Proforma Invoice Non Commercial Shipments Template
Proforma Invoice Non Commercial Shipments Template
Proforma Invoice Non Commercial Shipments Template
Exporter Name and Address: Ultimate Consignee Name and Address: Sold To Name and Address:
Intermediate Consignee/Consigned to: Notify Party Name and Address: Date of Shipment:
AWB/BL Number:
Letter of Credit Number:
Item Number, Product Description, Tariff Classification Number, Country of Origin Quantity Unit Total Price
Please Note: These commodities, technology, or software were exported from the United States in accordance with the Export Administration
Regulations. Diversion contrary to U.S. law prohibited.
Name: Title:
Telephone Number(s)
Date: E-mail: Voice: Facsimile:
This invoice is for export/import purposes only and not intended for payment purposes.