c11 Mergers
c11 Mergers
c11 Mergers
11.1. Mergers and output level. “The combined output of two merging firms decreases
as a result of the merger.” True or false?
Answer: If the merger implies little or no cost efficiencies (namely at the level of marginal
cost), we would expect the combined output of the merging firms to decline. If however the
merger reduces the marginal cost of the combined firm significantly, then it is possible that
the combined output increases as a result of the merger.
11.2. Mergers in the paper industry. One of the efficiencies created by mergers in the
paper industry results from reorganization of production. A machine is more efficient the
narrower the range of products it produces, among other reasons because the length of each
production run can be made longer.
The paper industry underwent a wave of mergers in the 1980s. Of the firms that merged,
about two thirds increased their market share as a result of the merger. Assuming that
(i) firms compete by setting production capacity and (ii) paper products are relatively
homogeneous across firms, explain how the previous paragraph explains the pattern of
changes in market shares. Which firms would you expect to increase their market share?19
Answer: According to the paragraph, there are increased cost efficiencies from mergers.
Applying the analysis from Section 11.1, it seems that for two thirds of the merging firms
the cost efficiencies were so big that the merging firms increased their output and market
share, while for the rest the efficiencies were not big enough, resulting in a decreased market
11.3. BAe and GE. “The renewed prospect of a link-up between British Aerospace PLC
and the Marconi defense arm of General Electric Co. PLC of the U.K. as led to revived
talks between the top defense companies in Germany and France.”20 Discuss.
Answer: Refer to the discussion on merger waves in this chapter.
11.4. The HP-Compaq merger. In 2001, HP acquired Compaq. The merger had an
impact on two di↵erent markets: desktop PCs and servers. Pre-merger market shares in
the desktop PC market were as follows: Dell, 13; Compaq, 12; HP, 8; IBM, 6; Gateway, 4.
Pre-merger market shares in the servers market were as follows: IBM, 26; Compaq, 16; HP,
14; Dell, 7.21
(a) Determine the value of HHI in each market before the merger.
Answer: Since we don’t have a complete set of market shares, the best we can do is to
determine an approximate value of the H indexes (in particular, a lower bound). We then
HD = 132 + 122 + 82 + 42 + 62 = 429
HS = 72 + 162 + 142 + 262 = 1177
(b) Assuming market shares of each firm remain constant, determine the
value of HHI after the merger.
Answer: We now have
HD = 132 + 202 + 42 + 62 = 621
HS = 72 + 302 + 262 = 1625
(c) Considering the values determined above and the DoJ merger guide-
lines, was the Department of Justice right in allowing the merger to
take place?
Answer: In the US, the Department of Justice has guidelines based on the HHI. As a rule
of thumb, mergers that lead to an HHI of 1000 or less ordinarily lead to no further scrutiny;
those that raise the HHI by 100 or more and produce a post-merger HHI between 1000 and
1800 raise significant questions; and those that raise the HHI by 50 or more and produce a
post-merger HHI above 1800 raise significant concern.
According to these guidelines, the merger should be OK’s as far as the desktop market
is concerned, and questions should be raised regarding the server market. Questions were
raised and eventually the merging parties agreed to divest some of their assets in the server
market as a precondition for the merger.
11.5. Merger and the Herfindahl index. Consider an industry with demand Q = a p
where 3 identical firms that compete a al Cournot. Each firm’s cost function is given by
C = F + c q. Suppose two of the firms merge and that the merged firm’s cost function is
given by C = F 0 + c0 q, where F < F 0 < 2 F .
(a) Determine each firm’s market share before and after the merger
Answer: Before the merger, each firm’s market share is 1/3 (since they are symmetric).
After the merger, we have a duopoly with marginal costs c and c0 . The equilibrium output
level are given by
a + c0 2 c
a + c 2 c0
q0 =
It follows that market shares are given by
a + c0 2 c
2 a c c0
a + c 2 c0
s0 =
2 a c c0
If c0 = 1, then
10 + 3 2 ⇥ 1 11
s0 = = = .6875
2 ⇥ 10 3 1 16
The post-merger Herfindahl index is then
✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆2
0 11 5 146
H = + = = .5703 (or 5,703)
16 16 256
Based on the pre-merger market shares, the post-merger Herfindahl index is given by
✓ ◆2 ✓ ◆
1 1 1 2 5
H0 = + + = ⇡ .56 (or 5,600)
3 3 3 9
We conclude that, if marginal cost efficiencies are not very significant (e.g., c0 = 2), then
the post-merger estimate of H based on pre-merger market shares is likely to over-estimate
the post-merger value of H. The reason is that by simply using pre-merger market shares
we are not accounting for the equilibrium adjustment following the merger, namely the fact
that the merging parties will produce a total output that is lower than the combined output
of the two pre-merging firms. By contrast, if marginal cost efficiencies are very significant
(e.g., c0 = 1), then the post-merger estimate of H based on pre-merger market shares is
likely to under-estimate the post-merger value of H. The reason is that by simply using pre-
merger market shares we are not accounting for the equilibrium adjustment following the
merger, namely the fact that the merging parties, by becoming more efficient, will produce
a total output that is higher than the combined output of the two pre-merging firms.
In other words, there are two e↵ects to consider regarding the merging firms’ post-merger
output level: first, to the extent that there are fewer competitors, there is a tendency to
reduce output level; second, to the extent that marginal cost is lower, there is a tendency
to increase output level.
11.6. Merger wave. Consider an industry where firms compete by setting output levels
(Cournot). Market demand is given by D = 150 P , marginal cost is constant and equal
to 50, and fixed cost is 150 (the same for all firms).
(a) Show that profits per firm are given by 961, 475 and 250 as the number
of firms is equal to 2, 3 or 4.
Suppose that a merger leads to a new firm with the same fixed cost and the same marginal
(b) Suppose that initially there are four firms. Show that a merger be-
tween Firms 1 and 2 is unprofitable.
(c) Suppose that Firms 3 and 4 decide to merge, forming Firm 3&4. Show
that now a merger between Firms 1 and 2 is profitable.
Challenging exercises
⇡ = (a c Q) q F
which leads to
a c
Equilibrium profits if there are n competitors are given by
✓ ◆
a c 2
⇡(n) = F
Suppose that a potential entrant, if it enters by creating a new firm, does so with the same
cost function as the incumbents. For a potential entrant, there are two choices: (a) to buy
an incumbent for a price x, which leads to net profits of ⇡(n) x; and (b) to create a new
firm, which leads to profits ⇡(n + 1). The potential entrants prefers acquisition if and only
if ⇡(n) x > ⇡(n + 1). In other words, the potential entrant is willing to pay at most
⇡(n) ⇡(n + 1) for an incumbent firm.
For an incumbent firm, either you sell out to a potential entrant, in which case you get
x, or you turn down the o↵er, in which case entry takes place and profits are ⇡(n + 1). It
follows that an incumbent should ask for at least a payment of x = ⇡(n + 1).
The condition that what the entrant is willing to pay is more than what the incumbent
requires to sell is therefore given by
⇣ ⌘
= ⇡(n) ⇡(n + 1) ⇡(n + 1)
= ⇡(n) 2 ⇡(n + 1)
(a c)2 2 n2
(n + 2)2 (n + 1)2
Applied exercises
11.8. Merger event study. Find time-series stock market data for all firms in an industry
where a (horizontal) merger has taken place. Determine whether and how stock price reacts
to merger announcements as well as the actual merger. Are these movements consistent
with the theory presented in this chapter? How can you use changes following merger
announcement as well as changes following merger consummation to tease out various e↵ects
from the merger? What limitations do you think an event study of this type has, in general
and in the specific merger application under consideration? Extra credit: find data on prices
and costs pre- and post-merger; use it to refine your analysis of merger impact.