TH ND TH: No. Anggota Kelompok Institusi Judul Produk
TH ND TH: No. Anggota Kelompok Institusi Judul Produk
TH ND TH: No. Anggota Kelompok Institusi Judul Produk
We are sorry for the announcement delay of selected participants to the 2nd round of CPDC.
Before we announce the selected abstract, we report the amount of teams participating in 4th
CPDC. There are 73 teams from 21 institutions participate in CPDC this year. Here we attach
the recapitulation of participants based on the institutions.
Here is the result of judgment for the 1st stage selection of 4th CPDC. The list number below
is written randomly, so it does not describe the rank of the teams.
The decision from the judges is the final decision. For more information you can contact the
person in charge below. Congratulation to all participants whose abstract has been selected
into to next round. For those who didn’t pass to the next round, keep up your good work and
we will wait you in the next CPDC.