Brocade FC Switch

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Display switch and port status

isan-fabric1:admin> switchshow
switchName: isan-fabric1
switchType: 32.0
switchState: Online
switchMode: Native
switchRole: Principal
switchDomain: 1
switchId: fffc01
switchWwn: 10:00:00:05:1e:02:ee:4b
zoning: OFF
switchBeacon: OFF

Area Port Media Speed State Proto

0 0 id N4 No_Light
1 1 id N4 No_Light
2 2 id N4 Online F-Port 21:01:00:1b:32:20:f7:35
3 3 id N4 Online F-Port 10:00:00:00:c9:64:1b:bf
4 4 id N4 Online F-Port 50:06:01:60:41:e0:e7:41
5 5 id N4 Online F-Port 50:06:01:61:41:e0:e7:41
6 6 id N4 Online F-Port 50:06:01:68:41:e0:e7:41
7 7 id N4 Online F-Port 50:06:01:69:41:e0:e7:41
8 8 id N4 No_Light
9 9 id N4 No_Light
10 10 id N4 No_Light
11 11 id N4 No_Light
12 12 id N4 No_Light
13 13 id N4 No_Light
14 14 id N4 No_Light
15 15 id N4 No_Light
16 16 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
17 17 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
18 18 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
19 19 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
20 20 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
21 21 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
22 22 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
23 23 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
24 24 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
25 25 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
26 26 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
27 27 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
28 28 -- N4 No_Module (No POD License) Disabled

display fabric membership info

isan-fabric1:admin> fabricshow
Switch ID Worldwide Name Enet IP Addr FC IP Addr Name
1: fffc01 10:00:00:05:1e:02:ee:4b >"isan-fabric1"

Display overall switch status

isan-fabric1:admin> switchstatusshow
Switch Health Report Report time: 01/01/2000 12:06:17 AM
Switch Name: isan-fabric1
IP address:
SwitchState: HEALTHY
Duration: 00:04

Power supplies monitor HEALTHY

Temperatures monitor HEALTHY
Fans monitor HEALTHY
Flash monitor HEALTHY
Marginal ports monitor HEALTHY
Faulty ports monitor HEALTHY
Missing SFPs monitor HEALTHY
Fabric Watch is not licensed
Detailed port information is not included

Display ethernet and FC IP addresses

isan-fabric1:admin> ipaddrshow

Ethernet IP Address:
Ethernet Subnetmask:
Fibre Channel IP Address: none
Fibre Channel Subnetmask: none
Gateway IP Address:

Display/set this switch's name

isan-fabric1:admin> switchname

Display or set the world wide name

isan-fabric1:admin> wwn

Display firmware version

isan-fabric1:admin> version
Kernel: 2.6.14
Fabric OS: v5.3.0a
Made on: Thu Aug 30 21:17:06 2007
Flash: Wed Jan 16 16:56:02 2008
BootProm: 4.6.4

Display how long switch has been up

isan-fabric1:admin> uptime
00:04:09 up 3 min, 1 user, load average: 0.31, 0.40, 0.18

Displays current license keys

isan-fabric1:admin> licenseshow

Web license

Zoning license

Fabric license

isan-fabric1:admin> alishow
Defined configuration:
no configuration defined

Effective configuration:
no configuration in effect

isan-fabric1:admin> zoneshow
Defined configuration:
no configuration defined

Effective configuration:
no configuration in effect

isan-fabric1:admin> cfgshow
Defined configuration:
no configuration defined

Effective configuration:
no configuration in effect

Format of create alias name for WWN

isan-fabric1:admin> alicreate "server1", "21:01:00:1b:32:20:f7:35"

isan-fabric1:admin> alicreate "server2", " 10:00:00:00:c9:64:1b:bf"

isan-fabric1:admin> alicreate "CAP1", "50:06:01:60:41:e0:e7:41"

isan-fabric1:admin> alicreate "CAP2", "50:06:01:61:41:e0:e7:41"

isan-fabric1:admin> alicreate "CBP1", "50:06:01:68:41:e0:e7:41"

isan-fabric1:admin> alicreate "CBP2", " 50:06:01:69:41:e0:e7:41"

Format of create alias name for port

isan-fabric1:admin> alicreate "server1_port", "1","2"

isan-fabric1:admin> alicreate "server2_port", "1","3"

isan-fabric1:admin> alicreate "CAP1_port", "1","4"

isan-fabric1:admin> alicreate "CAP2_port", "1","5"

isan-fabric1:admin> alicreate "CBP1_port", "1","6"

isan-fabric1:admin> alicreate "CBP2_port", "1","7"

isan-fabric1:admin> alishow
Defined configuration:

alias: CAP1 50:06:01:60:41:e0:e7:41

alias: CAP1_port

alias: CAP2 50:06:01:61:41:e0:e7:41

alias: CAP2_port

alias: CBP1 50:06:01:68:41:e0:e7:41

alias: CBP1_port

alias: CBP2 50:06:01:69:41:e0:e7:41

alias: CBP2_port

alias: server1 21:01:00:1b:32:20:f7:35

alias: server1_port

alias: server2 10:00:00:00:c9:64:1b:bf

alias: server2_port

Effective configuration:
no configuration in effect

Format of softzone creation for server1

isan-fabric1:admin> zonecreate "softzone_server1", "server1"

isan-fabric1:admin> zoneadd "softzone_server1", "CAP1"

isan-fabric1:admin> zoneadd "softzone_server1", "CAP2"

isan-fabric1:admin> zoneshow softzone_server1

zone: softzone_server1
server1; CAP1; CAP2

Format of hardzone creation for server2

isan-fabric1:admin> zonecreate "hardzone_server2", "server2_port"

isan-fabric1:admin> zoneadd "hardzone_server2", "CAP2_port"

isan-fabric1:admin> zoneadd "hardzone_server2", "CBP2_port"

isan-fabric1:admin> zoneshow hardzone_server2

zone: hardzone_server2
server2_port; CAP2_port; CBP2_port

Format of config file creation and enabling (softzone_server1)

isan-fabric1:admin> cfgcreate "isan", "softzone_server1"

isan-fabric1:admin> cfgenable isan

You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.
This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the
current configuration selected.
Do you want to enable 'isan' configuration (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
zone config "isan" is in effect
Updating flash ...

Format of config file adding and enabling (hardzone_server2)

isan-fabric1:admin> cfgadd "isan", "hardzone_server2"

isan-fabric1:admin> cfgenable isan

You are about to enable a new zoning configuration.
This action will replace the old zoning configuration with the
current configuration selected.
Do you want to enable 'isan' configuration (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
zone config "isan" is in effect
Updating flash ...

isan-fabric1:admin> cfgshow
Defined configuration:
cfg: isan softzone_server1; hardzone_server2
zone: hardzone_server2
server2_port; CAP2_port; CBP2_port
zone: softzone_server1
server1; CAP1; CAP2
alias: CAP1 50:06:01:60:41:e0:e7:41
alias: CAP1_port
alias: CAP2 50:06:01:61:41:e0:e7:41
alias: CAP2_port
alias: CBP1 50:06:01:68:41:e0:e7:41
alias: CBP1_port
alias: CBP2 50:06:01:69:41:e0:e7:41
alias: CBP2_port
alias: server1 21:01:00:1b:32:20:f7:35
alias: server1_port
alias: server2 10:00:00:00:c9:64:1b:bf
alias: server2_port

Effective configuration:
cfg: isan
zone: hardzone_server2
zone: softzone_server1

isan-fabric1:admin> cfgdisable
You are about to disable zoning configuration. This
action will disable any previous zoning configuration enabled.
Do you want to disable zoning configuration? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
Updating flash ...

isan-fabric1:admin> cfgclear
The Clear All action will clear all Aliases, Zones, FA Zones
and configurations in the Defined configuration.
cfgSave may be run to close the transaction or cfgTransAbort
may be run to cancel the transaction.
Do you really want to clear all configurations? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y

Display size details of zone database

isan-fabric1:admin> cfgsiaze
rbash: cfgsiaze: command not found
isan-fabric1:admin> cfgsize

Zone DB max size - 1045274 bytes

Available Zone DB size - 1044864 bytes

committed - 410
transaction - 0

Display the current connections and status

isan-fabric1:admin> islshow
No ISL found

Display trunking information

isan-fabric1:admin> trunkshow
No trunking links
isan-fabric1:admin> reboot

Broadcast message from root (pts/0) Sat Jan 1 03:07:58 2000...

The system is going down for reboot NOW !!

isan-fabric1:admin> sysshutdown
This command will shutdown the operating systems on your switch.
You are required to power-cycle the switch in order to restore operation.
Are you sure you want to shutdown the switch [y/n]?y

Broadcast message from root (pts/0) Sat Jan 1 00:08:07 2000...

The system is going down for system halt NOW !!

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