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Ifps3 PDF
Ifps3 PDF
Hazards &
Quality Defects in
Fish Processing
ishery products occupy a unique position as food
material for man. A variety of nutrients both major
and minor are available in almost all fish and fishery
products from marine and fresh water bodies. The
good taste, high nutritional quality and easy digestibility of
fish make it a favorable food of almost all living organisms
including bacteria and animals. As a result all organisms
compete to consume fish and fishery products and if handled
carelessly fish and fishery products can become a source of
different kinds of hazardous public health organisms like V.
cholera, S. typhi, L. monocytogenes, V. parahaemolyticus,
S. aureus etc. and cause various kinds of infectious diseases
and food poisoning in man.
With the support of
The variety and species of aquatic organisms used as food
CIFT and Govt. are too many. Some of these organisms by virtue of their
agencies like IFP, genetic make up or food habits are found to contain some
toxic substances. Thus ciguatoxin, paralytic shellfish poison
EIA and MPEDA, (saxitoxin), diarrhetic shellfish poison (okadaic acid), amnesic
the Indian Seafood shellfish poison etc are species related toxins, which are health
hazards encountered in sea food. Similarly scombroid or
Industry is on more generally fishes with red meat on temperature abuse
equal footing or produce histamine and cause the commonly reported
better than any scrombro toxin poisoning. Some species, particularly bivalves
are known to accumulate certain heavy metal residues from
other similar the eco system to toxic levels. The cephalopods, squid and
industry in the cuttle fish are found to accumulate Lead and Cadmium
depending on pollution of the environment as well as age of
developed the organism. On a similar fashion large fishes like tuna,
countries. marlin etc are known to accumulate mercury to toxic levels
with increase in age and size.
*Principal Scientist and Head, Quality Assurance and Management
Division, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, Cochin - 682 029
IFP Souvenir 2007
Above: a typical algal bloom in Arabian Sea Coast. The impact of an algal bloom on some fishes- mass mortality
of a species.
Fish and shellfish raised by farming are likely to used to export a major share of their fish and fishery
concentrate environmental contaminants and products to these developed countries. As a result
aquaculture drugs like pesticide residues, antibiotic many developing countries including India had to
residues, hormone residues etc. All these residues face trade ban on fish exports. The imposition of
pose various kinds of health risks to consumers of HACCP in the early nineties by US FDA, the EU
these fish and fishery products. Thus with various ban of fishery products from India in 1997 on
kinds of human activity the occurrence of pathogens, account of sanitation and hygiene and recent
pollutants, toxicants and other undesirable rejection of several consignments on account of
compounds in fishery products is fast becoming a antibacterial substances, antibiotic residues, heavy
common phenomenon in developed and metal residues, muddy moldy flavour etc by USA,
developing countries. EU and Japan played havoc in Indian seafood
industry. Even though TQM of Japan aimed total
In spite of all these health hazards fish and shell
quality management, it failed to ensure both safety
fish continue to be in great demand as a food
and quality, probably due to certain lacuna like
material in the developed world on account of the
calibration, good laboratory practice, good
better taste, nutritional quality and medicinal
personnel policy etc. There were several attempts
properties. To avoid public health problems in using
to improve the TQM concept of Japan to make it
fish and shell fish as a food for mass consumption,
suitable to tackle all problems of safety and quality
several quality assurance programmes were evolved
of a given product.
and enforced from time to time. Today various kinds
of quality standards like Codex standards, US FDA Today Total Quality Management (TQM) is a
standards, EU Norms, BIS standards etc are in widely used technique for quality assurance in a
operation at national and international levels. To wide range of production industries. The use of TQM
achieve these standards several quality assurance is gaining more and more importance in Indian
programmes were also developed and practised in seafood industry perhaps due to the higher
different parts of the world. The HACCP system of incidence of health risks/hazards in fish & fishery
USA, the European Council directives, the QMP of products as well as to tackle the challenges in the
Canada and TQM of Japan are such quality name of quality and safety posed by major
assurance programmes aimed to ensure safety and importing countries like the European Union, the
quality of fish and fishery products consumed in USA and Japan. In India the Central Institute of
these countries. Fisheries Technology, Kochi played the key role to
With change of time all these quality standards equip the Indian Sea Food Industry to squarely face
and quality assurance programmes became more these formidable challenges by introducing a total
and more stringent and mandatory and posed quality management concept. The action plan
severe challenges to the developing countries, which adopted by CIFT consisted of plant inspection,
IFP Souvenir 2007
identification of deficiencies, rectification of and sanitation and quality assurance. A judicious
deficiencies, preparation of HACCP manual, selection of persons responsible for purchase,
validation, auditing, installation of GMP, SSOP, GLP production, quality, etc can take up this
and good personnel policy, and these combination responsibility. The team shall have the skill and
procedures were termed TQM. expertise to identify possible significant hazards like
physical, chemical and biological that can be
Even though TQM is widely used, depending
associated with the raw materials, processing steps,
on various factors the approach and concepts for
plant and workers. The team shall also be in a
implementation of TQM vary from industry to
position to provide suitable remedial measures to
industry and from person to person. Obviously there
exclude possible hazards from each and every
is a need for consolidation of all relevant aspects to
source. A brief description of possible hazards at
attain uniformly assured quality for products of mass
the eight locations above and preventive measures
consumption. What follows is an attempt to
recommended by CIFT for their control are
consolidate systematically all existing steps along
discussed below.
with some modifications introduced by CIFT to
prevent/eliminate health risks/hazards and quality 1. Raw materials
defects from all possible sources in the processing In a food processing plant raw materials can be
activity in Indian sea food processing industry. All the raw food material as well as materials like food
these steps put together can be called a Total Quality additives, food preservatives, packaging etc. Each
Management System for the Seafood Processing one of these can contain hazards arising out of
Industry. contamination, genetic origin, stage of harvest etc.
The first step in deciding a procedure for TQM is Sea caught fish and shellfish are generally free from
to list out all possible sources of health risks/hazards indicator organisms and other pathogens. But if the
in the processing procedure. In any system of food fish is landed on unclean surfaces and handled by
production the risks/hazards arise from one or a personnel with poor hygiene these organisms will
combination of following sources or processing find their way into the fish and pose health risk.
steps. Similarly PSP (paralytic shell fish toxin) and DSP
(diarhetic shell fish toxin) in bivalves, Lead and
1. Raw material Cadmium in cephalopods and Histamine in
2. Production Process scombroid fishes are commonly encountered health
hazards in raw fish and shellfish. In case of fish from
3. Production facility- Plant and Machinery
inland water bodies and culture systems there is not
4. Personnel involved in Production. only the possibility occurrence of pathogens but also
5. Cleanliness of direct/indirect food contact pollutants and drug residues like pesticide residue
6. Pests.
7. Risk/hazard monitoring facilities - Laboratory
8. Qualified/ trained personnel
Items at 1 to 8 above lists all the possible areas
that can contribute physical, chemical or biological
hazards into the food handled in a food processing
plant. Therefore the best method to achieve TQM
shall be streamlining and critically evaluating each
one of the above sources to ensure that health
hazards are not introduced at any of the above
sources. This exercise needs the support and skill
of a team of experts with a thorough knowledge of Fresh raw materials a precondition for food safety- live tiger
the raw materials, production processes, hygiene, prawns harvested from farm.
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Clean pre-processed materials essential for food safety- An example of gross neglect of fish & shellfish by ignorant
cleaned beheaded tiger prawn ready for block freezing. fishermen-a threat to food safety and public health.
and antibiotic residue. By judicious selection of raw like tables, utensils, processing equipments, workers
materials and appropriate control measures like hand etc and in the absence of sanitation and
harvest area certificate, supplier guarantee and hygiene all type of hazards can enter the food under
random analysis, hazards arising from processing. Certain processing steps are also known
contamination, location & stage of harvest, species to reduce or eliminate certain hazards. Thus chilling
etc. can be excluded. During harvesting, control or freezing is effective in preventing bacterial
measures like landing and sorting the catch on clean multiplication as well as histamine formation.
raised platform, quick chilling of the catch followed Evisceration of cephalopods will reduce Lead and
by chilled/ iced storage till it is delivered to the land Cadmium toxicity. Similarly cooking and
based factories, following good manufacturing pasteurization are known for killing of pathogens.
practice (GMP) and standard sanitation operation To ensure safety and quality, all these steps shall be
procedure (SSOP) can minimize many of the evaluated properly to identify significant hazards
biological hazards. Certain problems of genetic introduced or controlled in each step and devise
origin can be excluded by appropriate preparation/ procedure for their control and monitoring. The
pre-processing methods such as removal of specific thermal process validation for cooking and thermal
organs responsible for accumulation of toxic processing, properly designed GMP and SSOP
residues. (eg. Gutting of cephalopods to overcome formulated by CIFT for all other processing steps
heavy metal contamination.) Further to avoid tightened the entire processing operation and helped
temperature abuse and handling problems a code the Indian Sea Food Industry to ensure safety and
of practice for icing and fish handling on board, on quality assurance in the production process. This
landing and during transportation was drawn up process closely follows the Hazard Analysis Critical
and popularized among fishermen, landing center Control Points (HACCP), which can be practised
workers and transport operators so that all types of by following the seven principles of HACCP.
contamination are excluded.
The Seven Principles of HACCP
2. Production Process a. Conduct a hazard analysis
All seafood production processes will have a Prepare a flow diagram of the steps involved in
combination of different processing steps like the processing of the raw material to the product.
washing, dressing, treatment with chemicals, Identify and list the significant hazards if any for
cooking, freezing etc. of the raw materials to give each processing step and specify control measures
finished products. At all these steps the food material which will minimize or eliminate the identified
will come into contact with different contact surfaces hazard. Ultimately this will give us all the significant
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hazards and then location in a process. CIFT has
Table 1
developed suitable HACCP work sheet for all the
products both for raw and cooked products and Typical seafood borne hazards and their
passed on the same for the benefit of the industry. critical limits
b. Identify critical control points (CCP) in Sl. Significant hazards Critical limit
the process. No.
This is best done by following the CCP decision 1. PSP 80ug/100g
tree or based on the definition that CCP is that 2. DSP 20ug/100g
processing step which provides maximum control 3. Histamine. 25-50mg/100g
of an identified hazard. For each significant hazard
4. Staphylococcus toxin Absent
there will be a CCP at some appropriate processing
step arrived at as above. In case of aquatic food 5. Botulinum toxin Absent
from India the most common significant hazards are 6. Lead 0.5mg/kg
PSP and DSP in case of bivalves and bivalve eating 7. Cadmium 0.5mg/kg
organisms like crab, octopus, rays etc, lead and
8. Mercury 0.1mg/kg
cadmium in case of cephalopods, histamine in case
of scombroid fishes, antibiotic and pesticide residues 9. Pesticides 0.5mg/kg
in case of aquacultured organisms, biological 10. Antibiotics Absent
pathogen in case of cooked products etc. The CCP 11. Hormone residues. Absent
for all these hazards except biological pathogen is 12. Sanitizers & lubricants Absent
at raw material receiving and for biological pathogen
13. Pathogens Absent/ 25g
it is at cooking.
14. Parasites Absent
c. Establish Critical limits.
15. Foreign matter- fish hook,
In case of biological pathogens and physical metal fragments etc Absent
hazards the critical limit is absence and incase of
chemical hazards appropriate tolerance levels are
prescribed based on Codex, US FDA, and EU gutting of cephalopods in case of lead & cadmium
Norms. Critical limits for certain seafood borne contamination or avoiding the particular source of
hazards arrived at in this style are listed in table 1. supply in case of other kinds of chemical hazards.
In a production process all the significant hazards f. Establish verification procedure.
identified shall have a critical limit.
Verification involve checking of calibration tests,
d. Establish monitoring procedure. together with a review of actual analytical data (in
These are procedures to ensure that the case of indirect monitoring), which confirms that
significant hazards at appropriate CCPs are always HACCP is working effectively and the products are
maintained within the tolerance limit established, safe for human consumption. In other words
by directly or indirectly testing or observing the verification procedures are methods for effective
significant hazards. In short for all significant hazards, cross checking of all control measures such as CCP
there will be one or more monitoring procedures. monitoring, SSOP & GMP monitoring including
relevant records by which the verification/audit team
e. Establish corrective actions.
or any other interested party can conclude that
These are control measures taken when HACCP procedures are working effectively and that
monitoring indicates that a particular CCP is moving the products are safe.
out of control, so that the significant hazard does
not exceed the critical limit. Corrective actions are g. Establish a documentation system.
often remedial measures like adjusting cooking time All data on CCP monitoring, verification
and cooking temperature as per validated procedures, deviations and corrective actions if any
processing procedures to ensure proper cooking in as well as details of GMP and SSOP shall be
case of under cooking/presence of biological hazard, recorded for inspection and audit. These records
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shall be preserved for a minimum of three years for construction and the type of construction. All
review/audit in case of any complaints. materials used shall be water resistant, washable and
with a smooth surface. Further the construction shall
Operation as per seven principles of HACCP will
be such that there is no sharp corners and that all
ensure safety of the finished product from processing
wall to wall, wall to floor and wall to roof joints are
operations. CIFT initiated several training
round and smoothened. The design shall take care
programmes on HACCP concepts and HACCP
to provide fly proofing of all external openings like
manual validation and plant audit from 1997. Till
doors, windows, ventilators, chute doors and drain
date 715 officials from Government agencies and
outlets. In fact the safety at drain outlets shall be
food industries have undergone training on HACCP
such that there is no chance for any solid particles
Concepts and Audit throughout India. About 130
to go out as well as no fly can enter into the food
seafood processing plants including freezer vessels
handling areas. The plant will also need several
were audited for HACCP, SSOP, GMP &GLP and
electrical & mechanical fittings. All such items shall
approved to process seafood for exports.
be washable and laid out in such a way that there is
3. The Production Facility no scope for pest/ microbial harborage. To achieve
Plant, machinery and other facilities are an these objectives the CIFT has come up with sea food
important factor, which if not properly selected and processing plant lay out for Pre Processing,
laid out can lead to safety risks. Good Processing of raw and cooked products. Plans for
Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is largely the Water purification for process water needs, effluent
procedures laid down for achieving safety from treatment system, common cold storages were also
plant, machinery and other infrastructure used in prepared and popularized in the industry.
the production. The important elements of Good A. Machinery design, construction and
Manufacturing Practice are listed below. layout.
Plant design, construction & layout Like plant, machinery too shall be designed,
In any production plant there will be raw constructed and installed to facilitate unidirectional
materials and finished products as well as one or movement of food materials and that the machinery
many intermediate products. The plant design shall is water resistant, washable and sanitisable. All the
be such that the movement of edible materials from machinery shall also be in a position to achieve
raw materials stage to the finished products stage is criteria for good manufacturing practice. To cite an
unidirectional and opposite to the movement of example, the machinery for quick freezing shall be
waste materials like solid wastes and liquid effluents. in a position to freeze the food in such a way that
Another aspect of the plant design and construction the core of the food attains -18-+2oC in 90 minutes.
is the nature of the materials used for the Similarly equipments for cooking shall be able to
attain the validated cooking temperature and time
with out causing under/ over cooking. Selection and
installation of processing machinery in this way will
exclude all possible health risks from machinery.
B. Provision for pest control.
The provision for pest control is often a neglected
item. Pest can be the cause for both filth and
contamination with microbes of public health
significance. Exclusion of pests is best done by
providing fly proof netting for all windows and
ventilators as well as providing automatic air curtain
and self closing shutters for all doors and chutes,
directly opening to outside. There shall also be fly
A well designed & laid out interior of a high risk processing proof netting for drain outlets. Further to take care
unit in Retnagiri, India. of any pest by passing these facilities there can be
IFP Souvenir 2007
electrical fly catchers and rodent traps at strategic contract any disease or become a carrier. The third
locations. Effective operation of these facilities will step is to guarantee that the worker will remain fit
make food handling areas free from pests. until next examination. This is ensured by
immunization of workers against typhoid and other
For pest control there shall not be any chemical
target diseases. Medical fitness of workers following
based pest control procedures. In rodent traps the
the above steps will ensure exclusion of pathogens
baits shall be only food items like dried and baked
from workers.
coconut or fish. Poison baits shall never be used for
rodent control in food processing plants. In case ii. Use of clean uniform including gumboots,
there is any unusual fly population fumigation with head cover, face mask and gloves.
formaldehyde followed by defumigation with Medical fitness is only a guarantee against
ammonia can be followed. However there shall not contamination with pathogens. The body of the
be a regular schedule for fumigation as it may workers is still prone to various types of
introduce unwanted chemical residues into the food contamination and a sure source of different kinds
material handled in the plant. Typical layouts for of bacteria of public health significance. To avoid
Pre Processing Centers, Processing Centers, such contamination from workers there shall be
Common Cold storage and pest control measures proper isolation of workers body in such a way that
provided to the industry by CIFT are available for directly or indirectly body of workers does not come
adoption by interested parties. into contact with the food or food contact surfaces.
4. Personnel involved in production. This is effectively done by providing clean uniforms
including gumboots, head cover and face masks.
Workers or plant personnel are the most dynamic While head cover prevent falling hair and
source of various type of microbial contamination subsequent contamination face mask will prevent
in any food processing establishment. In case of spillage of saliva/ nasal secretion and introduction
food materials from land and inland water bodies of Staphylococcus aureus, which is a hygiene
there is every chance of occurrence of organisms of indicator as well as a food poisoning organism.
public health significance. But in case of seafood Wherever high risk products are handled use of
the occurrence of Public Health Indicator organisms sterile disposable gloves is compulsory for all
is a sure indication of poor hygiene and sanitation. personnel entering high risk areas.
To exclude such contamination from workers all
personnel in the production unit shall follow good iii. Removal of ornaments & other beauty
hygiene practice. Important elements of Good aids.
Hygiene Practice recommended by CIFT are: Ornaments and certain beauty aids offer lot of
i. Medical Fitness of workers gaps and crevices which are very difficult to clean
and so form easy home for various kinds of bacteria,
Medical examination to certify the workers is an
exercise to be done with out failure once in a year.
To certify a worker to be fit to handle food actually
involve three important steps. The first step involves
examination of the worker by a qualified medical
practitioner to rule out that the worker is not suffering
from any disease. This the Doctor can do by physical
examination and certain investigations on blood
urine and stool. The second step is to exclude the
possibility of the worker as a carrier of certain
pathogens especially salmonella. This can be
ensured only by conducting a stool culture test for
salmonella. These two tests will ensure that the
worker is fit to handle food materials. These tests
are normally done once in a year. During this period Good hygiene practices – an essential requirement for
there is no guarantee that the worker will not food safety.
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which will be extremely difficult to eradicate. So procedure will enable the removal of significant
removal of all type of ornaments by all employees bacterial load from the palms of workers and they
is essential before they enter the food handling areas will be safe for food handling. The above steps will
for achieving safety of the food processed. take care to prevent all sorts of contamination from
iv. Scrubbing of hands
Use of single use sterile gloves by all fish handling 5. Cleanliness of Direct/Indirect Food
personnel is ideal to prevent contamination from Contact Surfaces
workers. Whether the workers use gloves or not it is Another factor responsible for contamination is
very essential that they scrub their hands with soap the cleanliness of direct and indirect food contact
and clean water. The hands shall then be dried with surfaces. There shall be identification and listing of
a clean towel before the workers enter the food all food contact and non contact surfaces followed
handling area with or with out gloves. This practice by a cleaning procedure and cleaning schedule. All
will make the hands of the workers safe. these operations are popularly known as Standard
v. Sanitizing foot wear Sanitation Operation Procedure (SSOP). The
following are the main elements of SSOP. The
The bottom of the gum boot the workers wear
available chlorine content recommended by CIFT
in change room may cause some contamination.
for different types of sanitizing operations is detailed
This is prevented by allowing the workers with gum
in table 2.
boot or other factory provided foot wear to pass
through a foot dip containing 100 ppm available a. Cleaning/maintenance of water source,
chlorine, which will sanitise the bottom portion of storage & supply lines including
the foot wear and prevent contamination of floor of prevention of cross contamination.
the food handling area.
Quality of water can be ensured by providing
vi. Hand sanitizing certain minimum treatment for raw water such as
Once the workers enter the food handling area, filtering through sand bed, chlorine dozing followed
they shall sanitize the hands before starting the work by filtration through activated carbon column. Water
by dipping the full palm preferably from elbow down treated in this fashion shall be tested for conformity
of both hands in 20 ppm chlorine water. This to appropriate standards for achieving safety of
Table 2
Recommended levels of available chlorine for different sanitation purposes
Sl. No. Purpose. Recommended levels of available
chlorine content.
1. Process water, glaze water and ice production.* < 2 ppm for EU approved Plants and
< 5 ppm for National Standard Plants.
2. Hand dip water. < 20 ppm.
3. Foot dip water. 100 – 200 ppm.
4. Water for sanitation of Utensils, processing table, 100 ppm.
processing machinery etc.
5. Water for sanitation of floor and wall. 100-200 ppm.
6. Water for sanitation of drain. 250-500 ppm.
* In case of process water and water for ice production higher level of chlorine to the tune of 10-
15ppm is recommended for water disinfection, provided the chlorine level shall be reduced to
recommended residue level before water/ice is used for food processing.
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of hands, sanitizing of footwear, hand sanitizing etc
as outlined under the provision for personal hygiene
shall be followed to avoid contamination from
e. Regular cleaning and sanitizing of
Uniforms for all the workers such as the dress,
head cover; face mask etc shall be washed and
ironed on a single use basis. On no account dress
used in one shift shall be used for another shift even
if it is items like apron. All such used dress shall be
washed and ironed before a second use. There shall
be adequate facility in tune with the number of
workers for hand scrubbing, sanitizing, uniform
Clean flake ice and water another important factor for
food safety.
washing & ironing, utensil washing etc. in the plant.
f. Protection of all contact surfaces from
water. The supply lines and storage tanks of treated lubricants, Chemicals, sanitizers (other
process water shall be cleaned as per the cleaning than chlorine) etc.
procedure for food contact surfaces once in a month. The production personnel shall see that all the
b. Surface finish, water resistance and food contact surfaces are not contaminated with
cleanability of all direct & indirect food inedible materials like lubricants, detergents and
contact surfaces. other chemicals. This is very essential to ensure
All food contact surfaces shall be made of water safety of the food handled in the plant, and the same
resistant, smooth and washable material. This will is achieved by
ensure proper cleaning and prevention of dirt i. Separate storage areas for food additives and
accumulation. sanitizers
c. Regular cleaning procedure & cleaning ii. Approved procedure for use of chemicals and
schedule. display of the same in areas of use.
The direct and indirect contact surfaces shall be iii. Use only food grade chemicals or chemicals
cleaned as per the cleaning procedure before and approved by CIFT/ competent authority.
after each shift of production. The best cleaning iv. Chemicals to be used only by trained and
procedure will be wetting with water, removing all authorized personnel.
solid wastes, application of a nonionic detergent by
scrubbing with the help of a clean brush, washing f. Exclusion of poisonous and toxic
with potable water, sanitizing with chlorine water chemicals in processing areas.
containing 50 ppm chlorine for 30 minutes and In any food processing plant there shall not be
finally washing with potable water. Cleaning of all storage or use of any type of toxic or poisonous
contact and indirect contact surfaces will prevent chemicals in food handling areas even for pest
bacterial build up and contamination of the food control. For pest control in food handling areas the
handled. Disinfection of water, contact surfaces, and permitted procedure is fumigation with
hand sanitation can be also achieved by using formaldehyde followed by defumigation with
appropriate levels of ozone or hydrogen peroxide, ammonia only when there is an unusual fly
which will not leave any chemical residue and at population and there shall not be fumigation
the same time provide a better flavour for the treated schedule.
water. g. Exclusion of infected workers.
d. Personal hygiene practice. Daily the entire workers shall be monitored for
The use of factory provided uniforms, scrubbing any kind of disease or open wounds. The workers
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shall also be taught to report to the management windows, ventilators, drain outlets or all holes more
any such disease condition. Infected workers or than half a square inch with fly proof netting. To
workers with open wound shall be isolated from take care of isolated flies and rodents there shall be
handling the material till they are cured of the electronic fly catchers and rodent traps located at
problem. strategic points. However the fly catchers must be
positioned away from food handling points. In case
h. Adequate toilet facilities
of visible fly population, fumigation with H-CHO,
There shall be sufficient number of toilets and followed by defumigation with ammonia can be
bath rooms in the factory commensurate with the adopted.
number of workers. Standards say that there shall
be one toilet for each fifteen workers. All such toilets 7. Risk/ Hazard Monitoring Facilities-
must be made fly proof. Good Laboratory Practice
i. Direction and procedure for movement of The raw material quality, the process monitoring
waste and edible materials. as per HACCP, The GMP the SSOP, Personal
hygiene etc depend heavily on monitoring certain
In all food processing plants the direction of
physical, chemical or microbiological parameters.
movement of edible materials and waste generated
Consequently the success of all the above processes
shall be opposite to prevent cross contamination.
and procedures will depend on the facilities of the
Solid and liquid wastes are often neglected and
laboratory in the plant. In fact the laboratory shall
are a cause for various kinds of pest and microbial
have all test methods and testing equipments in tune
build up and consequent contamination. Where
with the following requirements.
ever possible the solid and liquid wastes must be
collected separately for treatment and disposal. All i. Use of approved methods / Standard
waste water generated should be collected through Operating Procedures (SOPs).
proper pipe lines into the drain, with out any All the methods used by the lab shall be methods
chance to spill on the floor as waste water on the approved by national or international agencies like
floor will be a cause for microbial build up. All drain BIS, EU Norms, US FDA, US EP, Codex, AOAC,
inlets and outlets shall be fitted with fly proof netting APHA etc. Under no circumstances unapproved
to prevent outflow of solid waste into the effluent procedures shall be used for monitoring any process/
treatment plant as well as preventing entry of pests quality parameter.
into the processing facility. There shall be suitable
receptacles for collection of solid wastes with a ii. Use only calibrated instruments for
procedure for their periodic removal and disposal. measurements.
To take care of sanitation and hygiene a package In case of measurements like volume, weight,
of practices have been developed by CIFT and time, temperature, pressure etc the measuring
the same was offered as training to thousands of instruments shall be subjected to periodic calibration
fish handling people working onboard fishing with reference to national or international standards,
vessels, in fishing harbours and fish processing before they are used for actual measurements. In
plants. case of weights and measures the Legal Metrology
Dept and in case of other physical measurements
6. Pest Control- Exclusion of Pests calibration with reference to the standards whose
Common pest like flies, cockroaches, lizards and accuracy can be traced back to the standards
rodents find their way into the food processing area, maintained at National Physical Laboratory, New
even though birds and pets are rarely seen. Often Delhi or the international standards kept at Paris.
these pests introduce hazards and filth into the
material handled in the plant. To overcome this there iii. Use of CRM as standards.
shall be effective pest control. All doors and chutes All labs will be using various chemical standards
in the plant shall be fitted with self closing devices. for estimation of several chemical parameters by
different methods like titration, chromatography,
All externally opening doors / chutes are to be spectrophotometry etc. All such standards shall be
fitted with automatic air curtains. Fly proofing of all certified reference materials (CRM) or certified
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analytical reagents. This will ensure accuracy and The results generated by different Export Inspection
reproducibility of test results. Agencies in India are thus periodically compared to
v. Accreditation of labs by National / identify deviations and inaccuracies in test
International agencies procedures. Any lapses detected will be rectified then
and there to make the test results accurate and
All labs attached to food processing plants must
acceptable to both exporters and importers.
be accredited by qualified assessors appointed by
agencies like National Accreditation Board for viii. Record Keeping.
Laboratories or International Laboratory The lab shall keep all the records relating to
Accreditation Conference to ensure that these labs production and quality assurance as per HACCP,
have necessary facilities in terms of equipments, SSOP, GMP etc and these records shall be available
chemicals including certified reference materials, for review and audit for at least three years.
qualified personnel etc and necessary methodology Generally the records insisted are those outlined in
to perform stipulated tests so that the results HACCP plan form (CCP monitoring records,
generated by the lab is dependable as well as corrective action records and calibration records.),
acceptable to the consumers. Hygiene and sanitation monitoring records, GMP
vi. Participation in proficiency testing records, ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) records, raw
programmes. material and finished product testing records. All
these records shall be supported with appropriate
Laboratories interested in generating dependable
procedures and schedule for ensuring as well as to
results shall undergo proficiency testing in
counter check their adequacy.
appropriate testing fields under the guidance of
nodal laboratories authorized by ILAC or NABL. GLP is relatively new area and CIFT has
The relevant testing fields for seafood testing implemented several programmes for achieving
laboratories are microbiology, biochemical, good laboratory practices. Conducting proficiency
organoleptic and chemical residues. A list of testing, interlaboratory calibration etc. for testing
authorized nodal laboratories including CIFT is laboratories and laboratories attached to factories
available with NABL, New Delhi on request. are being done periodically. CIFT is also giving the
Proficiency testing involves preparation of much needed assistance for equipping the labs for
homogenized test samples and testing the same in accreditation from agencies like NABL, BIS etc. To
the nodal lab to ensure homogeneity followed by meet the requirements of sophisticated and expert
testing the same samples in participating analysis of various parameters CIFT also has set up
laboratories. The results obtained by the facilities for calibrating weights and measures and
participating labs are compared with the results of temperature monitoring equipments along with
the nodal lab to arrive at a rating for each of the several instrumentation facilities for chemical residue
participating labs, which will indicate the accuracy monitoring. The industries are using all these
and authenticity of the analytical results generated supports periodically to make the data generated
by that lab. CIFT is a nodal laboratory identified by by their laboratories accurate and dependable. All
NABL and under supervision of CIFT several these facilities are operated and maintained by
laboratories including EIA laboratories and MPEDA standard operating procedures by qualified and well
laboratories had undergone proficiency testing. trained personnel.
vii. Inter Laboratory Calibration (ILC). 8. Qualified and Certified Personnel-
This is again a procedure for checking the Good Personnel Policy
accuracy and capability of a testing laboratory in All major events in a food manufacture like
comparison with the results of a reputed laboratory. sanitation, hygiene, processing and quality checks
For purpose of ILC the European Union and Export heavily rely on modern methods in science and
Inspection Council of India has identified CIFT as a technology. However all the production and quality
competent lab for testing antibacterial substances, checks are performed by specific personnel, whose
antibiotics, total volatile basic nitrogen, lead, knowledge and skill will ultimately decide the safety
cadmium, mercury and microbiological parameters. of the product. So the personnel required for all
IFP Souvenir 2007
Table 3
Training programmes imparted by CIFT since 1997.
Sl. Duration No. of candidates
No. Topic No. of admitted
working Per Total
days batch trained
1. “Seafood Quality Assurance”. 12. 15. 610.
2. “HACCP Concepts”. 5. 15. 445.
3. “HACCP Audit”(in collaboration with CII** & BIS***). 1. 60-100. 400.
4. HACCP Audit. 3. 20. 20.
5. HACCP for Hatchery & Farm personnel.@. 4. 25. 25.
6. ISO 22000 FSMS Audit. 4. 20. 20.
7. “Evaluation of Biological Hazards” (for Govt. officials). 6. 15. 200.
8. “Evaluation of Chemical and Physical Hazards” 6. 8. 124.
(for Govt. officials).
9. “Microbial quality of food. ” 6. 5-10. 170.
10. “Mineral water and potability analysis.” 12. 10. 65.
11. “Hygiene and Sanitation” for factory workers and fishermen 1. 50. 500.
12. “Chemical Residue Analysis” 12 5 25
**Confederation of Indian Industry. *** Bureau of Indian Standards. @In collaboration with CIBA (ICAR), Chennai.
these activities shall be suitably qualified and Addition, Seafood Quality Assurance, HACCP
certified for the job assigned to them. Any lacuna Concepts, HACCP Audit, Hygiene and Sanitation,
in this respect will amount to compromising on SSOP & GMP, Fundamentals of Microbiology etc.
safety of the products. The syllabi of each of these training modules are
suitably designed and periodically updated to meet
In fact there shall be qualified & certified
the dynamic requirements of growing seafood
personnel to monitor processing and quality checks
markets. The details of such training programmes
in every production shifts with a stand by person to
are indicated in table 3. Besides, CIFT is also
take over during unexpected personal emergencies.
conducting academic programmes like M.F.Sc, and
Products of a plant with such qualified, certified and
PhD in fish processing technology to provide the
alert personnel will never be a source of health
much needed technocrats for manning the country’s
hazards. This can be ensured by a good personnel
policy consisting of recruitment of suitably qualified
personnel in sufficient number, providing them Thus there are streamlined procedures for
periodic training necessary to upgrade and update HACCP, GMP, GHP, SSOP, GLP and Good
their skill to meet growing demands in production, Personnel Policy, for any food processing plant to
quality and marketing. The employees shall also be achieve Total Quality Management thereby safety
given a good service condition to keep them alert, and quality of the products. With the support of CIFT
active and responsible. and Govt. agencies like IFP, EIA and MPEDA, the
Indian Seafood Industry is on equal footing or better
Realizing all the above needs CIFT has designed
than any other similar industry in the developed
several training programmes in all aspects of seafood
countries. l
industry such as Seafood Processing, Value
*The author is accessible for any support in food safety through e-mail at >mukundan@ciftmail.org< or >mkmukundan@gmail.com<.
IFP Souvenir 2007
Importance of
Human Resource
for the
Fishing Industry
IFP Souvenir 2007
It is easy to recruit and train an individual with (iv) Creating a friendly attitude towards the sea
qualification and aptitude for a job at shore. But life
there is a difference in the attitude of the individual
(v) Creating a mental state to face the hazards in
towards a job out at sea. Developing the manpower
sea life
for fishing industry is done to meet the requirement
of two branches. First is the human resource (vi) Inculcating discipline in the individuals
requirement for maintaining infrastructure facilities Organized training in fisheries sector in India was
and management of activities at shore, second is started in 1945 with two all India training
the manpower required for manning the fishing programmes, one on marine fisheries at Mandapam
vessels, which is comparatively a difficult field of Camp in Tamilnadu State and another one on
work. Human resource developments for catering Inland fisheries at Barakpur in West Bengal. But,
to the requirement of fishing vessels have a number no training centre was established for developing
of problems such as, the manpower for manning the fishing vessels and
(i) Availability of willing and suitable personnel the operation of the craft. Later realizing the
requirement, the Government established a chain
(ii) Imparting proper training in different subjects
of fishermen training centers in all maritime States
(iii) Adequate training in practical field
IFP Souvenir 2007
which trained a number of fishermen. But these conditions at sea and isolated life make great
centres developed human resource for meeting the difference for a person employed in a vessel from
need of small crafts. the life of shore based employees. The person for
sea life must be trained physically and mentally to
After independence, the fishing sector was also
withstand the conditions on board a vessel and in
given importance in the Five Year Plans of the
the sea. CIFNET was imparting specialized training
country. Indian fisheries was given importance by
to develop the manpower for manning the ocean
increasing outlay in the successive Five Year Plans.
going fishing vessels for more than four decades.
In the meantime, the Merchant Shipping Act had
During the period more than 4000 candidates have
also stipulated statutory requirement of competent
been trained to take up their career on board the
certified hands for manning large ocean going
ocean going fishing vessels. Majority of the
fishing vessels. The Government realizing the need
candidates have acquired competency certificate as
for developing fisheries sector and fishing industry
Skipper (Fishing Vessel) and Engineer (Fishing
and also considering the requirement of trained
Vessel) and are employed as Skippers and Chief
manpower constituted a Committee in 1957 on
Engineers in the large ocean going fishing vessels
‘Fisheries Education’ for assessing the manpower
in India and abroad. Some of the alumini of
requirement and to suggest measures for providing
CIFNET are employed as foreign going Masters and
trained manpower for developing the activities in
Mates in Merchant ships after acquiring the
fisheries sector. The Committee conducted detailed
competency certificates in the field.
studies on the requirements of the fisheries sector
and submitted its report to the Government of India. CIFNET has trained officers from other
Departments, Universities and sister organizations
Based on the recommendations of the
on the subjects related to fisheries and marine
Committee, Central Institute of Fisheries Education
engineering. Training programmes have been
(CIFE) at Versova, Mumbai was established in 1961
conducted for fishermen even in the fishing villages
for developing fisheries Managers and Executives
on various subjects in fisheries sector. More than
and Central Institute of Fisheries Operatives (CIFO)
4,500 persons have been trained from the
at Cochin in 1963 for developing trained manpower
Departments and fishermen community under
for manning the ocean going fishing vessels and
training programmes designed for Departmental
establishments of fishing industry. CIFO which was
employees and fishermen.
renamed as Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical
and Engineering Training (CIFNET) is the only Short term courses for the students from
National Institute of its kind in South-East Asia to professional colleges and for students of MSc and
train and develop technical manpower to meet the BFSc are also conducted to impart practical training
requirements of Skippers and Engineers for the which is not provided in their colleges. About 3,000
ocean going fishing vessels and also manpower to students have undergone the short term courses
operate the shore installations. conducted by this Institute during the recent years.
Many colleges conducting the professional graduate
The above courses offered by CIFNET are
and post graduate degrees do not possess the
practical oriented and tailor made to suit the
adequate facilities for providing exposure to these
requirement of the fishing industry. Majority of the
students with relevant machinery and equipment.
courses have practical training on board fishing
vessel, marine workshop and craft and gear During 70’s graduate and post graduate degree
workshop. Fisheries industry being a specialized courses in fisheries have been started in India. Later,
field the manpower trained for the sector shall be these degree courses were introduced by different
familiar with the equipments and environment. Universities, colleges and ICAR institutions all over
Hazardous nature of work, unfriendly weather the country. But the students who have completed
IFP Souvenir 2007
these courses could not get adequate exposure to The requirement of trained manpower for the
the practical part of the field. Most of the candidates fishing industry will increase in the coming years.
were trained to take up shore based career as Middle Now the industry has started to explore the
Level Managers, Scientists, Technologists, etc. They possibilities of exploiting the resources which are
are not the category of the people required for underexploited or unexploited. Conversion of
manning the vessels of fishing industry or suitable existing vessels to suit the requirement and acquiring
for sea based career. The fishing industry cannot vessels on charter and lease are also explored for
thrive depending only on inland or culture fisheries the exploitation of resources in our waters. The
and shore based manpower. Marine and inland training Institutions in the country should be in a
resources and manpower for shore and vessels are position to accept the demand of the fishing industry
equally important for the industry for future for the trained human resource. Training facilities,
development and expansion. Properly trained infrastructure and quality of the training have to be
human resource is the backbone of the fishing improved to meet the challenge of the hour.
industry for sustainable development and exploitation Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Institutions
of the resources. The Institutes offering the courses to supply properly trained and suitable manpower
on fisheries should include enough practical training to fishing industry for the sustainable development.
and other elements required to develop manpower
to strengthen the fishing industry. l
Katsutoshi Hama
23rd June, 1986 Embassy of Japan
IFP Souvenir 2007
Upgrading and
Updating with
Changing Needs
and Time
S. Girija*
ndo-Norwegian Project, the forerunner of the
Integrated Fisheries Project was established in
the year 1952 at Quilon as the offspring of a tripartite
agreement among India, Norway and the UNDP and in
1963 the Headquarters of the Project along with the
Norwegian Experts was shifted to Cochin. The subsequent
years witnessed the setting up of similar units of the Project
at Kannur in Kerala, Karwar in Karnataka and Mandapam
in Tamilnadu which taking the cue from the flagship Project
continued their activities till 1972, when these units were
IFP, or any handed over to the respective state governments.
organisation for that The administration of the Project at Cochin was taken
over by the Government of India renaming it as Integrated
matter has to
Fisheries Project and it continued the programmes as a
readjust itself to the Central Government scheme under the Ministry of
changing needs of Agriculture. The Government of India, after realizing the
changing times. We positive impact of the activities of the Project on the
development of Indian fisheries and its enduring need for
are quite aware, the developmental activities in the various realms of the
however, that we fishing industry, declared Integrated Fisheries Project as a
will be adjudged permanent organization with effect from 26-12-1974.
Thereafter the programmes and policies of the Project were
based on how far we framed and implemented under the various Five Year Plans.
could foresee 2.0 Milestones in Achievements
changes to which The Project played spearheading role in the all round
we should redefine development of the fishery economy of India, particularly
ourselves. of South India in the following fields. Only outstanding
milestones are pointed out for brevity’s sake.
*Director i/c, Integrated Fisheries Project, Kochi.
IFP Souvenir 2007
(i) Introduction of mechanized boats. of post harvest technology. Also imparted
In-plant training on refrigeration, marine
(ii) Diversified fishing gear for exploiting different
engineering and acoustics.
fish resources.
3.0 Attuning to Changing Needs
(iii) Introduction of deep sea fishing like long
lining, purse-seining, deep-sea lobster The aforesaid achievements in the national
trawling, gill netting etc. service not withstanding, the need for revalidating
the Project’s mission and mandate tailoring to suit
(iv) Surveyed and located fishing grounds in
to the needs of the changing times can hardly be
southwest coasts of India with deep-sea
over emphasized. Accordingly in pursuance, the
research vessels of the Project.
Ministry of Agriculture through appropriate
(v) Developed diversified value added marine administrative measures has remodelled the
products and processes. Project’s mandate and mission.
(vi) Standardisation of aluminium can packings Technology and skill upgradation is a
indigenous as well as imported. continuous process in the post harvest sector of
(vii) Popularised the diversified fishery products fisheries and there is an ever growing need for these
in rural and urban markets in different parts with orientation towards a large scale
of the country and created an awareness demonstration. Sea food industry is predominantly
among processors and consumers. comprised of small scale units which can not afford
international grade R&D for:
(viii) Achievement of ISO 9002 certification for
Liferaft Servicing Station. (i) Technology upgradation.
IFP Souvenir 2007
unconventional species and seasonally head on the new challenges and opportunities in
abundant fishes. the fisheries sector. Post harvest technology
upgradation for achieving value addition to suit
2. Technology development and transfer to
the ever increasing and fast changing consumer
beneficiaries consisting of rural fishermen
needs is the key function of the Project now.
community, small scale industries and Export
Appropriate dissemination of the upgraded
Processing Houses through consultancy and
technology is achieved through consultancy,
job work.
training, popularisation of products and consumer
3. Imparting training in the field of post harvest response surveys.
technology, refrigeration technology, Quality
IFP is conducting adaptive research in the
control and value added products.
utilization of new and unconventional varieties of
4. Providing consultancies and training for rural fish. New processes, products and packagings are
development programmes / women developed on a pilot scale and popularized by
empowerment programmes in fish processing, inducting the same into the ramifying net work of
supporting local fish farmers, self help groups IFP’s marketing channels. To support the above,
of fisher community, fishermen’s cooperative our processing facilities have been refurbished with
societies functioning under Panchayath Raj state of the art equipments, processes and
Institution. infrastructure.
5. Popularisation and test marketing of value
5.1. Facilities
added products of all fish varieties including
low value, unconventional species and 5.1.1 Fish Processing Complex with most
seasonally abundant fishes. modern fish processing & freezing plant canning
6. Extension of the activity of popularization and plant, drying plant, tunnel freezer, plate freezers,
test marketing of value added products to new chill rooms, flake ice plant and 3 cold storages.
areas and develop markets in all states in a 5.1.2 Quality Assurance Laboratory
phased manner with added attention to rural with facilities for microbiological and biochemical
areas and enthusing entrepreneurs to enter into quality assessment of frozen, dried, canned and
sea food processing industry. value added products.
Fishery Section and Gear Section of IFP were 5.1.3 Marketing wing effects the procurement
transferred to CIFNET and Marine Engineering of raw materials from department vessels of sister
Section, Slipway, departmental canteen to Fishery organizations and the fishermen co-op. societies
Survey of India during May 2005. for marketing of products through retail outlets
The following divisions were retained with IFP. and Mobile units in rural areas and through a
network of dealers in all metropolis. The Section
1. Processing & Marketing Division.
also conducts consumer response surveys and
2. Refrigeration Section. creates market on test & trial basis for the novel
3. Training Section and products introduced by the Project from time to
4. Civil Engineering Section.
5.1.4 Training Section with well-qualified &
5.0 Landscaped to the Future Fishery
experienced faculty members, audio visual
equipped class rooms and a well stocked library to
The Project has been functionally and cater to the training needs in Post Harvest
technologically upgraded and revamped to take up Technology and related subjects.
IFP Souvenir 2007
Rennovated processing complex
5.1.5 Refrigeration Section with Cold products such as Retortable pouch packed fish.
storages, freezing plants & ice plant to support A few are enlisted in the following:
processing & marketing activities. Canned Products
5.1.6 Civil Section for maintenance of the Canned Tuna Fillets in Oil
entire infrastructure and water front and for Canned Tuna Flakes in Oil
consultancy works in fisheries infrastructure. Canned Mackerel Fillets in Oil
5.1.7 A regional base at Vizag with freezing Canned Sardine Spread
plant complex with tunnel freezer, cold rooms, plate Canned Mussels
freezers, machineries & equipments for processing Canned Sardine in Oil
and class rooms for conducting training. Canned Sardines in Tomato Sauce
5.3. Activities Frozen Products
Blocked Fish
5.3.1 Product development:
Individual Quick Frozen Products
Quite a few ready to serve, ready to cook, heat Fish Steaks
& eat products have been developed and Fillets, Fish kheema
popularized by IFP including new generation Dressed fish
IFP Souvenir 2007
Refrigeration plant
IFP Souvenir 2007
Hands-on training session Class Room session
The Project’s marketing network consists of stalls, disciplines at Graduate, Postgraduate, Research
mobile units plying in high ranges & rural areas Scholars and Engineering Graduates (Food
and also dealership all over India especially metros technology) from all over the country and even
like Goa, Calcutta, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, candidates from abroad have been trained in this
Delhi and pockets in North Western States. Institution in the above disciplines.
Surveys have been carried out across the IFP runs two regular training programmes:
coastal belts & cities, test & trial marketings have
Processing Technician training programme
been carried out and necessary advices have been
for a duration of three months to the candidates
given to the fishermen & fishermen Co-op. societies
sponsored by industry with an objective to educate
as regards marketing of their produce as and when
Processing Supervisors from the industry on the
diversified methods of fish processing. The course
5.3.3 Training Programmes: includes theoretical and practical modules of post
harvest technology, written exercises, tests and local
Fisheries sector has gained wider acclaim in
recent years. Therefore, for the efficient
management of this multifaceted sector, it has Refrigeration Technician’s training
become necessary to deploy true fisheries programme for a duration of six months to the
professionals in achieving the deemed goals. The candidates. Refrigeration engineering theory and
training programmes at IFP are sectoral specific on the job training in electrical works connected
and also subject specific in different disciplines of with refrigeration, basic Physics, Chemistry,
the post harvest technology and refrigeration Welding, Psychrometry, Thermodynamics and
technology. The training programmes are designed practical sessions on repairs and maintenance.
in such a way that it provides intensive hands on
Various Short term miscellaneous programmes are
experience (On Job Training) on a commercial
offered by IFP:-
scale to the students who are pursuing specialized
education in Fisheries, Bio-technology, Food On Job Training programmes for students:
Science, Food Engineering and professionals IFP conducts ‘OJT’ to students at graduate and
working in the fisheries sector. The training postgraduate levels. Students from 20 different
programmes at IFP will equip the candidates with colleges are the regular beneficiaries of IFP’s OJT
an insight into the subject and also help them to programmes 3,042 no. of candidates have been
gain sufficient proficiency in the same. So far trained during last five years.
umpteen number of students from various Details of beneficiaries are given below:
IFP Souvenir 2007
Kerala Jawaharlal Nehru College, Dheri-on-sone
St. Xaviers College, Vaikom S.K. Mahila College, Begusari.
Govt. College, Kottayam Munshi Singh College, Motihari
MES Asmabi College, Kodungaloor. SNS College, Motihari
MES College, Ponnani Ganga Singh College, Chapra
Assumption College, Changanassery
Madhya Pradesh
St. Aloysious College, Edathua,
School of Health Science, University of Calicut Barkuttullah University, Bhopal
School of Applied Life Science, MG University
S.B College, Changanassery,
NSS Hindu College, Changanassery Government Polytechnic, Berhampur
S.N. College, Kollam
Andhra Pradesh
BCM College, Kottayam
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam
West Bengal
APC College, Kolkata Tamilnadu
B.K.C.College, Kolkata
Udaya School of Engineering Kanyakumari
Uttaranchal Andal Alagar College of Engineering
P. Bharatidasan College of Engg. Trichy
Fisheries College, G.B.Pant, University
Hindustan college of Arts & Science, Coimbatore
Bihar Tamilnadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore
RDS College, Muzaffarpur Karpagam Arts&Science College, Coimbatore
M.L.S.M. College, Darbanga RVS College, Coimbatore
IFP Souvenir 2007
IFP Souvenir 2007
IFP Souvenir 2007
Publications brought out by IFP
since inception
for the benefit of the fishing industry
S.No. Bulletin Nos. Subject
1 IFP Bulletin No. 1 (1977) A study on capacity utilization of the Integrated Fisheries
4 IFP Bulletin No. 4 (1980) Result of the Exploratory Fishing in Quilon bank and gulf
of Mannar
7 IFP Bulletin No. 7 (1984) Design and Rigging 500 meshes of Bottom trawls
9 IFP Bulletin No. 9 (1984) Design and Rigging of Mid water trawls
12 IFP Bulletin No. 12 (1989) A critical study on the exploitation of Fishing Resources
by the Integrated Fisheries Project
14 IFP Bulletin No. 14 (1997) Results of the Exploration of Unexploited and other
Exploitable Marine Resources of the West Coast of India
by M.F.V.Sagarika and M.F.V.Samudrika
IFP Souvenir 2007
Other need based training programmes offered 5.4 Recent R&D Efforts:
are Canning of sea foods, Product development 5.4.1 NATP: IFP was identified as the nodal
from fresh water fish, Fish filleting and freezing, agency for the commercial production, test
HACCP concepts, Refrigeration technology, marketing and consumer response research of value
Training on freezing plant and cold storage service added products from low-priced fish in major cities
& maintenance. and small towns under the World Bank funded
Apprenticeship to Vocational Higher National Agriculture Technology Project (NATP).
Secondary Education completed students: The Project disseminated all the successful works
IFP offers one year apprenticeship to students who carried out by it to the fishing industry by way of
have completed VHSE in fish processing. So far workshops, publication of booklets and by
117 candidates have passed out from IFP. imparting Training and extending consultancy to
the Industry, etc.
Rural development programme: The project
has launched skill upgradation programme in value 5.4.2 Introduction of products in TFS (Tin
added product processing for fisherwomen. Free Steel) Cans: Processing section has
Extensive training programmes are provided to Self introduced a new generation container for packing
Help Groups from fishermen community aiming tuna fish in Tin Free Steel (TFS) cans during
at the dissemination of rural appropriate technology January 2004. These cans are made indigenously
developed by the Project in seafood processing. and are with easy open lids. There is a price
advantage of almost 100% over that of the
Processing and marketing of Green Mussel
imported cans and hence a substantial saving in
produce farmed by fishermen societies : IFP
foreign exchange by way of import substitution.
has enthused the fishermen societies for collective
efforts of harvesting and making available large “Light meat tuna in oil” and “Diet Tuna in
quantities of green mussel for pre-processing. The water” were introduced in TFS Cans. Diet tuna
material harvested from different localities were with no added oil is a totally novel concept in India
brought to one destination and depuration & to provide low calorie canned food at a reasonable
shucking were carried out at a single point under price, and it is well accepted in the market as a
the supervision of the technical staff from IFP. The healthy food as it contains natural omega 3 and
produce was subjected to product development no added oil. Both these cans are introduced in
and test marketing. the market. So far IFP has produced more than
Processing & marketing of fresh water 1,00,000 cans and marketed in all major metros
fishes: IFP has experience in product development in India. The feedback received from the dealers
and its standardisation of fresh water fishes while shows that IFP’s Sagar brand canned products
working in association with the Kerala Fisheries have replaced many reputed international brands
Department’s Peoples campaign for fresh water fish in supermarkets/ hypermarkets especially after the
culture. In addition, Department of Fisheries, West introduction of tuna products in TFS cans.
Godavari district, Government of Andhra Pradesh 5.4.3 Instant fish curry in retortable
has identified 200 Nos. of Intermediate (+2) studied flexible packages: IFP has developed fish curry
and above qualified entrepreneurs as Master products in retortable pouches as early as in 1994
Trainers to be intensively trained by IFP on Post with the collaboration of Defence Food Research
harvest technology and value added products from Laboratory (DFRL), Mysore. DFRL used to
fresh water fish. The Master trainers in turn will produce meat and vegetable curry products for
transfer the technology to thousands of Kolleru lake supply to Defence forces. But the fish curry in
inhabitants under Kolleru rehabilitation retortable pouches is a totally new concept
programme. conceived by IFP and the Project had standardized
IFP Souvenir 2007
the product after conducting extensive heat 5.5.2 Sea Food Kitchen: Creation of job
penetration studies of different products with opportunities and expansion of economic activities
different media using modern electronic gadgets are considered important development strategies
like Ellab’s (Denmark) F0 Value monitor. in tackling social and economic trauma like Post
Tsunami crisis. 20 Sea Food Kitchens were
5.4.4 Consultancy is continuously provided in
proposed to be established at strategic locations of
processing of fin fish to the industry especially in tsunami affected districts by the individual groups
Retortable pouch packed products. Consultancy (funded by Government departments), with
is also extended by experts of the Project in setting technical and technological support of IFP. Each
up of canning plant, processing plants, cold rooms, Unit will provide employment to 10 people directly
freezers and ice plants. User agencies being LDCL, and number of people indirectly. Only ready to
A&N Administration, private industrialists and serve/cook products like Cutlets, fish curry, rice,
fishermen societies. tapioca, kababs, fish balls, breaded & battered
anchovies, white sardine and other sea food snack
5.5 Specialized programmes: items like coated prawns, coated fillets, coated
Post tsunami relief and rehabilitation mussels, etc. are made in these Units on a daily
measures: Under this programme, IFP has basis. These enterprises can perform essential
extended its hand to the Tsunami affected States functions like creating quality job opportunities and
of Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Andaman & additional income, providing quality goods and
Nicobar islands for providing training and services and contribute significantly to the local
consultancy services in post harvest seafood economies.
technology & quality control, establishment of cold 6.0 Inter Institutional interface
storages & chains under the livelihood security For the common cause and mission of fisheries
component. Whereas Government of Kerala is development, we have consolidated the synergies
utilizing the technology and services of IFP in the of all related institutions for every given task through
following:- appropriate inter institutional linkages. For example
5.5.1 Training of Master Resource Persons: in the instance of gender development of the
Through this programme, it is intended to produce fishermen community, IFP had mutually beneficial
a group of trained personnel who can in turn train interactions with Womens’ Development
more beneficiaries along the coastal area to Corporation, Social Welfare Department and local
produce fishery products through hygienic and low self governments (Panchayathi Raj institutions)
fisheries departments of States like Kerala, Andhra
cost techniques. This programme is being
Pradesh, Tamilnadu and Orissa.
implemented with the help of IFP along the tsunami
affected coastal districts. The Master Resource 7.0 Future Prospects And Potential:
Persons are being trained in IFP for one month in The post harvest scenario including catering to the
hygienic fish processing and quality control using domestic and overseas markets offers quite a few
rural appropriate technologies so that technically opportunities and vistas to explore and exploit
trained manpower rendered available will add which undoubtedly pose quite as many attendant
momentum to the healthy growth of our fishery challenges and demands. IFP is looking forward
economy. By using these trained MRPs, training to utilizing these opportunities and taking head on
can be imparted at secondary levels to hundreds these challenges.
of fishermen and women. An array of good quality 7.1 IFP will continue its key function of post
products and services will be rendered available to harvest technology upgradation and its appropriate
the society in general and a livelihood means dissemination by way of large scale production and
ensured to fisherwomen. marketing of various value added products from
IFP Souvenir 2007
all varieties of captured and cultured fishes with 8.0 Conclusion
accent on non-conventional resources and new
IFP will provide an ideal post harvest technology
generation products.
upgradation and dissemination facility, which can
7.2 HRD efforts: As the national fishery be easily replicated in all fishing States.
economy grows, there will be a heavy demand for
IFP’s services can be extended to all fishing States
qualified fishery professionals. IFP will continue
by opening Project’s Regional Processing, Training
to offer several need based on job training
& Extension Centres at minimum possible costs at
programmes for all the students of the fisheries
locations where large quantities of fish are landed.
education system and build up a competent cadre.
Also training of industry sponsored candidates will This will not only benefit the fish processing
be taken up. industry of the country but also indirectly benefit
the primary producers (fishermen) by returning a
7.3 Consultancy
better share of benefit.
IFP will also cater to the needs of the industry
State Government’s Fisheries Departments will
through consultancy, demonstration processings
also be exposed to new vistas of fish handling and
and consumer response surveys.
processes as well as value addition and thus help
7.4 Rural development programmes in their endeavours of regional development.
In order to empower the rural populace in coping
IFP, or any organisation for that matter has to
with the developing national economy, IFP
readjust itself to the changing needs of changing
proposes to transfer rural appropriate technology
times. We are quite aware, however, that we will
to the needy section with special accent on women
be adjudged based on how far we could foresee
empowerment. The technologies so transferred will
changes to which we should redefine ourselves.
be locally relevant, easily assimilable and
Our endeavours will be in that direction in the days
economically viable so that transcribing of the
to come. l
same will be easy for the beneficiaries.
Stephen Drew
8th July 1987. FAO, Rome Italy
IFP Souvenir 2007