ELA Lesson Plan Lesson Name: Grade Level: Intended Date(s) : Essential Element Reference

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ELA Lesson Plan

Lesson Name: Letter of the Week (F)

Grade Level: High School/ Transition

Intended Date(s):

Essential Element Reference: EE.L.M.11.4.a: The student can use context clues
to determine the meaning of words that may or
may not be familiar.

Intended Learning: Whole Group Academic skills:

I can identify a capital “F”
One I CAN statement for each student I can identify a lower case “f”
I can express my favorite word that starts with

Whole Group PBIS skills:

I can use my words & signs.
I can give people personal space.
I can follow directions.
I can use nice hands.

Individual IEP skills:

J – I can use positive communication.
K – I can participate in group activities
M – I can stay on task with the group
A– I can answer questions using AAC
J – I can follow directions for different staff
A – I can find vocab words on an AAC device.
C – I can repeat phrases in conversation.
A – I can answer questions using AAC.
T – I can make a choice from an array of 2.
D – I can make communicative intents.
K – I can answer questions using AAC

Materials Needed: iPad, Go-Talk App, Letter of the week Go-Talk

Core Vocab board, pointer, yes/no switches,
supplemental pictures of photos from Go-Talk
Book, Physical representations of the letter
(magnetic letters, foam letters, etc.) Physical
objects that start with the letter)
Lesson Plan: Staff Teaching strategies:
Anticipatory Set: (5 minutes)
Teacher will introduce the letter of the week.
Teacher - Lead
Students will sit by the screen and choose a group, manage the
letter F song. iPad and asking
specific questions
to the students. - Errorless
Letter Lesson: (10 mins) (Can students learning
identify the
*Students will identify the letter F out of an capital/ lowercase - Questioning
array of 2 letters by pointing to the correct letter? Can
letter on the iPad. (2mins) students identify
which word does
*Students will differentiate between the not start with the - Extended
capital (big) letter and the lower case (little) letter or the wait time
letter by pointing to the correct size on the week?)
iPad. (2 mins) - Verbal and
Support staff – physical
*Students will review the 4 key words that - Monitor students’ prompting
begin with the letter of the week. Students behavior and assist
will be given turns to identify 1 one of the 4 prompting students
words after given hints about characteristics to participate - PBIS
of the word. ( 6 min) (point, verbalize,
stand up, raise
*Students will locate the word that does not hand, etc.)
start with the letter of the week out of an
array of 4 by pointing or verbalizing. (2 min)
- Assist with
*Students will express their favorite words that writing student
start with the letter “F” by choosing from an sentences on chart
array of 9 words on the iPad. paper.

* Students will write a sentence about their - Assist students

favorite “F” word using the Core Vocabulary with rolling the
words “I & Like”. dice.

* Students will roll the picture dice to

determine who is going to write the sentence
next. (10 mins)

Closing: ( 5 mins)

* Students will choose a song that starts with

the letter “F” to listen/ dance along to.
Formative Assessment:
Assessment used to determine what learning -Can students identify the letter of the
occurred: week?
-Can students differentiate between a
capital/ lowercase letter?
-Can students identify which word does not
start with the letter or the week?

Summative Assessment:
Students will be assessed on their
individual IEP learning objectives (listed in
“intended learning” section) in goal data

Extension Activities:
- Coloring/Painting/Adding texture to the
letter of the week coloring page
- Read Library books that start with the
- Bingo with the 9 words
- Graph favorite words that begin with the
- Sort letters
- Write sentences about favorite words (I
- Research animals that start with the
letter of the week
- Cook a food that begins with the letter.
- Go on a CBI to a restaurant that begins
with the letter.

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