Arthur Evans-Minoan and Mycenaean Elements - 1912
Arthur Evans-Minoan and Mycenaean Elements - 1912
Arthur Evans-Minoan and Mycenaean Elements - 1912
(Publication 2305)
By Arthur J. E5vans.
^ [With 3 plates.]
^From the address of the president delivered to the Hellenic Society, June, 1912.
Ueprlnted by permission from The Journal of Hellenic Studies, London, vol. .S2, pt. 2,
1912, pp. 277-297.
*.T. H. S., xxxl (1911), p. lix.
shown by the sacred emblems seen above, which combine the double
axe and life symbol.^
Doubtless some of these elements, notably in Crete, were absorbed
by later Greek cult, but their characteristic form has nothing to do
with the traditions of primitive Aryan religion. They are essentially
endeavor has been made, and has been recently repeated, to
get over the difficulty thus presented by supposing that the culture
exemplified by the Minoan palaces of Crete belongs to two stages,
to which the names of “ Carian ” and “Achaean ” have been oriven.
Rough and ready lines of division between “ older and “ later ’
palaces have been laid down to suit this ethnographic system. It may
be confidently stated that a fuller acquaintance with the archeological
evidence is absolutely fatal to theories such as these.
The more the stratigi*aphical materials are studied, and it is these
that form our main scientific basis, the more manifest it appears that
1 “ Tombs ” of Anchlses —
the baetyllc pillar may also be regarded as sepulchral were —
erected in many places, from the Phrygian Ida to the sanctuary of Aphrodite at Eryx.
= 8ee my “Mycenaean Tree and Pillar-Cult” (J. H. S., 1901),
pp. 81, 83, and p. 79,
ng. 63.
3 Op. clt., p. 78, llg. .62.
while on the one hand the history of the great Minoan structures is
more complicated than was at first realized, on the other hand the
unity of that history, from their first foundation to their final over-
throw, asserts itself with ever-increasing emphasis. The periods of
destruction and renovation in the different palaces do not wholly
correspond. Both at Knossos and at Phaestos, where the original
buildings go back well nigh to the beginning of the middle Minoan
age, there was a considerable overthrow at the close of the second
middle Minoan period. Another catastrophe followed at Knossos at
the end of the third middle Minoan period. At Phaestos, on the
other hand, the second, and in that case the final, destruction took
place in the first late Minoan period. The little palace of Hagia
Triada, the beginnings of which perhaps synchronize with those of
the second palace of Phaestos, was overthrown at the same time, but
the Minoan sovereigns who dwelt in the later palace of Knossos seem
to have thriven at the expense of their neighbors. Early in the
second late Minoan period, when the rival seats were in ruins, the
Knossian Palace was embellished by the addition of a new fagade, on
the central court of which the room of the throne is a marvelous sur-
viving record. At the close of this second late Minoan age the palace
of Knossos was finally destroyed. But the tombs of Zafer Papoura
show that even this blow did not seriously break the continuity of
local culture, and the evidence of a purely Minoan revival in the
third late Minoan age is still stronger in the new settlement of Hagia
Triada, which may claim the famous sarcophagus as its chief glory.
There is no room for foreign settlement as yet in Crete,^ though the
reaction of mainland Mycenaean influences made itself perceptible
in the island ^ toward the close of the third late Minoan period.
Plere then we have a story of ups and downs of insular life and of
internecine struggles like those that ruined the later cities of Crete,
but with no general line of cleavage such as might have resulted from
a foreign invasion. The epochs of destruction and renovation by no
1 There is no foundation for the view that the later oblong structure at Hagia Triada is
a megaron of mainland type. The mistake, as was pointed out by Noack (Ovalhaus und
Palast in Kreta, p. 27, n. 24) and, as I had independently ascertained, was due to the
omission of one of the three cross walls on the Italian plan. By the close of the Minoan
age in Crete (L. M. Ill, 6) the mainland type of house seems to have been making its way
in Crete. An example has been pointed out by Dr. Oelmann (Ein Achiiisches Herrenhaus
auf Kreta, Jahrb. d. Arch. Inst, xxvii (1912), p. 38, seqq.) in a house of the reoccupation
period at Gournik, though there is no sufflcitot warrant for calling it “Achaean.” It is
also worth observing that one of the small rooms into which the large “ megaron ” of the
“ Little Palace ” at Knossos was broken up In the reoccupation period has a stone-built
oven or fireplace set up in one corner. This seems to represent a mainland innovation.
2 This concluding and very distinctive phase may be described as late Minoan III, b (see
preceding note) and answers at Knossos to the period of reoccupation, L. M. Ill, a, being
represented there by the cemetery of Zafer Papoura, which fills a hiatus on the palace
site. Judging from figures on very late lentold bead seals in soft material (steatite), the
long tunic of mainland fashions was coming in at the very close of the Minoan age
In Crete.
1 In course of publication.
with the sub-Mycenaean types from those of the Greek Salamis, and
point to an impact on Cyprus from the mainland side about the
eleventh century before our era, which may well have been due to
the advent of the Pre-Dorian colonists from the Laconian shores.
These, as we know from inscriptions, brought with them local cults,
such as that of Amyklae but what is especially interesting to observe
is the whole-hearted way in which they are seen to have taken over
the leading features of the Minoan cult. Fanassa, the Queen, the
Lady of the Dove, as we see her at Paphos, Idalion or Golgoi, is the
great Minoan goddess. The Paphian temple to the end of the chap-
ter is the Minoan pillar shrine. Were all these Minoan features taken
over in Cyprus itself ? May we not rather infer that, as the colonists
arrived, with at least a sub-Mycenaean element in culture, so too they
had already taken over many of the religious ideas of the older race
in their mainland home? In the epithet “Ariadne” itself, applied
to the goddess both in Crete and Cyprus, we may perhaps see an
inheritance from a pre-colonial stage.
In Crete, where Hellenic colonization had also effected itself in pre-
Homeric times, the survival of Minoan religion was exceptionally
great. The nature goddess there lived on under the indigenous
names of Diktynna and Britomartis. A remarkable example of the
continuity of cult forms has been brought to light by the Italian
excavation of a seventh century temple at Prinia, containing clay
images of the goddess with snakes coiled round her arms, showing a
direct derivation from similar images in the late Minoan shrine of
Gournia and the fine faience figures of considerably earlier date
found in the temple repositories at Knossos. At Hagia Triada the
earlier sanctuary was surmounted by one of Hellenic date, in which,
however, the male divinity had now attained prominence as the
youthful Zeus Velchanos. As Zeus Kretagenes, he was the object
of what was regarded in other parts of the Greek world as a hetero-
dox cult. But in spite of the jeers of Kallimachos at the “ Cretan
liars ” who spoke of Zeus as mortal, the worship persisted to late
classical times and points of affinity with the Christian point of view
were too obvious to be lost. It is at least a highly suggestive fact
that on the ridge of Juktas, where the tomb of Zeus was pointed out
to Byzantine times and on a height above his birth cave little shrines
have been raised in honor of Audevrijc Xpcoxbc Christ, the Lord.
In view of the legendary connection of Crete and Delphi, illus-
trated by the myth of the Delphian Apollo, the discovery there by the
French excavators of part of a Minoan ritual vessel has a quite spe-
cial significance. This object, to which M. Perdrizet first called at-
tention, forms part of a marble rhyton in the form of a lioness’s head
of the same type, fabric, and material as those found with other
44863°— SM 1913 40
1 In the same way epitomized versions of the scenes on the Vaphelo cups are found in a
series of ancient gems. The taurokathapsia of the Knossos frescoes also reappears in
Intaglios, and there are many other similar hints of the Indebtedness of the minor to the
greater art, of which the “ Skylla ” mentioned below is probably an example.
2 The curious cuirass, which has almost the appearance of being of basket work, seen
on the harvesters’ vase and on seal impressions from H. Triads and Zakro has been cited
as showing that the corselet was known at a very early period (M. M. Ill, L. M. I). This
particular type, however, has as yet been only found in connection with religious or cere-
monial scenes and not in association with arms of offense.
a change, and the later class is occupied with religious subjects. But
in the later days of the Palace of Knossos at all events, a series of
clay documents attests the fact that a bronze cuirass, with shoulder-
pieces and a succession of plates, was a regular part of the equipment
of a Minoan knight. Sometimes he received the equivalent in the
shape of a bronze ingot or talent a good suggestion of its weight.
On the somewhat later Cypro-Mycenaean ivory relief from Enkomi
(where bronze greaves were also found) we see a similar cuirass.^
This comparison has special pertinence when we remember that in the
Iliad the breastplate of Agamemnon was the gift of the Cypriote
A close correspondence can moreover be traced between the My-
cenaean and Homeric methods and incidents of combat due to the
use of the tall body shield which itself had long gone out of use at
the time when the Iliad was put together. One resvdt of this was
tlie practice of striking at the adversary’s throat as Achilles did at
Hector’s —an from the third
action illustrated by the gold intaglio
shaft grave. On the other hand the alternative endeavor of Epic
heroes to pierce through the “ towerlike ” shield itself by a mighty
spear thrust is graphically represented on the gold bezel of a My-
cenaean ring found in Boeotia." The risk of stumbling involved by
the use of these huge body shields is exemplified in Honler by the
fate of Periphetes of Mycenae, who
tripped against the rim of his
shield, “reaching to his feet,” and was pierced through the breast
by Hector’s spear as he fell backward.® A remarkable piece of evi-
dence to which I shall presently call attention shows that this par-
ticular scene seems to have formed part of the repertory of the en-
gravers of signets for Minoan lords^ and that the Homeric episode
may have played a part in Chansons de Geste as early as the date
of the Akropolis tombs of Mycenae.^
Can it indeed be believed that these scenes of knightly prowess on
the Mycenaean signets, belonging to the very house of Agamemnon,
have no connection with the epic that glorified him in later days?
Much may be allowed for variation in the details of individual epi-
sodes, but who shall deny that Schliemann’s persuasion of their essen-
1 Helbig, for Instance (Horn. Epos, p. 277), finds a comparison in a type of gold fibulae,
with double pins and surmounted by rows of gold sphinxes from seventh or sixth century
graves of Caere and Praeneste. Ridgeway (The Early Age of Greece, I, 446) cites in the
same connection “ brooches in the form of dogs and horses found at Hallstatt.” The best
representative of the “ dog ” brooches of this class seem to be those from the cemetery of
S. Lucia in Carniola (Marchlsettl, Necropoli dl S. Lucia, presso Tolmino, Tav. XA'^, figs.
9, 10), where in each case a small bird Is seen in front of the hound. A somewhat more
naturalistic example gives the key to this ; the original of the dog is a catlike animal
(op. cit., 'I'av. XX, fig. 12). We have here, in fact, a subject ultimately derived from the
Nilotic scenes, in which ichneumons are seen hunting ducks. The same motive is very
literally reproduced on the inlaid dagger blade from Mycenae and recurs In variant forms
in Minoan art. The late Hallstatt fibulse of this class are obviously the derivatives of
classical prototypes belonging to the seventh century B. C. (In one case a winged sphinx
takes the place of the cat, or pard, before the bird.) These derivatives date themselves
from the sixth and even the fifth century B. C., since the last-named example was found
together with a fibula of the “ Certosa ” class. The S. Lucia cemetery Itself, according
to its explorer (op. cit., p. .313), dates only from about 600 B. C. It will be seen from
this how little these late Hallstatt “ dog ” fibulse have to do with the design of Ulysses's
2 The early “fiddle-bow” type Is hardly found before the L. M. Ill period, when the
art of gem engraving was already in its decline.
naturalistic spirit of that brilliant dawn of art, we may well ask how,
according to any received theory, such perfect glimpses into the life of
that long-past age could have been preserved. The detailed nature of
many of the parallels excludes the idea that we have here to do with
the fortuitous working of poets’ imagination. We are continually
tempted to ask, could such descriptive power in poetry go side by
side with its antithesis in art, the degraded, conventional art of the
period in which the Homeric epos took its final form ?
But if a combination of such contradictory qualities seems in the
highest degree improbable, how are we to explain this phenomenon?
By what means could this undimmed reflection of a pure, great age
have been perpetuated and f>reserved?
Only in one way, I again repeat, could such passages, presenting
the incidents and life of the great days of Mycenae and instinct with
the peculiar genius of its art, have been handed down intact. They
were handed down intact because they were preserved in the em-
balming medium of an earlier epos the product of that older non-
Hellenic race to whom alike belong the glories of Mycenae and of
Minoan Crete. Thus only could the iridescent wings of that earlier
phantasy have maintained their pristine form and hues through days
of darkness and decline to grace the later, Achaean world.
AWiere, indeed, would be the fly without the amber? How could
the gestes and episodes of the Minoan age have survived for incor-
poration in later epic lays without the embalming element supplied
by a more ancient poetic cycle ? But the taking over and absorption
of these earlier materials would be greatly simplified by the existence
of such bilingual conditions as have been above postulated. The
process itself may have begun very early, and the long contact of the
Arcadian branch, whose language most approaches the original
speech of Greek epic with the dominant Mycenaeans may have greatly
contributed to its elaboration. Even in its original Minoan elements,
moreover, we may expect stratification —the period, for instance, of
the body shield and the period of the round targe and cuirass may
have both left their mark.
The Homeric poems in the form in which they finally took shape
are the result of this prolonged effort to harmonize the old and the
neAV elements. In the nature of things this result was often incom-
pletely attained. The evidence of patchwork is frequently patent.
Contradictory features are found such as could not have coexisted at
any one epoch. It has been well remarked by Prof. Gilbert Murray ’
that “ even the similes, the very breath of the poetry of Homer, are
in many cases —indeed, usually— adopted ready-made. Their vivid-
1 The Rise of the Greek Epic, p. 219. Prof. Murray remarks (op. clt., p. 215) “The :
(a) (6)
Fig. 3.— Clay Sealing from T emple Repositories, Fig.4.— Haematite Intaglio from
Knossos (i) (B.S.A. IX. p. 50, Fig. 36). E. Crete with Dog Seizing
Stag (3).
Plate 2.
Smithsonian Report, 1913.
Among recent discoveries are a whole series of late Minoan vases from Tiryns with
inscriptions representing a mainland type of the developed linear script of Minoan Crete.
1 The exceptional character of these objects and the appearance of Mycenaean motives
on one signet side by side with classical subjects on the others made it necessary, in spite
of their appearance of undoubted antiquity, to submit them to the severest expertise.
I had them examined by a series of the best judges of such objects, but all were unanimous
both as to the antiquity of the signets and as to the fact that the ivory had not been recut
and reengraved in later times. Examination of various parts of the surface under a
strong microscope confirmed these results. In order, however, to make assurance doubly
sure I decided on a crucial test. I intrusted to Mr. W. H. Young, the highly experienced
formatore and expert in antiquities of the Ashmolean Museum, the delicate task of re-
breaking two of the ivory signets along a line of earlier fracture that followed the major
axis of each and of removing all extraneous materials due to previous mendings or restora-
tion. The results of this internal analysis were altogether conclusive. The cause of the
longitudinal fracture was explained in the case of the signet (fig. 7) by the swelling of the
silver pin due to oxidization. The whole of the metal, transmuted to tho purple oxide
characteristic of decayed silver, was here within. In the case of the other signet (fig. 5
this had been replaced by a new pin in recent times, and on removing this the whole of
the perforation was visible and proved to be of the ancient character. The ivory has been
attacked on both ends by a tubular drill, the two holes meeting irregularly near the
middle. The modern method of drilling is, of course, quite different. It is done with a
chisel pointed Instrument and proceeds continuously from one end.
= The correspondence of one of the scenes on the third ring with a type on a gold bead
from Mycenae suggests, however, that its prototypes were taken from the mainland side.
“An amygdaloid late Minoan or Mycenaean gem representing a ship, set into a silver
hoop of this type, found at Eretria. is in my own collection.
‘As, for instance, in the attitude of the ibex (fig. h) and in the type of the Chimaera.
The facing sphinx (fig. a) is carelessly engraved and presents an abnormal aspect. Of its
genuine antiquity, however, there can be no doubt. (See note 1, p. 634.)
“ Mycenae, p. 174, fig. 253.
Plate 3.
Smithsonian Report, 1913 .— Evans.
6b 7b
Figs. 6-7.— Greek Signet Rings with Silver Hoops and Ivory Bezels Found in
Furtwangler, Antike Gemmen, PI. II, 2, and cf. Reichel, Homerische WafFen, p. 7, fig. 6.