DT 20133
DT 20133
DT 20133
Social and Political Consequences of Stereotypes
Related to Racial Phenotypes in Mexico
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The study of racial politics has been mostly centered in the U.S., and to a
lesser extent, in countries with large black populations. Some authors have
considered Mexico, along with the rest of Latin America, to be a case of the
racial democracy thesis at work as they argue its society is not divided by
race, but by social class (Degler, 1971; Freyre, 1946; Pierson, 1942;
Tannenbaum, 1947). Other authors argue that discrimination still exists and
affects indigenous and black populations in these countries (Bonfil Batalla,
2000; Gall, 2004; Knight, 1990; Machuca, 1998; Sawyer, 2006; Sidanius et al.,
2001; Telles, 2004; Telles and Sue, 2009; Urías Horcasitas, 2007). This paper
adds to the latter position by developing a theory and showing evidence of
mestizo Mexicans differentiating among themselves according to their racial
appearance, and attaching different stereotypical traits to people according
to that appearance, even though they are considered members of the same
racial group. I show that these stereotypes translate into prejudicial behavior,
which, in turn, affects the way Mexicans behave politically. The empirical
evidence supporting this argument comes from two experiments: the
stereotype and candidate experiments. The stereotype experiment measures
the existence of socially-held stereotypes associated with people’s racial
characteristics; while the candidate experiment tests for the effect of
electoral candidates’ racial appearance on voters’ evaluation and decision to
vote for such a candidate.
The paper consists of three different sections. The first section outlines
the theoretical argument that motivated this research. The second section
discusses the experiments conducted as well as the results obtained. Finally,
the last section discusses the implications of these findings.
Mexico’s current racial ideology groups the majority of Mexicans under the
same racial group: mestizo. This racial ideology has been on the making since
Mexico gained its independence from Spain. Race became a relevant factor in
Mexico’s society and politics after the European conquest.1 The Spanish elites
established a caste system to differentiate among people according to their
ancestry.2 After Mexico’s independence in 1821, the new Mexican political
elites abolished slavery and the caste system, promoting the construction of a
national identity that overlapped with a racial identity (Mexicans would
generally belong to the mestizo racial group). By creating this broad racial
group that includes most people in the society, Mexico gave the impression of
overcoming the problem of racism. The implication was that if everybody
belongs to the same racial group, no one can be a racist.
According to mestizo ideology, indigenous value resides in the past. That
is, indigenous people are valued for the greatness of their historic civilizations
but devalued for maintaining the purity of their indigenous race and culture
rather than assimilating into the rest of Mexican society (Gall, 2004). The
1 Indigenous people differentiated among themselves as they belonged to different tribes, but those differences were
related more to culture and religion than racial variation.
2 For a list of those categories, look at Appendix 2, Table A2.1.
Social and Political Consequences of Stereotypes Related to Racial
Phenotypes in Mexico
mestizo race, in contrast, was seen as superior because it took the best from
the native and European cultures and races.3
The mestizaje (intermixing), more than a biological process, is a social
and cultural process. One becomes mestizo by adapting to society and leaving
behind one’s ancestral traditions. From the mestizo perspective, it is better
to be mestizo than indigenous, and it is better to be more European-looking
than indigenous-looking.4 Far from eradicating racism in Mexico, the mestizo
ideology exchanged the European vs. indigenous dichotomy for the mestizo vs.
indigenous dichotomy (Machuca, 1998: 47). This conflict between mestizos
and indigenous people affects relationships among mestizos as well, for
mestizos will discriminate against other mestizos who are more indigenous-
looking than they.
After the Mexican Revolution (1920), “being a Mexican became
synonymous with being a Mestizo” (Massey and Denton, 1992: 238). Since
then, the Mexican state has sought the construction of a homogeneous
society, a mestizo society (Bonfil Batalla, 2000: 91). After the revolution,
social mobility created an optical illusion in Mexico (Knight, 1990). As in other
Latin American countries, people believed that indigenous and African people
could become mestizos through education, by leaving their communities,
educating themselves, and adopting Western habits of dress (Knight, 1990).
Therefore, “upwardly mobile individuals were whitened,” but they will never
be completely White.
More than a racial category, being mestizo is a social fact, an ascribed and
achieved status (Knight, 1990: 73). As Knight argues, independent Mexico did
not eliminate race in favor of socioeconomic cleavages; rather, both coexist
together. Hayes-Bautista argues that income and phenotypic appearance are
highly correlated in Mexico as “Indians [are] at the lower end of the [income]
scale, [and] Europeans at the top” (1983: 275). Currently, Mexicans “take
account of social class as well as appearance in determining degrees of
whiteness” (National Research Council, 2004: 29).
Mexicans also continue to hold dearly to negative stereotypes of
indigenous people. Spanish in Mexico is rife with pejorative nouns related to
race. For example, a documented definition of the concept of indio in Mexico
is “Indian, often implying a dim-witted, surly type” (Stephens, 1989: 126).
Another slang word, commonly used among non-indigenous Mexicans as an
insult, is naco, which means a “stupid, indigenous person with innate inferior
3 José Vasconcelos, a Mexican intellectual and minister of Education in the early 20th century, developed the
theoretical framework to support the idea of the superiority of the mestizo race that, in his words, would dominate
the world. His most important work in relation to this topic is La Raza Cósmica: Misión de la Raza Iberamericana;
Argentina y Brasil (1925).
4 For purposes of brevity, I omit the “looking” word when referring to different appearances. For example, I use
interchangeably the words, European and European-looking, doing the same for the other two categories, mestizo
and indigenous. Every time I talk about these categories, I refer to the way people think about the way they and
others look, or are perceived. I never assume any genetic or essential differences among them.
According to social psychology research, people group the things and living
beings that surround them into categories. Therefore, “categorizing
individuals on the basis of salient, observable characteristics such as race,
gender, age (…) is inevitable, occurs automatically, and activates biases
associated with these characteristics” (National Research Council, 2004: 23).
If people are composed of abstract and perceptual features, it can be said
that other people generally have secondary knowledge about the relationship
between the person’s abstract and perceptual features. People organize these
relationships in schemata, understood as structures in which people
automatically organize their ideas in their memory (Monroe et al., 2000).
Schemata are particularly interesting because recalling one element of a
schema can bring to mind all the concepts included in that schema. For
example, if Mexicans possess a schema related to indigenous people, one look
at an indigenous person will trigger all the ideas that are part of that schema.
This research argues that by showing Mexicans pictures of people with specific
phenotypes, a whole range of ideas associated with European, mestizo, and
indigenous people is stimulated. As Hilton and von Hippel (1996) explain,
stereotypes are beliefs people have about the behavior, characteristics, and
attributes of members of different groups. Stereotypes also explain the
relationships between these attributes and characteristics in both positive and
negative fashions. When people rely on stereotypes, they run the risk of
ignoring individual differences of the members of the evaluated group. While
stereotypes can be based on actual perceived differences among groups, it is
more often the case that stereotypes are erroneous generalizations about
Social and Political Consequences of Stereotypes Related to Racial
Phenotypes in Mexico
Stereotype Experiment
The experiment consisted of three different sections. The first section of the
experiment mapped how Mexicans group other Mexicans solely based on their
phenotypic appearance. Subjects looked at a set of pictures and were asked
to group them. If phenotypes do not matter for Mexicans’ interactions, then
subjects should not categorize others according to the phenotypic
appearance. The second section was designed to test whether subjects’
evaluation of an individual varies depending on: a) the subject’s own
phenotypic appearance, and b) the individual’s phenotypic appearance, by
priming phenotypic stereotypes. The purpose of the third section was to
Social and Political Consequences of Stereotypes Related to Racial
Phenotypes in Mexico
Data collection
Data were collected at three universities in Mexico City between February and
March of 2007. A total of 136 undergraduate students participated. The
students were mostly enrolled in social science majors (e.g. political science,
international relations, economics, sociology, etc.) One of the universities is
private, and the other two are public. Access to the students was granted
with prior approval of their professors, who told the students that their
5 As I will only discuss the findings from the third section of this experiment, I have omitted the experiment’s
chronology from the main paper. This information is available from the author at the reader’s request.
6 Most of the pictures used to create the stimuli are from the project “La Cara del Mexicano” (The Mexican Face),
whose authors collected pictures of 2890 Mexican people from different parts of the country. None of the originals
were used as the stimuli consist of only hybridized pictures. For information related to the project, please look at:
(Serrano et al., 1997). I am grateful to Dr. Serrano and Dr. Villanueva for making available a subset of the pictures.
Of the 136 students, 48% were male and 52% were female, with an average
age of 21. Most came from families with a monthly average income between
16,001 and 20,000 Mexican pesos (1,178-1,472 U.S. dollars).
The open-ended data were coded by writing down all the words used to
describe the person in the picture. Following the stereotype literature, and
after looking at the data, twenty-five different categories were created
(Carver and Ganellen, 1983; Devine, 1989; Spencer-Rodgers, 2001; Hilton and
Von Hippel, 1996). Subjects’ responses were grouped under these categories.8
Multiple words relating to the same category were coded once. Only those
categories that received ten percent or more mentions were considered for
the analysis as relevant traits.9 Those traits were used to create three
different composites. The first composite includes traits describing
stereotypic characteristics related to a person’s skills.10 The second composite
contains traits related to a person’s bad or good personality.11 The third
composite includes information on social class.12 Finally, twenty-eight
subjects referred to the person’s phenotypes when describing him (e.g. “They
would think that he is poor because he is dark-skinned”, “He is a typical
Mexican because of the color of his skin”, etc.). A variable was used to
lower class people would relate to him; low economic chances; etc. Middle Social Class: Middle class; office job;
economically stable; middle-income job; not upper class; not lower class. Upper Social Class: upper social class; high
social status; wealthy.
Social and Political Consequences of Stereotypes Related to Racial
Phenotypes in Mexico
identify those cases in which subjects made a direct reference to the person’s
I present the results of the analysis in two different tables: one includes traits
and composites related to personal characteristics, and the second data is on
perception of social class membership. As the tables show, there are some
interesting patterns in the categories between the experimental conditions.
SKILLS COMPOSITE -0.010 0.055* 0.065**
PERSONALITY COMPOSITE -0.010 0.051+ 0.060*
RACE 0.075 -0.194** -0.269***
TRADITIONAL 0.078 -0.056 -0.134*
TYPICAL MEXICAN -0.028 -0.230*** -0.202***
SOCIAL CLASS (COMPOSITE) 0.090 0.427*** 0.337***
UPPER CLASS 0.117* 0.212*** 0.095+
MIDDLE CLASS 0.150++ 0.113 -0.037
LOWER CLASS 0.052 -0.343 -0.291***
***p-value ≤ 0.01; **0.01< p-value ≤ 0.05; *0.05< p-value ≤ 0.10
++0.01< p-value ≤ 0.05; +0.05< p-value ≤ 0.10 (one-tail)
Social and Political Consequences of Stereotypes Related to Racial
Phenotypes in Mexico
Candidate Experiment
Data collection
Data were collected in Mexico during two trips to Mexico City in 2007. Each
participant was approached and asked to participate in an academic survey
examining the way voters evaluate independent candidates. Subjects received
monetary compensation ($50 Mexican pesos) for their participation.
The sample in Mexico City consists of 250 Mexicans. Participants were
recruited at shopping malls, coffee shops, downtown plazas, and office
buildings. The characteristics of the sample were as follows: men comprised a
slight majority of subjects (55%); the average annual income was in the
middle of the scale, 0.49 ($72,000-$96,000 Mexican pesos); the participants’
average educational level was high school completion; and the average age
was 34 years. In spite of conducting a random assignment of the subjects to
each experimental condition, there are some statistical significant differences
on subjects’ income (F3, 246=2.79, p-value=0.04) and gender (F3, 246=2.36, p-
value=0.07) across conditions. Therefore, the analysis of the data includes the
usual socio-demographic variables to control for any effect that they might
have on the variable of interest.
After the participants read and signed a consent form, they were given a
questionnaire and a sheet of paper that included the information about three
male candidates who were supposedly running for governor independently in
the state of Yucatan.
After finishing the questionnaire, subjects were debriefed and learned the
true purpose of the research.
Information exposure
The participants read the candidate information on a sheet of paper that
included a picture of each candidate; the control condition omitted
candidates’ pictures. The information in the handout included personal
information about the candidates (birth place, college attended, professional
career, names of wives and children), as well as their political positions on
four less-controversial issues at that time: health insurance, the environment,
social spending, and state-federal relations. The candidates’ positions varied
slightly so that the first candidate could be placed at the center-left of the
ideological spectrum, the second candidate at the center, and the third
candidate at the center-right of the spectrum.
The pictures were manipulated using the same morphing software that
had been employed for the stereotype experiment. The picture of the
candidate ideologically positioned in the center depicts the target candidate
whose appearance varies in each condition. All pictures morphed two pictures
of “real” people. For example, for the European condition, two European
individuals were morphed to create the target candidate. The same procedure
was followed for the target candidate in the indigenous condition. The
mestizo candidate was created by morphing the pictures of the European and
indigenous candidates. The candidates located to the left and right of the
target candidate, whose pictures do not vary, were created using three
pictures of European individuals. The purpose of using three pictures was to
maintain some physical similarity between these images, as each of them
shares one picture. There were two sets of experimental pictures.
Social and Political Consequences of Stereotypes Related to Racial
Phenotypes in Mexico
candidates competing for the election, for whom would you vote?”13
Participants evaluated each candidate on nine different traits: intelligence;
competence; industriousness; trustworthiness; empathy; likeability; honesty;
capacity to keep campaign promises if elected; and good leadership. They
also located the candidate on an ideological scale from left to right.
Dependent variables
Individual evaluative traits: All the traits were measured on a 7-point
scale ranging from 0-1, where 0 means “Disagree Strongly” and 1 means
“Agree Strongly”.
Evaluative scale: Participants’ evaluations of the traits of the target
candidate were averaged to create an evaluative scale. The scale had a
mean of 0.580 and a Cronbach α of 0.901.14
Vote intention: This variable took the value of 1 when participants
opted to vote for the target candidate and a value of 0 otherwise.
Ideology: This is a 7-point scale coded from 0 to 1, where 0 means
extremely to the left and 1 extremely to the right of the political
Independent variables
Experimental conditions: There were three experimental conditions:
European candidate, mestizo candidate, and indigenous candidate, as
well as the control group. Three dummy variables were created for the
experimental conditions. The control group was the excluded category
in the model.
Control variables: Participant’s phenotypes,15 age, education, gender,
and income were included as control variables. Education is a 10-point
scale coded from 0 (no education) to 1 (graduate degree); gender takes
the value of 0 (male) and 1 (female); income is an 8-point scale coded
from 0-1; and age is a continuous variable. Subjects’ ideology was
introduced when looking at candidate’s ideological positioning.16
13 The question in Spanish reads: “Si usted viviera en Yucatán y éstos fueran todos los candidatos para gobernador,
nose, mouth, skin color, and hair were evaluated on a 5-point scale from 0-1, where 0 indicated White and 1
indicated indigenous. The final phenotypic measure was calculated by averaging both judges’ final scores. The graph
with the distribution of the phenotypic measure is located in Appendix 1, Graph A1.1.
16 There was not a statistically significant difference in subjects’ ideological positioning across conditions. Therefore,
this variable was only used in the analysis of voters’ evaluation of the candidate’s ideological positioning.
0.959** 0.390
-0.791 0.625
-0.199 0.456
-1.899* 1.117
1.830*** 0.693
-0.282 0.348
0.840 0.752
-1.016 0.953
-0.529 0.940
COX & SNELL- R 0.10
p-value ≤ 0.01; **0.01< p-value ≤ 0.05; *0.05< p-value ≤ 0.10
As one can see, the logistic regression supports the candidate hypothesis. The
model shows a clear positive effect for the European candidate over the
Control condition, regardless of participants’ phenotypes (p-value=0.01). The
European condition has a positive and statistically significant effect over the
mestizo (z=8.49; p-value=0.00), and the indigenous (z=6.60; p-value=0.01)
Finally, participants’ phenotypic appearance has a slightly significant and
negative effect on the probability of voting for the target candidate (p-
The predicted probabilities of voting for the candidates show the large
and positive effect of European phenotypes in Mexico City
Social and Political Consequences of Stereotypes Related to Racial
Phenotypes in Mexico
17 The control variables are set to their average when calculating the predicted values. These values are: income,
These results show that overall, the European candidate receives a more
favorable evaluation than the mestizo and indigenous candidates under a one-
tail test. The candidates’ phenotypes matter more for people’s assessment of
his leadership abilities. In this trait, as expected, the European candidate is
significantly perceived as a better leader than the other three conditions,
including the control condition.
18 This model includes income, age, education, phenotypes, and ideology as covariates.
Social and Political Consequences of Stereotypes Related to Racial
Phenotypes in Mexico
The results show partial support for the ideology hypothesis as subjects
tend to locate the European candidate to the right of the political spectrum
of all the other candidates. There are not significant differences on the
ideological positioning of the mestizo and indigenous candidates when
compared to each other or to the control condition.
This paper theorized, based on the study of the mestizo ideology, that people
of Mexican origin would assign positive stereotypical traits to European
individuals, and negative ones to indigenous individuals. The stereotype
experiment tested this hypothesis. In a free-response task, subjects listed all
the traits that other people would ascribe to an individual whose picture was
included in the task. The results of this study show that people are cognizant
of more negative traits attached to indigenous-looking individuals than to
mestizo or European-looking persons.
In general, participants gave higher scores to the European person on the
level of skills mastered and economic status when compared to the indigenous
person. The mestizo individual also scored higher than the indigenous person
on the level of skills mastered, as well as on the quality of his character.
Participants characterized the indigenous individual as poor, with low skills
and an unpleasant personality, who represented the “typical Mexican
individual” and who was more conservative or traditional in terms of beliefs
and lifestyle. In contrast to the participants in the European and mestizo
conditions, participants in the indigenous one tended to mention a racial
characteristic of the person when describing other people’s reactions towards
him. The sole mention of phenotypic characteristics shows their relevance
among Mexicans’ evaluation of others.
These findings support the stereotype hypothesis as subjects listed
significantly more negative traits when evaluating the indigenous person than
when evaluating the others. These results speak directly to the idea that
discrimination in Mexico occurs only along the lines of social class (Degler,
19 This model includes income, age, education, phenotypes, and ideology as covariates.
Social and Political Consequences of Stereotypes Related to Racial
Phenotypes in Mexico
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Urbanización y desarrollo económico, DTE-503
Kaniska Dam y Daniel Ruiz Pérez, On the Existence of Sharecropping, DTE-502
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económico de México, DTE-500
Víctor Carreón, La arquitectura de mercado del sector eléctrico mexicano, DTE-499
Sonia Di Giannatale et al., Confianza, redes sociales y hábitos financieros: un
estudio empírico, DTE-498
Antonio Jiménez, Coordination Incentives for Information Acquisition with a Finite
Set of Players, DTE-497
Rodolfo Cermeño et al., Trade Flows and Volatility of their Fundamentals: Some
Evidence from Mexico, DTE-496
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the 3x1 Program for Migrants, DTEP-228
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Conflict Countries, DTEP-227
Allyson Benton, The Origins of Mexico's Municipal Usos y Costumbres Regimes, DTEP-
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México 1980-2010, DTEP-225
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Judgment in Comparative Political Data Development, DTEP-224
Andrea Pozas and Julio Ríos, Constituted Powers in Constitution-Making Processes.
Supreme Court Judges, Constitutional Reform and the Design of Judicial
Councils, DTEP-223
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México (1808-1830), DTH-67
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the Eighteenth Century, DTH-66
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