Solar Powered High Efficient Dual Buck Converter For Battery Charging
Solar Powered High Efficient Dual Buck Converter For Battery Charging
Solar Powered High Efficient Dual Buck Converter For Battery Charging
Abstract: Photovoltaic power generation system implements an effective utilization of solar energy, but has very low
conversion efficiency. The major problem in solar photo-voltaic (SPV) system is to maintain the DC output power from
the panel as constant. Irradiation and temperature are the two factors, which will change the output power of the panel.
Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is used in photovoltaic (PV) systems to regulate the photovoltaic array output.
MPPT controller typically consists of DC-DC converter with some duty cycle finding controller to maintain the output
power as constant. The power can be stored in battery and then utilized for the powering the DC and AC load through
inverter. In this project the dual buck converter has been proposed to track the maximum operating point of the Solar
PV. The switching losses have been reduced and converter efficiency is improved by using dual buck converter. The
modified perturb & observe (MPO) algorithm is used to provide suitable duty cycle to the dual buck converter. The
dual buck converter will provide the battery bank a large energy capacity, to run at 9V, and a large output current to
handle high power loads. Buck converters are used in controlling the charging current supplied to the battery based on
the power obtained from the PV system. The applications of this converter are hybrid electric vehicles, renewable
energy conversion system.
Keywords: Photovoltaic (PV) system, dual buck converter, MPPT, Battery Charger, MATLAB.
The popular among the renewable energy sources is the used. a dual buck converter is used for efficient battery
solar energy. Solar energy is utilized by standalone charging and to control the power flow from the PV panel
photovoltaic PV system. Photovoltaic panels convert the to battery and load. It requires MPPT control algorithm to
solar energy into electrical energy. PV system has measure the power of the PV panel. Perturb and observe
nonlinear internal characteristics. Irradiation and algorithm (P & O) is used for MPP tracking. The complete
temperature in the solar PV system will affect the voltage system is simulated using MATLAB-SIMULINK and the
and power characteristics. As the cost of the PV panel is results are presented in this paper.
high maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is needed to
track maximum output power. DC to DC converter is 2. OVERVIEW OF EXCISTING SYSTEM
interfaced with the PV panel and the battery. Lead acid To increase the maximum power output from the solar
battery is mostly used because of its features such as wide panel MPP tracking systems are used. Even though the
operating temperature range, low self-discharge, long temperature, irradiation and the load characteristics varies
service life and maintenance free. The installation cost of it helps in maintain the output of the solar PV panel
the battery is low compared to PV panel. But the lifetime constant. For high efficiency output from the PV panel
cost of the battery is high compare to the PV installation buck converters are used for DC-DC power
because of its limited service time. Battery life time is transmission.[2]. In stand alone PV systems buck
reduced if there is low PV energy availability for longer converters are effective in dc-dc step down operation and
period or improper charging and discharging. The battery for battery storing operations. [3]. For battery charging
charging needs control for achieving high State of Charge application step down converters gives high efficiency.
(SOC) and longer battery life. For long battery life proper tracking solar power from PV panel many MPPT
battery charging is required. In standalone PV system the techniques are available, perturb and observe, incremental
main function of battery charging controller is to full conductance algorithm etc. among all the control
charge the battery without over charging, preventing algorithms the P&O algorithm is widely used and more
reverse current flow at night and deep discharge under effective with simple control algorithm. The insolation and
load conditions. temperature problems can be overcome by using P&O,
In this proposed system, the PV model, battery model and this is effective, flexible and earliest control algorithm.[7]
the battery charging system designed with buck converter [8] [9] [10]. Insolation (short for incident or incoming
is implemented. A popular single diode model of PV is solar radiation) is a measure of solar radiation energy
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[3] R. Gules, J. De Pellegrin Pacheco, H. L. Hey, and J. Rnhoff, “A
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