An-InD-1-004 Diagnostics Via Gateway in CANoe
An-InD-1-004 Diagnostics Via Gateway in CANoe
An-InD-1-004 Diagnostics Via Gateway in CANoe
Keywords u Technical terms u Standards
The editors
The Classical CAN data link layer protocol uses one bit
rate for the entire frame. Introduced in 2012, the CAN FD
(CAN with flexible data rate) data link layer protocol uses
for the data phase a second higher bit rate, which accel-
erates the data transfer. In addition, the CAN FD protocol
supports longer data fields (up to 64 byte). The CAN FD
data link layer protocol does not support CAN remote
the major application field. Other applications include
industrial machine control, factory automation, medical
devices, laboratory automation, lift and door control, power
energy generation and distribution as well as many other
embedded control systems.
active error flag The active error flag is the first part of
the active error frame made up of six
consecutive dominant bits.
application The application layer is the communica-
layer tion entity of the OSI (Open System
Interconnect) reference model. It pro-
vides communication services to the
application program.
Arinc 826 This specification describes the down-
loading of software parts to line re-
placeable units (LRUs). The specification
is intended for avionic programmable
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bit rate switch At the sample point of the bit rate switch
(BRS) (BRS) bit in CAN FD data frames, the
data phase starts. This means that here
the CAN controllers may switch to a
higher bit rate. The BRS bit exists in CAN
FD data frames only.
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bus access When the bus is idle, any node may start
to transmit a frame. In CAN networks the
nodes access the bus by transmitting the
dominant SOF (start of frame) bit.
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bus length The network cable length between
the two termination resistors. The bus
length of CAN networks is limited by the
used transmission rate. At 1 Mbit/s the
maximum length is theoretically 40 m.
When using lower transmission rates,
longer bus lines may be used: at 50 kbit/s
a length of 1 km is possible.
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EOF or on the falling edge from the FDF
bit to the res bit. In AUTOSAR, the EOF
approach is used.
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CAN node Synonym for CAN device.
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CANopen This 16-bit micro-controller provides
Safety Chip a CANopen Safety protocol firmware
(CSC) implementation. It complies with EN
50325-5 and is certified by TÜV Rhineland
up to SIL 3 (safety integrity level).
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CiA 102 Additional physical layer specification for
high-speed transmission according to ISO
11898-2 using 9-pin D-sub connectors.
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CiA 302 Set of additional CANopen specifications,
which comprise network management
(part 2), SDO manager functionality (part
5, intended for SDO services according to
CiA 301 v. 4.2.0 and former), redundancy
concepts (part 6) as well as CANopen
router functionality (part 7). In addition,
program download (part 3), network
variables (part 4) and energy saving
(part 9) are described.
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CANopen networks. The services are
mapped to Modbus/TCP (part 2) as well
as to ASCII (part 3). Part 4 standardizes
the access of CANopen networks via
Profinet IO.
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CiA 319 The framework provides implementation
and configuration guidelines for devices
implementing communication services
as specified in EN 50325-5 (CANopen
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Anlagenbau e.V.) device profile fluid
power technology – proportional valves
and hydrostatic transmission.
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CiA 417 The CANopen application profile for lift
control specifies the interfaces for car
controllers, door controllers, call control-
lers and other controllers as well as for car
units, door units, input panels, and display
units, etc.
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faces for contrast media injectors and
electrocardiogram units. CiA 425 is also
used as an unregistered trademark.
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CiA 442 The CANopen device profile for motor
starters is based on the IEC 61915-2 root
profile for starters and similar equipment.
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CiA 453 The CANopen device profile ‘power supply’
specifies an interface for AC/AC, DC/DC,
AC/DC and DC/AC converters. It is suitable
for programmable and non-programmable
power supply devices with single or
multiple outputs that are voltage-, current-
or power-controlled.
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CiA 460 The profile specifies the CANopen
interface of a service robot controller
device, which is compliant to the
Robotic technology component (RTC)
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CiA 810 This application note describes the
recommended practice and application
hints for development of the laboratory
automation slave devices, designed
according to the device profile CiA 434.
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classical base In Classical CAN, format for data frames
frame format or remote frames using an 11-bit identifier.
(CBFF) The data frames are transmitted with one
single bit rate and include up to 8 data
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communication In CANopen and CANopen FD, a
object (COB) communication object consists of one
or more CAN messages with a specific
functionality, e.g. PDO, SDO, USDO,
EMCY, TIME, or error control.
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connector Electro-mechanical component used to
make a connection between a device
and the CAN bus-line or to extend bus
cables. CiA specifies the connector
pin-assignment for CAN for CAN and
CANopen and ODVA for DeviceNet.
CRC delimiter The CRC delimiter bit is the last bit in the
CRC field of the CAN data frame or CAN
remote frame (only in Classical CAN). It
is always recessive.
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the counted stuff-bits and the received
stuff count shall be treated as a CRC
error. The corresponding error frame is
transmitted after the acknowledge field.
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data bit rate Number of bits per time during data phase
of a CAN FD frame. The data bit rate is
independent of bit encoding/decoding.
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data length 4-bit DLC in the control field of CAN data
code (DLC) frame indicates the data field length. In
remote frames (only Classical CAN) the
DLC corresponds to the data field length
in the requested data frame!
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layer in order to achieve a high off-
the-shelf plug-and-play capability. The
DeviceNet specification is maintained
by the ODVA ( non-profit
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D-sub Standardized connectors. Most common
connectors in use is the 9-pin D-sub connector (DIN
41652); its pin-assignment for CAN/
CANopen networks is recommended in
CiA 303-1.
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cation is an add-on to the CANopen
application layer and communication
profile. The CANopen Safety protocol
is designed to allow safety-related
communication based on CAN according
to IEC/EN 61508. It is approved by
German authorities and fulfils the
requirements to build systems requiring
SIL 3 (safety integrity level) according to
IEC 61508.
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user-transparently by implemented rules
as specified in ISO 11898-1. They are
used to determine the current state of the
CAN module (error active, error passive,
and bus-off).
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error state The error state indicator bit in the CAN
indicator (ESI) FD data frame indicates whether the
transmitting CAN node is in CAN error
active (dominant) or passive (recessive)
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FD tolerant A CAN device that is not able to transmit
or to receive FD frames. However, it does
not destroy the CAN FD frame by an error
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using 11-bit identifiers and the extended
frame format (CEFF and FEFF) using
29-bit identifiers.
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index 16-bit address to access information in the
CANopen object dictionary; for array and
records the address is extended by an 8-bit
inhibit time Parameter in CANopen that defines
the minimal time that elapses between
transmission of the same PDOs and
emergency messages.
initialization NMT slave state in CANopen that is
state reached automatically after power on and
communication or application reset.
inner priority Occurs, if a low-prior message can not be
inversion transmitted because of high-prior message
traffic on the CAN network and a high-
prior transmission request occurs in the
device and cannot be passed to the CAN
controller due to the still pending low-prior
transmission request.
integrating A node is integrating into bus communi-
cation after starting the protocol operation
during bus off recovery, or after detecting
the protocol exception event; until the idle
condition is detected.
interface CANopen profile that describes just the
profile interface and not the application behavior
of a device, e.g. gateway device.
interface Time between two frames comprising the
profile IMF and bus idle time. For error-passive
nodes, which have been transmitter of the
previous frame, it also contains the suspend
transmission time.
intermission Three-bit field after the EOF. Detection of a
field (IMF) dominant bit at the third IMF bit is interpreted
as SOF.
I/O message Communication object in DeviceNet trans-
porting application objects repre-senting
inputs or outputs. I/O messages are
mapped to one or more CAN data frames
supporting segmented transfer.
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ISO 11898-1 International standard defining the CAN
data link layer including LLC, MAC and
PCS sub-layers.
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ISO 15745-2 International standard defining an appli-
cation integration framework for ISO
11898 based control systems such as
CANopen and DeviceNet.
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local bus error A local bus error affects just one or more
but not all nodes in the network.
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logical link The LLC sub-layer describes the upper
control (LLC) part of the OSI data link layer (layer
2). It is concerned with those protocol
issues that are independent of the type of
medium access method.
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message In CAN, it may be a data frame or a
remote frame (only in Classical CAN).
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NMT master FSA of a CANopen device with NMT
FSA master functionality. It covers the states
NMT master initial (indicates FSA
start), NMT master startup capable
device (no or limited NMT master
functionality is provided), NMT master
inactive (no or limited functionality
e.g. scanning for NMT master capable
devices is provided), NMT master active
(entire supported functionality is active)
and NMT master final (indicates FSA
NMT slave
The NMT slaves receive the NMT
message, which contains commands for
the NMT state machine implemented in
CAL and CANopen devices.
NMT slave
state machine The NMT slave state machine defined
in CAL and CANopen supports different
states. The NMT master controls the
transition to the states via the highest
prior CAN message transmitted.
NMT startup
capable device The CANopen device, which is able to
enter the NMT state operational after the
NMT state initialization autonomously
(self starting).
Assembly, linked to the CAN network,
capable of communicating across the
network according to the CAN protocols.
node guarding
Part of the error control mechanisms used
in CANopen and CAL to detect bus-off or
disconnected devices. The NMT master
sends a remote frame to the NMT slave
that is answered by the corresponding
error control message. This mechanism
is not supported in CAN FD.
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or DeviceNet. Using the pre-defined
connection sets of CANopen or
DeviceNet, the node-ID is part of the
CAN identifier.
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space bits, dominant value in the last bit
of EOF, bit failure in last bit of error or
overload delimiter.
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phase Part of the bit time used to compensate for
segment 1 edge phase errors. It may be lengthened
(Phase_Seg 1) by re-synchronization.
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priority Priority inversion occurs if the lower prior
inversion object will be processed or communicated
before the higher prior object. In not well-
designed CAN devices, there may occur
inner or outer priority inversions.
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protocol Exception from the formal set of con-
exception ventions or rules to be able to tolerate
event future new frame formats.
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remote frame With an RF (only in Classical CAN)
(RF) another node is requested to transmit
the corresponding data frame identified
by the same CAN-ID. RF’s DLC has the
value of the corresponding data frame
DLC. RF’s data field has a length of 0
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re-synchroni- Number of time quanta with which the
zation jump Phase_Seg 1 may be lengthened or the
width (SJW) Phase_Seg 2 may be shortened.
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SDO block SDO block transfer is a CANopen
transfer communication service for increasing
the speed of uploading/downloading
data to/from a CANopen device. It is
defined in CiA 301 v. 4.2.0. In SDO block
transfer, the confirmation is sent after the
reception of a number of SDO segments.
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service data The SDO is a confirmed communication
object (SDO) service (see CiA 301 v. 4.2.0 and former)
that provides access to all entries in the
CANopen object dictionary. An SDO uses
two 8-byte CAN messages with different
identifiers. The SDO may transmit
segmented any amount of data. Each
segment (segmented SDO) or a number
of segments (SDO block transfer) is
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SRR See substitute remote request.
start of frame The very first bit of any data and remote
(SOF) frames (only in Classical CAN). The SOF
state is always dominant.
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substitute This bit is transmitted only in CEFF and in
remote request FEFF after ID-bit 18, at the position of the
(SRR) RTR bit in CBFF or of the RRS bit in FBFF.
The SRR is transmitted recessively, but
receivers accept recessive and dominant
SRR bits.
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topology Physical connection structure of the
network (e.g. line, ring, star, and tree
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transmitting See transmitter delay compensation.
node delay
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TTCAN Higher-layer protocol defining time-
protocol triggered communication in CAN-based
networks. The CAN controllers have to
be capable of switching-off automatic
retransmission of faulty messages and
may be able to capture a 16-bit timer
value at SOF transmission in order
to transmit the timer value in the very
same message. It is standardized in
ISO 11898-4.
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wake-up This procedure is used to wake-up CAN
procedure transceiver or CAN module that are in
sleep mode.
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CAN in Automation