Thank you for sending me your lesson plan in advance. This could use some more details, for
example, what questions do you want to ask students after they view the video?
Students were seated on the mat to start the lesson, and were shown a ‘letter e’ video. They
were asked to give examples of words starting with ‘e’, and then students were selected to
trace ‘e’ or ‘12 ‘on the board – students were clearly eager to do this to prevent students
calling out ‘me, me!’, remind them that you will only choose students who are sitting
quietly. You could also ensure that everyone has a chance to write on the board once, and
let them know that they will all get the chance. Students were then selected to copy ‘e’
words displayed on the board – think about the font you use, as students were trying to
copy it exactly, but we do not teach ‘a’, we teach ‘a’. It is very exciting to write on the board,
but it is not exciting to sit on the mat and watch others write on the board. Do you have
mini-whiteboards in the class? If each child had their own, they could all be writing the
words. If the class does not have mini-whiteboards, you can make these by laminating blank
paper, which you can then write on with whiteboard markers and wipe off with tissues. This
would keep all engaged, and active rather than watching passively.
When you are pointing to pictures and asking students if they start with ‘e’ or not, try a
thumbs up, thumbs down system – again, this would prevent the repeated calling out. If
they need to be settled, you could try bringing a small chair to the front of the mat area and
sitting down on it. This brings you much closer to their level, and signifies to them that you
are not carrying on. Then you can use a low voice to explain why you have stopped, and
what needs to happen in order to continue.
You referred to a behaviour management system, when reminding students about
appropriate behaviour, and then used it. I like that you were looking for people to move up
(rather than down), this had the desired effect. You also used the ‘class princesses’ (class
routine) to hand out worksheets.
Once materials are handed out, it is likely students will not be listening to you – give
instructions first. For example, move students to the tables group-by-group, then ask them
to face you. Show the basket of letters, and explain what you would like them to do, have
someone repeat the instructions back to you in their own words, and then hand out the
baskets. If you ask for their attention (e.g. with a countdown), don’t keep talking until they
have all stopped and are listening. Don’t be afraid to stop the lesson and remove the
materials if it is not working.
The plan suggests you will check the worksheet to assess the progress of students – how will
this be done? Will you do this as they finish or will you move around the room and check?
Will you collect the worksheets and mark them later? How will you feedback to the
students? Are you recording this data? (Keeping assessment data with evidence and what
you could do next, is part of your final rubric).
Apart the tracing in the beginning, how did this lesson cover number 12?
The students seem comfortable with you, which is great. Keep your expectations high