KTU Syllabus For M.Tech Civil SECM
KTU Syllabus For M.Tech Civil SECM
KTU Syllabus For M.Tech Civil SECM
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T K M College of Engineering
Dr. S Ayoob
T K M College of Engineering
Date: Dr S. Mohan,
Place: Professor, IIT, Madras
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Programme Educational Objective
I Our Graduates will apply fundamental technical knowledge and skills to technological
challenges and problems in Structural Engineering and contribute to society and nation while
producing reliable solutions.
III Our graduates will continue lifelong learning through professional activities and training
and take up higher education, engage in research and development in structural engineering.
Programme outcome
After successful completion of the programme the student should be able to
a) Understand latest developments in structural engineering and analyse structures using the
knowledge they acquired.
e) Develop skills and motivation for continuous learning process and professional growth
after graduation.
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Scheme of M. Tech Programme
in Structural Engineering & Construction Management
End Semester
Exam Internal Exam
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
Slot Marks Duration
A 02CE6211 Structural Dynamics 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
Advanced Design of 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
B 02CE6221
Construction 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
C 02CE6231 Planning and Contract
Construction 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
D 02CE6241 Scheduling and
E 02CE6251 Elective I 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
Research 1-1-0 100 0 0 2
02CE6261 Seminar 0-0-2 100 0 0 2
Structural 0-0-2 100 0 0 1
Engineering Lab
Total 500 300 15 20
List of Electives:
Elective I
02CE6251.1 Experimental Methods and Instrumentation
02CE6251.2 Advanced Computational Methods
02CE6251.3 Theory of Elasticity
02CE6251.4 Construction Methods and Equipment
02CE6251.5 Statistical Methods for Engineers
02CE6251.6 Construction Supervision, Repair and Maintenance of Buildings
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Scheme of M. Tech Programme
in Structural Engineering & Construction Management
End Semester
Exam Internal Exam
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
Slot Marks Duration
Project 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
A 02CE6212 Implementation and
Analysis and Design 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
B 02CE6222 of Earthquake
Resistant Structures
Finite Element 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
C 02CE6232
D 02CE6242 Elective II 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
E 02CE6252 Elective III 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
02CE6262 Mini Project 0-0-4 100 0 0 2
Structural Dynamics 0-0-2 100 0 0 1
Total 400 300 15 18
List of Electives:
Elective II (Structural Engineering)
02CE6242.1 Design of offshore structures
02CE6242.2 Analysis and design of substructures
02CE6242.3 Advanced Pre stressed concrete Design
02CE6242.4 Structural Optimisation
02CE6242.5 Bridge Engineering
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Scheme of M. Tech Programme
in Structural Engineering & Construction Management
End Semester
Exam Internal Exam
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
Slot Marks Duration
A 02CE7211 Elective IV 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
B 02CE7221 Elective V 3-0-0 40 60 3 3
02CE7231 Seminar 0-0-2 100 0 0 2
02CE7241 Project (Phase-I) 0-0-8 50 0 0 6
Total 230 120 6 14
List of Electives:
Elective IV (Structural Engineering)
02CE7211.1 High rise Structures
02CE7211.2 Structural Reliability
02CE7211.3 Stability of Structures
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Scheme of M. Tech Programme
in Structural Engineering & Construction Management
End Semester
Exam Internal Exam
Course No. Course Name L-T-P Credits
Slot Marks Duration
02CE7212 Project (Phase-II) 0-0-21 70 30 - 12
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6211 STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS 3-0-0 3 2015
Course Objectives:
• To introduce the fundamental of structural dynamics
• To enable students to perform dynamic analysis of single and multi degree freedom
• To introduce dynamic analysis of distributed parameter systems.
Importance of vibration studies in structural engineering applications; Undamped and
damped free vibration of single degree of freedom system; Response of single degree of
freedom systems to harmonic loading, impulse, periodic and general loading; Single degree
freedom subjected to support motion; Numerical solution of single degree of freedom
systems; Vibration isolation; Vibration measuring instruments; Analysis of multi-degree of
freedom systems – free and forced vibration ;Evaluation of frequencies and mode shapes of
distributed mass (continuous) systems; Variational formulation of the equation of motion.
Course Outcome:
On completion of this course, students will be able to understand the basic concepts
of structural dynamics; Develop equations of motion of single and multi degree of freedom
systems; Perform dynamic analysis of single and multi degree of freedom systems subjected
to different type of loads; Understand dynamic analysis of continuous systems.
1. Clough R W and Penzien J, Dynamics of Structures, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. Biggs J M, Introduction to Structural dynamics, McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Mario Paz, Structural Dynamics – Theory and Computation, CBS Publishers and
Distributors, Delhi.
4. Mukhopadhyay M, Structural Dynamics - Vibrations and Systems, Ane Books India,
5. Humar J, Dynamics of Structures, CRC Press, Netherlands.
6. Anil K Chopra, Dynamics of Structures- Theory and Application to Earthquake
Engineering, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
7. Roy R Craig, Structural Dynamics – An Introduction to Computer Method, John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
8. Thomson W T, Theory of Vibration with Application, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
9. Weaver W, Timoshenko S P, Young D H, Vibration Problems in Engineering, John
Wiley & Sons, USA.
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02CE6211 Structural Dynamics
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6221 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites : Design of Structures
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to
• To provide advanced design concepts of reinforced concrete, steel composites and
aluminium structures.
• To enable students to design various RC structural members, joints and industrial
roofing systems
Strain characteristics of concrete - confined concrete- Effect of cyclic loading - Limit
state design of reinforced concrete beams -Estimation of deflection- crack width. Strut and
Tie Models- Design methodology-ACI Provisions- Applications. RCC beam – column joints.
Yield line analysis of slabs- - Moment redistribution in continuous beams. Steel –concrete
composite structures – shear connectors- composite sections under positive and negative
bending. Industrial structures- design of large span steel roofing systems. Aluminium
Structures: Design of Tension members, Compression members and Beams.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Understand the advanced theory and design of reinforced concrete structures.
• Understand the behaviour of reinforced concrete members under flexure, torsion
and cyclic loading
• Carry out calculations on safety verification of reinforced concrete members
• Understand steel-concrete composite structures and connections
• Design large span roofing systems for industrial structures.
1. Arthur. H. Nilson, David Darwin and Charles W Dolan, Design of Concrete
Structures, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004
2. Park, R. and Pauley, T., “Reinforced Concrete St ructures”, John Wiley. 1976
3. Pillai ,S.U. and Menon, D., “Reinforced Concrete Design”, Tata McGraw-Hill.2003
4. Varghese,P.C., “Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete”, Prentice-Hall. 2005
5. Lothers, Advanced Design in Steel, Prentice Hall, USA.
6. N. Subramanian, Design of Steel Structures, Oxford University Press.
7. R.P. Johnson, Composite Structures in Steel & Concrete, Blackwell Scientific
Publications, UK
8. Gaylord, Design of Steel Structures, McGraw Hill, New York.
9. Dayaratnam, P., Design of Steel Structures, Wheeler Pub.
10. IS 456 –2000, Indian Standard for Plain and Reinforced Concrete- Code of Practice,
New Delhi
11. American Concrete Institute, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete
(ACI 318-02) and Commentary (ACI 318R-0
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02CE6221 Advanced Design of Structures
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6231 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites :
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to
• Provide the student with an in-depth knowledge about projects, various types and their
• Provide an awareness on construction economics so that it can be applied to project
• Provide a clear idea of tenders and contracts
Construction projects, their life cycle and different genres. Fundamentals of
Construction economics, techniques to conduct economic feasibility and to compare
alternative proposals. Contracting procedure, tendering, contracts, important clauses in
contracts and FIDIC form of contract.
Course Outcome:
• Familiarity with the different types of projects and their planning
• Understand the basics of construction economics as applicable to project management
• Understand the process of bidding and awarding of construction contracts
1. Frederick E. Gould, (2013), Managing the Construction Process: Estimating,
Scheduling, and Project Control, Pearson
2. Kumar Neeraj Jha, (2013), Construction Project Management Theory &
Practice, Pearson
3. Courtland A Collier, William B Ledbetter, (1982), Engineering Cost
Analysis, Harper and Row Publishers, New York .
4. Joy P.K. (1994). Total Project Management - The Indian Context, New
Delhi, Macmillan India Ltd.
5. Prasanna Chandra (2014). Projects – Planning, Analysis, Selection,
Implementation Review, McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi
6. Keith Collier( 2009). Construction Contracts, Merrill/Prentice Hall.
7. Patil, B.S. (2011). Building and Engineering Contracts, S.B. Patil
Publications, Pune.
8. John Murdoch & Will Hughes (2008).Construction Contracts - Law and
Management, Spon Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
9. B. Sengupta and H.Guha (1995).Construction Management and Planning,Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi
10. K. K. Chitkara (1998). Construction Project Management Planning
Scheduling & Controlling, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
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02CE6231 Construction Planning and Contract Management
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE 6241 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites :
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to
• Provide the student with an awareness on various techniques of project scheduling
• Provide in-depth knowledge on applying scheduling techniques on optimization of
• Provide an awareness on latest trends in project scheduling
Need for scheduling and control and project organization. Defining precedence of
activities and estimating time and resource requirements. Work breakdown structures,
network representation of projects. Critical Path Method (CPM) and Programme Evaluation
and Review Technique (PERT), Schedule compression and crashing strategies, resource
allocation and leveling. Project monitoring using earned value, awareness on scheduling
Course Outcome:
• Familiarity with the different types of scheduling techniques
• Working knowledge to use scheduling techniques for optimization of resources
• Familiarity with latest trends in the scheduling in the construction industry
1. Punmia B C and K.K. Khandelwal, (1987), Project Planning and Control with
PERT and CPM, Laxmi Publications
2. Sandra Christensen Weber, (2012), Scheduling Construction Projects: Principles
and Practices, Pearson
3. Jerome D. Wiest and Ferdinand K. Levy (2014), A Management Guide to PERT /
CPM with GERT/ PDM / DCPM and other networks, Second edition , Prentice
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
4. O’Brien. J., Plotnick, F., (2009), CPM in Construction Management, McGraw Hill
5. Callaghan M.T., Quackenbush, D.G. and Rowings, J.E. (1992), Construction
Project Scheduling, McGraw Hill.
6. Srinath L.S, (2001), PERT and CPM: Principles and Applications, Third edition,
Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
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02CE6241 Construction Scheduling and Control
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6251.1 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites :
Course Objectives:
• Learn design experiments related to stress analysis problems
• Learn methodology for conducting laboratory and field experiments
• Analyse and interpret experimental observations and results
The measurement system – Characteristics- Calibration- Measurement of Strain-Strain
Gauge rosettes-Force transducers- Measurement of displacement, Measurement of
acceleration- Integration technique for displacement from acceleration- Photo elasticity- Non
Destructive Testing Methods-Core sampling technique- Pullout experiment- Detection of
embedded reinforcement- Indicating & recording elements- Statistical Analysis
Course Outcome:
Students will acquire the capability to provide suitable instrumentation for conducting
experiments; Organize laboratory experiments for project and thesis works; Conduct
destructive and nondestructive experiments as a practicing engineer.
1. Bently J P - Principles of Measurement Systems – Longman, 1995
2. Nakra B.C & Chaudhry - Instrumentation Measurement & Analysis - Tata McGraw
Hill, 2004
3. Adams L F - Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation – English University
Press, 1975
4. Doebelin E O - Measurement Systems Application & Design - McGraw Hill, 2003
5. Dally J W & W F Riley – Experimental Stress Analysis - McGraw Hill, 1991
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02CE6251.1 Experimental Methods and Instrumentation
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6251.2 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites : Engineering Mathematics
Course Objectives:
• Provide an insight to the numerous numerical techniques used for scientific
• To enable students to apply numerical techniques for the solution of engineering
Introduction to numerical methods- errors in numerical methods-Systems of linear and
non-linear algebraic equations- Eigen Value problems- Power method- Jacobi method-
Practical examples- Lagrangean and Hermitian interpolation- Quadratic and Cubic splines-
Multiple linear regression-Numerical integration- Romberg integration- Gaussian quadrature-
Newton – Cotes open quadrature- Taylor series expansion of functions-Ordinary differential
equations- 1st order equations- Solution by use of Taylor series- Euler method and its
modifications- Runge-kutta method- Higher order equations of the initial value type- Predictor
corrector methods- Milne’s method and Hammings method- Stability of solutions- Ordinary
differential equations of the boundary value type-Finite difference method -Weighted residual
methods- Partial differential equations in two dimensions-- Problems with irregular
• Stress must be given to structural problems
• Assignments must be computer oriented
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able tounderstand various methods available for
scientific computations; Apply numerical techniques for the solution of civil engineering
problems; Obtain numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations.
1. Gerald &Wheatly, Applied Numerical Analysis, Pearson Education
2. Chapra S.C. and Canale R.P. Numerical Methods for Engineers,McGraw Hill
3. Smith G.D. Numerical solutions for Differential Equations,McGraw Hill
4. Ketter and Prawel, Modern Methods for Engineering Computations,McGraw
5. Rajasekharan S., Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering, S Chand &
company 2003.
6. Rajasekharan S., Numerical Methods for Initial and Boundary value problems,
Khanna publishers 1989.
7. Terrence. J. Akai, Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers, Wiley
publishers 1994.
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02CE6251.2 Advanced Computational Methods
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6251.3 THEORY OF ELASTICITY 3-0-0 3 2015
Course Objectives:
• To understand the behaviour of linear elastic solids under loads
• Provide a firm foundation for more advanced courses, for research and practice in civil
engineering fields
• To provide the student with various solution strategies while applying them to practical
Analysis of stress and strain in 3D- Stress Strain relations-Generalised Boundary value
problems of elasticity – Displacement, Traction and Mixed types-Saint Venant’s principle-
Two dimensional problems in Rectangular coordinates– Airy’s stress function- Two
dimensional problems in polar coordinates- Problems of axi-symmetric stress distributions -
Torsion of prismatic bars- Plasticity: Basic concepts and yield criteria -elasto-plastic analysis
of torsion and bending problems.
Course Outcome:
Students will be able to understand concepts, principles and governing equations in dealing
with elastic solids, understand the methods for solving elastic boundary value problems, obtain
skill and capability in civil engineering in analysing and solving problems.
1. Timoshenko.S.P and Goodier. J.N., Theory of Elasticity, McGraw Hill, 2010
2. Srinath.L.S., Advanced Mechanics of Solids, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
3. Sokolnikoff. I.S., Mathematical theory of Elasticity, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Ameen.M., Computational Elasticity, Narosa Publishing House, 2005
5. Boresi.A.P., Schimidt.R.J., Advanced Mechanics of Materials,John Wiley,
6. T.G.Sitharam ., Applied Elasticity, Interline publishing, 2008
7. Phillips, Durelli and Tsao, Analysis of Stress and Strain, McGraw Hill Book.
8. Dr. Sadhu Singh, Theory of Elasticity, Khanna Publishers
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02CE6251.3 Theory of Elasticity
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6251.4 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites :
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to make the student aware of
• The various construction techniques and practices.
• Equipment needed for different types of construction activities.
Specifications-site clearance- masonry-flooring-roofing - techniques of underwater
construction – tunneling techniques - driving of diaphragm walls –techniques of super
structure construction- tunneling techniques- support structures- equipment for earth work-
equipment for production of aggregate and concrete –other construction equipments.
Course Outcome:
At the end of this course the student shall have a reasonable knowledge about
• The various construction procedures for sub to super structure
• The equipment needed for construction of various types of structures from foundation
to super structure.
1. Peurifoy, R.L., Ledbetter, W.B. and Schexnayder, C., "Construction Planning,
Equipment and Methods", 5th Edition, McGraw Hill, Singapore, 1995.
2. Arora S.P. and Bindra S.P., Building Construction, Planning Techniques and Method
of Construction, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 1997.
3. Varghese , P.C. Building construction, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,
4. Shetty, M.S, Concrete Technology, Theory and Practice, S. Chand and Company Ltd,
New Delhi, 2005.
5. Jha J and Sinha S.K., Construction and Foundation Engineering, Khanna Publishers,
6. Sharma S.C. “Construction Equipment and Management”, Khanna Publishers New
Delhi, 1988.
7. Deodhar, S.V. “Construction Equipment and Job Planning”, Khanna Publishers, New
Delhi, 1988.
8. Dr. Mahesh Varma, “Construction Equipment and its Planning and Application”,
Metropolitan Book Company, New Delhi-, 1983.
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02CE6251.4 Construction Methods and Equipment
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6251.5 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites :
Course Objectives:
• To provide a detailed insight into probability theory and distributions
• To give an in-depth knowledge about various parametric and nonparametric techniques
for data analysis
• To introduce design and analysis of experiments
Introduction to probability and random variables. Probability distributions Parameter
Estimation -Random samples, sampling distributions of mean and variance. Point estimators.
Confidence interval estimation of – mean, and variance. Hypothesis Testing - Statistical
hypothesis tests, Operations characteristic curve. The testing of goodness of fit. Design and
Analysis of Experiments-Regression and Correlation Analysis - Non-Parametric Statistics.
Course Outcome:
• Critically evaluate data collected
• Identify appropriate technique for data analysis
• Apply statistical designs and methods
1. Hines, W. W. and Montgomery, D. C., et. al.(1990). “Probability and Statistics in
Engineering and Management Science”, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
2. Freund, J. E.(1998). “Mathematical Statistics”, PHI, New Delhi.
3. Montgomery, D. C.(2007). “Design and Analysis of Experiments”, 5th edition, John
Wiley and Sons, INC., New York.
4. Johnston, J. and Dinardo, J.(1997). “Econometric Methods”, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill
International Editions.
5. Benjamin, J. R. and Cornell, C. A.(1960). “Probability Statistics and Decision for Civil
Engineers”, McGraw-Hill.
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02CE6251.5 Statistical Methods For Engineers
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6251.6 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE OF 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites :
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to make the student aware of
• Damages and repair work of structures.
• Materials and techniques for repair and strengthening of structures.
Serviceability of concrete –properties of concrete-durability of concrete- maintenance
and repair strategies – causes of deterioration– materials for repair – techniques for repair –
repairs to structures – demolition of structures.
Course Outcome:
At the end of this course the student shall have a reasonable knowledge about
• Maintenance and Repair strategies.
• Materials and techniques of repair
1. Santhakumar A.R., “Concrete Technology” Oxford University Press, Printed in India
by Radha Press, New Delhi, 2007.
2. Peter H.Emmons, “Concrete Repair and Maintenance Illustrated”, Galgotia
Publications pvt. Ltd., 2001.
3. Denison Campbell, Allen and Harold Roper, “Concrete Structures, Materials,
Maintenance and Repair”, Longman Scientific and Technical UK, 1991.
4. Allen R.T and Edwards S.C, “Repair of Concrete Structures”, Blakie and Sons, UK,
5. Raikar, R.N., “Learning from failures - Deficiencies in Design, Construction and
Service” - R&D Centre (SDCPL), RaikarBhavan, Bombay, 1987.
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CA6001 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3-0-0 3 2015
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to help the student to understand the fundamental ideas and
logic of research. This course will also to help students to plan design, execute, evaluate
and report research within the specified time.
MODULE I- Introduction to Research
Meaning and definition of research-Motivation and objectives of research-Types of
research-Fundamental-Applied – Descriptive – Analytical – Qualitative – Quantitative –
Conceptual – Empirical – Research and Scientific methods– Research process-Criteria for
good research
MODULE II- Research Problem
Sources of research problems-Characteristics of a research problem-Problem defining
techniques-Sources of literature-Review of literature-Issues and gap areas identification-
Purpose of study-Exploratory and descriptive-Qualities of good hypothesis-Null and
alternative hypothesis-Importance of hypothesis testing
MODULE III-Research Design
Features of good design-Different research designs-Laboratory and field experiments-
Measurement concepts-Scales and levels-Measurement of variables-Factors affecting
validation-Internal and external validation-Reliability-Stability methods-Development of
experimental and sample designs
MODULE IV-Data Collection and Analysis
Methods of data collection-Data sources-Surveys and questionnaires-Methods of data
collection and their utility-Concepts of statistical population-Sampling techniques-
Probabilistic and non probabilistic samples-Sample size determination issues-Primary and
secondary data analysis-Use of computers, internet and library-Data analysis with
statistical packages-Preparation of data for analysis
MODULE V-Research Reporting
Purpose of written reports-Concept of audience-Types of reports-Structure and
components of reports-Technical reports and thesis-Features of a good thesis-Layout and
language of reports-Illustrations-Tables-Referencing-Footnotes-Intellectual contents of the
thesis-Making oral presentations-Effective communications-Publishing research findings-
Defending the thesis
Course Outcome:
At the end of this course, the students should be able to
• Understand the basic concepts of research and its methodologies.
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• Identify appropriate research topics.
• Select and define an appropriate research problem.
• Organize and conduct scientific research.
• Prepare and defend a research thesis.
1. C. R. Kothari, 2004, Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, 2nd Edn.,
New Age International.
2. Donad H. McBurney and Theresa L White, 2009, Research Methods, 8th Edn.,
Wadsworth Cengage Learning Inc.
3. Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler, 2013, Business Research Methods, 12th
Edn., Tata McGraw-Hill.
4. J.W Barnes, 1994, Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists: A Computer
based Approach, McGraw Hill.
5. Panneerselvam, 2012, Research Methodology, Prentice Hall of India.
6. Leedy, P.D. and Ormirod, J.E., 2012, Practical Research: Planning and Design, 10th
Edn., Prentice Hall.
7. Stuart Melville and Wayne Goddard, 1996, Research Methodology: An Introduction
for Science & Engineering Students, Juta and Company Ltd.
8. Turabian, K.L Revised by Grossman, J. and Bennert, A., 1996, A Manual for
writers of term papers, theses and Dissertation, 6th Edn., University of Chicago
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6261 SEMINAR 0-0-2 2 2015
The student has to present a seminar in one of the current topics in the stream of
specialisation. The student will undertake a detailed study based on current published papers,
journals, books on the chosen subject, present the seminar and submit seminar report at the
end of the semester.
Distribution of marks
Seminar Report Evaluation – 40 marks
Seminar Presentation – 60 marks
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
Course Objectives:
• Practical training for conducting experiments related to structural engineering.
• Capability to use softwares for analysis of experimental data.
List of Experiments
1. Review of testing methods of cement, coarse aggregate and fine aggregate as per
Indian Standards.
2. Study of various instruments used for determining the material properties of concrete,
steel, SCC etc
3. Design of concrete mixes.
4. Study of instruments used for determining the durability of materials
5. Calibration of various instruments and equipment used in the lab
6. Experimental study of behaviour of
a) RCC structural elements
b) Steel structural elements
7. Accelerated curing experiments for concrete.
8. Non- destructive testing of concrete
a) Rebound hammer
b) Core cutting
c) Ultrasonic pulse velocity
d) Pullout test
e) Detection of embedded reinforcements
9. Study of computing techniques for numerical analysis of experimental data, error
analysis and curve fitting.
Course Outcome:
• Acquire capacity to organise experiments for project and thesis works.
• Ability to analytically study the experimental results.
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6212 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites : Awareness of projects and their life cycle
Course Objectives:
• Create awareness of organizational structures
• Instill the awareness of quality and safety in industries
• Familiarize students to the management of risks and conflicts in projects, and
organizations in general
• Familiarize students to project evaluation techniques
Organizations and Organizational structures-Quality Management-Theories-Statistical
Quality Control-Total Quality Management-ISO Standards (ISO 9000)-Six Sigma-Safety in
construction industry-Accident theories-Factors affecting safety- Basic idea of formulation of
safety manuals-safety legislations/standards/codes with regard to construction- Risk
Management Process-Risk identification-Analysis-Monitoring and Controlling risks-Risk
quantification techniques- Conflict Management-Conflict resolution-Conflict resolution
modes-Improving project performance-major influences on process change-Process
Reengineering, Benchmarking, Lean Project Management.
Course Outcome:
The student will be able to:
1. Design organizational structures and assign responsibilities to the functionaries
2. Design organizational/project procedures to cater to quality standards
3. Chart out and prepare the organization for good safety practices
4. Manage risks in projects
5. Manage conflicts in organizations
6. Understand and be a part of process change
1. Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling,
10th edition, Harold Kerzner, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2009
2. Project Management, 3rd edition, Harvey Maylor, Pearson Education Ltd., 2003
3. Quality Management, 3rd edition, Howard S. Gitlow, Alan J. Oppenheim, Rosa
Oppenheim, David M. Levine, McGraw Hill, 2009
4. Total Quality Management, 3rd edition, Dale H. Besterfield, Crrol Besterfield-Michna,
Glen H. Besterfield, Mary Besterfield-Sacre, Hemant Urdhwareshe, Rashmi
Urdhwareshe, Pearson Education Inc., 2011
5. Projects-Planning, Analysis, Selection, Financing, Implementation and Review, 7th
edition, Prasanna Chandra, McGraw Hill, 2009
6. Construction Safety, Hinze J.W, Prentice Hall, 2008
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02CE6212 Project Implementation and Review
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6222 EARTHQUAKE RESISTANT 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites : Structural Dynamics
Course Objectives:
• To impart awareness about the effect of earthquakes on structures
• To study IS code provisions for the analysis, design and detailing of earthquake
resistant structures
• To introduce seismic evaluation and response reduction techniques.
Elements of earthquake engineering- characteristics of ground motion – earthquake
intensity and magnitude- recording instruments -seismic zoning- earthquake effects on
different types of structures- Effect of architectural features and structural irregularities-
review of damages during past earthquakes. Principles and guidelines for earthquake resistant
design of structures- Design lateral forces. Static analysis – Dynamic analysis- Ductility,
Shear walls. IS Code provision for design and detailing for earthquake resistance-
reinforcement detailing for members and joints- design examples. Repair and rehabilitation
of damaged structures- case studies- methods for disaster mitigation- Vulnerability
assessment and seismic evaluation of structures – vulnerability reduction.
Course Outcome:
After the successful completion of the course, students will be able to describe the
disastrous effects of earthquakes on structures, apply IS code provisions for the analysis,
design and detailing of earthquake resistant structures, develop earthquake response
spectrum, perform response spectrum analysis, compare with time history response and
document the results, explain the seismic evaluation and response reduction techniques.
1. IS: 1893-2002, Indian Standard criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
2. IS: 4326-1993, Indian Standard code for practice for Earthquake Resistant Design and
Construction of Buildings, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
3. IS: 13920-1993, Indian Standard Ductile Detailing of RCC Structures subjected to
seismic forcesCode of practice, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
4. SP: 22-1982, Explanatory Handbook on codes of Earthquake Engineering, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi
5. Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrikhande, Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures,
Prentice- Hall of India, New Delhi.
6. Anil K Chopra, Dynamics of Structures, Prentice- Hall of India, New Delhi.
7. S. K. Duggal-Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures-Oxford University Press-
Page 33
02CE6222 : Analysis and Design of Earthquake Resistant Structures
Page 34
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6232 FINITE ELEMENT METHOD 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites : Mechanics of Structures, Structural Analysis
Course Objectives:
• Impart an understanding of fundamental knowledge and technique of FEM
• To develop tools to analyze engineering problems using FEM and typical commercial
FEA packages.
Basics of elasticity, Plane stress and plane strain problems, Energy principles,
Variational formulation - Evolution of FEM - Review of direct stiffness method, Outline of
the FE procedure. Element properties, Displacement functions, Development of equilibrium
equation, Types of finite elements, Development of shape functions for CST, LST, truss and
beam elements- Lagrange and Serendipity elements. Development of stiffness matrix for
truss and beam elements- Development of consistent nodal load vector, Gauss quadrature
technique, Concept of isoparametric formulation, Assembly procedure and storage
techniques of stiffness matrix, Solution techniques of equilibrium equation- Discussion of
finite element packages.
Course Outcome:
On completion of this course, students will be able to analyze and build FEA model
for various engineering problems. The study can be extended to the dynamic analysis of
1. Cook R D et al., Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley
& Sons, Singapore.
2. Krishnamoorthy C S, Finite Element Analysis- Theory and Programming, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
3. Bathe K J, Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis, Prentice Hall, New
4. Zienkiewicz O C and Taylor R W., Finite Element Method, Elsevier Butterworth-
Heinemann, UK.
5. Rajasekharan S, Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design, Wheeler, New
6. Chandrupatla T R and Belegundu A D, Introduction to Finite Elements in
Engineering, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
7. Hutton D V, Fundamentals of Finite Element Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Education
Private Ltd., Delhi
8. Mukhopadhyay M and Abdul Hamid Sheikh, Matrix and Finite Element Analyses of
Structures, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Page 35
02CE6232 : Finite Element Method
Page 36
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
Pre-requisites : Fluid Mechanics, Structural Dynamics, Design of Steel structures, Design of
RC structures
Course Objectives:
• Expose the students to various types of Offshore Structures
• Computation of Wave, current and wind loads
• Learn the principles of design of different types of offshore structures.
Introduction to Ocean oil gas and other resources – near shore structures - Different types of ocean
structures and systems - Gravity, fixed, floating semi submersibles, compliant structure-Tension legged
platform, guyed tower and Spar Platforms - Basic principles of design of concrete offshore platforms -
Jack up platforms, Compliant Platforms - Design principles of - Tension leg platform -Spar Platforms.
Basics of wave motion, Wave kinematics, pressure field under wave system, wave energy, Energy
propagation (Energy flux or wave power), group velocity in deep and shallow water conditions-related
problems. Wave Transformations- Shoaling, refraction – refraction patterns on different bed
configurations- problems considering shoaling and refraction effects, wave reflection wave diffraction,
wave breaking in deep water, transitional water and shallow water, types of breakers. Environmental
load calculation (wind, wave, current and tidal) and design parameters Wave forces on offshore
structures Morisons Equation for calculation of wave force on slender tubular members -Wave forces
on large structures - Linear diffraction theory. Design of Tubular members Problems on checking the
sufficiency of tubular members under different loading conditions in conformity with the API-Code.
Tubular Joints-different types. Analysis of Joints, Stress concentration factor, (API Code formulae for
simple joints only) Fatigue failure-SN curves Cumulative damage ratio Palmgren -Miner rule-
Evaluation of Fatigue life of components. Sub-sea pipeline-pipeline safety. Design Process –internal
pressure-external pressure. On bottom stability objective- static analysis. Laying Pipe line - different
Course Outcome:
1. Identify the various types of Offshore structures used worldwide , their applications,
and design principles
2. Estimate the environmental forces, specifically wave loads on cylindrical members.
3. Do the detailed structural design of tubular members of jacket Platform.
1. Thomas H. Dawson. , “Offshore structural Engineering’’ Prentice -Hall
2. Subrata K Chakrabarti, “Wave Hydrodynamics’’.
3. Subrata K Chakrabarti, “Hand book of Offshore Engineering (Vol. I & II)’’. Elsevier Science,
Prentice Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1983
4. Hsu Teng H., “Applied offshore Structural Engineering’’, Gulf Publishing Company , Texas,
5. George A Antaki, “Piping and pipeline Engineering’’, CRC Press / Marcel Dekker Inc., 2003.
6. Gerwick B.C. Morris M D “Construction of Marine & offshore structures” CRC PressLondon
7. Minoo H Patel, Dynamics of Offshore Structures Butterworth
8. API RP-2A Recommended Practice for Planning Designing & Construction of Fixed offshore
platforms – Working Stress design – American Petroleum Institute
9. Kyriakides S & Corona E Mechanics of offshore pipelines- Elsevier UK.
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02CE6242.1 Design of Offshore Structures
Page 38
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6242.2 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites : Geotechnical Engineering, Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Course Objectives:
• To impart awareness to the soil-structure interaction problems
• To select suitable foundation for different types of structures
• To analyse and design substructures
Introduction to soil-structure interaction, contact pressure distribution beneath rigid and
flexible footings on sand and clay- selection of foundations- Structural design of spread
footing, combined footing and raft foundation.
Pile foundation- Estimation of pile capacity- Settlement of single pile, Laterally loaded piles.
Pile groups- Efficiency of pile groups- Pile cap- Structural Design of Pile and pile cap.
Retaining walls- stability analysis of cantilever retaining walls- Structural design of retaining
Introduction to well foundations – Elements of well foundation- structural design of various
Course Outcome:
On completion of this course, students will be able to select appropriate type of foundation
based on available soil conditions. They will be in a position to determine the load carrying
capacity of each type of foundation. They will design shallow foundations, pile foundations,
well foundations, and retaining walls.
1. Swami Saran, Analysis and design of substructures, Oxford and IBH Publishing
Company Pvt. Ltd., 2006
2. Donald P. Coduto, Foundation Design: Principles and Practices, Dorling Kinderseley
(India) Pvt. Ltd., 2012
3. Bowles J.E., Foundation Analysis and Design (4th Ed.), Mc.Graw-Hill Book Company,
New York, 1988.
4. Varghese P.C, Foundation Engineering, Prentice Hall india , NewDelhi 2005
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02CE6242.2 Analysis and Design of Sub Structures
Page 40
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6242.3 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites : Design of RCC Structures, Structural Analysis
Course Objectives:
• To impart knowledge of various methods of pre-stressing.
• Analysis and design of typical pre-stressed concrete structural elements
Basic concepts and brief history of pre-stressing, advantages and limitations of pre-stressing,
types of pre-stressing, pre-stressing systems and devices, concrete and steel used in pre-stressed
concrete, losses in pre-stress, analysis of members under flexure, shear and torsion.
Design of axially loaded members, flexural members – Type I and Type II sections, limiting
zone, design of end block, design for shear and torsion, calculation of deflection and crack
width, detailing of reinforcement, design of one way and two way slabs, analysis and design
of continuous beams.
Composite construction: Types, analysis and design. Concept of partial pre-stressing. Circular
pre-stressing: Analysis and design of pipes and water tanks, Design of pre-stressed
concrete bridge decks.
Course Outcome:
After the completion of the course, the students will be able to apply suitably the different
concepts of pre-stressing and design various pre-stressed concrete structural members.
1. Krishna Raju N., Pre-stressed concrete, Tata McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi 1998.
2. Mallick S.K. and Gupta A.P., Pre-stressed concrete, Oxford and IBH publishing Co. Pvt.
3. Rajagopalan, N, Pre-stressed Concrete, Alpha Science, 2002
4. Ramaswamy G.S., Modern pre-stressed concrete design, Arnold Heinimen,New Delhi,
5. Lin T.Y. Design of pre-stressed concrete structures, Asia Publishing House, Bombay
6. IS 1343: 1980 Indian Standard Code of Practice for Pre-stressed-Concrete
7. IS 456: 2000 Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete
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02CE6242.3 Advanced Pre-stressed Concrete Design
Page 42
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
Course Objectives:
• To develop the ability to formulate the real field engineering problems in an
optimization framework
• To develop the ability to use optimization techniques for real life applications
• To develop ability to apply optimization concepts for solving multi task applications
Optimization - Basic terminologies, Formulation of different types of structural optimization
problems. Solution of optimization problems- Single and Multivariable optimization problems,
One dimensional Minimization, Direct search and gradient based methods of optimization.
Conceptual ideas of reliability based optimization, dynamic programming and multi objective
problems, Methods of constraint handling, Linear programming-two phase solution of Simplex
method, Duality, Integer programming. Specialized optimization techniques- Geometric
programming, Search algorithms for optimization- Genetic algorithm and Swarm intelligence
Course Outcome:
On completion of this course, students will be able to understand the basic concepts of
optimization, formulate the optimization models for real field engineering problems in
general and structural engineering problems in particular, select appropriate method for
solving real life problems.
1. Rao S. S. Engineering Optimization – Theory and Practice , New Age International.
2. Deb K. Optimization for Engineering Design – Algorithms and examples. Prentice
3. Kirsch U. Optimum Structural Design, McGraw Hill.
4. Arora J S. Introduction to Optimum Design, McGraw Hill
5. Haftka R T and Gurdal Z. -Elements of structural optimization-Springer
6. Goldberg D.E.-Genetic Algorithms in search, optimization and machine learning.
7. Engelbrecht A P. -Fundamentals of computational swarm Intelligence- Weily
8. Kennedy J and Eberhart R C.-Swarm Intelligence- Morgan Kaufaman
9. Fox R L. -Optimization methods for engineering design – Wiely
10. Belegundu and Chandrapatla-Optimization concepts and applications in engineering-
Prentice Hall India Ltd
11. Taha HA- Introduction to operations research – Prentice Hall, New Jersy.
12. Relevant research papers published in reputed international journals to explore the
applications of meta-heuristic techniques in structural engineering.
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02CE6242.4 Structural Optimization
Page 44
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6242.5 BRIDGE ENGINEERING 3-0-0 3 2015
Course Objectives:
1. To provide an idea about the different type of bridges, their components, materials and
loads acting on bridge structures.
2. Provide an insight into the analysis and design of various type of RCC, steel, pre
stressed, continuous and cable stayed bridges.
3. Design the various components of bridges.
Classification and components of bridges. Road and railway bridge specifications and IRC
provisions Foundation and substructures, Piers, abutments and, bed blocks. Bearings:
Concrete, steel and neoprene bearings Load distribution theories of T beam bridges, Design of
R. C. Bridges, Deck-slab bridges, T beam bridges and balanced cantilever bridges.
Introduction to continuous girder bridges, box girder bridges, rigid frame bridges and arch
bridges, suspension bridges and cable stayed bridges Pre- stressed Concrete Bridges: Analysis
and Design of single span bridges- Composite bridges Introduction to Integral bridges -Design
of Steel bridges, plate girder and truss bridges, Joints in bridges, Handling and erection of
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
• Carry out the analysis and design of RCC, steel, prestressed concrete and composite
• Analyze and design different components of bridges.
• Understand the design procedures and construction methods of modern bridges.
1. Johnson Victor D., Essentials of Bridge Engineering, Oxford & IBH Pub. Co.
2. Vazirani V. N., Design of Concrete Bridges,Khanna publishers,2004
3. Jagadeesh T.R and Jayaram M.A, Design of Bridge Structures, Prentice Hall,2004
4. Krishnaraju. N, Design of Bridges, Oxford & IBH Pub. Co.,2010
5. Krishnaraju.N,Prestressed Concrete bridges,CBS Publishers,2010
6. IRC 6-2000,IRC 21-2000,IS 800-2007,IRC 18-1985,IRC 24-2001,IRC 83-1987
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02CE6242.5 Bridge Engineering
Page 46
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6252.1 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites : Basic knowledge of Mathematics, Statistics
Course Objectives:
The course is designed to give a deep understanding of production and materials management
in industries as well as in construction sites. It also deals with related concepts like Value
Engineering, Standardization, Selective Control etc. It is intended to give an insight into the
potential of computers in materials management.
Introduction to Materials Management-Corporate policy and materials management-
Organization and control-Purchasing-Specification- Standardization and codification-
Standardization in India-Variety reduction through standardization-Inventory management-
Economic Order Quantity-Replenishment systems- Stores Management- Selective control-
Value analysis- Production management- Computer application in production and materials
Course Outcome:
The student will be able to:
• Manage different functions related to materials such as inventory, stores,
replenishment, purchasing etc.
• Apply knowledge and skill in Value Engineering, Selective control of inventory etc.
• Investigate and apply the potentials of computers in production and materials
1. Introduction to Materials Management, 6th edition, J.R.Tony Arnold, Stephen N.
Chapman, Lloyd M. Clive, Pearson Education Inc., 2008
2. Materials Management: Procedures, Text and Cases, 2nd edition, A. K. Datta, PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2012
3. Principles of Inventory and Materials Management, 3rd edition, Richard J. Tersine,
Elsevier Science Ltd., 1987
4. Materials Management: An Integrated Approach, P. Gopalakrishnan, M.
Sundaresan, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2011
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02CE6252.1 Production and Materials Management
Page 48
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6252.2 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites: Awareness of Probability and Statistics
Course Objectives:
• To formulate mathematical models for quantitative analysis of managerial problems in
construction industry
• To applyoptimization techniques in solving real world problems in industry
Linear programming – formulation and solution– Duality in linear programming –
Transportation and assignment problems–Integer programming – Network Models –
Dynamic programming – Decision analysis – Simulation
Course Outcome:
After the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
• Formulate optimization models of real world problems
• Apply appropriate optimization techniques for decision making
• Implement and analyze Monte Carlo simulation methods in practical problems
1. Hillier, F.S. and Lieberman, G.J., Introduction to Operations Research, McGraw-Hill
International edition, 2001
2. Rao, S.S. Optimization: Theory and Applications, Wiley eastern, 1996
3. Ravindran, A., Phillips, D.T., and Solberg, J.J., Operations Research: Principles and
Practice, Wiley India, 2010
4. Taha, H.A., Operations Research: An Introduction, Prentice-Hall of India, 2007
5. Ravindran, A.,Ragsdell, K.M., and Reklaitis, G.V., Engineering Optimization: Methods
and applications, Wiley Interscience, New York, 1983
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02CE6252.2 Quantitative Methods in Construction Management
Page 50
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE6262 MINI PROJECT 0-0-4 2 2015
Mini project can be on a broad area in which the student wishes to do the thesis or can be on a
tool required for the thesis, so that the student gains confidence and expertise to use the tool
for his thesis work. Mini project can also be on a different topic. The student should take up a
problem in the identified area and perform the investigations. A detailed report of the
investigations needs to be submitted along with a presentation at the end of the semester.
Distribution of marks
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Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
Course Objectives:
• Impart the concepts of structural dynamics through free and forced vibration tests of
experimental models.
• Demonstrate and measure structural response to dynamic loading.
• Demonstrate the existence of natural frequencies and mode shapes of real structures.
• Develop analytical models of the structures being investigated.
• Compare experimental quantities with analytical modal quantities such as natural
frequencies and mode shapes.
• Experimentally determine the damping of a structure.
List of Experiments
Note: Results obtained from experiments may be numerically verified wherever possible.
Course Outcome:
After the successful completion of the course, students will be able to perform free vibration
and forced vibration test on experimental models of beams and multi-storey shear building
frames to estimate the natural frequencies and damping, develop analytical models of physical
systems for dynamic analysis, apply the principles of structural dynamics to obtain the
theoretical response, compare the experimental and theoretical responses and infer them.
Page 52
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE7211.1 HIGH RISE STRUCTURES 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites :
Course Objectives:
• The ability to identify the structural systems for various combinations of gravity and
horizontal loading considering their functional use and heights.
• Should be able to analyze the behaviour and drift capacities of various high rise structural
Definition and need of tall building - Historic background - factors affecting growth.
Design Criteria, Design Philosophy of High Rise structures, Materials, Different types of
Loadings. Structural form, Floor systems, Rigid frame Structures, Portal method, Cantilever
method, approximate analysis of drift, Braced frames, Infilled frames, behaviour of infilled
frames. Shear wall Structures-behaviour of shear wall structures, Coupled shear walls, Wall
frame structures- behaviour of wall frames, Tubular structures-framed tube structures-bundled
tube structures-braced tube structures, Core structures, Outrigger-Braced Structures,
Foundations for tall structures-pile foundation-mat foundation, Modelling for analysis for high
rise structures – approximate analysis, accurate analysis and reduction techniques, Discussion
of various Finite Element Packages for the analysis of High Rise Structures.
Course Outcome:
After successful completion of this course, students will be able to model and analyse high rise
structures subjected to different types of loading conditions. The students will be capable of
evaluating the drift capabilities of different structural forms.
1. Bryan Stafford Smith and Alex Coull, Tall Building structures: Analysis and Design, Wiley-
Interscience, New York, 1991.
2. Bungale S Taranath, Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. Kolousek V, Pimer M, Fischer O and Naprstek J, Wind effects on Civil Engineering
Structures. Elsevier Publications, 1984.
4. Robert L Wiegel, Earthquake Engineering. Prentice Hall, 1970.
5. ATC40- Seismic evaluation and retrofitting of concrete buildings, Seismic safety
commission, California 1996.
6. Wolfgang Schuller , High Rise Building structures, JohnWiley and sons, 1977.
7. Mark Fintel, Hand book of concrete engineering Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985.
8. FEMA 445, Next generation Performance based seismic design guidelines, FEMA, 2006.
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02CE7211.1 High Rise Structures
Page 54
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE7211.2 STRUCTURAL RELIABILITY 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites : Basics of Probability and Statistics
Course Objectives:
General introduction to structural safety and reliability, Concept of uncertainty in
reliability based analysis and design, Probability axioms and probability functions,
Conditional probability, Random variables - Concept and definition, Common probability
density and distribution functions and its descriptors, Correlation between random variables.
Joint probability distributions, Functions of random variables- Expectation and moments of
functions of random variables, Concept of failure of a structure, reduced variable space and
basic definition of reliability index, First order second moment index, Hasofer-Lind
reliability index, Rackwitz - Fiessler reliability index. Second order reliability method.
System reliability, Simulation techniques in reliability estimation, Importance sampling /
Variation reduction techniques, Time variant reliability- (introduction alone). Reliability
based design.
Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to model uncertain parameters, apply
probability theory to handle uncertainties, find reliability of members and systems using
analytical and simulation based methods.
1. Andrzej S. Nowak & Kevin R. Collins, Reliability of Structures, McGraw-Hill,1999.
2. Robert E. Melchers, Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction, John Wiley
& Sons,1999.
3. R. Ranganathan, Reliability Analysis and Design of Structures, Jaico Publishing
House, Mumbai,1999.
4. Ang, A.H.S. and Tang, W.H. (1975). Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning
and Design, Vol. 1, Basic Principles, John Wiley, New York,1975.
5. Ang, A.H.S. and Tang, W.H. (1984). Probability concepts in engineering planning
design.Volume II, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1984.
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02CE7211.2 Structural Reliability
Page 56
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE7211.3 STABILITY OF STRUCTURES 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites : Basic skills in Engineering Mechanics, Structural Analysis, Design and
Course Objectives:
• To provides a strong background in buckling phenomenon, buckling in columns, beam
columns, frames, plates and shells
• To identify situations where the different structures are susceptible to buckling
Buckling of Columns – Introduction – Concepts of St ability – Methods of Neutral
Equilibrium – Euler Column – Eigen Value Problem – Axially Loaded Column – Effective
Length Concept and Design Curve. Large Deformation Theory for Columns. The Behaviour
of Imperfect Columns. Eccentrically Loaded Column. Inelastic Buckling of Columns -
Double Modulus Theory- Tangent Modulus Theory. Energy method for calculating critical
loads – Rayleigh Ritz Method – Galerkin Method – Numerical Methods – Matrix Stiffness
Method- Flexural Members and Compression Members. Buckling of Built up Columns, Non-
prismatic members- Effect of shear on critical Loads Beams and Beam Columns –
Introduction– Beam Column with Concentrated and Distributed Loads – Effect of Axial Load
on Bending Stiffness. Design of Beam Columns - Interaction Formula. Torsional Buckling.
Torsional and Torsional – Flexural Buckling of Columns, Lateral Buckling of Beams.
Continuous beams with axial load. Buckling of Frames – Introduction – Modes of Buckling –
Critical Load Using Neutral Equilibrium Methods.
Stability of a frame by Matrix Analysis. Buckling of Plates – Differential Equation of
Plate Buckling – Critical Load of a plate uniformly compressed in one direction. Tension
field behavior in Plate Girder Webs Post buckling behavior of axially compressed plates.
Instability of shells
Course Outcome:
After successful completion of this course, students will be able to understand the concept of
stability, analyse stability of structural members and systems, perform buckling analysis
using energy methods and matrix methods.
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02CE7211.3 Stability of Structures
Page 58
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
Course Objectives:
• To make a student aware of the historical background and current perspectives of
organizational behaviour
• To understand individual and group behaviour in the environmental and
organizational context
• To manage and motivate people towards greater productivity
1. Organizational Behavior, 13th edition, Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge, Seema
Sanghi, Doring Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd., 2010
2. Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at Work, 12th edition, John W. Newstrom,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi, 2007
3. Organizational Behavior, 11th edition, Fred Luthans, McGraw Hill International
Edition, 2008
4. Organizational Behavior, 9th edition, Stephen P. Robbins, Prentice all India, 2001
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02CE7221.1 Organizational Behaviour
Page 60
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE7221.2 3-0-0 3 2015
Pre-requisites: Basics of Construction Management, Statistics
Course Objectives:
• Introduce basic concepts of productivity in construction management
• Impart knowledge on productivity measurement and the practices required to improve it
Productivity –definitions – Need for productivity measurement –Factors influencing
productivity–Data collection for productivity improvement studies –Work measurement–
Quantifying lost productivity– Presenting and implementing productivity improvement
findings –Influence of human factors on productivity –Computer applications in productivity
Course Outcome:
After the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
• Identify factors that affect productivity in different activities related to the construction
• Select techniques for measuring and reporting labour productivity
• Analyze productivity in construction
• Recommend productivity improvement measures
1. Oglesby, C. H., Parker, H. W. and Howell, G. A., Productivity Improvement in
Construction, McGraw Hill, 1989
2. Harris, F. and McCaffer, R., Modern Construction Management, Wiley Blackwell,
3. Adrian, J. J., Construction Productivity: Measurement and Improvement, Stipes Pub
LLC, 2004
Page 61
02CE7221.2 Construction Productivity Improvement
Page 62
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE7231 SEMINAR 0-0-2 2 2015
The student has to present a seminar in one of the recent topics from the broad area of their
specialisation. Students are expected to submit a seminar report along with the presentation.
Distribution of marks
Seminar Report Evaluation: 30 marks
Seminar Presentation: 40 marks
Ability to answer questions: 30 marks
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE7241 PROJECT (PHASE-I) 0-0-8 6 2015
Project (Phase I) comprises of preliminary project work and a presentation at the end of the
semester. Student should submit a preliminary project report. The presentation should
highlight the topic, objectives and methodology, the work completed till the third semester
and the scope of the work which is to be accomplished in the fourth semester.
Distribution of marks
Progress evaluation by the Project Guide : 20 marks
Presentation and evaluation by the committee: 30 marks
Year of
Course No. Name of Course L-T-P Credits
02CE7212 PROJECT (PHASE-II) 0-0-21 12 2015
The student has to continue the Project work done in second and third semesters. There would
be an interim presentation at the first half of the semester to evaluate the progress of the work
and at the end of the semester there would be a Pre-Submission seminar before the Evaluation
committee for assessing the quality and quantum of work. This would be the qualifying
exercise for the students for getting approval from the Department Committee for the
submission of Project Report. At least one technical paper is to be prepared for possible
publication in Journals/Conferences. The final evaluation of the Project would be conducted
by the external examiner.
Distribution of marks
Progress evaluation by the Project Guide : 30 marks
Presentation and evaluation by the committee: 40 marks
Evaluation by the External Expert: 30 marks
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