Biology Practical Guide Teachers
Biology Practical Guide Teachers
Biology Practical Guide Teachers
Edexcel International GCSE in Economics (9-1) (4ET0)
Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Subsidiary in Biology (XBI11)
First examination June
Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level in Biology (YBI11)
First teaching September 2018
First examination from January 2019
First certification from August 2019 (International Advanced Subsidiary) and
August 2020 (International Advanced Level)
Issue 2
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Assessment of practical skills 4
Which skills will be assessed? 4
Preparing students for questions assessing practical understanding5
Sample questions 6
Using Core Practicals to Teach Skills 8
Progression 8
Planning practical lessons 8
Developing maths skills through core practicals 10
Opportunities for skills development and their assessment. 14
Teaching approaches to the Core Practicals 16
Commentary on the Core Practicals 17
Research and referencing 28
Independent thinking and practical investigations 28
Independent thinking and evaluation 28
Terminology in Practical Biology 30
Answers to student guide questions 32
Answers to core practical questions 34
This guide is designed to support you and your students through all elements of practical work in
the new International A level specification. Although it will address assessment, its focus is to
ensure that good quality practical work is at the heart of teaching and learning in Biology.
The over-arching aim of the specification is to help learners progress from being GCSE or
International GCSE students towards becoming ready for the next stage of their development,
whether that be university or the workplace. To some extent this can be through developing skills
such as non-routine problem solving and ICT literacy but also by personal skills in
communication, adaptability and self-management. In terms of practical work, the aim is for
students to become capable of thinking independently. Part of this is developing confidence in
their own competence to challenge accepted practice and ask ‘How do I know that?’, whilst
thinking about the science behind the observations. This may be exhibited by e.g. working
towards thinking independently in planning and evaluating for themselves the outcome of
practical work.
Over the course of the International A level, students will develop a range of skills in practical
work which will vary from the acquisition of specific practical techniques in a range of
experiments (such as the use of a colorimeter or biological reagents), through to the
development of some investigative techniques requiring some independent thinking (such as
consideration of sampling techniques within fieldwork).
At one level, practical work undertaken by students can be simple, perhaps focusing on
observational aspects of the subject (such as CP7, a study of plant histology), whereas other
practical experiences may be truly experimental (such as CP4, the effect of temperature, pH and
enzyme and substrate concentrations on the initial rate of reaction).
Many experimental activities will involve the collection of quantitative data and this provides
opportunities for the development of mathematical skills, which are also required as part of the
specification (see Appendix 6 of the specification).
There is a students’ guide designed to be used alongside this teacher resource. It provides
exercises to allow them to develop their skills. You will find the suggested answers to these
exercises included in this teachers’ guide.
Assessment of practical skills
Which skills will be assessed?
The International A level specification identifies two sets of practical skill that students should
1. one of these sets of skills has been identified as suitable for assessment through written
2. and the other set of skills should be developed by students during laboratory work but will not
be directly assessed.
Practical skills identified for assessment
Solve problems set in practical contexts
Apply scientific knowledge to practical contexts
Comment on experimental design and evaluate scientific methods
Present data in appropriate ways
Evaluate results and draw conclusions with reference to measurement uncertainties and
Identify variables, including those that must be controlled
Plot and interpret graphs
Process and analyse data using appropriate mathematical skills
Know and understand how to use a wide range of apparatus, materials and techniques
safely, appropriate to the knowledge and understanding of the specification
Plan an investigation to test a hypothesis
Practical skills to be developed through teaching and learning
Apply investigative approaches and methods to practical work
Use a range of practical equipment and materials safely and correctly
Follow written instructions
Make and record observations
Present information and data in a scientific way
Use appropriate software and tools to collect and process data
Use online and offline research skills, including websites, textbooks and other printed
scientific sources of information
Cite sources of information correctly
Use a wide range of experimental and practical instruments, equipment and techniques
appropriate to the knowledge and understanding included in the specification
The unit descriptions for Unit 3 and Unit 6 in the specification give more detail on the skills
assessed in each Unit.
Preparing students for questions assessing practical understanding
Practical skills will be assessed on IAS Unit 3 and on IA2 Unit 6.
Unit 3 will be 20% of the IAS marks and 10% of the total IAL mark. The same applies to Unit 6
(20% of IA2, 10% of the IAL). In this way, practical skills will make up 20% of the marks of the
whole IAL specification.
On each paper there will be a few marks (around 4 or 5) assigned to Assessment Objective 1
(AO1). So, of the 100 marks for Unit 3 and Unit 6 in the full IAL, up to only 10 may be on
‘knowledge’ and the remainder will address AO3 (Experimental skills in science, including analysis
and evaluation of data and methods).
By far the most effective way to prepare students for written questions on these skills is to
ensure that they have practised the skills required in the context of the core practicals. In this
way it will become obvious that time spent on practical activities helps to prepare students for a
substantial part of the examination. This needs to be taken into consideration when allocating
time for practical work within your scheme of work.
There are many suitable examples in the papers set on earlier specifications (WBI03 and WBI06)
that could be used with students during their preparation for this type of question. Note,
however, that skills in researching and reporting a scientific report, as tested on Question 2 of
the old WBI03 papers, is no longer required in the new specifications. Questions of this type are
not likely to appear as part of the assessment of Unit 3 or Unit 6 on the new IAL. Nevertheless,
teachers should find some of the questions from these papers to be suitable for use with students
preparing for the first papers in 2019.
Sample questions
The initial rate is obtained by finding the gradient of the straight line part of the graph.
This is from 0 to 60 seconds. So the change in glycerol production is from zero AU to 26
AU i.e. 26-0 AU. This happens in 60 seconds so rate is 26/60 AU sec-1.
This is 0.43 AU sec-1.
Maths skills will frequently be tested as part of the assessment of indirect practical skills as
well. This is A.3.5 Calculate rate of change from a graph showing a linear relationship.
Likely problems here are doing the calculation but omitting the units and reading values off
the wrong section of the graph. 1/time may also be calculated (in error) as a hangover from
GCSE attempt at this type of work.
(Question taken from International A level Unit WBI03/01, January 2015)
The heating time and concentration of DCPIP were both controlled.
She should have controlled the volume DCPIP using a pipette
(i) This type of question, common on the WBI03 and WBI06 papers in the previous
specification, tests one of the “Practical skills identified for assessment” highlighted in the list
on 4: Identify variables including those that must be controlled.
The most common error is to just put down any variables, including ones that were not
controlled or even the independent variable, as here:
(ii) Another common error is to quote variables that are controlled, as here:
(Question taken from International A level Unit 6BI07/01, January 2012)
Graph plotting and interpreting skills will be relevant in the assessment of practicals.
Again, the ‘Alternative to Practical’ papers from the ‘old’ spec (WBI03 and 06) can provide very
useful practice material for these skills.
Sample Graph: Recovery time for eyestalks in giant snails after a number of stimuli
(Recommended additional practical at 8.9)
Axes: labelled with the measured quantity(ies) and the varied one (if appropriate) with units
after a / (if appropriate).
Scale: chosen to occupy a significant proportion of the graph paper and to allow plotting to be
reasonably easy and accurate. Multiples of odd numbers, except 5, should be avoided if possible.
Think about the highest and lowest values when deciding on a scale.
Markers for data points: should be a x or a +. Error bars, if shown, may be drawn on either
side of the marker which will show the mean in this case.
Lines: If a line of best fit is to be drawn it should be drawn in such a way that the number of
points on either side of it is the same if possible. The line should be drawn, not sketched. It
should not be extrapolated to go through the origin unless this makes sense.
Dot-to-dot is often appropriate in Biology where there is no knowledge of interim values and
where the x-axis may not show a continuous variable.
Anomalous results: should only be ignored when graph plotting if there is good reason to do
Scatter graphs: should be drawn if a correlation is suspected but no causal reason for it is
Continuous data: should be graphed as a line graph or a histogram, in both cases the x-axis
will show continuous data. In histograms the bars touch.
Discontinuous data: should be plotted as bar charts, with the bars not touching.
Gradient of a straight line: is calculated by dividing the change in y by the change in x. The
initial rate example above can be used to demonstrate the method.
Equation of a straight line: should be known and the idea of intercept.
Mean, median and mode and standard deviation: may need to be calculated in both the
course of practicals and in written examinations. The formula for standard deviation will be
provided in a written examination, if needed.
It is useful to know that ± 2 standard deviations encompasses 95 % of the data. It is als useful
to have the idea that if SDs do not overlap, differences between two means are likely to be due
to something other than chance.
Chi-squared, Student’s t-test and correlation coefficient: these may also need to be
calculated in the practicals and in the exam. In a written examination, the formula for each of
these will typically be given. These tests are part of the Maths requirement for Biology (Appendix
Students should be aware that chi-squared and t-test are looking for significant differences:
either between expected and observed values (chi-squared) or between means (t-test). The
correlation coefficient is a test of association.
Use of significant figures
When writing tables all figures should be quoted to the same number of significant figures. e.g.
In the results of calculations, the number of significant figures should be that of the data used in
the calculation with the least number of significant figures.
e.g. 17.8 × 4.6 = 82 (calculator gives 81.88)
When recording readings from a meter include all those displayed. e.g.
Percentage uncertainties can now be added together in the same manner as actual values.
A glossary of terms used with practical science can be found in the final section of this Guide.
A good discussion could be initiated about the reasons why a quantitative method
using a colorimeter, either a proprietary or home made one, could be used for the
starch / iodine but not the Benedict’s test.
Possible semi-quantitative colour standards could be made up, but there are many
versions online. For example, for Benedict’s reagent, there are:
There do not appear to be colour standards online for starch so it might be a
necessary to make your own.
2. Investigate the vitamin C content of food and drink.
Students should know that vitamin C is an antioxidant found in fruit and vegetables.
They should also know that antioxidants oxidise lipoproteins which are more readily
absorbed in the formation of plaques.
It is probably best presented as a technique which can then be applied to an
investigation. This could take the form of comparing amounts determined in the
experiment with those stated on product labels or looking at the effect of cooking on
vitamin C content of food.
This is an opportunity for students to plan an investigation: teachers can decide the
level of intervention required in relation to student abilities. It is likely however, that
most will need some guidance on the actual titration method.
A simple worksheet may tell students that vitamin C decolourises DCPIP. How to
actually carry out a titration and how to standardise it against known solutions is
something with which they will need help. A procedure is provided in the Pearson Lab
Book and this can be given to those who are struggling with their own method.
This investigation also provides opportunities for the development of mathematical
skills as some calculations may be required.
The teacher sheet in the Teacher Resource Pack includes sample data to either
substitute or supplement the data obtained by the students.
The most important point here is to set this practical in the correct context. Ideally,
therefore, it should be carried out in direct conjunction with work on membrane
structure and not work on transport across membranes. This is because students
frequently interpret their results in terms of increases in rates of diffusion and/or
osmosis, especially in relation to temperature effects. They then miss the point about
the effect of temperature on membrane structure.
Some very interesting discussions can be entered into here. The relationship between
temperature and rate of diffusion is a linear one, but the graph likely to be obtained in
this investigation is not linear.
It is important that students understand the location of the pigment in beetroot cells.
This is most satisfactorily achieved by looking at thin sections of the tissue through a
light microscope. There are, however, resources showing that the pigment is in the
(e.g. and page 27 of Teaching Plant
anatomy through creative laboratory exercises by R. Larry Peterson, Carol A Peterson
and Lewis H Melville, ISBN 9780660197982 or it can be viewed as a ‘Google Book’.)
The investigation is best done using a colorimeter, but if numbers of these are limited
or the school does not have them, other methods are available. The simplest way to
do this is to place solutions in identical test tubes and compare them against a white
card. This can be made quantitative by adding clear water to the more intensely
coloured of two tubes until it looks the same as the one with which it is being
compared. The height of liquid gives a measure of colour intensity. Relatively
inexpensive colorimeters are now available from many biological equipment suppliers.
The worksheet in the Lab Book is a full recipe sheet for the practical. However, in this
case students can be asked to write an hypothesis about what they think will happen
with temperature and alcohol. If this is based on the knowledge that they have been
given about the current model of membrane structure, it provides a very good
example of experiments being carried out to support hypotheses. They should be
encouraged to view their results in these terms rather than in terms of any ‘proof’ of
the model of membrane structure proposed.
This practical is one of the most demanding in the AS part of the course. It shows real
progression from simpler ideas at KS4. At that level finding out how long it takes for
something to happen is sufficient in enzyme experiments. This practical requires a
rate to be measured and this cannot simply be worked out by finding the reciprocal of
the time taken. 1/t is not a measure of rate. Furthermore, at this level, it must be
appreciated that the rate of an enzyme catalysed reaction changes as time goes by.
The practical therefore requires an investigation of the initial rate. Students will find
this challenging. The best way to do it is to follow the time course of the reaction, best
done with a colorimeter (see core practical 3 for suggestions about colorimetry).
The context here is the reduction in digestive enzymes reaching the duodenum from
the pancreas in individuals where the pancreatic duct is blocked due to thick mucus.
Carrying the experiment out with a protease enzyme can reinforce this link, although
other possibilities of course exist. Proteases will make a cloudy suspension of, for
example, casein (found in dried milk powder) go clear. This can be followed quite
simply in a colorimeter as mentioned above. Absorbance is measured and would be
expected to decrease with time. When the time course has been followed for a few
minutes a graph can be plotted of absorbance value against time. This graph will not
be a straight line, as the rate of the reaction changes over time. The next step
therefore is to get the initial rate from the straight-line part of the graph. This
procedure will need to be repeated for a range of temperatures, pHs and enzyme and
substrate concentrations. For example, if five enzyme concentrations were
investigated, five time course graphs would be plotted. These will give initial rates
which can then be plotted against enzyme concentration.
5. (i) use a light microscope to make observations and labelled drawings of
suitable animal cells.
(ii) use a graticule with a microscope to make measurements and understand
the concept of scale.
6. Prepare and stain a root tip squash to observe the stages of mitosis.
Students find this practical very rewarding if dividing cells are seen. The key, then, is
to try to maximise the likelihood of this. Root tips between 2-5 days old yield the best
results and midday is the best time to take the sample. If this does not fit with the
timing of the practical, tips can be cut and fixed in ethanoic alcohol, ready for later
use. To ensure uptake of stain, it is important not to rush this stage. If a few hours
are left between application of stain and squashing, there will be better uptake of
A webcam placed over a microscope can be used to show the class what they are
looking for. This will also allow image capture which can alternatively be done with a
mobile phone or digital camera. This can save a lot of time when students are first
looking at their preparations. As always, it is worth having a ‘one a prepared earlier’
fall back if the practical fails.
Students should be encouraged to make drawings of what they observe and to include
as many mitotic stages as possible. Sharing of preparations, or supplementing with pre-
prepared slides should allow students to make drawings of all stages.
7. Use a light microscope to:
(i) make observations, draw and label plan diagrams of transverse sections
of roots, stems and leaves
(ii) make observations, draw and label cells of plant tissues
(iii) identify sclerenchyma fibres, phloem, sieve tubes and xylem vessels and
their location.
By far the most satisfactory way to conduct this work is to get students to cut and
stain their own sections. Alternatives are to have pre-cut sections (‘in-house’ or from
a supplier) which can then be stained by students, or simply permanent slides of
relevant stems. Another possibility is to use photographs, many of which are available
Sunflower stem is one of the best to use. Plants can easily be grown from seed or
preserved stems can be bought
To stain for lignin, acidified phloroglucinol is recommended (recipe and safety notes
are available through CLEAPSS Sections can be cut with a
single-edged razor blade or a dedicated botanical razor
If prepared slides are used it is vital that students are made aware of the stains used
and what colour they will cause the various tissues and cells to appear.
Students will need help with making appropriate drawing of their sections, however
acquired. There is some guidance in “Techniques and Assessment in Biology by John
Adds, Erica Larkcom, Ruth Miller and Robin Sutton”, which can be found on Amazon
(it is currently out of print).
Some examples
The format of a tissue plan (vascular bundle t.s.)
The format of a cell drawing (xylem vessels t.s.)
● Try setting some challenges. In a drawing of a xylem vessel is the proportion of
cell wall thickness to lumen size about right? Can this be measured and then
checked against the drawing? Is the detail of where cells join right showing a
middle lamella or does it just merge two cell walls into one?
● Practical exercise in calculating actual size, manipulating formula and use of
standard form.
8. Determine the tensile strength of plant fibres practically.
As with a majority of the CPs, this one is justified in terms of the context in which it is
set, using plant fibres as a substitute for plastics and sustainability. Fibres can
extracted by a process called water retting from such plants as nettle. Another useful
plant is New Zealand flax, Phormium spp. In this case the fibres are easily extracted
from the long strap like leaves by scraping away the surface tissue. Even more readily
available is celery, from which fibres can also be easily pulled.
Again, the focus here is on experimental design. It is likely that it will have been
addressed multiple times earlier but if not, this would be a good place to discuss error
types, or to reinforce discussions from before.
9. Investigate the antimicrobial properties of plants, include aseptic
techniques for the safe handling of bacteria.
Again, the practical is a natural adjunct to the work being done in other lessons about
uses of plants, this time for medicinal drugs. This is a very important introduction to
the use of aseptic technique, something which will be used at A level and beyond for
those taking the subject further.
This might be a good opportunity, especially for the more ‘ambitious’, to consider the
shortcomings of the disc diffusion method used in terms of diffusion and mo0lceualr
size, plus other facts, which might affect diffusion rates. It is also worth discussing
the various options for measuring the clear zone area, especially in the light of
irregular shapes (not circles) if these arise.
The standard method described in most worksheets involves counting bubbles coming
from water plants (pondweed) or collecting the gas and measuring its volume.
Teachers will need to explore the best pondweed in their area for this purpose. In the
EU the most widely used species (Cabomba caroliniana) is banned, as it is an invasive
in EU countries. Science and Plants for Schools (SAPS) lists alternatives but this a UK
based list and may not be appropriate where you are.
If it is felt that pondweed is not the best option, the technique developed by SAPS
may be worth considering
11. Carry out a study on the ecology of a habitat, such as using quadrats and
transects to determine distribution and abundance of organisms, and
measuring abiotic appropriate to the habitat.
This core practical is clearly best done on a field trip, if that is feasible.
There is clearly scope within this CP for a number of possibilities. It is probably best to
use a combination of transects and quadrats to do a belt transect. Then, abiotic
factors can be measured along the line of the transect and correlational questions can
then be asked. Rocky shore, sand dune or salt marsh systems, perpendicular to a
footpath through vegetation and woodland to meadow/open areas are all good places
to do such work. Indeed, anywhere where there is an environmental gradient will
suffice for this CP.
Within a stream, kick sampling can be used in conjunction with a quadrat. Here,
comparisons could be made across the stream, but comparing one area of the stream
with another may be a better option. The fauna of a stream under trees compared
with that out in the open can yield some interesting results, links with allocthonous
and autocthonous food sources being worth discussion.
The range of potential abiotic factors is, of course, huge but questions will be set in a
way such as to allow students to discuss those they have measured in the correct
context. It is worth remembering that it is not only going to be about the piece of
equipment used but also how it is used, calibration and, very crucially, exactly where
readings are taken. Opportunities for linking probes measuring such things as
temperature, light intensity etc. to a data logger abound here.
If a transect is carried out on a sand dune or salt marsh system then succession can
be explored at the same time. Having said this, experience shows that students can
get very muddled about succession where there is an environmental gradient and end
up thinking all such situations are successional. On balance, a better way to study
successional change is via sites of different age, such as a quarry or mine waste tips.
This allows a very good contrast to be made of random sampling using quadrats
(where they are laid down at randomly selected sets of co-ordinates in a grid) with
systematic (where the quadrats are laid down along a transect line).
Alternatives are given here but experience suggests that in practice brine shrimp
hatch rate is the better one to do, as long as the ‘eggs’ can be sourced. The ‘eggs’ (in
reality cysts) are usually easily and cheaply obtained, and are not difficult to handle.
As suggested above, it is a good idea to link this experiment, looking at the effect of
temperature on whole organisms, with that on effect on enzymes (CP4) and
respiration rates (CP 16).
13. Investigate the rate of growth of microorganisms in a liquid culture,
taking into account the safe and ethical use of organisms.
Any of the methods described in specification statement 6.2 can be used according to
resources, but advantages and drawbacks of the chosen method need to be discussed
- particularly the problems of distinguishing live and dead cells. It is also useful here
to discuss the difficult problems involved in measuring 'growth'.
Depending upon your confidence in obtaining sufficient data, it is very useful here to
have some sample data available for students to be able to gain maximum benefit
from this investigation. It is the main example of the use of logarithmic functions and
growth constants.
Plotting raw data on log graph paper is a good way to illustrate the principle of using
logarithmic functions as exponential growth is converted into a straight line by the
By the same argument some data can be used by students to calculate exponential
growth rate constants.
14. Investigate the effect of different antibiotics on bacteria.
This exercise can use very similar techniques to those already encountered in CP9. It
is, therefore, a good opportunity to rehearse the very important techniques learned
15. Use an artificial hydrogen carrier (redox indicator) to investigate
respiration in yeast.
This practical uses a very familiar piece of equipment, a version of which learners are
likely to have met at (International) GCSE. At that level though, the respirometer is
likely to have been a ‘simple’ one and used without significant comment on any
problems with the device. In this investigation, although a simple respirometer may
still be used, the opportunity should be taken to discuss its shortcomings, and how
they may be overcome.
A sequence of progressive improvement in the equipment can be traced. The very
simplest device having this basic design:
The issues with this are the lack of any system to reset the liquid drop, so no
possibility of easily repeating the investigation. There is also no control or method of
controlling temperature.
The apparatus used by most schools for A level would be something like this:
With its syringe and three-way tap, this design allows the return of the coloured
liquid, so replicate measurements can be carried out. However, there is still no
control, nor is any way shown of actually controlling the most important of the
variables in this experiment, temperature.
A discussion could now ensue about a good control, the most obvious being another
set up like this with no ‘small organisms’ but some substitute, such as glass beads, or
equal volume. This is necessary as the whole method relies on volume/pressure
Temperature can be kept constant by immersing the test tube in a water bath, ideally
one that is thermostatically controlled.
The most sophisticated respirometer likely to be met in a school is the device below.
This sometimes referred to as a Dixon–Barcroft apparatus. The left-hand tube is a
compensating thermo-barometer, obviating the need for a control, as any changes in
volume will be offset on both sides. The two tubes can easily be placed in water bath,
An obvious extension of this CP would be to investigate the effect of temperature on
respiration rate. The possibility then exists for links as suggested above under CP 12.
A key point to bear in mind here is that there is no requirement to actually use a
spirometer; it is interpretation of traces that is required.
Having said that, the basics of the equipment are worth knowing about.
This practical is very much a series of data interpretation exercises, and as such, very
useful for some the maths skills. Suitable traces should be available from a number of
sources but two are included here for convenience.
All the parameters listed in the CP can be worked out from these traces.
Uncertainty The interval within which the true value can be considered
to lie with a given level of confidence or probability – any
measurement will have some uncertainty about the result,
this will come from variation in the data obtained and be
subject to systematic or random effects. This can be
estimated by considering the instruments and the method
and will usually be expressed as a range such as 20°C ±
2°C. The confidence will be qualitative and based on the
goodness of fit of the line of best fit and the size of the
percentage uncertainty.
Error The difference between the measurement result and the
true value if a true value is thought to exist. This is not a
mistake in the measurement. The error can be due to both
systematic and random effects and an error of unknown size
is a source of uncertainty.
Resolution The smallest measuring interval and the source of
uncertainty in a single reading.
Significant figures (SF) The number of SF used depends on the resolution of the
measuring instruments and should usually be the same as
given in the instrument with the fewest SF in its reading.
This is a selection of terms from the list in The Language of Measurement published by ASE
(ISBN 9780863574245).
Q3 (a) (i) This is simply to get students thinking about graphical formats more carefully. The
graph shown is meaningless because it has no clear labelling of the axes.
These are not paired samples so there is no scientific reason why a random sample called no.1
from the sheltered shore should be plotted alongside no.1 from the exposed shore.
If we plotted another set of data from random samples of the same two shores we would get a
completely different pattern of coloured spikes therefore it does not show any general pattern or
trend for analysis.
(ii) The sketch below shows two different formats for these data. Both are correct. The simple
bar chart of means gives us a basic illustration of one important feature of these two populations.
However by dividing the data into size classes we are able to present a much clearer picture of
the actual distribution of these data and in doing so we are able to see more interesting trends
and patterns.
fluctuations in temperature. There will be much more control over fibre width (measurable with
Vernier callipers). Also, it should be feasible to standardise pre-treatment.
Q12 Likely suggestions are:
use of sterile agar and Petri dishes, to stop the growth of unwanted species which might be
pathogenic to humans and / or affect the results.
use of flamed equipment (loops and the mouths of test tubes which contain the broth for
example). This has the same purpose.
Q13 (a) Tissue Respiration
(b) Changes in temperature will cause large changes in the volume of gas produced making it
difficult compare.
The effect of temperature on photosynthesis and respiration are not the same. Therefore
more/less of the oxygen produced during photosynthesis will be used up e.g. photosynthesis and
respiration have different temperature optima and the light independent phase of photosynthesis
is much more temperature sensitive than the light dependent phase.
(c) An action spectrum is a graph of the rate of a reaction at different wavelengths of light.
(d) An absorption spectrum is a graph of the amount of light absorbed of a compound at
different wavelengths.
(e) This is not a valid conclusion.
This may well support the idea that chlorophyll pigments absorb light which is used for
photosynthesis but it does not 'prove' it.
Because this is a correlation only and there may be secondary links which would give this result.
There is no evidence in the investigation about carbohydrate so this cannot be supported.
There is plenty of evidence elsewhere that oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis but not in
this investigation.
Q14 (a) TWO methods of:
● simply count presence or absence of the organism in each of the 100 squares and use the
count as a % cover.
● use the grid to estimate % cover by counting squares but only count a square when it is
more than half covered by the organism.
● use the intersections of each square and record the presence or absence of the organism at
each point where these cross.
(b) It is useful to compare simple visual estimates of a number of students to show just how
varied these can be.
In A at least one part of a leaf appears in 56 squares. In A about 22 squares have more than half
of the area covered. Note this will be variable and a good point for discussion as it is difficult to
judge 'half covered' when there are different leaves and branches.
Which is better? Obviously this is just a subjective judgement but 56% is a very high estimate
compared to how much sand is visible. A first impression without counts might put this lower but
is unlikely to be lower than 22%.
Is it better to count the number of squares containing any of the plant, even though this might
be an over-estimate it is the most consistent method for comparison? (a systematic error?)
So estimating % cover is highly variable and not easy and in any case is % cover a good idea?
How many individual plants might there be? Is this a better measure?
Overall the idea here is to get students to think about the methods and to realise that there can
be large errors which are not easy to eliminate.
(c) (i) A difficult exercise for those without rocky shore experience but a good one for testing
observation. It would be reasonable to expect 4 or 5 for this.