FIG. 12-1
FIG. 12-1 (Cont’d)
Alignment: The straight line relation between the pump on the system characteristics, liquid properties and oper- ating
shaft and the driver shaft. conditions.
Casing, Axially Split: A pump case split parallel to the NPSHR: The minimum total suction absolute head, at the
pump shaft. suction nozzle, referred to the standard datum, minus the
Casing, Radially Split: A pump case split transverse to liquid vapor absolute pressure head, at flowing temperature,
the pump shaft. required to avoid cavitation. For positive displacement
pumps it includes internal acceleration head and losses
Cavitation: A phenomenon that may occur along the flow caused by suction valves and effect of springs. It does not
path in a pump when the absolute pressure equals the include system acceleration head. NPSHR depends on the
liquid vapor pressure at flowing temperature. Bubbles pump characteristics and speed, liquid properties and flow
then form which later implode when the pressure rises rate and is determined by vendor testing, usually with water.
above the liquid vapor pressure.
Pelton Wheel: A turbine runner which turns in reaction to
Coupling: A device for connecting the pump shaft to the the impulse imparted by a liquid stream striking a series
driver shaft con sisting of the pump shaft hub and driver of buckets mounted around a wheel.
shaft hub, usually bolted together.
Recirculatio n Control: Controlling the quantity of flow
Coupling, Spacer: A cylindrical piece installed between through a pump by recirculating discharge liquid back
the pump shaft coupling hub and driver shaft coupling to suction.
hub, to provide space for removal of the mechanical seal
without moving the driver. Rotor: The pump or power recovery turbine shaft with the
impeller(s) mounted on it.
Cutw ater: The point of minimum volute cross-sectional
area, also called the volute tongue. Rotor, Francis-type: A reverse running centrifugal pump
impeller, used in a hydraulic power recovery turbine, to
Datum Elevation: The reference horizontal plane from convert pressure energy into rotational energy.
which all elevations and heads are measured. The pumps
standards normally specify the datum position relative to Run-out: The point at the end of the head-capacity per-
a pump part, e.g. the impeller shaft centerline for centrifu- formance curve, indicating maximum flow quantity and
gal horizontal pumps. usually maximum brake horsepower.
Diffuser: Pump design in which the impeller is surrounded Runner: The shaft mounted device in a power recovery tur-
by diffuser vanes where the gradually enlarging passages bine which converts liquid pressure energy into shaft power.
change the liquid velocity head into pressure head. Shut-off: The point on the pump curve where flow is zero, usually
Displacement: The calculated volume displacement of a the point of highest total dynamic head.
positive displacement pump with no slip losses. Simplex: Pump with one plunger or piston.
Double Acting: Reciprocating pump in which liquid is Single Acting: Reciprocating pump in which liquid is dis-
discharged during both the forward and return stroke of charged only during the forward stroke of the piston.
the piston.
Slip: The quantity of fluid that leaks through the internal
Duplex: Pump with two plungers or pistons. clearances of a positive displacement pump per unit of
Efficiency, Mechanical: The ratio of the pump hydraulic time. Sometimes expressed on a percentage basis.
power output to pump power input. Surging: A sudden, strong flow change often causing exces- sive
Efficiency, Volumetric: The ratio of the pump suction or vibration.
discharge capacity to pump displacement. Suction, Double: Liquid enters on both sides of the impeller.
Head: The flowing liquid column height equivalent to the Suction, Single: Liquid enters one side of the impeller.
flowing liquid energy, of pressure, velocity or height above
the datum, whose sum is the total head. Also used to ex- Throttling: Controlling the quantity of flow by reducing the cross-
sectional flow area, usually by partially closing a valve.
press changes of energy such as the friction losses, the
equipment total head and the acceleration head. Triplex: Pump with three plungers or pistons.
Head, Acceleration: The head equivalent to the pressure Vanes, Guide: A series of angled plates (fixed or variable)
change due to changes in velocity in the piping system. set around the circumference of a turbine runner to con-
HPRT: Hydraulic power recovery turbine. trol the fluid flow.
Impeller: The bladed member of the rotating assembly of a Volute, Double: Spiral type pump case with two cutwaters 180°
centrifugal pump which imparts the force to the liquid. apart, dividing the flow into two equal streams.
N PSHA: The total suction absolute head, at the suction noz- Volute, Single: Spiral type pump case with a single cutwa-
zle, referred to the standard datum, minus the liquid va- ter to direct the liquid flow.
por absolute pressure head, at flowing temperature Vortex Breaker: A device used to avoid vortex formation in
available for a specific application. For reciprocating the suction vessel or tank which, if allowed, would cause
pumps it includes the acceleration head. NPSHA depends vapor entrainment in the equipment inlet piping.
FIG. 12-2
Common Pump Equations
mul tiply by ft /sec bbl/day bbl/h UK gal./min m3/h lb/h
to get
US gal./min 449 0.0292 0.700 1.2009 4.40 1/(500 sp gr)
Given * std atm
multiply by k Pa ft water m water ft liquid bar 760 mm Hg kgf/cm2
to get at 39.2°F at 0°C at 0°C
lb/in 2 0.145 0.4335 1.422 sp gr / 2.31 14.5038 14.6959 14.2233
mul tiply by kg/m3 lb/US gal lb/UK gal kg/lt API gravi ty Ba umé gravity
to get
lb/ft 3 0.062428 7.48047 6.22884 62.428 See Fig. 1-3
144 P 2.31 P Q H sp gr Q P ** Q H sp g r Q P **
h p hyd hp bhp (for pumps)
sp gr 3,960 1,714 3,960e 1,714 e
dn bhp
hyd hp
for pumps bhp5252
u T
229 e n
Q 0.321 bhp hyd hp e for turbines n Q
bep n H bep
v ns
A 34 Hbep
sp gr = specific gravity Hbep
1 HP = 0.7457 kW Water densi ty at 60°F = 62.37 lb/ft 3 See Fig. 1-7 for viscosity relationships
= 550 ft lbf/s Standard gra vity acceleration: *Standar d atmospheric pressure:
= 33,000 ft lbf/min g = 9.80665 m /s2 = 32.1740 ft /s 2 1 atm = 760 m m Hg = 101.32 5 kP a = 14.696 psi
**See Eq. 12-3 and 12-4.
FIG. 12-3
Pump Selection Guide
FIG. 12-4 between thes e points an d the equipment total head. Elev a- tions
are measured from the equ ipment datum.
Datum elevation
The tot al head at an y system point i s:
P u mp type Sta nda rd Datum
2.31 P v2 2
elevation h z hp hv z g Eq 12-1
Centrif ugal, hori- API 610 1
Shaft centerline
sp gr
zontal Hydraulic I nstitute 5
The system frict ion head is th e inlet syste m frict ion head plus the
Centrif ugal, vert i- API 610 1 Suction nozzle outlet system frictio n head:
cal in-line cen terli ne
Cen t rifugal, other API 610 1 Top of the h f h fx hfy Eq 12-2
vertical foundation
Centrif ugal, vert i- Hydraulic I nstitute 5 Entrance eye to The equipment total head is the outlet nozzle total head minus the
cal single suctio n, the fir st stage inle t nozzle total head:
volu te and diffused impeller 2.31 P P v2 – v2
vane type
H ho hi zo – zi
o i o
Eq 12-3
Centrif ugal, vert i- Hydraulic I nstitute 5 Impeller sp gr 2 g
cal double suction discharge
horizontal When the elevation and size of inlet and out let nozzles ar e the
cen terli ne same, the e quipment tot al head (H) equals the diff erence of
Ver tical t urbine. AWWA E10118 Unde rside of the pressure heads. H is positive for p umps and negative for
Line shaft and sub- discha rge head HPR Ts.
mersible t ypes or head baseplate
When using any suction-and-discharge-syst em points the fol- lowing
Reciprocati ng Hydraulic I nstitute 5 Suction nozzle general equati on appli es:
cen terli ne
Rotary Hydraulic I nstitute 5 Reference line or 2.31 Px vx2 – h H z 2.31 Py vy2
suction nozzle cen zx fx y hfy
sp gr 2 g sp gr 2 g
terli ne
Eq 12-4
up to 23,000 rpm and highe r, are used for low-capacit y, high- When the points are l ocat ed in tanks, vessels or l ow velocity
head applications. Most centrifugal pump s will operat e with points in the p iping, the v elocity he ad is norm ally negligible,
an approximately constant head over a wide range of capacit y. but may not be negligible in equipment nozzles . Note that the
subscript s "i" and "o" are used for v ari ables at pumps and
Positive displacement pumps are either reciprocating or ro- HPR Ts inlet and outlet nozzles, respectivel y, while the su b-
tar y. Reciprocatin g pumps include piston , plunge r, and di a- scripts "s" and "d" are us ed only for variabl es at pumps sucti on
phragm types. R otary pumps ar e: single lobe, multiple lobe, and discharge nozzles. The subscripts "x" and "y " are used for
rotar y vane, progressin g cavit y, an d gear types. Positive dis- var iables at point s in each inlet and out let subsyst em and usu-
placement pumps oper ate wit h approximately consta nt ally are suct ion and discharge ves sels. Also "x" and "y" are used
cap acities over wide variation s in head, hence they u sually are for friction head from point "x " to equipmen t inlet nozzle and
install ed for services which r equire high heads at m oderate from equipment outlet nozzle to point "y".
cap acities. A special application of small reciproc ating pumps
in gas processing plants is for injection of fluids (e.g. methanol The work done in compressing the liquid is negligible for
and corrosion inhibitors) into process streams, where their pr actically incompressible liquids and it is not included in
constant-capacity charact eristics are desirable. above equations. To evaluate the total head more accurately
when h andling a compressible liquid, the compression work
Axial-flow pumps ar e used for services requiring very high should be included. If a linear relat ionship betwee n density
capacities at low heads. Regenerative-turbine pumps are used and pr essure is a ssumed, t he liquid compre ssion head that
for services requiring small capacities at high heads. Ejectors substitutes for the difference of pressure heads in the above
are used to avoid the cap ital cost of installing a pu mp, when a equations is:
suitable motive fluid (fr equently steam) is available, and are
usua lly low-efficiency devices. These k inds of pumps are used H 1.155 P 1 1 Eq. 12-5
– P
sp gr i
infrequently in the gas+pr ocessing industr y. c o i
Fig. 12-1 provides a list of symbols and t erms u sed in the
text an d also a glossary of terms used in the pump industr y. When the differential pressure is sufficientl y high to have a
Fig. 12-2 is a summary of some of the more u seful pump equa- density change of more than 10%, or when the pressure is
tions. Fig. 12-3 provides guidance in selecting the k inds of near th e fluid’s critical pressure, the change in fluid d ensity
pumps suitable f or common services. and oth er propert ies with pre ssure i s not linear. In these
cases, Equations 12-3 to 12-5 may not be accur ate. A specific
fluid propert ies relationship model is required in th is case. For
EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEM EQUATIONS pure substances, a pressure-enthalpy-entropy char t may be
used for estimating purposes by assuming an isentrop ic proc-
The energy conservation equation for pump or hydraulic ess. The pump m anufact urer should be consulted for t he real
turbine systems comes from Bernoulli ’s Theorem and relates process, includin g the equipment efficienc y, heat transfe r, etc.
the total head in two points of the system , the friction losses to determin e the equipment performance.
FIG. 12-5
Depropanizer Reflux Pump for Example 12-1
NET POSITIVE SUCTION HEAD NPSH and Suction Specific Speed — Suction specific
speed is an index describing the suction capabilities of a first
See NPSH definition in Fig. 12-1 . There should be sufficient stage i mpeller a nd can be calculated u sing Eq. 12-7. Use half
net positive suction head available (NPSHA) for t he pump to of the flow for do uble suction impellers.
work properl y, without cavitation, throughout its expected ca- nQbep
pacity ra nge. Ususally a safety marg in of about 2 to 3 ft. of NPSH A S Eq. 12-7
above NPSHR is adequate. Cavitation causes noise, impeller damage NPSHR bep 34
, and impaired p ump performance. Consid-
eration must also be given to any dissolved gases which may Pumps with high suction speed ten d to be susceptible to vi-
affec t vapor pressure. For a given pump, NPSHR increases bration (wh ich m ay cause seal and bear ing pro blem s) when
with increasing fl ow rate. the y are operated at other than design fl ow rat es. As a resu lt,
some users restrict suction specific speed, and a wid ely ac-
2.31 Pi Pvp v2 cepted maximum is 11,000. For more details on the signifi-
NPSH A zi i
sp gr 2 g cance of suction specific speed, consult pump vendors or
refere nces listed in the Refere nces section.
2.31 Psv Pvp
z sv
h fsv Eq 12-6 Subme rgence — The suction system inl et or the pump suction
sp g r
bell shoul d have suffici ent height of liquid to av oid
Datum — The pump datu m elevation is a very import ant vortex formation, which may entrain air or vapor into the sys-
factor to consider and should be verified with the m anufac- tem and caus e loss of capacity and efficiency as well as other
ture r. Some common references are shown in Fig. 12-4 . Some problems such as vibration, noise, an d air or vapo r pockets.
manufacturers provide two NPSHR curves for vertical can Inadequat e reservoir geometry can also cause vort ex forma-
pu mps, one for th e first stage impeller suction eye and the tion, primarily in vertical submerge d pumps. Refe r to the Hy-
other for th e suction nozzle. draulic Institute Standards 5 for more information.
FIG. 12-6e FIG. 12-7
Vertical, High Pressure, Double Case, Multi-Stage Pump Pump Selection Guide — Centrifugal Pumps
STG 10
STG 11
STG 4 10
10 100 1000 6000
1. Prepare a sketch of the syst em in which the pump is to 6. Add the d ischarge v essel pre ssure, the frict ional head
be installed, including t he upstrea m and downstream losses in the discharge piping system , and the discharge
vessels (or some other point at which t he pre ssure will static head. This gives the total pressure (or head) of li q-
not be affect ed by the op erat ion of the pump). Include a ll uid at the pump discharge . In orde r to provide good con-
components which might create frictional head loss (both trol, a discharge contro l valve shoul d be designed to ab-
suction and discharge) such as valves, orifices, filters, sorb at least 30% of the frictional head loss of the
and heat exchangers. syste m, at the design flow rate.
2. Show on the sk etch: 7. Calculate the required p ump tota l head by subtr acting
— The datum posit ion (zero elevati on line) accord ing the calculated pump suction total pressure from the cal-
to th e prop er standard. S ee Fig. 12-4 . culated pump discharge total pressure and converting to
— The p ump nozzles sizes an d elevation s.
8. It is prudent to add a safety factor to the calculated pump
— The minim um elevatio n (referred to the dat um) of head to allow fo r inaccuracies i n the estimates of heads and
liquid expected i n the suction vessel. pressure losses, and pump design. Frequently a safety fac-
— The maximum elevat ion (referr ed to the datum) to tor of 10% is used, but the size of th e factor used for each
which the l iquid is to be pu mped. pump should be chosen with consideration of:
— The he ad loss exp ected to result from each com po- The accuracy of the data used to calculate the re-
nent which cre ates a friction al pre ssure drop at d e- quired head
sign capacit y. The cos t of the safet y factor
3. Use appropr iate equations (Eq 12-1 to Eq 1 2-4). The problems wh ich might be caused by i nstalling
4. Convert all the pressures, frictiona l head losses, and static a p ump with inadequate head.
heads to consistent units (usually pound s per square inch Example 12-1 — Liquid propa ne, a t its bubble point, is to be
or feet of head). In 5 and 6 below, any elevation head is pumped from a reflux drum to a depropa nizer. The maximum
negative if the liquid level i s below the datum. Also, the ves- flow rate is exp ected to be 360 gpm. The pressur es in th e ves-
sel pressures are the pressures acting on the liquid su r- sels are 2 00 and 220 psia respectivel y. The specific grav ity of
faces. This is ve ry important for tall towers. propane at t he pumpi ng temperat ure (100°F ) is 0.485. The
5. Add the static head to the suctio n vesse l pressure , then elevations and e sti mat ed frictional pre ssure losses are s hown
subtract the frictional head losses in th e suction piping. on Fig.12-9 . The pump curves are shown in Fig. 12-5. The
This gives the total pressure (o r head) of liquid at the pump nozzles elevations are zero an d the velocit y head at noz-
pump suction flange. zles is negligible.
FIG. 12-8 Required differential head is determined as follows:
NPSHR Reduction for Centrifugal Pumps Handling Hydro- Absolute Total Pressure at Pump Suction
carbon Liquids and High Temperature Water
Reflux drum 200.0 psia
Elevation 20 ft. 0.485/2.31 = +4.2 psi
Friction piping –0.5 psi
valves –0.2 psi
203.5 psia
= 188.8 psig
Absolute Total Pressure at Pump Discharge
Tower 220.0 psia
Elevation 74 ft 0.485/2.31 = +15.5 psi
Friction piping +3.0 psi
valves +2.0 psi
orifice +1.2 psi
filter +13.0 psi
check valve +1.0 psi
control valve +9.0 psi
264.7 psia
= 250.0 psig
Differential pressure 250.0 – 188.8 61.2 p si
61.2 2.31
Differential head H 292 f t
10% safety factor 30 ft
Required differential head (H) 322 ft
Calculation of NPSHA
Reflux drum pressure 200.0 psia
Elevation 20 ft 0.485/2.31 = +4.2 psi
Friction valves = –0.2 psi
FIG. 12-9 piping = –0.5 psi
Example 12-1 Depropanizer Fluid vapor pressure –200.0 psia
3.5 psi
NPSHA 3.5 2.31 = 16.7 ft
FIG. 12-10
Example Centrifugal Pump Head Curves
This NPSH A result is ad equate wh en compar ed to the 9 ft. frequent ly lower t han equivalent horizont al pumps beca use
of NPS HR in the curv e shown in Fig. 12-5 . they require smaller foundat ions and simpler piping systems.
Calculation of Hydraulic Pow er Vertical can pumps are often used for liquids at their bu b- ble-
point temperature because the first stage impeller is lo-
Q H sp g r cated below ground leve l and therefore requires less net
hyd hp (from Fig. 12-2 )
3960 positive suction head at th e suction flange. The vertical dis-
360 322 0.485 tance from the suction flange down to the inlet of the first
hyd hp 14.2 hp stage impeller provides addit ional NPS HA.
Centrifugal Pump Theory
Calculation of Actual Hor s epower Centrifuga l pumps increase the pressure of the pumped
fluid by action of centrifugal force on the fluid. Since the total
hyd hp
bhp (from Fig. 12-2 ) head produced by a centrifugal pump is independen t of the
e density of the pumped fl uid, it is customary t o expr ess the
pressure increas e produced by centrifugal pumps in feet of
Fig. 12-5 is the performance curve of the selected p ump. The
head of fluid pumped.
efficiency at rate d capacit y and required head is 62%, with a brake
horsepower calculated as follows: Operating characteristics of centrifugal pumps are ex-
14.2 hp presse d in a pum p curve similar to Fig. 12-5 . Dependin g on
bhp 22.9 bhp impeller design, pump curves may be "drooping," "flat," or
0.62 "steep." Fig. 12-10 shows these curves graphicall y. Pumps
with drooping curves tend to have the highes t efficienc y but
Motor S izing — The maximum flow is 500 gpm with a may be undesirable because it is possible for t hem to oper ate
head of 240 feet for this particular pump impeller size, which
at eithe r of two flow rates at th e same he ad. The influence of
results in a brake horsepower r equirement of 26.2 bhp at r un-
impeller design on pump curves is disc ussed in detail in Hy-
out (i.e., end of h ead curv e). Therefore a 30 hp motor is se- draulic Institute Standards. 5
lected for the pump driver to provide "full curv e" protection.
Affinity Laws for Centrifugal Pumps — The rela-
tionships between rotational speeds, impeller diamete r, capac-
CENTRIFUGA L PUMPS ity, head, powe r, an d NPSH R for any particular pump are
defined by the affinit y laws (See Fig. 12-2 for affinity laws).
Figs. 12-6a/b, 12c/d and 12-6e are cross-sectional drawings These equations are to predic t new curv es for chang es in im-
showing typical configurations for five types of centrifugal peller diameter an d speed.
pumps. A guide to selecting centrifugal pumps is shown in
Fig. 12-7 . Horizontal centrifugal pumps are more common; The capacity of a centrifugal pump is directly proportional
however, vert ical pumps are ofte n used because they are more to its speed of rotatio n and its impeller diamete r. The total
compact and, in cold climates, may need less winteriz ing th an pump head develope d is proportional to the square of its speed
horizontal pumps. The total installed cost of vertical pump s is and its impeller diamete r. The power consumed is propor-
tional to t he cube of its speed and its impeller diameter. The
FIG. 12-11 NPSHR is proport ional to the square of its speed.
Example Combined Pump-System Curves These equat ions apply in any consistent s et of units but only
apply exactly if there is no change of efficiency when the rota-
tional speed is changed . This is usually a good approximation
if the change in rotati onal sp eed is small.
A different impeller may be installed or the existing m odi-
The operating point of the pump
is determined graphically by the fied. The modified impeller may not be geometricall y similar
intersection of the pump head-
capacity and the system head-capacity
to the or iginal. An approx imation may be found if it is as-
curve. sumed that the change in diameter changes the discharge pe-
ripheral velocit y without affectin g the efficienc y. Therefore, at
equal efficiencies an d rotational speed, for small variations in
HA impeller diamete r, changes may be calculated usin g the affi n-
ity l aws.
SYSTEM FRICTION HEAD Thes e equations do no t apply to geometrically similar but
different size pumps. In that case dimensional analysis should
be applied.
SYSTEM ELEVATION AND PRESSURE HEAD The affinity equations apply to pumps with radial flow i m-
pellers, that is, in the centrifuga l range of specific speeds, be-
low 4200. For axial or mixed flow pu mps, consult t he
manufacture r. See Fig. 12-2 for specifi c spee d equation.
Visco sity
Most liquids pumped in gas processing plant s have viscosi- ties in
the same range as wate r. Thus they are considered "nonviscous" and
no visc osity corrections are requir ed. Occa-
FIG. 12-12
Series Pumps Selection
FIG. 12-13
Parallel Pumps Selection
sionally fluids with viscosities higher t han 5 centistokes are e1 hs Q2Q1 hf1 Q2Q13
bhp2 bhp1
Eq 12-9
778 Cp
For pump selection, th e shape an d slope of the pump curve
shall be considered in its position with respect to the system Usually when th e pump is running normall y, the t empera-
curve. When the curves are approximately perpendicular to tur e rise is negligible. However, if the pump discharge is shut
each othe r, the change in the op erat ing point posit ion due to off, all energy is converted to heat an d since there is no fluid
devia tions in the curves w ill be minimum. In addition, the flow through th e pump to carry the heat awa y, the liquid in
shape and slope shall be considered wh en sever al pumps are the pump will heat rapidly an d eventually vaporize. This can
used in series and/or par allel operat ion to produce the desired produce catastrophi c failures, particularly in large multistage
range of flow and/or operating pressure. Refer to Fig. 12-12 pumps.
and Fig. 12-13 for series an d parallel operation. Pu mp vendors should be requested t o provide data on mini- mum
Throttling Control — If a centrifugal pump an d a sys- flow.
tem were matched as shown in Fig. 12- 11, the flow rate Exp ensive pump s, such as large multistage u nits, can be
through the system will be "A" unless some kind of flow co n- protected by installing minimum flow recirculation which will ensure
tro l is prov ided. Contr ol usually is prov ided by thr ottl ing a an adequate flo w through th e pump.
valve in the discharge pip ing of the pump, which creates extra
frictional losses so that pump capacity is reduce d to that re- Serie s and P arallel Operation
quired. In Fig. 12-11, the required flow rate is represented by Often pumps are installed in series or in parallel with other
"B." Required a mount of extr a frictional losses to achieve a pumps. In parallel, the capacities at any given head are
flow rate of "B" is represented on Fig. 12-11 by the difference
added; in series, th e heads at any given capacity are added. A
between "H B-PUMP" and "HB-SYSTEM." Fre quently the throt-
multi-stage pump is in effect a series of single stage u nits.
tling valve is an aut omatic contr ol valve which holds some
Figs. 12-12 and 12-13 show series an d parallel pumps curves,
plant condition const ant (such as liquid level, flow rat e, or
a system curv e, and the effect of operatin g one, two or thr ee
fluid t emperature). This c ontr ol method consumes energy
pumps in a syste m. In both f igures, th e operat ing points for
since it artificially increas es the syst em resistance to fl ow.
both pumps "A " and "B" are th e same only when one pump is
Recirculation Control — Pump capacity can also be operating. For 2 or 3 pumps op erat ing, the po ints are n ot the
controlled by recirculating a portion of the pumped flui d back same because of the pump curve shap es. Hence, due consider-
to the suction. This control method is used more fre quent ly for tion should be given to the pump curve shape when selecting
positive displacement pumps than for centrifugal pumps, pumps for series or parallel operation.
since the discharge of mos t positive displacement pumps Par allel oper ation is most effective wit h identical pu mps;
should no t be throttled. This control method should be used however, they do not have to be identical, n or have the same shut-
with caution for centrifugal pumps, since a wide-open recircu- off head or c apacity to be par alleled. When pumps are op-
lation m ay result in a head so low that t he pumped fluid will erating in parallel it is imperative that thei r performance
be circulate d back to th e suction at an extr emely high rat e, curves rise steadily to shut-off. A drooping curve gives two po s-
causing high p ower consumption, increase in fluid t empera- sible points of operat ion, and the pump load may oscillate be-
tur e, and possibly cavit ation, as well as possibly overloading tween the two causing surging.
the drive r.
Drive rs
Spe ed Con trol — Another way of regulating centrifugal
pump capacit y is to adjust the rotational spee d of the pump. Most pu mps used in gas proces sing service are driven by electric
This is freq uently not easily done because most pumps are motors, usuall y fixed speed induction motors.
driven by fixed-spe ed motors. However, pumps contr olled by API Standard 610, Section 3.1.4. (Drivers), states:
adjusting the rotational speed often consume substantially
less energy than those c ontr olled in other ways. The changed "Motors shall have pow er ratings, including the service fac- tor (if
power consumption can be calculated by E q. 12-8, which as- any), at least equal to th e percentages of power at pump rat ed
sumes that the frictional head is proportional to the square of conditi ons given in. . ." th e next table. " How- ever, the p ower at
the flow rate. rat ed conditions shall n ot exceed the mo-
FIG. 12-14
Check List for Centrifugal Pump Troubles and Causes
tor nameplate rating . Where it appears that this procedure will pu mp or the driver when th e seal (or ot her component) re- quires m
lead to unn ecessar y oversizing of the motor, an alter- nate pr ainte nance.
oposal shall be submitted f or the purchaser’s ap- proval."
Pipi ng
Motor Nam eplate Rating Percentage of Pump requirements, nozzle size, type of fluid, temperat ure,
kW hp Rated pressure and economics determine materials and size of pip-
Pump Power ing.
<22 <30 125
Suction lines should be designed to keep fr iction losses to a
22-55 30-75 115 minimum. This is accomplished by using an adequate line
>55 >75 110 size, long radius elbows, full bore valves, etc. Pockets where
air or vapor can accumulate sh ould be avoided. Suction lin es
Alternatives to electric motor drivers are: should be sloped, where p ossible, toward th e pump when it is
internal combustion engines below the source, and toward the s ource wh en it is b elow the
pump. Vertical downward suction pipes requir e special care to
gas turbines avoid pulsation and vibrat ions th at can be caused by a ir or va-
ste am tur bines por entrainment. Elbows entering double suction pumps
hydraulic p ower-recovery turbines should be installe d in a position parallel to the impelle r. Suffi- cient
liquid height above th e suction piping inlet, or a vort ex breaker,
Usuall y the speed of rotation of these drivers can be varied
to prov ide control. should be prov ided to avoid vort ex form ation which may result in
vapors entering the pump.
Var iable Spe ed Drives — Fig. 12-15 lists various types For discharge piping, sizing is determined by the available
of adjustable speed driv es, th eir char acter istics and th eir ap- head a nd economic consider ations. Velocities ra nge from 3 to
plication. 15 ft/sec. A check valve should be installed between the dis-
Materi als of Construction charge nozzle and the b lock valve to prev ent backflow.
Pumps manufactured with cast-steel cases and cast-iron i n- Auxiliary piping (cooling, seal flushing and lubrication) is a
tern als are m ost common in the gas proc essing ind ustry. API small but extre mely importa nt item. API Sta ndard 6 10, “Cen-
Std 610 is a good reference for material s election. The mate- trifugal Pumps for General Refinery Service,” or applicable
rial selections in this d ocument can be ov er-ridden as required nat ional st and ard should be followed. Prov isions for pip ing of
to reflect experience. stuffing box leak age and other dra inage away from t he pump
should be provided.
Experience is the best guide to selection of materials for
pump s. Process pump m anufacturers can usually provide sug- P ump Pr ote cti on
gestions for materials, based on their experience and knowl- The following pr otection may be considered:
edge of pumps.
low suction pressure
Shaft Seals high discharge pressure
Mechanical seals are t he most common sealing devices for low suction vessel (or tank ) level
centrifugal pumps in process service. The purpose of the seal high discharge vessel (or tank ) level
is to retain th e pumped liquid inside the pump at the po int low flow
where the drive shaf t penetrates the pump bod y. Mechanical
seals consist of a st ation ary a nd a rotat ing face, and the act ual flow reversal
sealin g takes place across these very smooth, precision faces. high temperature of bearings, case, etc.
Seal faces ma y requir e cooling and lubrication. API St d 610 vibrations
describes seal flush syste ms used to coo l the sea l faces and re- lack of lubrication
move foreign material. Seal manufacturers can provide appli-
cation an d design information. overspe ed
Protection may be cons idered for the pump driver and may
Alignment, Supports, and Couplings be combined wit h pump protection s.
The alignment of the pu mp and driv er should be checked
an d adjusted in accordanc e with the manufacture r’s recom-
Inst allation, Operation, M aintenance
mendations before the pump is started. If the operatin g tem- Installation, oper ation, and m ainte nance manuals should be
peratur e is greatly different from the temperature at which provided by the pump manufacturer a nd are u sually applica-
the alignment was performed, the alignmen t should be tion specific. See Fig. 12-1 4 for a checklist of pump tr oubles
checked, and adjusted if necessar y, at the op erat ing tempera- and causes.
Driver rotat ion and alignmen t should be checked before the pump
Pump and piping s upports should be desig ned a nd installed is oper ated.
so that forces exerted on the pump by the piping will no t cause
A typical starting sequence for a centrifugal pump is:
pump misalignment when oper ating t emperature changes or
other conditi ons occur. Ensure that all valves in auxiliary s ealing, cooling, and
flushing system pip ing are ope n, and t hat t hese systems
The shaft coupling should be selected to m atch t he power are functi oning prop erly.
tra nsmitted a nd the type of pump a nd driver. A spacer type Close discharge va lve.
coupling should be used if it is inconvenient to move either the Open sucti on valve.
Vent ga s from t he pump an d associated piping.
Energize the driver. and can pump high viscosit y liquids which are difficult to ha n-
Open discharge valve slowly so that the flow increas es dle with normal centrifuga l or higher speed plunge r pumps.
Note that, on larger multistage pumps, it is very impor- Pump Calculations
tant that flow through the pump is established in a mat-
Power requirement b hp: see equation in Fig. 12-2.
ter of seco nds. This is freq uently accomplished by the
previously ment ioned minimu m flow recirculation.
Displac ement for single-acting pump
A m Ls n
D Eq 12-10
The most comm on reciprocatin g pump in gas plants is the Displac ement for double-actin g pump
singl e-acting plunger pump which is generally empl oyed in 2A a m Ls n
services with moderate capacity and high differential pres- Eq 12- 11
sur e. Thes e pumps f ill on the backstroke and exhaus t on the
forward strok e. They are available with single (s implex) or Notes:
multi-plungers (duplex, triplex, etc.), operating eithe r horizon- tally 1. Actual capacity (Q ) deliver ed by pump is calculated by
or v erticall y. Exampl es of plunger pump service in gas plants are: multiplyin g displac ement by the volum etric effici ency.
high pressure chemical or water injection, glycol circulation, an d low 2. The combinat ion of mechanical and volumetric efficiency
capacit y, high pressure amine circulation,
for reciprocatin g pumps is normally 90% or high er for
and pipeline produc t pumps. nonco mpre ssible fluid s.
Double-acting piston pumps which f ill and exhaust on the 3. In doubl e-acting pumps with guided pist on (rod in both
sa me stroke h ave the advantage of op erat ing at low speeds sides) , change “a” to “2a” in Eq 12-11.
FIG. 12-15
Adjustable Speed Drives and Power Transmissions
Example 12-2 — Calculate the p ower requir ed for a simplex The discharge volumetric efficiency due to densit y change is:
plunger pump d elivering 10 gpm of liquid of any specific grav-
ity at 3 000 psi differe nti al pressure a nd mechanical efficiency of VE d 1 r 1
Eq 12-15
10 3000
bhp 19.4 hp When the chang e in fluid densit y is linear with the change
1 714 0.90 in pressure and is smaller t han 10%, and the te mper ature
Volumetric Efficienc y, Com pressible Fluids — change is negligible, Equation 12-16 may be used to calculate
Unlike water, lighter hydrocar bon liquids (e.g. eth ane, pro- hydraluic powe r. Hc comes from Eq 12-5. Additionally, approxi-
pane, butane) are sufficiently compressible to affec t the mat ely 2 to 5% of power may be required f or the work done
performance of rec iprocatin g pumps. during th e piston cycle, in compressin g and in d ecompressing
the fluid that is held in th e pump chamber without flowing
The theoretical flow capacity is neve r achieved in practice through the pump.
because of leakage through pist on packing, stuffing box es, or
valves and because of changes in fluid density when pumping Qd sp g ro Hc
compressible fluids such as light hydrocarbons. hyd hp Eq 12-16
The ratio of real flow rate to theoretical flow rate (pum p dis- When the differ ential pressure is sufficiently high to cause
placement) is the volumetric efficiency. The volumetr ic effi- a density change of more th an 10%, or when the pre ssure
ciency depends on the size, seals, valves an d internal is near the fluid’s crit ical pressur e, or wh en te mper a ture
configur ation of each pu mp, the fluid char acter istics and oper- change is not negligible, this equati on ma y not be
ating conditions. accurate. I n such cases the pump manufacturer s hould be
When pu mping compre ssible liquids, th e volumetric eff i- consulted. Se e Equipment an d System Equations, last
ciency should be stated with reference to the flow rate meas- paragraph.
ured in a specific side of the pump (sucti on or disch arge side).
Data on density change with pressure and temperature can
The r elationsh ip of overall sucti on and discharge volumetric be found in Section 23, "Physical Prop erties."
efficienc y, displacement, and suction and discharge flow rate
of a reciprocating p ump is defi ned in Eq 12-12. When t he lea k- Example 12-3 — For a 3" diamete r and a 5 inch stroke trip lex
age is not considered, the overall efficiencies may be substi- plunge r pump pumpin g propane with a suction density 31.4
tuted by the density change efficiencies. lb/cu ft a nd a discharge de nsity 3 2.65 lb/cu ft and give n that r
= 4.6 and s = 0.03, find th e overa ll discharg e volumetr ic effi-
Qs Qd ciency.
D Eq 12-12
VEsov VE dov
Discharge v olum etric efficie ncy due to densit y chang e:
The following equations are based on t he discharg e flow 31.4
rate. Similar equati ons may be writt en for the sucti on sid e, VEd 1 4.6 1 32.65 0.824
and conversions may be made by multiplying them by the dis-
charge to suction densities ratio.
Volu m e t r ic effic ie nc y d u e to lea k a ge
The overall discharge volumetric efficiency is a combinati on
of volumetric efficiency due to leakage and discharge volumet- VEl 1 0.03 0.97
ric efficienc y due to fluid densit y change.
Overall discharg e volumetric efficiency:
VEdov VE l VEd Eq 12-13
VEdov 0.824 0.97 0.799
The volumetric efficiency due to leakage is relate d to slip as
follows: Suct ion Syst e m Con sid erations
VE l 1 s Eq 12-14 The suction piping is a critical part of an y reciprocating
pump installation. The suction line should be as s hort as pos-
The effect of the differe nce in the leakage flow rate meas- sible an d size d to provide not more than three feet per second
ure d at suction pressure vs discharge pressure is neglected fluid velocity, with a m inimum of bends and fitt ings. A cen-
here, assuming th at all leakages are intern al. tr ifugal booster pu mp is often used ahe ad of a reciprocating
FIG. 12-16
Reciprocating Pump Acceleration Head Factors
pump to prov ide adequate NPSH wh ich would a lso allow that the pressure fluctuations are about the same as those
higher sucti on line velocities. that occu r when the sucti on piping is less than 1 5long.
NPSH required f or a reciprocatin g pump is calculated in the same Similar pr essure fluctuations occur on the discharge side of
manner as for a centrifugal pump, excep t that additional allowa nce every reciproc ating pump. Pulsat ion dampeners are also effec-
must be made for t he requirement s of the recipro- cating action of tive in absorbing flow variati ons on the discharge side of the
the pump. The additional requirement is pump and s hould be considered if piping vibratio n caused by
termed acceleration head. This is the head r equir ed to acceler- press ure fluctuations appears to be a problem. P ulsatio n dam-
ate the fluid c olumn on each suction stroke so that this c ol- pener manufacturers have computer programs to analyze this
umn will, at a mi nimum, c atch up wit h the receding face of pheno menon and should be consulted for reciproc ating pump
th e piston during its filling stroke. application s over 50 hp. Discharge pu lsation da mpeners mini-
mize press ure peaks a nd contrib ute to longer pump a nd pump
Acceleration Head — Acceleration head is the fluctua- valve life. The n eed for pulsation dampeners is increased if
tion of the suction head above and below the av erage due to
multiple pump installations are involved.
the inertia effect of the flui d mass in the suction line. With the
higher spee d of present-da y pumps or with relatively long suc- Ensure that bladde r type pulsation dampeners contain the correct
tion lines, this pressure fluctuation or acceleratio n head must amount of gas.
be taken into accoun t if the pump is to fill properly without
formin g vapor which will caus e pounding or vibration of the Capacity Control — Manual or automati c capacit y control
suction line. for one pump or several parallel pumps can be achieved by one
or a combination of the following m ethods:
With th e slide r-crank drive of a reciprocating pump, maxi-
mum plunge r acceleration occurs at the start an d end of each on-off control
stroke. The head required to accelerat e the fluid column (h a) is recirculation
a function of th e length of th e suction line and average veloc-
ity in this line, the number of strokes per minute (rpm) , the var iable speed driver or tra nsmission
type of pump and the relative elasticity of the fluid an d the variab le displacement pump
pipe, and may be calc ulated as follows:
Driver s — Two type s of mechanisms are commonly used
L v n C for driving reciprocating pumps; one in which the power of a motor
h a Eq 12-17
k g or engine is transmitted to a shaft and there is a mechanism to
convert its rotative movement to alternating
where C an d k are given in Fig. 12-16 . linear movement to drive the pumping piston or plunge r. In
the other type, there is a pow er fluid, such as steam, com-
Example 12-4 — Calculate the accelerati on head, giv en a 2" pressed ai r, or gas acti ng on a piston, diaphragm or bellow
diamet er x 5" stroke triplex pump running at 360 rpm and linked to the pumping piston or plunge r.
displacing 73 gpm of water with a suction pipe made up of 4 Pipin g — Suction and discharge piping considerations are
of 4" and 20of 6" sta nd ar d wall pipe. simila r to those for centrifuga l pumps. In addition, accelera-
Average Velocit y in 4" Pipe = 1.84 fps tion head must be included for pipe sizing . For piping mater i-
als a nd thickness selection, pressure pulsations amplitude and
Average Velocit y in 6" Pipe = 0.81 fps fatigue l ife should be considered.
Accele ration Head in 4" Pipe
4 1.84 360 0.066
ha4 3.62 f t
1.5 32.2
The rotary pump is a positive displacemen t type that de-
Accele ration Head in 6" Pipe pends on the c lose clearance betw een both rotat ing and sta- tionary
20 0.81 360 0.066 surf aces to seal the disch arge from the sucti on. The
ha6 7.97 ft most common types of rotary pumps use gear or scre w rotat-
1.5 32.2 ing elements. These type s of positive displacement pu mps are
Total Accele rat ion Head commonly used for viscous liquids for which centrifuga l or re-
ciproc ating pumps are not su itable. Low viscosity liquids with poor
ha 3.62 7.97 11.6 ft lubricating properties (s uch as water) are not a proper application for
gear or scre w pumps.
Karass ik et al 9 recommend that the NPSH A exceed the
NPS HR by 3 to 5 psi for reciprocating pumps.
Pulsation — A pulsation dampener (suction stabilizer) is DIAPHRAGM P UM P S
a device i nstalled i n the s uction piping as close as possible to
the pump to reduce pressure fluctuations at the pump. It co n- Diaphragm pumps are r eciprocating, positive d isplacement
sists of a small pressure ve ssel containing a cushion of gas type pumps, utilizing a valving system similar to a plunger
(sometimes separated from t he pumped fl uid by a diaphragm). pump. These pumps can deliver a small, precisely contr olled
Pulsation dampeners should be considered for t he suction side amount of liquid at a moderate to very high discharge pre s-
of any reciprocating pump, but they ma y not be requir ed if the sure. Diaphr agm pu mps are commonly used as chemical injec-
suction piping is oversize d and short, or if the pump operates tion pumps because of their contr ollable met ering capabilit y,
at less th an 150 rpm. A properly installed and m aintained pul- sation the wide range of materials in which they can be fabricated,
dampener sh ould abs orb the cyclical fl ow variati ons so and thei r inherent leakproof design.
Multipha se pumps can pump i mmiscible liquids such as oil Two types of centrifugal pumps have been developed for
and water with gas. There are screw types and rotodynamic cryogenic applications: the external motor type and the sub-
types. A progressiv e cavity design is used along the flow path merged motor type.
to accomm odate gas volume reduction caus ed by incr eased
pressure. A full range of gas/liquid ratios can be handled. This External motor ty pe — These pumps are of c onven- tional
class of pumps is of interest in app lications where conven- configur ation with a coupled driver a nd can be single or multi-stage.
tional pumps and separate compressors wit h or without sep a- The p ump assembly is usually mounted in a ves- sel from which it
rat e pipelines are not economically feasible. pumps.
Subme rged motor type — This type of pum p is charac- terized
by bein g directly coupl ed to its motor, with the c om- plete u nit
being submerged i n the fluid.
Hydraulic Turbines
Many ind ustrial processes involve liquid stre ams wh ich flow pected to provide between 50% an d 60% of the energy re-
from higher to l ower pressures. Usually the flow is contr olled quired for p umping.
with a thr ottling valv e, hence the hydraulic energy is wast ed.
Up to 80% of this energy can be recovered by passin g the liq- Usually th e high-pr essure liquid c ontains a substantial
uid through a hydraulic powe r recover y turbine (HPRT). To amount of dissolved g as. The gas comes out of solution as the
justify the i nstallation of an HPRT, an economic analysis of liquid pressure drops. This does not cause damage to the
the power savings versus added equipment and installation HPRT, presumabl y because th e fluid velocity through the
costs should be perfor med. HPRT is high enough to maintain a froth-fl ow regime. The
term NPSHR does no t apply to HPR Ts.
Appli cati ons
HPRTs ma y be used to drive any kind of rotating equipm ent (e.g.
Two major types of centrifugal hydrauli c power recovery pumps, compressors, fans, electrical generators). The
tur bines are used. main problem s are m atching the power req uired by the dr iven load
to t hat available from t he HPRT a nd speed contr ol. Both the power
1. Reaction—Single or multistage Francis-type rot or with producer an d the speed can be controlled by:
fixed or variable guide vanes.
throttling the liquid flo w, either downstream or up-
2. Impulse—Pelton W heel, usually specified for re lat ively stream from the HPRT
high differential pressures.
allowing a port ion of the liquid to byp ass the HPRT
HPRTs with Francis-type r otors are simila r to centrifugal
adjusting inlet guide vanes installed in the HPRT
pumps. In fact, a good centrifugal pump can be expected to op-
erate with high efficiency as an HPRT when the direction of Sometimes HPRTs are installed with a "helper" driver. If
flow is reversed. th is is an electric motor, the speed will be contr olled by the
motor speed.
The Pelton Wheel or impulse runner typ e HPRT is used in
high head app lication s. The impulse type t urbine h as a nozzle Typical gas-pr ocessing streams f or which HPRTs should be
which directs the high pressure fluid against bowl-shaped considered are:
buck ets on th e impu lse whe el. This type of turb ines’ perform- Rich sweete ning solvents (e.g. amines, etc.)
ance is dependent upon back pre ssure, while th e reaction type
Rich absorpti on oil
is less dependent upon back pressure.
High-pressur e crude oil.
P o w er Rec overed b y HPRTs The lower limit of the power recovery which can be economi-
The theoretica l energy which can be extracted from a high cally justified with single-stage HPR Ts is about 30 hp and
pressure liquid stream by dropping it to a lower pressure with multistage, about 100 hp. HPR Ts usually pa y out their
throug h an HPRT can be calculated using the hydraulic horse- capita l cost in from one to three y ears.
power. See Fig. 12-2 for bhp equation. Since some of the en- Fre quent ly, when an HPRT i s to be used to drive a p ump,
ergy will be lost because of friction, the hydrauli c horsep ower both devices are purchased from one manufacture r. This has
must be mult iplied by the efficiency of the HPR T. the advantage of ensuring that the responsibility for the en-
The amount of power recovered by an HPRT is directly pro- tire installation is assumed by a single supp lier.
portional to the efficiency rather than inversely proportional The available pr essure diff erential across the HPRT is cal-
as is th e case when calculatin g the power required by a pump. culated using a technique simila r to that used to calculate the
Thus, if a fluid is pumped to a high press ure and then reduced differential head of centrifuga l pumps.
to its original pressure us ing an HPRT, the proport ion of the
pumping energy which can be suppli ed by the HPRT is equal Example 12-5—Specif y an HPRT driven pum p for a gas sweet-
to the efficiencies of the pump an d turbine multiplied togethe r. ening process.
Typicall y, good centrifugal pumps and good HPRTs have effi-
ciencies of between 70% and 8 0%. Thus, the HPRT can be ex-
FIG. 12-17
Rich DEA Pressure Letdown
FIG. 12-18
Lean Amine Charge Pump
Given: Hydraulic Institut e—Centrifugal, R eciprocating & Rotary Pumps
API Std 674—Positive Displac ement Pumps – Reciprocating
lean DEA flow 1000 gpm
API Std 675—Positive Displacement pumps – Controlled Vol-
lean DE A temperature 110°F ume
lean DE A specific gravity 1.00 API Std 676—Positive Displacement Pumps – Rotary
lean DEA vapor pre ssure at 1 20°F 1.7 psia API Std 682—Shaft S ealing Syst ems for Centr ifugal and Rotary
rich DEA flow 1000 gpm Pumps.
rich DEA temperature 160°F ANSI/AWWA E101-88—Vert ical Turbine Pumps – Line Shaft and
Submersible Types
rich DEA specific gravity 1.01
NEMA, EMMAC, UL, CSA—Electric Motor Drivers
pump suction tot al pressure 75 psig
UL, ULC, NF PA, FM—Fir e Water Pumps
pump discharge tot al pressure 985 psig
AIChE—American Institute of Chemical Engineers API—
HPRT inlet total pressure 960 psig
American Petroleum Institute
HPRT outlet total pressure 85 psig
ANSI—American National Standards Institute
Solution: AWWA—American Wat er Works Association CSA—
For this example, the suction an d discharge pressures have Canadian Standards Association
alr eady been calculated using a t echnique s imilar to that sug- EMMAC—Electrical Manufacturers Association of Canada FM—
gested for centrifuga l pumps.
Factory Mutual
2.31 75 14.7 1.7
NPSHA for pump 203 ft NEMA—National Electrical Manufacturers Association NF PA—
National Fire Preve ntion Association
2.31 985 75
Req uired head for p ump 2102 ft UL—Underwriters Laboratory
ULC—Underwriters Laboratory of Canada
The pump selected is a 5-stage u nit. From the pump curve
(Fig. 12-18), the exp ected efficiency of the pump is 78.5 %.
Hence, th e required power will be: REFERENC ES
1000 2102 1.00
bhp for pump 676 h p
396 0 0.785 1. API Standard 610, Eighth Edition, American Pe troleum Ins ti-
2.31 960 85 tute , New York, 1995.
Available head for HPRT 2001 ft 2. Bingham- Willamet te Ltd., Sales Man ual, Burnab y, B.C., Can-
The HPRT se lected is a 3-stage un it. Fr om the p erformance 3. Doll, T. R., "Making the P roper Choice of Adjustable-speed
curve ( Fig. 12-17 ), the expected efficiency of the HPRT is 76%. Drives ." Chem. Eng., v. 89, no. 16, August 9, 1982.
Hence, the avai lable power will be:
4. Evans , F. L., J r., "Equipmen t Design Handbook for Refineries and
100 0 2001 1.01 0.76 Chemica l Pla nts." Gulf Publi shing Compa ny, Hou ston, Texas,
bhp from HPRT 388 h p 1971, 1979.
5. Hydra ulic Institute Sta ndard s, Fourtee nth Edition, Hydraulic
Another dr iver, such as an e lectric motor, would be requ ired Insti tute, 1983.
for the pump to make up th e difference in bhp between the
pump and HPR T. The other driver would have to be capable of 6. Henshaw, T. L., "Reciprocating Pumps ." Chem. E ngr., v. 88,
providing at least 288 hp. It is good pract ice to provide an no. 19, Sep t. 1981, p. 105-123.
electric motor driver l arge e nough to driv e the pump by itself 7. Ingersoll-Rand Compan y, 1962 , "A Pump Handbook for Sales-
to facilitate startups. The pump , HPR T, an d electric motor men."
driver (helper or full size) would usually be direct connected. 8. Jennet, E., "Hydraulic Po wer Recovery System ." Chem. Eng ., v.
In some cases, a clutch is used between the p ump and HPRT, 75, no. 8, April 1968, p. 159.
so the unit is independent of the HPR T.
9. Karassik, I. J., Krutzch, W. C., Frase r, W. H. an d Messina, J. P.,
The pump and HPRT are similar in hydraulic design except "Pump Handbook. " McGra w-Hill, Inc., 1976.
that the pump has five stages and the HPR T, three stages . In
10. McClasky, B. M. an d Lundquis t, J. A., "Can You J us tify Hydraulic
this case, the HPRT is a centrifugal pump running backwards.
Turbines?" Hyd. Proc ., v. 56, no. 10, October 1976, p. 163.
11. Pe r ry, R. H. and Chilton, C. H., Chemical Enginee rs Handboo k,
CODES & ORGANIZATIONS Fift h Edition, 1973, McGra w-Hill, I nc.
12. Purcell , J. M. and Beard , M. W., "Applying Hydraulic Turbines
API Std 610 8th Editi on—Centrifugal Pumps for General Refinery
to Hydrocracking Operations." Oil Gas J., v. 65, no. 47, Nov. 20,
1967, p. 202.
ANSI B73.1—Horizontal End-Suction Centrifugal Pumps
13. Stepanoff, A. J., "Cen trifugal and Axial Flo w Pumps ." John Wiley
ANSI B73.2— Vertical Inline Centrifugal Pumps & Sons, Inc., 1948, 1957.
14. Tennessee Gas Transmission Co., "Operators Handbook for Gaso- 17. AIChE Publ. No. E-22, Second Edition, AIChE Equipment Test-
line Plants, Part 6-Rotary Pumps." Pet. Ref. (Now Hyd Proc) Nov. ing Procedure, Centifugal Pumps, (Newtonian Liquids). New
1959, p. 307-308. York. 1983.
15. Westaway, C. R. and Loomis, A. W., Editors, Cameron Hydraulic 18. ANSI/AWWA E101-88, American Water Works Association, Den-
Data, Fifteenth Edition, Ingersoll Rand Company, 1977. ver, 1988.
16. Cody, D. J., Vandell, C. A., and Spratt, D., "Selecting Positive-Dis-
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p. 38-52.