Russell Global Sectors Methodology Overview

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Methodology overview

Russell Global Sectors

A clear view, industry by industry Key benefits

The Russell Global Sectors (RGS) classification system provides a Simple, yet comprehensive
consistent global view, by industry, no matter what local market you’re Comprised of a three-tiered structure—sectors,
interested in. subsectors and industries—that provides
deep coverage of the global equity market and
accommodates a broad range of analysis.
Sector methodology Rigorously maintained
A company is assigned to an industry. Industry selections are based on the All securities are subject to a regular objective
products or services a company produces and for whom those products or decision matrix ensuring proper security
services are produced. classification.

Industries are then assigned to a sector and subsector. When a company Globally representative
could fall into multiple sectors or subsectors, the primary line of business is RGS classification system allows users to
established via financial metrics to determine the true classification. classify stocks by standardized industry
Russell Global Sectors are thoroughly maintained. As part of the definitions. Because it aligns with Russell’s
classification process, each security is put through an objective decision- index methodology, you end up with a
making matrix, ensuring proper sector classification. global view that’s consistent with a global
9 Sectors

33 Subsectors

157 Industries 1
Russell Global Sectors FTSE Russell

01 Technology Code Industry 04 Consumer Staples Code Industry

0120 Electronics 0120463 Electronic components 0410 Food, Beverage & 0410305 Agriculture fishing and ranching
0120475 Electronics Tobacco 0410405 Beverage: Brewers and distillers
0120738 Production technology equipment 0410410 Beverage: Soft drinks
0120476 Semiconductors and components 0410494 Foods
0120643 Technology: Miscellaneous 0410646 Fruit and grain processing
0130 Information Computer services software and 0410840 Sugar
Technology 0130439
systems 0410856 Tobacco
0130449 Computer technology 0420 Personal Care, Drug 0420459 Drug and grocery store chains
0130469 Electronic entertainment & Grocery Stores 0420637 Miscellaneous consumer staples
0140 Telecommunication 0140448 Communications technology 0420832 Personal care
0140849 Telecommunications equipment 06 Energy Code Industry
02 Health Care Code Industry 0610 Energy Equipment & 0610477 Energy equipment
0210 Health Care Services 0210504 Health care facilities Services 0610600 Oil well equipment and services
0210503 Health care management services 0620 Non-renewable 0620435 Coal
0210499 Health care services Energy 0620877 Gas pipeline
0210639 Health care: Miscellaneous 0620660 Offshore drilling and other services
0220 Medical Equipment 0220507 Medical & dental instruments & supplies 0620670 Oil: Crude producers
and Services 0220471 Medical equipment Oil: Integrated
0220622 Medical services 0620605 Oil: Refining & marketing
0230 Pharmaceuticals & 0230412 Biotechnology 0630 Alternative Energy 0630478 Alternative energy
Biotech 0230460 Pharmaceuticals 07 Materials &
03 Consumer Processing Code Industry
Discretionary Code Industry 0710 Building Materials 0710430 Building materials
0310 Auto & Auto Parts 0310340 Auto parts 0710415 Building: Climate control
0310854 Auto services 0710427 Building: Roofing, wallboard & plumbing
0310360 Automobiles 0710420 Cement
0320 Consumer Products 0320451 Consumer electronics 0720 Chemical & 0720433 Chemicals: Diversified
0320450 Cosmetics Synthetics 0720833 Chemicals: Specialty
0320501 Home building 0720485 Fertilizers
0320470 Household appliances 0720845 Synthetic fibers and chemicals
0320521 Household equipment and products 0730 Industrial Materials 0730442 Containers and packaging
0320523 Household furnishings & Processes 0730452 Diversified materials and processing
0320547 Luxury items 0730496 Forest products
0320640 Manufactured housing 0730502 Glass
0320730 Photography 0730714 Paints and coatings
0320850 Textiles apparel and shoes 0730720 Paper
0320858 Toys 0730733 Plastics
0330 Consumer Services 0330638 Consumer services: Miscellaneous 0730852 Textile products
0330461 Education services 0740 Metals & Minerals 0740320 Aluminum
0330495 Funeral parlors and cemeteries 0740447 Copper
0330736 Printing and copying services 0740498 Gold
0330809 Rental and leasing services: Consumer 0740630 Metal fabricating
0330838 Storage facilities 0740635 Metals and minerals: Diversified
0330890 Vending and catering services 0740549 Precious metals and minerals
0340 Leisure 0340434 Casinos and gambling 0740835 Steel
0340514 Hotel/motel
0340556 Leisure time
0340804 Recreational vehicles and boats
0340810 Restaurants
0350 Media 0350301 Advertising agencies
0350432 Cable television services
0350438 Diversified media
0350480 Entertainment
0350740 Publishing
0350760 Radio and TV broadcasters
0360 Retail 0360815 Diversified retail
0360834 Specialty retail
0360 Retail 0360815 Diversified retail
0360834 Specialty retail

Methodology overview 2
Russell Global Sectors FTSE Russell

08 Producer Durables Code Industry 1060 Real Estate 1060906 Equity REIT – Industrial
0810 Machinery 0810570 Machinery: Agricultural Investment Trusts (REITs) 1060907 Equity REIT – Residential
0810577 Machinery: Construction and handling 1060908 Equity REIT – Retail
0810579 Machinery: Engines 1060909 Equity REIT – Lodging and resorts
0810584 Machinery: Industrial 1060910 Equity REIT – Health Care
0810610 Machinery: Specialty 1060911 Equity REIT – Storage
0810563 Machinery: Tools 1060912 Equity REIT – Office
0820 Manufacturing & 0820443 Construction 1060913 Equity REIT – Timber
Production 0820453 Diversified manufacturing operations 1060914 Equity REIT – Infrastructure
0820650 Office supplies and equipment 1060915 Equity REIT – Other Specialty
0820734 Power transmission equipment 1060916 Equity REIT – Diversified
0820644 Producer durables: Miscellaneous 1060930 Mortgage REIT – Residential
0830 Scientific 0830524 Scientific instruments: Control and filter 1060931 Mortgage REIT – Commercial
Instruments & Services 0830465 Scientific instruments: Electrical 1060932 Mortgage REIT – Diversified
Scientific instruments: Gauges and 11 Utilities Code Industry
0830474 meters 1110 Utilities 1110870 Utilities: Electrical
0830735 Scientific instruments: Pollution control Utilities: Gas distributors
0840 Transportation & 0840300 Aerospace Utilities: Miscellaneous
Freight 0840310 Air transport
1110880 Utilities: Telecommunications
0840808 Commercial services: Rental and leasing Utilities: Water
0840350 Commercial vehicles and parts
0840770 Railroad equipment
0840800 Railroads The codes in the global index files are in the following formats:
0840830 Shipping
Sector : 1 or 2 digits (no leading zeros)
0840860 Transportation miscellaneous
0840865 Truckers SubSectors : First 4 digits (includes leading zero)
0850 Commercial 0850365 Back office support, HR & consulting
Industries : Last 3 digits only
0850479 Engineering & contracting services
Environmental, maintenance &
security services
0850486 Forms and bulk printing services
0850546 International trade & diversified logistics
10 Financial Services Code Industry
1010 Banks 1010400 Banks: Diversified
Banks: Savings, thrift & mortgage
1010820 lending
1020 Consumer Finance & Commercial finance & mortgage
Credit Services 1020487 companies

1020492 Consumer lending

1020489 Financial data & systems
1030 Insurance 1030528 Insurance: Life
1030535 Insurance: Multi-line
1030542 Insurance: Property-casualty
1040 Investment Banking 1040544 Asset management & custodian
& Brokerage 1040457 Diversified financial services
1040823 Securities brokerage & services
1050 Real Estate 1050801 Real Estate Services
1050802 Real Estate Holding and Development
1050803 Diversified Real Estate Activities

Methodology overview 3
Russell Global Sectors FTSE Russell

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Methodology overview 4
Russell Global Sectors FTSE Russell

About FTSE Russell

FTSE Russell is a leading global index provider creating and managing a wide
range of indexes, data and analytic solutions to meet client needs across
asset classes, style and strategies. Covering 98% of the investable market,
FTSE Russell indexes offer a true picture of global markets, combined with
the specialist knowledge gained from developing local benchmarks around
the world.
FTSE Russell index expertise and products are used extensively by
institutional and retail investors globally. For over 30 years, leading asset
owners, asset managers, ETF providers and investment banks have chosen
FTSE Russell indexes to benchmark their investment performance and create
investment funds, ETFs, structured products and index-based derivatives.
FTSE Russell indexes also provide clients with tools for asset allocation,
investment strategy analysis and risk management.
A core set of universal principles guides FTSE Russell index design and
management: a transparent rules-based methodology is informed by
independent committees of leading market participants. FTSE Russell is
focused on index innovation and customer partnership applying the highest
industry standards and embracing the IOSCO Principles. FTSE Russell is
wholly owned by London Stock Exchange Group.
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Methodology overview 5

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