Central University of South Bihar: School of Law & Governance
Central University of South Bihar: School of Law & Governance
Central University of South Bihar: School of Law & Governance
“CUSTOM as a Source of Law”
Submitted by:
chandan kumar
Enrolment no
1. Sources Of Law
3. Origin of Custom
8. Limitations
12. References
1. Sources Of Law
what the sources of law are. Here, ‘Sources’ means ‘Origin’. There is a
difference of opinion among the jurists about the origin of law. Austin
says that law originated from the sovereign, the Theologians says that law
originates from God. The Vedas and Quran, which are primary sources of
Hindu and Mohammedan laws respectively, are considered to have been
revealed by God. To whatever sources the origin of law may be
attributed, it has emanated from almost similar sources in most of the
societies and a general theory about sources can be given and it would be
applicable to most of the legal systems.
If the legal system of modern times is studied then it may be found that
the most of the laws are made by legislation. In some countries, the
decisions of the superior courts are also laws. Customs also plays a very
vital role as one of the sources of laws where rights and liabilities are
determined on the basis of the customs. The judges in giving decisions
take help from many other sources also, such as juristic writings, foreign
decision, moral considerations and social values of the time and place.
The law generally comes from these sources. Further, more classification
can be made on the basis of their nature, whether they are legally binding
or persuasive only. Legislation, Precedent and Custom may be regarded
as the binding sources and rest of all as persuasive. Legally binding
sources shall be discussed further in the topic but the main focus would
be upon ‘Custom’ which is one of the most important binding sources of
(visited on 16 Nov’16)
*Material Sources of Law: It refers to the material of law. In simple
words, it is all about the matter from where the laws are derived. Customs
fall in this category of law.
However, if we look around and examine the contemporary legal
systems, it may be seen that most legal systems are based on legislations.
At the same time, it is equally true that sometimes customs play a
significant role in the legal system of a country. In some of the legal
systems, court decisions are binding as law.
On the basis of the above discussion, three major sources of law can be
identified in any modern society are as follows:
i. Legislation
ii. Judicial precedent
iii. Custom
i. Custom:
3. Origin of Custom:
(visited on 16 Nov’ 16)
Regarding the origin of customs there are different and divergent
views. It is said by historic jurists that they originated from the
common consciousness of the people. Some says that it was the result
of necessity or convenience. Some says that man’s nature of imitation
is the main cause of the origin of customs. Any particular conduct,
imitated by a group people for a long time becomes a custom. It is also
asserted by many jurists that judicial decisions are the basic of
(visited on 16 Nov’16)
(b) Conventional Customs: Conventional customs are binding
on the parties to an agreement. When two or more persons enter
into an agreement related to a trade, it is presumed in law that
they make the contract in accordance with established
convention or usage of that trade. For instance an agreement
between landlord and tenant regarding the payment of the rent
will be governed by convention prevailing in this regard.
All customs cannot be accepted as sources of law, nor can all customs
be recognized and enforced by the courts. The jurists and courts have
laid down some essential tests for customs to be recognized as valid
sources of law. These tests are summarized as follows:
Custom was the most important source of law in ancient India. Even
the British initially adopted the policy of non-intervention in personal
matters of Hindus and Muslims. The British courts, in particular, the
Privy Council, in cases such as Mohammad Ibrahim v. Shaik Ibrahim,
(AIR 1922 PC 59) observed and underlined the importance of custom
in moulding the law. At the same time, it is important to note that
customs were not uniform or universal throughout the country. Some
regions of the country had their own customs and usages.
8. Limitation:
The subject topic of this project i.e ‘Law’ is a very broad topic to deal
but the limitation in this project is to deal only about ‘Custom As A
Source Of Law’. Thus with the limitation every aspect of the topic is
described in this project.
Ninth Edition,2012
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