Ricky Beasley Court Documents

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Seewrd daw ew 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 JUSTICE COURT, NORTH LAS Mey S TOWNSHIP CLARK COUNTY, NEVAI AOD Chari wWnws70 -OC00 THE STATE OF NEVADA, \Sce NoO2G70 -€ Plaintitf, ED FIL CASENO: —18FN2566X ve dev ah 2B Dn EPT NO: RICKY BEASLEY, al ops veo sie COURT Ricky Marcelle Beasley #2674032,°———} Defendant. CRIMINAL COMPLAINT The Defendant above named having committed the crime of UNLAWFUL TAKING OF VEHICLE (Gross Misdemeanor - NRS 205.2715 - NOC $0567), in the manner following, to wit: That the said Defendant, on or about the 23rd day of August, 2018, at and within the County of Clark, State of Nevada, did willfully, unlawfully, without the consent of the owner, and without intent to permanently deprive the owner thereof, take, carry, or drive away the vehicle ofanother, towit:a_—=-__$ bearing Nevada License No tol. longing All of which is contrary to the form, force and effect of Statutes in such cases made and provided and against the peace and dignity of the State of Nevada. Said Complainant makes this declaration subject to the penalty of perjury. a7 18FN2566X/ew NLYPD EV# 1815808 (TK) ‘20 1s1201 FIN2STAa\LBEN2566-COMP-O01.DOCK ON Oa eR ww "4 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AFFIDAVIT 180823015808 State of NEVADA) Countyofciak =} Paul Freeman, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he isa Police Detective withthe North Las Vegas Police Department, City of North Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, being so employed for a petiod of 16 years, assigned to investigate the erime(s) of Grand Larceny - Auto , committed on or about August 25,2016, which investigation has developed Beasloy, Ricky ID #2674032 as the perpetrator(s) thereof. That Affiant developed the following facts in he course of the investigation of said crime, to wit: On August 27, 2018, | was assigned to complete a follow-up investigation, in reference foamissing report, which was filed on August 25, 2018. The missing persons report was made in reference to the sudden disappearance of a twenty-seven year old female, identified as ‘ ¥ was reported missing by her mother, identified as ——*' =! also reported that" was missing with her { daughter, identifiedas@ _aesjmmmmrsuspectedthat! -_fRayhavebeen taken byL__ __siological father, identified as Ricky Beasley (Ricky) |n researching information for the investigation, | learned that Ricky's mother, identified asl (See NLVPD Case #180823015808) Upon reviewing Case #180823015808, | learned the following: On August 23, 2018, / reported Ricky as a missing person on August 23, 2018 == ‘SPonded to the North Las Vegas Police Department. Upon her arrival she reported, ‘On August 22, 2018, at approximately 1900 hours, Ricky borrowed her bearing a Nevada license plate No_ 1s, VIN eee explained, she had an agreement with Ricky regarding the use of her vehicle! “B would allow Ricky to use her vehicle, as long as he had it back home by 0600 hours, so that she may have it to get to work. Ricky failed to return home with the vehicle, as per their agreement —— called Ricky's place of employment, ),and learned that he falled to show up for his evening shift ~~ sired to report Ricky as a missing person 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 SS eevnoanwon a AFFIDAVIT 180823015808 During the course of my investigation, Iwas able to establish that Ricky and! ~~] were traveling together. | was able to determine that they had traveled to Tennessee and Arkansas. Over that past month, Ricky has made no attempt to contact lor has he made any attempts to return her vehicle, or pay any monetary compensation for using the vehicle for such an extended period of time. On September 17, 2018, (contacted her cousin, identified as/, Jmade arrangements to meet Pat the apartments, located 3 During their brief contact, /———was able to confirm that, |) was in Las Vegas. It was presumed that Ricky was with her. ——— ° ft without giving any indication of her future plans or intentions[ gavel) ., ,.her Nevada Identification Card, which|__ had abandoned inf vehicle on August 23, 2018. f° _Jandf" Hthen parted ways later spoke with] “~~ and she confirmed that Ricky made no effort to contact her. Nor did he make any effort to return her vehicle. On September 23, 2018, at approximately 0950 hours, Ricky and "vere stopped the United States Border Patrol, while crossing the San Ysidro Border Crossing in California. Ricky was in possession off «dando. were returning from a two day trip to Mexico. It was at this time, that Officer Van Dyke (P#7777), of the San Diego Police Department, assisted the Border Patrol. During the border detainment, Officer Van Dyke learned that Ricky and.) were entered into NCIC as missing. Both Ricky and ~~} reported that they were well. They confirmed that they were not missing, nor endangered. Officer Van Dyke contacted{ ae about her vehicle. Due to the fact that the vehicle was not listed as stolen, Officer Van Dyke could not take custody of the vehicle. Therefore, Ricky and) rere carded and released from the scene. It should be noted that Ricky and were not in custody of “} during their detainmentj told Officer Van Dyke that ~ was in the custody of Ricky's ex-girlfriend, identified as ( ~~". | had been in contact with { throughout the 2

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