Feasibility Study of Biomass Power Plant
Feasibility Study of Biomass Power Plant
Feasibility Study of Biomass Power Plant
Village-Sedha singh Wala, Tehsil-Jaito, District-Faridkot
Point No Particular Page No
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Project Proponent 2
2.1 Identification of Project 3
2.2 Statuary Requirement 4
2.3 Need for the project and its importance to the country and 4
or region & Demand-Supply Gap
2.4 Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the 5
3.1 Type of project including interlinked and interdependent 7
projects, if any.
3.2 Location (map showing general location, specific location, 7
and project boundary & Project site layout) with
3.3 Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of 12
selecting the proposed site, particularly the environmental
considerations gone into should be highlighted.
3.4 Size or magnitude of operation 12
3.5 Project description with process details (a schematic 12
diagram/ flow chart showing the project layout,
components of the project etc. Should be given).
3.6 Raw material required along with estimated quantity, likely 16
source, marketing area of final product/s, Mode of transport
of raw Material and Finished Product.
3.7 Resource optimization/recycling and reuse envisaged in the 17
project, if any, should be briefly outlined.
3.8 Availability of water its source, Energy/ power requirement 17
and source should be given.
3.9 Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and 17
scheme for their Management/ disposal.
3.10 Schematic representation of the feasibility drawing 16
4.1 Connectivity 19
4.2 Land Form, Land use and Land ownership 19
4.3 Topography 19
4.4 Existing land use pattern (agriculture, non-agriculture, 19
List of Tables
List of Figures
S.No. Details Information
1. Name of the Project 18 MW Biomass Based Thermal Power Plant of M/s.
Sukhbir Agro Energy Limited
2. Regulatory 1(d ) Thermal Power Plants as per EIA notification 2006
3. Category ‘B’ Category (> 15 MW plants based on biomass fuel)
4. Location Khasara No. 206, 207, 214, 170, 171, 204, 205,571/172,
159,160, 161/1, 173, 174,572/172 at Village Sedha Singh
Wala, Tehsil-Jaito, District-Faridkot, Punjab
5. Toposheet No. 44J/14, 44 J/15, 44 N/2 & 44 N/3
6. Capacity 1 X18 MW Biomass Based Thermal Power Plant
7. Name of Project M/s Sukhbir Agro Energy Limited
8. Area Requirement Particulars Area in SQM
Built-up Land 16500
Road Development 12000
Green Belt 35200.73
Storage Biomass 37000
Open Areas 5853
Total Area 106553.73
9. Water Requirement Total Cooling Water Circulation will be 6000 CuM/Hr i.e.
Capacity of Cooling Towers. Evaporation Loss will depend
on season and will vary from 3-4%. Considering 3.5% loss,
make-up water requirement will be 210 CuM/Hr. After
adding requirement of Water for Green Belt Development
& Human consumption, total requirement of Water has
been estimated at 225 CuM/Hr.
10. Power 10 to 11 % of total power generation
11. Man Power 123 (Skilled/Semi-Skilled/Unskilled)
12. Project Cost 141.25Crore
1.1 Introduction
M/s Sukhbir Agro Energy Limited has proposed Biomass based Thermal Power Plant with
capacity of 18 MW at Village Sedha Singh Wala, Tehsil-Jaitu, District- Faridkot Punjab.
Paddy Straw will be used as Raw material for this proposed project
1.2 Project Proponent
M/s. Sukhbir Agro Energy Limited has more than 30 Year experience in agriculture & agro-
based industries. The Company was incorporated in 1999 as a Private Limited Company
and in 2006 reconstituted as a Limited Company. The first Venture of the group was setting
up of Rice mill in 1977.The major expansion and diversification was carried out during
2006 by setting up an integrated Food processing unit and 15 MW biomass based power
plant at Fatehullapur, Ghazipur, UP & 14.5 MW at Lambi, near Bhatinda,Punjab.
Subsequently, SAEL diversified into Grid connected Solar Power Generation 20 MW (AC) in
district Mahoba (UP), 20 MW + 10 MW in District Lalitpur (UP). Also a 20 MW Grid
Connected Solar Power Plant was installed and commissioned in December, 2017 at
Solapur, Maharashtra. List of Board of Directors is given below:
2.1 Identification of Project
Proposed Power plant project is located on Khasara No. 206, 207, 214, 170, 171, 204,
205,571/172, 159,160, 161/1, 173, 174,572/172 at Vill: Sedha Singh Wala, Tehsil -Jaito,
District Faridkot. This project covers the Toposheet no. 44J/14, 44 J/15, 44 N/2 & 44 N/3&
the geographical location of the project is 30°27’22.8"N & 74°56'16.2"E.
As per the Schedule attached to the EIA Notification 2006 the proposed project is covered
under Project or Activity of 1(d), namely “Thermal Power Plants” requiring prior
Environmental Clearance (EC). This proposed project categorized as Category B (>15 MW
based on biomass fuel) requiring Environmental Clearance.
The proposed Project will therefore require prior Environmental Clearance (EC) from the
State Government in the SEIAA on the recommendations of State Expert Appraisal
Committee (SEAC) constituted by the Central Government for the purposes of this
2.3 Need for the project and its importance to the country and or region & Demand-
Supply Gap
Electricity known to be vital utility & stimulating the economic development of the nation.
India has witnessed significant growth in power generation sector. However, the demand
has escalated so high in spite of high generation. The thermal power always has major
component among the different type of power generation in India.
Renewable energy sector in India has emerged as a significant player in the grid connected
power generation capacity. It supports the government agenda of sustainable growth,
while, emerging as an integral part of the solution to meet the nation’s energy needs and an
essential player for energy access. It has been realized that renewable energy has to play a
much deeper role in achieving energy security in the years ahead and be an integral part of
the energy planning process
Punjab being agriculture state has immense potential for energy generation from agro
residue. Total aggregated capacity of the grid connected Rice Straw based with Water
Cooled Condenser projects to be developed shall be 200 MW. Project developer can set up
the plant anywhere in any Tehsil of Punjab in which Rice Straw is available for setting up
biomass power project of capacity 6 MW to 20 MW at each site.
In State, 6.6 Million acres of land under paddy cultivation in Punjab. An acre of land yields
about 2 MT of crop residue. Thus, the aggregate crop residue comes to approximately 13.2
Million Tonnes of which more than 90 per cent paddy straw is burnt. With the above
Paddy Straw, it may be possible to generate over 10 Million Mw-Hr of Power.
In order to manage this increasing demand supply gap, Punjab Energy Development
Agency promoting the development of Renewable energy projects in Punjab.
To harvest the current opportunity M/s Sukhbir Agro Energy Limited initiated Submitted
the proposal & proceedings for setting up of Biomass based thermal power plants in
Punjab. In response to that proposal PEDA allotted 2 thermal power plants project based
bio-mass. The letter of Award is 6226 dated 19.02.2016 from PEDA.
The Biomass Based Thermal Power Project will generate employment in the surroundings
for the local people during the construction as well as during operation period.
Unskilled/semi-skilled manpower related to industrial activities will be drawn locally or
from nearby places. Preference during recruitment will be given to the people of
surrounding areas according to their qualification and experience. Apart from direct
employment, indirect employment opportunity in term of transport operation, repair
garages, various ancillaries, shops & market etc. will be generated. Total 123 people will be
directly hired in the facility.
1. Plant Head 1
2. Shift Engineer 4
3. DM Plant Operator 4
4. Fuel Handling plant Operator 7
2. Technician – Mechanical 7
3. Welder / Fitter 4
4. Electrical Engineer 1
5. Technician – Electrical 7
6. Instrument Engineer 1
7. Instrument Technician 4
8. Helpers 7
9. Store Clerk 5
10. Purchase Assistant 1
Total 38
Source: DPR
3.1 Type of project including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any.
SAEL proposed to set up a 18 MW Biomass based Thermal power Plant to meet the power
demand. This proposed project is purely independent not interlinked with any project.
3.2 Location (map showing general location, specific location, and project boundary
& Project site layout) with coordinates.
Proposed Power plant project is located on Khasara No. 206, 207, 214, 170, 171, 204, 205,
571/172, 159,160, 161/1, 173, 174,572/172 at Vill- Sedha Singh Wala, Tehsil -Jaitu, District
Faridkot, Punjab. This project covers the Toposheet no. 44J/14, 44 J/15, 44 N/2 & 44 N/3.
The Geographical location of the project is 30°27’22.8"N & 74°56'16.2"E.
3.3 Details of alternate sites considered and the basis of selecting the proposed site,
particularly the environmental considerations gone into should be highlighted.
No other alternative site identified/considered as selected site found techno-economically
and environmentally feasible for development of proposed project.
3.4 Size or magnitude of operation
The proposed biomass based thermal power plant has capacity of 18 MW based on 100%
paddy straw. The proposed project cover 106553.73 Sq.M (26.33Acres) of land & the
project cost is 141.25 Crore.
3.5Project description with process details (a schematic diagram/ flow chart
showing the project layout, components of the project etc. Should be given).
Power generation process is based on combustion technology with Rankine Steam cycle.
For Power generation in thermal power plant is achieved by steam generation at high
temperature and pressure which is then used to run a turbine to generate electricity. Paddy
straw will used as fuel for steam generation. Steam generation requires heating
demineralized water in the boiler at high temperature and pressure. Steam at high
temperature 540 ̊C and high pressure (95 Kg/cm2) is fed to rotate the turbine to generate
power. Spent steam is converted into condensate by cooling in heat exchanger. Cooling
water used in heat exchanger is cooled in the cooling tower.
Paddy Straw for generation of 1 Kw-Hr Power, the same has been estimated at 1.20 kg. This
has been based on Boiler efficiency of 75%, Station Heat Rate of 2313.25 Kcal/Kw-Hr
requirement of Steam for generation of 1 Mw-Hr of Power has been estimated at 3.805
TPH. Thus for generating 18 MW Power, total hourly requirement of Steam comes to 3.805
x 18 =68.49 TPH. As against this, MCR of Boiler is 80 TPH. The detail description of
process is attached in Annexure 1.
Technical Parameters of Travelling Grate Boiler will be given below:
Table No. 4: Details of Design Parameter of Boiler
Design Parameters Unit Design
Boiler Parameters ( 100% BMCR) Steam flow at main Steam TPH 80
Stop Valve Outlet
Steam pressure at main Steam Stop Valve Outlet Kg/cm2 (g) 95
Steam temperature at main Steam Stop Valve outlet at 100% Deg.C 540
Feed Water Temperature at Boiler Inlet Deg.C 225
Design Code for Pressure Parts IBR
Source: DPR
Boiler will be operating with Paddy Straw having GCV of 2800 Kcal/Kg.
Steam Balance:
The utilization of Steam would be as given below:
Fuel proposed for thermal power plant will be Paddy Straw. The maximum consumption of
paddy straw is given below:
Table no. 8 Details of Raw Material: Paddy Straw
Sl. Particulars 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
no. (4 th Qtr) Onwards
1 st Qtr 2 nd Qtr & 4 th Qtr Total
3 rd Qtr
1. No. of months 3 3 6 3 12 12
2. Plant Capacity in 394.20 394.20 788.40 394.20 1576.80 1576.80
Lac Kw-Hr. ( pro-
rated for No. of
3. PLF 60% 60% 70% 75% 68.75% 75%
4. Total Power 236.52 236.52 551.88 295.65 1084.05 1182.60
Generation in Lac
5. Consumption of 283.82 283.82 662.26 354.78 1300.86 1419.12
Paddy Straw @
1.2 Kg / Kw-Hr in
Lac Kg
6. Consumption of 28382 28382 66226 35478 130086 141912
Paddy Straw in
7. Auxiliary 11% 11% 10% 10% 10%
8. Auxiliary 26.02 26.02 55.19 29.57 110.78 118.26
Consumption in
Lac Kw-Hr
9. Exportable Power 210.50 210.50 496.69 266.08 973.27 1064.34
Generation (Sl.
No. 4-8)
Source: DPR
3.7 Resource optimization/recycling and reuse envisaged in the project, if any,
should be briefly outlined.
The waste water generated from power plant will be reused in green belt development &
Dust suppression after proper treatment.
3.8 Availability of water its source, Energy/ power requirement and source should
be given.
Water: Cooling Water Circulation will be 6000 CuM/Hr (Capacity of Cooling Towers).
Evaporation Loss will depend on season and will vary from 3-4%. Considering 3.5% loss,
make-up water requirement will be 210 CuM/Hr. After adding requirement of Water for
Green Belt Development & Human consumption, total requirement of Water has been
estimated at 225 CuM/Hr. The proposed water will be obtain water from Raunta (Jaitu)
Rajwaha Canal through through pipeline of 2.50 Km length.
Energy: 10 to 11 % of total power generation is required for Power plant. For cold start,
power will be import from Grid through 66 KV Power transmission line of Punjab State
Power Corporation Limited.
3.9 Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and scheme for their
Management/ disposal.
Table No. 9: Details of Waste to be generated (Liquid and Solid)
S. No. Waste Generation Unit Quantity Disposal
1. Ash MT/Annum 42,000 Send to farmers as a
(Fly Ash-20%) manure for crops and
(Bottom Ash-80%) Cement grinding Industry
for their use
2. Waste Water Liter/Day 3659 Used for Dust
Suppression & Green belt
Source: DPR
4.1 Connectivity
Jaitu- Bajakhana Road is passes at a distance of 0.5 km from the main plant area towards
South direction. The nearest railway station is Gangasar Jaito Railway Station which is 8.0
KM away from project site in SW direction. There is no Eco-sensitive Zone i.e. National Park
/ Wildlife Sanctuary /Reserve Forests/ Biosphere reserve or Archaeological/Religious site
are present within the 10 Km radius study area.
4.2 Land Form, Land use and Land ownership
The proposed site is located in Village Vill: Sedha Singh Wala, Tehsil -Jaito, District Faridkot
owned by M/s Sukhbir Agro Energy Ltd. Raunta (Jaitu) Rajwaha Canal is approximately 2
km away from the proposed site.
4.3 Topography
Village Sedha singh Wala is located in the District Faridkot of Punjab state, The topography
of the district is plain with only 1.4% of its area under forest cover, there is no river but
proper network of canal flowing through the district. District is confined within northern
latitudes of 290 54’00” to 340 54’00” and the eastern longitudes of 740 15 ’00” to 750 25’00”
located in the southwestern parts of Punjab state. Proposed Project site is elevated at 685 ft
District is sub-divided into the following three micro regions on the basis of soil,
topography, climate and natural vegetation.
Faridkot Hathar-Sadiq-Sandy Plain
Faridkot: Uttar- Dhudhi-sandy-Loam
Jaitu Area : Sandy Loam to Loam
4.4Existing land use pattern (agriculture, non-agriculture, forest, water bodies
(including area under CRZ)), shortest distances from the periphery of the project to
periphery of the forests, national park, wild life sanctuary, eco sensitive areas, water
bodies (distance from the HFL of the river), CRZ. In case of notified industrial area, a
copy of the Gazette notification should be given.
There is no wildlife sanctuary, eco-sensitive zone, national park & coastal line lies within
the 10 km radius from the project site.
4.5 Existing Infrastructure
The available infrastructure and facilities are hospital, schools, post office, and banks
available in the study area. National Highways (NH-15) is only 4.0 km away in East
direction and the Jaito-Bajakhana Road is 0.5 Km away from the main plant area.
4.6 Soil classification
Mainly two types of soils found in Jaitu area of Faridkot district. The details are as follows:
1. Coarse Loamy
2. Coarse Loamy & Fine Loamy associations
3. Fine loamy
4.7 Climatic data from secondary sources
Climate of the district is classified as sub-tropical steppee, semi-arid and hot which is
mainly dry except in rainy months. The cold season is from November to March. This is
followed by the summer season which lasts up to about the end of June. The Temperatures
increase rapidly beginning with the end of March till June, which is generally the hottest
month, with the mean daily minimum temperature about 41OC and the mean daily
minimum about 26.5OC. The mean daily maximum temperature in January is about 20 ̊C
and the mean daily minimum about 5 ̊C. In the cold season the district is affected by cold
waves in the wake of passing western disturbances and the minimum temperature
occasionally drops down to about a degree or two below the freezing point of water. The
average annual rainfall in the district is 433 mm. about 71 percent of the annual rainfall in
the district is received during the monsoon months July to September.
5.1 Planning Concept (type of industries, facilities, transportation etc) Town and
Country Planning/ Development authority Classification.
The proposed 18 MW biomass based thermal power plant will be located at owned
premises of M/s Sukhbir Agro Energy Ltd. The site is well connected to the Rail & road
network. All basic infrastructure facilities shall be provided to workers and office staff.
Company shall also ensure the social development work under its Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR). All statutory requirements shall be fulfill before commissioning and
while operation of the plant.
5.2 Population Projection
Total 123 working person will be employed for proposed power plant. Locals will be
preferred for semiskilled & unskilled work based on their qualification & capability.
5.3 Land use planning (breakup along with green belt etc.)
Table No. 10: Details of Land Bifurcation
S. No. Particulars Area in SQM
1. Built-up Land 16500
2. Road Development 12000
3. Green Belt 35200.73
4. Storage Biomass 37000
5. Open Areas 5853
Total Area 106553.73
Source: DPR
5.4Assessment of Infrastructure Demand (Physical & Social)
The proposed project will provide employment to the population of nearby area, proper
connectivity is available within the study area.
5.5 Amenities/Facilities
All basic infrastructure facility such as education, health facilities & other social amenities
are adequate at nearby areas.
6.1 Industrial Area(Processing Area)
The proposed infrastructure of the power plant is detailed below:
Main Power Building(Turbine & Boiler house)
Shaded Fuel Yard
DM Plant
Mechanical Workshop
Switch Yard
Water Reservoir
Bag Filter & ESP
Open Fuel Yard etc.
Administrative building, Canteen & parking area is proposed inside the plant boundary.
6.2 Residential Area
A small colony is proposed in plant area & other facility like hospital, school, bank, post
office market is available in nearby areas.
6.3 Green Belt
According to the CPCB green belt Development guidelines 33% area of total plot area is
proposed for plantation. Suitable local Plant species will be planted with adequate spacing
to maintain or to develop the green cover in and around the plant area
6.4 Social infrastructure
The social infrastructure is available in & around area is of moderate level. & will be
improved in CSR activity.
6.5 Connectivity (Traffic and Transportation Road/ Rail/ Metro/Water ways etc.)
Proposed site is well connected through Road, Rail. The site can be approached by using
these connectivity. No additional connectivity is required.
6.5 Drinking Water Management (Sources & Supply of Water)
225 Cum/day will be required for Greenbelt & Human consumption. This will be met from
Raunta (Jaitu) Rajwaha Canal.
6.7 Sewerage System
STP of adequate capacity will be installed for treatment of wastewater.
6.8 Industrial Waste Management/Solid Waste Management
Ash generated from industrial process will send to the farmers as their manure & Cement
grinding & brick making industries for their use.
1 Land & Land Development 9.08
2 Factory Building & Other Civil Cost 16.89
3 Plant & Machinery 92.11
4 Miscellaneous Fixed Assets 5.35
5 Contingency Provision for Cost Escalation 0.80
6 Sub - total : Hard Cost 124.24
1 IDC 7.60
2 Other Pre-operative Expenses 2.19
F. Total 141.25
Source: DPR
9.1 Financial and Social benefits with special emphasis on the benefits of the local
people including trial population, if any , in the area
Under CSR activity many development programme will be organized.
Educational Programme
Women & youth development activities
Health care camps
Polio Camps
Rehabilitation camps
With setting up of the proposed 18 Mw Biomass Thermal Power Plant with 100% Paddy
Straw, there will be generation of employment both direct to the Plant and in Biomass
Collection Centres & indirect to the Contractors for collection & delivery of Paddy straw to
Collection Centres / Plant.
5.1 Bio-mass is the agricultural residue coming out after the main crop is cultivated
or processed. Bio-mass comprising of several agricultural residues and woods
has emerged as an non-conventional source of energy in the country.
5.2 Bio-mass has always been an important energy source for the country
considering the benefits it offers. Bio-mass is renewable, widely available,
Carbon neutral and has the potential to provide significant employment in the
rural area. Bio-mass is also capable of providing firm energy. Further, Biomass is
a clean fuel & environmentally benign as compared to conventional fuel.
5.3 Basically there are 2 technologies available for producing electrical energy from
Bio-mass. These are :
Combustion Technology
5.5 In Combustion technology with Biomass, primarily 2 types of Boilers are used
viz Grate Boiler & Atmospheric Fludised Bed Combustion (AFBC) Boiler. The
selection of Boiler depends on type of Bio-mass used for firing the Boiler.
Gasification Process
5.6 Under gasification process, Bio-gas consisting about 52% Methane is generated
through Fermentation of Bio & Agro Residue/waste in a Digester and burning
the gas generated in a Gas engine coupled with an A.C. Generator to produce
Electricity. The process is called Auto Cycle.
5.7.1 To generate Electricity from Bio-gas , the steps that must be gone through are twofold,
chemical energy to mechanical energy and then from mechanical energy to electrical
5.7.2 For these conversion processes to be achieved, a suitable Engine which shall be used for
the generation of electricity from bio-gas digester is required.
5.7.3 The Bio-gas produced from the digester is slightly above the atmospheric pressure and
needs to be compressed to approximately 150 m bar in a radial gas compressor to feed
to the engine.
5.7.4 A gas engine is similar to an automobile car engine. It is an internal combustion engine
which will burn the methane to convert the chemical bond energy of the gas to heat
energy expanding the gases within the piston, driving the drive shaft and producing
mechanical energy.
5.7.5 The mechanical energy in the rotating drive shaft is then coupled into an electrical
5.7.6 The mechanical energy is utilized to drive the AC (alternating current) generator giving
electricity. Of course, the generator also has to be connected into an electrical power
distribution grid, and to save on power loss during transmission through the cables the
voltage is raised in a step-up transformer.
5.7.7 A Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system is always worth considering. The idea of
CHP is that, it uses the hot water otherwise wasted when the excess heat is cooled before
it can go back into the circuit.
5.8 Auto Cycle Plants did not gain popularity in the country. Also Cost / MW of
Auto Cycle Plant is higher as compared to Rankine Cycle Plant. Further as Auto
Cycle Plant did not gain popularity in India, for setting up of Auto Cycle Plant
foreign collaboration / assistance is required.
Technology Selected
5.11 SAEL, in consultation with major Boiler manufacturing company i.e. DP Clean
Tech, Shanghai Power Equipment Research Institute Co. Ltd, BWSC has decided
to install one number Single Drum, natural Circulation, Balanced Draft , Water
Tube Biomass fired. Travelling Grate, Spreader Stoker Boiler suitable for steam
output capacity of 80 tons per hour at 95 Kg/ cm2 (g) pressure and steam
temperature of 5400C, all measured at Superheater outlet at boiler MCR
(Maximum Continuous Rating).
5.12 SAEL will decide on vendor for supply of Travelling Grate Boiler capable of
accepting 100% Paddy Straw firing in due course. For that purpose SAEL is
negotiating with reputed vendors like, DP Clean Tech, Shanghai Power
Equipment Research Institute Co. Ltd, BWSC etc.
Rapid load swings can be accommodated due to large inventory of the fuel on the
Simple control.
Efficient fuel feeding system using hydraulically actuated feed piston and divergent
5.14 The steam boiler is designed for firing various types of straws mainly paddy
straw. The boiler plant design is based on Boiler Manufacturer’s experience with
biomass fuels.
5.15 The fuel is introduced in the furnace through water cooled stoker ducts. The size
of the combustion grate and the size and geometry of the combustion chamber,
with respective combustion air nozzles, is designed with the aim of ensuring the
complete combustion of the biomass fuel.
5.16 The boiler and the combustion grate are based on the bottom support design,
simplifying the design of the sealing between the vibration grate and the boiler
walls. The flue gas outlet of the boiler is connected to a separate tower with
economizer and air preheater.
5.17 The combustion air is preheated in order to provide a more stable combustion
process and to improve the overall boiler efficiency.
5.18 The spacing (pitch) between the heat surface tubes in the hanging super heater
in the first pass is adapted to allow for the formation of deposits (scaling)
known to form on the tubes due to the relatively low melting temperature of
straw ash. The design and materials are specifically selected to counteract the
high temperature corrosion related to straw firing.
5.19 All connections in the steam boiler will be fully welded. No tubes will be
pressure expanded.
5.20 The boiler convection pass, economizer are cleaned with steam soot blowers.
Combustion process
5.22.1 It shall loosen the straw from the compressed layers of the straw bales and allow the
formation of a uniform straw feed, filling out the stoker ducts and proceeding into the
boiler combustion zone.
5.22.2 It shall ensure a constant feeding of the straw corresponding to the desired boiler load
irrespective of the compression of the straw bales.
5.22.3 It shall ensure that any risk of fire from the furnace back into the straw lines is
5.22.4 From the scarifier screws, the separated straw falls down into the stoker screws, which
push the straw into the stoker ducts and into the furnace. The stoker ducts are water-
cooled not only to withstand the heat of the furnace but also to limit the heat
transported back to the straw feed system when the straw line is stopped.
5.22.5 To minimize any fire hazard, the straw feeding system includes a number of separate
fire protection barriers:
5.22.6 Any operating straw line will operate at a minimum speed to avoid risk of backfires
during normal operation.
5.22.7 A water-cooled damper is installed at the inlet of each stoker duct which, when the
straw feed is stopped, will compress the straw in the duct. This measure will reduce the
speed with which any potential backfire that may spread.
5.22.8 Also, when a straw feed line is stopped, water nozzles in the duct and at the inlet of the
stoker screws will soak the straw. These systems are normally fully sufficient to avoid
any spreading of fire.
5.22.9 The chute from the scarifier screw to the stoker screws is provided with a fire damper,
which closes when a straw line is stopped. Furthermore, the area is provided with
water nozzles connected to the plant firewater system, which will open if high
temperatures are detected.
5.22.10 The straw lines to the scarifier screws are internally protected by a sprinkling system
connected to the plant firewater system.
5.22.11 The feeding lines and scarifiers shall be indoor.
5.22.12 From the straw bale scarifiers, the straw enters the stoker screws, where a set of double
screws pushes the straw into the water cooled stoker duct and into the furnace. The
stoker ducts are provided with compression plates (“dynamic dollies”) which ensure that
the stoker ducts are filled with straw in a uniform compression.
5.23 At the lower end of the grate the slag and bottom ash from the combustion will
be collected in a hopper and dropped to the Wet submerged slag conveyor. The
hopper will be provided with refractory, protecting it from the radiation of the
furnace. An inspection and cleaning door will be built into the hopper.
5.24 At the lower end of the grate the slag and bottom ash from the combustion will
be collected in a hopper and dropped to the Wet submerged slag conveyor. The
hopper will be provided with refractory, protecting it from the radiation of the
furnace. An inspection and cleaning door will be built into the hopper.
5.25 The conveyor extracts the slag from the water bath and delivers it to the pit.
5.26 The conveyor belt is tightened at the drive shaft. This adjustment is made by
loosening the locking device and manually adjusting the tightening screws.
5.27 The scrapers of the slag conveyor are provided with zinc anodes to limit
5.28 Due to water evaporation caused by the hot slag, there will be a constant need
for refilling the conveyor system with water. The water control is carried out by a
fully automatic control system mounted on the slag conveyor.
5.29 The slag is transported by a conveyor belt to a pit at end of slag conveyor.
5.30 A pit for collecting water from the slag conveyor, as well as for draining the
intermediate storage area for the slag is recommended. The water collected in
this pit may be used for refilling the slag conveyor, reducing the required
amount of separately added water.
5.31 The steam boiler is equipped with a heating surface cleaning system. This system
consists of steam soot blowers for superheaters the economizer and the air
Sukhbir Agro Energy Limited
TEV Study for 18 MW Biomass Project
(Rice Straw Based) at Faridkot
5.32 The soot blowers located in the areas with high flue gas temperature will be of
the fully retractable type. The soot blowers in the economizer and air preheater
area will be semi- retractable. During operation, the soot blowers will rotate and
move in the longitudinal direction, making the steam from the nozzles on the soot
blower intercept the heat surfaces cleaning them.
5.33 Soot blowing sequences are anticipated to occur three times per day, or one
sequence for each operator shift. The soot blowing steam is taken from the
turbine’s first extraction, with a pressure of approximately 25 bar(a).
5.34 A local PLC for control of the different steam soot blowers according to the
selected cleaning program is included. The start of the desired soot blowing
program will be initiated from the central control system.
Boiler Specification
The boiler will be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of latest IBR rules and
Note: SAEL is negotiating with the following 3 suppliers of Boiler having experience in designing & installing Boiler which
can accept 100% Paddy Straw as fuel.
i) DP Clean Tech
ii) BSWC
iii) Shangai Power Equipment Research Institute Co. Ltd.
In the TEV Study Report offer from DP Clean Tech has been taken into consideration although SAEL may install
Boiler supplied by any one of the 3 vendors mentioned above. It may further be noted that total cost of all 3 venders are
close , ranging between 61-62 Crore (with duties & taxes).
T G Set
5.36 As regards Turbine, SAEL will be installing a Condensing Steam Turbine of the
following specifications :
5.37 With the specification of Boiler & TG Set discussed above, it may be seen that
both the Units are compatible and allows for marginal drop in Steam
temperature & Pressure from Boiler outlet to Turbine Inlet.
5.38 SAEL will decide on the Vendor for supply of STG. Currently SAEL is
negotiating with Company like BHEL, Siemens & QINGDAO JIENENG who are
reputed manufacturer of STGs.
Note: As regards STG, SAEL is negotiating with reputed supplier of STG like BHEL, Siemens & QINGDAO JIENENG. In the TEV Study
Report supply from BHEL has been considered. However SAEL may source STG from any of the above 3 suppliers of STG and cost of
18 MW STG of specification given above is similar (about Rs. 16 Crore).
5.39 Credentials of supplier of Boiler i,e. DP Clean Tech & Turbine i,e. BHEL are
discussed below: (In the TEV Report offer from DP Clean Tech for Boiler & BHEL
for Turbine were considered, hence credentials of these two companies are given
below,. It may further be noted that other suppliers of Boiler i,e. BSWC &
Shangai & suppliers of Turbine i,e. Siemens & QINGDAO are also suppliers of
repute & are having no. of Boiler/Turbine installations in various Power Plants):
Quote” At DP Clean Tech we are singularly f ocused on providing organic and inorganic waste
materials into clean energy and we have built a company to develop and deliver
outstanding and world class solutions to our customers worldwide.
We have grown steadily towards achieving our global ambitions, and today we have offices
in 7 countries, and a diverse and multicultural workforce recruited to the highest
professional standards. We leverage these resources intelligently to both anticipate market
opportunities and enable efficient project execution. We have the advantage of a truly global
engineering and development platform to share knowledge and develop innovative
solutions, and our employees have the motivation and remit to deliver world class
technology and solutions that are the most efficient, reliable and competitive in the world.
Our customer focused attitude towards analysis and problem solving is complemented with
our technology and depth of knowledge. Since 2012, we have successfully extended our
scope to encompass new opportunities in related, complementary industries and in new
geographic regions.
5.39.3 DP Clean Tech has over 80 biomass power plant references around the world
using High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) technology which was
pioneered and developed in Denmark.
5.39.4 DP Clean Tech technology was behind the first straw biomass power plant in
Denmark and was also built the first straw biomass plant in China. DP is
currently pioneering the first, largest and most advanced waste-to-energy project
of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa.
Source : Website of DP Clean Tech Global Engineering Services. Relevant portion of Company Profile of
DP Clean Tech compiled from the Website are furnished in Enclosure – XIII/A.
BHEL (Turbine)
5.39.9 During the year, BHEL-built thermal power generating sets generated an all-time
high 549 Billion Units of electricity which was 58.2% of the total thermal power
generated in the country.
5.39.10 BHEL also has a widespread overseas footprint in 82 countries across all the six
continents with cumulative overseas installed capacity of BHEL manufactured
power plants nearing 10,000 MW including Belarus, Bhutan, Egypt, Indonesia,
Iraq, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Oman, Rwanda, Sudan, Tajikistan
and UAE. A major highlight of the year was the largest ever export order, valued
at US$1.5 billion (Rs.10,000 Crore), for setting up 1,320 MW (2x660 MW) Maitree
Super Thermal Power Project in Bangladesh. Significantly, won against stiff
international competitive bidding, this is BHEL’s largest power project order in
the international market.
5.39.11 Leveraging its experience of over three decades in Solar PV (SPV), the company
is capitalising on emerging opportunities in the segment. During the year, BHEL
set a new record in its Solar PV business, by supplying 176 MW of SPV modules
in a single year, marking a significant contribution to the nation’s green
Sukhbir Agro Energy Limited
TEV Study for 18 MW Biomass Project
(Rice Straw Based) at Faridkot
5.39.12 The high level of quality & reliability of BHEL products is due to adherence to
international standards by acquiring and adapting some of the best technologies
from leading companies in the world, together with technologies developed in its
own R&D centres. BHEL divisions like Manufacturing units, Engineering centres
and Business Sectors like Power Sector, Industry sector, International Operations
are accredited to Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001). Major Manufacturing
units and Power Sector Regions are also accredited to Environmental
Management Systems (ISO 14001) and Occupational Health & Safety
Management Systems (OHSAS 18001).
5.39.13 BHEL's greatest strength is its highly skilled and committed workforce of
around 39,821 employees that have been the cornerstone of BHEL's journey
ensuring success. Excellence of the company and its people has been recognised
at various national and international platforms. ‘Top 25 Best Companies to Work
for in India’, ‘Prime Minister’s Shram Awards’, ‘Vishwakarma Rashtriya
Puraskars’, ‘National Safety Award’ and, recognition by Hon’ble Prime Minister
for contribution in skill development are a few notable ones.
Source: http://www.bhel.com/about.php
Company Profile of BHEL compiled from the Website are furnished in Enclosure – XIV/A.