Term Paper of Beximco Pharmaceuticals LT PDF
Term Paper of Beximco Pharmaceuticals LT PDF
Term Paper of Beximco Pharmaceuticals LT PDF
BaximcoPharcuetical Limited
Submitted to
School of Business
MBA Program
Submitted by:
Golaper Kata
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Dear Sir,
We take great pleasure in submitting the term paper on ―Term Paper on
BaximcoPharcuetical Limited‖; which was approved by you for the course Marketing
Management (BUS 620).
This report is very much relevant to what we have learnt in this course. It truly reveals the
real essence of marketing and will certainly help us understand the course better.
We have tried to make this report as comprehensive as possible within the given time and
we would feel gratified if our paper serves its purposes. Therefore, we would be obliged if
you could please accept this report.
Sincerely yours,
Group Members: Golaper Kata
Name ID Signature
Baly yasmin 1321056060
Molla Ashiqul haq 1230131660
Shahriar Rohmotullah 1310380660
Md. Ahasan Habib 1430772660
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(All praises belongs to Almighty Allah, the most beneficent, more merciful)
We would like to take this opportunity to express our profound gratitude and deep regard
to our honorable course instructor, Professor Dr. M. Mahmodul Hasan, for his exemplary
guidance, valuable feedback and constant encouragement throughout the duration of the
project. His valuable suggestions were of immense help throughout our project work. His
perceptive criticism kept us working to make this project in a much better way. Working
under him was an extremely knowledgeable experience for us.
Next we would like to thank Shariful Islam, Asst. manager, HRM at Beximco
pharmaceuticals Ltd for his continued support with all the necessary information required
for the completion of this report.
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In Second Chapter, we have gone through a SWOT and PESTEL Analysis of Beximco
Pharmaceuticals. We have also identified Michael Porter‘s Five Forces of Beximco
In Third Chapter we have focused on the Marketing Strategy & Core Marketing Concept
and Market Segmentation of Beximco Pharmaceuticals and we have also discussed about
Marketing Mix (7P and 4C) of the company. The fourth chapter focuses on Value Chain
Model, Total Quality Management (TQM), Loyalty, Quality and Control of Rossini. The
fifth chapter discusses about Brand & Branding. We have conducted the Box Analysis of
Brand Elements (6 Categories) and the Brand Dynamic Pyramid of Beximco
The sixth chapter focuses on The Five M‘s of Advertising and Mass Communication of
Beximco Pharmaceuticals we have discussed about the Marketing Budget & Expenditure,
Pricing Strategies and Breakeven Analysis with Chart/Graph in seventh chapter of this
report. We have concluded our report after giving a suitable and reasonable
recommendation to the assigned company.
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Beximco Pharmacy currently has a portfolio of more than 500 products encompassing all
major therapeutic categories, and it has successfully differentiated itself by offering
technology driven specialized products. With a dedicated workforce of around 3,000
people, the simple principle on which it was founded remains the same: producing high-
quality generic drugs and making them affordable to our people.
With decades of contract manufacturing experience with global MNCs, skilled manpower
and proven formulation capabilities, the company has been building a visible and growing
presence across the continents offering high quality generics at the most affordable cost.
Ensuring access to quality medicines is the powerful aspiration that motivates more than
2,700 employees of the organization, and each of them is guided by the same moral and
social responsibilities the company values most
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Marketing management depends on the size of the business and the industry in which the
business operates. Effective marketing management will use a company's resources to
increase its customer base, improvecustomeropinions of the company's products and
services, and increase the company's perceived value .
BeximcoPharmacy has created the art and science to choosing its target markets and
getting, keeping, and growing its customers through creating, delivering, and
communicating superior customer value and effectively managing its resources to increase
customer base and increase customer opinions/satisfaction, product & services and
company‘s perceived value.
BeximcoPharma‘s core values define who they are; guide it to take decisions andhelp
realize its individual and corporate aspirations, commitment to quality. It adopts industry
best practices in all its operations to ensure highestquality standards of our
products.BeximcoPharmacy committed to satisfying the needs of its customers, both
internal and external.It gives high priority on building capabilities of its employees and
empowers them to realize their full potential.
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Business Plan
They continually strive to improve their core capabilities to address the unmet medical
needs of the patients and to deliver outstanding results for their shareholders.
Corporate Strategy
Their main strategy of Beximcopharmacy is to ensure highest quality standards of their
products. It encourages transparency in everything it does and strictly adheres to the
highest ethical standards. They are accountable for their own actions and responsible for
sustaining corporate reputation.
BeximcoPharma actively taking part in initiatives that benefit our society and contribute
to the welfare of our people. It takes great care in managing its operations with high
concern for safety and environment.
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Strength: Weakness:
1. Patent of Beximco pharmacy. 1. Managing people/staff effectively is a key
2. Beximco pharmacy is successful to challenge for Beximcopharmacy
establish its brand strongly 2. High cost structure
3. Beximco pharmacy have a very good
reputation among customers with its
superior quality
4. Strong distribution channel
5. High tech manufacturing facilities
6. Global footprints
Opportunities Threats
1. There is scope to more product 1. Emergence of new competitors in the
extension based on R&D market
2. Arrival of new technologies for the 2. Increased trade barriers in its global
manufacturing process footprints
3. Removal of international trade fairs
Loosening of regulations
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Political Economical
1. Political instability of 1. Economic growth of
Bangladesh Bangladesh
2. Bangladesh Government 2. Inflation rate of Bangladesh
Environmental Regulations 3. Interest rates
3. Labor Law of Bangladesh
4. TAX policy of Bangladesh
Social/Socio-Cultural Technological
Ecological/Environmental Legal
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Supplier Power
Supplier concentration
is high for
Switching cost is not so
high for
Marketing Strategy
We can find the strategies of firms by the roles they play in the target market:
Where Square Pharma is leading the industry in terms of market share there is
BeximcoPharma who is lying in the Market Challenger position in terms of market share.
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In the strategic group they Beximco Pharmacy fall under Group D which is Broad line,
medium manufacturing cost, low service, and low price.
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From the mission, vision, business plan and corporate strategy of Beximcopharmacy we
can easily say the Beximcopharmacy focuses on Product concept since Beximcopharmacy
focuses on offering the most quality.
3. Value and Satisfaction: The products are successful because it delivers value and
satisfaction to the target buyer.
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People Process
In Bex imco pharma they are focus on In Beximco pharma Some examples of
the customer in such way : process decisions to be made include:
1 . BPL‘s success is based on attracting, 1 . Beximco pharma ranging from the
dev eloping and retaining talented and color to the design.
motiv ated employ ees. 2. Beximco pharma frequently arrange
2. BPL has highly educated white- collar seminars and sy mposia cov ering a wide
employ ees comprising of approximately range of medical topics attended by
76% of total BPL‘s workforce. members of health care community .
Product Decisions
T he term ―product‖ refers to tangible,
phy sical products as well as serv ices.
Here are some examples of the product
decisions to be made:
1 . Brand name
2. Functionality
3. Sty ling
4. Quality
5. Safety
6. Packaging
7. Repairs and Support
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CLIENTS All costs should be considered
Beximco Pharmaceuticals should while designing the product which
undergo a market research means the costs incurred to make
through which they can the Products and the costs incurred
understand what kind of product by the customers to gain the
customers are looking for and product. In this way they can do
what impression do they have in appropriate pricing and make the
mind when they think of. customers feel that Beximco
Pharmaceuticals understands what
a customer goes through to
purchase a watch in terms of
Communications Beximco Pharmaceuticals needs to
All sorts of communications done understand the appropriate
between Beximco locations where the distributions
Pharmaceuticals and its clients can be done easily from the
should be clear and engaging so perspective of the customers so
that consumers do not feel that the products gain a wide
confused about the products and reach.
customers feel interested to buy
the product
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The value chain is a tool for identifying ways to create more customer value because
every firm is a synthesis of primary and support activities performed to design, produce,
market, deliver, and support its product.
The company is consistently building upon its portfolio and currently producing more than
500 products in different dosage forms covering broader therapeutic categories.
Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BPL) should focus to create value for its customers.
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2) Operations (turn into final product): Global MNCs like Bayer, Germany and Upjohn,
USA is good in technology hence they possess advanced production methods to turn the
raw materials into quality final product. The whole idea should be about turning the raw
materials into final product effectively and efficiently.
4) Marketing (marketing and sales): Marketing and Sales should be such that the target
market can be influenced. Marketing and Sales approach for product are more formal and
5) Servicing (service after the sale): After sales service should make the customers at ease
so they don‘t fall into hesitation or difficulty after buying the product. Beximco
Pharmaceuticals Ltd (BPL) should have the image in the customers‘ minds that after
buying the product they don‘t have to fall in a problem in case an after sale is required.
B) Support activities:
2) Technology development: As said earlier global MNCs like Bayer, Germany and Upjohn,
USA is good an advanced technology for which top quality production is not a problem.
BeximcoPharma is one of the largest exporters of medicines in Bangladesh, winning
National Export (Gold) Trophy a record four times. .
3) Human resource management (HRM): planning is the core area of all the functions of
management. It is the foundation upon which the other three areas should be built.
Planning requires management to evaluate where human resource of the company is
Currently, and where it would like to be in the future. From there an appropriate course of
action to attain the company's goals and objectives is determined and implemented.
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Quality ControlDepartment
Quality control department makes all types of chemical assay and chemical analysis find
the result in terms of potency, presence, identity, stability etc. The persons working here
are responsible for the quality of the products. This is actually the analytical part of the
Analytical Section:
Analytical section of Quality Control Department performs analytical tests. Analytical
tests are mainly of two types as follows:
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Approval of source
Checking of Dispensing operation
In process checking of all production area
Product sampling, release
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Brand Story
"We are happy with the progress achieved in the first half of 2010 and our achievement
during the period reinforces our focus on different strategic priorities which would enable
us to deliver broader range of medicines for our patients and greater value for the
shareholders" - as the Managing Director of the company was speaking. The Company was
awarded Super brands for the year 2010-11 recently. The company delivered strong
performance during the first half of the year 2010 with an impressive 28% growth over the
corresponding period of 2009. This performance was largely driven by strong growth of
key brands, as well as excellent response with 28 new products launched during the period.
The company developed and registered over 50 generic formulations for launching in the
current year which will significantly strengthen its product portfolio.
Brand Leadership
As survey showed that 27 of BPL‘s products are found to be brand leaders out of 47
products surveyed while 10 stand at second place
Brand elements are devices that identify and differentiate the brand. Multiple brand
elements application may strong the brand equity. The outcome of this activity can be
judged by what consumers would think or feel about the product if the brand element were
all they knew.
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The firm spent 30 years tracking brand-health studies from thousands of organizations. It
then used this research to create its original model. The pyramid, as shown in figure,
illustrates the five key stages that customers go through with a brand, starting with basic
awareness and finishing with complete loyalty.
The "Brand Pyramid" is a useful tool that can help you think about where your customers
are on this journey to loyalty. In this term paper, we'll explore how Beximco can use it to
increase people's loyalty to your brand, product, or organization
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Level 2: RelevanceAt this level, customers start to think about whether the brand meets
their wants and needs. It's here that they begin comparing the cost of your products
with respect to the value they provide. Customers begin asking questions like: Does
this brand fit my needs? Is it worth it? Being a customer of Beximco pharmacy we
got positive answer from the above questions.
Level 4: AdvantageAt these level, customers has determined that there is a distinct
advantage to using the brand, compared with others. They're also beginning to
associate the brand with their emotions and with their sense of self. Because they
are still looking for the X factor which give them the competitive advantage than
their competitor.
Level 5: Bondinghere, customers have established a bond with the brand. They've
determined that cost, advantage, and performance are all at levels that they like.
This, in turn, encourages them to exclude other brands in favor of this one.
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Celebrate every
minutes of
being alive by
Providing hope
Mission Money & ensuring a Measurement
better future
creating strong
emotional Initially Apx BDT Customer from all
attachment 25,00,000 around the world
building a Media
strong bonding
internet & social
Beximco's 5 M
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Date: 04/25/15
The five M‘s of advertising provide a framework by which you can create an advertising
First, the firm must decide what the purpose of the advertisements will be. This is called
the mission. Monetary constraints usually determine how large any project can be. Since
measuring changes in customer opinion can be time consuming and costly.
MISSION First of the entire marketing manager must be clear on the company‘s purpose
for advertising. ―Increase in sales figure‖ will be a very broad and to a certain context a
vague objective. According to Mr. Philip Kotler, a renowned authority in this field, there
can be three possible objectives behind.
MONEY After the objective has been decided upon; the next step is to decide upon the
budget. There are several methods for deciding on the advertising budget. The most
common among them is the percentage of sales method. But then like each individual each
company is also different.
Advertising is a creative process. There are slogans, themes and gimmicks that try to lure
the customer in. The message of an advertisement is this creative aspect.
This aspect of the program refers to the media that will be used to communicate the
message. This can include television, radio, mail, telephone and in person contact.
Choosing the right media can make or break an advertising program.
Finally, Beximco must measure the effects of the program on their intended audience. It is
often very difficult to measure how much the advertisements actually impacted customer
interest and how much other external factors played a part.
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The main promotion activities are carried out by the medical representatives & they are
covering Hospitals & Clinics, as because a new product will be launched in the market, the
management can think of a launching program or an introductory program. All leading
gastroenterologists, Surgeons, General practice doctors who are practicing in Hospitals,
clinics in Dhaka will be invited in that campaign to make the product familiar to them. In
this way the message of their products spread among the doctors. Since, it is not practical
or difficult to go for nationwide campaign for a single product at once, so they focus on the
doctors based in Dhaka first but they will be ready to use mechanisms procedures to
ensure that the message spreads to other doctors through their colleagues to all over
Bangladesh. All doctors will be provided with initial samples & other promotional items.
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The stakes are always high when it comes to marketing, managing and promoting brands
and handling the media in this age of mass communication. Get it right, and
Your message will hit home at the heart of your target audience. Get it wrong, and you
might stir up a crisis.
Beximco Group, the largest private sector industrial conglomerate in Bangladesh, They
appointed Impact PR as its official public relations agency.
Beximco Group's Director Finance and Corporate Affairs O K Chowdhury and Impact PR
Chief Executive Officer M Shamsur Rahman signed the agreement at Beximco Group's
head office.
Under the agreement, Impact PR will provide public relations services to companies under
the umbrella of Beximco Group and will take care of all media inquiries on a 24-hour and
seven-day-a-week basis, said a press release.
CSR initiatives are an integral part of our strategic commitment, and we are always
guided by strong ethical values to operate responsibly within broader social and
economic context. Responding to the evolving needs of the society, and making a
meaningful impact on the quality of their lives are central to Beximco‘s CSR
From Rana a plaza victim to those affected by natural calamities, BPL always stands
by the distressed donating a large amount of medicines.
BPL continues to support JAAGO Foundation; the largest youth based volunteer
organization in Bangladesh, which aims to bring about substantial improvement in
the lives of disadvantaged people with special emphasis on their literacy and
nourishment. BeximcoPharmacy sponsors Jaago‘s various health and education
initiatives and actively takes part in celebration of special days.
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Through the FRF foundation, Beximco has been engaged in philanthropic activities for the
last 12 years, providing medical consultation and diagnostic support both for its
Employees and general people at a nominal cost. BPL also plays a leading role in
promoting sports and preserving cultural heritage through sponsorship.
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In the previous section we talked about mass communication campaign strategies, and we
have shown the budget. Our overall marketing budget will be the same, which makes the
grand total shown below.
Contents BUDGET
Descriptions 2014 2013
Raw and Packing Material (Including Work in 1,768,608 1,675,642
Process and Transit)* Inventory
Capital Expenditure / Project 29,734 39,234
Raw & Packing Material * Loans 431,840 409,578
Physician Sample 99,961 99,961
TOTAL 2,330,143 2,224,415
This will be our marketing budget and expenditure to rebrand Beximco Pharmaceuticals
Ltd in the minds of the Bangladesh customers. It may seem a lot, but it is worth it as
Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd will gain increased exposure, thus more profit margins.
Market growth
The market is expected to grow by 15 to 20% per annum for the next 5 years. The
compounded annual growth for the previous 6 years was 15%. The next stage of growth is
expected to come from backward integration to manufacture high volume raw materials,
introduction of Hi-Tech manufacturing processes that are difficult to imitate products, and
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MARKETING COSTS: BY YEAR: Sales & selling costs: during product launch.
Distribution/ warehousing / handling / processing costs: during product launch.
Advertising / promotional costs: during product launch. After-sales costs. After-sales
costs: during product launch. Total marketing costs: during product launch.
Pricing Strategies
Steps in Setting Price(also add this figure) in
Determine demand
Estimate costs
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Price is not a very important factor due to the nature of the product. Quality is more
important. However, the purchasing capacity of the patients is also an important
consideration. Therefore, it is important for the companies to charge a reasonable price for
their product
According the survey, most of the doctors perceive Beximco as offering reasonable pricing
for their product.
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Break-even point
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Figure: Break-even point of Beximcopharmacy, 2014 (Half Year ended June 30)
Source: Half-Yearly-Report-2014 of Beximcopharmacy
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Book name:
Web site:
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