Energy Conversion and Management: Fazia Baghdadi, Kamal Mohammedi, Said Diaf, Omar Behar
Energy Conversion and Management: Fazia Baghdadi, Kamal Mohammedi, Said Diaf, Omar Behar
Energy Conversion and Management: Fazia Baghdadi, Kamal Mohammedi, Said Diaf, Omar Behar
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: There is a great interest in the development of renewable power technologies in Algeria, and more
Received 4 November 2014 particularly hybrid concept. The present paper has investigated the performance of hybrid PV–Wind–
Accepted 18 July 2015 Diesel–Battery configuration based on hourly measurements of Adrar climate (southern Algeria). Data
Available online 13 August 2015
of global solar radiation, ambient temperature and wind speed for a period of one year have been used.
Firstly, the proposed hybrid system has been optimized by means of HOMER software. The optimization
Keywords: process has been carried out taking into account renewable resources potential and energy demand;
Stand-alone system
while maximizing renewable electricity use and fuel saving are the purpose. In the second step, a
mathematical model has been developed to ensure efficient energy management on the basis of various
Modeling operation strategies. The analysis has shown that renewable energy system (PV–Wind) is able to supply
Energy management about 70% of the demand. Wind power has ranked first with 43% of the annual total electricity production
Hybrid system followed by diesel generator (with 31%) while the remaining fraction is being to PV panels. In this
context, 69% of the fossil fuel can be saved when using the proposed hybrid configuration instead of
the diesel generators that are currently installed in most remote regions in Algeria. Such a concept is very
promising to meet the focus of renewable energy program announced in 2011.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0196-8904/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
472 F. Baghdadi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 105 (2015) 471–479
For the case of Algeria this latter advantage is of a particular most suitable for hybrid photovoltaic–wind power generation
interest because of its large area and lower density of population. plants. Hafez and Bhattacharya [18] have analyzed the potential
For instance, the population density in the part of Sahara is less of installing hybrid PV–wind–diesel system in Johor Bahru,
than one people per one square kilometer. Covering such a wide Malaysia. Akms et al. [19] and Hoque et al. [20] have been inter-
region with power grid is an expensive investment. Even, if it were ested on the PV–wind–diesel generator hybrid power system
be, the cost of electricity will be higher than actual average values. under Bangladesh climates. The former investigated the perfor-
In such a context, photovoltaic panels would be the best solution mance of the hybrid system under Martin Island climatic condi-
for both population and government. In order to do so, the ministry tions whereas the latter has considered a small village in
of energy and mines has planned to install several solar photo- Comilla. Lal and Raturi [21] have carried out an economic assess-
voltaic projects with a total capacity of 800 MW by 2020 as a part ment of PV–Wind–Diesel hybrid power system for a remote loca-
of the program highlighted above. Moreover, other projects with tion on the island of Vanua Levu.
an annual capacity of 200 MW are planned between 2021 and In Algeria there is also an increasing interest on the develop-
2030 [8]. At this year, the electricity from PV should be competitive ment and investigation of hybrid photovoltaic systems, particu-
to the state-of-the-art power generation options. Recent studies larly after the introduction of the renewable energy program in
have indicated that about a half in the cost reduction can be 2011. Khelif et al. [22] have proposed the combination of PV panels
achieved though scaling up while the other half is the concern of with an existed diesel generator under operation in AFRA (south-
R&D activities [9]. ern Algeria). The authors have developed a mathematical program
To this end, most recent R&D activities worldwide are focusing to predict the hourly performance of the proposed hybrid plant
on the combination of solar photovoltaic with other sources of including voltage, current, fuel consumption, battery state of
energy as it is the only alternative to overcome the issue of higher charge and electricity production. The model is also capable to per-
electricity cost up to now. Many countries are now showing an form an economic assessment to evaluate the profitability of the
increasing interest in the development of hybrid solar PV power power system. They have concluded that the profitability of the
systems. Emerging Markets such as China, India, Indonesia, proposed hybrid system is strongly related to fossil fuel cost and
Tunisia, Algeria, and Saudi Arabia are excellent examples. For beyond a 0.34 €/l of fuel the project is cost-effective. Rezzouk and
China, Li et al. [12] have investigated the feasibility of a hybrid Mellit [23] have interested in the feasibility of powering a research
PV–Wind with storage system to electrify a household in the unit (UDES) located in the north of Algeria with a hybrid PV–
region of Urumqi. When compared with only PV and only Wind Diesel–battery system. HOMER program has been applied and var-
power plants, the proposed configuration has shown a reduction ious configurations as a function of PV penetration including a
in the total net present cost by about 9% and 11% respectively. stand-alone diesel generator and stand-alone PV system were con-
Rehman et al. [13] have interested on the feasibility of a modifying sidered. The authors have found that a hybrid power plant with
a diesel generator into hybrid PV–wind–diesel plant in Rafha, Saudi 25% electricity production from PV panels is the optimum configu-
Arabia. They have found that at a diesel price of 0.6 $/L the hybrid ration that ensures high stability with the lowest electricity cost.
system become cost competitive. With regard to the efficiency and Himri et al. [24] have proposed the combination of an existing die-
system reliability, Daud and Ismail [14] have designed and ana- sel generator with wind turbine to feed a remote region in the
lyzed a PV–wind–diesel hybrid system for a family house in southern of Algeria. They have used HOMER program to evaluate
Palestine. Taking into account the actual energy resources map in the energy production, life-cycle costs and greenhouse gas emis-
Tunisia, Colantoni et al. [15] have developed a mathematical pro- sions reduction of the proposed Wind–Diesel power system. The
gram to find the optimum dimension of hybrid PV–Wind power simulation has shown that the hybrid system becomes feasible at
system. The authors have highlighted the potential of hybrid fossil a wind speed of 5.48 m/s with a fossil fuel price of 0.162 $/L or
renewable power plants to reduce fossil fuels import in Tunisia. more. Aissou et al. [25] have experimentally and numerically stud-
Celik [16] have introduced a novel sizing methodology for hybrid ied the performance of small scale PV–Wind power system under
Wind–PV system based on the monthly variation in the required coastal climate in Bejaia, Algeria. The hybrid plant consists of six
size of the renewable energy converters. Kumar and Manoharan photovoltaic panels of 175 W each connected in parallel, 1 kW
[17] have dealt with the feasibility of implanting hybrid PV– wind turbine, batteries, inverter, and sensors for measurements.
Diesel plant in Tamil Nadu, India. The economic analysis based The hybrid plant control and power management have been eval-
on the net present cost, fuel consumption and renewable electric- uated. The design and modeling of the components have been car-
ity fraction have indicated that the interior climatic zone is the ried out using Matlab/Simulink while the power control strategy is
F. Baghdadi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 105 (2015) 471–479 473
With Tamb is ambient temperature, Es is the global solar irradiation
at the selected site, NOCT is the operation temperature of PV cell
under preselected conditions (global radiation of 800 W/m2, ambi-
0 ent temperature equals to 20 °C et mass air AM supposed to be
0 5 10 15 20 equals to 1).
Wind Speed (m/s) Eq. (7) provides the total electric power produced by both PV
and Wind generators.
Fig. 2. Power curve of the wind turbine given by the manufacturer.
Ptot ðtÞ ¼ Ppv s ðtÞ þ PWs ðtÞ ð7Þ
where V(H) is the wind speed measured at the hub height Hm, V(Hm)
is the wind speed measured at the reference height Hm and a is the With Ppvs(t) and PWs(t) are the electricity produced by PV and wind
wind speed power law coefficient. generators respectively after passing though the inverter.
The PV module is made up of photovoltaic cells and it is used to The battery bank is used to serve the required load. If the bat-
convert solar radiation into electricity. The PV module (Type: KD tery bank is less than minimum level, the diesel generator starts
180 GX-LP) from KYOCERA has been chosen in the study. The basic supplying the demand. The capital cost of batteries is $3680 while
information of the selected PV module is summarized in Table 2. the annual O&M cost is 180 $/kW h [32]. Table 3 provides more
The energy output of the PV generator is calculated based on details about the technical specification of the battery bank.
the following equation: The following parameters are use for characterizing the battery:
Pgen ¼ ggen Ac Es ð3Þ
Nominal capacity Batman.
Ac is the PV panels receiving area, ggen is the efficiency of PV gener- The state of charge SOC.
ator and Es is the global solar irradiation.
The efficiency of the PV generator is a function of ambient con- SOCðtÞ ¼ C bat ðtÞ=C bat max ðtÞ
ditions and PV cell proprieties [31]: ð0 6 SOC 6 1Þ
ggen ¼ gmod gdc=ac P f Nmod ð4Þ With Cbat is the capacity of the battery at time (t), Cbat max is the
maximum capacity of the battery. If SOC = 1, the battery is full; If
In Eq. (4) gmod is the efficiency of the PV module, gdc/ac is the SOC = 0, the battery is empty.
electrical efficiency of the DC/AC inverter, Pf is the full module fac- The Charge and discharge processes can be evaluated by Eqs. (9)
tor and Nmod is the number of PV modules. and (10) respectively.
The efficiency of the photovoltaic module can be estimated by
the following equation: C bat ðtÞ ¼ C bat ðt 1Þ þ ððPtot ðtÞ Pcha ðtÞÞ þ Pge ðtÞÞgac=dc gcha Dt ð9Þ
where Pcha is the power demand, Pge is the power produced by the
diesel generator, gdecha is the efficiency of battery discharging.
Table 2 To protect the battery from overcharge and deep discharge the
Technical data of the PV module.
accumulator is used to control the state of charge according to the
Technical data Value Unit following equation:
Performance under ISO conditions C bat min ðtÞ 6 C bat ðtÞ 6 C bat max ðtÞ ð11Þ
Maximum power 180 W
Maximum voltage 23.6 V The minimum capacity (Cbat min) of the battery is given by:
Maximum current 7.63 A
Open circuit voltage (Voc) 29.5 V C bat min ¼ DOD C bat n ð12Þ
Shortage current (Isc) 8.35 A
Maximum voltage of the system 600 V With DOD is the deep of discharge; it is supposed to be equal to 0.5.
Temperature coefficient for Voc 1.06 101 V/°C
Temperature coefficient for Isc 5.01 103 A/°C Table 3
Design features of the battery.
Performance under 800 W/m2 irradiance
Maximum power 127 W Technical data Value Unit
Maximum voltage 20.8 V Voltage 48 V
Maximum current 6.1 A Discharge current 192 A
Open circuit voltage (Voc) 26.5 V Power 9.2 kW
Shortage current (Isc) 6.8 A Nominal capacity 1923 Ah
PV module features Minimum allowable load 50 %
Number of cell per module 48 cell Battery cost 3680 $
Dimension (length width thickness) 1341 990 36 mm O&M costs 180 $/kW h
Weight 16.5 kg Lifetime 10 Years
F. Baghdadi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 105 (2015) 471–479 475
The diesel generator 404C-22G of PERKINS manufacturer has Output power (kW) Fuel consumption (L/h)
been selected in this analysis. Its maximum capacity is about 18.500 5.400
18.5 kW. The technical data of this generator are given in Table 4. 13.875 4.000
A linear model has been assumed to predict the performance of 9.250 2.900
the diesel generator at partial load. Table 5 illustrates the variation 4.625 2.270
Load (W)
converter. In the proposed hybrid system the converter is applied
for two purposes, i.e., to convert AC power from diesel generator
to DC power used to charge the batteries. In this case it is called
converter. It can also work as an inverter (DC–AC) to serve AC
A power converter is required for a hybrid wind/PV/battery
power system to maintain the flow of energy between DC and AC 0 5 10 15 20
components. Hours
now underway. The renewable potential including solar energy Time [h]
and wind are really abundant. These factors make the hybrid
Fig. 4. Global radiation measured in Adrar during a period of one year.
fossil-renewable power system very attractive in this region.
The daily typical load profile of the site village is highlighted in
Fig. 3. It has been observed maximum loads of 125–130 kW
between 8 and 10 p.m. because the site considered is inhabited
Ambient Temperature [°C]
4.2. Solar radiation
The solar radiation data has been taken from a meteorological -10
station of Adrar. The global solar irradiance recorded during a year 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
(hour per hour) is shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the solar radi- Time (hours)
ation is very important in this location. Higher radiation intensity
Fig. 5. Ambient temperature recorded in Adrar during a year.
has been observed from March to September while smaller
amounts are available from October to February.
4.3. Ambient temperature
and winter (from 1 h to 3000 h and from 7000 to 8700 respec-
800 tively). During daylight, even though solar radiation is higher in
summer we have observed higher renewable electricity during
600 winter and autumn (around 27 kW h) compared to summer
(around 24 kW h). This increase is due to the higher wind speed
400 during these seasons.
An important finding is that the decrease in solar electricity
during winter and autumn periods is compensated by wind power
which provides stable operation of the hybrid PV–Wind–Diesel–B
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 attery system. This benefit is of a particular interest and makes
Time [h] the region of Adrar very promising to hybrid PV–Wind systems.
(b) Solar radiation
Fig. 9. Wind speed and solar radiation data over a week.
In the first step, the hybrid system has been analyzed during a
period of one week. Fig. 8 shows the electricity production by the
renewable system (PV + Wind) and diesel generator as well as
energy demand. In Fig. 9 it is highlighted the solar radiation inten-
sity and wind speed for better understanding the operation and
management of the hybrid power plant.
It has been observed that renewable energy fraction is strongly
related to solar radiation intensity, i.e., during sunny periods the Fig. 10. Annual performance of the hybrid system.
478 F. Baghdadi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 105 (2015) 471–479
D ec
No v
F év
S ep
A vr
J an
Ju i l
O ct
A oû
90 about 70% compared with only diesel generator that are usually
installed to supply a remote regions in the southern of Algeria.
80 It is noteworthy that the actual diesel generators in operation
are suffering from lower efficiency associated with serious fuel
shortage which significantly increase the cost of electricity.
Moreover, it slowdown the economic development of the remote
regions and undoubtedly raise the social problems. In this context,
hybrid renewables-fossil power plants might become the technol-
ogy of choice in the coming decades as the shortage and depletion
in fossil fuels together with the hike in their prices take a hold. If
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 the Algerian renewable energy program is well implemented, such
Time (h) a hybrid system will be a lever for economic and social develop-
(b) state of charge of battery during a week ment, particularly through the establishment of wealth and
job-creating industries.
Fig. 12. Battery state of charge.
The monthly energy production of each component is shown in
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