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Yield and Amino Acid Composition of Fractions

Obtained During Tofu Production

H. L. WANG and J. F. CAVINS'

ABSTRACT Cereal Chern. 66(5):359-361

Five fractions are derived during processing of soybeans into tofu: Consequently, 52% of solids, 71 % of protein, and 82% of the oil in the
soak water. water-insoluble residue. soymilk. tofu. and whey. Soak water soybeans were recovered in the tofu fraction. Amino acid composition
and whey accounted for 14% of bean solids. 4.7% of bean protein, and varied considerably among the fractions. indicating the biological values
a small amount of oil; the residue accounted for 30. 20, and II %, and of these fractions may differ. The residue that contained 27% protein
soymilk accounted for 63. 79. and 82%, respectively. Almost all of the had an essential amino acid to total amino acid ratio similar to that
soymilk oil and 90% of soymilk protein are converted into tofu. of tofu and soymilk and an oil content of only about 8%.

Whole soybeans have been processed into a great number of (24-25° C), drained, and rinsed with distilled water. The combined
palatable foods for centuries in the Orient (Wang et al 1979a). liquid from soaking and rinsing was designated as soak water.
The most common practice is the hot-water extraction of wet- The soaked beans were homogenized for 2 min in a Brinkmann
ground beans to yield a milk-like product known as soymilk. homogenizer with the addition of enough water to give a ratio
Soymilk is consumed as a beverage, but more often it is converted of dry beans to water, including that absorbed during soaking,
to curd or tofu by the addition of a calcium or magnesium salt. of I; 10. The resulting slurry was brought to a boil and kept at
Tofu has a bland taste and is one of the traditional soybean boiling for 15 min. The hot slurry was then filtered through four-
foods that is gaining attention and general acceptance in the West. layered cheesecloth to separate the soymilk (water soluble) from
Soybeans are valued for their high protein content, and when the residue consisting of hulls and other insoluble materials. After
properly processed, the protein is of good quality. It is well the milk was cooled to about 70° C, it was poured into a calcium
established (Smith and Circle 1972, Wolf and Cowan 1975, Wilcke sulfate (CaS04'2HzO) suspension (10% volume of the milk)
et al 1979) that processing procedures, such as physical and containing an amount of the salt. so that the final concentration
chemical treatments and fractionation, can greatly affect the of salt in- the milk was 0.02.M. After settling for 10 min, the
nutritional quality, chemical composition, and functionality of curds were transferred to a cheesecloth-lined wooden box and
the protein product. The variations of nitrogen in the fractions pressed by placing weight (lOg! cm 2) on the top for I hr to separate
may be influenced more by the mechanics of fractionation than whey from curd (tofu).
by changes in the original level of protein in the soybeans. The processing of whole soybeans into tofu results in five
However. much of the research has been conducted with defatted fractions known as soak water, residue, soymilk, tofu, and whey.
soymeal or with procedures that are quite different from those These fractions were collected and either freeze-dried or used
practiced in the tofu industry (Shurtleff and Aoyagi 1979). Rackis directly for analyses.
et al (1961) reported the amino acid composition of acid- Tofu preparation was carried out twice with each soybean
precipitated protein, residue, and whey prepared from defatted sample.
soymeal without heat treatment. Hackler et al (1963, 1967a,b)
compared the nutritional value and amino acid composition of Analytical Methods
acid-precipitated curd, heat-treated (100° C, I hr) soymilk, residue, The moisture content of each fraction was determined by drying
and whey prepared from dehulled beans. The raw material, the a portion of freshly collected fraction to constant weight at 110° C.
heat treatment. and the coagulant used in these studies may be Micro-Kjeldahl analysis (AOAC 1975) was used to determine the
different from that used in the tofu industry due to the scale crude protein (N X 6.25), and hexane extraction (5-hr butt tube,
of the process. AOAC 1975) was used for oil content.
This study was undertaken to evaluate the relative distribution
and recovery of soybean solids, protein, and oil in fractions Amino Acid Analyses
obtained from whole soybeans by a tofu processing procedure Defatted freeze-dried samples were hydrolyzed for 24 hr by
similar to the commonly used commercial procedure. The amino refluxing in 6N hydrochloric acid, evaporated to dryness, and
acid composition of each fraction was also evaluated. dissolved in citrate buffer at pH 2.2. A portion of the hydrolysate
with norleucine as internal standard was analyzed for amino acids
MATERIALS AND METHODS with a Beckman model 330 liquid chromatography system
employing ninhydrin detection. Data were computed by automatic
Preparation of Tofu on a Laboratory Scale data processing.
Three commercial soybean varieties, Vinton, Baird B31 000, and
Beeson 80. were used. Vinton and Beeson are varieties favored RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
by many tofu producers.
Tofu was prepared by the method of Wang and Hesseltine Composition and Solids Recovery of Soybean Fractions
(1982); 100-g portions of soybeans (as is basis) were washed, Data in Table I compare the composition of each fraction
immersed in 300 ml of distilled water for 16 hr at room temperature collected from tofu processing with that of the original beans.
The percentages of total solids, protein, and oil recovered in each
fraction are presented in Table II. All values represent averages
lNorthern Regional Research Center. Agricultural Research Service. U.S.
Department of Agriculture. 1815 N. University Street. Peoria. IL 61604. of duplicate analysis on two different tofu preparations of each
The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed soybean sample.
or recommended hy the U.S. Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar Soak water and whey are dilute solutions and are considered
products not mentioned.
as waste, although they have traditionally been used in animal
This article is in the public domain and not copyrightable. It may be freely feed. About 13.5-14.8% of total bean solids and 5.4-6.6% protein
reprinted with customary crediting of the source. American Association of were lost from the original soybeans in these two fractions (Table
Cereal Chemists, Inc., 1989. II). Hackler et al (1963) reported losses of 16% solids and 9%
Vol. 66, No.4, 1989 359
protein in the whey fraction. Whey is derived during the (Smith et al 1960, Wang et al 1983), soybean varieties with high
coagulation of protein from soymilk; therefore, the coagulation protein content (dry weight basis) yield tofu with high protein.
conditions could affect the amount of solids and protein lost Among the three varieties tested, tofu made from Vinton beans
in the whey. Depending on the soybean variety and soaking had the highest protein content: 58.3% (on dry basis) versus 53.5%
conditions used, soaking alone has been reported to result in from Baird beans and 51.2% from Beeson beans. The high
as much as 10% loss of solids, and the loss of solids as well percentage of extractable protein from Vinton beans apparently
as the ratio of protein to total solid is increased as soaking time contributes to the high protein content of the resultant tofu. It
and temperature are increased (Lo et a11968, Wang et aI1979b). is also known that protein extractability slowly decreases as the
The by-product residue contained an average of 83.0% water, beans age (Smith and Circle 1972), so the storage time and
4.6% protein, and 1.3% oil. On a dry weight basis, it contained conditions of the beans probably also affect the protein content
27.1 % protein and 7.6% oil. The residue accounted for 29.6% of tofu.
(27.6-30.6), 20.2% (17.8-22.3), and 11.4% (11.1-12.0) of original Tofu yield averaged 52.2% (51.2-53.7) of solids in the original
bean solids, protein, and oil, respectively. These values may vary beans in this study. The protein and oil recovered in tofu amounted
with the extraction procedures and the method used to separate to 71. 1% (68.5-75.8) and 82.4% (79.5-84.4) of that in the original
the solubles from the insolubles as well as with the soybean beans, respectively. Smith et al (1960) reported an average of
varieties. Among the three varieties tested, Vinton had the lowest 46. I% solids and 62.7% protein. Hackler et al (1963) found 49%
percentage of unextracted protein. Smith et al (1960) reported solids and 74% protein.
29% of the original bean solids recovered in the residue, but the Tofu and whey fractions are prepared from soymilk. Results
protein recovered in the residue varied from 12.3 to 18.4%, with in Table II show that about 90.2% of the protein and almost
an average of 16.8% (seven varieties). Hackler et al (1963) found all of the oil in soymilk were recovered in tofu, indicating an
23.5% of bean solids and 13.5% of bean protein in the residue efficient coagulation procedure. As indicated in Table I, the
fraction (one soybean sample). residue has an average of 83.0% water. Perhaps the filtration
The composition of milk is greatly affected by the amount procedure used in this process could be improved to separate
of water used to extract the beans (Johnson and Snyder 1978). more solubles from the residue and thus increase the yield of
The milk we prepared contained 3.4% (3.1-3.5) protein and I. 7% soymilk and tofu.
(1.5-1.8) oil. The total solids recovered in the soymilk averaged
62.5% ranging from 60.4 to 64.7%. The respective amounts of Amino Acid Composition of Soybeans and Soybean Fractions
extracted protein and oil were 78.8% (75.5-83.0) and 82.3% The amino acid composition of soybeans and soybean fractions
(78.7-84.6) of that in the beans. Hackler et al (1963) observed is given in Table III. The data were calculated to 100% nitrogen
a 65% solids recovery and 83.0% protein recovery in the soymilk. recovery and expressed in grams of amino acid per 16 g of nitrogen
In the present study, the soybean slurries were heat-treated before recovered. Fractions were identified as the major source of
filtration. Heat treatment facilitates filtration; however, it almost variations; therefore, data derived from three soybean samples
certainly reduced protein solubility. Because of the low percentage were pooled. Thus, the values in Table III represent averages
of protein recovered in the residue prepared from Vinton beans, of six measurements, two for each soybean sample.
it is not surprising to find a high percentage of protein recovered Results in Table III show that the residue, soymilk, and tofu
in the milk fraction: this is a desirable characteristic of bean were most limited in sulfur amino acids, whereas the whey protein
varieties for soymilk and tofu processing. These figures may vary was richer in these amino acids and may reflect the presence
with extraction and separation procedures as well as with bean of a high percentage of trypsin inhibitor protein. The whey protein,
variety. however, is higher in lysine and lower in some of the other essential
Tofu is a highly hydrated product. As shown in Table I, tofu amino acids such as phenylalanine, isoleucine, leucine, and valine.
made in this study had a composition of 85.9% (84.9-87.3) water, Consequently, whey protein contained the lowest ratio of essential
7.6% (6.5-8.8) protein, and 4.4% (4.1-4.6) oil and an average amino acids to total amino acids (EfT) among the fractions.
of 53.9% protein and 3 I.2% oil on a dry weight basis. The protein Furthermore, only 83.5% of total nitrogen was recovered as amino
content varies with the protein content of the bean, but it is acids nitrogen, indicating the presence of nonprotein nitrogen.
also affected by water content. The water content of tofu can The residue, soymilk, and tofu had similar EfT ratios. The
vary significantly with the type and quality of coagulant used, threonine and valine contents of the resid ue were somewhat higher
coagulation conditions, and the method used to separate the whey than those found in soymilk and tofu. On the other hand, tofu
(Wang and Hesseltine 1982). In agreement with previous findings had a higher phenylalanine but somewhat lower methionine

Composition (%) of Soybeans and Soybean Fractions Obtained During Tofu Preparation from Three Varieties of Soybeans
Vinton Baird Beeson
Fractions Moisture Protein Oil Moisture Protein Oil Moisture Protein Oil
Whole soybeans 11.4 36.1 15.4 10.2 33.6 17.5 7.5 37.1 19.6
Soak water 99.0 0.1 nd' 98.8 0.1 nd 97.9 0.1 nd
Residue 82.9 4.5 1.2 82.7 4.8 1.3 83.5 4.4 1.3
Soymilk 93.4 3.5 1.5 93.3 3.1 1.7 93.2 3.5 1.8
Tofu 84.9 8.8 4.5 87.3 6.5 4.1 85.6 7.7 4.6
Whey 97.9 0.4 0.01 97.8 0.4 0.01 98.1 0.3 0.01
"Not detected.

Percentage of Total Solids, Protein, and Oil Recovered in Fractions Obtained During Tofu Preparation from Three Varieties of Soybeans'
Vinton Baird Beeson
Fractions Solids Protein Oil Solids Protein Oil Solids Protein Oil
Soak water 3.6 0.9 trace 4.0 0.9 trace 5.1 1.9 trace
Residue 27.6 17.8 11.2 30.5 22.3 11.1 30.6 20.6 12.0
Milk 64.7 83.0 83.5 62.4 77.8 84.6 60.4 75.5 78.7
Tofu 53.7 75.8 83.2 51.2 69.1 84.4 51.4 68.5 79.5
Whey 11.2 5.7 trace 9.7 4.5 trace 8.4 4.0 trace
'Based on original soybeans.


A\'erage Amino Acid Composition (g/16 g N) of Fractions from Three Soybean Varieties
Amino Acid Soybeans Soak Water Residue Soymilk Tofu Whey LSD'
Aspartic acid 12.61 14.94 11.63 11.9 I 11.70 12.48 0.41
Threonine 4.11 4.53 4.42 4.01 4.00 4.52 0.15
Serine 5.74 5.13 5.47 5.19 5.32 4.15 0.16
Glutamic acid 19.76 17.68 17.71 19.61 19.26 23.62 0.57
Proline 5.53 5.28 5.66 5.33 5.47 4.14 0.25
Glycine 4.46 4.73 4.61 4.16 4.14 4.87 0.14
Alanine 4.49 4.61 4.36 4.14 4.1 I 4.42 0.22
Valine 3.73 4.92 5.28 4.88 4.99 2.65 0.24
Cystine 0.78 0.87 trace 0.03 trace 2.40 0.30
Methionine 1.34 1.72 1.67 1.59 1.43 2.61 0.16
Isoleucine 3.46 4.69 4.50 4.66 4.85 2.92 0.20
Leucine 7.90 6.90 8.31 7.94 8.32 3.89 0.20
Tyrosine 3.90 4.13 3.74 3.91 3.99 3.39 0.21
Phenylalanine 4.85 4.59 5.20 5.15 5.41 2.52 0.18
Lysine 6.19 5.45 6.36 6.08 6.14 8.56 0.40
Histidine 2.60 2.35 3.07 2.64 2.64 3.21 0.15
Arginine 8.64 7.27 8.61 8.65 8.52 9.69 0.65
EjT b 0.36 0.38 0.39 0.38 0.39 0.33
'Least significant difference (P = 0.05).
b Ratio of essential amino acids to total amino acids.

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[Received July 20, 1988. Accepted April 4, 1989.]

Vo!. 66, No.4, 1989 361

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