Occupational Noise Exposure and Risk For Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Due To Temporal Bone Drilling
Occupational Noise Exposure and Risk For Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Due To Temporal Bone Drilling
Occupational Noise Exposure and Risk For Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Due To Temporal Bone Drilling
Background: Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most 10 and 12.5 kHz. No temporary threshold shifts were found
common occupational hazards in the United States. Several at 3 to 6 kHz, but were found at 8 to 16 kHz, though this did
studies have described noise-induced hearing loss in patients not reach statistical significance.
following mastoidectomy. Although otolaryngologists care Conclusion: This article examines noise exposure and
for patients with noise-induced hearing loss, few studies in threshold shifts during temporal bone drilling. We were
the English literature have examined surgeons’ occupational unable to find previous descriptions in the literature of
risk. measurements done while multiple people drilling simulta-
Methods: Noise dosimeters and sound level meters with neously, during tranlabyrinthine surgery and a specific
octave band analyzers were used to assess noise exposure frequency characterization of the change in peach that
during drilling of temporal bones intraoperatively and in a appears while drilling on the tegmen. Hearing protection
lab setting. Frequency specific sound intensities were should be considered, which would still allow the surgeon
recorded. Sound produced using burrs of varying size and to appreciate pitch changes associated with drilling on
type were compared. Differences while drilling varying sensitive structures and communication with surgical team
anatomic structures were assessed using drills from two members. As professionals who specialize in promoting the
manufacturers. Pure tone audiometry was performed on 7 to restoration and preservation of hearing for others, otologic
10 otolaryngology residents before and after a temporal bone surgeons should not neglect hearing protection for them-
practicum to assess for threshold shifts. selves. Key Words: Burr—Drill—ENT—Neurotologist—
Results: Noise exposure during otologic drilling can exceed Noise-induced hearing loss—Occupational noise exposure—
over 100 dB for short periods of time, and is especially loud Otologist—Surgeons—Temporal bone lab—Threshold
using large diameter burrs > 4 mm, with cutting as compared shifts—Tinnitus.
with diamond burrs, and while drilling denser bone such as
the cortex. Intensity peaks were found at 2.5, 5, and 6.3 kHz.
Drilling on the tegmen and sigmoid sinus revealed peaks at Otol Neurotol 39:693–699, 2018.
Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is a gradually should they be exposed to sound levels greater than 85
progressive, sensorineural hearing deficit, typically dBA, which is known as the ‘‘action level.’’ Ninety dBA
occurring at higher frequencies (3–6 kHz) due to chronic averaged over an 8-hour period is the maximum ‘‘per-
exposure to excessive sound (1). NIHL is one of the most missible exposure limit.’’ Furthermore, for each addi-
common forms of hearing loss in the United States, tional increase in 5 dBA of TWA noise exposure,
present in nearly one in four adults (2). employees must halve their exposure time. The National
Recognizing the potential for excessive noise exposure Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is the
in the workplace, the Occupational Health and Safety research body that makes recommendations to OSHA
Administration (OSHA) regulates both maximum sound (4). Their recommended exposure limit is stricter, at 85
levels and allowable time-weighted average (TWA) dBA averaged over an 8-hour period. They also recom-
exposures (3). Current guidelines mandate that employ- mended halving exposure time for each additional
ers offer a hearing conservation program to employees increase in 3 dBA of TWA noise exposure (see Table 1).
While the role of noise exposure in the workplace has
been extensively studied for many professions, relatively
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Yona Vaisbuch, little is known about the potential for noise exposure in
M.D., Stanford University, 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305;
E-mail: yona@stanford.edu
surgical professions. Shapiro and Berland in 1972
The authors disclose no conflicts of interest. reported one of the first studies of occupational noise
DOI: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000001851 exposure in the operating room (5). Measuring sound
Copyright © 2018 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1. Comparison of occupational exposure guidelines by regulatory/advisory agency
Cal/OSHAa Federal OSHAb EU Directivesc ACGIHd NIOSHe
levels generated during a combination cholecystectomy room staff, such as surgical scrub technicians, as they too
and tubal ligation case, they found that the loudest noise are exposed to the noise of drilling. Similarly, in the
exposure was 86 dBA. Later studies, which included the temporal bone lab, although the main focus was noise
use of motorized equipment from other subspecialties exposure among participants actively drilling, exposure
such as orthopedics (6–8), dentistry (9–11), and urology to teaching staff and to those who might be in adjoining
(12,13), have consistently reported higher noise levels, rooms was also studied.
with maximum levels reaching 110 dBA (14–18).
With regard to otolaryngology, most studies have METHODS
focused on noise exposure to patients undergoing sur-
gery. Early studies on human cadavers showed that the Setting, Subjects, and Equipment
This study was carried out at the temporal bone laboratory in
ipsilateral cochlea is exposed to noise levels of 100 dB the Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery,
and the contralateral cochlea to noise level of 90 to Stanford University. Participants included otolaryngology res-
100 dB during mastoid drilling (19–21). These levels idents, clinical instructors, and attending. The Stanford Univer-
of noise suggest that patients may be at risk for NIHL sity Environmental Health & Safety and the Stanford Health
when undergoing mastoidecomy. Consistent with this Care Environmental Health & Safety departments were
view, several studies showed that patients had temporary involved in conducting the noise surveys, in accordance with
threshold shifts (TTSs) ranging between 5 and 40 dB at 4 the State of California, Department of Industrial Relations,
and 8 kHz, when comparing pre- and postexposure elec- Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) Hear-
trocochleograms. Moreover, the magnitude of TTS was ing Conservative Standard (Title 8, Section 5097). Noise was
measured using 3 M Edge EG-5 Series (Maplewood, MN) and
correlated with the duration of noise exposure, suggest-
3 M (Formerly Quest) NoisePro DLX (Maplewood, MN) per-
ing the possibility of drill-induced postoperative senso- sonal noise dosimeters set to the ‘‘A’’ weighting scale with slow
rineural hearing loss (22–25). response as required by Cal/OSHA. Measurements were made
In these ear-related surgeries, the risk of NIHL for intraoperatively and in two different lab settings in which
patients may be heightened by the proximity of the drill participants drilled on the temporal bone. In all sessions,
burr to the organs for hearing which has been well dosimeters were affixed to participants with the microphone
described, (22–34), Less clear, however, are the levels at ear level. 3 M SoundPro (Maplewood, MN) sound level
of noise to which surgeons are exposed to during the meters with octave band analyzers set to the ‘‘A’’ weighting
surgical procedure itself. While a few studies have scale with slow response were used in the sound pressure level
attempted to quantify this risk in the operating room (SPL) mode to collect general noise levels in the room. Both the
personal dosimeters and the sound level meters were field-
(35,36), in the English-language literature, we have not
calibrated before and after the survey using a 3 M QC-10 Sound
found any addressing noise in temporal bone labs where Calibrator 114dB- 1000HZ sound calibrator (Maplewood,
multiple participants (7–10) are drilling in a small, con- MN). The detected noise was analyzed by 3 M Detection
fined space at the same time. Similarly, we could find no Management Software in both surveys (Maplewood, MN).
articles specifically addressing noise exposure during The results from the personal dosimeters were used to deter-
translabyrinthine surgery—only middle ear or mastoid mine the TWA noise level over an 8-hour work-shift.
cases were described. As translabyrinthine surgery requires
much more bone removal than typical mastoid cases, we Specific Outcome Measures
thought it was important to quantify the noise exposure.
In this study, we addressed this question by performing Room Noise Level
The general noise level in the temporal bone lab was
personal noise dosimetry, conducting room sound level
measured during a practicum with eight otolaryngology resi-
surveys in intraoperative and temporal bone lab settings dents performing temporal bone dissections using Anspach
and by searching for evidence of threshold shifts after eMax 2 Plus drills (New Brunswick, NJ). A sound level meter
completing the lab. While the main focus of this article in the SPL mode was used to collect measurements near each
was occupational noise exposure among otologists, we workstation approximately 2 feet from active drills. SPLs were
thought it was also important to include other operating also measured in an office adjacent to the temporal bone lab.
Copyright © 2018 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © 2018 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Max Sound Level Measured per Frequency Max Sound Level Measured (Anspach + 4mm Cutter)
(Anspach + 4mm Cuer) 100
70 60
60 50
50 40
0 0
1.00 kHz
1.25 kHz
1.60 kHz
2.00 kHz
2.50 kHz
3.15 kHz
4.00 kHz
5.00 kHz
6.30 kHz
8.00 kHz
10.00 kHz
12.50 kHz
16.00 kHz
20.00 kHz
16 Hz
20 Hz
25 Hz
31.5 Hz
40 Hz
50 Hz
63 Hz
80 Hz
100 Hz
125 Hz
160 Hz
200 Hz
250 Hz
315 Hz
400 Hz
500 Hz
630 Hz
800 Hz
Sample Time (seconds)
Max Sound Level Measured per Frequency Max Sound Level Measured (Anspach + 8mm Cutter)
(Anspach + 8mm Cutter)
100 90
90 80
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
16 Hz
20 Hz
25 Hz
31.5 Hz
40 Hz
50 Hz
63 Hz
80 Hz
100 Hz
125 Hz
160 Hz
200 Hz
250 Hz
315 Hz
400 Hz
500 Hz
630 Hz
800 Hz
1.00 kHz
1.25 kHz
1.60 kHz
2.00 kHz
2.50 kHz
3.15 kHz
4.00 kHz
5.00 kHz
6.30 kHz
8.00 kHz
10.00 kHz
12.50 kHz
16.00 kHz
20.00 kHz
Sample Time (seconds)
FIG. 1. Maximum sound levels generated by a 4 mm cutting burr. A, By frequency. B, Over time.
Behavioral results demonstrated a trend toward TTS 106.6 dBA. For the scrub technician, the TWA was 27
and increased subjective tinnitus percepts after completing dBA, with a maximum noise level of 85.4 dBA. While
the practicum, but the effect was relatively small. No not drilling, the maximum noise level remained below
audiometric threshold shifts were observed between 3 80 dBA.
and 6 kHz. Some individuals revealed threshold shifts
between 8 and 16 kHz with 4 of 7 individuals demonstrat- DISCUSSION
ing an increase of at least 5 dB at 8 kHz (see Table 4).
However, these results should be treated with caution as Although several governmental and independent agen-
many of the observed shifts fall within test–retest reliabil- cies in the United States have established NIHL preven-
ity for audiometric threshold measurements. Finally, there tion guidelines, a lack of consensus remains surrounding
was an increase in the incidence of subjective tinnitus. these recommendations. A TWA of 8-hour duration
Before drilling, one of seven participants who have mod- forms the basis of all advocated occupational noise
erate sensory neural hearing loss, reported subjective exposure limits; however, there are variations in the final
tinnitus while sitting in a sound proof audiometry booth. exposure limit. Reflecting the somewhat arbitrary nature
Following temporal bone drilling, in the same booth, five of mandated limits, there is variability in standards laid
of seven participants reported either new onset tinnitus, or down by international agencies (see Table 1).
an increase in their baseline tinnitus (see Table 4). In otolaryngology, studies have consistently found
During translabyrinthine surgery, the TWA was 61.6 noise exposure to be under official OSHA limits. Prasad
dBA for the surgeon, with a maximum noise level of and Reddy found that the noise generated while drilling
1 5 0 0 20 0 0 5 5 (þþ)
2 5 5 5 10 5 10 0 15 (þþ)
3 5 0 5 5 5 5 5 5 (þþ)
4 5 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 (þþþ)
5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 10 (þþ)
6 5 0 5 0 0 10 0 5 (þþ)
7 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 10 ()
Copyright © 2018 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
reached up to 72.4 dBA, and thus concluded that power past, have been shown to be significantly louder in
instruments used in ‘‘ENT surgery are safe and pose no multiple studies, with peaks reaching 118 dBA
occupational hazard’’ (38). Other studies have found (28,57). Piezeoelectric drills, based on ultrasonic frag-
exposure levels ranging from 68.5 to 83 dBA (36,39). mentation of bone, may represent an area for future
In this study, overall room noise levels during temporal research. Studies examining their impact on patients’
bone practicums did not exceed OSHA noise exposure hearing have shown conflicting results, with some
limits. This held true even while eight residents were authors finding no inner ear damage (58–61) and others
drilling on eight temporal bones at the same time. One finding high-frequency hearing loss (62,63). In a review
caveat, however, is that our temporal bone lab has an of the English literature, we were unable to find studies
acoustically absorbing ceiling while many operating comparing them to electric or air drills in terms of noise
rooms have hard ceilings. Working in a small operating exposure to surgeons.
room with acoustically reflective walls and ceilings may We also found that drilling produced noise peaks at
concentrate sound due to resonance. 2.5, 5, and 6.3 kHz, except when drilling on the tegmen,
Sound measured on personal noise dosimeters also did when additional peaks were generated at 10 and
not reveal levels exceeding OSHA limits for either the 12.5 kHz (see Table 4). This provides an opportunity
residents actively drilling, or instructors walking between to dampen potentially harmful noise peaks at lower
drilling stations. These results are in concordance with frequencies, while still allowing the surgeon to perceive
those found by Verhaert et al. (39), who also found that a change in pitch when a critical structure such as the
surgeons are exposed to the loudest sound during oper- tegmen is drilled upon. Another option, which is com-
ations, as compared with nursing and anesthesiology mercially available, would be to use high fidelity ear
staff. However, the intensities generated may nonetheless filters, also known as musicians ear plugs. Available at
be loud enough to cause temporary, and potentially long- several noise reduction levels, these reduce sound evenly
term, damage to surgeons’ hearing. Although hair cell across the frequency spectrum so that speech remains
damage is the most commonly observed change follow- clear and natural, and not muffled as with traditional
ing NIHL, cochlear neurons have also been shown to be ear plugs.
vulnerable to noise exposure (40–47). After temporary Noise exposure was measured during a translabyrin-
threshold shifts, even with no loss of hair cells, there can thine surgery, one of the surgeries in the field of otology/
be a rapid and irreversible loss of synaptic connections neurotology that requires the most drilling. Our intraop-
between hair cells and cochlear neurons, and a slow erative noise measurements were considerably lower
degeneration of nerve cell bodies and axons (45–47). than those measured in the temporal bone lab. This
This phenomenon could possibly contribute to ‘‘hidden’’ may be attributed to the increased working distance in
hearing loss sometimes attributed to cochlear synaptop- neurotologic as compared with otologic surgery. Another
athy (45,48–51). Thus, although our noise exposure factor may be the larger, bulkier microscope used in the
survey results did not exceed OSHA limits, the cumula- operating room reflecting or absorbing more sound, as
tive effects of noise generated while drilling may still compared with the lighter, thinner microscopes used in
increase surgeons’ risk of hearing loss over their life- the temporal bone lab. The scrub technician’s noise
times. Accordingly, studies of dentists have found an exposure was much lower than that of the surgeon, as
increased rate of sensorineural hearing loss as compared they are positioned further from the drill. The techni-
with age-sex matched controls (52) and compared with cian’s noise exposure during drilling was no higher than
other academic professionals as controls (53). A study of the ambient noise in the room.
11 orthopedic surgeons also found patterns of noise- We did not measure noise produced by the suction in
induced hearing loss (54). isolation, though suction a known contributor to high
Another consideration is the effect that noisy noise levels in the operating room (28). Instead, noise
environments have on concentration. In 2007, the measurements were taken in the temporal bone lab and
Netherlands Standardization Institute released guide- during translabyrinthine surgery during the concurrent
lines regarding workplace noise. While they proposed use of the drill and suction-irrigator, as this is standard
that noise above 80 dBA is potentially dangerous, noise practice in patient care.
between 35 and 80 dBA can disturb communication and Despite personal noise exposures remaining below
concentration (55). OSHA limits, several residents reported subjective tinni-
Certain drilling conditions may pose particular risk to tus after drilling, which was noticed especially after
hearing. Specifically, drilling on cortical bone with cut- entering a sound proof audiometry booth. Although
ting burrs larger than 5 mm in diameter consistently our observed threshold shifts did not reach statistical
produced noise greater than 85 dBA. Other studies are significance, the presence of tinnitus suggests some level
in agreement these results, with variable noise levels of auditory damage. It is also possible that this study was
generated based on burr size and anatomical structure simply underpowered to detect threshold shifts, and that
(i.e., cortical bone vs. mastoid cavity) (20,56). In this in future studies with a larger number of participants, a
study we examined electric drills from two manufac- shift may become significant. Tinnitus may indicate a
turers, with peak sound pressure levels reaching 103.7 dB central auditory system homeostatic response as a result
SPL. Air drills, which were more commonly used in the of a temporary insult to the cochlear neurons (50). It may
Copyright © 2018 Otology & Neurotology, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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