Wpae - Analyze Text Like A Pro

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Name: ________________________

WPAE: Analyze Text like a Pro!

Write the quote.

Paraphrase in your own words.
Analyze the subtleties.
Evaluate the importance.

1. Write: Get the quote by itself.

2. Paraphrase: How can I say this in my own words?

Note: Directly look at the text and rewrite it in your own words. Don’t lost the meaning
of the text in the process!
3. Analyze: What’s actually going on here?
Part One: Look for tone, diction, mood, figurative language (metaphor, simile, imagery,
alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification, etc.)
Part Two: Why did the author use these devices?

4. Evaluate: Why is this important?

Your focus for The Color Purple: How does this show my emerging theme? How is this
evidence of the presence of my theme in the novel?

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