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Executive Summar1

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Executive Summary

Readymade Garments (RMG) is a great prospect for the Bangladesh Economy especially in
Exporting. Almost 80% of total export covers from this Sector. RMG impact a lot in the
economy of Bangladesh such as contribution a large portion in the GDP (Gross Domestic
Product) , Contribution to the GNP (Gross national Product), Economic Empowerment
especially for Women because 80% of The Garments Worker are Women. The Readymade
Garment (RMG) industry of Bangladesh tells an impressive story of country successful transition
towards a major export t- oriented economy. Starting its journey in the late 1970s with relatively
small investment, the industry, the industry flourished in 1980 and 1990 and has become the
largest industry in Bangladesh. The contributory factors of the RMG industry in Bangladesh are
global trading agreement, cheap labor cost, government policy support and dynamic private
entrepreneurship. All these things have helped Bangladesh to gain a handsome share in the
global garment business. From early 1990 onwards the RMG industry has become the largest
foreign exchange earning sector in the economy. In 2013-14, Bangladesh earned nearly $ 20. bill
ion by exporting garment products and RMG cover 75 percent of the total export of the country,
having the lion's share of the country's exchange. Contribution of RMG is very positive
Bangladesh economy, sharing 18percent of the total national GDP. Moreover the industry has
become a vehicle for further industrialization of the country then accelerated to its journey with e
commitment to the society to build prosperous Industrial backbone for socioeconomic
development of the country. After almost ten economic years, it has established a number of di
versified and potential buyers throughout the world for manufacturing and marketing of a wide
variety of consumers and export oriented products. The Industry believes in 'Quality never ends'
and refuses to settle for anything until it exceeds the existing standard. The company has been
_warded with the ISO-9001: 2000 Certificate in January 2003 for serving its valued customers.
with products of excellent quality. As the principal aims and objectives of this industry, are to
improve professionalism in the contemporary garments ware business arena as well as to realize
- e authentic demands of garment goods throughout the 3rd world countries. Bangladesh
organizes seminars, discussion forums, workshops, professional training Growth of Ready Made
Garments in Bangladesh courses, continuing education programs, cultural events and publishes –
newsletters etc. as parts of its professional activities. All this activities has been done to observe
the actual current SWOT analysis circumstances of the organization. By which the executive
board gets some feasible idea of future strategic moves of the organization. Because, fairly a well
established human resource management can built a constructive organization likewise some
constructive organizations can build a modern country. However, nowadays HR Department is
considerate as the Mutual Bridge of making evenly understandable decisions between all the
departments among an organization. How and why is that? The answer is - "Since each
department is Human Oriented and HRM deals with every individual human being or employee
working in an organization, this statement is true as well as valid one. So HRM decrease the
distances and conflicts between the employees of all the departments as well as enhance the
work efficiency of the workforce which eventually results a certain amount of profit
maximization for the companionship. Finally a profitable Industry must contribute to the
economy of the country's development.

1.1An Overview of Garments Industry in Bangladesh:

The Ready-Made Garments (RMG) industry occupies a unique position in the Bangladesh
economy. It is the largest exporting industry in Bangladesh, which experienced phenomenal
growth during the last 25 years. By taking advantage of an insulated market under the provision
of Multi Fiber Agreement (MFA) of GATT, it attained a high profile in terms of foreign
exchange earnings, exports, industrialization and contribution to GDP within a short span of
time. The industry plays a key role in employment generation and in the provision of income to
the poor. Nearly four million workers are directly and more than twelve billion inhabitants are
indirectly associated with the industry. Over the past twenty five years, the number.
Manufacturing units has grown from 180 to over 4000. The sector has also played a significant
role in c socio-economic development of the country. The quota came to an end at 2004 but it
continued to show just performance, competitive strength and, of no less importance, social
commitment. RMG's contribution to Bangladesh economy is well-known, well-appreciated and
well-respected. Garments industry is the largest export industry for our country and it contributes
75% of total export. The industry is 50ciated with its strength, weakness, threat and opportunity.
In this study an attempt has been made to describe the overall scenario of Bangladesh Ready
Made Garments industry. At this time of free economy everyone may be interested to know
about the largest export industry and the mechanism of doing business. The present study has
been undertaken with consideration of this fact.
The RMG industry is the only multi-billion-dollar manufacturing and export industry in
Bangladesh. Whereas the industry contributed only 0.001 per cent to the country's total exports
earnings in 1976, it’s increased to about 80 per cent of those earnings in 2014. Bangladesh
exported garments worth the equivalent of $7.9 billion in 2014, which was about 2.5 per cent of
the global total value ($276 billion) of garments exports. The country's RMG industry grew by
more than 15 per cent per annum on average during last 15 years. The foreign exchange earnings
and employment generation of the RMG sector have been increasing at double-digit rates from
year to year. Currently, there are more than 4,000 RMG firms in Bangladesh. More than 95 per
cent of those firms are locally owned with the exception of a few foreign firms located in export
processing zones (Gonzales, 2002). The RMG firms are located mainly in three cities: the capital
city Dhaka, the port city Chittagong and the industrial city Narayangonj. Bangladesh RMG firms
vary in size. Based on Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters.

Association (BGMEA) data, Mainuddin (2000) found that in 1997 more than 75 per cent of the
firms employed a maximum of 400 employees each. Garment companies in Bangladesh form
formal or informal groups. Ready-made garments manufactured in Bangladesh are divided
mainly into two broad categories: Woven and knit products. Shirts, T-shirts and trousers are the
main woven products and undergarments, snacks. Stockings, T-shirts, sweaters and other casual
and soft garments are the main knit products. Woven payment products still dominate the
garment export earnings of the country. The share of knit garment - products has been increasing
since the early 1990s; such products currently account for more than 40 per of the country's total
RMG export earnings (BGMEA website). Although various types of garments are manufactured
in the country, only a few categories, such as shirts, T-shirts, trousers, jackets and sweaters,
constitute the major production-share (BGMEA website; and Nath, 2001). Economies of scale
for scale production and export-quota holdings in the corresponding categories are the principal
reasons for such a narrow product concentration.

1.3 Literature Review:

Several authors have analyzed aspects of the garment industry in Bangladesh. Of the various
aspects of the industry, the problems and the working conditions of female workers have
received the greatest attention. A study by Md. Salim Uddin and Mohammed Abu lahed (2007)
revealed that how the RMG sector is contributing as prime mover of the socio economic
development of Bangladesh. According to them, the garments industry has been leading the
Bangladesh economy since the early 1990s. Garments are the country's biggest export making up
about three quarters of total exports, and the industry is a symbol of the country’s dynamism in
the world economy. The industry is also the main non-farm formal sector creating employment
opportunities for the poor. The greater part of the workforce is female; less educated, and has
migrated from rural areas. Thus, the garment industry is seen as contributing to poverty reduction
in Bangladesh by providing employment opportunities with higher wages for the poor who
would otherwise be engaged in low-wage economic activities in rural areas. There was much
discussion about the survival of Bangladesh's garment industry prior to the final phase out of the
Multi-Fiber Agreement (MFA) from 1 January 2005 which was expected to greatly intensify
competition in the international garment market. One of the most influential forecasts was that
only China and India would gain from the MFA phase out and the Bangladesh and other smaller
suppliers of garments would lose out. Fortunately, there was no immediate major adverse effect
in Bangladesh. Garment exports to the United States grew over the whole

Of 2005, while those to ED declined only slightly. However, the prospects for the industry in
Bangladesh are not certain and the future trend in garment exports needs to be watched. Dr. Oreg
gajewski & Alex Riley (2005) discussed about Bangladesh's export trade practices and their
effect on the competitive of the garment industry. They said, a wide body of evidence suggests
that increase openness to trade and greater export competitiveness contribute to higher rates of
economic growth. Export competitiveness depends, in part, on Customs and other administrative
export trade practices as well as on the efficiency of port operations and the transportation
linkages between the ports and the main centers of export production.

A study by Munir Quddus & Salim Rashid looks at the aspects of garments exports from
Bangladesh. They summarized that, the success of readymade garment exports from Bangladesh
over the past two decades has surpassed the most optimistic expectations. The paper reviews the
literature on this industry, presents recent data on the sector's performance, and evaluates future
trends in the international and domestic g exchanging industry. More specifically, the paper
evaluates the negative impact of the 1998 floods on the industry, It concludes that although the
impact of the flood was unexpectedly benign, the entrepreneurs face important challenges from
the health of the domestic banking sector, the East Asian economic crisis and the deregulation of
the global clothing business as a result of the phasing out of the Multi-fibre agreement in the year

In this particular study we will be focusing on the contribution of garments sector in the
economy of Bangladesh, the involvement of women workforce in this sector. We will also
highlight the ways to improve the efficiency of the labor force, the foreign earnings through the
export of garments products. In the last part, we will have some recommendation as well as
concluding remarks.

1.05 Objective of the study:

The main Objectives of the report to complete the project work on "Impact of Garments Industry
in Bangladesh Economy". The overall scenario of RMG sector in Bangladesh are shown here.
Possibility of this sector and future prediction are shown here.

To focus on the following issues, particularly:

I. The contribution of GDP on Bangladesh economy through garments industry.

II. The effective utilization of labor by the garments of Bangladesh
III. Participation of women in the garments sector
IV. Foreign earnings through garments sector
V. Constraints faced by the garments of Bangladesh
VI. Proposed recommendation

1.06 Scope and methodology:

Garment is now the largest export earner m Bangladesh. Bangladeshi garments ware increasingly
becoming visible in the market of developing countries. Bangladesh is one of the leading
readymade garments exporters of the world. Every year Bangladesh exports more than one third
of the total garments requirements of the RMG market of the world. Every year Bangladesh
earns more than 76% of its foreign currency from this sector. For the high progress in the sector
efficient fashion merchandising is essential, which included proper dealing to buyer, high quality
production, proper shipment on due date etc. Fashion merchandising is therefore plays a very
important role in the garments factory and other industries to the quality and other competitive
requirement to survive in the market. It is very necessary to have very good merchandiser in the
industry to survive in the market, to run a factory successfully in this competitive market. The
"Fashion merchandiser" profession has recently emerged as one of the most sorts out careers
among the fashion designer. The designers have their own creative style of dressing and believe
in setting a trend rather than following a trend set by other. A career in fashion design not only
involves meeting glamorous people and interacting with rich and famous but also gives a
impetus to the creative their of the people who possess a sense of style. The major functional
areas in the industry are dressing garments cutting the cloth, sewing the pieces together and
finally merchandising popularizing and marketing of the various style and products done through
ramp show and fashion write-ups. Fashion merchandising is the promotion of apparel sales and
involves all of the tanks necessary to deliver the request and meet the needs of potential
customers and advertisements, directing, manufacturing marketing and creating sales strategies
are all part of the job. Fashion merchandising also refers to the necessary preparation that must
be done in order to ensure that the merchandise is accessible and appealing applying in the
customer it's intended for. Fashion merchandiser has responsibility to design and create visually
creative displays or exhibits of merchandise and to erect main store decoration in commercial
retail garments. They create the look, feel and mood of the store. Bangladesh has recently come
to the focus along the world demand the local market is also altering itself to rapid changes in
fashion common Bangladesh's largest sector garments/textiles is recently looking for Fashion
merchandiser and skills technical personal.

The study has some boundaries. The following points delineate those boundaries:

 The analysis does not consider worldwide comprehensive study of woven enterprises.
The reason is that such investigation is not feasible. Moreover, in highly fragmented
industries like that of woven garments, companies especially those of Bangladesh do not
compete with each other rather compete as a while industry with the exporting countries
in the destination markets.
 Because of the highly fragmented nature of the industry even in the domestic market
(with about are producers present in different parts of the woven garments value chain),
aggregation of enterprise could not be provided. Rather, a whole view point of the
industry has been taken. This limits the researchers of this study not to use financial
aggregation as well since only a few woven garments industries (not more than 5) are
enlisted with the stock exchange.
 The analysis has been confined to the key markets of the woven markets. The markets
where Bangladesh occasionally exports or where the amount of export is very small,
those markets are included from the scope of the study.

Clothing requests and meet the needs of potential customers and advertisements, directing,
manufacturing and marketing and creating sales strategies are all part of the job, Fashion
merchandising also refers to the preparation that must be done in order to ensure that the
merchandise is accessible and appealing customers it's intended for. Fashion merchandiser has
responsibility to design and create visually j e displays or exhibits of merchandise and to erect
main store decoration in commercial retail establishments. They create the look, feel and mood
of the store. Bangladesh has recently come to the foods Along with the world demand the local
market is also altering itself to rapid changes in fashion trends Bangladesh's largest sector
garments/textiles is recently looking for Fashion merchandiser and highly skilled technical

The study has some boundaries. The following points delineate those boundaries.

 The analysis does not consider worldwide comprehensive study of woven enterprises.
The reason is that such investigation is not feasible. Moreover, in highly fragmented
industries like that of woven garments, companies especially those of Bangladesh do not
compete with each other rather compete as a whole industry with the exporting countries
in the destination market.
 Because of the highly fragmented nature of the industry even in the domestic market
(with about 400 woven producers present in different parts of the woven garments value
chain), aggregation of enterprises could not be provided. Rather, a whole view point of
the industry has been taken. This limits the researchers of this study not to use financial
aggregation as well since only a few woven garments industries (not more than 5) are
enlisted with the stock exchange.
 The analysis has been confined to the key markets of the woven markets. The markets
where Bangladesh occasionally exports or where the amount of export is very small,
those markets are excluded from the scope of the study
1.4.1 Research design

The study, given the nature of the objectives, has a descriptive research design. Since this study is going
to e of the earliest studies with similar objectives about the woven garments sector, the research would
be of reporting' kind. According to Cooper and Schindler (2003), at the very elementary level a
“reporting study” is done to provide an account, or to make a summation of data, or to generate some
statistics. They have also argued that a reporting study requires very little inference. However, the
current study answers what and 'why' of Macro environment, industry and competitive conditions, and
thus, requires a great deal of inference. Hence, the current study would be more appropriately termed
as a descriptive study. Therefore, the research design for the study is descriptive research design.

1.4.2 Primary sources

The researchers collected the industry data organizing one focus group discussions (FGD) and a number
of five key informant interviews (KII). The participants in the FGD was chosen from the industry experts
international ship mangers of banks who look after the woven garments clients) and managers and
owners of woven garments companies in Bangladesh. Due to time limitation, the participants were
chosen through personal contacts and participants' willingness to participate in the discussion. Similar
method of selection has been applied for interviewing the key informant. The key informants considered
were senior managers of banks and senior research officials of Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and
Exporters' Association and the enterprise level data through key informant interview. The list of
questions to interview the key ants and to inquire in FGD has been developed by the researchers
themselves (please see appendix).

1.4.3 Secondary sources

The researchers have explored the following secondary sources to meet the objectives of the

 Data inventory of Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau Bangladesh (EPB) relating to

readymade garments export.
 Data inventory of Bangladesh Garments Manufactures' and Exporters' Association
 Reports of the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Bangladesh (GoB).
 On-line news archive of newspapers and news agencies home and abroad.
 Books and journals at the library of Institute of Business Administration and University
Press Limited.
 Websites of the statistical departments of various countries (USA and European Union in

1.08 Limitation of the study:

Current study is limited by a number of factors. First, the participants for FGD and KII have
been chosen conveniently. Second, the list of questions for FGD and KII has been developed
from the scratch by the researchers themselves. However, these limitations are not likely to
invalidate the conclusions. The reasoned are the following. First, the researchers will depend
on both primary and secondary sources Bangladesh. the primary sources have been
bifurcated into managers of woven garments companies in Bangladesh, and industry experts.
Third, the list of questions has been checked for recasting by the instructor of the course. The
refinement of the list of questions following the suggestions of such an expert enhances the
relevance and reliability of the questions asked. Hence, these two approaches ensure cross
validation of information needed to fulfill the objectives of the report.

01.11: Report Preview

RMG sector of Bangladesh has set itself an export target of $50 billion by 2021. The target
appears slightly ambitious and quite a few people are skeptical about its attainability. In the
backdrop of pronounced skepticism of some quarters, the wisest thing would be to remove
the existing road blocks We understand, to achieve a target of this magnitude in only seven
years, will require a steady growth of around 13 per cent in export income per year.
Bangladesh exported readymade garments worth $ 24.5 ion during the last financial year. A
growth of 13 per cent in one year means an increase by 3.25 million in one year.

Export income mainly comes from the USA and the European countries. Canada is also a big
market. But the economies of the developed countries have not been able to come out of the
recent recession as yet.
There is a continuing sluggish trend in growth. Therefore, it may not be possible for the
developed tries to reciprocate by buying more or paying more. Our export of RMG products
to the developed countries mostly comprises cheap items and export of high value items.
Export of mid-value items like, blazers, synthetic and polyester dresses is also not very
encouraging, which suggests that the export market needs to be diversified to prosper. That
is, the number of importing countries will have to be increased which is no mean a task.
Despite the odds, the encouraging feature is, export to countries outside Canada and Europe
is increasing every year. Turkey, Russia, Japan, India, China, Australia, Brazil etc. have been
added to the list of buyers. It is predicted that China might emerge as a prospective buyer
overtaking the European countries by 2015. Increased export calls for increased production
and more entrepreneurs are needed for increased production. At the same time, infrastructural
facilities like, land, electricity, gas, road, railways, port etc. Skilled workers alongside
efficient administration are also required. Special attention has to be paid to the training the

A group of entrepreneurs claim that they have acquired enough efficiency over the last few
decades and are equipped with the expertise to meet the challenge of achieving increased
production during the next few ear another group is of the opinion that foreign investment
should be allowed for production and export. We have a big challenge ahead of us which
should be faced equally by entrepreneurs, government, owners and labor organizations.
Howsoever large it is, RMG industry is not the lone pillar of our industrial sector. Small and
cottage industry sector is also flourishing and has immense potential.

Banks are also extending financial help to the entrepreneurs of this sector. It is necessary to
set up textile other linkage industries to help the RMG sector. Similarly, alongside
capitalizing the potential of RMG sector in Bangladesh. The economy of Bangladesh is
largely dependent on agriculture. However, the readymade garments sector has experienced
an exponential growth since the 1980s. The sector contributes _ -candy to the GDP. It also
provides employment to around 4.2 million Bangladeshis, mainly women low income
Chapter 2: Review of Industry and facilities

02.1: Exported RMG items from Bangladesh.

Bangladesh has become famous for exporting knit wears. Knitting industry is now also a rapid growing -
my in Bangladesh. Knitted goods are now most preferable to export to the textile industries. Among 00
fabrics the top ten categories we mention bellow-

 T -shirts, singlets & other vests, knitted or crocheted, of cotton.

 Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waist-coats & similar articles, knitted or crocheted, of
textile materials, n.e.s.
 Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waist-coats & similar articles, knitted or crocheted, of
 Men's or boys' shirts, knitted or crocheted, of cotton.
 T -shirts, singlets & other vests, knitted or crocheted, of textile material other than
cotton. ". Women's or girls' briefs & panties, knitted or crocheted, of cotton.
 Women's or girls' blouses, shirts & shirt-blouses, knitted or crocheted, of cotton.
 Women's or girls' trousers, bib & brace overalls, breeches & shorts, knitted or
crocheted, of cotton. Men's or boys' trousers, bib & brace overalls, breeches & shorts,
knitted or crocheted, of cotton.

Except these Bangladesh also exports various garments made from woven fabrics. Some non-woven and
fabric are being exported to many countries.

02.2: Export facilities by the foreign countries

Duty free 46 RMG export items to India

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of
1962), supersession of the notification of the Government of India, in the Ministry of Finance
(Department revenue), No. 107/2008-Customs, dated the 6th October, 2008 [G.S.R. 718 (E), dated the
6th October, = except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the
Government, being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby exempts the
goods of the description specified in column (3) of the Table hereto annexed and falling under the
Chapter, heading, heading or tariff item of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of
1975), as specified :he corresponding entry in column (2) of the said Table, when imported into India
from a country listed APPENDIX to this notification from the whole of the duty of customs livable
thereon under the said first Schedule.

02.3: Future potential Market for Bangladesh in RMG

At a time when European and US markets are shrinking for Bangladeshi apparel exports, the
news that one - biggest names in Swedish retail industry H&M has decided to double its business
to US$3 billion in Bangladesh over the next five years is welcome news indeed. The move by the
global giant that sources its materials from some 250 factories in Bangladesh goes to show the
growing confidence of foreign buyers in the future trajectory of the country as a global player in
readymade garments (RMG) industry. The fact that ~G sector has responded to calls for taking
initiatives to improve the wellbeing of its workers by of opening up health and recreational
facilities is helping to improve its image as a responsible to foreign buyers. It is not only the
Scandinavians who have faith in Bangladesh's potential to become the country of choice for
sourcing different types of garments, the Peoples' Republic of China is set become a multi-billion
dollar destination market for our products. With China's labor wages hitting new heights the
country has been eying Bangladesh as a major destination to shift the production base for the
apparels segment. Coupled with the granting of import tax waiver on 4,721 products that include
garments, the country has the potential of developing an alternative destination to the falling
European and markets, which till date, constitute 87 per cent of the share of RMG sector's nearly
$19 billion annual basket. However, for Bangladesh to take advantage of potentially significant
foreign direct investment from China, it would have to make serious improvement in
infrastructure, particularly in communication and energy sectors. Long tailbacks on highways,
limited inland transportation options, and cargo handling capacity at Chittagong port adds to
Bangladesh's woes for meeting buyer lead the constant power crunch industry faces is another
constricting issue for growth. With little chance reliable gas from public utility service providers,
the industry is to count millions by way creating own power. Such a scenario has severely
curtailed expansion of production base for the - sector as a whole. Unless these basic problems
are tackled in the next two to three years, the of opportunity that have presented themselves for
the apparels industry will be lost

Chapter 3: An Overview of Garments Industry In Bangladesh Economy

Limitation of Garments Industry

4.2.1. Political problem

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