Customer-Questionnaire of CB
Customer-Questionnaire of CB
Customer-Questionnaire of CB
I am student of MBA on the topic “questionnaires related Customer's Opinions about Online
Banking Services of HDFC Bank. I am conducting a research study to understand the behavior
of people towards internet banking which is provided by HDFC banks. The study is for
educational purpose only and complete confidentiality will be maintained. It will take
approximately 20 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Kindly extend your cooperation in
filling up this questionnaire.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no likely risks associated with
this study. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from
the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions and your cooperation
will be highly obliged.
Data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded
and will remain confidential.
1. NAME :
(Present communication address with mobile no. & mail id)
(Permanent address with mobile no. & mail id)
a. Male b. Female
What is the highest level of Education you have completed?
c. Graduate/BE/B.Tech. d. Post-graduate
e. Housewife
Yes No
If yes then…………
a) SBI
b) PNB
e) OTHER………………
Yes No
5. On the average, how much time (per week) do you spend with internet?
a. 0 – 5 hrs b. 6- 10 hrs
a. Home b. Office
b) 1 to 3times
c) 3 to 8 times
d) 8 to 12 times
e) over 12 times
(e) other…………………
b. Online banking
c. Telephone banking
d. Mobile banking
e. SMS banking
11. Online Banking services used by the client from the offering by the Bank.
a) Loan applications.
b) Download statements.
c) Balance checking.
e) Balance transfers.
f) Payment of bills
g) Others……………………..
d) Others………………
Thank you very much for your valuable support and time…..