Physical Wellness Challenge

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Living Wellness Challenge Form

Name: Emily Tahan

Course: HLAC 1014
Semester: Fall 2018

Module 1: Physical Wellness

Instructions: This first week we will focus on writing SMALL goals. Use the template below, pick one goal you
would like to work on and write it using the SMALL format in the Response column below. Implement your goal
for the week and be prepared to write a brief reflection in next week’s assignment.

Acronym Description Response

Self-selected. Your goals should What do you want to accomplish?
be your own. Choose goals that I had a baby earlier this year, May 2018. I used
fit into your life and only change to be 105 lbs and am now 125. I would like to
behaviors that you are willing to stay at 125 but instead of being that weight
negotiate. Be realistic. because of fat and extra skin, I would like to be
that weight but in muscle tone.

Measurable. Develop a How will you know when your goal has been
concrete way to track your goal. met?
I will know my goal will be met once I am at
125 but can no longer grab the extra skin on my
thighs and stomach from when I was pregnant.

Action-oriented. Having an What steps are you going to take?

action plan allows you to I am going to try and push myself every class
complete the steps needed to period and even try to do exercises on the days
make your goals a reality. we don’t have class.

Life-linked. Goals are best How does this fit your everyday life?
achieved if they work within Exercise does have a small role in my life at this
your lifestyle and match your point between school, work, and a newborn.
challenges and strengths. But in some ways in my life since now I am on
my feet more, carrying a baby around.

Long-term. You want to be How will you maintain your goal long-term?
healthy for life so any changes I think once I see physical changes in myself it
you consider should be will be more motivation to keep at it.
something you could see yourself
doing over the long term.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 2: Exercise
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Exercise 2 times this week. Indicate the exercise you completed, the length of time you spent
exercising, and the highest RPE you reached during your workout. (If you forgot what RPE is, go to
the Canvas page, “What to Expect With Exercise”) Also, If you don’t normally exercise, then just
start with something small and manageable.

I exercised two times this week. On Tuesday the 4th and Thursday the 6th. On Tuesday we did what’s
called the “Filthy Fifty” which is 50 box jumps. 50 jumping pull ups, 50 kettlebell swings, 50 lunges,
50 sit ups, 50 push press, 50 back extensions, 50 squats, 50 burpees, and 50 double unders. I only
did about 25-30 reps of each though in about 40 minutes. I would say my RPE was at a constant 10.
I don’t think I have ever pushed myself that hard before.
On Thursday, we did 2 minutes of rowing until 250m and then lifting weights, then 1 min rest. Then
2 minutes of biking until 0.4mi then arm dips then a 1 min rest. Then 2 minutes of running 200m
then jump rope and then rest 2 minutes this time. I would say I didn’t push myself as hard and was
at a 7-8 on the RPE scale. Although I finished all the requirements, I probably could’ve done it faster
and done more weights, arm dips, and jumping rope.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Physical Wellness challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

So far I haven’t done that great in my challenge from last week. I really wanted to try and push
myself to work out on days that I don’t have class but I never got around to it. I know if I do
workout in between Friday-Monday I probably wont feel as bad as I do after working out on
Tuesdays. I will definitely try harder next week so that I can achieve my long term goal on toning
my body and staying at 125lbs faster.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 3: Hydration
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Even though there are several ways to hydrate, let’s focus on drinking more water. For this
challenge, drink at least 8 oz more water than you normally drink for at least four days. One way to
do this would be to substitute out a sugary drink and instead have water. Or you can consider
carrying around a bottle of water that you can drink throughout the day.

I’m going to try and do this challenge. I usually drink about ~30 oz of water a day and would really
like to bump that up to even ~50 oz a day. I know you’re supposed to drink half your body weight in
oz of water to technically I should be drinking 60 oz but little steps. I’ve really been trying to drink
more water to boost my breastmilk supply so this will give me even more reason to do so!

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Sleep and Recovery challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

Last weeks challenge Ii didn’t do too well. We didn’t have class Thursday and although I could’ve
gone in at 3pm I didn’t. I wanted to go hiking during my days off but I really couldn’t find the
motivation to do so. Being a mom and not sleeping a lot and having to be home every 2-3 hours to
feed my baby really limits what I want to spend my time on. Unfortunately, I usually use my free
time catching up on sleep. I will still try to push myself to do more and I also recruited my mom to
push me to go on hikes with her so hopefully she can be the extra motivation I desperately need.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 4: Nutrition
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Keep track of the food you eat for a day and see what you can substitute out and what you can
substitute in. To help you with this, consider downloading a food tracking app like MyFitnessPal.
See this article for more suggestions.

I’m going to try and track what I eat in a day with an app on my phone. I don’t eat the best so
hopefully this is an eye opener since what I eat doesn’t just affect me but my baby too!

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Hydration challenge from last week. Consider answering
some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What behaviors do you
want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you need to overcome
to complete the challenge?

I actually did really well on this challenge. I tried to fill my 12oz bottle at least 4 times a day and I
actually followed through. I actually noticed an increase in energy and m ilk supply. I’m really
happy with the outcome of this challenge! Hopefully I can keep it up.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 5: Cardio-Respiratory Health
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Do two brisk walks on two separate days. Each walk should be at least 20 minutes. The goal is to
increase your heart rate so that you feel your heart beating a little faster, which also means your
breathing will be more labored.

I’m going to do the suggested challenge again this week. This one should be easy since I usually take
my baby out on walks with my stroller anyways thanks to your suggestion! I’ll try and keep my heart
rate up and not take as many breaks this week.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Exercise challenge from last week. Consider answering some
or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What behaviors do you want
to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you need to overcome to
complete the challenge?

It was a real eye opener tracking my food this week! Not only do I mainly eat fatty foods like carne
asada fries and McDonalds, I barely eat 2 meals a day. I feel as though I don’t even have time to
feed myself. Some days I don’t even eat breakfast until 3pm if you can even call it that. I definitely
need to be more aware of how many meals I ea.t
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 6: Muscular Strength and Endurance
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

If you haven’t already done so, read over the article Top 25 At-Home Exercises and choose at least
three different exercises to do on two separate days. The exercises you do on the second day
should be different from the first day. Do 8-20 reps for each exercise.

I’m going to do the suggested challenge again. I decided to do the jumping squats one day and then
the glute activation lunges the next. I chose these because lately I’ve really been trying to get rid of
my “hip dips” and these kind of coincide with the workouts I have already been doing. I’m mainly
excited about the squat jumps because I like workouts that use my whole body and keep my heart
rate up.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Cardio-respiratory Health challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

I really, really liked last weeks challenge. Like I said before, I was already doing it and I’ve already
noticed a change in my endurance as far as how far I can walk. And I know my son really enjoys
being outside rather than being cooped up in my bedroom, like we are most days. I’ve found a
good time and day to do this where it doesn’t interfere with my schedule so I hope to keep it up.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 7: Flexibility and Mobility
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Try three stretches from the videos included on the How to Improve Your Flexibility page. Record
which stretches you completed and how long you held the stretch. Try holding it so that you feel a
gentle stretch for at least 20-60 seconds.

This week I decided to do the suggested challenge! Especially since I don’t know any stretches on
my own.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Muscular Strength and Endurance challenge from last week.
Consider answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself?
What behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles
did you need to overcome to complete the challenge?

Last weeks challenge was definitely hard to keep up with. I found myself having a hard time doing
it within my work schedule but I really enjoyed the exercise. I tried to do it right after my walks
with my son but some days I was just tired from the walk, it was definetly hard to find motivation
on my own.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 8: Body Composition
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Using the BMI calculator on, calculate your BMI and indicate your health

I used the BMI calculater. I am 5 foot 6 inches. I weigh 119 poumds. My BMI is 19.2. According to
the calculator I am in good health and don’t really need to change as far as my weight. It did suggest
to eat healthy to maintain physique. But I didn’t really put in how I eat so I think it just suggests that
to everyone. But my goal weight is 125 but with muscle mass. I used to weigh 100 so I’m happy at
being at 119 as well.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Flexibility and Mobility challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

Last weeks challenge helped me a lot. Like I said previously, I don’t really know many stretches. I
went to class on Tuesday and Wednesday since we didn’t have class Thursday and I noticed that I
was way less sore than usual and I think that has to do with my actually stretching. I think it will
always be a challenge for me to fit new things into my schedule but I’m still happy with the fact
that it made me less sore so it motivated me to stretch more.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 9: NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis)
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Since the idea behind NEAT is to find more ways to incorporate movement throughout your day,
select one of the three suggested challenges to complete:
 Take the stairs instead of the elevator for at least three days, or
 Park in far-away parking spaces so that you walk more for at least three days, or
Use a step-counting app or device (like Fitbit) to count and increase your steps for at least three
days. You should track your regular steps for one day, then increase your steps by at least 1000
steps for the next two days. (Check out this article about different apps to use. You may want to
specifically look into using Accupedo or Pedometer++.)

I am going to do the suggested challenge. I think the one I’m going to do is park further away in the
parking lot so I have to walk more!

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Body Composition challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

There’s not much to talk about since last weeks assignment wasn’t much of a challenge. I still am
at the same body weight. I think if anything, it made me want to gain more weight to increase my
BMI so I don’t get too underweight like I was before. I’m hoping to gain more muscle mass rather
than fat though.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 10: Sleep and Recovery
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Bedtime challenge: Track your sleep times and routines for three days and write what changes you
can make to improve your sleep quality and quantity. (For example, you may want to not be on a
computer or smartphone in the half-hour before you go to bed.)


Recovery challenge: Use a foam roller (these are available in the LAC gym) or a tennis ball to do
myofascial release for at least two days.

Even though tracking my bedtime routine would be easier, I want to try doing the myofascial
release for two days!

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the NEAT challenge from last week. Consider answering some
or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What behaviors do you want
to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you need to overcome to
complete the challenge?

I don’t feel much change but I still think it’s a good habit to form. I learned that I am a lazy person
but this definitely pushed me to try harder, even if it was as simple as parking further. I think this
helps me show that even one simple change in my routine can benefit me and makes me want to
learn more things I can change during the day to help my health.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 11: Stress Management
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Choose one of the 4A’s (avoid, alter, adapt, or accept) and apply it to a stressful situation you’re
currently experiencing. Using one of these four principles, write the small change you plan to make
to change the way you think about or respond to the situation and then implement it on one day
during the week. (See the “Healthy Ways to Manage Your Stress page in Canvas if you forgot what
the 4A’s are.)

I am excited to do this challenge since this week I have so much homework to catch up on after
being out of the state for a week. I hope this gives me better planning skills and help me say no to
people rather than stretching myself so thin.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Nutrition challenge from last week. Consider answering some
or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What behaviors do you want
to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you need to overcome to
complete the challenge?

Last weeks challenge I tried to learn different myofascial releases! I actually loved doing this. I
ended up doing it 5 days out of the week last week. It was so relaxing, especially after a long day of
sightseeing. My favorite has to be putting a tennis ball to my neck. I definitely noticed I am less
sore and will definitely continue to do this.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 12: Body Weight and Obesity
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Write a reflection on how you can improve how you view your own and/or others’ body weight. In
other words, what do you need to take into consideration so that you are less judgmental and more
understanding of yourself and/or others?

I think to improve the way I view my body weight is to be more realistic. I think I have BDD because
I see myself as larger than what I really am. I wish I could gain more weight and I know that im
skinnier than I see myself so maybe being more aware of that will help me. As for others, I think its
almost an automatic thought that comes to mind is thinking “oh shes big” or “oh theyre so skinny”
which to me is normal, but what you think next is totally in your control and just don’t look as
someone as a number on the scale but as a person.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Stress Management challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

Last week I did horrible! I let time get the best of me and now here I am submitting my
assignments late. I think saying no and making time for myself is something I really need to
continue working on.
Living Wellness Challenge Form
Module 13: Preventing Chronic Disease
Instructions: First, complete the suggested challenge or create your own challenge. Next, fill out a reflection on the
assignment from last week.

Suggested Challenge

Ask a family member about your family’s history of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.


Incorporate one prevention idea that was discussed in the module.

I’m going to do the suggested challenge this week. I think it will be interesting because I know
cervical cancer runs in my family since my grandma and aunt had it and my cousin had a scare
earlier this year. I am grateful they are still alive and these tips on how to help prevent it really helps
me out.

Reflection from Last Week

In 3-5 sentences, write about your experience with the Body Weight and Obesity challenge from last week. Consider
answering some or all of the following questions: How did it feel? What did you learn about yourself? What
behaviors do you want to continue? What would you change if you did the challenge again? What obstacles did you
need to overcome to complete the challenge?

I think last weeks challenge really helped change my perspective on not only other people, but
myself as well. I think it’s nice and refreshing to try and keep a positive attitude about yourself and
everyone around you. I just noticed my days are also less stressful and I have an open mind on
other things.

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