Morrisons AR 2017 Web StrategicReport
Morrisons AR 2017 Web StrategicReport
Morrisons AR 2017 Web StrategicReport
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Morrisons is becoming broader and stronger, aiming to be more
popular and accessible for customers. Growth is capital light,
meaningful and sustainable, built on strong free cash flow and
balance sheet foundations
Measuring the progress of Fix, Rebuild and Grow
2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/181 2014/15 2015/16 2016/171 2017/181 2014/15 2015/161 2016/17 2017/182
1 Group revenue on a 53 week basis 1 2016/17 and 2017/18 include wholesale contribution 1 2015/16 reported UPBT. UPBT before £60m one-offs was £302m
to LFL sales 2 UPBT on a 53 week basis. £369m 52 week equivalent
Free cash flow* Net debt* Total dividend
* Alternative Performance Measures as defined in the Glossary on page 127 of the Annual Report
2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Jan 15 Jan 16 Jan 17 Jan 18 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18
LFL customer transaction numbers, year-on-year change. Customer satisfaction measured at January each year, Colleague engagement index as measured in the annual
Excludes online year-on-year change ‘Your Say’ survey
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Resources and
relationships Our business
• Our skilled food makers make fresh food • Over half of the fresh food we sell, we make
Colleagues daily in our stores on Market Street for ourselves
our customers • We work with our suppliers to carefully
Over 105,000 friendly and skilled colleagues,
and a high quality management team • We make fresh food in our manufacturing source the products we don’t make ourselves
sites across the UK
491 conveniently located supermarkets
18 manufacturing sites
9 distribution centres
Increasing digital
Continued generation of significant and …and supported by our five ways of working
sustainable levels of free cash flow
1 Customers 2 Teamwork 3 Freedom in the
first framework
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
We are a wholesaler, providing products to retail partners
and wholesale customers
3. Suppliers
• Establishing lasting relationships
• We aim to make our brands more popular, accessible and increase • Working together with
volume through our existing assets simplified terms
• We leverage the strength of our brand and manufacturing See page 16 for more detail
capability to deliver good quality products at great value
• Revival of the Safeway brand for wholesale
4. Shareholders
• A strong balance sheet
• A cash generative business with
falling debt
• Sales, profit and dividend
Understanding our customers powers the Through stores, manufacturing, online and See page 17 for more detail
decisions we make. Customers trust our brand our wholesale partners, we can leverage our
and see us as competitive and locally relevant brand to achieve meaningful and sustainable
capital light growth
and social value
• Making a positive contribution
to society
See page 8 for more detail • Reducing food waste and
taking care of the environment
• Ethical trading practices
4 Develop popular 5 To simplify and 6 To make the core See page 21 for more detail
and useful services speed up the supermarkets
organisation strong again
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Chairman’s statement
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
Total dividend
Underlying basic earnings
per share (2016/17: 10.86p)
It is now three years since David and the team started the Morrisons This last point is especially important for us; our dedicated and hard-
turnaround journey. The business is in good shape. Like-for-like sales have working colleagues are the driving force behind the turnaround and, as
been positive for more than two years, the balance sheet and cash flow they continue to improve the shopping trip for customers, we are paying
are strong, and we are developing successful relationships with retail and them more in hourly wages and a higher annual bonus. Our hourly pay
wholesale partners such as Ocado, Amazon, Rontec, Timpson and, more rate for front line colleagues has increased by 27% in just three years,
recently, McColl’s and Sandpiper in the Channel Islands. and the average colleague bonus payment has more than doubled over
We were pleased with our strong performance last year, becoming more the last two years. In addition, over 1,000 of our most senior colleagues,
competitive for customers and delivering strong sales, profit and return including store managers, are benefiting from our Long Term Incentive
on capital employed (ROCE) growth in a very tough environment, despite Plan. As I said in last year’s Annual Report, the management team are
being faced with some substantial input inflation and other cost pressures. making a big difference at Morrisons, and they will be well rewarded over
the long term for consistent success, but this will be a turnaround shared
There is still a very long way to go. Morrisons has many opportunities by all the Morrisons team.
to grow and develop into a broader, stronger business.
As I noted last year, a sustainable turnaround will be accompanied by
To achieve success for the long term, the Board will give management a sustainable dividend, and I am pleased that we recently announced
headroom to execute the Fix, Rebuild and Grow strategy. We are a final ordinary dividend of 4.43p per share. As we continue to Fix,
determined not to repeat the missteps of the food retail industry in Rebuild and Grow, Morrisons will remain highly cash generative and our
recent years, where inappropriate targets sometimes contributed to commitment to capital disciplined growth will be unwavering. We intend
behaviours and strategies that were not in the best long-term interests to return surplus capital to shareholders, and are proposing a special
of stakeholders. Our targets for management are designed to prioritise dividend of 4.00p per share which, together with the ordinary, means
consistent and sustainable long-term growth over short-term profit. a 10.09p total dividend for the year, up 85.8% on last year. In future we
The Board was disappointed to receive only a low vote of support for the will continue to be guided by the principles of our capital allocation
Directors’ remuneration report at the 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM), framework, and retain a strong and flexible balance sheet. We will
and has been grateful for subsequent shareholder consultation and review options for uses of our strong free cash flow each year.
feedback. We are pleased the new remuneration policy, commencing this
Andrew Higginson
year, was well supported, and hope to now move forward with interests Chairman
and opinions aligned.
Key to aligning all those stakeholder interests will be continuing to
improve the shopping trip for customers. As I have said before, this may
seem simple but it is not easy. We are making good progress. Fresh Look
is transforming the look and feel of our stores; new and improved ranges
are bringing excitement, freshness and provenance to our offer, and; our
unique team of food makers and shopkeepers are reconnecting with
customers and serving them better.
Governance Highlights
Board composition and membership Board effectiveness External Auditor
• The Board comprises of seven independent • Consilium Board Review undertook an external review • The Audit Committee is satisfied that the Group’s
Non‑Executive Directors and two Executive Directors of Board effectiveness this year, and reported that the statutory auditor, PwC, who were appointed in 2014/15,
• There is an appropriate mixture of skills and experience Board has a well balanced set of capabilities, and that are performing effectively
on the Board, which has been further strengthened governance and compliance is strong • The Board has a policy on the engagement of the
with the appointment of Tony van Kralingen and • The Directors have all attended an appropriate number external auditor to supply non‑audit services
Kevin Havelock of Board and Committee meetings and commit
sufficient time to the Group Accountability
• There is a clear division of responsibilities between
the roles of Chairman and the Chief Executive • The Board is satisfied with the effectiveness of internal
control and that risk is being managed effectively
• All Directors stand for re-election annually at the AGM
across the Group
• Our Senior Independent Director is Rooney Anand
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
2017/18 quarterly Group LFL sales (exc. fuel) 2017/18 LFL quarterly number of transactions
Q4* Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q4* Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Definition Definition
See the Glossary on page 127 of the Annual Report LFL number of transactions, year-on-year change.
for a definition. Excludes online.
*2016/17 *2016/17
2017/18 was a year of continued progress and strong performance. This, and other ongoing work focusing on our brand at our prices,
A broader, stronger Morrisons is emerging. Capability is improving, the means we are making good progress towards our own Morrisons price
offer is more consistent and more competitive, and we are becoming list. I was especially pleased last year that, despite input cost pressure
more differentiated for all stakeholders. All three phases of our on many commodities, our good work meant the price of a basket
turnaround – Fix, Rebuild and Grow – are running concurrently of key 2017 Christmas items was the same as in 2016.
and providing meaningful and sustainable growth opportunities. We made further progress in the year with our plans for a broader,
The year was not without its challenges, most notably the inflationary stronger Morrisons.
pressures on imported food prices caused by weak sterling. However, In wholesale supply, we are open for business. We signed a major new
the team responded well, creating self-help opportunities from these agreement with McColl’s, and have started a rolling programme to supply
challenges, and further improving Morrisons offer for customers. all McColl’s stores nationwide with both Safeway products and national
We continued to listen and learn from customers and colleagues. brands. In addition, we recently announced we will be supplying around
We again improved all aspects of the shopping trip, served customers 40 Sandpiper stores in the Channel Islands, many of which will convert
better, and became more competitive. to Morrisons Daily. We are on track for our target of £700m of annualised
Our core supermarkets are showing strong annual growth on growth wholesale supply sales by the end of 2018.
as we enter a fourth year of turnaround. Two year like-for-like (LFL) For online, we are adding extra capacity to through new
was in the 4%-5% range for most of the year, and accelerated to above store-pick capability in areas outside of those covered by the Dordon
6% during the important Christmas and New Year period. customer fulfilment centre (CFC), for example in North East England.
Growth was driven by more customers and more volume. Put simply, We are also growing as Amazon grows its food offer, and are now
more and more customers found more things they wanted to buy at supplying 40 Rontec-owned Morrisons Daily stores on its forecourts.
Morrisons. New and improved ranges in areas such as Home & Leisure Despite this strong progress, our approach remains restless and relentless.
and ‘Eat Smart’, and more innovation meaning multi-year growth in
‘Best’, ‘Free From’ and ‘Nutmeg’. For example, in its second Christmas, Our colleagues have many ideas of how we can keep improving for years
our premium ‘Best’ range grew sales by 25%. to come. For example, capability in technology and data is improving, but
we still have substantial opportunities – in automated ordering, in-store
Our Fresh Look refit programme extended to another 80 stores during administration, distribution, and procurement of goods not for resale – to
the year, and we have now completed around half of our stores. save on cost and recycle the savings back into improving the offer further.
In addition, many of the Fresh Look learnings are being applied across the
whole estate as we go. For example, the majority of our cafés, Fruit & Veg, I am pleased we made further good progress with our plan for
and Florist departments were updated with a new look and feel during £75m-£125m of incremental profit from wholesale, services, interest
the year. We are very pleased with the Fresh Look results. A modernised and online, and that debt has fallen to less than £1bn as we guided.
Morrisons is emerging, with its roots firmly in fresh food and Market We are striving to keep growing sales, profit and ROCE, and generate
Street, for which we are rightly renowned. significant levels of free cash flow, which we expect to be capital light,
meaningful and sustainable. The recent announcement proposing a
The growth on growth is not just in sales. Our turnaround is colleague-led, special dividend reflects our good progress so far and our expectations
and customers are again telling us that our service is improving and our for continued growth.
colleagues are friendly. Our customer satisfaction scores improved again,
and have now been growing for three years. This was helped by our new All of the progress – in morale, customer transactions, customer
automated ordering system which was fully operational by the end of satisfaction, sales, profits, ROCE, and cash flow – are interlinked.
the year, improving availability, reducing cost and freeing up time for our They are as a result of Morrisons colleagues listening to customers and
colleagues to serve customers better. responding to improve the shopping trip. Our people really are the key.
I would like to thank every colleague for helping make 2017/18 a success,
One of the biggest opportunities created by the inflationary pressures and know they will make every effort to keep up the pace of progress
was to improve our price position further and become more competitive into 2018/19 and beyond.
for customers. As a uniquely vertically integrated British food maker
and shopkeeper, we are ideally placed to do this, and we are working David Potts
hard to save customers every penny we can. For example, we recently Chief Executive
bought a potato processing plant in Scotland, which is enabling us to have
closer relationships with local farmers. We have also invested in industry
leading robotics and innovation which is improving product quality and
consistency, and is providing lower prices for customers. We are just
starting a similar project in our newly acquired egg packing business
in Yorkshire.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
To be more
The progress
we have made on
To serve
OUR SIX customers
We continued to listen and learn from Find local
customers and colleagues. We again solutions
improved all aspects of the shopping
trip, served customers better, and
became more competitive
David Potts, Chief Executive
popular and
useful services
Simplify and
speed up
Make core
strong again
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Case studies
We have continued
to make progress
in our turnaround.
These case studies illustrate the
progress this year in building a
broader, stronger Morrisons and
delivering against our six priorities.
1 To be more competitive
1 4
Fresh Look
Through Fresh Look we are improving our
stores each day, one by one, by resetting
and introducing new ranges, and providing
the tools and environment our team of
food makers and shopkeepers need to
deliver great customer service. It is
important we take the time to listen to
customers, both before and after, the
Fresh Look is completed, and that we
keep disruption to a minimum. So far we
have improved around half of our stores,
and will complete the rest in a phased
programme over the next few years.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
2 5 6 1 2 6
Local solutions
Customers tell us that local is important to them. They value
local products and want to support their community, so we
listened and launched a search for the next generation of
local food makers nationwide through The Nation’s Local
Foodmakers. Throughout the year, we hosted 16 different
events where we met hundreds of local farmers, growers,
fishermen and other food makers.
Local solutions enable us to tailor our offer in each store
and we take pride in working with smaller, local suppliers
to create a range that is locally relevant for our customers
and reflects our individual stores’ demographic. Locally
grown fruit and vegetables are now seasonally available
in 350 stores, and locally sourced meat is now available
in all Scottish, Welsh, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and, most
recently, South West stores.
Our Skipton store in Yorkshire features over 500 local
products across categories such as crisps, yogurts, cereals
and pies. The store has specific local point of sale, feature
bays and regular tasting sessions. We are proud that 100%
of the beef and pork on the Butchery counter in Skipton
is sourced from Yorkshire.
1 2 3 6
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Over 11m
Customer transactions per week
on average
Customers connected with
each month
Listening and responding to our customers Customers continue to rate us highly on our food maker credentials,
With over 11 million transactions per week on average, it is important recognising the skill and expertise of our in-store crafts people and
that we listen to our customers and respond quickly wherever possible. our unique Market Street offer. Customers have told us they appreciate
We continue to increase the breadth and depth of our customer listening the fact that our in-store experts make and provide more fresh food
activities across the business and more colleagues now spend more of from scratch than anyone else in Britain. The ‘Morrisons Makes It’
their time listening to customers. campaign, which showcases unique products made by our specialists,
has been well received by customers. Customers continue to associate
Improving the customer shopping trip by listening hard and responding us strongly with buying from British suppliers and working closely
quickly remains fundamental to our plan. Our colleagues are doing an with farmers and growers. We are working hard to build this national
outstanding job of serving customers better and we are listening to association at a regional and local level through The Nation’s Local
customers in more ways than ever. Every month, we connect with Foodmakers programme.
around 40,000 customers through a combination of our large online
panel of customers, our regular in-store listening programme and monthly Our brand continues to play an important role at Morrisons.
customer surveys. Understanding our customers and focusing on the things that matter
most, such as price, quality and range, help us ensure that our brand
The ‘My View’ online customer panel is an important way for customers remains relevant and attractive.
to give us immediate feedback so that we can respond quickly.
We have improved the quality of our products within both the ‘Savers’
Through this programme of listening, customers have told us that and Morrisons ranges, and removed unnecessary packaging making the
healthy eating, price, increased convenience and simplicity in stores product more visible. We have doubled the size of our ‘Best’ range to
are all becoming more important in their lives. This customer feedback over 1,000 products and we are continuing to see strong growth. We have
has helped us to make significant improvements. also extended our range of ‘Free From’ and made it easier for customers
Our customer service contact centre connected with over 1.7 million who want to buy these specific products to find them in our stores.
customers during the year by telephone, email, letter or social media. In 2017, we won over 300 awards for the quality of our own brand
Our contact centre colleagues put the customer at the heart of products, with some highlights being Own-label Range of the Year for
everything they do. ‘Best’ at the Grocer Gold Awards; Supply Chain Innovation of the Year
for our automated ordering system at the IGD Awards; Innovator of the
Improving the customer shopping trip Year at the International Wine and Spirits Competition; and Multiple Beer
As food makers and shopkeepers we are committed to improving the Retailer of the Year and Multiple Cider Retailer of the Year at the 2018
customer shopping trip. More customers than ever are highly satisfied Drinks Retailing Awards. Demonstrating the opportunity to extend our
with the service they receive in our stores, and they have told us that ‘Nutmeg’ brand beyond clothing, we also won Best Disposable Nappy
we have improved in a number of important areas. For example, for our ‘Nutmeg’ Ultra Dry Nappy at the Mumii Awards.
customers told us they continue to see improvements in reduced queues.
We also focused on improving shop floor service, and customers told us
that we have made significant improvements in staff friendliness, store
cleanliness and ease of navigation. Customers also tell us that we have
made improvements in the availability of products on our shelves.
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
Source Source
Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD) Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD)
The Morrisons More Card continues to grow in popularity. More and However, we believe these challenges can continue to bring the best
more of our customers are regularly collecting points and receiving out of Morrisons. We are listening hard to customers and colleagues,
rewards, which they can use to make savings when they shop with us. which is helping us better respond to these changes as they occur.
We are improving every day and our team of food makers and
We continue to innovate, and have recently introduced a student specific shopkeepers continue to find ways to be more competitive and
programme for the More Card which encourages students to join when serve customers better.
they start higher education.
Our vertically integrated supply chain means we are less reliant on
The More Card continues to be a very important way to listen to our imported products. As a British manufacturer sourcing home-grown
customers allowing us to better tailor our offer to meet our customers’ products wherever possible, and as British farming’s biggest single
needs. We are using what we learn about our customers in a number of supermarket customer, we are well placed to mitigate some of the
different ways and responding accordingly, from providing personalised wider economic pressures. We continue to work hard with growers,
rewards that are based around customers actual shopping behaviour, farmers and other suppliers to save customers every penny we can.
to developing our pricing strategy and making sure the range in each
individual store is relevant to the customers who shop in it. Whilst much of our continued turnaround is in our own hands, we are
aware of, and respond to, changes in customer sentiment and trends
in the market. We expect the trends towards digital shopping, more
frequent shopping and convenience to continue, and these are real
opportunities for a broader, stronger Morrisons.
Wholesale, online and popular and useful services provide opportunities
for Morrisons in these significant and growing channels, and help increase
the size of the market in which we operate. We are serving more
customers online in new areas through a new store-pick delivery service
launched with our partner Ocado. We will be extending that further
into more new areas in the coming year, as well as taking some capacity
in Ocado’s new customer fulfilment centre at Erith. New wholesale
partnerships with McColl’s and Sandpiper, together with existing partners
Amazon and Rontec, and our own Morrisons Daily stores, make Morrisons
more accessible to more customers, through new channels.
However, supermarkets continue to represent around half of the
UK grocery market and it is forecast this sub-sector will represent
the majority of the market for many years. Therefore, our focus on
the core supermarkets is a key priority in our turnaround. The Fresh
Look programme, guided by listening and incorporating local solutions,
continues to be rolled out and improvements in growing areas such
as Clothing and ‘Food to Go’ are important to strengthening the offer
in our core supermarkets.
We cannot predict the future but, as long as we continue to do what
is right for our customers, we expect to emerge from this period of
uncertainty a broader, stronger business.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Colleague Engagement Index Score
(2016/17: 76%)
Number of colleagues involved
in ‘Your Say’ forums
Listening hard and responding each store. We will be investing in more colleague roles across stores to
Listening to colleagues at all levels and across the organisation is critical serve our customers better. This will mean that we reduce the number of
to the business and its turnaround. Through our annual ‘Your Say’ survey management roles by c.1,500, whilst simultaneously creating c.1,700 more
and ongoing forums, we have listened more than ever to the views of colleague roles in stores. We will continue to look to mitigate the impact
our colleagues. as much as possible. All those impacted will be given the opportunity to
apply for alternative roles in stores or elsewhere in the business.
Three-quarters of colleagues completed the 2017 ‘Your Say’ survey.
Feedback included over 80,000 comments on how we can make Tools and training to do the job
Morrisons a better place to work and shop. For the second consecutive During the year, we introduced our ‘MyMorri’ digital platform which gives
year, our colleague engagement score increased across the business and all colleagues online access to their payslip, colleague handbook and a
overall we have achieved an engagement score of 78%, with every single dedicated news channel to keep up-to-date with all relevant company
business function in positive growth. information. We have introduced ‘My Perks’ on this platform giving
Our ‘Your Say’ forums have been up and running for over a year, and colleagues access to discounts across many high street retailers. Since
over 7,000 colleagues have been involved in identifying ways of making the launch, we have seen over 95% of our colleagues use ‘MyMorri’.
Morrisons a better place to work and shop. Our national forum saw We also introduced a new online learning management system,
colleagues from all areas of our business join members of the Executive ‘My Learning’. This provides a single platform to access relevant training
Committee to discuss and agree ways to continue to improve Morrisons. materials and an electronic employee record regarding legal training.
Fair day’s pay and colleague bonus Our ‘My Job’ programmes continue to be delivered across the business
to develop technical and leadership skills. This year we delivered
It is important that colleagues feel valued and that they share in the a programme to 2,500 colleagues.
success of the business. We listen closely to the feedback in this area
through our ‘Your Say’ survey. Positive responses to the question ‘I receive An opportunity to develop, progress and grow
a fair day’s pay for the work I do’ has increased again. We also continue To give our colleagues the opportunity to develop, progress and grow,
to invest in colleagues, with pay increasing from £8.20 per hour to £8.50 we introduced the internal ‘Pathways’ programme which give a clear,
during the year, and again to £8.70 from April 2018, for our front-line visible route to progression. We had over 500 successful applications
store colleagues. starting on the first of the team manager, senior manager and store
We have introduced an improved bonus scheme for junior managers manager programmes.
and the average colleague bonus payout in March 2017 was over We have also introduced 21 designated training stores aligned to
25% higher this year than the previous year. During the year, we also geographic regions, where we now train both technical and behavioural
introduced a new pension scheme which provides colleagues with skills consistently across the business.
a more affordable way to save, enabling them to make contributions
starting at 1% of salary, which are matched by the Group. Over 850 colleagues completed our ‘Leading with Purpose’ programme
up to December 2017. This programme, which is delivered by Leadership
Store management structures Team members, enables colleagues to understand their role in the
We have continued to listen to our colleagues and customers and review turnaround of Morrisons and in delivering our core purpose.
our structures to make sure we are in a strong position to serve our Our graduate programmes continue to increase in size with
customers better. Over the past two years, we have introduced a number 76 graduates starting their careers on one of our eight schemes. Over
of new ways of working and invested in stores by improving some of our 50 colleagues have started our new look degree apprentice programme,
technology and systems, as well as offering new products and services. and our apprenticeship programmes continue to grow with over 300
During the year, we have carried out a full review of our store structure colleagues starting an apprenticeship in areas including Butchery, Bakery,
and announced that we are proposing to introduce a new management Fishmongers, Engineering and Floristry. We held our annual in-house
structure which is simpler, with clearer management accountabilities that Mastercraft competition in November 2017 to celebrate the talent of our
establishes an improved balance of colleague and management roles in very best food makers and shopkeepers from across the business and
once again it was a huge success. For more details, see page 11.
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
Percentage of store managers
who are female (2016/17: 7%)
Colleagues who have
accessed ‘MyMorri’
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Percentage of Morrisons
branded fresh meat,
milk and eggs sourced in Britain
Strong supplier relationships informed by listening The Groceries Supply Code of Practice (GSCOP)
Our aim is to develop mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers, GSCOP applies to designated grocery retailers in the UK, adding specific
based on responsible and fair trading terms and practices in line with the regulations into the trading relationships between retailers and their
Groceries Supply Code of Practice (GSCOP). Having effective relationships suppliers. We actively engage with the relevant regulatory bodies, the
with suppliers ultimately helps us serve our customers better. We are GCA and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), to build best
pleased with the progress we have made in simplifying the way we buy practice. We meet regularly with the GCA and provide updates on our
and sell. This has helped us work with our suppliers in a transparent and activity and details on specific areas of interest to the GCA.
fair manner. We are encouraged that our progress in this area is being The 2017 GCA supplier survey reported Morrisons as the second most
recognised in our own listening surveys with suppliers and in industry improved retailer. We continue to work hard to listen and respond
surveys, including the Groceries Code Adjudicator’s (GCA) annual to our suppliers, so we can improve processes and build better,
supplier survey. stronger relationships.
During the year, we undertook our own surveys to listen to our suppliers We encourage and welcome feedback from suppliers and conduct our
and buyers to help us improve our relationships and develop long-term own regular surveys that provide valuable insight on further improvements
partnerships with our suppliers. We have been working with a number we can make to continually improve relationships. Our Code Compliance
of partner suppliers from across all categories, where there is a joint focus Officer (CCO) spoke to suppliers in every category at supplier conferences
on driving the quality of our offer. Long-term planning and collaboration throughout the year.
has allowed us to lower end-to-end costs in the supply chain and improve
our quality proposition, so we can serve our customers better. Matters raised by suppliers or the GCA have been focus areas for the
business during the year and we have worked hard to understand and
We have also simplified the way we work with suppliers throughout the address them. Key developments during the year have included:
buying process. For example, our dedicated supplier helpdesk provides
a single point of contact, and we continue to improve the speed with • Investing in improved systems, including introducing a Supplier Portal,
which we resolve queries. which is provided free of charge for all suppliers;
• Establishing a ‘Good Faith Receiving’ process for suppliers delivering
Our supply chain into our fresh warehouses; and
We continue to invest in our vertically integrated business model to • Enhancing the dedicated supplier helpdesk, which is committed
have greater control over the supply chain in order to become more to resolving supplier queries within five working days.
competitive and improve our quality position. We continue to provide training, guidance and support to all colleagues in
As food makers and shopkeepers we are the single biggest supermarket our Trading teams together with bespoke training for relevant colleagues
customer for British farmers, and we are proud to support the British in our Supply Chain and Finance teams.
economy. 100% Morrisons branded fresh meat, milk and eggs are sourced Governance in this area includes a group comprising senior Leadership Team
in Britain. We continue to have direct relationships with British farmers, members from all relevant functions. Routine updates are provided to our
which both strengthens the agricultural industry and supports rural Executive Committee and to our Corporate Compliance and Responsibility
communities. Our customers support the farming community through Committee, including developments regarding the operation of the Code.
purchasing products in the ‘For Farmers’ range (milk, cheese, butter, We formally report details of activity over the year and specific concerns
cream and bacon), where a clear element of the selling price goes back raised with our CCO to the GCA and to the CMA at the financial year end.
to farmers.
GSCOP related enquiries are dealt with in accordance with the regulations.
We also take pride in working with smaller, local suppliers to create a range Any matter not resolved directly with a buyer is escalated to the relevant
that is locally relevant for our customers and reflects the demographics Category Director and, if requested, to our CCO. During the year, our CCO
of individual stores. During the year, we launched our nationwide search received a small number of supplier enquires, none of which remained
for the next generation of local food makers through The Nation’s Local outstanding at the year end.
Foodmakers. For more details on these events, see page 11.
Contact details and further information can be found at
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
2017/18 was another strong year, where we made good progress Our focus on free cash flow continues, and we are committed to
against the key financial measures fundamental to becoming a broader, being capital disciplined – spending capital to maintain assets, reduce
stronger business. costs or improve returns. Net debt is below £1bn and we have a strong,
We are now in our third year of positive like-for-like (LFL) sales growth and strengthening balance sheet, with significant freehold property
and are pleased to have made good progress with wholesale, an important ownership and a net pension surplus. These are firm foundations on
part of Morrisons meaningful and sustainable future growth opportunity. which to rebuild and grow.
Delivering 11% underlying profit growth is a strong performance in any year, A final ordinary dividend of 4.43p per share is proposed. Reflecting
but is especially so in the context of 2017/18 where the market conditions continued adherence to the principles of our capital allocation framework,
were challenging. and our expectations for sustained future growth and strong free cash flow
We are managing the business for all our stakeholders for the long term, generation, the Board has also proposed a special dividend of 4.00p per share.
and are prioritising improved competitiveness, customer satisfaction
and colleague engagement. There were cost pressures in the year, but
we successfully absorbed these and were able to reinvest the benefits
of higher sales volumes back into improving the shopping trip for
our customers.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
1.9% 2.8% 2,340
(2.0%) 1,746
See the Glossary on page 127 of the Annual Report
for a definition.
See the Glossary on page 128 of the Annual Report
for a definition.
Operating profit was £458m (2016/17: £468m). Before the exceptional items
Revenue described below, underlying operating profit was £445m (2016/17: £432m).
Total revenue during the period was £17.3bn, up 5.8% year-on-year. Following the annual impairment and onerous contract review, a net
Revenue excluding fuel was £13.5bn, up 4.4%. 2017/18 was a 53 week credit of £6m has been recognised. In the second half of the year, as
year. On an equivalent 53 week basis, total revenue including fuel planned, we launched a new defined contribution pension scheme.
was up 3.8% and revenue excluding fuel up 2.5%. The actual cost of back-dated contributions was lower than expected,
Group LFL sales excluding fuel were up 2.8% over the year, comprising primarily due to participation rates. This resulted in a credit of £13m.
supermarket growth of 1.9%, online growth through central fulfilment Property profits were £19m in the year, and there was a charge of £25m
of 0.4% and a contribution from wholesale of 0.5%. primarily relating to restructuring. All of these items were reported
The year had some challenges, especially inflationary pressures on outside of underlying profit before tax.
imported food prices caused by weaker sterling, but we continued Underlying profit
to become more competitive for our customers. We were pleased
2017/18 2016/17
that quarter four was the ninth consecutive period of positive LFL £m £m
sales growth. Reported profit before tax 380 325
Fuel continued to trade well, and we were very competitive throughout Underlying adjustments:
the period with sales up 11% to £3.7bn. – Impairment and provision for onerous contracts (6) (6)
– Profit/loss on disposal and exit of properties and
sale of investments (19) (32)
– Costs associated with the repayment of borrowings 16 56
– Pension scheme set-up credit (13) –
– Net pension interest income (9) (8)
– Other exceptional costs 25 2
Underlying profit before tax 374 337
Underlying profit margin 2.2% 2.1%
Reported profit before tax was £380m (2016/17: £325m) including a benefit
of £5m from the 53rd week. Underlying profit before tax, which excludes
exceptional items, was £374m (2016/17: £337m).
Basic earnings per share increased to 13.30p (2016/17: 13.11p), and underlying
earnings per share increased to 12.19p (2016/17: 10.86p).
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
365 5.8% 5.6%
We understand the importance of the tax contribution we make, and
we take our responsibility towards the communities in which we operate
and towards our colleagues, customers, investors and suppliers seriously.
We have a tax management framework which ensures the needs of all of
our stakeholders are considered. The Group is committed to paying all
of its taxes in full and on time. The Group consistently ranks as one of the
largest contributors across a range of UK taxes. In 2017/18, Morrisons made
net payments of £1,114m to the UK government of which £596m was borne
by Morrisons and the remaining £518m was collected on behalf of our
colleagues, customers and suppliers.
Corporation tax payments made during the year were £74m which was
in line with the current tax charge of £73m in the income statement.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
Raised for British farmers through the
‘For Farmers’ range
Over 3m
unsold food products donated to charity
Corporate responsibility
Our corporate responsibility programme ensures we operate in a way Our focus areas this year:
that is right for our customers, colleagues, suppliers and shareholders,
Help British farmers to be competitive, profitable and sustainable
while making a positive contribution to society and taking good care
of the environment. We buy animals and whole crops direct from British farmers. By owning
our own abattoirs, manufacturing and packing facilities, we can utilise
This section showcases some of the highlights during the year as well
the whole animal and all of the crop, meaning farmers get a fair price
as our future plans.
and we can reduce waste.
• During the year, we reinforced our commitment to British products
This report should be read in conjunction with our annual Corporate by announcing our intention to sell only 100% fresh British Morrisons
Responsibility Report which can be found at branded meat.
www.morrisons‑ • Our ‘Milk for Farmers’ range comes from a dedicated pool of British
The Corporate Responsibility Report details the disclosure farmers, who produce to a higher welfare standard. The extra 10p per
requirements for the new Non‑Financial Reporting requirements litre paid by customers is shared among all the farmers in the Morrisons
of the Companies Act 2006. These include: dairy group. Since the ‘For Farmers’ range launched, we have raised over
• environmental – information on the actual and potential impacts £9m for farmers.
of our operations on the environment, and on how current and Ensure the authenticity, provenance and safety of our products
foreseeable environmental matters may affect our development,
performance or position; The high standards we set for our own brand suppliers, manufacturing
sites and stores ensure that we provide safe and legal products that
• social and employee matters – information including diversity issues,
meet the demands of our customers.
employment issues, health and safety in the workplace, consumer
relations, impacts on vulnerable consumers, responsible marketing • We have been working hard with our suppliers to reduce campylobacter
and community relations; levels in fresh Morrisons branded chicken and we have developed an
• respect for human rights – what we expect from our management, independent monitoring programme.
colleagues and business partners in relation to human rights, • Our‘CultureofExcellence’ programme ran for the second year
including core labour standards; and in our manufacturing business. This programme continues to p lay
• anti-bribery and corruption – how we manage anti‑bribery a key role in improving our food safety and quality w
ays of working.
and anti-corruption matters and occurrences. Our anti‑bribery All 18 manufacturing sites have been audited and each has robust
and anti‑corruption policy is available online at plans in place to further improve our culture of excellence targets
www. morrisons‑ for the coming year.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Look after our colleagues Reduce general operational waste and carbon emissions
It is important that our colleagues reflect the communities in which we Reducing operational waste and carbon throughout our supply chain
operate, and feel supported and engaged to enable us to deliver great is part of what we do everyday. This has environmental benefits and
customer service and achieve our six priorities. ensures efficiency throughout our operations.
Please see page 14 for further details on our ambitions and progress • 95% of our store waste is diverted from landfill and all of our
for our colleagues. manufacturing sites are zero waste direct to landfill.
• We are signatories to Courtauld 2025, which is a collaborative
Source responsibly
industry‑wide commitment to cut the waste and greenhouse gas
We must ensure that our supply chains remain sustainable and that emissions associated with UK food and drink by 20% before 2025.
we conserve the natural resources that we depend on. • As a result of our efforts to reduce energy use across our estate, since
• During the year, 87% of wood and wood derived products were Forest 2005 our operational carbon emissions fell by 34% against our target
Stewardship Council (FSC) certified, approved alternatives or recycled of a 30% reduction by 2020.
for own brand household and beauty products and 72% FSC, approved • We are committed to reducing unnecessary packaging, using recyclable
alternative or recycled in own brand Home & Leisure products. or recycled material wherever possible we work with suppliers on
• For the third year running we published details on the wild capture packaging innovation to ensure our packaging is only there to protect
fisheries we source from, ensuring greater transparency. More and preserve the product it contains, preventing food waste. To help
information can be found at customers, we use On Pack Recycling Label to clearly identify the
products that can be recycled.
Ensure fair working conditions for our suppliers • We have prohibited the use of plastic microbeads ahead of legislation
Our Ethical Trading Code sets out rights for workers, including as well as plastic stem cotton buds in our own brand cosmetic and
guidance on wages, working hours, safe and hygienic conditions and personal care products. In 2018, we will be removing the sale of single
discrimination. Compliance with the Ethical Trading Code is part use plastic bags, phasing out plastic drinking straws as well as offering
of our standard terms of supply. customers the option to refill their water bottles for free in our cafés.
• We are members of the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, and share Group greenhouse gas emissions for year ending 31 December¹
common ethical information.
2005/06 2016/17 2017/18 Change vs
• We are a founder sponsor of the anti-slavery initiative Stronger Emission source Baseline year Prior year Current year baseline
Together. During the year, 587 colleagues at a manager level attended Combustion of fuel
Stronger Together training on identifying and tackling modern slavery. and operation of facilities
Natural gas 99,039 165,306 165,684 67%
Make it easier for our customers to live healthier lives
Haulage 144,497 119,611 107,473 (26%)
We have introduced a range of measures to help our customers Business miles 41,656 33,209 31,984 (23%)
make healthier choices, including product reformulation, clear
Fugitive emissions
nutritional information, healthier ranges, and strong promotions
on fruit and vegetables. Refrigerant 502,358 235,934 196,624 (61%)
Energy purchased for
• We are rolling out colour coded nutrition labels across our own own use
brand pre‑packed food and drink.
Electricity 767,786 587,954 503,585 (34%)
• We display calorie information on our customer café menus. Other
• During the year, we launched a range of value vegetable boxes including Staff travel 1,680 983 1,300 (23%)
organic, British and ‘Wonky Veg’. The boxes are designed to make eating
Waste 66,000 29,932 47,553 (28%)
fresh food more affordable and contain enough fresh vegetables to
feed a family of four for five days. Online deliveries – 15,155 17,046 –
Total 1,623,016 1,188,084 1,071,249 (34%)
Make a positive difference to the communities we serve Intensity ratio: kg CO2e
We are committed to supporting good causes that matter to our per sq ft gross internal
customers, colleagues and the communities we serve. area 53.9 32.0 29.1 (46%)
• Each of our stores work with local communities on a number 1 The information above is taken from our Group Carbon Footprint, prepared internally
and independently verified by Jacobs. We have reported for the calendar year 1 January
of initiatives, and support a range of other important charity campaigns to 31 December in order to remain consistent with our historical footprint reports. We have
including Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal, the Poppy Appeal and used the Government’s Environmental Reporting Guidelines (2013) to prepare these numbers,
Children in Need. and the emissions factors from the UK Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company
Reporting (2017). These guidelines state the baseline year should be recalculated if there have
• Last year the Morrisons Foundation donated £10m to 400 charities been structural changes that would significantly impact on the organisation’s base year figures.
For this year, we have revised our historical emissions figures given the acquisition and disposal
including £0.6m in colleague match funding. of a number of sites and revisions to carbon conversions factors.
• Our three year national charity partnership with CLIC Sargent began The Group Carbon Footprint includes all major sources of carbon emissions from the operation
in February 2017 and we have raised over £3m so far to support young of the Group’s supermarkets, manufacturing and distribution sites and operation of its haulage
fleet. Some minor exemptions include our Hong Kong office which deals with energy locally, a
cancer patients and their families. number of distribution sites operated by third parties who are responsible for the energy and
carbon, and five sites which have fuel oil (less than 0.1% of the total footprint).
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
Sets risk management framework, assesses effectiveness of risk and control systems and maintains
Executive Committee
Assesses principal and operational risks and undertakes regular monitoring of risk
Coordinates risk management activity through review of risk registers, agreement of risk mitigation
Risk management approach Where potential weaknesses are identified, the Risk and Internal Audit
We manage uncertainty as we respond to changes in our industry and teams work with the business to agree robust actions to mitigate these.
the wider political-economic climate by maintaining a business-wide The Audit Committee supports the Board in maintaining a robust risk
understanding of our key risks and how to manage them. This assists in management framework by approving the risk management process and
delivering our promises to all of our stakeholders and means that we are reviewing the Group’s principal risks and key risk indicator reporting on
in a better position to achieve our objectives, respond to emerging risks a regular basis. Read more on risk governance in the Audit Committee
and create opportunities. report on page 36 in the Annual Report.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Risk continued
The risks, which are shown in no particular order, are disclosed along with their alignment to the six priorities and the movement in residual risk during
the year. Residual risk is stated after considering the actions taken by management in response to new and emerging issues impacting the identified risks.
Business There is a risk that a major incident, • We have recovery plans in place covering our stores, depots, sites and offices;
such as a significant failure of
Interruption technology, a natural disaster or
• These plans include, where appropriate, secondary locations which would be used
as backup in case of an incident;
# strike action, could cause significant
disruption to business operations. • Business continuity resilience exercises are undertaken to test processes and
The Group’s response must be management’s ability to respond effectively;
appropriate to minimise disruption • A Crisis Management Group is in place to oversee these plans and to manage and
and reputational damage. The growing respond to any major incidents;
wholesale business increases • We conduct supplier risk assessments and have contingency plans in place, where
the complexity of operations possible, to manage the risk of loss of supply; and
and technology.
• The Technology plan is aligned with the business strategy and considers the future
needs of the business including greater investment in cloud technologies to provide
further resilience.
Competitiveness The Grocery sector continues to • We review and actively manage our pricing, trade plan and promotional and
have high levels of competitive marketing campaigns;
1 activity. The continued impact of • We have simplified how we work with suppliers building joint business plans, ensuring
the EU referendum, and subsequent a competitive customer offer;
negotiations, on exchange rates and
• We continually review our range, category plan, and quality and respond to customer
the supply chain has affected costs
feedback, for example the ‘Best’ premium own brand range has grown to meet
of goods.
customer demand;
If we do not engage with our suppliers • Competitor pricing positions and market trends are reviewed on a weekly basis; and
and effectively manage our trade plan
to remain competitive there is a risk • Our strong balance sheet and strong cash flow will allow us to continue to invest
this will adversely impact performance. in our proposition.
Customer There is a risk that we do not meet • One of our six priorities is ‘to serve customers better’ and we have a range of
the needs of our customers in respect activities to support that;
1 2 3 of price, range, quality and service. • A large scale programme of customer listening groups is in place to gain a deep
We need to be responsive to changes understanding of what our customers want and, where we can improve, these
4 6 in customer confidence and trends have informed key activities such as our store Fresh Look programme and changes
which have been impacted by changes to range;
to the economy and the UK’s planned
• We closely monitor research on customer perceptions and respond quickly wherever
exit from the EU. If we do not provide
possible. For example, with a steering group to address any particular risks arising
the shopping trip that customers want,
from the UK’s planned exit from the EU; and
we could lose sales and market share.
• We have worked with wholesale partners to make Morrisons products accessible
to more customers and have continued to expand the geography covered by our
online offering.
Data A security breach leading to loss • The Group’s Data Steering Group has the responsibility for overseeing data
of customer, colleague or Group management practices, policies, regulatory awareness and training;
# confidential data is a key aspect of • Information security policies and procedures are in place, including encryption,
this principal risk. A major data security network security, systems access and data protection;
breach could lead to significant
reputational damage and fines. • This is supported by ongoing monitoring, reporting and rectification
of vulnerabilities;
The risk environment is challenging,
with increased levels of cybercrime • Focused working groups are in place – looking at the management of data across
and regulatory requirements. the business including colleague data, customer data, commercial data and financial
data; and
• A project team is in place which is implementing the plan to meet General Data
Protection Regulations (GDPR) in advance of May 2018.
Increase in net risk 1 To be more competitive 5 To simplify and speed up the organisation
No change in net risk 2 To serve customers better 6 To make the core supermarkets strong again
Decrease in net risk 3 Find local solutions # Underpins all six priorities
4 Develop popular and useful services
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
Financial and The main areas of this principal risk • The Group’s Treasury function is responsible for the forward planning and
are the availability of funding and management of funding, interest rate, foreign currency exchange rate and certain
Treasury management of cash flow to meet commodity price risks. They report to the Treasury Committee and operate within
# business needs. There is a risk of clear policies and procedures which are approved by the Board;
a working capital outflow if there • The Group’s treasury policy is to maintain an appropriate borrowing maturity
was a significant reduction in payment profile and a sufficient level of headroom in committed facilities. This includes
terms to suppliers. Some suppliers an assumption that supply chain finance facilities are not available for the benefit
benefit from access to supply chain of suppliers;
finance facilities. The withdrawal of
• There are governance processes in place to control purchases in foreign currency and
these facilities may require some
management of commodity prices; and
terms to be reviewed. In addition,
fluctuations in commodity prices and • For livestock and produce, we track prices and forecasts and enter into long-term
foreign exchange rates could impact contracts where appropriate to ensure stability of price and supply.
the Group’s profitability.
Food Safety There is a risk that the products we • Monitoring processes are in place to manage food safety and product integrity
sell are unsafe or not of the integrity throughout the Group and supply chain;
and Product that our customers expect. It is of • Regular assessments of our suppliers and own manufacturing and store facilities
Integrity utmost importance to us, and to the are undertaken to ensure adherence to standards;
# confidence that customers have in our
business, that we meet the required • Our vertical integration model gives us control over the integrity of a significant
standards. If we do not do this it proportion of our fresh food;
could impact business reputation and • Management regularly monitors food safety and product integrity performance and
financial performance. compliance as well as conducting horizon scanning to anticipate emerging issues; and
• The process is supported by external accreditation and internal training programmes.
Health The main aspect of this principal risk • We have clear policies and procedures detailing the controls required to manage
is of injury or harm to customers or health and safety risks across the business;
and Safety colleagues. Failure to prevent incidents • An ongoing training programme is in place for front line operators and management;
# could impact business reputation and
customer confidence and lead • A programme of health and safety audits is in place across our stores, depots, sites
to financial penalties. and offices with resources dedicated to manage this risk effectively; and
• Management regularly monitors health and safety performance and compliance.
People Our colleagues are key to the • We have fair employment policies, and competitive remuneration and
achievement of our plan, particularly benefits packages;
# as we improve the business. There is • A Group-wide reward framework is in place and roles are evaluated against
a risk that if we fail to attract, retain an external framework, driving stronger consistency of rewards;
or motivate talented colleagues, we
• Our training and development programmes are designed to give colleagues the skills
will not provide the quality of service
they need to do their job and support their career aspirations;
that our customers expect.
• Line managers conduct regular talent reviews and processes are in place to identify
Business change and the challenging and actively manage talent;
trading environment may impact on
colleagues leading to an increase in • Colleague engagement surveys, listening sessions and networking forums are used
this risk. There is uncertainty about to understand and respond to our colleagues; and
potential changes to employment • A steering group is in place to monitor and take action on any particular people risks
regulations when the UK leaves the EU relating to the UK’s exit from the EU.
and this could result in a retention and
recruitment risk, particularly at some
manufacturing sites.
Regulation The Group operates in an environment • We have a GSCOP compliance framework in place including training for relevant
governed by numerous regulations colleagues and processes to monitor compliance;
# including GSCOP (Groceries Supply Code • We have a senior level working group in place to review and improve GSCOP
of Practice), competition, employment, compliance activity;
health and safety, and regulations
• We have an independent whistleblowing line for suppliers to provide feedback to
over the Group’s products. There is
the Group and a Code Compliance Officer so that action can be taken as necessary;
uncertainty about any potential changes
to regulations relating to the UK’s exit • We have a senior level steering group in place to monitor and take action on any
from the EU. In all cases, the Board takes potential regulatory change resulting from the UK’s exit from the EU;
its responsibilities very seriously and • We have training, policies and legal guidance in place to support compliance with
recognises that breach of regulation Competition Law and other regulations; and
can lead to reputational damage and • We actively engage with government and regulatory bodies on policy changes which
financial damages to the Group. could impact our colleagues and our customers.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Risk continued
Viability statement The scenarios which have been modelled encompass the Group’s
The Group’s business model and strategy, as outlined on pages 2 to 3, principal risks.
are central to an understanding of its future viability. The Group continues
Principal Risks Description
to progress against its turnaround strategy, focusing on strengthening the
core supermarkets and delivering capital light growth whilst maintaining Failure to remain competitive (e.g. through price
discipline and control in relation to costs and maintaining a strong or keeping pace with changes in the market).
balance sheet. Competitiveness
The Directors have assessed the viability of the Group over a three year and Customer Increased inflation, labour and import costs
as a result of the UK’s decision to leave the
period to January 2021. The Group’s business model is not dependent
European Union.
on any particular contract or resource with fixed end dates. The period
was selected because the Group’s forecasts associated with the detailed Business A serious data security or regulatory breach
strategic and financial plans are prepared over this period and were interruption resulting in a significant monetary penalty and
considered to be the most robust and appropriate means to support and Compliance a loss of reputation among customers.
its viability statement.
A banking crisis leading to one or more of the
The Board assesses the Group’s prospects primarily through the strategic
Financial and members of the Group’s banking syndicate
planning process. The latest strategic planning update with the Board was treasury choosing not to, or being unable to honour
held in November 2017 with involvement of all relevant functions across the facility agreement.
the business.
As part of the strategic planning process, the Directors make a number Furthermore, reverse stress testing was performed to understand the
of assumptions about business performance and the ability of the level of performance decline that the Group could withstand.
Group to raise debt financing. The Group carefully plans and reviews
the maturity profile of debt facilities to avoid coterminous maturity dates Based on this assessment, and taking into account the Group’s current
and liquidity forecasting gives visibility of headroom under committed position, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group
facilities over the period of the financial plans. will be able to continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall
due over the three year period of their assessment.
Key metrics in the plan, such as cash flow, interest cover, liquidity and the
ability to raise debt financing, were subject to sensitivity testing by flexing
a number of the main financial assumptions in order to assess the impact
of principal risks in severe but plausible scenarios.
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
Additional information about how our Directors are rewarded and how we have performed this year
Note: The Strategic report and supplementary material does not contain the information which
would allow shareholders (as the full Annual Report and Financial Statements do) a complete
understanding of the results of the Group, its state of affairs of the policies and arrangements
concerning Directors’ remuneration. Copies of the Annual Report and Financial Statements may be
obtained free of charge as noted in the investor information section at the back of this report.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Composition of the Board
The Board is independent and contains an appropriate mixture of skills and experience. The Board is satisfied that all Non-Executive Directors, including the Non-Executive Chairman,
remain independent according to the definition contained in the Code1. The criteria used to determine independence are set out in the corporate governance compliance statement
which can be found in the investor relations section of the Group’s website, Each of the Non-Executive Directors has committed and is able to commit
an appropriate amount of time in fulfilling effectively their role and responsibilities on the Board.
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is driving a culture of listening to all of our key stakeholders
within the business.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
Responding to feedback on Executive remuneration Over the last 12 months management has delivered another four
In taking on the role of Remuneration Committee Chair, I was keenly consecutive quarters of like-for-like sales growth (making nine in
aware of the voting outcome at the June 2017 AGM, where the new succession) resulting in the Company achieving:
remuneration policy for Directors was approved with 92% in favour, • like-for-like sales growth of 2.8% (excluding fuel) and, for the first time
but last year’s remuneration report only received 52% in favour. I have since 2011, two consecutive years of positive like-for-like sales growth;
engaged with shareholders to understand that gap, and listened to • underlying profit before tax of £374m, an increase of 11% on last year; and
their concerns about remuneration. I wish to extend my sincere thanks
• further progress in cost and productivity savings, and sustained
to those who have taken the time to share their views and help us in
improvements across a number of areas of the business including
this process.
productivity and procurement of goods not for resale and loss
Although there was inevitably some divergence of views expressed prevention savings, resulting in cost reduction/productivity
by investors on particular items, I observed two consistent themes improvement of £195m.
relating to:
As a consequence of this performance the Committee has approved
• a need for greater transparency in how targets are calibrated which a bonus payout of 98.7% of maximum for Executive Directors of which
contributed to the perception that there was a lack of stretch attached 50% will be deferred into shares which must be held for three years.
to the 2017-20 Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP) targets; and
• a better understanding of the Committee’s target setting process which LTIP 2015-18
created doubts as to whether our due diligence is sufficiently robust. The 2015-18 LTIP outcome is the first to reflect the turnaround in
Notwithstanding that feedback, all shareholders we spoke to Morrisons performance since David Potts was appointed, and started the
recognised the highly effective job that management are doing to Fix, Rebuild and Grow plan. At the time David assumed the role of Chief
turn the business around, and were keen that they are retained and Executive, Morrisons reported full year like-for-like sales of (5.9)% and
appropriately incentivised. net debt at £2.3bn. The team has strengthened the balance sheet, grown
like-for-like sales and done so profitably. This has resulted in a share price
How we are responding which has outperformed the FTSE 100 (1 March 2015 to 1 March 2018) over
the period, and shareholders are rightly pleased with the performance.
Improving transparency
The performance over the period is summarised below:
The feedback noted that the rationale and context to accompany the Actual
2017-20 LTIPs could have been clearer, to help evaluate the level of stretch. Measure1,2 Min (25%) Max (100%) Weighting performance
In response, the Committee has enhanced the narrative to accompany Total sales (exc. fuel) £12.7bn £13.2bn 20% £13.5bn
targets in this Directors’ remuneration report and all relevant definitions Adjusted free cash flow £850m £1,600m 60% £2,053m
are clearly presented in one place (see page 45 of the Annual Report) Underlying earnings per 10p 15p 20% 12.19p
to remove any ambiguity and potential for misinterpretation, so our share (EPS)
investors are able to make a fully informed determination of the 1 See the definitions on page 45 of the Annual Report.
2 Additional detail on page 48 of the Annual Report.
target stretch.
It is also important to note that during this period, management
Restoring confidence
increased external guidance for working capital improvement (from
Food retailing is fast paced, adapting to fundamental shifts in consumer £600m to £1bn) and for disposal proceeds (from £1bn to £1.1bn); this has
behaviour. The performance of the sector is subject to intense resulted in management exceeding the targets significantly on free cash
scrutiny and what stretch performance looks like constantly evolves. flow – a measure that investors have told us is extremely important
Setting targets is therefore inherently challenging, but I wish to reassure to them, as well as on sales, which is a key measure of the health
our investors that the Committee subjects targets to a robust due of a food retailer.
diligence process as follows:
The LTIP is vesting at 96.3% of maximum, which the Committee believe
• targets are determined shortly before announcement of our preliminary is reflective of the value created for shareholders over the period.
financial results and prior to analysts updating their forecasts for both
Morrisons and the food retailing sector, thus the Committee must Implementation in 2018/19
exercise a degree of judgement; Base Salary
• as Board Directors, each member of the Committee benefits from
The Committee awarded both David Potts and Trevor Strain an
knowledge of business plans, strategic initiatives, projected cash flows
increase of 2.4% (in line with the wider workforce). David has again
and performance data which form primary reference points when
waived his increase, and his salary therefore remains unchanged since
determining the appropriateness of proposed targets. This information
his appointment.
is supplemented by economic indicators, competitor analysis and the
latest available analyst projections for the industry. The Committee also Annual Bonus
seeks the independent counsel of its advisers who subject targets to
complex probability analysis; and The performance measures and weightings remain unchanged. Subject
to no longer being commercially sensitive, the performance against
• having been presented with this information the Committee
targets will be disclosed in next year’s report.
purposefully adjourns to allow for individual deliberation and provision
of any additional information. On reconvening, each Committee LTIP
member is asked to feedback their individual view on each target before
the Committee collectively approve the targets by majority vote. In line with the policy approved by shareholders last year, awards
will be 300% of salary. Performance measures and weightings are
Pay for performance unchanged from the previous year. Further detail on the targets
can be found on page 44 of the Annual Report.
Outcomes in 2017/18
I look forward to your support at the 2018 AGM.
It is the policy of the Committee to ensure that superior reward should
only be received for superior performance. The food retail industry Tony van Kralingen
continues to be highly competitive for both customers and talented Remuneration Committee Chair
management. Looking at the industry, many of our competitors have
reported decreasing profits and like-for-like sales, so both in absolute
and relative terms, the team are outperforming the market.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Executive Directors
D Potts 850 27 1,678 3,042 213 5,810 850 31 1,700 – 213 2,794
T Strain 596 35 1,177 1,503 143 3,454 575 35 1,150 809 138 2,707
D Philips – – – – – – – – – 366 – 366
A Higginson 400 24 – – – 424 400 15 – – – 415
R Anand 102 – – – – 102 92 – – – – 92
P Vennells 89 – – – – 89 76 – – – – 76
T van Kralingen 35 – – – – 35 – – – – – –
N Davidson 102 – – – – 102 92 – – – – 92
B Richards 102 – – – – 102 92 – – – – 92
I Lee6 – – – – – – 54 – – – – 54
1 Taxable benefits for the Executive Directors include a car allowance (or other car benefit), transport costs and private health provision. The Chairman has use of a car and driver for Group business and
receives private health provision. For 2017/18, the figure disclosed for the Chairman includes tax paid via PAYE settlement agreement. All Directors receive the Group’s normal staff discount entitlement
which is not taxable. Applicable Sharesave awards granted in given financial years are also included in this figure.
2 50% of the annual bonus is deferred in shares for a period of three years. There are no performance conditions attached to this deferred element.
3 Awards granted under the LTIP in April 2015 are scheduled to vest in April 2018. The performance conditions relating to the 2015-18 LTIP award ended on 4 February 2018 and the vest value of the 2015-18
LTIP award is therefore calculated on the closing share price as at 2 February 2018 (the last trading day before year end). The figures stated in the 2017/18 figures also include the value of dividends accrued
on the 2015-18 LTIP award at the time of vesting. Further detail is in the table on page 48 of the Annual Report.
4 D Potts received a salary supplement equal to 25% of base salary. T Strain received a salary supplement of 24% of base salary. None of the Executive Directors have a prospective entitlement to a defined
benefit pension by reason of qualifying service.
5 The value of the 2014-17 LTIP vest that was disclosed in the 2016/17 Directors’ remuneration report was based on an indicative price at 27 January 2017. The value of the 2014-17 LTIP vest has been restated
to reflect the actual June 2017 vest value.
6 I Lee retired from the Board on 31 August 2016.
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
2018 2017
£m £m
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
2018 2017
£m £m
Non-current assets
Goodwill and intangible assets 428 445
Property, plant and equipment 7,243 7,227
Investment property 33 33
Pension asset 612 293
Investment in joint venture 53 56
Investments – –
Derivative financial assets 16 16
8,385 8,070
Current assets
Stock 686 614
Debtors 250 214
Derivative financial assets 15 22
Cash and cash equivalents 327 326
1,278 1,176
Assets classified as held-for-sale 4 –
1,282 1,176
Current liabilities
Creditors (2,981) (2,837)
Short-term borrowings (72) –
Derivative financial liabilities (13) (3)
Current tax liabilities (15) (24)
(3,081) (2,864)
Non-current liabilities
Borrowings (1,245) (1,550)
Derivative financial liabilities (1) (5)
Pension liability (18) (21)
Deferred tax liabilities (478) (417)
Provisions (299) (326)
(2,041) (2,319)
Net assets 4,545 4,063
Shareholders’ equity
Share capital 236 234
Share premium 159 128
Capital redemption reserve 39 39
Merger reserve 2,578 2,578
Retained earnings and other reserves 1,533 1,084
Total equity attributable to the owners of the Company 4,545 4,063
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
2018 2017
£m £m
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18
Current period
At 30 January 2017 234 128 39 2,578 18 1,066 4,063
Profit for the period – – – – – 311 311
Other comprehensive (expense)/income:
Cash flow hedging movement – – – – (18) – (18)
Items reclassified from hedging reserve in relation to
repayment of borrowings – – – – (2) – (2)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations – – – – – (1) (1)
Remeasurement of defined benefit pension schemes – – – – – 323 323
Tax in relation to components of other comprehensive
income – – – – 4 (61) (57)
Total comprehensive (expense)/income for the period – – – – (16) 572 556
Purchase of trust shares – – – – – (4) (4)
Employee share option schemes:
Share-based payments charge – – – – – 33 33
Settlement of employee tax liability for share awards – – – – – (7) (7)
Share options exercised 2 31 – – – – 33
Dividends – – – – – (129) (129)
Total transactions with owners 2 31 – – – (107) (74)
At 4 February 2018 236 159 39 2,578 2 1,531 4,545
Prior period
At 1 February 2016 234 127 39 2,578 (10) 788 3,756
Profit for the period – – – – – 305 305
Other comprehensive income/(expense):
Cash flow hedging movement – – – – 30 – 30
Items reclassified from hedging reserve in relation to
repayment of borrowings – – – – 6 – 6
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations – – – – – (1) (1)
Remeasurement of defined benefit pension schemes – – – – – 86 86
Tax in relation to components of other comprehensive
income – – – – (8) (8) (16)
Total comprehensive income for the period – – – – 28 382 410
Purchase of trust shares – – – – – (5) (5)
Employee share option schemes:
Share-based payments – – – – – 20 20
Proceeds and settlements of employee share award – 1 – – – (1) –
Dividends – – – – – (118) (118)
Total transactions with owners – 1 – – – (104) (103)
At 29 January 2017 234 128 39 2,578 18 1,066 4,063
Further information:
The auditor has reported on the full Annual Report and Financial Statements for the 53 week period ended 4 February 2018. The auditor’s report was unqualified,
and their statement under section 496 (whether the Strategic report and the Directors’ report are consistent with the accounts) of the Companies Act 2006
was unqualified. The independent auditor’s report can be found on page 55 of the Annual Report of the Annual Report and Financial Statements, available at
Overview Strategic Report Supplementary Material
Financial calendar 2017/18 Corporate responsibility enquiries Online reports and accounts
Financial events and dividends Telephone: 0845 611 5000 Our annual and interim Group financial
statements are available to download
Quarter 1 trading statement 10 May 2018 Annual General Meeting from the website along with Corporate
Final dividend record date 25 May 2018 responsibility reports and other financial
The AGM will be held on 14 June 2018 at
Annual General Meeting 14 Jun 2018 Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Head Office, announcements. The 2017/18 Annual Report
Final dividend payment date 28 Jun 2018 Gain Lane, Bradford, BD3 7DL. is also available to view in HTML format at
Half year end 5 Aug 2018 A separate notice convening the meeting report-2018
Interim results announcement 13 Sep 2018 is sent to shareholders, which includes an
explanation of the items of special business The information in the online Annual Report
Interim dividend record date 28 Sep 2018
to be considered at the meeting. and Financial Statements, Strategic report, and
Interim dividend payment date 5 Nov 2018 the Interim reports is exactly the same as in the
Quarter 3 trading statement 6 Nov 2018 Dividend reinvestment plan printed version.
Financial year end 3 Feb 2019 The Company has a dividend reinvestment plan
which allows shareholders to reinvest their cash
Environmental matters
Company Secretary dividends in the Company’s shares bought in Our environmental footprint is taken very
the market through a specifically arranged share seriously. In the production of the 2017/18
Jonathan Burke
dealing service. Full details of the plan Annual Report, we have contributed to the
Company number and its charges, together with mandate forms, reduction in environmental damage in the
are available from the Registrars. following ways:
a) Website
Registered office Morrisons website Shareholders receive notification of
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Shareholders are encouraged to visit our the availability of the results to view
Hilmore House website,, to obtain or download on the Group’s website,
Gain Lane information on Company history, stores and, unless they
Bradford services, latest offers, press information and have elected to receive a printed version of
BD3 7DL a local store finder. the results.
Telephone: 0845 611 5000 Shareholders are encouraged to view the report
Share price information
on the website which is exactly the same as the
The investor information section of our website printed version, but using the internet has clear
Investor relations provides our current and historical share price advantages such as lowering costs and reducing
Telephone: 0845 611 5710 data and other share price tools. Share price the environmental impact.
Email: information can also be found in the financial
press and the Cityline service operated by the b) Recycled paper
Financial Times. Telephone: 0906 843 3545. This document has been printed on recycled
paper that is manufactured in mills with ISO
14001 accreditation from 100% recycled fibre.
It is totally chlorine free and is an NAPM
certified recycled product.
Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Strategic Report and Supplementary Material 2017/18