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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 33 2007

Evaluation of Torsional Efforts on Thermal

Machines Shaft with Gas Turbine resulting of
Automatic Reclosing

Alvaro J. P. Ramos, Wellington S. Mota, Yendys S. Dantas

damages in shaft of machines and its mechanical couplings.

Abstract— This paper analyses the torsional efforts in gas The most known case in literature had been the shaft damages
turbine-generator shafts caused by high speed automatic reclosing of occurred in Mohave in U.S.A. in 1970 and 1971 where shaft
transmission lines. This issue is especially important for cases of demage of the set generator-turbine had resulted in fatigue of
three phase short circuit and unsuccessful reclosure of lines in the
the steel submitted to repetitive efforts in the presence of the
vicinity of the thermal plant. The analysis was carried out for the
thermal plant TERMOPERNAMBUCO located on Northeast region phenomenon that is known as “subsynchronous resonance”
of Brazil. It is shown that stress level caused by lines unsuccessful [2]. The occurrence of the subsynchronous resonance is
reclosing can be several times higher than terminal three-phase short associated, in the majority of the cases, the series
circuit. Simulations were carried out with detailed shaft torsional compensation presence in the electrical system. The
model provided by machine manufacturer and with the “Alternative occurrence of these events of subsynchronous resonance
Transient Program – ATP” program [1]. Unsuccessful three phase
excited the necessity of studying with bigger depth the
reclosing for selected lines in the area closed to the plant indicated
most critical cases. Also, reclosing first the terminal next to the gas interactions between the phenomena, until then seen as
turbine gererator will lead also to the most critical condition. inherent to the electric net, with nature phenomena strict
Considering that the values of transient torques are very sensible to mechanics of turbogenerator shaft. For consequence, it
the instant of reclosing, simulation of unsuccessful reclosing with appeared a great interest in analyzing certain transient of the
statistics ATP switch were carried out for determination of most electric network resultant of network reclosing without the
critical transient torques for each section of the generator turbine
presence of the resonance phenomenon subsíncrona. Later it
was verified that the torsionais efforts appeared in gas the
Keywords—Torsional Efforts, Thermal Machine, Gas thermal machines shaft due to reclosing operations, in
Turbine, Automatic Reclosing. particular automatic and fast reclosing of lines can reach high
values superior to those established by norm ANSI for short
I. INTRODUCTION circuit in the machine terminals [3] which consist in the main
reference for machines projects.
T HE analysis of torsional efforts in shafts of gas turbines
resultant of disturbances in the electric network was and
still has been object of concerns and studies in U.S.A. and
Europe have much time considering the tradition of the A. Electric System
generating park of these regions with strong participation of The Termopernambuco Power Plant is connected to the
thermal energy. The motivation of the analysis of these substation Pirapama through two 230 kV transmission lines.
problems appeared of the occurrence of torsional oscillations Pirapama substation that is part of a regional system supplied
that had caused high transient torques that had resulted in from hydro plants through long 500kV and 230 kV
transmission lines. A simplified one-line diagram covering the
Manuscript received May 08, 2007. This work was supported by the vicinity of Termopernambuco is shown in Figure 1. The main
Termopernambuco through the P&D Evaluation of torsional efforts and its concern of this paper is the evaluation of the impact of fast
cumulative effect on thermal machines shaft with gas turbine, resulting from tripolar reclosing of lines in the area of Termopernambuco
automatic reclosing.
W. S. Mota is with the Electrical Engineering Department of the Campina machines.
Grande Federal University, Paraiba Brazil.(wsmota@ieee.org).
A. J. P. Ramos is part time professor with University of Pernambuco and a B. Power Plant
consultant of ANDESA (alvaro@andesa.com.br). The Termopernanbuco power plant is comprised of two
Y. S. Dantas is a consultant of ANDESA (sydney@andesa.com.br).
211.7MVA gas generator, and one 284.7MVA steam turbine.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 33 2007


UTE PE G1 18kV






ST 230 kV
69 kV

Fig. 1. Simplified one line diagram of the electric system in the vicinity of Termopernambuco.




M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18


Fig. 2. Model of 18 masses for the set shaft gas generator-turbine for the units G1 and G2.

The manufacturer provided the data required for STEADY-STATE FAULT DEAD-TIME FAULT

synchronous machine model 59 of ATP program [1] as well tF tCF1 tR tCF2

the shaft torsional model as is shown in Figure 2. This is a
(tF) → fault application (tCF1) → first fault clearance
detailed eighteen masses model expected to be capable of (tR) → reclosing (tCF2) → final fault clearance
representing the most significant machine torsional modes. It
Fig. 3. Definition of switching times of unsuccessful reclosing.
was considered that the masses M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5
represent the elements of the turbine on which the resultant
mechanical torques of the combustion of the gas act. These TABLE I
torques had been distributed in the ratio of 4% (M1), 27% GENERATOR-TURBINES SHAFT DATA
(M2), 27% (M3), 27% (M4) and 15% (M5) of the total IIInnneeerrrtttiiiaaa SSSppprrriiinnnggg
mechanical torque. This premise was adopted since no more M
M IIIdddeeennntttiiifffiiicccaaatttiiiooonnn MMM ooom
mm eeennnttt CCC ooonnnssstttaaannnttt
detailed information was available. Table I presents the date (((111000666KKKggg***m m
22 66
m2))) (((1110006N N---m
N mm///rrraaaddd)))
1 GT (overhang) 0,000021 24,8
of shaft model used in the simulation. Damping effects were
2 GT1 (Turbine Region) 0,000111 1109,9
not considered. 3 GT2 (Turbine Region) 0,000320 1177,6
4 GT3 (Turbine Region) 0,002579 1177,6
5 GT (Marriage Flange Region) 0,000320 1296,0
C. Line Reclosing Scheme 6 GT-AFT (Compressor) 0,000111 196,8
All 230 kV and 500 kV transmission lines of the electric 7 GT1 (Compressor) 0,000119 143,5
8 GT2 (Compressor) 0,000108 171,5
system where Termopernambuco is located make use of
9 GT3 (Compressor) 0,001032 13020,2
tripolar reclosing. The “dead-time”, that is, time interval 10 GT (Foward Compressor) 0,000447 12535,8
between the first fault clearance and reclosing, is about 500ms 11 Load Coupling-GT Overhang 0,001256 11165,2
for 500kV lines and varies within the range 1 to 1.5s for the 12 Gen TE Overhang-Load Coup. 0,001392 9415,5
13 Gen - TE Spindle 0,000916 6208,0
230 kV lines. Figure 3 presents the sequence of switching for
14 Gen - TE Body END 0,000970 3818,5
unsuccessful tripolar reclosing cases here analyzed. For all 15 Gen - Body 0,003024 7285,0
cases the fault was applied (tF=0.1s) in the line terminal closer 16 Gen - CE Body End 0,002395 5933,1
to Termopernambuco. It is assumed that first zone protection 17 Gen - CE Spindle 0,000881 218,2
18 Gen - CE Overhang 0,000004
of both line terminals operates almost simultaneously in
100ms (tCF1=0.2s) tripping the faulted line.

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 33 2007

circuit in the machine terminals can be taken as reference of

As mentioned before, the dead time varies for each maximum values acceptable for the machine.
particular line, so that there is different reclosing time tR. The
second fault elimination is tCF2=tR + 0.1s. It should be C. Three phase short circuit
observed that the 2o terminal actually never close in case of Simulation of three-phase short circuit in the terminals of
unsuccessful reclosing (the fault remain on line) because the the machine G1 has been performed (200 statistical cases)
1o terminal trip again before 2o terminal attempt to close. In with the model of statistic switch available in ATP.
case of successful reclosing, the second terminal close only if Appropriate Gaussian distribution parameters for switch
some procedures realized by the second terminal protection closing time were employed according to recommendation of
are checked. These procedures are usually referred to as Brazilian Grid Code. The simulation cases that resulted in
“check of synchronism” and are usually based on voltage and maximum torque for the 10 sections of the shaft are shown in
phase angle verifications. Table III. The electromagnetic transient torque of G1 for
three-phase short circuit in the machine terminals is shown in
III. IMPACTS ON TURBINES-GENERATOR SHAFT figure 4 that indicate a 60Hz oscillation associated with a DC
component of the stator current during the fault. The transient
A. Machine Initial Condition torque in section 14 is also shown in figure 5.
The analysis considered the machine operating with rated
power. The initial operating point is presented in Table II. TABLE III
Maximum Simulation
Quantity Value Unit Torque Value
Value (pu) case
Million ( N.m)
Active Power (P) 179.9 MW
TOR1 2,308E-2 1,228 13
Reactive Power (Q) 17.0 Mvar
TOR2 1,688E-2 0,1158 13
Voltage (V) 18 kV TOR3 3,492E-1 1,280 145
Generator Electrical Torque (TQ GEN) 0.4722 Million N.m TOR4 8,624E-1 2,1587 13
TOR1 0.0188 Million N.m TOR5 9,759E-1 2,076 13
TOR2 0.14573 Million N.m TOR6 9,871E-1 2,100 13
TOR3 0.2726 Million N.m
TOR7 9,707E-1 2,06 13
TOR8 9,413E-1 2,00 13
TOR4 0.39957 Million N.m
TOR9 1,1567 2,460 145
TOR5 0.4701 Million N.m
TOR10 1,3759 2,927 145
TOR6 0.4701 Million N.m TOR11 1,9148 4,069 145
TOR7 0.4701 Million N.m TOR12 2,4044 5,1146 13
TOR8 0.4701 Million N.m TOR13 2,7195 5,7849 13
TOR9 0.4701 Million N.m TOR14 2,9612 6,299 13
TOR10 0.4701 Million N.m
TOR11 0.4701 Million N.m
TOR12 0.4701 Million N.m
TOR13 0.4701 Million N.m
TOR14 0.4701 Million N.m
B. Criteria
As indicated in the standard ANSI C50.13-1989 [3] the
generators must be capable of withstanding mechanical efforts
caused by short circuits on its terminals. It is assumed that this -2

requirement is applied not only to the generator itself, but also -3

0,080 0,124 0,168 0,212 0,256 [s] 0,300
for the entire generating turbine set. However, the probability (file cc3g1.pl4; x-var t) s1:TQ GEN
of occurrence of this event is extremely low, so that its Fig. 4 Electromagnetic torque for a three-phase short circuit in G1 terminals.
incidence is very seldom throughout the useful life of the
machine. On the other hand, three-phase faults followed by
unsuccessful reclosing in the transmission lines should have
certain probability that requires a careful investigation. In
principle, maximum torques in the cases of three-phase short

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 33 2007

7,0 transmission line Termopernambuco (UTE – PE) – Pirapama

as shown in figure 1. The maximum values of torque are
4,8 shown in Table IV. It is observed that the maximum values
occur between the corresponding sections TOR11, TOR12,
TOR13 and TOR14.

TL Termopernambuco – Pirapama 230kV
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 [s] 1,0 with reclosing in Termopernambuco 230kV
(file cc3g1.pl4; x-var t) s 1:TOR 14
factors: 1 2,125 Simulation
offsets: 0,00E+00 0,00E+00 Maximum Torque (pu)
Fig. 5. Transient Torque in the section 14 of the set generator turbine Case
TOR 1 1,18 107
TOR 2 1,14 145
D. Single phase short circuit TOR 3 1,25 145
TOR 4 1,83 182
The electromagnetic torque for a single-phase short circuit TOR 5 1,74 30
in the terminals of machine G1 is shown in figure 6. Besides TOR 6 1,75 186
the oscillatory component of 60Hz associated to DC TOR 7 1,73 186
component of the stator current, it is also observed a 120Hz TOR 8 1,68 186
component associated to negative sequence of the stator
TOR 9 2,19 79
current. Although single-phase short circuits in the terminals
TOR 10 2,45 79
of the machine can also represent impact of certain severity,
TOR 11 3,04 79
the unsuccessful single pole reclosing produce inferior
TOR 12 3,47 79
impacts when compared with tripolar ones. Thus, the single
pole reclosing is not of major concern and usually does not TOR 13 3,71 186
demand further evaluations neither result in operative TOR 14 3,93 186
. The case of maximum transient torque for the section 14 is
shown in figure 7, where an amplification of the torque at the
moment of the unsuccessful reclosing is verified.



0,08 0,10 0,12 0,14 0,16 0,18 0,20 0,22 [s] 0,24
(file cc1g1.pl4; x-var t) s1:TQ GEN -0.5

Fig. 6 Electromagnetic torque for a single-phase short circuit in G1 the -1.0

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 [s] 3.0
terminals. (f ile tpeprd14.pl4; x-v ar t) s1:TOR 14

E. Line Reclosing Fig. 7. Section 14 transient torque in (Million N.m) resulting of unsuccessful
three phase reclosing of Termopernambuco Pirapama 230kV transmission
Evaluation of torsional efforts on sections of the generating line.
shaft of the gas turbine G1 were performed for unsuccessful
three phase reclosing of 230kV lines on the
Termopernambuco vicinity. Considering that the values of IV. ALTERNATIVES OF SHAFT DUTY MITIGATION
transient torques are very sensible to the instant of reclosing,
A. General Comments
200 simulations through a statistics ATP switch has been done
for each transmission line [4-5]. This procedure is capable of The simulations of unsuccessful tripolar reclosing were
determining most severe transient torques for each section of based on machine and shaft model provided by the
the shaft of the set turbine-generator. The more significant manufacturer, detailed network representation and realistic
transient torques have been obtained for the 230kV reclosing scheme. The stress on shaft sections were evaluated

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 33 2007

for expected most severe situations. of several others short lines in the region making the remote
However, some questions of main concern still need a clear terminal electrically close to the plant. Sequential reclosing is
answer: used for the 500 kV lines (Figure 1).
a) Can machine withstand such duty without risk of
damage? D. Selective Reclosing
b) How these shaft duties contribute for material fatigue
and premature machine loss of life? The selective reclosing needs a mean of distinguishing the
c) How much detailed must be the shaft model to give type of fault and permit line reclosing only for single phase
reliable results or, in others words, how many masses and phase-to-phase faults. This needs line protection schemes
are necessary to appropriate representation of shaft capable of identifying fault type.
torsional dynamics? There is the risk that the fault initiates as phase to phase and
Machine shaft is a complex mechanical system composed become three-phase during dead time period. This may be
of several parts tied together. The evaluation of how the likely to occur in cases of fire under or close to transmission
transient torques will impact the different parts of the shaft, lines. Farmers sometimes make use of this practice to clean up
demand a strongly detailed representation of machine shaft. plantation areas.
This is certainly a task to be carried out by the manufacturer.
Besides such technical complexity, the commercial aspects
associated with machine guarantees also give rise to V. FINAL REMARKS
difficulties to the management of this problem. Three-phase reclosing of lines in the vicinity of thermal
The ANSI C50.13-1989 [2] establishes that the generator units should not be a practice without a careful analysis of
must withstand three-phase fault at its terminal. This is a machine torsional stress levels. The possibility of unsuccessful
standard for generators and it is not clear if it also covers the reclosure may lead to torsional stresses that exceed machine
complete machine including shaft parts and turbines. If it is limits. In Brazil tripolar reclosing is a normal practice but this
applicable to complete machine, the shaft duty verified due has not been a problem so far because almost generations
machine terminal three-phase fault could be used as a were hydro.
reference limit. For a three-phase fault at Termopernambuco The installation of thermal unit in Brazilian system
machine terminals, a maximum torque of 6.299pu was demands detailed analysis of machine shaft transient torques.
obtained for TOR14 (generator/gear). This would be These studies have to be carried out with appropriate
considered the limit of torque that machine withstand without modeling of electric system and machine with realist
risk of failure. parameters.
Our experience to date indicates that the machine As long as the authors are acquainted, there are no
manufacture hesitate to have a clear position about above standards or technical guidelines establishing shaft torsional
issues leading the machine owner to an uncomfortable stress levels that machine should withstand. Machine
position of assuming the risks of eventual unsuccessful manufacturer should be requested to provide this information
tripolar reclosing. On the other hand, the System Operator so that plant owner can preserve machine guarantees and
refuses to eliminate tripolar reclosing without a consistent avoid risk of damages or premature loss of life.
evaluation of machine risk.
B. Increasing Reclosing Dead-Time
[1] Alternative Transients Program Program Latin American EMTP Users
It is interest of machine owner to reduce as much as Group (CLAUE) Furnas Centrais Eletricas S.A Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL
possible the shaft stress due transmission lines reclosing.
[2] M. C. Hall and D. A. Hodges, "Experience with 500 kV sub
When the dead time is enough larger to assure that torsional synchronous resonance and resulting turbine generator shaft damage at
transient is finished, the tripolar unsuccessful reclosing Mohave generation Station," in IEEE Publication 76 CH1066-PWR.
represent only a new simple three-phase fault. Given that New York IEEE Press, 1976, pp. 22-29.
damping parameters are seldom available in torsional models,
[3] ANSI C50.13-1989, American National Standard for Rotating Electrical
it is not possible to determine adequate and safety dead time Machinery – Cylindrical-Rotor Synchronous Generators.
for line reclosing by means of simulations.
[4] C. E. J. Bowler, F. G. Brown, D. N. Walker, “Evaluation of the Effect of
C. Sequential Reclosing Power Circuit Breaker Reclosing Practices on Turbine-Generator
Shafts”, IEEE, TRANS on PAS, Vol. PAS-99, No 5, Sept/Oct. 1980.
This is means that the 10 terminal to reclosing is remote
from the power plant. Only after the “check of synchronism” [5] J. M. Undrill, L. H. Hannett, “Turbine-Generator Impact Torque in
be performed, to assure that the fault was eliminated, the plant Routine and Fault Operations”, Paper and discussions .IEEE, TRANS on
PAS, Vol. PAS-98, N0 2, March/April 1979.
end breaker (20 terminal) is allowed to close.
Unfortunately, for our present system, the effectiveness of
sequential reclosing is low for 230 kV lines due the existence

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 33 2007


Wellington Santos Mota (M’76–SM’02) was born in

João Pessoa, Brazil, 1946. He received the B.Sc. and
M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Federal
University of Paraiba (UFPB), Brazil, in 1970 and
1972, respectively. He got the Electrical Engineering
Ph.D. from Waterloo, University of Waterloo,
Canada, in 1981. He has been with the Department of
Electrical Engineering, Federal University of
Campina Grande (UFCG), where currently is a full
Professor. From 1973 to 1977 he worked at the Sao
Francisco River Hydro (CHESF) in power system planning. His research
interests include Power System Control and Stability, including wind farms.
He is a Senior Member of IEEE.

Alvaro J. P. Ramos was born in Recife, Brazil, on

1951. He graduated from the Federal University of
Pernambuco in 1973 and received the MSc degree from
Federal Engineering School of Itajubá in 1975. In 1974
he joined CHESF where he was engaged on electric
studies up to 1998. In 1998 he founded ANDESA a
consulting company that provides electric studies for
many utilities in Brazil. Since 1977 he is part time
professor at Escola Politécnica of Pernambuco
University. He is a Senior Member of IEEE.

Sydney Y. Dantas was born in Caicó, Brazil, on 1949

He received the B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from
Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB), Brazil, in 1973
and made specialization in Power System at the Federal
Engineering School of Itajubá in 1979. In 1975 he
joined CHESF where he was engaged on electric studies
up to 1995. In 1998 he founded ANDESA a consulting
company that provides electric studies for many utilities
in Brazil.


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