Clinical Study
Clinical Study
Clinical Study
Journal of Pregnancy
Volume 2014, Article ID 129208, 7 pages
Clinical Study
Comparison of the Effects of Maternal Supportive Care
and Acupressure (BL32 Acupoint) on Pregnant Women’s Pain
Intensity and Delivery Outcome
Copyright © 2014 Marzieh Akbarzadeh et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Delivery is considered as one of the most painful experiences of women’s life. The present study aimed to compare the effects of
supportive care and acupressure on the pregnant women’s pain intensity and delivery outcome. In this experimental study, 150
pregnant women were randomly divided into supportive care, acupressure, and control groups. The intensity of pain was measured
using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The supportive care group received both physical and emotional cares. In the acupressure
group, on the other hand, BL32 acupoint was pressed during the contractions. Then, the data were analyzed using descriptive and
inferential statistics. The results revealed significant difference among the three groups regarding the intensity of pain after the
intervention (𝑃 < 0.001). Besides, the highest rate of natural vaginal delivery was observed in the supportive care group (94%) and
the acupressure group (92%), while the highest rate of cesarean delivery was related to the control group (40%) and the difference
was statistically significant (𝑃 < 0.001). The results showed that maternal supportive care and acupressure during labor reduced the
intensity of pain and improved the delivery outcomes. Therefore, these methods can be introduced to the medical team as effective
strategies for decreasing delivery pain. This trial is registered with the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trial Code IRCT2014011011706N5.
from delivery pain increase the mother’s pain and discomfort 2. Materials and Methods
during the delivery process [4]. In the study performed by Lee
et al. (2001), pregnant women mentioned severe pain as the This randomized clinical trial was conducted in the delivery
most important factor in fear from delivery [5]. Thus, reduc- ward of the selected educational center of Shiraz University of
tion of delivery pain is of great importance for decreasing the Medical Sciences (Shoushtari Hospital) in 2012. Considering
negative effects of the physiological processes which occur 𝑑 = 5, 𝛼 = 0.05, 1 − 𝛽 = 0.90, SD = 7, and the following
due to the mother’s pain and anxiety and lead to maternal and formula, a 150-subject sample size (50 subjects in each group)
fetal damages [6]. Up to now, various pharmacological and was determined for the study:
nonpharmacological methods have been used for sedating 2
delivery pain. In the recent years, physicians and researchers 2(𝑍1−𝛼/2 + 𝑍1−𝛽 ) SD2 (1)
have come to the conclusion that they should employ safe 𝑛= .
and effective methods which do not disturb the delivery
process, mother’s consciousness, and mother’s straining reflex Then, the subjects were selected through simple random
and other physiological actions in order to reduce pain. sampling and were divided into supportive care, acupressure,
It should be noted that these complications are usually and control groups using stratified block randomization.
detected following utilization of pharmacological methods The inclusion criteria of the study were 18–35 years of
[7]. Moreover, nonpharmacological methods do not have any age, term pregnancy, singleton pregnancy, and healthy fetal
side effects for the mother and the fetus, do not interfere with membranes. Also, the study participants had no history of
the labor progress, and are even desirable for both the mother medical, surgical, or mental problems and had faced no
and her fetus [8]. One of these nonpharmacological methods special problems during pregnancy. The participants’ uterine
is acupressure which is a kind of massage therapy developed contractions started spontaneously and, at admission, the
in ancient China. Acupressure is a noninvasive method contractions occurred every 5–10 minutes and cervical dilata-
whose nature is similar to acupuncture [9]. This method is tion was 3-4 cm. Written informed consent was obtained
effective in sedating pain and reducing its intensity [10]. Some from all the study participants.
researchers believe that acupressure prevents transfer of pain In the supportive care group, doula (the researcher) was
stimulators, increases blood endorphin levels, and thereby constantly beside the mother from the beginning of the
reduces pain [11]. Chao (2007) and Chung (2003) have also mother’s maternity ward admission (beginning of the active
emphasized the effectiveness of acupressure in reduction of phase of labor at 3-4 cm cervical dilatation) to the end of
labor pain [2, 11]. Overall, various acupoints are used for the second stage of labor. Supportive measures classified
induction and reduction of labor pain. One of these points into psychological and emotional, educational, and physical
is BL32 which is located in the second hole of sacral bone categories were offered to the mother. Psychological and
[12]. emotional support included touching, empathy, compassion,
Another nonpharmacological method for decreasing encouraging the mother to continue cooperation in the labor
pain is accompaniment of a doula. Doula’s supportive care process, reassurance, taking mother’s hands, maintaining eye
includes emotional support (continuous presence, reassur- contact, creating a sense of trust and confidence, continuous
ance, and encouragement) and physical support (reduction talking, and reduction of fear during labor. Educational
of hunger, thirst, and pain, giving information about what is support included informing the mother about the natural
happening and how to deal with it, respecting the woman’s process of childbirth and answering her questions. Finally,
decision, and helping her to create relationships with the physical support included cooling the mother, satisfying her
caregivers) [13]. Supporting the mother has a considerable hunger and thirst, and helping her change the positions in
effect on reduction of labor pain. In this regard, Hofmeyr et al. various stages of labor.
indicated that supporting the mother by the doula caused the These positions were as follows: the mothers followed
mothers to report less pain [14]. Also, Hodnett and Osborn activity positions, such as straddling a chair, leaning, tailor
stated that continuously supporting the mother by the doula stretching, and lunging for 20 minutes at 3–8 cm dilatation.
during the labor significantly reduced utilization of analgesics Then, they were required to follow relaxing positions, such
[15]. Doula calms the mother down during labor and suggests as semisitting and side-lying for 10 minutes. Since 8–10 cm
different positions to increase fetal descent. Besides, doula’s dilatation, the mothers followed fetal head descent positions,
support leads to less utilization of oxytocin for augmentation, such as dangling, squatting, and hands and knees.
lower rate of instrumental delivery, less utilization of epidural In this study, 20 minutes were considered for changing
anesthesia and narcotics, and lower rate of cesarean delivery maternal positions during labor in order to avoid boredom
[16]. and monotonous conditions for the mother (Figure 1).
Considering the harmful effects of severe delivery pain In the acupressure group, the participants were located
on mother, fetus, and delivery outcomes, safe and effective in the appropriate position and BL32 acupoint was pressed.
control of pain is of great importance. Nonetheless, a limited This acupoint is located in the second hole of sacral bone.
number of studies have been conducted on the effects of This point lies approximately one index finger length above
acupressure and supportive care on the delivery outcomes. the top of the buttock crease, approximately one thumb width
Thus, the present study aims to compare the effects of mater- either side of the spine (Figure 2) [17]. Pressure was applied
nal supportive care and acupressure at BL32 acupoint on the by the beginning of contractions (3-4 cm cervical dilatation)
pregnant women’s pain intensity and delivery outcomes. and continued during the transitional phase of labor (7-8 cm
Journal of Pregnancy 3
3–8 cm dilatation
Activity positions
Relaxing positions
Side-lying Semisitting
Mother’s positions at 8–10 cm dilatation
cervical dilatation) up to the end of the first stage. In doing time. After the training, the pressure applied by the right
so, when the contractions began, the aforementioned point and the left thumbs was measured as 1405 and 1277 mmHg,
was pressed gently for 30 seconds. The amount of pressure respectively. The pressure was applied by the beginning and
was determined by an electrical engineer who was familiar stopped at the end of the contractions. To ensure that there
with such interventions using a digital device. The researcher was no difference in the amount of the pressure exerted
attempted to apply a certain amount of pressure at each by the right and left thumbs, the amount of pressure was
4 Journal of Pregnancy
(a) (b)
Table 1: Comparison of the mean intensity of pain in the three groups before and after the intervention.
Supportive care (𝑛 = 50) Acupressure (𝑛 = 50) Control (𝑛 = 50)
Pain assessment time 𝑃 value
M ± SD M ± SD M ± SD
Before the intervention 6.14 ± 0.926 6.52 ± 1.054 6.20 ± 1.088 0.354
After the intervention 3.54 ± 1.328 3.44 ± 0.907 9.40 ± 1.010 0.000
Significance level: 𝑃 < 0.05.
computed using the related formula. The difference in applied 0.158), educational level (𝑃 = 0.584), and occupation (𝑃 =
pressure was minimized through repetition and practice. The 0.781).
intervention was performed for 30 minutes only during the Considering the intensity of pain, the results of Wilcoxon
contractions. nonparametric test showed no significant difference among
The control group only received the department’s routine the supportive care (6.14 ± 0.926), acupressure (6.52 ± 1.054),
care and underwent no interventions. and control groups (6.20±1.088) before the intervention (𝑃 =
The study data were collected using interview form 0.354). After the intervention, however, the intensity of pain
(including demographic information, history of pregnancy, reduced in the supportive care (3.54 ± 1.328) and acupressure
familial status, and pregnancy information), observation groups (3.44 ± 0.907) compared to the control group (9.40 ±
form (including evaluation of uterine contractions, fetal 1.010) and the difference was statistically significant (𝑃 <
heart rate, labor progress, and delivery outcome), and Visual 0.001). Nonetheless, no significant difference was observed
Analogue Scale (VAS). between the two intervention groups concerning the intensity
VAS is a scale numerated from 0 to 10 with 0, 1–3, 4– of pain (𝑃 > 0.05) (Table 1).
6, 7–9, and 10 representing no, mild, moderate, severe, and Moreover, the results of Chi-square test revealed a signifi-
the worst possible pain, respectively [18]. The validity and cant difference among the three groups regarding the mode of
reliability of this scale have been confirmed in the study delivery (𝑃 < 0.001). Accordingly, the rate of natural vaginal
conducted by Molazem et al. in Iran. In that study, the content delivery in the supportive care group was 2% and 34% higher
validity of VAS was determined using experts’ opinions and than that in the acupressure and control groups, respectively.
its Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was computed as 0.80 [19]. The highest rate of natural vaginal delivery was observed in
After all, the data were entered into the SPSS statistical the supportive care group (94%) and the acupressure group
software (v. 16) and analyzed using Wilcoxon nonparametric (92%), while the highest rate of cesarean delivery was related
test, Chi-square test, and one-way ANOVA. to the control group (40%). Overall, 18% of all the deliveries
were carried out through cesarean section (Table 2).
3. Results
4. Discussion
In this study, the participants were similar regarding age (𝑃 =
0.496), number of pregnancies (1 or 2), cervical dilatation In this study, all the participants’ pain intensity increased
at admission (3-4 cm), gestational age (37–41 weeks) (𝑃 = by increase in dilatation in the first stage of labor. Yet,
Journal of Pregnancy 5
Group Supportive care (𝑛 = 50) Acupressure (𝑛 = 50) Control (𝑛 = 50) Total (𝑛 = 150)
𝑃 value
Delivery mode Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage
Vaginal delivery 47 94 46 92 30 60 123 82
Caesarean section 3 60 4 8 20 40 27 18
Significance level: 𝑃 < 0.05.
the intensity of pain was lower in the two intervention in mother’s pain by changing her physical and psychological
groups compared to the control group and the difference behavior.
was statistically significant (𝑃 < 0.001). According to Lowe The findings of the current study revealed a significant
(1996), the intensity of pain is extremely high in the first difference among the three groups concerning the mode of
stage of labor, particularly in the transition phase (8–10 cm delivery (𝑃 < 0.001). The highest rate of natural and cesarean
dilatation) [20]. Based on Western medicine, the intensity delivery was observed in the supportive care and the control
of uterine contractions is closely related to delivery pain. groups, respectively. Doula can play a critical role in changing
However, pharmacological interventions prevent effective delivery into a desirable experience and reducing the rate
uterine contractions. These medications increase uterine of cesarean delivery by helping, supporting, consoling, and
contractions, but they increase the delivery pain, as well. reassuring the women in labor and encouraging them to do
However, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has shown physical activities [26]. In the study conducted by Zhang et
that acupressure can maintain balance during labor, reduce al., the rate of vaginal delivery was 2-fold higher than that
labor pain, and improve the delivery process by increasing the of cesarean delivery in the supportive group [27]. Similarly,
uterine contractions [21]. Chung et al. (2003) also reported Scott indicated that the rate of cesarean section decreased by
that the participants of the acupressure group experienced 47% in the continuous support group in comparison to the
less pain during labor compared to those of the touch and control group [28]. In the studies by Hodnett [29], Klaus and
the control groups [11]. Reduction of pain by acupressure at Kennell [30], and Hatem et al. [31] also, the rate of cesarean
BL32 acupoint can be justified by the gate control theory of delivery was higher in the control group compared to the
pain. According to this theory, acupoints are the locations supportive care group. All these findings are in agreement
of sensory receptors with thin afferent fibers (A-delta and with those of the present study which showed the lowest rate
C-fibers) placed in the muscles. By stimulation of these of cesarean delivery in the supportive care group. All these
points by needle, pressure, or transcutaneous electrical nerve researchers emphasized the effect of continuous support on
stimulation (TENS), the sensory receptors are activated and reduction of labor pain. Of course, the current study had
send the stimulations to the spinal cord. In this way, the a major difference with the other ones. In this study, in
spinal cord, midbrain, and hypothalamic-pituitary axis are addition to psychoemotionally supporting the women, doula
activated and present their analgesic effects through releasing suggested appropriate positions for opening the cervix at
enkephalin and endorphin [22]. 3–8 cm dilatation and other positions for increasing fetal
In the present study, doula’s continuous support sig- head descent at 8–10 cm dilatation. In the study by Bloom, 4
nificantly reduced the intensity of labor pain compared to and 6 deliveries were carried out through cesarean surgery
the control group, which is consistent with the results of in the active and resting groups, respectively [32], but the
many studies conducted on the issue. For instance, the study difference was not statistically significant. Roberts et al. [33]
by McGrath and Kennell (2008) showed that continuous and Lawrence et al. [34] also found no significant association
support during labor considerably decreased the need for between mother’s position and type of delivery. The difference
analgesics [23]. Also, the results of the research by Pascali- between the results of the present study and those of other
Bonaro demonstrated that supporting the mother during studies might be due to the difference in mother’s positions
labor facilitated delivery and decreased the intensity of during labor. In this study, the effective positions in fetal
delivery pain [24]. Reduction of pain by this strategy can head descent were recommended to the mother to reduce
be justified by Melzack’s neuromatrix theory. This theory pressure on the inferior vena cava and improve oxygenation
provides a novel concept of a widely distributed neural to the fetus. In bloom’s study, on the other hand, the women
network in reception and perception of pain on one hand only walked during labor. In contrast, Albers et al. indicated
and individuals’ responding method and physical as well as a significant relationship between mother’s activity in labor
psychological behavior on the other hand. According to this and type of delivery [35]. In that study, the rate of cesarean
theory, pain is a multifactorial experience. Besides, based on delivery was 2-fold higher in the control group compared to
the brain’s view towards the whole body, it not only responds the mothers who were active during labor (5.5% versus 2.7%).
to the sensory input, but it can also experience pain without In the current study, the rate of natural vaginal delivery was
any stimulation or input from the sensory neurons [25]. significantly higher in the acupressure group in comparison
Hence, presence of the doula, her psychological support, and to the control group and the highest rate of cesarean delivery
suggestion of various positions during labor led to a decrease was observed in the control group.
6 Journal of Pregnancy
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