Borba M Lesson 1 Revised
Borba M Lesson 1 Revised
Borba M Lesson 1 Revised
Assignment: Design a lesson plan which integrates the use of one or more Internet web
pages into instruction in a meaningful way. Include ALL materials for your lesson such
as worksheets, data collection forms or other scaffolds.
Note: Read the text in the gray areas to help you understand how to complete each
part of the template. Then delete the text and type in your own content .
Lesson Author
First and Last
Madison Borba
Lesson Overview
Open /Essential
What can you learn from identifying the adaptations of an animal?
Learning habitats about animals lets the students learn how the
animals survive just like us. Students will watch the video “Animal
Habitats” ( ). As a
class we will then read the book How and Why do Animals Adapt?,
this will give the students a better understanding and given proper
examples on the topic. The students will then independently write 5-7
Lesson Summary sentences of their favorite animal and their structural and behavioral
adaptions to learn about how they survive. Students will then share
with the class the 5-7 sentences they wrote. Lastly, that they will make
an animal mask to go with their paragraph they wrote and will present
them both to the class. Once the whole class is done, students will
choose to either hang them up in the classroom or take them home
with them that day.
Subject Area(s) Science, Language Arts, Writing
Grade Level Third and fourth grade
Student Objectives Students will:
Use an educated guess on what adaption means to them.
Expand their knowledge on adaption.
Comprehend the informational text.
Describe the structural and behavioral adaptions of an animal
of their choice.
Use the information about animal adaptions to help them
basics of surviving for them and the animals.
Be able to describe which adaptations various animals
Compare and contrast the information they started with and
the information they learned throughout the lesson.
Standards and . Language Arts Standards for 3rd grade:
Benchmarks CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.3.10: By the end of the year, read
and comprehend informational texts, including history/social
studies, science, and technical texts, at the high end of the
grades 2-3 text complexity band independently and proficiently
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.3.1: Ask and answer questions to
demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the
text as the basis for the answers.
CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.RI.3.4: Determine the meaning of
general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a
text relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area.
CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.W.3.2: Write information/explanatory
texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information
Language Arts Standards for 4th grade:
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.4.3: Explain events, procedures,
ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text,
including what happened and why, based on specific
information in the text.
CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.RI.4.5: Describe the overall structure
(e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution)
of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a
CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.RI.4.6: Compare and contrast a
firsthand and secondhand account of the same event or topic;
describe the differences in focus and the information provided.
CCSS.ELA.LITERACY.RI.4.9: Integrate information from two
texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the
subject knowledgeably.
Science Standards for 3rd grade:
3-LS3-2.: Use evidence to support the explanation that traits
can be influenced by the environment.
3-LS4-3.: Construct an argument with evidence that in a
particular habitat some organisms can survive well, some
survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.
3-LS4-2.:Use evidence to construct an explanation for how the
variations in characteristics among individuals of the same
species may provide advantages in surviving, finding mates,
and reproducing.
Science Standards for 4th grade:
4-LS1-1.: Construct an argument that plants and animals have
internal and external structures that function to support
survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction
Benchmarks K-4:
K-4 Benchmark 1(Scientific Thinking and Practice): Use the
scientific method to observe, collect, record, analyze, predict,
interpret, and determine reasonableness of date
K-4 Benchmark 1 (Life Science): Know that living things have
diverse forms, structures, functions, and habitats.
Performance Standards 3rd and 4th grade:
Make new observations.
Recognize the difference between data and opinion.
Know that an adaptation in physical structure or behavior can
improve an organisms chance for survival.
Observe that plants and animals have structures that serve
different functions.
Explain that different living organisms have distinctive
structures and body systems that serve specific functions.
Know that a change in physical structure or behavior can
improve an organisms chance of survival.
Student Assessment Day 1- Reviewing the information in the 5-7 sentences
Assessment to see if they comprehended the topic.
(include rubric)
Assessment Day 2- Verbal review after they have shared their
animal mask and writing assignment to understand what the students
have learned that they did not know before.
Before each assignment is given I will go over the rubric with
the student to let them know the expectations. As the teacher I
will say, “For the writing lesson I expect very good detail and
information and the right length for the full amount of points.
You must know what you are talking about as well. If you have
any questions please ask.”
Before the mask assignment I will go over the rubric and what
I expect and what they should expect for getting full points. As
the teacher I will say, “ For the making of the mask you must
complete making the mask with good detail and creativity, but
also include information when presenting. If you have any
questions or concerns let me know.”
After grading I will provide students with feedback and
possible questions to keep their mind going. I will give them
the chance to redo the assignment or add to it if they would
like to get some points back.
Step-by-step Day 1- The teacher will then write responses on white board to
Procedure compare and contrast after.
Please include Engage with students with before questions to get them thinking:
Teaching What is your definition of adaption?
instructions What do you know about your adaption?
written as a
What do you know about animals adaption?
numbered list
of steps to be Is there a difference in adaption and habitats?
taken in order I will give each student an opportunity to answer as they like. I will
to teach the then ask to give thumbs up and thumbs down if they understand and
lesson if they need help to understand, if they do I will have myself or give
Examples of the chance to other students to help them in any way possible.
guiding or
facilitation To introduce the video I will tell the kids “ We will be watching a video
questions about animal habitats, we are doing this because we will be using this
throughout the information in the future, so please pay attention and take notes if you
lesson need to.”
How and when to Watch the video Animal Habitats
use the resources v=Xj1ASC-TlsI in a whole group setting. Ask students if they have any
and materials used questions or need help understanding with the following questions:
in the lesson Does everyone understand? If you don’t lets do some more
Why do animals need to adapt to their environment?
What are some examples of how animals adapt?
Teacher will further explain and expand about the topic with the book
How and Why do Animals Adapt. Teacher will say “keep and ear out
for your favorite animal, it will be good information to know, also keep
and ear out for the rest of the animals because you will need to put
your knowledge to the test after words. If you have any question
before, during, or after please raise your hand and I will be gladly to
answer them.” Once the book is done teacher will go on to explain the
writing assignment “Each of you needs to think for about 2 minutes
and figure out what your favorite animal is, when you do that in your
writing journal you will write 5-7 sentences about your favorite
animals habitat and adaptation and how it helps them survive, I then
want you to tie in how you as a human survives.” Students will then
work on writing 5-7 sentences in their writing journal about their
favorite animal about how that specific animal adapts with their
behavioral and structural adaptions. Within those 5-7 sentences they
will also give an example of how it relates to how the student has
adaptions and habitats.
Day 2- Students will be given a paper plate, a whole puncher, string,
scrap paper, patterns, pom-poms, pipe cleaners, hay, stickers, google
eyes, fake fur, buttons, glue, markers, and crayons. Teacher will set
rules “ please use only what you are going to take, keeps your hands
to yourself, and get creative. If you need help please sit in your desk
and raise your hand or ask your neighbor. You all will be making an
animal mask, your favorite one, with the supplies provided. If you
need something and do not see it out please ask for it. These masks
will go with the paragraphs you wrote about yesterday. At the end we
will share our mask with the classroom and explain our 5-7
sentences.” With these art supplies students individually will create an
animal mask that they had written about on the day before in their 5-7
sentence. The students will then share their mask and the information
about the animal in the 5-7 sentences. T
Engage students with the following questions:
Why is this animal your favorite?
What have you learned that you didn’t know before?
Review with all the students as a whole group, engage in the
following questions:
What is the definition of adaptation?
What can you now tell me about your personal adaption?
What can you now tell me about animals adaptation?
Why is it some important for adaptions?
White it on the white board and compare and contrast with what they
knew before the lesson and what they know and understand about it
Include all worksheets, scaffolds and grading rubrics as additional pages within this
Writing Assignment: Animal Adaptions
Directions: You will write 5-7 sentences about your choice of your favorite animal and their
structural and behavioral adaptions to learn about how they survive, then I would like you to tie
in how you survive and your adaptions to survive. Once you have completed this task please
come see me. When everyone has completed this task we will then share with the class of what
Name:_________________________________ Date:__________________
10 points 8 points
Essential/ 3 2 0
Open Essential / open question promotes Question is closed and / or No question is included.
Question analysis, synthesis or evaluation. promotes limited or no higher level
Standards 3 2 0
& Standards are included and align Standards are included but do not No standards are included.
with stated objectives. align with stated objectives.
Lesson 3 2 0
Objectives All objectives use ABCD format. Some objectives use ABCD format. Objectives do not follow ABCD
3 2 0
All objectives describe skills or Objectives are a mix of objectives All objectives describe activities
content students will master. and activities. students engage in during
Assessment 3 2 0
Aligns with the lesson objectives Aligns with either the objectives or Doesn’t align with the objectives or
and procedure. procedure, but not both. procedure.
3 2 1
Rubric, if used, includes a single Rubric includes two criteria per row. Rubric includes three or more
criterion per row. criteria per row.
Procedure 3 2 1
Thoroughly and completely Provides some guidance but would Provides little guidance leaving a
describes how to implement the leave a substitute making substitute to make multiple
lesson so a substitute could assumptions about some aspects of assumptions concerning
successfully teach it. the lesson implementation. implementation.
3 2 0
The words used to introduce the Describes how to introduce the Lesson introduction is not included.
lesson are written out verbatim. lesson.
3 2 0
Includes open and closed questions. Includes only closed questions. Questions are not included.
3 0
Includes high-level questions to Includes low-level questions
support student construction of focused largely on regurgitation of
understanding of the content. facts or rote use of formulas /
3 0
Includes modeling of activities / Modeling is not included.
directions / worksheets.
3 2 0
Includes specific, whole class Includes generic or individual Formative assessment is not
formative assessment techniques / formative assessment techniques / included.
questions providing feedback to all questions providing feedback to
students (thumbs up/down; show individual students.
of hands; slates, clickers, etc.).
3 2 0
Student use of online resource(s) is Student use of online resource(s) is Online resource is not used.
integral to lesson success. related to the learning.
3 0
Online resource(s) reading level is Online resource(s) reading level
appropriate for intended audience isn’t appropriate for intended
according to Microsoft Word. audience according to Microsoft
3 1 0
Goes over the rubric / checklist with Simply hands out the rubric without Rubric / checklist isn’t handed out
students to support success. going over it with students. to students.