Com 5501 Soft

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10G Ethernet MAC

Block Diagram
Overview 4-lane
The COM-5501SOFT is a single-speed 10 Gigabit Interface Interface Interface
Ethernet Media Access Controller (MAC) core 64-bit
(including the VHDL source code) designed to words Elastic MAC
support full-duplex 10 Gigabit throughput on low- Buffer transmit
FPGA optical fiber
cost FPGAs. Tx flow control XAUI core coax
twisted pair
Rx flow control 10G
Key features include: PHY SFP+
• Low-latency: 4 CLK (25.6ns) [not including Elastic MAC 64
Buffer receive
XAUI core (4/5 CLK)]
• PHY interface: PHY

o XGMII interface. Monitoring

& Control*
o Compatible with Xilinx 4-lane XAUI 170020

free core to external PHY. COM-5501SOFT

o PHY monitoring and control through

Target Hardware
• Application interface: simple flow-controlled
64-bit interface synchronous with user-supplied The code is written entirely in generic VHDL and is
clock. For full 10Gbps throughput, the user thus portable to a variety of FPGAs. The code was
clock must be greater than 156.25 MHz. developed and tested on a Xilinx 7-series FPGA.
• Transmit pause through MAC control messages
• VLAN-aware (i.e., IEEE 802.1Q conformant) Device Utilization Summary
can include VLAN tags Device: Xilinx Artix7 –1 speed
• Compatible with Jumbo frames. User can set XGMII only XGMII + XAUI
MTU frame lengths for the transmit and receive Flip-Flops 1573 3305
paths. LUTs 2016 3231
• Address filter to reject undesirable received Block RAM/FIFO 0/8 0
DSP48A1s 0 0
GCLKs 2 1
• Automatic DCMs/PLLs 0 1
o Preamble generation and removal PHY clock frequency: 156.25 MHz
o 32-bit CRC generation and checking.
o Payload padding for very short transmit FPGA Speed Grade
The code is compatible with Xilinx 7-series, -1
speed (slowest) for 10G operation with 156.25 MHz
10gE, Ethernet MAC, MAC core, XGMII, VHDL,
FPGA, 10G Ethernet PHY, Ethernet transceiver.
MSS • 845 Quince Orchard Boulevard Ste N • Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878-1676 • U.S.A.
Telephone: (240) 631-1111 Facsimile: (240) 631-1676
© MSS 2018 Issued 8/16/2018
Interfaces Destination Address 6 Bytes
CLOCKS XGMII_TXD(63:0) Source Address 6 Bytes
XGMII_RXC(7:0) Length / Type 2 Bytes
MAC_TX_EOF MAC payload data
MAC_TX_CTS 1 - 9000
MDC Bytes
MDIO_DIR up to min
MAC_RX_FRAME_VALID Pad frame size
Frame Check Sequence
4 Bytes
MAC_ADDR(47:0) 180014
The software inserts the pad and frame check
TEST_MODE(2:0) sequence (CRC) fields automatically unless
POWER_DOWN disabled by the user.

PHY The software then encapsulates the tx frame into an
PHY_STATUS2(7:0) Ethernet Packet by adding a preamble, start of
PHY_ID(15:0) frame delimiter and extension as needed.
N_RX_FRAMES_TOO_SHORT(15:0) User Interface
N_RX_WRONG_ADDR(15:0) MAC receive interface Description
N_RX_LENGTH_ERRORS(15:0) signals
MAC_RX_DATA(63:0) contains up to 8 data bytes.
Byte order: LSB byte was
received first.
The first byte of a frame
User Interface (Destination address) is
The user interface comprises three primary signal always aligned with the
groups: transmit data, receive data and monitoring 64-bit word LSB.
& control. All signals are clock synchronous with a
user-selected clock CLK (it does not have to be the Note: short-frame zero
padding and 4-byte CRC
same as the 156.25MHz PHY clock, although it
are always passed to the
generally is). user.
MAC_RX_DATA '1' for each meaningful
Elastic buffers can be included in both tx/rx _VALID(7:0) byte in MAC_RX_DATA.
directions at the user interface, at the user's For example: 0x03 when
discretion, either to cross clock domains from CLK the two LSB bytes of
to CLK156g, or for flow control reasons when one MAC_RX_DATA have
side of the interface is slower than the other. meaning.
Only valid values are
In the Ethernet frame illustrated below, the user 0x00,01,03,07,0F,1F,3F,7
handles at least the dark blue section. F,FF.
MAC_RX_SOF 1 CLK pulse marking the
first word in a frame
MAC_RX_EOF 1 CLK pulse marking the
last (partial) word in a
MAC_RX_FRAME_VALID '1' when the current frame
passed all validity checks CTS
including the CRC check. (clear to send, flow control to sender)
The entire frame validity is
confirmed at the end of
frame when DATA_VALID
MAC_RX_FRAME (data valid/enable)
_VALID = '1' and

MAC_RX_CTS 'Clear To Send' input. The Sender generates Receiver Stop sending
user application drives this data reads data tx data when FPGA
at rising edge at rising edge input buffer is full
flow control signal to
indicates that it is ready to
accept received words at Throughout this document CTS refers to the flow
the next clock period. control signal "Clear To Send". CTS is generated
Set to '1' when the user by the data sink to indicate it can process and/or
application can handle the store incoming data.
maximum throughput.
MAC transmit interface Description
signals XGMII Interface
MAC_TX_DATA(63:0) contains up to 8 data bytes.
Byte order: LSB byte is The COM-5501SOFT interfaces with an external
transmitted first. 10G Ethernet PHY through a standard XGMII
The first byte of a frame Media Independent Interface using 64-bit wide data
(Destination address) must words.
be aligned with the 64-bit
word LSB. The external PHY is managed via a two-wire
MAC_TX_DATA '1' for each meaningful standard MDIO interface. The state machine
_VALID(7:0) byte in MAC_TX_DATA. PHY_CONFIG.vhd is fairly generic, but the actual
For example: 0x03 when
registers values are specific to the Microsemi
the two LSB bytes of
MAC_TX_DATA have VSC8486-11 PHY integrated circuits. For any other
meaning. PHY integrated circuits, the configuration register
Only valid values are values must be customized manually.
MAC_TX_SOF 1 CLK pulse marking the
first word in a frame
MAC_TX_EOF 1 CLK pulse marking the
last (partial) word in a
MAC_TX_CTS 'Clear To Send' input. The
MAC drives this flow
control signal to indicates
that it is ready to accept
user words at the next
clock period.

Run-time configuration parameters
Pre-synthesis configuration parameters
The user can set and modify the following controls
The following configuration parameters are set
at run-time. All controls are synchronous with the
prior to synthesis in the generic section of the
user-supplied global CLK.
COM5501.vhd component declaration.
MAC transmit Description
Generic Description
PHY IC The MDIO bus can be shared among
Auto-padding 1 = Automatic padding of short
MDIO several peripheral devices. The external
frames. Requires that auto-CRC
address 10G PHY is addressed through
insertion be enabled too.
0 = Skip padding. User is
Receive Maximum Ethernet payload size in
responsible for adding padding
Maximum Bytes. Typically 1500 Bytes for regular
to meet the minimum 60 byte
Transmission frames or 9000 Bytes for jumbo frames.
payload size.
Unit (MTU) A frame will be deemed invalid if its
payload size exceeds this MTU value.
Maximum: 16360
Auto-CRC 1 = Automatic appending of 32-
bit CRC at the end of the frame
Receive '1' to instantiate a receive output buffer
0 = Skip CRC insertion. User is
output buffer to cross clock domains and discard bad
responsible for including the
frame check sequence.
'0' for very low latency operation (see
the low latency section)
MAC receive Description
When enabled, the buffer size is configuration
defined by its address width MAC address This network node 48-bit MAC
RX_BUFFER_ADDR_NBITS. address. The receiver checks
Data width is always 74 bits. incoming packets for a match
Example: when between the destination address
RX_BUFFER_ADDR_NBITS = 10, the field and this MAC address.
receive buffer size is 74*2^10 = 75776 The user is responsible for
bits selecting a unique ‘hardware’
User clock The user-supplied CLK serves as time address for each instantiation.
frequency reference for internal timers/delays.
Declare the frequency in MHz (156 for Natural bit order: enter
156.25 MHz, etc) x0123456789ab for the MAC
CLK_FREQUENCY address 01:23:45:67:89:ab
Transmit Maximum Ethernet payload size in Promiscuous mode 1 = all valid frames are
Maximum Bytes. Typically 1500 Bytes for regular accepted, regardless of their
Transmission frames or 9000 Bytes for jumbo frames. destination address.
Unit (MTU) Maximum: 16360 0 = destination addresses are
TX_MTU checked.
Transmit '1' to instantiate a transmit output buffer
output buffer to cross clock domains and perform MAC_RX_CONFIG(0)
flow control. Allow rx broadcast 0 = mark packets with the
'0' for very low latency operation (see packets broadcast destination address
the low latency section) FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF as invalid.
TX_BUFFER 1 = accepts broadcast packets.

When enabled, the buffer size is MAC_RX_CONFIG(1)

defined by its address width
Data width is always 73 bits.
MAC control Enable(1)/Disable(0) a short transmit
pause pause upon receiving a MAC control
PAUSE message. See 802.3-2015
Clause 31.
discarding frames marked as invalid at the end of
Allow rx multi-cast 0 = mark packets with the frame: MAC_RX_EOF = '1' and
packets multicast bit set in the MAC_RX_DATA_VALID = '0'.
destination address as invalid.
1 = accepts multicast packets.

Destination addresses are

Low receive latency
identified as "multicast" when Very low receive latency (4 clock periods = 25.6ns)
bit 0 of the destination most can be achieved on the receive path. This requires
significant byte is '1'. For
example 01:00:5E:xx:xx:xx or • Not instantiating a receive output buffer:
33:33:xx:xx:xx:xx. set RX_BUFFER = '0'

• Using the same 156.25 MHz synchronous clock
Check MTU 1 = mark frames with payload for the PHY side (CLK156g) and user side
sizes greater than the user- (CLK)
specified MTU size (typically • letting the user keep or discard the received
1500 Bytes, or 9000 Bytes for
frame at the end of frame. The COM5501.vhd
jumbo frames) as invalid.
0 = No payload size verification
component identifies any invalid frame at the
MAC_TX_CONFIG(4) end of frame when MAC_RX_EOF = '1' and
PHY configuration Description MAC_RX_DATA_VALID = '0'.
PHY test mode 00 = normal mode (default)
01 = loopback mode (at the
10 = remote loopback
11 = led test mode
PHY reset 1 = PHY software reset,
0 = no reset
PHY power down 1 = power down enabled
0 = disabled
To enact any PHY configuration, a pulse must be

MAC Receive Packets Check

The MAC receive section performs the following
checks on the incoming packets:
- frame size >= 64 bytes
- frame size <= 1518, 1522, 9018 or 9022
bytes depending on the presence of IEEE
802.1Q field and whether the user allows
Jumbo frames.
- destination address matches the user-
specified MAC address, or
- destination address is a broadcast or
multicast address
- Frame check sequence (CRC) is verified.

When a receive output buffer is instantiated

(RX_BUFFER = '1'), bad frames are automatically

When no receive output buffer is instantiated

(RX_BUFFER = '0'), the user is responsible for
Exclusions Configuration Management
- The current software revision is 0.

Directory Contents
Software Licensing
/ Project files for various Xilinx ISE
The COM-5501SOFT is supplied under the versions.
following key licensing terms: /doc Specifications, user manual,
implementation documents
1. A nonexclusive, nontransferable corporate /src .vhd source code, .ucf constraint files,
license to use the VHDL source code .pkg packages.
internally, and One component per file.
2. An unlimited, royalty-free, nonexclusive /sim Test benches
transferable license to make and use products /bin .ngc, .bit, .mcs configuration files
incorporating the licensed materials, solely in /use_example use example for Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA
bitstream format, on a worldwide basis. with XAUI interface to a Microsemi
10G Ethernet PHY (VSC8486-11)

The complete VHDL/IP Software License

Agreement can be downloaded from VHDL development environment
The VHDL software was developed using the
following development environment:
Reference documents Xilinx Vivado v2017.4 for synthesis and VHDL
[1] IEEE Std. 802.3-2015 simulation.
Relevant clauses:
Ready-to-use Hardware
- Clause 3: MAC frame and packet
specifications Ready-to-use binary is included in the /bin folder
for use on the following Comblock hardware
- Clause 4: Media Access Control modules:
- Clause 31: MAC control pause • COM-1800 Xilinx Artix7-100T FPGA +
DDR3 SODIMM + ARM development
[2] Xilinx XAUI IP core, v12.2, Vivado design
guide, PG053
[3] ComBlock COM-1800 FPGA + DDR3 • COM-5104 single-Port 10G Ethernet
SODIMM development platform Transceiver
The relevant hardware schematics can be
[4] ComBlock COM-5104 10Gbits/s Ethernet downloaded from

Directory Contents
CTS Clear To Send (flow control signal)
LSB Least Significant Byte in a word
MSB Most Significant Byte in a word
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit (frame length)
RX Receive
TX Transmit

Quick Start
This section describes a few tips to quickly
Top-Level VHDL hierarchy establish a working, albeit simple, baseline.

Quick start using ComBlock modules

The purpose is to load the ready-to-use FPGA
configuration for Ethernet MAC into off-the-shelf
hardware consisting of a COM-1800 FPGA
development platform and a COM-5104 plug-in
10G Ethernet adapter. The associated source code is
in the folder /use_example/src/.

Connect the SFP+ transceiver and the fiber/coax

LAN cable between the ComBlock SFP+ connector
and a PC.

The code is stored with one, and only one, FPGA programming:
component per file. Connect a USB cable between a PC and the COM-
1800. Power up the assembly. From the ComBlock
The root entity (highlighted above) is Control Center software, detect the modules .
COM5501.vhd. It comprises the tx and rx elastic
buffers, tx state machine and tx packet construction. Click on the swiss army knife button and
program the ready-to-use FPGA firmware
The root also includes the following components: COM1800_TOP.bit located in /use_example/bin/
- The PHY_CONFIG.vhd component to
FPGA configuration:
configure the PHY.
From the ComBlock Control Center, click on the
- The CRC32.vhd, instantiated twice, settings button and make sure all control
computes the CRC32 to be appended to tx registers are set to 00.
packets and to check rx. The CRC32
computation is performed 64 data bits at a LINK check: LED D2 will blink upon receiving
time for a maximum throughput of Ethernet frames, whereas LED D3 will blink upon
10Gbits/s. This is the most time-critical transmitting.
Receive check:
From the ComBlock Control Center, click on the
Clock / Timing status button.
A description of the status registers is found here.
The software uses one or two global clocks:
- A 156.25 MHz clock (CLK156g) generated
by the PHY.
- A user-supplied interface clock (CLK) to
read and write packets from/to the MAC.
CLK frequency can be independent of the
PHY clock but should be high enough to
support the expected data throughput.
Using the same 156.25 MHz clock for the
PHY and the MAC user helps minimize
latency. See Low receive latency

For example: Quick start with VHDL simulation
Several testbenches located in the /sim directory
can be used to validate the VHDL code. Some focus
on detailed areas (CRC32, MDIO timing, PHY
configuration), while others create stimulus to
exercise the entire Ethernet MAC.

The easiest way to start is to use the Xilinx Vivado

tools which include a VHDL simulator.

Start a LAN analyzer like Wireshark on the PC.

Transmit check: the LAN analyzer will detect short

broadcast messages sent by the ComBlock once
every second. This frame is defined in the
COM1800_TOP.vhd component. Under "Simulation Sources", highlight one of the
testbenches, right-click "Set as top" and click on the
run simulation button.

For example, the tbCOM5501.vhd testbench sends

an Ethernet frame to the XGMII where it is looped
back. This allows one to visualize the PHY
interface signals, padding and CRC insertion by the
MAC layer and the frame verification upon

The SIMULATION constant (typically at the tope

level) should be set to ‘1’ to enable configurations
specific to the VHDL simulation, shorten long
timers for example. These constants should revert to
‘0’ prior to synthesis.

Xilinx-specific code example code 10 MHz clock)
The VHDL source code between the XGMII
interface and the MAC user interface is written in
generic VHDL and is thus portable to any FPGA
capable of sustaining the 156.25 MHz clock speed.

The component between the XGMII interface and

the external PHY is FPGA-specific. The code
example uses a Xilinx XAUI IP core and is thus
specific to the 7-series Xilinx family of FPGAs.

The Xilinx XAUI core is configured as follows:

1. in the Vivado project, click on IP Catalog

4. In the shared logic tab, select “include

shared logic”

2. In the IP Catalog, select the

Communication & Networking | Ethernet |
XAUI core

5. OK to complete the configuration.

6. Open
\xaui_0.vho to cut and paste the component
declaration and component instantiation
into the VHDL top level.

3. Customize the XAUI core. Select the

DCLK dedicated clock frequency to be the
FPGA reference oscillator frequency (in the

Use example bit4: power good +1.2V
bit5: power good +3.3V
A Xilinx Vivado project is provided in the Expecting 0x3F
/use_example/project_1/ folder. It serves two SREG(10)
purposes: 10G transceiver VSC8486-11 PHY ID read over
(a) as a VHDL source code example, and PHY ID MDIO.
(b) as ready-to-use code on the ComBlock COM- Expecting 0x8486
1800 + COM-5104 development platforms. SREG11(LSB) -SREG12(MSB)
10G transceiver Expecting 0x0F
SFP+ status SREG13
The ComBlock control center provides a Graphical
10G transceiver bit0: all PHY XAUI rx lanes in sync
User Interface to set control registers and monitor XAUI status bit1: PHY XAUI rx PLL in lock
bit2: PHY XAUI rx lane0 signal
Control registers bit3: PHY XAUI rx lane1 signal
Parameters Configuration present
bit4: PHY XAUI rx lane2 signal
Internal/External 0 = internal TCXO as frequency present
frequency reference. bit5: PHY XAUI rx lane3 signal
reference 1 = external. Use the 10 MHz clock present
externally supplied through the J6 Expecting 0x3F
coaxial connector as frequency SREG14
reference. FPGA XAUI bit0: FPGA XAUI tx phase alignment
CREG0(7) status of the transceiver has been completed
bit1: FPGA XAUI rx lane0
XGMII local 1 = loopback the XGMII transmit
synchronized to byte boundary
loopback words to the XGMII receive input in
bit2: FPGA XAUI rx lane1
the Xilinx XAUI IP core
synchronized to byte boundary
0 = no loopback bit3: FPGA XAUI rx lane2
CREG1(0) synchronized to byte boundary
PHY local 1 = loopback the transmit path to bit4: FPGA XAUI rx lane3
loopback the receive input at the PHY synchronized to byte boundary
bit5: FPGA XAUI receiver is
0 = no loopback synchronized across all 4 lanes
CREG1(1) Expecting 0x3F
remote loopback CREG1(2) SREG15
XAUI IP core See xilinx pg053-xaui reference
XAUI core power CREG1(3) status
down document
bit 0: tx local fault
PHY power down CREG1(4) bit 1: rx local fault
XAUI core status '1' to '0' transition to reset the XAUI bit 5:2: synchronization
reset IP core status (fault reset) bit 6: alignment
CREG1(5) bit 7: rx link status
Expecting 0xFC after resetting the
PHY soft reset CREG1(6) status word (see REG1(5))
Status Registers Number of 16-bit counter
received frames SREG17(LSB)-SREG18(MSB)
Parameters Monitoring
Hardware self- At power-up, the hardware platform Number of 16-bit counter
frames with bad SREG19(LSB)-SREG20(MSB)
check performs a quick self check. The result
is stored in status registers SREG0-9
Inter Packet InterPacket Gap (in Bytes) between
Properly operating hardware will Gap the last two successive packets (min is
result in the following sequence being
typically 12 Bytes, but can be as low
as 5 Bytes for 10G)
01 F1 1D xx 1F 93 10 00 00 07.
10G transceiver bit0: LASI
status Local MAC Displays the 48-bit MAC address
bit1: RXALARM address generated from the FPGA DNA_ID.
ComBlock Compatibility List
FPGA development platform
COM-1800 FPGA + DDR3 SODIMM socket + GbE + ARM development platform
Network adapter
COM-5104 1-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver
COM-5502SOFT Low-latency IP/TCP Server/UDP for 10G Ethernet, VHDL Source / IP Core
COM-5503SOFT Low-latency IP/TCP Client/UDP for 10G Ethernet, VHDL Source / IP Core

ComBlock Ordering Information


ECCN: 5E001.b.4

MSS • 845 Quince Orchard Boulevard Ste N •

Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878-1676 • U.S.A.
Telephone: (240) 631-1111
Facsimile: (240) 631-1676


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