The Big Five Personality Factors As Predictors of Changes Across Time in Burnout and Its Facets
The Big Five Personality Factors As Predictors of Changes Across Time in Burnout and Its Facets
The Big Five Personality Factors As Predictors of Changes Across Time in Burnout and Its Facets
variance reflects what we call global burnout, that is, the underlying
latent construction that represents the core meaning of burnout
(see Thoresen, Kaplan, Barsky, Warren, & Chermont, 2003). The
content of each domain-specific facet of burnout is interpreted as
an outcome of depletion of energetic resources specific only to that
domain-specific facet and not to the variance shared among all three
facets. In structural equation modeling (SEM) terminology, this
modeling strategy is referred to as bifactor modeling (Chen, West, &
Sousa, 2006).
A meta-analytic study of the relationships between personality
variables and burnout concluded that employee personality is con-
sistently related to burnout (Alarcon, Eschleman, & Bowling, 2009).
With few exceptions (Goddard, O’Brien, & Goddard, 2006; Mills
& Huebner, 1998; Miner, 2007; Piedmont, 1993), past studies of
burnout and the BF model were based on a cross-sectional design
and were, therefore, able to point to a covariation but could not
confirm the BF effects over time. In addition, the few longitudinal
studies only evaluated a single occupational category or employer
using small samples, raising questions about the generalizability of
the findings (Reise, Waller, & Comrey, 2000). No prior study con-
trolled for the effect of depressive symptoms on burnout, which, for
reasons explained below, is necessary in any study on the anteced-
ents or consequences of burnout (see review of Melamed et al.,
2006). Most past studies on the association between the BF and
burnout did not control for age. The present longitudinal study
improves upon the earlier longitudinal studies by using a large rep-
resentative sample of participants, by excluding respondents whose
burnout and depressive symptoms scores were likely to be influenced
by a chronic disease or antidepressive medications, and by using
analytical methods that simultaneously tested all our hypotheses
while controlling for measurement errors. While past studies almost
exclusively used the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI; Maslach &
Jackson, 1986) to assess burnout, we used an alternative, theoreti-
cally grounded measure of burnout (for conceptual problems and
methodological shortcomings of the MBI, see the review of Kris-
tensen, Borritz, Villadsen, & Christensen, 2005). To the best of our
knowledge, no prior study has examined the moderating effect of
gender on the relationships among personality traits and burnout;
for the reasons explained below, the current study attempted to fill
this void.
406 Armon, Shirom, & Melamed
Study Hypotheses
Based on the conceptual meaning of each of the BF factors and
relevant past studies, we formulated specific hypotheses focusing
only on Neuroticism and Conscientiousness for two major reasons.
First, Neuroticism and Conscientiousness have been found to predict
many work-related outcomes, such as career success and deviance,
and represent maladaptive and adaptive coping styles, respectively
(Barrick & Mount, 2000; Colbert, Mount, Harter, Witt, & Barrick,
2004; Judge, Higgins, Thoresen, & Barrick, 1999); therefore, they are
highly likely to influence the availability and utilization of coping
resources (see the meta-analysis of Connor-Smith & Flaschbart,
2007). There is a body of evidence (Schaufeli & Enzmann, 1998)
supporting the theoretical argument that when individuals have
coping resources to address work-related demands, they are unlikely
to manifest strains such as burnout (Hobfoll, 2002). Second, Neu-
roticism, the tendency to experience negative affect, has been asso-
ciated with negative health outcomes (see the review of Lahey, 2010).
Conscientiousness, the tendency to be organized, thorough, and reli-
able (Goldberg, 1990; McCrae & John, 1992), has been linked to
positive health outcomes (Kern & Friedman, 2008). The health out-
comes typically associated with Neuroticism (such as depressive
symptoms; see McCrae & John, 1992) and Conscientiousness (such
as physical fitness; see Kern & Friedman, 2008) have been linked to
burnout (Melamed et al., 2006). The linkages of Agreeableness,
Extraversion, and Openness with global burnout and its three facets
will be investigated on an exploratory basis.
Study participants (N = 1,930: 1,221 males, 709 females) were all appar-
ently healthy, employed adults who were sent by their employer to the
Center for Periodic Health Examinations at the Tel Aviv Sourasky
Medical Center for a routine health examination at Time 1 (T1) and
Time 2 (T2), on average about 24 months apart (M = 737.78 days,
SD = 340.69). At T1, they represented 92% of the center’s examinees, and
all were voluntary participants in the study. We systematically checked for
nonresponse bias at T1 and found that nonparticipants did not differ from
participants with regard to any of the sociodemographic or biomedical
variables.1 We also tested for attrition bias from T1 to T2;1 those exam-
ined at T1 who did not return for a follow-up examination (46%) were
more likely to be males, to be older (near retirement age), and to have
self-reported a chronic disease at T1. We controlled for these possible
sources of attrition bias in our data analyses, as explained below.
We excluded 439 respondents (292 males and 147 females) from the
study based on the following criteria: those who self-reported having
been diagnosed at T1 or T2 with cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes,
cancer, or previous stroke or mental crisis. We also excluded participants
who reported regularly taking antidepressants or any lipid-lowering drug
or steroids because the disease or the medication could impact the level of
depression or burnout (see the review of Melamed et al., 2006). We also
excluded 376 respondents (195 males, 181 females) who were not actively
employed at either T1 or T2, as well as those who worked on a part-time
basis (fewer than 3 hours per day), because the assessment of burnout is
contextualized in the work domain. Finally, we excluded a few cases with
missing data on one or more of the study’s variables. Thus, the final
sample consisted of 1,105 apparently healthy employees (799 males, 406
females). In a separate report conducted on the same sample, we found
that the respondents’ physiological parameters were not significantly dif-
ferent from those obtained in other large-scale studies (Shirom, Melamed,
Rogowski, Shapira, & Berliner, in press).
Respondents at T1 had completed a mean of 15.64 (SD = 2.76) years of
education, 16.03 (SD = 2.65) for men and 14.99 (SD = 2.82) for women. On
1. Detailed results of the entire sample analysis and the gender-specific analyses
are available from the authors upon request.
410 Armon, Shirom, & Melamed
average, 7.8% (6.4% of men and 10% of women) were single, 84.8% (88.7%
of men and 78% of women) were married or lived with a partner, 1.1% (1%
of men and 1.2% of women) were widowed, and 6.3% (3.9% of men and
10.8% of women) were divorced or separated. They had a mean of 2.44
(SD = 1.22) children: 2.51 (SD = .47) for the men and 2.32 (SD = .09) for
the women. In terms of organizational level, an average of 33% of the
respondents (24.6% of men and 48.5% of women) were rank-and-file
employees, not in charge of other employees; 12% (12% of men and 12.8%
of women) were first-level supervisors or forepersons; 27.4% (28.8% of men
and 24.6% of women) were middle managers; and 27% (34.6% of men and
14% of women) were managers in charge of other managers.
The study protocol was approved by the ethics committees of the
Sourasky Medical Center and the Faculty of Management at Tel Aviv
University. Participants were recruited individually by an interviewer
while waiting for their clinical examination. The interviewer explained the
survey and asked for her or his voluntary participation. In return, partici-
pants were promised detailed feedback of the results. Confidentiality was
assured, and each participant signed a written informed consent form.
Work hours and age. Work hours were represented by the reported
average number of work hours per week (one item). Age was reported by
the subjects.
2. The SMBM, its norms, and instructions concerning its use can be downloaded
from the following sites: or
Table 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1. Global burnout, T2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
2. Global burnout, T1 .69* — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
3. Physical fatigue, T2 .91* .63* — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
4. Physical fatigue, T1 .63* .90* .67* — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
5. Emotional exhaustion, .70* .44* .70* .32* — — — — — — — — — — — — —
6. Emotional exhaustion, .42* .67* .30* .43* .52* — — — — — — — — — — — —
7. Cognitive weariness, T2 .87* .61* .87* .48* .70* .42* — — — — — — — — — — —
8. Cognitive weariness, T1 .60* .86* .48* .62* .35* .48* .65* — — — — — — — — — —
9. Neuroticism .20* .25* .17* .18* .21* .28* .16* .20* — — — — — — — — —
10. Conscientiousness -.12* -.12* -.10* -.12* -.09* -.05 -.11* -.10* -.13* — — — — — — — —
11. Agreeableness -.05 -.07* -.01 -.02 -.18* -.21* -.02 -.02 -.09* .31* — — — — — — —
12. Extraversion .25* .28* .21* .21* .22* .23* .22* .23* -.44* .09* .03 — — — — — —
13. Openness .05 .05 .06 .05 .07* .08* .01* .01 -.30* .28* .12* .27* — — — — —
14. Depressive symptoms .50* .55* .50* .52* .27* .28* .42* .49* -.15* -.10* -.02 .20* .02 — — — —
15. Age -.11* -.10* -.11* -.15* -.07* -.03 -.07* -.03 -.06 .03 .02 .03 .01 .02 — — —
16. Work hours -.08* -.11* -.09* -.08* -.02 -.01 -.08* -.14* .05 .06 -.05 .03 .11* -.10* -.10* — —
17. Gender .19* .19* .25* .23* .02 -.01 .13* .15* .02 .02 .11* .08* -.13* -.26* .04 -.37* —
Cronbach’s alpha .93 .92 .91 .90 .91 .89 .91 .90 .73 .80 .71 .74 .76 .79 — — —
M 2.03 2.19§ 2.32 2.47§ 1.80 1.92§ 1.82 1.99§ 4.90 5.56 5.74 4.41 5.30 1.24 45.67 49.73 .37
SD .83 .82 1.05 1.03 .94 .92 .95 .94 .91 .54 .64 .99 .78 .32 9.64 10.68 .48
Note. N = 1,105.
Armon, Shirom, & Melamed
§ Significantly different from the corresponding T2 values, at p < .05. A full correlation matrix is available from the authors upon request.
*p < .05.
The Big Five and Facets of Burnout 413
bifactor model, which has several major advantages over the standard
second-order factor (see Chen et al., 2006).
Statistical Analyses
.33* .2 3* .53* 5 6*.6 0* .75* .69* .68* .44* .4 6* .48* .51* .39* .41* .45* .41* .63* .63* .73* .30* .55* .63* .56*
-.18* C
.6 9* .68* .7 1* .6 5* .51*
.6 8* .5 1* .66* .80* .8 2* .81* .66* .66* .66* .72* .58* .58* .66* .7 4* .6 9* .75* .7 3* n.s
T1 Global T2 Global
E Burnout .54* Burnout E
-.16* R2=.57 R2=.58
n.s .56* O
Age n.s
T1 Depression
n.s .27* R2 = .32
hours .50* -.29* .37* -.23*
Gender N C A E O
Figure 1
The Big Five effects on global burnout and its facets across time. N = Neuroticism; C = Conscientiousness;
A = Agreeableness; E = Extraversion; O = Openness; n.s. = not significant. To facilitate understanding of the effects of
the Big Five on the latent factors in the model, we repeat the above five factors on the figure's left and right sides,
and also at the bottom of the figure. Solid and broken arrows represent significant (p < .05) and insignificant effects,
Armon, Shirom, & Melamed
respectively. All coefficients are standardized regression coefficients. The correlations among the exogenous factors
are not represented. Error variances of each indicator of the latent factors will be sent upon request.
The Big Five and Facets of Burnout 415
Descriptive Results
CI (90%) of Models
Model Sample c2 df NFI TLI CFI RMSEA RMSEA SRMR Ddf Dc2
The bifactor model Full sample 1039.57 382 .95 .96 .97 .04 .03–.04 .03 19 523.10*
The Big Five and Facets of Burnout
Women 709.05 359 .92 .95 .96 .05 .04–.05 .04 19 140.68*
Men 703.29 359 .95 .97 .98 .04 .03–.04 .04 19 231.02*
The second-order Full sample 1562.67 401 .93 .94 .95 .05 .05–.06 .04
model Women 849.73 378 .91 .93 .94 .06 .05–.06 .05
Men 934.31 378 .93 .95 .96 .05 .04–.05 .04
Note. N = 1,105. df = degrees of freedom; NFI = normed fit index; TLI = Tucker-Lewis Index as non-normed fit index; CFI = comparative
fit index; RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation; CI = confidence interval; SRMR = standardized root mean square residual;
D = the amount of change between the two nested models compared.
*p < .05.
418 Armon, Shirom, & Melamed
indicated that the bifactor model fit the data better than the second-
order model, thus providing strong support for our decision (see
Table 2). Specifically, the second-order model represented a gain of
19 degrees of freedom for an excessive cost of c2 = 523.10. Following
these results, we report below the results of the tests of the specific
predictions linking Neuroticism and Conscientiousness with global
burnout and its facets at T1 and T2 (Hypotheses 1 and 2).
Figure 1 depicts the detailed results of the tests of the specific hypoth-
eses. Hypothesis 1, which expected Neuroticism to positively predict
global burnout and its three facets at baseline and follow-up, was
partially supported. Neuroticism was a positive predictor of global
burnout, but only at T1 (b = .21, p < .05). In addition, Neuroticism
was found to significantly predict emotional exhaustion at both T1
and T2 (b = -.18, -.21, respectively; p < .05). However, contrary to
our expectation, the path coefficient was negative rather than posi-
tive. The expected associations of Neuroticism with cognitive weari-
ness and with physical fatigue at both T1 and T2 were not supported.
The results also partly supported Hypothesis 2, which expected Con-
scientiousness to negatively predict global burnout and its cognitive
and emotional facets at baseline and follow-up. Conscientiousness
was found to negatively predict global burnout, but only at T1
(b = -.21, p < . 05), and to negatively predict T1 and T2 cognitive
weariness (b = -.44, -.18, respectively; p < .05). However, contrary
to our expectation, it was found to positively predict emotional
exhaustion at both T1 and T2 (b = .34, .18, respectively; p < .05).
Some interesting findings emerged in our exploratory analysis on
the other factors of the BF. Agreeableness was found to positively
predict global burnout at T1 (b = .16, p < .05) and to negatively
predict emotional exhaustion at both T1 and T2 (b = -.83, -.48,
respectively; p < .05). Extraversion negatively predicted global
burnout and only at T1 (b = -.16, p < .05).
We investigated the across-time effects of the BF on global burnout
and its facets, controlling for the effects of age, depressive symptoms,
work hours, and gender. We focused on two BF factors, Neuroticism
and Conscientiousness, and tested two hypotheses concerning these
relationships in a large representative sample of apparently healthy
employees. Overall, we did not find any support for our predicted
effects of the BF on T2 level of global burnout. Moreover, most of
the hypothesized associations of the BF with the T2 levels of burn-
out’s facets did not obtain support in our SEM model. All tests of the
hypothesized effects on T2 global burnout and its facets were con-
ducted after controlling for the effect of T1 global burnout and the
control variables.
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