ADB facilitated this study through its Regional Technical Assistance 6291: Rolling Out Air Quality Management in Asia.
The Study was led by the CAI-Asia Secretariat and the information contained in this report was developed by the CAI-Asia Secretariat with inputs by a range of organizations and air quality
experts from across Asia and elsewhere.
The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or its Board of Governors or the Governments they represent.
ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in the publication and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use.
The term “country” does not imply any judgment by ADB to the legal or other status of any territorial entity.
Table of Contents
General Information 1
Geography and Climate 1
Population and Urbanization 1
Industry and Economy 1
Energy 2
Transportation 3
Sources of Air Pollution 5
Emission Inventory 5
Source Apportionment 6
Status of Air Quality 7
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring 7
Ambient Air Quality 9
Reporting of AQ Information 11
Impacts of Air Pollution 12
Air Quality Management 13
Legislation and Mandate 13
Ambient AQ Standards 15
Management of Mobile Sources 15
Management of Stationary Sources 17
Management of Area Sources 17
Public/Nongovernment Participation 17
Local Government Initiatives 18
Conclusion 19
References 21
Tables, Figures, and Boxes
1.1 Primary Energy Supply Mix—Actual Usage
and Projections (MMBFOE) 2
2.1 National Capital Region Emissions Inventory, 2005 5
3.1 Summary of Recent AQ Data and Sources 7
3.2 Existing Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations
in Major Cities in the Philippines 8
4.1 Air Pollution Impacts on Public Health of
Metro Manila 12
5.1 Philippine Guideline Values vs. WHO
Guidelines and US Standards (ug/m3) 15
1.1 Registered Motor Vehicles in the Philippines
and Metro Manila, 1990–2005 3
1.2 % Share of Vehicle Types in the Overall Fleet, 2005 3
1.3 Regional Distribution by Vehicle Type, 2005 3
3.1 Ambient TSP Concentration in Metro Manila,
2001–2005 9
3.2 PNRI PM10 and PM2.5 (ug/m3) Monitoring
Data—Ateneo Station 10
3.3 PNRI PM10 and PM2.5 (ug/m3) Monitoring
Data—Poveda Station 10
3.4 Historical SO2 Data for NCR 10
3.5 SO2 Monitoring Data for Ateneo Station 10
3.6 Lead (μg/m3) Monitoring Data for Regions
III and IV 11
5.1 Metro Manila Air Quality Improvement
Sector Development Program 14
5.2 Anti-Smoke Belching Campaign 16
5.3 Energy and Clean Air Program (ECAP) 18
This series of country reports is the first time that a com- For the Philippine CSR, CAI-Asia extends special thanks to Dr.
prehensive overview of urban air quality management (AQM) Donato dela Cruz, Mr. Bill Cote of the Metro Manila Air Quality
at the country level has been prepared in Asia. Research Improvement Sector Development Project (MMAQISDP),
compilation for this country synthesis report (CSR) on Urban Mr. Voltaire Acosta of the League of Cities of Philippines, Mr.
Air Quality Management was led by the Clean Air Initiative Manny Camagay of the National Center for Transport Studies,
for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) Secretariat with inputs by a range Mr. Reynaldo Tejada of the Environmental Management
of organizations and air quality experts from across Asia and Bureau, and Ms. Chee-Anne Guzman of PCA for volunteering
elsewhere and facilitated by the Asian Development Bank their time to write some segments of the report. CAI-Asia is
(ADB) through its Regional Technical Assistance No. 6291: also grateful to Ms. Cesar Siador, Ms. Jean Rosete, and Mr.
Rolling Out Air Quality Management in Asia. The primary Jundy del Socorro, all of the Environmental Management
authors of the reports are Ms. Aurora Fe Ables, Ms. May Ajero, Bureau (EMB) for providing comments to the report.
Mr. Herbert Fabian, and Ms. Ninette Ramirez, all from CAI-
Asia with the supervision of Mr. Cornie Huizenga, Head of CAI-Asia would like to thank ADB for facilitating the research
Secretariat, CAI-Asia. and Mr. Masami Tsuji, Senior Environment Specialist, Dr.
David McCauley, Senior Environmental Economist, and
The CSRs were prepared with assistance from volunteer authors Mr. Nessim Ahmad, Director—all from the Environment
from the different countries and facilitated by CAI-Asia local and Social Safeguard Division, Regional and Sustainable
networks in Nepal (Clean Air Network-Nepal), Pakistan Development Department—for providing guidance. Ms.
(Pakistan Clean Air Network), Philippines (Partnership for Glynda Bathan, Mr. Michael Co, Ms. Agatha Diaz, and Ms.
Clean Air [PCA]), the People’s Republic of China (PRC) (CAI- Gianina Panopio of CAI-Asia are also acknowledged for their
Asia Project Office), Sri Lanka (Clean Air Sri Lanka), and logistical and technical support for the CSR team.
Viet Nam (Viet Nam Clean Air Partnership). CAI-Asia local
networks have also organized in the respective countries a CAI-Asia and the respective country Ministries of Environments
development partners meeting on clean air where initial drafts reviewed the volume—with technical review inputs from Prof.
of the CSRs were presented to local AQM stakeholders. Frank Murray of Murdoch University—which Ms. Agnes Adre
and Ms. Theresa Castillo copyedited. Mr. Segundo dela Cruz,
Jr. handled the graphic design and the layout.
» Part One
General Information
Geography and Climate The annual growth rate of the country’s urban population is
5.4%, accounting for more than 2.5 million persons every year.
The Philippines is an archipelago of more than 7,000 islands The Philippines, except for Singapore, is the most urbanized
with an area totaling about 300,000 square kilometers. The country in Southeast Asia, the seventh most urbanized country
country is of volcanic origin—forms part of the “Pacific Ring of in all Asia and the country with the sixth highest urbanization
Fire”—and is therefore mainly mountainous, creating narrow rate in Asia. The top three regions in terms of population count
coastal plains and forested interior valleys. Three prominent are Region IV–Southern Tagalog (11.32 million or 15.04% of
bodies of water surround the archipelago: the Pacific Ocean the total), Metro Manila (10.49 million or 13.93%), and Region
on the east, the South China Sea on the west and the north, III–Central Luzon (7.80 million or 10.35%). The population
and the Celebes Sea on the south. This position accounts for residing in these regions combined comprises 39.32% of the
much of the variations in geographic, climatic, and vegetational total Filipino population. This means that 4 out of 10 persons
conditions in the country. The Philippines is located in a in the country reside in Metro Manila and the adjoining
subtropical climate zone with a dry season from January to regions of Central Luzon and Southern Tagalog. The other
June and a wet season from July to December. Air temperature dominant urban centers are Metro Cebu and Davao, which
averages between 26°C and 27°C, and the seasonal variation have populations of more than one million.
is only 3–4°C. Regional climate differences are largely due to
rainfall distribution.
The country is divided into three geographical areas: Luzon, Industry and Economy
Visayas, and Mindanao. There are 17 administrative regions
with 117 cities. The country’s capital, Metro Manila, also known Although agricultural in nature, light industry and services
as the National Capital Region (NCR), is the country’s smallest have grown in importance. Economic growth has been on
administrative region but the biggest metropolis composed of the rise since 2001. The country’s gross domestic product
14 cities and municipalities. (GDP) for 2005 is $105 billion with an average of 5.1% growth
rate per year. Growth of GDP to 2010 is expected to average
5–6% a year. In 2005, the primary sector contributed 14%,
secondary sector 32%, and tertiary sector 53% to the total
Population and Urbanization GDP. Within industry, manufacturing and construction were
the major growth drivers. The industry sector expanded
As of 2005, the Philippines has an estimated total population of by 5.3% from the previous year, spurred by a significant
85.3 million (National Statistics Office ([NSO], 2006) and ranks expansion in mining and manufacturing. Manufacturing,
as the 14th most populous country in the world (CIA, 2006). trade, construction, and energy generation collectively grew
The World Bank estimates that 62% lives in the urban areas at an annual rate of about 3.2% between 1988 and 2002. This
(World Bank, 2005). The country’s population density is 284 rapid industrialization, occurring largely in urban centers, has
persons per square kilometer. The annual population growth caused increased congestion in urban areas, increased demand
rate has remained stable since 1990; it was 2.1% in 2004. The on environmental and natural resources, and increased air
projected population for 2025 is almost 120 million. pollution (ADB, 2006).
Urban areas are, and will continue to be, the center of economic TABLE 1.1
growth in the Philippines. According to the NSO 2003 Annual Primary Energy Supply Mix—Actual Usage and Projections
Survey of Philippine Business and Industry, almost half (MMBFOE)
(47.3%) of the manufacturing establishments were located in
Energy Source 2000 2005 2010 2014
Metro Manila and the far second was Region IV1 with 22.8%,
Imported oil 45.4 37.3 29.6 31.9
while Region VII2 and Region III3 accounted for 9.1% and
Imported coal 9.2 9.6 8.7 5.9
8.8%, respectively (NSO, 2006). The number of businesses
Local oil 0.2 1.8 6.8 3.8
and industries had increased considerably in the past decade.
Local coal 1.8 3.5 5.1 6.1
The 2003 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry
covered 20,579 establishments, 29% (5,900) of which are in Natural gas 0.4 4.0 5.5 8.0
the manufacturing sector. Metro Manila, albeit geographically Hydro 5.3 5.1 6.6 6.2
is only 0.21% of the country’s land area, recorded the highest Geothermal 8.0 21.1 22.0 23.6
number of establishments with 45.8% of the total. Biomass 29.8 16.8 14.9 13.7
Other RE — 0.2 0.2 0.2
CME and ethanol — 0.6 1.0 0.6
Total imports 54.6 46.9 38.3 37.8
Energy Self -sufficiency level (%) 45.0 53.0 62.0 62.0
Total MMBFOE 252.0 281.0 333.13 384.5
The Philippines is historically a net importer of oil products
CME = coco-methyl ether, DOE = Department of Energy, MMBFOE = million barrels of fuel oil
until 2001 when it started producing crude oil.4 Coal supply in equivalent, RE = renewable energy, % = percent
2003 amounted to 9.6 million short tons of which 7.4 million Source: DOE, 2006.
Motorcycles dominate the vehicle fleet in the country. Figure
1.2 shows that in 2005, 42.6% or almost 2.15 million units are
motorcycles, 32.3% (1.6 million) are utility vehicles, 15.6%
(790,000) are cars, and the remaining 9.5% are trucks, sports
utility vehicles, buses, and trailers. Majority of registered 0.0
Cars UV Sports UV Trucks Buses MC/TC Trailers
vehicles are in Metro Manila, Regions III, and IV, except for
NCR Region IV Region III Other Regions
motorcycles—which is the preferred mode of transport for
CAI = Clean Air Initiative; LTO = Land Transportation Office; MC/TC = motorcycle/tricycle;
short-distance travels. A study conducted by ADB in 2005 NCR = National Capital Region; UV = utility vehicle; % = percent
showed that 94% of the country’s motorcycles are with Source: LTO, 2006 and graph by CAI-Asia.
two-stroke engines and use untreated used oil (ADB, 2005a)
instead of the quality of lubricant recommended by vehicle The Cordillera Administrative Region consists of six provinces, Abra, Benguet,
Ifugao, Kalinga, Apayao, and Mountain Province. Population as of 2000 is 1.6
manufacturers. million. Baguio City is the regional center.
Gasoline-fuelled vehicles (72% of the total fleet) dominate the Light rail transit (LRT) systems are available in Metro Manila
country. Both gas- and diesel-fuelled vehicles showed threefold only where they were built primarily to alleviate the chronic
increase in 15 years. Gasoline-fuelled vehicles increased from traffic congestion in the metropolis. There are three LRT
1.16 million in 1990 to more than 2.5 million while diesel- lines in operation: LRT Line 1 (15-km line with current
fuelled vehicles increased from 440,000 in 1990 to 1.4 million ridership of 300,000 passengers/day), LRT Line 2 (13-km
in 2005. Diesel-fuelled vehicles are increasing at an average line with current ridership of 200,000 passengers per day),
annual growth rate of 6%. and Epifanio delos Santos Avenue (EDSA)-MRT (17-km line
with current ridership of 400,000 passengers per day). As the
Public transport system in the country is highly variable, lines expanded, more commuters have been utilizing LRT
depending on geographic and economic conditions. The Land resulting to a 29% increase in ridership from 118 million in
Transportation Office (LTO) 2005 data showed that only 18% 2004 to 147 million passengers in 2005 (National Statistical
of the country’s vehicle fleet (890,000 units) is used for public Coordinating Board, Light Rail Transit Authority, Department
transport, while 80.6% is registered as private vehicles. of Transportation and Communications [DOTC] 2006).
» Part Two
Sources of Air Pollution
he major sources of air pollution are both mobile (primarily, Table 2.1 shows estimated emissions for NCR for 2005. It
motor vehicles) and stationary (mainly, power plants and is estimated that more than 14 million tons (89%) of the
boilers in various industrial processes). Road dust, construction, pollutants come from stationary sources, 1.5 million tons
and waste burning also contribute to air pollution. (9.6%) from mobile sources and the remaining 1% contributed
by area sources. The emissions inventory also shows SO2 as
the main pollutant emitted by stationary sources, CO for the
mobile sources and PM for area sources.
Emissions Inventory
The Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) is required National Capital Region Emissions Inventory, 2005
by law to conduct emissions inventories once every 3
Item Area (%) Mobile (%) Stationary (%)
years. Emissions inventories use information submitted by
PM 90.80 4.23 4.88
companies as part of the permit acquisition process. The first
SOx 0.05 0.00 57.51
emissions inventory was conducted in 1990 and was updated
NOx 1.15 7.89 31.57
only in 2001. The latest inventory was based on a number of
studies, a combination of limited field surveys and emission CO 1.12 71.32 4.92
factors established in developing countries. The emissions VOC/TOG 6.88 16.57 1.11
inventory covered PM, sulfur oxide (SOx), nitrogen oxide, Total (tons per year) 161,631.00 1,544,664.00 14,336,347.00
carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds, and total CO = carbon monoxide, EMB = Environmental Management Bureau, NOx = nitrogen oxide,
organic gases (TOGs) from mobile sources. PM = particulate matter, SOx = sulfur oxide, t = tons, TOG = total organic gases, VOC = volatile
organic compound, % = percent
Source: EMB, 2006.
2001 Philippine Emissions Inventory covered PM, SOx, NOx,
CO, volatile organic compound (VOC), and TOGs, while lead
(Pb) and ozone (O3) were not included. It was estimated that The Outsource Sampling Project of MMAQISDP, funded
54% of the pollutants come from stationary sources, 20% from through a loan program from ADB, performed emission testing
mobile sources, and the remaining 26% from area sources. Of on over 960 sources over a 3-year period located inside the
the pollutants inventoried, CO has the biggest contribution Metro Manila Airshed (NCR, Regions III, and IV). The data
total pollution load (39%). Other pollutants contributed the were compared with the allowable limits described in the
following: NOx – 35%, SOx – 8%, PM – 8%, TOG – 7%, and Philippine Clean Air Act (CAA). Test parameters were based on
VOC – 2%. the facility, source and fuel type, and included a combination of
PM, SOx, NOx, sulfuric acid mist, CO, hydrogen sulfide, metals
Self-monitoring reports submitted to EMB in 2001 show that (antimony, arsenic, cadmium, copper, Pb, mercury, nickel, and
power plants emissions contributed 23% out of 467,102 tons of zinc) oxygen, carbon dioxide (CO2) and volumetric flow rate.
particulate matter (PM), 18% of 830,100 tons of sulfur dioxide Of the over 900 sources tested, approximately 50% failed to
(SO2), 23% of 113,503 CO, and 35% of 517,212 tons of NO2 to meet the CAA limits for at least one parameter.
total stationary source emissions nationwide.
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring basis. The required minimum TSP sampling1 of 16 hours a
day (for daily average) and 50 days a year (for annual average)
Ambient air quality monitoring in the country started in Metro has not been fully complied with in some monitoring stations
Manila in the 1970s. Most of the current monitoring activities due to problems such as power failure, inclement weather,
are through EMB, with some other organizations conducting and equipment breakdown. This is further aggravated by
their own sampling and monitoring for research purposes. inadequate financing for operation and maintenance of
Although monitoring is conducted nationwide, monitoring monitoring instruments, as well as inadequate infrastructure
in Metro Manila is generally more advanced in terms of for supporting analytical work and very serious shortage of
frequency, scope, and sophistication of equipment. The most skilled technical staff. This, in turn, results to weakness in
recent sources of data on air quality are listed in Table 3.1. areas such as systematic estimation of uncertainty or error
A summary of the key results from each source is included. in the data.
(Energy and Clean Air Program [ECAP], 2006).
Metro Manila. Three groups are monitoring air quality in
Routine air quality monitoring has not been sustained by Metro Manila – EMB, MO, and PNRI. EMB set up the Metro
the government. Only total suspended particulate (TSP) Manila Airshed Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network
concentrations in Metro Manila and some other major cities (MMAAAQMN), composed of 10 automated continuous
have been consistently done. Monitoring of PM10 and other 1
The values monitored for more than 16 hours (daily average) and 50 days
gaseous pollutants were on intermittent and discontinuous (annual) are considered as a representative value for assessing air quality.
Summary of Recent AQ Data and Sources
Source of Data and Period Covered Pollutants Method and Instruments; Type of Data Remarks Key Results
DENR-EMB, 2000–present TSP High-volume sampler; gravimetric; and Roadside data; infrequent Data not used
one 24-hour grab sample per quarter
MO, 2000–2005 PM10, PM2.5 Low-volume sampler; gravimetric; and Raw data available; good quality; EDSA station most polluted,
24-hour grab samples and four stations in program exceeds PM10 standard; PM2.5
levels above USEPA limits
PNRI, 2000–present PM10, PM2.2 Dichotomous sampler; gravimetric; and Box plots available; good quality; Raw data not available; Annual
24-hour grab samples and main stations: Poveda in EDSA mean PM10 complies with
and Ateneo standards, PM2.2 levels near
or above USEPA limits
ETI, 2003–present SO2, NO2, CO, O3, Continuous 15-minute raw data available but Data not yet available
PM10, PM2.5 not yet for public release
AQ = air quality; CO = carbon monoxide; DENR = Department of Environment and Natural Resources; EDSA = Epifanio delos Santos Avenue; EMB = Environmental Management Bureau; ETI = Emissions
Technologies, Inc. ; MO = Manila Observatory; NO2 = nitrogen dioxide; O3 = ozone; PM2.2 = particulate matter with diameter less than 2.2 micrograms; PM2.5 = particulate matter with diameter less than
2.5 micrograms; PM10 = particulate matter with diameter less than 10 micrograms; PNRI = Philippine Nuclear Research Institute; SO2 = sulfur dioxide; TSP = total suspended particulate; USEPA = United
States Environment Protection Agency
Source: Inventory of Air Quality Data in Metro Manila, 2006.
monitoring stations, to monitor air quality in the Metro Manila University, University of Sto. Tomas, Poveda Learning
Manila Airshed. These stations have the capability to measure Center, Vista Verde Homes in Cainta, and the La Mesa Dam.
criteria pollutants (PM10, SO2, CO, nitrogen dioxide [NO2], The program started in 1996, with occasional interruptions,
and O3) and meteorological parameters. Two stations have the but with enough length to allow calculations of annual average
capability to measure non-criteria pollutants (PM2.5, methane, concentrations from 24-hour readings. Data is collected using
non-methane hydrocarbon, benzene, toluene, and xylene). dichotomous samplers that simultaneously measure PM10 and
Installation of the monitoring network was completed in PM2.2, which may be taken to be equivalent to PM2.5. (ECAP,
April 2005, but shut down in February 2006 due to contractual 2006). Raw data are not available, although a summary was
disputes between the Department of Environment and Natural obtained from an unpublished report (Santos, 2005).
Resources (DENR) and the private operator of the network.
Other Cities. Cebu City and Cagayan de Oro City each has
MO has two existing ambient air quality monitoring stations one continuous automatic monitoring station that measures
that measure PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations. One of these PM10, NO2, SO2, O3, benzene, toluene, and xylene. EMB-Region
stations also measures O3, NO2, SO2, benzene, toluene, and 11 manually monitors SO2, NO2, and CO in four locations in
xylene concentrations. PNRI has four existing sampling sites Davao City. EMB regional offices in Davao City and Baguio City
in Metro Manila that monitor PM10 and PM2.2, three of which are in the process of establishing their ambient air monitoring
are colocated with the MMAAAQMN. PM samples collected stations similar to that in Cebu City.
by PNRI are also used in source apportionment studies.
The summary of the information on ambient air quality
PNRI has an ongoing particulate monitoring program which monitoring stations in the Philippines is presented in Table
collects data from five stations in Metro Manila: Ateneo de 3.2:
Existing Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations in Major Cities in the Philippines
Some of the large industries maintain their own ambient FIGURE 3.1
monitoring programs as required by the Philippine Ambient TSP Concentration in Metro Manila, 2001–2005
Environmental Impact Studies System. Data are submitted Micrograms/NCM
as part of the self-monitoring reports to the regional offices 270
The air pollutant most studied in Metro Manila has been annual mean values (323 μg/m3 and 213 μg/m3) were measured
PM in its various forms. An extensive record of monitoring along EDSA, Metro Manila’s busiest thoroughfare.
data for TSPs, especially on the roadside, is available. Latest
available ambient air monitoring data in Metro Manila Major cities and urban centers. In 2005, 45% of the 29
shows that roadside TSP concentrations exceed the annual operational stations exceeded the annual mean guideline
mean guideline value. Annual mean PM2.5 concentration value.
exceeds the United States Environment Protection Agency
(USEPA) guideline value in all monitoring locations. PM10
concentrations did not exceed the annual mean and 24-hour PM10
guideline values. SO2, NO2, and Pb ambient concentrations are
below the short- and long-term guideline values. Metro Manila. In 2004, mean annual PM10 concentrations
measured were below the 60 μg/m3 Philippine guideline value.
There are only limited historical data on air quality in Metro Concentrations based on a 24-hour averaging time have been
Manila and in other major urban centers from 2000 to 2004. within value except during the New Year because of heavy use
There is no significant improvement in air quality as far as of fireworks.
PM10 and PM2.2 are concerned. There was a significant
decrease in ambient Pb concentration because of the phasing PM2.5 levels are compliant to the short-term standards of
out of Pb in December 2000. USEPA. Trends for annual means indicate noncompliance to
the long-term standard.
stations also exceeded the USEPA annual mean guideline value decrease and the increase in PM10 and PM2.2 concentrations
for PM2.5 while the 24-hour concentrations exceeded more can be explained by the corresponding decrease and increase
than 50% of the time in two of the stations and more than 75% in private vehicle sales (Anglo, 2006). However, trends from
of the time in one station. another PNRI station along EDSA show no significant change
in PM10 and PM2.2 from 2001 to 2004.
Annual mean PM10 and PM2.2 concentrations measured
by PNRI at their AdeMU station show a sharp decrease from
1996 to 1999 and a gradual increase from 1999 to 2003. The SO2
Metro Manila. Historical SO2 data in Metro Manila shows
PNRI PM10 and PM2.5 (ug/m3) Monitoring Data—Ateneo
compliance with the annual SO2 guideline value of 80 μg/m3
(Figure 3.4). In 2003, measurement at the MO–AdeMU
PM (µg/NCM) monitoring station reported that the 1-hour, 24-hour, and
annual mean SO2 concentrations are within the guideline
value (Figure 3.5).
60 FIGURE 3.4
Historical SO2 Data for NCR
SO2 concentration (µg/NCM)
0 60
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
PM10 PM2.5 40
EMB = Environmental Management Bureau, NCM = normal cubic meter , PNRI = Philippine
Nuclear Research Institute, PM2.5 = particulate matter with diameter less than 2.5 micrograms,
PM10 = particulate matter with diameter less than 10 micrograms, ug/m3 = microgram per 20
cubic meter
Source: EMB, 2006.
1975-1978 1980s 1997-1998
FIGURE 3.3 EMB = Environmental Management Bureau, NCM = normal cubic meter, NCR = National
PNRI PM10 and PM2.5 (ug/m3) Monitoring Data—Poveda Capital Region, NAAQGV = national ambient air quality guideline values, SO2 = sulfur dioxide,
ug = microgram
Station Source: EMB, 2006.
PM (µg/NCM)
SO2 Monitoring Data for Ateneo Station
SO2 concentration (µg/NCM)
24-hour NAAQGV
2001 2002 2003 2004
PM10 PM2.5
EMB = Environmental Management Bureau, NCM = normal cubic meter , PNRI = Philippine 0
Nuclear Research Institute, PM2.5 = particulate matter with diameter less than 2.5 micrograms, EMB = Environmental Management Bureau, NCM = normal cubic meter, NCR = National
PM10 = particulate matter with diameter less than 10 micrograms, ug/m3 = microgram per Capital Region, NAAQGV = national ambient air quality guideline values, SO2 = sulfur dioxide,
cubic meter ug = microgram
Source: EMB, 2006. Source: EMB, 2006.
Other Cities. In 2003, SO2 concentration in the cities of Davao Reporting of AQ Information
and Cagayan de Oro are well below the 24-hour and annual
average guideline values. The air quality data is compiled and published by DENR-EMB,
but the availability of compiled data to users is delayed. Data
interpretation and impact analysis of various interventions
NO2 on air quality are also not being carried out in detail. DENR-
EMB publishes National Air Quality Status Reports, the most
Metro Manila. In 2003, the MO–AdeMU station reported recent covers 2003 to 2004. The publication documented the air
24-hr concentrations were well below the guideline values. quality, sources of air pollutants, quantitative accomplishment
The highest concentration using 24-hour averaging time was assessment, and evaluation in relation to the CAA, improve-
0.03 parts per million (ppm), much lower than the 0.08 ppm ment of air quality in major Philippine cities, specifically Metro
guideline value. Manila. Real time air quality reporting for MMAAAQMN is
yet to be established.
Lead (μg/m3) Monitoring Data for Regions III and IV
Annual Pb concentration (µg/m3)
Region III Region III Region III Region IV Region IV
Meycauayan Cabanatuan Bocaue Cavite Batangas
EMB = Environmental Management Bureau, ug/m3 = microgram per cubic meter
Source: EMB, 2006.
» Part Four
Impacts of Air Pollution
A number of international studies have computed the numbers Perception survey on air pollution conducted by the Philippine
of pollution-related excess deaths and incidence of disease, and Information Agency in 2001 revealed that more than 72% of
associated costs (CAI-Asia, 2006). There is limited information residents in Manila were alarmed by air pollution and 73%
on the economic and human health effects of air quality in the said that the government was not taking any action to control
Philippines, but previous assessments suggest that poor air it (DENR and PIA, 2001).
quality is a major incremental drain on the national economy
through premature death and chronic respiratory illnesses; and An Asian air pollution survey conducted by Synovate in
PM is the largest contributor to these effects (ADB, 2005b). December 2004 showed that 98% of residents in Manila
World Bank estimated in 2001 that the health costs of PM10 are affected by the city’s air pollution and 71% believed that
pollution in Metro Manila, Cebu, Davao, and Baguio cities the air quality has worsened over the past year. 82% of the
reach more than $400 million. This cost is equivalent to almost respondents indicated that they were experiencing irritation
0.5% of the 2004 Philippine GDP. Accordingly, the World Bank to their eyes, nose, and throat; 57% experienced breathlessness
Philippine Environment Monitor 2004 computed that the or have more difficulties in breathing; and 27% attributed
annual estimate for urban heath cost can amount to over $1.5 skin problems to pollution (Synovate, 2005). The results of
billion or 1.8% of the 2004 GDP. Nonetheless, most of the health the survey demonstrated that residents believe air pollution
impacts studies are focused only in Metro Manila. has a significant impact on their lives and that the problem
was not improving.
A Department of Health Study (2004) reported,“considerable
morbidity and mortality due to respiratory and cardiovascular There are no plans to establish nor to strengthen national
diseases could have been prevented with better air quality in and local epidemiological monitoring programs. Limited
Metro Manila in 2002.” The report estimated the following ambient air quality data in the Philippines is a deterrent to
numbers of morbidity and mortality attributable to PM10 the identification of correlation between the severity of air
level higher than 50 μg/m3 (Table 4.1). pollution and its health effects on the exposed communities.
Other gaps include: limited exposure-assessment data to
TABLE 4.1 estimate the presence and severity of health outcomes
Air Pollution Impacts on Public Health of Metro Manila related to air pollution and establishing exposure-response
relationship coefficients; studies to estimate public exposure
Morbidity Mortality to potential health impacts from air pollution is limited
10,000 excess cases of acute bronchitis 40–200 persons due to cardiovascular causes to Metro Manila; limited implementation of standardized
300 excess cases of asthma 300–330 persons due to respiratory causes health reporting and recording system; and the absence of
9 excess cases of chronic bronchitis a centralized system for the collection of health-related data
Source: DOH, 2004. with respect to air pollution.
» Part Five
Air Quality Management
The Philippines is unique in Asia with the airshed approach ambient AQM stations and establish an air quality database,
to AQM. The concept is derived from the CAA of the United as the basis for strategy review and modifications of the
States, which uses air quality control regions as the basis for measures. The program has assisted DENR in setting up nine
AQM. The CAA divides the entire country into airsheds7 to fixed ambient stations and one mobile station to monitor the
facilitate monitoring. Each airshed has a governing board (GB) ambient air quality in Metro Manila. These nine stations have
which will function as a policy and planning organization to been fully operational since October 2004, and have been
complement the regulatory functions provided by DENR-EMB. generating data that could be displayed to the public.
In addition, GB coordinates the actions of other governmental
agencies in the airshed, provides a forum to gather input Further to the above policy reforms and investment supports,
from the public, and disseminate important information to MMAQISDP also recognizes the vital role of the government’s
the public. They shall formulate local policies and standards enforcement capacity. Capacity-building activities were
based on the national guidelines. The board shall also prepare a provided to DENR, Pollution Adjudication Board, DOE,
comprehensive plan, coordinate the functions of its members, DOTC, and the Metro Manila Development Authority staff
and publish an annual air quality status report for each airshed. to increase their knowledge on air pollution and strengthen
The activities of GB and its technical secretariat are to be their capacity for enforcement. The Supreme Court also
funded by the Air Quality Management Fund. The sources acknowledged the importance of the judiciary’s role in air
of funds include air emission charges, fines and penalties, pollution control, and conducted training for judges—with
grants, and fees. MMAQISDP’s support—to familiarize them with CAA and
other environment regulations.
When implemented properly, the airshed concept can be
a powerful tool for generating a consensus for defining air BOX 5.1
quality goals and action plans to improve air quality. Metro Manila Air Quality Improvement Sector Development
In support of the implementation of the CAA, the Philippine
Government has secured a loan from ADB. Although the loan ADB, as a major development partner of the Philippines, has been working actively
with the government to address the air pollution issues in the country since 1998,
is aimed at improving the air quality in the Metro Manila with emphasis on those associated with transport sector.
airshed, the activities of the program have also gained positive
impacts on the national policies especially those relating to ADB has been providing assistance through lending and technical supports. The
Metro Mania Air Quality Improvement Sector Development Program, approved in
management of mobile sources of pollution (Box 5.1). December 1998, was the first and the most comprehensive program provided by
ADB to support the government’s CAA.
Under CAA, LGUs share the responsibility of managing and
The primary objective of the program is to improve air quality in Metro Manila
maintaining air quality within their territorial jurisdiction. Airshed (Metro Manila, Regions III, and IV, through the abatement of the main
However, DENR is required to provide LGUs with technical mobile and stationary sources of air pollution using integrated medium- to long-
assistance, training, and continuing capability-building to term control measures.
prepare them to undertake full administration of AQM and The program helps the government reduce air pollution through policy reform,
regulation. This has not yet materialized. Furthermore, CAA capacity building, and infrastructure investment for public and private sectors.
calls for the establishment of an environment and natural
Major objectives and activities of the program include:
resources officer or any other officer for each LGU who is
tasked to assist LGUs in the implementation of CAA through (i) improvement of fuel quality;
the preparation of AQM programs, giving technical assistance, (ii) improvement of vehicle emission inspection and maintenance;
(iii) implementation of an anti-smoke belching program;
and recommendation to the board air quality standards (iv) rehabilitating ambient air quality monitoring system;
(Acosta, 2002). (v) strengthening regulatory enforcement; and
(vi) raising public awareness.
To check the effectiveness of these air pollution control MMAQISDP is coordinated by DENR. Participating institutions include EMB, regional
measures, MMAQISDP also facilitated the installation of offices of DENR, Metro Manila Development Authority, Laguna Lake Development
Authority, DOTC, LTO, Department of Trade and Industry, DOE, Department of
An airshed is a contiguous area with common air sources of air pollution and Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of Health (DOH), LGUs, and
weather or meteorological conditions that affect the interchange and diffusion of nongovernment organizations (NGOs).
pollution in the surrounding atmosphere.
Fuel additive registration. DOE issued permanent regis- rehabilitated the main thoroughfares of Metro Manila to
trations to five fuel additives in 2003, while four were issued in reduce traffic congestion and thus improve traffic flow and
2004. Permanent registration is granted to fuel additives after reduce vehicular emissions.
screening their chemical components and ensuring that these
chemicals do not contribute harmful emissions. BOX 5.2
Anti-Smoke Belching Campaign
Coco-Methyl Ether. Beginning July 2004, government vehicles
were required to use diesel fuel blended with 1% CME. A Metro Manila Anti-Smoke Belching Association (MMASBA) has been established
Biodiesel refueling pump stations have been set up inside the in Metro Manila in 2005. MMASBA formulated an action plan, consistent with
the AQM framework prescribed in CAA to complement the anti-smoke belching
Philippine Coconut Authority compound in Metro Manila. activities of the government. Currently, the association has mobilized the
The Philippine National Standard for CME was established participation of 17 Metro Manila LGUs through the enactment of local ordinances,
in 2004 (EMB, 2006) capacity building, and roadside apprehension.
Another initiative is the “Take a Picture for Clean Air,” where MMASBA serves as
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). The Natural Gas Vehicle ‘roadside enforcers’. Pictures of smoke-belching vehicles are submitted to the
Program for Public Transport was launched in 2002. A Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for appropriate action. IBP will then send
notices to sue the owner/operators of vehicles; the latter will be given 30 days to
mother-daughter fueling system will be set up in Batangas for submit the vehicles to LTO for emission testing. This gives MMASBA members who
Region IV and in Metro Manila to promote the use of CNG by caught the smoke-belching vehicles on camera the right to sue them under the
100 public buses. The Development Bank of the Philippines citizen suit provision of CAA. IBP, through its volunteer lawyers, will represent the
members of MMASBA in the suit.
approved the loan applications of several companies for the
acquisition of CNG buses. Incentives and privileges include
income tax holiday for qualified NGV industry and related
activities. In addition, only 1% rate of duty is levied on Motor Vehicle Inspection System. This is another activity
imported NGVs, NGV engines, and other related equipment, of MMAQISDP aimed at improving the operation and
facilities, parts, and components. Through MMAQISDP, the maintenance of vehicles to ensure that their emissions meet
government (through the DOE) has prepared a CNG Master national standards. ADB encouraged the DOTC to first
Plan for the development of natural gas infrastructure. privatize its own six lanes for the Motor Vehicle Inspection
System to demonstrate the efficiency of the system. DOTC
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). Initiatives on the use of has yet to improve the six lanes. Alternatively, more than 130
LPG as automotive fuel are private sector-led. At present, private emission testing centers have been set up in Metro
about 5,000 cars around the country—mostly taxis—are Manila, which also serve the purpose of vehicle emission
already running on LPG. Price is the biggest obstacle to a more testing. DENR, DOTC, and the Department of Trade and
widespread use of LPG. A conversion kit, which is imported Industry have set up jointly a work force to monitor the testing
from Europe, for carburetor engines costs P25,000 ($500), centers, which invites the public and NGOs to participate and
including the LPG tank and the labor to install it. The kit for a ensure their performance.
fuel injection engine costs P50,000 ($1,000). The other obstacle
is the lack of refilling stations to serve the needs of the growing Tricycle Improvement Strategy. Motorized tricycle operators
fleet of taxis running on LPG. and drivers usually have very low incomes and have low
capacities to accommodate regulatory requirements, making
Ethanol. Four Shell stations carry premixed ethanol fuel that it difficult for them to maintain their tricycles properly and
can be used in gasoline engines. avoid air pollution problems. The government is working
toward pilot testing a set of strategies that would include both
Anti-Smoke Belching Campaigns. In 2004 and 2003, a technical solutions and social supports to tackle the problem
total of 16,250 and 21,141 diesel vehicles, respectively, were of air pollution from tricycles.
apprehended for smoke emissions (Box 5.2). From 2000
to September 2003, the teams tested more than 67,000
vehicles. As of 2006, more than 56 million pesos of fines were
collected from emission violators and contributed to the Air
Quality Management Fund. The government has also actively
BOX 5.3
Energy and Clean Air Program (ECAP) Local Government Initiatives
ECAP is implemented in strong partnership with key government agencies such as LGUs are mandated by CAA and the Local Government Code
DOE, the Energy Regulatory Commission DENR, and DOTC. to implement programs on AQM and to abate pollution coming
Operating in four project sites—Metro Manila, Cebu, Davao, and Baguio, ECAP
from mobile, stationary, and area sources through the issuance
seeks to help the government address the challenges facing the energy and clean of business permits to industries, commercial establishments,
air sectors, guided by its threefold mission to: and institutions; franchising of three-wheelers (tricycles);
and control of open burning of garbage. The League of Cities
(i) Strengthen sector governance through institutional capacity building;
(ii) Improve policy frameworks through policy reforms and implementation; and of the Philippines (LCP), an association of 117 cities, has
(iii) Increase public understanding and support through communication and established its environmental unit to coordinate, assist, and
outreach. collaborate with agencies to harmonize efforts of several LGUs
ECAP assists implementers of CAA in regular discussions and coordination meetings. implementing their own Clean Air Management Programs
It also provides the transport sector venues for dialogues with transport authorities (CAMPs).
and opportunities to learn best practices in inspection and maintenance. By
focusing on mobile sources, ECAP also helps in strengthening the implementation
of the anti-smoke belching program and in improving motor vehicle standards. The league has assisted the city governments of Mandaue
It also promotes the use of alternative fuel that have more efficient combustion (Cebu) and Calbayog (Samar) in establishing their own
process. PM10 apportionment studies in Metro Manila and Davao are also being CAMPs. To extend this program to other cities, LCP
conducted to increase understanding of air pollution in these cities.
Environment Unit is coordinating with PCA and CAI-Asia
for possible cofinancing. LCP, in coordination with PCA
and the United States Asia Environment Program (USAEP),
organized a meeting in December 2005 where Philippine
mayors learned from their peers about pioneering clean air
programs and explored opportunities for partnerships on air
quality projects.
» Part Six
Rapid urbanization and economic growth, coupled by in- pollution and raise revenues for the relevant agencies for
creased demand for motorization and energy, are putting monitoring and enforcement.
increased pressures to the quality of the country’s atmospheric
environment. The country’s main pollutant of concern is The extent as to how polluted the air in the country is and how
PM (coming mostly from mobile sources (primarily, motor effective the measures to improve air pollution are not fully
vehicles) and stationary sources (mainly, power plants and determined because of the inadequacy in efforts to monitor
boilers of various industrial processes). PM10 concentrations air quality. The capacity to monitor ambient air in terms of
are higher in Metro Manila than other cities and urban centers adequacy of equipment, frequency of monitoring, number of
but are within the 24-hour guideline values. PM2.5 annual pollutants monitored and area of coverage is generally more
mean concentrations in Metro Manila are above WHO and advanced in the Metro Manila airshed. There is a need to
USEPA guideline values. upgrade the air quality monitoring capacity of cities outside
Metro Manila. Improvements in the availability of air quality
The high levels of PM in Manila and some other cities clearly monitoring information in other urban areas will also allow
indicate that they are having substantial impacts on the health the academe and the government to expand air-pollution
of urban residents. However, limited information is available related studies (such as source apportionment, dispersion
to assess these impacts, but the best recent estimates suggest modeling, and health impact studies) to these cities. To enlist
that the cost of air pollution is equivalent to about $1.5 billion public participation in increasing awareness on air pollution
annually, about 1.8% of the national GDP in 2004. These fully, there is also a need to improve on reporting activities of
findings clearly highlight the need to address priority air air quality monitoring results.
pollution issues.
Technical capacity to undertake air-pollution related studies
Current strategies to reduce emissions are often short-term in are limited in areas outside Metro Manila. Expertise of the
nature and fail to address the problem adequately. More stress academe, central government, and NGOs such as the National
is given to end-of-pipe treatment and best available technology Center for Transport Studies, MO, Department of Health,
rather than implementing solutions that prevent pollution and Central EMB office can be transferred to other cities via
such as traffic demand management. Notwithstanding that continuous training and education.
economic instruments are in place, there is a need for improved
implementation to encourage industries to adopt cleaner In terms of legislation, the Philippines is more advanced than
technologies and other conservation practices. Cost-benefit many other countries in Asia. Although the implementation
studies must be conducted before implementing new strategies of the Philippine CAA had a slow start in the first few years
and further studies are needed to assess and evaluate the following its promulgation, the law itself has paved the way
impact on air pollution after the implementation of various for an increased awareness and policy making at the local and
interventions. national levels. Recent examples are the development of fuel
quality road maps, promotion of lower emission fuel (such as
There is a general acceptance of the use of market-based LPGs for taxis and CMEs for jeepneys).
instruments in the Philippines as an adjunct to command-
and-control measures, and this acceptance is long-standing. Under CAA, DENR-EMB shares with LGUs the responsibility of
Emissions fees in particular have political support in the managing and maintaining air quality within their territorial
government since they can both improve incentives regarding jurisdiction. Coordination within the central and regional
offices of DENR-EMB is weak and needs to be strengthened. capacity of the local government will be enhanced further once
There is the need to build the capability of regional offices as the airshed GBs are convened and funds from the Air Quality
well as LGUs to manage local air quality. Management Fund are provided to finance the implementation
of local air quality action plans. Private associations, multi-
Despite investments in air quality-related activities and projects stakeholder networks, advocacy groups, academe, and NGOs
being focused mostly in Metro Manila, the local government as well as external funding agencies can also be tapped to
has shown its commitment and success in implementing air improve AQM in the Philippines.
quality improvement activities. It can be expected that AQM
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