Book of Green PROOF

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book of green

book of green
By Christopher P. Tyner

All characters pictured and depicted herin are the sole property of MARVEL COMICS GROUP.
This publication is a fan-made accessory for the out of print Marvel Superheroes Role Playing Game.
This publication is not for sale and is for entertainment purposes only. Artwork has been pulled from
MARVEL publications and from internet sources.


a note from the adaptor

Greetings, True Believer! secondary characters will be fleshed "Baroness". The borders of each
Welcome to the Marvel Super out in lesser detail. Battleworld Domain are clearly
Heroes Role Playing-Game fan Occasionally, when characters defined and travel between different
created Secret Wars Compendiums! are identical versions to those domains is discouraged, as it
The Adaptor has volunteered to depicted in the 616 Universe, the requires special dispensation from
compile as much information as he Adaptor reserves the right to make a the local Baron or from Doom himself.
can to build the world known as list of these characters that are Battleworld is overseen by the
Battleworld together for your gaming available in the Official Gamer’s Thor Corps who serve as
pleasure. Compendiums will be Handbook of the Marvel Universe Battleworld's police force and answer
released at the Adaptor’s leisure, as that can be easily found at to God Emperor Doom, himself.
he is a father, theatrical director, and Battleworld is orbited by a small
has a day job to boot. Sun, in fact the Human Torch,
Each volume of Marvel Super A LITTLE BACKGROUND ON consigned to the role for acting
Heroes Secret Wars Compendiums SECRET WARS AND against Doctor Doom, and
have been compiled by pulling BATTLEWORLD: Knowhere, that acts as Battleworld's
directly from the individual comic Battleworld appeared in the 2015 moon. Besides the Sun, Knowhere
book series in the 2015 Secret Wars S e c r e t Wa r s s t o r y l i n e , a f t e r and Battleworld itself, there were
titles and the online numerous “incursions” destroyed the originally no more celestial bodies in Most of the Multiverse. The remains of several its universe, until Singularity, a
character history descriptions come realities were all merged to form a mysterious young girl who actually
directly from new Battleworld. All of these realities represents a pocket universe that
Power sets are based, when are known as Domains and most gained sentience during the
available, off of the original MSH have the ability to interact with each multiversal collapse, appears to give
RPG by TSR from the Gamer’s o t h e r. T h e D e a d l a n d s ( w h i c h her life to save the citizens of Arcadia
Handbook of the Marvel Universe. contains the Marvel Zombies), from a horde of Zombies which made
Many of these have been tweaked Perfection (which contains the Ultron the stars appear in the sky.
however to reflect either modern Sentinels), and New Xandar (which This Battleworld would eventually
interpretations or versions based off contains the Annihilation Wave) are collapse after God Emperor Doom's
of the characters depicted in the separated from the rest by a Great Beyonders' power was transferred to
individual Secret Wars titles. The Wall known as “The Shield” because Reed Richards, who was considered
Adaptor reserves the right to a little each of these Domains contain by Doom himself and Molecule Man
creative licence to fill in some of the threats that if loosed would destroy to be more worthy, and rectified the
blanks on both powers and histories the other Domains. artificial reality.
when needed. Battleworld was created by its
All descriptions in each of the ruler Doctor Doom (who is worshiped A FINAL WORD
compendiums are written in past as its deity God, “Emperor Doom”) Thanks so much for taking the
tense, describing the action as after he and Doctor Strange went to time to download and enjoy these
though the stories in each of the the Beyonders to stop an incursion of compendiums. These are truly a
Battleworld Domains have reached t h e i r r e a l i t y. D o c t o r D o o m labor of love, and I am thouroughly
their completion. presumably kills the Beyonders by enjoying putting these together. I
It is the intention of the Adaptor using thousands of Molecule Men, began playing the Marvel Super
that these compendiums be used to allowing Doom to take the Heroes RPG way back in 1985.
tell one-shot stories or ongoing Beyonders' power as his own, There probably hasn’t been a year
campaigns that can be set before, ultimately incorporating the remnants since that I haven’t played or ran a
during or after any of the events of all realities destroyed by the game using that system.
depicted in the description of each incursions, or more precisely, their Thanks for letting me share my
Domain or in the histories of any of incursions points, to create his own playground.
the characters defined within the image of Battleworld with Strange From one Marvel-Phile to another:
pages of each compendium. unable to do anything else but to EXCELSIOR!
The Adaptor has made an effort to follow his words.
include as many key players in each Each of Battleworld's Domains is Christopher P. Tyner
domain as detailed as possible and ruled by an appointed "Baron" or The Adaptor

Dystopia is one of the domains With Layla's help, Ruby, Janis, commanded the other Trolls to do
of Battleworld. Its baron was the Skooter and a handful of other the same. He then guided
Maestro. rebels infiltrated Maestro's castle Maestro and the remaining
Maestro ruled Dystopia with an to rescue their leader and take rebels to the Ancient One, who to
iron fist, exiling all dissenters to Maestro down, but discovered Maestro's surprise, was none
Greenland. His only opposition that the Thing had made a deal other than Rick Jones.
was a band of rebels led by the with the tyrant to help him get the Rick led them without delay to
Thing who had taken in those only weapon in the world capable the Destroyer and told Maestro to
rejected by the Maestro. of destroying Doom: the take the armor. Distrustful,
Disguised as Odin, Maestro Destroyer, in exchange for the Maestro grabbed Rick by the
convinced Ruby Summers, a Maestro turning Dystopia over to collar, claiming that it couldn't be
rebel whom he had been the Thing. that simple. Rick replied that it
watching for quite some time, that After the rebels agreed to help wasn't. He had already
he was indeed the Asgardian god him in his quest, Maestro and his summoned Doom through his
and she took him to place of power, a
t h e r e b e l s ' wish central, to
underground which all wishing
hideaway where w e l l s w e r e
Maestro revealed connected. Maestro
himself and attacked then approached the
them, drawing the armor and, as Doom
Thing's attention. arrived, merged with
A fierce battle it. A battle ensued
ensued between the between Doom and
two powerhouses. Maestro while the
When the battle was rebels and Rick fled.
taken to the city Without much effort,
above, the other Maestro was able to
rebels attempted to overpower Doom
flee while Ruby and and finally kill him
Janis leapt to the aid and seize control
of the Thing. Ruby over Battleworld as
was unfortunately captured by newfound temporary allies its new God Emperor.
one of Maestro's Dogs of War traveled to Norseheim, where, Or so he thought...
during the scuffle. Janis then according to the book he stole I n r e a l i t y, M a e s t r o n e v e r
secretly followed them to from Doom, they would find Ulik merged with the armor. Rick
somewhere far from the battle the Troll, who would guide them revealed to the rebels that as he
site, and it was there that the to the Destroyer Armor. To get had said earlier, that the place in
Gravity officer that had captured information about Ulik's which they stood was a wishing
Ruby revealed herself as Layla whereabouts, the group entered well. The well had granted
Miller, one of the rebels who had a local pub and found Hoder, who Maestro’s deepest desire in his
infiltrated Maestro's ranks. revealed to them that Ulik was in mind, and the Maestro would live
Meanwhile, the Thing was Nornheim and told them where under this delusion for the rest of
defeated and taken to Maestro's they could find its entrance. his life. As the rebels took their
castle. As soon as they entered leave, Rick stayed behind with
With the Thing immobilized, Nornheim, Maestro and the the Maestro, guarding him until
Maestro revealed his plans to rebels were attacked by Ulik and the end of time at Doom’s
overthrow God-Doom and asked his Trolls. The battle ended when request.
for his help, which piqued the Ulik, after being severely beaten
Thing’s interest. by Maestro, surrendered and

system kicks in. It detonates an

IN rank explosion in the area of
the unidentified trespasser. A
sharp intruder could potentially
bypass the technology with an
AM Reason FEAT.
The underground bases contain
living quarters, dining quarters,
scientific labs, weapon lockers
and a security station. From the
security station, one can control
all lifts as well as an IN level
surveillance system. The inner
defenses include IN level acid
sprays, mustard gas and laser
• The Castle of Green: Maestro
built his castle atop cliffs a few
hundred feet high about a half
mile on the edge of the city. The
Castle is very elaborate and filled
with the Maestro's chosen
subjects. These individuals are
his trusted soldiers and
Dystopia’s most beautiful
women. The Castle is also filled
with laboratories, war rooms,
med labs, interrogation rooms,
living quarters, eating quarters
LOCATIONS a state of disrepare and are and security rooms. The cliffs
Dystopia is the city at the hub of considered hazardous. Often the along the outside of the castle are
Maestro’s Domain. It is protected homless of Dystopia can be where all the dead are tossed.
by underground anti-mag found in these run-down • Wastelands: Though not part
radiation shielding. If this were to structures. of the city, this barren, dry land
fail then the city would • The Market Place: This is the seems to also be protected by
bombarded with the gamma center of town where citizins of radiation. A few hundred farmers
radiation that runs rampant Dystopia can barter for food, strive to live in this area with little
through the region. The radiation electronics, antiques, prostitutes luck. They get little food and have
is likely to cause illness, though it or bionic limbs. to bargain with the Maestro for
is not considered to be • Secret Rebel Headquarters: enough to survive. These
immediately deadly. Dystopia is There are Rebel Headquarters farmers live in shacks in the dry
roughly the size of modern day located underground throughout heat and many suffer from
Manhattan. many parts of the city. There are radiation poisoning and various
• Downtown: The downtown hidden lifts located in many of the deformities.
area is rather cramped with a decrepit buildings that grant
dense population and large ultra- access to the rebel bases below
modern buildings, structures and the surface. In order to use the
skyscrapers. There are some lifts the individual must have the
old-style buildings made of password and match a visual
concrete and brick but they are in scan. If not, the self defense


F IN (40)
A GD (10)
S SHX (150)
E UN (100)
R RM (30)
I EX (20)
P RM (30)
Health: 300
Karma: 80
Resources: IN (40)
Popularity: 40

Real Name: Robert Bruce Banner
Occupation: Baron of Dystopia
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Baron of Dystopia
Other Known Aliases: Hulk
Place of Birth: Earth 9200, Dayton, OH
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Jennifer Walters, (cousin)
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Dystopia, The Castle
of Green

Alter Ego: Maestro can turn into
Bruce Banner at will but rarely
chooses to do so. In this form,
h o w e v e r, h e w a s a b l e t o
convincingly portray himself as a
frail version of Odin to trick a small
group of rebels. Unlike his Hulk
counterparts from other Domains, BRUCE BANNER
Maestro does not revert back to Talents: Martial Arts B, Biology,
Chemistry, Radiology, Genetics, F PR (4)
Banner when unconscious. A TY (6)
Invulnerability: MN protection Physics, Computers.
S TY (6)
from physical attacks; AM E TY (6)
protection from energy attacks; Contacts: As Baron of Dystopia,
R RM (30)
CL1000 protection from heat, cold, Maestro has contacts with other I EX (20)
fire, or disease. Barons across Battleworld - P RM (30)
Astral Detection: UN ability to see particularly those with bones to Health: 22
astral forms and disembodied pick with God Doom. Karma: 80
Hyper-Leaping: SHZ
Adrenalin Surge: In times of great BANNER AS ODIN
s t r e s s o r a n g e r, M a e s t r o ’ s
Fighting, Strength, Endurance and
Psyche increase +1CS up to a
maximum of +3CS depending on
the circumstances as determined
by the player ’s role-playing
techniques and the Judge.
Regeneration/Healing: AM

HISTORY easily defeated Ulik, and forced trap: The Cave is Wishes
Maestro was the baron of him to tell him the location of the trapped Maestro in the armor in
Dystopia, ruling it with an iron Destroyer armor. Ulik complied, an illusion of his deepest wish.
fist and exiling anyone who and guided them to the Ancient Maestro, reverting to his human
opposed him to Greenland. The One, who was the guardian of form, would thus remain
only real opposition to his rule the Destroyer armor. To the trapped in the illusion for all
was a band of rebels led by The Maestro's surprise, the Ancient eternity.
Thing. One was none other than Rick Maestro was freed from his
Despite being the ruler of illusion, however, to help
his own domain, Maestro God Emperor Doom deal
secretly plotted to unseat with a rising rebellion that
God Emperor Doom and was occurring in
take his place as the All- Battleworld, brief moments
Father and ruler of before the planet was
Battleworld. destroyed. The destruction
Disguising himself as of Battleworld was the
Odin, Maestro allowed consequence of Mister
himself to be found by Ruby Fantastic stealing Doom's
Summers, who took him to godly powers, and using it to
the rebel hideout. There, rebuild the Multiverse.
Maestro revealed his true
identity and attacked the ADDITIONAL NOTES
rebels. He engaged their
leader, the Thing, in battle,
and defeated him, taking
him back to his palace.
At his palace, Maestro
made a proposition to the
Thing. He asked for his aid
in retrieving the Destroyer
Armor, which Maestro would
use to usurp Doom's
position as All-Father, in
exchange for which Thing
would be allowed to rule Jones.
Dystopia after Maestro left. The Rick led them to the armor and
Thing, to the horror of his fellow told Maestro that he was free to
rebels who had come to rescue put it on. Suspecting a trap,
him, accepted. Maestro refused to believe that
The gang of unlikely allies getting the armor could be that
traveled to Norseheim, where a easy. Rick told him that it
book Maestro had stolen from wasn't, as he had already
Doom had said that Ulik the summoned Doom to deal with
Troll, who knew the location of Maestro. Maestro put on the
the Destroyer, would be. At an armor just as Doom arrived. A
inn, they found Hoder, who fight ensued, which the Maestro
informed them that Ulik could won with little effort, going on to
be found in Nornheim. seize all of Battleworld and rule
Upon entering Nornheim, they it as the new All-Father
were immediately attacked by afterwards. Or so he would
Ulik's horde of trolls. Maestro believe. There was indeed a


F EX (20)
A EX (20)
S RM (30)
E IN (40)
R GD (10)
I EX (20)
P RM (30)
Health: 110
Karma: 60
Resources: PR (4)
Popularity: 0

Real Name: Ruby Summers
Occupation: Resistance Fighter
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of Dystopia with a
criminal record
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Earth 1191
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Scott Summers (father),
Emma Frost (mother)
Group Affiliation: Rebels
Base of Operations: Dystopia, Rebel Bases

Optic Blasts: Ruby can fire
Optic Blasts of AM concussive
energy similar to her father.
These blasts can be controlled
without the use of a visor but
can only be fired once every 93
Organic Ruby Form: Ruby can
transform her body into a solid
ruby state. She has chosen to
stay in this state permanently
and does not fall out of this state
when asleep or unconscious.
Her ruby form gives her the
following advantages:
Ÿ Invulnerability: AM
Ÿ Limited Immortality: As long
as she stays in her ruby
form, Ruby does not age.

Talents: Martial Arts A and E,

Detective, Tracking, Diplomacy.

Contacts: Thing, Janis Jones,

Skooter, Slider

HISTORY Emperor Doom.
Ruby Summers was a The gang of unlikely allies
member of the Rebels group traveled to Norseheim, where a
led by the Thing who fought book Maestro had stolen from
against the tyranny of Doom revealed Ulik the Troll
Dystopia's Baron Maestro. possessed an item of power
Ruby had a habit of going on that could potentially defeat
solo outings without anyone Doom in battle: a magical
else which led to her coming robotic armor known as the
across an old man in the desert D e s t r o y e r. A t a n i n n i n
claiming to be the fallen Norseheim, they found a man
Asgardian leader Odin. Being named Hoder, who informed
the kind hearted person she is, them that Ulik could be found in
she brought him to the rebel Nornheim.
hideout in order for him to rest Upon entering Nornheim and
up and heal. Ulik's cave, Ruby and the
After arriving, "Odin" wanted others were immediately
to meet the leader of the attacked by Ulik's horde of trolls
resistance so Ruby brought him while Maestro took on Ulik
to see the Thing. But this was a himself. Defeated, Ulik was
setup as Odin was really the forced to tell them the location
Maestro in disguise. He of the armor. He then guided
attacked the rebels while Ruby them to the Ancient One, who
fired her optic blasts in hopes to they learned was actually Rick
stop Maestro in his tracks, but Jones and also the guardian of
her effort wasn’t good enough. the Destroyer armor.
The Maestro ended the battle Rick led them to the armor,
quickly, and dragged the Thing which after some hesitation the
back to the Castle Green. Maestro put it on, but in the end
After the evacuation, Janis Ruby and her group learned
and Skooter joined Ruby in an from Rick that while he wears
attempt to rescue their captured the armor, Maestro will forever
leader. They came across one be trapped in a illusion of his
of the Maestro's guards, Layla own creation. Knowing Maestro
Miller who proved to be a traitor was successfully entrapped,
in the ranks of Maestro’s forces. Ruby and the Rebels returned
With Layla’s assistance, Ruby to Dystopia with The Thing.
and the rebels were able to
sneak into the Baron's palace. ADDITIONAL NOTES
As Layla led Ruby and the
others through a back entrance
into the castle, they were
ambushed by the Maestro's
guards, but with a swift optic
blast from Ruby and the help of
Layla's robot dog companion
Jamie the guards were
dispatched. They made their
way to the throne room just to
see The Thing strike a deal with
Maestro to help him usurp


F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S GD (10)
E EX (20)
R GD (10)
I RM (30)
P GD (10)
Health: 80
Karma: 50
Resources: PR (4)
Popularity: 0

Real Name: Janis Jones
Occupation: Resistance Fighter
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of Dystopia with a
criminal record
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Earth 9200
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Rick Jones (grandfather)
Group Affiliation: Rebels
Base of Operations: Dystopia, Rebel Bases

Hair: Can use hair as a blunt
attack. Does GD damage.

Staff: Made of UN material
strength, and it can do RM blunt
damage or shoot a concussion
blast of AM force up to four
areas away. If she can make
contact with a Fighting FEAT,
the staff will inflict UN
concussive force and her
opponent must roll an I N
endurance FEAT or be blinded
for one to ten rounds.

Talents: Martial Arts A, C, D, &

E , Tu m b l i n g , A c r o b a t i c s ,

Contacts: Thing, Ruby

Summers, Skooter, Slider

HISTORY ambushed by the Maestro's ADDITIONAL NOTES
Janis was a member of the guards, but with a swift optic
Rebels who, alongside their blast from Ruby and the help of
leader The Thing, fought Layla's robot-dog companion
against the tyranny of the Jamie the team tore through the
Maestro, Baron of Dystopia. guards. They made their way to
She was present when follow the throne room just to see The
fighter Ruby Summers brought Ting strike a deal with Maestro
an elderly man to their base to help him usurp God Emperor
who claimed he was the Doom.
Asgardian All-Father Odin. The gang of unlikely allies
Being weary of the old man’s traveled to Norseheim, where a
identity, Janis and Ruby had book Maestro had stolen from
Slider telepathically read his Doom revealed Ulik the Troll
mind to make sure he was who possessed an item of power
is said he was. that could potentially defeat
Slider found nothing out of the Doom in battle: a magical
ordinary until she got hit with robotic armor known as the
psionic feedback knocking her D e s t r o y e r. A t a n i n n i n
down to the ground. "Odin" was Norseheim, they found a man
revealed as the Maestro named Hoder, who informed
disguised in human form. Once them that Ulik could be found in
he changed back into the Nornheim.
behemoth, Maestro attacked Upon entering Nornheim and
Janis and the others. Janis fired Ulik's cave, Janis and the
energy blasts from her staff with others were immediately
no effect, which alarmed the attacked by Ulik's horde of trolls
resistance leader himself, the while Maestro took on Ulik
Thing. himself. Defeated, Ulik was
As their leader clashed with forced to tell them the location
the Maestro, Janis helped of the armor. He then guided
evacuate the another members them to the Ancient One, who
of the resistance above ground they learned was actually Janis’
to the city. After a while, Janis grandfather, Rick Jones - the
watched as Maestro defeated guardian of the Destroyer
their leader and with the help armor.
from the Baron's soldiers they Rick led them to the armor,
took Thing to the palace as a which after some hesitation the
prisoner. Maestro put it on, but in the end
Janis and Skooter went to find Janis and her group learned
Ruby to plan a rescue attempt from Rick that while he wears
but they noticed she was the armor, Maestro will forever
supposedly captured by one of be trapped in a illusion of his
the guards, who turned out to own creation. Knowing Maestro
be Layla Miller who also was successfully entrapped,
opposed the dictator. She Janis and the Rebels returned
agreed to help them sneak into to Dystopia with The Thing.
the Baron's palace.
As Layla led Janis and the
others through a back entrance
into the castle, they were


F GD (10)
A GD (10)
S GD (10)
E EX (20)
R TY (6)
I GD (10)
P GD (10)
Health: 50
Karma: 26
Resources: PR (4)
Popularity: 0

Real Name: Skooter
Occupation: Resistance Fighter
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of Dystopia with a
criminal record
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Dystopia, Battleworld
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Rebels
Base of Operations: Dystopia, Rebel Bases

Teleportation: Skooter can
teleport himself and others over
short distances without fatigue.
His range for teleportation is TY.

Talents: Martial Arts A & B,


Contacts: Janis Jones, Thing,

Ruby Summers, Slider

HISTORY their way to the throne room just
Skooter was a member of the to see their leader strike a deal
Rebels and close partners with with Maestro to help him usurp
Janis Jones. The two of them Emperor Doom.
were searching through the city During their travel to
for fellow rebel Ruby Summers Nornheim in search of Ulik the
when they came across her and Troll, the group was ambushed
an elderly man that Ruby said by Ulik and his companions.
claimed to be the Asgardian During the battle, Skooter met
leader Odin. They decided to his untimely demise when a troll
bring him to their underground snapped his neck.
base to meet their leader.
Skooter and the others had ADDITIONAL NOTES
their resident telepath, Slider
establish a mind-link with
"Odin" to make sure he was
who he claimed but after
touching his forehead a psionic
feedback knocked Slider down
revealing that Odin was really
the Baron Maestro in disguise.
Skooter engaged in a battle
with the baron along with his
fellow rebels but they didn't
stand a chance. It did however
gain the attention of their boss,
the Thing. This allowed Skooter
to leave so he could help with
the evacuation of the residents
via teleportation to the city
above ground. He later met
back up with Janis after she
came across one of the Baron's
soldiers taking Ruby hostage,
but in fact it was the other way
around. Ruby was saved by the
soldier who turned out to be
Layla Miller, someone who also
opposed the Maaestro's
cruelty. Skooter didn't trust her
but they accepted her help with
breaking into the castle to
rescue the Thing.
As Layla led everyone through
a back entrance into the Castle
Green, they were ambushed by
the Maestro's guards, but with a
swift optic blast from Ruby and
the help of Layla's companion
Jamie they tore through the
guards easily. The group made


F TY (6)
A GD (10)
S TY (6)
E GD (10)
R GD (10)
I GD (10)
P IN (40)
Health: 32
Karma: 60
Resources: PR (4)
Popularity: 0

Real Name: Slider
Occupation: Resistance Fighter
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of Dystopia with a
criminal record
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Dystopia, Battleworld
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Rebels
Base of Operations: Dystopia, Rebel Bases

Mind-Link: Slider has an AM
Telepathic ability to create a mind-
link with anyone she touches. This
power can be resisted with a Red
Psyche FEAT.

Talents: Scrounging, Diplomacy

Contacts: Janis Jones, Thing,

Ruby Summers, Skooter

Slider was a member of the
Rebels who acted as a security
guard due to her telepathic
abilities to scan peoples minds
to make sure they weren't a
threat to their base.
She was called upon by Janis
to scan the mind of an elderly
man that Ruby Summers found
in the desert who claimed to be
the All-Father, Odin. As Slider
touched "Odin"'s head she
received a psionic backlash
from the scan revealing that he
was actually the Maestro in
As their leader the Thing
clashed with the emerald giant,
Slider was evacuated to the city
above ground with the rest of
the resistance.




F EX (20)
A GD (10)
S TY (6)
E EX (20)
R GD (10)
I IN (40)
P EX (20)
Health: 56
Karma: 70
Resources: TY (6)
Popularity: 0

Real Name: Layla Miller
Occupation: Gravity Police, Resistance Fighter
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of Dystopia with no
criminal record
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Dystopia, Battleworld
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Gravity Police
Base of Operations: Dystopia, Castle Green

KNOWN POWERS world and

Reanimation: Layla has the the future.
RM ability to reanimate dead Much of her
beings, restoring their knowledge
consciousness, but not their as an adult seemed to be from a the spot.
souls. However, this journal that she wrote, and
reanimation can only be planned to read again in eighty Talents: Military, Martial Arts A
performed within minutes of the years, for her younger self to and E, Robot Training, Guns,
individual's death. In addition to Marksmanship.
read. This power acts as IN
reanimating corpses, Layla also Total Memory regarding any Contacts: Gravity Police
heals any wounds the victim event that seems divergent
may have suffered. from the reality she is currently
Pseudo-Precognition: When existing in.
an adult Layla returned from the
future, she uploaded all the WEAKNESSES
knowledge about her lifetime Blind Spots: Certain moments
and information from the next are unreadable for Layla. If she
80 years into the mind of her scores a 100 on a Precog roll,
younger self. However, the she knows something seems
process was imperfect and left out of the ordinary, but cannot
gaps in her knowledge, or "blind determine what her memory
spots", but enabled her to should be.
seemingly "predict" the future, Chaos Theory Rebounding:
or "know stuff." The adult Layla Presumably, if Layla reveals
still retained a large amount of anything about the timeline,
knowledge acquired about the she will be struck down dead on

Layla Miller was a member of
Baron Maestro's Gravity Police
who showed up with her Dog of
War named Jamie after the
Baron was engaged in a fight
with the rebel leader the Thing.
During the battle Layla noticed
the rebel Ruby Summers trying
to escape, she told the Baron JAMIE
that she will take care of the girl. the Destroyer armor.
Layla had Jamie pick up Ruby At an inn, they found Hoder, F RM (30)
in his steel jaws and began to who informed them that Ulik A AM (50)
could be found in Nornheim. S RM (30)
flee from the scene when Janis E SHY (200)
ran up the tail of Jamie and Upon entering Nornheim and
R PR (4)
punched Layla, throwing her to Ulik's cave, Layla and the I PR (4)
the ground. others were immediately P PR (4)
Layla revealed to the rebels attacked by Ulik's horde of trolls Health: 310
that she was one of them; while Maestro took on Ulik Karma: 12
himself. Defeated, Ulik was Resources: SH0 (0)
someone who opposed the Popularity: 0
Baron to and that she wasn't the forced to tell them the location
only one in the palace that of the armor. He then guided POWERS
shared her disdain. Layla then them to the Ancient One, who Invulnerability: Its frame gives
offered to help them sneak into they learned was actually Rick it SHY protection from Physical
the palace through a back Jones and also the guardian of and Energy attacks. It is also
entrance so they could rescue the Destroyer armor. immune to Radiation, Disease,
The Thing. Rick led them to the armor, Toxins and Aging.
After making to the Castle which after some hesitation the Leaping: AM
Green, Layla went on ahead Maestro put it on, but in the end Bite: If Jamie catches
while the others stayed back so Layla and her group learned something in his mouth (a
she could get her fellow from Rick that while Maestro fighting FEAT vs opponents
members in the patrol, Linquon wears the armor, he will forever agility) it can do up to UN
and Dwayne to help her get be trapped in a illusion of his damage. It will break things of
Ruby and her group into the own creation. Soon after, Layla SHY the first round and up to
castle through a window. As and the others headed back to CL 3000 the second.
they made their way in, they Dystopia. Teeth and Claws: IN edged
were ambushed by the Damage.
Maestro's guards, but with a ADDITIONAL NOTES
swift optic blast from Ruby and WEAKNESS
the help of Layla's companion Size: Jamie is +1CS to hit
Jamie they bested the guards
with ease. They made their way
to the throne room just to see
The Thing strike a deal with
Maestro to help him usurp God
Emperor Doom.
The gang of unlikely allies
traveled to Norseheim, where a
book Maestro had stolen from
Doom had said that Ulik the
Troll would know the location of


F IN (40)
A GD (10)
S MN (75)
E MN (75)
R EX (20)
I EX (20)
P EX (20)
Health: 200
Karma: 60
Resources: PR (4)
Popularity: 0

Real Name: General Thaddeus
“Thunderbolt” Ross
Occupation: Resistance Leader
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Fugitive
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: Rebels
Base of Operations: Dystopia,
Rebel Bases

Body Armor: Ross has a thick
rocky hide that gives him IN
protection against Physical and
Fire based attacks. It provides
EX protection against other
forms of Energy attacks.
Hyper Breath: As a Strength
Power Stunt, Thing can expel
an EX intensity windstorm with
a maximum range of 2 Areas.

Talents: Military, Martial Arts

B, Guns, Marksmanship.
Tactician, Pilot, Diplomacy,

Contacts: Rebels across


HISTORY made intrigued Ross. Maestro to Dystopia, now without its
Thaddeus Ross was a Air was looking for the legendary tyrant king.
Force major within the Destroyer armor which,
astronaut program when he according to a book stolen from ADDITIONAL NOTES
took a shuttle with him and Doom, was powerful enough to
Glenn Talbot into outer space take out Doom. The Thing
where they plotted a course that agreed to assist Maestro in his
ended up going through a storm quest to confront Doom in trade
of cosmic rays. After being for Baronship of Dystopia.
bombarded by the radiation the As they talked about their
ship was damaged and crashed uneasy alliance, Thing's rebel
landed. friends broke into the palace
As Ross pulled himself from thinking he was being held
the wreckage, he discovered prisoner. Ross informed his
Talbot dead. Suddenly his body followers that they would be
started to change into a orange- joining forces with the Maestro
colored, thick-skinned, heavily- instead.
muscled, and super humanly The Rebels followed the
strong rock creature. In shock Maestro to Norseheim, where
from his transformation, Ross according to the book stolen
disappeared into the forest. from Doom, would lead them to
Calling himself the Thing, he Ulik the Troll who knew of the
later became the leader of the location of the armor. To get
resistance against the Baron of information about Ulik's
Dystopia, Maestro. Ross was at whereabouts, the group
the rebel base when one of his entered a local pub and found
scouts, Ruby Summers brought Hoder, who revealed to them
in an elderly man who claimed that Ulik was in Nornheim and
to be the Asgardian All-Father, told them where they would find
Odin after finding him lost in the its entrance.
wastelands outside of the city. Upon entering Nornheim and
But this was a ruse, as it Ulik's cave, Thing and the
turned out that "Odin" was others were immediately
really the Maestro in human attacked by Ulik's horde of trolls
form. He started to attack the while Maestro took on Ulik
rebels, which drew the Thing's himself. Defeated, Ulik was
attention. A battle broke out forced to tell them the location
between the two behemoths of the armor. He then guided
which resulted in everyone them to the Ancient One, who
being evacuated above ground. they learned was actually Rick
After trading blows back and Jones, the guardian of the
forth, the Maestro gained the Destroyer armor.
upper-hand by knocking Ross Rick led them to the armor,
out while his soldiers showed which after some hesitation the
up in time to back him up. He Maestro put it on, but in the end
then took Thing back to his Ross and his group learned
palace as a prisoner. from Rick that while Maestro
With the Thing immobilized, wears the armor, he will forever
Maestro told him about his be trapped in an illusion of his
plans to overthrow God-Doom own creation which was fine for
and asked for his help, which The Thing as they headed back


F PR (4)
A FE (2)
S FE (2)
E PR (4)
R TY (6)
I GD (10)
P TY (6)
Health: 12
Karma: 22
Resources: FE (2)
Popularity: 0

Real Name: Rick Jones
Occupation: Ancient One
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Presumed Dead
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Janis Jones
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Nornheim

Immortality: Rick is Immortal
as long as he stays in his Cave
of Wishes. He is immune to
disease, poison, radiation, and
does not age. He can however
be killed by any other means.

Ta l e n t s : M a r t i a l A r t s E ,
Performance, Guitar

Contacts: None

Rick Jones was chosen by
God-Emperor Doom to stand
guard over the legendary
Asgardian Destroyer Armor in
Nornheim. As long as he stayed
in the Cave of Wishes, Jones
w a s g r a n t e d i m m o r t a l i t y.
Calling himself the Ancient
One, he resigned eternity to
protecting Doom's treasure.
After a long time of being
alone he received a visit from
some old friends and family, his
great-granddaughter Janis and
the Rebels of Dystopia. Along
with them was his former friend
who was now the Baron of
Dystopia, the Maestro who was
seeking to claim the Destroyer
armor for himself.
Rick led them to the armor,
and told Maestro that he was
free to put it on. Suspecting a
trap, Maestro refused to believe
that obtaining the armor could
be that easy. Rick told him that it
wasn't, as he had already
summoned Doom to deal with
the Maestro. Maestro put on the
armor just as Doom arrived. A
fight ensued, which the Maestro
won with little effort, going on to
seize all of Battleworld and rule
it as the new All-Father.
Or so he was tricked into
believing. There was indeed a
trap; the Maestro was living out
a fantasy within the Destroyer
armor, as the Cave of Wishes
had granted his deepest desire.
The Maestro, reverting to his
human form, would thus remain
trapped in the illusion for all



F GD (10)
A GD (10)
S TY (6)
E GD (10)
R TY (6)
I GD (10)
P TY (6)
Health: 36
Karma: 22
Resources: TY (6)
Popularity: 0

Real Name: Various
Occupation: Gravity Police
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Royal Guard of Dystopia
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Dystopia, Battleworld
Marital Status: Various
Known Relatives: Various
Group Affiliation: Gravity Police
Base of Operations: Dystopia

KNOWN POWERS the people of Dystopia in

None line. They were seen after
the Baron engaged in a
Weapons: battle against the Rebels
Heavy Blaster: leader, the Thing. After the
Material Strength: GD Maestro defeated him, the
Damage: IN Energy Gravity Police took Ross to the
Range: 4 Areas palace as their prisoner.
Blaster: Some members of the force
Material Strength: GD secretly opposed the Maestro
Damage: EX Energy due to his treatment of the
Range: 2 Areas people. As Layla Miller devised
Body Armor: EX protection a plan with Ruby Summers to
against Physical and Energy sneak into the castle to rescue
attacks. their boss, Layla had fellow
Gravity Police co-conspirators
Ta l e n t s : M a r t i a l A r t s B , Linqon and Dwayne helped her
Marksmanship, Guns, Military with the rescue attempt. After
getting them in, the traitors
Contacts: Maestro, Dogs of helped take out their former
War officers in order for the mission
to be a success.
The Gravity Police are the
official patrolman used by the
Baron Maestro in order to keep

F RM (30)
A AM (50)
S EX (20)
E SHY (200)
R PR (4)
I PR (4)
P PR (4)
Health: 300
Karma: 12
Resources: SH0 (0)
Popularity: 0

Invulnerability: Its frame gives it
SHY protection from Physical and
Energy attacks. It is also immune to
Radiation, Disease, Toxins and
Leaping: AM
Bite: If a Dog of War catches
something in its mouth (a fighting
FEAT vs opponents agility) it can do
up to UN damage. It will break things
of SHY the first round and up to CL
3000 the second.
Teeth and Claws: R M edged

Size: The Dogs of War are +1CS to

The Dogs of War were a group of
sentient robotic dogs that were used
as riding partners to the Gravity
Police so they could patrol the
domain of Dystopia under the Baron
Maestro's iron hand.
The animals, though cybernetic in
origin, are raised as small puppies
until they come to full age and size as
Layla Miller did with her partner

ulik and the rock trolls


F MN (75)
A GD (10)
S UN (100)
E UN (100)
R GD (10)
I EX (20)
P EX (20)
Health: 285
Karma: 50
Resources: IN (40)
Popularity: 20

Real Name: Ulik
Occupation: Warrior
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of the Domain of
Trolls, Nornheim, Battleworld
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Domain of Trolls
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Horth (brother,
Group Affiliation: Rock Trolls
Base of Operations: Domain of Trolls,
Dense Flesh: Ulik’s tough hide
provides him with MN Body
Pounders: These unique
weapons resemble brass
knuckles. These weapons do
SHX damage and can set of
MN level earthquake tremors to
everything within a 3 area range
and RM damage to everything
within 5 areas.
Minions: Ulik is the
commander of his own squad of
Rock Trolls with the following
stats: Talents: None
F RM (30)
Contacts: Rock Trolls
A GD (10)
S RM (30)
E IN (40)
R FE (2)
I PR (4)
P PR (4)
Health: 110
Karma: 10
Body Armor: GD

Ulik was the leader of the
Rock Trolls in Nornheim when
the Baron Maestro and the
Rebels came in search of the
Asgardian Destroyer Armor. In
order to see the Ancient One
about the armor, they had to
defeat Ulik and his horde of
trolls in a fight.
Ulik first battled the Thing,
but quickly overpowered him.
Maestro then told Ulik to come
after him, and the both of them
smashed their fists together,
which caused them to break
through the cavern wall and
down into the water that lay
beneath. After Ulik was
defeated, he want back to the
entrance to tell his horde to stop
attacking the rebels and
Maestro so the Ancient One
could deal with them instead.


destroyer armor


F UN (75)
A MN (10)
S UN (100)
E CL3000 (3000)
P UN (100)
Health: 3275
Karma: 100
Resources: N/A
Popularity: -100

Dimension Travel: AM
Disintegration: CL1000
Energy damage with a 5 area
range. Can be used every other
turn. Living targets may attempt
a Red Endurance FEAT to
avoid disintegration. If
successful, the target takes
1000 points of damage.
Disruption: CL1000. Same
effect as Disintegration, only
this affects non-living material
and even Uru metal.
Elemental Conversion:
Fire Generation: CL1000
Heat: CL1000
Kinetic Blast: CL1000
Levitation: AM
Magnetic Generation: SHY
Matter Control: MN
Ÿ Liquification of solids
Ÿ Solidification of liquids or
Ÿ Density Alteration
Molding: CL1000
Molecular Conversion:
Plasma Generation: SHZ
True Invulnerability: CL3000
resistance to any physical or
energy attack.
If the animating life-force of the
Destroyer Armor is injured, they
must make a Red Psyche FEAT
to remain in control.

Maestro and a band of unlikely
Allies traced the Destroyer
Armor to a hidden location in
the Realm of Nornheim. Upon
entering Nornheim, they were
immediately attacked by Ulik's
horde of trolls. Maestro easily
defeated Ulik, and forced him to
tell him the location of the
Destroyer armor. Ulik complied,
and guided them to the Ancient
One, who was the guardian of
the Destroyer armor in the Cave
of Wishes. To the Maestro's
surprise, the Ancient One was
none other than Rick Jones.
Rick led them to the armor and
told Maestro that he was free to
put it on. Suspecting a trap,
Maestro refused to believe that
getting the armor could be that
easy. Rick told him that it
wasn't, as he had already
summoned Doom to deal with
Maestro. Maestro put on the
armor just as Doom arrived. A
fight ensued, which the Maestro
won with little effort, going on to
seize all of Battleworld and rule
it as the new All-Father
afterwards. Or so he would
believe. There was indeed a
trap: The Cave is Wishes
trapped Maestro in the armor in MAESTRO IN THE DESTROYER ARMOR
an illusion of his deepest wish.
Maestro, reverting to his human
form, would thus remain
trapped in the illusion for all



Greenland is the largest domain

of Battleworld. Its Baron is the
Red King.
The world that Greenland
consists of was once a peaceful
place until A.I.M. hit the domain
with Gamma Bombs, turning part
of it into a desert-like wasteland
dominated by gamma-irradiated
creatures and an assortment of
T h e Vo i c e U n h e a r d , a n
insurrectionist group, tried to
deliver a serum capable of
restoring the minds of the raging
Hulks to someone in Greenland,
but the Thor Corps appeared and
the VU had to escape, leaving the
serum with a Sand Hulk who had
his mind restored and was
revealed to be that area's version
of Rick Jones.
After committing crimes in the
Killiseum, The Captain and his
pet T. Rex, The Devil, were sent
by God Emperor Doom himself to
Greenland to kill the Red King,
who had captured Bucky (whom
The Captain was looking for), to
destabilize the Mud Kingdom. As
they entered Greenland, Captain
and Devil were attacked by giant
Hulk insect Grubs, but they were
saved by a highly intelligent Hulk
named Doc Green.
Upon getting acquainted with
the Captain and the Devil, Doc
Green agreed to become their
guide in Greenland to help them
navigate it and rescue Bucky the Captain and Doc Green were course, leaving them with two
from the Red King. On their way attacked by a giant aquatic choices: circle back around the
to the Mud Kingdom, Doc Green creature that dragged the Fang Mountains, which would
saved the Captain and Devil from Captain underwater with its take three days, or cut straight to
a Hulk-Eating Plant. The Captain tentacle. the Mud Kingdom by going
and Doc Green were then As Doc Green tried to get to the through the Barrens, where the
attacked by Bull Hulks and Captain, the Devil showed up and Tribal Hulks dwell. The Captain
separated from Devil. Upon attacked the Sea Hulk, killing it by decided to go through the
ending up in the Gamma Lake biting off part of its neck during Barrens as it was the faster route.
after escaping into a nearby river, the fight. The incident put them off On their way through the


Barrens, they came across and rule the Mud Kingdom

a wall made of the skulls of as God Doom had planned.
the people who died in the The Captain confronted
civil war between the Mud Doc Green with his
Kingdom and the Tribal subterfuge as Doc Green
Hulks. Doc Green said that mocked him in return for
the gamma only revealed having succumbed to the
what's already within each Hulk inside himself, just like
living being: an obsession him. Rogers said he wasn't
with war and violence; and anything like Green. In
that it was the reality order to prove him wrong,
everyone denied. He then Green returned to his
began to mock the Captain human form, revealing
by saying it would be no himself as an analog of
different with him if he got Steve Rogers from a
corrupted by gamma, as he domain similar to the one
was already doing Doom's the Captain came from, but
dirty work. But Captain said with the difference that
he wouldn't fall victim to this Bucky had died in a war,
supposed curse, as he prompting Green's death as
planned to find and free a man and his rebirth as a
Bucky without killing the Hulk. Green taunted a
Red King. As a storm confused Captain about
approached, they took how Bucky made him weak,
shelter inside a cave and but the Captain responded
were attacked and that Bucky had made him
captured by the Tribal brave enough to do what
Hulks. must be done and killed
Captain was taken to the mission, but said that if he Doc Green. Subsequently,
Mud Kingdom to be sold as an released Bucky, he would them Rogers threw the severed head
slave, but was rescued by Doc spare his life. But the Red King of the Red King in front of the
Green before the Tribal Hulks revealed that Doom had lied to Tribal Hulks, ending the battle
could do so. Doc Green pointed him, and that he had sent Bucky's between them and Devil. After
at the Red King's castle, where head to Doomgard a month ago. grieving their companion's death,
Bucky was supposedly being He then grabbed the severed the Captain and the Devil left the
held, but warned the Captain that bionic arm of Bucky and said that Mud Kingdom behind.
it was not like the time when he Bucky wasn't his prisoner, but his
and Bucky stole pies from trophy.
grandma Hubbard. Surprised at The Red King then tried to
Doc’s revelation, the Captain convince Rogers to join his army
asked him how he knew about to take God Doom down, as he
that moment in his and Bucky’s was the one truly responsible for
relationship and who he was Bucky's death. Enraged, Rogers
before he turned into a Hulk, but murdered the Red King and took
was interrupted by the return of his head. Doc Green showed up
the Devil. With Devil's help, the afterwards, congratulating the
Captain invaded the castle and Captain for the completion of his
confronted the Red King. The mission. With the Red King dead,
Captain told him about his Doc Green would take his place
THE captain


F AM (50)
A IN (40)
S RM (30)
E RM (30)
R EX (20)
I EX (20)
P AM (50)
Health: 150
Karma: 90
Resources: SH0
Popularity: 20

Real Name: Steve Rogers
Occupation: Gladiator
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Wanted Criminal
Other Known Aliases: Captain America
Place of Birth: New York City, Earth 616
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unrevealed
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Formerly Killiseum,
Currently mobile.

The Captain’s physical
enhancements were the result Marksmanship, Martial Arts A,
of a Super Soldier Serum B, C, D, E, Wrestling, Artist,
transforming him into the Leadership, Military.
perfect genetic specimen of
homo-sapiens. Contacts:
Weapons: The Devil
Ÿ RM damage
Ÿ Can be thrown up to 3 areas
away and can bounce off of
multiple targets to return to
The Captain.
Ÿ MN material
Ÿ AM edged damage
Ÿ Presumably magically

Weapons Specialist: Shield,
Edged Weapons, Blunt
W e a p o n s , G u n s ,

HISTORY Doc Green said that the Gamma as God Doom had planned. The
After committing crimes in the only revealed what's already Captain confronted Doc Green
Killiseum, The Captain and his within each living being: an coming to the realization that
pet T. Rex, The Devil, were sent obsession with war and violence; Green had known all along of
by God Emperor Doom himself and that it was the reality Bucky’s fate and had
to Greenland to kill the Red King, everyone denied. He then began manipulated The Captain into
who had captured Cap’s partner to mock the Captain by saying it killing the Red King. Doc Green
Bucky, to destabilize the Mud would be no different with him if mocked Rogers for succumbing
Kingdom. As they entered he got corrupted by gamma, as to the Hulk inside himself. Doc
Greenland, Captain and Devil he was already doing Doom's Green returned to his human
were attacked by Hulk insects, dirty work. But Captain denied form, revealing himself as an
but they were saved by Doc the accusation, as he planned to analog of Steve Rogers from a
Green. find and free Bucky without domain similar to the one the
Upon getting acquainted with killing the Red King. As a storm Captain came from, but with the
the Captain and the Devil, Doc approached, they took shelter difference that Bucky died in a
Green agreed to become their inside a cave but were attacked war, prompting Green's death as
guide in Greenland to help them and captured by the Tribal Hulks. a man and his rebirth as a Hulk.
navigate it and rescue Bucky Captain was taken to the Mud Green taunted a confused
from the Red King. On their way Kingdom to be sold as an slave, Captain about how Bucky made
to the Mud Kingdom, Doc Green but was rescued by Doc Green him weak and because of his
saved the Captain and Devil once again. After their escape, loyalty to him he would leave him
from a Hulk-Eating Plant. The Doc Green pointed at the Red to rule the Greenland, but the
Captain and Doc Green were King's castle, where Bucky was Captain responded that Bucky
then attacked by Bull Hulks and being held. With Devil's help, the had made him brave enough to
separated from Devil. Upon Captain invaded the castle and do what must be done and killed
ending up in the Gamma Lake confronted the Red King. The Doc Green. Subsequently,
after escaping into the river, the Captain told him about his Rogers threw the severed head
Captain and Doc Green were mission, but said that if he of the Red King in front of the
attacked by a giant aquatic released Bucky, he would spare Tribal Hulks, ending an age old
creature that dragged the his life. But the Red King conflict. With this, The Captain
Captain underwater with its revealed that Doom had lied to and The Devil left the Mud
tentacle. him, and that he had sent Kingdom behind.
As Doc Green tried to get to the Bucky's head to Doomgard a
Captain, the Devil arrived and month ago. He then grabbed the
defeated the Sea Hulk. The severed bionic arm of Bucky and
incident put them off course, said that Bucky wasn't his
leaving them with two choices: prisoner, but his trophy.
circle back, around the Fang The Red King then tried to
Mountains, which would take convince Rogers to join his army
three days, or cut straight to the to take God Doom down, as he
Mud Kingdom by going through was the one responsible for
the Barrens, where the Tribal Bucky's death. Rogers went
Hulks dwell. The Captain against his moral nature and
decided to go through the murdered The Red King in a fit of
Barrens as it was the faster vengeance. Doc Green arrived
route. On their way through the afterwards, congratulating the
Barrens, they saw a wall made of Captain for the completion of his
the skulls of the people who died mission. With the Red King
in the civil war between the Mud dead, Doc Green would take his
Kingdom and the Tribal Hulks. place and rule the Mud Kingdom

the devil


F RM (30)
A EX (20)
S UN (100)
E UN (100)
R FE (2)
I GD (10)
P IN (40)
Health: 250
Karma: 52
Resources: TY
Popularity: 6

Real Name: Devil
Occupation: Gladiator
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Wanted Criminal
Other Known Aliases: Devil Dinosaur
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Formerly Killiseum,
Currently mobile.

Berserker: When enraged,
Devil’s Strength and Endurance
increase to SHY.
Thick Skin: MN Body Armor
vs. Physical, AM vs. Energy.
Claws and Teeth: Edged
damage equal to current
strength levels.
Heightened Olfactory: RM
tracking ability.

The Captain


HISTORY Doc Green said that the Gamma as God Doom had planned. The
After committing crimes in the only revealed what's already Captain confronted Doc Green
Killiseum, The Captain and his within each living being: an coming to the realization that
pet T. Rex, The Devil, were sent obsession with war and violence; Green had known all along of
by God Emperor Doom himself and that it was the reality Bucky’s fate and had
to Greenland to kill the Red King, everyone denied. He then began manipulated The Captain into
who had captured Cap’s partner to mock the Captain by saying it killing the Red King. Doc Green
Bucky, to destabilize the Mud would be no different with him if mocked Rogers for succumbing
Kingdom. As they entered he got corrupted by gamma, as to the Hulk inside himself. Doc
Greenland, Captain and Devil he was already doing Doom's Green returned to his human
were attacked by Hulk insects, dirty work. But Captain denied form, revealing himself as an
but they were saved by Doc the accusation, as he planned to analog of Steve Rogers from a
Green. find and free Bucky without domain similar to the one the
Upon getting acquainted with killing the Red King. As a storm Captain came from, but with the
the Captain and the Devil, Doc approached, they took shelter difference that Bucky died in a
Green agreed to become their inside a cave but were attacked war, prompting Green's death as
guide in Greenland to help them and captured by the Tribal Hulks. a man and his rebirth as a Hulk.
navigate it and rescue Bucky Captain was taken to the Mud Green taunted a confused
from the Red King. On their way Kingdom to be sold as an slave, Captain about how Bucky made
to the Mud Kingdom, Doc Green but was rescued by Doc Green him weak and because of his
saved the Captain and Devil once again. After their escape, loyalty to him he would leave him
from a Hulk-Eating Plant. The Doc Green pointed at the Red to rule the Greenland, but the
Captain and Doc Green were King's castle, where Bucky was Captain responded that Bucky
then attacked by Bull Hulks and being held. With Devil's help, the had made him brave enough to
separated from Devil. Upon Captain invaded the castle and do what must be done and killed
ending up in the Gamma Lake confronted the Red King. The Doc Green. Subsequently,
after escaping into the river, the Captain told him about his Rogers threw the severed head
Captain and Doc Green were mission, but said that if he of the Red King in front of the
attacked by a giant aquatic released Bucky, he would spare Tribal Hulks, ending an age old
creature that dragged the his life. But the Red King conflict. With this, The Captain
Captain underwater with its revealed that Doom had lied to and The Devil left the Mud
tentacle. him, and that he had sent Kingdom behind.
As Doc Green tried to get to the Bucky's head to Doomgard a
Captain, the Devil arrived and month ago. He then grabbed the
defeated the Sea Hulk. The severed bionic arm of Bucky and
incident put them off course, said that Bucky wasn't his
leaving them with two choices: prisoner, but his trophy.
circle back, around the Fang The Red King then tried to
Mountains, which would take convince Rogers to join his army
three days, or cut straight to the to take God Doom down, as he
Mud Kingdom by going through was the one responsible for
the Barrens, where the Tribal Bucky's death. Rogers went
Hulks dwell. The Captain against his moral nature and
decided to go through the murdered The Red King in a fit of
Barrens as it was the faster vengeance. Doc Green arrived
route. On their way through the afterwards, congratulating the
Barrens, they saw a wall made of Captain for the completion of his
the skulls of the people who died mission. With the Red King
in the civil war between the Mud dead, Doc Green would take his
Kingdom and the Tribal Hulks. place and rule the Mud Kingdom



F RM (30)
A GD (10)
S UN (100)
E MN (75)
R RM (30)
I EX (20)
P RM (30)
Health: 215
Karma: 80
Resources: PR
Popularity: 0

Real Name: Steven Rogers
Occupation: Liberator
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Wanted Criminal
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Unrevealed
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Greenland

Alter Ego: Doc Green is the
Hulk version of Steven Rogers.
He can control this
transformation at will. Rogers’
stats are as follows:

F TY (6)
A PR (4)
S PR (4)
E TY (6)
R RM (30)
I EX (20)
P TY (6)
Health: 20
Karma: 56 Martial Arts A and B, Wrestling, ADDITIONAL NOTES
Guns, Invention, Electronics,
Invulnerability: MN protection Physics.
from Physical attacks, A M
protection against Energy Contacts:
attacks, CL1000 protection The Captain and The Devil
against cold, heat, fire, or
Hyper-leaping: Green can
leap at a CL 5000 level which
gives him the ability to leap 50
areas per round.

HISTORY wall made of the skulls of the said that Bucky wasn't his
After committing crimes in the people who died in the civil war prisoner, but his trophy.
Killiseum, The Captain and his between the Mud Kingdom and The Red King then tried to
pet T. Rex, The Devil, were sent the Tribal Hulks. Doc Green said convince Rogers to join his army
by God Emperor Doom himself that the gamma only revealed to take God Doom down, as he
to Greenland to kill the Red King, what's already within each living was the one truly responsible for
who had captured Bucky (whom being: an obsession with war Bucky's death. Enraged, Rogers
The Captain was looking for), to and violence; and that it was the murdered the Red King and took
destabilize the Mud Kingdom. As reality everyone denied. He then his head. Doc Green showed up
they entered Greenland, Captain began to mock the Captain by afterwards, congratulating the
and Devil were attacked by giant saying it would be no different Captain for the completion of his
Hulk insect Grubs, but they were with him if he got corrupted by mission. With the Red King
saved by a highly intelligent Hulk gamma, as he was already doing dead, Doc Green would take his
named Doc Green. Doom's dirty work. But Captain place and rule the Mud Kingdom
Upon getting acquainted with said he wouldn't fall victim to this as God Doom had planned. The
the Captain and the Devil, Doc supposed curse, as he planned Captain confronted Doc Green
Green agreed to become their to find and free Bucky without with his subterfuge as Doc
guide in Greenland to help them killing the Red King. As a storm Green mocked him in return for
navigate it and rescue Bucky approached, they took shelter having succumbed to the Hulk
from the Red King. On their way inside a cave and were attacked inside himself, just like him.
to the Mud Kingdom, Doc Green and captured by the Tribal Hulks. Rogers said he wasn't anything
saved the Captain and Devil Captain was taken to the Mud like Green. In order to prove him
from a Hulk-Eating Plant. The Kingdom to be sold as an slave, wrong, Green returned to his
Captain and Doc Green were but was rescued by Doc Green human form, revealing himself
then attacked by Bull Hulks and before the Tribal Hulks could do as an analog of Steve Rogers
separated from Devil. Upon so. Doc Green pointed at the from a domain similar to the one
ending up in the Gamma Lake Red King's castle, where Bucky the Captain came from, but with
after escaping into a nearby was supposedly being held, but the difference that Bucky had
river, the Captain and Doc Green warned the Captain that it was died in a war, prompting Green's
were attacked by a giant aquatic not like the time when he and death as a man and his rebirth as
creature that dragged the Bucky stole pies from grandma a Hulk. Green taunted a
Captain underwater with its Hubbard. Surprised at Doc’s confused Captain about how
tentacle. revelation, the Captain asked Bucky made him weak, but the
As Doc Green tried to get to the him how he knew about that Captain responded that Bucky
Captain, the Devil showed up moment in his and Bucky’s had made him brave enough to
and attacked the Sea Hulk, relationship and who he was do what must be done and killed
killing it by biting off part of its before he turned into a Hulk, but Doc Green. Subsequently,
neck during the fight. The was interrupted by the return of Rogers threw the severed head
incident put them off course, the Devil. With Devil's help, the of the Red King in front of the
leaving them with two choices: Captain invaded the castle and Tribal Hulks, ending the battle
circle back around the Fang confronted the Red King. The between them and Devil. After
Mountains, which would take Captain told him about his grieving their companion's
three days, or cut straight to the mission, but said that if he death, the Captain and the Devil
Mud Kingdom by going through released Bucky, he would them left the Mud Kingdom behind.
the Barrens, where the Tribal spare his life. But the Red King
Hulks dwell. The Captain revealed that Doom had lied to
decided to go through the him, and that he had sent
Barrens as it was the faster Bucky's head to Doomgard a
route. On their way through month ago. He then grabbed the
theBarrens, they came across a severed bionic arm of Bucky and



F RM (30)
A GD (10)
S UN (100)
E MN (75)
R EX (20)
I EX (20)
P RM (30)
Health: 215
Karma: 70
Resources: IN
Popularity: 40

Real Name: Unknown
Occupation: Baron of Greenland
Identity: Secret
Legal Status: Baron of Greenland
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Greenland
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Greenland,
The Mud Kingdom

Invulnerability: MN protection
from Physical attacks, A M
protection against Energy
attacks, CL1000 protection
against cold, heat, fire, or
Hyper-leaping: Red King can
leap at a CL 5000 level which
gives him the ability to leap 50
areas per round. ADDITIONAL NOTES

Martial Arts A and B, Wrestling,

Barons across Battleworld.

After committing crimes in the
Killiseum, The Captain and his
pet T. Rex, The Devil, were sent
by God Emperor Doom himself
to Greenland to kill the Red King,
who had captured Cap’s partner
Bucky, to destabilize the Mud
After a series of travels, The
Captain was taken to the Mud
Kingdom to be sold as an slave,
but was rescued by Doc Green
After their escape, Doc Green
pointed at the Red King's castle,
where Bucky was being held.
With Devil's help, the Captain
invaded the castle and
confronted the Red King. The
Captain told him about his
mission, but said that if he
released Bucky, he would spare
his life. But the Red King
revealed that Doom had lied to
him, and that he had sent
Bucky's head to Doomgard a
month ago. He then grabbed the
severed bionic arm of Bucky and
said that Bucky wasn't his
prisoner, but his trophy.
The Red King then tried to
convince Rogers to join his army
to take God Doom down, as he
was the one responsible for
Bucky's death. Rogers went
against his moral nature and
murdered The Red King in a fit of


TRIBAL HULKS Tribal Hulks are scattered throughout KNOWN POWERS

F GD (10) the Greenland Domain. Some are Invulnerability: MN protection from
A GD (10) segregated by the color of their skin Physical attacks, A M protection
S AM (50) (Greens, Grays, and Reds) while against Energy attacks, SHZ
E UN (100) others closer to the Mud Kingdom are protection against cold, heat, fire, or
R TY (6) more integrated. They often carry disease.
I GD (10) various traditional tribal weapons such Hyper-Leaping: Sand Hulks can leap
P TY (6) as spears, swords, knives and clubs at a CL 3000 level which gives them
Health: 170 that will increase their attacks by 1CS the ability to leap 30 areas per round.
Karma: 22 in most cases. Hyper-Digging: IN ability to burrow
KNOWN POWERS through the ground at a speed of 4
Invulnerability: MN protection from SAND HULKS areas per round.
Physical attacks, A M protection F GD (10)
against Energy attacks, SHZ A GD (10)
protection against cold, heat, fire, or S MN (75)
disease. E UN (100)
Hyper-Leaping: Tribal Hulks can leap R PR (4)
at a CL 1000 level which gives them I PR (4)
the ability to leap 10 areas per round. P PR (4)
Health: 195
Talents: Karma: 12
Martial Arts A and B, Wrestling,
Hunting, Tracking.

F GD (10) Thick Hide: MN protection from
A GD (10) Physical attacks, A M protection
S SHX (150) against Energy attacks, SHX
E SHX (150) protection against cold, heat, fire, or
R FE (2) disease.
I FE (2) Teeth: SHX Edged Damage
P FE (2) C h a r g i n g A tta c k : S H Y E d g e d
Health: 320 damage that can Slam a victim up to 10
Karma: 6 areas away.
Thick Hide: MN protection from
Physical attacks, A M protection
against Energy attacks, SHX
protection against cold, heat, fire, or
Teeth/Claws: SHX Edged Damage
Water-Breathing: MN

A TY (6) F PR (4)
S AM (50) A GD (10)
E UN (100) S AM (50)
R FE (2) E MN (75)
I FE (2) R FE (2)
P FE (2) I FE (2)
Health: 166 P FE (2)
Karma: 6 Health: 139
Thick Hide: AM protection from KNOWN POWERS
Physical attacks, IN protection against BULL HULKS Thick Hide: AM protection from
Energy attacks, S H X protection F EX (20) Physical attacks, R M protection
against cold, heat, fire, or disease. A EX (20) against Energy attacks.
Teeth: MN Edged Damage S UN (100) Teeth/Claws: MN Edged Damage
Poisonous Bite: Inflicts RM level E SHX (150) Acidic Saliva: AM acidic damage to
poison if skin is broken. Causes R FE (2) anyone caught in the creatures mouth
disorientation and nausea/vomiting. I FE (2) or splashed in its’ internal fluids.
P FE (2)
Health: 290
Karma: 6

DOC samson


F GD (10)
A GD (10)
S MN (75)
E UN (100)
R EX (20)
I EX (20)
P EX (20)
Health: 215
Karma: 60
Resources: GD
Popularity: 5

Real Name: Leonard Samson
Occupation: Psychiatrist
Identity: Public
Legal Status: Citizen of Greenland
with no criminal record
Other Known Aliases: None
Place of Birth: Greenland
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Small town outside
of Greenland
Alter Ego: Doc Samson can
control this transformation at
will. Samson’s human stats are
as follows:
DOC SAMSON P s y c h i a t r y, P s y c h o l o g y,
F TY (6)
A TY (6)
S TY (6) Contacts:
E GD (10) Various Hulks in the City
R EX (20) outside Greenland
I EX (20)
P TY (6)
Health: 28
Karma: 56

Invulnerability: MN protection
from Physical attacks, A M
protection against Energy
attacks, CL1000 protection
against cold, heat, fire, or
Hyper-leaping: Samson can
leap at a CL 1000 level which
gives him the ability to leap 10
areas per round.

Doc Samson presides over a
small Psyciatric practice in an
unnamed small town just outside
of Greenland.
This town is filled with semi-
intelligent Hulks that typically
walk around in human form that
unfortunately suffer from some
pretty serious anger issues.
Doc Samson does his best to
keep the Hulks in his little home
town at bay, one Hulk at a time.


STORY SEEDS seeking Trophies of strange G-Force

creatures only found in The Characters are a band
Rebel, Rebel Greenland. Their illegal poaching of Hulks from the small town
The Characters are puts them in the sights of the Red outside of Greenland that are
members of the Thing’s King and the Thor Corps. working at controlling their inner-
resistance in Dystopia hulks by serving as the
and are protecting the local Calm Police. Under
innocent while standing the guidance of Doc
up to the Gravity Police. Samson, the Calm Police
The Thing’s ultimate try to distill any potential
goal is to usurp The threatening situation
Maestro. before the whole city Hulks
Situational Gravity
The Characters Dogs of War
are members of The The characters
Gravity Police - in have been sent into
service to the Maestro Dystopia to investigate a
and in charge of keeping virus that has taken ahold
the peace in Dystopia of the Dogs of War. Who
and rooting out all could be behind the virus
insurgents. and what will have to be
done to protect the citizens
War of the Hulks of Greenland from the out
The Characters of control beasts?
are caught up in a play
for power between Gamma Time
Greenland and The Characters are
Dystopia: Maestro members of Doom’s
wants Greenland as his Foundation who are
own and the Red King investigating Gamma
(or newest Baron) is seepage from across
gathering his forces to Greenland and Dystopia.
defend his Domain. Hulks are turning up in
other regions near the
Hard Target borders. What is causing
The characters the leak?
have been hired by
Arcade from the Killiseum to hunt New Power Generation
down heroes from across Tribal Life The Characters have heard of
battleworld for the amusement of The Characters are all the death of the Red King.
the masses. It’s The Hunger Tribal Hulks from the Mudlands. Someone must take over as
Games of Greenland. Perhaps they are from the same Baron. Should it be one of their
family or are warriors from the own or do they supporth the next
Hunter’s Hunted Tribe. Regardless, their mission is claim to the throne?
The Characters are to survive day to day life in the
hunters from across Battleworld wilds of Greenland.


The Adaptor pulled information from the following publications

and websites to compile this Compendium:

Marvel Unlimited Membership
The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe - Multiple Issues
The Gamer’s Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vols. 1-4
and 1989-1992 Updates
Future Imperfect #1-4
Planet Hulk #1-4
Secret Wars Journal #3
The Future Imperfect Sourcebook By Nick Evanko

The Adaptor highly recommends the Marvel Unlimited membership and application.
This is the best tool for running any game in the Marvel Universe.
This is simply the adaptor’s opinion and is given completely of his free will.
He does not work for nor is endorsed by Marvel Comics or the Disney Corp.
He’s just a big Marvel Phile and prefers to pay for a subscription rather than pirate issues illegally.


book of green


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