having easy to access information on
the class website. Students and parents will have the chance to collaborate and make decisions
about the class via the class survey. It must not be understated that the importance of the video is
the summation of the knowledge that I have learned while studying at Medaille, and I have done
my best to present this in a way that is clear to anyone watching or listening to the interview. The
Teacher Candidate Interview Video is similar to this portfolio in a very important way because
bring to the classroom as a teacher and to the school as a colleague and asset. I very much look
forward to having the opportunity to demonstrate my aptitude, zeal, and professional gravitas
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