National University of Cajamarca
National University of Cajamarca
National University of Cajamarca
SPECIALTY : English.
TOPIC : Reading
COURSE : Didacty
DATE : 07 /12/2018
"Norte de la Universidad Peruana"
Facultad de Educación.
Reading is a technique that allows us to understand and interpret information. Written on it the
other techniques of analysis and synthesis are based. Reading well is understanding the ideas
that appear in the text, that is, understanding what is.
Reading is an activity that usually begins to be acquired very slowly from an early age and is
maintained for life, meaning that it does not get lost over time
The importance of reading also lies in the fact that it is through him that the human being can
begin to receive knowledge in a formal way and insert himself into the complex but useful
process known as education. Reading always involves attention, concentration, commitment,
reflection, all elements that make a better performance and better results.
Reading is one of the best skills we can acquire. She will accompany us throughout our lives
and allow us to acquire knowledge, and understand the world and everything that surrounds
us. Also that we can travel anywhere without moving anywhere or that we can be the person
we want to be for a moment. And it is that reading opens the doors of knowledge and gives
wings to our inspiration and imagination
"Norte de la Universidad Peruana"
Facultad de Educación.
In the first place many students want to read texts in English either for their careers, for study purpose or simply
for pleasure. Reading is useful for language acquisition, provided that students more or less understand what
they read, the more they read is the better get it.
1. Extensive Reading:
Extensive reading on the other hand, involves reading of large quantities of material, directly
and fluently. It is treated as a means to an end. It may include reading reading simply for
pleasure or reading technical, scientific or professional material. This later type of text, more
may involve two specific types of reading:
1. scanning: for key details.
2. Skimming: for the essential meaning.
1.1. Activities: may include exercises that are devised by the teacher in which students scan
for a single word or specific text.
Activities may include exercises that are often carried on as a competition so students
will work quickly.
Students use skills of prediction and anticipation. Students may do any of the following:
A) Skimming: Activities
Students must locate facts that are expressed in sentences, not single words.
Although speed is essential and the teacher often sets a time limit to the activity,
skimming should not be done competitively. Students should be encouraged
individually to better themselves.
"Norte de la Universidad Peruana"
Facultad de Educación.
2. Intensive Reading:
Intensive reading is used to teach or practice specific reading strategies or skills. The
text is treated as an end in itself.
2.1. How it look? (Characteristics)
students identify key vocabulary
students may draw pictures to aid them (such as in problem solving)
texts are read carefully and thoroughly, again and again
2.2. Materials:
usually very short texts not more than 500 words in length
chosen for level of difficulty and usually, by the teacher
2.3. Activities:
1.5. Advantages:
1.6. Disadvantages:
There is little actual practice of reading because of the small amount of text.
In a class with multi-reading abilities, students may not be able to read at their
own level because everyone in the class is reading the same material.
The text may or may not interest the reader because it was chosen by the teacher.
There is little chance to learn language patterns due to the small amount of text.
"Norte de la Universidad Peruana"
Facultad de Educación.
While it’s important that the material be neither too difficult nor too easy, a text should
be at the student’s maturity level as well.
it’s inappropriate to give children’s storybooks to adult or adolescent students. There
are, however, edited versions of mature material, such as classic and popular novels,
for ESL students, that will hold their interest while they develop reading skills.
It is important for the teacher to anticipate which cultural references students might
need explained or discussed. This is not easy, of course, but can become so through
such techniques as related discussion before the reading (e.g., “Who knows what the
American Civil War was? When was it? Why was it fought?” or “Where is New
England? Have you ever been there? What is the climate like?”) A discussion before
the reading on its topics builds background knowledge and the comprehensibility of the
text as well as giving the teacher an idea of where students’ background knowledge
"Norte de la Universidad Peruana"
Facultad de Educación.
3.5. Work in groups.
Students should work in groups each session, reading aloud to each other, discussing
the material, doing question and answer, and so forth.
Working in groups provides the much needed interactivity to increase motivation and
learning. Students may choose their own groups or be assigned one, and groups may
vary in size.
Too often we complete a reading and then don’t revisit it. However, related activities
in vocabulary, grammar, comprehension questions, and discussion increase the
processing of the reading and boost student learning.
Reading is one of the most important and useful activities that the human being carries out
throughout his life. In the first place, reading, in the same way as all other intellectual
activities, is an exclusive activity of human beings, the only living beings that have been able
to develop an advanced intellectual and rational system.
Through it you learn and acquire new information about things. So, every time you read a text,
you get to know new situations, stories and circumstances. This is why you should consider
that the more you read, the more knowledge of the world you have. - Likewise, reading gives
you the possibility of knowing new words by increasing your vocabulary. In every text you
read, new words are appearing that you incorporate into your language and vocabulary
The same happens with spelling, which improves considerably when you are a good reader.
Reading gives you the opportunity to know literary and non-literary texts, their structures and
their purposes (story, poetry, news, etc.). This way you will be able to know what text you need
according to what you are looking for in reading. - Every time you read, you also expand your
arguments to deliver an opinion, reading gives you good tools to express your ideas and
"Norte de la Universidad Peruana"
Facultad de Educación.