Tutor Tesmc
Tutor Tesmc
Tutor Tesmc
Teaching ESL students in mainstream There are now more than 2000 Unlocking The outline of Teaching
classrooms is an innovative professional the World licensed Tutors working in over
ESL students in mainstream
development program. The course 50 countries around the world. Using our
materials present strategies and discuss programs, these Tutors have provided classrooms
issues which consistently address the professional development to over 23,000 Module 1: ESL students and
fundamental relationship between language teachers. learning in a second language
and learning. The program promotes a • Who are ESL students and what are
Teacher Development Course
holistic approach to teaching that will some of the factors that may impact
As a Teaching ESL students in mainstream
ensure students are successful learners. on their success at school?
classrooms trained Tutor, you can deliver
the Teacher Development Course in your • H
ow are culture, language and
Two interlinked own school. The course incorporates identity related and how can we
components group workshops, classroom-based draw positively on the cultural capital
activities and highly practical readings. which ESL students bring?
Teaching ESL students in mainstream
classrooms comprises two interlinked It provides teachers, working across the Module 2: Language and learning
components: curriculum, with successful classroom and the role of scaffolding
strategies for improving the learning • The relationship between the
• Tutor Training Program
achievements of all their students—with language of a text and the context in
• Teacher Development Course. a focus on their ESL students. which it is used.
Tutor Training Program Trained Tutors deliver 25 hours of face- • T
he significance of simultaneously
The Tutor Training Program is an intensive to-face learning in nine modules which, learning a language, learning through
five-day train-the-trainer professional when combined with between module that language, and learning about
development program for teachers. readings and activities, is equivalent that language.
The training is delivered in host schools to more than 50 hours of professional
• A
teaching and learning cycle that
around the world to small groups of development for teachers.
provides an explicit focus on language
between 10 and 20 teachers.
The course provides teachers with an and a framework for scaffolding
Successful graduates of the training opportunity to engage in rigorous and students.
become resident school-based Tutors who sustained professional development.
deliver the Teacher Development Course. Consequently, a number of tertiary
This provides your school with cost institutions around the world, and
effective, school-managed professional in Australia, will grant credit towards
development. further post-graduate studies. Further
information is available at www.