Osha 29 CFR 1910.134
Osha 29 CFR 1910.134
Osha 29 CFR 1910.134
Final paragraph (h)(3)(i)(A) requires checking for proper function level was selected to ensure that
respirators for use in non-emergency (examination to ensure that respirators sufficient air remains in the cylinder to
situations to be inspected before each work properly) presents a dilemma if allow emergency responders to perform
use and during cleaning. For respirators use is to include sanitizing the their required duties in a contaminated
designated for use in an emergency facepiece. He pointed out that SCBAs or oxygen-deficient atmosphere and still
situation, final paragraph (h)(3)(i)(B) reserved for use by multiple persons have sufficient air available to escape
requires that they be inspected at least presents a special problem. Likewise, from these conditions. The 90 percent
monthly and in accordance with the John O’Green of American Electric level, and the requirement that
manufacturer’s instruction. In addition, Power (Ex. 54–181) asked that cylinders be recharged once the
emergency respirators must be ‘‘functional check’’ be better defined pressure falls below 90 percent, was
examined to ensure that they are and clarified. He stated that requiring also recommended by the American
working properly before and after each the actual activation of the respirator, Industrial Hygiene Association (Ex. 54–
use. Examining respirator performance including the flow of air to the 208).
before and after each use is not intended facepiece, could be time consuming for In two separate submissions to the
to be as extensive and thorough a all the emergency respirators in their record (Exs. 54–121 and 54–135),
process as respirator inspection. A basic facilities. OSHA does not intend that the Consolidated Engineering Services
examination conducted prior to each respirator be physically placed on the asked what type of training is required
use will provide assurance to the wearer employee to examine the respirator to for employees who inspect respirators
that the respirator which he/she is about ensure that it is working properly. used for emergency response. OSHA
to don in an emergency situation will Visual inspection can detect factors that notes that, under final paragraph (k), the
work properly, e.g., that the cylinders would interfere with proper specifics of an appropriate training
on the SCBA are charged, that air is performance, e.g., distortion in shape program are left to the discretion of the
available and flowing. This examination (often the result of improper storage), employer. Regarding respirators for
can be done fairly quickly, and OSHA missing or loose components, blockage, emergency use, final paragraph
believes that this added measure of and improper connections. Alarms can (k)(1)(iii) requires that employees be
employee protection is both necessary also be examined without actually trained in how to use the respirator
and appropriate. putting the respirator on the employee. effectively in emergency situations,
Respirators used for escape only are to In addition, examining elastomer parts while final paragraph (k)(1)(iv) requires
be inspected prior to being carried into for pliability and signs of deterioration, training on how to inspect the
the workplace (paragraph (h)(3)(i)(C)). as required by final paragraph respirator. As these paragraphs make
The Dow Chemical Company (Ex. 54– (h)(3)(ii)(B), can be performed without clear, OSHA requires the employer to
278) addressed the inspection of wearing the respirator. develop appropriate training programs
emergency escape respirators, stating, Under paragraph (h)(3)(iii) of the final for employees who inspect emergency
‘‘Emergency escape respirators such as rule, SCBAs must be inspected monthly. respirators.
mouthbit respirators, usually stored in The employer must ensure that the As part of the inspection process for
the box or bag they come in, do not need cylinders are fully charged. Recharging respirators that are maintained for use
to be inspected monthly.’’ OSHA agrees is required when the pressure falls in emergencies, paragraph (h)(3)(iv) of
with this statement. Mouthbit or other below 90 percent of the manufacturer’s the final standard requires certification
emergency escape respirators are carried recommended pressure level. The of the inspection. Documentation of
by an individual worker into the Westminster, Maryland Fire Department certification includes the date of
workplace for personal use in an (Ex. 54–68) strongly recommended that inspection, the name or signature of the
emergency, and must be inspected for the apparatus be inspected at the inspector, the findings of the inspection,
proper condition prior to being carried beginning of each shift or workday any required remedial action, and a
into the workplace. Additional monthly rather than monthly. OSHA notes that serial number or other means of
inspections of emergency escape the final rule specifies only the identifying the inspected respirator.
respirators that are stored for future use minimum requirements for an effective This information must be tagged to the
are unnecessary, since they will be respiratory protection program. respirator or its storage compartment, or
inspected prior to being carried into the Employers, however, are encouraged to otherwise stored in the form of
workplace. Final paragraph (h)(3)(i)(C) exceed these minimum criteria if, by inspection reports (i.e., paper or
therefore specifies that ‘‘escape-only’’ doing so, employee protection and electronic), and be maintained until
respirators need only be inspected operating efficiency are enhanced. replaced following a subsequent
before being carried into the workplace. The final provision for recharging air certification.
Although no commenters were and oxygen cylinders for SCBAs in This requirement was included in the
opposed to the inspection requirements, paragraph (h)(3)(iii) is unchanged from proposal, and several comments
some participants raised the issues that proposed paragraph (h)(3)(i)(C). addressed it. Dow Chemical (Ex. 54–
are discussed below with respect to Although no commenters disagreed 278) stated that it supports the proposed
inspection frequency and procedures. with this provision as proposed, a few requirement. The American Petroleum
When respirators are inspected, the final commenters (Exs. 54–6, 54–220) asked Institute (Ex. 54–330) recommended
rule (paragraph (h)(3)(ii)(A)) requires OSHA to clarify the requirement that that OSHA require ‘‘identification of the
that the inspection include an SCBA equipment be maintained in a person that made the inspection’’ in lieu
examination to ensure that respirators fully charged state and recharged when of a signature. However, OSHA believes
are working properly, including an the pressure falls to 90% or less of the that the inspector’s name or signature is
examination of the tightness of manufacturer’s recommended pressure a clear and precise identification, and
connections and the condition of the level. By way of example, OSHA notes therefore has retained this requirement
various components. Two comments that if the manufacturer states that the in the final rule as proposed.
were made with respect to respirator cylinder is fully charged at 100 psi, the The final provision of paragraph (h)
inspection procedures. John Clarke of cylinder must be recharged when the deals with respirator repairs and
Electronic and Information pressure falls to 90 psi (i.e., 90% of the adjustments. Final paragraph (h)(4)
Technologies (Ex. 54–162) stated that fully charged level). The 90 percent provides that respirators that fail
1252 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
inspections, or are otherwise defective, The AFL–CIO (Ex. 54–428) and parameters for breathing air quality. For
are to be removed from service and Service Employees International Union example, under (i)(1)(i), the final rule
discarded, repaired, or adjusted (SEIU) (Ex. 54–455) recommended that requires the employer to ensure that
according to the specified procedures. OSHA require employers to tag as ‘‘out oxygen used for breathing purposes
In addition, the employer shall ensure of service’’ those respirators that fail meets the requirements of the United
that repairs or adjustments to respirators inspections. OSHA agrees that some States Pharmacopoeia (USP) for medical
are made only by persons appropriately means must be available for ensuring or breathing oxygen. This provision is
trained to do so, and that they use only that only properly functioning the same as the requirement in OSHA’s
the respirator manufacturer’s NIOSH- respirators are introduced into the prior respiratory protection standard at
approved parts that are designed for the workplace. However, OSHA believes paragraph (d)(1). The ANSI Z88.2–1992
particular respirator. The repairs also that the decision on how to handle respirator standard, in Clause 10.5.1,
must be made in accordance with the respirators that fail inspection is most also requires that air be of high purity
manufacturer’s recommendations and appropriately addressed in the and that oxygen meet the USP
specifications. Because components employer’s respirator protection requirements. Inclusion of this
such as reducing and admission valves, program, as required under final requirement in the final rule was
regulators, and alarms are complex and paragraph (c). Specifically, final strongly supported by the AFL-CIO (Ex.
essential to the safe functioning of the paragraph (c)(1)(v) would allow such 54–428), which stated that the employer
respirator, they are required to be procedures to be tailored to satisfy the must ensure that ‘‘compressed air,
adjusted and repaired only by the needs of a particular workplace. compressed oxygen, liquid air, and
manufacturer or a technician trained by The SEIU (Ex. 54–455) recommended liquid oxygen used for respiration is of
the manufacturer. that OSHA require employers to keep an high purity and in accordance with the
Several comments were submitted to adequate supply of cartridges and other specifications listed in [proposed
the record regarding this particular routine replacement parts in stock and paragraph] (i)(1).’’
provision. Consolidated Engineering readily accessible to employees so that Under paragraph (i)(1)(ii) of the final
Services (Exs. 54–121 and 54–135) and they can replace needed parts. OSHA standard, breathing air must meet at
the Florida Department of Labor and does not believe it is necessary to least the requirements for Type I—Grade
Employment Security (Ex. 54–79) asked specify that employers must maintain D breathing air, as described in the
what type of training is required for an adequate number of spare parts. ANSI/CGA G–7.1–1989 standard, which
employees who repair and adjust Final paragraph (h)(4) requires that is the latest revision of that reference
respirators. Motorola (Ex. 54–187) also defective respirators be removed from standard and the one currently used by
addressed this point, but added that service unless they are repaired or OSHA when determining breathing air
specialized training for most respirator adjusted, and an employer who does not quality. Final paragraph (i)(1)(ii)
repair work was not necessary, and that keep on hand sufficient parts to allow identifies the specifications for the
the training program required by the respirators to be repaired will need to contents of Grade D breathing air:
standard should provide employees remove those respirators from service oxygen content (volume/volume) of 19.5
with sufficient expertise to perform the until suitable repairs can be made. to 23.5 percent; hydrocarbon
necessary repair work, or at least to Thus, an employer who does not (condensed) concentration of five
recognize when repair is beyond their maintain an adequate inventory of parts milligrams or less per cubic meter of air;
ability. Another commenter (Ex. 54– will either need to keep extra respirators carbon monoxide level of 10 ppm or
293) asserted that, depending on the on hand or cease operations that require less; carbon dioxide level of 1,000 ppm
manufacturer’s recommendation, a respirator use until parts can be or less; and a lack of noticeable odor.
trained person may or may not be obtained or installed. The OSHA respiratory protection
necessary to make repairs; for example, standard adopted in 1971 referenced the
Paragraph (i)—Breathing Air Quality then-current CGA G–7.1–1966 breathing
no training is required to replace a
and Use air quality standard. In 1973, and again
broken respirator strap.
In response to these concerns, OSHA This paragraph of the respiratory in 1989, the CGA, in conjunction with
does not believe that it is necessary or protection standard requires that ANSI, revised the G–7.1 standard. The
appropriate to specify in detail in the breathing air for atmosphere-supplying Grade D specification was changed as
final rule the type of training that is respirators be of high purity, meet part of the 1989 ANSI revision, at which
required to qualify a person to repair quality levels for content, and not time the carbon monoxide level was
and adjust respirators. However, exceed certain contaminant levels and reduced from 20 ppm to 10 ppm. The
because of the important health-related moisture requirements. The paragraph OSHA Directorate of Compliance
functions of respirators, the person sets performance standards for the Programs subsequently issued letters of
making the repair needs to be properly operation and maintenance of breathing interpretation in 1991 and 1992 that
trained. OSHA expects that such repair air compressors and cylinders, required employers to use the updated
will often be performed by the establishes methods for ensuring Grade D specifications for breathing air
manufacturer, particularly if special breathing air quality, and sets quality.
expertise is required. Where this is not requirements for the quality of The proposal requested comments on
the case, the employer must ensure that purchased breathing air. whether acceptable respirator breathing
the employee or person repairing the Paragraph (i)(1) of the final standard air quality should continue to meet the
respirator has the skills necessary to applies to atmosphere-supplying specifications for Grade D breathing air
conduct the appropriate repair and respirators that are being used to protect described in the ANSI/CGA G 7.1–1989
adjustment functions. The use of the employees, and requires that breathing standard. Commenters supported
term ‘‘appropriately trained’’ refers to an air supplied to these respirators be of inclusion of a requirement for use of the
individual who has received training high purity. This same requirement for 1989 Grade D breathing air values in the
from the respirator manufacturer or breathing air quality was included in final rule (Exs. 54–141, 54–189, 54–267,
otherwise has demonstrated that he/she proposed paragraph (i)(1). Both the prior 54–286, 54–408, 54-443). For example,
has the skills to return the respirator to and final rules refer to a number of the Tennessee Valley Authority (Ex. 54–
its original state of effectiveness. standard references that establish 189) and Norfolk Southern (Ex. 54-267)
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1253
supported the Grade D breathing air category is needed for future evaluations parts 173 and 178 cover the
requirement, stating that, in their of atmosphere-supplying respirators that construction, maintenance, and testing
experience, the Grade D air they have use liquefied compressed air. NIOSH of these compressed air cylinders, and
been using is fully adequate and safe, continues to recommend the use of the are necessary to prevent the explosions
and that OSHA should not adopt more ANSI/CGA G–7.1–1989 standard for that can result if high pressure breathing
stringent requirements across the board. breathing air quality for currently issued air cylinders rupture. The proposal
Modern Safety Techniques, Inc. (Ex. respirator certifications. referenced only 49 CFR part 178, but the
54–141) supported maintaining the Under paragraph (i)(2) of the final AIHA (Ex. 54–208) recommended that
Grade D breathing air quality standard, employers are prohibited from the DOT requirements found in 49 CFR
requirement but recommended that the using compressed oxygen in part 173 also be specified in the final
OSHA rule not specify the year of the atmosphere-supplying respirators, rule because they apply to breathing air
ANSI/CGA standard, because, for including open-circuit SCBAs, that have cylinders. Final paragraph (i)(4)(i)
example, employers were confused previously used compressed air. This therefore includes a reference to part
when the CGA revised the ANSI/CGA prohibition was proposed in the NPRM, 173 in addition to part 178.
G–7.1 standard in 1989 and the OSHA and is intended to prevent the fires and Paragraph (i)(4)(ii) of the final
standard referred to an earlier version of explosions that could result if high standard includes a provision requiring
that standard. However, the regulations pressure oxygen comes into contact employers to ensure that cylinders of
governing the incorporation of with oil or grease that has been purchased breathing air are
documents by reference (1 CFR 51) introduced to the respirator or the air accompanied by a certificate from the
require that the revision date of lines during compressed air operations. supplier stating that the air meets the
incorporated references be specified Comments to the record (Exs. 10, 54– requirements for Type 1-Grade D
when they are included in any new or 165, 54–208, 54–218) support this breathing air contained in paragraph
revised standard. Where incorporated provision. Additionally, the prohibition (i)(1)(ii) of the final standard. Employers
references are used in final paragraph is consistent with Clause 10.5.2 of the must obtain a certificate of analysis of
(i), therefore, the latest revision dates for ANSI Z88.2–1992 standard. purchased breathing air from the
these references have been used. Proposed paragraph (i)(3) would have supplier to ensure that its content and
The Los Alamos National Laboratory prohibited the use of oxygen with quality meet the requirements for Grade
(LANL) (Ex. 36–52) recommended that supplied air respirators. This provision D breathing air. This will allow the
Grade E air rather than Grade D air be was intended to avoid the possibility of employer to have assurance that the
used since most air that passes the fires and explosions that can result purchased breathing air being used by
Grade D requirements will also pass when oxygen is used in high employees is safe. The proposal did not
Grade E requirements. The Grade E concentrations. However, some include a requirement for the
specifications narrow the range of respiratory equipment is specifically certification of the quality of purchased
permitted oxygen content from 19.5– designed to avoid fire and explosion breathing air. There was, however,
23.5 percent to 20 to 22 percent oxygen hazards when used with oxygen in support in the record (Exs. 54–234, 54–
and lower the allowable carbon dioxide concentrations greater than 23.5%. 266, 54–273, 54–330, 54–408) for adding
level from 1000 ppm to 500 ppm. LANL Therefore, paragraph (i)(3) of the final this requirement. For example, the
gave no specific safety or health reason standard specifies that oxygen in American Petroleum Institute (Ex. 54–
for OSHA to adopt this more stringent concentrations greater than 23.5% is to 330) and Duquesne Light Company (Ex.
recommendation. The Service be used only with equipment designed 54–408) recommended that additional
Employees International Union (Ex. 54– specifically for oxygen service or guidance, similar to that in ANSI Z88.2–
455), however, points out that Grade E distribution. Several commenters 1992, be provided to ensure the quality
air of reliable quality may be difficult pointed out the need to specify a of purchased breathing air. Exxon (Ex.
for employers to obtain. In addition, maximum oxygen concentration (Exs. 54–266) stated that OSHA should not
OSHA is not aware of any problems that 54–165, 54–208, 54–218, 54–219). allow the direct blending of compressed
have occurred as a result of breathing Clause 10.5.2 of the ANSI Z88.2–1992 nitrogen and oxygen gases by the
Grade D air, and believes that the Grade standard (Ex. 81) also states, ‘‘Oxygen employer to produce Grade D air, citing
D specifications will fully protect concentrations greater than 23.5% shall the ‘‘extreme consequences of having
employees who use atmosphere- be used only in equipment designed for too little oxygen in a cylinder.’’ Exxon
supplying respirators. Therefore, OSHA oxygen service or distribution.’’ OSHA further recommended that 100% of the
is not convinced a higher grade of air is agrees with the recommendations made cylinders be tested for oxygen content
required, and the final rule specifies by the AIHA (Ex. 54–208), 3M (Ex. 54– for all nitrogen/oxygen mixed cylinders
Grade D air. 218), and Monsanto (Ex. 54–219) that (Ex. 54–266). The requirement that the
OSHA has been informed that NIOSH the final rule adopt the maximum employer obtain a certificate of analysis
has been working with the National oxygen concentration language from the of purchased breathing air means that
Aeronautics and Space Administration ANSI standard, and the final rule every cylinder will have been analyzed
(NASA) on a new ‘‘liquid air SCBA’’ reflects this recommendation. for oxygen content by the supplier and,
that may be submitted for NIOSH Final paragraph (i)(4) requires that therefore, the situation feared by Exxon
certification in the future. In its revision breathing air for respirators provided will not arise.
of the 42 CFR 84 respirator certification from cylinders or air compressors meet Final paragraph (i)(4)(iii) requires that
standard, NIOSH incorporated the CGA certain minimum standards. Under final the moisture content of compressed air
Commodity Specification for Air in the paragraph (i)(4)(i), cylinders must be in air cylinders not exceed a dew point
CGA’s G–7.1–1966 standard to maintain tested and maintained as prescribed in of ¥50° F (¥45.6° C) at one atmosphere
the quality verification category for the Shipping Container Specification of pressure. This requirement will
Type II liquid compressed air, which Regulations of the Department of prevent respirator valves from freezing,
had been removed from the updated Transportation (DOT) (49 CFR parts 173 which can occur when excess moisture
ANSI/CGA G–7.1–1989 standard. and 178); these DOT regulations are also accumulates on the valves. This
NIOSH included this specification required for NIOSH respirator provision has been revised from the
because a liquid compressed air quality certification. The DOT regulations in proposed requirement to be consistent
1254 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
with the latest versions of the standard on the proposed requirement for the enforcement issue that has arisen in
references for moisture content of location of compressor air intakes. connection with ambient air movers.
compressed breathing air, the ANSI Final paragraph (i)(5)(ii) has been Ambient air movers have been
Z88.2–1992 and ANSI/CGA G–7.1–1989 slightly modified from proposed developed to provide air to supplied-air
standards. Consistency between the requirement (i)(4)(ii) to require that the respirators. These units are small
required value and the standard moisture content of compressed air be electric compressors that are not oil-
references will avoid confusion in minimized so that the dew point at one lubricated and have no air receiver.
measuring moisture content and, atmosphere of pressure is 10 degrees Such compressors are used in non-IDLH
consequently, will enhance employee Fahrenheit (5.56 degrees Celsius) below atmospheres. The use of ambient air
protection. This dew point value, as the the ambient temperature to prevent movers has been allowed under an
AIHA (Ex. 54–208) recommended, has water freezing in valves and existing OSHA compliance directive
been taken from the ANSI/CGA G–7.1– connections of the air supply system. even though such devices do not have
1989 specifications for Grade D air and Such freezing can block air lines, the air receiver required for air
replaces the 27 ml/m3 value for fittings, and pressure regulators. This compressors by the prior respiratory
moisture content specified in the final requirement is similar to the protection standard. However, the final
proposal. parallel provision of the previous standard removes the air receiver
Final paragraph (i)(5)(i) requires that standard, which required that breathing requirement for compressors, and
compressors that supply breathing air air meet the requirements of CGA G– ambient air movers will therefore be
are to be constructed and situated so 7.1–1966. Two commenters (Exs. 54– treated like any other air compressor
that contaminated air cannot enter the 208, 54–218) pointed out that the used in non-IDLH atmospheres.
air supply system. This provision from proposal specified a dew point of 10
Under final paragraph (i)(5)(iii),
the prior standard is retained and also degrees Celsius instead of the 10 degrees
compressors must be equipped with
reflects the intent of the proposed Fahrenheit specified in the ANSI/CGA
suitable in-line air-purifying sorbent
requirement. The purity of the air G–7.1–1989 standard. The value in final
beds and filters to further assure
entering the compressor intake is a paragraph (i)(5)(ii) has been revised to
breathing air purity. The Associated
major factor in the purity of air match the 10° F provision in the G–7.1–
Builders and Contractors, Inc. (Ex. 54–
delivered to the respirator user. The 1989 standard for Grade D air, with an
309) recommended that the
location of the intake is most important, equivalent value of 5.56° C added to
corresponding provision in the proposal
comply with a Federal government
and must be in an uncontaminated area be revised to add the requirement that
requirement (P.L. 100–418 and E.O.
where exhaust gases from nearby employers change air-purifying sorbent
12770) that scientific and technical
vehicles, the internal combustion motor bed and filters in accordance with the
measures are expressed as metric units.
that is powering the compressor itself (if Paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of the prior manufacturer’s instructions. Also,
applicable), or other exhaust gases being standard required air compressors to clause of the ANSI Z88.2–1992
ventilated from the plant will not be have a receiver of sufficient capacity to standard recommends that maintenance
picked up by the compressor air intake. permit the respirator user to escape from and replacement or refurbishment of the
Contaminated air or exhaust gases from a hazardous atmosphere in the event of air-purifying and filter media be
internal combustion engines that are compressor failure. However, under performed periodically by trained
taken into the compressor are major paragraph (d)(2) of the final standard, personnel and in accordance with the
hazards to the purity of breathing air the only respirators that can now be manufacturer’s recommendations and
from compressors, and these hazards used in IDLH atmospheres are either instructions. OSHA agrees with the
occur with all compressors, not just oil- SCBAs or supplied-air respirators with Associated Builders and Contractors
lubricated ones. Respirator users have an auxiliary self-contained air supply that sorbent beds and filters must be
died or been injured when the air intake for escape. Consequently, a requirement maintained properly, and has added
was not properly located to avoid for an air receiver to permit escape from language to paragraph (i)(5)(iii) that is
contaminants. Final paragraph (i)(5)(i), IDLH atmospheres is no longer needed similar to that in ANSI Z88.2–1992, and
therefore, requires that air intakes for all in the final rule. Also, the prior requires sorbent beds and filters to be
compressors be located in a way that respiratory protection standard, in maintained and replaced or refurbished
avoids entry of any contaminated air paragraph (d)(2)(ii), required periodically in accordance with the
into the compressor. compressors to have alarms to indicate manufacturer’s recommendations. The
Support for this requirement can be compressor failure and overheating; this Associated Builders and Contractors
found in the Distler air compressor requirement was part of the same also recommended that sorbent bed and
study (Ex. 32–1). This study provision that specified that a receiver filter changes be documented, that such
recommended that engine exhaust gases for escape from a contaminated documentation be retained for one year,
should be piped upward or downwind atmosphere in the event of compressor and that it be made available to OSHA
from the compressor air intake, failure be available. This alarm on request. However, OSHA is not
particularly where exhaust gases are not requirement was deleted from the generally requiring that records of
reliably dispersed, such as in partially proposal and is not part of the final respirator maintenance performed under
enclosed spaces or in turbulent wind standard. An alarm to indicate this standard be kept and does not
areas. The compressor exhaust piping compressor failure or overheating is believe such a requirement is necessary
used in the Distler study had to be unnecessary in non-IDLH atmospheres here. Instead, OSHA is requiring in
repositioned several times to find a since, as OSHA stated in the proposal, paragraph (i)(5)(iv) that a tag containing
location where the exhaust gases would the respirator user can readily exit the the most recent date of sorbent bed
not be picked up by the compressor air hazardous area if the respirator fails. replacement or refurbishing, along with
intake. All of these findings reinforce The deletion from the final standard the signature of the person performing
the importance of locating the of the prior standard’s requirement for the change, be kept at the compressor.
compressor’s air intake in an area that compressors to be equipped with This tagging requirement is also
ensures that only high-quality air can be receivers if they were to be used in consistent with OSHA’s efforts, as
taken in. No comments were received hazardous atmospheres will clarify an required by the Paperwork Reduction
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1255
Act of 1995, to reduce paperwork to the incidents of carbon monoxide employer should have the option of
extent consistent with employee safety production involving oil-lubricated using a carbon monoxide detector. This
and health. compressors have been reported. Carbon commenter stated also that installing a
Paragraphs (I)(6) and (i)(7) address the monoxide production, Kodak stated, is carbon monoxide filter is not reasonable
control of carbon monoxide levels in best prevented by adequate procedures, for those systems that already have a
breathing air. Paragraph (i)(6) requires awareness, and certification. Kodak did carbon monoxide detector and high-
that, for compressors that are not oil not provide specific procedures for temperature alarm. St. Lawrence Gas
lubricated, the CO levels in the determining air system compliance, nor (Ex. 54–402) commented that carbon
breathing air may not exceed 10ppm. further clarification of what is meant by monoxide alarms should not be required
Paragraph (i)(7) requires monitoring of awareness or certification. The and noted that it has found the use of
CO levels for oil lubricated compressors. Duquesne Light Company (Ex. 54–408) carbon monoxide-to-carbon dioxide
OSHA stated in the NPRM that one stated that continuous monitoring was converters (with color-change
method to prevent contaminated air unnecessary, and that requiring indicators) sufficient for detecting the
from reaching the breathing air supply filtration or purification of the air presence of carbon monoxide. ORC (Ex.
was to require carbon monoxide filters supply, proper location of the air intake, 54–424) stated that carbon monoxide
with continuous alarms for all breathing and Grade D air purity should be alarms or high-temperature alarms are
air compressors. The agency requested sufficient to ensure a safe breathing air not needed for all compressors. ORC
comments on the use of carbon supply. Meridian Oil (Ex. 54–206) recommended that adequate procedures,
monoxide alarms, high-temperature opposed continuous monitors because awareness, and certification for
alarms, and shutoff devices in the these devices can generate false alarms. installation are the best means to ensure
workplace (59 FR 58926). A number of Other commenters proposed that contaminated air does not enter the
comments were received that addressed alternatives to continuous monitoring. compressor. This language is similar to
the issue of carbon monoxide monitors Niagara Mohawk Power (Ex. 54–177), in that used by Kodak (Ex. 54–265), and,
and alarms. comments opposing carbon monoxide like Kodak, ORC (Ex. 54–424) did not
Modern Safety Techniques, Inc. alarms, stated that carbon monoxide provide any elaboration of the phrase
(MST) (Ex. 54–141) noted that in many filters with color-change indicators are ‘‘adequate procedures, awareness, and
workplaces it may be impossible or cost an appropriate method to monitor certification for installation.’’
prohibitive to relocate the air intake to carbon monoxide. Monsanto (Ex. 54– A carbon monoxide monitor with an
an area that would reduce the likelihood 219) stated that OSHA should not alarm can be used to continuously
of carbon monoxide entering the system. require all compressors to have carbon measure the breathing air and warn
In these cases, MST recommended monoxide filters and alarms. Monsanto respirator users when carbon monoxide
continuous monitoring as the only stated that high-temperature alarms or levels exceed the 10 ppm limit set for
method that would ensure breathing air automatic compressor shut downs Grade D breathing air. However, these
quality. MST stated that the use of a would only be needed when there was alarms need to be properly maintained
carbon monoxide alarm or measuring a reasonable possibility of carbon to function effectively. MST (Ex. 54–
device is necessary to tell whether monoxide production in the compressor 141) stated that the electrochemical type
carbon monoxide purifiers (e.g., due to equipment problems. TU Electric of sensors used today are specific for
Hopcalite filters) are functioning (Ex. 54–250) stated that carbon carbon monoxide, are relatively stable
properly. MST stated, ‘‘Unless monoxide filters or continuous during temperature and humidity
continuous monitoring is being monitoring alarms should not be changes, and are accurate enough to
conducted on the breathing air supply, required for all breathing air meet the CGA G–7.1–1989
‘‘frequent’’ monitoring, or proper compressors, but that regular testing of requirements. These sensors have
placement of the breathing air supply, breathing air prior to use, and testing in replaced the older metal oxide sensors
only assures that the requirements are specific locations on a regular basis that had problems with false alarms.
met at that particular instance in time.’’ during compressor use, should be However, the electrochemical sensors
[Emphasis in original.] Eugene Satrun, required. This commenter also must be calibrated periodically (usually
an industrial hygienist who runs a recommended against a requirement for on a monthly basis) to perform
respirator program in Illinois (Ex. 54– carbon monoxide filters or monitors for accurately. The Service Employees
261), supported the need for continuous oil-free compressors. International Union (Ex. 54–455) also
carbon monoxide monitors, noting that Other commenters (Exs. 54–206, 54– recommended that the final standard
automatic compressors can be operated 234, 54–250) supported testing ambient address regular replacement of alarm
with a vehicle running nearby and may air near the intake on a regular basis, but sensors and filter media.
consequently pull significant levels of did not recommend a testing frequency. Carbon monoxide filters with color-
carbon monoxide into the intake. General guidance for periodic sampling change indicators are used to convert
Several commenters were opposed to of air quality for compressors is carbon monoxide in breathing air to
OSHA adopting a requirement for specified in Clause and Table 4 carbon dioxide, which is less likely to
continuous carbon monoxide of the ANSI Z88.2–1992 standard. The pose a hazard to the respirator user. The
monitoring and alarms (Exs. 54–234, ANSI procedure was recommended by source of the carbon monoxide can be
54–250, 54–408). They stated that the several commenters (Exs. 54–234, 54– from contamination of the intake air or
requirements for sorbent bed filtration, 250, 54–263, 54–273, 54–363). ANSI from carbon monoxide generated by the
proper air inlet location, and Grade D Z88.2–1992 recommends acceptance compressor. However, the color change
air quality, confirmed by periodic testing prior to initial use and in the indicator results from moisture in
sampling, would be sufficient to control representative sampling at distribution the breathing air that is trapped in the
the carbon monoxide hazard. Kodak (Ex. supply points on a periodic basis to filter element. The color-change
54–265) stated that it has assessed the ensure ‘‘a continued high-quality air indicator, therefore, does not indicate
purity of compressed air for breathing supply.’’ Norfolk Southern (Ex. 54–267) the presence of carbon monoxide, but
use over a period of 18 years at its stated that OSHA should not require the instead signals only the presence of
plants, collecting and analyzing more use of carbon monoxide filters with moisture, which can render the sorbent
than 1200 samples, and that no compressor-supplied air, and that the filters ineffective. Consequently, the
1256 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
color-change indicator cannot be used as well as compressor failure and high- carbon monoxide alarm, or both. If only
directly to detect carbon monoxide. In temperature alarms; other commenters a high-temperature alarm is used, the air
addition, these carbon monoxide filters, (Exs. 54–337, 54–428) would require the from the oil-lubricated compressor must
like carbon monoxide alarms, need use of carbon monoxide alarms to be monitored at intervals sufficient to
periodic maintenance to ensure their prevent accidental carbon monoxide prevent carbon monoxide in the
continued effectiveness. contamination whenever compressed air breathing air from exceeding 10 ppm.
In summary, strong arguments favor a is being used as breathing air. The latter requirement ensures that
requirement for continuous carbon The opponents (Exs. 54–177, 54–206, carbon monoxide that enters a poorly
monoxide monitoring of compressor- 54–219, 54–234, 54–250, 54–265, 54– located compressor air intake, as well as
generated breathing air. This is the case 402) of carbon monoxide alarms cite the carbon monoxide generated by the
because preventing carbon monoxide availability of alternate equipment and compressor itself, is detected.
contamination by locating the air intake procedures that they claim are as Final paragraph (i)(7) is similar to a
for compressors in an area that is free of effective as alarms in protecting the provision in the previous standard. In
carbon monoxide contamination is purity of breathing air. Examples of the NPRM, OSHA proposed to delete
difficult in many cases and impossible these alternatives are filters with color- the requirement from the previous
in others. Automatic compressors with change indicators, carbon monoxide-to- respirator standard that oil-lubricated
poorly located air intakes may operate carbon dioxide converters, oil-free compressors be equipped with carbon
when a running vehicle is in the compressors, proper air intake monoxide alarms and high-temperature
immediate area, thereby contaminating placement, certification of air shutoff devices. However, a number of
the air supply with carbon monoxide compressor systems, and periodic commenters (Exs. 54–144, 54–219, 54–
from the vehicle’s exhaust. In addition, monitoring (Exs. 54–177, 54–206, 54– 266) stated that precautions against
older compressors, which may still be 219, 54–250, 54–265, 54–330, 54–402, excessive carbon monoxide were
operational after hundreds, if not 54–408, 54–424). needed when oil-lubricated compressors
thousands of operating hours, may OSHA believes that it is essential for were used. Modern Safety Techniques
allow increased oil blow-by due to the employer to ensure that excessive (Ex. 54–144) stated that oil-lubricated
piston ring and cylinder wear, which carbon monoxide is not in the compressors used by industry to supply
increases the possibility of carbon compressed breathing air supplied to breathing air often have hundreds of
monoxide contamination. respirators. Final paragraphs (i)(6) and hours of use, allowing greater oil blow-
The most convincing evidence against (i)(7), therefore, require that the by and therefore greater potential for
a requirement for continuous carbon employer prevent carbon monoxide carbon monoxide production, was
monoxide monitoring comes from the levels in the breathing air from reported in the Distler study. That study
18-year collection of sampling results exceeding 10 ppm. For compressors that found that properly functioning air
taken by Kodak (Ex. 54–265). OSHA are not oil-lubricated, this requirement compressors are unlikely to reach
notes, however, that Kodak’s results are can be met by several different methods, temperatures at which carbon monoxide
likely to be due to the company’s careful including the use of continuous carbon production occurs. Exxon (Ex. 54–266)
observance of operating procedures, monoxide alarms, carbon monoxide encouraged OSHA to include a
such as procedures ensuring the proper filters, proper air intake location in an requirement for in-line carbon
location of air intakes and regular and area free of contaminants, frequent monoxide alarms for diesel- or gasoline-
thorough maintenance and repair of all monitoring of air quality, or the use of powered compressors, since its
compressors. OSHA notes that Clause high-temperature alarms and automatic experience indicates that the use of of the ANSI Z88.2–1992 shutoff devices, as appropriate. No these compressors increases the risk of
standard calls for periodic, rather than single method will be appropriate in all carbon monoxide contamination from
continuous, sampling of breathing air situations, and several methods may the compressor’s exhaust. Monsanto
from the air supply. need to be combined, e.g., the use of (Ex. 54–219) stated that high-
The arguments for and against carbon carbon monoxide alarms with carbon temperature alarms or automatic
monoxide alarms are less well defined monoxide filters where conditions are compressor shutoffs would be needed
than the case for carbon monoxide such that a reliable carbon monoxide- when there was a reasonable possibility
monitoring devices. Several commenters free area for compressor air intakes of carbon monoxide production in the
specifically recommended the use of cannot be found. As the comments to compressor due to equipment problems.
carbon monoxide alarms whenever the record show, there was no The Service Employees International
compressed air is being used as agreement on the most appropriate Union (Ex. 54–455) argued that the
breathing air (Exs. 54–337, 54–428, 54– method for ensuring that carbon requirements specifying Grade D
455). The AFL–CIO (Ex. 54–428) monoxide would not contaminate the breathing air purity and location of the
recommended the use of carbon breathing air coming from compressors. compressor air intake in an
monoxide alarms or monitors on all air OSHA has decided that a performance- uncontaminated atmosphere were not
supply systems that service respirators based requirement ensuring that carbon sufficient to ensure that carbon
with Grade D breathing air. Both of monoxide does not contaminate monoxide is not entrained in the
these recommendations would assure an breathing air will give employers system.
air supply uncontaminated by carbon flexibility in selecting the method(s) An incident of carbon monoxide
monoxide. The proponents of carbon most appropriate for conditions in their production by an oil-lubricated
monoxide alarms (Exs. 54–141, 54–261, workplace. compressor was described in a MSHA
54–337, 54–428, 54–455) state that they Oil-lubricated compressors can Accident Investigation Report issued in
are needed to alert personnel that produce carbon monoxide if the oil January 1985 (Ex. 38–12). An oil-cooled,
equipment is malfunctioning; the Exxon enters the combustion chamber and is diesel-powered, two-stage, rotary air
Company (Ex. 54–266) stated that ignited. This can be a particularly severe compressor overheated during a
gasoline- and diesel-powered problem in older compressors whose sandblasting operation at a limestone
compressors should be required to have piston rings and cylinders are worn. quarry. The air compressor thermo-
carbon monoxide alarms to detect Final paragraph (i)(7) requires that such bypass valve, which should have
exhaust gases that enter the air supply, compressors have a high-temperature or directed the oil through a cooling
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1257
radiator once the oil had reached a that supply respirators that are not be able to rely on labeling and color
temperature of 185°F, failed, which designed for oxygen service; this coding by respirator manufacturers for
allowed the temperature of the cooling provision is needed to prevent the fires assurance that the respirators meet
oil to rise above its flashpoint of 420°F. and explosions that could result if high- NIOSH requirements.
The oil ignited, producing carbon pressure oxygen comes into contact This position is consistent with that
monoxide. The compressor was with oil or grease that has been taken by many commenters, who noted
equipped with a high-temperature introduced to the respirator or the air that the labeling and color coding of
shutoff switch set for 235°F, but it had lines during compressed air operations. filters are the responsibility of the
been disconnected for at least 30 days Final rule paragraph (i)(9) requires respirator manufacturer (Exs. 54–208,
prior to the incident. The compressor employers to use breathing gas 54–218, 54–219, 54–278, 54–289) and
was not equipped with a carbon containers marked in accordance with are required by NIOSH for certification.
monoxide filter or alarm. The the NIOSH respirator certification OSHA agrees that color coding and the
sandblaster collapsed from carbon standard at 42 CFR part 84. This attachment of NIOSH approval labels to
monoxide poisoning. Monsanto (Ex. 54– requirement differs from proposed respirators are the responsibility of the
219) stated that this incident resulted paragraph (i)(6), which listed several manufacturer. However, it is still the
from a failure to follow the provision in additional standards for breathing gas employer’s responsibility to use only
the previous standard requiring that oil- containers. These additional standards components bearing a NIOSH approval
lubricated compressors have a have been incorporated into 42 CFR part label, and to ensure that the NIOSH
functional high-temperature or carbon 84, making reference to them in the final approval labels are not removed from
monoxide alarm, or both. OSHA rule unnecessary. the filters, cartridges, and canisters that
believes that this incident, as well as the are used in the workplace and remain
Paragraph (j)—Identification of Filters,
comments described above, supports legible.
Cartridges, and Canisters The NIOSH label serves several
carrying the previous standard’s
requirement forward in the final rule. The final rule provides that the purposes. It ensures selection of
Final paragraph (i)(8) requires that air employer only use filter cartridges and appropriate filters for the contaminants
line couplings be incompatible with canisters that are labeled and color encountered in the workplace and
outlets for non-respirable worksite air or coded with the NIOSH approval label permits the employee using the
other gas systems to prevent the and that the label not be removed or respirator to check and confirm that the
inadvertent provision of nonrespirable made illegible. This is similar to the respirator has the appropriate filters
gases to airline respirators. Breathing air parallel requirement in the proposal, before the respirator is used. David Lee,
couplings, therefore, are to be made which was supported by commenters a CIH, CSP, and respirator consultant
incompatible with outlets from (Exs. 54–361, 54–428, 54–455). OSHA (Ex. 54–304), commented that, once a
nonrespirable plant air and other gas has modified the proposed language in filter selection is made and the
systems. This requirement is similar to certain respects to add compliance respirator is donned, the label becomes
the provision in paragraph (d)(3) of the flexibility while retaining the original meaningless. However, the employee is
previous respiratory protection standard objective, i.e., assurance that these not the only one who uses the color
and proposed paragraph (i)(5) of the elements meet NIOSH’s stringent coding and label. Color coding and
NPRM. Martin Marietta (Ex. 54–410) requirements. These comments and labeling also allow fellow employees,
stated that there have been documented modifications are discussed below. supervisors, and the respirator program
cases in which cross-connections have OSHA proposed to eliminate from the administrator to readily determine that
introduced hazardous contaminants into previous respiratory protection standard the appropriate filters are being used by
breathing air lines. To avoid this the language in paragraphs (g)(1) to the employee. Cartridges that are
problem, Martin Marietta recommended (g)(6), which described labeling appropriate for one operation may be
that OSHA add a provision to the final requirements, and Table I–1, which inappropriate for another, and color
standard that prohibits connecting listed color codes assigned to canisters coding and labeling allow respirator
breathing air lines to any nonrespirable and cartridges. These requirements were users with inappropriate filters to be
gas source or process. Consistent with adopted from the original national identified in the workplace and
this recommendation, OSHA has added consensus standard (i.e., ANSI K13.1, potential respiratory hazards to be
a sentence to paragraph (i)(8) requiring ‘‘Standard for Identification of Air- avoided.
that no asphyxiating substance be Purifying Respirator Canisters and Proposed paragraph (j)(2) required
introduced into breathing air lines. This Cartridges’’) adopted by OSHA in 1971. that the NIOSH approval label not be
requirement will cover not only the In place of these requirements, proposed ‘‘removed, obscured or defaced’’ while
contamination of the breathing air paragraph (j)(1) would have required respirators are being used. 3M (Ex. 54–
system from cross-connections, but will employers to ensure that all filters, 218) and Monsanto (Ex. 54–219) urged
also cover other potential contaminating cartridges, and canisters bear a NIOSH OSHA to add the word ‘‘intentionally’’
conditions, e.g., using nitrogen to blow approval label before being placed into before ‘‘removed, obscured or defaced,’’
out worksite air lines where the service. since they believe that an employer
worksite air source is also used for Proposed paragraph (j)(2) specified would be in violation of this provision
breathing air. that the label not be removed, obscured, if, for example, a label is covered with
The final standard also requires that or defaced while the filter, cartridge, or paint overspray during use. Monsanto
the employer prevent utility oxygen, canister was in service to ensure that the also stated that some OSHA substance-
i.e., oxygen supplied to meet other label provided information to the specific standards require that cartridges
manufacturing needs, from entering the employee about the protection being be dated by the employee to indicate
respirator air supply system. As afforded by the respirator. In the final when they were first put into service
discussed above, the standard permits standard, OSHA has combined and that some employers could use this
oxygen to be used in respirators proposed paragraphs (j)(1) and (j)(2) into dating method to control cartridge use
designed for oxygen service. The final a single paragraph (j). The changes from even when not required by OSHA.
standard prohibits the introduction of the previous standard recognize that Accordingly, Monsanto urged OSHA to
utility oxygen into breathing air systems employers who use respirators should add the phrase ‘‘except if it is to record
1258 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
initial use information’’ to paragraph Paragraph (k)—Training and period has not specifically been
(j)(2) to clarify that adding a date to the Information retained, the final standard requires the
NIOSH label is allowed and will not be Paragraphs (k)(1)–(3) of the final respirator wearer to be trained
regarded as defacing the label. David standard require employers to provide sufficiently to demonstrate the ability to
Lee (Ex. 54–304) was concerned that effective training for employees required use the respirator properly, which may
dirt, dust, and debris can easily obscure by the employer to wear respirators. or may not necessitate wearing the
the label once the respirator is in use Employees must be trained sufficiently respirator in normal air ‘‘for a long
and that employees would be required to be able to demonstrate a knowledge familiarity period.’’
by the proposed provision to leave the of why the respirator is necessary; how The record shows widespread
area to clean the label to make it legible. improper fit, usage, or maintenance can agreement that employee training is a
Dow (Ex. 54–278) stated that, because of critical part of a successful respiratory
compromise the protective effect of the
the small size of the label on some protection program and is essential for
respirator; the limitations and
cartridges, the employer cannot date the correct respirator use (Exs. 15–13, 15–
capabilities of the selected respirator;
cartridges without obscuring some of 18, 15–19, 15–22, 15–30, 15–33, 15–41,
how to deal with emergency situations
the information on the label. To resolve 15–45, 15–50, 15–53, 15–54, 15–67, 15–
involving the use of respirators or with
this problem, Dow suggested that the 79, 54–5, 54–68, 54–91, 54–92, 54–165,
respirator malfunction; how to inspect,
words ‘‘pertinent information’’ be added 54–172, 54–208, 54–219, 54–278, 54–
don and remove, and check the seal of
before ‘‘obscured.’’ 361, 54–387, 54–428, 54–455, Tr. 186,
OSHA has not added the term the respirator; procedures for
maintenance and storage of the 387, 595, 1011, 1063, 1083, 1103, 1226).
‘‘intentional’’ to final paragraph (j) For example, James Johnson of the
because it would be difficult, if not respirator; the medical symptoms and
Lawrence Livermore National
impossible, to determine if the removal signs that may limit or prevent the
Laboratory testified:
or obscuring of a NIOSH label was effective use of respirators; and the
general requirements of this standard. The training element of the respiratory
accidental or intentional. Also, the final protection program is one of the most
provision does not include an Paragraph (k)(4) allows for the
important elements to assure the respirator is
exemption for documenting the initial ‘‘portability’’ of previous respirator
properly used and is performing as intended
use date on cartridge and canister labels, training, and paragraph (k)(5) specifies * * *. This is the only time that the worker
since OSHA already permits this the requirement for at least annual has a chance to interact with a trained
practice. OSHA’s experience indicates retraining. Also, as discussed earlier professional who can properly instruct that
that the initial use date can easily be under the Summary and Explanation for person on the correct use of the respirator,
paragraph (c), Respiratory Protection the employee can see what is right, what
added to a filter, cartridge, or canister doesn’t work, and can understand this item
without obscuring the label, and this Program, final paragraph (k)(6) requires
employers to provide the basic advisory that is given to him to wear throughout a year
procedure has not proven to be a to help protect his health * * * (Tr. 186)
problem in the substance-specific information presented in Appendix D of Dan Faulkner of the United Steelworkers of
standards that require such dating. The this section to employees who America concurred, commenting that:
term ‘‘pertinent information’’ has not voluntarily use respirators in their Training must be seen as a critical
been included in final paragraph (j) workplace. component of respiratory protection. This is
because OSHA believes that all of the The final standard requires that an area that is grossly ignored under the
information on the NIOSH approval training be understandable and be given current regulation * * *. The very first step
to the employee prior to using a in the education process must be to empower
label is pertinent. The degree of workers to identify the hazardous substances
cleanliness required of the label while respirator in the workplace, and
involved and at what levels they are exposed.
the respirator is in service should not be annually thereafter. Additionally, if the
In order for the workers to have confidence
an issue because the label only needs to employer has reason to believe that any that his/her respirator is providing the
be legible and reasonably clean to employee who has already been trained necessary protection from the hostile work
provide the required information. Any does not have sufficient understanding environment they must have a thorough
dust, dirt, paint overspray, or other and skill to use the respirator, the knowledge of this entire process. Once this
substance that completely obscures the employer must retrain the employee in is understood, the worker can make an
label would also affect respirator those areas in which his or her informed decision on what type of respirator
knowledge or skill is deficient. to wear. (Tr. 1062)
cleanliness and the service life of the
filter, resulting in replacement of the Retraining is also required when ASARCO, Inc. (ASARCO) agrees about
filter with new filters that have changes in the workplace or in the type the importance of training and reports
unobscured labels, as required by of respirator used render previous that its company Respiratory Protection
paragraph (g). training obsolete. Program Manual states: ‘‘For the safe
In summary, final paragraph (j) Section 1910.134(e)(5) of the previous use of any respirator, it is essential that
combines into a single provision the standard required training in the the user be properly instructed in the
proposed requirements that employers selection, use, and maintenance of respirator’s purpose, selection, fitting,
ensure that the manufacturer’s NIOSH respirators and required respirator use, and limitations’ (Ex. 163).
approval label is on the cartridge, filter, wearers to be provided an opportunity OSHA agrees with the many
or canister, and that employers maintain to handle the respirator, have it fitted commenters who urged OSHA to
the labels in legible condition while the properly, test its facepiece seal, and mandate a program that is performance
cartridge, filter, or canister is in service. wear it in normal air for a familiarity oriented and can be presented
As with the proposed paragraphs, this period. The final training paragraph informally (Exs. 15–13, 15–18, 15–22,
provision is a performance-based retains many of these provisions. 15–30, 15–41, 15–47, 15–62, 15–73, 15–
requirement that permits employers to However, the format of the final training 75, 54–213, 54–265, 54–275, 54–455).
adopt whatever procedures are provisions is different, and specific The final standard does not specify how
appropriate to ensure that the label provisions for annual training and the training is to be performed nor the
remains on the filter and is not retraining are included in the final format to be used by the employer. As
removed, defaced, or obscured during standard. Although the previous suggested by commenters (Ex. 15–53,
respirator use. standard’s requirement for a familiarity Tr. 837, Tr. 1087), the employer can use
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1259
whatever training method is effective for employees use equipment on-the-job. Under final paragraph (k)(1)(ii),
the particular worksite, provided that OSHA believes that adopting a employers are to explain the limitations
the method addresses the required provision in the respirator standard that and capabilities of the respirator
topics. Employers can use prepared is worded similarly to the selected for employee use. A discussion
materials such as audio-visual and slide corresponding requirement in the PPE of the limitations and capabilities of the
presentations, formal classroom standard will promote compliance with respirator must address how the
instruction, informal discussions during both standards and uniformity of respirator operates. This training would
safety meetings, training programs interpretations and enforcement actions. include, for example, an explanation of
developed or conducted by unions or Moreover, measuring the adequacy of how the respirator provides protection
outside sources such as respirator training by evaluating the employee’s by either filtering the air, absorbing the
manufacturers, or a combination of knowledge gained from the training is vapor or gas, or providing clean air from
these methods. consistent with the performance an uncontaminated source. Where
As in the proposal, several categories orientation of the final standard and appropriate, it also should include
of training information must be with the absence of specific hourly limitations on the use of the equipment,
addressed in the final rule. The final training requirements in the final such as prohibitions against using an
provisions have been simplified since standard. air-purifying respirator in IDLH
the proposal, but the information to be The first category of information to be atmospheres and an explanation of why
covered is essentially the same as that included in the training program, such a respirator should not be used in
proposed. specified in final paragraph (k)(1)(i), is such situations.
Paragraph (k)(1) requires the employer a discussion of why the use of the
to ensure that before the employee uses Paragraph (k)(1)(iii) requires that
respirator is necessary. Proposed employees be provided with
the respirator in the workplace, the paragraph (k)(1)(i) specifically set forth
employee demonstrates that he/she has information on respirator use in
that this discussion was to include emergency situations, including those in
learned the information communicated
information on the nature, extent, and which the respirator malfunctions. This
under the training program. The
effects of the respiratory hazards to training requirement was included in
employer can comply with this
which the employee may be exposed proposed paragraph (k)(1)(v).
provision by reviewing with the
while using the respirator. The language Respirators malfunction on occasion,
employee, either in writing or orally, the
of final paragraph (k)(1)(i) has been work routines change, and emergency
informational part of the training
simplified; OSHA believes that training situations occur that require a different
program and by reviewing the
in why the respirator is necessary will respirator. The training program must
employee’s hands-on use of respirators.
OSHA’s personal protective include information on the nature, discuss these possibilities and the
equipment standard (§ 1910.132(f)(2)) extent, and effects of the respiratory procedures the employer has
also requires that employees hazards. For example, such training established to deal with them.
demonstrate effectiveness in using PPE would address the identification of the Commenters concurred that
before workplace use. When that hazardous chemicals involved, the comprehensive training is necessary
standard was adopted in 1994, OSHA extent of employee exposures to those where respirators are to be used in IDLH
stated that ‘‘in order for training to be chemicals, and the potential health situations, including oxygen-deficient
successful, clear and measurable effects of such exposure. Much of this atmospheres, such as those that occur in
objectives must be set, and employees information will be available on the firefighting, rescue operations and
must demonstrate that the training Material Safety Data Sheets that confined area entry (Exs. 15–18, 15–19,
objectives have been reached by chemical manufacturers provide to 15–26, 15–31, 15–33, 15–37, 15–41, 15–
showing that they understand the employers under the Hazard 48, 15–50, 15–54, 15–55, 15–56, 15–59,
information provided and that they can Communication standard (29 CFR 15–70).
use the PPE properly’’ (59 FR 16339). 1910.1200). Employee training on the
The employee should be able to
This reasoning applies equally to health effects of hazardous chemicals is
thoroughly understand the operation of
respiratory protection. In the NPRM for also required under the Hazard
the respirator as a result of this training
the respiratory protection standard Communication standard, and the same
and demonstrate the ability to properly
(proposed paragraph (k)(1)(iii)), OSHA training could help satisfy this
use the respirator selected. Numerous
proposed a similar requirement, which respirator training requirement. Many
commenters supported the elements in
stated that the training itself was to commenters agreed that hazard
the training program provided for under
include ‘‘sufficient practice to enable information is an essential element of
final paragraphs (k)(1) (ii) and (iii) (Exs.
the employee to become * * * effective training (Exs. 15–10, 15–14, 15–18, 15–
61–3, 15–14, 15–18, 15–27A, 15–41, 15–
in performing tasks [relating to 19, 15–27A, 15–41, 15–46, 15–53, 15–
46, 15–53, 15–62, 15–73, 54–5, 54–68,
inspection, donning and removal, 62, 15–73, 54–5, 54–68, 54–91, 54–165,
54–91, 54–172, 54–208, 54–361, 54–428,
checking the fit and seals, and in 54–172, 54–208, 54–278, 54–361, 54–
54–455). For example, Michael P.
wearing the respirator.]’’ 428, 54–455).
Rehfeld, Safety Officer, Westminster
The final standard’s requirement that Information regarding the Fire Department, stated that:
employees ‘‘demonstrate’’ competence consequences of improper fit, usage or
in using respiratory equipment is maintenance on respirator effectiveness In section (k) of the NPRM dealing with
supported by the recommendation of must also be provided to employees training, I strongly believe OSHA should put
commenters that the PPE standard’s under final paragraph (k)(1)(i). Improper the strongest emphasis. It has been my
experience that the stronger the employer
similar requirement replace the less attention to any of these program
training program the less likely that an
direct provision in the respiratory elements would obviously defeat the employee would become injured or dies from
protection proposal (Exs. 54–213, 54– effectiveness of the respirator. a respiratory protection failure. OSHA has
319). OSHA’s enforcement of the PPE Employees must understand that proper historically put a strong emphasis on training
standard has reinforced the Agency’s fit, usage and maintenance of respirators (1910.120, 1910.1200, 1910.138, 1910.146).
belief that training effectiveness must be is critical to ensure that they can The same emphasis should appear in this
evaluated by demonstrating how well perform their protective function. rule (Ex. 54–68).
1260 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
Final paragraph (k)(1)(iv) requires the some cases, where employees are general requirements of this section.
employer to provide specific instruction responsible for performing some or all OSHA agrees with Organization
on how respirators are inspected, respirator maintenance and for storing Resources Counselors (Ex. 54–424) that
donned, removed, positive/negative respirators while not in use, detailed ‘‘general requirements’’ better describes
pressure checked, and worn. Although training in maintenance and storage the substantive purpose of this
the employer is required to ensure that procedures may be necessary. In other provision than did the word ‘‘contents,’’
respirator inspections are performed, facilities where specific personnel or which was used in proposed paragraph
employees using the equipment may central repair facilities are assigned to (k)(1)(vi). OSHA believes it is necessary
frequently be responsible for inspecting perform these activities, employees may to ensure that employees know, in
the respirators assigned to them. In this need only to be informed of the general, the employer’s obligations
case it is necessary that respirator users maintenance and storage procedures under the standard with respect to
have this process explained and without having to learn significant employee protection. This discussion
demonstrated to them so that they are technical maintenance information. The need not focus on the details of the
capable of recognizing any problems importance of providing some standard’s provisions but could, for
that may diminish the protective knowledge to all employees regarding example, simply inform employees that
capability of the respirator. The training maintenance and storage of respirators employers are obligated to develop a
must include the steps employees are to was recognized by a number of written program, properly select
follow if they discover any problems commenters. Those commenters stated respirators, evaluate respirator use,
during inspection, such as to whom that employees must be able to identify correct deficiencies in respirator use,
problems should be reported and where respirator deficiencies that can result conduct medical evaluations, provide
replacement equipment can be obtained from improper maintenance and storage for the maintenance, storage, and
if needed. If, however, the employer of respirators so that they will not use cleaning of respirators, and retain and
routinely has extensive inspections improperly functioning respirators (Exs. provide access to specific records.
done by separate personnel, individual 61–3, 61–8, 15–10, 15–14, 15–27A, 15– Proposed paragraph (k)(1)(vi) would
respirator wearers are not required to be 41, 15–46, 15–50, 15–62, Tr. 1063). have required that employees be
trained in how to perform full Final paragraph (k)(1)(vi) requires that provided with information on the
inspections. Training only in those parts employees be instructed in ways to written respiratory protection program,
of the inspection process that may be recognize the medical signs and as well as the location and availability
their responsibility would be sufficient. symptoms that may limit or prevent the of the written program and the standard.
The training under this paragraph effective use of respirators. This
These elements are omitted from final
must also include the procedures for provision was not included in the
paragraph (k)(1)(vii) because they are
donning and removing the respirator, proposed standard. However, the
addressed in other provisions of the
checking the fit and seals, and using the Agency agrees with the AFL–CIO (Ex.
final standard. For example, employee
respirator. Respirator fit in the 54–428) that employee knowledge of
access to the standard and written
workplace must be as close as possible this information is important to ensure
program is required under final
to the fit obtained during fit testing; implementation of a successful
paragraph (m)(4), and employee
therefore, employees must know how to respirator program. An employee’s
knowledge about the written respirator
follow procedures that will improve fit knowledge of the medical problems that
program will be imparted to employees
in the workplace. The fit testing may preclude the employee from using
procedures can also help in training some types of respirators or from under the training required by final
employees. For example, employers can wearing a respirator under certain paragraph (k)(1), which specifies the
use quantitative fit testing procedures to workplace conditions helps assure that elements to be included in the written
demonstrate to employees the dramatic the employee receives the protection respirator program.
improvement in measured fit when the intended by the standard. Examples of All of the training elements are
respirator is adjusted properly (See the medical conditions and signs and important. They are presented in
discussion above of paragraph (f) and symptoms that may affect an employee’s performance language to give the
Ex. 15–44, Tr. 1083). ability to use a respirator are provided employer flexibility to adapt the
Final paragraph (k)(1)(iv) requires in mandatory Appendix C of the final training to specific workplace
training in how to check the respirator standard. Training in these signs and conditions and to the respirators used.
seal. Appendix B–1 describes methods symptoms need not be medically Unless the training information is
for checking the seal of positive and sophisticated or burdensome. presented in a way that employees can
negative pressure facepieces. Employees Employees must be provided only with understand, the training will not be
must be trained in the methods set forth medical information sufficient for them effective. Therefore, final paragraph
in Appendix B–1 or in alternative to recognize the signs or symptoms of (k)(2) requires that training be
methods that are equally effective. The medical conditions (e.g., shortness of conducted in a way that is
training requirements set forth in breath, dizziness) that may affect their understandable to employees.
paragraph (k)(1)(iv) were widely use of respirators. This information will Employers should develop training
supported in the record (Exs. 15–10, 15– also enable employees to understand the programs based upon their employees’
14, 15–22, 15–27A, 15–41, 15–46, 15– purpose of the medical assessment educational level and language
50, 15–62, 15–73, 54–5, 54–68, 54–91, procedures required under paragraph (e) background. This will ensure that all
54–165, 54–172, 54–208, 54–219, 54– of the final standard, will improve the employees will receive training that will
278, 54–361, 54–428, 54–455). ability of employees to recognize and enable them to maximize the
Final paragraph (k)(1)(v), like report medical signs and symptoms, and effectiveness of the respirators they use.
proposed paragraph (k)(1)(iv), requires will give them the knowledge they need Inclusion of a provision addressing
the employer to explain the procedures to initiate the follow-up medical training comprehension was supported
for maintenance and storage of evaluations required under paragraph in the record (Tr. 166) and is consistent
respirators. The extent of training (e) of this section, if necessary. with similar requirements in other
required under this provision may vary Final paragraph (k)(1)(vii) requires the recent OSHA rulemakings (Cadmium,
according to workplace conditions. In employer to inform employees of the 29 CFR 1910.1027; Bloodborne
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1261
pathogens, 29 CFR 1910.1030; situations occur. The requirement for Other commenters recommended more
Formaldehyde, 29 CFR 1910.1048). annual training was strongly supported frequent (than annual) training for
Final paragraph (k)(3) requires the by management, labor, and other employees required to use SCBAs, or for
employer to provide training before the rulemaking participants as being employees who may be required to use
employee uses a respirator in the necessary to ensure the continuing respirators in emergency situations (Exs.
workplace. This provision was included effectiveness of the respirator program 54–210, 54–290, 54–363, 54–410, 54–
under proposed paragraph (k)(2) and (Exs. 15–10, 15–18, 15–19, 15–20, 15– 424).
was widely supported by rulemaking 37, 15–44, 15–47, 15–48, 15–50, 15–54, OSHA believes that annual training is
participants (Tr. 1011, Tr. 1986; Exs. 15–55, 15–71, 54–91, 54–157, 54–165, necessary and appropriate to ensure that
54–91, 54–165, 54–196, 54–234, 54–267, 54–173, 54–208, 54–222, 54–245, 54– employees know about the respiratory
54–278, 54–298, 54–319, 54–334, 54– 265, 54–292, 54–319, 54–332, 54–361, protection program and that they
361, 54–387, 54–428, 54–455). No 54–363, 54–387, 54–424, 54–427, 54– cooperate and actively participate in the
comments opposing this requirement 428, 54–442, 54–455, 122, 166; Tr. 187, program. Further, as specifically noted
were received. 443, 547, 614, 1011, 1022, 1226, 1768). by several witnesses at the hearing,
Final paragraph (k)(4) provides that For example, the Railway Labor annual training is necessary so that
an employer who can demonstrate that Executive Association testified: employees will be confident when using
a new employee has received training The training requirements as proposed respirators (Tr. 547, Tr. 595). Annual
within the last 12 months that should be mandated on an annual basis . . . training will also eliminate
addressed the elements specified in Such a training schedule will assure complacency on the part of both the
paragraph (k)(1)(i) through (vii) is not continuous familiarization with the employer and employees with respect to
required to repeat such training equipment and will serve to negate the respirator use (Tr. 443), and annual
provided that, as required by paragraph inevitable effects of complacency on the part training will ensure a reasonable
(k)(1), the employee can demonstrate of both the employer and the employee. (Tr. amount of recall and performance on
knowledge of the element(s). Employers 443)
the part of the respirator user (Tr. 187).
availing themselves of this provision Exxon stated that ‘‘Annual training is In addition, periodic training provides
must, however, provide subsequent good so the employee will feel an opportunity for the employee to
training no later than 12 months from comfortable with the respirator they will interact with trained professionals who
the date of the previous training, as be using in the future’’ (Tr. 547). James can provide instruction and
required by final paragraph (k)(4). Johnson of Lawrence Livermore understanding in the correct use of the
An employee who has been trained in National Laboratory testified that annual respirator (Tr. 186), which will serve to
the use of respirators who moves to training is ‘‘. . . necessary to ensure a overcome employee resistance to proper
another job that involves the use of reasonable amount of recall and respirator use (Tr. 1021). OSHA also
respirators may not need to take all of performance . . . ‘‘ (Tr. 187). Eastman believes that employee interaction with
the initial training prescribed in Chemical Company (Ex. 54–245) respirator instructors on at least an
paragraph (k)(4). Prior training in the commented that ‘‘Eastman supports annual basis will reinforce employee
topics required by the standard may [the] annual training requirement . . . knowledge about the correct use of
remain relevant in the new work setting. our Company believes this is necessary respirators and other pertinent elements
Thus, OSHA is permitting limited to adequately train employees.’’ of the respiratory protection program.
‘‘portability’’ of training, as noted in the ASARCO and U.S. Steel require that Commenters requesting that training
standard. Training in the elements listed their employees who wear respirators be required less frequently than
in paragraph (k)(1) that has been undergo annual training, and ASARCO annually provided no substantive data
provided in the past 12 months by a states in its Respiratory Protection demonstrating that training every two
previous employer may be taken into Manual that: years, for example, would be sufficient
account by the new employer when All respirator wearing employees shall be for respirator users to retain information
evaluating the training needs of that given annual training on routine respirator critical to the successful use of
new employee. use. . . . Applicable individuals will also be respirators on a continuing basis (Exs.
The employer must demonstrate that thoroughly instructed and trained annually 54–316, 54–324). Less frequent periodic
the employee has received the prior in the use of respiratory protection and training would tend to diminish
training and retained the necessary necessary procedures for non-routine or employee attention to proper respirator
knowledge before the prior training can emergency situations. (Ex. 163) use and may result in a long period of
be accepted as meeting the requirements The Respirator Protection Program poor respirator practice before problems
of paragraph (k). Discussions with the training manual for U.S. Steel, are identified and corrected. OSHA
employee and with the previous submitted by AISI, requires that: ‘‘Each notes that both the ANSI Z88.2–1980
employer may be used to determine respirator wearer should be retrained at and Z88.2–1992 respiratory protection
whether the previous training has been least annually. Where necessary, more standards provide for annual retraining.
sufficient to enable the employee to frequent training should be performed. Further, annual periodic training of
wear, use, and care for the respirator The required use of respirators should workers with respect to the use of
successfully. If the employer cannot be specified in routine training aids respirators is required in other OSHA
demonstrate that the new employee has such as Safe Job Procedures.’’ (Ex. 142) standards (i.e., 29 CFR 1910.1001,
been trained in the required elements of A number of commenters Asbestos; 29 CFR 1910.1017, Vinyl
the program, and understands these recommended that training should be chloride; 29 CFR 1910.1018, Arsenic; 29
elements, the new employer is obligated required less frequently than annually CFR 1910.1025, Lead; 29 CFR
to train the employee. In cases where (Exs. 15–41, 54–316, 54–324) or should 1910.1029, Coke oven emissions; 29
training in some elements is lacking or be required only in response to a change CFR 1910.1043, Cotton dust; 29 CFR
inadequate, the employer is required by in the respirator program (Exs. 54–168, 1910.1044, Dibromochloropropane
paragraph (k)(4) to provide training in 54–172, 54–178, 54–187, 54–213, 54– (DBCP); 29 CFR 1910.1045,
those elements. 234, 54–267, 54–273, 54–275, 54–278, Acrylonitrile; 29 CFR 1910.1047,
Final paragraph (k)(5) requires 54–297, 54–307, 54–316, 54–324, 54– Ethylene oxide; and 29 CFR 1910.1048,
retraining annually and when certain 334, 54–352, 54–389, 54–408, 54–434). Formaldehyde). In addition, OSHA’s
1262 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
compliance experience has use of the respirator, then the employer eliminate as many problems as possible
demonstrated that inadequate respirator must provide the additional training. to improve respiratory protection and
training is a common problem (Ex. 33– Final paragraphs (k)(5)(i)–(iii) require encourage employee acceptance and
5), and is often associated with additional training when changes in the safe use of respirators. Eliminating
respirator program deficiencies that workplace (process change, increase in problems is accomplished most
could lead to employee exposures to exposure, new hazards) or in the type of effectively when the respiratory
workplace contaminants. Adherence to respirator used by the employee render protection program is evaluated
annual training will minimize respirator previous training obsolete, when the thoroughly and revised as necessary.
misuse. Thus, the Agency’s experience employee has not retained the requisite Although the previous respiratory
under other rulemakings, as well as its understanding or skill to use the protection standard requires that the
compliance experience with the respirator properly, or when any other employer perform regular checks of the
previous respiratory protection situation arises in which retraining effectiveness of the respiratory
standard, serve, in part, as the basis for appears necessary. These provisions protection program, it provided little
concluding that annual training for recognize circumstances that require guidance regarding how these
respirator users under this final supplemental training in addition to full evaluations are to be done. The final
standard is reasonable and appropriate. annual training. For example, retraining rule, like the proposal, describes the
As noted above, a number of with respect to the nature of the hazard required program evaluation with
commenters argued that training should may be necessary because of an increase greater specificity than OSHA’s
be required only to inform employees in the workplace level of a hazardous previous respiratory protection standard
about changes in the respirator program. substance. Retraining would also be did.
This view suggests that regular, periodic required when an employee does not Final paragraph (c) of the respirator
training in the use of respirators is not sufficiently understand any program standard requires the employer to
necessary to ensure the success of a element (Ex. 54–387). OSHA believes establish a written respiratory
respirator program. However, as that the regulatory burden imposed on protection program. The program must
discussed above, evidence provided by employers by final paragraph (k)(5) will include procedures for evaluating the
management, labor, and other be minimal because this paragraph only effectiveness of the respirator program
participants in this and other requires element-specific retraining on and must designate a program
rulemaking records demonstrates the an as-needed basis to supplement administrator who is to monitor
importance of reinforcing an employee’s annual training. conditions in the workplace on a regular
knowledge with respect to the use of Final paragraph (k)(6) provides very basis to ensure that the provisions of the
respirators on a regular basis to ensure basic protection for employees who use written respiratory protection program
the successful use of respirators. respirators voluntarily. As discussed, in are being properly implemented. Final
Accordingly, the final standard in connection with paragraph (c)(2), such paragraph (l) specifies certain steps the
paragraph (k)(5) includes the employees are only covered by those employer must take as part of his/her
requirement for annual training for provisions of this standard that are regular evaluation of the respiratory
respirator users. This provision ensures necessary to ensure that respirator use protection program.
the successful implementation of the does not present a health hazard to Paragraph (l) requires the employer to
respiratory protection program by these employees. Respirator use can consult employees who use respirators
keeping employees thoroughly and create health and safety problems. For to ascertain whether they perceive any
accurately informed on a regular basis example, an employee who has chronic problems with the equipment and to
regarding the current status of the obstructive lung disease and who is obtain their views on program
program. given a negative pressure air-purifying effectiveness. This assessment must
Several commenters recommended respirator to wear may be at risk of evaluate such factors as difficulty
that training be provided more hypertension, overexertion, and breathing or fatigue during respirator
frequently than annually to users of dizziness. Employees who voluntarily use, whether the respirator interferes
SCBAs and to employees who are use some types of respirators (e.g., air- with hearing and vision,
required to use respirators during purifying respirators) are potentially communication, or job performance or
emergency situations (Exs. 54–210, 54– exposed to the hazards associated with restricts movement, whether the
290, 54–363, 54–410, 54–424). OSHA respirator use. Consequently, in respirator causes discomfort, and
agrees that retraining more frequently paragraph (k)(6), OSHA requires whether the employee has confidence in
than annually may be appropriate for employers to provide employees who the respirator’s effectiveness. The
some users of SCBAs and emergency voluntarily use some types of respirators employer must correct any problems
responders. This concern is addressed (e.g., air purifying respirators) with the that are revealed by the evaluation.
in final paragraph (k)(5), which informational material in Appendix D The record supports the need to
contemplates such additional training in so that the employee will be familiar review and evaluate workplace
circumstances in which the employer with basic respirator use procedures. respirator use to ensure the continuous
has reason to believe that a previously effectiveness of the respirator program
trained employee does not have the Paragraph (l)—Program Evaluation (Exs. 54–91, 54–153, 54–181, 54–213,
understanding and skill required to use Paragraph (l) requires employers to 54–219, 54–234, 54–244, 54–252, 54–
the respirator properly on a continuing perform evaluations to determine 263, 54–265, 54–54–286, 54–297, 54–
basis. Although this provision is whether the respiratory protection 330, 54–352, 54–387, 54–424, 54–428,
performance oriented, it requires that program is functioning effectively. 54–455, Tr. 387, 1012, 1714, 1733,
more frequent (than annual) periodic Problems with protection, irritation, 1998). Based on the record, however,
training be provided if necessary (e.g., breathing resistance, comfort, and other the final program evaluation provisions
because of the complexity of the respirator-related factors occasionally were modified, as discussed below,
respirator or exposure conditions). If arise in most respiratory protection from those proposed.
respirator users must be trained more programs. Although it is not possible to Final paragraph (l)(1) requires the
frequently than annually to retain the eliminate all problems associated with employer to conduct regular evaluations
knowledge necessary to ensure proper respirator use, the employer must of the workplace to ensure that the
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1263
provisions of the written program are to reflect changes in workplace being worn when necessary, and
being properly implemented for all conditions and respirator use. This whether respirators are being
employees required to use respirators, provision requires employers to review maintained properly. Many commenters
and to ensure the continued the written program and to revise, as (Exs. 54–91, 54–153, 54–181, 54–213,
effectiveness of the program. Proposed necessary, the written program elements 54–265, 54–361, 54–387, 54–424, 54–
paragraph (l)(1) required the employer specified in paragraph (c)(1) when 488) supported the proposed
to review the written respiratory workplace conditions affecting the use requirement for the employer
protection program at least annually and of respirators change. periodically to consult with employees.
to conduct frequent random inspections Accordingly, the final standard does This requirement is essentially
of the workplace to ensure that the not contain the proposed requirement unchanged from the proposed
provisions of the program are being for an annual written program review provision. Some commenters (Exs. 54–
properly implemented for all but instead requires program review and 187, 54–278) argued that the employer’s
employees. The review of the written revision as necessary based on obligations to consult with employees
program was to include an assessment workplace changes. Evaluation should be limited to those employees
of each written program element frequency to ensure the continued required by OSHA to wear respirators.
specified under proposed paragraph effectiveness of the program is to be However, as explained in detail in the
(c)(1) of the standard. based on program complexity and on Summary and Explanation for
The final standard under paragraph (l) factors such as the nature and extent of paragraphs (a) and (c), OSHA believes
has deleted the proposed provisions for workplace hazards, types of respirators that all employees who are required to
annual written program review of each in use, variability of workplace wear respirators should be covered by
element and ‘‘frequent random’’ processes and operations, number of the program, regardless of whether their
workplace evaluations in favor of more respirator users, and worker experience respirator use is required by OSHA or
performance-oriented requirements. in the use of respirators. In other words, their employer.
Although a number of commenters the employer must audit respirator use Thus, final paragraph (l)(2) requires
supported annual written program in the workplace with sufficient the employer to consult with employees
review (Exs. 54–91, 54–153, 54–181, 54– frequency to ensure that continuous, who wear respirators when auditing the
213, 54–244, 54–265, 54–361, 54–387, successful implementation of all written effectiveness of the respirator program.
54–424, 54–428), others asserted that respirator program elements prescribed As discussed above in connection with
program review was necessary but under paragraph (c) is being achieved. paragraph (c), OSHA has consistently
should only be required on an as- As noted previously, the proposed required employers who provide their
needed, rather than annual, basis as requirement for ‘‘frequent random’’ employees with respirators to ensure
necessitated by workplace or user workplace evaluations has been deleted that those respirators do not pose a
conditions or characteristics (Exs. 54– in favor of a requirement for evaluations health hazard (e.g., do not increase the
177, 54–234, 54–263, 54–286, 54–297, conducted on an as-necessary basis. work-of-breathing in a way that
54–330, 54–352, 54–402, Tr. 1733). The OSHA agrees with commenters’ threatens health, do not impair vision or
Chemical Manufacturers Association assertions that the meaning of the term hearing). In general, assessments
(CMA) (Ex. 54–263), for example, stated: ‘‘frequent random’’ was unclear (Exs. conducted to comply with paragraph (l)
For simple programs such as a single air 54–181, 54–334), especially with respect will involve a technical evaluation of
purifying respirator in use with a single to conditions of infrequent or brief whether respirators are being used
contaminant, assessments might be necessary respirator use (Exs. 54–166, 54–177). In properly. If respirators are not being
once every 3–5 years. For programs with such instances, the commenters used properly, the employer is required
numerous hazards that change repeatedly indicated that evaluations would have to correct any problems found during
such as batch processes, reviews may be to be scheduled based on when the assessment. The areas to be
needed more frequently. respirators are used. The Agency reevaluated include whether the
The CMA (Ex. 54–263) and Mobil believes that the final standard’s respirator program is providing
Corporation (Ex. 54–234) support evaluation procedures incorporate a employees with properly fitting
adoption of the ANSI Z88.2 (1992) flexible and reasonable approach that respirators and whether the appropriate
recommendation that reads ‘‘The will meet the needs of different respirators are being selected, used, and
program shall be periodically audited to workplaces while ensuring continued, maintained properly.
ensure that it is implemented and effective implementation of the Proposed paragraph (l)(2)(i), which
reflects the written procedures.’’ respirator program. OSHA emphasizes would have required the employer to
Consumer Power (Ex. 54–297) argued that the change in language in the final assess whether the program was
that program review and revision standard is not intended to deemphasize ‘‘preventing the occurrence of illness,’’
should be required ‘‘as necessary to the importance of conducting has been deleted from the final rule.
reflect changes in respirator used, evaluations. Commenters noted that the individual
training, fit test methods, and storage or Final paragraph (l)(2) requires the performing the program evaluation
maintenance of the respirator in use at employer to consult regularly with under this paragraph is not likely to be
the facility.’’ employees who wear respirators to a health care professional with
OSHA agrees with commenters that a obtain their views on the effectiveness sufficient expertise to identify illnesses
more performance-oriented approach of the program and to correct any caused by improper respirator use, other
with respect to written program review problems that are identified. This than skin/eye irritation, which can
is appropriate in lieu of an annual assessment must determine if the readily be observed by the program
requirement. The Agency believes that respirators are properly fitted. It must administrator, supervisor, employer, or
the final standard will ensure the also evaluate whether employees are employee. Commenters argued that
maintenance of an up-to-date written able to wear the respirators without medical determinations and evaluations
respirator program without imposing an interfering with effective workplace are part of the review of an employee’s
arbitrary review schedule. Final performance, whether respirators are medical status required by paragraph (e)
paragraph (c)(1) states, in part, that the correctly selected for the hazards of this section (Exs. 54–187, 54–237).
program shall be updated as necessary encountered, whether respirators are OSHA agrees and, accordingly, has
1264 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
omitted this proposed requirement from Although the format of final appropriate respirator was being used
final paragraph (l)(2). However, paragraph (m)(1) has been simplified by the employee. OSHA believes that
identification of respirator-related from that of the proposed rule, the the effectiveness of the respiratory
medical conditions, such as skin substance of the medical evaluation protection program will be substantially
irritation, would properly be part of the records to be retained is similar. Several improved if these records are kept.
program evaluation. Employees proposed paragraphs referred Similar recordkeeping requirements are
identified during the evaluation as specifically to provisions in 29 CFR found in many OSHA standards: 29 CFR
having skin irritation can either be 1910.1020 that address the 1910.1027, Cadmium; 29 CFR
referred to the PLHCP or be advised by maintenance, availability, and transfer 1910.1028, Benzene; 29 CFR 1910.1048,
the program administrator about the of the medical evaluation records. As Formaldehyde; 29 CFR 1910.1050,
need to leave the respirator use area as recommended by several commenters, Methylenedianiline.
necessary to wash the face and however, only one reference to 29 CFR Final paragraph (m)(3) specifically
facepiece, as permitted by paragraph (g). 1910.1020 is needed for this purpose, requires employers to maintain a
It should be noted that final paragraph and the final respiratory protection rule written copy of the current respiratory
(e)(7)(iii) requires medical evaluation if has been revised accordingly (Exs. 54– protection program prescribed by final
observations made during the program 220, 54-350, 54–362, 54–455, Tr. 1054). paragraph (c). As discussed under
evaluation indicate that such evaluation Final paragraph (m)(2) addresses the paragraph (c), a written program is
is necessary. retention of respirator fit-testing records. necessary to assure the appropriate use
The provisions of this paragraph remain of respirators and the on-going
Paragraph (m)—Recordkeeping basically unchanged from the effectiveness of the program.
The final standard requires the requirements of Appendix A, section II. Final paragraph (m)(4) provides that
employer to establish and retain written 12 of the proposal. The records written materials required to be
information regarding medical specified in final paragraphs maintained under final paragraph (m)
evaluations, fit testing, and the (m)(2)(i)(A)—(E) consist of the name or must be made available, upon request,
respirator program. The final provisions identification of the person tested; the to employees and to the Assistant
addressing these records differ in some type of fit test performed (QLFT, Secretary for examination and copying.
QNFT—irritant smoke, saccharin, etc.); This final paragraph replaces, but is
respects from the proposed
the make, model, and size of the consistent with, the record availability
requirements. In the proposed rule,
respirator fitted; the date of the fit test; requirement of proposed paragraph
paragraph (c) contained recordkeeping
pass/fail results if a QLFT is used; or the (m)(2). Employee access to these records
provisions for the written respiratory
fit factor and strip chart recording or is necessary to ensure that employees
program, paragraph (m) required
other record of the test results if can assess and verify information
retention of medical evaluation records,
quantitative fit testing was performed. describing their exposure to respiratory
and fit testing records were required to
Under final paragraph (m)(2)(ii), the hazards in the workplace and the
be maintained under Appendix A. In
fit test record must be maintained until effectiveness of the respirator program
the final rule, however, all
the next fit test is administered. If the in protecting them from those hazards.
recordkeeping requirements have been employee’s use of a respirator is Access to these records by the Assistant
consolidated in paragraph (m), in discontinued (e.g., because of a change Secretary or his or her designees is
response to those commenters who of duties or successful implementation necessary to allow OSHA to monitor
suggested that placing all recordkeeping of engineering controls), fit test records compliance with the standard and its
provisions in one paragraph will need not be retained for the employee. effectiveness.
improve understanding of the rule’s Fit test records must be maintained to The access provisions in final
recordkeeping obligations (Exs. 54–267, determine whether annual fit testing has paragraph (m)(4) are consistent with
54–286). been done, and whether the employee provisions found in other OSHA
Paragraph (m)(1) of the final standard who was tested passed the QLFT or standards: 29 CFR 1910.1001, Asbestos;
requires the employer to retain a passed the QNFT with a fit factor that 29 CFR 1910.1027, Cadmium; 29 CFR
medical evaluation record for each was appropriate for the type of 1910.1028, Benzene; 29 CFR 1910.1047,
employee subject to medical evaluation respirator being used. OSHA agrees with Ethylene Oxide; 29 CFR 1910.1048,
under final paragraph (e). Such records commenters (Exs. 36–6, 36–17, 36–34, Formaldehyde; and 20 CFR 1910.1050,
are to be kept and made available as 36–46, 54–165, 54–210) who stated that Methylenedianiline.
required by 29 CFR 1910.1020, OSHA’s fit testing records must be maintained to
Access to Employee Exposure and ensure that all respirator users have Paragraph (n)—Dates
Medical Records rule. The record is to received a fit test, the respirator selected The final Respiratory Protection
include the result of the medical by fit testing is being used, and retesting standard will become effective on April
questionnaire and, if applicable, a copy is being performed annually. 8, 1998. For most requirements of the
of the PLHCP’s written opinion and Some commenters argued that the standard, however, compliance need not
recommendations, including the results employer should only be required to be achieved until the start-up dates
of relevant medical examinations and certify that fit testing has been specified in paragraph (n) of the final
tests. It is standard medical practice to completed, and that retaining the other rule. Unless a different start-up date is
make and retain written records of proposed information would provide specified for a particular requirement,
medical examinations and evaluations. little additional benefit (Exs. 54–222, compliance must be achieved by the
Retention of such records will enable 54–310). OSHA disagrees with this effective date.
PLHCPs in subsequent evaluations to position. The Agency believes it is The proposal would have required
determine whether the employee’s essential that fit test records identify the compliance with all provisions of the
health has deteriorated, and will enable respirator and employee being fit tested. standard 90 days after publication of the
employees to obtain copies for their As noted in the preceding paragraph, final standard in the Federal Register.
personal physician or other licensed other commenters stated that the The Air Conditioning Contractors of
health care professional to review as information in this record would be the America (Ex. 54–248) stated that a 90-
necessary. only means of determining whether the day compliance period should be
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1265
sufficient if OSHA plans to disseminate (n)(3) states that if there is an Required Under The Standard) is
information to employers in a ‘‘user- administrative or judicial delay of the nonmandatory.
friendly’’ format, but that additional standard, the respiratory protection The four appendices are discussed in
time would be required if industry provisions of the previous standards detail under the Summary and
organizations had to analyze and (i.e., 29 CFR 1910.134 and 29 CFR Explanation sections of the
distribute information on the final 1926.103) will remain in effect and will corresponding paragraphs of the final
standard by themselves. Several be enforced until the issues have been standard: Appendix A in paragraph (f),
commenters recommended a 6–12 resolved. Many employers already have ‘‘Fit Testing’’; Appendix B–1 in
month effective date for implementing an established respiratory protection paragraph (g), ‘‘Use of respirators’’;
the final standard (Exs. 54–248, 54–271, program that includes specific program Appendix B–2 in paragraph (h),
54–283, 54–293, 54–309). The U.S. elements (e.g., fit testing, annual ‘‘Maintenance and care of respirators’’;
Enrichment Corporation (Ex. 54–283) training, medical evaluations of Appendix C in paragraph (e), ‘‘Medical
wanted the standard phased in over a respirator users, and program evaluation’’; Appendix D in paragraph
12-month period to allow additional evaluation) that comply with the (c), ‘‘Written program’’ and paragraph
time for the employer to obtain requirements of the Agency’s prior (a), ‘‘Permissible practice.’’
respiratory protection equipment from respirator standards. Program elements Paragraph (p)—Revisions to Specific
manufacturers and to perform fit testing. that were implemented to meet the prior OSHA Standards
The American Subcontractors respirator standards’ requirements may
Association (Ex. 54–293) stated that also meet the requirements of this final A number of OSHA standards
small contractors rely on their respiratory protection standard. regulating exposure to toxic substance
organization and others for education Paragraph (n)(4) states that if, in the 12 and harmful physical agents incorporate
and training regarding new standards, certain provisions of 29 CFR 1910.134.
month period preceding the effective
and that a 90-day period is too short a OSHA proposed to revise these
date of the revised standard, the
period for transition to a new program. provisions to simplify compliance for
employer has conducted annual
They specifically mentioned training, employers by consolidating many of the
respirator training, fit testing, respirator
updating written programs, changing Agency’s respirator requirements,
program evaluation, or medical
written standard operating procedures removing inconsistencies, and deleting
evaluations, the employer may use the
(SOPs), and medical examinations as duplicative requirements. The purpose
results of these activities to comply with
provisions in the standard that may be of revising the respirator-related
the corresponding provisions of this
difficult to comply with in a short time provisions of OSHA’s existing standards
section, provided that these activities
period. The Associated Building was to conform these standards, to the
were conducted in a manner that meets extent possible, to each other and to
Contractors (Ex. 54–309) also wanted the requirements of the revised
the final standard to be phased in over revised 29 CFR 1910.134 in general.
standard. For example, if the employer These standards will be improved by
12 months to allow for revising written has an existing fit testing program in
SOPs and programs, training, and this process, because they will now refer
place on the effective date of the final to the revised respiratory protection
medical evaluation of respirator users. standard, the employer may continue
Exxon (Ex. 54–266) and the American standard, which is based on current
that fit testing program if it meets the fit respirator use and technology. For
Petroleum Institute (Ex. 54–330) stated testing requirements of the final
that employers could not fit test every example, revising the respirator-
standard. In such cases, employees approval references in these standards
employee within the specified 90-day would be retested within one year of
effective date and recommended that from MSHA/NIOSH, Bureau of Mines,
their last fit test date. Employers, and ANSI Z88.2–1969 to the recently
employees be fit tested within one year therefore, can incorporate annual fit
of the effective date of the standard. published NIOSH regulation at 42 CFR
testing, training, and program Part 84 updates these respiratory
Based on many of these comments,
evaluation into their existing respiratory protection provisions. The Agency
OSHA concludes that additional time is
protection programs if the appropriate concludes, therefore, that updating
required for employers to comply with
program elements comply with the these standards is consistent with the
certain provisions of the final standard.
provisions of the final standard. This proposed goal of bringing uniformity to
The Agency has therefore included
approach should help reduce the impact OSHA’s respiratory protection
extended start-up dates for some of the
program elements. OSHA does intend, of the final rule on employers with requirements. OSHA believes that
however, to disseminate information on effective existing respirator programs. regulatory consistency will improve
this standard in a ‘‘user friendly’’ Paragraph (o)—Appendices compliance with the respiratory
format. protection provisions, reduce the
Within 150 days of the effective date The final paragraph of the standard compliance burden on the regulated
of the standard, employers must identifies four appendices that community, and, consequently, enhance
determine whether respirator use is supplement the requirements specified the protection provided to employees
required under paragraph (a). This in the regulatory text. Appendices A (Fit who use respirators. OSHA’s review of
period will afford employers sufficient Testing Procedures), B–1 (User Seal the rulemaking record shows that no
time to become familiar with the final Check Procedures), B–2 (Cleaning commenters objected to updating the
standard and to evaluate whether Procedures), and C (Medical provisions of these standards to conform
respirator use is required in their Questionnaire) are mandatory, and with the requirements of revised 29 CFR
workplaces. contain requirements for performing fit 1910.134.
Employers must comply with all the testing, user seal checks, cleaning, and The Agency also notes that revised 29
remaining requirements of the respirator medical evaluations that supplement CFR 1910.134 is intended to serve as a
standard no later than 180 days after the the regulatory requirements in ‘‘building block’’ standard with respect
effective date of the standard. OSHA paragraphs (e), (f), (g), and (h) of the to future standards that may contain
concludes that with the start-up dates final standard. respiratory protection requirements. To
provided, all employers will have Appendix D (Information for the extent possible, therefore, future
adequate time to comply. Paragraph Employees Using Respirators When Not standards that regulate respirator use in
1266 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
controlling employee exposure to toxic 219, 54–220, 54–233, 54–234, 54–261, testing, which is provided for in the
substances and harmful physical agents 54–263, 54–266, 54–267, 54–273, 54– recent standards, protects employees
will refer to provisions of the final 283, 54–289, 54–327, 54–333, 54–363, appropriately, and that semi-annual fit
respiratory protection standard at 29 54–424.) testing is not necessary for employee
CFR 1910.134 instead of containing In general, for the substance-specific protection. The basis for adopting a
their own respirator requirements. standards, the incorporated provisions semiannual fit-testing requirement is
(However, these standards will continue of revised 29 CFR 1910.134 cover the not discussed in the preambles to any of
to have any respirator requirements, following requirements: definitions the standards that contain that
e.g., canister/cartridge change (paragraph (b)); respiratory protection requirement. For example, there is no
schedules, that are specific to the program (paragraph (c)); selection of discussion in the preambles of those
substance or agent being regulated.) respirators (paragraph (d)); fit testing standards that semiannual fit testing
In developing the final revision, (paragraph (f)); use of respirators was adopted because of the toxic
OSHA also revised the wording and/or (paragraph (g)); maintenance and care of properties of the regulated substances or
location of some paragraphs to improve respirators (paragraph (h)); breathing air the particular characteristics of the
the comprehensibility and uniformity of quality and use (paragraph (i)); respirators to be used.
the requirements; however, the identification of filters, cartridges, and Recent rulemakings, including
substantive requirements of the canisters (paragraph (j)); training and proposed revisions to the respiratory
standards addressing respirators have information (paragraph (k)); program protection standard, have provided the
not been revised. Additionally, the evaluation (paragraph (l)); and Agency with much more scientific and
tables in the substance-specific recordkeeping (paragraph (m)). Each of experiential information on fit testing
standards specifying parameters for these requirements was addressed by than was available when the affected
respirator selection have not been paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) of the standards were adopted. A number of
republished because these tables will prior respiratory protection standard. commenters in the current rulemaking
remain unchanged and, thus, will OSHA did not propose to conform the asserted that provisions for semiannual
continue to be part of the substance- respirator provisions of its Cadmium, fit testing in the existing Asbestos,
specific standards until resolution of the Benzene, Formaldehyde, 1,3-Butadiene, Arsenic, Lead, and Acrylonitrile
reserved portions of this final standard. and Methylene chloride standards with standards should be revised to conform
OSHA found that the existing the corresponding requirements of to the annual fit testing requirements of
substance-specific standards were revised 29 CFR 1910.134. Rulemaking the recently-adopted standards (Exs. 54–
especially in need of revision. Except participants recommended that the 5, 54–179, 54–186, 54–208, 54–218, 54–
for a limited number of respirator respirator provisions of the existing 219, 54–222, 54–242, 54–289, 54–326,
provisions unique to each substance- Cadmium, Benzene, and Formaldehyde 54–330, 54–348, 54–410, 54–424, 54–
specific standard, the remaining standards be revised to conform with 439, 54–443.) The Agency, therefore,
regulatory text on respirators now reads those provisions of 29 CFR 1910.134 to concludes that it is reasonable and
virtually the same for each of these improve regulatory consistency and appropriate, for the purpose of
standards. For example, all provisions uniformity (Exs. 54–194, 54–195, 54– regulatory consistency and uniformity,
addressing respirator use, selection, and 208, 54–218, 54–275, 54–294, 54–337, to require only annual respirator fit
fit testing were deleted from the 54–350, 54–387, 54–434). In view of testing in its substance-specific
substance-specific standards, making these comments, the Agency assumes standards.
these standards consistent with the final that a consensus exists among the While the proposal did not
respiratory protection standard with regulated community to bring these incorporate revised paragraph (m)
respect to these requirements. The standards (as well as the 1,3-Butadiene (recordkeeping) into the existing
Agency believes that revisions to 29 and Methylene chloride standards, substance-specific standards, OSHA
CFR 1910.134 are sufficiently which were issued after the close of the incorporated this paragraph in the final
comprehensive to allow deletion of comment period for the respirator rulemaking in the belief that such
those provisions in the substance- rulemaking) into conformity with the action: (1) Will make recordkeeping
specific standards that duplicated revised respiratory protection standard. requirements consistent and uniform for
provisions of revised 29 CFR 1910.134. Accordingly, these standards have been employers who use respirators to
A provision was retained only when it revised in the same manner as the other control employee exposures to the
addressed conditions (for example, substance-specific standards for which airborne contaminants regulated by the
medical evaluation) that were unique OSHA proposed revisions. substance-specific standards; (2) will
and/or integral to the substance-specific In revising the fit-testing provisions reduce the regulatory burden on
standard. The Agency concludes, (paragraph (f)) of the substance-specific employers because they are currently
therefore, that deletion of duplicative standards, the frequency of respirator fit required under 29 CFR 1910.1020 to
provisions from the substance-specific testing was revised from semiannually maintain exposure and medical records;
standards will reduce confusion among to annually for the Asbestos (29 CFR and, (3) it is a prevailing business and
members of the regulated community 1910.1001 and 1926.1101), Arsenic (29 industrial-hygiene practice to retain fit-
and decrease the burden of compliance. CFR 1910.1018), Lead (29 CFR testing records to demonstrate that
It will thereby enhance compliance with 1910.1025 and 1926.62) and protection was provided to exposed
the respiratory protection requirements Acrylonitrile (29 CFR 1910.1045) employees.
and, consequently, improve the standards. The Agency believes that this For the 13 carcinogens addressed by
protection afforded to employees who revision will not diminish the existing 29 CFR 1910.1003 (the ‘‘13
use respirators to control exposure to effectiveness of respiratory protection Carcinogens standard’’), the provision
the toxic substances and harmful provided by these standards. OSHA’s requiring employers to ensure that
physical agents regulated by these experience in recent rulemakings employees use respirators ‘‘in
standards. The proposed revisions to the (Cadmium, 1992; Methylenedianiline, accordance with 29 CFR 1910.134’’ was
substance-specific standards were 1992; Formaldehyde, 1992; Methylene amended to require compliance with
widely supported by rulemaking chloride, 1997) has led the Agency to paragraphs (b), (c), (d) (except (d)(1)
participants (Exs. 54–187, 54–208, 54– conclude that annual respirator fit (iii), (iv), and (d)(3)), and (e)–(m) of the
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1267
final standard. While the proposal did OSHA excepted substance-specific because they duplicate requirements
not incorporate revised paragraph (e) standards that already contain specified in revised 29 CFR 1910.134:
(medical evaluation) into the 13 requirements for cartridge- and canister-
(1) Fit Testing
Carcinogens standard, OSHA did so in change schedules (Vinyl chloride,
the final rulemaking because such Benzene, Acrylonitrile, Formaldehyde, This requirement is specified in
incorporation is consistent with the and 1,3-Butadiene) from paragraphs paragraph (f) of the revised respiratory
requirements of existing 29 CFR (d)(3)(iii)(B) (1) and (2) of the revised protection standard, allowing for the
1910.134, conforms to accepted industry respiratory protection standard, which removal of the following paragraphs:
practice, and improves comprehension also addresses change schedules, to (a) 29 CFR 1910.1001 Asbestos.
of, and compliance with, the respiratory preclude regulatory conflict. The (g)(4) and Appendix C
protection requirements of the 13 Agency finds that information obtained (b) 29 CFR 1910.1018 Inorganic arsenic.
Carcinogens standard. during the rulemakings for these (h)(3) (i), (ii), and (iii)
Unlike 29 CFR 1910.1003, each of the substance-specific standards resulted in (c) 29 CFR 1910.1025 Lead.
existing substance-specific OSHA the development of change schedules (f)(3) (i) and (ii), and Appendix D;
standards includes unique medical- that were especially tailored to the Section IV of Appendix B revised in
evaluation requirements for employees chemistry of the specific substance, part
who use respirators. OSHA believes that documented the exposure conditions (d) 29 CFR 1910.1027 Cadmium.
the medical-evaluation requirements for requiring these schedules, and (g)(4) and Appendix C
respirator use established under its determined the types of respirators (e) 29 CFR 1910.1028 Benzene.
existing substance-specific standards required for employee protection. (g)(5) and Appendix E
provide a high degree of medical Consequently, the Agency concludes (f) 29 CFR 1910.1045 Acrylonitrile.
protection to employees who are that the change schedules adopted (h)(3)(iii)
required to use respirators to control during these rulemakings must not be (g) 1910.1048 Formaldehyde.
their exposures to the airborne replaced by the generic change-schedule (g)(3)(ii) and Appendix E
substances regulated by the substance- requirements of revised 29 CFR (h) 29 CFR 1910.1050
specific standards. In addition, the 1910.134. Methylenedianiline.
medical-evaluation requirements for As proposed, the Agency also (h)(5) and Appendix E
respirator use in the substance-specific removed a number of appendices from (i) 29 CFR 1910.1051 1,3-Butadiene.
standards are part of a comprehensive, the substance-specific standards that (h)(5) and Appendix E
integrated medical-surveillance program addressed fit-testing requirements, (j) 29 CFR 1910.1052 Methylene
designed to evaluate employees for replacing them with references to chloride.
conditions and risks associated with Appendix A of revised 29 CFR (g)(7)
exposure to the regulated substances; 1910.134. In this regard, the Agency (k) 29 CFR 1926.60 Methylenedianiline.
consequently, OSHA believes that any proposed to update Section IV of (i)(5) and Appendix E
revision to the frequency or content of Appendix B of 29 CFR 1910.1025 (the (l) 29 CFR 1926.62 Lead.
medical evaluations for respirator use Lead standard) by citing Appendix A of (f)(3) (i) and (ii), and Appendix D;
would unnecessarily disrupt ongoing 29 CFR 1910.134 as the reference for fit- Section IV of Appendix B revised in
medical-surveillance programs and, testing procedures; the proposed part
therefore, jeopardize the health of revision has been made in the final (m) 29 CFR 1926.1101 Asbestos.
employees who must use respirators to rulemaking. While not proposed, the (h)(4) and Appendix C
prevent exposure to hazardous Agency revised the same information in (n) 29 CFR 1926.1127 Cadmium.
workplace substances. Appendix B of 29 CFR 1926.62 (the (g)(4) and Appendix C
Paragraph (d)(1)(iii) of the revised Lead standard for Construction),
(2) Respirator-Approval Requirements
respiratory protection standard, which removed the sixth paragraph from
that Reference MSHA or NIOSH 30 CFR
requires employers to estimate exposure Section IV of Appendix B of 29 CFR
Part 11
levels in selecting appropriate 1910.1025 and 1926.62 as being
respirators, has not been incorporated outdated, and revised references for The requirement to select respirators
into OSHA’s substance-specific respirator approval in Section IV of approved by NIOSH in 42 CFR part 84
standards in the final rulemaking. The Appendix B of 29 CFR 1910.1025, is specified in paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of the
existing substance-specific standards, Section IV of Appendix A to 29 CFR revised respiratory protection standard.
except the 13 Carcinogens standard, 1910.1045 (the Acrylonitrile standard), This requirement updates the existing
already include exposure assessment Section IV of Appendix A to 29 CFR respirator-approval requirement in the
provisions that are more specific than 1910.1047 (the Ethylene Oxide substance-specific standards to select
the general exposure-assessment standard), Section III of Appendix A to respirators approved by MSHA or
requirement in the final respiratory 29 CFR 1910.1050 (the 4, 4’- NIOSH under 30 CFR part 11, allowing
protection standard. With respect to the Methylenedianiline standard), and for removal of the following paragraphs:
13 Carcinogens standard, no PELs or Section IV of Appendix B to 29 CFR (a) 29 CFR 1910.1001 Asbestos.
other exposure criteria are specified in 1926.62, Lead in Construction. The (g)(2)(i) [part]
that standard that would be relevant to Agency believes that these revisions (b) 29 CFR 1910.1017 Vinyl chloride.
respirator selection. In the 13 will conform the affected standards with (g)(2)
Carcinogens standard, exposure the provisions of the revised respiratory (c) 29 CFR 1910.1018 Inorganic arsenic.
estimates for the substances regulated protection standard; the resulting (h)(2)(iii)
by the standard are not necessary for consistency will, therefore, reduce (d) 29 CFR 1910.1025 Lead.
respirator selection because appropriate confusion and ease compliance. (f)(2)(iii); Section IV of Appendix B
respirators have been identified for The following provisions, addressing revised in part
specific work activities that occur fit-testing, respirator selection, and (e) 29 CFR 1910.1027 Cadmium.
during employee exposure to each of the respirator use, have been deleted from (g)(2)(i) [part]
13 carcinogenic substances. OSHA’s substance-specific standards (f) 29 CFR 1910.1028 Benzene
1268 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
Subpart I—[Amended] Air-purifying respirator means a (See also Qualitative fit test QLFT and
respirator with an air-purifying filter, Quantitative fit test QNFT.)
5. The authority citation for Subpart cartridge, or canister that removes Helmet means a rigid respiratory inlet
I of Part 1910 is revised to read as specific air contaminants by passing covering that also provides head
follows: ambient air through the air-purifying protection against impact and
Authority: Sections 4, 6, and 8, element. penetration.
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 Assigned protection factor (APF) High efficiency particulate air (HEPA)
(29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of Labor’s [Reserved] filter means a filter that is at least
Order No. 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR Atmosphere-supplying respirator 99.97% efficient in removing
25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR
means a respirator that supplies the monodisperse particles of 0.3
9033), or 6–96 (62 FR 111), as applicable.
Sections 1910.132, 1910.134, and 1910.138 respirator user with breathing air from micrometers in diameter. The
also issued under 29 CFR part 1911. a source independent of the ambient equivalent NIOSH 42 CFR 84 particulate
Sections 1910.133, 1910.135, and 1910.136 atmosphere, and includes supplied-air filters are the N100, R100, and P100
also issued under 29 CFR part 1911 and 5 respirators (SARs) and self-contained filters.
U.S.C. 553. breathing apparatus (SCBA) units. Hood means a respiratory inlet
6. Section 1910.134 is redesignated as Canister or cartridge means a covering that completely covers the
§ 1910.139 in subpart I and amended by container with a filter, sorbent, or head and neck and may also cover
revising its title and adding introductory catalyst, or combination of these items, portions of the shoulders and torso.
text to read as follows: which removes specific contaminants Immediately dangerous to life or
from the air passed through the health (IDLH) means an atmosphere that
§ 1910.139 Respiratory protection for M. container. poses an immediate threat to life, would
tuberculosis. Demand respirator means an cause irreversible adverse health effects,
This section applies only to atmosphere-supplying respirator that or would impair an individual’s ability
respiratory protection against M. admits breathing air to the facepiece to escape from a dangerous atmosphere.
tuberculosis and applies in lieu of only when a negative pressure is created Interior structural firefighting means
§ 1910.134. inside the facepiece by inhalation. the physical activity of fire suppression,
* * * * * Emergency situation means any rescue or both, inside of buildings or
7. A new section 1910.134 is added to occurrence such as, but not limited to, enclosed structures which are involved
read as follows: equipment failure, rupture of in a fire situation beyond the incipient
containers, or failure of control stage. (See 29 CFR 1910.155)
§ 1910.134 Respiratory protection. equipment that may or does result in an Loose-fitting facepiece means a
This section applies to General uncontrolled significant release of an respiratory inlet covering that is
Industry (part 1910), Shipyards (part airborne contaminant. designed to form a partial seal with the
1915), Marine Terminals (part 1917), Employee exposure means exposure face.
Longshoring (part 1918), and to a concentration of an airborne Maximum use concentration (MUC)
Construction (part 1926). contaminant that would occur if the [Reserved].
(a) Permissible practice. (1) In the employee were not using respiratory Negative pressure respirator (tight
control of those occupational diseases protection. fitting) means a respirator in which the
caused by breathing air contaminated End-of-service-life indicator (ESLI) air pressure inside the facepiece is
with harmful dusts, fogs, fumes, mists, means a system that warns the negative during inhalation with respect
gases, smokes, sprays, or vapors, the respirator user of the approach of the to the ambient air pressure outside the
primary objective shall be to prevent end of adequate respiratory protection, respirator.
atmospheric contamination. This shall for example, that the sorbent is Oxygen deficient atmosphere means
be accomplished as far as feasible by approaching saturation or is no longer an atmosphere with an oxygen content
accepted engineering control measures effective. below 19.5% by volume.
(for example, enclosure or confinement Escape-only respirator means a Physician or other licensed health
of the operation, general and local respirator intended to be used only for care professional (PLHCP) means an
ventilation, and substitution of less emergency exit. individual whose legally permitted
toxic materials). When effective Filter or air purifying element means scope of practice (i.e., license,
engineering controls are not feasible, or a component used in respirators to registration, or certification) allows him
while they are being instituted, remove solid or liquid aerosols from the or her to independently provide, or be
appropriate respirators shall be used inspired air. delegated the responsibility to provide,
pursuant to this section. Filtering facepiece (dust mask) means some or all of the health care services
(2) Respirators shall be provided by a negative pressure particulate required by paragraph (e) of this section.
the employer when such equipment is respirator with a filter as an integral part Positive pressure respirator means a
necessary to protect the health of the of the facepiece or with the entire respirator in which the pressure inside
employee. The employer shall provide facepiece composed of the filtering the respiratory inlet covering exceeds
the respirators which are applicable and medium. the ambient air pressure outside the
suitable for the purpose intended. The Fit factor means a quantitative respirator.
employer shall be responsible for the estimate of the fit of a particular Powered air-purifying respirator
establishment and maintenance of a respirator to a specific individual, and (PAPR) means an air-purifying
respiratory protection program which typically estimates the ratio of the respirator that uses a blower to force the
shall include the requirements outlined concentration of a substance in ambient ambient air through air-purifying
in paragraph (c) of this section. air to its concentration inside the elements to the inlet covering.
(b) Definitions. The following respirator when worn. Pressure demand respirator means a
definitions are important terms used in Fit test means the use of a protocol to positive pressure atmosphere-supplying
the respiratory protection standard in qualitatively or quantitatively evaluate respirator that admits breathing air to
this section. the fit of a respirator on an individual. the facepiece when the positive pressure
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1271
is reduced inside the facepiece by employer, the employer shall establish (3) The employer shall designate a
inhalation. and implement a written respiratory program administrator who is qualified
Qualitative fit test (QLFT) means a protection program with worksite- by appropriate training or experience
pass/fail fit test to assess the adequacy specific procedures. The program shall that is commensurate with the
of respirator fit that relies on the be updated as necessary to reflect those complexity of the program to administer
individual’s response to the test agent. changes in workplace conditions that or oversee the respiratory protection
Quantitative fit test (QNFT) means an affect respirator use. The employer shall program and conduct the required
assessment of the adequacy of respirator include in the program the following evaluations of program effectiveness.
fit by numerically measuring the provisions of this section, as applicable: (4) The employer shall provide
amount of leakage into the respirator. (i) Procedures for selecting respirators respirators, training, and medical
Respiratory inlet covering means that for use in the workplace; evaluations at no cost to the employee.
portion of a respirator that forms the (ii) Medical evaluations of employees (d) Selection of respirators. This
protective barrier between the user’s required to use respirators; paragraph requires the employer to
respiratory tract and an air-purifying (iii) Fit testing procedures for tight- evaluate respiratory hazard(s) in the
device or breathing air source, or both. fitting respirators; workplace, identify relevant workplace
It may be a facepiece, helmet, hood, (iv) Procedures for proper use of and user factors, and base respirator
suit, or a mouthpiece respirator with respirators in routine and reasonably selection on these factors. The
nose clamp. foreseeable emergency situations; paragraph also specifies appropriately
Self-contained breathing apparatus (v) Procedures and schedules for protective respirators for use in IDLH
(SCBA) means an atmosphere-supplying cleaning, disinfecting, storing, atmospheres, and limits the selection
respirator for which the breathing air inspecting, repairing, discarding, and and use of air-purifying respirators.
source is designed to be carried by the otherwise maintaining respirators; (1) General requirements. (i) The
user. (vi) Procedures to ensure adequate air employer shall select and provide an
Service life means the period of time appropriate respirator based on the
quality, quantity, and flow of breathing
that a respirator, filter or sorbent, or respiratory hazard(s) to which the
air for atmosphere-supplying
other respiratory equipment provides worker is exposed and workplace and
adequate protection to the wearer. user factors that affect respirator
Supplied-air respirator (SAR) or (vii) Training of employees in the
respiratory hazards to which they are performance and reliability.
airline respirator means an atmosphere- (ii) The employer shall select a
supplying respirator for which the potentially exposed during routine and
NIOSH-certified respirator. The
source of breathing air is not designed emergency situations;
respirator shall be used in compliance
to be carried by the user. (viii) Training of employees in the
with the conditions of its certification.
This section means this respiratory proper use of respirators, including
(iii) The employer shall identify and
protection standard. putting on and removing them, any
evaluate the respiratory hazard(s) in the
Tight-fitting facepiece means a limitations on their use, and their
workplace; this evaluation shall include
respiratory inlet covering that forms a maintenance; and
a reasonable estimate of employee
complete seal with the face. (ix) Procedures for regularly exposures to respiratory hazard(s) and
User seal check means an action evaluating the effectiveness of the an identification of the contaminant’s
conducted by the respirator user to program. chemical state and physical form.
determine if the respirator is properly (2) Where respirator use is not Where the employer cannot identify or
seated to the face. required: reasonably estimate the employee
(c) Respiratory protection program. (i) An employer may provide exposure, the employer shall consider
This paragraph requires the employer to respirators at the request of employees the atmosphere to be IDLH.
develop and implement a written or permit employees to use their own (iv) The employer shall select
respiratory protection program with respirators, if the employer determines respirators from a sufficient number of
required worksite-specific procedures that such respirator use will not in itself respirator models and sizes so that the
and elements for required respirator use. create a hazard. If the employer respirator is acceptable to, and correctly
The program must be administered by a determines that any voluntary respirator fits, the user.
suitably trained program administrator. use is permissible, the employer shall (2) Respirators for IDLH atmospheres.
In addition, certain program elements provide the respirator users with the (i) The employer shall provide the
may be required for voluntary use to information contained in Appendix D to following respirators for employee use
prevent potential hazards associated this section (‘‘Information for in IDLH atmospheres:
with the use of the respirator. The Small Employees Using Respirators When Not (A) A full facepiece pressure demand
Entity Compliance Guide contains Required Under the Standard’’); and SCBA certified by NIOSH for a
criteria for the selection of a program (ii) In addition, the employer must minimum service life of thirty minutes,
administrator and a sample program establish and implement those elements or
that meets the requirements of this of a written respiratory protection (B) A combination full facepiece
paragraph. Copies of the Small Entity program necessary to ensure that any pressure demand supplied-air respirator
Compliance Guide will be available on employee using a respirator voluntarily (SAR) with auxiliary self-contained air
or about April 8, 1998 from the is medically able to use that respirator, supply.
Occupational Safety and Health and that the respirator is cleaned, (ii) Respirators provided only for
Administration’s Office of Publications, stored, and maintained so that its use escape from IDLH atmospheres shall be
Room N 3101, 200 Constitution Avenue, does not present a health hazard to the NIOSH-certified for escape from the
NW, Washington, DC, 20210 (202–219– user. Exception: Employers are not atmosphere in which they will be used.
4667). required to include in a written (iii) All oxygen-deficient atmospheres
(1) In any workplace where respiratory protection program those shall be considered IDLH. Exception: If
respirators are necessary to protect the employees whose only use of respirators the employer demonstrates that, under
health of the employee or whenever involves the voluntary use of filtering all foreseeable conditions, the oxygen
respirators are required by the facepieces (dust masks). concentration can be maintained within
1272 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
the ranges specified in Table II of this TABLE II (4) Administration of the medical
section (i.e., for the altitudes set out in questionnaire and examinations. (i) The
the table), then any atmosphere- Oxygen defi- medical questionnaire and examinations
supplying respirator may be used. cient shall be administered confidentially
Atmospheres during the employee’s normal working
(3) Respirators for atmospheres that (% 02) for
are not IDLH. (i) The employer shall which the hours or at a time and place convenient
Altitude (ft.) to the employee. The medical
provide a respirator that is adequate to employer
protect the health of the employee and may rely on questionnaire shall be administered in a
atmosphere- manner that ensures that the employee
ensure compliance with all other OSHA supplying
statutory and regulatory requirements, respirators understands its content.
under routine and reasonably (ii) The employer shall provide the
foreseeable emergency situations. Less than 3,001 ....................... 16.0–19.5 employee with an opportunity to
(A) Assigned Protection Factors 3,001–4,000 ............................. 16.4–19.5 discuss the questionnaire and
4,001–5,000 ............................. 17.1–19.5 examination results with the PLHCP.
(APFs) [Reserved] 5,001–6,000 ............................. 17.8–19.5
(B) Maximum Use Concentration (5) Supplemental information for the
6,001–7,000 ............................. 18.5–19.5 PLHCP. (i) The following information
(MUC) [Reserved] 7,001–8,0001 ........................... 19.3–19.5.
must be provided to the PLHCP before
(ii) The respirator selected shall be 1 Above 8,000 feet the exception does not the PLHCP makes a recommendation
appropriate for the chemical state and apply. Oxygen-enriched breathing air must be concerning an employee’s ability to use
physical form of the contaminant. supplied above 14,000 feet. a respirator:
(iii) For protection against gases and (e) Medical evaluation. Using a (A) The type and weight of the
vapors, the employer shall provide: respirator may place a physiological respirator to be used by the employee;
(A) An atmosphere-supplying burden on employees that varies with (B) The duration and frequency of
respirator, or the type of respirator worn, the job and respirator use (including use for rescue
(B) An air-purifying respirator, workplace conditions in which the and escape);
provided that: respirator is used, and the medical (C) The expected physical work effort;
(1) The respirator is equipped with an status of the employee. Accordingly, (D) Additional protective clothing and
end-of-service-life indicator (ESLI) this paragraph specifies the minimum equipment to be worn; and
certified by NIOSH for the contaminant; requirements for medical evaluation (E) Temperature and humidity
or that employers must implement to extremes that may be encountered.
(2) If there is no ESLI appropriate for determine the employee’s ability to use (ii) Any supplemental information
conditions in the employer’s workplace, a respirator. provided previously to the PLHCP
the employer implements a change (1) General. The employer shall regarding an employee need not be
schedule for canisters and cartridges provide a medical evaluation to provided for a subsequent medical
that is based on objective information or determine the employee’s ability to use evaluation if the information and the
data that will ensure that canisters and a respirator, before the employee is fit PLHCP remain the same.
cartridges are changed before the end of (iii) The employer shall provide the
tested or required to use the respirator
their service life. The employer shall PLHCP with a copy of the written
in the workplace. The employer may
describe in the respirator program the respiratory protection program and a
discontinue an employee’s medical
information and data relied upon and copy of this section.
evaluations when the employee is no
the basis for the canister and cartridge longer required to use a respirator. Note to Paragraph (e)(5)(iii): When the
change schedule and the basis for (2) Medical evaluation procedures. (i) employer replaces a PLHCP, the employer
reliance on the data. The employer shall identify a physician must ensure that the new PLHCP obtains this
information, either by providing the
(iv) For protection against or other licensed health care documents directly to the PLHCP or having
particulates, the employer shall provide: professional (PLHCP) to perform the documents transferred from the former
(A) An atmosphere-supplying medical evaluations using a medical PLHCP to the new PLHCP. However, OSHA
respirator; or questionnaire or an initial medical does not expect employers to have employees
(B) An air-purifying respirator examination that obtains the same medically reevaluated solely because a new
equipped with a filter certified by information as the medical PLHCP has been selected.
NIOSH under 30 CFR part 11 as a high questionnaire. (6) Medical determination. In
efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, (ii) The medical evaluation shall determining the employee’s ability to
or an air-purifying respirator equipped obtain the information requested by the use a respirator, the employer shall:
with a filter certified for particulates by questionnaire in Sections 1 and 2, Part (i) Obtain a written recommendation
NIOSH under 42 CFR part 84; or A of Appendix C of this section. regarding the employee’s ability to use
(C) For contaminants consisting (3) Follow-up medical examination. the respirator from the PLHCP. The
primarily of particles with mass median (i) The employer shall ensure that a recommendation shall provide only the
aerodynamic diameters (MMAD) of at follow-up medical examination is following information:
least 2 micrometers, an air-purifying provided for an employee who gives a (A) Any limitations on respirator use
respirator equipped with any filter positive response to any question among related to the medical condition of the
certified for particulates by NIOSH. questions 1 through 8 in Section 2, Part employee, or relating to the workplace
A of Appendix C or whose initial conditions in which the respirator will
TABLE I.—Assigned Protection medical examination demonstrates the be used, including whether or not the
Factors [Reserved] need for a follow-up medical employee is medically able to use the
examination. respirator;
(ii) The follow-up medical (B) The need, if any, for follow-up
examination shall include any medical medical evaluations; and
tests, consultations, or diagnostic (C) A statement that the PLHCP has
procedures that the PLHCP deems provided the employee with a copy of
necessary to make a final determination. the PLHCP’s written recommendation.
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1273
(ii) If the respirator is a negative changes, cosmetic surgery, or an include prohibiting conditions that may
pressure respirator and the PLHCP finds obvious change in body weight. result in facepiece seal leakage,
a medical condition that may place the (4) If after passing a QLFT or QNFT, preventing employees from removing
employee’s health at increased risk if the employee subsequently notifies the respirators in hazardous environments,
the respirator is used, the employer employer, program administrator, taking actions to ensure continued
shall provide a PAPR if the PLHCP’s supervisor, or PLHCP that the fit of the effective respirator operation throughout
medical evaluation finds that the respirator is unacceptable, the employee the work shift, and establishing
employee can use such a respirator; if a shall be given a reasonable opportunity procedures for the use of respirators in
subsequent medical evaluation finds to select a different respirator facepiece IDLH atmospheres or in interior
that the employee is medically able to and to be retested. structural firefighting situations.
use a negative pressure respirator, then (5) The fit test shall be administered (1) Facepiece seal protection. (i) The
the employer is no longer required to using an OSHA-accepted QLFT or employer shall not permit respirators
provide a PAPR. QNFT protocol. The OSHA-accepted with tight-fitting facepieces to be worn
(7) Additional medical evaluations. QLFT and QNFT protocols and by employees who have:
At a minimum, the employer shall procedures are contained in Appendix (A) Facial hair that comes between the
provide additional medical evaluations A of this section. sealing surface of the facepiece and the
that comply with the requirements of (6) QLFT may only be used to fit test face or that interferes with valve
this section if: negative pressure air-purifying function; or
(i) An employee reports medical signs respirators that must achieve a fit factor (B) Any condition that interferes with
or symptoms that are related to ability of 100 or less. the face-to-facepiece seal or valve
to use a respirator; (7) If the fit factor, as determined function.
(ii) A PLHCP, supervisor, or the through an OSHA-accepted QNFT (ii) If an employee wears corrective
respirator program administrator protocol, is equal to or greater than 100 glasses or goggles or other personal
informs the employer that an employee for tight-fitting half facepieces, or equal protective equipment, the employer
needs to be reevaluated; to or greater than 500 for tight-fitting shall ensure that such equipment is
(iii) Information from the respiratory full facepieces, the QNFT has been worn in a manner that does not interfere
protection program, including passed with that respirator. with the seal of the facepiece to the face
observations made during fit testing and (8) Fit testing of tight-fitting of the user.
program evaluation, indicates a need for atmosphere-supplying respirators and (iii) For all tight-fitting respirators, the
employee reevaluation; or tight-fitting powered air-purifying employer shall ensure that employees
(iv) A change occurs in workplace respirators shall be accomplished by perform a user seal check each time they
conditions (e.g., physical work effort, performing quantitative or qualitative fit put on the respirator using the
protective clothing, temperature) that testing in the negative pressure mode, procedures in Appendix B–1 or
may result in a substantial increase in regardless of the mode of operation procedures recommended by the
the physiological burden placed on an (negative or positive pressure) that is respirator manufacturer that the
employee. used for respiratory protection. employer demonstrates are as effective
(f) Fit testing. This paragraph requires (i) Qualitative fit testing of these as those in Appendix B–1 of this
that, before an employee may be respirators shall be accomplished by section.
required to use any respirator with a temporarily converting the respirator (2) Continuing respirator
negative or positive pressure tight-fitting user’s actual facepiece into a negative effectiveness. (i) Appropriate
facepiece, the employee must be fit pressure respirator with appropriate surveillance shall be maintained of
tested with the same make, model, style, filters, or by using an identical negative work area conditions and degree of
and size of respirator that will be used. pressure air-purifying respirator employee exposure or stress. When
This paragraph specifies the kinds of fit facepiece with the same sealing surfaces there is a change in work area
tests allowed, the procedures for as a surrogate for the atmosphere- conditions or degree of employee
conducting them, and how the results of supplying or powered air-purifying exposure or stress that may affect
the fit tests must be used. respirator facepiece. respirator effectiveness, the employer
(1) The employer shall ensure that (ii) Quantitative fit testing of these shall reevaluate the continued
employees using a tight-fitting facepiece respirators shall be accomplished by effectiveness of the respirator.
respirator pass an appropriate modifying the facepiece to allow (ii) The employer shall ensure that
qualitative fit test (QLFT) or quantitative sampling inside the facepiece in the employees leave the respirator use area:
fit test (QNFT) as stated in this breathing zone of the user, midway (A) To wash their faces and respirator
paragraph. between the nose and mouth. This facepieces as necessary to prevent eye or
(2) The employer shall ensure that an requirement shall be accomplished by skin irritation associated with respirator
employee using a tight-fitting facepiece installing a permanent sampling probe use; or
respirator is fit tested prior to initial use onto a surrogate facepiece, or by using (B) If they detect vapor or gas
of the respirator, whenever a different a sampling adapter designed to breakthrough, changes in breathing
respirator facepiece (size, style, model temporarily provide a means of resistance, or leakage of the facepiece; or
or make) is used, and at least annually sampling air from inside the facepiece. (C) To replace the respirator or the
thereafter. (iii) Any modifications to the filter, cartridge, or canister elements.
(3) The employer shall conduct an respirator facepiece for fit testing shall (iii) If the employee detects vapor or
additional fit test whenever the be completely removed, and the gas breakthrough, changes in breathing
employee reports, or the employer, facepiece restored to NIOSH-approved resistance, or leakage of the facepiece,
PLHCP, supervisor, or program configuration, before that facepiece can the employer must replace or repair the
administrator makes visual observations be used in the workplace. respirator before allowing the employee
of, changes in the employee’s physical (g) Use of respirators. This paragraph to return to the work area.
condition that could affect respirator fit. requires employers to establish and (3) Procedures for IDLH atmospheres.
Such conditions include, but are not implement procedures for the proper For all IDLH atmospheres, the employer
limited to, facial scarring, dental use of respirators. These requirements shall ensure that:
1274 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
(i) One employee or, when needed, (1) Cleaning and disinfecting. The but not limited to, the facepiece, head
more than one employee is located employer shall provide each respirator straps, valves, connecting tube, and
outside the IDLH atmosphere; user with a respirator that is clean, cartridges, canisters or filters; and
(ii) Visual, voice, or signal line sanitary, and in good working order. (B) A check of elastomeric parts for
communication is maintained between The employer shall ensure that pliability and signs of deterioration.
the employee(s) in the IDLH atmosphere respirators are cleaned and disinfected (iii) In addition to the requirements of
and the employee(s) located outside the using the procedures in Appendix B–2 paragraphs (h)(3)(i) and (ii) of this
IDLH atmosphere; of this section, or procedures section, self-contained breathing
(iii) The employee(s) located outside recommended by the respirator apparatus shall be inspected monthly.
the IDLH atmosphere are trained and manufacturer, provided that such Air and oxygen cylinders shall be
equipped to provide effective procedures are of equivalent maintained in a fully charged state and
emergency rescue; effectiveness. The respirators shall be shall be recharged when the pressure
(iv) The employer or designee is cleaned and disinfected at the following falls to 90% of the manufacturer’s
notified before the employee(s) located intervals: recommended pressure level. The
outside the IDLH atmosphere enter the (i) Respirators issued for the exclusive employer shall determine that the
IDLH atmosphere to provide emergency use of an employee shall be cleaned and regulator and warning devices function
rescue; disinfected as often as necessary to be properly.
(v) The employer or designee maintained in a sanitary condition; (iv) For respirators maintained for
authorized to do so by the employer, (ii) Respirators issued to more than emergency use, the employer shall:
once notified, provides necessary one employee shall be cleaned and (A) Certify the respirator by
assistance appropriate to the situation; disinfected before being worn by documenting the date the inspection
(vi) Employee(s) located outside the different individuals; was performed, the name (or signature)
IDLH atmospheres are equipped with: (iii) Respirators maintained for
(A) Pressure demand or other positive of the person who made the inspection,
emergency use shall be cleaned and the findings, required remedial action,
pressure SCBAs, or a pressure demand disinfected after each use; and
or other positive pressure supplied-air and a serial number or other means of
(iv) Respirators used in fit testing and identifying the inspected respirator; and
respirator with auxiliary SCBA; and training shall be cleaned and disinfected
either (B) Provide this information on a tag
after each use. or label that is attached to the storage
(B) Appropriate retrieval equipment (2) Storage. The employer shall
for removing the employee(s) who compartment for the respirator, is kept
ensure that respirators are stored as with the respirator, or is included in
enter(s) these hazardous atmospheres follows:
where retrieval equipment would inspection reports stored as paper or
(i) All respirators shall be stored to electronic files. This information shall
contribute to the rescue of the protect them from damage,
employee(s) and would not increase the be maintained until replaced following
contamination, dust, sunlight, extreme a subsequent certification.
overall risk resulting from entry; or temperatures, excessive moisture, and
(C) Equivalent means for rescue where (4) Repairs. The employer shall
damaging chemicals, and they shall be ensure that respirators that fail an
retrieval equipment is not required packed or stored to prevent deformation
under paragraph (g)(3)(vi)(B). inspection or are otherwise found to be
of the facepiece and exhalation valve. defective are removed from service, and
(4) Procedures for interior structural (ii) In addition to the requirements of
firefighting. In addition to the are discarded or repaired or adjusted in
paragraph (h)(2)(i) of this section,
requirements set forth under paragraph accordance with the following
emergency respirators shall be:
(g)(3), in interior structural fires, the procedures:
(A) Kept accessible to the work area;
employer shall ensure that: (B) Stored in compartments or in (i) Repairs or adjustments to
(i) At least two employees enter the covers that are clearly marked as respirators are to be made only by
IDLH atmosphere and remain in visual containing emergency respirators; and persons appropriately trained to
or voice contact with one another at all (C) Stored in accordance with any perform such operations and shall use
times; applicable manufacturer instructions. only the respirator manufacturer’s
(ii) At least two employees are located (3) Inspection. (i) The employer shall NIOSH-approved parts designed for the
outside the IDLH atmosphere; and ensure that respirators are inspected as respirator;
(iii) All employees engaged in interior follows: (ii) Repairs shall be made according to
structural firefighting use SCBAs. (A) All respirators used in routine the manufacturer’s recommendations
Note 1 to paragraph (g): One of the two situations shall be inspected before each and specifications for the type and
individuals located outside the IDLH use and during cleaning; extent of repairs to be performed; and
atmosphere may be assigned to an additional (B) All respirators maintained for use (iii) Reducing and admission valves,
role, such as incident commander in charge in emergency situations shall be regulators, and alarms shall be adjusted
of the emergency or safety officer, so long as or repaired only by the manufacturer or
this individual is able to perform assistance inspected at least monthly and in
or rescue activities without jeopardizing the accordance with the manufacturer’s a technician trained by the
safety or health of any firefighter working at recommendations, and shall be checked manufacturer.
the incident. for proper function before and after each (i) Breathing air quality and use. This
Note 2 to paragraph (g): Nothing in this use; and paragraph requires the employer to
section is meant to preclude firefighters from (C) Emergency escape-only respirators provide employees using atmosphere-
performing emergency rescue activities shall be inspected before being carried supplying respirators (supplied-air and
before an entire team has assembled. SCBA) with breathing gases of high
into the workplace for use.
(h) Maintenance and care of (ii) The employer shall ensure that purity.
respirators. This paragraph requires the respirator inspections include the (1) The employer shall ensure that
employer to provide for the cleaning following: compressed air, compressed oxygen,
and disinfecting, storage, inspection, (A) A check of respirator function, liquid air, and liquid oxygen used for
and repair of respirators used by tightness of connections, and the respiration accords with the following
employees. condition of the various parts including, specifications:
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1275
(i) Compressed and liquid oxygen (6) For compressors that are not oil- (2) The training shall be conducted in
shall meet the United States lubricated, the employer shall ensure a manner that is understandable to the
Pharmacopoeia requirements for that carbon monoxide levels in the employee.
medical or breathing oxygen; and breathing air do not exceed 10 ppm. (3) The employer shall provide the
(ii) Compressed breathing air shall (7) For oil-lubricated compressors, the training prior to requiring the employee
meet at least the requirements for Type employer shall use a high-temperature to use a respirator in the workplace.
1-Grade D breathing air described in or carbon monoxide alarm, or both, to (4) An employer who is able to
ANSI/Compressed Gas Association monitor carbon monoxide levels. If only demonstrate that a new employee has
Commodity Specification for Air, G– high-temperature alarms are used, the received training within the last 12
7.1–1989, to include: air supply shall be monitored at months that addresses the elements
(A) Oxygen content (v/v) of 19.5– intervals sufficient to prevent carbon specified in paragraph (k)(1)(i) through
23.5%; monoxide in the breathing air from (vii) is not required to repeat such
(B) Hydrocarbon (condensed) content exceeding 10 ppm. training provided that, as required by
of 5 milligrams per cubic meter of air or (8) The employer shall ensure that paragraph (k)(1), the employee can
less; breathing air couplings are incompatible demonstrate knowledge of those
(C) Carbon monoxide (CO) content of with outlets for nonrespirable worksite element(s). Previous training not
10 ppm or less; air or other gas systems. No repeated initially by the employer must
(D) Carbon dioxide content of 1,000 asphyxiating substance shall be be provided no later than 12 months
ppm or less; and introduced into breathing air lines. from the date of the previous training.
(E) Lack of noticeable odor. (5) Retraining shall be administered
(2) The employer shall ensure that (9) The employer shall use breathing
gas containers marked in accordance annually, and when the following
compressed oxygen is not used in situations occur:
atmosphere-supplying respirators that with the NIOSH respirator certification
standard, 42 CFR part 84. (i) Changes in the workplace or the
have previously used compressed air. type of respirator render previous
(3) The employer shall ensure that (j) Identification of filters, cartridges,
and canisters. The employer shall training obsolete;
oxygen concentrations greater than
ensure that all filters, cartridges and (ii) Inadequacies in the employee’s
23.5% are used only in equipment
canisters used in the workplace are knowledge or use of the respirator
designed for oxygen service or
labeled and color coded with the NIOSH indicate that the employee has not
approval label and that the label is not retained the requisite understanding or
(4) The employer shall ensure that
removed and remains legible. skill; or
cylinders used to supply breathing air to
respirators meet the following (k) Training and information. This (iii) Any other situation arises in
requirements: paragraph requires the employer to which retraining appears necessary to
(i) Cylinders are tested and provide effective training to employees ensure safe respirator use.
maintained as prescribed in the who are required to use respirators. The (6) The basic advisory information on
Shipping Container Specification training must be comprehensive, respirators, as presented in Appendix D
Regulations of the Department of understandable, and recur annually, and of this section, shall be provided by the
Transportation (49 CFR part 173 and more often if necessary. This paragraph employer in any written or oral format,
part 178); also requires the employer to provide to employees who wear respirators
(ii) Cylinders of purchased breathing the basic information on respirators in when such use is not required by this
air have a certificate of analysis from the Appendix D of this section to employees section or by the employer.
supplier that the breathing air meets the who wear respirators when not required (l) Program evaluation. This section
requirements for Type 1—Grade D by this section or by the employer to do requires the employer to conduct
breathing air; and so. evaluations of the workplace to ensure
(iii) The moisture content in the (1) The employer shall ensure that that the written respiratory protection
cylinder does not exceed a dew point of each employee can demonstrate program is being properly implemented,
¥50 °F (¥45.6 °C) at 1 atmosphere knowledge of at least the following: and to consult employees to ensure that
pressure. they are using the respirators properly.
(i) Why the respirator is necessary and
(5) The employer shall ensure that (1) The employer shall conduct
how improper fit, usage, or maintenance
compressors used to supply breathing evaluations of the workplace as
can compromise the protective effect of
air to respirators are constructed and necessary to ensure that the provisions
the respirator;
situated so as to: of the current written program are being
(ii) What the limitations and effectively implemented and that it
(i) Prevent entry of contaminated air capabilities of the respirator are;
into the air-supply system; continues to be effective.
(ii) Minimize moisture content so that (iii) How to use the respirator (2) The employer shall regularly
the dew point at 1 atmosphere pressure effectively in emergency situations, consult employees required to use
is 10 degrees F (5.56 °C) below the including situations in which the respirators to assess the employees’
ambient temperature; respirator malfunctions; views on program effectiveness and to
(iii) Have suitable in-line air-purifying (iv) How to inspect, put on and identify any problems. Any problems
sorbent beds and filters to further ensure remove, use, and check the seals of the that are identified during this
breathing air quality. Sorbent beds and respirator; assessment shall be corrected. Factors to
filters shall be maintained and replaced (v) What the procedures are for be assessed include, but are not limited
or refurbished periodically following maintenance and storage of the to:
the manufacturer’s instructions. respirator; (i) Respirator fit (including the ability
(iv) Have a tag containing the most (vi) How to recognize medical signs to use the respirator without interfering
recent change date and the signature of and symptoms that may limit or prevent with effective workplace performance);
the person authorized by the employer the effective use of respirators; and (ii) Appropriate respirator selection
to perform the change. The tag shall be (vii) The general requirements of this for the hazards to which the employee
maintained at the compressor. section. is exposed;
1276 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
(iii) Proper respirator use under the July 1, 1997, are in effect and 6. Assessment of comfort shall include a
workplace conditions the employee enforceable until April 8, 1998, or review of the following points with the test
encounters; and during any administrative or judicial subject and allowing the test subject adequate
(iv) Proper respirator maintenance. time to determine the comfort of the
stay of the provisions of this section.
(m) Recordkeeping. This section (4) Existing Respiratory Protection (a) Position of the mask on the nose
requires the employer to establish and Programs. If, in the 12 month period (b) Room for eye protection
retain written information regarding preceding April 8, 1998, the employer (c) Room to talk
medical evaluations, fit testing, and the has conducted annual respirator (d) Position of mask on face and cheeks
respirator program. This information training, fit testing, respirator program 7. The following criteria shall be used to
will facilitate employee involvement in evaluation, or medical evaluations, the help determine the adequacy of the respirator
the respirator program, assist the employer may use the results of those fit:
employer in auditing the adequacy of activities to comply with the (a) Chin properly placed;
(b) Adequate strap tension, not overly
the program, and provide a record for corresponding provisions of this tightened;
compliance determinations by OSHA. section, providing that these activities (c) Fit across nose bridge;
(1) Medical evaluation. Records of were conducted in a manner that meets (d) Respirator of proper size to span
medical evaluations required by this the requirements of this section. distance from nose to chin;
section must be retained and made (o) Appendices. (1) Compliance with (e) Tendency of respirator to slip;
available in accordance with 29 CFR Appendix A, Appendix B–1, Appendix (f) Self-observation in mirror to evaluate fit
1910.1020. B–2, and Appendix C of this section is and respirator position.
(2) Fit testing. (i) The employer shall mandatory. 8. The test subject shall conduct a user seal
establish a record of the qualitative and (2) Appendix D of this section is non- check, either the negative and positive
quantitative fit tests administered to an mandatory and is not intended to create pressure seal checks described in Appendix
B–1 of this section or those recommended by
employee including: any additional obligations not otherwise the respirator manufacturer which provide
(A) The name or identification of the imposed or to detract from any existing equivalent protection to the procedures in
employee tested; obligations. Appendix B–1. Before conducting the
(B) Type of fit test performed; Appendix A to § 1910.134: Fit Testing negative and positive pressure checks, the
(C) Specific make, model, style, and Procedures (Mandatory) subject shall be told to seat the mask on the
size of respirator tested; face by moving the head from side-to-side
(D) Date of test; and Part I. OSHA-Accepted Fit Test Protocols and up and down slowly while taking in a
(E) The pass/fail results for QLFTs or A. Fit Testing Procedures—General few slow deep breaths. Another facepiece
the fit factor and strip chart recording or Requirements shall be selected and retested if the test
other recording of the test results for subject fails the user seal check tests.
The employer shall conduct fit testing
QNFTs. using the following procedures. The 9. The test shall not be conducted if there
is any hair growth between the skin and the
(ii) Fit test records shall be retained requirements in this appendix apply to all
OSHA-accepted fit test methods, both QLFT facepiece sealing surface, such as stubble
for respirator users until the next fit test beard growth, beard, mustache or sideburns
is administered. and QNFT.
1. The test subject shall be allowed to pick which cross the respirator sealing surface.
(3) A written copy of the current Any type of apparel which interferes with a
the most acceptable respirator from a
respirator program shall be retained by satisfactory fit shall be altered or removed.
sufficient number of respirator models and
the employer. sizes so that the respirator is acceptable to, 10. If a test subject exhibits difficulty in
(4) Written materials required to be and correctly fits, the user. breathing during the tests, she or he shall be
retained under this paragraph shall be 2. Prior to the selection process, the test referred to a physician or other licensed
made available upon request to affected subject shall be shown how to put on a health care professional, as appropriate, to
employees and to the Assistant respirator, how it should be positioned on determine whether the test subject can wear
the face, how to set strap tension and how a respirator while performing her or his
Secretary or designee for examination
to determine an acceptable fit. A mirror shall duties.
and copying. 11. If the employee finds the fit of the
(n) Dates. (1) Effective date. This be available to assist the subject in evaluating
the fit and positioning of the respirator. This respirator unacceptable, the test subject shall
section is effective April 8, 1998. The be given the opportunity to select a different
instruction may not constitute the subject’s
obligations imposed by this section formal training on respirator use, because it respirator and to be retested.
commence on the effective date unless is only a review. 12. Exercise regimen. Prior to the
otherwise noted in this paragraph. 3. The test subject shall be informed that commencement of the fit test, the test subject
Compliance with obligations that do not he/she is being asked to select the respirator shall be given a description of the fit test and
commence on the effective date shall that provides the most acceptable fit. Each the test subject’s responsibilities during the
occur no later than the applicable start- respirator represents a different size and test procedure. The description of the process
shape, and if fitted and used properly, will shall include a description of the test
up date. exercises that the subject will be performing.
(2) Compliance dates. All obligations provide adequate protection.
4. The test subject shall be instructed to The respirator to be tested shall be worn for
of this section commence on the hold each chosen facepiece up to the face at least 5 minutes before the start of the fit
effective date except as follows: and eliminate those that obviously do not test.
(i) The determination that respirator give an acceptable fit. 13. The fit test shall be performed while
use is required (paragraph (a)) shall be 5. The more acceptable facepieces are the test subject is wearing any applicable
completed no later than September 8, noted in case the one selected proves safety equipment that may be worn during
1998. unacceptable; the most comfortable mask is actual respirator use which could interfere
(ii) Compliance with provisions of donned and worn at least five minutes to with respirator fit.
this section for all other provisions shall assess comfort. Assistance in assessing 14. Test Exercises. (a) The following test
comfort can be given by discussing the points exercises are to be performed for all fit testing
be completed no later than October 5,
in the following item A.6. If the test subject methods prescribed in this appendix, except
1998. is not familiar with using a particular for the CNP method. A separate fit testing
(3) The provisions of 29 CFR 1910.134 respirator, the test subject shall be directed exercise regimen is contained in the CNP
and 29 CFR 1926.103, contained in the to don the mask several times and to adjust protocol. The test subject shall perform
29 CFR parts 1900 to 1910.99 and the the straps each time to become adept at exercises, in the test environment, in the
29 CFR part 1926 editions, revised as of setting proper tension on the straps. following manner:
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1277
(1) Normal breathing. In a normal standing respirators. If used to fit test particulate plastic sheeting. The inside top center of the
position, without talking, the subject shall respirators, the respirator must be equipped chamber shall have a small hook attached.
breathe normally. with an organic vapor filter. (2) Each respirator used for the fitting and
(2) Deep breathing. In a normal standing (a) Odor Threshold Screening fit testing shall be equipped with organic
position, the subject shall breathe slowly and vapor cartridges or offer protection against
deeply, taking caution so as not to Odor threshold screening, performed organic vapors.
hyperventilate. without wearing a respirator, is intended to (3) After selecting, donning, and properly
(3) Turning head side to side. Standing in determine if the individual tested can detect adjusting a respirator, the test subject shall
place, the subject shall slowly turn his/her the odor of isoamyl acetate at low levels. wear it to the fit testing room. This room
head from side to side between the extreme (1) Three 1 liter glass jars with metal lids shall be separate from the room used for odor
positions on each side. The head shall be are required. threshold screening and respirator selection,
held at each extreme momentarily so the (2) Odor-free water (e.g., distilled or spring and shall be well-ventilated, as by an exhaust
subject can inhale at each side. water) at approximately 25° C (77° F) shall fan or lab hood, to prevent general room
(4) Moving head up and down. Standing in be used for the solutions. contamination.
place, the subject shall slowly move his/her (3) The isoamyl acetate (IAA) (also known (4) A copy of the test exercises and any
head up and down. The subject shall be at isopentyl acetate) stock solution is prepared text from which the subject is to
instructed to inhale in the up position (i.e., prepared by adding 1 ml of pure IAA to 800 read shall be taped to the inside of the test
when looking toward the ceiling). ml of odor-free water in a 1 liter jar, closing chamber.
(5) Talking. The subject shall talk out loud the lid and shaking for 30 seconds. A new (5) Upon entering the test chamber, the test
slowly and loud enough so as to be heard solution shall be prepared at least weekly. subject shall be given a 6-inch by 5-inch
clearly by the test conductor. The subject can (4) The screening test shall be conducted piece of paper towel, or other porous,
read from a prepared text such as the in a room separate from the room used for absorbent, single-ply material, folded in half
Rainbow Passage, count backward from 100, actual fit testing. The two rooms shall be and wetted with 0.75 ml of pure IAA. The
or recite a memorized poem or song. well-ventilated to prevent the odor of IAA test subject shall hang the wet towel on the
from becoming evident in the general room hook at the top of the chamber. An IAA test
Rainbow Passage air where testing takes place. swab or ampule may be substituted for the
When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the (5) The odor test solution is prepared in a IAA wetted paper towel provided it has been
air, they act like a prism and form a rainbow. second jar by placing 0.4 ml of the stock demonstrated that the alternative IAA source
The rainbow is a division of white light into solution into 500 ml of odor-free water using will generate an IAA test atmosphere with a
many beautiful colors. These take the shape a clean dropper or pipette. The solution shall concentration equivalent to that generated by
of a long round arch, with its path high be shaken for 30 seconds and allowed to the paper towel method.
above, and its two ends apparently beyond stand for two to three minutes so that the (6) Allow two minutes for the IAA test
the horizon. There is, according to legend, a IAA concentration above the liquid may concentration to stabilize before starting the
boiling pot of gold at one end. People look, reach equilibrium. This solution shall be fit test exercises. This would be an
but no one ever finds it. When a man looks used for only one day. appropriate time to talk with the test subject;
for something beyond reach, his friends say (6) A test blank shall be prepared in a third to explain the fit test, the importance of his/
he is looking for the pot of gold at the end jar by adding 500 cc of odor-free water. her cooperation, and the purpose for the test
of the rainbow. (7) The odor test and test blank jar lids exercises; or to demonstrate some of the
(6) Grimace. The test subject shall grimace shall be labeled (e.g., 1 and 2) for jar exercises.
by smiling or frowning. (This applies only to identification. Labels shall be placed on the (7) If at any time during the test, the subject
QNFT testing; it is not performed for QLFT) lids so that they can be peeled off detects the banana-like odor of IAA, the test
(7) Bending over. The test subject shall periodically and switched to maintain the is failed. The subject shall quickly exit from
bend at the waist as if he/she were to touch integrity of the test. the test chamber and leave the test area to
his/her toes. Jogging in place shall be (8) The following instruction shall be typed avoid olfactory fatigue.
substituted for this exercise in those test on a card and placed on the table in front of (8) If the test is failed, the subject shall
environments such as shroud type QNFT or the two test jars (i.e., 1 and 2): ‘‘The purpose return to the selection room and remove the
QLFT units that do not permit bending over of this test is to determine if you can smell respirator. The test subject shall repeat the
at the waist. banana oil at a low concentration. The two odor sensitivity test, select and put on
(8) Normal breathing. Same as exercise (1). bottles in front of you contain water. One of another respirator, return to the test area and
(b) Each test exercise shall be performed these bottles also contains a small amount of again begin the fit test procedure described
for one minute except for the grimace banana oil. Be sure the covers are on tight, in (b) (1) through (7) above. The process
exercise which shall be performed for 15 then shake each bottle for two seconds. continues until a respirator that fits well has
seconds. The test subject shall be questioned Unscrew the lid of each bottle, one at a time, been found. Should the odor sensitivity test
by the test conductor regarding the comfort and sniff at the mouth of the bottle. Indicate be failed, the subject shall wait at least 5
of the respirator upon completion of the to the test conductor which bottle contains minutes before retesting. Odor sensitivity
protocol. If it has become unacceptable, banana oil.’’ will usually have returned by this time.
another model of respirator shall be tried. (9) The mixtures used in the IAA odor (9) If the subject passes the test, the
The respirator shall not be adjusted once the detection test shall be prepared in an area efficiency of the test procedure shall be
fit test exercises begin. Any adjustment voids separate from where the test is performed, in demonstrated by having the subject break the
the test, and the fit test must be repeated. order to prevent olfactory fatigue in the respirator face seal and take a breath before
subject. exiting the chamber.
B. Qualitative Fit Test (QLFT) Protocols
(10) If the test subject is unable to correctly (10) When the test subject leaves the
1. General identify the jar containing the odor test chamber, the subject shall remove the
(a) The employer shall ensure that persons solution, the IAA qualitative fit test shall not saturated towel and return it to the person
administering QLFT are able to prepare test be performed. conducting the test, so that there is no
solutions, calibrate equipment and perform (11) If the test subject correctly identifies significant IAA concentration buildup in the
tests properly, recognize invalid tests, and the jar containing the odor test solution, the chamber during subsequent tests. The used
ensure that test equipment is in proper test subject may proceed to respirator towels shall be kept in a self-sealing plastic
working order. selection and fit testing. bag to keep the test area from being
(b) The employer shall ensure that QLFT (b) Isoamyl Acetate Fit Test contaminated.
equipment is kept clean and well maintained 3. Saccharin Solution Aerosol Protocol
so as to operate within the parameters for (1) The fit test chamber shall be a clear 55-
which it was designed. gallon drum liner suspended inverted over a The entire screening and testing procedure
2-foot diameter frame so that the top of the shall be explained to the test subject prior to
2. Isoamyl Acetate Protocol chamber is about 6 inches above the test the conduct of the screening test.
Note: This protocol is not appropriate to subject’s head. If no drum liner is available, (a) Taste threshold screening. The
use for the fit testing of particulate a similar chamber shall be constructed using saccharin taste threshold screening,
1278 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
performed without wearing a respirator, is screening test, he/she may be unable to taste household liquids which children should not
intended to determine whether the the weak saccharin solution. be drinking and is endorsed by the American
individual being tested can detect the taste of (12) If a taste response is elicited, the test Medical Association, the National Safety
saccharin. subject shall be asked to take note of the taste Council, and the American Association of
(1) During threshold screening as well as for reference in the fit test. Poison Control Centers. The entire screening
during fit testing, subjects shall wear an (13) Correct use of the nebulizer means that and testing procedure shall be explained to
enclosure about the head and shoulders that approximately 1 ml of liquid is used at a time the test subject prior to the conduct of the
is approximately 12 inches in diameter by 14 in the nebulizer body. screening test.
inches tall with at least the front portion (14) The nebulizer shall be thoroughly (a) Taste Threshold Screening.
clear and that allows free movements of the rinsed in water, shaken dry, and refilled at The Bitrex taste threshold screening,
head when a respirator is worn. An enclosure least each morning and afternoon or at least performed without wearing a respirator, is
substantially similar to the 3M hood every four hours. intended to determine whether the
assembly, parts # FT 14 and # FT 15 (b) Saccharin solution aerosol fit test individual being tested can detect the taste of
combined, is adequate. procedure. Bitrex.
(2) The test enclosure shall have a 3⁄4-inch (1) The test subject may not eat, drink (1) During threshold screening as well as
(1.9 cm) hole in front of the test subject’s during fit testing, subjects shall wear an
(except plain water), smoke, or chew gum for
nose and mouth area to accommodate the enclosure about the head and shoulders that
15 minutes before the test.
nebulizer nozzle. is approximately 12 inches (30.5 cm) in
(2) The fit test uses the same enclosure
(3) The test subject shall don the test diameter by 14 inches (35.6 cm) tall. The
described in 3. (a) above.
enclosure. Throughout the threshold front portion of the enclosure shall be clear
screening test, the test subject shall breathe (3) The test subject shall don the enclosure from the respirator and allow free movement
through his/her slightly open mouth with while wearing the respirator selected in of the head when a respirator is worn. An
tongue extended. The subject is instructed to section I. A. of this appendix. The respirator enclosure substantially similar to the 3M
report when he/she detects a sweet taste. shall be properly adjusted and equipped with hood assembly, parts #14 and #15 combined,
(4) Using a DeVilbiss Model 40 Inhalation a particulate filter(s). is adequate.
Medication Nebulizer or equivalent, the test (4) A second DeVilbiss Model 40 (2) The test enclosure shall have a 3⁄4 inch
conductor shall spray the threshold check Inhalation Medication Nebulizer or (1.9 cm) hole in front of the test subject’s
solution into the enclosure. The nozzle is equivalent is used to spray the fit test nose and mouth area to accommodate the
directed away from the nose and mouth of solution into the enclosure. This nebulizer nebulizer nozzle.
the person. This nebulizer shall be clearly shall be clearly marked to distinguish it from (3) The test subject shall don the test
marked to distinguish it from the fit test the screening test solution nebulizer. enclosure. Throughout the threshold
solution nebulizer. (5) The fit test solution is prepared by screening test, the test subject shall breathe
(5) The threshold check solution is adding 83 grams of sodium saccharin to 100 through his or her slightly open mouth with
prepared by dissolving 0.83 gram of sodium ml of warm water. tongue extended. The subject is instructed to
saccharin USP in 100 ml of warm water. It (6) As before, the test subject shall breathe report when he/she detects a bitter taste.
can be prepared by putting 1 ml of the fit test through the slightly open mouth with tongue (4) Using a DeVilbiss Model 40 Inhalation
solution (see (b)(5) below) in 100 ml of extended, and report if he/she tastes the Medication Nebulizer or equivalent, the test
distilled water. sweet taste of saccharin. conductor shall spray the Threshold Check
(6) To produce the aerosol, the nebulizer (7) The nebulizer is inserted into the hole Solution into the enclosure. This Nebulizer
bulb is firmly squeezed so that it collapses in the front of the enclosure and an initial shall be clearly marked to distinguish it from
completely, then released and allowed to concentration of saccharin fit test solution is the fit test solution nebulizer.
fully expand. sprayed into the enclosure using the same (5) The Threshold Check Solution is
(7) Ten squeezes are repeated rapidly and number of squeezes (either 10, 20 or 30 prepared by adding 13.5 milligrams of Bitrex
then the test subject is asked whether the squeezes) based on the number of squeezes to 100 ml of 5% salt (NaCl) solution in
saccharin can be tasted. If the test subject required to elicit a taste response as noted distilled water.
reports tasting the sweet taste during the ten during the screening test. A minimum of 10 (6) To produce the aerosol, the nebulizer
squeezes, the screening test is completed. squeezes is required. bulb is firmly squeezed so that the bulb
The taste threshold is noted as ten regardless (8) After generating the aerosol, the test collapses completely, and is then released
of the number of squeezes actually subject shall be instructed to perform the and allowed to fully expand.
completed. exercises in section I. A. 14. of this appendix. (7) An initial ten squeezes are repeated
(8) If the first response is negative, ten (9) Every 30 seconds the aerosol rapidly and then the test subject is asked
more squeezes are repeated rapidly and the concentration shall be replenished using one whether the Bitrex can be tasted. If the test
test subject is again asked whether the half the original number of squeezes used subject reports tasting the bitter taste during
saccharin is tasted. If the test subject reports initially (e.g., 5, 10 or 15). the ten squeezes, the screening test is
tasting the sweet taste during the second ten (10) The test subject shall indicate to the completed. The taste threshold is noted as
squeezes, the screening test is completed. test conductor if at any time during the fit ten regardless of the number of squeezes
The taste threshold is noted as twenty test the taste of saccharin is detected. If the actually completed.
regardless of the number of squeezes actually test subject does not report tasting the (8) If the first response is negative, ten
completed. saccharin, the test is passed. more squeezes are repeated rapidly and the
(9) If the second response is negative, ten (11) If the taste of saccharin is detected, the test subject is again asked whether the Bitrex
more squeezes are repeated rapidly and the fit is deemed unsatisfactory and the test is is tasted. If the test subject reports tasting the
test subject is again asked whether the failed. A different respirator shall be tried bitter taste during the second ten squeezes,
saccharin is tasted. If the test subject reports and the entire test procedure is repeated the screening test is completed. The taste
tasting the sweet taste during the third set of (taste threshold screening and fit testing). threshold is noted as twenty regardless of the
ten squeezes, the screening test is completed. (12) Since the nebulizer has a tendency to number of squeezes actually completed.
The taste threshold is noted as thirty clog during use, the test operator must make (9) If the second response is negative, ten
regardless of the number of squeezes actually more squeezes are repeated rapidly and the
periodic checks of the nebulizer to ensure
completed. test subject is again asked whether the Bitrex
that it is not clogged. If clogging is found at
(10) The test conductor will take note of is tasted. If the test subject reports tasting the
the end of the test session, the test is invalid.
the number of squeezes required to solicit a bitter taste during the third set of ten
taste response. 4. BitrexTM (Denatonium Benzoate) Solution squeezes, the screening test is completed.
(11) If the saccharin is not tasted after 30 Aerosol Qualitative Fit Test Protocol The taste threshold is noted as thirty
squeezes (step 10), the test subject is unable The BitrexTM (Denatonium benzoate) regardless of the number of squeezes actually
to taste saccharin and may not perform the solution aerosol QLFT protocol uses the completed.
saccharin fit test. published saccharin test protocol because (10) The test conductor will take note of
Note to paragraph 3. (a): If the test subject that protocol is widely accepted. Bitrex is the number of squeezes required to solicit a
eats or drinks something sweet before the routinely used as a taste aversion agent in taste response.
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1279
(11) If the Bitrex is not tasted after 30 (3) No form of test enclosure or hood for test is failed. The person being retested must
squeezes (step 10), the test subject is unable the test subject shall be used. repeat the entire sensitivity check and fit test
to taste Bitrex and may not perform the (4) The smoke can be irritating to the eyes, procedure.
Bitrex fit test. lungs, and nasal passages. The test conductor (7) Each test subject passing the irritant
(12) If a taste response is elicited, the test shall take precautions to minimize the test smoke test without evidence of a response
subject shall be asked to take note of the taste subject’s exposure to irritant smoke. (involuntary cough, irritation) shall be given
for reference in the fit test. Sensitivity varies, and certain individuals a second sensitivity screening check, with
(13) Correct use of the nebulizer means that may respond to a greater degree to irritant the smoke from the same smoke tube used
approximately 1 ml of liquid is used at a time smoke. Care shall be taken when performing during the fit test, once the respirator has
in the nebulizer body. the sensitivity screening checks that been removed, to determine whether he/she
(14) The nebulizer shall be thoroughly determine whether the test subject can detect still reacts to the smoke. Failure to evoke a
rinsed in water, shaken to dry, and refilled irritant smoke to use only the minimum response shall void the fit test.
at least each morning and afternoon or at amount of smoke necessary to elicit a (8) If a response is produced during this
least every four hours. response from the test subject. second sensitivity check, then the fit test is
(b) Bitrex Solution Aerosol Fit Test (5) The fit test shall be performed in an passed.
Procedure. area with adequate ventilation to prevent
C. Quantitative Fit Test (QNFT) Protocols
(1) The test subject may not eat, drink exposure of the person conducting the fit test
(except plain water), smoke, or chew gum for or the build-up of irritant smoke in the The following quantitative fit testing
15 minutes before the test. general atmosphere. procedures have been demonstrated to be
(2) The fit test uses the same enclosure as (b) Sensitivity Screening Check acceptable: Quantitative fit testing using a
that described in 4. (a) above. non-hazardous test aerosol (such as corn oil,
(3) The test subject shall don the enclosure The person to be tested must demonstrate polyethylene glycol 400 [PEG 400], di-2-ethyl
while wearing the respirator selected his or her ability to detect a weak hexyl sebacate [DEHS], or sodium chloride)
according to section I. A. of this appendix. concentration of the irritant smoke. generated in a test chamber, and employing
The respirator shall be properly adjusted and (1) The test operator shall break both ends instrumentation to quantify the fit of the
equipped with any type particulate filter(s). of a ventilation smoke tube containing respirator; Quantitative fit testing using
(4) A second DeVilbiss Model 40 stannic chloride, and attach one end of the ambient aerosol as the test agent and
Inhalation Medication Nebulizer or smoke tube to a low flow air pump set to appropriate instrumentation (condensation
equivalent is used to spray the fit test deliver 200 milliliters per minute, or an nuclei counter) to quantify the respirator fit;
solution into the enclosure. This nebulizer aspirator squeeze bulb. The test operator Quantitative fit testing using controlled
shall be clearly marked to distinguish it from shall cover the other end of the smoke tube negative pressure and appropriate
the screening test solution nebulizer. with a short piece of tubing to prevent
instrumentation to measure the volumetric
(5) The fit test solution is prepared by potential injury from the jagged end of the
leak rate of a facepiece to quantify the
adding 337.5 mg of Bitrex to 200 ml of a 5% smoke tube.
respirator fit.
salt (NaCl) solution in warm water. (2) The test operator shall advise the test
(6) As before, the test subject shall breathe subject that the smoke can be irritating to the 1. General
through his or her slightly open mouth with eyes, lungs, and nasal passages and instruct (a) The employer shall ensure that persons
tongue extended, and be instructed to report the subject to keep his/her eyes closed while administering QNFT are able to calibrate
if he/she tastes the bitter taste of Bitrex.. the test is performed. equipment and perform tests properly,
(7) The nebulizer is inserted into the hole (3) The test subject shall be allowed to recognize invalid tests, calculate fit factors
in the front of the enclosure and an initial smell a weak concentration of the irritant properly and ensure that test equipment is in
concentration of the fit test solution is smoke before the respirator is donned to proper working order.
sprayed into the enclosure using the same become familiar with its irritating properties (b) The employer shall ensure that QNFT
number of squeezes (either 10, 20 or 30 and to determine if he/she can detect the equipment is kept clean, and is maintained
squeezes) based on the number of squeezes irritating properties of the smoke. The test and calibrated according to the
required to elicit a taste response as noted operator shall carefully direct a small amount manufacturer’s instructions so as to operate
during the screening test. of the irritant smoke in the test subject’s
at the parameters for which it was designed.
(8) After generating the aerosol, the test direction to determine that he/she can detect
it. 2. Generated Aerosol Quantitative Fit Testing
subject shall be instructed to perform the
exercises in section I. A. 14. of this appendix. (c) Irritant Smoke Fit Test Procedure
(9) Every 30 seconds the aerosol (a) Apparatus.
(1) The person being fit tested shall don the
concentration shall be replenished using one respirator without assistance, and perform (1) Instrumentation. Aerosol generation,
half the number of squeezes used initially the required user seal check(s). dilution, and measurement systems using
(e.g., 5, 10 or 15). (2) The test subject shall be instructed to particulates (corn oil, polyethylene glycol
(10) The test subject shall indicate to the keep his/her eyes closed. 400 [PEG 400], di-2-ethyl hexyl sebacate
test conductor if at any time during the fit (3) The test operator shall direct the stream [DEHS] or sodium chloride) as test aerosols
test the taste of Bitrex is detected. If the test of irritant smoke from the smoke tube toward shall be used for quantitative fit testing.
subject does not report tasting the Bitrex, the the faceseal area of the test subject, using the (2) Test chamber. The test chamber shall be
test is passed. low flow pump or the squeeze bulb. The test large enough to permit all test subjects to
(11) If the taste of Bitrex is detected, the operator shall begin at least 12 inches from perform freely all required exercises without
fit is deemed unsatisfactory and the test is the facepiece and move the smoke stream disturbing the test agent concentration or the
failed. A different respirator shall be tried around the whole perimeter of the mask. The measurement apparatus. The test chamber
and the entire test procedure is repeated operator shall gradually make two more shall be equipped and constructed so that the
(taste threshold screening and fit testing). passes around the perimeter of the mask, test agent is effectively isolated from the
5. Irritant Smoke (Stannic Chloride) Protocol moving to within six inches of the respirator. ambient air, yet uniform in concentration
This qualitative fit test uses a person’s (4) If the person being tested has not had throughout the chamber.
response to the irritating chemicals released an involuntary response and/or detected the (3) When testing air-purifying respirators,
in the ‘‘smoke’’ produced by a stannic irritant smoke, proceed with the test the normal filter or cartridge element shall be
chloride ventilation smoke tube to detect exercises. replaced with a high efficiency particulate air
leakage into the respirator. (5) The exercises identified in section I.A. (HEPA) or P100 series filter supplied by the
14. of this appendix shall be performed by same manufacturer.
(a) General Requirements and Precautions the test subject while the respirator seal is (4) The sampling instrument shall be
(1) The respirator to be tested shall be being continually challenged by the smoke, selected so that a computer record or strip
equipped with high efficiency particulate air directed around the perimeter of the chart record may be made of the test showing
(HEPA) or P100 series filter(s). respirator at a distance of six inches. the rise and fall of the test agent
(2) Only stannic chloride smoke tubes shall (6) If the person being fit tested reports concentration with each inspiration and
be used for this protocol. detecting the irritant smoke at any time, the expiration at fit factors of at least 2,000.
1280 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
Integrators or computers that integrate the (13) The limitations of instrument (8) Calculation of fit factors.
amount of test agent penetration leakage into detection shall be taken into account when (i) The fit factor shall be determined for the
the respirator for each exercise may be used determining the fit factor. quantitative fit test by taking the ratio of the
provided a record of the readings is made. (14) Test respirators shall be maintained in average chamber concentration to the
(5) The combination of substitute air- proper working order and be inspected concentration measured inside the respirator
purifying elements, test agent and test agent regularly for deficiencies such as cracks or for each test exercise except the grimace
concentration shall be such that the test missing valves and gaskets. exercise.
subject is not exposed in excess of an (b) Procedural Requirements. (ii) The average test chamber concentration
established exposure limit for the test agent (1) When performing the initial user seal shall be calculated as the arithmetic average
at any time during the testing process, based check using a positive or negative pressure of the concentration measured before and
upon the length of the exposure and the check, the sampling line shall be crimped after each test (i.e., 7 exercises) or the
exposure limit duration. closed in order to avoid air pressure leakage arithmetic average of the concentration
(6) The sampling port on the test specimen during either of these pressure checks. measured before and after each exercise or
respirator shall be placed and constructed so (2) The use of an abbreviated screening the true average measured continuously
that no leakage occurs around the port (e.g., QLFT test is optional. Such a test may be during the respirator sample.
where the respirator is probed), a free air utilized in order to quickly identify poor (iii) The concentration of the challenge
flow is allowed into the sampling line at all fitting respirators that passed the positive agent inside the respirator shall be
and/or negative pressure test and reduce the
times, and there is no interference with the determined by one of the following methods:
amount of QNFT time. The use of the CNC
fit or performance of the respirator. The in- (A) Average peak penetration method
QNFT instrument in the count mode is
mask sampling device (probe) shall be means the method of determining test agent
another optional method to obtain a quick
designed and used so that the air sample is penetration into the respirator utilizing a
estimate of fit and eliminate poor fitting
drawn from the breathing zone of the test strip chart recorder, integrator, or computer.
respirators before going on to perform a full
subject, midway between the nose and mouth QNFT. The agent penetration is determined by an
and with the probe extending into the (3) A reasonably stable test agent average of the peak heights on the graph or
facepiece cavity at least 1/4 inch. concentration shall be measured in the test by computer integration, for each exercise
(7) The test setup shall permit the person chamber prior to testing. For canopy or except the grimace exercise. Integrators or
administering the test to observe the test shower curtain types of test units, the computers that calculate the actual test agent
subject inside the chamber during the test. determination of the test agent’s stability may penetration into the respirator for each
(8) The equipment generating the test be established after the test subject has exercise will also be considered to meet the
atmosphere shall maintain the concentration entered the test environment. requirements of the average peak penetration
of test agent constant to within a 10 percent (4) Immediately after the subject enters the method.
variation for the duration of the test. test chamber, the test agent concentration (B) Maximum peak penetration method
(9) The time lag (interval between an event inside the respirator shall be measured to means the method of determining test agent
and the recording of the event on the strip ensure that the peak penetration does not penetration in the respirator as determined
chart or computer or integrator) shall be kept exceed 5 percent for a half mask or 1 percent by strip chart recordings of the test. The
to a minimum. There shall be a clear for a full facepiece respirator. highest peak penetration for a given exercise
association between the occurrence of an (5) A stable test agent concentration shall is taken to be representative of average
event and its being recorded. be obtained prior to the actual start of testing. penetration into the respirator for that
(10) The sampling line tubing for the test (6) Respirator restraining straps shall not exercise.
chamber atmosphere and for the respirator be over-tightened for testing. The straps shall (C) Integration by calculation of the area
sampling port shall be of equal diameter and be adjusted by the wearer without assistance under the individual peak for each exercise
of the same material. The length of the two from other persons to give a reasonably except the grimace exercise. This includes
lines shall be equal. comfortable fit typical of normal use. The computerized integration.
(11) The exhaust flow from the test respirator shall not be adjusted once the fit (D) The calculation of the overall fit factor
chamber shall pass through an appropriate test exercises begin. using individual exercise fit factors involves
filter (i.e., high efficiency particulate or P100 (7) The test shall be terminated whenever first converting the exercise fit factors to
series filter) before release. any single peak penetration exceeds 5 penetration values, determining the average,
(12) When sodium chloride aerosol is used, percent for half masks and 1 percent for full and then converting that result back to a fit
the relative humidity inside the test chamber facepiece respirators. The test subject shall be factor. This procedure is described in the
shall not exceed 50 percent. refitted and retested. following equation:
Number of exercises
Overall Fit Factor =
1 ff1 + 1 ff2 + 1 ff3 + 1 ff4 + 1 ff5 + 1 ff7 + 1 ff8
Where ff1, ff2, ff3, etc. are the fit factors for (Portacount TM ) protocol quantitatively fit a full facepiece negative pressure respirator.
exercises 1, 2, 3, etc. tests respirators with the use of a probe. The The entire screening and testing procedure
(9) The test subject shall not be permitted probed respirator is only used for shall be explained to the test subject prior to
to wear a half mask or quarter facepiece quantitative fit tests. A probed respirator has the conduct of the screening test.
respirator unless a minimum fit factor of 100 a special sampling device, installed on the (a) Portacount Fit Test Requirements.
is obtained, or a full facepiece respirator respirator, that allows the probe to sample (1) Check the respirator to make sure the
unless a minimum fit factor of 500 is the air from inside the mask. A probed respirator is fitted with a high-efficiency
obtained. respirator is required for each make, style, filter and that the sampling probe and line
(10) Filters used for quantitative fit testing model, and size that the employer uses and
are properly attached to the facepiece.
shall be replaced whenever increased can be obtained from the respirator
(2) Instruct the person to be tested to don
breathing resistance is encountered, or when manufacturer or distributor. The CNC
instrument manufacturer, TSI Inc., also the respirator for five minutes before the fit
the test agent has altered the integrity of the
filter media. provides probe attachments (TSI sampling test starts. This purges the ambient particles
3. Ambient aerosol condensation nuclei adapters) that permit fit testing in an trapped inside the respirator and permits the
counter (CNC) quantitative fit testing employee’s own respirator. A minimum fit wearer to make certain the respirator is
protocol. factor pass level of at least 100 is necessary comfortable. This individual shall already
The ambient aerosol condensation nuclei for a half-mask respirator and a minimum fit have been trained on how to wear the
counter (CNC) quantitative fit testing factor pass level of at least 500 is required for respirator properly.
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1281
(3) Check the following conditions for the removes air from the respirator facepiece at turning head side to side exercise, the subject
adequacy of the respirator fit: Chin properly a pre-selected constant pressure. The needs to hold head full left and hold his or
placed; Adequate strap tension, not overly facepiece fit is expressed as the leak rate her breath for 10 seconds during test
tightened; Fit across nose bridge; Respirator through the facepiece, expressed as measurement. Next, the subject needs to hold
of proper size to span distance from nose to milliliters per minute. The quality and head full right and hold his or her breath for
chin; Tendency of the respirator to slip; Self- validity of the CNP fit tests are determined 10 seconds during test measurement.
observation in a mirror to evaluate fit and by the degree to which the in-mask pressure (4) Moving head up and down. Standing in
respirator position. tracks the test pressure during the system place, the subject shall slowly move his or
(4) Have the person wearing the respirator measurement time of approximately five her head up and down for 1 minute. The
do a user seal check. If leakage is detected, seconds. Instantaneous feedback in the form subject shall be instructed to inhale in the up
determine the cause. If leakage is from a of a real-time pressure trace of the in-mask position (i.e., when looking toward the
poorly fitting facepiece, try another size of pressure is provided and used to determine ceiling). After the moving head up and down
the same model respirator, or another model test validity and quality. A minimum fit exercise, the subject shall hold his or her
of respirator. factor pass level of 100 is necessary for a half- head full up and hold his or her breath for
(5) Follow the manufacturer’s instructions mask respirator and a minimum fit factor of 10 seconds during test measurement. Next,
for operating the Portacount and proceed at least 500 is required for a full facepiece the subject shall hold his or her head full
with the test. respirator. The entire screening and testing down and hold his or her breath for 10
(6) The test subject shall be instructed to procedure shall be explained to the test seconds during test measurement.
perform the exercises in section I. A. 14. of subject prior to the conduct of the screening (5) Talking. The subject shall talk out loud
this appendix. test. slowly and loud enough so as to be heard
(7) After the test exercises, the test subject (a) CNP Fit Test Requirements. clearly by the test conductor. The subject can
shall be questioned by the test conductor (1) The instrument shall have a non- read from a prepared text such as the
regarding the comfort of the respirator upon adjustable test pressure of 15.0 mm water Rainbow Passage, count backward from 100,
completion of the protocol. If it has become pressure. or recite a memorized poem or song for 1
unacceptable, another model of respirator (2) The CNP system defaults selected for minute. After the talking exercise, the subject
shall be tried. test pressure shall be set at—1.5 mm of water shall hold his or her head straight ahead and
(b) Portacount Test Instrument. (-0.58 inches of water) and the modeled hold his or her breath for 10 seconds during
(1) The Portacount will automatically stop inspiratory flow rate shall be 53.8 liters per the test measurement.
and calculate the overall fit factor for the minute for performing fit tests. (6) Grimace. The test subject shall grimace
entire set of exercises. The overall fit factor (Note: CNP systems have built-in capability by smiling or frowning for 15 seconds.
is what counts. The Pass or Fail message will to conduct fit testing that is specific to (7) Bending Over. The test subject shall
indicate whether or not the test was unique work rate, mask, and gender bend at the waist as if he or she were to touch
successful. If the test was a Pass, the fit test situations that might apply in a specific his or her toes for 1 minute. Jogging in place
is over. workplace. Use of system default values, shall be substituted for this exercise in those
(2) Since the pass or fail criterion of the which were selected to represent respirator test environments such as shroud-type QNFT
Portacount is user programmable, the test wear with medium cartridge resistance at a units that prohibit bending at the waist. After
operator shall ensure that the pass or fail low-moderate work rate, will allow inter-test the bending over exercise, the subject shall
criterion meet the requirements for minimum comparison of the respirator fit.) hold his or her head straight ahead and hold
respirator performance in this Appendix. (3) The individual who conducts the CNP his or her breath for 10 seconds during the
(3) A record of the test needs to be kept on fit testing shall be thoroughly trained to test measurement.
file, assuming the fit test was successful. The perform the test. (8) Normal Breathing. The test subject shall
record must contain the test subject’s name; (4) The respirator filter or cartridge needs remove and re-don the respirator within a
overall fit factor; make, model, style, and size to be replaced with the CNP test manifold. one-minute period. Then, in a normal
of respirator used; and date tested. The inhalation valve downstream from the standing position, without talking, the
4. Controlled negative pressure (CNP) manifold either needs to be temporarily subject shall breathe normally for 1 minute.
quantitative fit testing protocol. removed or propped open. After the normal breathing exercise, the
The CNP protocol provides an alternative (5) The test subject shall be trained to hold subject shall hold his or her head straight
to aerosol fit test methods. The CNP fit test his or her breath for at least 20 seconds. ahead and hold his or her breath for 10
method technology is based on exhausting air (6) The test subject shall don the test seconds during the test measurement. After
from a temporarily sealed respirator respirator without any assistance from the the test exercises, the test subject shall be
facepiece to generate and then maintain a individual who conducts the CNP fit test. questioned by the test conductor regarding
constant negative pressure inside the (7) The QNFT protocol shall be followed the comfort of the respirator upon
facepiece. The rate of air exhaust is according to section I. C. 1. of this appendix completion of the protocol. If it has become
controlled so that a constant negative with an exception for the CNP test exercises. unacceptable, another model of a respirator
pressure is maintained in the respirator (b) CNP Test Exercises. shall be tried.
during the fit test. The level of pressure is (1) Normal breathing. In a normal standing (c) CNP Test Instrument.
selected to replicate the mean inspiratory position, without talking, the subject shall (1) The test instrument shall have an
pressure that causes leakage into the breathe normally for 1 minute. After the effective audio warning device when the test
respirator under normal use conditions. With normal breathing exercise, the subject needs subject fails to hold his or her breath during
pressure held constant, air flow out of the to hold head straight ahead and hold his or the test. The test shall be terminated
respirator is equal to air flow into the her breath for 10 seconds during the test whenever the test subject failed to hold his
respirator. Therefore, measurement of the measurement. or her breath. The test subject may be refitted
exhaust stream that is required to hold the (2) Deep breathing. In a normal standing and retested.
pressure in the temporarily sealed respirator position, the subject shall breathe slowly and (2) A record of the test shall be kept on file,
constant yields a direct measure of leakage deeply for 1 minute, being careful not to assuming the fit test was successful. The
air flow into the respirator. The CNP fit test hyperventilate. After the deep breathing record must contain the test subject’s name;
method measures leak rates through the exercise, the subject shall hold his or her overall fit factor; make, model, style and size
facepiece as a method for determining the head straight ahead and hold his or her of respirator used; and date tested.
facepiece fit for negative pressure respirators. breath for 10 seconds during test
The CNP instrument manufacturer Dynatech measurement. Part II. New Fit Test Protocols
Nevada also provides attachments (sampling (3) Turning head side to side. Standing in A. Any person may submit to OSHA an
manifolds) that replace the filter cartridges to place, the subject shall slowly turn his or her application for approval of a new fit test
permit fit testing in an employee’s own head from side to side between the extreme protocol. If the application meets the
respirator. To perform the test, the test positions on each side for 1 minute. The head following criteria, OSHA will initiate a
subject closes his or her mouth and holds shall be held at each extreme momentarily so rulemaking proceeding under section 6(b)(7)
his/her breath, after which an air pump the subject can inhale at each side. After the of the OSH Act to determine whether to list
1282 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
the new protocol as an approved protocol in positive and/or negative pressure check Appendix C to § 1910.134: OSHA Respirator
this Appendix A. procedures provided that the employer Medical Evaluation Questionnaire
B. The application must include a detailed demonstrates that the manufacturer’s (Mandatory)
description of the proposed new fit test procedures are equally effective. To the employer: Answers to questions in
protocol. This application must be supported
Section 1, and to question 9 in Section 2 of
by either: Appendix B–2 to § 1910.134: Respirator
Part A, do not require a medical examination.
1. A test report prepared by an Cleaning Procedures (Mandatory)
independent government research laboratory To the employee:
These procedures are provided for Can you read (circle one): Yes/No
(e.g., Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, employer use when cleaning respirators.
Your employer must allow you to answer
the National Institute for Standards and They are general in nature, and the employer
this questionnaire during normal working
Technology) stating that the laboratory has as an alternative may use the cleaning
hours, or at a time and place that is
tested the protocol and had found it to be recommendations provided by the convenient to you. To maintain your
accurate and reliable; or manufacturer of the respirators used by their confidentiality, your employer or supervisor
2. An article that has been published in a employees, provided such procedures are as must not look at or review your answers, and
peer-reviewed industrial hygiene journal effective as those listed here in Appendix B– your employer must tell you how to deliver
describing the protocol and explaining how 2. Equivalent effectiveness simply means that or send this questionnaire to the health care
test data support the protocol’s accuracy and the procedures used must accomplish the professional who will review it.
reliability. objectives set forth in Appendix B–2, i.e., Part A. Section 1. (Mandatory) The
C. If OSHA determines that additional
must ensure that the respirator is properly following information must be provided by
information is required before the Agency
cleaned and disinfected in a manner that every employee who has been selected to use
commences a rulemaking proceeding under
prevents damage to the respirator and does any type of respirator (please print).
this section, OSHA will so notify the
applicant and afford the applicant the not cause harm to the user. 1. Today’s date: lllllllllllll
opportunity to submit the supplemental I. Procedures for Cleaning Respirators 2. Your name: llllllllllllll
information. Initiation of a rulemaking 3. Your age (to nearest year): lllllll
proceeding will be deferred until OSHA has A. Remove filters, cartridges, or canisters.
Disassemble facepieces by removing speaking 4. Sex (circle one): Male/Female
received and evaluated the supplemental
information. diaphragms, demand and pressure-demand 5. Your height: lllll ft. lllll in.
valve assemblies, hoses, or any components 6. Your weight: llllll lbs.
Appendix B–1 to § 1910.134: User Seal
Check Procedures (Mandatory) recommended by the manufacturer. Discard 7. Your job title: lllllllllllll
or repair any defective parts. 8. A phone number where you can be
The individual who uses a tight-fitting B. Wash components in warm (43° C [110° reached by the health care professional
respirator is to perform a user seal check to who reviews this questionnaire (include
F] maximum) water with a mild detergent or
ensure that an adequate seal is achieved each the Area Code): llllllllll
time the respirator is put on. Either the with a cleaner recommended by the
positive and negative pressure checks listed manufacturer. A stiff bristle (not wire) brush 9. The best time to phone you at this number:
in this appendix, or the respirator may be used to facilitate the removal of dirt. llllllll
manufacturer’s recommended user seal check C. Rinse components thoroughly in clean, 10. Has your employer told you how to
method shall be used. User seal checks are warm (43° C [110° F] maximum), preferably contact the health care professional who
not substitutes for qualitative or quantitative running water. Drain. will review this questionnaire (circle one):
fit tests. D. When the cleaner used does not contain Yes/No
a disinfecting agent, respirator components 11. Check the type of respirator you will use
I. Facepiece Positive and/or Negative (you can check more than one category):
Pressure Checks should be immersed for two minutes in one
of the following: a. lll N, R, or P disposable respirator
A. Positive pressure check. Close off the (filter-mask, non-cartridge type only).
exhalation valve and exhale gently into the 1. Hypochlorite solution (50 ppm of
b. lll Other type (for example, half- or
facepiece. The face fit is considered chlorine) made by adding approximately one
full-facepiece type, powered-air
satisfactory if a slight positive pressure can milliliter of laundry bleach to one liter of
purifying, supplied-air, self-contained
be built up inside the facepiece without any water at 43° C (110° F); or, breathing apparatus).
evidence of outward leakage of air at the seal. 2. Aqueous solution of iodine (50 ppm
12. Have you worn a respirator (circle one):
For most respirators this method of leak iodine) made by adding approximately 0.8
testing requires the wearer to first remove the milliliters of tincture of iodine (6–8 grams
exhalation valve cover before closing off the ammonium and/or potassium iodide/100 cc If ‘‘yes,’’ what type(s): lllllllll
exhalation valve and then carefully replacing of 45% alcohol) to one liter of water at 43° lllllllllllllllllllll
it after the test. C (110° F); or, Part A. Section 2. (Mandatory) Questions 1
B. Negative pressure check. Close off the through 9 below must be answered by every
3. Other commercially available cleansers
inlet opening of the canister or cartridge(s) by employee who has been selected to use any
covering with the palm of the hand(s) or by of equivalent disinfectant quality when used
as directed, if their use is recommended or type of respirator (please circle ‘‘yes’’ or
replacing the filter seal(s), inhale gently so ‘‘no’’).
that the facepiece collapses slightly, and hold approved by the respirator manufacturer.
the breath for ten seconds. The design of the E. Rinse components thoroughly in clean, 1. Do you currently smoke tobacco, or have
inlet opening of some cartridges cannot be warm (43° C [110° F] maximum), preferably you smoked tobacco in the last month:
effectively covered with the palm of the running water. Drain. The importance of Yes/No
hand. The test can be performed by covering thorough rinsing cannot be overemphasized. 2. Have you ever had any of the following
the inlet opening of the cartridge with a thin Detergents or disinfectants that dry on conditions?
latex or nitrile glove. If the facepiece remains a. Seizures (fits): Yes/No
facepieces may result in dermatitis. In
in its slightly collapsed condition and no b. Diabetes (sugar disease): Yes/No
addition, some disinfectants may cause
inward leakage of air is detected, the c. Allergic reactions that interfere with
deterioration of rubber or corrosion of metal your breathing: Yes/No
tightness of the respirator is considered parts if not completely removed.
satisfactory. d. Claustrophobia (fear of closed-in places):
F. Components should be hand-dried with Yes/No
II. Manufacturer’s Recommended User Seal a clean lint-free cloth or air-dried. e. Trouble smelling odors: Yes/No
Check Procedures G. Reassemble facepiece, replacing filters, 3. Have you ever had any of the following
The respirator manufacturer’s cartridges, and canisters where necessary. pulmonary or lung problems?
recommended procedures for performing a H. Test the respirator to ensure that all a. Asbestosis: Yes/No
user seal check may be used instead of the components work properly. b. Asthma: Yes/No
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1283
c. Chronic bronchitis: Yes/No d. Seizures (fits): Yes/No chest, or other symptoms when you’re
d. Emphysema: Yes/No 8. If you’ve used a respirator, have you ever working under these conditions: Yes/No
e. Pneumonia: Yes/No had any of the following problems? (If 2. At work or at home, have you ever been
f. Tuberculosis: Yes/No you’ve never used a respirator, check the exposed to hazardous solvents,
g. Silicosis: Yes/No following space and go to question 9:) hazardous airborne chemicals (e.g.,
h. Pneumothorax (collapsed lung): Yes/No a. Eye irritation: Yes/No gases, fumes, or dust), or have you come
i. Lung cancer: Yes/No b. Skin allergies or rashes: Yes/No into skin contact with hazardous
j. Broken ribs: Yes/No c. Anxiety: Yes/No chemicals: Yes/No
k. Any chest injuries or surgeries: Yes/No d. General weakness or fatigue: Yes/No If ‘‘yes,’’ name the chemicals if you know
l. Any other lung problem that you’ve been e. Any other problem that interferes with them: llllllllllllllllll
told about: Yes/No your use of a respirator: Yes/No
4. Do you currently have any of the following 9. Would you like to talk to the health care lllllllllllllllllllll
symptoms of pulmonary or lung illness? professional who will review this lllllllllllllllllllll
a. Shortness of breath: Yes/No questionnaire about your answers to this 3. Have you ever worked with any of the
b. Shortness of breath when walking fast questionnaire: Yes/No materials, or under any of the conditions,
on level ground or walking up a slight Questions 10 to 15 below must be listed below:
hill or incline: Yes/No answered by every employee who has been a. Asbestos: Yes/No
c. Shortness of breath when walking with selected to use either a full-facepiece
other people at an ordinary pace on level b. Silica (e.g., in sandblasting): Yes/No
respirator or a self-contained breathing c. Tungsten/cobalt (e.g., grinding or
ground: Yes/No
apparatus (SCBA). For employees who have welding this material): Yes/No
d. Have to stop for breath when walking at
been selected to use other types of
your own pace on level ground: Yes/No d. Beryllium: Yes/No
respirators, answering these questions is
e. Shortness of breath when washing or e. Aluminum: Yes/No
dressing yourself: Yes/No f. Coal (for example, mining): Yes/No
f. Shortness of breath that interferes with 10. Have you ever lost vision in either eye
g. Iron: Yes/No
your job: Yes/No (temporarily or permanently): Yes/No
11. Do you currently have any of the h. Tin: Yes/No
g. Coughing that produces phlegm (thick
following vision problems? i. Dusty environments: Yes/No
sputum): Yes/No
a. Wear contact lenses: Yes/No j. Any other hazardous exposures: Yes/No
h. Coughing that wakes you early in the
morning: Yes/No b. Wear glasses: Yes/No If ‘‘yes,’’ describe these exposures: lll
i. Coughing that occurs mostly when you c. Color blind: Yes/No lllllllllllllllllllll
are lying down: Yes/No e. Any other eye or vision problem: Yes/
j. Coughing up blood in the last month: No
Yes/No 12. Have you ever had an injury to your ears, 4. List any second jobs or side businesses you
k. Wheezing: Yes/No including a broken ear drum: Yes/No have: llllllllllllllllll
l. Wheezing that interferes with your job: 13. Do you currently have any of the lllllllllllllllllllll
Yes/No following hearing problems?
a. Difficulty hearing: Yes/No 5. List your previous occupations: lllll
m. Chest pain when you breathe deeply:
Yes/No b. Wear a hearing aid: Yes/No lllllllllllllllllllll
n. Any other symptoms that you think may c. Any other hearing or ear problem: Yes/ 6. List your current and previous hobbies: l
be related to lung problems: Yes/No No
5. Have you ever had any of the following 14. Have you ever had a back injury: Yes/No
cardiovascular or heart problems? 15. Do you currently have any of the 7. Have you been in the military services?
a. Heart attack: Yes/No following musculoskeletal problems? Yes/No
b. Stroke: Yes/No a. Weakness in any of your arms, hands, If ‘‘yes,’’ were you exposed to biological or
c. Angina: Yes/No legs, or feet: Yes/No chemical agents (either in training or
d. Heart failure: Yes/No b. Back pain: Yes/No combat): Yes/No
e. Swelling in your legs or feet (not caused c. Difficulty fully moving your arms and 8. Have you ever worked on a HAZMAT
by walking): Yes/No legs: Yes/No team? Yes/No
f. Heart arrhythmia (heart beating d. Pain or stiffness when you lean forward 9. Other than medications for breathing and
irregularly): Yes/No or backward at the waist: Yes/No lung problems, heart trouble, blood
g. High blood pressure: Yes/No e. Difficulty fully moving your head up or pressure, and seizures mentioned earlier
h. Any other heart problem that you’ve down: Yes/No in this questionnaire, are you taking any
been told about: Yes/No f. Difficulty fully moving your head side to other medications for any reason
6. Have you ever had any of the following side: Yes/No (including over-the-counter
cardiovascular or heart symptoms? g. Difficulty bending at your knees: Yes/No medications): Yes/No
a. Frequent pain or tightness in your chest: h. Difficulty squatting to the ground: Yes/ If ‘‘yes,’’ name the medications if you know
Yes/No No
b. Pain or tightness in your chest during them: llllllllllllllllll
i. Climbing a flight of stairs or a ladder
physical activity: Yes/No 10. Will you be using any of the following
carrying more than 25 lbs: Yes/No
c. Pain or tightness in your chest that items with your respirator(s)?
j. Any other muscle or skeletal problem
interferes with your job: Yes/No a. HEPA Filters: Yes/No
that interferes with using a respirator:
d. In the past two years, have you noticed b. Canisters (for example, gas masks): Yes/
your heart skipping or missing a beat: No
Yes/No Part B Any of the following questions,
c. Cartridges: Yes/No
e. Heartburn or indigestion that is not and other questions not listed, may be added
to the questionnaire at the discretion of the 11. How often are you expected to use the
related to eating: Yes/No respirator(s) (circle ‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’ for all
f. Any other symptoms that you think may health care professional who will review the
questionnaire. answers that apply to you)?:
be related to heart or circulation
a. Escape only (no rescue): Yes/No
problems: Yes/No 1. In your present job, are you working at
b. Emergency rescue only: Yes/No
7. Do you currently take medication for any high altitudes (over 5,000 feet) or in a
of the following problems? place that has lower than normal c. Less than 5 hours per week: Yes/No
a. Breathing or lung problems: Yes/No amounts of oxygen: Yes/No d. Less than 2 hours per day: Yes/No
b. Heart trouble: Yes/No If ‘‘yes,’’ do you have feelings of dizziness, e. 2 to 4 hours per day: Yes/No
c. Blood pressure: Yes/No shortness of breath, pounding in your
1284 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
f. Over 4 hours per day: Yes/No Duration of exposure per shift: lllll 25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR
12. During the period you are using the Name of the third toxic substance: llll 9033), or 6–96 (62 FR 111), as applicable.
respirator(s), is your work effort: Estimated maximum exposure level per 9. Section 1910.156 is amended by
a. Light (less than 200 kcal per hour): Yes/
shift: llllllllllllllllll revising paragraphs (f)(1)(i) and (f)(1)(v)
If ‘‘yes,’’ how long does this period last
Duration of exposure per shift: lllll as follows:
during the average The name of any other toxic substances
that you’ll be exposed to while using § 1910.156 Fire brigades.
your respirator: * * * * *
Examples of a light work effort are sitting
lllllllllllllllllllll (f) Respiratory protection. (1) General.
while writing, typing, drafting, or performing
light assembly work; or standing while lllllllllllllllllllll
(i) The employer must ensure that
operating a drill press (1–3 lbs.) or lllllllllllllllllllll
respirators are provided to, and used by,
controlling machines. 19. Describe any special responsibilities fire brigade members, and that the
b. Moderate (200 to 350 kcal per hour): you’ll have while using your respirator(s) respirators meet the requirements of 29
Yes/No that may affect the safety and well-being CFR 1910.134 and this paragraph.
If ‘‘yes,’’ how long does this period last of others (for example, rescue, security): * * * * *
during the average lllllllllllllllllllll (v) Self-contained breathing
shift:llllllhrs.llllllmins. apparatuses must have a minimum
Appendix D to § 1910.134 (Non-Mandatory)
Examples of moderate work effort are Information for Employees Using service-life rating of 30 minutes in
sitting while nailing or filing; driving a truck Respirators When Not Required Under the accordance with the methods and
or bus in urban traffic; standing while Standard requirements specified by NIOSH under
drilling, nailing, performing assembly work, 42 CFR part 84, except for escape self-
or transferring a moderate load (about 35 lbs.) Respirators are an effective method of
at trunk level; walking on a level surface protection against designated hazards when contained breathing apparatus (ESCBAs)
about 2 mph or down a 5-degree grade about properly selected and worn. Respirator use is used only for emergency escape
3 mph; or pushing a wheelbarrow with a encouraged, even when exposures are below purposes.
heavy load (about 100 lbs.) on a level surface. the exposure limit, to provide an additional
level of comfort and protection for workers.
* * * * *
c. Heavy (above 350 kcal per hour): Yes/ However, if a respirator is used improperly
No or not kept clean, the respirator itself can
Subpart Q—[Amended]
If ‘‘yes,’’ how long does this period last become a hazard to the worker. Sometimes, 10. The authority citation for Subpart
during the average workers may wear respirators to avoid
Q of Part 1910 is revised to read as
exposures to hazards, even if the amount of
Examples of heavy work are lifting a heavy hazardous substance does not exceed the
load (about 50 lbs.) from the floor to your limits set by OSHA standards. If your Authority: Secs. 4, 6, and 8 of the
waist or shoulder; working on a loading dock; employer provides respirators for your Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
shoveling; standing while bricklaying or voluntary use, of if you provide your own (29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of Labor’s
chipping castings; walking up an 8-degree respirator, you need to take certain Orders 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR
grade about 2 mph; climbing stairs with a precautions to be sure that the respirator 25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR
heavy load (about 50 lbs.). itself does not present a hazard. 9033), or 6–96 (62 FR 111), as applicable; and
13. Will you be wearing protective clothing You should do the following: 29 CFR part 1911.
and/or equipment (other than the 1. Read and heed all instructions provided 11. Section 1910.252 is amended by
respirator) when you’re using your by the manufacturer on use, maintenance,
cleaning and care, and warnings regarding
revising paragraphs (c)(4)(ii), (c)(4)(iii),
respirator: Yes/No
the respirators limitations. (c)(7)(iii), (c)(9)(i), and (c)(10) as follows:
If ‘‘yes,’’ describe this protective clothing
and/or equipment: llllllllllll 2. Choose respirators certified for use to § 1910.252 General requirements.
protect against the contaminant of concern.
NIOSH, the National Institute for * * * * *
14. Will you be working under hot conditions (c) * * *
(temperature exceeding 77° F): Yes/No Occupational Safety and Health of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, (4) * * *
15. Will you be working under humid
conditions: Yes/No certifies respirators. A label or statement of (ii) Airline respirators. In
16. Describe the work you’ll be doing while certification should appear on the respirator circumstances for which it is impossible
you’re using your respirator(s): or respirator packaging. It will tell you what to provide such ventilation, airline
the respirator is designed for and how much respirators or hose masks approved for
it will protect you. this purpose by the National Institute
lllllllllllllllllllll 3. Do not wear your respirator into
17. Describe any special or hazardous for Occupational Safety and Health
atmospheres containing contaminants for
conditions you might encounter when which your respirator is not designed to
(NIOSH) under 42 CFR part 84 must be
you’re using your respirator(s) (for protect against. For example, a respirator used.
example, confined spaces, life- designed to filter dust particles will not (iii) Self-contained units. In areas
threatening gases): protect you against gases, vapors, or very immediately hazardous to life, a full-
lllllllllllllllllllll small solid particles of fumes or smoke. facepiece, pressure-demand, self-
lllllllllllllllllllll 4. Keep track of your respirator so that you contained breathing apparatus or a
18. Provide the following information, if you do not mistakenly use someone else’s combination full-facepiece, pressure-
know it, for each toxic substance that respirator. demand supplied-air respirator with an
you’ll be exposed to when you’re using auxiliary, self-contained air supply
your respirator(s): Subpart L—[Amended] approved by NIOSH under 42 CFR part
Name of the first toxic substance: llll 8. The authority citation for Subpart 84 must be used.
Estimated maximum exposure level per L of Part 1910 is revised to read as * * * * *
shift: llllllllllllllllll follows: (7) * * *
Duration of exposure per shift lllll Authority: Secs. 4, 6, and 8 of the (iii) Local ventilation. In confined
Name of the second toxic substance: lll Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 spaces or indoors, welding or cutting
Estimated maximum exposure level per (29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of Labor’s operations involving metals containing
shift: llllllllllllllllll Orders 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR lead, other than as an impurity, or
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1285
metals coated with lead-bearing § 1910.261 Pulp, paper, and paperboard 15. Section 1910.1001 is amended by
materials, including paint, must be done mills. removing Appendix C and revising
using local exhaust ventilation or airline * * * * * paragraph (g), to read as follows:
respirators. Such operations, when done (b) * * *
outdoors, must be done using (2) Personal protective clothing and § 1910.1001 Asbestos.
respirators approved for this purpose by equipment. Foot protection, shin * * * * *
NIOSH under 42 CFR part 84. In all guards, hard hats, noise-attenuation (g) Respiratory protection. (1) General.
cases, workers in the immediate vicinity devices, and other personal protective For employees who use respirators
of the cutting operation must be clothing and equipment must be worn required by this section, the employer
protected by local exhaust ventilation or when the extent of the hazard warrants must provide respirators that comply
airline respirators. their use. Such equipment must be worn with the requirements of this paragraph.
* * * * * when specifically required by other Respirators must be used during:
(9) * * * paragraphs of this section, and must be (i) Periods necessary to install or
maintained in accordance with implement feasible engineering and
(i) General. In confined spaces or
applicable American National Standards work-practice controls.
indoors, welding or cutting operations
Institute standards. Respirators, goggles, (ii) Work operations, such as
involving cadmium-bearing or
protective masks, rubber gloves, rubber maintenance and repair activities, for
cadmium-coated base metals must be
boots, and other such equipment must which engineering and work-practice
done using local exhaust ventilation or
be cleaned and disinfected before being controls are not feasible.
airline respirators unless atmospheric
used by another employee. Required
tests under the most adverse conditions (iii) Work operations for which
eye, head, and ear protection must
show that employee exposure is within feasible engineering and work-practice
conform to American National
the acceptable concentrations specified controls are not yet sufficient to reduce
Standards Institute standards Z24.22–
by 29 CFR 1910.1000. Such operations, employee exposure to or below the
1957, Z87.1–1968, and Z89.1–1969.
when done outdoors, must be done TWA and/or excursion limit.
Respiratory protection must conform to
using respirators, such as fume (iv) Emergencies.
the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.134.
respirators, approved for this purpose (2) Respirator program. (i) The
by NIOSH under 42 CFR part 84. * * * * *
(g) * * * employer must implement a respiratory
* * * * * (10) Gas masks (digester building). protection program in accordance with
(10) Mercury. In confined spaces or Gas masks must be available, and they 29 CFR 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except
indoors, welding or cutting operations must furnish adequate protection (d)(1)(iii)), and (f) through (m).
involving metals coated with mercury- against sulfurous acid and chlorine (ii) The employer must provide a
bearing materials, including paint, must gases and be inspected and repaired in tight-fitting, powered, air-purifying
be done using local exhaust ventilation accordance with 29 CFR 1910.134. respirator instead of any negative-
or airline respirators unless atmospheric pressure respirator specified in Table 1
* * * * *
tests under the most adverse conditions (h) * * * of this section when an employee
show that employee exposure is within (2) * * * chooses to use this type of respirator
the acceptable concentrations specified (iii) Gas masks must be provided for and the respirator provides adequate
by 29 CFR 1910.1000. Such operations, emergency use in accordance with 29 protection to the employee.
when done outdoors, must be done CFR 1910.134. (iii) No employee must be assigned to
using respirators approved for this (iv) For emergency and rescue tasks requiring the use of respirators if,
purpose by NIOSH under 42 CFR part operations, the employer must provide based on their most recent medical
84. employees with self-contained breathing examination, the examining physician
* * * * * apparatuses or supplied-air respirators, determines that the employee will be
and ensure that employees use these unable to function normally using a
Subpart R—[Amended] respirators, in accordance with the respirator, or that the safety or health of
requirements of 29 CFR 1910.134. the employee or other employees will be
12. The authority citation for Subpart
R of Part 1910 is revised as follows: * * * * * impaired by the use of a respirator. Such
employees must be assigned to another
Authority: Sections 4, 6, and 8 of the Subpart Z—[Amended] job or given the opportunity to transfer
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
(29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of Labor’s 14. The general authority citation for to a different position, the duties of
Orders 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR Subpart Z of 29 CFR Part 1910 is revised which they can perform. If such a
25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR to read as follows: transfer position is available, the
9033), or 6–96 (62 FR 111), as applicable; and position must be with the same
29 CFR part 11. Authority: Secs. 4, 6, and 8 of the employer, in the same geographical
Occupational Safety and Health Act (29
Sections 1910.261, 1910.262, 1910.265 area, and with the same seniority,
U.S.C. 653, 655, and 657); Secretary of
through 1910.269, 1910.274, and 1910.275 status, and rate of pay the employee had
Labor’s Orders 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41
also issued under 29 CFR part 1911. just prior to such transfer.
FR 25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR
13. Section 1910.261 is amended by 9033), or 6–96 (62 FR 111), as applicable; and (3) Respirator selection. The employer
revising paragraphs (b)(2), (g)(10), 29 CFR Part 1911. must select and provide the appropriate
(h)(2)(iii), and (h)(2)(iv) as follows: * * * * * respirator from Table 1 of this section.
Not in excess of 1 f/cc (10 X PEL) ..................... Half-mask air purifying respirator other than a disposable respirator, equipped with high effi-
ciency filters.
1286 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
Not in excess of 5 f/cc (50 X PEL) ..................... Full facepiece air-purifying respirator equipped with high efficiency filters.
Not in excess of 10 f/cc (100 X PEL) ................. Any powered air-purifying respirator equipped with high efficiency filters or any supplied air
respirator operated in continuous flow mode.
Not in excess of 100 f/cc (1,000 X PEL) ............ Full facepiece supplied air respirator operated in pressure demand mode.
Greater than 100 f/cc (1,000 X PEL) or un- Full facepiece supplied air respirator operated in pressure demand mode, equipped with an
known concentration. auxiliary positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus.
NOTE: a. Respirators assigned for high environmental concentrations may be used at lower concentrations, or when required respirator use is
independent of concentration.
b. A high efficiency filter means a filter that is at least 99.97 percent efficient against mono-dispersed particles of 0.3 micrometers in diameter
or larger.
(i) Unknown, or above 3,600 p/m ....................... Open-circuit, self-contained breathing apparatus, pressure demand type, with full facepiece.
(ii) Not over 3,600 p/m ........................................ (A) Combination type C supplied air respirator, pressure demand type, with full or half face-
piece, and auxiliary self-contained air supply; or
(iii) Not over 1,000 p/m ....................................... (B) Combination type, supplied air respirator continuous flow type, with full or half facepiece,
and auxiliary self-contained air supply. Type C, supplied air respirator, continuous flow type,
with full or half facepiece, helmet or hood.
(iv) Not over 100 p/m .......................................... (A) Combination type C supplied air respirator demand type, with full facepiece, and auxiliary
self-contained air supply; or
(B) Open-circuit self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece, in demand mode; or
Type (C) supplied air respirator, demand type, with full facepiece.
(v) Not over 25 p/m ............................................. (A) A powered air-purifying respirator with hood, helmet, full or half facepiece, and a canister
which provides a service life of at least 4 hours for concentrations of vinyl chloride up to 25
p/m, or
(B) Gas mask, front- or back-mounted canister which provides a service life of at least 4 hours
for concentrations of vinyl chloride up to 25 p/m.
(vi) Not over 10 p/m ............................................ (A) Combination type C supplied-air respirator, demand type, with half facepiece, and auxiliary
self-contained air supply; or
(B) Type C supplied-air respirator, demand type, with half facepiece; or
(C) Any chemical cartridge respirator with an organic vapor cartridge which provides a service
life of at least 1 hour for concentrations of vinyl chloride up to 10 p/m.
(ii) When air-purifying respirators are concentrations exceed the allowable respirators required by this section, the
used: concentrations for the devices in use. employer must provide respirators that
(A) Air-purifying canisters or (iii) Respirators specified for higher comply with the requirements of this
cartridges must be replaced prior to the concentrations may be used for lower paragraph. Respirators must be used
expiration of their service life or the end concentrations. during:
of the shift in which they are first used, * * * * * (i) Periods necessary to install or
whichever occurs first. 18. Section 1910.1018 is amended by implement feasible engineering or work-
(B) A continuous-monitoring and revising paragraph (h) to read as practice controls.
alarm system must be provided when follows:
concentrations of vinyl chloride could (ii) Work operations, such as
reasonably exceed the allowable § 1910.1018 Inorganic arsenic. maintenance and repair activities, for
concentrations for the devices in use. * * * * * which the employer establishes that
Such a system must be used to alert (h) Respiratory protection. (1)
employees when vinyl chloride General. For employees who use
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1287
engineering and work-practice controls medicine to determine whether they can relevant limit for other gases (for
are not feasible. use a respirator while performing the example, sulfur dioxide), an air-
(iii) Work operations for which required duty. purifying respirator provided to the
engineering and work-practice controls (3) Respirator selection. (i) The employee as specified by this section
are not yet sufficient to reduce employer must use Table I of this must have a combination high-
employee exposures to or below the section to select the appropriate efficiency filter with an appropriate gas
permissible exposure limit. respirator or combination of respirators sorbent. (See footnote in Table 1 of this
(iv) Emergencies. for inorganic arsenic compounds section.)
(2) Respirator program. (i) The without significant vapor pressure, and (iii) Employees required to use
employer must implement a respiratory Table II of this section to select the respirators may choose, and the
protection program in accordance with appropriate respirator or combination of employer must provide, a powered air-
29 CFR 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except respirators for inorganic arsenic purifying respirator if it will provide
(d)(1)(iii)), and (f) through (m). compounds that have significant vapor proper protection. In addition, the
(ii) If an employee exhibits breathing pressure. employer must provide a combination
difficulty during fit testing or respirator (ii) When employee exposures exceed dust and acid-gas respirator to
use, they must be examined by a the permissible exposure limit for employees who are exposed to gases
physician trained in pulmonary inorganic arsenic and also exceed the over the relevant exposure limits.
Concentration of inorganic arsenic (as As) or Required respirator
condition of use
(i) Unknown or greater or lesser than 20,000 (A) Any full facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus operated in positive pressure mode.
µg/m(3) (20 mg/m(3)) or firefighting.
(ii) Not greater than 20,000 µg/m(3) (20 mg/ (A) Supplied air respirator with full facepiece, hood, or helmet or suit and operated in positive
m(3)). pressure mode.
(iii) Not greater than 10,000 µg/m(3) (10 mg/ (A) Powered air-purifying respirators in all inlet face coverings with high efficiency filters 1.
(B)Half-mask supplied air respirators operated in positive pressure mode.
(iv) Not greater than 500 µg/m(3) ....................... (A) Full facepiece air-purifying respirator equipped with high-efficiency filter 1.
(B) Any full facepiece supplied air respirator.
(C) Any full facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus.
(v) Not greater than 100 µg/m(3) ........................ (A) Half-mask air-purifying respirator equipped with high-efficiency filter 1.
(B) Any half-mask supplied air respirator.
1 High-efficiency filter-99.97 pct efficiency against 0.3 micrometer monodisperse diethyl-hexyl phthalate (DOP) particles.
Concentration of inorganic arsenic (as As) or Required respirator
condition of use
(i) Unknown or greater or lesser than 20,000 (A) Any full facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus operated in positive pressure mode.
µg/m(3) (20 mg/m(3)) or firefighting.
(ii) Not greater than 20,000 µg/m(3) (20 mg/ (A) Supplied air respirator with full facepiece, hood, or helmet or suit and operated in positive
m(3)). pressure mode.
(iii) Not greater than 10,000 µg/m(3) (10 mg/ (A) Half-mask 2 supplied air respirator operated in positive pressure mode.
(iv) Not greater than 500 µg/m(3) ....................... (A) Front or back mounted gas mask equipped with high-efficiency filter 1 and acid gas can-
(B) Any full facepiece supplied air respirator.
(C) Any full facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus.
(v) Not greater than 100 µg/m(3) ........................ (A) Half-mask air-purifying respirator equipped with high efficiency filter 1 and acid gas car-
(B) Any half-mask supplied air respirator.
1 High-efficiency filter-99.97 pct efficiency against 0.3 micrometer monodisperse diethyl-hexyl phthalate (DOP) particles.
2 Half-mask respirators shall not be used for protection against arsenic trichloride, as it is rapidly absorbed through the skin.
(2) Respirator program. (i) The (ii) If an employee has breathing of this section to determine whether or
employer must implement a respiratory difficulty during fit testing or respirator not the employee can use a respirator
protection program in accordance with use, the employer must provide the while performing the required duty.
29 CFR 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except employee with a medical examination
(d)(1)(iii)), and (f) through (m). in accordance with paragraph (j)(3)(i)(C)
Not in excess of 0.5 mg/m3 (10X PEL) .............. Half-mask, air-purifying respirator equipped with high efficiency filters.2 3
Not in excess of 2.5 mg/m3 (50X PEL) .............. Full facepiece, air-purifying respirator with high efficiency filters.3
Not in excess of 50 mg/m3 (1000X PEL) ........... (1) Any powered, air-purifying respirator with high efficiency filters3; or (2) Half-mask supplied-
air respirator operated in positive-pressure mode.2
Not in excess of 100 mg/m3 (2000XPEL) .......... Supplied-air respirators with full facepiece, hood, helmet, or suit, operated in positive pressure
Greater than 100 mg/m3, unknown concentra- Full facepiece, self-contained breathing apparatus operated in positive-pressure mode.
tion or fire fighting.
1 Respirators specified for high concentrations can be used at lower concentrations of lead.
2 Fullfacepiece is required if the lead aerosols cause eye or skin irritation at the use concentrations.
3 A high efficiency particulate filter means 99.97 percent efficient against 0.3 micron size particles.
(3) Respirator selection. (i) The of time. The standard provides that you can and such controls are not sufficient to
employer must select the appropriate obtain a PAPR upon request. reduce employee exposures to or below
respirator or combination of respirators * * * * * the PEL.
from Table II of this section. Your employer must ensure that your (v) Work operations for which an
respirator facepiece fits properly. Proper fit of
(ii) The employer must provide a employee is exposed to cadmium at or
a respirator facepiece is critical to your
powered air-purifying respirator instead protection from airborne lead. Obtaining a
above the action level, and the
of the respirator specified in Table II of proper fit on each employee may require employee requests a respirator.
this section when an employee chooses your employer to make available several (vi) Work operations for which an
to use this type of respirator and such different types of respirator masks. To ensure employee is exposed to cadmium above
a respirator provides adequate that your respirator fits properly and that the PEL and engineering controls are not
protection to the employee. facepiece leakage is minimal, your employer required by paragraph (f)(1)(ii) of this
must give you either a qualitative or
* * * * * section.
quantitative fit test as specified in Appendix
A of the Respiratory Protection standard (vii) Emergencies.
Appendix B to § 1910.1025—Employee
Standard Summary located at 29 CFR 1910.134. (2) Respirator program. (i) The
* * * * * * * * * * employer must implement a respiratory
20. Section 1910.1027 is amended by protection program in accordance with
IV. Respiratory Protection—Paragraph (f) 29 CFR 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except
removing and reserving Appendix C and
* * * * * revising paragraph (g) to read as follows: (d)(1)(iii)), and (f) through (m).
Your employer is required to select (ii) No employees must use a
respirators from the seven types listed in § 1910.1027 Cadmium.
respirator if, based on their most recent
Table II of the Respiratory Protection section * * * * * medical examination, the examining
of the standard (§ 1910.1025(f)). Any (g) Respiratory protection. (1) General. physician determines that they will be
respirator chosen must be approved by the For employees who use respirators
National Institute for Occupational Safety
unable to continue to function normally
required by this section, the employer while using a respirator. If the physician
and Health (NIOSH) under the provisions of must provide respirators that comply
42 CFR part 84. This respirator selection determines that the employee must be
with the requirements of this paragraph. limited in, or removed from, their
table will enable your employer to choose a Respirators must be used during:
type of respirator that will give you a proper current job because of their inability to
(i) Periods necessary to install or
amount of protection based on your airborne use a respirator, the limitation or
implement feasible engineering and
lead exposure. Your employer may select a removal must be in accordance with
work-practice controls when employee
type of respirator that provides greater paragraphs (l) (11) and (12) of this
exposure levels exceed the PEL.
protection than that required by the standard; section.
(ii) Maintenance and repair activities,
that is, one recommended for a higher (iii) If an employee has breathing
concentration of lead than is present in your
and brief or intermittent operations, for
which employee exposures exceed the difficulty during fit testing or respirator
workplace. For example, a powered air- use, the employer must provide the
purifying respirator (PAPR) is much more PEL and engineering and work-practice
controls are not feasible or are not employee with a medical examination
protective than a typical negative pressure
required. in accordance with paragraph (l)(6)(ii) of
respirator, and may also be more comfortable
(iii) Activities in regulated areas this section to determine if the
to wear. A PAPR has a filter, cartridge, or
canister to clean the air, and a power source specified in paragraph (e) of this employee can use a respirator while
that continuously blows filtered air into your section. performing the required duties.
breathing zone. Your employer might make a (iv) Work operations for which the (3) Respirator selection. (i) The
PAPR available to you to ease the burden of employer has implemented all feasible employer must select the appropriate
having to wear a respirator for long periods engineering and work-practice controls respirator from Table 2 of this section.
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1289
(ii) The employer must provide an (i) Periods necessary to install or 29 CFR 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except
employee with a powered air-purifying implement feasible engineering and (d)(1)(iii), (d)(3)(iii)(b)(1), and (2)), and
respirator instead of a negative-pressure work-practice controls. (f) through (m).
respirator when an employee who is (ii) Work operations for which the (ii) For air-purifying respirators, the
entitled to a respirator chooses to use employer establishes that compliance employer must replace the air-purifying
this type of respirator and such a with either the TWA or STEL through element at the expiration of its service
respirator provides adequate protection the use of engineering and work- life or at the beginning of each shift in
to the employee. practice controls is not feasible; for which such elements are used,
example, some maintenance and repair whichever comes first.
* * * * * activities, vessel cleaning, or other (iii) If NIOSH approves an air-
21. Section 1910.1028 is amended by operations for which engineering and purifying element with an end-of-
removing Appendix E and revising work-practice controls are infeasible service-life indicator for benzene, such
paragraph (g) to read as follows: because exposures are intermittent and an element may be used until the
limited in duration.
indicator shows no further useful life.
§ 1910.1028 Benzene. (iii) Work operations for which
feasible engineering and work-practice (3) Respirator selection. (i) The
* * * * *
controls are not yet sufficient, or are not employer must select the appropriate
(g) Respiratory protection. (1) General. respirator from Table 1 of this section.
required under paragraph (f)(1)(iii) of
For employees who use respirators this section, to reduce employee (ii) Any employee who cannot use a
required by this section, the employer exposure to or below the PELs. negative-pressure respirator must be
must provide respirators that comply (iv) Emergencies. allowed to use a respirator with less
with the requirements of this paragraph. (2) Respirator program. (i) The breathing resistance, such as a powered
Respirators must be used during: employer must implement a respiratory air-purifying respirator or supplied-air
protection program in accordance with respirator.
(a) Less than or equal to 10 ppm ....................... (1) Half-mask air-purifying respirator with organic vapor cartridge.
(b) Less than or equal to 50 ppm ....................... (1) Full facepiece respirator with organic vapor cartridges.
(1) Full facepiece gas mask with chin style canister.1
(c) Less than or equal to 100 ppm ..................... (1) Full facepiece powered air-purifying respirator with organic vapor canister.1
(d) Less than or equal to 1,000 ppm .................. (1) Supplied air respirator with full facepiece in positive-pressure mode.
(e) Greater than 1,000 ppm or unknown con- (1) Self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece in positive pressure mode.
(2) Full facepiece positive-pressure supplied-air respirator with auxiliary self-contained air sup-
(f) Escape ............................................................ (1) Any organic vapor gas mask; or
(2) Any self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece.
1290 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
(g) Firefighting ..................................................... (1) Full facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus in positive pressure mode.
1 Canistersmust have a minimum service life of four (4) hours when tested at 150 ppm benzene, at a flow rate of 64 LPM, 25 deg. C, and
85% relative humidity for non-powered air purifying respirators. The flow rate shall be 115 LPM and 170 LPM respectively for tight fitting and
loose fitting powered air-purifying respirators.
(a) Any concentration .......................................... (1) A Type C supplied air respirator operated in pressure demand or other positive pressure or
continuous flow mode; or
(2) A powered air-purifying particulate filter respirator for dust and mist or
(3) A powered air-purifying particulate filter respirator or combination chemical cartridge and
particulate filter respirator for coke oven emissions.
(b) Concentrations not greater than 1500 ug/m 3 (1) Any particulate filter respirator for dust and mist except single-use respirator; or
(2) Any particulate filter respirator or combination chemical cartridge and particulate filter res-
pirator for coke oven emissions; or
(3) Any respirator listed in paragraph (g)(3)(a) of this section.
3. Self-contained breathing apparatus are not required respirators but are permitted respirators.
4. Supplied air respirators are not required but are permitted under the following conditions: Cotton dust concentration not greater than 10X
the PEL—Any supplied air respirator; not greater than 100X the PEL—Any supplied air respirator with full facepiece, helmet or hood; greater
than 100X the PEL—A supplied air respirator operated in positive pressure mode.
(ii) Whenever respirators are required § 1910.1044 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane. (iii) Work operations for which
by this section for cotton-dust * * * * * feasible engineering and work-practice
concentrations that do not exceed the (h) Respiratory protection. (1) controls are not yet sufficient to reduce
applicable permissible exposure limit General. For employees who are employee exposure to or below the
by a multiple of 100 (100 X), the required to use respirators by this permissible exposure limit.
employer must, when requested by an section, the employer must provide (iv) Emergencies.
employee, provide a powered air- respirators that comply with the
purifying respirator with a high- requirements of this paragraph. (2) Respirator program. The employer
efficiency particulate filter instead of Respirators must be used during: must implement a respiratory protection
the respirator specified in paragraphs (i) Periods necessary to install or program in accordance with 29 CFR
(a), (b), or (c) of Table I of this section. implement feasible engineering and 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except
* * * * * work-practice controls. (d)(1)(iii)), and (f) through (m).
24. Section 1910.1044 is amended by (ii) Maintenance and repair activities (3) Respirator selection. The employer
revising paragraph (h) to read as for which engineering and work- must select the appropriate respirator
follows: practice controls are not feasible. from Table 1 of this section.
(a) Less than or equal to 10 ppb ........................ (1) Any supplied-air respirator; or (2) any self-contained breathing apparatus.
(b) Less than or equal to 50 ppb ........................ (1) Any supplied-air respirator with full facepiece, helmet, or hood; or (2) any self-contained
breathing apparatus with full facepiece.
(c) Less than or equal to 1,000 ppb ................... (1) A Type C supplied-air respirator operated in pressure-demand or other positive pressure or
continuous flow mode.
(d) Less than or equal to 2,000 ppb ................... (1) A Type C supplied-air respirator with full facepiece operated in pressure-demand or other
positive pressure mode, or with full facepiece, helmet, or hood operated in continuous flow
(e) Greater than 2,000 ppb or entry and escape (1) A combination respirator which includes a Type C supplied-air respirator with full facepiece
from unknown concentrations. operated in pressure-demand or other positive pressure or continuous flow mode and an
auxiliary self-contained breathing apparatus operated in pressure-demand or positive pres-
sure mode; or (2) a self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in pres-
sure-demand or other positive pressure mode.
(f) Firefighting ...................................................... (1) A self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in pressure-demand or
other positive pressure mode.
(a) Less than or equal to 20 ppm ....................... (1) Chemical cartridge respirator with organic vapor cartridge(s) and half-mask facepiece; or
(2) Supplied air respirator with half-mask facepiece.
(b) Less than or equal to 100 ppm or maximum (1) Full facepiece respirator with (A) organic vapor cartridges, (B) organic vapor gas mask
use concentration (MUC) of cartridges or can- chin-style, or (C) organic vapor gas mask canister, front-or back-mounted;
isters, whichever is lower.
1292 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
Equal to or less than 50 ..................................... (a) Full facepiece respirator with EtO approved canister, front-or back-mounted.
Equal to or less than 2,000 ................................ (a) Positive-pressure supplied air respirator, equipped with full facepiece, hood, or helmet, or
(b) Continuous-flow supplied air respirator (positive pressure) equipped with hood, helmet or
Concentration above 2,000 or unknown con- (a) Positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), equipped with full facepiece,
centration (such as in emergencies). or
(b) Positive-pressure full facepiece supplied air respirator equipped with an auxiliary positive-
pressure self-contained breathing apparatus.
Firefighting .......................................................... (a) Positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus equipped with full facepiece.
Escape ................................................................ (a) Any respirator described above.
Note. Respirators approved for use in higher concentrations are permitted to be used in lower concentrations.
(4) Protective clothing and equipment. Appendix A to § 1910.1047—Substance worn in the future, they must have a label
When employees could have eye or skin Safety Data Sheet for Ethylene Oxide (Non- issued by the National Institute for
contact with EtO or EtO solutions, the mandatory) Occupational Safety and Health under the
employer must select and provide, at no * * * * * provisions of 42 CFR part 84 stating that the
cost to the employee, appropriate IV. Respirators and Protective Clothing respirators have been approved for use with
protective clothing or other equipment ethylene oxide. For effective protection,
A. Respirators. You may be required to
in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.132 wear a respirator for nonroutine activities, in respirators must fit your face and head
and 1910.133 to protect any area of the emergencies, while your employer is in the snugly. Respirators must not be loosened or
employee’s body that may come in process of reducing EtO exposures through removed in work situations where their use
contact with the EtO or EtO solution, engineering controls, and in areas where is required.
and must ensure that the employee engineering controls are not feasible. As of * * * * *
the effective date of this standard, only air-
wears the protective clothing and 27. Section 1910.1048 is amended by
supplied, positive-pressure, full-facepiece
equipment provided. respirators are approved for protection removing Appendix E and revising
* * * * * against EtO. If air-purifying respirators are paragraph (g) to read as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1293
§ 1910.1048 Formaldehyde. (iii) Work operations for which the cartridge contains a NIOSH-
* * * * * feasible engineering and work-practice approved end-of-service-life indicator
(g) Respiratory protection. (1) General. controls are not yet sufficient to reduce (ESLI) to show when breakthrough
For employees who use respirators employee exposure to or below the occurs.
required by this section, the employer PELs. (B) Unless the canister contains a
must provide respirators that comply (iv) Emergencies. NIOSH-approved ESLI to show when
(2) Respirator program. (i) The
with the requirements of this paragraph. breakthrough occurs, replace canisters
employer must implement a respiratory
Respirators must be used during: used in atmospheres up to 7.5 ppm
protection program in accordance with
(i) Periods necessary to install or (10xPEL) every four (4) hours and
29 CFR 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except
implement feasible engineering and industrial-sized canisters used in
(d)(1)(iii), (d)(3)(iii)(b)(1), and (2)), and
work-practice controls. atmospheres up to 75 ppm (100xPEL)
(f) through (m).
(ii) Work operations, such as (ii) If air-purifying chemical-cartridge every two (2) hours, or at the end of the
maintenance and repair activities or respirators are used, the employer must: workshift, whichever occurs first.
vessel cleaning, for which the employer (A) Replace the cartridge after three (3) Respirator selection. (i) The
establishes that engineering and work- (3) hours of use or at the end of the employer must select appropriate
practice controls are not feasible. workshift, whichever occurs first, unless respirators from Table 1 in this section.
Up to 7.5 ppm. (10 x PEL) ................................. Full facepiece with cartridges or canisters specifically approved for protection against form-
Up to 75 ppm. (100 x PEL) ................................ Full-face mask with chin style or chest or back mounted type, with industrial size canister spe-
cifically approved for protection against formaldehyde. Type C supplied air respirator, de-
mand type, or continuous flow type, with full facepiece, hood, or helmet.
Above 75 ppm or unknown. (emergencies). Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with positive pressure full facepiece. Combination
(100 x PEL). supplied-air, full facepiece positive pressure respirator with auxiliary self-contained air sup-
Firefighting .......................................................... SCBA with positive pressure in full face-piece.
Escape ................................................................ SCBA in demand or pressure demand mode. Full-face mask with chin style or front or back
mounted type industrial size canister specifically approved for protection against formalde-
1 Respiratorsspecified for use at higher concentrations may be used at lower concentrations.
2Ahalf-mask respirator with cartridges specifically approved for protection against formaldehyde can be substituted for the full facepiece res-
pirator providing that effective gas-proof goggles are provided and used in combination with the half-mask respirator.
(ii) The employer must provide a (h) Respiratory protection. (1) (iii) Work operations for which
powered air-purifying respirator General. For employees who use feasible engineering and work-practice
adequate to protect against respirators required by this section, the controls are not yet sufficient to reduce
formaldehyde exposure to any employee employer must provide respirators that employee exposure to or below the PEL.
who has difficulty using a negative- comply with the requirements of this (iv) Emergencies.
pressure respirator. paragraph. Respirators must be used (2) Respirator program. The employer
* * * * * during: must implement a respiratory protection
28. Section 1910.1050 is amended by (i) Periods necessary to install or program in accordance with 29 CFR
revising paragraph (h) and the first implement feasible engineering and 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except
paragraph of Section III to Appendix A work-practice controls. (d)(1)(iii)), and (f) through (m).
to read as follows: (ii) Work operations for which the (3) Respirator selection. (i) The
employer establishes that engineering employer must select, and ensure that
§ 1910.1050 Methylenedianiline. and work-practice controls are not employees use, the appropriate
* * * * * feasible. respirator from Table 1 in this section.
a. Less than or equal to 10 × PEL ..................... (1) Half-Mask Respirator with HEPA 1 Cartridge.2
b. Less than or equal to 50 × PEL ..................... (1) Full facepiece Respirator with HEPA 1 Cartridge or Canister.2
c. Less than or equal to 1000 × PEL ................. (1) Full facepiece powered air-purifying respirator with HEPA 1 cartridges.2
d. Greater than 1000 × PEL or unknown con- (1) Self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece in positive pressure mode.
(2) Full facepiece positive pressure demand supplied-air respirator with auxiliary self-contained
air supply.
e. Escape ............................................................ (1) Any full facepiece air-purifying respirator with HEPA 1 cartridges; 2
(2) Any positive pressure or continuous flow self-contained breathing apparatus with full face-
piece or hood.
f. Firefighting ....................................................... (1) Full facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus in positive pressure demand mode.
Note: Respirators assigned for higher environmental concentrations may be used at lower concentrations.
1294 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
1 High Efficiency Particulate in Air filter (HEPA) means a filter that is at least 99.97 percent efficient against mono-dispersed particles of 0.3 mi-
crometers or larger.
2 Combination HEPA/Organic Vapor Cartridges shall be used whenever MDA in liquid form or a process requiring heat is used.
(ii) Any employee who cannot use a § 1910.1051 1,3–Butadiene. section, the employer may replace
negative-pressure respirator must be * * * * * cartridges or canisters at 90% of their
given the option of using a positive- (h) Respiratory protection. (1) expiration service life, provided the
pressure respirator, or a supplied-air General. For employees who use employer:
respirator operated in the continuous- respirators required by this section, the (A) Demonstrates that employees will
flow or pressure-demand mode. employer must provide respirators that be adequately protected by this
* * * * * comply with the requirements of this procedure.
paragraph. Respirators must be used (B) Uses BD breakthrough data for this
Appendix A to § 1910.1050—Substance during:
Safety Data Sheet for 4,4’– purpose that have been derived from
(i) Periods necessary to install or
Methylenedianiline tests conducted under worst-case
implement feasible engineering and
* * * * * work-practice controls. conditions of humidity, temperature,
(ii) Non-routine work operations that and air-flow rate through the filter
III. Protective Clothing and Equipment element, and the employer also
are performed infrequently and for
A. Respirators. Respirators are required for describes the data supporting the
which employee exposures are limited
those operations in which engineering cartridge-or canister-change schedule, as
in duration.
controls or work-practice controls are not well as the basis for using the data in
(iii) Work operations for which
adequate or feasible to reduce exposure to the the employer’s respirator program.
feasible engineering and work-practice
permissible limit. If respirators are worn,
controls are not yet sufficient to reduce (iv) A label must be attached to each
they must have a label issued by the National
employee exposures to or below the filter element to indicate the date and
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
under the provisions of 42 CFR part 84
PELs. time it is first installed on the respirator.
(iv) Emergencies. (v) If NIOSH approves an end-of-
stating that the respirators have been
(2) Respirator program. (i) The service-life indicator (ESLI) for an air-
approved for this purpose, and cartridges and
employer must implement a respiratory purifying filter element, the element
canisters must be replaced in accordance
with the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.134. If
protection program in accordance with may be used until the ESLI shows no
you experience difficulty breathing while
29 CFR 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except further useful service life or until the
wearing a respirator, you can request a (d)(1)(iii), (d)(3)(iii)(B)(1), and (2)), and element is replaced at the beginning of
positive-pressure respirator from your (f) through (m). the next work shift, whichever occurs
employer. You must be thoroughly trained to (ii) If air-purifying respirators are
use the assigned respirator, and the training used, the employer must replace the air-
purifying filter elements according to (vi) Regardless of the air-purifying
must be provided by your employer. element used, if an employee detects the
the replacement schedule set for the
* * * * * class of respirators listed in Table 1 of odor of BD, the employer must replace
29. Section 1910.1051 is amended by this section, and at the beginning of the air-purifying element immediately.
removing and reserving Appendix E and each work shift. (3) Respirator selection. (i) The
revising paragraph (h) to read as (iii) Instead of using the replacement employer must select appropriate
follows: schedule listed in Table 1 of this respirators from Table 1 of this section.
Less than or equal to 5 ppm (5 times PEL) ....... (a) Air-purifying half mask or full facepiece respirator equipped with approved BD or organic
vapor cartridges or canisters. Cartridges or canisters shall be replaced every 4 hours.
Less than or equal to 10 ppm (10 times PEL) ... (a) Air-purifying half mask or full facepiece respirator equipped with approved BD or organic
vapor cartridges or canisters. Cartridges or canisters shall be replaced every 3 hours.
Less than or equal to 25 ppm (25 times PEL) ... (a) Air-purifying full facepiece respirator equipped with approved BD or organic vapor car-
tridges or canisters. Cartridges or canisters shall be replaced every 2 hours.
(b) Any powered air-purifying respirator equipped with approved BD or organic vapor car-
tridges. PAPR cartridges shall be replaced every 2 hours.
(c) Continuous flow supplied air respirator equipped with a hood or helmet.
Less than or equal to 50 ppm (50 times PEL) ... (a) Air-purifying full facepiece respirator equipped with approved BD or organic vapor car-
tridges or canisters. Cartridges or canisters shall be replaced every (1) hour.
(b) Powered air-purifying respirator equipped with a tight-fitting facepiece and an approved BD
or organic vapor cartridges. PAPR cartridges shall be replaced every (1) hour.
Less than or equal to 1,000 ppm (1,000 times (a) Supplied air respirator equipped with a half mask of full facepiece and operated in a pres-
PEL). sure demand or other positive pressure mode.
Greater than 1000 ppm unknown concentration, (a) Self-contained breathing apparatus equipped with a full facepiece and operated in a pres-
or firefighting. sure demand or other positive pressure mode.
(b) Any supplied air respirator equipped with a full facepiece and operated in a pressure de-
mand or other positive pressure mode in combination with an auxiliary self-contained
breathing apparatus operated in a pressure demand or other positive pressure mode.
Escape from IDLH conditions ............................. (a) Any positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus with an appropriate service life.
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1295
(b) A air-purifying full facepiece respirator equipped with a front or back mounted BD or or-
ganic vapor canister.
NOTES: Respirators approved for use in higher concentrations are permitted to be used in lower concentrations. Full facepiece is required
when eye irritation is anticipated.
(ii) Air-purifying respirators must (g) Respiratory protection. (1) General. controls are not sufficient to reduce
have filter elements approved by NIOSH For employees who use respirators employee exposures to or below the
for organic vapors or BD. required by this section, the employer PELs.
(iii) When an employee whose job must provide respirators that comply (v) Emergencies.
requires the use of a respirator cannot with the requirements of this paragraph. (2) Respirator program. (i) The
use a negative-pressure respirator, the Respirators must be used during: employer must implement a respiratory
employer must provide the employee (i) Periods when an employee’s protection program in accordance with
with a respirator that has less breathing exposure to MC exceeds the 8-hour 29 CFR 1910.134 (b) through (m) (except
resistance than the negative-pressure TWA, PEL, or STEL (for example, when (d)(1)(iii)).
respirator, such as a powered air- an employee is using MC in a regulated
area). (ii) Employers who provide
purifying respirator or supplied-air employees with gas masks with organic-
(ii) Periods necessary to install or
respirator, when the employee is able to vapor canisters for the purpose of
implement feasible engineering and
use it and if it provides the employee emergency escape must replace the
work-practice controls.
adequate protection. (iii) A few work operations, such as canisters after any emergency use and
* * * * * some maintenance operations and repair before the gas masks are returned to
30. Section 1910.1052 is amended by activities, for which the employer service.
revising paragraph (g) to read as follows: demonstrates that engineering and (3) Respirator selection. The employer
work-practice controls are infeasible. must select appropriate atmosphere-
§ 1910.1052 Methylene chloride. (iv) Work operations for which supplying respirators from Table 2 of
* * * * * feasible engineering and work-practice this section.
Methylene chloride airborne concentration Minimum respirator required 1
(ppm) or condition of use
Up to 625 ppm (25 X PEL) ................................. (1) Continuous flow supplied-air respirator, hood or helmet.
Up to 1250 ppm (50 X 8–TWA PEL) .................. (1) Full facepiece supplied-air respirator operated in negative pressure (demand) mode.
(2) Full facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) operated in negative pressure
(demand) mode.
Up to 5000 ppm (200 X 8–TWA PEL) ................ (1) Continuous flow supplied-air respirator, full facepiece.
(2) Pressure demand supplied-air respirator, full facepiece.
(3) Positive pressure full facepiece SCBA.
Unknown concentration, or above 5000 ppm (1) Positive pressure full facepiece SCBA.
(Greater than 200 X 8–TWA PEL).
(2) Full facepiece pressure demand supplied-air respirator with an auxiliary self-contained air
Fire fighting ......................................................... Positive pressure full facepiece SCBA.
Emergency escape ............................................. (1) Any continuous flow or pressure demand SCBA.
(2) Gas mask with organic vapor canister.
1 Respirators assigned for higher airborne concentrations may be used at lower concentrations.
(4) Medical evaluation. Before having PART 1926—[AMENDED] Secs. 1926.58, 1926.59, 1926.60, and
an employee use a supplied-air 1926.65 of 29 CFR, also issued under 5 U.S.C.
553, and 29 CFR Part 1911.
respirator in the negative-pressure Subpart D—[Amended] Sec. 1926.62 of 29 CFR, also issued under
mode, or a gas mask with an organic- sec. 1031 of the Housing and Community
vapor canister for emergency escape, the 31. The authority citation for Subpart Development Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C. 4853).
employer must: D of Part 1926 is revised to read as Sec. 1926.65 of 29 CFR, also issued under
(i) Have a physician or other licensed follows: sec. 126 of the Superfund Amendments and
Reauthorization Act of 1986, as amended (29
health-care professional (PLHCP) Authority: Sec. 107, Contract Work Hours
U.S.C. 655 note), and 5 U.S.C. 553.
evaluate the employee’s ability to use and Safety Standards Act (Construction
such respiratory protection. Safety Act) (40 U.S.C. 333); secs. 4, 6, and 8 32. Section 1926.57 is amended by
of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of revising paragraphs (f)(1)(ii), (f)(5)(i) and
(ii) Ensure that the PLHCP provides 1970 (29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of (iii), (f)(6), (h)(6)(iii)(A), and (i)(9)(vi) to
their findings in a written opinion to the Labor’s Orders 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 read as follows:
employee and the employer. FR 25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR
9033), or 6–96 (62 FR 111), as applicable; and § 1926.57 Ventilation.
* * * * *
29 CFR Part 11. * * * * *
1296 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
(f) * * * quality and use specified in 29 CFR 33. Section 1926.60 is amended by
(1) * * * 1910.134(i). removing Appendix E and revising
* * * * * paragraph (i) to read as follows:
(ii) Abrasive-blasting respirator. A
respirator constructed so that it covers (h) * * *
§ 1926.60 Methylenedianiline.
(6) * * *
the wearer’s head, neck, and shoulders (iii)(A) When an operator is in a booth * * * * *
to protect the wearer from rebounding downstream of the object being sprayed,
abrasive. (i) Respiratory protection. (1) General.
an air-supplied respirator or other type For employees who use respirators
* * * * * of respirator approved by NIOSH under required by this section, the employer
(5) Personal protective equipment. (i) 42 CFR Part 84 for the material being must provide respirators that comply
Employers must use only respirators sprayed should be used by the operator. with the requirements of this paragraph.
approved by NIOSH under 42 CFR part * * * * * Respirators must be used during:
84 for protecting employees from dusts (i) * * * (i) Periods necessary to install or
produced during abrasive-blasting (9) * * *
(vi) When, during the emergencies implement feasible engineering and
operations. work-practice controls.
* * * * * specified in paragraph (i)(11)(v) of this
section, employees must be in areas (ii) Work operations, such as
(iii) Properly fitted particulate-filter where concentrations of air maintenance and repair activities and
respirators, commonly referred to as contaminants are greater than the limits spray-application processes, for which
dust-filter respirators, may be used for set by paragraph (i)(2)(iii) of this section engineering and work-practice controls
short, intermittent, or occasional dust or oxygen concentrations are less than are not feasible.
exposures such as cleanup, dumping of 19.5 percent, they must use respirators
dust collectors, or unloading shipments (iii) Work operations for which
that reduce their exposure to a level feasible engineering and work-practice
of sand at a receiving point when it is below these limits or that provide
not feasible to control the dust by controls are not yet sufficient to reduce
adequate oxygen. Such respirators must employee exposure to or below the
enclosure, exhaust ventilation, or other also be provided in marked, quickly-
means. The respirators used must be PELs.
accessible storage compartments built
approved by NIOSH under 42 CFR part for this purpose when the possibility (iv) Emergencies.
84 for protection against the specific exists of accidental release of hazardous (2) Respirator program. The employer
type of dust encountered. concentrations of air contaminants. must implement a respiratory protection
* * * * * Respirators must be approved by NIOSH program in accordance with 29 CFR
(6) Air supply and air compressors. under 42 CFR part 84, selected by a 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except
Air for abrasive-blasting respirators competent industrial hygienist or other (d)(1)(iii), and (f) through (m).
must be free of harmful quantities of technically-qualified source, and used (3) Respirator selection. (i) The
dusts, mists, or noxious gases, and must in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.103. employer must select the appropriate
meet the requirements for supplied-air * * * * * respirator from Table 1 of this section.
a. Less than or equal to 10 × PEL ..................... (1) Half-Mask Respirator with HEPA1 Cartridge.2
b. Less than or equal to 50 × PEL ..................... (1) Full facepiece Respirator with HEPA1 Cartridge or Canister.2
c. Less than or equal to 1000 × PEL ................. (1) Full facepiece powered air-purifying respirator with HEPA1 cartridge.2
d. Greater than 1000 × PEL or unknown con- (1) Self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece in positive pressure mode.
(2) Full facepiece positive pressure demand supplied-air respirator with auxiliary self-contained
air supply.
e. Escape ............................................................ (1) Any full facepiece air-purifying respirator with HEPA1 cartridges.2
(2) Any positive pressure or continuous flow self-contained breathing apparatus with full face-
piece or hood.
f. Firefighting ....................................................... (1) Full facepiece self-contained breathing apparatus in positive pressure demand mode.
NOTE: Respirators assigned for higher environmental concentrations may be used at lower concentrations.
1 High Efficiency Particulate in Air filter (HEPA) means a filter that is at least 99.97 percent efficient against mono-dispersed particles of 0.3 mi-
crometers or larger.
2 Combination HEPA/Organic Vapor Cartridges shall be used whenever MDA in liquid form or a process requiring heat is used.
(ii) An employee who cannot use a paragraph of Section IV to Appendix B; (i) Periods when an employee’s
negative-pressure respirator must be and removing Appendix D, as follows: exposure to lead exceeds the PEL.
given the option of using a positive- (ii) Work operations for which
pressure respirator, or a supplied-air § 1926.62 Lead.
engineering and work-practice controls
respirator operated in the continuous- * * * * * are not sufficient to reduce employee
flow or pressure-demand mode. (f) Respiratory protection. (1) General. exposures to or below the PEL.
* * * * * For employees who use respirators (iii) Periods when an employee
34. Section 1926.62 is amended by required by this section, the employer requests a respirator.
revising paragraph (f); revising the must provide respirators that comply (iv) Periods when respirators are
second and fourth paragraphs of Section with the requirements of this paragraph. required to provide interim protection
IV to Appendix B; removing the sixth Respirators must be used during: of employees while they perform the
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1297
operations specified in paragraph (d)(2) use, the employer must provide the respirator or combination of respirators
of this section. employee with a medical examination from Table I of this section.
(2) Respirator program. (i) The in accordance with paragraph (j)(3)(i)(B) (ii) The employer must provide a
employer must implement a respiratory of this section to determine whether or powered air-purifying respirator when
protection program in accordance with not the employee can use a respirator an employee chooses to use such a
29 CFR 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except while performing the required duty.
(d)(1)(iii)), and (f) through (m). respirator and it will provide adequate
(ii) If an employee has breathing (3) Respirator selection. (i) The protection to the employee.
difficulty during fit testing or respirator employer must select the appropriate
Not in excess of 500 ug/m3 ................................ ⁄ mask air purifying respirator with high efficiency filters.2 3
Not in excess of 1,250 ug/m3 ............................. Loose fitting hood or helmet powered air purifying respirator with high efficiency filters.3
Hood or helmet supplied air respirator operated in a continuous-flow mode—e.g., type CE ab-
rasive blasting respirators operated in a continuous-flow mode.
Not in excess of 2,500 ug/m3 ............................. Full facepiece air purifying respirator with high efficiency filters.3
Tight fitting powered air purifying respirator with high efficiency filters.3
Full facepiece supplied air respirator operated in demand mode.
1⁄2 mask or full facepiece supplied air respirator operated in a continuous-flow mode.
Not in excess of 100,000 ug/m3 ......................... Full facepiece supplied air respirator operated in pressure demand or other positive-pressure
mode—e.g., type CE abrasive blasting respirators operated in a positive-pressure mode.
Greater than 100,000 ug/m3 unknown con- Full facepiece SCBA operated in pressure demand or other positive-pressure mode.
centration, or fire fighting.
1 Respirators specified for higher concentrations can be used at lower concentrations of lead.
2 Full facepiece is required if the lead aerosols cause eye or skin irritation at the use concentrations.
3A high efficiency particulate filter (HEPA) means a filter that is a 99.97 percent efficient against particles of 0.3 micron size or larger.
Subpart Z—[Amended] (i) Class I asbestos work. 29 CFR 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except
(ii) Class II asbestos work when ACM (d)(1)(iii)), and (f) through (m).
39. The authority citation for Subpart is not removed in a substantially intact
Z of Part 1926 is revised to read as (ii) No employee shall be assigned to
state. asbestos work that requires respirator
follows: (iii) Class II and III asbestos work that
use if, based on their most recent
Authority: Secs. 4, 6, and 8 of the is not performed using wet methods,
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 except for removal of ACM from sloped medical examination, the examining
(29 U.S.C. 653, 655, 657); Secretary of Labor’s roofs when a negative-exposure physician determines that the employee
Orders 12–71 (36 FR 8754), 8–76 (41 FR assessment has been conducted and will be unable to function normally
25059), 9–83 (48 FR 35736), 1–90 (55 FR while using a respirator, or that the
9033), or 6–96 (62 FR 111), as applicable; and ACM is removed in an intact state.
(iv) Class II and III asbestos work for safety or health of the employee or other
29 CFR part 11.
Section 1926.1102 of 29 CFR not issued which a negative-exposure assessment employees will be impaired by the
under 29 U.S.C. 655 or 29 CFR part 1911; has not been conducted. employee’s respirator use. Such
also issued under 5 U.S.C. 553. (v) Class III asbestos work when TSI employees must be assigned to another
40. Section 1926.1101 is amended by or surfacing ACM or PACM is being job or given the opportunity to transfer
removing and reserving Appendix C and disturbed. to a different position that they can
revising paragraph (h) to read as (vi) Class IV asbestos work performed perform. If such a transfer position is
follows: within regulated areas where employees available, it must be with the same
who are performing other work are employer, in the same geographical
§ 1926.1101 Asbestos. required to use respirators. area, and with the same seniority,
* * * * * (vii) Work operations covered by this status, rate of pay, and other job benefits
(h) Respiratory protection. (1) section for which employees are the employee had just prior to such
General. For employees who use exposed above the TWA or excursion transfer.
respirators required by this section, the limit.
employer must provide respirators that (viii) Emergencies. (3) Respirator selection. (i) The
comply with the requirements of this (2) Respirator program. (i) The employer must select the appropriate
paragraph. Respirators must be used employer must implement a respiratory respirator from Table 1 of this section.
during: protection program in accordance with
Not in excess of 1 f/cc (10 X PEL), or otherwise Half-mask air purifying respirator other than a disposable respirator, equipped with high effi-
as required independent of exposure pursu- ciency filters.
ant to paragraph (h)(2)(iv) of this section.
Not in excess of 5 f/cc (50 X PEL) ..................... Full facepiece air-purifying respirator equipped with high efficiency filters.
Not in excess of 10 f/cc (100 X PEL) ................. Any powered air-purifying respirator equipped with high efficiency filter or any supplied air res-
pirator operated in continuous flow mode.
Not in excess of 100 f/cc (1,000 X PEL) or un- Full facepiece supplied air respirator operated in pressure demand mode.
known concentration.
Greater than 100 f/cc (1,000 X PEL) or un- Full facepiece supplied air respirator operated in pressure demand mode, equipped with an
known concentration. auxiliary positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus.
NOTE: a. Respirators assigned for high environmental concentrations may be used at lower concentrations, or when required respirator use is
independent of concentration.
b. A high efficiency filter means a filter that is at least 99.97 percent efficient against mono-dispersed particles of 0.3 micrometers in diameters
in diameter or larger.
(ii) The employer must provide an supplied-air respirator operated in the with the requirements of this paragraph.
employee with a tight-fitting, powered pressure-demand mode and equipped Respirators must be used during:
air-purifying respirator instead of a with an auxiliary, positive-pressure self- (i) Periods necessary to install or
negative-pressure respirator from Table contained breathing apparatus when the implement feasible engineering and
1 when the employee chooses to use employees are in a regulated area where work-practice controls when employee
this type of respirator and such a Class I work is being performed and the exposures exceed the PEL.
respirator will provide adequate employer has not conducted a negative- (ii) Maintenance and repair activities,
protection to the employee. and brief or intermittent work
exposure assessment.
(iii) The employer must provide a operations, for which employee
half-mask air-purifying respirator, other * * * * * exposures exceed the PEL and
than a disposable respirator, that is 41. Section 1926.1127 is amended by engineering and work-practice controls
equipped with high-efficiency filters removing and reserving Appendix C and are not feasible or are not required.
when the employee performs: revising paragraph (g) to read as follows: (iii) Work operations in the regulated
(A) Class II and III asbestos work and areas specified in paragraph (e) of this
a negative-exposure assessment has not § 1926.1127 Cadmium. section.
been conducted by the employer. * * * * * (iv) Work operations for which the
(B) Class III asbestos work when TSI employer has implemented all feasible
or surfacing ACM or PACM is being (g) Respirator protection. (1) General. engineering and work-practice controls,
disturbed. For employees who use respirators and such controls are not sufficient to
(iv) The employer must provide required by this section, the employer reduce employee exposures to or below
employees with a full-facepiece must provide respirators that comply the PEL.
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations 1299
(v) Work operations for which an 29 CFR 1910.134 (b) through (d) (except the employee will be unable to continue
employee, who is exposed to cadmium (d)(1)(iii)), and (f) through (m). to function normally while using a
at or above the action level, requests a (ii) If an employee exhibits breathing respirator. If the physician determines
respirator. difficulty during fit testing or respirator the employee must be limited in, or
(vi) Work operations for which use, the employer must provide the removed from, their current job because
engineering controls are not required by employee with a medical examination of the employee’s inability to use a
paragraph (f)(1)(ii) of this section to in accordance with paragraph (l)(6)(ii) of respirator, the job limitation or removal
reduce employee exposures that exceed this section to determine if the must be conducted in accordance with
the PEL. employee can use a respirator while paragraphs (l) (11) and (12) of this
performing the required duties.
(vii) Emergencies. (iii) No employee must use a section.
(2) Respirator program. (i) The respirator when, based on their most (3) Respirator selection. (i) The
employer must implement a respiratory recent medical examination, the employer must select the appropriate
protection program in accordance with examining physician determines that respirator from Table 1 of this section.
powered air-purifying respirator instead ON SPECIFIC STANDARDS—Continued ON SPECIFIC STANDARDS—Continued
of a negative-pressure respirator when
an employee entitled to a respirator Old section New section Old section New section
chooses to use this type of respirator
and such a respirator will provide 1910.156: Appendix C ............ Removed.
adequate protection to the employee. (f)(1)(i) .................... Revised. 1910.1003:
(f)(1)(v) ................... Revised. (c)(4)(iv) ................. Revised.
* * * * * 1910.252: (d)(1) [Reserved] ... Revised.
Note: The following table will not appear (c)(4)(ii) .................. Revised. 1910.1017:
in the Code of Federal Regulations. (c)(4)(iii) ................. Revised. (g)(1) ...................... Revised.
(c)(7)(iii) ................. Revised. (g)(2) ...................... Removed.
REDESIGNATION TABLE FOR ACTIONS (c)(9)(i) ................... Revised. (g)(3) ...................... Revised; (g)(2).
ON SPECIFIC STANDARDS (c)(10) .................... Revised. (g)(4) ...................... Revised; (g)(3)(i).
1910.261: (g)(5) ...................... Removed.
Old section New section (b)(2) ...................... Revised. (g)(6) (i) and (ii) ..... Revised; (g)(3)(ii).
(g)(10) .................... Revised. (g)(7) ...................... Revised; (g)(3)(iii).
1910.94: (h)(2)(iii) ................. Revised. 1910.1018:
(a)(1)(ii) .................. Revised. (h)(2)(iv) ................. Revised. (h)(1) ...................... Revised.
(a)(5)(i) ................... Revised. 1910.1001: (h)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (h)(3)(i).
(a)(5)(iii) ................. Revised. (g)(1) ...................... Revised. (h)(2)(ii) .................. Revised; (h)(3)(ii).
(a)(5)(iv) ................. Revised. (g)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (g)(3). (h)(2)(iii) ................. Removed.
(a)(6) ...................... Revised. (g)(2)(ii) .................. Revised; (g)(2)(ii). (h)(3)(i), (ii), and Removed.
(c)(6)(iii)(a) ............. Revised. (g)(3)(i) ................... Revised; (g)(2)(i). (iii).
(d)(9)(vi) ................. Revised. (g)(3)(ii) .................. Removed. (h)(3)(iv) ................. Revised; (h)(2)(ii).
1910.111: (g)(3)(iii) ................. Removed. (h)(4)(i) ................... Revised; (h)(2)(i).
(a)(2)(x) .................. Revised. (g)(3)(iv) ................. Revised; (g)(2)(iii). (h)(4) (ii) and (iii) ... Removed.
(b)(10)(ii) ................ Revised. (g)(4) ...................... Removed. (h)(5) (i) and (ii) ..... Removed.
1300 Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 5 / Thursday, January 8, 1998 / Rules and Regulations
Old section New section Old section New section Old section New section
(h)(5)(iii) ................. Revised; (h)(4)(iii). (h)(3)(i) ................... Revised; (h)(2)(i). (f)(5)(iii) .................. Revised.
1910.1025: (h)(3)(ii) .................. Revised; (h)(2)(ii). (f)(6) ....................... Revised.
(f)(1) and (f)(1)(i) ... Revised. (h)(3)(iii) ................. Removed. (f)(6)(i), (ii), and (iii) Removed.
(f)(2)(i) .................... Revised; (f)(3)(i). (h)(3)(iv) ................. Removed. (h)(6)(iii)(A) ............ Revised.
(f)(2)(ii) ................... Revised; (f)(3)(ii). Appendix A, Sec- Revised first para- (i)(9)(vi) .................. Revised.
(f)(2)(iii) .................. Removed. tion IV. graph. 1926.60:
(f)(3)(i) and (ii) ....... Removed. 1910.1047: (i)(1) ....................... Revised.
(f)(3)(iii) .................. Revised; (f)(2)(ii). (g)(1) ...................... Revised. (i)(2)(i) .................... Revised; (i)(3)(i).
(f)(4)(i) .................... Revised; (f)(2)(i). (g)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (g)(3). (i)(2)(ii) ................... Removed.
(f)(4) (ii) and (iii) .... Removed. (g)(2)(ii) .................. Removed. (i)(2)(iii) .................. Revised; (i)(3)(ii).
Appendix B, Sec- Revised second and (g)(3) ...................... Revised; (g)(2). (i)(3) ....................... Revised; (i)(2).
tion IV. fourth paragraphs; (g)(4) ...................... Revised; (g)(4). (i)(4) ....................... Removed.
removed sixth para- Appendix A, Sec- Revised first para- (i)(5) ....................... Removed.
graph. tion IV. graph. Appendix E ............ Removed.
Appendix D ............ Removed. 1910.1048: 1926.62:
1910.1027: (g)(1) ...................... Revised. (f)(1) ....................... Revised.
(g)(1) ...................... Revised. (g)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (g)(3)(i). (f)(2)(i) .................... Revised; (f)(3)(i).
(g)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (f)(3)(i). (g)(2)(ii) .................. Revised; (g)(3)(ii). (f)(2)(ii) ................... Revised; (f)(3)(ii).
(g)(2)(ii) .................. Revised; (f)(3)(ii). (g)(3)(i) ................... Revised; (g)(2)(i). (f)(2)(iii) .................. Removed.
(g)(3)(i) ................... Revised; (f)(2)(i). (g)(3)(ii) .................. Removed. (f)(3)(i) .................... Removed.
(g)(3) (ii) and (iii) ... Removed. (g)(3)(iii) ................. Revised; (g)(2)(ii)(A). (f)(3)(ii) ................... Removed.
(g)(3)(iv) ................. Revised; (g)(2)(iii). (g)(3)(iv) ................. Revised; (g)(2)(ii)(B).
(f)(3)(iii) .................. Revised; (f)(2)(ii).
(g)(3)(v) .................. Revised; (g)(2)(ii). (g)(3)(v) .................. Removed.
(f)(4)(i) .................... Revised; (f)(2)(i).
(g)(4) ...................... Removed. Appendix E ............ Removed.
(f)(4) (ii) and (iii) .... Removed.
Appendix C ............... Removed. 1910.1050:
Appendix B, Sec- Revised second and
1910.1028: (h)(1) ...................... Revised.
tion IV. fourth paragraphs;
(g)(1) ...................... Revised. (h)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (h)(3)(i).
removed sixth para-
(g)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (g)(3)(i). (h)(2)(ii) .................. Removed.
(h)(2)(iii) ................. Revised; (h)(3)(ii). graph.
(g)(2)(ii) .................. Removed.
(g)(2)(iii) ................. Revised; (g)(3)(ii). (h)(3) ...................... Revised; (h)(2). Appendix D ............ Removed.
(g)(3) ...................... Revised; (g)(2). (h)(4) ...................... Removed. 1926.103:
(g)(4)(i) ................... Revised; (g)(2)(ii). (h)(5) ...................... Removed. All ........................... Revised to a single
(g)(4)(ii) .................. Revised; (g)(2)(iii). Appendix A, Sec- Revised first para- provision.
(g)(4)(iii) ................. Removed. tion III. graph. 1926.800:
(g)(5) ...................... Removed. Appendix E ............ Removed. (g)(2) ...................... Revised.
Appendix E ............ Removed. 1910.1051: 1926.1101:
1910.1029: (h)(1) ...................... Revised. (h)(1) ...................... Revised.
(g)(1)(i) ................... Revised. (h)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (h)(3)(i). (h)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (h)(3)(i).
(g)(1)(ii) .................. Removed. (h)(2)(ii) .................. Revised; (h)(3)(ii). (h)(2)(ii) .................. Removed.
(g)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (g)(3). (h)(2)(iii) ................. Revised; (h)(3)(iii). (h)(2)(iii) ................. Revised; (h)(3)(ii).
(g)(2)(ii) and (iii) ..... Removed. (h)(3) ...................... Revised; (h)(2)(i). (h)(2)(iv) ................. Revised; (h)(3)(iii).
(g)(3) ...................... Revised; (g)(2). (h)(4)(i) ................... Revised; (h)(2)(ii). (h)(2)(v) .................. Revised; (h)(3)(iv).
(g)(4) ...................... Removed. (h)(4)(ii) .................. Revised; (h)(2)(iii). (h)(3)(i) ................... Revised; (h)(2)(i).
1910.1043: (h)(4)(iii) ................. Revised; (h)(2) (iv) (h)(3)(ii) .................. Removed.
(f)(1) ....................... Revised. and (vi). (h)(3)(iii) ................. Removed.
(f)(2)(i) .................... Revised; (f)(3)(i). (h)(4)(iv) ................. Revised; (h)(2) (vi) (h)(3)(iv) ................. Revised; (h)(2)(ii).
(f)(2)(ii) ................... Removed. and (vi). (h)(4) ...................... Removed.
(f)(2)(iii) .................. Revised; (f)(3)(ii). (h)(4)(v) .................. Removed. Appendix C ............ Removed.
(f)(2)(iv) .................. Revised; (f)(2)(ii). (h)(5) ...................... Removed. 1926.1127:
(f)(3) ....................... Revised; (f)(2)(i). Appendix E ............ Removed. (g)(1) ...................... Revised.
(f)(4) ....................... Removed. 1910.1052: (g)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (g)(3)(i).
1910.1044: (g)(1) ...................... Revised. (g)(2)(ii) .................. Revised; (g)(3)(ii).
(h)(1) ...................... Revised. (g)(2) ...................... Revised; (g)(4). (g)(3)(i) ................... Revised; (g)(2)(i).
(h)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (h)(3). (g)(3) ...................... Revised; (g)(3). (g)(3)(ii) and (iii) ..... Removed.
(h)(2)(ii) .................. Removed. (g)(4) ...................... Revised; (g)(2)(i). (g)(3)(iv) ................. Revised; (g)(2)(ii).
(h)(3)(i) ................... Revised; (h)(3). (g)(5) ...................... Removed. (g)(3)(v) .................. Revised; (g)(2)(iii).
(h)(3)(ii) .................. Removed. (g)(6) ...................... Revised; (g)(2)(ii). (g)(4) ...................... Removed.
1910.1045: (g)(7) ...................... Removed. Appendix C ............ Removed.
(h)(1) ...................... Revised. 1926.57:
(h)(2)(i) ................... Revised; (h)(3). (f)(1)(ii) ................... Revised. [FR Doc. 97–33843 Filed 12–31–97; 8:45 am]
(h)(2)(ii) .................. Removed. (f)(5)(i) .................... Revised. BILLING CODE 4510–26–P