Higher Order Thinking Skills Activity
Higher Order Thinking Skills Activity
Higher Order Thinking Skills Activity
1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
I need to work on my activity level. And make the activity to students’ level
2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
Search different activity in Pinterest.
3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
If a see the students able to do the activity or when I ask questions during the activity and the
able to answer it.
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)
Good morning students, today we going to learn new phonics sound which is U sound and rhyming words,
rhyming words sound same for example (cat, mat) (bug, rug) than teacher will ask the students what we
notice what is similar in these words, (that last to letters are same). Than teacher will baring latter U and
ask the students what this letter and what sound is make.
Than teacher will open short U sound video, teacher will ask the students to spell the words with video.
Than teacher will open rhyming word PowerPoint teacher will read the words and the students to give and
rhyming word, for example (Cat, pat, rat, fat) (nut, hut, but)
(rug, jug, bug, hug) (bag, mag) (map, nap, gap, sap)
Time: 15 min
(rut, nut, but, hut) (run, sun, bun, fun) (dad, mad, had, tad).
In this group, there will be using high-frequency words, paper and rhyming words. The students will work
separately, Teacher will stick high-frequency words on the table. These words will help the students to write
the sentences. The first teacher will model the rules for writing, first start with capital letter, finger spaces
between the words, full stop at the end of sentence, write on the line. Then students have to choose five
rhyming words and put the words in the sentences, the teacher will ask them to look in the class for words
to help them in writing sentences. for example (I see a big cat.) (The bag is yellow ).
In this group, there will be cards for rhyming words (keywords) table with picture and rhyming words. The
students will work separately. The teacher will give each student keywords and rhyming words with a
picture. She will explain the activity, she will give instructions. You have to choose a picture, say the word
then find a counter with a rhyming word and put it on the picture. For example, a cat is keywords and the
students will put rhyming words pat, rat card and put it on the word cat.
In this group, there will be rhyming word cards with pictures and pegs. Students will work in group; the
teacher will put all the cards on the table. Students have to choose one card read the word see the picture
at the bottom of the cards and decide where to put the peg by choosing the rhyming word for this picture
or word. For example, word cat and in the bottom, there are three options, hat, bun, pan, first students
must know the picture name than they have to decide where to put the peg, word cat the students will put
the peg on the hat picture.
In this group, there will be rhyming words and rhyming words pictures in an egg. Students will work in a
group, the teacher will put all the word with picture on the table, teacher will explain the activity, she will
say you have to choose the word and read it than find word picture and put them together. for example,
teacher will take word sun and sun picture and put them together to complete the picture.
In this group, there will be game chart with rhyming words, the students will work separately. Each student
will get game chart, teacher will explain the activity ,she will say first you have to read the words the find the
letters on the chart .For example word jug and students have to find litter j,u,g and make circle.
After 15 min the teacher will ring the bell and ask the students to stop and put everything in the middle of
15 min
table. The teacher will play a game with students she will say the words and students have to discuss with
each other in groups and say the rhyming word for this word, for example, teacher will say cat, group one
will say pat ,group two will say rat , group four will say fat group five will say sat like this than teacher will
Assessment: Exit slips with rhyming words, the teacher will write one question in the exit slips t, for example, the
teacher will write word run and students have to write the rhyming word, for example, sun and fun, the teacher will
give exit slips to each child and ask the students to write their name and answer the question.in each card will be a
different word.
English lesson reflection
Select (S):
This lesson is an English lesson. The lesson was about “U” sound and rhyming words. The
students will be able to say and write the rhyming words for keywords and write them, for
example, cat, pat, rat, teacher give them word cat and they find the rhyming words pat and rat.
Describe (D):
Who is the lesson for? This lesson was for grade 2 students.
This lesson for grade 2 students, the lesson was in the English classroom. In this lesson, I was
trying to teach rhyming words with “U” sound, how the students can find rhyming which ends
with at, ut, ug, un, ad,up. First when the students came to class they were setting in their groups,
teacher open “U” sound video students were repeating the words after the video, then teacher
open the rhyming words power point, teacher show them the words and the students have to say
the rhyming for this word in their group each group have to say on rhyming word ,teacher put the
same picture to help the students to find the rhyming teacher support(PPP)Teaching and Learning
Methods Presentation, Practice, Production, the first teacher presents the word in the PowerPoint
than practice saying the word with students, finally, product students do Independent activity
each group had different activity, there was one activity that not connect with the outcome
teacher ask the students to but the key words in the sentence and the out came was rhyming
word than teacher change the activity with mct help, than teacher give key words for this group
and ask them to write the rhyming words for example cat and the students wrote rat and pat,
map is a key word and the students wrote nap sap. The other groups were counting rhyming word
with the words and finding the rhyming words on the chart and circlet and connect the rhyming
words with the pictures. And any group finish before the time teacher give them a keyword chart
and they have to find the words.
Analyze (A):
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did?
How well did your teaching relate to the students’ prior understanding?
Appraise (A):
In the introduction’s students were involved with me answering questions, during the centers'
students were able to the complete activity because the instruction was clear, there was one
problem with group one and four group one activity does not link to my outcome than I change
the activity and liked to the outcome with my mct help. Group four they don’t want to work
together so the teacher separates the students and give them other activity.
Transform (T):
How might you enhance student learning of this lesson in the future?
In the future, when I teach this lesson again I will put the ending letters on the board and ask
the students to add one latter on the being and make a word for example, I will put at and ask
students to but one letter on the begging to make the word at ,cat ,rat ,pat than the students
will able to write the words and easy to understand for the second language learns.