An-InD-1-004 Diagnostics Via Gateway in CANoe

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9th edition 2016

Keywords u Technical terms u Standards

Explains vocabulary and abbreviations

used in CAN technology

Covers CAN data link layers, CAN physical

layers, and CAN-based higher-layer protocols

Includes a short history of

CAN developments and application fields
CAN in Automation
international users’ and manufacturer’s group e. V.


9th edition, 2016


This dictionary briefly describes vocabulary

and abbreviations used in CAN technology.
It is not supposed to substitute any standard
or specification. CAN newcomers may use
the CANdictionary to understand technical
articles, handbooks, etc. more easily without
consulting standards and specifications.

The CANdictionary covers the CAN and

CAN FD data link layers, CAN physical layer
as well as several CAN-based higher-layer
protocols. The editors have tried to include all
relevant information. However, users might
look for some entries that the editors have
not considered or find entries that may not be
sufficiently described yet.

With regard to a more comprehensive

successor edition of the CANdictionary, the
editors would appreciate comments and
proposals (

The editors


The internationally standardized, serial bus system Con-

troller Area Network (CAN) was originally developed for
in-vehicle networking. In 1986, the CAN data link layer
protocol was introduced at the SAE conference in Detroit.
In 1993, the CAN protocol and the high-speed physical
layer were internationally standardized as ISO 11898.
Today, this ISO standard comprises the following parts:

• ISO 11898-1: Data link layer

• ISO 11898-2: High-speed transceiver
• ISO 11898-3: Fault-tolerant transceiver
• ISO 11898-4: Time-triggered CAN

The Classical CAN data link layer protocol uses one bit
rate for the entire frame. Introduced in 2012, the CAN FD
(CAN with flexible data rate) data link layer protocol uses
for the data phase a second higher bit rate, which accel-
erates the data transfer. In addition, the CAN FD protocol
supports longer data fields (up to 64 byte). The CAN FD
data link layer protocol does not support CAN remote

The CAN data link layer is the base of different standard-

ized higher-layer protocols. For commercial vehicle diesel
engine powertrain applications, the SAE J1939 series
was introduced in the middle of the nineties. At the same
time, DeviceNet (IEC 62026-3) for factory automation and
CANopen (EN 50325-4) for embedded control systems
were developed. Other standardized higher-layer proto-
cols are the ISO Transport Layer (ISO 15765-2) and the
Unified Diagnostic Services (ISO 15765-3) for vehicle
diagnostic purposes, the ISO 11783 series for agriculture
and forestry machines (also known as Isobus), and the
ISO 11992 series for truck to trailer communication. The
NMEA 2000 application layer for maritime navigation
equipment has been internationally standardized as
IEC 61162-3.

CAN networks are used in a broad range of applications.

In-vehicle networking in any kind of transportation sys-
tems (cars, trucks, locomotives, ships, and aircrafts) is

the major application field. Other applications include
industrial machine control, factory automation, medical
devices, laboratory automation, lift and door control, power
energy generation and distribution as well as many other
embedded control systems.

The CAN physical layers using differential voltages are

robust against disturbances. The Classical CAN and the
CAN FD data link layer protocols are able to detect any
single bit error. Multiple bit errors are detected with a very
high probability. The higher-layer protocols and profiles
support interoperability of devices up to the level of
off-the-shelf plug-and-play.


acceptance The acceptance filter in CAN controller

filter chips is used to select messages that
are received depending on the assigned
identifier. Most of the CAN controller
chips provide a hardware acceptance
filter that filters CAN messages assigned
with a specific identifier or a range
of identifiers. The user-settable filter
unburdens the micro-controller from the
task of acceptance filtering.

acknowledge The second bit of the acknowledge field.

(ACK) delimiter It is by definition recessive. The dominant
state of this bit is regarded as a form error
and causes the transmission of an error

acknowledge If the message-transmitting node detects

error the recessive state in the acknowledge
slot, it regards that as acknowledge error
condition. Acknowledge errors do not
cause a bus-off condition. Normally they
occur if the network consists of just one
node and this node starts transmission of
CAN messages.

acknowledge The acknowledge field is made of two

(ACK) field bits: acknowledge slot and delimiter.

acknowledge The first bit of the acknowledge field. It is

(ACK) slot transmitted recessively by the message-
sending node, and it is transmitted
dominantly by all receivers, which have
performed the CRC (cyclic redundancy
check) successfully. If the message-
producing node detects this bit as
dominant, it knows that there is at least
one node that has received the message

active error flag The active error flag is the first part of
the active error frame made up of six
consecutive dominant bits.

application The application layer is the communica-
layer tion entity of the OSI (Open System
Interconnect) reference model. It pro-
vides communication services to the
application program.

application Application objects are signals and

objects parameters of the application program
visible at the application layer API (ap-
plication programming interface).

application Application profiles define all communi-

profile cation objects and application objects in
all devices of a network.

arbitration field The arbitration field is made of the

11-bit or 29-bit identifier and the RTR bit
(in CBFF and in CEFF) or the RRS bit (in
FBFF and in FEFF). The arbitration field
of the extended data frames (CEFF and
FEFF) contains also the SRR (substi-tute
remote request) and the IDE (iden-tifier
extension) bits.

arbitration The arbitration phase indicates those

phase parts of the CAN FD data frame that utilize
the bit timing as specified for Classical
CAN. The arbitration phase starts with
the SOF and lasts till the sample point of
the BRS (bit rate switch) bit. In addition,
the final part of the CAN FD data frame,
starting with the sample point of the
CRC delimiter till EOF completes the
arbitration phase. The inter-frame space
is also transmitted with the arbitration
bit time. During the arbitration phase the
nomi-nal bit time is used.

Arinc 825-1 This specification by Aeronautical Radio

(Arinc) defines a higher-layer protocol
dedicated for in-aircraft networking. It is
designed similarly to the CANaero-space
higher-layer protocol, however, it utilizes
a 29-bit identifier. The physical layer is
compliant to ISO 11898-2.

Arinc 826 This specification describes the down-
loading of software parts to line re-
placeable units (LRUs). The specification
is intended for avionic programmable

assembly This DeviceNet object describes the

object content of the I/O message.

asynchronous Asynchronous PDO (process data object)

PDO is the historical term for event-driven PDO
in CANopen.

attachment Interface between the physical coding

unit interface sub-layer (PCS) as specified in ISO
(AUI) 11898-1:2015 and the physical medium
attachment (PMA). PCS and PMA are
sub-layers of the CAN physical layer.

AUI See attachment unit interface.

automatic Corrupted messages (data frames

retransmission and remote frames) are retransmitted
automatically after the error frames are
successfully transmitted.

auto bit rate In this mode, a CAN node listens only to

detection the bus traffic, and when a valid message
is detected, it acknowledges the received
frame. If no valid message is detected,
the CAN node switches automatically to
the next pre-configured bit rate. There
has to be one and only one node in the
network that transmits messages. Many
modern CAN controller chips support
automatic bit rate detection. The same
can be achieved by external circuitry.

- 10 -

bandwidth The bandwidth is the value, which

denominates the size of information
transmitted in a defined time unit.

BasicCAN A term used in the early days of CAN

describing an implementation, which
uses just two receive message buffers
filled and read out in a ping pong method.

base frame The base frame format uses 11-bit

format identifiers in Classical CAN data and
CAN remote frames (CBFF) as well as in
CAN FD data frames (FBFF).

basic cycle In TTCAN the basic cycle always starts

with the reference message followed by
a number of exclusive, arbitration or free
windows. One or more basic cycles make
the TTCAN matrix cycle.

bit encoding In CAN, the bits are encoded as non-

return to zero coding (NRZ).

bit error If a bit is transmitted as dominant and

received as recessive or vice versa, this
is regarded as a bit error condition that
causes an error frame transmission in the
next bit time. If a recessive transmitted
bit is overwritten by a dominant one in
arbitration field and acknowledge slot,
this is not a bit error.

bit monitoring All transmitting CAN controller chips

listen to the bus and monitor the bits that
are transmitted by them.

bit rate Number of bits per time during trans-

mission, independent of bit representa-
tion. The bit rate in Classical CAN is limited
to 1 Mbit/s. In the CAN FD protocol, the
bit rate may be higher in the data phase.
In the arbitration phase, the bit rate is still
limited to 1 Mbit/s.

- 11 -
bit rate switch At the sample point of the bit rate switch
(BRS) (BRS) bit in CAN FD data frames, the
data phase starts. This means that here
the CAN controllers may switch to a
higher bit rate. The BRS bit exists in CAN
FD data frames only.

bit resynchro- Due to local oscillator tolerances it

nization may happen that one node loses the
bit synchronization. Each recessive-to-
dominant edge causes the CAN controller
to resynchronize itself to the received
falling edge.

bit stuffing Injections of bits into a bit stream to

provide bus state changes required for
periodic resynchronization when using an
NRZ bit representation.

bit time Duration of one bit.

bit timing The setting of the bit timing registers in

the CAN controller chip is based on the
time quantum, which derives from the
oscillator frequency and the node-specific
bit rate pre-scaler.

bridge A device that provides data link layer

communication between two networks.

BRS See bit rate switch

broadcast A communication service performing a

transmission simultaneous transmission from one to
all nodes.

boot-up CANopen communication service

message transmitted whenever a node enters
the NMT pre-operational state after

bus Topology of a communication network,

where all nodes are reached by passive
links. This allows transmission in both

- 12 -
bus access When the bus is idle, any node may start
to transmit a frame. In CAN networks the
nodes access the bus by transmitting the
dominant SOF (start of frame) bit.

bus analyzer Tool, which monitors the bus and dis-

plays the transmitted bits. Bus analyzers
are available for the physical layer, the
data link layer, and different applica-tion
layers (e.g. CANopen or DeviceNet).

bus arbitration If at the very same moment several

nodes try to access the bus, an arbitra-
tion process is necessary to control which
node may transmit while the oth-er nodes
have to delay their transmis-sion. The bus
arbitration process used in CAN protocol
is CMSA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple
Access/Collision Detec-tion) with AMP
(Arbitration on Message Priority). This
allows bus arbitration without destruction
of messages.

bus Electronic circuitry that converts physical

comparator signals used for transfer across the
communication medium back into logical
information or data signals.

bus driver Electronic circuitry that converts logical

information or data signals into physical
signals so that these signals can be
transferred across the communication

bus idle During bus idle state no CAN frame is

transmitted and all connected nodes
transmit recessive bits.

bus latency The time between the transmission

request and the transmission of the SOF
(start of frame) bit. In CAN networks
this may be in maximum one message
duration minus one bit time.

- 13 -
bus length The network cable length between
the two termination resistors. The bus
length of CAN networks is limited by the
used transmission rate. At 1 Mbit/s the
maximum length is theoretically 40 m.
When using lower transmission rates,
longer bus lines may be used: at 50 kbit/s
a length of 1 km is possible.

busload The busload is the ratio of transmitted bits

to bus idle bits within a defined time unit.
100 % means that bits are transmitted
during the complete defined time unit and
0 % means that the bus is in bus idle state
during the complete defined time unit.

bus monitoring In this mode, the CAN controller has

mode switched off the Tx pin. This means
no error flag or no ACK slot can be

bus-off state The CAN controllers switch to bus-

off state when the TEC (transmit error
counter) has reached 256. During bus-
off state, the CAN controller transmits
recessive bits.

bus state Either of the two complementary logical

states: dominant (logical 0) or recessive
(logical 1).

- 14 -

CAN Controller Area Network (CAN) is a

serial bus system originally developed
by Robert Bosch. It is internationally
standardized by ISO 11898-1. CAN
has been implemented by many
semiconductor manufacturers.

CANaero- Higher-layer protocol for avionic and

space aerospace applications.

CAN Application layer developed by CiA

Application (CAN in Automation) members providing
Layer (CAL) several communication services and
corresponding protocols.

CAN common Each CAN network requires a common

ground ground that avoids common mode
rejection problems. However, there is
a chance that there are unwanted loop
currents via ground potential.

CAN device Hardware module providing at least one

CAN interface.

CAN FD CAN with flexible data rate (CAN FD)

enables an increased data throughput.
The size of the CAN FD frame’s data field
may be lengthened to up to 64 byte. In
addition, the data phase of the CAN FD
data frame may be transmitted with an
increased bit rate. The CAN FD protocol
is at least as reliable as the Classical
CAN protocol.

CAN FD data The CAN FD data link layer protocol

link layer supports Classical CAN frames as well
protocol as CAN FD data frames. CAN FD data
frames are distinguished by the FDF bit
(recessive) from the Classical CAN data
frame (dominant).

CAN frame As defined in CiA 603 (in development),

time-stamp a CAN frame time-stamp may be
captured at the sample point of the SOF,

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EOF or on the falling edge from the FDF
bit to the res bit. In AUTOSAR, the EOF
approach is used.

CAN_H Indicates the CAN high line in CAN-based

networks. The CAN_H line of ISO 11898-2
compliant transceiver is in recessive state
at 2,5 V and in dominant state at 3,5 V.

CAN identifier The CAN identifier is the main part of

the arbitration field of a CAN data frame
(Classical CAN or CAN FD) or CAN
remote frame (only in Classical CAN).
It comprises 11 bit (base frame format)
or 29 bit (extended frame format) and
indicates certain information uniquely in
the network. The CAN identifier value
determines implicitly the priority for the
bus arbitration.

CAN in The international users‘ and

Automation manufacturers‘ group founded in 1992
(CiA) promotes CAN and supports CAN-based
higher-layer protocols (

CAN Kingdom Higher-layer protocol framework

optimized for embedded networks. It is
suitable for real-time applications.

CAN_L Indicates the CAN low line in CAN-based

networks. The CAN_L line of ISO 11898-2
compliant transceiver is in recessive state
at 2,5 V and in dominant state at 1,5 V.

CAN message Part of the CAN Application Layer (CAL)

specification specification, defining the communication
(CMS) services.

CAN module Implementation of the CAN protocol

controller plus the hardware acceptance
filter and the message buffers within a
micro-controller or application-specific
integrated circuit (ASIC).

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CAN node Synonym for CAN device.

CANopen Family of profiles for embedded

networking in industrial machinery,
medical equipment, building automation
(e.g. lift control systems, electronically
controlled doors, integrated room control
systems), railways, maritime electronics,
truck-based superstructures, off-highway
and off-road vehicles, etc.

CANopen The CANopen application layer and

application communication profile (CiA 301) is
layer standardized in EN 50325-4. It defines
communication services and objects. In
addition, it specifies the device’s object
dictionary and the network management

CANopen Lift Unregistered trademark for the CiA 417

application profile for lift control systems.

CANopen The CANopen manager is responsible for

manager the management of the network. In the
CANopen manager device, there resides
the NMT (network management) master
functionality. Additionally, there may
reside the SDO manager (service data
object) or/and the configuration manager.
A CANopen manager owns a CANopen
object dictionary and supports also the
CANopen NMT slave functionality.

CANopen CANopen device that supports the NMT

master master FSA in addition to the NMT slave

CANopen Communication protocol enhancement

Safety allowing transmission of safety-related
data. It is standardized in EN 50325-5.
The protocol requires just one physical
CAN network. Redundancy is achieved
by sending each message twice with bit-
wise inverted content using two identifiers
differing at least in two bits.

- 17 -
CANopen This 16-bit micro-controller provides
Safety Chip a CANopen Safety protocol firmware
(CSC) implementation. It complies with EN
50325-5 and is certified by TÜV Rhineland
up to SIL 3 (safety integrity level).

CAN protocol The CAN protocol controller is part of a

controller CAN module performing data en-/de-
capsulation, bit timing, CRC, bit stuffing,
error handling, failure confinement, etc.

CAN The CAN transceiver is connected to

transceiver the CAN controller and to the bus lines.
It provides the line transmitter and the
receiver. There are high-speed, fault-
tolerant, and single-wire transceivers
available as well as transceivers for
power-line or fiber optic transmissions.

CAPL (CAN CAPL is an ANSI C-based programming

access language extended by network-specific
programming functions and data types. CAPL is used in
language) CANalyzer and CANoe tools from Vector.

CBFF See classical base frame format.

CCP (CAN CCP is used to communicate calibration

calibration data in engine car applications.

CEFF See classical extended frame format.

certification Official compliance test of components or

devices to a specific standard. The C&S
group performs conformance testing of
CAN controller chips. ODVA officially
certifies DeviceNet products, and CiA
officially certifies CANopen devices.

- 18 -
CiA 102 Additional physical layer specification for
high-speed transmission according to ISO
11898-2 using 9-pin D-sub connectors.

CiA 103 Physical layer specification for intrinsically

safe capable high-speed transmission
according to ISO 11898-2.

CiA 150 Specifies facilities and services of a

power management layer protocol entity
on the CAN bus. It allows reduction of
power consumption in CAN networks
by introduction of a network stand-by

CiA The CAL (CAN Application Layer)

201 to 207 specification defines the CMS (CAN
based message specification), the DBT
(distributor), the NMT (network manage-
ment), and the LMT (layer management)
services and protocols.

CiA 301 The CANopen application layer and

communication profile specification
covers the functionality of CANopen NMT
(network management) slave devices and
partly of CANopen NMT master devices.
CiA 301 version 4.2 and older versions
are dedicated for devices not using
CAN FD. CiA 301 version 5.0 relates to
CAN-FD-capable devices.

- 19 -
CiA 302 Set of additional CANopen specifications,
which comprise network management
(part 2), SDO manager functionality (part
5, intended for SDO services according to
CiA 301 v. 4.2.0 and former), redundancy
concepts (part 6) as well as CANopen
router functionality (part 7). In addition,
program download (part 3), network
variables (part 4) and energy saving
(part 9) are described.

CiA 303 Recommendation for CANopen cabling

and connector pin assignments (part 1),
coding of prefixes and SI units (part 2) as
well as LED usage (part 3).

(CiA 304) See EN 50325-5.

CiA 305 The layer setting services (LSS) specify

services and protocols to set the node-ID
or the bit rate via the CANopen network
in a master/slave-based communication.

CiA 306 The first part of this CANopen

specification defines format and content
of electronic data sheets (EDS) and
device configuration files (DCF) of
devices to be used in configuration tools.
Part 2 provides the profile database
specification. Part 3 specifies the network
variable handling and tool integration.

CiA 308 The CANopen performance specification

names and defines communication
performance figures used e.g. to
compare devices and implementations
in a specific application environment.
Time measurements include e.g. PDO
turn-around time, SYNC jitter, and SDO
response time. Additionally, it defines
standard busloads.

CiA 309 This set of specifications defines the

services and protocols for access from
other (e.g. TCP/IP-based) networks to

- 20 -
CANopen networks. The services are
mapped to Modbus/TCP (part 2) as well
as to ASCII (part 3). Part 4 standardizes
the access of CANopen networks via
Profinet IO.

CiA 310 The CANopen conformance test plan

describes and specifies a lower test
for CANopen devices compliant to
the CANopen application layer and
communication profile CiA 301.

CiA 311 The CANopen XML specification defines

the elements and rules for describing
device profiles and communication
network profiles for devices used in
CANopen based control systems.

CiA 312 The set of CANopen device profile

conformance test plans specifies all test
steps required for checking, whether the
implementation of a CANopen device is
compliant to the corresponding CANopen
device profile. Part 1 specifies the
general definitions. Part 2 is dedicated to
I/O modules and part 4 to contrast media

CiA 314 CANopen framework for PLCs and other

programmable devices compliant to
IEC 61131-3.

CiA 315 The CANopen specification defines

the generic frame for the transparent
transmission of CAN messages on a
wireless network.

CiA 318 The CANopen integration to RTC

environment specifies the mapping
of the Robotic technology component
(RTC) finite state automaton (FSA) to the
CANopen network management (NMT)
FSA. It also describes the RTC-CANopen
manager and the ProxyRTCs system

- 21 -
CiA 319 The framework provides implementation
and configuration guidelines for devices
implementing communication services
as specified in EN 50325-5 (CANopen

(CiA 400) See CiA 302-7 (substituted).

CiA 401 The CANopen device profile for generic

I/O modules covers the definition of digital
and analog input and output devices.

CiA 402 The CANopen device profile for drives

and motion controllers defines the
interface to frequency inverters, servo
controllers as well as stepper motors.
Part 2 and part 3 are substituted
by IEC 61800-7-201 respectively IEC
61800-7-301. Part 4 specifies the safety
functionality. Part 5 specifies PDOs for
CiA 402 compliant devices, which can
control asynchronous and synchronous

CiA 404 The CANopen device profile for

measuring devices and closed-loop
controllers supports also multi-channel

(CiA 405) Former CANopen profile for IEC 61131-3

compatible controllers. Now published in
several parts (CiA 302-8, CiA 306-3, CiA
314, and CiA 809).

CiA 406 This CANopen device profile offers a

standardized CANopen interface for
incremental and absolute, linear and
rotary encoders. It also specifies the
safety functionality for encoders.

(CiA 407) See EN 13149-4/-5/-6 (substituted).

CiA 408 The CANopen device profile for hydraulic

controllers and proportional valves is
compliant to the bus-independent VDMA
(Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und

- 22 -
Anlagenbau e.V.) device profile fluid
power technology – proportional valves
and hydrostatic transmission.

CiA 410 The CANopen device profile for one- and

two-axis inclinometers supports 16-bit as
well as 32-bit sensors. It also specifies
the safety functionality for inclinometers.

CiA 412 The CANopen device profiles for medical

equipment specify the interfaces for x-ray
collimators and dosimeter devices.

CiA 413 The CANopen interface profiles specify

gateways to SAE J1939, ISO 11992, and
other in-vehicle networks. The CANopen
network is mainly used for truck- or
trailer-based body applications, e.g. as in
refuse collecting vehicles, truck-mounted
cranes, and concrete mixers.

CiA 414 The CANopen device profile for weaving

machines specifies the interface for
feeder sub-systems.

CiA 415 The CANopen application profile

specifies interfaces for sensors and
sensor controllers. It is specified for use
in all kinds of road construction machines.

CiA 416 The CANopen application profile for

building doors specifies CANopen
interfaces for locks, sensors, and other
devices used in electronically controlled
building doors.

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CiA 417 The CANopen application profile for lift
control specifies the interfaces for car
controllers, door controllers, call control-
lers and other controllers as well as for car
units, door units, input panels, and display
units, etc.

CiA 418 The CANopen device profile for battery

modules specifies the interface to
communicate with battery chargers.

CiA 419 The CANopen device profile for battery

charger specifies the interface to com-
municate with the battery module.

CiA 420 The CANopen profile family for extruder

downstream devices defines interfaces for
puller, corrugator and saw devices as well
as for calibration tables.

CiA 421 The CANopen application profile for

train vehicle control systems defines the
communication between virtual control
systems (e.g. for door control, diesel engine
control or control of auxiliary equipment)
within locomotives, power cars or coaches.

CiA 422 The CANopen application profile for

municipal vehicles (in particular gar-
bage truck superstructures) specifies
the interfaces of sub-systems such as
compaction unit, weighing unit, etc.

CiA 423 The CANopen application profile for rail

power drive systems defines the com-
munication between virtual devices
required for the control of diesel as well as
diesel electrical locomotives.

CiA 424 The CANopen application profile for rail

door control systems defines the com-
munication between a door controller and
the related door units.

CiA 425 The CANopen profile for medical add-

on devices defines plug-and-play inter-

- 24 -
faces for contrast media injectors and
electrocardiogram units. CiA 425 is also
used as an unregistered trademark.

CiA 426 The CANopen application profile for rail

exterior lighting defines the communication
between an exterior lighting controller and
the related exterior lighting units.

CiA 430 The CANopen application profile for

rail auxiliary operating systems defines
the communication between auxiliary
equipment such as power train cooling unit,
coolant exposition tank, engine pre-heating
unit or battery charger.

CiA 433 The CANopen application profile for

rail interior lighting systems defines the
communication between an interior lighting
controller and interior lighting units.

CiA 434 This set of CANopen device profiles

describes the communication between
a laboratory automation master and
related slave devices such as dilutor unit,
dispenser unit, shaking unit or heating unit.

CiA 436 The CANopen profile for construction

machines defines the integration platform
for sensor, engine, and transmission
systems as well as for the driver/worker
user interface and the implement systems
(e.g. crane).

CiA 437 The CANopen application profile for

photovoltaic systems defines the
integration platform for photovoltaic
controller, inverters, tracking systems and
sensors as well as other devices.

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CiA 442 The CANopen device profile for motor
starters is based on the IEC 61915-2 root
profile for starters and similar equipment.

CiA 443 The CANopen device profile for SIIS

level-2 devices specifies simple and
complex sensors and actuators interfaces
for subsea measurement. This equipment
is also known as “Christmas tree”.

CiA 444 The CANopen application profile defines

the CANopen interfaces for container-
handling machine add-on devices such
as e.g. spreaders for cranes or straddle

CiA 445 This device profile defines the CANopen

interface for simple and intelligent radio
frequency identification (RFID) reader/
writer devices.

CiA 446 The CANopen device profile for AS-

Interface gateways specifies CANopen
devices, which act as an AS-Interface
master in AS-Interface networks.

CiA 447 The CANopen application profile for special

purpose car add-on devices specifies the
CAN physical layer as well as application,
configuration and diagnostic parameters
for the add-on devices (e.g. taximeter,
blue-light, etc.) used in special-purpose
passenger cars.

CiA 450 The CANopen device profile for pumps is

based on the VDMA (Verband Deutscher
Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e. V.) profile
for pumps. It specifies interfaces for a
generic pump and for a liquid pump.

CiA 452 This profile specifies the CANopen interface

for drives controlled by programmable logic
controllers (PLC) using PLCopen motion

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CiA 453 The CANopen device profile ‘power supply’
specifies an interface for AC/AC, DC/DC,
AC/DC and DC/AC converters. It is suitable
for programmable and non-programmable
power supply devices with single or
multiple outputs that are voltage-, current-
or power-controlled.

CiA 454 The CANopen application profile for

energy management systems specifies
the communication interface for all virtual
devices that may take part in energy
management control applications. Such
energy control applications may be
implemented in e.g. light electric vehicles,
industrial robots, offshore parks, isolated
farms, etc.

CiA 455 The CANopen application profile specifies

the control of drilling machines with special
regard on positioning and tool control.

CiA 456 The device profile specifies the CANopen

interface for configurable network compo-
nents that provide CAN bridge functionality
and have up to 16 CAN ports including one
configurable CANopen port.

CiA 457 The CANopen device profile for wireless

transmission media specifies the gateway
functionality between CANopen networks
and wireless networks.

CiA 458 The device profile specifies the CAN-

open interface for energy measuring
devices including energy consumption
and production, in particular for energy

CiA 459 The set of specifications defines the

CANopen interface for on-board weighing
devices. Such devices are usable on
trucks, off-highway or off-road vehicles
(including train coaches).

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CiA 460 The profile specifies the CANopen
interface of a service robot controller
device, which is compliant to the
Robotic technology component (RTC)

CiA 601 This set of documents specifies and

recommends the usage of CAN FD
hardware implementations comprising
the CAN FD physical interface
implementation (part 1), the CAN FD
controller interface recommendation
(part 2, in development), CAN FD system
design recommendations (part 3, in
development), and a CAN FD ringing
suppression circuitry (part 4).

CiA 602 The set of documents specifies and

recommends CAN FD usage for com-
mercial vehicles. Part 1 (in development)
specifies the physical layer and is based
on specifications given in J1939-11,
J1939-14, and J1939-15. Part 2 specifies
the application layer based on J1939-21.
In particular, it specifies the mapping
of J1939 parameter groups to CAN FD

CiA 801 This application note describes the recom-

mended practice and gives application
hints for implementing automatic bit rate
detection in CANopen devices.

CiA 802 This application note provides recom-

mendations for substituting CAN remote
frames by other CANopen communication

CiA 808 This application note describes the

recommended practice as well as
application hints for development of
the communication between crane and
spreader, designed according to the
device profile CiA 444.

- 28 -
CiA 810 This application note describes the
recommended practice and application
hints for development of the laboratory
automation slave devices, designed
according to the device profile CiA 434.

CiA 812 This application note describes use

cases for CANopen devices supporting
the CiA 315 framework for tunneling of
CAN messages via wireless networks.

CiA 814 This application note provides imple-

mentation hints for CiA 417 boot-loader
(see CiA 417 version 2.2.0 and higher).

This recommended practice specifies the

CiA 850 implementation of the CiA 413 gateway
interface for truck-mounted cranes, multi-
lifts, and aerial working platforms.

This recommended practice specifies

CiA 852 the usage of CiA 401-based operator
environments. Operator environments
include simple remote control units as
well as operator seats with integrated
joysticks, foot pedals, pushbuttons,
indicators, etc.

Specification of the device parameters of

CiA application an entire CANopen control application,
profile including the communication and
application parameters for all functional
elements of that CANopen control

CiA device Specification of the device parameters

profile of one CANopen device, including
communication and application parame-
ters for all functional elements of a certain
type of device.

- 29 -
classical base In Classical CAN, format for data frames
frame format or remote frames using an 11-bit identifier.
(CBFF) The data frames are transmitted with one
single bit rate and include up to 8 data

Classical CAN CAN applications based on ISO 11898-1,

which do not support the CAN FD data
link layer protocol.

classical In Classical CAN, format for data frames

extended or remote frames using a 29-bit identifier.
frame format The data frames are transmitted with one
(CEFF) single bit rate and include up to 8 data

classical frame Data frame or remote frame using CBFF

or CEFF format.

CleANopen Unregistered trademark for the CiA 422

application profile for municipal vehicles.

client SDO The client SDO initiates the SDO

communication (see CiA 301 v. 4.2.0 and
former) by means of reading or writing to
the object dictionary of the SDO server

client/server In a client/server communication the

communication client initiates the communication with
the server. It is always a point-to-point

COB See communication object.

COB-ID In CANopen and CAL, the COB-ID

specifies the CAN identifier and additional
parameters (valid/invalid bit, remote
frame support bit, frame format bit)
for the related communication object

- 30 -
communication In CANopen and CANopen FD, a
object (COB) communication object consists of one
or more CAN messages with a specific
functionality, e.g. PDO, SDO, USDO,
EMCY, TIME, or error control.

communicating A CANopen NMT slave FSA state (see

state CiA 301 v. 5.0.0) in which a device owns
in principle the ability to communicate. It
covers NMT states pre-operational (no
PDO transmission allowed), operational
(all communication services available)
and stopped (only NMT and error control).

communication CANopen device parameter, determining

parameter the behavior of the CANopen device at its
communication interface.

communication A communication profile defines the

profile content of communication objects such
as EMCY, TIME, SYNC, heartbeat, NMT,
etc. in CANopen.

configuration The configuration manager provides

manager mechanisms for configuration of CANopen
devices during boot-up.

configuration Parameter in the CANopen object

parameter dictionary that configures the application
behavior of the device.

confirmed Confirmed communication services

communication require a bi-directional communication,
meaning that the receiving node sends a
confirmation that the message has been
received successfully.

conformance Definitions of test cases that have to

test plan be passed successfully in order to
achieve conformance to a communication
standard. The conformance test plan for
CAN is standardized by ISO 16845.

conformance A conformance test tool is the

test tool implementation of a conformance test

- 31 -
connector Electro-mechanical component used to
make a connection between a device
and the CAN bus-line or to extend bus
cables. CiA specifies the connector
pin-assignment for CAN for CAN and
CANopen and ODVA for DeviceNet.

consumer In CAN networks a receiver of messages

is called a consumer meaning the
acceptance filter is opened.

consumer Defines in CANopen the time interval

heartbeat time required by the monitoring node to verify,
whether a monitored node is alive or not.
In case, the monitored node transmits
no heartbeat message within that time
interval, it is regarded as not alive.

contained PDU As defined in CiA 602-2, the C-PDU

(C-PDU) consists of the 3-bit TOC (type of
services) field, the service header (5, 13,
21, or 29 bit) and the C-PDU payload
(0 to 60 byte).

content-based Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)

arbitration arbitration procedure where simultaneous
access of multiple nodes results in a

control field In Classical CAN data and remote frames,

the 6-bit control field contains the four
DLC bits, the IDE bit and the reserved
bit(s). In the CAN FD data frame the 9-bit
control field is enhanced by the FDF, BRS
and ESI bit.

CRC See cyclic redundancy check.

CRC delimiter The CRC delimiter bit is the last bit in the
CRC field of the CAN data frame or CAN
remote frame (only in Classical CAN). It
is always recessive.

CRC error Is detected when the calculated CRC

sequence does not equal the received
one. In FD frames, a mismatch between

- 32 -
the counted stuff-bits and the received
stuff count shall be treated as a CRC
error. The corresponding error frame is
transmitted after the acknowledge field.

CRC field The CRC field contains the CRC sequence

followed by a recessive CRC delimiter.
In CAN FD frames, the CRC field also
contains the stuff count. The 15-bit CRC
sequence is used for Classical CAN.
The 17-bit and 21-bit CRC sequences
are respectively used for CAN FD
frames with up to 16-byte or longer than
16-byte data field. The hamming
distance is specified as 6. The
CRC sequence is able to detect
5 randomly distributed bit failures or
a burst failure of up to 15 bit in SOF,
arbitration, control, and data fields.

CSMA/CD + The Carrier Sense Multiple Access/

AMP Collision Detection with Arbitration on
Message Priority is the bus arbitration
method used in CAN. This method
arbitrates simultaneous bus access

cyclic CRC is performed by a polynomial

redundancy implemented in transmitting and in
check (CRC) receiving CAN modules to detect
corruption while transmitting CAN data
frames or CAN remote frames (only in
Classical CAN).

- 33 -

destination In the DAM mode of a CANopen MPDO,

address mode a multiplexer identifies the object (16-bit
(DAM) index and 8-bit sub-index) in the MPDO
consumer’s object dictionary.

data bit rate Number of bits per time during data phase
of a CAN FD frame. The data bit rate is
independent of bit encoding/decoding.

data bit time Duration of one bit in the data phase of a

CAN FD frame. The data bit time has the
same length as the nominal bit time or is
shorter than the nominal bit time.

data With regard to network technologies, data

consistency consistency means that all devices, which
are connected to the same network, have
the same state of knowledge. Network-
wide data consistency is guaranteed for
all error active CAN nodes by means of
globalization of local errors.

data field The data field of the CAN data frame

contains 0 to including 8 byte of user
information in Classical CAN frames or 0
to including 64 byte in CAN FD frames,
where each byte contains 8 bit. The data
size is indicated by the DLC.

data frame The CAN data frame carries user

(DF) data from a producer to one or more
consumers. It consists of the start of
frame (SOF) bit, the arbitration field, the
control field, the data field, the CRC field,
the acknowledge (ACK) field, and the end
of frame (EOF) field.

- 34 -
data length 4-bit DLC in the control field of CAN data
code (DLC) frame indicates the data field length. In
remote frames (only Classical CAN) the
DLC corresponds to the data field length
in the requested data frame!

data link layer Second layer in the OSI reference model

providing basic communication services.
The CAN data link layer defines data,
remote (only in Classical CAN), error, and
overload frames.

data phase The data phase indicates those parts

of the CAN FD data frame that are
transmitted with a higher bit rate. It is
wrapped by the arbitration phase, and
starts with the sample point of the BRS
bit and lasts till the sample point of the
CRC delimiter.

data type Object attribute in CANopen and

DeviceNet defining the format, e.g.
Unsigned8, Integer16, Boolean, etc.

DBT The Distributor is part of the CAN

Application Layer (CAL) specification
defining a method of automatic identifier
distribution during network boot-up.

DCF See device configuration file.

default value Object attribute in CANopen defining

the pre-setting of not user-configured
objects after power-on or application

device The device configuration file describes

configuration the CANopen parameter of a configured
file (DCF) CANopen device in the same file format
as the EDS. EDS and DCF are specified
in the CiA 306-1.

DeviceNet CAN-based higher-layer protocol and

device profiles definition. DeviceNet was
designed for factory automation and
provides a well-defined CAN physical

- 35 -
layer in order to achieve a high off-
the-shelf plug-and-play capability. The
DeviceNet specification is maintained
by the ODVA ( non-profit

device profile A device profile defines the device-specific

application data and communication
capability based on the related higher-
layer protocol. For more complex devices
these profiles may provide a finite
state automaton (FSA), which enables
standardized device control.

Diagnostics on The ISO 15765 standard defines the

CAN Diagnostic on CAN protocols and
services, which are used for the CAN-
based diagnostic interface for passenger

DLC See data length code.

dominant bit Bit on the CAN bus lines representing

dominant state. It has the logical value 0.
A dominant bit overwrites by definition a
recessive bit.

double- If the last bit of the end of frame (EOF)

reception of is corrupted at the transmitting node,
message then a retransmission of the message is
caused. Since the receivers have already
accepted the message after the last but
one bit, they will receive the message

DR (draft This kind of recommendation is not

recommenda- finalized, but it is published. CiA’s DRs
tion are not changed within one year.

DS (draft This kind of specification is not finalized,

standard) but it is published. CiA’s DSs are not
changed within one year.

DSP (draft This kind of specification is a proposal,

standard but it is published. CiA’s DSPs may be
proposal) changed anytime without notification.

- 36 -
D-sub Standardized connectors. Most common
connectors in use is the 9-pin D-sub connector (DIN
41652); its pin-assignment for CAN/
CANopen networks is recommended in
CiA 303-1.

- 37 -

EDS See electronic data sheet.

EDS checker Software tool that checks the conformity

of electronic data sheets. The CANopen
EDS checker is integrated into CiA´s
CANopen conformance test tool.

EDS generator Software tool that generates electronic

data sheets (available for CANopen and

EF See error frame

electronic data The electronic data sheet describes the

sheet (EDS) functionality of a device in a standardized
manner. CANopen and DeviceNet use
different EDS formats. It is specified in
CiA 306-1 for CANopen devices.

emergency Pre-defined communication service

message in CANopen mapped into a single
(EMCY) 8-byte data frame containing a 2-byte
standardized error code, the 1-byte error
register, and 5-byte manufacturer-specific
information. It is used to communicate
device and application failures.

EN 13149- Set of CENELEC standards defining

4/5/6 a CANopen application profile for
passenger information systems, which
was developed in cooperation with the
German VDV. It specifies interfaces for a
range of devices including displays, ticket
printers, passenger counting units, main
onboard computers, etc.

EN 50325-4 CENELEC standard defining the CANopen

application layer and communication
profile, which is further developed in the
CiA 301 specification.

EN 50325-5 CENELEC standard defining the CAN-

open Safety protocol. The CANopen
framework for safety-relevant communi-

- 38 -
cation is an add-on to the CANopen
application layer and communication
profile. The CANopen Safety protocol
is designed to allow safety-related
communication based on CAN according
to IEC/EN 61508. It is approved by
German authorities and fulfils the
requirements to build systems requiring
SIL 3 (safety integrity level) according to
IEC 61508.

entry category An object attribute in CANopen defining

this object as mandatory, conditional
(mandatory for certain conditions) or

end of frame Seven recessive bits make the EOF field

(EOF) of CAN data and remote frames (only in
Classical CAN).

error active In error active state the CAN controller

state is allowed to transmit active error frames
containing active error flags. If all CAN
nodes are in this state, then a network-
wide data consistency is guaranteed.

error code CANopen specifies error codes

transmitted in emergency messages.

error control The CANopen error control messages

message are mapped to a single 1-byte CAN data
frame assigned with a fixed identifier that
is derived from the device’s CANopen
node-ID. It is transmitted as boot-up
message before entering the NMT pre-
operational state after inititialization. It is
also transmitted periodically by the device
(heartbeat) or, if remotely requested (only
in Classical CAN implementations) by the
NMT master (node guarding).

error counter Each CAN controller implements two error

counters, one for received messages
and one for transmitted messages.
They are increased and decreased

- 39 -
user-transparently by implemented rules
as specified in ISO 11898-1. They are
used to determine the current state of the
CAN module (error active, error passive,
and bus-off).

error delimiter Last segment in error frames made up of

8 recessive bits.

error detection There are five different failure detection

capability mechanisms in the CAN protocol, which
allow the detection of nearly any error in
a CAN message. The probability of non-
detected failures depends on error rate,
bit rate, busload, number of nodes and
error detection capability factor.

error flag First segment in error frames made up of

6 bits of the same polarity. A second error
flag transmitted by another node may
overlap the first error flag.

error frame Frame to indicate the detection of an

(EF) error. It is made up of the error flag and
the error delimiter.

error Local failures cause the transmission of

globalization an error flag, which will be regarded as
a stuff error forcing the other nodes to
transmit error flags. This means the local
failure is globalized, so that network-wide
data consistency is guaranteed for nodes
in error active state.

error passive In this state, CAN controller is only

state allowed to transmit passive error
frames containing passive error flags.
Additionally the CAN controller has
to wait a certain time after a previous
transmission before its own transmission
takes place (suspend transmission).

error signaling The error signaling is provided by means

of transmitting error frames.

- 40 -
error state The error state indicator bit in the CAN
indicator (ESI) FD data frame indicates whether the
transmitting CAN node is in CAN error
active (dominant) or passive (recessive)

ESI See error state indicator.

event-driven Event-driven messages are transmitted

when a defined event occurs in the
device. This may be a change of input
states, elapsing of a local timer, or any
other local event.

event-driven An event-driven PDO (process data

PDO object) is transmitted whenever a device
internal event (e.g. elapsing of PDO’s
event timer) occurs. If an event-driven
PDO is received the protocol software
immediately updates the mapped objects
in the object dictionary.

event timer The event timer is assigned in CANopen

to one PDO. It defines the frequency of
PDO transmission.

expedited SDO This is a confirmed communication

service in CANopen (peer-to-peer). It is
defined in CiA 301 v. 4.2.0 and former
versions. It is made up by one SDO
(service data object) initiate message of
the client node and the corresponding
confirmation message of the server node.
Expedited SDOs are used if not more
than 4 byte of data has to be transmitted.

explicit The explicit message is a confirmed

message communication service in DeviceNet
used for configuration purposes. It
supports segmented transfer in order
to transmit information longer than
8 byte.

- 41 -

fault CAN nodes are able to distinguish

confinement short disturbances from permanent
failures. Defective transmitting nodes
are switched off, meaning the node is
logically disconnected from the network

fault A supervisor entity fulfilling the fault

confinement confinement.
entity (FCE)

fault-tolerant Transceivers as specified in ISO 11898-

transceiver 3 and ISO 11992-1 are capable of
communication via one bus-line and
CAN ground when one bus-line is broken
down, short circuited or termination
resistors are not well connected.

FBFF See FD base frame format.

FCE See fault confinement entity.

FD base frame In CAN FD, the FBFF uses 11-bit

format (FBFF) identifiers in data frames.

FD enabled CAN device able to receive and transmit

FD frames and Classical frames.

FD extended In CAN FD, the FEFF uses 29-bit

frame format identifiers in data frames.

FD format This bit distinguishes between Classical

indicator CAN frames (dominant) and CAN FD
(FDF) frames (recessive). In frames with 11-bit
identifiers, FDF comes after the IDE bit.
In frames with 29-bit identifiers, it comes
as the first bit of the control field.

FD frame Data frame using FBFF or FEFF format.

FD intolerant A CAN device that is only able to receive

or to transmit Classical frames; FD
frames are destroyed.

- 42 -
FD tolerant A CAN device that is not able to transmit
or to receive FD frames. However, it does
not destroy the CAN FD frame by an error

FDF See FD format indicator.

FEFF See FD extended frame format.

field device Independent physical entity of an

automation system which hosts zero,
one or several CANopen devices, and
performs specific functions such as e.g.
controlling, actuating, sensing and/or
data transferring.

finite state FSA is an abstraction to describe the

automaton behavior of a black box. It is composed of
(FSA) several states, transitions between those
states, and actions.

flying master In safety-critical applications, it may be

required that a missing NMT master is
substituted automatically by another
stand-by NMT master. This concept of
redundancy is called flying master.

form error A corruption of one of the pre-defined

recessive bits (CRC delimiter, ACK
delimiter and EOF) is regarded as a
form error condition that will cause the
transmission of an error frame in the very
next bit time.

frame Data link protocol entity specifying the

arrangement and meaning of bits or bit
fields in the sequence of transfer.

frame coding Sequence of fields in the CAN frames,

e.g. SOF, arbitration field, control field,
data field, CRC field, ACK field and EOF
for data frames. The frame coding covers
also the bit stuffing.

frame format The CAN standard distinguishes between

the base frame format (CBFF and FBFF)

- 43 -
using 11-bit identifiers and the extended
frame format (CEFF and FEFF) using
29-bit identifiers.

frame types In CAN, four frame types are used: data

frame, remote frame (only in Classical
CAN), error frame, and overload frame.

FSA See finite state automaton.

FullCAN A term used in the early days of CAN

describing an implementation, which
features single receive and transmit
buffers for a number of IDs.

function code First four bits of the CAN identifier in the

CANopen and CANopen FD pre-defined
connection set indicating the function
(e.g. SDO or USDO request, TPDO or

FUP CAN data frame containing the remain-

message ing part of the current value of a time-
base plus the value of transmit delays
of the preceding SYNC message. It is
defined in CiA 603 (in development).

- 44 -

galvanic Galvanic isolation in CAN networks is

isolation performed by optocouplers or trans-
formers placed between CAN controller
and CAN transceiver chip.

gateway Device with at least two network inter-

faces transforming all seven OSI (open
system interconnection) protocol layers,
e.g. CANopen-to-Ethernet gateway or
CANopen-to-DeviceNet gateway.

GFC See global fail-safe command.

global error A global bus error affects all connected

CAN devices.

global fail-safe The global fail-safe command (GFC) is

command a high-priority CAN message defined
(GFC) in the CANopen safety protocol (see
EN 50325-5). It may be used to switch the
safety-related logical devices (SRLDs)
into the safe state, which improves the
overall system reaction time in case of an
error. It shall be followed by the related

- 45 -

hamming In general, the hamming distance between

distance two strings of equal length measures the
number of errors that transformed one
string into the other. CAN provides a
hamming distance of 6 (theoretical value
for CAN networks). This indicates that
five randomly distributed bit failures can
be detected. In addition burst errors of up
to 15 bit can be detected. CAN provides
no bit correction mechanisms.

hard All CAN nodes are internally hard

synchroniza- synchronized to the falling edge of
tion the SOF bit detected on the bus. Hard
synchronization is performed during
bus idle, suspend transmission and the
second or third bit of inter-frame space.

heartbeat CANopen and DeviceNet use the

heartbeat message to indicate that a
node is still alive. The device transmits
this message periodically.

higher-layer Higher-layer protocols define communi-

protocol (HLP) cation protocols compliant to the
transport layer, session, presentation, or
application layer as specified in the OSI
reference model.

high-speed Transceiver compliant to ISO 11898-2

transceiver for bit rates up to including 1 Mbit/s (for
Classical CAN and in the arbitration
phase of CAN FD frames) and up to
5 Mbit/s for the data phase of CAN FD

- 46 -

identifier In general, the term refers to a CAN

message identifier. See CAN identifier.

identifier This bit distinguishes whether the frame

extension flag uses the base frame format (dominant)
(IDE) or the extended frame format (recessive).
Thus, the IDE bit indicates if the following
bits are interpreted as control bits or the
second part of the 29-bit identifier.

identifier field The identifier field contains 11 bits in

base frame format, and additional 18 bits
in extended frame format.

idle State of the network, when there is

recessive state after the completion of a

idle condition Detection of a sequence of 11 consecutive

sampled recessive bits on the bus.

IEC 61162-3 IEC standard for digital interfaces for

navigational equipment within a ship. Part
3 standardizes the serial data instrument
network, also known as NMEA 2000.

IEC 61800-7 International standard specifying power

series drive profiles including CiA 402 and CIP
motion. The CiA 402 profile mapping to
CANopen (61800-7-201/-301) and the
CIP motion profile mapping to DeviceNet
(61800-7-202/-302) are also specified in
this series of standards.

IEC 62026-3 International standard for the CAN-based

DeviceNet application layer.

IMF See intermission field.

- 47 -
index 16-bit address to access information in the
CANopen object dictionary; for array and
records the address is extended by an 8-bit
inhibit time Parameter in CANopen that defines
the minimal time that elapses between
transmission of the same PDOs and
emergency messages.
initialization NMT slave state in CANopen that is
state reached automatically after power on and
communication or application reset.
inner priority Occurs, if a low-prior message can not be
inversion transmitted because of high-prior message
traffic on the CAN network and a high-
prior transmission request occurs in the
device and cannot be passed to the CAN
controller due to the still pending low-prior
transmission request.
integrating A node is integrating into bus communi-
cation after starting the protocol operation
during bus off recovery, or after detecting
the protocol exception event; until the idle
condition is detected.
interface CANopen profile that describes just the
profile interface and not the application behavior
of a device, e.g. gateway device.
interface Time between two frames comprising the
profile IMF and bus idle time. For error-passive
nodes, which have been transmitter of the
previous frame, it also contains the suspend
transmission time.
intermission Three-bit field after the EOF. Detection of a
field (IMF) dominant bit at the third IMF bit is interpreted
as SOF.
I/O message Communication object in DeviceNet trans-
porting application objects repre-senting
inputs or outputs. I/O messages are
mapped to one or more CAN data frames
supporting segmented transfer.

- 48 -
ISO 11898-1 International standard defining the CAN
data link layer including LLC, MAC and
PCS sub-layers.

ISO 11898-2 International standard defining the CAN

high-speed medium access unit. Since
version ISO 11898-2:2016 it includes also
transceivers supporting low-power mode
(former ISO 11898-5) and selective wake-
up functionality (former ISO 11898-6).

ISO 11898-3 International standard defining the CAN

fault-tolerant, low-speed medium access

ISO 11898-4 International standard defining a time-

triggered communication protocol based on
the Classical CAN data link layer protocol.

ISO 11898-5 ISO 11898-5:2007 represents an extension

of ISO 11898-2:2003, dealing with functio-
nality for systems requiring low-power con-
sumption features while there is no active
bus communication. The standard is now
included in ISO 11898-2:2016.

ISO 11898-6 International standard defining selective

wake-up functionality for high-speed
transceiver included in ISO 11898-2:2016.
Those transceivers implement partly the
CAN (FD) protocol.

ISO 11992 International standard series defining a

series CAN-based application profile for truck/
trailer communication. Part 2 specifies the
brake and gearing devices, part 3 specifies
other devices, and part 4 defines the

ISO 11783 International standard series defining

series the CAN-based application profile used
in agriculture and forestry machines and
vehicles (Isobus). It is based on the J1939
application profile.

- 49 -
ISO 15745-2 International standard defining an appli-
cation integration framework for ISO
11898 based control systems such as
CANopen and DeviceNet.

ISO 16844 International standard defining the CAN-

series based tachograph to be used in trucks and

ISO 16845-1 International standard that defines the

conformance test plan for ISO 11898-1

ISO 16845-2 International standard that defines the

conformance test plan for high-speed
transceiver compliant with ISO 11898-2.

- 50 -

J1939 The application profile defined by SAE

application ( specifies the in-vehicle
profile communication in trucks and buses. It
defines the communication services as
well as the signals including the mapping
into CAN data frames by means of PGNs
(parameter group numbers).

J2284 bit Bit timing definitions by SAE for in-vehicle

timing networks in passenger cars for 250 kbit/s
and 500 kbit/s.

J2411 single- Single-wire transmission specification by

wire CAN SAE for CAN networks. The bit rate is
limited to 40 kbit/s.

- 51 -

layer-2 A layer-2 (means OSI layer) protocol uses

protocol the CAN communication services directly
without a dedicated higher-layer protocol.

layer-7 A layer-7 (means OSI layer) protocol

protocol uses CAN communication services in
a standardized manner. This allows the
reuse of application software without
redesigning the CAN communication

layer setting The CANopen layer setting services

services (LSS) define communication services for
configuring the node-ID and the bit rate
via the CAN network (see CiA 305).

life guarding Method in CAL and CANopen to detect

that the NMT master does not guard the
NMT slave anymore. This is a part of the
error control mechanisms.

line topology Networks, where all nodes are connected

directly to one bus line. CAN networks use
theoretically just line topologies without
any stub cable. However, in practice you
find tree and star topologies as well.

LLC See logical link control.

LMT Abbreviation for layer management.

LMT protocols Protocols defined in CAL for setting

node-IDs and bit rates via the CAN

local bus error A local bus error affects just one or more
but not all nodes in the network.

logical device Logical entity of a CANopen device

providing status-, control and diagnostic
information to the CANopen device in a
pre-defined format.

- 52 -
logical link The LLC sub-layer describes the upper
control (LLC) part of the OSI data link layer (layer
2). It is concerned with those protocol
issues that are independent of the type of
medium access method.

low-power CAN controller and CAN transceiver

mode may support a stand-by or sleep mode
requiring lower power than in active

low-speed Synonym for fault-tolerant transceivers.


LSS See layer setting services.

- 53 -

MAC See medium access control.

master Communication or application entity that

is allowed to control a specific function.
In networks this is for example the
initialization of a communication service.

master/slave In a master/slave communication system

communication the master initiates and controls the
communication. The slave is not allowed
to initiate any communication at all.

matrix cycle In TTCAN (ISO 11898-4) the matrix cycle

is made up of one or more basic cycles.
Each basic cycle starts with the reference
message but may be followed by different

MAU See medium attachment unit.

MDI See medium dependent interface.

medium The MAC sub-layer represents the lower

access control part of the OSI data link layer. It services
(MAC) the interface to the LLC sub-layer and
the physical layer, and comprises the
functions and rules that are related to
data en-/de-capsulation, error detection
and signaling.

medium Unit (functional part of CAN physical

attachment layer) used to couple a node to the
unit (MAU transmission medium. It comprises the
physical medium attachment (PMA) and
the medium dependent interface (MDI).

medium The MDI defines the interface that ensures

dependent proper signal transfer between the media
interface (MDI) and the physical medium attachment.
It defines the connector, cable and
termination resistor requirements.

- 54 -
message In CAN, it may be a data frame or a
remote frame (only in Classical CAN).

message CAN controller chips implement message

buffer buffers for frames to be received and/or
to be transmitted. The implementation
and the use of message buffers are not

message See double reception of message.


MilCAN These CAN-based higher-layer protocols

have been defined by a group of
interested companies and government
bodies associated with the specification,
manufacture and test of military vehicles.
MilCAN A is based on J1939, and MilCAN
B is based on CANopen.

minimum time Smallest time quantum configurable for a

quantum specific implementation.

MPDO See multiplex PDO.

multicast Addressing, where a single frame

transmission is addressed to a group of nodes

multi-master In a multi-master communication system

communication every node may temporarily control the
bus communication. This means every
node has theoretically the right to access
the bus at any time when the bus is in
idle state.

Multi-PDU Communication entity comprising several

C-PDUs as defined in CiA 602-2.

multiplex PDO The MPDO is made of 8 byte including

(MPDO) one control byte, three multiplexer bytes
(containing the 24-bit index and sub-
index), and four bytes of object data.

- 55 -

network-ID In multiple CANopen network systems

this number identifies a single CANopen
network uniquely. CANopen supports
up to 127 networks in hierarchical or
non-hierarchical network systems as
specified in CiA 302-7.

network length See bus length.

network Entity responsible for the network boot-

management up procedure, control of the node’s FSA
(NMT) and the optional configuration of nodes.
It also may include node-supervising
functions such as node guarding.

network Application parameters that represent

variables undefined process data of programmable
CANopen devices. Network variables are
mapped into PDOs after programming
the device.

NMEA 2000 This is a combined electrical and

data specification for a marine data
network for communication between
marine electronic devices such as
depth finders, nautical chart plotters,
navigation instruments, engines, tank
level sensors, and GPS receivers. The
J1939-based application profile has been
developed by NMEA (National Marine
Electronics Association), a US non-profit

NMT Abbreviation for network management

in CAL and CANopen. See network

NMT master The NMT master device in CAL and

CANopen performs the network
management by means of transmitting
the NMT message. With this message,
it controls the state machines of all
connected NMT slave devices.

- 56 -
NMT master FSA of a CANopen device with NMT
FSA master functionality. It covers the states
NMT master initial (indicates FSA
start), NMT master startup capable
device (no or limited NMT master
functionality is provided), NMT master
inactive (no or limited functionality
e.g. scanning for NMT master capable
devices is provided), NMT master active
(entire supported functionality is active)
and NMT master final (indicates FSA
NMT slave
The NMT slaves receive the NMT
message, which contains commands for
the NMT state machine implemented in
CAL and CANopen devices.
NMT slave
state machine The NMT slave state machine defined
in CAL and CANopen supports different
states. The NMT master controls the
transition to the states via the highest
prior CAN message transmitted.
NMT startup
capable device The CANopen device, which is able to
enter the NMT state operational after the
NMT state initialization autonomously
(self starting).
Assembly, linked to the CAN network,
capable of communicating across the
network according to the CAN protocols.
node guarding
Part of the error control mechanisms used
in CANopen and CAL to detect bus-off or
disconnected devices. The NMT master
sends a remote frame to the NMT slave
that is answered by the corresponding
error control message. This mechanism
is not supported in CAN FD.

node-ID Unique identifier for a device required

by different CAN-based higher-layer
protocols in order to assign CAN
identifiers to this device, e.g. in CANopen

- 57 -
or DeviceNet. Using the pre-defined
connection sets of CANopen or
DeviceNet, the node-ID is part of the
CAN identifier.

nominal bit The nominal bit rate is the number of bits

rate per second transmitted in the absence of
resynchronization by an ideal transmitter.
It is used in Classical CAN frames and
in the arbitration phase of the CAN FD

nominal bit The nominal bit time can be thought

time of as being divided into separate non-
overlapping time segments. It is used
in Classical CAN frames and in the
arbitration phase of the CAN FD frames.

non-return to Method of representing binary signals.

zero (NRZ) Within one and the same bit time, the
coding signal level does not change.

normal SDO See segmented SDO.

- 58 -

object The object dictionary is the heart of any

dictionary CANopen device. It enables access to
all data types used in the device, to the
communication parameters, as well as
to the process data and configuration
parameters addressable using a 16-bit
index and an 8-bit sub-index.

OF See overload frame

open system Layered communication model defining

interconnection seven layers: physical (1), data link,
(OSI) reference network, transport, session, presentation,
model and application (7) layer. In CAN-based
networks normally just physical, data
link, and application layer are

operational Part of the CANopen NMT slave state

state machine. In the NMT operational state
all CANopen communication services are

OSEK/VDX Set of specifications for communication

(COM), network management (NM),
real-time operating system (OS), and
implementation language (OIL). OSEK/
VDX is partly implemented in passenger

OSI reference See open system interconnection

model reference model.

outer priority If a node wants to transmit two high-

inversion prior CAN messages and is not able to
send the second message directly after
the intermission field, it may happen that
a lower-prior message is transmitted by
another node in between. This is called
outer priority inversion.

overload Situations when the CAN controller

condition transmits an overload frame: e.g.
dominant value in the first two inter-frame

- 59 -
space bits, dominant value in the last bit
of EOF, bit failure in last bit of error or
overload delimiter.

overload Last segment in overload frames made

delimiter up of 8 recessive bits.

overload flag First segment in overload frames made

up of 6 dominant bits. A second overload
flag transmitted by another node may
overlap the first overload flag.

overload frame Frame to indicate an overload condition.

(OF) It is made up of the overload flag and
the overload delimiter. The overload flag
corresponds to that of the active error
flag. The overload delimiter is the same
as the error delimiter.

- 60 -

padding As defined in CiA 602-2, the sub-field of

sub-field the data field containing meaningless
bits in a fixed format in order to pad the
data field to a defined byte limit.

parameter In J1939, ISO 11783, and ISO 11992,

group (PG) there are defined parameter groups,
which specify the content of a specific
CAN message.

parameter The parameter group number identifies

group number uniquely the parameter group (PG). The
(PGN) PGN is mapped into the 29-bit identifier.

passive error The passive error flag is the first part of

flag the passive error frame made up of six
consecutive recessive bits.

PCS See physical coding sub-layer.

PDO See process data object.

PDO mapping In CANopen, in a PDO may be mapped

up to 64 objects. The PDO mapping
is described in the PDO mapping

PDU See protocol data unit.

pending There are one or more messages waiting

transmission for transmission in the CAN controller
request because the bus is not idle (node has
lost arbitration).

PG See parameter group.

PGN See parameter group number.

phase error The phase error of an edge is given by

the position of the edge relative to the
sync segment. It is measured in time

- 61 -
phase Part of the bit time used to compensate for
segment 1 edge phase errors. It may be lengthened
(Phase_Seg 1) by re-synchronization.

phase Part of the bit time used to compensate for

segment 2 edge phase errors. It may be shortened
(Phase_Seg 2) by re-synchronization.

physical layer Lowest layer in the OSI reference model

defining the connectors, bus cables, and
electrical or optical signals representing a
bit value as well as synchronization and

physical Sub-layer of the physical layer. It

medium specifies the functional circuitry for bus
attachment line transmission/reception and may
(PMA) provide means for failure detection. Here
the physical signals are converted into
logical signals and vice versa.

physical Sub-layer of the physical layer. It receives

coding sub- from and sends to the transceiver circuitry
layer (PCS) the bit stream and performs the bit en-/
decoding, controls the bit timing and

pin assignment Definition of connector pins’ usage.

PMA See physical medium attachment.

pre-defined Set of CAN identifiers used as default

connection set values for different communication
protocols in CANopen or DeviceNet.

pre-operational Part of the NMT slave state machine. In the

state NMT pre-operational state no CANopen
PDO communication is allowed.

priority Attribute of a frame controlling its ranking

during arbitration. In CAN data and
remote frames (only in Classical CAN),
the identifier (ID) gives the priority. The
lower the ID, the higher is the priority.

- 62 -
priority Priority inversion occurs if the lower prior
inversion object will be processed or communicated
before the higher prior object. In not well-
designed CAN devices, there may occur
inner or outer priority inversions.

process data Application parameter that represents

values from process interface inputs or
values to the process interface outputs.
Parameter in the CANopen object
dictionary that can be mapped into PDOs.

process data CANopen communication object defined

object (PDO) by the PDO communication parameter
and PDO mapping parameter objects. It
is an unconfirmed communication service
without protocol overhead. A PDO may
contain up to 64 byte of data.

producer In CAN network a transmitter of messages

is called a producer.

producer In CANopen, the producer heartbeat time

heartbeat time defines the transmission frequency of a
heartbeat message.

propagation Part of the bit time used to compensate

segment physical delay times within the network.
(Prop_Seg) These delay times consist of the signal
propagation time on the bus line and the
internal delay times in the nodes.

protocol Formal set of conventions and rules for

the exchange of information between
nodes, including the specification of
frame administration, frame transfer and
physical layer.

protocol data As defined in CiA 602-2, PDU is the

unit (PDU) information exchanged between peer
entities of an open system interconnection
(OSI) layer implementation. This term
is also used in AUTOSAR and other
standards and specifications.

- 63 -
protocol Exception from the formal set of con-
exception ventions or rules to be able to tolerate
event future new frame formats.

- 64 -

receive error CAN controller internal counter for

counter (REC) reception errors. The REC value is
readable in some controllers.

receive PDO A process data object that is received by

(RPDO) a CANopen device.

receiver A CAN node is called receiver or

consumer, if it is not transmitting and the
bus is not idle.

reception Local memory in the CAN controller,

buffer(s) where the received messages are stored

recessive bit Bit on the CAN bus lines representing

recessive state. It has the logical value 1.

recessive state By definition, the recessive state will be

overwritten by the dominant state.

recovery time The time between the first bit of the

error flag and the time point when the
automatic retransmission can be started.
In error active nodes, the maximum
recovery time is 23 bit times, in error
passive nodes it is 31 bit times.

redundant In some safety-critical applications

networks (e.g. maritime systems), redundant
networks may be required that provide
swapping capability in case of detected
communication failures.

reference In TTCAN, the reference message starts

message each basic cycle.

- 65 -
remote frame With an RF (only in Classical CAN)
(RF) another node is requested to transmit
the corresponding data frame identified
by the same CAN-ID. RF’s DLC has the
value of the corresponding data frame
DLC. RF’s data field has a length of 0

remote request In CAN FD frames, the RRS bit is

substitution transmitted at the position of the RTR bit
(RRS) in Classical CAN frames. It is transmitted
dominantly, but receivers accept
recessive and dominant RRS bits.

remote In Classical CAN, the bit in the arbitration

transmission field indicating if the frame is a remote
request (RTR) frame (recessive value) or a data frame
(dominant value).

repeater Passive component that refreshes CAN

bus signals. It is used to increase the
maximum number of nodes, to achieve
longer networks (>1 km) or to implement
tree or meshed topologies.

reset A CAN controller is reset by a command

(may be hard-wired). Before the CAN
controller transits back to error active
state, it has to detect 128 occurrences
of the idle condition (11 consecutive
recessive bit times) on the bus.

reset This NMT command resets all

application CANopen objects to default values or
to the permanently stored configured

reset This NMT command resets only the

communication CANopen communication objects to
the default values or to the permanently
stored configured values. This NMT state
is divided in sub-states waiting for node-
ID, resetting and request boot-up.

- 66 -
re-synchroni- Number of time quanta with which the
zation jump Phase_Seg 1 may be lengthened or the
width (SJW) Phase_Seg 2 may be shortened.

RF See remote frame.

ringing The RS mechanism for CAN FD networks

suppression (see CiA 601-4) is introduced to minimize
(RS) the ringing after bus-state changes on the
CAN bus-lines, as the ringing limits the
maximal possible data-phase bit-rate.

ringing The RSC as specified in CiA 601-4 for

suppression CAN FD nodes comprises the bus-state
circuitry (RSC) change detection circuitry, the switch
controller, and the differential internal
resistance RRSC. If used, the RRSC is
added to the bus-lines at a dominant-
to-recessive state change, changing the
overall bus-line impedance. RRSC is
switched-off after a defined time period.
RSC can be implemented in the CAN
transceiver, or connected to it as an
external circuitry. It is recommended to
locate RSCs on nodes with strong ringing,
with long wire harness, or on nodes
located far from the network termination.

RPDO See receive PDO.

RRS See remote request substitution.

RTR See remote transmission request.

- 67 -

SafetyBus p This CAN-based higher-layer protocol

and implementation specification by the
Safety Network International e. V. is de-
dicated for safety-related communication
within factory automation. It meets the
safety integrity level (SIL) 3 according to
IEC 61508.

sample point The sample point is the point of time

at which the bus level is read and
interpreted as the value of the respective
bit. Its location is between Phase_Seg 1
and Phase_Seg 2.

safe-guard Defines the maximum time between two

cycle time periodically transmitted SRDOs (see EN
(SCT) 50325-5).

safety-related A CANopen device participating in the

logical device safe communication as specified in EN
(SRLD) 50325-5.

safety-related Defines the maximum time between the

object two CAN messages that make an SRDO
validation time (see EN 50325-5).

safety-relevant SRDO as defined in the CANopen safety

data object protocol (EN 50325-5) is made of two
(SRDO) CAN messages. The second message
contains in the data field the bit-wise
converted data of the first message.

SCT See safe-guard cycle time.

SDO See service data object.

- 68 -
SDO block SDO block transfer is a CANopen
transfer communication service for increasing
the speed of uploading/downloading
data to/from a CANopen device. It is
defined in CiA 301 v. 4.2.0. In SDO block
transfer, the confirmation is sent after the
reception of a number of SDO segments.

SDO manager In CANopen, the SDO manager handles

the dynamic establishment of SDO
connections. It resides on the very same
node as the NMT master functionality.

SDO network This function is used to address a remote

indication CANopen device in another (not directly
accessible) CANopen network. This
service and protocol establishes a virtual
channel in order to perform any SDO
communication (see CiA 302-7). The
SDO services are defined in CiA 301 v.
4.2.0 and former versions.

secondary The SSP is located after the (first)

sample point sample point and is set to a fix value or a
(SSP) value derived from the actual transmitter
delay. If transmitter delay compensation
is applied, the bus state sampled at the
SSP is valid.

segmented If objects longer than 4 byte are

SDO transmitted by means of SDO services
(see 301 v. 4.2.0 and former), a
segmented transfer is used. The data
is transmitted in segments of up to 7
byte of application data. The number of
segments is theoretically not limited.

server SDO The server SDO receives the SDO

messages (see CiA 301 v. 4.2.0 and
former) from the corresponding client
and responses each SDO message
(expedited and segmented SDO transfer)
or a block of SDO messages (SDO block

- 69 -
service data The SDO is a confirmed communication
object (SDO) service (see CiA 301 v. 4.2.0 and former)
that provides access to all entries in the
CANopen object dictionary. An SDO uses
two 8-byte CAN messages with different
identifiers. The SDO may transmit
segmented any amount of data. Each
segment (segmented SDO) or a number
of segments (SDO block transfer) is

single-shot Some CAN controllers provide a

transmission single-shot mode, which means that
the message will not be retransmitted
automatically when an error has been
detected. This mode is required for

single-wire Physical layer using only one bus line

CAN (SWC) and CAN ground. The SAE specified a
SWC transceiver in J2411.

SI unit International system of units for physical

values as specified in ISO 80000-1:2013.

sleep mode CAN controller and transceiver may

be operated in stand-by or low-power
(sleep) mode not more driving the bus

SOF See start of frame.

source address In the SAM mode of a CANopen MPDO,

mode (SAM a multiplexer (16-bit index and 8-bit sub-
index of an object) refers to the MPDO
producer. The MPDO producer may
use a scanner list (objects to be
sent). The MPDO consumers may
use a dispatcher list showing which
source multiplexer references to which
destination multiplexer.

SRDO See safety-relevant data object.

SRLD See safety-related logical device.

- 70 -
SRR See substitute remote request.

SRVT See safety-related object validation time.

star topology In some passenger cars, CAN networks

are installed in a star topology terminating
the network in the center of the star.

start of frame The very first bit of any data and remote
(SOF) frames (only in Classical CAN). The SOF
state is always dominant.

stopped state Part of the CANopen NMT slave state

machine (FSA). In this NMT state only
NMT messages are performed and
under certain conditions error control
messages are transmitted.

stuff-bit Whenever a CAN transmitter detects

5 consecutive bits of identical value
in the bit stream, it automatically
inserts a complementary stuff-bit.
The CAN receiver excludes the stuff-
bits automatically, so that the original
message to be transmitted is the very
same as the received message. It is
used for automatic re-synchronization in
the CAN module’s bit timing circuitry.

stuff count In CAN FD frames, the stuff count is at

the beginning of the CRC field. It consists
of the stuff-bit count modulo 8 in a three-
bit Gray code followed by a parity bit.

stuff error A stuff error is detected at the bit time of

the sixth consecutive equal bit level in
SOF, arbitration, control and data fields,
as well as in the CRC sequence.

sub-index 8-bit sub-address to access the sub-

objects of arrays and records in a
CANopen object dictionary.

- 71 -
substitute This bit is transmitted only in CEFF and in
remote request FEFF after ID-bit 18, at the position of the
(SRR) RTR bit in CBFF or of the RRS bit in FBFF.
The SRR is transmitted recessively, but
receivers accept recessive and dominant
SRR bits.

suspend CAN controllers in error passive mode

transmission have to wait additional 8 bit times before
the next data or remote frame (only in
Classical CAN) may be transmitted.

SWC See single-wire CAN.

SYNC counter The optional parameter SYNC counter is

used in CANopen networks to define an
explicit relationship between the current
SYNC cycle and PDO transmission.

SYNC The CAN data frame containing one part

data frame of the current value of a time-base as
defined in CiA 603 (in development).

SYNC Dedicated CANopen message (see

message CiA 301) forcing the receiving nodes
to sample the inputs mapped into
synchronous TPDOs. Receiving this
message causes the node to set the
outputs to values received in the previous
synchronous RPDO.

sync segment Part of the bit time used to synchronize

(Sync_Seg) various nodes on the bus. An edge is
expected within this segment.

system clock Time base to coordinate the state

machines in CAN implementations.

system Application parameter that represents

variable undefined shared process data of field
devices with multiple CANopen devices.

- 72 -

TEC See transmit error counter.

termination In CAN high-speed networks with bus line

resistor topology, both ends are terminated with
resistors (120 Ω) in order to suppress

thick cable The thick cable is specified in the physical

layer definitions of the DeviceNet
specification. This cable is used for
networks longer than 100 m.

thin cable The thin cable is specified in the phys-

ical layer definitions of the DeviceNet
specification. This cable is used for drop
lines and networks shorter than 100 m.

time message Standardized message in CANopen

(TIME) containing the time as a 6-byte value
given in ms after midnight and days after
1st January 1984.

time quanta Atomic time unit in a CAN network.

time stamp Some CAN controllers provide the

possibility of assigning time information
to each received message. For TTCAN
level 2 it is also required that the
transmitting node captures the time and
includes the time stamp in the data field
of the very same frame.

time-triggered Time-triggered messages are transmitted

in pre-defined time slots. This requires
a global time-synchronization and the
avoidance of automatic retransmission
of faulty messages. Time-triggered
communication for CAN is standardized
in ISO 11898-4 (TTCAN).

TOC See type of services.

- 73 -
topology Physical connection structure of the
network (e.g. line, ring, star, and tree

TPDO See transmit PDO.

transmitter Delay from the CAN FD controller’s

delay (TD) transmit flip-flop (FF) to its receive flip-
flop. When the CAN FD controller sends
a bit, this bit appears at the CAN FD
controller’s receive pin after TD. TD
includes the micro-controller internal
delay, the transceiver delay and the
delay on the ECU. This term is defined
in ISO 11898-1. In CiA 601-1 the term
transmitting node delay has the same
transmitter At bit-rates higher than 1 Mbit/s in the
delay data phase of CAN FD frames the
compensation transmitting node has to compensate the
(TDC TD when comparing its transmitted bits
to the delayed received bits.
TDC mechanism defines a secondary
sample point SSP. When it is used, the
transmitter ignores bit errors detected
at the (first) sample point. The received
bit value is compared at the SSP, with
the (delayed) transmitted bit value. If
a bit error is detected at the SSP, the
transmitter reacts to this bit error at the
subsequent following sample point. Bit
error detection is disabled for those bits
at the end of the data phase where the
SSPs of the bits would be in the following
arbitration phase.
This term is defined in ISO 11898-1. In
CiA 601-1 the term transmitting node
delay compensation is used to avoid
misinterpretations as the transceivers
discussed there have a transmitter part.

transmitting See transmitter delay.

node delay

- 74 -
transmitting See transmitter delay compensation.
node delay

transmission Local memory in the CAN controller,

buffer(s) where the message to be transmitted is

transmission Internal event in the CAN controller to

request transmit a message.

transmission In TTCAN level 2 it is required to capture

time capture the time when the SOF bit of the reference
message has been transmitted.

transmission CANopen object defining the scheduling

type of a CANopen communication object
such as e.g. PDO.

transmit error CAN controller internal counter for

counter (TEC) transmission errors. The TEC value is
readable in some controllers.

transmit PDO A process data object that is transmitted

(TPDO) by a CANopen device.

transmitter A node from which a data or remote

frame (only in Classical CAN) originates.
This node remains transmitter until the
bus is idle again or until the node loses

tree topology Network topology with a trunk line

and branch lines. The not terminated
branches may cause reflections, which
shall not exceed a critical value.

TSEG1 This value includes the propagation

segment as well as the Phase_Seg 1 of
a bit time.

TSEG2 This value is the same as the Phase_Seg

2 of a bit time.

- 75 -
TTCAN Higher-layer protocol defining time-
protocol triggered communication in CAN-based
networks. The CAN controllers have to
be capable of switching-off automatic
retransmission of faulty messages and
may be able to capture a 16-bit timer
value at SOF transmission in order
to transmit the timer value in the very
same message. It is standardized in
ISO 11898-4.

type of As defined in CiA 602-2, the 3-bit TOC

services field of a C-PDU indicates whether it is
(TOC) a J1939 mapping C-PDU or a padding

- 76 -

universal The USDO communication services

service data introduced in CiA 301 v. 5.0.0 are
object (USDO intended for configuration and diagnostic
tasks in CANopen FD systems. It offers
confirmed communication between one
USDO client and one or several USDO
servers. The services provide read and
write access to one or several sub-
indices in the USDO servers’ object
dictionary. Transfer of any data size is
possible. The inherent routing capability
enables data transfer between different
CANopen networks.

USDO See universal service data object.

value definition Detailed description of the value range of

a variable in CANopen profiles.

value range Object attribute in CANopen defining the

allowed values supported by this object.

wake-up This procedure is used to wake-up CAN
procedure transceiver or CAN module that are in
sleep mode.

- 77 -

Editors: Olga Fischer

Oskar Kaplun
Thilo Schumann
Yao Yao
Holger Zeltwanger
Reiner Zitzmann

Publisher: CAN in Automation e. V.

Kontumazgarten 3
DE-90429 Nuremberg

Phone +49-911-928819-0
Fax +49-911-928819-79

9th edition: 2016

Copies: 1 000

Copyright: © CAN in Automation e. V.

Printed in Germany

CiA®, CANopen® and CANopen FD® are

registered EU trademarks of CiA e. V.

- 78 -
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