MDP Projectreporttemplate Montgomery DR
MDP Projectreporttemplate Montgomery DR
MDP Projectreporttemplate Montgomery DR
Learner Analysis
The learning objective of the Web Quest is to come out of it with a student-centered
presentation for the class. Engaged learning though multimedia design is the
standard I was trying to achieve. Standard 19 of the GSE for World History covered
in its entirety. This Web Quest designed for usage amongst all my student groups
and levels of knowledge. Students have two products they come away with when
finished. Both of these projects score with rubrics, they leave a differentiated
component that students can choose.
Context Analysis
The grouped learners will consist of students from West Hall High School. I have
diverse learning group and included the demographics from 2016. We have a high
level that come from low SES backgrounds as well. Students have chrome books
in my classroom to complete all the tasks involved. Accommodations made easily
with multiple assignments. I feel comfortable using technology in the classroom
and having students use it also. The following PSC and ISTE Standards are covered.
PSC 2.6
PSC 2.1, 2.5, 2.6, 3.4, 4.3
PSC 2.1, 2.3, 2.6, 3.6, 4.2, 4.3
PSC 3.3, 3.5, 6.1
PSC 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 4.1, 6.3
PSC 2.6, 2.7
ISTE 2a, 2e, 2f, 3d, 5c
ISTE 2a, 2c, 2f, 3f, 5b, 5c
ISTE 3c, 3e, 6a, 6b
ISTE 3a, 3b, 3e, 3g, 5a
2f, 2g
West Hall High School Demographics
White, non-Hispanic
Black, non-Hispanic
Pacific Islander
Task Analysis
The overarching theme of the web quest is an overview of the entirety of the war
with emphasis on the European front. How did World War II involve so many
countries, people, and territory? How was the Atlantic vital to the U.S.
involvement? How did the war shift to the Allies favor? There are many more but
those three cover the standards the best and encompass multiple strands.
Student’s reflections will show if they enjoyed the project or got anything out of it.
I used the ADDIE model while building the web quest. I spent a lot of time
researching other people’s project. It is not easy to transition into something that I
have not done in a long time. I tried to be as authentic as possible, which is probably
transparent, but it is my own. I was stuck in spots with technology I was able to
work out. I tried to keep the knowledge in small increments with availability of
enrichment or extra credit. It is endless the amount of resources you could use for
the class.
Everything I used in the project primarily came from something I had already had
or lists on the document itslef. Here are the few that I have drawn from:
Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2016). Integrating educational technology into
teaching. Boston:
Pearson/Allyn and Bacon Publishers.
Jay Winter, Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European
Cultural History (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995).
The content differentiated by nature, but I added in enrichment and extra credit
opportunities also. I put a few twists within the project with students having a litany
of resources. Some will enhance most will look for path of least resistance. I do
not want the path of least resistance. When I teach it, I want questions raised to
enhance understanding. I can also change parameters to meet all learners. It is not
hard to change topics or design within the assignment itself. Presentations are
varied and I gave students a list to choose from giving them authentic meaningful
feedback about their education. I used multiple Universal Design elements when
creating the WebQuest. I think Flexibility in use was something I thought about
while creating. I wanted to provide choice in usage. Another Universal Design
aspect is simple and intuitive use. I did not want to make the project harder than it
needed to be. The reality is I have been teaching this material for 13 years. It is so
vast that you have to narrow the focus down, but let students be creative.
This is a group assignment with an individual component. It has YouTube videos,
windows moviemaker clips from me embedded to YouTube. I got video and narration
within my video with transitions and background music. I put headers on the web quest
and tried a litany of other things. Without an upgrade, there is an extent of things not
My timeline for completing the project was to have everything completed and submitted
by July 15, 2017. I have a football retreat for two nights and I am not a procrastinator. I
used Microsoft Word to type documents, Windows Movie Maker to make videos, and
YouTube to upload the videos to my Weebly website. I also used websites throughout the
WebQuest. I have made sure that all videos work and links work as well. I also had two of
my football players WebQuest. The Development of the project involved a lot of trial
and error on my part. I focused on skill projects instead of looking at the broader
scope of the project as the summer went along. It made it difficult to enjoy the
process of looking through resources. Using weebly for a web quest would not be
the way I would make a web quest in the future, but it definitely helped my skills.
I like to look at things and use backward design concepts to complete projects.
With logs, videos, and everything else I am not always clear what is what. One
thing I will do in my future endeavors in teaching is give students maximum time
before assigning large projects. Even if they waste the time, I will feel they had
proper time to give me their best product. I shaved different aspects of my project
as I went. Originally, I broad scoped and had to shift my focus to narrow it down.
I plan to implement this project after the summer semester; because I do not have
access to, I took this class in the summer semester so I was unable to implement the web
quest, but plan on doing so in the fall with my World History I squared class. I will have
students in pre-determined groups to cut down on time. The timeline is anywhere from 4-
6 class days. That is for total completion of all aspects. They will have three in class days
with groups and then the presentations will begin soon thereafter. Everything is tentative
to change depending on depth, class, and pacing guides. Everyone will have equitable use
of the internet. We have top notch Wi-fi and that is not an issue. Students will complete
their essays at home on google docs and share them with me in the class folder. I use
Canvas a lot but for this project I will use google to keep them knowing it is an outside
resource. I will probably tweak the Web Quest and use it amongst our three teachers that
instruct World History. We try to use each other collaboratively as much as possible.
I have not been able to see if the assignment has reached a desired outcome as of
today. I feel it will be effective especially with some tweaks during the school year.
I know the rubrics help, and I may possibly change things as the classroom evolves.
Students will have a chance to be an audience when the presentations take place
and give feedback. Self-assessment is a big piece of the assignment on the
reflective essay. I don’t necessarily want the students to take standard notes like
they would during a lecture, but more a graphic organizer to chart their ideas of
what they want to present. I feel that is beneficial to change the atmosphere and
make it student centered.
Student Learning
As stated above students will be learning the whole time through pictures, video,
analogies, and multiple websites. It is up to them to be thorough enough to create
a presentation that matches what according to rubric. I like open-ended inquiry
based learning. Students engage with that style more than the traditional method
in today’s digital age.
Product Design
I plan on having an evaluation method or using a 3-2-1 formative tool asking them
for feedback. I like doing that on any assignment I use the first time to see what
they do not know. Until administering the project, I will not know about how
effective the multimedia tools will be. I know that I have used most of them in the
past in different functions and have been effective. I would love a usability test to
give me feedback on how to check for understanding frequently, but I did not want
this to be a DOK 1 level assignment. When you are asking concrete, level questions
it becomes a race to find answer insert answer and not create. I want to create,
evaluate, and synthesize the material.
The biggest thing I learned doing this project was the benefits of using the
research-based ADDIE design methodology. ADDIE gives structure to the
process of designing something for tech usage. If I could do one thig
differently, it would be to create stopgaps within the project. Small tasks to
complete like formative checks. Not just, build to one summative check. I need
more work on enhancing video and audio to make things enticing for students.
I know the limitations going in I feel. If I had more time and was not doing so
many things, at once I could put together something that could be dynamic.
The issue with spending too much time on something is can you use it with
pacing guides and mounting criticism and pressure to follow the same
material in each class. Cookie cutter models of instruction have been effective
in some counties and others try to mimic it often if successful on tests. That
leads to a completely different assortment of problems about what are you
trying to produce. If I were to do this again, and I will I would start backwards
like I always do. I may shake up the project and narrow the focus to three or
four facets of information, but then the adaptability falls into question. The
design would be similar with more images and audio layovers. I like a clean
color scheme with similar type images. I do not like too much information
assigned if it is not feasible. My choices change by what I would like to see and
what I like to teach. I was new to this realm of creation until recently and love
it now. I really want to go with this type of project more. I have flipped
classrooms before, but effectiveness depending on population can be tricky.
There are better choices for sure. After I was half way done, I noticed that. I
would love to do something extremely original, but fear not being able to use
it if the department decides it is not in their interest. I have learned I am
capable of more than I thought. Web quest is just the tip of the iceberg for
what I have learned. The Audacity with a podcast has me excited. Many
variables we learned make me feel confident I am on the right track and right
program to learn them. For others doing something similar I would say be
patient. I got a tendency to rush into things and try to get them done with time
management and many things going on in my life. If you have, the time take
the time and really brainstorm. So many pieces of information are out there
to utilize and make engaged learning a focus.